#endgame kidge
roggling · 7 years
The Grimm Legacy Kidge AU
Part 1
@justpidgance As promised! 
I did the thing and it’s gonna be a multiple part fanfic :))
Summary: Katie Holt just started working as a page at the Altea Circulating Material Repository - a library of historical objects. But what she didn’t know was that the Repository held a big secret. The Grimm Collection - a collection of magical items straight from the Grimm Brothers fairy tales. 
But shortly after she joined, the objects start disappearing. So it’s up to her and the other pages - handsome Lance, perfect Allura, caring Hunk, and brooding Keith - along with the librarians - Dr. Shirogane and Mr. Coran - to get them back.
The snow crunched under my feet and my honey brown hair bounced on my shoulders as I sprint towards my school. I’m late, again. Going to sleep at three to later wake up at six was indeed a bad idea, I didn’t hear my alarm and it was my brother who had to wake me up, ten minutes before school started.
At the front gate, a woman was pushing a cart down the sidewalk, unknowingly pushing it right into a crack in the cement. The cart overturned a, taking the woman with it. I ran straight to her and bent down to help her up. My cold hands grabbing onto her rags and I lifted her up gently. I still didn’t get a chance to look at the woman in the face, her long white hair covered her face.
But as I helped her pick up her belongings from the cart, I noticed the serious lack of winter clothes this woman had, but I almost gasped at what she was wearing on her feet: sandals!
I immediately opened my bag and dug into it, searching the seemingly bottomless bag for my sneakers. The stained white sneakers materialized behind my laptop and I pull them out. I hand them to the woman, “Here.” The woman scanned the sneakers and she cocked an eyebrow in confusion, so I continued, “They’re not winter-boots, but hopefully they’re better than those sandals.”
The woman beamed a bright smile of yellowed teeth and thanked me, “Thank you, child. You are far too kind.” I smiled at the woman and remembered my pair of socks in the pockets of the bag. I took it out and handed them to her, “I hope these will help.”
The woman thanked me again but as I turned around, she grabbed my hand and placed a pencil in my palm, “Keep it safe.” I looked back down on the pencil, reading the red ink spelling TICONDEROGA.
When I looked back up, the woman was gone and I was standing in front of the gate by myself.
“Come on, Katherine. You’re late.” My favorite teacher, Mr. Kolivan, stood at the door, his usual brooding stance intimidating the freshmen as they ran past him to their classes.
I forgot all about the pencil as I sprinted towards the school with my bookbag feeling lighter without the sneakers to drag me back. 
Mr. Kolivan stood at the front of the class, picking up the homework he assigned for the weekend. A research paper on a topic we had to choose from a list of topics Mr. Kolivan provided. And I, despite Matt’s teasing and warnings, wrote about the Grimm Brothers. If he didn’t want us writing about it why would it be on the list?
As Mr. Kolivan gave out the last research paper, I looked around and noticed that I was the only one without their research-paper back. Mr. Kolivan looked at me in the way and said, “Katherine I want to see you after class,” before continuing with the class, going off about the Ottomans in World War II.
But my mind wandered off, making up hundreds of scenarios over what he’s gonna say. Probably something about my essay being horrible and that I failed a test that he wanted to see whether we would be dumb enough to actually write about such a childish topic. Or maybe he’ll-
The bell rung, dismissing the class. The class simultaneously got up and left the classroom empty in a matter of seconds, leaving me dazed in my seat like an idiot. I lowered my head in shame asMr. Kolivan approached with my paper folded vertically. He had a stern look on his face and I waited for the lecture to come.
But instead of a lecture, he said something I didn’t expect, “Congratulations.” When I looked up, my paper was on my desk displaying a purple A with a perfect circle drawn around it.
My mouth hung open agape for a second before I managed to stutter, “Oh, th-thank you, Mr. Kolivan.” 
Mr. Kolivan nodded but I could tell that he wasn’t finished and he continued, “Why the Grimm brothers?” 
“I don’t know ... I guess I was just always infatuated with fairy tales. I mean, they tell their stories so detailed that they feel real.”
WRONG WORD. “I mean, it seems genuine. The bad guys win and good people die. Just like life. People say that fairy tales are black and white, that they’re simple. But underneath all the good endings, there is an unearthed symbolism that they don’t pick up on. To me they’re complicated. They’re complex.” Nice save.
Mr. Kolivan seemed to let my answer marinade as he stood in front of me with his nose scrunched, meaning he’s thinking. 
“Would you like a job?” 
I furrow my eyebrows at the random question, “What?”
Mr. Kolivan dug his hands into front pant pockets, “A friend of mine at the Altea Circulating Material Repository told me they have an opening for a new page. It’s a great place, I worked there myself when I was your age.” 
Geez, how old is this place?
I forced my mind away from that thought as I asked, “Is that like a library?”
“‘Like a library.’ Exactly. Well-put.”
“Yeah - yes. I’d like that,” I said. A job equals money. Plus, it wasn’t as if I have a social life so I won’t be missing anything. 
“Great, let me give you his number.”
Mr. Kolivan hands me a small crumpled piece of paper with small numbers scribbled in purple ink at the front, the name DR. SHIROGANE written right under it. I thanked him and left the classroom with a scrap of paper in my pocket.
I walked in my apartment and, as usual, there was no one home. The advantages of having your whole entire family work at the Garrison. I threw my bookbag on my bed and laid down on my stomach and cuddled with my pillow as Green, my Bombay cat, cuddled against my arm as I scrolled down.
After a few minutes of doing nothing, I remembered the paper Mr. Kolivan gave me and I took it out, reading the numbers over and over again. I looked back to green who was just napping and asked, “Time to make a phone call, Green?” 
Green just sat there and I shrugged, “I guess that’s a yes.”
I sat crisscrossed and dialed the phone number, a kind masculine voice responding after three beeps.
“Takashi Shirogane.”
“Dr. Shirogane? I - this is Katherine Holt. My social studies teacher, Mr. Kolivan told me you had an opening for a job?”
“Oh, right. Katherine. Yes, Kolivan said you’d call. I’m glad to hear from you.”
Kolivan. His own friends don’t call him by his first name?
“Can you come in for an interview next Thursday after school?”
“Alright, where do I go?” Dr. Shirogane gave me an address that is literally across the street from the school. 
“Ask for me at the front desk, they’ll send you up.”
Soon enough, it was Thursday and I found myself reading the painted gold plaque reading The Altea Circulating Material Repository. The building seemed very old school, a small narrow building patterned with brick walls and little windows. It had a homey view from the outside and it seemed to have a welcoming aura. 
I opened the entrance door and, somehow, it opened into a huge lobby. The floors made of faux marble and it reflected the light of the small chandeliers. At the very end stood a huge, dark oak desk with elaborate carvings. But it wasn’t the desk that astounded me, but it was the fact that Lance McClain stood behind it. 
Lance McClain, the tallest, cutest, the best shortstop and batter in the school. I once saw the guy smack a paper ball aimed at his face away and land it in the garbage can on the other side of Mr. Antok’s Calculus class.
But when I say he’s cute... he’s cute. I’m talking about model cute... okay I think a more accurate word would be hot but that’s not a word I’d like to think about as this dude is looking at me.
“Um, I’m here to see Dr. Shirogane?” I said.
Lance offered me a blinding smile and picked up the receiver of an old-fashioned telephone, “All right. Who should I say is here?” 
“Katherine Holt.”
Lance dialed up a number and spoke into it, “Katherine Holt is here to see you, Shiro... Sure ... not until five today... Okay.” He hung up and pointed towards an odd looking elevator and gave me directions, “Fifth floor, first door to the right. You’ll see it.”
I thanked him, hoping he didn’t see the blush on my cheeks and made my way out to Dr. Shirogane’s door. 
I found myself face-to-face with Dr. Shirogane’s black door soon enough and I knocked lightly. 
“The door’s open.”
I turned the knob and sure enough, it was open. I swung the heavy door open and I saw a tall, bulky, young man sitting behind a dark oak desk similar to the one downstairs. He had an undercut and bleach white bangs, but somehow although he had an absurd hairdo, he was still intimidating.
He looked away from the pile of papers he was dealing with and smiled once he his gray eyes met mine and I could have sworn I’ve seen him before. “Katherine. Nice to meet you. Have a seat.” I did as told and sat at the lone seat in front of his desk and intertwined my fingers, playing with them as Dr. Shirogane read from the computer before he asked, “You’re in Kolivan’s European history class, right?”
I nodded, “That’s right.”
Shiro nodded, “That’s good. Kolivan has never sent us a bad page. He says you’re hardworking and witty. Independent and a genius - which is a high praise from Kolivan, believe me. This is gonna sound weird but, do you do the dishes at home?”
Uh??? “Yeah, most of the time.”
“How often?”
“Most days, maybe five or six times a week.” Because lord knows Matt can’t clean a dish to save his life.
Dr. Shirogane nodded and continued with his weird questions, “And how many have you broken this year?”
“Yes, dishes, glasses, that sort of thing.”
“None. Why?”
“Oh, we can never be too careful. When was the last time you lost your keys?”
“I never lose my keys?”
“Perfect. All right,” Dr. Shirogane turned around a grabbed a box on the shelf behind him, “Would you sort these please?”
“Now that’s up to you.”
I look down to the box and open it to find a huge collection of buttons. I spilled the contents of the box onto the desk and began sorting them by materials: wood and other plant materials; metal; stone; bone, shell, and other animal parts; glass and other man-made materials, including plastic. Then I made a subgroup where I organized them by size. 
Once I finished, Dr. Shirogane bent down to my eye-level and studied my sorting, giving me a good look at his face. He had a pink scar across the bridge of his nose and freckle-speckled cheeks, but for some reason, I could have sworn I can see them move.
“Which do you think is the most valuable?”
I pointed to the button that seemed to contain a mix of rubies and diamonds. 
“Which is the oldest?”
I pointed to a stone button that seemed to be missing chunks and had a few cracks.
“The most powerful?” 
I rose an eyebrow at that, “Powerful? How can a button be powerful?”
Dr. Shirogane smiled and responded, “I think you’ll find that every object here has its own unique qualities.” 
Before I could register what he just said, he stood up and had a large smile painting his face and offered a hand, “This has been illuminating, Katherine. Do you think you can start tomorrow?” I stand up and take his right hand, finding that his arm isn’t actually an arm, more like a metal appendage.
I shake his hand and nod, “I can start tomorrow.”
Dr. Shirogane smiles again, “Great. I’ll get Keith to show you around tomorrow. Lance, could you take her to Stack 9 and show her the ropes?”
I turn around behind me and find Lance McClain leaning on the doorway, “But the ropes are on Stack 2-”
“I mean metaphorically Lance.”
“Oh, sure Shiro. Come on...”
I had to bring myself back to reality once I realized that Lance didn’t know my name, despite the fact that we’re in Calculus together. “Katherine. But you can call me Katie.”
Lance nodded and waved me to follow him, “Come on, Katie.”
I began following him and I turned around to thank Dr. Shirogane, “Thank you, Dr. Shirogane.”
He smiled back at me and urged, “Call me Shiro. And no problem, Katie.”
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bluedemon1995 · 3 years
“Take it back.”
“NO… I almost died. Again. Again, thinking you’d never know. Again regretting. Again knowing, that I love you. And I don’t care who knows. I don’t care who it offends. I don’t care if it’s inconvenient. I’m not changing my mind. I fucking tried. I don’t care if I make you uncomfortable. No more.”
Pidge took a step back, almost whispering. “Keith, we said we weren’t going to do this again. I’m with-“
Keith grabbed her, gently but firmly and held her close. “Tell me you don’t love me. Say it Katie.” Keith gently brushes his lips against hers. Murmuring gruffly, his warm and rough hand is holding her cheek, “Say it with my taste on your lips. With my breath mingling with yours. Tell me you don’t love me.”
Pidge closes her eyes and lets her lips cling to his. “Damn you. You know I can’t.”
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qhostnq · 7 years
Won’t you kiss him too?
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camphalfgalra · 6 years
Wake Me When It’s Over // Chapter 1 – Strangers Just Like Me
Pairing: Keith/Pidge/Lance Rating: T Chapters: 1/? Summary: At eighteen years old, Lance shouldn't be running through the people barren streets with a horde of the undead trailing behind him at his heels. He should be at college, chatting with his best friend and hooking up with girls over the weekend. Seems like fate had different plans for him. [x] (Preview down below)
"Hey, none of us are going to die," Pidge replied, tossing her bag over her shoulder and eyeing Hunk with a small frown.
"We are if we leave here tonight," Hunk replied crossly. "This place is safe! Why are we leaving the one place that has provided us with protection for a week and is the safest place we've been at since Garrison got overrun? We're literally sentencing ourselves to death out there."
Pidge rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Look, that radio chatter we heard means something. I have no idea what it means, but it's obviously important if we're hearing it being broadcast over the radio. If someone escaped, then that means that they were being held hostage against their will."
"Even if that's true, why should we help them?" Hunk asked. "We have to look out for ourselves, and that means staying here where it's safe and we aren't in danger of dying."
"Hunk, if Pidge said she had to kill more than ten of those half-dead freaks today, what makes you so sure that we're safe?" Lance questioned, placing a hand on his hip. "We both know that unless we're in a governmental refugee, we won't last much longer. Staying in houses that are in zombie infested neighborhoods isn't going to work for much longer. Our best shot now is to look for more survivors, like the refugee that escaped whatever facility it was that we heard over the radio."
"Lance is right," Pidge said, glaring up at Hunk, "we aren't safe here if we stay much longer. The only real place we'd be safe at is at a refugee center, and the more people we get in our group means more supplies to go around."
"Even if you're right, what are we going to do tonight?" Hunk questioned, narrowing his eyes. "We can't just sleep in our car. That would make us bait, and I'm not ready to die yet."
"Garrison might have a few buildings that can be safe to crash in tonight. Our goal tonight is to go back to Garrison and figure out where we're going after that. Once we have a plan, we drive around and try to recruit other survivors that won't kill us and find whoever the escaped prisoner is," Pidge said, looking directly into Hunk's eyes. "I know you're scared, but this is how the world is now. We fight to survive and see the next sunrise, and we do whatever it takes to make it to the end."
Hunk emitted a sigh, pouting. "Fine," he said childishly, "but Lance is driving and I'm sitting in the back of the truck to make sure to shoot down any walkers that may be following us."
Pidge nodded. "Sounds like a plan." She turned and walked out of the room, heading downstairs into the kitchen, presumably looking for more knives to add to her pouch.
Lance whistled. "She's kinda cute when she's authoritative, isn't she?" He asked Hunk, a small smirk on his face.
Hunk sent him a dirty look. "Keep it in your pants, Lance."
Read the rest on AO3
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ginkasei · 7 years
warming up to kidge simply because they're both beautiful austistic kiddos and i love them
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issa-crowe · 3 years
Shameless self-promotion time!
So after the Kidge events, I finally got back to writing and managed to get a chapter for my other fic out, and I thought “I’m already here may as well bite the bullet and share this on Tumblr” as the usual publishing anxiety was setting in.
So a small summary, the story is inspired by the settings of “vampire the masquerade” aka urban fantasy where everyone wants everyone dead. The story follows Katie as she moves with her family to Arus city where she meets the Voltron gang, they do something reckless and end up seeing a demon summoning ritual then they almost die, you know the usual life for a teen.
Now they are being recruited by a group that tries to keep the peace between the monsters in the city. Why? because they need more people to help keep the peace while also hunting down whoever is encouraging demon summoning and the gang already survived one demon so why not throw them at more?
It's kind of a slow burn with probably Kidge endgame (because it’s my favourite ship) but along the way, there will be probably a bit of every ship I feel would work in this, and so far I’m just introducing characters and establishing other stuff to be ready so that when shit hits the fan it hits it properly.
and well this is the first fic I ever wrote so any feedback is super appreciated and I hope that whoever reads it enjoys it
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kidgetrash · 5 years
I’m on a musical kick apparently...
...but it got me thinking...
So Pidge would be Calam, because smol tomboy cowgirl.
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I’d make Keith Wild Bill, because arguing and unresolved sexual tension.  Also, endgame.
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Allura could be Katie Brown, Lance as Lieutenant Danny.  This gives us some minor Plance and Kallura vibes too, but also Allurance as endgame too!
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Plus, Pidge dressed like this and making jaws drop...
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Anyone else with me on this?  Or am I just rambling again?
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anchoredtether · 5 years
8, 11, and 13 please! :eyes emoji:
woah I’ve gotten more than 2 asks on a thing that’s a first antlajltjdal
8. Hiding Both Face and Mind
This is a Persona AU!! I know most people aren’t familiar with the game franchise but it’s going to be mainly based on P5 with some P4 elements as well. It’s a pretty easy concept to grasp, basically there’s a “metaverse” where the desires of people’s hearts are manifest as well as monsters called shadows, and the protags unlock a “persona” in this alternate dimension (basically a manifestation of their psyche) that helps them fight the monsters and they use elemental based attacks, etc. That’s a very watered-down version but it’s a really fun concept which also includes the characters facing a “shadow” version of themselves in order to unleash their persona so there’s a lot of character analysis in this AU as well. 
11. Exodus
Working title for the moment: Inception AU! This is one of the first few AUs I fleshed out but I have not gained the muse/ambition to tackle this project quite yet. It’s going to be pretty heavy though because Keith is Cobb and Allura is Mal. Lance is Arthur and Pidge is Ariadne so there will be Plance and a lot of platonic Kidge. Still debating if Plance will have an established relationship (they need an architect and Lance is like “oh yeah my girlfriend is into that stuff!”) or not (because I love the spontaneity of their kiss in the dream if they’re not together lol). For the sake of me not writing a 300k fic this will probably be a really condensed version of the movie and I’ll focus a bit more on Plance but it will also be very Keith centered and have really depressing Kallura moments.
13. The Vacant Ether
This is my piece for the Stories in the Dark bang!! I can’t share too much about it but it’ll be posted sometime in November and it’s horror based. Basic concept is that a cosmic reaper is haunting both Lance and Shiro because Allura brought them back from the dead. It is mostly Lance-centric with complicated Allurance and endgame Plance. 
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breeeliss · 6 years
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i fucking love all of these ;;;;A;;;;
i think the first voltron fic i ever wrote was a plance fic, i have such a soft spot for them i think they’re precious. honestly, had allurance not happened in the show, i would’ve loved endgame plance. i just love the idea of pidge’s deprecating humor towards lance actually being her covering up the little crush she has on him 
i wish kidge was more popular because that’s another one that i like as a side pairing whenever i read shance and allurance fics. their whole aesthetic of being kinda quiet/nerdy friends i love, and then i also love the whole “keith as this dark, handsome badass and pidge not knowing wtf do to with herself bc hot damn and keith finding her adorable.” 
HALLURA is UNDERRATED as FUCK! all hunk ships are underrated but like all ships are inherently god tier. can you imagine how much love and support and affection hunk would show her, especially after finding out the depth of her grief and the amount of pressure she puts on herself? they’d be so good for each other. 
send me a 🔥 + a topic and i’ll tell you my honest opinion
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ao3feed-keitor · 5 years
Pain in These Violet Eyes
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2K8ECY5
by SirenLyric
When Keith finds out he's Galra, the others take the news pretty hard. After being driven to tears in private, feeling rejected, Keith leaves Voltron in secret. When he runs into an all to beautiful group of half-galrans promising him acceptance, he cant help but to say yes. After a failed mission, he's punished with a substance that sparks his galra blood and drives him feral. When Pidge goes alone to bring back her fellow arm of Voltron, she notices something's off about him. Was this truly the Keith Kogane she'd fallen for?
Words: 156, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Lotor (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Kova (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Pidge | Katie Holt, Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt, Keith/Lotor (Voltron), Keith & Lotor (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Galra Keith (Voltron), Villian Keith (Voltron), Evil Keith (Voltron), Quintessence (Voltron), Possessive Behavior, Deception, Anti-Galra Allura, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt is Savage, Keith (Voltron) Angst, Keith (Voltron) is a Mess, Alternate Canon, Smut, Only with Lotor, Can Easily Be Skipped, Kidge is Endgame, Kidge - Freeform, Keitor
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2K8ECY5
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 6 years
did you write the book of love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DMKgwG
by amorremanet
As far as Keith’s concerned, he only has one friend. This is somewhat of a problem, because that friend is Shiro, who is impossibly out of Keith’s league, more than he deserves, and the guy with whom Keith is embarrassingly in love. Worst of everything, though, is the fact that this love will be forever unrequited, because of course it will be.
As far as Shiro’s aware, he only has two friends — three, if you count his boyfriend. Either way, Keith is the only friend who Shiro hasn’t slept with (yet). Not that he’s thinking about that. Keith relies on Shiro, trusts him in a way that Keith trusts no one else, and Shiro can’t take advantage of that, not when Keith’s been hurt so many times. Anyway, Keith would never think of Shiro that way because why would he?
Besides, Shiro needs to get through his upcoming six-month mission to Titan so he can clear that stress off his plate and tell Adam and Keith about his illness on his own terms. Then, after that, Shiro can focus on getting ready for Commander Holt’s next big mission, the one that will make history. What could possibly go wrong?
(Or, “Keith and Shiro pine and make stunningly questionable life-choices.”)
Words: 13758, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of Right Where I Belong
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Original Male Character(s), Ryan Kinkade, Lance (Voltron), James Griffin (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron)/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Shiro (Voltron) is a Mess, Shiro (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Shiro (Voltron) Has Multiple Sclerosis, Gay Disaster Shiro (Voltron), Bisexual Disaster Keith (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Oblivious Shiro (Voltron), galaxy garrison shenanigans, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, Friends With Benefits, (Shiro & the OMC), Disability, Canon Disabled Character, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard, Eventual Kidge & Jeith to varying degrees, But the endgame/focus is still Sheith, POV Alternating, Slice of Life, ehhhh kinda?, Polyamorous Character, Pre-Kerberos Mission, Jewish Adam (Voltron)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DMKgwG
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oh-svgar · 6 years
random thoughts
•todoroki shotou makes me weak
•bakusquad > bakugou himself
•season 7 of voltron was good
•even though kidge is my otp and sheith and allurance are looking up, i’d walk on flaming hot legos for plance to be endgame
•also the plance fandom calls themselves GARDENERS i fucking love it
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camachameleon · 7 years
Cam’s Voltron Fic Rec 2/∞
VLD Fic Recs:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms. ( ** =  favorites )
  **Beacon by glitteringconstellations (also on tumblr)
Word count:  43,288 (10/?)
Summary:  An emergency mission to answer a distress call wasn’t unusual. The urgency in Allura’s voice wasn’t necessarily unusual, either—she was very much of the mind that Voltron was obligated to answer every single distress call brought to their attention. Being the defender of the known universe came with a certain number of responsibilities, after all.
But seeing the pinched, pale look on both Allura and Coran’s faces when they converged on the bridge was unusual. "The universe is vast even in terms of those planets still yet beyond the grips of the Galra. But…. the distress call came from the Terra Firma Quadrant.”
Comments:  Back to Earth AU. Reunion fic. This one occasionally flips pov to some characters on Earth so we get to see their reactions to the gang’s initial disappearance and then the realization that they are not alone in the universe. This fic is so different from the other Back To Earth ones I've read, all the little details make it feel so real. A song that I feel sets the mood for this fic is Home and It Goes On.
  don't go (i can’t follow) by My_King_And_Your_Lionheart
Word count:  10,670 (5/5)
Summary:  Keith’s shirt falls to the floor and Shiro gets so distracted by the ink on his skin that when he finally realizes Keith was trying to flip him, he’s already on his back. With the mismatched ‘Never tell me the odds’ pressed against his throat, Shiro thinks he could fall in love like this.
Comments:  Part 1 of the series blame it on the stardust which is partway through its second installment just pretending to know. This is a Sheith fic featuring tattooed!Keith. Also, my favorite part is the OG GARRISON TRIO AKA Matt/Shiro/Keith bonding bc they are my favorite friendship group ugh. Also Keith’s adoptive parents are super awesome like seriously I love them so much. This one ends with the start of season one basically, and Part 2 kinda picks up from there.
  i want your heaven and your oceans too by mothpoem
Word count:  11,622 (1/1)
Summary:  “Not—not that you’d be my rebound! I mean, you’d be helping me take my mind off of this guy, but to be a rebound, I’d have to have dated him first, I think, and he doesn’t even know I like him, so. You wouldn’t be a rebound. At worst, we become badass partners-in-crime with a grudging respect for each other, at best, we’re soulmates for life and this is fate trying to help us find happiness. So. Um.” Lance swallows and looks up at the Blade of Marmora soldier through his lashes. “What say you?”
They look down at their hands for a moment, fingers twisting together in deep thought. Then they’re pulling their gloves off, revealing pale, half-bruised knuckles of the human variation, and their mask is dissolving, giving way to big blue-purple eyes and an achingly familiar jet-black cowlick. “Who,” says Keith Kogane, in that low-pitched rumble that makes Lance’s stomach roil in the good way—holy fuck—“is this guy you’re trying to get over?”
Comments:  Lots of Lance whump. And obviously this is Klance endgame. I just love how far this goes before Lance finds out its not just some random bom guy. Lance is such a sassy guy when he’s in danger and it really comes out in this fic. Add in a heaping tablespoon of protective Keith and you’ve got yourself the perfect post-s4 voltron fanfic right here.
  Burn Break Crash by NaryCanary
Word count:  97,758 (17/?)
Summary:  When Katie "Pidge" Holt arranged a special road trip with her boyfriend that doesn't go according to plan, she somehow throws herself in an unexpected predicament and now must take responsibility for it. What is it she must do? Take Keith Kogane - an attractive, mysterious, arrogant guy from school - on the road with her across the country.
Growing up, Pidge was always taught to look both ways before crossing the street to avoid accidents. Nobody ever told her what to do if her life happens to go up in flames.
Comments:  Slowburn Kidge roadtrip AU. Background Shallura. This is a college AU that feels very raw to me idk. Like its not just all fluff and comedy, its also angst and comfort and thrilling in all the ways. The way their conversations flow and relationship develops is so natural and un-forced. This fic really made me like Pidge a lot more after reading. Even if you don’t ship it romantically, it really makes you appreciate the fiery, explosive bond between them. Platonic Kidge is also something I started exploring because of how much I loved the interaction with these two.
  **Entangled by Purpleneutrino (mackerelmademedoit)
Word count:  101,859 (12/12)
Summary:  When Keith found himself mentally linked to Lance of all people, he never thought that it would end in anything but irritation and misery on both sides. He certainly never imagined that it would be a useful asset in team Voltron's fight against the Galra Empire. Now if he can just keep his feelings in check, they might actually have a chance at defeating Zarkon.
Needless to say, when he'd wished for a 'bonding moment' with Lance, this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind.
Comments:  Klance with eventual mature content. Whump for both parties in this fic, and lots of angst. Also super-protective-over-Keith Shiro, which is my fav. A warning that this is very slow burn. I mean look at that word count. It’s amazing tho bc we get so much of this goodness. I love Stuck-Together and Forced Co-Dependency Tropes and this satisfies both. These two are forced to show so much vulnerability to each other and get so much closer as a result.
  **Keith’s ‘Physical Contact’ Initiation Program by alisayamin (sh_04e)
Word count:  26,522 (6/6)
Summary:  Keith didn’t move and neither did Pidge. It was a little awkward until Keith finally said, “Maybe we could officially officiate this..?”
“What do you mean?”
“Fist me.”
Pidge recoiled and sputtered, “Keith, what the f-” She was cut off by Shiro’s bellowing laughter from the observatory deck.
With his straight face unchanged, Keith lowered his left hand with the stopwatch and lifted his right hand, fisted.
Pidge actually sighed with so much relief, “OH. You mean fistbump! Right.” She slapped her forehead to remove the very very wrong image her imagination drew for her, “Holy shit, Keith, we need to work on that but yeah sure, I’d be honoured to officiate your physical contact program whatever.”
That one time Coran realized Keith was too distant and decided to make him undergo the 'Physical Contact' Initiation Program which then led to --> 5 times the paladins realized Keith was an actual cat.
Comments:  I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. ugh. Keith bonding with everyone through hugs and cuddles, man. That is all that needs to be said. Oh and also Keith whump plus lots of comfort. Also Matt&Keith bros and Pidge&Keith bros is life. And super-protective-over-Keith Shiro. LITERALLY EVERYTHING YOU COULD EVER WANT ALL IN ONE GLORIOUS FIC. But seriously in this one, Keith unashamedly knows he wants physical affection, he just struggles with how to ask for it.
  **Antidote by salineshots
Word count:  92,440 (11/?)
Summary:  Based very loosely off of @eyugho’s lovebug AU, which I love more than anything?? Thanks to them for starting this wonderful AU!
Keith's bitten by a lovebug, but this one doesn't make him all cuddly. Instead, every moment he spends away from Lance is physically painful for him, and every moment he spends touching him is really, really nice. That's frustrating enough already without Keith having to hide his massive crush.
Lance just wants to help, but he knows that Keith doesn't like to be touched. Also hiding a massive crush, because these two are horrible at communication.
Comments:  Slowburn Klance with so much Keith whump and comforting and supportive Lance. I really like this version of the Lovebug AU, especially bc it basically doubles as one of those Stuck-Together Tropes, and also they become super co-dependent on each other which is also nice because we get to see all their vulnerabilities and insecurities forced into the spotlight.
  Muzzled by Emls479
Word count:  5,181 (1/1)
Summary:  The blade of Marmora aren't the only ones with time altering technology. Days on the outside can be months within. Keith finds this out a little too late.
Comments:  This is more than a little dark and also I cried so watch out if you don't like hardcore whump on our boy keef who really needs more hugs.
  Yes, Sir by mikkimouse
Word count:  8,302 (1/1)
Summary:  “Are you all ready to get started?”
“Yes, sir!” twenty voices answered in unison.
Shiro’s stomach flipped at the words. Oh, no.
The soul mark on his right wrist burned, confirmation that his soulmate was one of the twenty people who’d just uttered the phrase.
Oh, shit.
Comments:  All 3 Works in this series are so great. Not just bc its a Sheith Soulmate AU, but also bc its just the perfect mix of funny, angsty and fluffy.
  VLD Fic Recs:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms.
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kdxart · 7 years
Me: *currently working on Kidge fic*
Dark Me: Hey, make it Kidgance or Shkidge endgame.
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camphalfgalra · 7 years
who would YOU want for endgame romance and why do you think it might happen?
In general? My kidge loving ass is saying kidge. Why do I think it could be possible if they’ve barely interacted? I love the dynamics and possibility that there could be. Bex has dropped clues that they are going to interact more and there’s just some stuff that I really can’t put into words but I feel like if they interacted more, kidge could be endgame. In regards to lance, I’m going to have to say either Keith or Allura. I would say Keith because yeah, I ship klance but even though lance says he hates Keith, he doesn’t and has confided in him, as we can see in season 3. I just, really liked how he’s maturing and actually tried to help Keith when he was still black paladin. And for allurance, well yeah the vlog is basically shouting that allurance could be endgame so I’ll leave it at that. THE ONE THAT IM MOST CERTAIN COULD BE ENDGAME JS SHALLURA THOUGH. THOSE TWO SHARE A LOT OF SIMILARITIES AND I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC TBH. k yeah that’s why I think these ships could be endgame. (Don’t fucking come at me for saying klance I get you don’t like it but just let me have this okay?)
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Piggyback Rides
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vQSkZh
by rozanyg
Words: 1469, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Kidge One-Shots [Keith x Pidge]
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Pidge (Voltron), Keith/Pidge | Katie Holt, Background Allura/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Pining Pidge (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Piggyback Rides are cute, Races between Lance and Pidge are funny, Kidge is Endgame, ForestFire - Freeform, Keith gets flustered, they love Hunk's cookies, Hunk cooks awesome, Hunk's Cookies, Shiro and Allura are married, and she's pregnant, Space Dad is becoming an actual Dad, too many tags tbh, posted on wattpad
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vQSkZh
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