#enhyphen astrology
jisungchan · 5 months
about me :3
my name is nephele! you may call me neph or nephie too :)
21 ('02 liner), black/latina, she/they pronouns pls, pansexual
things i love: music (KESHIIII), astrology (i do readings on the side), reading (me, my kindle, and my library locked in), crochet, knit, sewing, volleyball, crossfit, running, tea, podcasts, neuro +bio psychology, true crime, math (i luv calculus i'm a nerd), manga, anime, art
my bbys:
park jisung (has been my ult ever since i got into kpop in 2020, he’s a cutie and i luv him)
jung wooyoung (i fear i am once again not normal for him my cutie patootie)
park sunghoon (i’ve always loved enhyphen’s music, but i just recently started to watch their content and i LOVEEE)
choi jiung (WOWZA anotha cutie and he wrote i see u SEDATE ME)
lee taeyong (military wife era(。 ́︿ ̀。))
yangyang (idk his teeth just do something to me tbh)
jung sungchan (idek what to say he’s just a cutie)
song eunseok (riize bias wrecker… he’s just a silly lil guy and i luv that)
lee juyeon (i truly have nothing to say i just love him real bad)
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Heeseung's Relationship Observations
Virgo Venus and Moon, Libra Mercury and Sun, Capricorn Mars
Okay, so here we have a very demanding person. I mean, he is not falling for anyone you know? He is not easy to get. Definitely has high standards.
He wants a person who can go places with him, who is interested in social endeavors, who is nice to people, very polite, can maintain the posture if something bad happen. Won’t be over reacting to anything, has a rational mind, and can control the situation.
Someone who can fix things easily, a problem solver, almost.
High hygiene standards and good sense of style. Very elegant, maybe more minimalist. Nothing really too much, just on point, something balanced, and harmonious.
A charming person who knows how to flirt. Someone sympathetic towards people’s needs. I’m getting that miss kind vibe, you know? Someone elegant, and with class, it’s what I’m feeling.
He is an attentive boyfriend, who wants to know if you are taking care of your health or not, if you are exercising...those things. He is very much aware of these things, and would hate you get sick, and if you did would take care of you better than your own mother hahaha he really knows what you should take and how is the proper procedure to things, is very cute, looks like and old man, but still very cute.
Will love to buy you gifts, and definitely have a nice eye for the things. He knows what you like and what you can’t stand, he is very observant and pay attentions to the little details.
He can definitely take care of the more boring things like bureaucratic stuff. Can be a little too organized, and won’t like when people touch in his things, because he is so careful with that, and nobody is so patient like he is towards things.
Could be an amazing listener, and have an active listening, so he is great giving advice. Very down to earth, practical and can be really impartial too.
He is not the type to impose anything to you. He loves talking and learning throw conversations, hates when people start arguing because they have different perspectives, and just ending up fighting over stupid things. He loves to analyzed both sides of the equation. He is good solving this type of problems because he can see the big picture of things, and can organize his thoughts very well, in a way that his speech can be even better. Winning him in a debate can be difficult, for sure.
He is fare, so he hates when people try to take advantage of him or the people he loves and cares about.
He is a guy who likes the routine of a relationship. He enjoys creating traditions with you. He is a gentleman, so in his head you shouldn't pay dinner, for example. When you are on a date, he wants to take care of you, almost serving you? like...not in a weird way, but anything you want, I feel he is going to try to make it happen for you. He can be super determined when he wants something, so probably he ends up getting it.
He is a sweet and gentle guy, who loves to touch you, and be there for you. Will help with anything you need, you name it. He is not the crazy type, he likes the certainty of things, and the status, and the comfort and warm of a stable and for real relationship. But he could do insane things just to make you happy. He is one committed hell of guy.
He is the chill boyfriend, who just wants to be with you, watching a nice movie, and eating a nice (healthy) snack on the couch. Or just cook a romantic dinner with you. And just being very affectionate and cute with you. Expect a lot of kissing and hugging.
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ayyaaa101 · 3 years
✨Astro Observation(little bit of roasting) = Flower Edition🌷
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🌼Most Scorpio's learn manipulation or turn to manipulation because of childhood experiences and what they've seen when younger.
🌼Most of out chart is made up of both our parents karma's
🌼Virgos tend to be vegan or at least try it once in their lives. They are also really mindful of animals.
🌼 Apperently Virgo rules cats !
🌼Leo's tend to be really good teachers in the things they like.
🌼 Picese are more mysterious than scorpios but in a more childlike way.
🌼Scorpios are mysterious in a fierce intimidating way.
🌼 People tend to look up to Aquarius and Sagittariuses opinions on things
🌼 Tauruses are more egotistical than Leo's! They are also more stubborn.
🌼 Aquariuses are more fixed in their morals and values than anything else.
🌼Geminis are really good communicators because they rule the 3rd House and they rule education.
🌼Aries are the most aggressive sign in my opinion. They rule the head so they tend to be hot headed.
🌼 Cancers are actually smarter than they get credit for. They are also some of the most dual signs of the zodiac.
🌼Libras tend to look sweet and nice but are judgemental in the way they talk sometimes.
🌼 Scorpios also don't get enough credits for their smartness. They literally read people in 1 second. If you lie to them they will already know your lying before you even tell them the lie 🤣
🌼 Leo risings are actually more attention seeking than Leo in moon or Leo in sun.
🌼 Capricorns tend to be workaholic and then the product of that is that they end up neglecting their family and their personal lives.
🌼 Sagittarius placements get so heated that most times they say horrible things that they shouldn't of said and they don't realize it until later ...
🌼Aries tend to be very loving people. They aren't afraid to show it which isn't really expected from an Aries.
🌼Picese really tolerate things that they shouldn't have to.
🌼Aries aren't giving credit for their good manipulation skills and how quickly they can read people as well.
🌼Aries and Scorpio being prominent in a chart is the ultimate manipulator. It could either be good manipulation or bad it depends on the person.
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🌼 Virgo risings have an elegant look.
🌼Capricorn risnigs have a simple look.
🌼Aries risings tend to have a straight forward in your face look.
🌼Taurus risings have an effortless but sensual look.
🌼 Gemini risings have a friendly and young look to them.
🌼Cancer risings have a soft but sweetly powerful look.
🌼 Leo risings have eye catching, confident, attractive looks.
🌼 Libra risings tend to have both a soft and a beautiful look. Also really good at outfit picking.
🌼 Scorpio risings have mysterios, alluring, but also hidden sort of look.
🌼Sagittarius risings tend to look like dolls and have a more grungey or sensual look.
🌼 Aquarius risinvs have a unique but also a friendly look, they also have a confident look to them.
🌼 Picese rising have a mysterious but also a soft doll like look to them.
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🌹 Virgo sun's tend to have a really pure, young look. I've never seen one that doesn't.
🌹Leo placements tend to change their asthetic all the time. They just can pick one, and I'm not only talking appearance wise in other things as well.
🌹Leos also have some of the best humor along with Virgo.
🌹 For some reason most animals end up having their sun in cancer?
🌹 Lilith aspecting the acendent natives tend to have a more mature appeal or a more mature unattainable appeal to them. The stronger the aspect the more visible it is.
🌹 Aries are very blunt, that's the best word to describe them. They are the most blunt out of all of the fire signs.
🌹Virgos tend to be more of a rude blunt than Leo.
🌹Taurus show their interest in someone in the weirdest way...
🌹Cancers tend to be really dedicated to their work/hobbies!!! They don't get credit for that!
🌹 Sagittariuses tend to have a strong eyebrow bone structure, goes for aries as well sometimes.
Song for this post is
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Thanks to my followers and all the people who view and enjoy my blog! Please give love to this post and have a great day! Also, merry early Christmas!!🎄
A little Niki at the end cuz why not😋
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End of post 🌺
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moonkisseddelight · 3 years
I'm currently doing Enhypen only but if y'all need some more groups please ask me to do so.
Heeseung current energy
Heeseung ideal type
His relation with members
Heeseung personality
Him as a boyfriend
Jay current energy
Jay ideal type
His relation with members
Jay personality
Him as a boyfriend
Jake current energy
Jake Ideal Type
His relation with members
Jake personality
Him as a boyfriend
Sunghoon current energy
Sunghoon Ideal Type
His relation with members
Sunghoon personality
Him as a boyfriend
Sunoo current energy
Sunoo Ideal Type
His relation with members
Sunoo personality
Him as a boyfriend
Jungwon current energy
Jungwon ideal type
His relation with the member+ how he feels as a leader
Jungwon personality
Him as a boyfriend
Niki current energy
Niki ideal type
His relation with the members
Niki personality
Him as a boyfriend
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jaykayblr · 3 years
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Venus in virgo
First of all, he is very loyal and devoted. 
He desires someone who is natural, simple, kind and modest.
He wants commitment in a relationship. 
For him, relationships are more than just a romantic relation. 
For him, work is as important as love so he will pay equal time and attention to both
He is not the type to jump into a relationship immediately because he needs time to observe and analyze everything. 
He needs order in his life so he needs someone who is as organized as him. 
He is a perfectionist and needs everything to be up to the mark and just perfect. 
He can be very insecure and can find faults in you so be patient with him. 
– JAY ;
Venus in taurus
In a relationship he values loyalty and devotion before anything else.
Flirty, pretty simple in tastes, and very affectionate, he wants a long-standing and deep relationship, one that will evolve into a full-fledged marriage preferably.
He might be a materialist, just because he likes to be spoiled and to fulfill his desires.
He will prefer their partners to be calm, patient, with principles stemming from traditional places.
He is very observant and patient when it comes to love and romance
He’s very calm and takes it slow because he wants to be sure that he’s not going to waste his time or get hurt.
He likes to set his own pace, build the bond in time through experiences, mutual trust, and understanding.
Stability is all he wants, and he’s prepared to wait a lot to gain it.
He likes it simple and to the point.
A good looking person who knows how to take care of themselves is his type.
Steady minded and down to earth people attract him.
Venus in scorpio
He desires someone whom he can be proud of. 
He is willful and determined and does nothing half-way 
Only if he finds someone to be worthy, he will dedicate his time towards them. 
He’s fiery, volcanic, enthusiastic, extremely loyal, and has a tendency to assert his control everywhere he goes. 
He’s honest to a fault and doesn’t have any prior thoughts before committing and sharing his life with his partner.
He does tend to become too involved in his partner’s life, probing their secrets at every step of the way, wanting to find the mysteries that lie within.
He prefers people who are resolute, intense, and passionate about what they do
He takes some time to get to know his partner, seeing how they approach challenges, their outlook on life, but once he decides to commit, rarely does he ever regret his decision.
If he gives his all to a relationship, puts forth incredible efforts to build a stable and secure situation for them both, he expects the same from his partner.
He can be possessive to a fault. Afterall we are talking about a Scorpio placement. 
Venus in gemini
He likes people who can intrigue him on an intellectual level.
Those who know how to speak, how to form interesting phrases, who know exactly what it is they’re debating, those who are curious, studious, intelligent.
He’s more into enthusiastic, playful and smart people, the ones that can whip up a fresh subject just when the previous one has started to get boring.
He likes his freedom and independence too much to ever give it up, so don’t even think about becoming possessive.
He might appear as super funny, charismatic, and the smartest guy in the room who can speak about anything, but no matter what sort of relationship you have with him, he’s still going to have his secrets, the parts that no one gets to see.
Romantically, he wants his actions and feelings to be appreciated, to be acknowledged, to see that he’s doing the right things.
As for his partner, he wants them to have their own life, to do their own things without depending on his approval or constant support.
This guy loves people who can hold their own in a debate without resorting to fallacious arguments, and if they notice logical errors in others’ arguments, that would be even better.
He would like his partner to be multifaceted, someone who tries a lot of things just for the
Venus in aries
When he falls in love, he expects the target to fight for their independence, to struggle against his advances, to not give up easily.
He wants his partner to be independent, to have their own plans, and not depend on him for living their life.
He is attracted by a direct, straightforward and confident person who isn’t afraid to say what they want, to express their feelings, and to grab a hold of their potential.
Lively, outgoing, energetic, and very intense, this is what he wants from his ideal person. 
It would be good if they practiced sports or if they had a very healthy lifestyle in general.
This means that they care about their own looks and general wellbeing and that they are not lazy. 
What’s more, he wouldn’t mind even if they were to take the lead in the relationship, as long as they make the right decision. 
He enjoys having a strong person at his side, and you would do better to show that to him.
There is only one life, and you have to live it fully. 
He appreciates a straightforward and honest partner who doesn’t beat around the bush..
– NI-KI ;
Venus in capricorn
He has a very pragmatic approach towards romance.
He looks for partners who are serious about being in a relationship with him.
Mutual understanding and reliability are one of the most important traits of his ideal relationship.
He desires someone who is supportive, understanding, ambitious and persevering.
He desires someone who exudes the same earthy aura as him.
He desires someone strong, successful and ambitious.
He has a hidden, passionate side which he will only reveal to you after you have gained his trust.
He attracts the person of his desire by appearing mature and in control.
He is attracted to people who are older or more mature
He is attracted to strong, “executive” type people and his mate must be competent and responsible.
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[ Requested by anon ]
Note : This post is completely based on astrology. I didn't know the group very well so I took the help of astrology for this.
Genre : based on astrology | wc : 1.1k | warnings : none |
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© Jaykayblr
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astroyongie · 3 years
Hi! could you do enhypen twin flames, please? :)
Enhypen Twin Flames
Note: This readings were made mostly through oracle cards. Please take it lightly !
Jungwon : Their twin flame is a Water rising sign, and due to the strong energy I couldn't get a glimpse or their sun sign. In any case they are someone quite tall for their gender, with a big small, small dark eyes and short hair. I also see some scars on their face, mostly on their cheek. They are someone very lighted, with abundance in their life, they have grow up in a confortable and healthy environment. However they are currently in a relationship with one of their soulmates despite being in a difficult time at the moment. They are also someone very spiritual
Heesung: A fire sign both sun and rising. They are tall for their gender as well, curvy, with small dark eyes and a long nose. They are someone very quite and smart, with a mental image memory. Just like Jungwon twin flame, they are also currently in a relationship with one of their soulmate where they are giving all of themselves to. They are someone very agitated, hyperactive, that wants to have a family, kids in a close future. I also see that they are currently under some heavy medication
Jay: Jay's twin flame haven't incarnated in this life time
Jake: A water sun and moon with an Air rising sign. Short in height, with dark long hair and shape eyes. They are unusual, I guess people either find her beauty very attractive or unattractive. They are someone spiritual, that are always positive no matter what happens in their life. Despite that strength, they are very emotional as well, they sacrifice a lot of their life for other people. Smart, they don't fully believe in the truth love despite manifesting their twin flame (Jake). A little pearl this one
Sunghoon: Just like Jay, his Twin flame hasn't incarnated in this life time
Sunoo: I can confirm that they are a female, a Leo sun with a earth rising sign. They are tall, with long curly brown hair, a very deep gaze and expressive. They are fit and energetic with a passion for horses. They actually study to be a writer and they live in a small town far away from the big busy city.
Ni-Ki: Is twin flame is an ex trainee that has given up that life. They are either a Leo sun air rising, or Air sun Leo rising. They are someone that are currently under a lot of spiritual and physical healing due to their defeat concerning their professional life. That because of course they have given up the idol life. They are a proud person, with long hair, sharp eyes. They sweet and have a very disorganized family background
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antiquemotel · 3 years
Accurately detailed ships {Package}:
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send me ➤birthplace/ time/date/month/year (yours and your chosen person) or if you can just send me both your birth charts or sun/moon/rising etc. If the person is an idol I can find their half online DW just send yours... PLEASE SEND YOUR EMAIL!!!!!!!!! if you don't, I'll assume you want yours publicly posted. payment is taken through here! (DM for a booking)
love♡calculator = compatibility
Do I make you nervous corky? ✧*:·゚✧ = best traits
𝐕Ξ𝐍♀𝐌 = toxic traits
cloud9🔭𖨆♡︎𖨆 = physical
④Ŀİ⨎𝗲ŗᏕ = soulmate connection <<tarot>>
please don't be afraid to contact me if you have any further questions, your package is highly confidential and will be emailed to you through a PDF file. I will get back to you almost immediately depending on my schedule.
you cannot copy, this is my original idea and copyright AntiquemotelⒸ︎ (Tumblr), 2021. All rights reserved. Do not repost or plagiarise.
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serenheist · 3 years
In a relationship
In a relationship
In a relationship
In a relationship
In a relationship
In a relationship + GD relationship analysis
‘In a relationship’ series requests:
Kevin Moon the boyz
Jay Enhyphen
Jake Enhyphen
Jhope Bts
Namjoon Bts
Jinyoung got7
Jackson got7
GDGD baby baby
Yuna Itzy
Chris Evans
Heeseung Enhyphen
Lee Minho Stray kids
Nayeon Twice
Tzuyu Twice
+ more
This isn’t in order anymore lmao Send requests for whatever else you want me to do a reading on I need more topics😩
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assrotea · 4 years
hi i was wondering if there was a way to tell if someone would date a younger partner? and if so, who’s most likely to date someone younger than them in enhypen? :)
They are all quite young so in my oppinion tastes do develop with age BUT  if we are going to look at it strictly from the astrology perspective, yes there are a lot of indicators that can point to ppl liking that younger energy (it depends a lot on the chart but since we don’t have their birth time I’ll look at the placements)
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dreamyaqua · 4 years
Can you talk about Heeseung from enhypen on an astrology base please? Like ideal type or just an explanation
First of all, I have to admit that I haven't watched I-Land and am completely unfamiliar with Heeseung. However, I thought it would be interesting to try and analyse his chart nonetheless. Since I have no idea what he's like, my analysis is purely based on my interpretation of his chart, so I might be totally wrong as different placements can play together in various ways and I might not have gotten it right. However, I thought it would be interesting to see how accurate an analysis from someone who isn't familiar with him could be, so please, I'm curious, let me know how accurate or how far off you think I am with my analysis!!^-^
And of course, please also take this with a grain of salt as I'm not an expert at astrology and unfamiliar with him on top of that.😅
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Libra sun ☀️ Virgo moon🌙 Libra Mercury 💬Virgo Venus ♀️ Capricorn Mars ♂️ Libra Eros ✨ Leo Juno ✨
Here we have the shy and awkward social butterfly. With his Sun in Libra, Heeseung possesses a natural and captivating charm about him but with his Virgo Moon, he might be more shy, awkward, and less outgoing compared to your usual Libra sun. He's likely to be a great listener, very caring and giving. He's a responsible soul, and would make a great leader. He wants to be useful to others and you can definitely count on him.
His air Sun combined with a Virgo Moon intensifies his intellect, he's a very logical and analytical person, he challenges what's being told to him. He's someone who loves discussing new ideas, is a seeker of truth and fairness, and who also has a flair for original works.
With Libra being ruled by the planet of beauty and love - Venus, he is likely to admire loveliness in all its forms; in music, art, decoration, and people. He's just got that eye for beauty and aesthetics, he's gifted with imagination, flair, and enthusiasm. I could imagine he'd love to compose his own music at some point but he could hit some roadblocks on the way, his own perfectionism and overthinking getting in the way of his creativity. He's got a tendency to set very high standards for himself, and possibly others as well, he's very critical of himself and his work and might (secretly) struggle with his self-worth and self-esteem.
Both Libra and Virgo are signs that dislike anger, conflict and confrontation, so he might go along with someone else's opinion, even if he secretly disagrees, for the sake of keeping harmony. He's essentially a people-pleaser. He's gentle, friendly, and sympathetic with others, and despite having a more shy and reserved demeanor, he likes being around other people and working in a team, he's simply not a loner. He actually works best as part of a team (as Libra is the sign of partnerships), it's where he can do his best creative and intellectual work.
A struggle that comes with being so critical and having high standards, though, is being indecisive. Heeseung prefers to always weigh the pros and cons of every situation, he wants to make the perfect and fairest choice. He'd actually be able to intuitively know what the best choice is but then he starts intellectualizing the answer and might go off in the wrong direction. It's a typical overthinking thing where he doesn't fully trust his own intuition just yet, causing him to struggle with making decisions.
He's also likely to be pretty easygoing due to his Libra Sun, throw his Virgo placements and his Capricorn Mars into the mix, and he becomes very hardworking, diligent, ambitious with high goals, more fierce, magnetic, and maybe even commanding in the way he exerts his energy and shows his drive. His strength is definitely his endurance and stamina, he possesses a certain self-reliance and once he's committed to a goal, he won't back down until he gets to the finish line. He's strong-willed and possesses a big amount of self-control, seeing him break out into a fit of rage is likely very, very rare. With that being said, he tends to bottle up a lot and even though he might portray a strong front, there's likely to be a softer and more insecure and vulnerable him beneath the surface but he hides that part of himself, as he's scared of feeling vulnerable.
In matters of love, he could lack self-confidence and his shyness might really show. With a Virgo Venus along with his Virgo Moon, he's more of the reserved type and he might be very cautious about falling in love. The Virgo energies make him quite sceptical, so he will likely be very selective of who he lets into his world. He might even go as far as self-sabotaging his chances at love out of a fear of being taken advantage of. Nevertheless, if he does get into a relationship he will be a very committed, loyal, romantic and affectionate partner. He will romanticize every day life with you, leaving a little spark wherever he goes. Suddenly, doing chores around the house like cleaning up, or cooking with him could feel a lot sweeter and less burdensome. If he's your boyfriend, he wants you to be happy and he'll be always there to help you out in different ways. He might almost take on the role of a provider or even a parental figure, enjoying a practical and stable relationship. He wants you to feel safe with him, although his Virgo Venus - Capricorn Mars combination might make him a bit of a control freak, he's likely to enjoy order and routine, might even be a bit of a clean-freak and can tend to be nit-picky when there's too much chaos around him. This nature might also show in the way he'd treat you, he's likely to be a bit possessive and even deal with some feelings of jealousy.
✧・゚:*Ideal Type✧・゚:*
In his ideal partner, he's looking for someone who understands his worries, is empathetic, reassuring, and listens to his complaints. He's a lover of beauty but not exactly a flashy one, he loves natural beauties, people who just radiate a soft and natural charm. They don't have to get all dolled up for him all the time, he will always love them in their bare-faced, I-woke-up-like-this look. It's also okay with him if they lack confidence or are shy, it's endearing to him and makes him want to take care of them even more.
He will be very attracted to people who are hard-working, diligent, and determined to achieve their goals. A certain aura of professionalism and a classy look might catch his eye. With these placements, there might also be a tendency to be attracted to someone who is older than him.
Since his earth placements make him reserved and very controlled when it comes to his own emotions, he might feel attracted to someone who is more fiery in nature, someone who's not shy to express themselves and their emotions. They shouldn't be loud and boisterous, however, he does prefer someone who's more on the humble side. A big no-go would be someone without proper manners, someone who's rude, impolite and lacks integrity, as these virtues are important to him. He will definitely expect a lot from his partner, as he can be quite picky with whom he deems worthy of his love and time.
His ideal partner should be very attentive and only have eyes for him, he wants them to be romantic, expressive, and generous. Someone who's able to take him out of his shell and show him how to have fun. A plus would be someone who has an eye for art an aesthetics as well, as he finds creativity very attractive. Also, someone with a clean appearance and who's fashionable, someone who knows how to present themselves to the world.
disclaimer: I got this ask before I posted my rules/guidelines and I thought it would be interesting to try interpreting a chart from an idol I'm not familiar with. Maybe I got it all wrong, if so, I'm really sorry. From now on, I prefer to stick to the groups mentioned in my rules/guidelines.💞
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kpopstanships · 3 years
Hey hey it’s me again!💙 I hope you’re doing good and taking good care of yourself🥰
I would like to ask for an astrology ship with Enhypen, txt, Ateez, monsta x and seventeen pls 🥰
Sun: Cancer
Ascendant: Libra
Moon: Sagittarius
Mercury: Leo
Venus: Leo
Mars: Libra
Thank you so so much in advance!! And take all the time you need loves
@kpop-ship-silver Welcome back dear, we hope you are doing well! Here are your ships!
In Enhyphen we ship you with JAKE
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In TXT we ship you with BEOMGYU
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In Ateez we ship you with HONGJOONG
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In Monsta X we ship you with MINHYUK
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In Seventeen we ship you with WOOZI
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(We promise we're not intentionally shipping everyone with Woozi his chart just seems to line up the best)
We hope you like your ships, feel free to request more.
All of our ships are open, please see our ship guide (linked in our profile) to find the ships we offer.
Admin Angel
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furinasworld · 4 years
Can you do a reading on Jay from enhypen chart analysis please lien you did for Yunho?
Heyy 🥰
Sure why not :]
( these are not facts until proven. Please take this with a grain of salt. This is solely for entertainment purposes)
Jay enhypen vedic chart reading
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Incredible leadership skills
Speaks up
Makes rash decisions
May look very hard but is soft from inside 🥺
Can become manipulative sometimes
Very affectionate but will rarely or only sometimes show it.
May hold grudges
Likes partners who are stable (financially) and falls for physically beautiful people
Basically someone whose got their shit together
Will gain luck if we communicated with people more
Will gain fortune with collaborations (in the future maybe)
Good at putting across his opinions
May escape to music when stressed
May feel insecure sometimes 🥺
Will do his best to provide for his family (when he grows up maybe in his 30s )
Will chase his dreams
Healing energy
Has lots to offer
Can communicate really efficiently ((I’m getting this a lot lmao))
fast paced
Maybe talks a lot when drunk 🥴 haha
Yeah I guess... because we don’t know the houses so it’s kinda difficult to predict anything else so I’ll leave it here... hope you liked it :]
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Sending happy vibes,
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Hello babies, how are you? So, today we are going to see how this pretty boy works out in a relationship. Are you guys ready? Because, I'm not lol He's so cute but at the same time, he is just...so incredibly hot 👀 how could this be? jfc...but,ok...too much talk rn, let's cut to the chase lol Have fun guys, and as always DON'T TAKE TOO SERIOUSLY, THIS IS FOR FUN! <3
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sun: aquarius/ moon: virgo/ mercury: aquarius/ venus: aries/ mars: taurus
Being in a relationship for Jungwon means that he is dating his best friend, a person who he shares the same interests, and having a lot of talks, the type of talk that you can say everything you actually think about things, just speak freely and openly, yk? He wants a relationship where communication is a big part of it, but not just to talk about yourselves, but just to chat. He wants to share his ideas and thoughts with his loved one, and he wants this person to do the same, in a not judgmental way.
He can be really rational and down to earth type of boyfriend, but at the same time he has a lot of passion in him, and he shows this in a practical way. He loves to buy you gifts, and to be helpful, and just your rock. He will be by your side all the time, through all the good and bad moments. He is just so faithful and loyal <3
He wants to have fun with you, he wants a lively relationship. And it does not matter if you guys are inside, just watching something on tv, some series/ film (which he loves a lot), or going out, to see/experience the world...he wants to enjoy every single moment of it. In a relationship he is self-indulgent; he wants to live his life by your side experiencing all the pleasures that life has to offer; he wants to live this experience fully and completely; he doesn't want to waste any time; there is a hurry to live his life by his companion side.
He loves intensely and ardently. He is a romantic guy, but there is this side of him, that makes him feel more like a friend who loves to tease and mock you (he could be childlike) instead of prince charming. If he's in a relationship with someone, he wants to be himself- authenticity is really big here.
He is a different being, we don’t have his ascendant, unfortunately, so I can’t tell exactly how he portrays himself, I mean...through which sign he is certainly perceived as.
But, being an Aquarius, he is hardly to inside of the box. He is a guy who is a thinker, someone who wonder and observe society and wants to change things; He is probably aware of the social questions. And on top of that, his Sun is conjunct Neptune, and both are in the sign of Aquarius, which just enhance the importance and care he looks to society, to people, to social matters. He is highly empathetic to people’s pain. I think he’s a very open- minded person, who is supportive of the differences in this world, he embraces them.
He’s a Virgo Moon, which just make him wanting to be more helpful and useful around people. This just makes me feel he’s big on doing something to help the world to become a better place. He certainly has the strength, the desire, the drive for it, and most importantly, he has the structure to do this properly, to be organized and skillful; he does know how to use his resources. He has the idea and knows how to execute it, yk? His self/ conscious (sun) mind and unconscious mind (moon) are working together here.
So, keep in mind he wants someone who is like this as well, someone who can keep up with his beliefs, and way of thinking. Someone who’s conscious about the world and its problems, and that we must do something to improve it.
His Virgo moon makes him to be a little more critical and very down to earth. He is more practical in terms of feelings and emotions, so he does not like drama, and people who don’t take things in a more serious way. He likes the mature people; And he does like to take care of the ones he loves too, so if you can show the same level of commitment and caring for him, he’ll know that you are a special person. He will want to keep you around. He does notices when people pay attention in the little details, because he is the same. And yes, he will be surprise that you care too, because let’s face it...this is something hard to find.
He cares a lot about people, and take such a good care of them, and he wants someone who can feel in the same way he does about this.
He is full of passion, and he likes the chase. Will get bored with you can’t talk to him, or just enable to keep a conversation. Talking and exchange ideas it’s a huge deal for his Aquarius sun and mercury lol He loves learning, and knowledge is important here.
Jungwon is a Virgo moon, Aries Venus and Taurus Mars so he’s the one who’ll love to spend the night in, but you guys need to have something fun to do in the house together (Iknowexactlywhatyouthinkofthat lol) we have a guy who will love to watch a nice movie with you, but I think he could be more into adventure, action movies than dramatic ones; I feel he likes to have an experience while watching films. I can see him cooking, and loving to please you, cooking the things he knows you love ~ he likes to spoiled his partner; And not to mention this is an activity you guy could do together as well; Playing games can be a nice thing here too, I feel he can be really competitive while playing games lol and he also enjoys the challenges.
So, this is it for now guys. I hope you all enjoy <3
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ayyaaa101 · 2 years
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Chill Astrology observations (a bit controversial so not so chill🤣).
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☁️Both Virgo and Pisces tend to have a surreal look to them. Pisces is a more dreamy surreal look and virgos have a more earthy and angelic surreal look!
☁️ Aries tend to date people that are younger than them.
☁️ The signs on your 8th house is the sign you tend to end up attracting unexpectedly.
🌨 The sign on your 7th house is the sign you tend to be attracted to.
🌨Sagittariuses and Capricorns tend to be besties. I've noticed that these two signs are always around each other. As well as Sagittariuses and Aquariuses.
🌨 Aquariuses are great communicators when trying to get their point across and persuade just like Geminis. Although, Geminis tend to be more extroverted communicators.
☁️ Scorpios tend to make lots of money. They tend to earn this money though from their hard work. Usually, they get rich either by their harritage or from their hobbies.
☁️Tauruses as well tend to make lots of money, since they rule over money. This also makes even more sense since their sister signs is Scorpio and they as well make lots of money. Basically Taurus and Scorpio are the rich sister signs lol.
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☕ Virgos tend to be intellectuals at communication similar to Gemini because they are both rulers of Mercury even though Virgos present it and manifest it in a less extroverted way unlike Geminis.
☕ Libras tend to have a distinctive beauty mark on their face that really compliments them! They sometimes have a smile or dimples to go along with their smile that really compliments them as well!
☕ Virgo sun's tend to look more cat like than Leo sun's especially Virgo sun males. Their eyes tend to be hooded and sort of slanted and it makes them look like a cat.
☕ Also, the Leo placement that has the most cat-like look to them have to be Leo risings!! no matter what the rest of the chart is.
☕ Most cheaters/ the sign Most likely to cheat are Pisces. Of course not all Pisces are cheaters because people have free will but they tend to be the sign Most likely to cheat. I think the reason why is because Pisces tend to fall in love and be in love with the idea of love a lot so they may daydream of other people while dating their partner which could lead to cheating.
☕ According to a psychic youtuber and also astrologer as well (not my own) Cancers are the sign who tend to be adopted, disowned, and have issues with family. Cancers tend to not be welcomed by their family and they tend to have a whole dilemma of issues with family.
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👞 Aquariuses HATE astrology. They always think that people into astrology are all the stereotype of "If you're a ____ I can't hang out with you"... Also most times when people say that they say it jokingly and aren't serious about it!!! Aquariuses rather believe in themselves first than follow or believe in any man made religion or anything with "not enough proof". They are more Rigid and Fixed with their beliefs.
👞 Sagittariuses on the other hand tend to explore manyyy different religions in their life. One day they believe in "this" and another they believe in "that". They tend to dabble into different religions a lot.
👞 Taurus tend to be really shy and like being spoiled and being in their home a lot.
👞 Aquariuses tend to have stronger jaws and a really strong eye brow bone structure.
👞 Cancer in the 11th house or moon in the 11th house as well as moon in Cancer are the ultimate mom friend of their friend group.
👞 September always reminds me of Sagittariuses for some reason even though it's Virgos month? Ikr strange. It just feels to me that that month was meant for Sagittariuses lol.
👞 Scorpios are some of the MOSTT and when I say MOSTT I mean MOST jealous zodiac sign. They can not hear anyone that they love praising someone else because it makes then feel as if they aren't as special and then they get jealous.
👞 Geminis have top tier humorr!!
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🖤 Geminis have small lips.
🖤 Virgo men tend to be misogynistic if not well developed.
🖤 Geminis= beast at hitting high notes!!
🖤 Aquariuses tend to be really good at technology!! They are really good at computing and tend to get into jobs involving social media or the internet/technology field's.
🖤 Libra men love rocking the mullets!
🖤 Pisces tend to have really small cute button noses !! Like little doll noses.
🖤 Leo's when aggravated can get physical quick. Wether playing around or not their reactions is getting physical in some way.
🖤 I've noticed that some men with their sun in Gemini are most likely to gay or LGBT+. Just from my own honest observation not everybody.
🖤 Aries and Leo's aren't actually that compatible at all... They're always tryna fight each other whether physically or in an argument 🙄 I would say Leo is more compatible with Libra since Libra let Leo's rule the relationship and things in general compared to an Aries who consider themselves as leaders. It tend to be a very toxic relationship with these two signs but the only things that are good at is understanding each other. They're both just too competitive and it doesn't end well.
🖤 Capricorn men tend to rock the mullet hairstyles as well. They also wear them a lot.
🖤 Sagittarius women are so straight forward when they think someone's cute🤣🤣. They'll be like "you're really cute" or "I really like your eyes" 🤣🤣🤣. They really dgaf.
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🤍 I have never seen an ugly Pisces 😐!!!. Especially girls. (^ The girl above who is a Kpop singer called Taeyeon SHE IS A PISCES and look how pretty she iss!!! Also she is 32!!)
🤍 Natives with Venus in Leo tend to fall in love with people that have good humor or people that make good jokes!
🤍 Aries Venus tend to attract lots of dominating people because they tend to lean towards liking more dominate people.
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This is all and hope you enjoyed the controversial (sorta) observations, sorry that it was soo short and took soo long! Have a great day and be safe!! Thanks as well to my lovely followers and the viewers of my post(s)
*Credits to the owners of the pictures!!* Do not repost "as your own", credits*
Song I reccomend
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jungwoos-plug · 3 years
Hey everyone!! So for the time being, I’m closing my astrology requests just to I can go ahead and finish the ones I currently have sitting in my innox lol, soooo feel free to send imagines, reactions, mtl’s and other writing ideas :))) 💞💞
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hi! can i please get a romantic compatibility reading with enhypen? i have ascendant in aquarius, sun in leo, sagittarius in moon whilst my mercury, mars, and venus is in virgo. thank you in advance!
you're most compatible with niki, followed by sunghoon or heeseung <3
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