#ending with princess tutu. go watch it again. he loves rue.
rinmemesuoka · 1 year
help i went into a tag and saw takes
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atamascolily · 10 months
princess tutu re-watch, episode 26
-Mytho and the raven face off in the final showdown. Mytho summons a sea of cherry blossoms (rose petals?) and ascends to the heavens! -Raven: impressive, but you've forgotten that my crow-people can fly! After him! -the crows try to peck Mytho to death! Meanwhile, Ahiru is struggling to stay afloat in the petal sea… -Crows: Hey, let's play 'toss the duck'! -Mytho is horrified at watching a tiny creature suffer. So is Fakir. -Autor, of all people, has to give Fakir a pep talk, aka "just shut up and write". -Autor: oh, shit, the bookman cometh, gtf inside! -Mytho is forced to use his sword as a shield, which is not an efficient form of defense, but this is how ballet combat works. -Drosselmeyer: That's right, this is a tragedy! Why? [pause to catch his breath from laughing] Fuck all if I know. -The book man is now battering Autor's door down with an axe to get at Fakir: "I WON'T LET YOU LEAD THE STORY TO TRAGEDY!" -Fakir: "I'm doing my best to STOP it!" -Mytho: okay, fine, I'll split my heart again to seal you, raven--but I'll come back, kill you, and join my princess in heaven! -Ahiru: QUACK QUACK QUACK! (I OBJECT!) -the moment where she does ballet in duck form kicks me in the heart every single time, it's so beautiful -meanwhile, Rue is doing "The Dying Swan" in a desert with an army of skeleton back-up dancers -Drosselmeyer: Finally, someone who understood the assignment--to die while looking good! -Ahiru: Good thing dance is a universal language! Let's go, crow people! -Fakir: THAT'S MY GIRL! -meanwhile, Autor is throwing furniture in front of the door to keep the crazed guy with the axe from breaking in. -unfortunately, the game of 'toss the duck' resumes -the book man is mad that all his friends turned into crows and now he wants revenge! -Okay, I will admit I have given Autor a hard time on this rewatch and I love to mock him, but he redeems himself for putting himself -between Fakir and and the guy with an axe trying to murder him and together Ahiru and Fakir make "hope" and it saves everyone. -Drosselmeyer (falling out of his chair): Hope? I don't know her! -Mytho's real name is Siegfried, because of course it is -Mytho: Hey, Rue, how would you like to punch your terrible kidnapper in the face? -They do and it's awesome. -turns out the story-machine is in the clock tower, Fakir just snaps it into pieces, lololol. -Mytho asks Rue to be his princess and she tells him she's corrupted with crow blood, and he's like, "oh, yeah, I am too, don't worry about it". -Mytho: wait, what did I say that made you cry? That's FAKIR's job. -Fakir: Idiot (affectionate). -Mytho and Rue have an apotheosis involving a carriage pulled by swans and leave town to go back to their story, and everything goes back to the way it was before. -You'd think that Drosselmeyer would have snapped out of existence, but NOOOOO he suffered no consequences and learned nothing from the experience. -Drosselemyer: Existential angst? Forget it, I do what I want. -He and Uzura depart for another narrative to haunt, which raises all kinds of questions, actually! -meanwhile, Fakir sits on the dock, "fishing" while Ahiru bobs on the lake nearby. The narrator (who is still around!!!) waxes poetic. The end.
-There is NO RESOLUTION to what happened with the bookmen, I feel like they at least owe Fakir an apology. -On the one hand, this ending is perfect and I would change nothing. On the other hand, it is deeply unsatisfying. I believe the creators did this on purpose, and I salute them for it. More on this later once I've had a chance to further reflect.
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tutumydear · 3 years
I’m so, SO glad that Fakir didn’t confess his feelings to Duck in the Lake of Despair.
One of my first questions after watching Princess Tutu for the first time was
“Does Fakir love Duck?”
For anyone who might be in the same position, the answer is yes. Maybe I’ll explain why I think he ends the story in love another time. All you need to know now is that he does.
The followup question after watching the series for the first time was
“Does Duck love Fakir?”
Hmm. This one is a little tricky. I believe that by the end of the story, she’s certainly heading down that path. I believe that what she feels toward Fakir are feelings of love, but she isn’t able to recognize them as such. To her, love feels like a schoolgirl crush. It’s exciting and nervous and giddy. It makes her want to giggle and blush and run around in circles.
Compared to the puppy love she felt for Mytho, her feelings for Fakir must seem alien. Duck isn’t able to give it a name, but she is able to identify it. Feeling weak, but someone makes you feel strong? Trusting someone to stay and fight by your side, without being able to see that they’re there? Letting someone see you cry? I mentioned this earlier, but Duck doesn’t really do that. How could I have forgotten that at the end of her rope, she finally exposed her heart and fears and tears to someone, and it was Fakir? She’s close. But she’s just not there yet.
In the Lake of Despair, here is what Fakir knows.
Duck, during that moment, was in an incredibly difficult position. She was forced to face her secret, selfish desires because at the end of the day, she isn’t the perfect, pure-hearted Princess Tutu. She’s a waddling, toddling duck who was cursed with the opportunity of a lifetime, which she accepted because she had nothing to lose, and couldn’t finish the deal because she wanted to keep it all.
Mytho was going to make Rue his princess. Duck wanted to be his princess. That sucks.
Duck was afraid of being alone again. Afraid of going back to being a regular old duck who doesn’t dance or go to school or have silly friends or a cat for a teacher. It’s horribly selfish and she knows it’s horribly selfish, but despite knowing that everyone would suffer should she not finish the story, she doesn’t want the story to end.
But this isn’t her story. It’s Mytho’s, isn’t it? It always has been.
Regarding Fakir’s love for her, this isn’t their story either. Duck isn’t in a position to be emotionally available for handling a confession. Whether she loves him back or not, romantically or otherwise, the two of them have a mission, and love will have to wait.
Here’s why I’m glad:
To choose not to confess is an act of love. It is! Fakir could have chosen to impose his feelings on her, to burden her with another thing to worry about while the weight of their known world was on her shoulders. To confess to her, to kiss her, to force her to consider him as a romantic partner, would have been selfish of him.
Instead, all he gives her is a promise. Not to be dramatic, but to this day, it is one of the most beautiful promises I’ve ever heard. It is one built upon unwavering faith and loyalty, and does not require a platonic or romantic label to be true.
And as Fakir dips her low, he takes her in. Duck’s eyes are closed, you may remember, so she might not realize how carefully he studies her face. This is truly his last opportunity to tell her while she’s still guaranteed to be human. They’re alone, they’re dancing, this is such a emotionally meaningful moment for both of them. “It’s just too perfect.”
But no, he won’t. Because he loves her
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
Episode 19, let’s go, let’s see what you’ve got for me!
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Once upon a time, there was a maiden in love. “I want to tell my beloved how I feel, but my love might be over the moment I say it.” Every day she suffered, agonizing in this way. She took no meals, and she was unable even to sleep. And finally, she died without ever having been able to communicate her feelings. But the man she loved married another woman and lived happily ever after, without even knowing the maiden had existed.
Sometimes I just have to laugh, these are so fucking savage.
By not saying it, the end result happens anyway, as far as this specific facet of the maiden’s life is concerned (which appears to be the full extent of it per this story snippet). So what would she realistically have had to lose by saying something? Fuck all, it sounds, so job well done, she wasted everything by staying silent. Was it worth it? I’D GUESS NO
This seems, on the surface, to be about Ahiru, what with her whole “I love Mytho but if I tell him I’ll die/vanish/never exist” thing. Is it, though? Ahiru has a whole lot going on outside of Mytho (for which I am thankful), and I’d heavily argue against her doing nothing but withering away in silent agony.
So if Ahiru is the opposite of this tale, whatever common thread, should we take from this that she doesn’t need to remain silent? That she’s defied the rest of this, and so will defy that too?
Or is this not about Ahiru at all? There’s some lovely imagery in this story. I especially love this image:
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The letters unsent, the pool of spilled ink soaking everything, the shadow crossbeams of the window panes, the used and discarded black feather quill. GOOD SHIT HERE. Which doesn’t tie into anything I was saying, I just really like it. This one though:
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The swan sword, the raven’s eyes filling the sky, the blade thrusting in one direction but OOPS SURPRISE coming for the killing blow in another.
Are we not talking about Ahiru, then? Are we talking about Fakir? He’s who we first think of with the sword. And he’s certainly taciturn enough to keep every feeling he’s ever had hidden in the depths of his glorious mane. Or is this perhaps Rue/CawCaw? If anyone at this point could be said to be agonizing and trapped, I’d say it’s her.
Once again with this show, what’s meant is dependent on who we cast in the roles, and for something that appears on the surface to be so definitively saying who goes where, it leaves me CONSTANTLY QUESTIONING.
(I’m completely unspoiled for Princess Tutu and watching it for the first time. Please don’t confirm or deny anything in this post, give me hints or cautions or suggestions about future episodes, or try to explain anything going on. That includes if I should’ve been able to figure it out from previous episodes, or if it’s cultural, or if there’s no answer at all. Spoiling the experience only ruins things for everyone!)
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Yamata-No-Orochi (Part 2) Princess Tutu
Princess Tutu is a must watch if you haven’t seen it. It’s a bit after the MCs time though so she wouldn’t have been able to see it.
The throbbing bass from the speakers sync with the flashing lights of the dance club at Takamagahara. The crowd is thriving today. You can see glimpses of the masses of people in the pulsing of light. They appear like brief colorful snapshots on the floor below your center platform table.
The Romanceable MC contest continued despite the tragic death of Chance. The official narrative was that Chance died bravely defending you from street hooligans, which is horribly ironic, because that was something that you specifically told him not to do. Now Club Takamagahara was holding another Princess Night with the theme of Knights in Shining Armor. Men walked around like living walls of muscle wearing silver helmets, silver studded leather straps and bronze colored leather subligacula.
It was the exact opposite of what Chance’s life was. He was no knight. He would have been the first to admit that. He was on the underbelly of the world as a gang member, the lowest of his kind as an unstable hybrid and even then he lowered himself further, running sex dungeons for money to maintain the balance between his humanity and his raging dragonblood. And he still smiled and he still dreamed of a Hokkaido winter wedding.
Your chest constricts involuntarily.
“Are you going to be alright? You don’t have to be here.” A voice murmurs in your ear. Diamond is the only contender next to you. As a cowboy style performer, he has no need to dress up like a knight. Cowboys, like handsome knights, are just another font of masculine charm and marital fidelity. They work hard out on the lonely trails, wrangling sheep and cattle but they are true and come home to you, their sweet prairie wife. As sheriffs, they run out the outlaws in the town. “
You look up at him, his eyes are a welcome distraction. “You don’t have to be here either.”
He huffs. “Well, you can’t hurt too bad, if you come up with a sweet comeback like that.”
“Why are you here? Armani and Calypso have backed out.” Rumor had gone around that Chance's killing was related to an out of control fan who had fallen in love with you and had used his yakuza ties to put out a hit job and kidnap you. The other suitors didn’t mind losing a little dignity if it meant living another day.
“I used to work at Bliss Hall, also known as the Paradisio. I knew shady stuff went down. And when the gang war came there, I looked down the barrel of five guns while they interrogated me and patted me down. They determined I wasn't involved and let me go. So… if I was going to die of gang violence I probably would have already.”
“So why are you here?” You reach for the glass of champagne in front of you. Even though you were underage, you were already accustomed to the taste of drink and the smell of tobacco. Your high level of dragonblood didn’t let you get drunk easily as the men found out on your first day as the Main Character on this show. Chu Zihang checked the records on that night, and you had drunk two full bottles of vodka before you even felt the slightest bit tipsy.
He reached for his own glass. “I'm still a competitor. And I'm curious how Chance won three star-hearts in a single night. Is giving up your life the way to your heart? It’s a high price to pay and a lonely existence for you.”
Your mind flashes back to Renata and Chance. “I can see why you're second in the ranking. You dress much flashier than Kazama. But you’re no less of a sharpshooter.”
He presses his hand to his chest and bows.
“I don't need riches or beauty. So if you offer me those things, I'm not attracted. When I first came to Japan,  I didn't care about anything.  I felt my life was over. I was just trying to wait until the end and I wanted my life to end. But every time I reached for the end, there was a man who kept telling me no. I should not try to end my life and, even if it looked like my life was over, I shouldn't just take that conclusion at face value. His final lesson was I shouldn't just accept the inevitable death of others. It took a few times to accept those three lessons, but it was what I needed.”
“What happened to that guy? He sounds like a real keeper.”
You huff. “He was very happily engaged when we met.”
Chances eyebrows lifted. “I bet.”
“But I never forgot what he taught me. Chance helped me to speak those words from my own heart and my own experience. It's one thing to learn a lesson. When you teach that lesson to others, then you know it's part of your life. To see him listen to me and put what I learned into action because he loved me? How could my heart not overflow? Chance didn’t just accept his fate. He didn't just give up his life for me. He fought for us to be together. He… he wanted to live. I needed that in a person.” You run your hands over the empty glass in your hands imagining his smooth childlike face, so peaceful in the rain. “How many people are there out there who can look fate in the eye and say… ‘How about no?’”
Diamond reaches over with a champagne bottle and refills. “Oh You need someone who can rewrite the script! Like in Princess Tutu.”
You blink. “I’m sorry, did you just say ‘Princess Tutu’?”
“Oh come on, don't tell me you've never heard of Princess Tutu. It's just the best anime ever!”
You’re speechless. It was like this suave handsome Ikemen had suddenly turned into Lu Mingfei. “No, please fill me in.”
“Okay, hear me out. Once there was a writer named Drosselmeyer, who had the power to make his stories come to life. He especially loved to write stories with tragic endings! But he died before he could finish his final tale, called The Prince and the Raven, leaving the two title characters locked in an eternal battle.”
“After many years, the Raven managed to break free into the real world, and the Prince pursued him. To seal away the Raven's evil, the Prince shattered his own heart with his sword, causing him to lose all his memories and emotions. Without his emotions, he is reborn as Mytho.”
“Drosselmeyer, now a ghost, decides the story must have an ending. He finds it in the form of a little duck, who has fallen in love with Mytho. He gives her a magic pendant that can transform her, first into an ordinary human girl, then into the graceful ballerina Princess Tutu, another character in the story. As Tutu, it's Duck's job to find all the scattered shards of Mytho's heart and return them to him.”
“What's more, Duck learns that part of Princess Tutu's story is that she can never confess her love to Mytho, or else she'll turn into a speck of light and vanish. However, it becomes clear that Mytho wants his heart restored, so despite interference, she persists. She finds a friend in Fakir, a man who is the son of Drosselmeyer who also has the ability to bring his stories to life.”
“After most of Mytho's heart is returned to him, the seal trapping the Raven begins to break. Finally able to feel love again, Mytho realizes he loves Rue, another character – not Duck. Duck also discovers her pendant is the final shard, meaning she must give up her life as a human to return it. She eventually finds the courage to do so, and becomes a humble duck again.”
“Mytho and the Raven battle once more. When the fight turns bleak, Mytho considers shattering his heart to seal the monster away again. Duck begins dancing to show him he must not give up. As she does, this guy named Fakir writes a story about how she never stops, no matter how many times the Raven's minions attack her. They make that story a reality! This gives Mytho hope, which gives Mytho the strength he needs to rescue Rue and defeat the Raven. Mytho asks Rue to be his princess and they return to his kingdom inside the story. Duck and Fakir continue their relationship, even though she's stuck in her duck form. With nothing left to do, Drosselmeyer departs in search of another story.”
“The point is, you're Duck and you need someone like Fakir who can defeat Drosselmeyer by rewriting the script!”
When thinking about a ghost behind the scenes writing a script, it was clear who the Drosselmeyer in your life was. Z had rescued you and taught you to fight so your life could continue even though you didn’t really understand why. You were just like a duck receiving the pendant. But Z also had plans for you. He'd also forbidden you from confessing her love to Ruri Kazama before you even had feelings for him, only for you to meet him and suddenly he’s a potential contender for your heart with a clear connection with your past?
Z had a script.  And falling in love with Ruri Kazama didn't fit. Why was your love interest so important? Who are you supposed to fall in love with? Caesar asked that in a roundabout way. Why did the person you fell in love with matter to him, if he wasn't your boyfriend?
Chance said that Izanami loved Izanagi on a whim, as a hobby, while she used him to help her live forever.  She loved him and turned him into a monster. She needed him, and consumed him.
Z appeared and kissed you after you entered the MC contest. “I want to get to you before those idiots.” He’d said.
He entered the competition only after you nearly gave a star heart to Ruri Kazama. “I know how the story ends.” He’d said. 
Pursuing Ruri Kazama or anyone else would defeat his script! Whatever script Z wrote required that you love no one but him. 
Your hands tighten on the wine glass and Diamond massages your back. It's not that you had no feelings for Z at all, but Z was acting like Izanami, hiding his true intentions while making overtures of affection.  There's only one way to be sure you weren't going to end up a duck or a monster at the end. Force a confession out of Z!
You look up at Diamond. “Thank you.” Your eyes are sparking with something like anger. You felt fierce and wild inside realizing that you’d been led along by this stranger, assuming that ‘keeping you alive’ was good enough of a good ending to your story. But Izanagi was ‘kept’ alive… as a sacrifice to the White King. Until you understood Z’s intention, there was no telling where he was leading you.
You stand up and lightly tap your glass. The host of the Takamagahara lowered the music and all faces turned to your center platform. “I would like to thank you for coming out tonight. I’ll let you get back to your dancing in a moment, but first I would like to award 3 star hearts to Diamond, for opening my eyes to the truth tonight.”
You spoke looking down on your audience like royalty. Standing in your sparkling silver cheongsam, you looked like royalty. Diamond’s eyes opened wide and he hastily swallowed his Champagne before he could choke on it. He had been kicking himself for speaking so foolishly to this woman. She’d fallen into a deep silence and he figured he’d just killed all his chances of a win. But she liked it!
“And I would like to announce the winner of the MC Romance contest. He knows who he is. He has a deep connection to my past, and I would like to explore that connection further. If you’re listening.”
You raise your eyes to the cameras that broadcast your face to hundreds of screens around Takamagahara. Spectators pushed each other to get a good view and the loud hall descended into a deep silence.
You didn’t remember the tune, but you would always remember the words and you speak them, closing your eyes and placing your hands on your heart. “All happiness may be a fleeting blossom in the shadow of the moon, but I am in that shadow waiting for you in a field of those flowers. Won’t you join me? Together we will dance in the depths of Yomi!”
The hairs rise on the necks of every patron of the Takamagahara. Eyebrows knitted in confusion, hushed puzzled whispers were uttered involuntarily. Your words sounded nothing like a love confession, more like a forbidden incantation written in secret by a practitioner of black magic!
The flashing lights suddenly go dark, every large display screen clicks off in a successive wave. You turn around in horror as those screens replace your face with the words “GAME OVER” in bright burning red text!
The words were on every screen in the room. Your eyes scan the room and immediately spot Caesar moving towards you on the left. You quickly descend from the platform and hurry to him. He covers you, sweeping over you with one arm. “Get downstairs. Now!” 
His eyes meet with someone else's, likely Chu Zihang’s. “Don’t take the elevators, he can probably control those. We’ll take the stairwell.” He said.
You enter the beige corridor of the stairwell. It’s also pitch black. Not even the emergency lights are on. The basement is only one flight down and you can see to the bottom. A lone shadowy figure staring up at you with furious red gold eyes. You leap back and try to pull Caesar out, back to the crowd. “No! Caesar! Run!”
Caesar’s eyes blaze gold and he levels the Desert Eagles in the direction where you’re fearfully looking, but then he lowers them. He didn't hear anything, or see anything.
“Don’t! Don’t hurt him!” You beg.
“Z’s here?”
You gasp. “Yes. He’s mad.”
“Then we can talk?”
Your eyes swivel to and fro from Caesar’s eyes to Z’s eyes which apparently only you can see. Caesar still held his Desert Eagles but there was no fear there. “Yes.”
“Alright… Z. You’re running Takamagahara. The MC love contest was your idea right? What are your plans for MC?” Caesar asks. “I get the feeling you don’t have her best interests at heart.”
Z chuckles from the bottom of the well. “This conversation will have to wait. I’m a bit busy with another client.”
You’re shaking so much you hold on to Caesar’s arm to just keep yourself upright. “He’s gone.”
“What did he say?”
“He said he’s busy with another client.”
The door opens, scaring you both. Chu blinks at both of you in the dark stairwell but then he looks at Caesar and holds his questions. “We’ve got a problem. The Uesugi girl and Lu Mingfei have run into trouble. The whole area around the Robuchon restaurant is blocked off and it’s complete chaos. We’ve got to find Lu Mingfei and make sure he’s alright.”
Caesar gathers his arm around you and together you leave the stairwell. “MC, come with us. I don't want you and that Uesugi girl to meet, but until I figure out what Z is… I don’t think you should be alone.”
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Rapsblüte no Yoru (Princess Tutu epilogue skit) and my thoughts
Or: Why a bitch is still salty after 9 years
So, as previously mentioned on this blog, there was a skit presented at a Princess Tutu convention in 2004 by series creator Ikuko Itoh and chief director Junichi Sato called “Rapsblüte no Yoru.” It takes place about a year after the anime’s ending and serves to wrap up some loose ends about the characters and their feelings - particularly Ahiru and Mytho.
So I’ve talked about it before, but now more time has passed, so I thought I’d let the raging monster out of its slumber to REALLY address the epilogue and my own uncensored thoughts and feelings about it. Half of this ended up reading like a rant, really, but I just had to get it all out there. 
Here is the skit, as recited by Japanese blogger Goma and translated by LiveJournal user csakuras, along with my reactions and thoughts, which are indicated by the blockquotes.
"Quaack.." Ahiru seems to be swimming on the river during a night with a beautiful moon It's been a while since then, and every day I'm happy. It's fun talking with my bird friends, and Madam Pelican is a little noisy, but...it's fun. And besides......whenever I look up, Fakir is always there.
So Ahiru has returned to life as a bird and has settled in well. Good for her.
Ahiru: "I've come all the way to Gold Crown Academy....somehow I feel like dancing." Saying that, Ahiru climbs onto the bank and is surprised to find the whole surface covered with rape blossoms. Ahiru: "Gwak!!" Autor: "Oh? What's this?" It seems he stepped on Ahiru.. Ahiru: "Gwakgwak!!" Ahiru protests. Autor: "Oh it's you, Ahiru-kun...isn't Fakir with you?" Autor backs away as Ahiru tries to talk to him. Autor: "Sorry, but could you not get so close? I'll start sneezing from my bird allergies." (The mystery of his dislike of birds is solved.) Ahiru: "Charon-san and Raetsel-san had a child so Fakir went to the celebration."
The idea of this seems to negate all of Raetsel’s development, but okay then.
Autor: "I see....by the way, did you come to see the Night of Rapsblüte too?" Ahiru: "Rap..Rapsblüte?" Ahiru asks curiously. Ahiru: "Rapsblüte are rape blossoms, right?" Here, Autor goes Hnph! with his nose as if making fun of her. Autor: "The Night of Rapsblüte is when once every 50 years, all the rape blossoms bloom simultaneously on a night of the full moon. According to what I've researched in the library, in the records of a student from 50 years ago, there is an eye-witness account." Ahiru heaves a sigh (lol) Autor: "And tonight, the weather, the date, everything matches with the past data!" Autor is full of confidence. "Besides that, you're in the music department so maybe you should be studying piano instead..." Ahiru mutters. Autor: "Did you say something?" Ahiru: "Huh? Autor can understand me." Hnph, he laughs at her with his nose again. Autor: "Anything can happen tonight and it wouldn't be strange." Ahiru: "The moon is so pretty..." (Here, a man wearing a mask of the moon appears from behind..it's a great hit in the assembly) Autor: "What's that? An onion?" Ahiru: "!!" Uzura: "Ho~ Ahiru zura~" *Tototon* (her drum) Ahiru: "Uzura-chan!!" Ahiru: "Uzura-chan! Where were you?" Uzura: "I've been wandering the interval of time with the old man zura."
WHAT does that even mean?! What is the interval of time?! Considering Uzura’s previous life as Edel, it’s surprising that Uzura chooses to stick with Drosselmeyer. He’s the one who put her Ahiru and Fakir through so much trouble, after all. Then again, Uzura is a child and probably has no memory or idea of the role Drosselmeyer played and the evil things he did. Uzura also isn’t human, so maybe human morals don’t bother her as much.
Ahiru: "By the old man do you mean Drosselmyer-san? Then where's Drosselmyer-san?" "Drosselmyer?!!" <--(Autor's switch is on) Uzura: "The old man is busy with updating the site zura, sorry he's so irresponsible zura." (Here, Director Satou is rolling with laughter.) Autor: "Why didn't you bring him with you?!" Clearly, his Drosselmyer otaku switch is on lol
I hate you, Autor. I try not to but I do.
Uzura: "One more is coming zura." Autor: "One more?" Mytho: ".......Tutu." Ahiru: "Mytho!!" (I can never forget Ahiru's sad voice here)
Ah, and here it is. The agony.
You know, I could possibly stomach the whole damn ending of the show if the epilogue doesn’t go on to make it entirely clear how heartbroken Ahiru still is. I mean, if Ahiru is actually happy, there’s nothing more you can want for her. But this here kind of ruins it. Like, why?! How am I supposed to be content with her situation when she’s sad at the mere sight of Mytho?!
Mytho: "It's been a while...." Uzura: "He was dancing on the balcony so I brought him zura." (....At your own pace as usual, Prince.) Autor: "Prince Siegfried from the story!! Myu...Mytho-san." (He sounds as emotional as if he were meeting Drosselmyer.) Mytho: "Are you Fakir's friend...?" Autor: "I'm Autor!" Mytho: "You were the one who helped Fakir? Thank you..." (How does he know..)
How DOES he know? Well, there was a tiny time skip between the defeat of the Raven and Mytho and Rue’s departure to the story. Perhaps things were explained a little during then.
Autor: "No! It was an honor." (only dimly remember) Mytho: "If I remember correctly, during our ballet lessons you were asked by Neko-sensei to accompany us on piano." Autor: "Yes, I was asked to accompany you on piano by Neko-sensei 11 times, and I passed by you with Neko-sensei in the hall 27 times." (Jeez, Autor's in high spirits (lol)) Mytho: "Fakir sometimes sees cows and alligators flying in the sky, so I'm worried. Could you take care of Fakir?"
 Mytho seems to naturally be a little bit of an airhead. It’s funny to see that qualities of him that we saw in the anime can be attributed not to his lack of a heart and common sense, but just to how his personality really is. Cute.
Autor: "Yes!! Mytho-san, please leave him to me." (He's been left to him without having a say, Fakir's in a pinch (lol)) Ahiru: "Mytho? How is Rue-chan?" Mytho: "Rue is doing well." Mytho: "It seems Rue is good at singing too and she's a popular princess among the people." Autor: "Rue-san?"
So Rue is a true lady of the arts, not good only at dancing but at singing too. Interesting that she’s so popular, considering that she honestly doesn’t seem to be the most sociable person. Polite, but not going out of her way to be friendly. Perhaps her time in the story with Mytho has defrosted her even more. What is the new Rue like, I wonder?
Uzura: "Mytho is rabu-rabu with Rue zura~" Autor: "Could you be quiet for a while..." His voice is lacking energy and sounds like he might cry (He knows they're rivals in love..is that okay?)
WHY is Autor so torn up over Rue still?! He never even really spent time with her. Foolish kids, I tell you. She was hardly more than a pretty face to him.
Ahiru: "Thank goodness... Mytho. "The Concluding Volume of The Prince and the Raven" got published. It's not a story without an end anymore." Ahiru: "And also, soon Fakir's going to dance an all-male version of La Sylphide with Matthew Bourne-sensei's choreography!"
Soooo this part is confusing. The concluding volume… So The Prince and the Raven was a story published in installments? The show made it look like it was just a single novel. Unless they mean that they simply published an official ending… But if the story was given an ending, wouldn’t that affect the storybook world? And who wrote the ending and got it published, Fakir? A couple of questions that remain here.
Mytho: "Fakir....I always feel like I'm connected with Fakir..the more my country becomes peaceful, I can feel him close by." (It's...mostly dim recollection. Just the nuance of it.)
Yeah, don’t act like you didn’t just up and leave him AND Ahiru once your business was finished, Mytho. Anyways, skipping the salt, does this mean that Fakir’s conclusion to the novel made things more peaceful in the story world? That’s what it sounds like to me.
Actually, isn’t it kind of scary that Fakir can still wield influence over Mytho’s world? What if he got pissed off at him? yikes
Ahiru: "Mytho...." "You should meet Fakir! He's coming back tomorrow..so then.." Mytho: "I can't..I can only come here because the interval of time is connected tonight..see, the moon is already sinking this much." (The man playing the moon sinks down (lol) The assembly bursts into laughter again) "I see..."
WHAT is with this ‘interval of time’ nonsense again! Someone explain it to me!
Also, fuck Fakir, apparently.
Mytho: "Princess Tutu.....thanks to you, I can be like this. Thank you." Ahiru: "I wanted to see you smile, so my wish is already granted." (only dimly remember)
“Thank you, Tutu, for risking your life to save mine and restore my happiness and holding your tongue about your feelings for me so I could do nothing for you in return and leave hours later.”
No, I’m not salty. Anyways, the abrupt ending to the show without much dialogue was due to time constraints, not necessarily a true display of Mytho’s character, which I guess this epilogue was partly written to fix. It does seem pretty heartless when you watch the anime, though.
Mytho: "Princess Tutu, I wanted to be with you longer. I wanted to talk with you like this longer....to me, you are the light....because you are someone very special..." (?? Mytho/Ahiru?)
See, this is why I just can’t do it. Like, Mytho, are you fucking kidding?! You leave her alone as a duck and now you want to sweet-talk her?!
But actually, all bitterness aside, this is really sad. They obviously care for each other, but because of circumstances and plot, never once did they have the time to really just… talk.
And he still sees her as the light. I saw some people kind of making fun of this, but of COURSE he does. There was a considerable period of time when she was the only person vouching for him, keeping him safe, acting as his voice… and ultimately saving him in every way. He can only be a real person again because of her, and she never faltered in her mission. That’s INCREDIBLE. Of course he would hold her in high regard.
Mytho: "But, I have to protect Rue. Rue needs me...." (I'm sorry, it's completely out of memory...because I was so overwhelmed..(lol) I should take my reeling in moderation)
And here’s the dagger. After talking about how highly he thinks of Ahiru/Tutu… he backtracks by saying Rue needs him.
And you know why this is REALLY fucking sad? He doesn’t say that “But, I really enjoy being with Rue” or “But, I love Rue.”
He says he has to PROTECT Rue. Rue NEEDS him.
I don’t think I need to dive too deep into the implications of his wording to spell out why this is upsetting, but I’ll sum it up quick. Instead of saying he likes being with Rue, he says Rue needs me. That’s the first thing that comes to mind.
And if it means what I think it means, that’s just fucking harsh. That’s not fair for Rue. That’s not fair for Ahiru. That’s not fair for Mytho.
I mean, we all know the prince has a savior-complex, but the implication that he chose Rue because he feels a sense of duty to protect her instead of romantic affection is kind of… tragic. That’s not a happy ending at all, really. Does Rue have any idea?
I think this is why I have an issue with Ruetho, because no matter what you can’t escape the fact that Mytho will always view her through the lens of what she suffered. It’s just in his personality as a heroic, selfless prince. Doesn’t Rue deserve someone who sees her as… more than someone to protect?
Whatever, can’t be changed now.
Mytho: "Tutu...you have done so much for me, but I couldn't do anything for you." "Is there something I can do for you, Tutu?"
WHAT on Earth could he possibly expect to be able to do for her?! I mean, short of turning her human again, but I’m guessing that’s out of the scope of his abilities. Don’t be so bait-y.
Ahiru: "......Mytho! I.........." "No, nevermind..." (Ahiru sounds incredibly sad)
What was she going to say? You know what, probably doesn’t matter anyway. We know what she wants… she can’t have it, though.
Mytho: "It's almost time..." "See you again....Tutu...." (Jeez..I don't remember any of it) Ahiru: "Can we meet again?" Mytho: "Surely we will meet again..." Mytho (or is it Yanagi-san? lol): "We can meet again, when Sakurai-kun is here." (The assembly explodes with laughter)
No no no
No, do NOT meet again. This is just asking for trouble. Ahiru clearly isn’t over Mytho, and Mytho… clearly does not have his priorities straightened out. If they keep meeting like this…
Well, as the anime shows, it wouldn’t be the first time they put themselves through the wringer for love. Mytho recites something in German. "Waaao!!" <--(Uzura)
What did he say? I’m curious.
Here, Mytho says his never-ending feelings for Tutu (if someone remembers this part please tell me~) And at the end, Mytho: ".......Ahiru."
 ……..Yeahhh, probably not a good idea to meet again.
Like, I get that this epilogue is to ‘tie up loose ends’ including the torched remnants of Mythiru that were dropped so abruptly at the end, but...
Why, oh why, Mytho, did you choose Rue if you’re still hung up on Tutu?
Additionally, we see that Mytho DOES now know that Tutu is Ahiru. That’s bittersweet too, but in more of a good way. He finally knows that the little passionate goofball was the princess all along. I wonder who told him, or how he found out. Did he just figure it out on his own? Like, the duck that was once Princess Tutu must be Ahiru because Ahiru = duck? Maybe Uzura told him? I doubt Fakir would’ve, simply because once she was back to being a duck again permanently, there was really no reason to tell Mytho. Couldn’t much matter anymore, right?
Ahiru: "I get the feeling I heard Mytho's voice at the end." I am a duck....I can't wear toe shoes, I can't dance.. (I'm sorry, I don't remember) But inside my chest there is a sparkling gem that will never be broken. The end.
And that’s it.
Sooo a lot of conflicted feelings coming at me from this, if you couldn’t tell. I guess first is the question of whether or not this could be considered canon.
Honestly? I think so. Both Ikuko Itoh and Junichi Sato, the people behind Princess Tutu, worked on this and presented it. They even had some of the Japanese VAs present to act it out. Additionally, as I’d mentioned previously, it addresses some questions that were left open due to the somewhat rushed ending of the anime’s finale. And nothing presented in this skit goes against the show’s canon or really comes out of left field (aside Charon and Raetsel man tf). It’s short and sweet.
Moving on, the first time I read this I was really happy, simply because it makes it clear that YES, Mytho does return Ahiru’s feelings. Which I guess was clear in the anime too, but this skit makes it undeniable. It’s nice to feel validated.
But as time goes on and I’ve had the chance to chew over and really digest it… It’s kind of a really crappy situation for our heroine and hero. Like, so they are in love, and they want to continue seeing each other… but Mytho is SUPPOSED to be spoken for with Rue, and Ahiru is a duck. Not to mention that Ahiru is Rue’s FRIEND. C’mon girl, chicks before dicks. Of course, they could still interact platonically, but the confession from Mytho in this skit kind of shot that possibility dead. And what about Fakir in this mess? Granted, Fakir isn’t stupid – he’s known that Ahiru loves Mytho from the beginning, and it’s not exactly like he can be in a relationship with a duck. But still.
Maybe I’m just looking too far into things, but with a piece this short and direct, I don’t know how deep you can really dive.
Anyways, my final thoughts are: Mythiru is canon but in the most tragic way possible, Rue deserves better, annnnnnd I’m still left unsatisfied.
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curestardust · 4 years
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if you want: magical girl / but not your usual magical girl? / creative and unique story / plenty of character progression / classical music as OST / ballet themed
Dusty is back with one of her “why wasn’t this broadcasted in my country” oldie magical girl anime reviews!
Princess Tutu made me feel nostalgic off the bat which usually wouldn’t be strange but it was something different. I made my realization during the eyecatch of all things; the style of the logo, the colour scheme of the character and the familiar classical piece. Looking around on MAL confirmed my suspicions. The director of Princess Tutu is Satou Junichi, the very same person who created Kaleido Star, one of my all time favourite anime and one which I consider a masterpiece. 
The intricacies of Princess Tutu reveal themselves just looking at one of the characters, who in the story, isn’t even a character. As the story goes, a famous writer called Drosselmeyer was in the midst of creating one of his greatest works “The Prince and the Raven”, however he died before he could finish it and thus the characters are stuck in an endless battle never to end. Or that is what would have happened has Drosselmeyer wasn’t still looking over his story even after his death.
Drosselmeyer is actually based on another character from a famous story: “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” which if you’re an intellectual like me would know of from the Barbie movie (kekeke). I’m only going to include his description from wikipedia here: “Drosselmeyer, who is a clockmaker and inventor [...] they receive many splendid gifts, including Drosselmeyer's, which turns out to be a clockwork castle with mechanical people moving about inside it.” 
If you’ve seen the anime, you’ll know just how much these 2 sentences are symbolised all throughout the whole show and this creativity and dedication to detail are one of the the many things that make Princess Tutu stand out.
The actual story we see starts out with Ahiru (whose name means duck), a clumsy and squeaky voiced main character. She goes to an academy where she studies ballet, just as the other main characters of this story: Rue, who is one of the best dancers at school, Mytho, a seemingly pushover and quiet boy that Ahiru likes and Fakir, Mytho’s constant companion who comes off as aggressive and controlling. The story revolves around these 4.
The first act is amazing. The story of “The Raven and the Prince” starts moving again, to Drosselmeyer’s delight and the other characters’ dismay. There’s a lot of secrets and twists revealed and tension growing between the characters. The finale and climax was great. And honestly, even though it would’ve been left open-ended, I think the anime could’ve ended there. Maybe it’s just because I didn’t particularly like the second act because compared to the first one’s structure, this one felt more “magical girl”-y to an almost monster-of-the-week format and the story suddenly moving at snail’s speed. I usually wouldn’t have a problem with this, I watched this because it’s more-or-less a magical girl anime, but it didn’t set itself up as one. I also didn’t quite like the ending but that’s completely a personal opinion.
Still, I don’t know if it was the ending or something else but I felt... unfulfilled. I realized that I wanted to see what was on the screen in real life. Just as “Kaleido Star” immediately made me look up Cirque du Soleil, I decided to watch a ballet performance of “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”. While I still couldn’t appreciate it on a truly artistic level as I didn’t have the knowledge, I could say to myself “they make en pointe look so easy” or “oh this is a pas de deux” which not only made me feel kinda smart but also made me feel more involved in watching it. There are also child dancers in this play who’re around the same age as the main characters in Princess Tutu which was kinda fascinating, thinking that this is what them performing would’ve looked like. And of course, the music. Specifically in this performance, there are quite a few pieces you constantly hear throughout the anime. I love the way Princess Tutu just always knows what classical piece to use during what moment to enchance the experience.
Aaaand yeah! Definitely recommend! Although I’m probably the last person who hasn’t seen Princess Tutu so I hope my insight was interesting at least.
[9/10] (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | This anime killed my parents
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therookieking412 · 5 years
Friday Spin Class
I missed last week, so there’s part two and part three. That’s all the parts. 
Last week I talked primarily about Fakir and Rue, how they are villains in their own right, now we continue on with Raven!Mytho. 
Raven!Mytho is great because he’s such an obvious allusion to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde it’s ridiculous but it makes for great drama. Again his hero is Princess Tutu (I mean, Fakir and Rue know that Ahiru is Princess Tutu, but does Mytho ever find out? I mean, once she gives him the last shard she turns into a duck, does he know that that duck can turn into Ahiru or does he just think Princess Tutu was a duck and that Ahiru has nothing to do with this? Does Rue try to explain it one day and he’s like, that’s a hoot honey? Does he know?) but also Fakir, I’d say more so Fakir than Princess Tutu, even. 
Fakir is typically the one to fight him, if they do have to draw swords, and Princess Tutu only draws out the good in him. Actually, I think Princess Tutu is Raven!Mytho’s antagonist. All she ever does is stall his purpose in the story. 
Raven!Mytho and Princess Kraehe are two villains who aren’t actually villains.
In the state the two are in at this point in the show are a direct result to the Raven’s Blood. 
Before the Raven’s blood makes a come back, Rue is very sweet and well mannered, Mytho, as far as we can see, is more or less the same, it’s still hard to judge because he hasn’t gotten all of his heart, but when these characters have Raven’s Blood in their system is when they change. 
They’re almost puppets of the Monster Raven, just committing his evil acts while he’s in feather jail. 
So, Now we can talk about the big baddie, Mr. Monster Raven himself the true Villain of the show! 
And boy is he a let down. 
As far as characters go, he’s just so one dimensional. 
He’s just a giant monster that wants to what? Exactly? What are his motives? Are they ever stated? Ever made clear? He wants Mytho’s heart, and then some girl’s heart, and then what? 
Just do evil things, I guess. Because that’s what you do when you’re evil!
Prince Siegfried is also a one dimensional character! Who the fuck is he!
What makes Raven!Mytho so interesting is that inner turmoil, he’s a prince so he must be good, but now he’s been tainted and must commit atrocities, he’s fighting so damn hard and sometimes he loses himself, at one point he loses himself completely! The Raven’s blood has completely consumed his heart and he turns into a raven and it isn’t until the heartshard of hope returns that he’s able to overcome it.
Prince Seigfried’s goal is to kill the Monster Raven and save his people, that’s very noble, that’s very good! But very broad, very boring, very one sided. 
However, that can all be attributed to the show’s main antagonist: Drosselmeyer. 
Drosselmeyer is not a Villain, and what makes this show so great is that he totally could have been. 
They didn’t need both the Monster Raven and Drosselmeyer but it did that!
After watching…
Drosselmeyer is just some guy.
Like that’s it. 
He’s not super evil, he’s not bloodthirsty, at most he has a bad god complex, but he’s just a guy. 
In my first Friday Spin Class, I came to the conclusion that Drosselmeyer just wants to sit back and enjoy, he sets it all up, creates a machine that will write for him, and watches for generations as Prince Siegfried fights, and fights, and fights, and fights, and fights. 
The only time he actually writes anything (as far as we can see) is when he firsts talks with Ahiru in episode two, and quite possibly, just to give his story a little something something, he ripped Ahiru from another story and put her in this one to give himself more drama and characters to watch.
Shoot, maybe he got bored of Mytho, bored of heartless!Mytho and his useless grandson and silly little baby Rue fight over whose turn it was to play with him so he added in another character just to get the ball rolling again.
And the way Drosselmeyer is set up? It’s almost like a kindly godmother granting Ahiru her wish to make the Prince smile. In the trailer, he gives her the necklace, the first episode he’s framed as creepy, but he’s not evil, in the second episode he explains the rules to her.
He’s not that bad, look at that silly hat! How silly. 
Drosselmeyer is never framed as a good guy, or hero, but throughout the show we get four villains, that’s very generous show! Thank you, show! They come in at different points, some not even lasting until the end of season one, but Drosselmeyer is here from the beginning. 
The narrator doesn’t talk about a duck who wanted to be a girl, but about a writer who was supposed to have died, Drosselmeyer is the first thing we know as an audience. 
What does that mean? Is Drosselmeyer the protagonist? 
Ew, no get out. 
Ahiru is our protagonist, she’s our hero, however Drosselmeyer isn’t her villain, isn’t even her antagonist. 
He’s Fakir’s.
For Ahiru, even though Drosselmeyer isn’t a good guy, he is her fairy godmother! He gives her the necklace! He tries to convince her that she needs to keep going and get Mytho all his heart shards! He’s rooting for her! 
But, for Fakir? 
Fakir’s main struggle in the first season is that he’s scared of his fate, he doesn’t want to die, and who gave him that fate? Drosselmeyer. 
Fakir’s main struggle in season two is that he needs to overcome his fear of writing, and come into that place where he’s a writer over a knight. And that directly puts a wench in the cog. 
Before, everything was fine! Everything was dandy! Drosselmeyer could just sit back in his seat and watch the show! 
But as soon as another writer came on the scene? 
In episode seven, Drosselmeyer goes out to talk to Ahiru, to tell her to continue writing, and as he leaves he says, “Who knows how many more times I’ll be able to use [this passageway of time]” (S1E7). He uses it twice more in the show, once again to speak with Ahiru, and then to have a word with his grandson.
This is a dangerous game he’s playing, he doesn’t know how many times he can go inside the story, any time could be his last, and yet he uses it to talk with Fakir. 
We all know the scene I’m talking about. Fakir is trying to write a story but just can’t, then Drosselmeyer comes and Fakir is able to write a story about Ahiru, only this isn't a story he wants to write. 
Fakir writes as he forces Ahiru to walk into a lake to try and kill herself. 
Imagine if Drosselmeyer succeeded, and that was his original intent, to write through Fakir, have him create a story of ultimate tragedy, the heart shard of hope lost for forever, Rue trapped inside the stomach of the Raven and Mytho hopelessly waiting for Princess Tutu to come back. 
Then Fakir would never write again. 
Fakir, who already lost his parents because of his inexperienced writing, would forever have to live with the knowledge that he killed the girl he loved, that he failed Mytho, and was unable to save anybody. 
Fakir would never write again. 
And Drosselmeyer’s story would go on forever, never to end.
That’s terrifying. 
No, I still don’t think he’s a villain, an antagonist, definitely, but he’s not super villainous, he gave that to the four other villains this show graced us with. 
That being said, Princess Tutu gave us five villains, three children who didn’t really have a choice, one monster who is just super hungry, and one antagonist. The three children in the end get their happy ending, and get peace, the monster gets stabbed in the heart which is irony at its finest, and the antagonist walks off into the darkness, fully content to find himself another never ending story.  
Thanks for reading, bye. 
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animebw · 5 years
Binge-Watching: Princess Tutu, Episodes 7-9
In which we are rapidly losing control of the story as everyone shatters off in a million different directions, and the push and pull starts wearing everyone down.
Breaking Free
You know, you’d think I’d learn after writing for this blog for over a year never to assume I know what I’m talking about. Yet no matter how much I tell myself I’ve grown, I keep falling into the same trap over and over again. I keep on assuming I’ve got a complex show all figured out, and the very next moment I’m forced to realize how naive I was in thinking so. And it only took a single episode after I finished my last post on Princess Tutu, in which I gave the show slight demerits for settling into a formulaic stretch of episodic storytelling, for it to completely shatter that mold and forge a completely unexpected path forward. One of these days, I’ll learn from my mistakes.
Ah, who am I kidding, I’m never gonna learn, am I?
Well, regardless, the egg on my face is particularly sticky this time around, because if there was any story I should’ve expected the unexpected from, it was a story entirely about breaking free from storytelling formulas. I mean, come on, at least with Future Diary there genuinely was no reason to suspect it was actually building to a halfway-decent finale with all those logical errors. But in a show where the main antagonist regularly breaks the very fabric of the story’s creation and comments upon the actions he puppeteers the characters within to take (side note, fuuuuuuuuck that moment where Adle goes full mannequin in the shadows), I should have been prepared for the story to clock me upside the head when I least expected it. After all, Princess Tutu is all about the desire to break free from the rigid demands of the story thrust upon our central characters; it wouldn’t make sense for them to follow those structures in their attempt to escape them. That’s certainly what’s driving Mytho more and more; the more of himself he recovers, the more convinced he becomes that he wants to recover. Not gonna lie, his acceptance of Tutu at the end of episode 7 really got me emotional. He’s struggling so much with figuring out what he feels and why, but he genuinely wants to grow into this new side of him, pain and all. And it is badass to see him starting to brace against his controlling “lovers”. That moment where he rejects Fakir’s attempts to stop him and insists on going to meet with Duck, even after he takes a slap for his insolence? Chills. He’s not following their script anymore. He wants to figure out who he is, who he loves, on his own terms.
And the world’s attempts to pull those restraints taut again only blow the situation even further open.
The Crow Princess
Because in his desperation to regain control of the narrative after Duck tosses the Tutu Stone into the river, rejecting her calling in a way he wasn’t prepared for, Drosselmeyer activates a trump card that changes anything: Princess Crahee, Rue’s alter ego. Holy shit, y’all, Rue’s a magical ballet girl too. But even more shocking than that, she legitimately has no idea, at least at first. This wasn’t an active, if highly coerced choice, choice like the kind Duck made to become Princess Tutu. This is a full-on split personality resulting from a reality-based person having the fiction of an outside story forced upon her. Rue is paralyzed by this new side of her. She can’t think of Crahee as part of herself; she’s someone completely different. She is Rue, and she always will be. She’s not this... thing she’s been forced to become. And that dissonance raises so many fascinating questions about the nature of the in-universe meta-narrative. How much of this story is actually being forced on everyone? Certainly Duck and Rue are at best reluctant participants in this game, as the roles they’ve been forced into cause them plenty of undue stress. But Fakir seems to take more willingly to his role as Mytho’s right hand man... at least, until he learns that his fate in this story, as foretold by the gnarly scar on his chest, is to be viciously torn apart in battle. Frankly, it doesn’t seem like this story is designed to turn out well for anyone.
And that pressure is gonna make things hell for these kids going forward, because the harder they struggle against the confines of the story, the more it seeks to envelop them in its grasp, bulging from its constraints and warping into something dark and twisted in order to keep them caged. I know I’ve talked a lot about how theatrical this show’s aesthetics are, but sweet buttery pickles on a bun, it really becomes obvious here how stifling and omnipresent the in-universe story framework is. Princess Tutu’s confrontations are framed as if they’re actual ballet performances, complete with spotlights and presentational staging that favors dynamic poses, able to communicate broad emotions through body language alone, over more rational poses that would actually get the job done more efficiently. It’s like the entire show is actually taking place on stage in front of an audience, with painted canvas backgrounds and explosive pas de deux danced in underwater bubbles for no other reason than the language of dance is how this world communicates. And I thought Symphogear was pretty operatic on how it presented its story. This is on another level entirely, a level that yanks on every characters’ strings as pieces in a grand performance directed by a madman with an increasingly tenuous control over the direction the script is taking. There’s a moment in episode 7 where Drosselmeyer starts asking Duck how Mytho liked the dark emotions developing in his heart... only to catch himself, as if on the verge of saying something he shouldn’t have. Somehow, I don’t think this story is in very stable hands right now. And it likely won’t be too much longer before it starts going completely off the rails.
All Things Change
And if there’s one greater indication above all the rest at just how fucked things are about to get, it’s Rue. This girl just got dragged into a metatextual clusterfuck of epic proportions, and the pressure is already breaking her faster than everyone else. I’m fascinated to find out exactly how Crahee fits into the larger story- Fakir’s comment at the end of episode 9 that she’s “the other crow” suggests that it might not be as simple as merely being the raven from the storybook- because whatever’s going on with her other half, it’s set her on a path of self-destruction that’s already painful to watch unfold. She’s so desperate for things to stay the same, for Mytho to stay her perfect little doll without ever changing or growing into his true self. She wants a world of constants, of endless periods and no exclamation points. But the world is not made to stay the same, and Mytho’s developing heart drives a stake right through her desire for control. And that control only slips further by the imposition of an entirely separate personality onto her, a personality that scares her and takes over her body for its own whims, turning her into someone she no longer recognizes. She’s spiraling down a rabbit hole of transience, and her attempt to regain control over her fracturing life by accepting the black ballet shoes of Princess Crahee only causes her further suffering, first by the malicious black briar thorns her transformation digs into her skin, then by the realization that even with this power she can do nothing to bring Mytho back to the version of him she desires. Everything she put stock in is starting to crumble around her, and she can’t figure out how to adapt to the changes they bring. And all the while, Drosselmeyer feeds that insecurity to keep the broken bird dancing to his tune, spinning her a comforting lie about how maybe she’s the true heroine of this story, come to save the day from her manipulative foil Princess Tutu. So she retreats even further into her delusion, resolving to take what she wants by force if necessary, forcing her dark thoughts back to the furthest recesses of her mind where they can fester and compound until they finally devour her mind from the inside out.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg. I can only see the story fracturing even further and the consequences growing even more dire before things begin to be set right once more. This is going to be one fascinating, terrifying, gut-wrenching journey into the heart of darkness, and I can’t fucking wait to see just how deep the shadows become.
Odds and Ends
-...alright, the Spanish Chihuahua is a bit much.
-”Oh no, a fever!” Let’s be real, Duck would completely self-destruct without these idiots helping her.
-”Why’s your voice so creepy?” That’s just her natural speaking tone.
-”It was your fault!” “No way!” I take it back, Duck’s friends are psychopaths dragging her down.
-Not gonna lie, Adle’s musical motif just gets creepier every time.
-Well, hello. What else does Fakir do in his spare time, write poetry?
-Side note, Drossy’s clock motif is freaky as fuuuuuck
-”Oops, this is a different story.” GOD DAMMIT I CAN’T EVEN TRUST THE NARRATOR NOW
-This is your daily reminder that Duck is a literal Disney Princess.
-”If you roll down the hallway, you’ll be forced to marry Mr. Cat!” Is it bad that I’m not even questioning this anymore?
-”So can we become even better friends?” Yes, you can become... friends.
-”Yeah, I’m bad at ballet too.” askjdhaksdakjsd
God damn, this show is fascinating. See you next time!
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adhdusagi · 6 years
Princess Tutu episodes 14-end
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I watched the entire second half of the series in one day because I make good life choices
Previously on Princess Tutu Watch:
Okay I can get back to Tokyo Mew Mew now
It was a lie, I could NOT
EPISODE, UH, FUCK……… 14! - The Raven
asdklsdhflhdl (google docs stop capitalizing my keysmashes) they’re bringing back “once upon a time there was a man who died”!!!!!! Honestly that might be one of my favorite lines in this whole show
Gotta love the sarcasm in “and they lived happily ever after”
The theme song…… it’s so good
Oh nooooooooooooooo
This scene is literally just the “I’ve got a headache that comes and goes” meme
Fakir you complete dork. You’re all dorks
“Princess Tutu and a crocodile are totally different” you tell ‘im, Mytho
Duck speaks so much more regularly than the other main characters? I mean, there’s Fakir over there like “Shall we go?” and Duck saying things like “I’m gonna be late!” and using “like” and “stuff”... I mean, I know this is the dub, but
Duck why are you using Fakir’s dumb excuses omg
Lilie is just the personification of my negative thoughts
Awwwwwwww Duck, no
They’re in a terrifying Raven Dimension with like, ominous music and people wailing in the background and meanwhile Kraehe and the Raven are just having like, a normal conversation
Also, are the white feathers supposed to be like, what’s trapping the Raven there?
Duck please
Wait, Princess Tutu transformed on her own!
Episode 15 - Coppelia
Also, watching Fakir try and fail to stop Mytho from jumping out the window is Pain
Lilie you are a Strange Child
Oh no?? Fakir doesn’t want to get Mytho in trouble???
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alsdfksfh the entire student population is Here For The Drama
Duck don’t yell in the library
Fakir just doesn’t make good decisions
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Oooh that doesn’t look good
Sad Kraehe Theme Alert
You “just happened” to do a lot of things, Lilie
Omg Lilie “Want to just happen to go see?”
Rue just shows up to trash talk Fakir for a minute and then leaves
I say as if I’m not in So Much Pain
Yeah! Every single time Princess Tutu transformed in the first season, it was because Drosselmeyer said something, but now she’s transforming on her own!
Oh no Mytho
Also I like how Tutu doesn’t just flat-out say “you don’t actually love him” and instead is just like “how about you try doing things you enjoy with the guy you like instead of giving him Your Actual Heart”
Episode 16 - The Maiden’s Prayer
Wait is Angry Narrator back or did the other narrator just regain the heart shard of Withering Scorn?
Lilie isn’t even interested in the love triangle, she just wants Duck and Pike to fight
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Is that Goatette
“So pretty…. What? Oh yeah I meant the flowers of course haha” Duck
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Such a serious child
“Love only me, hate everyone else”/“The prince who loves me and me alone”
This child is amazing
It was such a good decision to give Fakir a little sister. A good decision for everyone involved
aslfsdjhklgdlghdjghfdklkdkalh Kraehe told him that Duck would suffer if she knew what was happening with Mytho so Fakir isn’t going to tell herrrrrrrrrr Fakir please don’t internalize that!! You are breaking my heart sir
Oh my god it wasn’t Goatette it was the sloth
*The Can Can plays loudly over a sloth just kinda hangin out*
Episode 17 - Crime and Punishment
This may or may not have been the last episode I watched the first time I watched this show?
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“Eyes of truth” huh?
This dumbass child
Femio, from the other side of the school grounds: “DID SOMEBODY SAY ‘PRINCE’????”
What the Fuck are you doing with your hands, kid
Why are you a cow
Honestly as over-the-top as Femio is he is also simultaneously the most realistic middle-schooler in this entire show
Oh my god he’s on probation
I’m sorry I’m just talking about Femio but he’s hilarious
Truly a Grade A Idiot
What is he even doing with his life
I’ve become Lilie
These characters have emotional crises over people saying the stupidest things and tbh I relate to that
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Oh dear!
The thing is, Femio would be really annoying in real life, but in a tv show he’s just amusing
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Rue’s FACE, she’s so done
I like how Duck can tell which building Rue’s in just by the amount of crows around it
Tbh all the students probably have noticed what’s going on, they just think it’s some kind of weird performance art thing. Wouldn’t be out of character for this school
Fakir and Uzura really are siblings, I love this
The best part about this episode is it’s this completely ridiculous person unintentionally getting in the middle of everybody’s emotional issues
“I feel kinda like something happened, and kinda like it didn’t” Duck you are absolutely correct
And of course the Aquarium is good once again
Episode 18 - The Wandering Knight
Incidentally, how old are these kiddos? We know Mytho is older than Duck, so Fakir and Rue probably are too?? But like, probably only by a year? Who even knows what their actual ages are
I mean, Duck is a duck so
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It’s! The trees from the opening!
I don’t know if I’ve asked this before, but why does Fakir have a horse?
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Oh my god Lilie
Can everybody STOP picking on Fakir for being afraid to die? He is 14, leave him alone
Ahiru is trying so hard to be helpful, give her a chance Fakir
Once again Rue shows up to get in a burn on Fakir and then leave
I swear every time the Aquarium plays in this show
Oh noooooooo Ruuuuueeeeeeee
Literally Protect All Of These Characters
Save These Children From Their Own Emotional Issues
Pride is absolutely the worst feeling Mytho could get back right now?
“There’s something sinister going on that I’m not a part of!” And that really gets to you doesn’t it Dross. I bet it’s really… grinding your gears!!!
(why do I feel so proud of insulting a fictional character)
Episode 19 - A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Wow we really are starting this one off on a sinister note (it’s Drosselmeyer’s revenge on me for that pun)
Of course he can’t tell you, he doesn’t fuckin know what’s going on
Fakir please stop basing your entire identity around being a knight
Oh no, Mytho’s regained the heart shard of Basing Your Entire Identity Around Upholding A Role
I wonder if Hermia being tall is like, a meta Shakespeare joke, cause in the play Helena’s really tall and Hermia’s really short, but in every production I’ve seen it was the other way around
Rue stop projecting your insecurities onto your boyfriend
Ohhhhhhhh dear
Finally someone tells all the crows hanging around to shut up
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Oh my god she really is super tall
Or Ahiru’s just super short
I am learning so much about ballet mimes
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Cool bird shadows
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Whoa, different raven background. And the Raven isn’t speaking with him this time? What does it mean
On no, Tutu
Hahaha oh no
Aaahaha they’re the same
Episode 20 - The Forgotten Story
Raetzel: *walks in*
Uzura: And where do you fit in the shipping chart, ma’am
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THIS is a High Quality Directatorial Decision
Oh no Duck. oh no she’s so earnest nooooo
It is just Extremely Wrong to see Mytho dancing to something besides Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Mr. Cat can hear the word “wedding” from three floors up
Oh my GOD they put broken heart stickers on the window
I mean, I say they but we all know it was Lilie
Again, Duck knows exactly where shit’s going down just because that’s where all the crows are
Oh no!
Everybody needs to stop giving Fakir shit Right Now. Everybody needs to stop thinking it’s a bad thing that Fakir didn’t fucking Die, and that includes Fakir OKAY????
I’ve been thinking… Raven Mytho keeps saying things like “people only want love because they want to be loved” and I wonder… if that was sort of his experience as a prince. Or maybe I’m just getting this mixed up with Utena lol. But it does seem like a genuine issue he has as opposed to just something he says to manipulate people. Hm.
Episode 21 - The Spinners
Every time the narrator says “once upon a time there was a man who died” I Will Flip
Duck tries to lean nonchalantly against a door, it goes about how you’d expect
Duck that’s not how writing works (ughgfjdghskjkgf my pain)
Oh no Duck is too relatable
“Follow my every order and be prepared to die if you should fail” it’s almost like you WANT me to hate you. FAKIR DOESN’T NEED THIS
See Duck agrees with me
Ohshit it’s that old guy from the bookshop???
Uzura is NOT “unrelated”, obviously she is Fakir’s baby sister
“I’m just watching again” oh no Duck
Autor what the Fresh Heck are you doing to Fakir
Honestly Fakir needs to get in touch with his emotions, not get sleep deprived and hallucinate in a field
This tree is saying things Edel said??? Was Edel made from the wood of this tree?????? Oh my god???????????
Anyway that was Intense
Listen, Raven Mytho has real issues and you can fight me on this
Ah, I see Dross is practicing the time-honored authorial tradition of “If the Story Isn’t Working, Hit It With a Wrench”
Episode 22 - Crown of Stone
But who’s going to protect Fakir huh? Answer me that, Duck
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One big-ish happy familyyyyyyyyy
I needed this life advice tbh
Aaaaaah Uzura’s talking to Rue!
“Are you the Rue we’re worried about?” I love how she just included herself in that
Autor, I’m……. not sure you want the tree ghost cult to acknowledge you
Uhm, I’m pretty sure Autor doesn’t fit into the shipping chart and I think Uzura would agree with me
Ah fuck!!! Fakir turn around
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Wait it’s an owl on a grandfather clock?? Is that actually a thing? These watchnotes are coming full circle
“I want people to love me, but is it okay to just be loved?” yep, the prince is having issues
Autor, I’m pretty sure Ahiru is figuring all that out right now
And like, the Book Men totally know it too, so
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I love this show
EPISODE 23 - Marionette
OH! OH! IT’S THE MUSIC EDEL ALWAYS PLAYED BUT SPED UP! That’s actually kinda creepy!
Anyway now I know why I’m so protective of Fakir, we’re both writers who can’t write anything
Oh noooooooooooo Rue
Oooooooooooh don’t like that
Ruuueeeeeeeeee please don’t stab your boyfriend we’ve been over this
Incidentally, hulu needs to quit it with these bogus commercial placements
Drosselmeyer: How dare you try to resolve your emotional problems!
Dross that’s called character development
Hahahaha joke’s on you Dross!
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No of course your heart is lovey-dovey Uzura! Your heart is the lovey-dovey-est!!!
Incidentally, Autor is That Guy who says just because you haven’t finished/published anything you’re not a Real Writer. And he is Wrong
Episode 24 - The Prince and the Raven
Okay, just from this title I know I won’t be able to handle this
Okay but and then this story explains all of Raven Mytho’s emotional issues as well???
*sigh* Autor……. Fakir literally just told you his motivation is to protect people and you’re still going on about controlling the fates of all mankind… are you sure you’re not Drosselmeyer’s direct descendent?
Rue don’t go into the crow building
Honestly I’m still dying over the fact that you can tell where things are happening purely based on which building all the crows are at today
Tiny Rue is breaking my heart
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Omg Rue in the beginner’s class!
Oh noooo Uzura’s saaaaad
I KNOW I’ve heard this songgggggggg
Okayokayokay so it’s not Carnival of the Animals but DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS it’s another piece by Saint-Saens and DO YOU KNOW what that piece is called????? fuckin Danse Macabre!!!!! I am immediately filled with a sense of foreboding!!!
The music choices in this show are going to destroy me one day
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I can’t believe so goddamn much happened in this episode???
Episode 25 - The Dying Swan
I’m not rrrrrrrrreadyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Not even the narrator’s obvious disappointment in Drosselmeyer can give me solace
Oh my god so is the Drosselmeyer we know just a character in Dead Drosselmeyer’s story?
I think it’s a testament to this story’s power that I’m having so many emotions about it even though I know what’s going to happen? Like, some stories, reading the summary is pretty much the same as hearing the story, but Princess Tutu is not one of those stories
Like I just overcame my social anxiety to ask my roommate to be quieter, that’s how good this story is
Aaaaaagh Rue’s change from saying “you love me” to saying “I love you” my HEART
Oh shoot! Mytho’s angry! I thought one of the gate heart shards might be anger
Oh my god Autor literally no one cares what TEA Drosselmeyer drank look at Fakir he’s so done
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Aaaaaaaa ohno
Okay but see the lake is outside the city so Dross just took some random normal duck and plunked her down in his fairytale town and that’s why like, a cat teacher seems weird to her because she’s not from inside the story
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fuck OFFFFFF
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s the sword birds
excUSE you Dross, the knight has NOT “long been useless”
Episode 26 - Finale
I can’t believe after 9 years I’m finally going to finish watching this show
Okay it’s happening
It begins and ends with “once upon a time, there was a man who died”, the absolute most perfect first line in the history of first lines and you can fight me on this
Okay I’m already almost crying just from the theme song, like the Tchaikovsky fits perfectly into it? I’m gonna sing it
I’m just screaming???? They’re all in distress
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I watched it.
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 years
To report something less depressing, my little cousin Bella, the one I showed Princess Tutu and Sailor Moon, has made friends who are into anime and she, completely unprompted, asked me if I’d “watched the superhero anime with the greenhaired kid” (She’d seen the first two episodes)
“My Hero Academia”
“Yeah! Is it good? My friends say its the best anime”
“Well, I wouldn’t call it the BEST anime for myself, but yeah, it’s good. It’s really fun.”
“I don’t think my friend has watched as many different types of anime as you, so I figured. But it’s good? Do you have ships?”
“Yeah, it’s really good. Um. Yes. I guess?”
“My friends told me ALL the best ships.”
“Oh, what are they?”
“Um well the main character and um...red hair...?”
“Red hair? There’s a couple kids with...”
“No, not just red. He’s like half. Half red and um...”
“Half white?”
“Oh, yeah, Todoroki. Yeah, that’s an extremely good ship. I agree. What are the other ones?”
“School bully kid and the kid with like, pointy red hair. Is that a good one?”
“Super good.”
“And they say they that like, a little bit for main character and um, the gravity girl. But that’s not their BEST ship, they say.”
“Yeah, but that’s the one that’s probably going to actually happen.”
“But why??? EVERYONE likes the other ones better” (she really was super dramatic about this.I guess her friends are passionate).
“Yeah, but you still don’t see gay relationships a lot in anime. I mean, there’s stuff like Sailor Moon, but most anime won’t really have them. They will kinda...” (I trailed off, trying to think of how to describe queerbaiting).
“Hint at it?” 
“Yeah, but they won’t really do it. Anyway, i personally think gravity girl should be with frog girl, but y’know, it is how it is.”
Anyway, she pouted about that HARD TRUTH for a little while, then Jonah, my boy cousin who’s around eleven, was all “CAN WE TALK ABOUT SOMETHING BESIDES SHIPPING”
“Jonah, we’ve been talking about it for two minutes”
“yeah which is two minutes”
anyway we talked all about MHA for a bit and why it was good and I warned her about Mineta and she said “the guy with things on his head” and said her friends already told her about him.
Edit: OH AND ALSO I FORGOT. Bella said her friend said that SOME people ship the main character with “the puffy haired school bully kid” but her friend doesn’t think they’d be good together because the school bully is too mean to him. I told her she was right and that I’m glad her friend is thinking about healthy relationships at this age.
I would bet 30 million dollars her friend is on Tumblr. BELLA’S FRIEND, IF U ARE OUT THERE, KEEP DOING YOU, GIRL, YOU’RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK. 
a fun PS to this story is Bella was asking me about my top anime and I mentioned Natsume’s book of Friends, and talked about yokai, and this reminded her of another thing with yokai and she complained to me about this anime movie with a sad ending because she H A T E S sad endings...
(she’s still not over Princess Tutu for being slightly bittersweet she even complained about it to me on THIS TRIP. “I’m just saying HE BETTER write her back into A GIRL again” “I know Bella look he will if you believe he will you can write your own ending” “it’s funny because in the beginning i wanted Tutu to be with the prince but then i was like “you know, he’s good with Rue” and I really wanted her to be with uh what’s his name the guy with the ponytail” “Fakir (I didn’t feel she needed to remember its more a mullet)” “YEAH I WANTED HER TO BE WITH HIM” “yep the show really gets ya to change your mind” )
ANYWAY she described the sad movie to me in detail and I was like “it’s weird I’ve never seen that”
Then the NEXT NIGHT she and my other cousin were watching ‘Love Simon’ and I didn’t feel like seeing it again, so I watched some stuff on my hard drive, including a movie I’d saved because it was by the lady who wrote Natsume...and ten minutes in I realized it was the same movie she’d been complaining about and now i definitely knew how it would end. WHOOPS.
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jutsei · 2 years
Shin Watches Princess Tutu
Tomorrow I wanna watch a movie so I figured, what the Hell, I’ll finish Disc 3 of Princess Tutu today
Episode 16 - Freya is pretty, found it interesting that we got two separate Princess Tutu transformations this episode - Uzura is cute and not **too** annoying, she's actually kind of funny so I don't mind her presence (Also pretty cool Kanon made her) - I like Fakir's development because his chemistry with Duck is fun and cute - I have a feeling  I may not like the next episode bc the boy character in the preview looked annoying
Episode 17 - Mildly annoying episode due to Femio, he's occasionally funny at least - Most interesting is how Princess Kraeha failed once again to do what she tried to do, only this time it was her own fault for being disarmed and not thinking it might not work, Princess Kraeha has failed almost every single thing she's done, barring the heart shard, I just think it's itneresting - A princess who can't be loved no matter how hard she tries... compared to a princess who can't confess her love or she will vanish
Episode 18 - Getting darker again - Liked Fakir's dance number + the story of the Ghost Knight - Love how this is the second time Princess Tutu was directly attacked and could've died but still did her thing and didn't panic at all - The Raven is an asshole and a bad father - Knight's design itself was cool - Good ending with Drosselmeyer admitting pretty much everyone in the story is in some way incapable of filling their role at the moment, curious to see who the cloak guy was
Episode 19 - Cute episode to counterbalance how dark things are getting - Not a fan of love letter stuff but this was alright - Like Mytho gradually fighting back -  Curious about*why every book Fakir is reading has the ending torn out
Episode 20 - Fakir can write stories but the last time he did it his|PARENTS WERE KILLED BY RAVENS? Heavy Meta -  Was interesting with Rae being stuck between two people and her story ending not being what you expected it to be - Great sword fight between|Mytho and Fakir
- Still really like Fakir and Duck's chemistry, they don't always get along but you can tell they're really friends and want to help each other help Mytho
Episode 21 - Fakir is a descendent of Drosselmeyer, which I expected, pretty cool - Expected the glasses guy to be important but not this important - So they're ripping out the endings of Drosselmeyer stories and I wonder why? - Duck's self-doubt leading to her stagnating is a good plot point and I want her to get better - really good visuals in the tree scene
Things I forgot to say
- First time Drosselmeyer has been very dismissive of the characters with his commentary, concerning - I think it's interesting that in contrast to Duck/Princess Tutu, Rue *insists* she is Princess Kraehae and makes it her entire personality, to the point of insisting there is no Rue, while Duck feels such a disconnect between her and Princess Tutu she sometimes doesn't attempt to better herself since Tutu is just great at everything
- Both interesting and concering how bad Mytho is getting
Episode 22
- Like how Fakir is still a knight just in a different way as a writer - Mr. Cat capable of genuinely good advice now and again - Duck kind of once more selling herself short and only thinking she can do one thing :sadcowboy: - Her reaching ||the edge of town and finding that people who come close just turn into stories as a part of it is a really fucking great scene|| - Princess Tutu appearing as a giant swan again is great - GREAT reveal that Drosselmeyer was a huge piece of shit as I suspected|| - Hell of a cliffhanger to make me wanna watch episode 23. tomorrow
- Also really like how Rue had a chance to please The Raven, but ultimately chose not to, in spite of her continually saying she's Princess Kraeha, and all it took was someone saying they loved her (Which she didn't believe... but enough to not go through with ripping out someone's heart)
Tomorrow I’ll finish up
0 notes
atamascolily · 10 months
princess tutu re-watch, episode 15
awwww yeah, Coppelia episode!
(of all the ridiculous classic ballet plots, Coppelia is my favorite because it's literally "guy makes a doll so realistic, a teenage boy falls in love with it, only to nearly get sacrificed by its creator to bring her to life, but is rescued by his girlfriend pretending to be the doll, and then they get married like that whole thing didn't just happen". There's also an alternate, happier version where the creator helps the girlfriend troll her boyfriend for the lulz instead of trying to kill him, but either way, he gets a bag of money at the end, and it's a riot.)
also the parallels with Drosselmeyer, puppets, and everything going on with Rue and Mytho are obvious
Ahiru: Gosh, it sure was weird Mytho leaped out the window and I had to rescue him again! I sure hope nothing's wrong.
Fakir (watching Mytho sleep in a totally not-creepy way): I have no idea what's happening, but it's probably bad.
Fakir is right! It turns out that evil!Mytho is accusing Fakir of pushing him out of the window, and everyone believes it-- except for Ahiru, of course.
Neko-sensei's like, "look, you two, I've seen people do crazier things for love, so the best solution is for you two to no longer be roommates" but of course Mytho will not stop there.
conveniently, no one pays any attention to the random duck wandering around with a bundle of clothes on her back. Just a normal day at Gold Crown academy, apparently.
we learn from Pike that in addition to seeing Fakir push Mytho out the window, all of the eyewitnesses saw a "white bird" (Tutu) save him, as if he's protected by "the God of Dance", so not everyone can see her/notice the effects.
Mytho (looking at Pike and licking his lips): you have such a great heart. I'm going to eat it. Just rip it out and devour it whole. And--this is the best part--you're gonna thank me for it.
Fakir, your anger management issues and brusque manner, while understandable, are not winning you any friends here.
The evil raven is an eldritch horror living in what is basically a PMMM labyrinth, and a single talon dwarfs Rue completely.
here we see the real villain isn't Rue, but her "father", who has gaslighted her into believing herself ugly (because she's human) and that he and Mytho are the only people who can love her. Essentially, Rue is his tool, and so is Tutu, because only Tutu can restore the heart shards.
Fifteen episodes in, and we've learned more about Pike than in the previous fourteen episodes combined.
Rue mocking Fakir for his book learning may NOT be the most advisable decision when you're literally all characters in a story, hahaha
Pike sneaks out of the dorm at night and, ignoring all the major red flags, agrees to join Mytho's creepy cult of personality with zero hesitation whatsoever. Meanwhile, Ahiru manages to pass her stealth check for once.
love how Pike starts doing the Coppelia choreography to indicate her surrender
I think this is the first time Ahiru has turned into Princess Tutu of her own will, without Drosselmeyer saying her name first
the music is WAY too upbeat and cheerful for this scene, lol
Tutu: please don't join a cult, it's not worth it, I promise
Pike: lol, okay *passes out*
Mytho is just really not having a good time with this, poor kid, being possessed by your worst enemy has got to suck even without the prospect of literal and metaphorical cannibalism
then Ahiru has to deal with TWO people passed out in the town square, good thing she can use Tutu's magic to cover it
Pike (waking up): Where… am I?
Lilie (with a tray): Good morning! Ahiru hauled your drunk ass back home after beating you to a pulp first!
Pike: Well, I don't know about that bit, but I sure was drunk… on love or something. What the hell was I thinking letting an older man lure me into isolated secondary locations even if he was hot and mysterious?
meanwhile, Fakir got suspended and is going home to Charon's place for brooding and serious research.
Fakir: Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions come back to haunt me. But it's fine, I don't care (he said caringly through gritted teeth).
(if that last sentence doesn't sum up Fakir's character, I don't know what does)
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littlepurinsesu · 6 years
A Happy Ending
Title: A Happy Ending Fandom: Princess Tutu Characters: Fakir, Ahiru Relationship: Fakir/Ahiru Rating: General Warnings: None
*Read on AO3*
Summary: ‘But what do you want? What is the story that you wish for? Stop thinking only about granting happy endings to others and start thinking about yourself for once. Spin your own story. Create your own world. Write your happy ending.’
Author’s Notes: My re-entry into the world of fanfiction after many, many years. And I'm only posting it now.
I'd stopped writing for pleasure during the final years of high school and somehow never came back to it again... until I finished watching Princess Tutu. This anime inspired me to pick up my pen again (more like place my fingers on the keyboard again) after so many years of neglecting one of my biggest hobbies. I wouldn't say I'm entirely happy with how this story turned out, but it's an important one to me as it marks my first piece of creative writing for myself after being drowned in academic writing for so long. Would I have written some parts differently or done things another way if I approached this now? Probably. But I have no intention of changing anything, and will just let this little piece rest here with my collection of new fanfics. As a record of how my writing was when I rediscovered my long-lost passion, if you may.
I'd thought this fic would never see the light of day, but here it is, in all its rusty glory. A reminder to myself that I came to read, but I stayed to write.
Once upon a time, there was a man who began writing a story.
The man granted happy ending upon happy ending, crafting a world in which all characters could live life as they desired. And when he immersed himself in his bouts of creative labour, she never strayed from his line of vision. The single feather standing upright atop her head and the tiny flutter of her wings were constants in his life that reminded him of why he wrote.
He wrote because of her. She was his muse.
The man had moved on from his inability to spin stories that were not about her, but he held dearly to the loving hope that had emitted from her tiny body the day he had written Drosselmeyer’s story out of its predestined tragic ending. Since that day, he had tucked the feeling of that warm light safely within the depths of his heart, and turned to it for guidance during those dark times when his quill would hover above his parchment, lost and doubtful. The man would have been content to write story after story about the gentle affection he felt whenever she smiled, or the burning desire in his chest whenever he looked into her eyes, but he had a duty to lead the townspeople to the happy endings they yearned for.
He never forgot the decision he made when he tore apart Drosselmeyer’s mechanism, the very device that gave birth to the tragedy that the twisted man so loved. Reducing the godly contraption to nothing but a cluttered pile of gears and wiring, he had vowed to take it upon himself to write the rest of the story by his own hand and give people the wings they needed to live as freely as they pleased.
But when he tried to write of prosperous villages and harmonious townsfolk, his hand would sometimes stray. And before he realised, the ink spilling from the tip of his quill would begin to engrave words evoking the images that would seep into his mind when he allowed it to wander. The playful flick of her hair, the subtle upward curve of her lips, and the bright sparkle that illuminated her eyes. The way her voice would crack a little when she became visibly excited, and the way she landed in a pile of jumbled limbs whenever she tried to move faster than her petite body could carry her. The soothing warmth of her chest pressed against his, the very first time he had written a story about her, called out her name, and caught her in his arms. And the tiny vibrations her body would make whenever she groomed her silky feathers, nestled comfortably in his lap, her tiny frame fitting so easily as if the place were made for her and her only.
These musings had no plot—there was no beginning, no middle, and no end. Only a stream of disconnected memories that he kept locked away in the deepest crevices of his mind. And when the fear of exposure dawned upon him, the man would tear the page out and shred it to pieces.
He was the writer, the spinner of stories, and the incoherent digressions of his heart were only a hindrance—no, a shame—to his duty.
Autor had often complained begrudgingly over the basket of stale bread and bottled milk he brought during his visits. The bespectacled Drosselmeyer enthusiast kept the man from forgetting to eat and sleep, perhaps taking this chance to indirectly exercise some authority over the gift he had missed out on. It was probably more out of a futile attempt at feigning importance in the grand scheme of things (‘Seriously, how would the world go on if I wasn’t here to keep you from starving yourself?’), but the man didn’t mind. Autor was not without his wisdom, and sometimes, he would share this with him in his usual condescending tone.
‘You’ve created a hopeful new world with your powers. You’ve created happy endings for countless people. You’ve created life, but life itself is draining out of your very own soul.’
The man hadn’t bothered to protest; Autor meant well, and was probably right. The prince he had sworn to protect had returned to his story with Rue, Princess Tutu’s mission had ended and she had ceased to appear again in this world. A knight who had long since cast away his sword in favour of his quill now pledged his service to the people of the town. There was no longer an epic crisis which required his hand to bring about salvation, so his duty now was to make sure that the people continued to freely live the happy endings they desired and deserved. And if writing happy endings could give people what they wished for, then the man was willing to devote himself to write for as long as he could.
‘But what do you want?’ Autor had blurted out in exasperation during one of his last visits. ‘What is the story that you wish for?’
‘A story… that I wish for?’
‘Yes. Stop thinking only about granting happy endings to others and start thinking about yourself for once. Spin your own story. Create your own world. Write your happy ending.’
He thought of a tiny bundle of velvety yellow feathers, warm under his touch and quivering with life. Of a clumsy figure bursting with vigour as she bounded from one place to the next, her candid laughter echoing in her wake. Of an elegant dancer, whose every movement spoke of grace, and whose every leap seemed to bring her closer to the glory of the heavens above.
Of her.
And so the man began to write. There would be a beginning when she would resume the guise of a human girl, a middle when they would find each other again, and an ending when…
His quill stopped mid-sentence, ink pooling and seeping into the extra pages beneath.
He tore the piece of parchment from the pile. It had nothing but a vague and disoriented sequence of events and empty descriptions of a world he could not have—futile attempts at allowing himself a happy ending, and they brought him embarrassment at his own selfishness. After all, what kind of closure could he possibly craft for the two of them, when he had thrown away that dream on the day he decided to forbid himself from writing the happy ending he secretly craved?
Perhaps Drosselmeyer’s ghost had heard his thoughts, or maybe some other godly figure of authority with a more skillful set of hands than he, as a gust of wind promptly snatched the page from his hand before he could destroy it. The man grabbed blindly at the air, feet tangling and eyes fixed ahead of him as he watched the parchment land on the surface of the tranquil lake. Water seeped through the parchment, the blurred contours of his senseless imagination mocking him. Air and then water met the soles of his shoe as he unwittingly stepped straight through the surface of the glassy mirror in his blind fumbling, landing with an unceremonious splash. He thought he caught a quick glimpse of blurred yellow and two orbs of crystalline blue turning in his direction before his vision was completely clouded.
The water was frigid, chilling him to the bone as he sank deeper into its shadowy depths. Funny, the lake had seemed almost shimmery and translucent from the safety of his little wooden platform, yet now all he could see were foggy distortions of light and shade. It was pointless to try and retrieve that piece of parchment now. The water had already claimed the ink as its own, and he was left with nothing but the fond visions and memories of her, flapping, changing, swimming…
He searched the haze above for two webbed feet, those that paddled beside him when he wrote by the lake, their soft swishing sound the most comforting music a writer could ask for. But there was mostly just grey, quite a bit of black, an occasional patch of blue where the sunlight could still reach, and there was… white. Somewhere in the distance above him, a glimmering smear of white. Its light was bright enough to make him close his eyes, but it was welcoming, almost beckoning him to reach out and wrap his fingers around it. He extended his hand blindly and caught it in his palm.
The light was as warm as he imagined, yet somehow more firm than he was expecting. There was a gentle tug, followed by a more sturdy pull, and the man opened his eyes to meet a pure white tutu and strawberry blond hair, and eyes as blue as the frosty water around him, but warm enough to tingle in his soul and enliven his senses.
He would have gasped, or even pulled back. But then again, this had to be a dream—a hallucination of his, right? Her pendant—the last heart shard—had been given back to Mytho, who had returned to the world of his own story. She had no necklace now, and the enchanted ballerina looked almost strange without her usual accessory resting against the skin of her chest.
Come to think of it, why wasn’t he thrashing about and struggling for air? It must have been an illusion after all, the final moments when a person’s life flashed before his eyes. The man was staring his death in the face, and his death was absolutely breathtaking. If this was but a mere fantasy, he would be content to die if that meant he could relive these final moments as the happy ending he had once only dared to dream of.
‘Please, won’t you dance with me?’
She never opened her mouth, but her eyes spoke her signature words with the way they softened at the edges, just like the way they did each time she would charm a shard of the prince’s heart into a pas de deux of love and hope.
Right, they had danced together like this before, submerged in the depths of water. It had been in the Lake of Despair, he remembered now, when Drosselmeyer had made his forceful attempt at thrusting his ideal tragedy upon them through the man’s unwilling hands. That time, he had lifted her, spun her round and round, cradled her in his arms, and dipped her into a split. He had looked intently into her eyes and held her gaze tenderly as he assured her that he would stay by her side forever. He had been prepared for the end, and this here was yet another end. Their end. No, his end.
Were their dances always destined to take place when the end was in sight?
But this time was different, wasn’t it? How could he possibly be drowning in despair when he was feeling such warmth rising in his chest, when the figure holding his hand was smiling so lovingly at him? Could he truly say that he was falling into darkness when his heart soared with joy at each movement, each step of the pas de deux they were engaged in now?
Light began to seep into his vision, brightening his surroundings. If dying meant that his ascension to Heaven would be guided by the presence at his side, he would happily welcome death. Maybe he could finally allow himself to be just a little bit selfish, as Autor had indignantly advised, and drown himself in his world. The world he wished for. Yes, this was his happy ending, he decided, as the ballerina lifted his arm and brought him into the blinding light.
He wanted to call out to her, to ask where she would go, to ask if he could ever see her again after this dance ended. But when he opened his mouth, he could only let out a cough, then a splutter, and then he was gasping for oxygen, his back pressed against the warm wood and his head almost touching the leg of the chair he had been sitting on… some time ago. Time had seemed to flow in slow motion, and he had lost all track of it during the timeless moment in which he had encountered the world he wished for, danced with his dream, and held his happy ending in his arms.
When he finally lifted himself onto his elbows and took in the sight of her—wet hair plastered down the side of her face, droplets trickling down her naked body, eyes shining with love and hope—he knew that this was not his happy ending after all. She leapt, arms extended and face split into a wide and toothy grin. And as she landed in his embrace, he understood.
This was only the beginning, and they had an entire future ahead of them to live out as many happy endings as they wished.
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keyofjetwolf · 5 years
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STORY TIME. Let’s see what we have today.
Once upon a time, there was a maiden. The maiden wore tattered clothes and was called Cinderella, but she became a beautiful princess by magic and danced with the prince. Then at the stroke of midnight, the maiden left a glass slipper behind and returned to being Cinderella once again. The prince took the trouble to find this maiden and took her as his wife, but... Did the prince really love that maiden?
Cinderella, and a fairly straightforward summary of it, as I remember it. But there’s a question posed at the end, BECAUSE OF COURSE THERE IS. It’s also fairly straightforward, at least by Tutu standards, though even here I think there are a couple ways to look at it.
The most straightforward, and certainly immediately applicable, is if the prince of the story loves Cinderella, or does he love the magically-created princess he danced with? Here, it seems almost an easy answer: they’re one and the same. Cinderella (or at least my Disneyfied memory of her and her story) just got a wardrobe upgrade, so there’s functionally no difference. Of course, I say that, and is THAT true? If the prince decides he wants to marry her and none other after, you know. ONE DANCE, does he even know Cinderella? Is this love, or infatuation, or just straight up lust? Does it, and could it ever, grow beyond her appearance?
Then we have the story element. Does the prince love the maiden because he fell for her, or because the story insisted on it? It’s a fairytale, and that’s how fairytales end. Did the prince ever have the option to do otherwise? Are his feelings ever relevant to the outcome?
I’d be remiss if I didn’t also take a second to look at the images we’re given as the story is told to us. First we have a sword embedded in a winding staircase. On separate steps of that staircase, we have one shoe of a pair of ballet slippers and a single bird feather. While my first thought goes toward Rue, WE MUST NEVER FORGET THAT AHIRU IS A DUCK. Dancing and feathers is also perfectly representative for her. No coincidence, I’m certain, that symbolically, Rue and Ahiru are interchangeable. I also think it bears noting that we can’t tell which direction those items go in. By which I mean, is it shoe-shoe-feather, or feather-shoe-shoe? Which one of those two items is our starting point?
Our second image sees a return to some of our old favourite symbolism in clocks and gears. The pendulum swinging in the window in particular has, if I remember right, been seen in conjunction with Clockula. We also specifically have the sword Fakir was wielding as the clock’s minute hand. I feel the symbolism is being particularly salient here, but in a way I can’t quite put together, which is a tiny bit maddening, let me tell you.
Finally, we have that same sword entangled by a dense thicket of thorns. Nobody is wielding that thing without an incredible amount of will and personal injury. TAKING NOTE. Gently floating down, untouched and unimpeded by the thorns, is a small rain of feathers.
TONS of symbolism throughout this, only a tiny pinch of which I can even try to make sense of. I think I’ve made a comment along these lines before, but I’m so interested to see what a rewatch of Tutu will bring, once I have the full story under my hat. I can only imagine it will be a much richer experience. It’s a rare work where I’m excited to experience it again before I’ve even finished the damned thing, but here we are.
(I’m completely unspoiled for Princess Tutu and watching it for the first time. Please don’t confirm or deny anything in this post, give me hints or cautions or suggestions about future episodes, or try to explain anything going on. That includes if I should’ve been able to figure it out from previous episodes, or if it’s cultural, or if there’s no answer at all. Spoiling the experience only ruins things for everyone!)
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justpompadoit-blog · 6 years
RULES Name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
1. Sailor Moon
I love all of them and wish I could list every senshi, but I gotta say 90s anime Usagi is just my darling. She’s immature, scared, a crybaby, and fucks up a lot, but she’s also so loving and does so much for people. I just love having that in a protagonist, and a superhero. I haven’t seen that in a main character that wasn’t a subversion since and it’s just so important to me and gives such a positive message to people who can be heroes even if they don’t feel heroic. 
2. Yu Yu Hakusho
Team Uremeshi is bamf, but I gotta stick with Kuwabara. Punks with a heart of gold is a cliche, but it is one I love to death. I’ve loved the guy since that really early episode where he threw everything he had into studying just to help his friend out of a jam. And he hasn’t stopped being a sweetie since. Plus he’s a goofball and I gotta love that. 
3. Chrno Crusade
Anyone remember that manga and/or anime? Because I do, and Rosette Christopher was the SHIT. She was spunky and energetic and took no names, but she never fell into the fem fatale trap either, clearly dealing with her own struggles, insecurities, and emotions. She was an excellent protagonist and grew, so, so much as a character. (Well, manga, anyway. The anime botched that to hell, but that’s a different rant.) Also, while there was definitely fanservice in the manga, and it didn’t avoid skeeziness, Rosette still stood on her own as a compelling character to follow and didn’t need to shove sex appeal in your face to get you to care about her. And like, ten years later after the manga concluded, we could damn well see some more female protags like her. 
4. Tales of the Abyss
I still cry about Luke fon Fabre. He just. Grew so much as a person, and suffered way more than he ever deserved. He was able to become his own person and not live in anyone else’s shadow, (and broke away from a REALLY toxic and manipulative relationship, and I’m so, so proud of him.) His ending was fucking heartbreaking, but hey, happy end epilogues, am I right? Just. Don’t ever mention Tower of Rem to me, plz. 
5. Princess Tutu
Duck??? B-but Rue. But also, Fakir. But then again, Duck... NO, RUE. Fuck, I mean Fakir. I MEAN.
6. Persona
There are too many characters that I love, but lets just go with Kanji Tatsumi. Punk with a heart of gold, but also struggles with his sexuality. He was really REALLY relateable, and even if ATLUS ended up botching his and other characters’ arcs with their homophobic tomfoolery, I’m always gonna love this big nerd. Also, his social link was the best. Period. 
7. The Promised Neverland
They’re all good kids, but I think I’m enjoying Ray’s arc the most so far. Just seeing him struggle on his own, and hardening himself to save those most precious to him, only to have Emma steamroll through those walls and demonstrate that NO, you can rely on others and still make it out ok. Just. Chef’s kiss. He’s held it all in for so long, and god, I can only imagine how much he must of been struggling, esp. with Isabella legit being his birth mother. 
Also, my favorite thing about making Ray icons is skimming through the manga and just slowly watch as most of his expressions go from stoic stares and angry sneers to more open smiles and excitement, and just seeing how gentle he can be with Emma and the other kids. gUH. I am dead, fam. 
8. Steven Universe
Insert generic I love them all statement here, but I really do. Especially the main Crystal Gems. I’m a sucker for characters struggling and growing from crippling self doubt and low self esteem, so it bounces between Pearl and Amethyst. Watching them in the latest episodes and seeing how far they’ve come has brought me great joy in this house. 
9. Berserk
Guts is the only lone wolf edgelord muscle man that I will accept. Tragic manpain backstories can be a pain, but his just so raw and. You can see how clearly it still effects him, and how he copes with feelings other than “RAUGH RAGE DEATH VENGEANCE”. People who whinge about the later chapters being too fluff and not dark enough can kiss my asscheek. Having Guts surrounded by people who are genuinely supportive and care for his well-being, is so satisfying. And ignoring her crush on him, his and Shierke’s relationship is just really important to me. She does so much to keep him grounded and with his companions, and just. You’re doing great, sweetie. Best witch award. 
10. Homestuck
Goodness, would you look at the time, it’s time for me to gush about Dave Strider! Not only is he a huge nerd, but he’s genuinely funny and provides the best dialogue, is responsible for the best comic sensation of our time, and has overcome so much from his background and just had become better for it. I love this fucker. I love him and his douchey, shitpost spewing, shades-wearing sweetness. He is a fandom fave for good reason. 
Also Vriska is a gremlin and I l o v e her. 
I was tagged by @jaganeyed
I tag: All of you. Go forth. Gush about your faves. It fills me with energy. 
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