#enderman hybrid!reader
luna-jaden-shadow · 2 years
Dead On Your Feet
Prompts - Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out
Summary -  Something that Ranboo wasn't counting on when he went on a walk was finding someone bleeding out, much less someone that was so similar to him Or In which Ranboo finds a dragon hybrid after they crashed in the snow and takes them home to heal them
Angst / Fluff
Warning - Blood/Gore, Injury, 
Pairing - C!Ranboo X Enderdragon!Reader
A/n - Did I write out a whole one-shot and then write a new one for this prompt? Yes. Yes, I did.
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“Stay awake.”
You mumble it to yourself like a prayer, eyes getting harder and harder to stay open in the cold. Your movements are slow, limbs feeling a thousand times heavier in the harsh cold of the tundra you're passing through. Every now and then, your wings give out, dropping you a bit before you catch the wind again. You're deathly pale from the cold, and a large cut rests on your back along your spine, still bleeding as you fly. Your head pounds from the injury on your head, blood covering the side of your face, staining half of your vision in a layer of red.
“Just a little further.” You promise yourself though you're still unsure of where you're going. The terrain you're flying over is unfamiliar to you; all you know is that you're going west, following where the sun is slowly beginning to fall towards the horizon line. “Just a little-” Your voice fails with your wings as you plummet from the sky, unable to catch the wind like before. Seeing that you weren’t going to be able to catch the wind or flap enough to fly, you wrap your wings around yourself and tuck your head down. A yelp leaves you as you crash into a forest area in the tundra, snow-covered branches only slowing your crash landing. You land in the snow with a groan, sliding a bit from where you hit before you came to a full stop. 
You uncurl your wings from around yourself; you lay in the snow and let out short huffs of air. A long moment passes before you try to at least sit up, your muscles ache for you to stop, and your body craves sleep. You're only able to push yourself up only an arm's length from the ground. Panting, you wince at the pain in your back as you move. 
Somewhere in the snowy forest, there’s a crunch in the snow, footsteps drawing closer to you as you shiver and bleed out in the cold. A figure appears, moving behind the trees as your arms give out, making you lay on the snowy ground once more, the side of your face against the snow. The figure slowly approaches you, breaking the small tree line till they’re just a few feet away from you. Tired eyes look up at them, catching the vibrant eyes that stare down at you in curiosity. 
With very little energy, you try to shift back in the snow, only to groan in pain and give up on what you believe would be your second death. As your vision blurs, the figure walks closer and kneels down, unclasping the cloak from their shoulders and wrapping it around you, gently pulling your wings to your body to move them under the cloak. “I got you.” His voice is calming, almost soothing to you, as he moves you to be able to be picked up. “This is gonna hurt.” He picks you up, holding you close to his chest in an attempt to keep you warm. 
You groan at the movement, your head against his shoulder. He starts walking instantly off in some direction. At some point during the walk, you finally pass out from exhaustion, becoming limp in the stranger’s arms.
. . .
The bright light of day burns through the window, laying a strip of light across your eyes. Your eyes screw tighter as you stir from your sleep, groaning as you turn your head to try and hide from the daylight. Slowly, you open your eyes and are met with an unfamiliar room and bandages all over your body. Purple eyes move around the room and find no one other than you in the room. Shifting, you slowly push yourself up on the bed, groaning at the pain in your back. you swing your legs over the edge of the bed. Reaching your hand to your head, you feel the bandages wrapped around your head and groan at the pulsing that hits you at the acknowledgment of the wound.
Relieved, you drop your hand before slowly pushing yourself off of the bed, and the second you are up straight, you stumble forward, and your knees give out. You hit the wooden floor with a soft thud, your wings shuddering in pain behind you. Somewhere in the house, there’s a different thud and then movement, making you panic as you scoot back on the floor till your back presses against the bed, making you hiss. 
The footsteps approach the room, and the door opens to show the person from before she had blacked out, only now she can see them clearly. They stand tall, with black and white hair that matches their skin and barely reaches their jawline. It was clear that they were a hybrid by just about everything about them. There's a certain pull about them that reminds you of home. You two are in a stand-off for a long moment, neither trying to move in any way. Both hybrids are unsure of where to go from here, both very unsure of what the other is capable of. 
“You should be in bed.” He voices, watching you shift uncomfortably. You don't say anything, trying to figure out if you should trust him or not. “You were on your last legs when I found you; if I was gonna-ya know-I would have out there.” He insists, hoping that would aid in your internal dilemma. He steps forward cautiously, holding his hand out to you; there’s a gold band on his pinky finger as well as one with some kind of green gem in it on his middle finger. You stare at his hand for a moment before taking it and letting him help you stand up and then sit on the bed. “Is it okay if I change your bandages?” 
You hesitate before nodding, watching him with cautious eyes as he moves around the room before he pulls up a chair beside the bed. Gently, he takes your right arm and undoes the bandages to show off all the little cuts that have since healed and no longer need to be dressed before doing the same to the other. 
“Can I ask what your name is?” His voice is soft as he gently cleans a large cut on the back of your hand. The washcloth he uses is dipped into a healing brew before being applied, aiding in the healing process of your wounds. 
You let out a hiss as he cleans and dresses the cut. “Y/n.” Your voice is quiet and cracks a bit, leading him to offer you the glass of water from the bedside table, you down half of it before setting it aside again. 
The man hums, suddenly standing up from the chair. You flinch at his movement, backing up on the bed as though he is going to do something to you. Your wings flare up despite the pain it causes you; you can't help it it's your body’s attempt at making yourself look bigger in the face of danger. He pauses all movements, staring at you and your barely stretched-out wings. “It’s alright.” He promises his hands up with his palms facing you. 
“Sorry.” You mumble, fiddling with your hands as he unwraps the bandage from around your head. 
“It’s alright.” He insists, looking at the cut on your head. “Do you remember what happened?” One hand pushes back your hair while the other cleans the cut that follows along your hairline. He’s cautious of accidentally bumping the dark horns on your head, the right one of which is broken, the faint cracks that travel down to the base faintly puls a purple color that matches your eyes. “You have quite the cut here, so I wanna make sure you don’t have brain damage.”
What happened to you comes to you in flashes, moments of chains, and pillager laughter. A ripping pain from your head and the burning cut down your back makes you shiver. You get lost in the broken memories of your time wherever you were, zoned out as the man wraps your head. As soon as his touch leaves you, you focus back on him and give him a small nod.
“That’s good.” He notes. “I’m gonna change the one on your back, okay?” You look at him for a moment before nodding. “Just turn a bit for me?” You shift on the bed, turning your back to him. He cuts the bandages away, and you wrap your arms around her chest. “Sorry about the whole missing shirt thing; I had to remove it to get to the cut.” 
“It’s okay…”
Mismatch eyes glance at you, “Ranboo.” 
You hum, flinching from his touch when he probes the cut along your spine. He mumbles out another apology as his touch changes to be gentle after that, cleaning the wound carefully to not hurt you too much. “Thank you.” 
He covers the healing wound, and with your help, he wraps your back and chest, maneuvering around the bases of your wings. “Don’t mention it, couldn’t just leave you to freeze in the snow.” He replies, starting to put away the healing supplies as you turn in the bed. “Are you hungry?” You look up as he turns fully to look at you. 
You give a small nod, your attention now drawn to the window. Outside of the building, it snows, a drastic change from when you had woken up. Ranboo takes a moment, observing you and the faraway look in your eyes as you stare at the snowfall. For the moment, you're a person of few words he’s concluded, of course, that could be due to shock or whatever trauma you've gone through before he’d found you. Regardless of what happened, he was prepared to help you through it.
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maeizy · 1 year
C!ranboo little sister x reader!
I HATE MYSELF RN, I LOST THE DANG REQEST THERE WAS TWO AND I REMEMBERED THE FIRST ONE- sjdjdnsidndoanfiehidn anyways the request was by @fantasyfiction-net ! and no I dont have a discord server yet! Ill try and make one though, ty for the advice! And yes I'd love to be freinds!!:D annnyways- ONWARD!!
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SYPNOSIS:x-reader where very young sibling,age 4-5. of C!ranboos, gets close with the sbi, Tubbo, philza, tommy ecr. To where he thinks they like the sbi more than him but they dont.
TRIGGERS: getting hurt; (by water[since readers also half enderman]), no others!
Notes <3- totally didnt forget about this- I kinda hate it but its whatever I guess. Sorry for being so inactive as of kate, I'm making a lot of more fics, not in this fandom but in others like Lockwood and co ect. Please please please make sure to check out my blog info and my other stuff I have it linked in ever post :D sorry of this is trash but I hope y'all enjoy anyways.
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you and ranboo where getting ready to go to philzas house it had just started to snow. you had always been fascinated by the white floating specs that reminded you of your very own purple ones that floated around you from time to time connecting to you to your ender man heritage.
"Y\N!" your older brother Ranboo yelled out as your tiny bare feet thudded out of the shack door breaking free from your bigger brothers arms to excitedly run out to the snow and attempt to flop down on it, but as soon as your bare skin touched the cold frozen flakes of water it burned, the excitement was then sucked away, as a searing pain tore through the pads of your exposed feet.
an enderlike screech of pain burst from your shocked mouth and purple particles was all your vision picked up on as you subconsciously teleported back, with a soft woosh, you popped back into the small space of the entrance of the Shack, that you and ranboo called home.
upright and confused, you where frantically holding your foot with a Audible "ow,ow,ow,ow,ow-" trying to balance on one leg and hopping backwards. already loosing your balance due to your freakishly long limbs for your age. (Thank your enderside) with a hiss you where sent wheeling back. being uncorranated as is, and then adding the fact you where standing how you where at the moment, you knock things down with you as you fall and land on your back with another shriek and a loud thump.
You let out another small, half hurt half annoyed huff, as tears formed at the ends of your green and red eyes. ranboo panicked running over in a semi-shocked state to grab onto you checking the red scorch marks on your left foot as you pushed yourself up on your elbows to let out another soft "ow" as he bent down to pick up your small 5 year old form.
being carefull not to bump into anything as he stumbled to set you on the staircase as he went to go grab some bandages rambling on with a " oh no!- I said to get your enchanted shoes on! Water hurts us-aww no please don't cry- healing poti-TUBBO"
The shorter boys head popped around the thrown open door as cold wind pushing its way in in a blizzard you hadn't noticed brewing till now, too focused on the throb in your foot.
The boys chipper voice was followed by ranboo half falling down the stairs to greet him and help you "Hi ran boo and- RANBOO WHY ARE THEY CRYING?!" ranboo fumbled with The wrappings as he wrapped it around the fresh wound " they went outside! in the snow! without enchanted boots and got hurt when it melted on them!" The little kid rushed over to tubbo hugging him tightly completely oblivious to ranboo who was trying to help; and ran into the shorter hybrids arms tubbo stooped to pick the younger child up as he set them down again on the staircase.
She wasn't full blown crying now, just sniffling as she tried to wipe of runaway tears as tubbo patted her head warmly with a small comforting grin to calm her nerves. she let the goat boy wrap the rest of the bandages around her foot then gave him an exited hug and a small. "thank you tubtub!" And got to her feet ignoring the ache and running to the front door to pick up her shoes, while ran boo wined a little at The younger boo and crossed his long arms in silent protest, giving a little huff of annoyance.
Tubbo chuckled "apparently she just likes me more" he said in a joking tone. But ranboo frowned "pftt-no.she-" tubbo laughed again as ranboos face turned a shade out of embarrassment. "whatever" he grumbled as he walked over to little y\n as she finished yanking the big enchanted boots onto her much smaller feet. she hummed with a happy little smile as he watched her with furrowed eyebrows standing their a little she got up humming a song tommy taught her and unconsciously grabbed his bigger hand bouncing as she pulled him outside "Phil's!phils!phils!" She chanted as her hand slipped from his when they got to the front porch of their small home in the snowy biome. Phil and technos conjoined house in the distance, lit with a warm light as the girl twirled through the snow twords it.
Ranboo teleported to the front step of philzas house with ease and tubbos head peeked out of the door of ranboos house, confused and annoyed, his shouts unheard as he ran across the landscape to join ranboo, and his sibling, who was huffing up the steps. "Cheater" you glared with a tired face. Your brother grinned as tubbo caught up. they didn't bother to knock as tubbo opened the door lazily and thunked his snow boots on the side of the doorframe. piles of snow landing on the hardwood deck from his boot.
The younger boo copied his actions holding onto the door frame for balance. And with a less powerful kick, her boot collided with the door, sending a little amount of Triump into the girl as she soon forgot about it and rushed into the house.
when she spotted philza and Wilbur having a chat in the kitchen she ran straight to them ranboo trailed aimlessly after her finding a spot next to tubbo as he chatted with tommy. Tomny and tubbo where fighting over who got the last peice of cake to which ranboo intervened and took it holding it above their heads while he took little pieces to eat himself while tommy and tubbo complained.
The little girl rushed over to hug phil who managed a "hey mate!" and patted her head and before he could say anymore she found techno who was talking to Wilbur.
"no -you have to kill them, then you can drag them into the-" he spotted the younger girls salt and pepper hair as she was silently staring curiously at him. He switched up his words as she walked up to him with a small cautious and confused face "kill someone?!" You questioned "uh-but of course we would skip the uh first step. and We would -drag them... to a nice place to have a talk-" she laughed hugging the pig-man who akwardly patted her back with a grimance. A glare shot from wilbur burned into technos skull.
You then hugged Wilbur who already had his arms stretched out. and with a warm smile she ran straight into him as she gripped his jumper with all her force. She leaned her small form back to Look up at his muddy eyes. With a mischievous grin then snatched his glasses off his scarred nose putting them on there face quickly, and dodging his long arms they Ignored the shouts of the older man. running off to find philzas arms to hide in. You darted into the living room, stopping shortly to take in there surroundings. the chatter from the boys, the sun streaming through the window, and the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen of whatever Phil was mixing up. it was comforting, but the loud footsteps behind them where not.
You couldn't make it to philza in time so you went to the person you would normally go for comfort, ranboo. Your brothers long limbs where crisscrossed on the floor and he silently nodded along as tubbo and tommy conversed. His green and red eyes found yours and his mouth turned into a grin and you sprinted twords him. Tommy spotted you coming there way and intervened "HEY y\n!" His bandaged arms opened wide, with a boyish toothy grin. Before you could decide who to go to, Wilbur rounded the corner. a glare set on his face as he squinted at her. "AHAHHHH" you ran straight into tommy.
the betrayal on ranboos face was prominent, his arms dropped slowly to his sides as his smile faded. though he didn't show it his heart panged a little As Tommy's arms locked in around you. He was supposed to be the one you ran too. He was your brother!
Wilbur barreled into the living room trying to take you from him. Tommy attempted to throw you on the couch and quickly cover you up with a pillow but it didn't work. The fight was over, Wilbur grabbed his glasses back off your defeaded half dead looking form and grabbed the pillow and proceeded to beat tommy with it.
You lifted yourself up, your hair now disheveled from the two brothers. You looked over to ranboo, your own brother, who looked a bit downtrodden. A wary smile was shot tword you, you huffed, feeling a bit tired you walked over to him, laying your head on his shoulder and gripping his arm "you ok big man?" He said as he patted your head lovingly "yes-can we go home now?" you yawned "we can- but I thought you wanted to hang out with techno, and tommy and-" " ranboo! I wanna spend time with you!" you smiled up at him, your eyes squinted. ranboo, forgetting you where a very unfiltered five year old died at your next words "Tommy's a little loud anyways-" he Busted open with laughter as wilbur did too, pausing over Tommy's defeated form on the spot on the floor where he had been being hit multiple times with the soft round throw pillow clutched in wills grip, tommy yelled in protest "HEY! I PROTECT YOU AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME??" You look at him blankly " ummmmm- yes." Ranboo shoots grin his way, and scoops you up and grabs your shoes. As you slowly drifted off to sleep, you could hear techno voice echo " the kid was right, you are really obnoxious tommy" and another yelp from the blonde boy as a pillow thrown from techno this time, hit him square in the face. another loud scream was heard this time from tubbo "GET WRECKED" and a bust of laughter was heard.
This was your family.
And as you grew up, it always stayed that way, no matter what you went through, this, what some would call a ragtag group. was stuck with you, as family and you were ok with that, as long as your big brother stuck by your side, you felt impossible.
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imagines where the origins ranboo and the reader meet and develop feeling for each other plsss, thank you so much!
Long ass hiatus, but i'm back with a long ass post
Meeting and Developing Feelings For Origins!C!Ranboo
Your first impression of them wasn't exactly a good one
It had been a nice, calm day when Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy had come back to the group with a stranger in toe
Since the budding community was a place for hybrids to come together and feel safe in a judgment free zone, free to express themselves without worry, you were excited to welcome someone new
Everyone had gathered in the Pube, something that had happened whenever a new face was introduced (with the exception of Niki of course, you all just met around a connecting lake to welcome her)
Phil called for everyone's attention before introducing the incredibly tall new person
The first thing you noticed was their pretty heterochromatic eyes and then their sharp, attractive features
You also took note of their clothing, which comprised of a perfectly coordinating suit and cape (a little tattered though), all in shades of black, purple, teal, and dark green
They seemed to revel in the attention, as, after Phil finished, they stood in front of everyone with perfect posture and waved for a few moments
After they expounded upon themself for a bit longer and everyone separated, you decided to introduced yourself personally
You stuck out your hand to the Enderman hybrid and, in response, they recoiled and put their hands on their hips, insisting that "You can't just shake their hand, excuse you?"
You were dumbfounded to say the least
Literally everyone in the Pube community recognized that they were all rejects in some way from the societies they hailed from so they needed to show everyone equal respect
Well, everyone but this prick, clearly
You huffed at him and left, hoping that maybe they were just having a bad day and took it out on you
That, unfortunately, wasn't the case though
Every day you had seen them after, they acted as rude and entitled as the day you met them, and, while you thought they were nice to look at, you figured a pretty face wasn't worth the disrespect, and moved on
One day though, when they were hungry, you had overheard them talking to Tubbo, who was collecting wheat in the field for bread, which caused Ranboo to whine, before they refereed to him as 'peasant'
That drew the line for you, so you decided to get to the bottom of their attitude problem
After Tubbo left, you borderline cornered Ranboo, who was sitting under a tree on what looked like maybe the fluffiest duvet you had ever seen
You had, essentially, chewed them apart, and for once, they had no cocky comebacks, just a small "I'm sorry", which took you by surprised
They even looked like a child being scolded
You sat down near them in the grass and the two of you had a much more calm discussion, and from that day on, they were a little bit more thoughtful about the way they spoke to others
Within time, you started to realize that they were becoming a different person, one who was less abrasive and closed off
While they were still dramatic and had the habit of being on the more selfish side, they started to care for the other members of your group
Sure, Ranboo wasn't exactly the paragon of virtue by any stretch of the word, but they had learned to lean on others and care for them without their pride getting in the way
They would still laugh when someone tripped or messed up and was still vehemently against anyone other than them using the Nether Roof, but, at the end of the day, they was there for their friends (they also just shown more general compassion, which was a big step up)
They were still definitely a bit of a drama queen, but you'd be lying if you said that you disliked the dramatization and theatrics they brought to your otherwise monotonous life
On a rainy afternoon at your house when they were feeling particularly vulnerable, they shared with you that they had been kicked out of the End by their parents, who had sealed the portals behind them, and how it made them feel frustrated, betrayed, and completely alone
They knew they could be a cocky jerk sometimes, but their own parents kicking them out of the entire realm caused their chest to ache and them to feel a worryingly long lasting sadness that they hadn't experienced before
You didn't know how else to comfort them, so you offered a hug
With a small, halfhearted "I guess I'll allow you to touch me", they accepted it, leaning into you
That wasn't the last time they allowed himself to be like that with you
You weren't dating by any means, but it seemed like that moment of vulnerability they shared seemed like a to bother you and invade your personal space (within reason), though its not like you necessarily minded
That was until one day they showed up to your house, walking in and announcing themself without knocking before stopping in from of you, which wasn't an uncommon occurrence
Their posture was as impeccable as always as they stood in front of you, arms behind their back
They starred at anywhere but you and started shaking and letting out a low, rumbling grow (something they did during stressful moments, you had heard it for the first time when they were expressing their trauma to you)
You were worried that something was wrong until they, still averting his gaze, said you would be going on a date with them
You knew that, while they phrased it as a statement, it was really permission, and you granted it
Immediately they breathed a sigh of relief and reverted back to the same overly confident persona they always carried, they were overdoing it a bit this time, but you figured you'd give them a pass for the moment
There may have been a rather rocky first impression, but you wouldn't trade them for the world
This is a side note, but guess who gets full access to the Nether Roof now
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gvtzxd-writes · 2 years
Albino Enderman hybrid!Etho x lizard hybrid!Bdubs x SA'ed!trans masc!reader
Summary: One last kiss is fine, right? Etho and Bdubs thought so, but they were wrong.
A/N: like Tall Canada man. Am I right? also Reader was SA'ed by someone whos not a hermit. It doesn't sit well with me if a hermit did. they're all so chill and kind
"Stopppp~!" Y/N giggles as his boyfriends smother him in kisses and a teeny bit of spit. "NeVeR!!" Bdubs chortles with pure chaos. "Pleaseee?" Y/N having a bit of panic but the boys see it as him being silly. "Hmm maybe after a few more kisses Ma chérie." Etho hums kissing his soft jaw.
Y/N kinda shuts down, stiffening and not moving when Etho squishes him to kiss him one last time in kind fun.
"N/N? Y/N? Y/N!" Bdubs whispers as to be as calm as he can as Y/N starts crying and shifting back to Bdubs and shying away from Etho. "Please." Y/N hiccups softly "No. I don't wanna kiss."
Etho looks as horrified as he can with the mask on from one of his partners crying because of him. Bdubs is equally as horrified from Y/N's panic.
"Shh~. It's okay" Bdubs says as he slowly hugs him.
"What did I do!?" Etho panickly wispers to Bdubs "I don't know!" He replys patting the now kinda hyperventilating Y/N. "Please." Y/N whimpers softly. "Y/N?" Etho asks softly. 'Etho? It's Etho! Why is he here? Where am I?' Y/N thinks to himself. "Are you able to talk" "Etho?" Y/N asks in the softest voice Etho and Bdubs has ever heard their loud boyfriend talk in.
"Y-yeah? maybe?" "Why are you crying? What did I do, so I don't ever do it again. I didn't mean too! You're too sweet to hurt. I'm so so so sor-" Etho rambles and cuts off when Y/N opens his mouth then closes it again with a face that shows he's thinking hard.
"Past trauma, Hermoso. Very bad past trauma.-"
(Time skkkkkiiiippppp)
"Oh." Etho and Bdubs say in unison
"Yep." Y/N sniffes. Etho and Bdubs burries Y/N in a hug that turn into cuddles. With the soft particles that emanate from Etho and Bdubs' tail wrapped around him, Y/N slowly lulls to sleep.
Thanks for reading the fic! I hope it wasn't too detailed in the bad way
also if you were SA'ed too. I have a kind little flower for you <2 🤏⚘
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sunshine-on-marz · 1 year
reader is an enderman hybrid because they're so gender tbh
also some lore stuff: blazeborns are blaze hybrids. endermen make vocalisations similar to felines (bc i adore the headcanon that they purr). enderman hybirds are usually 7 feet tall, where reader is 8 and full endermen are 10 feet.
also this is a bit messy but thats just how i write (bc adhd and getting off track easily lmao)
- 🦭
Sapnap had shown up at your doorstep in the middle of a storm one night, and you had ushered him inside. You wanted to hug him, especially when you noticed the tear streaks on his cheeks, his hair sticking to his face from the rain. He looked miserable, and you could tell by his shaking hands that he was trying his best to stop himself from grabbing onto you. Being an enderman hybrid made you allergic to water no matter what, and you appreciated his restraint, even if you wanted to pull him close and never let go.
"Oh, Sap… Wait, I'm gonna get you a towel and some dry clothes, okay?" You cooed, turning around and hurrying to the closet in your bedroom, grabbing a couple towels and a few different shirts. They would all act like dresses on the man. You were taller than the average enderman hybrid, but not quite as tall as a full enderman.
You stalked back into the living room, tail swishing behind you. The tips of Sapnap's hair were already a bit dry, and you figured that because he was a blazeborn, he dried faster than others because of his body temperature. He had already changed clothes, you assumed he had found them in the closet by the basement door. Still, you didn't want him to catch a cold so you walked over, a low rumble in your chest as you sat down on the couch and gently started drying his hair with the towel, handing him the other.
"... Do you wanna talk about it?" You asked, your tail curling around his forearm as he leaned back against your knees, his long hair laying in your lap while you gently untangled his hair and dried it. You made sure to be careful around his horns. They were taller than your own, and went straight up, where your own curled around your droopy, elf-like ears like a ram's horns would. Sapnap shook his head, although the slight sniffle told you that he probably had a fight with his fiancés. He hadn't told you about them a lot lately, but from the bits and pieces he did say, they didn't know where Quackitt was and Karl was acting.. different. But, if he didn't want to talk about it, you wouldn't force him.
After his hair had dried enough, you finally put away the towel and grabbed the hair brush you had on the coffee table, gently brushing his hair with your fingers carding through the strands to section them up. You started humming softly, watching the fiery orange of Sapnap's hair as it shimmered. It wasn't quite made of fire, but it looked a lot like it.
"Have I… Ever told you how much I care about you?" You whispered as you finished sectioning off his hair, long fingers holding his hair as you started braiding. There was a low purr in your throat, your tail thumping against his arm as you thought about what to say next. "And I think you deserve better than this."
Sapnap stayed quiet, so you stopped talking as well. You continued braiding his hair, his bangs framing his face so perfectly, and he looked so pretty, and you just wanted to wrap him up in your arms and keep him for yourself, but it wasn't your choice to make. If he didn't want to stay, he didn't have to. You would never force him to stay by your side, especially when you weren't the one he loved. No matter how much you love him, that fact won't change.
That didn't stop you from hoping that one day you would be.
This was so good…
And oh my god I’m so short I’m fucking jealous of reader
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
The Treasure of Ender Island
by LittleWritingRabbit, NoodlesThoughtSoup
The Hypnos and the Eris, two of the most feared pirate ships in the Caribbean, are thrown together in competition for a priceless treasure, forcing captains Technoblade and Dream to test just how far they will go for power. The race to Ender Island demands the loyalty of both shipmates, and new friends, but then again, pirate crews have never been known for their great adherence to authority.
Words: 4312, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Ender Island Pirate AU
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Technoblade - Character, Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit, Toby Smith | Tubbo, Jack Manifold, Niki | Nihachu, Clay | Dream, GeorgeNotFound, Alexis | Quackity, Sapnap, Eret, Jschlatt, Ranboo, Karl Jacobs, Billzo, Phil Watson | Philza
Relationships: Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot, Ranboo/Toby Smith | Tubbo, Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Eret/Wilbur Soot, Niki | Nihachu & Ranboo, Eret & Technoblade, Alexis | Quackity & Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo, Karl Jacobs & Sapnap, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Pirates, cannons, not the story kind, I mean literal cannons, actual canons, Drinking, Smoking, Bar Fight, Period-Typical bird-person racism, (against phil cause he has wings), Piglin Hybrid Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Goat Hybrid Toby Smith | Tubbo, Enderman Hybrid Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Merling Hybrid Niki | Nihachu, Goat Hybrid Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Jschlatt is Toby Smith | Tubbo's Parent, Bad dad schlatt, Alexis | Quackity Has Wings, he's just an angsty lil guy, Jack Manifold: The Hairless Wonder, Guns, Gunshot Wounds, it's not that big a deal don't worry, Near Death Experiences, technically, tags make this one seem dark, but it's actually not that bad, just a silly little story about pirates, too much worldbuilding, like WAY too much but in the best way, Angst, Fluff, Alcoholic Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), No Smut, no smut you horny bitches, Happy Ending, eventually, Almost Drowning, every relationship can be read as romantic or platonic, that's just how it was in the 18th century, Set in the 1700s, We Made up a Villager Religion For This, could be romantic if you put on your glasses and zoom in a little, it's up to the reader, Enderian but it's written in IPA, translations included do not worry
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nix-writes-mcyt · 3 years
Hi! My best friend simps Ranboo, and as a surprise I wanted to write an x reader for them. But I don’t watch DSMP (only Hermitcraft) so I was hoping you could? It would mean so much tysm :) <3
I also do not watch dsmp much, but I read enough to know the characters an okay amount. It's why my list for dsmp is so short. Anyway, lets give it a go
Teach Me
Drabble Contains: Enderman Hybrid!Reader, angst -------------------------------------
When you had heard of the new member who was able to pick up blocks in their original form without silk touch needless to say you had been intrigued. You weren't alone in that, not by a long shot.
In fact you had always watched from a distance as people went crazy watching him pick up grass blocks and stone blocks with nothing but his fist. His gift was special, anyone could see that.
For you, well, your intrigue wasn't because it was new to you, no.  Your intrigue was for a very different reason to everyone else. It was because you could do those things too.
No one knew you could, of course, that was a secret you had very much kept to yourself. You knew that if certain people knew they would want to use your power for themselves, for chaos and destruction. Once you knew what they would do you did everything you could to hide the fact you were part enderman, donning an eye patch to cover your one purple eye, gloves to cover your hands (and to stop you from being able to mine things you shouldn't in front of people), and any other part was covered with your choice of clothing.
You were careful to hide your secret. But he isn't, you're worried for him. He needs to know.
The trip to his new house was a long one.  Not for the faint of heart either.  You'd been unlucky too, spending longer than you wanted waiting for rain to pass.  Then again that was your fault for not bringing what you needed to protect yourself from heavy downpour.
Soon enough you had made it though, knocking on the door to his small house. It opened a crack, you could see his red eye in the dark, watching you cautiously from the other side.
"I'm sorry to interrupt your evening. We haven't met yet, Ranboo, but I need to talk to you." He lets out a large exhale from the nose behind the door. "I don't let strangers into my house." He states.
"Then come outside, please. It's important. It's about your enderman abilities." "Oh no," he starts, sounding annoyed, "so many people have already asked. I'm not showing anyone else. Go away." He goes to close the door, but you refuse to quit that easy. You jam your foot in the doorway, pushing against the wood.
The door flies open, Ranboo taking a few steps back to stop himself from falling over. You stand in the doorway, when he looks at you again you give him a hard stare. "It is urgent. You need this information from someone who understands what power you hold."
Ranboo laughs, stepping slightly closer to you. "You don't understand. No one could ever understand what I have. You come to my house, break down my door and insist on something with no proof. There is no one like me."
You don't need to reply with words, instead reaching up and ripping the eye patch away. Ranboo's initial reaction isn't much, but you can tell it's got him thinking. You aid his thinking by taking off your gloves and rolling up your sleeves to your elbows.
On one side your hand and arm is completely black, on the other there are patches of enderman skin tone mixed with your skin tone, in a way that almost twists up your arm, the darker patches growing more frequent the closer they are to your hand.
"You and I aren't entirely different. I chose to hide what you choose to show, afraid of the consequences should the wrong person learn of what I can do. It's a rare gift we have." "Why did you come here to show me?" He asks now, "Who are you?"
"I came here because I needed you to know that you can't trust everyone. I've watched you share with countless people what you can do. It's dangerous." "You know who to trust and who not to." Ranboo says, stepping towards you again. "Surely if the two of us stick together it will be easier. You know who to trust, you know how things work around here. Teach me?"
You take in a deep breath.  To teach Ranboo what you know, well, that would mean you would have to reveal yourself to the world. There would be no hiding.  But if you don't you may be forced to reveal yourself and what you can do.
"I'll stick with you, I'll teach you. Oh, to answer your other question, the names Y/n." Ranboo nods, holding out his hand for you to shake.  You reach out and take his offer, accepting his offer for you to stay here and teach him what you know. "Well, Y/n, welcome to the Arctic."
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catastrophe-cole · 2 years
Ello mate! Was wondering if i could request a Docm77 x reader who came from the dsmp and was very close to Ranboo. They left the dsmp after Ranboos death and found hermitcraft. Doc tries to befriend them but he reminds them of Sam and theyre very hesitant, until they start getting along. Reader falls for him and tries avoiding him, but Doc knows better and tries to talk to them. U can make up what u want to happen in the end, but i was hoping for an angst/comfort fic
Healed Wound
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Word count: 4633 words
Summary: Leaving the Dream SMP behind to pursue a normal life in Hermitcraft was the main intention of your escape from the living hell that you had lived through then. You thought you can move on, but it seems like wound doesn't heal that easily even by time. Though it seems like certain creeper hybrid, Docm, seems to be willing to help you recover.
Genre: Romantic // Angst with comfort //
TW: Blood mention, wound caused by burn, portrayal of panic attack. (It's kinda dark but with comfort)
Author's Note: We don't talk about the word count so please just enjoy this. I honestly love writing about Dream SMP X Hermitcraft stuff. Both SMP have a totally different vibe from each other and it's always interesting to see interactions between hermits and a Dream SMP member.
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A permanent scar on someone's body usually is enough to tell you the kind of person they are in a survival world.
Hardcore players who only live on the edge have scars plastered all over their body from their lack of respawn. Battling against fate every night, they view scars as a trophy for surviving death.
And in some worlds where respawn is possible, scars usually stay when the incident that caused it traumatizes the victim enough that it's physically difficult for them to forget.
And you, as one of the former members and also fighter of the now forgotten Dream SMP and a new Hermit, harbour many scars on your body. Both in your memories and your body.
You had left the SMP just a few weeks after helping the Blood God break Dream, Ranboo (and somehow Connor), out of prison.
You couldn't quite bother with Dream as your main objective was to rescue Ranboo and find out why he was kept there in the first place. You were a figure he often looked up to as you were the first person to help him adjust to the server many many moons ago. You had let him do his own thing after taking him in once again during the final battle of L'manberg.
Honestly you didn't hear much of him after he moved to Snowchester. Which is why there's just too many questions lingering around your head as you wait for Techno to come back out of the Pandora's Box with the Enderman hybrid.
The plan was already carefully crafted, you and Philza waiting for them right by the flank of Pandora's Box while Niki distracted everyone else with a wither on the other side. It was supposed to be easy; Dream is absolutely on board with the plan and following each and every order you gave him down to the T. But with Ranboo, something seems off.
You had held Sam at gunpoint with your crossbow as you screamed at Ranboo to immediately take one of the horses and run away as fast as possible. You had hoped to hear the horse galloping away and were prepared to fight Sam with whatever necessary to let him escape; but neither of those scenarios ever happened.
Pulling your gaze away from Sam for a split second to check on Ranboo, you saw him take off his netherite armour that Techno had given him prior. Throwing the metal gear on the ground, while clutching on a piece of paper in his hand.
You were about to ask him what the hell he thinks he's doing, but Sam had acted faster and taken advantage of your confusion to snatch your crossbow off of your hand, and immediately fired the charged rocket right back to you.
The rest from that point was blurry. You had taken direct impact from a highly explosive rocket shot that even a netherite chestplate couldn't fully protect you from. You were awake, but barely.
Techno took over your place as you coughed on the ground, blood seeping from between the crack made on your chest plate as your skin burns underneath. Looking up through blurry eyes, the last thing you saw was Ranboo's guilty look, a silent plea of apology right to you, before Sam had taken his last life right in front of you and the Blood God.
The next thing you know as you're awoken with bandages all over your left shoulder is Phil and Niki, telling you that Ranboo had died that day with his last life to Sam, and Techno had went on a quest to avenge him with Tubbo while you were unconscious.
A few days after that you had gone through stages of grief. Losing Ranboo right in front of your eyes felt like the biggest failure you could've gotten. He was just a kid- He had been through so much, and his life was taken from him right under your nose.
Sam had done it. The name and the feature of the creeper hybrid as he stabs through Ranboo's chest have been recorded clearly in your mind. As much as you want to catch up to Techno and avenge him, you don't think your mind or body can handle it.
The shot of that one single firework burns underneath your skin. It doesn't necessarily cause you severe pain, but every now and then it spikes up and there are nights where you're forced awake because of the burn it left on you.
Phil was the first to suggest that you leave the SMP. He believes that whatever revenge and punishment you want to befall the creeper hybrid would definitely be fulfilled by Techno and his unstoppable bloodlust. Though as much as the idea feels nice to execute, you're not sure where you would go from the server hub once you left the Dream SMP. You've been there for a long time; you don't really have anywhere else to go.
That is, until an invitation came to you from a hermit outside of the SMP. An invitation to join the Hermitcraft server as they're going to start their ninth season. You were surprised by this sudden coincidence. The hermits are well known across the hall of the server hub, so you're quite surprised to get an invitation, knowing well that you don't really have that high of an achievement in building nor redstone to be able to gain their attention.
Before you can ask any questions or be hesitant about yourself, Philza had shut those thoughts away and encouraged you to join the SMP. He convinced you that even though it sounds a little suspicious, he knows that the hermits are good people, having known some of them prior.
You, just wanting to take a break and leave the Dream SMP behind, put a lot of trust in Phil's words and set off to the Hermitcraft server. Hoping to find a community with less war, less fighting, and perhaps finally living a normal, peaceful life and move on from this mess.
Finally entering the server, you were greeted by the sight of a larger group of people talking to each other excitedly, perhaps, about their plan for the season ahead. None of them seems to have noticed your appearance yet, as they seem to be still happily chatting with each other.
The anxiousness of feeling absolutely left out from the group gets to you. All you do as you wait for perhaps an announcement of some sort to happen, is to clutch on the clothing of the left side of your chest, feeling the everlasting burn somewhat comfort you in this awkward situation.
That was all you do until a voice with a thick accent and gruff tone calls out to you from behind with a simple, "Are you alright, friend?"
You flinched, only gripping your shirt tighter before sharply turning back to face the source, with a nervous smile, you took a sharp breath, "Oh! Uh, right. Yeah, I'm alright, uhm. Sir—"
But through your stammering, your eyes widened as you watched the taller figure who looked before you. The first thing you noticed from him was his green complexity, one which reminds you of a creeper- which, makes it clear that this man (?) Is a creeper hybrid.
Another, creeper hybrid.
Images of Sam flash for a split second then. You were reminded by the Warden's golden armour, gas mask, and his empty raven coloured gaze.
It took you a while, seconds felt like eternity as you snapped yourself back to reality, noticing the obvious differences that the man before you possessed from the Warden.
Instead of gold, he was dressed in white lab coat. The left side of his face seems to be mechanical alongside the right side of his body. And weirdly enough, while you're convinced that he's a creeper hybrid based on his height and skin colour, the goat horn that is growing on his head makes you doubt your guesses slightly.
He seems patient to your response, or rather, lack of, as he watches you try to take all of his appearance in. He knows his size and looks can be a bit overwhelming for a lot of people; but seeing that you haven't run nor scream seems to be a good sign to him to wait for you to process things.
You, on the other hand, were almost ready to pull your crossbow that you currently haven't obtained yet to put yourself on defense. But with enough time and enough self control, you finally brought yourself back to reality and managed to convince yourself that this man is not Sam. And that he won't hurt you the way Sam did Ranboo.
At least, that's what you want to hope for.
So you took a deep breath, clenched your first, before offering the hybrid the best, most polite smile you can mutter.
"I'm alright. I'm uh, just a little nervous. Thank you for the worry. Mister..?"
"Doc. Just Doc is fine." He seems relaxed, and somehow, contended that you've managed to calm yourself to reply to him even though it takes some time.
"I uh, is there anything I can help you with, Doc?" You nervously ask, the hand that was clutching on your shirt now rests firmly on your hip as you hold the ghost of your sword, your instinct never weakened.
"No, not really. But I feel like I should be the one asking you that," he hummed, his eyes seemed to soften slightly with worry, "You seemed to be slightly in pain earlier, clutching on your chest. Do you perhaps have any trouble breathing? Any.. Chronic illness?"
You squinted at his words, feeling slightly offended by the question. Sure you're grateful that he feels concern for you, and perhaps the thoughts that he'd like to help by asking whether you're sick is actually a good thing, you just.. Feel like that's a little bit quick.
He seems to notice your judgemental state before putting his hands up in defense and shaking his head, "Ah- Forgive me. I apologize.. Didn't realize how rude the question must be. I'm just.. Slightly worried about you and was just wondering if there's anything I can do to help."
Help. Right.
"It's.. It's quite alright. Thank you for the concern but I was just panicking a little, you know?" You let out a nervous laugh, shrugging.
Doc is quite an observant individual. He knows you're somewhat still skittish of him and are keeping up guards by the way your hand seemingly always on alert, ready to pull a weapon that you don't own yet. But he's also aware of your backstory and where you're from, so he's willing to be as patient as he can be with you, seeing how even being there seems difficult enough for you.
"I see, well that happens to the best of us. I know it can be a little scary coming to a new place with a bunch of new people you're not familiar with yet," and he smiled. Surprisingly enough, his smile looked really sincere, as opposed to his scary appearance. You suppose that is the first step to trust.
"Actually, if you're not sure on how to start, I can help you set up your base?" He offered, to which, you hesitantly raised an eyebrow. "I mean you don't have to, of course, absolutely no pressure. It's just that if you need any help, I'm willing to lend a hand whenever you need one."
He doesn't seem.. Like he has any further, hidden intention in his words. It feels like genuine honesty in wanting to help you. Something that you haven't seen in many people in your previous server.
So you just thanked him for his offer, saying that should you ever really need any help, he'll probably be the first person you'll come to. Probably. Planning for a far ahead future was not your specialty. Honestly you just want to start off somewhere with a good distance away from everyone and live normally out there.
He nodded. Your acceptance seems good enough. He's not sure whether you'll actually come to him or not; but it seems like at the very least, he's got his intention over to you.
And with that both of you parted ways rather slightly awkwardly after the annual meeting had ended. Everyone began to explore in pairs and groups to gather resources as the first night approached. You, on the other hand, opted to go off to look for stuff on your own, just like how you always do.
You venture up to the North side of the world. Exploring just far enough to not collide bases with anyone who's about to build their giant starter house, you settle in a random tundra biome, finding a slight nostalgic peace from the cold environment.
Weeks pass, and you've managed to build yourself a small cabin with a chimney that regularly breathes out smoke to a far distance. Greenhouse was made, the armory was filled with weaponry, and you're all settled for yet another peaceful, lonely life in the cold tundra.
That is, until someone finds your cabin and are standing right in front of your doorstep as you exit the greenhouse.
It's him, Doc. He seems to be fully geared up already with diamond armour and an elytra. He stood there by your doorstep, seemingly unaware of your approach from the greenhouse as you watch him lightly rubbing his arm.
Creeper can get cold?
"What're you doing here?" After putting down the basket of potatoes to the side and resting your hand at the hilt of your axe, Doc flinched at the surprise before turning to face you with wide eyes.
"Oh my God— you- you scared me a little there," he nervously chuckled, shoulder relaxing as he watched you keeping your distance, waiting for his answer.
"Oh! Right, I'm actually here to uh, check up on you. Xisuma told me that you haven't left your starter base yet and uh, yeah. I'm mostly here to check up on how you're doing."
"That's all?"
The two of you spent a good minute looking at each other. You in slight disbelief and him, slightly shivering due to being rather underdressed for the environment.
You were about to tell him that you're doing well, and that you don't quite need any help, but seeing him just.. Standing there in the cold with his armour on doesn't really seem comfortable. You know cold armour can be awful to put on. And considering the distance he might've gone through to get here- You assumed he's been suffering, shivering for a long time.
"Get inside, the fireplace is always lit." You pulled your hand away from the hilt of your axe, an action that he noticed, as you turned you back away from him to pick up the basket of potatoes.
He seems quite.. Surprised, by your invitation. He had expected you to brush him off with formality, but it seems like the sight of a giant creeper hybrid shivering in the cold, tundra biome makes you take slight pity on him.
But he's not complaining! Watching you approaching the door, he instinctively opened the door for you and moved to the side to let you and the basket of potato in, only to follow suit right after you had descended into the kitchen inside the cabin.
"Take off your armour and hang it by the door, don't get snow in my house." You gave him direction as you placed the basket of potatoes onto the small table in your kitchen.
"Oh- Right, thank you." He seems to be still slightly nervous. Is he crossing the line by being in here? You did invite him in, so it should be fine, right? But what if your invitation was out of politeness and he's actually bothering you with your schedule? Doc has never been so parasocial before this, as he just stood there by the doorstep, awkwardly now with his armour off.
"Well, it's a nice place you've got here," he took a deep breath, deciding to break the ice and lead the conversation, since you seem quite focused on cleaning the vegetables you had just picked. "I saw your greenhouse outside, it looks quite lovely with the blue glass. Is it automated?"
"No. I.. Like processing my vegetables by hand," you replied to him while focusing on cleaning the dirt off of a carrot. Hearing his footsteps, you suppose he's just currently walking around your cabin, checking things that are worth seeing. "Besides I don't really know how to build an automated farm. I'm not really.. An expert at redstone. And honestly I doubt I will be in the near future."
From that comment, Doc laughed. Surprisingly a hearty laugh that comes in contrast to his currently freezing body.
"Automated vegetable farms aren't that difficult to create. But I suppose I understand what you mean by it," he looked at the fireplace and the couch near it, turning to look at you for permission, in which you only nod your head at before he let himself sink into the soft surface with a sigh. "I've actually haven't experienced this in a long while."
"Hm?" His last sentence caught you off guard as he seems to have lowered his voice by a note. Looking back to the creeper hybrid who had made himself comfortable at your house, you only watch the fire reflection crackle in his eyes. "What do you mean by 'this'?"
"This, I mean just.. Living, I suppose." He shrugged, leaning back on the couch, "I've spent years in this server, building and creating things never seen before."
"Hunting.. Farming by hand, all of those have become quite a bothersome errand when all you want to do is just.. Break that limit and create something new." He clenched his fist, and opened it, looking down at it with looks that are difficult to decipher from your view. "That's why automatic farms were built. To be rid of those repetitive tasks. Towers that reach heaven to milk whatever the universe gave us and use it to its fullest potential."
He seems to be deep in thought. Has your greenhouse made that much impact on his view in life to the point that he seems to be having a minor midlife crisis?
"Are you calling my farm inefficient and boring?" You laughed lightly, turning your attention back to the vegetables at hand. "I'm no hermit like any of you are, so I suppose it's hard to share views. I quite enjoy the normalcy."
This time, Doc looks at you. Slightly baffled by your sudden chattiness and laughter. It was small; but you laugh. An honest one, it seems.
"I didn't get much of.. Well, this, before. Buildings often come and go in one night. Instead of progressing ahead we were forced to look at the present and always be aware of tomorrow, it's.." you shut your eyes, placing the clean vegetables down as you took a deep breath. ".. Quite tiring."
Silence but the sound of crackling fire sets between the two of you. This was one of the first times you've recalled the old SMP after so long. You're reminded by the constant explosion, the constant fire, and moving from one base to another, it was always filled with running away. Always.
Slowly opening your eyes with a deep exhale, you see that Doc has stood up from where he was seated as he slowly walked over to where you are. Standing right across from you, he offered you that smile again, as he picked up one of the clean carrots.
"Well, cooking all of this by yourself sure is tiring too, won't it?" You exhaled another breath you didn't think was holding, "Do you mind if I lend a hand on this one?"
That was the small start of your, well, friendship, with the creeper hybrid.
Ever since then Doc visited every week or so, coming with small gifts he found or have farmed in his collection of massive automated farms. Everytime you kindly rejected his offer because you don't think you can repay him, he only asked for you to let him help around your greenhouse, by not making it autonomous, but just farming it alongside you, and perhaps stay over for a warm meal served in your cabin that are peacefully hidden away in the tundra.
You don't mind, actually. The pair of helping hands he's given is sure to be welcomed by you. He's been working in your greenhouse for so long he remembered where things are and memorised the whole layout. Not only that, you found yourself growing more vegetables by his constant visit, seemingly wanting to have enough for him to eat when he arrives since you feel like your small portion would never actually fill a man as big as him.
With the overwhelming amount of building blocks you've received, you have plans on perhaps finally building your base. And since you don't feel like asking Doc for more than what he already gave, you find yourself turning to other hermits for help such as Scar, Pearl, and others for building tips. Even to the point that they'd come to visit your cabin and help you first hand.
After weeks of having Doc coming over to your cabin, you've decided that it's about time for you to visit his base instead and perhaps, look around the server some more and check the now existing shopping district.
It became a routine of some kind. One week it would be you visiting him with your very own hand picked vegetables, the next would be him visiting you with some building materials or other items he thinks may be of use to you.
That night was one where you had visited him.
A storm had befall the area in which Doc is working his new project. And you, not being that much of an expert in using an elytra yet after so long not using it, doesn't want to risk flying through the storm and ended up staying by his small camp that he had set up in a small cave near his project.
You thought you'd stay awake through the storm. After all, it's not like you'd let yourself fall asleep somewhere that isn't home. It's unsafe, dangerous, and you'll be exposed and vulnerable.
You're not sure what came over you, but amidst your attempt at staying up, it seems like you had slipped and passed out with your head leaning on your arms by one of the desks at Doc's camp. A view that Doc didn't quite expect to come back to when he finished with his project for the day.
He had never seen you so peaceful before. Asleep, calm, and are away from the world even for a couple minutes or hours.
He would let you be and give you the rest that you're very much deserved (mostly he doesn't want to scare you by waking you up), but looking at how uncomfortable your position looks, he can't seem to find another reason to not take your to a proper bed.
He was about to wake you up, but he noticed the weird, breathing pattern that you're having at times during your slumber.
Your breath seems to have grown heavy and shallow, he can see beads of sweat rolling on your skin as you still seemingly stay unconscious.
Turning your head to the side, he placed the back of his organic hand to your forehead, only to find your cheek flustered red and your temperature slightly burning up.
You were dreaming- or rather, remembering that scene yet again by some bad omen. The fireworks that had blasted your chest burns your shirt right onto your skin, the look that Ranboo had given you that day, the way Sam doesn't seem unbothered by his own actions, it all came back in a flood.
What snapped you awake was the tense feeling of a pair of hands gripping onto your shoulder, shaking you awake, and Doc calling out to your name.
You didn't even realize you were crying until you felt the warm tear sliding down your cheek. You didn't respond to his questions for a few seconds, your hand instinctively crawled up to your chest, right where the firework was exploded, as you clenched your shirt.
Doc called out to you again. This time, you finally look up to him, his words finally registering in your mind as you look at his worried expression,
"Where does it hurt, schatz?" His voice falls a few octaves, you noticed, yet it felt raspier as if he had cried himself. "Please, tell me."
"He shot me here," you finally whispered out. Hand clutching tighter as your knuckles turned white, "It hurts, Doc. It burns every time I remember that place. It burned like a memory every time. But I lived through it, I survived and kept my life despite it. But he didn't."
"He didn't live.. Because I took that hit, he didn't— I should've—"
And he took you in.
Doc was big enough to engulf almost all of you within his arms. Part of him may be metallic, but the humming of the redstone fluid that runs his prosthetic is always warm. Always.
And that warmth melted your heart, and flood came through.
You clutched the back of his coat as you finally let everything out. Through your sobbing you let him know about all the regrets kept inside of your heart. The burning sensation you felt every night on your chest from the wound you received that night. How you often tell yourself that you deserve it because of what happened. That you think you deserve this punishment.
And he listened to it. He holds you firm enough to let you know he'll be there and that he's listening and nothing escapes him. Your secret was heard and your pain was shared. He felt it, as one of his hands carefully rubbed your shoulder where the edge of the burn lay, giving it humming comfort.
"Schatz, listen to me. Please, look at me," he softly called to you. Pulling you away from his chest to cradle your face in his hands as he wiped the tears off of your reddening face. He held you there, pressing your forehead against each other as he helped you breathe by making you match his pattern.
"It was not your fault." He held you, "It never was. Never will be. Fate can often be cruel but you have been through each second of pain it has given you and now you are here."
"You are here, with me. And I will be here with you through it." You cling onto his coat, "I won't let anything harm you and I promise you that. Not even time in the past can do you any harm. I will be here, and I will protect you."
"I love you."
At his confessions, you can only let more tears roll down your cheek as you let him hold you. Perhaps you do deserve to be here. Perhaps you do deserve to live- After all that you have been through. After all the death you had seen. Maybe you do deserve to be here, with him.
And every moon that passes after that night, with him by your side, holding you, loving you and reminding you about how much you deserve to be in the present, you can feel the burn on your shoulder lightened everyday, as the red patch of skin slowly turned light, and the wound have grown into a scar made by the past, healed.
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shepard-ram · 2 years
The Creeper and The Creeper Whisperer [Docm77 x Reader]
Fluff, Request: Doesn’t have to b a req if u don’t want but imagine doc x a reader who is like somehow really friendly to hostile mobs and despite not being a creeper hybrid they are really chill w creepers and stop ppl from killing them and stuff and he’s like “oh em gosh??? Someone who doesn’t hate my kind???” Or sum
This may not 100% fit what you asked but I adore the idea of reader just being a creeper magnet and somehow cuddling up with the things completely safely so I kind of went with those vibes rather than a normal dude who just doesn't kill them. Sorry if that's not what you wanted but brainrot be rotting the brain
Tw. Death mention? Once I think, nothing happens (especially bc respawn mechanics are a thing) but the boom booms are dangerous and that is pointed out. Also sorry if this a bit directionless but I just wanted to get something out.
You were a funny little phenomenon. On most fronts you were a fairly average person. Your skills in both architecture and redstone were much more than praise worthy, but other than that you didn't have much to you at first glance. Except for one interesting quirk.
Creepers were universally recognized and feared bundles of eventual destruction. The cause of many lost lives, items, and chunks of wall. Yet, you adored the walking bombs.
It's a mystery why they were so passive towards you, but it felt like every single one returned your feelings. Your life from childhood was dotted with the unusual memories of them being unusually friendly. From feeding those still left from the previous night to patching up the scratched up ones you'd find in the forest or while mining. You were kind to them and they never posed a threat to you.
You had a similarly symbiotic relationship with other hostile creatures, but it wasn't exactly the same. It was only creepers that actually bonded over to you with (metaphoricaly) open arms, but you would still take care of a stray enderman or skeleton if you came across one.
That's probably why you ran a mob sanctuary out of your base. It was your first season with the hermits, and to be frank- you were overwhelmed as all hell. They were a fun lot and you knew your skills could stand their own here. However, between all the acclimating, socializing, manual labor you've been pulling your mind and body were left in desperate need of some less physically and mentally strenuous work.
The sanctuary was your pride and joy. You had a wealth of knowledge on how to care for all of them and the means to give them a place to stay to match.
It was practically a massive zoo enclosure, walls made to look as natural as possible, shallow artificial rivers, trees you had built yourself, all completed with a faux cave area harder to reach and nearly impossible to see from the outskirts of the area.
Whenever your current projects got too taxing, or you happened to stumble across an injured mob, you would spend days at a time looking after the ever-revolving cast of inhabitants of the sanctuary. Some you planed to keep, (mostly the weaker and/or younger creepers who especially imprinted on you) others you set free once they were sufficiently healthy.
It was a place of peace for you as much as they were for your patients. You welcomed the other hermits to visit when they showed interest. On the condition that they don't hurt any of the mobs. Predictably, when they realized 70% of the population was creepers not many were keen on the offer. It didn't bother you too much, more alone time for you this way.
Doc was one of the first to actually except. In hindsight you shouldn't have been all that surprised that he wouldn't have to worry about all your explosives roaming about. Yet in all your creeper based experiences you haven't met a hybrid before him.
Not that you knew it, but he found you far more fascinating than you found him. A couple of the other hermits suggested he spend some time with you after they payed you their own visits. Always with some look in their eyes that blended amusement, curiosity, and scheming. When you explained your little side business he understood it.
You both were able to find humor in the situation, breaking the ice with jokes of losing him in the crowd and other stupid things of the like. Once that phase had passed you suggested that you sit down and eat the lunch you brought into the sanctuary.
After you both finished eating neither of you moved or talked, silently agreeing to relax a little while longer. He noticed that there was something that felt... just fundamentally correct about the moment. Like a comfortable stillness settled deep in his chest. And like a child running into a landed flock of pigeons, the feeling only fled the more he tried to grab hold.
Still, he attempted to pin it on something. Something. Perhaps like the person sitting a little ways out of arms reach from him. With a dreamy, far-off gaze as you watched the creatures living their lives in safety of your favorite project. As much as he didn't want to stare, the fact that he could see the very spell he was under a moment ago on your face was nearly as captivating as the peacefulness itself.
He found himself visiting you again and again after that day.
By with point you knew Doc enough to see the weight of many sleepless nights on him. You were familiar with his mad scientist shtick and how long and bright those overworking episodes burned.
You knew your probably magic connection to creepers was affecting him to some degree, but frankly you didn't care. If it got him to regularly sit down, eat, and take a nap then it was perfectly moral in your mind.
While you were in thay routine it felt like it could go on forever. It was nice and comfortable, yet it was really just the origin story of your relationship.
It just came naturally. You balanced each other out well. He even got you to loose couple nights of sleep to explain his redstone to you. You may or may not joke that you have since been cursed with "lovecraftian knowledge".
You lost track of when your "hangouts" became "dates" and when every nap consisted of a lot of cuddling. You wouldn't have it any other way, as cheesy as that would sound out loud. You didn't care, you were both happy. That's all either of you need.
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embearsilly · 3 years
Ayo, Anarchy here! Can you do a platonic c! Ranboo that finds a arctic wyvern egg {I've been playing a lot of mo' creatures} and hides him from Phil, Techno, Niki & Tubbo. After a while, the egg hatches Ranboo finally shows them, wyvern reader is shy & jumpy. Love your writing.
Awwwwww thanks so sweet!!! I apologize for it taking so long... like three months.. soorrry.
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Papa and Babyboo
P!Ranboo & Hybrid!Wyvern!Reader
Warnings - Abandonment
Pronouns - They/Them
The wind blew swiftly across the arctic, blowing the sheets of snow all around the enderman hybrid.
Ranboo trudged through the snow towards the home of him and his two friends, Techno and Philza. As he staggered through the snow he caught something out of the corner of his eye.
He paused and scanned his surroundings trying to locate what he saw nearly a moment before. AS he was just about to give up his eyes landed on something in the distance that blended well with the snow.
He made his way over to the object, slightly struggling against the harsh winds. As he got closer the object he noticed how it was round shaped possibly a rock.
He paused for a moment before reaching out the grab the object, it was around the size of his forearm so he had to use two hands.
He cocked his head to the side as he examined the object; it was the same colour as the snow, which made him question how he had spotted it only out of the corner of his eye. It had little grooves that ran down the side of it.
As he examined it more he realized what it was. An egg.
Ranboo laid it back on the ground searching for the possible mother of the egg. He frowned as he fight see anything except for the barren tundra for miles.
He let out a small huff as he reached for the egg again picking it up and set his eyes to the west walking towards his home.
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As Ranboo entered the premises of the home of a three two thirds of the Syndicate.
As he walked towards his home he noticed the avian man walking his way. Ranboo bit his lip slightly as he tried to quickly come up with an excuse if Phil asked about the egg.
Ranboo decided to book it for his home and quickly hide the egg. He didn’t know how Phil nor Techno would react, they might just have him get rid of it.
As he reached his home he quickly opened the door allowing himself in before closing the door behind him.
He let out a comforting sigh as the air around him warmed his body. Speaking of warmth he should probably set the egg somewhere near heat, such as a fire place.
Walking towards his fireplace he laid the egg down and began to set the wood up so he could light the fire.
As he reached for his third piece of wood he heard a knock at the door. He glanced at the door then at the egg wondering whether he should hide it or not.
Moving quickly he took the egg in his hands and placed it behind a book shelf out of sight of the door.
The person knocked again, “Coming!” he called out to whoever was at the door, more than likely Phil.
He jogged to the door and opened it to reveal Phil. The older man gave a small wave to the enderman, “Hey mate,” Ranboo gave him a nod of hello.
“We’ve got a meeting in a few hours,” Ranboo paused stealing a quick glance at the egg, “just thought I’d remind you.” Phil added.
With that the avian turned around and went his own way, more than likely sending a crow to Niki with a note reminding her as well.
Ranboo watched as he left letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. There is nothing to be afraid of. Except for losing the Egg.
Ranboo paused and stared at the egg for a moment. Why was he so attached to it?
Maybe it was because he knew how it felt to be wunerable and alone. Maybe he wanted to be there for someone.
Ranboo let out a sigh and brought the egg closer to the fire place for warmth. “Please don’t hatch while I’m gone.” he begged.
He quickly ran out the door and towards the Syndicate base.
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The enderman hybrid let out a loud sigh as he oped the door to him home. He paused for a moment when he opened the door. There in front of him sat a child.
“Oh,” the two of them locked eyes and just stared at each other. The child’s skin had a frosted effect around their joints, it was quite beautiful actually. On their back sat two tiny white wings. Their eye’s a beautiful e/c, their pupil a thin strip of black like a lizard, with a glossy cover.
He gave a small wave, they recoiled in fear after he did so. He pulled his hand down and frowned.
He kneeled on the ground, so he was on their level, he wanted to seem as non threatening as possible. He reached his arm out in front of them slowly, as not to scare them again. They stared at it for a moment before grabbing his hand.
Their hand was cold to the touch, it had sent a shiver down Ranboo’s spine. “You are freezing cold! You should be sitting next to the fire.” He had stood up tipped to the side as he held their hand.
He began walking over to the fireplace, they had backed up out of fear. Ranboo frowned, and reached his hand out to them once more, “It’s okay, it won’t hurt you.” he paused, “just don’t touch it.” The child peered at it for a moment before stepping forward to stand next to the hybrid.
He let out a sigh and gave them a pat on the head, “It’s alright I won’t let you get hurt."
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The child and Ranboo had grown close together, the child now regarding Ranboo as their “Papa”.
Ranboo had been playing with them one time when they managed to get out. He had chased after them soon losing sight of them is the snow.
The child had been running around the snow when they ran into a tall muscular figure.
The man tensed for a moment before he whipped around hand on his sword. He paused for a moment when he saw the small wyvern hybrid.
Techno narrowed his eyes at them, they backed away in fear and whimpered. He let out a huff and squatted down to get a better look at the small and feeble little thing.
They fell back onto their butt and began backing away from him again.
“Y/N?! Y/N?! Where are you? Babyboo?” Techno heard the familiar voice of his friend call out in the distance.
He raised a brow then let out another huff and called out to his friend, “Ranboo over here.” Soon the Enderman hybrid came into sight.
He let out a gulp when he saw Techno, “Uhmmm..” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“This child your’s?”
“Is the kid your’s Ranboo?"
Ranboo nodded his head, and bit his lip, “I found them all alone when they were just an egg. No mother in sight.. I couldn’t just leave them there Techno!"
Techno nodded and glanced back down at the child and let out a sigh. “You should have at least told Phil, he would’ve helped you since he is a avian himself.” Ranboo paused and looked down at the ground a bit embarrassed.
“Papa?” the child stood and ran towards him clinging to his leg.
Ranboo smiled and kneeled down next to them, “Yes Babyboo?"
“I wanna go home."
“Okay, let's go home."
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Eventually he had introduced everyone to Y/n though one at a time since they are jumpy.
Though they felt safer when they were around their Papa.
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do Headcanons for C! awesamdude, C!Ph1lza, and C!Technoblade(separate) with a S/O who is a enderman hybrid who's typically very tough and not afraid of anything, but one day they come home and see their S/O on their bed sobbing and when they ask what's wrong they say something along the lines of "There was a bug and it was big and scary and it could fly!"
(I couldn't see a character limit in your rules so sorry if this is over the limit, if it is you could do Sam and Ph1lza or just Sam)
Also can I be 🍄 Anon (if you can't see the emoji or the emoji is already taken just put me down as Mushroom Anon)
welcome 🍄 anon! my sincerest apologies for this taking so long, but i have been swamped! and no worries! either way, i hope to hear more from you and that you enjoy this!
don't forget to like to save, and reblog to share!
c! DSMP x enderman hybrid! Reader - Creepy-Crawly
[/rom awesamdude, technoblade, fundy; /plat philza]
genres: /rom, /plat, gn!, comforting S/O / friend, ender hybrid
masterlist <3
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⋆ You had met when you had gone off on one of your adventures and stumbled upon a deep cave with torches lighting every path.
⋆ You'd scared him half to death when you suddenly popped your head into the small cave that he was mining through
⋆ And you two ended up growing close due to your longing for adventure and near-death experiences, and his idea of the practical
⋆ The day he came home the house was a mess; items were thrown around, pictures and chests were knocked over.
⋆ "Y/n? Where are you, baby?"
⋆ "Sam! Help me! Please hurry!" He of course ran over to the bedroom and found you standing on a chair holding a large ax
⋆ "Y/n! What is going on are you all right?" You point to the corner of the room where Sam finds the smallest ladybug he's ever seen.
⋆ "It started chasing me! And it was flying and- oh god did I make it angry? Is that why it's red?!"
He laughed, let the bug outside, and helped you down. "You're such a goof."
⋆ So you're not completely used to seeing bugs, living in the tundra your whole life and all.
⋆ So when one day you're home alone and you find one, you're definitely a bit curious and a bit freaked out.
⋆ It was all fun and games until it flew at your face.
⋆ You got so freaked out you couldn't even control how frequently you teleported around the house
⋆ Tech came home and found you having a small spasm attack around your bedroom.
⋆ "Hey hey! What happened?"
⋆ "Some creature- wings-" You began switching between ender and English, so excited by everything happening.
⋆ Tech found the bug and killed it for you, yet he still couldn't convince you to get off the bed until he cleared the entire house.
⋆ Fundy...I feel likes he's scared of bugs as well.
⋆ He gets really skiddish around them, especially spiders.
⋆ But for you, he will try to do his best.
⋆ "There was a bug! It was big and scary and it flew! Please find it- I won't be able to sleep tonight until I know it's out of the house Fundy!"
⋆ He givers a nervous laugh but agrees to at least try and find the bug, wiping the tears from your face.
⋆ Armed with a shoe he would enter, and after a few yelps and tosses of multiple decorations, he'd come out, shaken, but victorious against...a large ant.
Philza [plat]
⋆ Phil had taken care of you since you were a kid
⋆ So it's only natural that you ran to him the day you saw a bug the size of you face crawling around your bedroom floor.
⋆ "Phil! Phil please help me!" You shouted, tears burning your face slightly as they fell.
⋆ He was in the small farm and quickly rushed over to you to ensure you were okay.
⋆ "Hey kiddo, are you okay?" He checked you for cuts and scratches.
⋆ "There's a bug in my house! Please Phil I swear it could eat me if it wanted to!"
⋆ He chuckled but went into your home and found the little sucker, a baby spider that seemed quite content with the warmth of your closet.
⋆ "Oh yeah, good thing we caught this one. I think it's poisonous."
⋆ "Really?!"
⋆ "No."
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vespertineneon · 2 years
I barely see C!sam fluff so uh
Gn/Male reader getting home kinda injuried like dear god how are you alive and sam just trying his best to help them? Maybe injuried because of mobs OR reader is also a hybrid of sorts but certain village sees hybrids as monsters so they attempted to hunt and kill em? Idk-
I’m so in love with this oh my god. Yes yes yes a million times I fucking love this.
A/N: Reader is a Ram hybrid. They have horns (similar to Jshlatts for reference). This is very short, sorry! But I had fun writing it. Also, funny story, I came up with most of this at 2am while mumbling ideas into my voice memo app. And originally I was like “let’s do an enderman hybrid reader.” But I realized in the morning that taking a shower with Sam as A FUCKING ENDERMAN HYBRID wouldn’t be very fun.
CW: mentions of Assault, blood, injuries, medical supplies, implied nudity(not sexual.)
A horrid scene kept playing over and over in your mind. Brief flashes of a stinging pain. Everywhere. Your horns being grabbed and pulled at. Hell, it felt like they had been torn out of your skull at some point. You were beaten up and bloody. There were welts, lashes, bruises and cuts all over you from the assault. A couple of villagers had tried following you home. Eventually grabbing you and beating you unconscious. You had woken up nearly 2 hours later, covered in blood and dirt as you hazily tried to make it back to your house. But your house was far away, and you didn’t feel like walking that far. Hell, you probably COULDN’T walk that far. So you settled on walking to your boyfriend’s house instead. Upon opening the door, Sam seemed to be in more of a state of shock than you were in.
You two were now in the shower together. The water was lukewarm but it still burned when it ran over your recent wounds. Sam had already washed dirt and blood from your hair and horns. Thankfully, your horns weren’t damaged in the encounter. It was a quiet shower, with the occasional hissing noise as you sucked air through your teeth when Sam glided a soapy washcloth over more severe wounds. One gash in particular, right along your shoulder made you flinch away when he touched it.
His voice was laced with concern, but it had an aspect of demand as well. Avoiding your shoulder wound wouldn’t do you any good.
“I know.”
You uttered under your breath as you hesitantly faced Sam, pressing your head into his chest so he had better access to your shoulder. He wrapped a large arm around your waist, washing away dried blood and dirt from around the gash. You softly whined into his chest, wrapping your arms around him as you tensed at the pain. And then it was over. Water poured over your shoulder, washing the soap away. He leaned down and kissed the top of your head, setting down the washcloth and wrapping his other arm around you. He pressed you into his chest and swayed with you in silence for what felt like years.
“Do you wanna tell me what happened?” Sam mumbled into your forehead as he turned off the shower.
“Mm.” It wasn’t much of a response. You didn’t even know what you were trying to communicate with a singular noise. You were too lost in a plethora of feelings. The memories of the VERY recent assault, the sting of your injuries, the calm that your boyfriend provided, the warmth of being pressed against his chest.
After drying off, you were in a tank-top and loose sweatpants. Sam was kneeling in front of the couch you were sitting on, wrapping gauze around your injuries after applying various ointments and disinfectants. He was careful and gentle when treating you, as if you would shatter if he handled your injuries to hard. He kept urging you to explain what happened, and eventually you let in, dumping everything out in a big mess of word-vomit. And he was silent and still. Stopping what he was doing as his expression was unreadable. It was an uncomfortable silence. Tense. But you ended up breaking it.
“Sam? Are you mad?”
Of course he wasn’t mad. He could never be mad at you over something that you couldn’t control. He was angry at the world. Angry at it for being so cruel and horrible.
He stood up, putting his medical supplies away before coming back and sitting down next to you. He pulled you onto his lap, wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling his head into your uninjured shoulder. He seemed to be shaking a little bit?
“I’m not angry. You just don’t deserve this. You mean the world to me, and I hate how others are so oblivious of how… perfect you are.” Sam was quiet, soft. He seemed a little bit shaken up at the story.
“Next time you need something from a village, you’re telling me. I’m going with you.” And that wasn’t a request. You knew he was gonna get on your ass if you ignored him. So you nodded, leaning back into him. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep after that. He was playing with your hair the entire time, holding you close.
You were so peaceful. But he had other things on his mind. Because he sure as hell wasn’t gonna let a few village pricks get away with hurting you.
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milqueandsugar · 3 years
I've been on a little bit of a deep sea hyperfixation for a few days now, so how about this?
A reader who can change their appearance- think like the shapeshifting hc's a lot of people have about some characters- except that their less human form is an utterly monsterous deep-sea creature. Eyes and teeth and toxin and bioluminesence! Maybe the reader is a little self concious about it because so many people get freaked out by it? You can choose the character/characters if you like, but if you'd rather not, then maybe Ranboo! I feel like the water/ANYTHING but water dynamic would be fun jendkendnd
Thank you, have a good day!
🏵 Your Tea Is Ready 🏵
Warnings: mentions of violence/injury
Genre: Fluff
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| Ranboo |
Ranboo isn't the most conventionally attractive person either
I mean he's like a 8ft tall enderman hybrid with green and red eyes he isn't really winning any beauty contests
Surprisingly your slightly off looks is what drew him to you, I mean multiple eyes, bioluminsecnt fins? Oh boy is he intrigued
Immediately thought you were so cool, he felt lame standing next to you, I mean you glowed!
You on the other hand was memorized by him, being a deep sea creature most things on the surface just seemed, boring
But there before you towered a black and white man in a suit and you were enthralled, do far the most interesting land creature you had ever seen
He felt like home in such an odd place
Strangely your looks brought you two together like magnets, and then you were stuck together
He often visited you at the waters edge, happy to see you in your natural habitat and appearance
You met often at night, with only the moon and a lantern he often brought to light your conversations
He kept you up on the latest news on the server, and you brought him shiny human things thst had sunk too the bottom of the ocean
He makes the same stupid joke every time you give him an offering, about him treasuring everything you give him
But you laugh every time
| Foolish |
When he found out there was another sea dweller on the server?
that man RAN
You two immediately hit it off, turns out when the God you had been raised to worship shows up to your house with a gift basket you tend to be a little extra nice
He helps you adapt to the surface life, which is something you didn't know you needed so bad until he offered
Helps you gather supplies for your home and then just ends up building something a million times better for you
He just can't help himself
Speaking in your mother tongue with him
Mostly shit talking tbh
Going on swim dates together, you bringing him to all your favorite grottos and under water caves
Foolish, as much as he wants to join you in your life in the ocean has surface world responsibilities and as much as you miss him sometimes you respect it
Your solution? Bring the ocean to him
' flower ' crowns of sea weed, sea grass and other under water plants, sea glass necklaces and rings whatever you can scrounge up you believe is good enough to gift
But let's be honest here, you could give this man a rock and he'd fall in love with it
So when you give him hand crafted jewelry? Oh this man is swooooning
Although a God he hasn't been shown incredibly kindness, so when you come into his life, helping him build, just wanting to spend time with him? He's weak in the knees
| Nihachu |
The ability to shape-shift to suit land is actually a hunting adaptation, with your looks you lure humans or animals to the waters edge where you Drown and eat them
You think after the first few times they learn but, alas it is a very effective tactic
You initially mistake niki for one of your own at first, you had never seen a human with pink hair before, truly she had to be one of your own
So you approach her with a gutted squid, a delicacy in the deep end, and a friendly gesture for when meeting other sea creatures
To your surprise your met with a shriek, and nearly getting your head cut off
Ah, so she was human, she must've been poisonous then, if there was one thing you learned about colorful land creatures is that they were usually not very good meals,
You leave your squid and return to the waters, a little hurt and not so interested in the pink haired girl anymore
Niki on the other hand was not only terrified, but very, very confused
Through asking around she had discovered what you were, and that you were sentient, she felt a tad bad about the whole thing, so sure enough, she came back to the waters edge with some sweet cakes for you
Turns out, sugar is incredibly addictive to sea creatures, and so your very odd friendships begin with her guilt for nearly beheading you, and your incredible sweet tooth.
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beeindaclouds · 3 years
C! Technoblade x Ender Dragon!Reader
Reader have the wings, tail and horns of the ender dragon..and is strong like it! Have the purple breath and can turn into It..she normaly likes cold places and got out of the End :)
Hallo again!!! Don't worry, I accept multiple requests, I don't really mind, actually they make me happier cause it means I'm dping something right hehe
Also don't worry about the pronouns, I've always specified that I'll change pronouns if requested
Hope you enjoy <3
C!Technoblade × Enderdragon!Reader
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I imagine that you come from a family of Enderdragon hybrids
And you and your family have always lived as far from others as possible
God knows what would happen if they found out that you're a hybrid
Your parents were very good friends with the immortal crow hybrid Phil that lived near by
And they'd always take you to his house so that you could play with the piglin hybrid that Phil happened to find in the nether, Technoblade
So you two have pretty much spent most of your lives togheter
Around your teenage years you lost your parents and Technoblade was out travelling, so you were pretty much left alone
Phil, being the kind man he his, took you under his wing and you've been there since
Out of the eye of everyone else
After a few years Technoblade started visiting Phil again, and also you
Longing gaze and small lovestruck smiles never went unnoticed by the crow father who wondered how you two could be this obvious yet blind
Your relationship didn't advance until a certain smile-mask wearing man accidentally fell upon the Enderdragon hybrid
The ideas, the plans that were running through Dreams mind, the many ways he could have used you were endless
But they were all gone as Techno approached the stalking man
"Don't you even dare lay a hand on her. They're mine."
Dream wanted to take a mental note about this situation, maybe it coud've come in hand later on
But he knows Technoblade, it's rare that he gets overprotective over someone, so maybe he should just let it go or he could lose an alliance
For the first time in his life the piglin hybrid was scared. It was too easy to find you and so easy for random people to take you away from him
Knowing this, Techno decided to finally make the first move; to which you happily said yes
What Techno didn't know is that he severally underestimated you
All those years that he was away, Phil helped you train in self defense and also in your own abilities
He was mesmerized by your exposition of your purple breath and the damage it caused
You could also easily pick him up and fly around with him; he held to you for dear life
On a relationship point of view, you two couldn't be more different
You are a bit more outgoing and friendly, you even managed to quickly make friends with the new enderman neighbour, Ranboo
While Techno is the quiet type that prefers to keep to himself
And yet you two seemed to always be on the same page
Also you two can cuddle 24/7, 365 days a year
You're cold blooded while Technoblade's warm blooded
So in winter you happily snuggle into his arms while in the summer he's the one cuddling all up on you because he refuses to take off his cape
You have some purple scales scattered around your body that he loves to touch and play with
He sometimes does it by surprise which brings chills up your spine, but he always says sorry with a kiss
You two love to be in the snow
His skin's so warm that he doesn't feel the cold while you're already cold so you can stay out for a certain amount of time without feeling anything
You two definitely have small snowball fights that turn into one of you jumping on the other and then kissing while surrounded by the falling snowflakes
But you do have to wear many layers of clothing, since the snow can easily melt and burn your skin
Sorry for the short scenario :')
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Family, Friends, And Villain Adoption
by Anonymous
Tommy lives in a city full of superheroes and villains.
His days are usually split between spending time with his two families and some new friends. He hasn't really been doing much to mess with the heroes lately, but when he does; oh man does it make an impact.
Now he's got to navagate that, along with the finalization of his adoption, on top of his birthday.
 What's he supposed to do in this situation?
 Whatever he wants, clearly.
Third part of the instagram interactive villain story, check in the series for the previous parts if you want but it should be pretty easy to follow along if you just want to jump in!
More info in beginning note :]
Words: 5985, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 29 of Kira's Anon Mcyt Fics *sobbing*, Part 3 of Family, Friends, and Villain Actualization
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Wilbur Soot, Phil Watson | Philza, Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity, Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle, Sam | Awesamdude, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo, GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Zak Ahmed | Skeppy, Niki | Nihachu, Jack Manifold, Fundy (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: TommyInnit & TommyInnit's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Alexis | Quackity & TommyInnit, Jschlatt & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo, Alexis | Quackity & Jschlatt & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit & Ranboo, Sam | Awesamdude & TommyInnit, Clay | Dream & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, there's alot going on in this part
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Alternate Universe, villain AU, Superheroes, Supervillains, benchtrio as villains, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), he's pikachu, Clay | Dream is Not a Villain (Video Blogging RPF), on a technicality - Freeform, Clay | Dream is Not Evil (Video Blogging RPF), Jschlatt is Toby Smith | Tubbo's Parent, Kinda, Reader-Interactive, look in notes for that one, Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Protective Wilbur Soot, Protective Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Protective Toby Smith | Tubbo, Protective Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Fighting, spoilers in tags, Creeper Hybrid TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Charged Creeper Hybrid Tommyinnit, Creeper Hybrid Sam | Awesamdude, direct continuation, Enderman Hybrid Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), you know i just copied tags again
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sanderchu · 2 years
hey so can you do a Ranboo x child enderman hybrid reader (4-6) where Ranboo finds the child in the end a few days after there parents abandoned them? Sorry is this is stupid or a waste of time
Why hello there
Note: WOOOO IM BACK SORRY I WASNT FEELING WELL THIS MORNING SO TOOK ALMOST THE WHOLE DAY TO REST, anyways, this will be like a father and kid situation for obvious reasons and I decided to make this c
Reader: enderman hybrid gn!kid reader (5-6 years old)
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It was raining one day and ranboo inside looking outside his window admiring the rain since he can’t physically touch it. But something caught his eye once he looked under a tree. Under the tree he saw a little enderman hybrid trying to dodge the little water drops going through the leaves. Ranboo panicked because he knows what water can do so he grabbed his umbrella quickly and made his way outside.
He quickly ran up to you and bent down as he put some of the umbrella over you. “Are you ok?” Noticing you were a scared little kid he tried his best to be gentle with you. “Where are your parents?” He was very patient with you not rushing for a reply. “They left me and so it started to rain so I hid here” you sounded nervous as he held out one of his arms. You stood up and went into his arms as he picked you up sitting on his arm. “I’ll take you home for the night to see what I can do to help :) but may I?” You nodded just wanting to get out of the cold and wet rain not wanting it to bother you anymore.
He was a kind man making almost everyone trust him straight away from his sweet manner. He bought you in his house and sat you on the kitchen table then putting the umbrella back near the door. He went up to you and crouched down as he just looked at you. He moved some hair out of your face before getting up to grab you some clothes of his. He placed them in a guest room along with a towel to dry up any wet parts before going back to you in the kitchen. He picked you up again and spun you around to make you smile and at least try to forget your worries for now. He put you on his shoulders before running with you the the guest room where it was already prepared for you.
He placed you on the bed before running to his own room to grab something. He came rushing back with a teddy bear, “I used to use this to help me sleep so if you have trouble this should work :) if not come see me” he then left you be in the room to change but before he left fully he knocked on the door. “I’m going to watch a movie in a bit if you wanna come out and join go ahead” ranboo then left fully leaving you there to settle in. Ranboo was getting ready for the movie as he thought, tubbo wasn’t home so he would have to explain everything for when tubbo gets back. But it would be worth it so he didn’t mind.
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