#enea is just a little guy
forzacharlie · 1 year
unserious mfs
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softmeetscreatureplz · 2 months
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🐌🐌🐌🐌 SNAILS!!!!!! 🐌🐌🐌🐌
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
Do you think vr46 boys come across stuff like this and just swipe away from it so fast because nope, no, that did not happen as dictated by beloved pseudo father and step mom. Or is it a this happened, Marc was blessed but turned and bit Vale, so they stare at the pic/video till the hate comes bubbling out then swipe over satisfied
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who remembers where they were the day this picture hit the dash. george bush 9/11 reaction pic style. i was in the library and i had to be normal in public while blinking at my laptop with my eyes buggin out of my head like a frog. ANYWAY. its like. the question is! how aware were these little gayboys about their idol fuckin a guy a few years older than them who he then decided was the wicked witch of the west and presumably THEN taped up a picture of him to a dartboard at the ranch (sorry. actually the framed photo thing is much weirder than that. SO much weirder)? on what level of consciousness did this exist for the likes of franky pecco and luca. not bezz or sweet celin becuase they trundled along when vale already owed alimony but the others were witnesses to the whole tawdry affair (so were jorge martin AND enea). do they confront it. do they all recognize it but ignore it. how does this mess with pecco's weird little brain
well i would choose the option most comedically delicious 2 me and that is. they have no idea. until reconciliation (like two months after it actually happens to be real. they wait a bit). and then its like that fun thing you do with your friends when a dramabomb gets dropped concerning someone you know slash hate and you spend the evening doing a sort of. forensic investigation of their instagram to see who cheated on who etc. lets crack some wine and unpack All That. but with these guys i think its a vodka redbull and a lot of shouting. they are analyzing interactions they are pulling up races on their phones the messages int he gc are FLYING they are GRILLING each other about that ranch day reformulating the last entire ten years in their heads like oh my god they were divorced for real. FOR REAL for real. little slideshow of rosquez's queeniest messiest moments playing against their eyelids for like two weeks. multiple earth shattering realizations regarding their personal relationship to their sexualities. and then they realize theyre going to have to hang out with marc and thats when shit hits the fan lol
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randommotogpstuff · 2 months
Pecco's wedding outfit ratings
Enea 8/10
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he got 2 points added to his total just because i love those glasses. kinda on the safe side but with how everyone else was dressed it was probably a good idea. the design on his shirt is nice. tan suit at a summer wedding pretty fair
Celestino 3/10
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easy little improvements such as proper sizing and wearing a jacket on top would've really fixed his ranking. i like the little hat he has it's cute.
Marco 0/10
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one of your best friends is getting married don't show up looking like a mime that's running a gondolas down in venice. so awful but it doesn't even circle back to being good it just stay awful. not even going talk about the polka dots on the back of the vest. was going to give him one point because i don't mind the whole brown look but nope the more i look at it the more angry i get
Luca 7/10
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i was expecting better from you. whoever gave any of this guys access to hair gel for this event should not have. grateful the shirt wasn't polka dot like i originally thought. could've worn a plastic garbage bag and i still would've given a 5
Franco 6/10
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if the shirt had been tucked in i wouldn't have minded the outfit. appreciate that he wore a jacket and didn't shave off his hair. every pic i've seen of him i've been distracted by his girlfriend's dress so 1 bonus points for that
Andrea 5/10
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Very much giving kentucky derby vibes. i think it's the hat that causing that. really don't hate it but don't really love it either. it's average. he almost lost a point cause it was hard to find a pic of him.
Valentino wedding look 9/10
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i was as surprised as everyone that he was appropriately dressed for once no converses, no paisley print shirts. are we sure it was not a body double? lost a point for the hair. guessing they were all sharing a tub of hair gel because all of them went overboard with the hair gel.
Valentino reception look 7/10
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like i really want to like this outfit i do but its very much giving my drunk uncle at our last family vacation vibes. why did he have to an outfit change? the side angle pic he has with the back of the outfit is doing some really hard work cause i found it very hot.
Uccio 9/10
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don't judge me i know i have a problem in judgement when it comes to uccio. he was dressed in a semi properly fitted suit. the hair gel wasn't as bad as it was on some other. and every pic his wife has posted they looked they were having a blast. did lose 1 point cause i think he changed into a white t-shirt at the reception
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
I know we've discussed collars in the d/s au and which drivers would always wear theirs vs only in scenes vs only around family, but what about the motogp riders? Are they allowed to wear collars during races? And which of them are always wearing theirs? For which riders you want to talk about!!
Of course we can discuss this!!! In case you guys havent noticed, I have really been vibing with motogp lately so this is great.
Firstly, I think it would depend on the type of collar as to whether they can wear them during races? Riders are allowed to wear necklaces, so I'm sure if the collar was more a necklace style then it would be fine. I don't know if property choker-like collars would be allowed though because they could interfere with turning their heads? Also definitely no collars that have rings for leashes because those could move around as they ride.
So yeah, a little less strict that f1 for sure because necklace style collars would be absolutely fine.
Now lets discuss a couple riders!!!
I think Marc is a sub who would have a more formal traditional style collar and also have a necklace style collar as well? And he would ALWAYS wear the necklace style collar. He never ever takes it off. He rides with it, showers with it, swims with it, everything.
(It took you over an hour to get him to agree to take the necklace off before his first surgery on his arm, after that incident you now have a simple necklace made of string that you can put on Marc if he has to go into surgery so that neither of you have to go through Marc sobbing and trying to get his collar back the moment he woke up from surgery)
And even when he puts his more formal collar on, he still keeps the necklace on? The formal collar is for kink scenes and social situations where he wants everyone else to know he’s a taken sub. Like he’ll often wear that collar to PR events or to the doctor, wherever he wants the added support and protection of everyone knowing he’s taken and has a Dom.
But the necklace is just for you and him, that’s so that the two of you know he’s yours and that’s the one he never ever takes off. In fact when you two are scening at home, he often has no desire for his formal collar because he’s got his necklace and that’s more than enough.
We’ve said that Fabio has many different collars, different styles and sizes and colours to match his outfits, and so I absolutely think that he would have a special collar that’s more of a necklace that he can wear when he rides.
But he only ever wears that collar when he’s on the bike, never anywhere else.
So he’ll take off whatever collar he’s already wearing and then put that one right before he gets on the bike and take it off the moment he’s off.
I also think he always tells you what collar he has on? If you aren’t with him when he changes his collar, he’ll send you a selfie of him with the new collar on to let you know he’s changed it. You’ve told him that he doesn’t really need to do this, you trust that he’ll always wear a collar, but honestly he loves doing it so much.
And of course if you are there, then you must put the collar on for him and you must give him a quick kiss. The kiss is required.
I also think that when not on the bike, Fabio prefers collars that are very clearly collars? He wants everyone to know he’s taken!! He gets so uncomfortable and unsettled whenever someone assumes he doesn’t have a Dom, and he’s so so proud of being able to show he’s yours.
I think enea would choose not to wear a collar or a necklace when he rides? He has a special box he puts his collar in to keep it safe and puts it back on the moment he’s off the bike.
I also think he’s not one to have multiple collars? He has his one and that’s more than enough. Maybe he has two of the same just in case one somehow gets damaged, but he has no desire to have multiple colours or styles. He likes what he has and he wants nothing else.
Bless, he tries. Make no mistake he LOVES being your sub and he LOVES wearing your collar.
He’s also…. Very very bad at it.
As in, he’s always misplacing his collar and forgetting to put it on or forgetting to take it off or wearing the incorrect one at the incorrect time. He has so many collars and they are all over the place, in every nook and cranny. It’s truly impressive how wide spread they are.
Of course you don’t mind that this though, because you know that he’s yours and you were well aware of how bad he’d be at looking after a collar and you still collared him, so really you only have yourself to blame.
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yeastinfectionvale · 7 months
Very intrigued by your new au....
Oooh okay so it is based of the 2008 movie Doomsday. (One of my fav apocalypse movies)
There is an outbreak and the Italian government has basically collapsed. NATO has given up and the soldiers are leaving, Valentino in a desperate attempt to get him and a five year old Luca safe, rides his vespa to the border to be told it is closed. He watches as they seal them into their doom, steel walls welded together. The soldiers open fire and Luca is hit in the eye and collarbone. Vale rips his shirt and wraps Luca's eye, carrying him up the hill trying to get his brother some medical attention.
They stumble upon the last helicopter of soldiers leaving and Vale begs them to take Luca. The soldiers argue that there is no space. One soldier, Dovi steps off the helicopter, replacing himself with Luca.
Marc, one of the commanding officers in Spain where the helicopter was headed, takes him in raising him with his own younger brother Alex. Luca's eye never heals and he wears a prosthetic. Alex and Luca follow in Marc's footsteps, joining the armed forces of a heavily fortified New Europe. Life is different now, but they do well for themselves. Luca has days where he falls asleep clutching a photo of him and his brother, his bloody fingerprints on the back, an address scribbled down.
An outbreak of the virus occurs in a slum, people becoming infected, biting each other and then tearing anything that moves including themselves apart. Luca, Marc and Alex are part of a task force sent to Italy as the New Europe government believes that the Italians haven't died out due to an immunity being built by those who survived. The task force is given the mission to go get samples of blood to be made into a cure.
They enter Italy, many task force members dying, leaving the trio. They make their way to Tavullia, an area that Luca vaguely remembers. They cross paths with Bez, Pecco and Enea; the muscle men of 'The Academy' a notorious gang that patrols Tavullia, known for killing outsiders.
But Tavullia is thriving once you enter it's walls. They have food, clean water and medical facilities. (Not as hi-tech as New Europe's but good enough.) There hasn't been an outbreak in years and Luca is ecstatic, his mission compete. He can go back home to New Europe but there is something stopping him. He splits away from Marc, trying to find Valentino using the address on the back of the picture. But the address leads him to the academy leaders house. Nobody can see The Doctor without him summoning them. But a cherub faced young man named Celestino says he can help.
Marc in the meanwhile bumps into Pecco again who takes him to Vale. Vale loses his shit when he sees Marc. Not everyday is it you see the guy you had a summer romance with before the outbreak started. They get into a big fight, Vale cursing Marc, wishing that Luca was still alive instead of him. Marc finally makes the connection of who he helped raise, but doesn't tell Vale, not wanting to loose his little brother Luca.
Cele helps Luca sneak into the ranch. Cele ends up in the courtyard with he rest of the academy as Luca wanders the halls, wondering why they are so familar until he reaches his old bedroom. The room is exactly how he left it the night he lost his eye. He begins to cry, missing his older brother who he assumes is dead. Valentino finds the intruder in his 'dead' brother's room and moves to kill him, pausing as he sees Luca's prosthetic eye and collarbone scar. The pair reconcile, greatful to have found each other.
Meanwhile Alex is doing more research into why Tavullia doesn't have any infected and comes to a bitter conclusion. There is no cure, just natural immunity. He reports this back to the New Europe Government, but the government fell the day they entered Italy.
The trio stay in Tavullia, using their outsider knowledge to better the town.
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lxndonorris · 1 year
lights out, night out - Enea Bastianini
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Y/N x Enea Bastianini Theme: Smut (you've been warned) having a steamy night at a hotel after the race x word count: 2950+ requested by anon; this turned out quite long, so tell me if you want to read more about motogp guys.
It's Sunday, late at night after a tough and tight race in the Netherlands, when you find yourself out clubbing your way through Zandvoort with your boyfriend Enea. As a professional racing driver, he's traveling through the world, riding his bike around exciting tracks, and meeting so many new people. That's when he met you, about three months ago. The relationship went as fast as his bike, and you're currently spending so much time together, that he asked you to accompany him every other race weekend. Luckily, your job allows you to travel and how could you say no to that pretty face. However, today hasn't been his day at all. After a troubling qualifying yesterday, he barely missed out on a place on the podium.
A little exhausted and annoyed, you wanted to make sure to make him have some fun before it would be time to say goodbye to Zandvoort. Once the work was done, the two of you got ready inside your hotel room to go clubbing. He's wearing a tight dark silk shirt, with him not even bothering to button up completely, and well-fitting grey pants and shoes. His hair looks very well, that typically 'not yet done just got up from bed' look, with a groomed beard. Enea would always wear this while clubbing, his go-to outfit. You, on the other hand, decided to turn up the heat a little more.
Wearing a tight pair of black leather pants and a short white top, just enough to show off a little skin and your belly button. Your hair and make-up just flow together so well, and it's hard to say if you wear any at all, still, just like Enea likes it the most. A pair of heels make the outfit even better, knowing how much he loves seeing you in those. All of your clothes flatter your body completely, and once you step outside of the bathroom, Enea's mouth drops entirely. He barely was able to look away, his eyes wandering down your whole body, from head to toe, but you managed to get to the club.
Now, you're sitting at a table in a crowded club for an hour, waiting for Enea to return with a new round of drinks, with so many people around you, dancing, drinking, simply having the time of their lives. Music is blaring through the speaker, and you have a look around, spotting a few other guys and girls from the paddock enjoying the night. Fabio, a direct competitor of Enea, a young French guy, smiles at you before he approaches you. He's looking so good as well, wearing a similar outfit to Enea, just the colors differ. "Hey, Y/N," Fabio smirks, leaning in for a polite peck on the cheek. You've met him a few times before, and he's a fun guy to hang around with in the paddock. "Hey, Fabio." You smile, and the faint scent of his cologne reaches your nose, not bad, just not your favorite. He is aware of your relationship, but once you separate from him, he cannot help himself, but let his eyes wander all over your outfit, admiring the view.
"Wow, you're looking fine as always." Fabio bites his tongue, trying to behave. Tilting your head slightly, you return the favor and motion for his outfit. "Likewise." You exchange a quick smile when you feel a hand running along your shoulder gently. Turning your head, you see Enea, who's sliding onto the chair right next to you, placing your drinks on the table. "I'm back." He smiles at you, causing you to blush slightly once he looks back at Fabio. "Hey," Enea says, a polite smile on his lips. Fabio nods approvingly. "Hey, Enea." He raises an eyebrow and an awkward silence hovers in the air. Enea barely missed the podium due to Fabio overtaking him today, and you can feel slight tension rise inside these two men. They don't have a problem with each other, but still.
You feel Enea's fingers gently stroke your shoulder, as Fabio suddenly shrugs. "I gotta find Tom, uhh, see you later?" He raises both of his eyebrows curiously, and both of you, nod. "Sure thing," Enea says, as Fabio leaves. Instantly, once he's far enough away, he turns to you, leaning in for a whisper. "Did he say something?" He breathes against your neck, sending shivers down your spine. Tilting your head again, you meet his eyes. "He said I look fantastic." You lick your lips quickly, causing Enea to lower his gaze, admiring your outfit some more. The white top is flattering your boobs, your shoulders, and your whole upper body. His mouth agape, you watch his eyes encompass your chest, down to your stomach to your tight leather pants. His strokes get rougher, with him visibly interested to see more, to undress you right here and now.
"That's what I can agree on." He says, slowly lifting his head to meet your gaze once more. You lean in, for a soft, little kiss, but yet, you stop right before your lips touch his, drawing his breath. "Don't worry. It's just for you." Breathing against his open mouth, you can tell he's already hooked by the shimmer sparking inside his eyes. At the same time, his scent is reaching your nose, just the way you like it. You can tell he's a little jealous at times, a hot-headed athlete, as you would say. Placing a hand on his firm thighs, you stroke him, once, then twice, just enough to make him smirk. "I hope so," Enea says, tilting his own head now, before pulling away just enough to let out a soft, long sigh. Leaning back against the chair, you follow his movement, placing your other hand on his chest, and stroking him as well. "As if I would want anyone else." You shake your head, playing into his sly jealousy. Obviously enjoying himself, Enea places one hand on his stomach, stroking himself, while his other arm is still around you, with his fingers running up and down your arm.
"Prove it." He lifts his chin, giving you a well-known look. Enea's gaze is burning on your skin when his eyes wander down your body again, giving you goosebumps. Hiding a smirk behind innocent eyes, you keep eye contact while your hand finds its way between his legs, with your thumb brushing over a tent slowly forming inside his grey, tight pants. Underneath the table, you let your fingers brush over his crotch, barely touching him with your fingertips, as you lean in, kissing him deeply. Enea melts into your lips, while you let one hand run across his chest, the other still brushing over his crotch and thighs. Enea touches your neck, but before he can pull you closer, you separate from him, leaving him craving much more. "What are you doing?" He shrugs, a coy smile forming in the corner of his wet lips. "I want to dance, now." You smirk, take a long sip from your drink, and get up, his hand clinging to your arm, his fingers running down your skin until your fingers meet his.
At first, he refuses to get up, but after encouraging him by holding on to him, he follows your lead. Easily, you make your way to the dancefloor, and instantly, he turns you around, grabbing your waist, and pulling you into a tight embrace. Giggling under your breath, you steady yourself against his firm, broad chest, again, feeling his pecs, abs and all of his muscles tensing at your slightest touch. All of him is pressing against the fabric of his shirt, struggling to break through. Together, you easily pick up the rhythm of the song, one of your favorite songs 'Hawái', from Maluma. You're moving together, your bodies in sync with one another. Everything around you starts to blur, to fade away slightly, as you focus on each other. Slowly, your hands wander down his upper body, noticing his nipples piercing through his shirt, you play with them using your thumbs.
Enea returns the favor and his hands follow your waistline around your back. At first, he strokes the small of your back, before they wander even deeper down to your butt, feeling you through your pants tightly. Smiling brightly, you lean into him, your faces now just inches away from each other. He takes a few deep breaths, one after another, while you keep on teasing his hard nipples. Enea breathes against your neck, and his hot breath burns your skin, sending even more shivers down your spine. "More." He mouths, his lips aching for another, passionate kiss. Embracing his mouth on yours, you give in to him, kissing him again and again. At the same time, you let your hands run down his chest, slowly, to his stomach.
Tracing his waistline with your fingers, you make sure to tease him some more. His whole body is tensing in anticipation of your next step, awaiting your sensual touch. "Not here." You breathe right into his mouth, and even though he tries to fight it, a soft, low moan escapes his lips. Enea holds on for a second, before separating himself from you, a fire burning inside his beautiful eyes. He runs a hand across his face and through his hair, trying to regain his composure. Enjoying this side of him, you lean in again, whispering into his ear. "But I want you too." You purr into his ear, and you can tell he's imagining things inside his head by the expression written all over his face.
Smirking, you start to dance again, grinding your hips against his, making sure he's as excited as you need him to be. At first, he stands there, watching you, before matching your pace and rhythm once more. Once the song fades away, he grabs your wrist, gently pulling you into him again. "We have to leave," Enea says, his voice rougher than usual. "Why?" You say, again, pretending to be unaware of your impact on him. "I…need you, now." He breathes deeply, closing his eyes for a second before looking at you again. A coy smile forms on your lips, and you can tell, by the state of his entire body, that he's holding back now.
Luckily, the hotel isn't far away.
Just a few minutes later, you are back inside the lobby, standing in front of the elevator. Enea is visibly excited, his entire body is stiff and rigid. All of his muscles are bulging, testing the strength of his tight clothes. "Just the second floor." You say, a little tipsy, leaning against his strong frame. "I can't wait." He lets out a low groan, and you catch him feeling himself, touching himself through his shirt and pants. Just then, the doors open, and you get inside. Enea presses the button, and slowly, the doors close behind you. He is standing with his back to the railing, and you're steadying yourself against his chest. Lifting his chin again, he grabs your waist, securely holding you in place. "Fuck, you look even better now." He frowns for a second, still admiring your outfit. Blushing slightly, you bite your lower lips quickly, feeling his hands now again on your butt.
The two of you leaning in, you barely kiss each other, when the doors open again. Exchanging a quick laugh, Enea takes the lead and guides you toward your room. Fumbling with the key card, you shake your head, when he finally manages to unlock the door. Slowly, gently, he leads you inside, before he turns to you, not wanting to waste any more time. Easily, he pulls you into him again, and you start making out. At the same time, you start to undress each other. His shirt is the first to go. One button at a time, you expose his bare chest more and more, touching him, feeling his muscles, his nipples, and his abs react to you instantly.
With that, the shirt drops to the floor, and out of sight. Your shoes are more complicated, however, and for them, you separate from him. Enea watches you take those heels off, one, then the other, while touching himself, his firm chest, his bulging biceps, and of course, his desire building up inside his pants. He approaches you then, but you hold him back by placing a hand on his chest. "Sit down." You smirk, and he gets the idea. Satisfied, he sits down at the edge of the bed, legs spread, both of his hands resting on his thighs. You watch him desiring you, which makes your whole body tense as well. Running your hands through your hair, you reach for the zipper of your top. Unable to unzip it, however, you turn to Enea, who gladly helps you. Once he's done, you take it off and drop it as well.
Unhooking your bra, you hide your breasts behind your arms, before you remove them at once, exposing your beautiful boobs. Enea, now turned on even harder, strokes himself more and more, the visible outline of his dick causing you to breathe deeply. Moving your hips rhythmically, you make your way between his legs and dance for him some more, and he, instantly, embraces your body with his hands, touching your boobs, your stomach, your back, and your neck. Slightly entranced by your slow movement, he doesn't even notice you unbuttoning your leather pants. They don't slide down as easily, however, but Enea gladly assists again, making sure to encompass the rest of your body in the process. The feeling of his hands drawing lines all over your skin gives you goosebumps again.
Now, your panties are all that's left, and he starts tugging at them, trying desperately to remove them as well. But you stop him, by grabbing his chin, forcing him to look at your face. "You're way too overdressed." You smirk, motioning for his grey pants and shoes. It's his turn to show off, and you swap places. With you now sitting on the bed, you watch him take his shoes off, one by one before he approaches you again. Enea easily mirrors your dance from before, moving his hips rhythmically, while touching himself, one hand at his chest, the other at his crotch. You follow his lead from before and touch him, feel him, embrace him with both of your hands. He feels so good, firm, yet somehow soft, all of him reacting to your slightest touch.
This time, you unbutton his pants, much to his amusement. "Fuckk." He purrs happily as his pants slide down to his ankles, exposing his length imprinting through his boxers. Looking at him, you lick your lips, as he bends down, lifting your chin, to kiss you. Exchanging passionate kisses, you touch him firmly, causing him to moan into your mouth. The sound of his voice makes you hold back a moan as well. You don't protest when he takes the initiative. Enea leads you toward the center of the bed, with him climbing on top of you, his entire body grinding against yours. "Enea.." You moan softly once his hands run down your body and right between your legs. "Y/N." He starts panting heavily, taking one deep breath after another, as he pulls your panties down. His finger brush over your clit, sending waves of electricity through every fiber of your body.
Grabbing his dick through his boxers, you start moving your hand up and down his length, causing him to shudder. "Fuuck." A giggle turns into a long moan, and together, you remove his underwear as well. "I want you." Enea breathes, bends down, and kisses you softly. Exhausted by all that foreplay, you nod. "I need you, Enea." You touch his neck lovingly, running a finger through his beard. Gently, yet firmly, he slides into you, his entire length filling you fully. The two of you moan and groan once, with you clawing into the sheets, while Enea steadies himself against the mattress.
Slowly, but steadily, he thrusts into you, rocking his hips against yours. Every single one of them sends waves of pure pleasure through your mind, along your spine, and into every corner of your body. You can tell he's feeling the same by the way he grimaces, his face twists and turns due to pleasure taking over. For what feels like eternity, your bodies are moving together as one, when he cries out. "I'm so closeeee." Enea's voice shakes, and you know he's very close. Your body is on the edge as well, as all of this is intoxicating your mind, and all you can think of is finding relief. Just then, with one final, strong thrust, both of you freeze, holding back, not wanting this moment to end already. But it's no use. In unison, you scream out in ecstasy, your moans filling the air all around you, as your bodies find the much-needed relief. His body twitches a few times before Enea regains his composure. "Fuckk." You breathe as he kisses you once, then twice, exhausted but happy. "That felt so good." He purrs, and gently, removes himself from you.
He lies down right next to you, and you turn to him, face to face again. Instantly, you reach for his chest again, using your finger to trace the visible outlines of his muscles. "That was incredible." You say softly, and he smiles weakly, both of you still catching your breath. "I needed that," Enea says, reaching for your shoulder, inviting you to come even closer. You follow his lead and cuddle with him for a while.
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softmeetscreatureplz · 2 months
Every once in awhile I remember like three/4 years ago where i was going through the most depressive spiral I ever had and specifically spend actual time thinking about how I'd want to commit suicide passively but like- /srsly, and how I didn't think I'd ever want to make it past like- 17 or smth max and looking back just like.
Wow. Actually maybe I'll just only talk 2 my little brother and Dad out of my whole family.
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
With Liberty media it wasn’t that I don’t think he’s marketable it’s just I look at F1 and it’s very PR trained and while Marc is good with PR he also love the chaos but I guess if they use it to bring attention to the sport liberty media won’t care. I’m just waiting for them to cash in on the rosquez of it all cause I know it’s gonna happen somehow. Out of all the riders who do you think will be best and worst cause I saw someone try to tell me that Marc wouldn’t be marketable and I was like ??? What do you mean.
Also how was being at COTA I have never been to a live race but I’m trying to get to one in the near future hopefully.
i am interested in howwww liberty is going to choose to narrativize these guys. because you’d think it would be a drive to survive parallel but they already KIND OF tried that with motogp unlimited and it categorically flopped. and marc already took his own stab at telling the sepang story via the medium of sports documentary and as a result he mostly got away with avoiding motogp unlimited. and kind of so did vale really… (it’s been a minute but the only time they really acknowledge the rivalry is when they made marc record a retirement message right?? also so funny imagine being marc. imagine.)
but sepang is also imo pretty foundational to the sport in terms of understanding the current dynamics of like. HALF the grid. you have to understand the 2013-2015 seasons i think in order to reap a lot of those narrative dividends concerning modern rivalries ! if you want to sell marc you’re going to have to sell vale. if you want to sell pecco you have to do the same. same with bez. same with luca. same with franky diggia EVERYBODY almost. enea even. they’ve all been floating around each other for so long and they all play such different roles in each other’s stories and i think if they actually churn out a proper little show about it, it’ll be interesting to see what choices they make ! like liberty isn’t concerned with chaos (that drives engagement remember !!) they care about STORY. and they’re going to cast people in roles here. they’re GOING to have a stance. THATS what’s gonna be interesting to see 2 me. because motogp has a hero and a villain and right now they are kind of both named marc marquez
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dmagedgoods · 1 year
aah I'm sorry I didn't realize you reblogged the ask game! 3, 8, 9, 17, 39 for the BG3 Act 1 asks please! 👀
Don’t be sorry! I was unsure if to do it already, but then I thought that I can answer most of it and if someone picks a question I can't fully answer yet, I'll just come back to it later. Anyway, thank you so much, those are great! 💕 3. Has your Character been using their illithid powers? (3) Answered here. 😊 8. Do you have a favorite member of the Druid Circle? Is it the same as your Character’s? (8) I have a thing for Kagha! She is so ambitious and ruthless and determined and completely overdoes it but I find her highly interesting. Also, she has a pet snake! In my Eneas run, he’ll try to talk to the snake. Unfortunately, Rowley doesn’t share my fascination for her at all. He strongly dislikes people who become zealotic in their beliefs and actions. Rowley’s favorite druid is Topaz, the little blue bird he stole the key from (btw he put it in his nest again after he opened the chest). What do you mean the bird is not a druid? 9. Do you have a favorite member of the Tiefling Refugees? Is it the same as your Character’s? (9) I do! And this time Rowley and I fully agree! Zevlor! Rowley liked him immediately, even punched this one stupid guy instead of staying out of it as he usually would. (Tbf the whole situation reminded him of something from his past and Zevlor himself of an old friend.) It’s kind of funny, Rowley despises getting orders and really didn’t do well during his time as a soldier and Zevlor apparently was a commander, but he’s the rare kind Rowley could respect enough as a leader to do what he says (every now and then). In any case, Rowley offered his service as an assassin to him and Zevlor paid. But shhh, here is the thing: Rowley would have gotten rid of Kagha for free for him and the tieflings. Don’t tell him. Also, Rowley really likes the tiefling kids! Especially Mattis reminds him a lot of himself at that age. 17. What does your Character think of Withers? (17) “And to tell me that he left his sarcophagus?” “Why is he still here?” “If I try a ‘speak with the dead’ spell on him, maybe I’ll get an answer for once.” “Well, guess I’ll keep him around in case Gale explodes or something.” He can't take him seriously and teases him much more at the camp than the game allows. 😂 39. What does your Character think of Raphael? (39) I’m afraid while I am in utter awe and losing my mind over him, Rowley is much more relaxed. He found his little show delightful but not as impressive as Raphael may think. So, he took some bites from the buffet, complimented his wings, and declined the offer with calm amusement. Underneath his unperturbed attitude, Raphael’s words caused Rowley to be concerned though. He doesn't want a deal with some overly dramatic devil and definitely not to give him his soul, nor does he want to die of tadpole though - or be mind-controlled by whoever changed them for some plan he doesn't know yet. And he isn't even sure what's the worst or "best" option out of those.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year
Terra forma
Aanshi was a stylist to the stars. Well, planets, mostly. Her team travelled from one solar system to the next, offering their services to celestial bodies that had seen better days. Sometimes it took a touch of terraforming: tidying up a few fraying fjords, contouring the edge of a crater, or buffing dust rings until they shone. Sometimes a red planet just needed a little rouge.
Peoples were becoming increasingly planetproud. Whichever calendar their species used, this was a day and age where somebody was always watching, observatories and space telescopes, even preserving photographs for eternity. All it took was one bad decade, and a candid snap could end up in some alien city's science museum forever.
Aanshi took pride in catering to all planet types, from gas giant to terrestrial, helping even the most faded world to capture their old glory. There was no job too big, no satellite too small. If an ice cap was going grey, or the sores of depleted mines needed implants for that smooth, 'just formed' look, her team was there to roll back the eons.
Laykar was clearly on the larger end of the spectrum, and blighted by the bald spots of artificial deserts. That was something they could normally fix with some tree plugs, but this more than mere deforestation: the inhabitants had broken their climate, and that needed replacing as much as the generations of topsoil and undergrowth.
Aanshi's team set to redirecting ocean currents and balancing their acidity, whilst she worked on the skies. She just needed to seed a few million clouds with silver iodide, and soon the air would be... well, right as rain. It took a circumnavigation, and a few months on her own, but she didn't mind that. Let the others handle the client entertaining. She just needed to be left to work her magic.
That was why she'd left home in the first place. She'd come out here to get away - changed her name, taken up a new profession - and she was still getting away with it. This was the life she'd built for herself. Her old family had never understood her, never accepted who she was, and so she'd made herself a new one. This was what she did. She was a curator of worlds, and she'd started by fixing her own.
The Layk were a three-legged race. Not in the War of the Worlds, camera-tripod sort of way, but more like a human creator had messed up her calculations, or been overly generous when handing out the limbs. They only had two arms, at least, but they were shared across two torsos, joined at the hip and the neck, with one head each - all of them now twitching with obvious nerves.
"What's going on?" she whispered to Chima, who was her chief compost guy. He seemed far more composed than their hosts.
"Not sure," he whispered back. The Layk didn't speak their language, but they all wore the basic universal translators that were standard for interstellar business. The microphones on those things were surprisingly sensitive. "I'd popped over there for a drink, but Enea clearly said something to set them off."
"I was just telling them that we were waiting for you," the botanist told Aanshi. She was standing close enough for her own translator to pick up what they were saying. In fact, the surprise was that Chima had left her side at all. They were usually as joined at the hip as their hosts, leaving Aanshi as the only lone wolf in their pack.
"What exactly did you say?" she asked, adjusting her own translator. It was nice to work alone, but sometimes the others needed her to keep them on the right path.
"Uh... only that we were awaiting our commander, the Gift of Heaven, who was bringing a mighty storm. Oh, and I pointed upwards, to let them know that you were coming down from orbit."
"That was helpful of you." Aanshi looked at the Layk, and saw that those nervous eyes were definitely fixed on her. That made sense now. The tapping of a third leg, the two torsos shivering around their gap. She could see right through them. "Say my name again?"
"Huh? The Divine Blessing? The Benefaction of God?"
"Thank you." Aanshi knew what her name meant, having chosen it recently. Perhaps the translators were a little too universal. "Can you tell them that our great leader has decided to go elsewhere, and I'm just a friend come to settle up in her place. Oh, and make a note for me - next time we visit a foreign planet, let's work under local names."
"Whatever you dictate," Enea said. "You're the ruler."
"And help me to adjust this damn translator back."
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safetycar-restart · 9 months
So for horny ds motogp thoughts, some questions for you:
Do you feel anyone else but Marc and Fabio for this au?
Which of the motogp guys likes blindfolds? Perhaps also while on a leash, just trusting you to navigate them? Also not knowing when they will be touched and where
Whom of them has a nice vibrating plug all through their private non family christmas dinner with their dom (not all of the cristmas days must be with family 😁). Perhaps a cockring too? And then perhaps after clean up said cockring removed as you cuddle in front of the cristmas tree, as dom praises them for being so good and their allowed to come now?
Bondage? Anyone of them spending christmas being wrapped in beautifully arranged satin ribbon? Whose mind goes all warm and floaty during shibari? Who gets fucked after being all wrapped up and who are such a pretty and good ornament?
Who likes spanking/flogging etc? Perhaps a nice christmas spanking as a treat until coming while rutting against their doms thigh or new years flogging to release tension and leave 2023 behind?
Who kneels prettily on a pillow during new years dinner?
Who adores hot and cold play? Apparently Enea has gone skiing...
Who has spent pretty much every second since the family dinner under and all floaty with their domsnd they having all kind of fun times.
Who would really prefer to spend some quality time getting their dom off as many times as possible, their dom stroking their collar as they shiver kneeling down and begging to be allowed to make dom come again?
Who is spending all new years eve getting edged? Who is coming as many times and their delightfully overstimulated mind and body can handle?
Would any of them like fucking machines? Being fucked so good while going down on their dom?
Cheers and happy new year to you and yours 🏍 anon
Jesus Christ 🏍 anon you really knocked this out of the park oh my god. I love this, holy fuck this is so so so good. I'm gonna discuss a little bit about each of these concepts but I will happily write more about any of them just let me know (also remember, I do write for motogp!! I love this zoom zoom men!!)
D/S AU - So Marc and fabio are my absolute faves, so of course I speak about them the most. But I'm also really intrigued by both Alex's, Jorge, Bez and Luca for this AU. Oh and Enea, of course.
BLINDFOLDS - Oooh great question. So firstly, I think Marc loves blindfolds, just because he loves trust exercises? Anything that allows him to place his trust in you is always something he wants to do. As for being on a leash blindfolded, my immediate thought was enea or bez? For Enea it's just because he loves being in subspace for long periods, but for Bezz it's because he's been bratting all day so now he's blindfolded, gagged, restrained and lead around with a leash.
CHRISTMAS DINNER - somehow my mind went to Luca? Just because I think that Luca really loves to be tested for long periods, and he especially loves when you don't even acknowledge that he's been tested. So you put the plug and cockring on him before the dinner, but then you don't acknowledge it the entire dinner. He isnt allowed to talk about it either, has to keep it together until after dinner. The moment everyone has left, Luca just falls apart, instantly whining and falling into your arms, begging for relief.
BONDAGE - I can't stop thinking about Alex Marquez in bondage, so I'm gonna talk about that here. So obviously we all know that Alex is pretty squirmy and he likes to makes jokes and babble and while all of that is obviously adorable, the only real way to make him all quiet and floaty is bondage. So on Christmas, you tie him in red rope and the moment he feels the rope on his skin, he just relaxes so nicely. He spends the whole Christmas like that, he loves it so much.
FLOGGING - Definitely Marc. You've already done the whole sweet goodbye scenes and whatnot, now he just... he wants to be absolutely wrecked for the new year and leave 2023 behind. He wants to be absolutely wrecked, spanked until he can't even move and made to rut against your thigh until he spills everywhere. He spends the first day of 2024 drifting in subspace, completely satiated.
KNEELING - Fabio. Zero question about this it's obviously fabio. He sits SO prettily, letting you hand feed him his entire dinner. When you're not feeding him, he rests his head against your thigh and smiles up at you, so so happy and content kneeling at his dom's side. He doesn't even participate in any of the dinner conversations, just kneels there and no one disturbs him because they can see how happy he is. He is also the one who spends all time since family dinner in subspace all nice and floaty. He spends Christmas with family and then goes straight to you and is with you until after new year, just being a happy sub. You invite some friends over sometimes, but he's always with you.
SCENING ON NEW YEARS - Jorge. He's a very horny little shit. He wants to be edged and overstimulated and fucked so hard that he can't even say his own name by the time New Years comes around.
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raulfernandez · 10 months
Watching Enea's 2020 & 2022 highlights and just getting so emotional like god that is my lovely little guy guy and he deserves everything ever actually
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maochira · 1 year
there he is. there comes the boy
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(made with this picrew)
his name is enea drago. (his parents were just a little bit fixated with greek mythology). he is drago n.5's big twin brother. is the ubers team captain. he is a right back. his teammates trust him very much. he is very intelligent and has a backup plan for almost everything. he scored one goal against pxg. he wants to fucking tear down snuffy and barou system. he loves carbonara. and his motorbike. he would buy an harley davidson if had 100 million yen. on his last day on earth he would drive his motorbike at full speed off a cliff into the sea. he hates pasta alfredo because wtf is that. and sweatshirts without pockets. he sleeps 3 hours per night and spends the rest of the time overthinking attempting to sleep lay down in a depressive state reading and drawing. he is quite bad at emoting. he is lorenzo's best friend - and the one who spoke to him first among the u20 ubers. only his brother and lorenzo know he can draw. he was the one who designed lorenzo's tattoo. he used to paint graffiti when he was younger. but stopped when he found out the drawing he was working on was erased (he's still sad about it)
anyway he's basically my oc and i love him so much-
My mutuals' blorbos are my blorbos-in-law I love this guy. Hopefully he hasn't despawned and will make an appearance again😔😔 manifesting!!
Him🤝Satoshi [being the older twin brother]
AND HE NEEDS MORE SLEEP😭 PLEASE. I will roll him in a blanket like a burrito and give him a lil good night kiss
Also does he make drawings of Lorenzo as a possum? (He should)
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Find the Word
Thank you @isherwoodj for the tag! I've always wanted to do one of these!
Tagging @captain-kraken @eli-writes-sometimes @sunnyanddumb98 and @dogmomwrites for the words page, double, coast, steal, and flight.
My words are ground, nerve, process, smart, and personal. From The Curse of New Royston:
Nodding, Cricket balances one foot on one screw, then kicks off with the other, holding onto Eneas’ shoulders. Through his hands, he can feel a surprising amount of strength as Eneas grips the handlebars.
“Ready, Cricket?”
Eneas’ foot slams on the first pedal. Though it’s a slow start, soon, Cricket’s feeling the wind whip past him, ruffling his coats and hair. Eneas’ legs pump the pedals like a machine, and as they make the turn to get out of Forver, the bike leans a little too close to the ground for comfort.
“Like I said,” Gio says, feeling the awkwardness of the situation weighing down, “I won’t tell if you won’t.”
“I won’t,” Unity says.
Sighing, Gio makes his way down to the beach. But his relaxing swim would be interrupted by Unity’s gaze. Strangely, it’s more nerve-wracking than Theodore’s. Instead of heading down toward the water, he sits down in the sand. Unity slowly joins him, and the two of them gaze out on the water as each wave’s crest glimmers under the moonlight.
“Yeah!” Auster calls back. He sounds not only relieved, but exuberant, bursting with joy. “Come on, Cricket, get over here! You’re gonna freeze if you stay out there!” He lifts up another edge of Caelan’s handkerchief, inviting him in.
Cricket darts up, clearing the space between them in only a couple bounds. Auster catches him and wraps him up in the soft fabric, pulling him into a hug in the process.
Cricket thinks carefully on what to say. “I do kinda miss middle school,” he says, “but I’m glad for everything new in high school, too. I’ve met so many cool people!”
Monty glances at Cricket, a flash of fear in his eyes—fear, Cricket can sense, of being replaced. Cricket gives him a soft smile.
“And I seriously can’t wait to introduce you to all of them,” he says. “You know my friend Auster, right? He’s got some friends there, and now they’re my friends, too.  There’s Lisha—I dunno how she got so smart, she made radios at our size that work! We can talk to each other from anywhere in town! And she’s really nice, too—oh, wait, I think she’s actually a senior, she won’t be there when you join us…oh, and there’s Eneas. He’s, uh—”
“Oh, that kid,” Monty’s dad grumbles. “Cricket, you got a good head on your shoulders. Don’t let him influence you too much.”
“Well, you heard about the school already,” Gio continues from where Fletcher left off. “I don’t really know what else there is to say about it.”
Ruth laughs. “That’s right, you did tell us a lot about the school itself. But how do you guys fit into it? And I don’t just mean your sizes. Is everything going alright with school? Or even outside of it?”
It’s the kind of question that puts Cricket on guard. Of course, he can’t share a lot of his personal life with these guys, and he doesn’t want to lie. Next to him, Gio bites his lip.
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userblaney · 1 year
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welcome to my blog, it is terrible! this is a very detailed about me which is too long to pin because i talk too much x
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i'm a minor so don't be weird. i use he/they/she pronouns. my gender can be likened to the properties of gallium. don't ask because i'm not sure either. also bisexual as fuck! born and raised welsh raaahhh but my parents are bangladeshi so i have that going for me!
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formula one
just to preface, i don't currently hate any driver on the grid right now but not the biggest fan of pierre gasly and nico hulkenberg and on the fence about charles leclerc (you won't see hate though, don't worry). my current drivers are: max verstappen, lewis hamilton, daniel ricciardo, oscar piastri, fernando alonso, valtteri bottas and kevin magnussen. teams are a little more complicated but i basically root for alphatauri, alfa romeo and red bull racing. in terms of ex-f1 drivers/retirees i love jenson button, sebastian vettel, antonio giovinazzi, and nyck de vries.
its funny how the world works because if you'd have told me last year i'd be a full nascar blog i'd probably laugh in your face but alas, here we are. as if it wasn't obvious enough, my favourite driver is ryan blaney! i like him. a lot. i also root for chase elliott, bubba wallace, brad keselowski, austin cindric, john hunter nemechek, martin truex jr., joey logano and chris buescher, but ignoring kyle larson and noah gragson, i'm okay with most of the drivers. in a (parasocial) love-hate relationship with denny hamlin. of course i'm a hardcore team penske fan but i'm also partial to rfk and 23xi on occasion. huge on jimmie johnson, dale earnhardt jr., kevin harvick, jeff gordon, and kasey kahne too but of course they aren't on the grid.
my favourite unserious single seater racing series! its an absolute miracle that i hold no disdain against any of the drivers (bar romain grosjean—its a tad complicated. and also goes without saying. fuck santino ferrucci) of course like i said. i'm a penske boy through and through, but i'm partial to a bit of rll on occasion. josef newgarden, will power and scott mclaughlin are my main guys but i'm also attached to alex rossi, graham rahal, kyle kirkwood, scott dixon, pato o'ward and christian lundgaard like a leech. gargantuan enjoyer of dario franchitti, helio castroneves and simon pagenaud too.
i don't watch it as much as i'd like to but i do plan on doing so going into the next season. am very basic so fabio quartararo, marco bezzecchi, marc marquez and enea bastianini are my riders. partial to a bit of luca marini and pecco bagnaia too. also i'm literally valentino rossi in real life so like. you can't say shit x
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other sports
plan on expanding this list this year possibly but i'm not sure. we'll see!
am a liverpool girlie (gn) through and through so thats who you'll see most of, but i will admit i do follow nottm forest and watch a couple games here and there (as a guilty pleasure okay?! they are fun to watch). i've also managed to become extremely attached to a couple players from both teams. said players being mo salah, andy robertson, darwin nunez, dominik szoboszlai, alisson becker, neco williams, jesse lingard, brennan johnson. also being welsh, i support the welsh national team until they're booted from the competition in which case i'll support the netherlands. england is my last resort x
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am a very random blog so don't except any consistency in anything whatsoever. i also reblog a lot of animal content and expect chicken content! i have 6 hens all of which i love very much. and just in general! expect a lot of random things on this blog! i am a very all-over-the-place person!
come and talk to me about road cars i beg i love talking about them so much it's the reason i got into motorsports in the first place. don't be surprised if i come into your inbox and ask about your fave road cars
tv shows
not the biggest tv show watcher if i'm being honest, had a brief moment with criminal minds but i only got up to season 5. lord knows when i'll pick it up again. huge top gear fan but unfortunately i have beef with jeremy clarkson so i like flop gear. am also currently watching it's always sunny in philadelphia so we'll see where that leads me. also i have yet to watch a full episode of drive to survive. STREAM NASCAR: full speed ON NETFLIX NOW
again, not the biggest movie watcher but obviously am huge on cars and turbo. also big on talladega nights and then my personal favourite film of all time is brokeback mountain so expect an occasional ennis del mar or jack twist on your dash every now and again.
am a big oasis enjoyer and gang of youths superfan (0.001% top listener in 2023 💪💪) as well as huge on sam fender and uhh. central cee. also an abel tesfaye girlie i won't lie. um also lord huron and noah kahan and hozier. but my aforementioned nascar hyperfixation has led me into the beautiful world of country. if you dunk on it fuck you and god bless tyler childers
my art/gifs
i draw and gif things once every millennia believe it or not! i don't tag them so keep an eye out for those lol.
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previously i've been gigglejuice27, gaygglejuice27, horsey-mchorse, kmag-pole and sunshine-5eb. i return to them on occasion.
i don't tag for shit but if you need something tagged just shoot a message or an ask and we'll get it sorted asap.
do not interact
gasly superfans, max antis and jos verstappen apologists and larson/gragson enjoyers this probably isn't the blog for you.
if you are a racist, homophobe, terf, islamophobe or a zionist. you will be getting blocked instantly x
ask away! my inbox is always open for anything. theres no promise i'll answer but i will try my best. hate will get deleted though.
feel free to dm me about anything! would love to make more friends. bear in mind i can't keep a convo for shit and i have a very bad habit of ghosting though i'm so sorry
i have a shittonne of sides for saving urls, but other than that we've got @neco-williams, @stonersportz and @austin2cindric for the shiggles
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my pinterest
my spotify
my last.fm
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enjoy your stay! remember, who give a shit i don't know get cringe.
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