#enig writes
enigmalea · 2 days
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It Needs To Be Larger
Words: 1080 Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus/Solas Additional Tags: POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited, Present Tense, Literal Sleeping Together, Fluff, Established Relationship, The Western Approach, Cuddling & Snuggling, Humor, Fluff and Humor
Dorian, Bull, and Solas confront the fact that some things in their relationship are just too small.
written for @peardita for @dapolyshipping
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onakomiyaki · 1 month
just a silly crush (not) pt.3.5
pairing : daniel ricciardo x childhood friend-brabham!reader ; f1 grid x reader (platonic)
summary : you call for help, and max is the first person that comes to your mind. and to say that max is baffled is an understatement.
warning : unedited, harsh words, maybe ooc driver?, and bad grammars.
a/n : i am girl-bossing through exam today, and i decided to write this as a reward. i also listen to asmr roleplay by gibi asmr and moonlight cottage asmr while writing this and its good KSJNSKDJNAKD SORRY-
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max was in the middle of doing his daily exercise when his phone suddenly rang. he press the slow down button on his treadmill as he simply answer the call from his earbud.
"good morning to you, ice princess." he happily answer, still walking on his treadmill.
"max, I think I made a big mistake."
hearing your soft whimper he stop the machine.
"y/n, what's wrong?"
"i kiss daniel."
"i kiss him, max. we kissed."
max had to hold himself as he listen to you, leaning his body on the railing of his treadmill. his lips are sealed in thin line, trying to think of a reaction.
he is conflicted about this; in one hand he want to cheer on daniel for finally man up and make a move. on the other hand, you sounds so scared and he understand that this whole territory is foreign to you. so he just keep his mouth sealed.
"max, say something!"
"i–uhh–i don't know, y/n. it was just a kiss right? is it a bad thing?" he answer.
max decided that he is done with workout, so he got off from the treadmill taking his phone with him as he grab a towel. he glance at the clock on the wall. its 5:34 and he wonder why you already wake up this early.
"wait, where are you right now and why you up this early y/n?"
"i'm.. i dunno where i am right now. i was heading back to szeged from budapest but i just stop, i'm not even in highway right now. i dunno where i am, and i need a breather."
"god, okay calm down. are you alone?"
"shit, y/n. send me your location so i can check on you. and also, how did you end up in budapest? what happen?"
and after 45 minutes of you rambling in your car, on the side of the road, in the middle of god knows where, you finish your story.
"- and that is how i end up in this shit. just lost me ol' cobber for doing something stupid." you said, a little aussie side of you were showing.
*cobber = a very good friend
max just open his mouth in disbelief or in silence? either way he don't know what to do. yes what you and daniel did are stupid, but from his perspective this is a long-awaited miracle. finally daniel grew a pear and you being smart. but damn, that was something. and he is drunk, so it doesn't count, i guess.
"that's it max, i'm gonna fly my ass back to straya before daniel catch me in my house. i'm running away, maybe move to-i dunno-alaska?" you said.
*straya = australia
"what? y/n, don't do that! you guys had just reconcile, now you want to run away?" max answered as he walk back to his room, straight to his computer as he turn on his simulator.
"well so much for reconciliation! i fucked up!"
he open discord from his phone and quickly type 'sos' to the discord server that he had made few months ago, back when the party-planning were made. lando had call themself 'project y/niel' and there are few drivers there that willing to help daniel and you; lewis, lando, charles, carlos (surprisingly), george, and lastly alex.
"maxie, wil je dat ik met dit ga doen?" maxie, what should i do with this?
"y/n, je zult toch tot kalmte moeten komen, en de enige manier omdat te doen is door te ademen. okay?" y/n, you have to calm down and the only way you're going to do that is to breathe. okay?
"alright here's what i want you to do, you're gonna go back to your place and sleep. its almost 7 now, like it or not you will have to sleep. i'll deal with daniel so you don't have to worry." he command you, biting his lower lips as he wait for any reaction on the discord server.
"alright then, i'm gonna drive home first. talk to you later max."
"take care y/n. don't do anything stupid."
"will do maxie."
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max today at 06:32 SOS. lewis ham today at 06:32 sos? what happen max? max today at 06:33 y/niel situation. @.landonorris i need you to tell us what the fuck is going on mate, y/n is freaking out. i already heard her side so i need your side of story now. charles_leclerc today at 06:35 mate, its not even 7 a.m, what did lando do? carlitos today at 06:35 plz respon @.max, charles is banging my door. alex albon today at 06:37 if its about daniel being wasted and y/n is with daniel rn, me and george doesn't know abt this. george russell today at 06:37 so true, bestie. carlitos today at 06:38 plz spill the tea @.landonorris, charles is freaking out in my room rn. max today at 06:41 guys, calm down. i just end the call with y/n they apparently kissed each other nothing more, so far. george russell today at 06:42 HELLO?!?! @.landonorris YOU DIDN'T TOLD ME AND ALEX ABOUT THIS PART? carlitos today at 06:42 charles is in shock rn, he just sat down like a statue please just share the whole story @.max @.landonorris lewis ham today at 06:43 oh my god... alex albon today at 06:43 that's it, i'm coming to you @.landonorris landonorris today at 07:01 GUYS I JUST WOKE UP JESUS WHAT and also you don't want to come to me, daniel is basically few rooms apart from me. AND THEY KISSED? MY TACTIC IS WORKING? george russell today at 07:02 mate, y/n is freaking out. your tactic backfired. kudos for trying tho charles_leclerc today at 07:03 lando count your days. landonorris today at 07:03 WHAT WHAT DID I DO? lewis ham today at 07:04 i am too old for this, i'm still stuck at y/n and daniel kissed. landonorris today at 07:04 GUYS DANIEL IS KNOCKING ON MY DOOR WHAT SHOULD I DO? max today at 07:04 let him in, he probably want to ask you about y/n landonorris today at 07:05 idk where she is tho' you're the one who knows max. max today at 07:05 exactly lando why is daniel calling me? lando? you piece of shit.
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max let out a heavy sigh as he watch his phone lit up with daniel's name. he brace his body on the counter top as he answer the call. he will have to give lando an earful later.
"hello danny."
"max, i know you know where y/n is. please let me know where she is–or just tell her to answer her phone!"
"daniel, calm down."
max massaging his throbbing temple as he walk to the fridge, taking a bottle of water before opening it.
"max i kiss her! i–she–i can't help it! and now she's freaking out i–"
"mate you're also freaking out, just calm down."
"god i am such a loser..."
he took a chug of the water, emptying the bottle in no time. he chuck the bottle on to the trash bin before reacting to the sad daniel.
"yeah, you are. but it already happen, so you need to calm down."
"what should i do?"
"i'll talk to her dan, don't worry. for now, she need a space okay? and you need to go home. or sleep. either way i need you to, once again, calm down."
"all things aside, i am not regretting this. now that i know what i've been missing, i need her okay? she–god she is going to be the death of me max."
"god, you are such a loser. i'm ending the call."
before daniel even react to that, max already ending the call–shaking his head as he let out a tired sigh. he walk towards his patio as he scrolling through his contact before making another call.
"hello? anna? yes, this is max verstappen. i got your number from y/n. hey listen, i need your help with something."
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im not adding more options or a suggestion one
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authorchu · 1 year
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TV Show/Movie Actors
Florence Pugh
TV Show/Movie Characters
Carla Rosón Caleruega
Hermione Granger
Wanda Maximoff
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queersrus · 9 hours
Mystery theme
[mystery theme]
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all things mysterious and in that realm of a concept
tagging: @hewasanamericangirl
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Arvoitus bab/babb, babs, barbra/barbera, barbi/barbie/barbee, barbette, babbette, baffle, bi conundra, conundrum
dieu, dieuhuyen
enigma gizem, ghamid, geheimnis huyen, huyenbi
israar/israr kereenyaga, khwam latif, luklab
mystery/mysterie, mysteria, mysterious, mysteriette, mysterielle, mysterio/misterio/mystirio, mysterietta, mysterine, mysteriella, mysterina, misteri, mistri, misterij, mysterium, mystere, mystiriodis, mister/myster
puzzle, peculia, peculiar, perplex raaz, raziela, riddle shiraz, shenmi, sinbihan, sinbi, shinpi, shinpitekina
tayemnytsya, tayemnychyy, tayna, tajemniczosc uhjia zahada, zagadochnyy
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1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
mi/me/my/mysterine/mysteryself my/mystere/mysteriousine/mysteriouself ei/ene/eni/enigmine/enigmaself(enigmyself)
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
mo/myster/mysters/mysterself mo/mysteryr/mysteryrs/mysteryrself mo/mysteriour/mysteriours/mysteriourself eo/enigmar/enigmars/enigmarself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themself
my/mystery, my/stery, mystery/mysterys, mystery/case, mystery/book, myst/ery, mystery/mysterious, myster/ious, myst/erious, myserious/mysterious', mysterious/[object]
eni/enigma, eni/gma, enig/ma, en/igma, en/enigma, enigma/enigmas, enigma/enigmatic, enig/matic, en/enigmatic, enigm/atic, enigmatic/enigmatics
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the mystery, the mysterious, the unknown, the enigma, the enigmatic, the puzzle, the enigmatic puzzle, the mysterious puzzle, the puzzling mystery, the person shrouded in mystery, the puzzling being
*one who loves mystery, one who is hardly known, one who reads mystery, one who writes mystery, one who is hidden in the unknown, one who solves the unknown, one who solves mystery cases
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*one can be replaced with any pronouns
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iklees · 11 months
D - A tale of two worlds / Michel Faber
Op een dag zijn opeens alle letters d verdwenen. Mensen praten alsof de letter er nooit is geweest en lijken daar helemaal geen erg in te hebben. De enige die het opvalt is Dhikilo. In haar oude -- hele oude -- geschiedenisleraar en zijn blindengeleidehond vindt Dhikilo medestanders; de professor weet waar de d's naartoe zijn. En misschien is Dhikilo dapper en sterk genoeg om ze weer terug te krijgen.
With twenty-six letters in the alphabet you'd think that losing one of them wouldn't be so bad, but it was very bad indeed (or very ba inee, as everyone around her would put it). Dhikilo had to sit at a esk and pay attention to what was written on a boar, she had to put up her han when she knew the answer ('Yes, Hikilo?'), she was cautioned by Mr Dawkins (who was now Mr Awkins) that a science experiment was angerous, she was supposed to tell the ifference between poetry and oggerel, and she was expected to evelop a eeper unerstaning of natural isasters. She handed in a piece of writing to Miss Forrester, and Miss Forester shook her head and said, 'Honestly, Hikiko, your spelling…!' and proceeded to cross out every D with her red felt-tip pen, until Dhikilo's little essay looked as if it had been used for cutting up strawberries on.
Het is een 'D' boek -- no pun intended; ik zou eerder denken dat het een 'C' boek is, want ondanks de vrij complexe taal zijn het verhaal en de hoofdpersoon voor een iets jongere leeftijdsgroep. Het verhaal was leuk om te lezen, maar de relatief gemakkelijke ontknoping zonder uitleg over oorzaken of achtergronden was issapointing.
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peterpijls1965 · 1 year
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My Dark Places: An L.A. Crime Memoir is a 1996 book, part investigative journalism and part memoir, by American crime-fiction writer James Ellroy. Ellroy's mother Geneva was murdered in 1958, when he was 10 years old, and the killer was never identified. The book is Ellroy's account of his attempt to solve the mystery by hiring a retired Los Angeles County homicide detective to investigate the crime. Ellroy also explores how being directly affected by a crime shaped his life - often for the worse - and led him to write crime novels. The book is dedicated to his mother.
My Dark Places van James Ellroy is met The Day Of The Jackall van Frederick Forsythe de enige thriller die ik ooit las in mijn leven.
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dearrhappy · 2 years
Da kan ik zeker,
Ik wil ni te veel reageren op hetgeen Wa jij schreef in uw post, omda ik u hoor. Ik wil de kracht achter uw woorden ni wegnemen.
Ik heb da echt gevoeld, hoe da ineens die drive terug kwam, en van mijn kant ist misschien ni fair naar u dak u die drive ni heb kunnen laten gebruiken. Want ik voelde da zo. Ook toen we daar zaten aan de Bijloke. Merci om zo kalm te zijn, en om mij ondanks alles die liefde toch te doen voelen.
Ma ik voel het. En da geeft mij zo veel schuldgevoel, want da is echt de drive die ik ook zo lang had, en die ik zo graag eerder bij u had gezien. Want mijn perspectief (ik les ik Ff gewoon vanuit emoties spreek) is da ik inderdaad die ruimte kreeg van u, ma Wa was al zo lang iets waar ik om vroeg, da de moment da ik da kreeg het echt Ff hitte hoe hard ik daarvoor had moeten vechten.
However, das echt het kind en het egoïstische deel in mij. Want ik weet da da ni easy is, en ik kan mij ook echt inbeelden da je nu de boodschap kunt hebben gekregen van “ah kak, ik ga nooit meer iemand space geven want dan gaan die weg”, of “oei die wil space, Jah tis gedaan eh”, want da is Et ni. Ik merkte gewoon da er zo veel speelde onderhuids en again, die cyclus telkens van “Tgaat beter, jippie, we can do this:)” naar “oh fuck ni nog e keer”, ik was zo zo moe daarvan.
Ik ga mijn best doen om da inderdaad ni meer te doen. Ik snap uw kant helemaal, ma i will be writing about the grief. Als da iets is Wa je liever ni leest, laat da Ff weten, then I’ll keep it in my notes. Ma je moet echt weten da ik zo kwaad ben op mezelf da dit voelde als de enige uitweg. Tis ni omda die beslissing van mij kwam, da da nu gewoon oké is ofzo vo mij.
Ma Tis echt gewoon waar ik mee begon: i miss u terribly, en it is very scary to not have u in my life like that anymore.
Ma ik weet ook da Wa er moet gebeuren, wel gaat gebeuren. Alles zal wel weer op zijn plooi vallen, Wa da ook betekent voor ons en welke richting onze levens daardoor aannemen. En ik weet da maar ik voel het ni zo op dit moment
Ma inderdaad, Lets respect this for what it is.
Geniet van uw dagje
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noodleincident · 5 years
the hubris of believing that your thoughts are worth hearing right now
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toaverse · 2 years
A angsti Encanto AU! Casita after see how Alma took more advantage over little kid Luisa decided to punish her, how? By giving curses to Camilo, Mari, and Antonio instead of gifts. And instead of cracks, Casita just starts to get more corrupted and aggressive toward those who doesn't have a curse
Right after Luisa’s ceremony, Alma immediately expected her to do chores around town and all, starting Luisa’s “useless if not of surface” mentality.
Casita noticed this, and decided to punish Alma for it.
That punishment would come to be on Camilo’s ceremony night…
The boy would still receive a door, but instead of being given a gift, he’s given a curse. A curse that, whenever he touched someone in the slightest, they would feel agonizing pain upon it…
Pepa and Félix found out the hard way…
It made Camilo distant with everyone, locking himself in his room most of the time to avoid interaction or accidentally bumping into someone. But at the same time, he just wanted a hug…
Alma would obviously question Casita and the magic, but Casita wasn’t done yet…
At her ceremony, Mirabel didn’t receive a door, and had to watch it fade away before receiving her curse, going blind and deaf…
So when Antonio was born, everyone dreaded his ceremony…
Pepa and Félix even begged Alma to just scrap his ceremony altogether, but the matriarch still held hope, and insisted…
While Antonio did get a door, he was given a curse too, the curse of seeing someone’s death upon looking at them…
Every. Single. Time…
And the first death he saw was his mami’s…
Antonio cried with his eyes closed for hours…
“I TOLD YOU TO SKIP IT ALL!” Pepa screamed at her mother. She was livid, furious, and boiling with anger. Even Félix couldn’t calm her down, but he refused to even try. Pepa didn’t care if a hurricane may destroy the enige town, she wanted her sons and Mirabel to be free of their curses and pain. “THAT CANDLE IS GOING OUT!”
Alma however, refused to let anyone near the candle, and would still put the community first.
And so, it only became more difficult over the years…
The three cursed kids couldn’t even be in one room without any pain or crying…
Both Camilo and Antonio grew heavily distant from the family since their ceremonies, spending almost all their time in their rooms by themselves…
Out of the three, Mirabel had it the easiest. Yes, she couldn’t see or hear or talk, but she could still communicate with her family through touch, and Casita would watch out for her and help her with stairs and all.
Since her sister’s ceremony, Isabela said “Screw you” to her golden child image and her abuela, and focused on communicating with her youngest sister. They even found a special way to talk through touch, by Isabela using small vines to write on Mira’s palms😊
Pepa, Félix, and Agustín made it their damn mission to blow that candle out, to save their kids from the pain they’re suffering…
Unfortunately, many attempts failed, as Alma caught on to the trio’s plan, and hid the candle somewhere.
Casita would also be quite aggressive towards the gifted Madrigals, such as purposely tripping Julieta while she was walking with a big plate of arepas, or making loud noises near Dolores until her ears bleed…
The only ones Casita was nice to where the cursed kids, Agustín, Félix, and Alma…
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enigmalea · 11 days
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Divine Intervention
Words: 6008 Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Zevran Arainai/Josephine Montilyet/Adorno Ciel Otranto, Zevran Arainai/Josephine Montilyet, Zevran Arainai/Adorno Ciel Otranto, Josephine Montilyet/Adorno Ciel Otranto Additional Tags: Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamory, Matchmaking, Romance, Holding Hands, Antiva (Dragon Age), Antiva City (Dragon Age), Divine Leliana (Dragon Age), Falling In Love, POV Third Person Limited, Past Tense, Dragon Age Poly Exchange, Dragon Age Poly Exchange 2023  Summary: Divine Justinia has hired an old friend for an extremely important job: ensuring that Josephine Montilyet is happy in her arranged marriage. However, his mission doesn't go exactly as planned.
written for sweettasteofbitter for dapolyshipping
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starryfreckles · 4 years
 moyo seizoen 4 master post
Written by myself and @sonderthroughthestreets; in collaboration with @jensrolt
trailer | announcement/about | spotify | weekly ao3 eps | behind the writing | which fire nation dance team member are you?
aflevering 33 (4x01) 24 oktober - 30 oktober
ik me van mijn beste kant laat zien (i'll bring the heat)
clip 1 - ZATERDAG 19:04
clip 2 - ZATERDAG 21:23
clip 3 - ZONDAG 08:26
clip 4 - MAANDAG 08:17
clip 5 - DINSDAG 16:02
clip 6 - DINSDAG 16:51
clip 7 - WOENSDAG 14:32
clip 8 - DONDERDAG 17:12
clip 9 - VRIJDAG 16:21
clip 10 - VRIJDAG 19:16
clip 11 - VRIJDAG 19:58
aflevering 34 (4x02) 31 oktober - 6 november
ik heb het gevoel alsof ik het onderwerp van dit gesprek ben (I feel like I’m the main focus of the conversation)
clip 1 - ZATERDAG 09:41
clip 2 - ZATERDAG 20:57
clip 3 - ZONDAG 14:27
clip 4 - MAADAG 11:05
clip 5 - DINSDAG 13:52
clip 6 - DINSDAG 14:28
clip 7 - WOESNDAG 19:03
clip 8 - DONDERDAG 10:28
clip 9 - VRIJDAG 19:47
((other 8 episodes below the cut))
aflevering 35 (4x03) 7 november - 13 november
dus jij bent zo’n goede zorgzame broer? (so you’re like a good big brother?)
clip 1 - ZATERDAG 21:53
clip 2 - ZONDAG 13:21
clip 3 - MAANDAG 12:00
clip 4 - DINSDAG 16:36
clip 5 - DINSDAG 19:21
clip 6 - WOENSDAG 07:46
clip 7 - WOENSDAG 18:42
clip 8 - DONDERDAG 16:58
clip 9 -  VRIJDAG 20:46
clip 10 - VRIJDAG 23:03
clip 11 - VRIJDAG 23:21 (bonus clip)
aflevering 36 (4x04) 14 november - 20 november
het is oke nu, het komt uiteindelijk (it's okay now, or at least it will be)
clip 1 - ZATERDAG 8:54
clip 2 - ZONDAG 22:37
clip 3 - MAANDAG 07:55
clip 4 - MAANDAG 17:53
clip 5 - DINSDAG 17:03
clip 6 - WOENSDAG 14:11
clip 7 - WOENSDAG 14:48
clip 8 - WOENSDAG 16:21
clip 9 - DONDERDAG 16:15
aflevering 37 (4x05) 21 november - 27 november
dit doet niks om ons te helpen relaxen (this is doing nothing to help us relax)
clip 1 - ZATERDAG 11:45
clip 2 - ZONDAG 14:02
clip 3 - ZONDAG 21:49 (bonus clip)
clip 4 - MAANDAG 12:38
clip 5 - DINSADG 17:53
clip 6 - WOENSDAG 10:00
clip 7 - DONDERDAG 16:12
clip 8 - VRIJDAG 19:21
clip 9 - VRIJDAG 22:47
aflevering 38 (4x06) 28 november - 4 december
waarom zou iets niet goed zijn de enige reden zijn om je te bellen (Why does something have to wrong for me to call?)
clip 1 - ZATERDAG 10:12
clip 2 - ZATERDAG 21:49
clip 3 - ZONDAG 21:21 (bonus clip)
clip 4 - ZONDAG 22:38
clip 5 - MAANDAG 12:35
clip 6 - MAANDAG 18:28
clip 7 - DINSDAG 16:11
clip 8 - WOENSDAG 15:15
clip 9 - DONDERDAG 17:02
clip 10 - VRIJDAG 18:17
aflevering 39 (4x07) 5 december - 11 december
Fire N’ Gold
clip 1 - ZATERDAG 21:38
clip 2 - ZATERDAG 22:01
clip 3 - ZONDAG 10:47
clip 4 - MAANDAG 17:17
clip 5 - DINSDAG 16:11
clip 6 - WOENSDAG 15:12
clip 7 - DONDERDAG 15:51
clip 8 - DONDERDAG 15:33
clip 9 - VRIJDAG 19:47
clip 10 - VRIJDAG 20:06
aflevering 40 (4x08) 12 december - 18 december
het komt van de zelfde soort angst toch? de angst dat we wij anders zijn? (it stems from the same fear no? the fear that we're different?)
clip 1 - ZATERDAG 02:32
clip 2 - ZATERDAG 10:10
clip 3 - ZONDAG 19:32
clip 4 - MAANDAG 11:01
clip 5 - MAANDAG 16:36
clip 6 - DINSDAG 17:39
clip 7 - DINSAG 17:58
clip 8 - WOENSDAG 12:31
clip 9 - WOENSDAG 17:37
clip 10 - DONDERDAG 16:19
clip 11 - VRIJDAG 14:51
aflevering 41 (4x09) 19 december - 25 december
wacht, moyo kan dansen?! (wait, moyo dances?!)
clip 1 - ZATERDAG 13:21
clip 2 - ZONDAG 10:59
clip 3 - MAANDAG 12:10
clip 4 - MAANDAG 16:37
clip 5 - DINSDAG 19:38
clip 6 - WOENSDAG 14:33
clip 7 - WOENSDAG 16:52
clip 8 - DONDERDAG 12:31
clip 9 - DONDERDAG 16:22
clip 10 - DONDERDAG 17:37
clip 11 - VRIJDAG 10:01
aflevering 42 (4x10) 26 december - 1 januari
wij zijn fire nation (we are fire nation)
clip 1 - ZATERDAG 09:32
clip 2 - ZONDAG 13:21
clip 3 - ZONDAG 17:06
clip 4 - MAANDAG 13:41
clip 5 - DINSDAG 10:48
clip 6 - DINSDAG 11:11
clip 7- DINSDAG 15:43
clip 8 - WOENSDAG 10:50
clip 9 - DONDERDAG 23:48
clip 10 - VRIJDAG 11:09
clip 11 - VRIJDAG 18:35
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vikinglanguage · 4 years
As a nonbinary person who moved to Denmark, I was wondering, do you know anything about gender-neutral/nonbinary pronouns in Danish? My impression so far was nothing had really taken off yet...
Hello! Let’s talk about grammar.
For a quick rundown, I’d like to refer you to this post I did on use of pronouns in Danish. In that I talk about both sin/sit and sig, which I talk about in this post, and I also talk about gender neutral pronouns.
Broadly speaking, you are unfortunately right. Denmark doesn’t have any “naturally” occurring gender-neutral third person singular pronouns (except from sin/sit + sig, but those are only for genitive and reflexive verbs). 
A while ago, someone came up with the pronoun “høn” in response to the Swedish gender-neutral neopronoun “hen”, which is derived from the ONLY third person singular pronoun in Finnish “hän”.
Høn is conjugated as follows: høn/høn/høns (corresponding with han/ham/hans). When using høn, I would definitely use sin/sit and sig in combination with it, as those are used with third person singular pronouns, whether or not they’re new or old. Anything else is technically grammatically wrong. No one would hound you for not getting it right, though (even a lot of natives get it wrong!), especially if you’re not a native Danish speaker.
Here’s a few example sentences using høn (in all translations I will be using they as a generic gender neutral pronoun):
“Det der er Alex. Det er høn den høje med lyst hår. Høn har selv farvet sit hår: Høns naturlige hårfarve er faktisk brun.” (That’s Alex. They’re the tall one with light hair. They have dyed their own hair: Their natural hair colour is actually brown)
For personal taste, I don’t generally prefer høn. I think it’s clunky and sounds too much like høne (chicken), though I supposed its origin is the sound you make when you remove u or a from hun or han —> hn—> høn. 
In this case, I liked hen better. It sounds natural, is just as easy to conjugate as høn, and actually looks like a pronoun. I also love that it’s technically a loan word from Finnish, because I love Nordic solidarity. I also love the Finnish language, but I feel like that’s less universally relatable than being part of the Nordic countries.
Hen is conjugated hen/hen/hens, and while it is identical with the adverb “hen” when written, I would personally pronounce the adverb with stød* and the pronoun without. People should also easily be able to gather from context whether you’re using an adverb or a pronoun, but some people will just insist on playing dumb. Like with høn, you should use sin/sit and sig. *Stød is an phonetic phenomenon in Danis – a type of glottal stop, ˀ (a tiny ʔ). If you’d like to know more, heres a couple of links: EN wikipedia A quick rundown in English, written by a Dane DA wikipedia
Back on track, here’s a couple of example sentences using hen:
“Hens ven havde fortalt hen, at det ikke er svært at finde en kæreste, det er bare svært at finde en god en. Det kunne hen godt erklære sig enig i” (Their friend had told them that it’s not hard to find a lover*, it’s just hard to find a good one. On that they could only agree). *I am aware lover is possibly a bad translation of kæreste, but I’m not about to start writing girlfriend/boyfriend on a post that’s literally about gender neutral language.
Again, for personal taste, I like hen. Not only is it my favourite Danish neopronoun, it’s just my favourite neopronoun full stop. It looks good, sounds good (also in combo with sin/sit + sig), is easy to conjugate and it’s gender neutral. I mean, what’s not to love!
Which bring us, finally, to the anglicised gender neutral pronoun. De/dem/deres. They/them/theirs. While it is extremely easy to use because people already know how to use the third person plural pronouns, there’s a couple of issues. Don’t take this the wrong way, I think de is a perfectly valid option if you want an easy to use gender neutral pronoun, but the bitch inside me who loves grammar is screaming due to these reasons:
1) Adjectives. Danish has conjugation of adjectives. Each adjective has several forms, and the form for singular and plural is rarely the same. For an example, if I wanted to say the sentence  “they are tall”, the natural way to say it would be “de er høje”. I don’t take issue with using de as a singular pronoun, but that pesky little e there is telling me that there are several tall people. However, if I were to say “de er høj”, but that’s also not great, because it’s wrong according to traditional Danish grammar, and my brain doesn’t like the lack of congruency between the subject and the adjective . Except it’s technically not wrong, because while de is a plural pronoun, we’re talking about a singular person. It bothers me.
2) Sin/sit + sig. You are supposed to use these when using a singular third person pronoun. You are, however, super not supposed to use them with the plural third person pronoun. For me, personally, I would still use them. But I do imagine it might sound weird to some people, and that people might just not use it due for that reason.
3) This is a thing that doesn’t as much bother me, as I find it kind of hilarious. Historically, De/Dem/Deres has been the formal way of addressing people (like you/you/your(s), opposed to thou/thee/thy/thine), and it is still the correct way to address the royal family. Once, an older person on the train asked me “Undskyld mig, står De i kø?” and I got so confused and almost asked “Hvem?”, because I couldn’t fathom someone addressing ME like that. This shouldn’t really be an issue though, as it is generally super duper easy to gather from context if people are talking in second person and probably literally addressing the queen, or if they’re talking about a single person in third person. Some assholes will give you shit for it though, but that must be because they’ve got no better way to spend their time.
Now in order to make up for being such a downer about de/dem/deres, here’s some reasons why it’s a great option to use as a gender neutral third person pronoun.
1) Literally everyone knows how to use it. There’s no excuse: If you’re a native Danish speaker, you’ve been using this set of pronouns more or less your whole life, and it really shouldn’t be hard to adapt it to be usable about a singular person.
2) Forget about conjugation of adjectives. We don’t conjugate our verbs according to the person, only in accordance with tempus. Jeg har, han har, de har. We literally avoid one of the biggest complaints that people have about English they/them because our verbs just don’t work like that. Who’s laughing now, transphobes?
3) Insofar as I know, it is the most commonly used pronoun by Danish nonbinary people. If this is the pronoun you choose to use, there’s a fair chance that people will pick up on the fact that you are using de/dem pronouns, unlike if they hear hen or høn, which they might mishear as han/hun or might result in a reaction along the lines of “pardon?”.
And to round of, we have the dreaded “vedkommende”. “Whom it may concern”, but like make it one unnecessarily long word. It’s great to use occasionally instead of han/hun in writing, but I would not recommend it for everyday or excessive use.
Sorry this got so long, but I hope it helped! 💛🤍💜🖤
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Read 4x articles
Watched 1x Norsklærer Karense video
Watched 2x episodes Nytt På Nytt
Made grammar post about (u)enig (Norwegian)
Made grammar post about sentence adverbs in subordinate clauses (English)
Creative writing: 720 words
Norwegian Tutor Unit 12: exercises H-O
Spanish Tutor Unit 16: exercises D-M
Made notes on the conditional tense
Spanish class: learned expressing feelings with the present subjunctive
Started writing article summary (~50% complete)
Drops: practised skill Getting Around, Food & Drink and Meet The Locals
8x FinnishPod101 lessons
Wrote our questions and answers
I’ve started listening to FinnishPod101 lessons on my way to/from the studio. I’m quite happy with how I’m coming along - pieces are starting to fit together now and every time I listen to another lesson I recognise a word or a case ending and it’s so exciting. I hope I can keep this up and maybe reach A1 by the start of September - that’d be awesome. I’ve been dabbling in Finnish here and there for so long and it’d be great to finally make some real progress with it!
Other than that, I’ve not done much this week. It was my boyfriend’s week off, so we’ve been spending time together. But I think what I have done has been productive - I’ve been making good headway preparing for my Spanish formative oral exam and I’ve been working hard on my Norwegian creative writing (I’ve now written over 1000 words total!) plus I made two grammar posts this week. I also tried watching Nytt På Nytt without reading the subtitles as much as possible, and I understand a lot more than I used to! So there’s progress there. But no speaking practice :( So I need to get on that.
Productivity grid:
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Goals for this coming week:
Speaking practice. For the love of fucking god. Please do some speaking practice.
Continue using FinnishPod101
Revise some Icelandic
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norwegiatlas · 6 years
Norwegian resources from this blog
After 4+ hours of collecting and organizing my Norwegian posts, I have decided to put them all into a big resource masterpost. These are resources from about a year of posting. I hope you all find these helpful!
Word lists & phrase lists (not in any particular order)
Frosty Morning vocab
Late Night vocab
Language Study vocab
Book vocab
Some useful words when writing a Norwegian essay
Forest Hike vocab
Mathematics vocab
Spring vocab
Polar-themed vocab
LoveWave (song by Iveta Mukuchyan) vocab
Optical Phenomena vocab
Sand-themed vocab
Norwegian Summer vocab
110 Random-But-Quite-Useful vocab
Home-themed vocab
Some Norwegian adverbs
21 useful phrases of daily Norwegian
Word of the day 
There are 200+ word of the day posts on my blog, and making a link for every one of them would take an eternity. Therefore, I advise you to just search on “wordoftheday” on my blog and all the posts should show up. Here is a link to the search. 
Grammar + other Norwegian language related explanations
I have somehow highlighted the more useful resources in this list!
Sentence structure: 1 2
Several possible options 
“På” after the verb “bevege”
Begge vs begge to
Comparatives and superlatives 
Vann vs vannet (including vatn)
Reflexive pronouns
Both “til” and “å” can be translated as “to”
“I love doing ...”, “I hate being ...”, infinitives
“Det vil jeg tro” vs “Jeg vil tro det”
“Ikke” after & before the verb
“da” vs “når”
“unnskyld” vs “beklager”
short examples with “å være”
“over hele verden” vs “i hele verden”
“Heller”, “annet”, “anna”, “annen”, “andre”, “gjerne”, “enig”,”enig i”, “enig med”
“Den”, “det”, “deg”, “dette”, denne”, “disse”
“Den vakre vennen min”
How to use the word “på”
“Er det det det er?”
“Den er”, “det er”, “denne er” etc.
plural definite
“å gjøre” = “to do”
How to use the word “man”
The feminine indefinite article “ei” and the feminine “-a” definite ending
“av” vs “for” vs “til”
“En” vs “enn”
Two d’s in “Tror du at du får gjort det i kveld?”
Possessive pronouns
“Skulle helst”
Emphasis on pronouns
“Åpne opp” & “lukk opp” both means “open up”
General neuter pronoun in Norwegian
Nouns whose indefinite plural is the same as indefinite singular
“Siden” vs “ettersom”
“vel” & “nok”
Why “de stiller mye spørsmåler” is wrong
How to say “where is your top from”
The use of “den”
The use of definite form and indefinite form
The use of en, et & ei + the letter “æ” handwritten
“Vil du ...?” & “Har du lyst ...?”
“Lille”, “liten”, “små”
the word “da”
How to translate phrases like “the beautiful” & “the lovely” as in “the beautiful town of Lillehammer”
The difference between “derimot”, “uansett hvor”, “dog”, “likevel”, “imens” & “imidlertid”
Subject-verb inversion in question sentences
“Hjem” vs “hjemme”
How to use the word “sin”, “si”, “sitt” + possessive pronouns
The word “ass”: 1 2 3
“Kjekk” vs “pen” vs “vakker”
“Looking forward to” & “I am excited” in Norwegian
Reflexive pronouns (”meg” vs ”meg selv”)
“Å leke” vs “å spille”
“Takk for sist”
How and when to use commas in Norwegian
“gå” vs “dra”
“is about to ...” in Norwegian
the -s suffix
past tenses with -a + multiple options for past tense
“you don’t happen to have ...?” in Norwegian
The difference between “å sette”, “å sitte”, “å ligge” and “å legge”
a short Norwegian text with translations
en liten fortelling på norsk
En liten påskefortelling (a tiny Easter story)
I have tried my best to gather absolutely everything, however something tells me I have left out one or two posts. Also, if you find any mistakes or typos, please let me know so I can correct them!
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iklees · 2 years
Welcome to the School by the Sea / Jenny Colgan
Eerder verschenen onder het pseudonym Jane Beaton met de titel Class.
Maggie Adair soliciteert bij een sjieke kostschool in Cornwall, omdat ze na een paar jaar op een binnenstadse scholengemeenschap in Glasgow even iets anders wil. Ze krijgt zowaar de baan! Ze sust haar geweten -- en de verwijten van vriend en familie -- met het argument dat ze moet opladen en dat haar ervaring daar uiteindelijk ook de leerlingen in Glasgow ten goede komt, als ze weer terugkomt. Ook deze school en leerlingen hebben de nodige uitdagingen en Maggie is niet de enige die worstelt.
INTRODUCION When I was growing up, attending my normal, extremely bog-standard Catholic school, I was obsessed with boarding school books. All of the Malory Towers and St. Clare’s series, Frost in May, Jane Eyre, The Four Marys, What Katy Did at School, the Chalet School books. It’s not difficult to understand why: the idea of a bunch of girls all having fun together, working, playing, and staying up late for midnight feasts, as opposed to the tribal, aggressive atmosphere of my own school, exerted a powerful pull on a swottish, awkward child. None of these books, for example, had playground meetings that decided which girls were going to be “in” or “out” that week, cruel nicknames, long hours of Catholic instruction (OK, apart from Antonia White), or compulsory tiny miniskirts for gym for the boys to line up and jeer at. So I lost myself in pranks played on French mistresses; school plays (unheard of at my lackadaisical state school); lacrosse (whatever that was); and the absurd fantasy that you could speak English, French, and German on alternate days. Incidentally, has there ever been a school on earth that makes you do that? [...] As a voracious adult reader, I realized a couple of years ago that I still missed those books. The prose of Enid Blyton jars a little these days (and they do horribly gang up on and bully Gwendoline, for the sole sin of crying when her parents drop her off), although Curtis Sittenfeld’s marvelous book Prep is a terrific contemporary account. To Serve Them All My Days by R. F. Delderfield, though inevitably dated (which adds a wonderfully bittersweet twist to his stories, knowing how many of his boys were unwittingly bound for the battlefields of World War II), appeals to the adult reader, but as for my beloved girls’ stories, there were none to be found. So I decided to go about writing one myself.
Goed idee, leuk uitgevoerd met de verschillende perspectieven van Maggie, het schoolhoofd, en een paar leerlingen. En ik ben een liefhebber van het genre, maar Jane Eyre in het rijtje kostschoolboeken? Kom op, zeg!
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