#engineered building
smithstructure · 5 months
Smith Structure | Innovative Solutions for Engineering Projects
Smith Structure provides innovative engineering solutions, specializing in design & execution, delivering quality results tailored to your needs & services
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lizardsfromspace · 2 months
Every 90s FPS game put you in the shoes of an unstoppable badass with a fully loaded arsenal and a incomplete understanding of how to climb ladders, living in a world where opening a door the wrong way can cause you to spontaneously explode
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heilos · 2 months
I have come to the annoying conclusion that many search engines are becoming super useless in trying to track down historical research without bending over backwards for answers. The amount of garbage that shows up in the results is so incredibly aggravating and has nothing to do with my search terms or questions. I cannot in fact "just use X search engines" apparently.
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urlocalwhumper · 11 months
living weapon whumpee who's never known anything but pain and violence.
their existence hurts. they were made to be effective, not happy, and their masters decided that keeping them in constant pain provided better results. they're wilder, more unpredictable, and the pain keeps them from thinking straight enough to question anything.
they're only given painkillers, only allowed a respite from their seemingly endless suffering, after a successful mission. it keeps them loyal, and most importantly, teaches their brain to associate acts of violence with relief and rewards.
everyone they've ever met has treated them as a tool, a monster, or both. they don't know how to be anything else.
that is until they're rampaging through a village, destroying, killing, whatever their masters demand of them. whatever will give them a few blissful hours of numbness.
one of the villagers steps out of a ruined building and looks them straight in the eyes. whumpee expects fear, hatred, disgust, the things they see in the faces of every person who's ever crossed their path. but they see something completely different.
whumpee is so stunned, they don't think to move or do anything at all as the villager steps closer, gently reaching out a hand to cup whumpee's face.
"oh, poor thing." they murmur, taking in the creature in front of them - part human, part animal, part machine. "they've done a number on you, huh?"
whumpee blinks at them. pain continues to course through their body, but the gentle hand on their cheek distracts them, even if just a little. all the indistinct noise in their foggy, addled mind finally goes quiet.
caretaker had stepped out in front of the being destroying their home with the intention to get through to it or die trying, and the expectation to absolutely die trying.
they did not at all expect the seemingly feral mishmash of metal, fur, and flesh to lean so heavily into their touch that they nearly collapsed into caretaker's arms.
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archerdepartures116 · 14 days
Holy crap I saw your all transmigrators au and immediately followed because that's just. genius, genius work.
I really wanna see their reactions to SQH being the author of PIDW and I'm also curious to know if Ming Fan and Ning Yingying are also transmigrators. It would be so funny if Binghe is only actual important book character that from the original novel, love how you made him travel back in time too.
(Sorry for rambling haha, I just rlly like ur au)
Haha thank you for the support! I love it when people ramble and getting asks makes me very happy lol
Airplane better cook up a believable sob story, I mean not every fellow transmigrator has an ice cold heart like cucumber-bro!
As for other transmigrators, yes Ming fan and Ning Yingying are definitely part of it, I’m going off the idea that named characters in PIDW are transmigrators (also with so many modern ppl transmigrating to xianxia, imagine what inventions they would bring) and all of the peak lords, not just seven of them (cause imagine a half of the ppl you knew since disciple days suddenly became buddy buddy with each other after being indifferent or been unfriendly for years)
As for lbh, he’d be the only one non transmigrator in this au because having a bunch of ppl team up to be nice to him so he doesn’t blow up their afterlife would be funny
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dankengine2005 · 3 months
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Boycott, Share, Daily click, do anything you can to support Palestine! Let’s help free them from the oppression and genocide of Israel!
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hrm, I see that Fandom wiki is slowly rolling out the Quick Answers module again, the thing that everyone across all sorts of fandom spaces were dunking on because it uses GenAI to scrape the articles to try to provide short answers to simple questions it supposes people have (and was getting things WILDLY wrong, and not even regular Fandom editors wanted this module)
it does not seem that wikis selected to have Quick Answers can opt out, and the current system is that there is a dashboard where editors with the appropriate user rights can review and correct the answers—and the Answers are auto-published after thirty days. Unclear if they will still auto-publish if nobody gets around to reviewing them.
the Quick Answers is specifically stated to make Fandom wikis "more relevant and accessible to Google and eventually enhance the SEO", so it's all just for SEO (and thus ultimately for ad revenue)
anyway, install Indie Wiki Buddy, check out their list of independent wikis, check out the Nintendo Indie Wiki Alliance and the Independent Wiki Federation, visit and support and contribute to the non-Fandom wikis if one exists for your topic area
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dragon-inc · 1 month
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 months
Blue and Fire Engine Red #3
TW: reference/depiction of school shooting (no onscreen deaths)
Kara’s choice of bar proves to be the perfect opposite of the bright and open firehouse. Its dim ambience feels cozy, and the low light helps ground her, letting her release some of the bravado that fueled the sexually charged tit for tat she’s been firing towards Lena. She hopes tonight will be something more than that. 
Of course, that doesn’t keep Kara’s insides from positively melting when Lena walks in the door. She looks positively pedestrian out of uniform, in a loose muscle tank layered over a snug tank top, and her jeans even snugger. But her gaze glints when it finds Kara in the small two person booth towards the back. Kara’s chosen a relatively isolated corner– not to hide, but rather from a desire to not share the woman who slides in across from her.
“Glad you found the place okay,” Kara greets, grinning. 
“Yeah, you kind of forgot to mention that it was literally underground.” Lena wrinkles her nose when Kara’s grin widens puckishly. “Fink.”
Kara laughs. “Let’s just say it makes for a good conversation starter.”
An arch brow answers her. “So you bring girls here a lot then.”
Pink lips soon soften into a teasing grin. “Relax. I’m joking.”
Releasing a sigh, Kara lets her shoulders relax. Before she can say anything, a waiter appears to take their drink orders. 
“The first of a few, I hope,” the girl says brightly. She turns towards Lena first. “Your usual, Lena?”
Green eyes twinkle at Kara in the low light, clearly enjoying the way Kara’s mouth falls open. She’s been had.
“That would be lovely,” Lena returns. 
The server nods, then turns to Kara. “And what can I get you?” 
Kara tries not to frown. “Rum and coke,” she grumbles dejectedly. “And onion rings.”
“Excellent choice! Your drinks will be out momentarily, but the rings will take a few minutes. Is that okay?”
Lena nods, giving the girl a winning smile. “That’s totally fine, Jess,” she purrs. “We’ll be here for a while.”
Jess moves away to another table, leaving them to themselves. Kara glares at Lena, who shrugs with an abashed grin.
“I served with Jess’ brother.”
Ears pricking with interest, Kara leans forward. “Bartender?”
Lena blinks, then lifts an eyebrow. “Army.”
Kara’s eyes widen in surprise. “Oh! Wow, I didn’t even think… sorry. Medic?”
Lena nods with a hum.
“So if I talk to Jess’ brother, he’ll tell me about some daring rescue where you saved his life?”
Lena holds Kara’s light gaze for a long beat before looking down at her hands, folded on the table in front of her. “Not exactly.”
“Oh.” Kara’s stomach falls out from under her as she realizes the implication. Her cheeks start to burn. “Oh.”
There’s a long moment between them, and KAra is desperate to fill the silence.
“Thank you for your service—”
“Don’t,” Lena cuts in sharply. She takes a breath, only for it to huff out of her an instant later. “Can we talk about something else?”
Kara quickly nods. “Yeah, of course. I’m sorry–”
Jess returns then, delivering their drinks. Lena’s quiet murmur of “thanks” confirms how uncomfortable she is, and Kara kicks herself again and again for having wrecked the mood. The date has ground to a halt, she knows, and it’s her fault. Even so, she clings to hope when Lena tries to salvage the conversation.
“What about you?” Have you always wanted to be a cop?”
“Hah, well…” Kara gives a nervous smile. The short answer is no, not always. Long answer is… kinda dark, honestly.” 
To Kara’s surprise, Lena gives a dark chuckle. “Well aren’t we the pair,” she drawls. 
Kara feels some warmth creep back into her extremities. “I don’t mind talking about it though, if you don’t mind hearing it. If you’d rather not–”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with sharing is fine with me. It must be important if it led to you becoming a hero of law and order, so– I’d love to hear it. But no pressure.”
With a nod, Kara considers where to start. “Have you ever heard of Midvale High?” When Lena shakes her head, she continues. “Ten years ago there was a school shooting. Twenty-three students died. I was one of the survivors.”
Lena watches her solemnly, and though she seems content to simply listen, Kara lifts her hand to stave off any condolences or sympathy that might be heading her way. 
“It’s okay,” she promises. “I got all the therapy, and I got to a place I can comfortably talk about it. And you know, it was the usual story: kids are awful to one kid, kid gets depressed, then angry enough to do something about it. For us, that kid was Kenny Lee, and he was my best friend.”
That’s the most shocking part, for most people. Like she said, school shootings are tragically common, but rarely does anyone realize that the shooters might actually have a friend or two.
“Kenny was a good kid– quiet, smart… he just had the wrong combination of interests, or maybe he just had the wrong face. I don’t know. The others were just… cruel. And no one did anything about it. Until one day Kenny did.”
“Did he hurt you?” Lena asks quietly. 
Kara shakes her head. “No. No, he… he started in the cafeteria. I usually eat with Kenny, but he missed the first half of the day, so I ate in the bathroom that day.” She wasn’t well-liked either, so eating alone in the cafeteria always gave her enough anxiety to avoid the place.
“But I heard it. The gunfire… all that cement and linoleum… it echoes, you know? I bunkered down in the bathroom as best I could. When the shooting paused, I heard the police sirens. I thought… I didn’t know if they’d find me where I was, so when I thought it was safe, I crept into the hallway.”
Her heart had stopped when she’d recognized the back of Kenny’s head at the end of the hall. She’d gasped, and he’d whirled, lifting the weapon in his hands. When locked eyes, the rage in Kenny’s gaze had shocked her, but a moment later it gave way to apathy.
“NCPD, put the gun down!”
The sound of a new voice startled them both. The rifle Kenny held jerked, and Kara’s whole body flinched. But Kenny didn’t put the gun down. 
“Y-you’re going to have to kill me,” he stuttered. Kara stared at him. He looked like her friend, but there were bloody footprints behind him, and his pants were spattered with blood and… brain matter, Kara realized in horror. Her best friend had stood over someone and shot them in the head.
Trembling, Kara’s gaze bounced between Kenny and the officer who had spoken. The officer was small, barely taller than Kara, but exuded calm authority even as Kenny hefted the gun higher against his shoulder. It was too heavy, Kara realized. He wasn’t used to the weight.
“We don’t want to do that,” the officer said. Her tone was cool and clear, traveling easily down the corridor. “My name’s Officer Grant. What’s yours?”
“K-Kenny,” he stammered. Sweat beaded and slid down his forehead. 
Officer Grant nodded. There was a shuffle of footsteps as more officers moved into a formation behind her. Kenny’s finger curled around the trigger, but Officer Grant lifted her hand to both put him at ease and to tell her people to hold off.
“I’m sure you have reasons for what’s happened today,” she said. “And I’m sure they feel like good ones. But no one else needs to get hurt today.”
“Yes they do!” Kenny snapped back into his rage, his features warping back into an unfamiliar mask. “He– he wasn’t there! I have to– he deserves–” His gaze locked on Kara, imploring her to understand. “He wasn’t there, Kara!”
Kara’s heart stopped. She knew exactly who he meant. Jake. The worst of them all. Kenny wanted– he was hunting. But there’d been so much gunfire already– how many people did Kenny hurt instead? Her vision wobbled, and for the first time she realized she was crying. 
“Everything feels so big right now,” Officer Grant continued. “I have a son, and his emotions get so big, he just doesn’t know what to do with it. This may have felt like the only way, Kenny, but it’s not.”
“B-but… I…” Kenny sounded small again.
“You still have decisions to make, Kenny. You’re making one now– you haven’t hurt Kara.”
Kenny looked at her, tears of his own streaming down his face. “She– she’s my–” He shook his head. “She doesn’t deserve to die.”
“There are a lot of other people who don’t deserve it either. A lot of families who don’t deserve to have dinner without their kids. Your parents don’t deserve to lose their son.”
His resolve wavers. He hitches the gun again, but from exhaustion rather than ire. “I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.”
“You can choose to put the gun down, Kenny,” Officer Grant pushed gently, sensing the ground she’s gained. To Kara’s surprise, the officer’s focus shifts to her for a pointed moment before returning to Kenny. “Kara doesn’t deserve to watch you die.”
Kara’s throat locked then. She stared at Kenny, desperate. “Please, Kenny,” she croaked. Kenny didn’t look at her. “Kenny, PLEASE!”
Her legs almost gave out when he looked at her, his despair palpable. Kara knew in that moment he’d planned to die that day; the alternative would be years in prison, maybe an entire lifetime. Kara didn’t know what she would choose either. 
After a long, tense moment, Kenny exhaled shakily before taking a step back. He knelt. Leaning forward, he’d slid the rifle across the floor away from him before interlocking his fingers behind his head. Before Kara could blink, officers swarmed Kenny, locking his handcuffs on his wrists and confiscating the rifle. 
Officer Grant, though, came to Kara. 
“Are you okay, Kara?”
An avalanche of sobs came crashing out of Kara, and Officer Grant opened her arms and held Kara as she crumbled.
“Officer Grant talked Kenny down,” Kara continues, blinking her way back to the low-lit bar. Lena waits on the other side of the booth, her features patient and calm. Kara offers a small, quiet smile. “She talked him down, by talking to him. Not as a monster, but as a person. Her compassion won out over his anger, and it saved lives.”
Lena reaches across the table, clasping Kara’s in hers. Her thumbs rub soft circles against Kara’s skin, further grounding her back in the present. “She inspired you.”
Kara turns her hand, letting her palm settle fully in Lena’s. “She did. A few years later, she was the one who gave me my badge. Literally. Her signature is on my graduation certificate.”
“I bet she remembered you.”
“She did,” Kara confirms. Then she snorts, dispelling the somber mood. “Not that it won me any favors. In fact, I was pretty sure she hated me right up until she pinned my badge on my chest.”
Lena laughs. “Oh, man, I could spend days telling you about basic. The worst.”
Kara squeezes the hand in hers, giving a genuine smile. “I look forward to it. But first…”
She pauses when she sees Jess heading towards them with a basket of food in her hands.
“Onion rings!”
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cheemscakecat · 2 months
Spy’s Disguise Headcanon Time!
TW: Loss, body horror, angst
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The glitchy disguise kit should have been rejected by BLU Spy’s body the first time he tried to use it. But the fact that he was able to keep transforming with it meant that his body accepted it.
Personally, I think that the disguise kit has its own programming that was at risk of being overwritten when it glitched. Maybe the brain and nerve endings sent new commands to the kit when Spy first tried a building disguise.
Either way, the machine aspects of CyberSpy were under his control for a while, like an extension of his actual human body. It didn’t seem at all difficult to get a certain part that functioned like a real building, and it didn’t even take a verbal command.
While this felt like an excellent new tool in the eyes of Buddy Engineer and CyberSpy, it was actually a massive red flag. His body shouldn’t have accepted foreign metal and unnatural transformations. It should have attacked the machinery like a virus. He should have had pain signals all over his body telling him that the machine was dangerous.
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Instead, the building aspects assimilated in his body. He didn’t even need the kit to transform past the first incident, which was also a massive red flag. They not only began acting as flesh and weapons, they began acting as an immune system.
The problem is, these mechanical parts were never, ever meant to be part of the human body. They were never designed to protect the body from harm like white blood cells, and had no backup programming should something like this happen.
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When Spy took fatal damage, the machine aspects went haywire trying to repair him. The Medic that was always sent to deal with respawn failures had barely interacted with his patient when this became apparent.
I imagine that any attempt to insert an IV or make an incision was met with uncontrolled transformations. The false immune system was trying to protect the body, but was too powerful and unpredictable for the doctor to fix this cyber-mess.
Dr Ludwig was called in after the whole RED team permanently died and most of the local BLU engineers were slaughtered. It’s possible that that particular BLU team was mostly just Engineers, and that might have been why Spy knew how to kill one in the first place.
Maybe they used healing dispensers instead of hiring a local BLU Medic. But that didn’t absolve Buddy Engineer and CyberSpy from their involvement in the deaths. They didn’t report the glitch. They didn’t try to fix it when it first occurred.
They embraced it. Spy kept using these new, unnatural powers without any regard to his health or how unfair the battle would be. Over and over again, the symbiotic relationship between his natural body and this machine was tested and strengthened.
Maybe a Medic could have cut out the invasive metal when the incident first occurred. Maybe there was a way to prevent this from getting so severe. But by the time they called in Dr. Ludwig, it was far too late.
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It didn’t take long for the devastating consequences to rear their head. There was no way to stop whatever mutations the glitch had caused. Before, Spy could switch back and forth between human flesh and machine. He started to lose that control.
In response to his injuries and the threat of more created by hallucinations, the metal became dominant. He couldn’t make the buildings go back to being dormant; they replaced parts of his body. He looked the part of a cyborg, whether anyone liked it or not.
Like an infection, it continued to spread. CyberSpy’s declining mental state only made the metal infection spread rapidly. Paranoia and hallucinations set in, and made the machine wary of any person who Spy didn't recognize.
It only took three months for him to get so bad that his head and neck was the last of his humanity, and Buddy Engineer was the only person who could interact with him without being fired at. By four months his mind was gone. Only the machine remained.
Buddy Engineer kept the machine, which somehow remained docile towards him. He kept fixing it and insisting on keeping the battery and fuel tank from running empty. In his mind, that would mean death.
The new teammates went from supportive to concerned. They could see that Buddy Engineer wouldn’t let Spy go, even though he had long since died. They feared that he’d lose his mind talking to that robot much longer. So they reported him to the Admin.
She had the machine confiscated, to Buddy Engineer’s fury. He tried to break into her storage to make sure “Spy” didn’t power down, but he already had by the time he fought enough underlings and found the right crate. Admin had him dismissed from BLU and barred from joining RED.
Grey Mann wanted an army of robots, and he wanted good engineers to design them. Buddy Engineer agreed to help him, even with the annoying caveat that they had to use money as fuel.
He wasn’t the only disgraced Engineer who agreed to Grey Mann’s offer, so they divided up the workload.
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Buddy Engineer insisted on designing the robo-spy. He based it off of the lifeless machine that his friend became. Of course, he didn’t trust Grey Mann worth spit, so anything that didn’t directly have to do with Spy work was left out of the manufactured bots. No machine guns or jet packs.
Even so, Buddy’s extremely detailed work impressed the boss, and inspired the others to collaborate with him on the most complicated of the robo-mercs.
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apotelesmaa · 5 months
I like to imagine there’s at least one huge nerd at kamiyama in their third year and they’re always studying to get the best grades like really hitting the books & taking classes outside of school but they continually get the second highest scores and they’re seething with rage about it because the only person outdoing them academically is that purple fuck who never pays attention in class, is put in detention every week for blowing shit up and brings his whimsical ass gadgets to school. & he doesn’t even care about his status as the most academically talented kid in the grade. They’re planning on going into medical school or some other STEM field and he’s going into the arts.
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
rimi mamawasatesttube do you have any opinions on possible jobs for tim 🎤 i have been thinking on it and coming up with nothing but i know in my heart he’s not a business man
DO I EVER!!!!!
there are two tracks i see this man ever pursuing and it's a) tinkerer/mechanic/gadget guy or b) investigative journalist after lois lane's own heart.
with option A it's easy to keep him in the bat scene and quite possibly involved with wayne enterprises even - just move him to the r&d department. put him in a garage. give him some machines to take apart and put back together again. he will be SO enriched and so happy. he would be MISERABLE in an office job, but this? a car autistic in his natural habitat. this man LOVES engineering. let him design batmobile upgrades for a living please please please pleaaaase
option B is a little more of a stretch, and i know the knee jerk reaction is "for the love of god dc has enough journalists" which is TRUE, but hear me out. his nosy fucking ass, okay. this guy would LOVE the lois lane playbook of "just straight up fucking lie and pretend to work here to get snippets of tantalizing information about where to look next to uncover a greater mystery". @loisinherlane once talked to me about the idea of tim interning with (and absolutely infuriating) vicki vale, who knows he's got secrets tied to the bats but canNOT get proof and is going to pull her hair out about it. plus i think it's fun because tim is a character who is really good at thinking about truth vs lies and everything in between. thematically it feels pretty fitting for him, a guy who notoriously can't keep his nose out of other people's business, to make a career out of being a snoop <3
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lynn-tged-posting · 3 months
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if i had a nickel for every lowkey unhinged engineer i got attached to, i'd have two nickels
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bsptourist · 4 days
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created by crazy4videogames
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zytes · 10 months
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solidwater05 · 9 months
I thought too hard about Among Us and now I have serious concerns regarding that reactor
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