#enjoy the ramblings of a madman
bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
"Um, what...?"
"Uh oh"
"Well you see"
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"Earlier, I was in my shed like always, when I heard some odd sounds outside! But when I went out, there was nothing at all!
So I left, but I still got the lingering worry. What if some animal got in? I really don't like it when my shed gets disturbed, you know
Last time, a bunny got in! Can you believe it?
I had to get rid of it"
"So, I go back! And guess what I found? My controllers were gone!
Now, I might not be an incredibly influential detective like you, Mr Beebo, but I can guess this wasn't the local wildlife
In fact, by the pair of footprints around the woods, I could even assume your scarf friend here told you some things!
And you two went out there giving me trouble, like always"
"Stealing is wrong, you know"
"... Uh, I think killing is worse, actually"
"If you think we'll give them back, you can start begging"
"Oh, don't worry about it, I just need this one! It's in such a good spot!"
"What, under the bar table or something? Fuck you"
"Ángel calm down"
Eugene smiles
"Oh, I see"
"I'm afraid you got tricked"
Oliver panics a little
"What? What do you mean?"
"Well, you see
Last time, you guys really surprised me! I mean, you got me killed!
So... I got a little worried
And decided to pull a little trick, just in case
It's always good to be cautious, you know"
"Fucking- get to the point!"
"Haha okay"
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"I changed the little stickers for the bomb placement"
"Oh fuck"
"What- What is that one then?"
"A really good one"
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"The main room
Right under the snacks table
See? A great spot!"
There's silence in the room
"... What?"
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"That's... were mom is"
"Yeah! Your mother! This will be her second time dying via bomb
I need more diversity, I know"
"No... She can't... I haven't talked to her..."
"Ah, dont cry, girl. Im really bad with crying children"
Beebo and Ángel start to back up
"Wait a minute there, we haven't finished talking!
I would hate to make you guys forget so quickly after we've bonded so much"
He waves the control around
Literally and figuratively
They stay
"So, any more questions?"
"What's the fucking point of this"
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"Ángel, calm down"
"What are you even planning?! Are you just going to keep us here forever?! Like some sort of purgatory?!"
"Please, we can't do anything rash"
"What? Of course not!"
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"I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm not a cruel man!
We all make mistakes, and all of you have made some very big mistakes!
But you won't be here forever, I'll let you out eventually
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"I'm just going to kill you over and over again until I'm satisfied"
"Only then you'll earn my forgiveness"
"All of you deserve to die for what you've done to me"
"Ah, of course, you guys are not equal. Some sins are bigger than others. Let's see..."
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"I think the first one I'll let out is my sister. She's stupid but means well. Im sure she would apologize immediately if given the chance
Of course, apologies mean nothing in the face of utter betrayal, so she needs to die a few times."
"Next would be the reporter girl. She's incredibly annoying, but I guess that's not the worst sin she could've committed.
Still, I love to hear the sound of her voice getting increasingly quieter when she's dying, so she's staying for a bit"
"Next, ugh, my wife. People really hype up being married, you know? You are supposed to be a team, but she never wanted to help me with anything! It was all about her house and her family and her kids and blah blah. She's so selfish, that woman.
But eh, she's pretty useless right now, so it's not like she'll do anything of worth once I free her"
"Now, Owen, that kid is staying for a few weeks at least. Can't believe he would betray me like this, really, I thought he was an exemplary kid!
But no, he wasn't. I'm sure his mother would be glad to get rid of him for some time
He needs to die many, many times, "
"And then, my son. Or what I thought was my son, turns out the fucker ended up being more like his mother! Useless thing. And to think he was going to be in charge of my company once I moved on to other things.
He couldn't even betray me on his own. He needed the help of his little buddies. What a rat.
I will not have a coward as a son.
I need to see him cry more, so he'll stay a while"
"Now, you two troublemakers"
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"I'll be honest, I wasn't planning on keeping you for long, Ángel"
"But seeing as you have been a complete pain in the ass in your stay here, you are staying a good while"
"Stubborn bastard"
"Sounds like a waste of time. You can't even kill me"
"Eh, I'm sure with enough tries I will"
"But it's not like I really need to, do I? I just need to get your little friend here, and it hurts you just as much"
��ngel says nothing to that
"And speaking of said little friend, Mr Beebo, I always planned on you staying here until the very end
You've done something really bad, you know?
It got me really mad!
And now, you come here, meddling in everything I do.
Causing trouble everywhere you go
It's like you know exactly how to completely infuriate me
I hate you so much! With all my being!"
Eugene says, smiling
"... The feeling is mutual"
"How sweet. I'm glad! Killing you is always so satisfying"
"And since you two lovebirds insist on staying together, you'll share a sentence"
"How do you say these things and claim you are not a cruel man?"
"Well, it's simple. This might as well never had happened"
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"Whenever a loop starts again, everything is okay again! There's no scars, no pain, no memories, no proof.
So, technically, I never killed anybody! I mean, look! You're still standing
Is it really that bad? I am going to let you out eventually
And once you do, it would be like nothing ever happened!
Im just taking a few months of your life
Who knows! Maybe after I forgive you, we could all be friends!"
"That won't happen"
"Oh, dont say that. You won't even remember this conversation. No one will"
He looks at Ángel
"... Well, almost no one. But hey! Nobody's perfect"
Oliver holds Ángel back
"... You didn't mention me. Although I'm not surprised"
"Oh, don't worry! I didn't forget you this time
This is why I wanted to talk
I have an offer to make"
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tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months
God I'm way too invested in this au. Anyway I wanna hear more of the biology of the puppets and marionettes (might make fanart maybe)
I don't think I'm fully ready to delve into the topic of a Marionette because it reveals major story spoilers, for now just know that they are completely and utterly devoid of life, forever following an endless directive.
For the Puppets, I guess I can give a little bit more information about them, as long as I'm not crossing a personal story boundary I've set for myself lol
Once a Puppet reaches the first enlightenment stage, black tendrils begin to appear on their innermost structures slowly but steadily, as I've explained with Caine.
These things, these transformations... they can be jarring for the Puppet experiencing them for the first time especially when the Puppet starts to feel full sensations such as an electrifying jolt, a pain, or a touch, but make no mistake; aside from their weird alien appearance they mean no danger, and they can even come in pretty handy.
About half-way through the story, Pomni actually gains new abilities everytime she reaches a stage of enlightenment, and there are six steps to achieving the full process, and it may vary on how fast or slow these Puppets can achieve them.
Yeah, can you tell this is like, the leveling up system? lol
Firstly, let's start with Awareness.
Awareness is when a Puppet grows to think beyond their directive; their thoughts becomes separated from the imprinted norm that they used to know their whole existence.
Although, it's still the first stage, which means that even if a Puppet begins to think original thoughts for themselves, they'll still have a tendency to follow the original commands.
They'll just start thinking "hey, maybe I should stop and think about what exactly I'm doing for a second. Just for a second. Then I promise I'll go back to my routine."
At this rate, there's not much changes happening on the physical, except letting a Puppet feel physical touch, despite their mechanical body.
Secondly; Sentience
Sentience is when a Puppet grows... well, a genuine sentience, one that wasn't pseudo and pre-programmed into their very being.
They'll start exploring aspects that they haven't thought of exploring, and this is where creativity and imagination gets to shine a little more if the Puppet is on the creative side of things.
a Puppet may undergo a change of personality (not always guaranteed), so don't be surprised when the once-happy-go-lucky puppet starts crying out of nowhere.
black tendrils may seep out of an exposed joint or a cracked part, but they're only tiny little veins.
Thirdly; Conscience
Conscience is when a Puppet starts to feel emotions based on an inner moral system, that wasn't, again; pre-programmed into them.
they'll start to THINK what's right or wrong based on personal experiences, or maybe even remember their OWN former moral system from their past life, and even a combination of the two.
This is usually the part where they'll start to judge the directive imprinted into them, maybe bouts of unknown regrets will come too.
the veins become more noticeable at this stage, and can now be used for physical attributes/advantages.
Fourth; Reminiscence
This one is usually in tandem with the third, but not everyone can have the same case, since it always varies between all of them.
Reminiscence is when a Puppet remembers their past life prior to becoming what they are now; no strings holding them back from recalling anymore.
These come in the form of seeing major life events unfold right between your eyes; whereas before, there'll only be hazy glimpses.
Fifth; Persipience
Persipience is when a Puppet becomes wiser, and can now overcome the directive they were tasked with if they wished to.
This process can be agonizing for some because it is similar to the symptom of a withdrawal from an addiction.
Fortunately, once they've gotten over past that obstacle, they'll gain full automation over their bodies, the "itch" no longer as present as it used to be.
Sixth; Enlightenment
The final step.
A Puppet needs to come to terms with their new discovery.
They need to be at peace with the process of what had happened to them, accepting the progression from "Human" to "Puppet" as a part of their existence.
Final evolution takes place, and the Puppet can now fully utilize their soul magic to it's fullest extent.
Just like wisdom, not many are willing to go through this process/or can achieve this, since accepting the idea of "becoming a Puppet" like it's similar to the concept of growing up from adolescence to adulthood can be hard for some to fully stomach.
Although, it is considered as the "fully matured" process of the six stages.
Now, Madness takes just as much of steps as Enlightenment does. Only this time, you're on the wrong end of the stick.
Firstly; there's Isolation.
As the name itself applies, isolation is when a Puppet denies/is denied social interaction that their soul wants, prioritizing objectives over anything.
Subtle twitchiness may occur.
Secondly; Revelation
A revelation settles deep within a soul fragment laying inside a puppet's heart; they're trapped, and there's no escape.
Can also be called "entrapment", but revelation is cooler and sounds more fancy
Thirdly; Rebellion
Rebellion is when an attempt to rebel against the internal system of a Puppet takes place, but is not achieved due to the lack of free will and sentience on the physical and mental body.
The body becomes more uncontrollable, dangerously swinging and twisting.
the literal metaphor of an internal battle happening within oneself.
Fourth; Corruption
Another attempt is made by the soul energy, only this time, it's harnessing the worse aspects of a Puppet to propel itself and grow physically stronger, a desperate option.
large, black tendrils may burst through weaker parts and/or limbs; namely joints.
Repairs? What's that? Who even needs 'em lmaoooo
Fifth; Obsession
A Puppet begins to obsess over directives; a byproduct of the soul energy harnessing the negative traits that it's host was ingrained with.
The physical appearance of a Puppet becomes more grim, overexaggerated features that you'd only see in horror movies start to become more prominent.
Work is non-stop, no breaks. Liberation is irrelevant. The concept of humanity is irrelevant. They only exist to follow their directives now. If some shithead wants to tell you otherwise, they will fucking DIE.
Sixth; Madness
You've grown physically stronger. But at what cost?
ANYWAYS that was a massive infodump, what were talking about again?
Oh right. Puppet biology.
Uh, They're hella weird.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Honestly I can’t help but find it a bit reductive the way some fans act like Luke Skywalker is only ever adorable and he’s never intimidating.
Pardon me for saying this, but how fucking rude! This man killed a rancor with all the odds against him. He didn’t kill Darth Vader, but he stood over Darth Vader’s fallen form, a position that he put Darth Vader in himself. He stared down at the collapsed body of the Emperor’s attack dog and he thought about killing him. He considered killing him. Luke’s death count is well over a million people. The blood of well over a million people stains his hands. You don’t think that’s the kind of thing that changes a person? You don’t think that’s the kind of thing that would change someone on a deep, fundamental level?
To his enemies, he’s a spectre, a myth, he’s like chasing smoke through the air. But, he’s a spectre to his allies, too. Nobody knows where Luke is, aside from maybe Leia, because Luke wanders. Whether you’re looking at the extended universe or the Disney universe, Luke spent a long time going to seemingly random places without telling anyone before he left.
Don’t you think that Luke would be terrifying, from either side? This man who destroyed the Death Star, and with it, one million people. This man who can vanish without a trace. This man who wanders the galaxy and smiles in the face of danger. This man who witnessed the death of Death himself, Darth Vader, the only person with a kill count higher than Luke’s. And this man watched him die, and reports vary on whether or not he was the one who killed him.
The Rebels must hold Luke on another level. They must view him as untouchable. They view him as a Jedi of old, but one of the Jedi of old who were more akin to gods than men. Who’s going to speak against a man who could silence you without raising a finger? Even if they know he won’t hurt them, don’t you think there’s always that trickle of fear in their hearts, sending a chill down their spines? Don’t you think there’s doubt? A voice that says, “First was the Death Star. Second was the Emperor. You could be next, but you wouldn’t even rank as above a worm on his list”?
And it goes without saying that he’s a monster to his enemies. He’s on the same level as a kraken to a sailor. They know that he would not hesitate to kill them. They know that being a foot soldier doesn’t mean they won’t die if they get in his way. He’s a man who can break out of traps that are thought to be impossible to break out of. He’s a man who can crumble death troopers like tin cans without strain. He’s a man who is not on the same level as these mortals, and how could they ever forget that?
It’s incredibly reductive of a complex and three dimensional character to act like he can’t be taken seriously. It’s reductive not to take him seriously. If you’re writing something with Luke in it, no matter what role you’re having him take on, you have to take him seriously! Because you have to take ALL of the characters you write seriously!
That doesn’t mean you can’t mock him. Of course, makingn fun of characters is how a lot of people show their love for the character. But you can’t act like Luke Skywalker always fails at being intimidating. That’s reductive to the character, but it’s also rather rude to Mark Hamill, isn’t it? You’re saying that a talented actor is bad at acting. Hamill took the role seriously, and you can feel that when you watch the movies. At the very least, grant him the distinction of being passable. His acting isn’t perfect, sure, but it’s not like Luke never comes across as intimidating!
I don’t know. It bothers me when people reduce the character down to just being cute. He is! He’s hot, I’ve had a crush on Mark Hamill specifically since I was like ten, Luke Skywalker wears clothes that are incredibly flattering despite the fact that they shouldn’t be so flattering and it’s very attractive and sometimes my heart flutters when I see him in his orange jumpsuit, but none. Of. That. Matters. Because you can’t just act like all people who are attractive can’t also be scary. You can’t just pretend that horror monster Luke Skywalker can’t be both intimidating and adorable.
It’s like enjoying Leia only for the way she looks in a bikini. You’re reducing a well-written character down to their looks. And you CAN like a character just for how they look! That isn’t morally wrong!! Thought crimes were made up by the church because they want all human beings to feel as sinful as the lying sons of bitches are themselves!!! If you like a character just because you find them cute or hot or whatever, that’s! Just! Fine!
But please try to remember that enjoying the way someone looks isn’t the only way to enjoy someone. This rule goes for reality and fiction both. And I know I’m coming across as such a weirdo, telling you how to think, but I’m not trying to tell you how to think. I’m trying to help you understand that I am shorter than Luke Skywalker and I have made grown men quake, so seeing a character be reduced to being “cute” fills me with irrational rage at least partially because of the misogeny I faced in my youth.
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4doorssys · 11 months
100% believe that Foggy would be obsessed with the movie legally blonde much to Matt's dismay. He may study law but he hates law movies. Foggy puts it on the list every movie night and Matt complains every time. To get back at Foggy Matt also puts a historic drama/period piece right after legally blonde and Foggy groans every single time. They do it for years even after they graduate from Columbia. When they start inviting other people to movie night they very quickly do not accept another invitation to movie night as to not deal with Matt and Foggy bickering like the old married couple they are. That is until they invite Karen over who just tells them that they have to pick something else. She's not here to sit through their little feud over movies and she just wants to relax. Both Matt and Foggy are absolutely taken aback at the sheer suggestion of diverting from tradition. Karen just rolls her eyes and calls Frank to back her up. Of course Frank is smart enough not to come over. Karen quickly just accepts her fate and starts bringing a book to movie night which nobody comments on lest they face Karen's smart assery and whit. In the end Matt can quote any line from legally blonde at any moment when asked and Foggy ends up collecting historical dramas that Matt might want to put on during movie night. He makes sure there are braille labels on the spines of the movies before they go on the shelf. And maybe they've added legally blonde 2 to the movie night list.
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misteria247 · 7 months
Ranma 1/2's opening is a fucking bop and no I don't take criticism cuz any other option is completely wrong-
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firebuug · 11 months
indirectly not really tagged by(stolen from) @scp-168 because i'm cracyyyy (want to type and ramble)
3 ships:
damian already went off about abc but i need more abel and hokma. you guys talk about old man yaoi but WHEREEEE is the old man x old man yaoi. your coworker aged you 40 years and then he remanifests in his office as a manifestation of his flaws and his trauma and he's old as balls too. tell me you arent all over his ass. also can we have a old woman yuri carmen.
literally all of the ships i've been going crazy over have literally just been oc ships but also i need everyone to know that even if i don't play it anymore gregor x rodya will forever be the bisexual fail ship of all time. they both get no pussy. they beat each other up daily. gregor is used as a headrest and is also boob height. what's more to love? but also gregor and meursault? there's no chemistry here whatsoever other than they were both done dirty by their society and also have a ridiculous height difference. i feel like gregor talks and says shit and meursault takes it too seriosuly or doesnt get it and they both sit in silence for the next 30 mins. i hate them
none of this matters (holds up my oc polycule that consists of a giant centipede a wriggling neurotic mass of wires a giant bird dinosaur beast and the occasional cockroach that needs some love and forces you to like them) (holds up my queerplatonic autistic distortion sex explosion that commits The Pianist 2 and kills thousands and forces you to like them) (holds up my giant centipede kissing the bug from limbus company and forces you to like them) (holds up my bisexual telephone who hates men but wishes the living cymbal piano man and knight butch would kiss her so bad)
First ever ship: ugh i wish i knew, i'm pretty sure it has had to be an oc ship of some kind, but that probably doesn't count since that's just playing with dolls, so my money is on some stupid hetalia shit (i refuse to actually speak the name of the ship but like. it was one of the most popular mlm ships in the fandom so fuckin. guess). although the first ship i actually started making content and reading fic for instead of just looking at pictures of (i have no idea if hetalia came before this or not) is skarso from tos sob
Last song: im currenlty listening to music lel...im listening to Paranoiac Intervals/Body Dysmorphia by of Montreal one of the songs of all time nglll
Last Movie: Probably a movie i watched at my schools entertainment club, which was..across the spiderverse (it was really good but the ending was kinda disappointing)
Currently reading: I need to start reading again but I keep getting distracted by art and the Evil Devices, but I'm working on continuing Villain VS Villain by Rosalind B. Sterling and recently bought Chainsaw Man Buddy Stories and the first book of part 1 that i'm waiting to get brainrot again to read
Currently watching: i need to finish catching up on major adventure time episodes so i can watch fionna and cake and not be confused. also want to finish steven universe sometime...also need to finish watching madoka w my friends....
Currently consuming: also wateh
Currently craving: watermelon (we only have it when im not craving it like a dehydrated man in the desert)
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yiga-hellhole · 1 year
me having never been active in the zelda fandom outside of an incredibly niche ot3 community, was very surprised to find that there is actual discourse around what appears to be an incredibly run-of-the-mill ship. like. Huh. Whuh. i don't care much for it but genuinely. what's people's beef with ghira/link???? mildly curious
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pumpkinologists · 1 month
Missing You
Spencer Reid x Reader
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Summary: Spencer misses you and will do anything to distract himself from the feeling
Warnings: Smut, Phone sex (kinda), Self pleasuring
Notes: Here's a little something to kick off the end of my accidental year hiatus!
Crossposted on Ao3
Spencer was tired. He was tired of being away from you for so long, and all he wanted was to be wrapped up in bed with you, watching some stupid show that was way too predictable. He missed your body heat against him and the way you sometimes mumbled in your sleep. 
The hotel room he stayed in seemed so cold and empty, no matter how much he turned up the space heater. The sheets of bed wrapped around his body; usually he wouldn’t even touch the sheets, but right now, he was utterly frigid. He was so cold, infact, that he swore he could feel his toes going numb. He wished you were there to warm him up. But you weren't. 
He was on the opposite side of the country from you, and you couldn’t take it right now. So, instead of randomly calling you, he texted you like a madman. He sent you text after text about how much he missed you and how much he just wished he could call you right now. He wanted to talk to you about the case he had just finished in person or over the phone, whichever came first, but really he just wanted to talk to you. He didn’t want to send measly texts anymore, and he wanted to see your face. But it was two in the morning, and he knew you probably wouldn’t respond.
Until you did. His face lit up when he got the notification; his expectations for your response were low, but he responded immediately after, and you did the same. Spencer was overjoyed that you had responded; he didn’t even stop to think about why you were awake. When he got your text asking him if he wanted to call, he couldn’t even respond before your caller ID screen popped up on his phone. 
 “Hi.” A wide grin was spread across your dimly lit face. “Hi.” If even possible, Spencer's grin was even wider than yours, and his heart pounded at the sight of your face alone. He couldn’t believe the beauty on the other end of the line was actually his girlfriend. He sat in silence, something he didn’t do often around you, and simply stared at the face he wished to hold. 
“What are you doing right now?” You started, snapping him out of his trance, “Oh! Uh, well, I was just thinking about you and also freezing my toes off.” You snorted and laughed, a longing look crossing your face.
“I miss you. Like a  lot." He sighed and nodded along to your words, “I miss you too. I can’t stop thinking about you.” Spencer could have sworn the room had gone up a few notches in temperature when he answered your call, but it still wasn’t nearly the same as when you next called him. 
“I miss you too. I wish I had teleportation powers or just a really fast method of transport.” He rambled, trying to get the dreadful, yearning feeling to leave his brain. His stomach was like a pit; he felt empty without your presence. Typically, cases would be done in a couple of days, but this particular one was stale and had just been finished, so he was gone longer than usual. 
He heard your sigh come from his phone. “I do too. I think that you should invent it; y'know, you probably could if you thought about it long enough.” Spencer loved when you added to his thoughts, even when his thoughts were just rambling. “Well, maybe I could think of it, but it would probably be really hard to get it passed and actually put into use.” 
You chuckled. “You don’t have to get it passed; you can just use it yourself. Besides, I think your jet is fast enough as it is; any faster and the force might make your face melt.” Spencer shrugged and nodded, looking around his room, searching for another distraction rather than talking. He hated this feeling so much that he considered leaving his room to get away.
“Hey, Spence Are you okay?” He looked at his phone; your eyebrows were furrowed, and concern spread thickly across your face. “I just miss you so much. Its like theres a huge, you-shaped hole in my chest.” He saw you frown as you thought of what to say: “I miss you too. Is there anything I can do other than talk to distract you?” 
He swallowed thickly and thought, “I’m not sure. Nothing really comes to mind. I mean, I could play online chess, but that wouldn't help. Or maybe I could.” Spencer was cut off by your words, “Or you could touch yourself.” 
It was a matter-of-fact statement. You had no doubts in your voice; it was a real suggestion. Spencer couldn't believe how forward you were. His mouth stayed agape as he stared at his phone. It wasn’t necessarily a bad idea, and it was actually a pretty good one, but he just wasn’t sure. 
“I could. But I think there might be someone in the room next to mine. I could get a noise complaint if I’m too loud.” He saw your eyes move in thought. “I don’t think so. Besides, you can just stay a little quieter than usual.” Spencer nodded in agreement and gulped. 
“It won’t be the same without you.” He pouted, and his hand reached to grab himself over his trousers. You smiled as you listened to him talk; you could hear the ruffle of his pants on the other side. “It’s not your soft hand or your mouth, for that matter.” He let out a small whimper as his hand traced the outline of his hardening cock. 
Spencer's voice grew higher, his heart starting to race. “I wish I could see your face in person; the real thing is so much better.” His voice was shaky, and his eyes squinted as they looked at you. His hand was now completely in his pants, and on his underwear formed a small wet patch of his pre-cum. 
His hand was fully wrapped around himself as he now slowly moved his hand up and down, not enough to fully stimulate himself but enough for him to take it slow. Spencer loved slow. He didn’t like rough and fast, but he loved gentle and slow more than anything. 
“I want to kiss you so bad,” he heard you say. Frankly, he forgot that you were also able to speak; he was more focused on your face, forgetting that it was actually a call and not just a picture, and when he heard your voice, he grew impossibly harder. “Keep talking, please.” 
You smiled and let out a breath. “You’re so cute when you’re touching yourself, y’know?” Spencer groaned, his naked cock hitting the cold air. Spencer had forgotten how cold he was in the beginning, but right now it feels so good on his blushing, hot skin. He whined, his lip in between his teeth, and he tried to stay as quiet as possible.  
“God, I need you so bad.” His voice was only a little above a whisper, and his voice was whiny. “I know, Spence; you’ll see me tomorrow.” He frowned and made a noise in frustration. “But it’s not the same; I want to see you now.”  
His hand continued to stroke leisurely, but he needed something more. He let go of his cock, raised his hand up to his mouth, and spit on it. The spit dripped onto him, and he whimpered in pleasure. “It feels so good.” You nodded and smirked. “I know, keep going,” you said, nodding with a pout on your face. “I just wish it was you doing this instead of me. You’re so much better at it.” 
The pout on his face soon dissolved into a look of pure pleasure as he rubbed his hand on the head of his cock. His mouth dropped open, and a moan slipped out. It wasn’t very loud, yet he still cut himself off by biting his lip. 
“You can make noise,” you said. He shook his head, still focused on his pleasure. “It’s embarrassing if they hear,” you pouted, “but I want you too.” It was whiny and persuasive. “Okay. Just a little.” You smiled at his response. 
Spencer's moans continued to fill the room, and the pace of his hand continued to get faster. He was getting close, and you knew it. “What are you imagining?" You decide to ask with genuine curiosity. “You.” He said it dumbly. "Yes, but what exactly?” He whined and spoke, “Your mouth.” He paused to let out another pleasured sound, “on my cock.” 
You giggled at his response and continued to watch the way his face twisted in rapture. He was close now; he spit on his hand again and stroked himself even faster than before. “I’m so close,” he muttered into the air. “You got it; keep going.” You encouraged him charmingly. With that, his breath hitched, and a loud moan left his mouth, followed by a cacophony of strung-out swears and noises. 
His panting was fast and in tune with the beating of his heart. Coming down from his high was always an amazing yet disappointing feeling. He swallowed the drool that pooled in his mouth and looked down at the phone screen. “I suppose I should clean myself up now.” He was still breathless. 
“I suppose you should.” You agreed. He rubbed his face with his now-free hand, the cum that was spattered all over his stomach somehow completely avoided it. “Did that help?” You asked, hopefully. “As much as I hate to say it, I really think that just made me miss you even more.” 
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palioom · 11 months
day thirty-one - free day / public sex
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pairing: oberyn martell x f!reader
word count: 625
warnings: 18+ content; no use of y/n; public sex, doggystyle, unprotected p in v, creampie
a/n: the final day!! thank you so, so much to everyone who has read, left comments, tags, anything! it was an exciting (also stressful) first kinktober! thanks for making it so enjoyable!! i'll be back to regular uploads on november 8th 🖤
• kinktober 2023 masterlist •
Oberyn knew exactly how dangerous it was. Fucking her in a little corner in the private gardens of the Red Keep, having torn her away from the feast to have her to himself. So riled up and hard from her simply sitting on his lap all evening, grinding her pretty ass against his crotch and driving him insane while doing so.
If they were caught, it could mean death. King’s Landing was different to Dorne in that way. They weren’t as open to sex and love up here like they were in the warm south, where the public setting may be frowned upon, but not punishable by losing one’s head.
But exactly that was part of the thrill, his broad hand wrapping over her mouth as he pounded into her from behind, muffling her sweet sounds. Still unable to keep the wet slapping noises quiet, his hard cock plunging into her wet heat over and over again.
“You have to stay quiet, my dove.” He whispered intently, and as if to mock her, slammed into her with a particularly harsh thrust. “Do you want them to find us?”
She shook her head, unable to keep her moans down. He simply made her feel too good with how he was fucking her, with how his hand was holding her by her hip. The obscene, wet noises only added to it.
“I suspect that you do.” He whispered against her ear, his voice so close to her and letting shivers run over her skin. “You want them to see how the Red Viper is fucking you, don’t you?”
Oberyn muffled his own groan against her shoulder, hearing footsteps draw near.
“You want them to know who is spearing open this delectable cunt, making you feel the heights of pleasure.” Rambling like a madman, hissing the words against her skin. 
Not stopping even when voices appeared right on the other side of the hedge, her heart skipping a beat but finding that the shrub was thick enough to not show anything.
Her heart was beating in her throat, threatening to jump out of it as his hand still kept firmly wrapped over her mouth.
“You do, don’t you, my dove?” Oberyn hissed, finally pushing her over the edge, groaning softly when her tight cunt grabbed him harshly. Panicking just a little when a loud noise escaped her, audible even through his hand.
“What was that?” A man said on the other side of the hedge, but not even that could deter Oberyn from chasing his own release deep inside of her. “I think I have heard something.”
The man remained quiet for a moment, silence filling the air, only broken by the wet slap of skin on skin.
“Mayhaps just an animal.” A woman said softly. “Let us go.”
The footsteps disappeared, and she could finally breathe normally again, Oberyn finally spilling himself inside of her with a loud groan.
Entirely uncaring right now if anyone heard, needing to make his fondness of her cunt known to not only her but the whole world.
Nothing could be finer than this.
Slowly he slipped his hand from her mouth, instead steadying her form as she stood on weak legs, giggling like she was drunk.
“I think you wanted them to hear, my love.” She said, her gown sliding down over her ass again, covering her up as if nothing had ever happened.
Oberyn put himself away, chuckling as well. Linking his arm with hers, he smiled softly at the way her legs still trembled when they appeared from behind the hedge.
“Mayhaps I did, my dove.” He laughed, his eyes twinkling as he looked at her. “But you can not say that you did not enjoy it as well.”
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mizu0xox0 · 5 months
If the HSR characters were self aware and they can hear everything well I bet my team is sick of hearing Ruler of my heart, Unknown (Till the end) and Cure on loop whenever farming for Aventurines materials. I'm sorry Kafka, Black swan,Ruan Mei and Bailu but Round 6 has sent me into a spiral of emotions. And I don't think any of the characters appreciate that I keep rambling about Ivan and Till, School Bus Graveyard and Aventurine (why him out of all the hsr cast? No idea, apparently I'm what one would call down bad for him.)
Kafka: Well well Elio could never predict this, it's not in the script yet it's here.
Ruan Mei: Maybe I could form a new life form with the rhythm of this music.
Black Swan: About to peer into my memories to find out who's Ivan and Till, what's this school bus graveyard and why I keep talking about a certain blonde gambler.
Bailu: Busy keeping the team alive.
The characters are also not happy one bit that they technically don't have free will so urm they can't really stop the music from playing unless they somehow access my Spotify or music app- (maybe the music lovers enjoy it so like they will try learn the chords of the song, I can see Serval trying to learn the chords for Unknown Till The End.)
But more importantly is if the music was still playing during the story or during the story quest well it would make things so much worse because imagine you're talking to the Trailblazer but both you and the Trailblazer keep hearing the same music on repeat in your heads. Very distracting and irritating right? Especially Sunday, Dr Ratio and Aventurine for that part of the 2.1 story quest.
Sunday trying to speak when all the sudden they hear this "흔들리는 paradigm" and they know aw fuck their gonna hear this for their whole ass conversation in this room together. This is how I imagine it's going:
Aventurine: Haha now that I think about it. This song has such a nice melody right doc?
Dr Ratio: You better stop talking, gambler. This song has given me a migraine from how many times it's been played like a broken record over and over again. You're not helping with your small talk.
Sunday: Trying to use the harmony to block out the music but low and behold it's not working.
It doesn't help if mid way through the quest they hear someone screaming/rambling like a madman about a particular two people called Ivan and Till. Who the fuck are these people and why do you keep talking about them?! Why are they even making you cry?! And what do you mean one of these many songs they hear is a song performed by these two. If the characters ever got access to my Pinterest it's over when they see my recent searches have Ivan and Till along with school bus graveyard.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 month
Anyway I’m really enjoying Fields of Mistria rn and it is almost entirely because the characters are so cute and vibrant. I don’t want to spoil anything but my favourite part is the characters and interactions anx my second favourite part is that the fishing minigame is really similar to early Pokemon (very positive).
In terms of how fun the fishing is, I’m putting this game pretty high despite how simple it is. Because you can fish or dive, and I can’t help but imagine my cute, tiny little character diving down, grabbing desperately in the water, and somehow surfacing with an entire goddamn fish.
Also, Dozy.
The game is a 10bil/10 from me, guys
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yandere-sins · 1 year
The Orcas' Tale - Lyr's Story I
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And here he is, our sweetest, craziest, loveliest boy ♥ Honestly, it was fun giving Lyr a bit more personality than he had in the original story, and I am also glad to have provided him with a cute little darling of his own. I hope you guys enjoy slipping into the role of a mermaid, and ehem look forward to a different kind of spice (;
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Merman x GN!AFAB!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Content (Non-Con Kissing/Touching/Fingering, Bondage kind of), Violence (Threats to kill/harmm reader, Sharp teeth/claws, Almost tearing off reader's jaw), Monsters/Non-Human reader, Animalistic behavior, Mention of blood/claws/sharp teeth, Hinting at death/non-con, Feeding the reader seal meat, Being caught in a net, Long post
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"They just won't stop bugging! Like, I get it, Mom, bringing a human into the pod was stupid and dangerous, but it's not our fault that Nerrocan left!"
Heaving a deep sigh, Lyr looked up at the water's surface through the holes in the ceiling of the cove he had found. Light was shimmering into the mostly calm water, a few tiny fish slipping in and out of the cave-like structure while he rested on his back, ignoring any wildlife of the ocean as he had no interest in small fry. They didn't get close enough to be caught, wary of the superior predators of the sea, who, unbeknownst to anyone's eyes, looked more like friends hanging out than what they really were—captor and captive.
Despite his annoyance and loud complaining, he looked tired. You had witnessed many a mood of his ever since he decided to hide you away for his own enjoyment, but as of late, every time Lyr visited you, he looked more exhausted than the last. As usual, his eyes were dull, and his dorsal fin collapsed. For an orca in his best years, he looked like he'd been dragged through the blue hell, but it invoked no sympathy inside you. All you could do was listen and observe, but knowing he was the merman responsible for your misery, you felt no pity for your clearly mentally unstable captor. Reaching to his left, Lyr picked another piece of meat from the seal carcass he had hunted, slipping the food into his mouth before continuing his rant.
"Who'd have known that guy had it in him. Can't help but respect him getting the fuck out of the pod, and I'm glad I don't have to see his wannabe goody two-fin face anymore. It's been getting harder to put him in his place with how aggressive he suddenly got."
"Won't they miss him?"
Lyr stopped chewing, his head falling to the side, facing you. Muddy purple eyes sprang to life, reflecting the light as brilliant as rare corals. With one big gulp, he devoured what had been left of his meal, a toothy grin spreading over his lips. "Look who decided to talk! Who's gonna miss him? His mommy? Sure. It's not like she has a dozen more just like him."
For a moment, you held his stare, watched the grin stretch wider, and twisted his expression into a grimace before you lowered your eyes, settling on drawing swirls into the sand. It wasn't like you wanted to have a conversation with him, but listening day in and day out to his crazy rambles and complaints was just as bovine as engaging with the madman. 
"That's not very nice. I'm sure his mom loves them all equally. You've got a big family, after all."
"Nah," he retorted, shaking his head. Picking out a bone from the seal's body, he used it as a toothpick, cleaning out the sharp-edged teeth he loved flashing you. "Orcas aren't like yours. We don't love each other just because we share the same blood or come from the same mother. Either you're useful to the pod and do what you're told, or you're at the very bottom of the food chain. I could never be the same as Krill, no matter how hard I tried. He was always Mom's favorite, so now I just don't try anymore. It doesn't even matter to them where I am, but it suits me. Now I got a lot more time to spend with ya!"
Now it was your time to grimace while Lyr flopped onto his side and closer to you, surely noticing the tension growing in your body as you felt appalled by the ever-closing distance. He tossed the bone carelessly into the water while your movements abruptly stopped. You wished it was as easy as the flap of your fin to get away from him, but you were rendered helpless to his touch, unable to get away from his pointed finger dragging over your forearm, his claw teasing your softer skin. He didn't just have the advantage of size, but you knew that no matter how haggard he might appear, you'd be no match against him in a scuffle. Much less now that you were trapped.
And your growling stomach wasn't helping.
While you let out an exasperated groan, Lyr laughed loudly about your misery, finding your dependency on him to not starve hilarious. As much as you despised being at his mercy, you had no choice but to humor him if you wanted to survive, even when he enjoyed your reluctant behavior so much that he held his stomach aching from laughter. 
"You could have just told me you're hungry!" he teased, grinning from ear to ear at you while you gave him an ashamed glare, staying silent as a stone in your spot, belly-down in the sand. "I don't mind sharing, ya know? There's still so much of this yummy seal left, it would be a shame to give it to the fish. You know what you gotta do to earn it, right?"
Gritting your teeth, you watched the smugness wash over his expression as he sent you into yet another predicament. You even considered eating a heap of sand instead of bowing to his will. As if being trapped wasn't enough, he just had to exploit you at every chance he got, and you hated how easily your survival instinct made these reckless decisions for you, which he'd never let you live down. The hole in your stomach didn't get any smaller. Lyr's last visit had been a few days already, and you were in no condition to hunt efficiently for yourself. So aside from small, stupid fish that came too close to you, you hadn't eaten outside of his visits, and it was starting to show. 
You knew what you had to do. Unfortunately.
No matter how much your brain screamed at you not to, your body knew it instinctively, propping itself onto your forearms while you sighed inwardly, feeling defeated by your needs. Moving was the hardest part about being caught in a net. It was an unusual heavy net with clunky weights that had slung around your fin and lower body, dragging you to the ground where Lyr had found you. Even he had been surprised by the sturdiness of this net when he first inspected it but quickly had taken advantage of the situation, dragging you to this much more hidden place and out of plain sight so he had you all to himself. At least he didn't kill you; that's what you told yourself. But death was more merciful than Lyr, that much you knew by now. 
He had no problem being patient when it meant watching you struggle as you dragged yourself toward him. Lyr didn't even mind you digging your meager claws into his skin when you grabbed onto him, using his body to support yourself while you lifted off the ground, close enough to feel his watery breath ghost against your face. Placing your lips over his, you flinched away in reluctance before forcing yourself to keep going, counting to three this time before twisting your head to the side. 
Lyr hummed, sounding dissatisfied as you felt his hand brush up your spine. Nesting his palm at the nape of your neck, you refused to look forward again until he twisted his own head to find your lips, his much sharper, much more dangerous claws only curling into place the second he got what he wanted. Now, with an appreciative chortle, he relished in stealing another kiss, tongue swiping over your pursed lips until he found a hole in your defense, worming into your mouth. 
You were no stranger when it came to mating habits, but compared to your fellow dolphins, Lyr was surprisingly gentle. He relished in your defiance but seemed to enjoy enticing little moans and gasps from you just as much. His tongue was a choking hazard in a mouth that wasn't fit to house it. Though you had gills, you could barely concentrate on breathing while you fought against him as best as you could. Still, he took his sweet time exploring every inch, letting air flow out of his mouth and into yours, never not considering you while doing what he wanted. He even softened his hold on you, rubbing his palms down your back in a spine-tingling motion when you stopped struggling against him. It was almost like he was rewarding you for good behavior, and it was sickeningly pleasurable.
But the taste of flesh and blood lingering on his tongue made your stomach growl, your body eagerly moving towards him, hoping to find food. All you gained was a chuckle before he nicked your lower lip with his sharp teeth in warning. Your fangs probably wouldn't be able to bite through his thick tongue, but despite this weird obsession he had with you, he was almost more wary of you than you of him. It seemed like he could never cut himself loose completely despite having nothing to fear from an easy target like you. He seemed so relaxed and unbothered whenever he visited you, but it was almost as if he was plagued by invisible ghosts whispering into his ears. 
Despite his warning, you found his arms wrapping around your body, pulling you on top of him before you two rolled over to the other side, Lyr resting you gently down in the sand. He didn't care that the net that had trapped you to the ocean floor also got dragged over his tail, unbothered by possibly getting stuck like you were. Perhaps he simply didn't mind that thought as much as you did. To be fair, considering he was much stronger and the material had yet to wrap around and get stuck on his fins like it had with yours, it posed no threat to the orca. And yet, it was infuriating to you, who wanted nothing more than to swim away and reunite with your own kind. 
Propping his arm in the sand next to your head, he looked down at you with a satisfied smile and a mischievous spark in his eyes but reached over you, grabbing a piece of seal meat. He brought it up to your lips, dabbing it against them, though you refused to open for him. "I can feed myself just fine," you reminded him, wiggling your hands in the air to demonstrate your ability to hold things before trying to take the food from him.
"Now, don't be ungrateful, or I'll bring you a turtle shell to gnaw on next time."
You could feel your face contort in disgust at his suggestion, reluctantly parting your lips to nib at the food dangling in front of your face. Once you had a taste of meat, your body couldn't resist, gobbling up every last bite hungrily while Lyr kept providing it for you with a smile. If he wasn't fast enough, your teeth would drag over his fingers, but he wouldn't even flinch or scold you, his fin slapping against the sand instead, almost as if he enjoyed your nibbles. 
Seal wasn't your preferred food, but in times of food scarcity—like it has ever since getting holed up with Lyr—it was as good as any. The rest of the carcass was devoured faster than your excited stomach wanted, and you still didn't feel satisfied after eating every last piece. Had you been free, you'd have gone hunt for more without a moment of rest. But the gnawing hunger had subsided at least, and if Lyr came back again soon, you'd at least not have to endure it for too long until the next meal. 
Pausing your thoughts, you realized you had just longed for Lyr to provide for you again soon, immediately turning the hunger into nausea as you pondered on it. 
You were too quiet, too long for his taste as he sought out your lips again after your meal. Brushing his thumb over them, your instinct mistook his finger for more food. You could barely stop yourself from biting into his gnarly claw as the urge to eat won over again. However, your mouth was open long enough as realization dawned on you of what you were doing, for him to cup your face instead, turning it slightly to him so his tongue could lick over your lips and dip in again. Lyr hummed merrily as he tasted the seal on you, unashamed, unbothered by you struggling to keep him out, fingers wrapping around his throat—unsuccessful in deterring him. He was waiting for your breath to run out before taking the chance to deepen the kiss again, ever so patient with you. 
"I think I get it now," he mumbled, breaking the kiss before leaving some more superficial brushes of his lips against yours. "Nerrocan was onto something. We just didn't know it."
"Why didn't you go with him then?" you mumbled back, turning your face away to avoid any more unwanted affection, even if it meant resting it in his palm. 
To your surprise, Lyr scoffed loudly, and you flinched away as you could feel his mood shift. His palm didn't grow stiff and rigid. However, you still forced yourself away from it, too afraid he might—possibly on accident, but much more likely intentionally—rake his claws over your face, leaving wounds deep and painful. It was useless, however, as he used the same hand to collect your floating hair instead, forcing you to look at him while his gaze drilled into you with fury swirling in his eyes. 
"Listen, I might not remember how we got to that place, but I know all the shit they did to us!" 
You whimpered as he pulled your hair back, your neck struggling to keep up with his demands from your position. Lyr took a sharp breath, pausing the angry flashing of his fangs as he watched you cowering in front of him, ever so slightly calming down at the sight of fear flashing in your eyes. You hated him when he mocked you and also when he was delighted in your suffering. But you hated his anger more, his haggard body still crushing and his fangs and claws sharp despite whatever he went through. One bite into your throat, and you were a goner, especially with how exposed the soft flesh was to him now.
"I'll never go back there! Never! They cut us open, prod inside us with their disgusting hands, and inject strange fluids into me! They… They changed us. Changed me. And now I don't even know–"
His hand was trembling in your hair as he let out a shuddering breath. You caught his eyes for only a split second, watching the brilliant purple turn into mushy darkness. Lyr shook his head as if confused while his voice trailed off, his free hand rising as he hid his face from you for a moment. You weren't sure if you were supposed to say anything, and even if, what could you say to that? You had no idea what he's been through, and even though you had your fair share of struggles in your life, you never experienced something quite as dramatic as he described. Then again, why would you try to comfort him? Lyr was perfectly able to help you in your time of need but had refused cutting the net for you again and again. Why would you give him kindness if he refused to do the same for you?
Being free of his attention, your eyes fell lower on his body. Just shy of where your tail rested over his. With his tail flipped over, you had a clear view of his collapsed dorsal fin, a pitiful sight for any creature like you. It made you think that something was wrong with him in the first place, as this was an unusual sight on any of your kinds. If what he said was true, maybe this experience had done this to him, understandably so, as it sounded awful. You couldn't bring yourself not to pity him despite your negative feelings towards him. 
Next to you, Lyr took a deep breath, pushing his short hair out of his face before he searched for your gaze. Desperately. Needy. Somewhere to ground him. You weren't sure what you saw in the darkened violet, but his features looked drained of vitality, as if the moment of silence had exhausted him completely. It made him look… vulnerable. But then he smiled again, his eyes lit up, and the strange feelings swirling in his irises were covered by excitement as he found yours, soaking in the sight before him.
"I really do get it now," he admitted, grin parting his lips, revealing his protruding upper left fang, the sharpest of them all. "I was so confused about the strange looks Nerrocan gave the human, but I realize I've been the same with ya—whatever it means. I keep coming back here just to see you. I want to stay right here with you, forever. Just us two. I'll hunt for us and make this cave pretty. Whatcha think, lil' dolphin?" 
"N-No, I don't think that will work," you mumbled, averting your eyes again as his gaze became too intense to keep up the eye contact. He seemed to drill into you as if to excavate your soul and lay it bare for him to tease and enjoy. You didn't like it one bit when he looked at you so intensely. 
You could tell by now that he was working himself into another ramble, but you didn't like how much it focused around you. Usually, he was complaining about his situation in his pod and how much his mom hounded him with expectations. Lately, his rants focused more on the human and Nerrocan and the waves their arrival and disappearance caused in their family. But while he was always strange when it came to you, being the sole focus of his attention felt uncomfortable. 
"I'm not sure I understand, but my pod is probably searching for me, and I've been away for so long already. They probably miss me terribly! If- If only I could get the net off, I wouldn't have to bother you at all! I'd be gone before you know it, and you wouldn't have to look after me! I'd be fine! Maybe you can try cutting it again with your claws, or… or maybe--"
Lifting your torso from the ground, you grabbed the net at its highest point, tugging at it and trying to loosen it up. You realized it was you who was rambling this time, but the conversation had taken a turn that you didn't want to make reality at all cost. You couldn't imagine yourself being this guy's pretty little cave warmer for all eternity, preferring the roughness of your own kind over his madness. Orcas weren't known to be gentle housemakers, no matter how much Lyr tried to sell it to you. Not even when he handled you gently, yet never did what you wanted. 
However, you were surprised when he reached down to the net, yanking at it with you. A yelp escaped you as he pulled your tail over his, the net cutting into your flesh painfully as he twisted and pulled until you had to fold up your tail, getting more and more caught. Nets usually weren't as much of a problem to sirens, but this one was sturdier and heavier than any fishing net you had encountered in your long life. 
So when Lyr caught your hands in it, you began to panic. 
"Wait! I'm getting wrapped up in it! Please stop, this isn't helping!" Your plea was ignored as Lyr slung the grating material over your wrists a few more times, ignoring your thrashing and panic with the calm of someone who had all the time in the world. Who had nothing to fear, especially not you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to make him understand you wanted to get out of the net and not strung up in it more until he was done messing with you, flipping you over and pulling you close against him.
"That's not what I meant," you sobbed as he rested his head on top of yours, only cushioned by the arm he lent you as a headrest. 
"Isn't this so much better?" he asked, feigning innocence. But you couldn't believe his audacity to make you even more miserable. It was as if he wanted to make you as miserable as he was. "This way, you can't leave without my help. And I doubt your little pod will find you here."
"I just want to go home," you mumbled, anger slowly overtaking as the panic subsided. Your hands were bound tightly, your fin being the one hurting when you tried to lift them and vice versa. You felt truly trapped, and that made you angry rather than sad. It was strange, considering how, just a few minutes ago, you had almost pitied this male, but now, all you felt was rage.
"It's your home, now. Our home. We'll live here, unbothered by others. Just the two of us."
"It's not my home! Let me go!" you snapped, lips pulled back in a snarl. Dolphins were by far not the scariest predators, but your teeth were sharp and threatening as well! 
Or so you thought.
Lyr laughed at your display of a threat, seemingly amused that you were still fighting him. Without warning, he raised his hand to your face, squeezing both sides of your jaw until the pressure forced you to open it, and stuck his pointer and middle finger inside. He only needed these two to press your tongue down, your mouth wide agape with his claws scarily close to the back of your throat. You tried to close your jaw, bite down until he'd retract his hand, but Lyr didn't care. He didn't even mind your teeth digging into his flesh, leaving cute little cuts against his slick skin. 
"Careful, lil' dolphin. You're not in a position to make such scary demands of me, don't you know that already? I could kill ya." 
Unafraid of getting hurt, the pressure on your lower jaw increased, fingers purposely impaling themselves on your teeth while pain made you jolt as you felt your jaw dislodging slowly. You wiggled your trapped body, gurgling against his fingers before finally looking up at him as best as possible from your position, noticing the smug grin on his face. 
"I won't, of course."
Pulling his fingers out of your mouth, dragging out the motion until the last moment, you coughed, the taste of his blood on your tongue. There was no time to recover as Lyr nuzzled his face into the side of yours, oblivious to the thrumming in your jaw as you tried to relax it while the blood flow resumed. 
"You're too much fun alive, so I won't kill you," he admitted, grabbing your hands that rested against your chest and pulling them down, elevating some of the strain on your tail, and you finally breathed out. "But if you want to get rid of the net, maybe we can find a way to make this even more fun?"
You felt his lips sink to your cheek, your jawline, then trailing down your neck. A kiss for every one of your gills. The water around you was gentle and warm, but at that moment, it was like jumping into the ice-cold ocean after sunbathing on the surface, shocking and shivering through every bone of yours. 
While the arm your head rested on wrapped around your collarbones, holding on to your shoulder, the other hand started to wander lower. His fingers played around with the net, cutting through some of the squares until he could stick his hand through it, placing his palm on your stomach before sinking it dangerously low and pulling your hands down with it. So you wouldn't be able to grasp his arm on top, trying to make him stop as Lyr nibbled on your earlobe, the protruding fang drawing blood that he licked up without hesitation.
"Stop that!" you complained as his touch grew uncomfortably intimate, the pain in your jaw reverberating as you spoke. It had long dawned on you what his definition of 'fun' was, but you weren't as naive as to believe he'd actually stick to his word and cut you loose after getting what he wanted. It was better not to risk it than risk it for nothing. Your kind wasn't known to be gentle to their chosen lovers, but you never thought about mating with an orca. It wasn't normal! Wasn't what you were made to do! And if you were to survive it… you didn't want to think of the carnage that all of him would leave behind on your body. 
If his size was any indication, you were sure you couldn't take him without getting absolutely ruined in the process—and not the pleasurable kind of destroyed. More the ripped apart and bleeding out type. 
His hand found your slit, fingertip brushing lightly yet incessantly over it, leaving a tingling trail in its wake. You whimpered, ashamedly so, but instead of the expected mockery, you felt his chest rumble, a purr reaching your ears. It was soothing, relaxing, his body warming you from behind even as you desperately tried to deny feeling anything from his touch. 
But Lyr wasn't stingy with his surprises.
A chirp so oddly familiar resounded behind you, yet you were sure you had never heard that voice before. It took you a moment of complete stillness to realize it had been Lyr making that sound, yet it wasn't orca. It was dolphin. "How did you…?" you gasped, ignoring his inquisitive fingers prodding at your entrance, begging to be let in without having to use force.
"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, lil' dolphin," he hummed, imitating some more whistles and clicks that were perfect and comforting, like the calls of your pod, yet were spoken by an uncanny voice. You felt the tears well up in our eyes again, as you couldn't help but gasp, following it with a moan, his finger slipping into you, teasing the soft, warm flesh awaiting him there. Lyr let out an appreciative sound that made your core clench with desire, all praise and all dolphin for letting him in. 
"You don't even like me," you gasped, hands wringing in the net. You were completely and utterly caught in this trap, and he had free range to your body while slowly gaining access to your very soul by imitating your own kind's calls of desire and adoration. Lyr's mouth pulled taut in a big grin as he felt you unwillingly relax and shudder in his arms, your tail buckling into his hand. You looked up to see the madness dance with satisfaction and need in his eyes before he leaned down to kiss you.
"That's where you're wrong, lil' dolphin," he chuckled, kissing you one more time, long and with relish, his fingers playing with you, adding one after the other as you loosened up to him, exploring the depths not meant for an orca.
"I like you very, very much."
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misteria247 · 2 years
The 1987 version of TMNT sucks. 2003 is wayyy better
Ehhh I personally like the 87 tmnt! It's fun and you're always guaranteed to have a wonderful time with the show! But on the same note I also like the 2003 tmnt! It's dark and gritty and it doesn't hold back on its punches!!
On another note, while your opinion is valid just as mine is, it's important to remember that without the 87 series, the 2003 series wouldn't have become a thing. The 87 tmnt show was what made future shows and movies and games that we know and love today! 87 was the building blocks that helped shape awesome stuff like the 2003 series and so many other versions of the tmnt franchise!!
If 87 didn't make its break the way it did, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could have still very much stayed in their original comics and perhaps even completely be unknown to the world since the show helped wide spread the franchise on a quicker scale.
So while in your opinion the 87 series sucked, it's still good to have some respect for the show to some degree!! Anyways to each their own Anon!! :D
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glamnessaaumisc · 9 months
FNAF/Banban Shitpost
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Based on something @aarcade said when they were streaming Garten Banban IV in a Discord VC.
Update: They played Garten of Banban VI when it came out as well. I will hide a long-ass (and VERY cringe) text post regarding my opinions about the game (re: 95% about Bittergiggle) underneath a read-more link.
In my opinion, the game was pretty much what I expected from a Banban game. However, Bittergiggle is such an unexpectedly amazing and complex character coming from a game that only a four-year-old could enjoy. Not only does his voice actor stand above the rest of Banban's voice cast, but he has a really great motivation behind his actions, and you can understand why he does everything he does, both good and bad.
In Garten of Banban IV, Bittergiggle is established as a character whose raison d'etre is his comedy career. He was, quite literally, born to be funny. However, the world he was thrust into prohibits him from making any jokes whatsoever lest it literally be destroyed. This is so because Queen Bouncelia, the de-facto ruler of some LARP-kingdom underneath the kindergarten, holds the "Naughty Ones" at bay within her pouch and may accidentally let them loose, should she ever laugh. (Did I mention Banban's story is stupid af?) Thus, Bittergiggle is ostracized from the Kingdom by Sheriff Toadster, forced to take his comedy career even more underground than it already is. Due to this ostracization, he begins to question the notion that the Queen's laughter could lay waste to the Kingdom and even rebels against Toadster's self-assigned and often overreaching authority. (Note: Toadster is technically in the right by preventing Bittergiggle from getting to the Queen, but he also arrested most of the original cast of Garten of Banban for seemingly no reason at all. He's kind of like a Discord/Reddit moderator who flexes his authority by being a tyrannical prick.)
But eventually, Bittergiggle finally does it, the madman! He makes the Queen laugh...but that end-of-the-world conspiracy he denied so vehemently is proven to be true! The Naughty Ones escape and lay waste to the land he called home. When you next meet Bittergiggle in Garten of Banban VI, he apologizes profusely for his lack of foresight and pledges to help you out with fixing the problem he created. His life starts turning around. He gets together with some other characters - Banban, Nabnab, and Kittysaurus (I am losing brain cells) to name a few - and goes on a quest to find the Queen's scepter, which IIRC is a weapon that can combat the Naughty Ones or something like that. He even gets an audience to listen to his jokes! That's right, in one part of the game, Bittergiggle admits to you that he sometimes says his jokes aloud and the Naughty Ones laugh at them from the darkness. It makes him really happy, and he feels as if he is finally fulfilling his life's purpose. In fact, his newfound audience makes him so happy that at the end of the game when you're escaping the leader of the Naughty Ones, he stays behind because he wants to keep his audience and continue to fulfill his purpose.
The next (and last at the time of writing) time you see Bittergiggle is in the ending cutscene of Garten of Banban VI. The Naughty Ones' laughter was but a ruse, and when he embraced his "audience" they corrupted him and turned him into their thrall. Truly, Bittergiggle is the most tragic and well-written character in the content-farm-friendly clusterfuck that is Garten of Banban.
My IQ dropped into the single digits when I was writing this, and I hope yours does the same as you read my incoherent rambling about the worst mascot horror series.
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4stormfly · 8 months
Why Chester and Norris are probably more than just Jon and Martin’s voices
The ramblings of a madman who really wants his silly little guys back
Spoilers for up to tmagp episode 4
First of all, just because tmagp can be enjoyed without listening to tma, that doesn’t mean none of the characters from tma will come back. All sequels are designed to be enjoyable on their own, it would be bad writing otherwise. You never know where a new listener/viewer/reader will start, so everything needs to be able to be enjoyed by itself so that they continue to consume your content, but that doesn’t stop writers from including characters from the original work. Just look at Marvel movies. You don’t need to have watched every single movie that came before to enjoy Infinity War (I hadn’t, and I still loved Infinity War), but it’s still able to reference things from those previous movies without explaining the entire MCU at the time. Characters can come back from tma and tmagp can still be enjoyable for new listeners. These two things aren’t mutually exclusive.
One of the major theories is that the fears are just using their voices from the tapes. This doesn’t explain Augustus’ voice, though. His voice isn’t anywhere on the tma tapes, unless you want to say he’s a recast for Leitner, which doesn’t really make sense for any other reason than they sound similar. It’s much more likely that Augustus is og Jonah, since he was the only one in the panopticon with Jon and Martin (plus there’s no implication that Elias’s body in the rubble in MAG200, so Jonah could have been sent wherever Jon and Martin went).
As pointed out very often, even though we only have four cases read out by the text to speech voices, they all line up pretty well with the characters they would be. Chester reads the case about the dangers of the Magnus Institute, serving as a warning for what’s to come. Norris reads the cases about love and how easily it is to lose yourself to these fears. Finally, Augustus reads the case from the 18th century about a selfish man willing to use the fears to harm other people in order to get what he wants.
Another thing I don’t see mentioned a lot is the censorship around who Jonny, Alex, and Tim Fearon are playing. When the official cast was revealed, the characters they were playing were censored. On top of that, at the end of each episode, when listing the cast members and who they play, Jonny, Alex, and Tim Fearon are always listed as “additional voices” rather than as Chester/Norris/Augustus. It just seems like a weird thing to do if they end up being just text to speech programs.
Finally, the first case with “some of” Arthur coming back and Jonny’s statement on it about being careful for what you wish to come back because it’ll come back wrong just parallel the situation too well. It could be a coincidence, but it could also be some great foreshadowing.
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feralbutfluffy · 1 year
Interstitial: The Library of Alexandria
Instead of a chapter, today there's a one-shot inspired by chapter 59.
Crowley watched Aziraphale as he ran his finger lightly over the scrolls, looking for something in particular. He didn’t ask what it was he was searching for. 
He didn’t really care. 
He sat on the floor, ignoring whatever was digging into his shoulder. Something old and terrifyingly valuable, no doubt. 
He sighed and took a swig from the jar of wine in his hand. “You going to be much longer?”
Aziraphale frowned at him. “You don’t have to be here, you know.”
Crowley grumbled something indecipherable and took another swig.
“It wouldn’t kill you to help, you know,” Aziraphale said, irritation clipping his words. “We’d be finished quicker if you would just-”
“You’d be finished quicker,” said Crowley.
Aziraphale glared at him from underneath his eyelashes. “Well, yes, but it hardly signifies. It comes down to the same thing, surely? The sooner I find the scroll the sooner we can break for lunch.”
“I fail to see the incentive. I’ll remind you that you’re the one who’s been banging on about that fish thing since we ran into each other this morning.”
“Be that as it may-”
“Anyway, helping you would be against my job description, wouldn’t you say?” Crowley crinkled his nose. “Bit unprincipled from a demonic perspective, to be helping your lot with… whatever it is you’re doing.”
“I assure you this is entirely personal,” sniffed Aziraphale.
“Be that as it may…” imitated Crowley, his tone entirely mocking.
Aziraphale shot him an annoyed look and crouched to examine the shelves at Crowley’s feet. 
Crowley took another swig and let out a deeply contented sigh. There was nothing like needling the angel to brighten his day. He let his shoulders fall back against the scrolls, enjoying the satisfyingly soft crunch of crumpling papyrus and the equally satisfying look of horror on the angel’s face at the sound.
“Crawley!” He hissed, sounding appalled. If they hadn’t been in a library Crowley imagined it would probably have been an indignant shout.
“It’s Crowley now,” he reminded him blandly.
Aziraphale hurried to his side, placing a hand against the dip at the base of his spine and sliding it up to his shoulders, neatly pulling him forward and away from the damaged scrolls behind him.
“You can’t do that! These scrolls are invaluable!”
Crowley ignored the strange prickling heat he felt at the angel’s touch.
“How do you know? You haven’t even looked at them yet, they could be…” he scrambled, “... a painstaking account of someone’s dreams! Or the ramblings of a madman! Honestly, look at this place, it’s packed to the gills with scrolls. They can’t all be important.”
“This is the finest collection of written material in the world, Craw- Crowley. Of course they’re all important!” Aziraphale was still supporting Crowley’s back with one arm as the fingers of the other smoothed out the creases in the scrolls behind him. 
Crowley gave no sign of intending to support his own body weight.
“Move,” Aziraphale said commandingly, shoving him upright. Crowley bounced forward, head falling against his chest, looking like a puppet with cut strings. He sat like that for a moment, listing forward, as he listened to the soothing sound of the angel putting everything to right. He wondered if Aziraphale might touch him again if he lay back and crumpled more scrolls.
He might.
Or he might discorporate him for crimes against papyrus.
He put the jar to his lips and drank deeply. Wine. What a marvellous discovery. It was the only good thing to come out of that whole mess with Noah. The rainbow- 
Well, the rainbow was fine, he supposed. But the wine …!
Truthfully, he’d needed it to get over that atrocity. He couldn’t understand how Aziraphale had managed to take it so in stride. The cries, the bloated bodies, the smell… He shuddered and swallowed down a large gulp of wine.
“I know I’ve already told you-” started Aziraphale at the sound of the wine sloshing against the side of the jar. 
“Yes, yes, shouldn’t drink in the library-” mumbled Crowley, waving the jug in front of him at the same time as Aziraphale continued, “You really shouldn’t drink in the library. What if you spill it?”
Crowley tried to look offended. “As if I would! Nectar of the Gods, lest you forget,” he said pointing at the jar.
“There is only one God as you very well know,” said Aziraphale primly, kneeling to face Crowley. “I’d thank you to refrain from such blasphemy when you find yourself in my company.” He looked extremely disapproving, hands folded in his lap, a frown etched on his face as he eyed the jar in Crowley’s hand.
He could be so sanctimonious sometimes. It really was unbearable.
Continue reading....
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