#enn enn no shouboutai viktor
mrskurono · 3 years
Plant monster!reader with aphrodisiac sap and vine bondage. That's all, send tweet
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title: More than a Flower || Viktor Licht x plant!Reader a/n: gonna discreetly tag @dcflamingo bc this ask made me immediately think of one dorky scientist heuheuheu. Also this got outta hand I think I love writing Viktor word count: 3.5k tags: fem!Reader, plant monster!Reader, dom!Reader, sub!Viktor, aphrodisiacs, dubcon (due to Viktor being under the influence), light bondage, male masturbation, breeding themes, anal play, creampies, idk plant parts, minor season 2 spoilers, unedited character(s): Viktor Licht (Fire Force) synopsis: the foray into the Chinese Peninsula shed a lot of light on the human combustion issue. But Viktor couldn’t help but take a little trinket back to Tokyo for science sake.
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Gently rattling the golden seed in the corked glass container. 
Viktor couldn’t help but feel giddy as he rubbed his thumb over the closed top. Holding it close to him on the ship ride back to Tokyo. Now back on land he couldn’t help but grin like a fool as he wandered back to his room.
“What little secrets are you going to hold for me friend?”
He held the glass up above his head to scrutinize the hard little bud he’d plucked from the oddest plant he saw at the oasis. More than in the clear after the group got back with their findings. Viktor was secure in the fact he could opt for a side experiment of his own without stroking much suspicion from anyone else in Company Eight.
Stacks of books. Rings of stained tea on those stacks and even the furniture they were slipping off of. Viktor picked his way carefully through the cramped room with the vial clutched to his chest. Knocking a few things over but only concerned to find what he was looking for.
“Ah, here we go.” Unearthed from bottom of all his research papers, was a tiny box of petri dishes. Grumbling to himself when he found most of them were cracked. Viktor felt all but victorious when he found one that survived the move, “Perfect!”
With the clank of the seed rolling out of it’s shipping container. Onto the plastic petri dish. Viktor chuckled to himself as he got to eye level with the seed and poured just enough water to come up half way on it’s golden outer shell.
“You thirsty huh?” He was more than surprised to see the water he poured soak up into the sponge within seconds. No real idea what to do he poured another layer of water onto it while smiling, “I should guess you like it wet coming from an oasis. Will you or won’t you grow in our Tokyo air! How exciting! If you lived all the way out there who knows what you’ll do here closer to an even stronger power source.”
Like the first layer of water poured over it. The second was absorbed just as fast. Viktor prattling on to himself as he resumed pouring the bottled water over the unknown seed. Suddenly surprised to see a crack in the golden shell. Unfurled was a single leaf reaching up towards his hovering face.
“Look at you!” Viktor nearly squealed with excitement. Setting the water down next to the petri dish. Opting to reach for a pen as he gently poked the supple greenery, “Amazing.” 
One poke from the pen and he watched the leaf curl back towards its golden seed shell.
“Oh no wait! I’m sorry!” He raised his hands, quick to put the pen down and shake his head, “I won’t poke you again! Don’t hide.”
If he didn’t know any better. The Haijima scientist would have sworn on the holy Sol that the leaf understood him. Slowly the green leaf came back to life. Wiggling a little bit before Viktor watched in awe as another leaflet was budding out on the stock.
He tugged at his chin entranced by the little souvenir he’d brought back. Well versed in plant life pre great fire. Viktor only knew about a handful of plants that reacted to touch. Aware that those were carnivorous plants. 
Rightfully chuckling at the idea of being a poor insect finding their way into a trap set by a simple chlorophyll filled stems. It was still worth noting as the man made infernal were being caused by bugs. Viktor felt a sudden urge to see if the plant reacted to sound or touch. 
An outstretched finger. He didn’t hesitate to touch the broadening leaf that had first retracted from the pen tip. Expecting a similar reaction. Viktor was all but intrigued to find it not move. But also how the leaf itself felt warm. Flesh like almost.
“Boy am I glad I brought you back with me,” Viktor’s grin spread across his face. Finding his finger sticky with some kind of sap. Any good scientist worth their salt, he popped his sappy finger into his mouth. Uncertain if it would kill him or not. But wanting to know the outcome. He hummed when the taste his tongue found was that of an almost sweetness.
“Not too bad.” He nodded at findings. Be it useful or not. What lingering sweetness stayed on his tongue. Sent a warmth spreading to his jaw and down his neck. Retaining the motion of his jaw and swallow Viktor reasoned it probably wasn’t poisonous. But it did remind him how hungry he was.
Stomach growling, he laughed and pushed away from his desk, “Well little plant. You are I are going to have so much fun together! But until then-” He patted his stomach, “I gotta get something in me.”
Real food and not rations reminding him how tired he was. When Viktor returned from his meal with the rest of the company. He wanted to take some notes on the plant growing very well in his little petri dish. 
Coming back to an entire little stalk of leaves. Viktor had grabbed his note pad ready to scribble in it when he realized he was just too tired for this. Yawning in fact as he shook his head and had to call it an evening. Filling the petri dish up with another bottle of water. Certain a plant from an oasis probably needed wet feet. 
Pen in his hand like he was going to write. And whatever ramblings came out of his mouth in a tired slur. Viktor eventually was left slumped over in his desk chair as he nodded off. Plant vividly twitching inches from the man’s head. 
Leaves glossy with sap. It didn’t stop growing.
Stirred when he heard the clink of the pen rolling off the table to the ground. Viktor sat up with a shock unaware he’d drifted off at his desk after he swore he’d lay down in his own bed.
Astounded to see vines, some as thick as his wrist if not thicker, criss crossing over his desk. Viktor’s eyes trying to track every new development from the tiny seedling he’d fell asleep in front of. 
What they brought him to see was not a small seed. In fact he was certain he saw half of the cracked petri dish on the ground. Pinned under vast heavy greenery that lead his eyes up to what could only be described as an enormous blossom pod. He skirted around it a couple of times. Ready to prod at it with his pen. Only to suddenly recall the way the plant retracted the first time the pen touched it.
That left only his bare hand.
Tentatively but grinning like a fool, Viktor laid his hand on the viscous green shell. Taken back to find it pulsate against his warm palm. 
“Are you...alive?” He murmured to himself. Squinting as if he could see past the sealed pod.
He wouldn’t need to wonder anymore. Before he could take his hand back. The green around the bud twitched. Where the seams ran up and down the giant thing, suddenly snapped with a wet noise. Breaking apart as the green curled down like leaves but gave way to a vibrant pinkish orange color on what Viktor could only describe as petals.
A flower didn’t blossom though. When he thought it had ceased to move. The petals themselves began opening wider. Something hunched over in the middle. A stigma? The entire pistil of the flower? Viktor was giddy with excitement on what would unravel itself.
“A- What?!” His jaw dropped, “A person!”
Neck craned around to see the mass of black hair on the gangly looking man. You scowl for a second before crossing your arms over your bare chest, “Do I look like a dingy human to you? Take that back.”
“I-” Viktor blinked trying to find the sanity in what he was seeing. The torso of a picture perfect looking human female. But where your legs should have been, there simply was the base of the flower. Not to mention your vividly green skin. His thoughts raced but more than anything Viktor felt like insanity was right around the corner, “You’re such a surprise!”
Scowl still etched on your face, you huff and turn away from the man, “I liked the man giving me water more. Go back to being him.”
“Does that mean you could understand me?” Viktor scratched his head, “You didn’t like it when you were poked with the pen right?”
“Who likes being poked with sharp things?!” You spat.
“Fair fair fair-” Viktor gave you that much, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just- I had no idea this was you.”
With a curious eye Viktor circled around your grand base. Looking to see you appear pretty stuck where you were. It still intrigued him to know this is what he brought back to Tokyo. Not able to hide his lingering stare on your bare chest. Anatomy of a female Viktor bit his lip as he tried to remain professional. 
“For someone who ate my sap,” You smirked with your hands on your hips, “You’re particularly shy now.”
“Shy?! Me?! No never-” Viktor laughed your accusation off, “I’m thinking. Like how any of this was possible in the first place!”
Your green shoulders heave up in a shrug, “You met talking animals and this is something you’re gonna question?”
He shook his finger at you, “You got me there. Does that mean you know Schop and his friends?”
Sighing you lean over the edge of your petals and ignore his lingering gaze on your bare chest, “Know them. They’re the only things I’ve been stuck talking to for the past hundred years.”
“Interesting...” Viktor reached down and felt your soft petals under his hands. It didn’t feel like the flowers you could pick up at the shops down the road. They felt closer to flesh. If he could call it that, “...you’re part of the oasis, why didn’t we see you or others while we were there?”
“Would you have shown yourself with those blasted burning things running around?” You reminded him of the infernals that had been terrorizing the oasis and its inhabitants. Still though you sat back up and hugged yourself as you looked down, “As far as I know...I was the only kind like me.”
“You couldn’t move and find another plant, person? People? P-People?” Viktor’s eyebrow shot up.
Unamused you stared at him, “Don’t call me that.”
“Sorry sorry sorry-” He held his hands up innocently, “This is still all very- shocking, at best.”
A pout crosses your face and you turn your back to the white coated man, “And here I was! Thinking someone of your caliber could help me! Now I’ll probably die in this cramp little place anyways!”
“No no no! You won’t die!” Viktor waved his hands in a panic, “I’m not a botanist- But I guess you’re not entirely a plant either...” He laughed awkwardly as you glared at him, “But- I can try to help?”
“Really?” You batted your dark green lashes at him.
Viktor cocked a half grin and pointed his thumb back towards himself, “Lucky for you I’m a pretty smart guy if I do say so myself.”
Wringing your hands together. You look down as a handful of vines creep up from the ground underfoot. Viktor stumbles to the side to not trip on them and is surprised to see closed flowers on each of them. Except for one of them. Which was presented to him as you looked all but abashed to speak.
“Well....it might take a pretty smart human I suppose,” You touch the flowers on your vines and look at him, “But I don’t know if you’ll understand if you don’t feel what I feel.”
“Feel what you feel?” Viktor’s brows pinched together, “I’m not sure I followed.”
“You ate my sap yea?” You caressed your poor unopened flowers as you looked at him, “If you ate a little more I could explain it all.”
“The stuff that was sweet? That was your sap wasn’t it! I didn’t mean to eat your sap I just-”
“No no no,” You draw the dripping vine in front of his mouth, “I need you to drink more of it. Won’t you help me? You are the one who brought me to Tokyo away from the oasis...”
There was no argument there. Even before knowing you were sentient. Viktor had taken something established away from where it thrived. You could very well die here in Tokyo. And with it the chance at beating the White Clad’s tactics to create infernals. 
“This isn’t poisonous?” Viktor asked as he watched the clear sap drip from your vine.
“Nope.” You answered sweetly, “Schop and Beauty would drink from it often. And didn’t you already have some.”
“Fair enough...” Viktor couldn’t hesitate any longer. Having recalled the night before what he did have on his tongue was such a pleasant sweetness that he dared try a bit more.
Offered but a single vine. Viktor took the writhing thing in his grasp. Hesitating before closing his eyes and latching his mouth around the sappy tip. Immediately hit with the same sweetness as the night before. Even if it was viscous and like drinking sugar water at its purest form. He quickly found himself leaning in gulping down the liquid.
What wasn’t a simple shot and down. Viktor found the sweet syrup dribbling from the corners of his mouth. Like a parched man he gulped as much as he could with each mouthful being given to him. What was first his eyes squeezed shut. Degraded to half lidded stare over at your beautiful figure. Some of the edges on his vision becoming fuzzy just as he suckled on the vine in between his lips.
A warmth similar to what a long soak might feel like. His limbs felt heavy and like he could feel his blood stream coursing through his veins. What surprised him even more was how his blood seemed to be pooling elsewhere.  As fuzzy as his mind was becoming, Viktor began becoming acutely aware of the throbbing heat in his pants.
You were the one to pop the vine from his greedy lips. The man giggling as he wiped at his mouth and licked the extra off his hands, “That uh- That stuff is pretty strong huh? Guess I- hic!- I see why everyone else liked it.”
Viktor stumbled into your massive plant base. Grinning up at you as you leaned down to touch noses together, “They did really like it. But none of them could do what I need you to do.”
“Heh which is?” Viktor grinned as you touched down his cheek.
Leaning forward you brush your lips against his and feel him try to follow you as you draw back, “I need all your seed. So I can grow more of me.”
“More?” Viktor snickered as your vines came up around him. He looked and even watched as they began snaking up his pant legs. Some snagging his coat and pulling at it. All he could do was almost watch out of his own body as you smiled sweetly and began stripping him of his clothes, “But I’m a human. That’s not gonna work silly plant!”
Lips adorn with a smile. You pull away his clothes. Though it’s hardly a fight with how willing his limp lanky body is. Viktor being wrapped up in your vines as the same flowers that appeared unbloomed began gathering about the both of you, “I know you’re human. But you’re a male human.” You lean forward on your flower petals. Your warm hand pressing to his happy trail as you look at his throbbing cock adoringly. All that sap he sucked up doing it’s job as his cock appeared to twitch with a clear bead of precum rolling down it’s slit, “My many ovule are incomplete without a little sperm....” You touch drifted down to his cock as you watched the man rut his hips up towards your touch, “And I think human males might have all the sperm I need.”
Brought up level with you. Dark green vines carefully wrapping around his wrists and ankles. Not wanting to hurt your new play thing. You couldn’t stop the hunger growing in you as your eyes were set on his cock. Something the oasis never had for you. Hungry from all those years of being alone. Now was your chance.
Before Viktor could drunkenly ask what you were planning on doing or how this was going to even work. One of the blossoms on the vines engulfed his cock. Soft delicate closed petals swallowing his cock up. Causing the man to groan loudly as you smiled at the sight. 
Inside the closed bud it was easy to tell how quickly he’d overstim. Fleshy petals tenderly stroking him from all angles. The unfurled piston of the bloom rubbing against his slit as you used your bud like a pocket pussy for the human. Allowing the bud to move up and down on his cock as your vines held him still. 
“Umm- Plant lady-” Viktor panted as he felt his insides twisting up and his balls feeling even heavier than normal, “I’m gonna cum- I can’t help it-”
“Go ahead~ Fill up my neglected buds~” You coo. Another vine coming up to not only caress his balls. But to tease his entrance. Just enough to stir his excitement that as the vines massage and rub against his balls. Viktor can’t help the shudder ripple through his body. His orgasm being taken from him as the bud around his cock tightens. Somehow sucking him in more as his first rope of cum soils the inside of the unopened bud.
Left panting as he twitches and moans. Not until the last drop was dripping into your flower. Did you slowly pull the bud off his cock. His length still swollen and red after such a thing. The vines teasing his ass and massaging his balls just giving more of a reason for Viktor’s cock to twitch against the cool air.
“I-Is that it?” He pants. Still feeling the affects of your sap in his body. 
You can’t help but chuckle. What he thought was entirely plant that went down from your hips. Viktor watches with a half lidded look as those same vibrant pinkish orange petals shuffle around. Revealing to him what could only be explained as your cunt. 
Slit soaked and twitching around nothing. You slowly lower him down right next to you. Vines still on his wrists to help pull the man closer to you. 
“I need more.” You reach down to stroke his cock slowly as Viktor groans loudly, “Won’t you help me?”
How could he say no?
With the encouragement of your vines aiding him. Viktor leaned in. Hands on your base as he slipped his cock inside. What he thought simply was your cunt. Was in fact ripped with eggs all along your walls. Eggs that rubbed and massaged his cock through your thin cunt walls. Sending Viktor right over the edge the second he slipped inside you.
Cum dumping deeper into your plant parts. Allowing you to chuckle as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him tight against your bare breast, “More. I want more.”
“I don’t know if I have anything left to me...” Viktor panted against your breast.
Once more came the vine dripping in sap. Without question you shove the appendage back into his mouth. Feeling Viktor’s tongue quickly press against the underside as he gulps down the sweet nectar you poured into him. In turn allowing you to savor the way his cock twitches inside you. 
“You took me away from my home,” You nuzzle your face into his neck gently as Viktor can’t help his hips snapping into you, “Now I’m all lonely.”
Panting against your breast. Vividly feeling everything all at once. The way you stroked your fingers through his hair. Or you played with his ass as he snapped his cock deeper into you. Cunt walls clenching around his length with the load he’d already left inside you. Viktor should have felt tired. But all he wanted to do was drive more of his cum inside you at the expense of drinking more of that delicious sap.
“N-No-” He shook his head, erratically thrusting into you as he felt his orgasm building again, “I brought you here- I’ll help!”
Gleeful with his agreement. You pull him tighter against you as you feel his cock throb inside you. Another load being left with the first one. Cum seeping into your insides as you could feel your little buds wanting to burst with excitement. 
Finally after a hundred years. You found perfect thing to pollinate every single one of your seeds. And all it took was one overly curious scientist. 
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daisies-daydreams · 2 years
Fire Force: Company 8 Men (When You’re On Your Period)
Category: Fluff, Slight Angst (If You Squint) 
Warnings: Mentions of Bleeding, Nudity (Non-Sexual; Obi’s Part Only) 
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Shinra Kusakabe
Doesn’t know what to do at first tbh.
He panics when you tell him about your “monthly visitor” is making you bleed profusely, but calms down when he realizes it’s just menstruation.
Fumbles around, trying to get you the pad/tampon size you asked for…only to come back with all of them.
“I-I didn’t know which one to get,” he says as he looks down at his feet.
You reassure him that it’s okay, and you appreciate the gesture.
Don’t worry. He’ll become more prepared over time. 
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Arthur Boyle
Oh boy.
He’s confused as h*ck. How can you be bleeding and not die?
He wasn’t really educated about these things, having been abandoned by his parents.
Blushes hard when you explain it all to him (he’ll still be confused and in shock for a little while before calming down).
Is on guard for you, 24/7.
“How can I assist you in defeating this red demon?” he bellows dramatically.
You can’t help but burst into laughter as you hug him tightly.
He’s very forgetful about what to do, but he’ll will try his best to help and support you.
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Vulcan Joseph
After living with Lisa, he’s got period prep down to a T. 
Need a heating pad? He’s already got it. Water? There’s a bottle already in your hand. Favorite music? Done. He’s got you, bb. 
Turns into the biggest softie when you’re having a bad day (cramping, breaking out, bleeding through, etc). 
“I got you some Midol, baby,” he murmurs as he rubs your sides, adjusting the heat pack to the best position that makes your cramps melt away. 
TL;DR: Vulcan has experience and he knows how to use it. 
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Viktor Licht
Tall gremlin man.
He knows what a period is…he’s just not familiar with how to help someone who’s on their period.
He’ll ask you if you need anything, trying to be casual about it (but still kind of awkward).
Viktor will research (aka Google) for days about what to do when a significant other is menstruating. 
He learns very quickly, both from being with you and his “research”, and becomes a pro in no time.
“I got you your (favorite candy), some tampons, and some pain meds. Oh, I also put on (favorite movie),” he says before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
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Takehisa Hinawa
(This man scares the crap out of me ngl).
He’ll keep his usual straight face when you tell him you’re on your period.
Hinawa will then promptly go to the store and get everything you requested.
His forte is getting what you need. Comforting you on the other hand…
“It’s a cramp. Just take some medicine,” he tells you, thinking that he’s giving you some light at the end of the tunnel.😬😬😬
He quickly learns that being blunt isn’t always the best way to comfort someone. 
He’s better than Arthur, but not as great as Vulcan. Hinawa is probably somewhere in-between (but he can get better, as long as you tell him how to emotionally support you just as well as he physically supports you). 
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Akitaru Obi
This tank of a man will drop everything and run to your place when you tell him you’re having terrible cramps and can’t get out of bed.
He’ll rush in and draw you a bath (if that’s your thing), making sure to gently place you into the tub while massaging any muscles that ache.
Obi will spoil you so, so much. He’ll treat you like the queen you are.
However, he won’t always get you unhealthy food you ask for. He wants his baby to be healthy and hydrated. 
“I know it’s not chocolate, but strawberries can be just as romantic,” he insists with his big, goofy smile and a wink. 
Obi’s just a big teddy bear. Even if you don’t feel beautiful, dealing with cramps, bloating, and break-outs, he’ll praise and encourage you until those negative thoughts go away. 
He’s always down for snuggling if you ask him to, holding you close to his warm body as you fall asleep in his arms. 
(Please marry this man). 
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Victor Licht & Joker from Fire Force.
They’re my favourite characters!
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operationugawts · 2 years
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I love them so much. I'm happy I decided to render this!!!
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mydreamsarejanked · 3 years
viktor: arthurs knowledge is oddly subjective
pat: how so
viktor: watch. arthur, whats the sum of 2+2
arthur: ……. sum?
viktor: okay, now recite pi to me
arthur: oh sure, its 3.1415926-
viktor, quietly: god, i wish i could study you in a lab
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lovestruckay · 3 years
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Request: "Please make a fic where the reader (female or gn) is new to the Fire Force as an unpowered person and they become attached to Viktor"
Pairing: Viktor x Unpowered Fem!Reader
A/N: Thank you sm for the request, @thesolarflame​! I really flip-flopped on what position to give the reader considering she is unpowered. I thought about making her a member of the science team, a fighter like Obi, and even making her a sister. I think everyone will enjoy what I landed on though!
When Vulcan first joined Company 8, he had done an inspection of their matchbox and all of their fire fighting equipment. Once he had finished going through their arsenal, he had explained to Obi that there was just far too much for him to maintain on his own while simultaneously developing new technology to assist them in battle.
Just maintaining the matchbox was a task in and of itself, let alone the fleet of weapons and armor that Obi donned every time they were called to the scene of a fire. He was a talented engineer, surely, but there was only so much one man could do.
Vulcan’s solution: he knew a girl.
He had wasted no time in gathering up Lisa and Yu and going on a little “family outing” before returning with the mysterious mechanic in tow, the woman receiving a warm - if chaotic, as per Company 8’s usual demeanor - welcome.
She was an engineer just like Vulcan, a talented technician who was nearly as famous as he was in their close knit junk-rat community. While Vulcan was renowned for his skill at creating unique and nearly indestructible machines, she was famous for her ability to keep machines going far passed the point they should have fallen to pieces.
Vulcan frequently tried to pick her brain on her uncanny ability but her answers were something that befuddled him more than anything else.
“It’s love. You can spend years building the most flawless, indestructible machine the world has ever seen but, without love, she’ll break down as surely as the sun rises. Love keeps things going when they should fall apart.”
Vulcan scoffed at her sentimentality and she laughed at his stubbornness, the two always returning to their friendly rivalry despite their differences in opinions. They would rag on each other and goad each other on but, through it all, he respected her skill and she respected his ingenuity.
As for the rest of the company, she got along well with the crew of fire soldiers. Despite her easy comradery with the others, however, she always felt out of place. After all, she wasn’t a fire soldier or even a pyrokinetic so suddenly getting wrapped up in all this business with infernals and the White Clad was disarming.
She had gone from her humble machine shop to a Fire Force cathedral, surrounded by people who could control bullets, who could make swords out of plasma, and who could even fly. She was just an engineer - and unpowered at that - and, despite how fulfilling her work was, she felt like she had lost her anchor joining Company 8.
Initially, she had latched onto Vulcan and Lisa for some sense of normality but the feeling of being a third wheel quickly overcame any comfort that came from their companionship. After all, the two mostly stuck to themselves, the two very much in love. More than that, with Lisa still dealing with her trauma from her experiences with the White Clad, Vulcan was even more unavailable than ever.
Feeling lost and out of place, she was surprised to find an easy companionship with Company 8’s one and only science officer.
Viktor had been the one to initiate their first real conversation, the man as curious as he was out of the ordinary. He had approached her while she had been having a conversation with the matchbox, praising her girl for doing such a great job during their last mission.
“Do you think the matchbox understands you?” Viktor asked, peeking down into the inspection pit beneath the vehicle where she spent a fair amount of her time. Despite how bluntly he phrased his question, there was no judgement in his tone. Just simple curiosity.
“I’m not sure if she understands my words but I think she understands what I’m saying, if that makes sense,” she answered with a friendly smile, already used to conversations like this with Vulcan.
“So, it’s more of you trying to get across your message and your intentions rather than believing you are having an actual conversation with a machine?”
“You could say that, although it still is a conversation. I listen and she tells me what’s wrong, so I fix her. Then she listens to me when I praise her and ask her to keep going. We talk, just not like you and I talk,” she explained, pleasantly surprised when he simply nodded in understanding.
Their conversation continued well into the afternoon, to the point where - after she had finished her tune up - the two had perched themselves on the bumper of the matchbox to continue their chat. It wasn’t until Vulcan had come out to collect them for dinner that they realized how long they had been talking and laughing, a situation that they would find themselves repeating every day for weeks.
Sometimes their conversations took place with her down in the inspection pit under the matchbox or her in the equipment room maintaining all of Company 8’s gear.
Sometimes they talked for hours in Viktor’s admittedly messy room (he tried to clean up just for her) or even on the roof of the cathedral.
Sometimes they chatted for hours at the dining room table, the entire company coming and going for lunch and then dinner and leaving them to their conversation with knowing smiles and teasing giggles.
She found herself relieved to have someone who understood her, both as an engineer and as an unpowered person, and Viktor found himself curious about the kind-hearted mechanic who defied the laws of physics with love. The two talked not just about engineering and science but about music, anime, their hobbies, and even their dreams. 
As their conversations continued, they found themselves growing even closer than friends - casual flirts slipped into their conversations as readily as they talked about anything else. Teasing and blushing became as commonplace in their time together as mentions of physics and mechanics.
Despite how their relationship was slowly changing, she was always comfortable in Viktor’s company. He made her feel understood, safe, and anchored. He had become her port in the storm. She felt like she was at home when she was with him and, with the way he finally seemed to take a full breath when she was around, he felt the same.
One day, after being called to the scene of an infernalization, she had a close call with a first-generation pyrokinetic, the woman mad with pain and lashing out at anything that moved. It had been Viktor who had tackled her to the ground, covering her smaller body with his own and protecting her as the fireball rocketed through the space she had once occupied.
The rest of the crew had made short work of putting the woman to rest but Iris’ prayers had fallen on ringing ears as their engineer realized how close she had come to an agonizing death. It had put into perspective how truly dangerous these situations were for unpowered people like her and Viktor. They didn’t have the same fire resistance or combat training that the other members of Company 8 did and the very real peril left her shaken, even after they had returned to the cathedral.
It had been Viktor who had pulled her away from the rest of their company, guiding her into his quiet room so he could wrap his arms around her and pull her into his warm embrace. Her arms looped around his waist, the engineer settling against his solid chest and pressing her ear against his heartbeat.
It was a few minutes before they spoke but she felt no pressure from him to do so. Instead of pushing her, he quietly held her and stroked her back, her anxiety slowly settling as she was calmed by the warm embrace of the man she had fallen in love with.
“How do you do it? Go running into that every day? You’re unpowered too, doesn’t it scare you?” she finally asked, breaking the silence between them.
“Of course it does,” Viktor chuckled, his laughter vibrating in his chest as he rested his cheek against her hair, “I never know if today is going to be the last day I spend on this earth. But it’s worth it knowing that I’m actually learning something real about the world; that I’m where I should be.”
His next words were a bit quieter but no less passionate as he hummed them against her hair. “It’s worth it knowing you’re at my side.”
Pulling back, she looked up at him in surprise, and he gazed down at her with that same crooked smile. She was struck by the tenderness in his eyes and by the warmth in his expression - an affection that he only ever showed her. In that moment, she knew that she was also where she should be. That it was all worth it to her too, knowing that he was by her side.
Meeting Viktor's smile with one of her own, she stood on the tips of her toes, pressing a brief but sweet kiss to his cheek.
When she returned to her heels, gazing up at him with a gentle smile spread across her face, he stared back down at her in stunned wonder. A blush dusted his cheeks, his lips parted and his eyes rounded in surprise.
“Thank you for always being there with me, Viktor,” she thanked, feeling more at ease in his arms than she had ever felt anywhere else.
At her words, his smile returned, the corners of his lips quirking up although his blush remained. Reaching up, he cupped her cheeks in his broad hands before leaning down to press his lips to hers. Gently moving his lips against hers, they shared a tender, lingering kiss.
Just when she thought she might forget how to breathe, her heart swelling in her chest and stealing the air from her lungs, he pulled away.
“Always,” Viktor promised as he pressed his forehead to hers, gazing into her eyes with a loving expression.
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honeypirate · 4 years
If I may request something, can i get some kissing headcannons with Viktor, Hinawa and Vulcan? 👉👈 Please and Thank you!!
I don’t think I do headcanons right 😂 I always do these and then just wing it lmao hope you like it!
I was thinking maybe writing this as how you first kissed them all, because I love that lead up moment,.... but instead I went with the kinds of kisses these men would like.
Headcanons of kisses I think they would like!
Viktor -
This man.
I feel like he loves to kiss your temple.
If he is sitting by you at dinner he’ll give you a soft peck there, loving the way it would make your cheeks flush.
Or he’d kiss your temple as he pulls you into a hug, his lanky arms comforting and warm as they hold you close.
and the inside of your wrist!
When he’s laying between your legs, his head on your chest.
He’d bring your wrist to his lips, his lips feathering across your skin. It makes him feel soft, safe, to be be holding each other like that.
And omg he loves to guess your lipgloss or chapstick flavor.
Loves to pretend he doesn’t know what it is and go back for seconds or thirds before he properly guesses.
Loves the soft feeling that lingers on his lips even after you part.
Loves buying you special new flavors.
And he loves to just pull you in close and cup your cheeks, softly brushing his lips across yours to feel how soft your lips on on his.
Secret kisses.
He’s not one for PDA at work but only when others are around.
It’s led to you both playing a sort of game where you see who can kiss who last.
So far you’re winning with the last kiss being to his jaw right before Obi came into his office.
Unseen and with Hinawa being unable to get you back.
Now all you have to do is make it to the end of the work day without him getting a kiss back and then you’ll win.
You’ll win for the first time since this game started months ago.
“Does my kitten think they won?” His voice low by your ear sends goosebumps down your spine as you hold in a moan.
You turn around and smile up at him, watching his movements so you could dodge if you needed to “so far I am winning, with only what? Ten minutes left in the work day?” you say with a smirk
before he can get a kiss in you’re dropping to a crouch, spinning underneath his arm and popping into the next room where you knew Arthur and Shinra were.
“Tsk tsk” he clicked with his tongue behind you, grabbing your hand and pulling you back through the doorway into the empty hall.
“Not so fast kitten” he whispers in your ear and you groan, no way to get out of this one “I was so close this time” you whisper as he begins to pepper soft kisses across your neck
“maybe next time” he mumbles into your skin and you sigh, running your fingers through the hair that’s sticking out the side of his hat.
“although I can’t really complain, losing isn’t really all that bad if I do say so myself. You wouldn’t know tho, since you always win. Too bad for you” you chuckle softly
And his grip tightens on your waist “is that so? I’ll just take your word for it” he pulls back then and bops your nose before he steps away, sounds of footsteps coming down the hall
“that’s another win for me” he smirks and you roll your eyes “just wait until we get back to our room, I’ve got a special trick up my sleeve” you whisper into his ear and then quickly press forward, placing your lips softly against his neck underneath his ear.
You giggle at the strangled moan that comes from his throat, your words making his skin tingle before you step away just as Maki appears around the corner. You look down at your watch “just barely made it” you hold it up so he watches the hands move the last few seconds.
I can also see him liking to get tastes of things from your lips.
“you need to try the icecream it’s my favorite” you take a big lick and then he’s leans down closer
“if you insist” and he kisses you, his tongue sweeping yours slowly before he pulls back “it’s delicious” he’d say, failing to hide the soft smile on his lips
Oh and when he walks up to you and cups your cheek softly as you smile up at him, watching your cheeks flush as he moves his hand down to your chin to pull it up as he leans down to kiss you, makes his heart race the way you light up and how relaxed you are in his hand.
He loves the little kisses that can make any moment special, but not necessarily sexy.
Romantic and sweet.
He loves to kiss your nose, every time you part it’s his way of saying goodbye.
He loves when he crawls into bed with you after a really hard day and you rub your nose against his softly with your eyes closed.
he’d sometimes bring his face close to yours with a small smile, waiting for you.
You’d smile and bring your face close, brushing his nose with yours before kissing his lips softly.
Just whenever he needed a little bit of affection he’d place his face close to yours and you’d know.
He feels so secure with those small acts of your love.
And when you get excited and jump into his arms and kiss his face quickly all over while he laughs, he loves that too.
And when you kiss his palm after he cups your cheek.
Once when you hand your head in his lap as you watched a film you pressed your lips to his Jean clad knee and he thought it was so soft, his heart melted right then.
And once you kissed the knuckle of each of his fingers after he spent all day building machines, they ached and burned and your kisses soothed them somehow.
He believes your kisses are pure magic
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moonbug-julia · 4 years
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Finally finished something!! 🧡
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chrsa · 2 years
i know licht is probably the bad guy but he’s genuinely so funny i love him
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kuruisu · 4 years
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     Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou Opening || "Torch of Liberty" by KANA-BOON
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mrskurono · 3 years
Love your writing *chef kiss*
could you do a victor/joker, I couldnt get this dynamic out of my head 🙈🙈💓💓
they're my favorite thing together in the entire show 🥴
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Joker who thought he was third wheeling/wing maning for Viktor...only to find out the two of you both might have a more than just a little crush on one another.
Viktor is surprisingly the more forward one (barely) that Joker but....both of them are gonna drool the second you take over for both of them.
Power bottom Joker and service top Viktor anyone?
Joker who loves the softest touches laid out over his chest. Kissed and brushed over every scar and mark he has while you ride him.
Viktor who’s ready to experience anything. Your mouth around his cock while Joker bounces you on his cock. Joker’s mouth around his cock while you grind yourself on Joker. Doesn’t matter he can’t get enough of either of you.
Joker who can’t get enough of your juices. More than happy to have you above him while Viktor fucks you. Lavishing both your clit and Viktor’s cock in his tongue while you fuck.
Both of them gluttons for your praise and the ultimate reward is your moans when you cum saying nothing but profanity and their names ❤
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smolsaturn-png · 4 years
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This just in i've decided to kin Viktor Licht and i STAND by that
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sanzoumon · 3 years
Note: A good chunk of these are smut prompts, featuring various ships (mostly BL ships). There are noncon prompts at the end, clearly marked where they start. I threw in some purely platonic SFW prompts for those of you who are into weird stuff like that lol
Please, if you like any of these prompts and are going to write them - tell me. Also some of these prompts are super detailed while others are like one sentence long.
Ships Included:
Konro x Benimaru • Joker x Benimaru • Viktor x Joker • Burns x Joker • Shinra x Sho • Shinra x Arthur • Charon x Haumea
- Arrow & Sho. Sho gets upset and cries into Arrow’s chest. He’s so upset he calls her “mommy” without realizing it.
- Charon & Haumea. “Unconditional love” is what his thoughts told her. What she doesn’t understand is why. No matter how much she tries to find out, the answer alludes her.
- Shinra & Sho. Bed sharing and cuddling.
Konro x Benimaru
- Teenage!Benimaru confesses his love for Konro when he’s drunk after having drank Sake for the first time.
- D/s. Benimaru loves giving up control to Konro when they have sex.
- Rumors about them being in a relationship spread, leading to so unsavory comments about Konro regarding their age difference. (Ex: suggesting Konro took advantage of Beni when he was young; that it’s creepy since Konro was an adult while Beni was a child when they first met; etc) Needless to say, Benimaru gets pissed anyone would dare think that about Konro.
- Doppelgänger!Konro x Doppelgänger!Benimaru. Hell’s a little nicer when you have someone you love to have sex with. Even Doppelgängers feel love.
- Doppel!Benimaru manifests and wreaks havoc because his Konro is dead. Now he wants Konro to replace him and he won’t let Benimaru get in the way of that. (Doppel!Beni is Yandere for Konro [both if them] because that’s how people perceive Benimaru to be... and turns out it’s correct, Benimaru IS Yandere for Konro).
- Mourning. Doppel!Benimaru finds out his Konro is dead. All of Adolla quakes from the outburst of his sorrow.
- (past noncon) Teenage!Benimaru tries to thank Konro in the only way he knows how - with his body. Konro is, reasonably, freaked out and finds out why it is Beni thinks this is appropriate.
- Benimaru is a bit of a submissive masochist. Konro is happy to help with whatever Beni needs.
- Their first time together wasn’t gentle. It was passionate, overwhelming, aggressive, heated, rough. All their pent up feelings for each out came rushing out violently and they were both happy to get caught up in it. Benimaru never felt so content in his life as when Konro was manhandling him that night.
- Benimaru does something special, and embarrassing, for Konro. Puppy-play.
- Konro is a bit of a voyeur. Those pictures he took of Beni for the calendar are not the only pictures he has of him. For Konro’s birthday, Benimaru supplies him with extra special pictures that Beni took of himself. As it happens, Benimaru is an exhibitionist.
- The world is on fire and Benimaru has nothing left to give. Before the flames take him he has to tell Konro he loves him. (Sad fic, death fic)
Joker x Benimaru // Benimaru x Joker
- They each have their own shit to be frustrated about. They take it out on each other when one of them needs it. It’s fine, they can take it.
- It’s not love. They don’t even like each other. They irritate each other. But they sure do love angry fucking each other.
Viktor x Joker
- Joker loves how fascinating Viktor finds him.
- Unlike any other partners he’s had, Viktor treats Joker gently when they have sex. He’s not used to it and gets flustered.
- After killing the captain at the Holy Sol Temple, the reality of the situation hits him. The man who violated him for years, who continued to haunt his nightmares into adulthood, was dead. All of a sudden he needs to see Viktor no matter what. (Hurt/comfort)
Burns x Joker
- (past noncon) Joker cries during sex and Burns really doesn’t know what to do about it.
- 52 has a crush on Burns and comes onto him one night. Burns can’t bring himself to turn him down, knowing what 52 goes through, and opts to make him feel good instead.
- Joker mourns Burns’ death.
- After all these years, Joker has daddy issues. It doesn’t surprise Burns’ in the slightest when Joker calls him “daddy” in bed. What surprises him is how much he enjoys being called that.
Shinra x Sho
- Sho has zero sense of personal space and Shinra’s been having some very uncomfortable thoughts about his little brother.
- Sho is in love with Shinra and doesn’t understand why everyone says it’s “wrong”.
- “Let big brother take care of you.”
- (past noncon) Arrow confesses to Shinra about all the terrible things the White Clad did to Sho since they abducted him. When he got old enough to start questioning things, they broke him. They did it again after Shinra’s Adolla Link with Sho (which in turn Shinra feels guilty for). [this one could be romantic or brotherly but either way hurt/comfort]
- Shinra thinks Sho is the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. An angel too perfect for a devil like him.
- A little bit of brotherly playful roughhousing, making up for all the years they lost, leads to something much more heated. Neither stops to think about it, it feels too good to finally be together.
- Shinra likes it a lot when Sho cries out “big brother” while they make love.
Shinra x Arthur
- A stupid argument about something pointless ends in Shinra pinning Arthur to the floor. Before either knows it they’re grinding against each other, kissing harshly.
- (attempted noncon) Doppel!Shinra tries to force himself on Arthur when Arthur confronts him about the real Shinra’s whereabouts.
- Arthur knows this isn’t the real Shinra, but there’s something alluringly taboo about being taken roughly by a devil like this.
Charon x Haumea
- The world is about to burn, but before she fulfills her duty she wants to show Charon how thankful she truly is for his devotion to her all this time. She figures she’ll kill two birds with one stone, rewarding him and indulging in pleasure herself.
Mob x Benimaru
- Before ending up in Asakusa, being found and taken in by Hibachi, Benimaru lived on the streets of the Tokyo Empire. There’s a good reason he resents the Tokyo Empire and doesn’t like to leave Asakusa. A child alone on the streets is dangerous and he was so weak back then. It wasn’t uncommon for him to be cornered in some alley and sexually assaulted, left in the trash once they were done with him.
- Benimaru doesn’t know how this happening to him of all people, why he’s unable to fight off his attackers. They’re mocking him, degrading him, humiliating him, and they’re forcing him to get off on what’s being done to him. At some point he starts crying, begging for them to stop, which only makes them enjoy his torment more.
- Benimaru is drunk off his ass and someone decides to take advantage of the situation. How often do you get the chance to have Asakusa’s “King of Destruction” begging for you to fuck him?
Mob x Joker
- 52 still isn’t learning his lesson. To break him further, and to reward the rest of the shadows for their hard work and dedication, the captain has them punish 52 by letting them do whatever they want to him (nothing that will cause permanent injury, at least). 52’s entire week was spent as a plaything for them all, torture, rape, humiliation, degradation, all manner of creative punishment. It came damn close to breaking him.
- The criminal underworld isn’t a nice place. Sometimes Joker messes with the wrong people and he got taught painful lessons, no different from what the captain did to him.
- Forced Burns x Joker. The church calls it a bonding ceremony. Burns knows it’s just their way of attempting to break 52 by having the one person who hasn’t mistreated him hurt him. If Burns refuses, it won’t end well for anyone involved. So he forces himself on 52 and hates himself for it.
Mob x Sho
- (Extreme underage) Sho was just too tiny and cute. Only 5 years old. So soft, so sweet. Naturally, they had to beat that out of him.
- Haumea x Sho. She dresses him up like the beautiful doll he is. She plays with him like the toy he is. She violates him like the object he is. She makes him cry, cry out for his brother, his mother, Arrow, anyone, like the child he is. She makes him spread his legs for other White Clad members and then hurts him when he gets his dress dirty, like the useless slut he is. She leaves him hard, needy, alone for hours, until he’s begging for release. She tells him if his brother could see him now, he’d be disgusted by him. He agrees.
Kurono x Nataku
- Kurono loves every pathetic thing about Nataku. Or it’s as close to love as he’s capable of. In his own twisted way, he shows his affection for the boy.
- Nataku is such a masochistic boy, it’s impossible for Kurono to resist him.
Doppel!Benimaru x Konro
- Doppel!Benimaru manifests and infiltrates Company 7 while Benimaru is away. He tricks Konro into fucking him.
- Doppel!Benimaru promises to leave Asakusa alone in exchange for Konro fucking him.
Doppel!Konro x Benimaru
- Konro wasn’t there when the Demon Infernal showed up. Benimaru attempts to fight it on his own but the demon gets him on his back and starts ripping off his clothes. Benimaru is too confused to register just what’s happening until he feels white hot searing pain splitting him in half. He’s afraid, too shocked and in too much pain to do anything. In spite of it all, he gets hard. The demon notices and its grin gets wider. He remembers a burning hand jacking him off and feeling liquid fire inside him. Before he blacks out he hears Konro call out his name. When he wakes, the demon is gone and Konro is hurt.
Doppel!Benimaru x Benimaru
- Doppel!Beni captures Konro and forces him to watch while he rapes Benimaru. Beni can’t fight back because he and his Doppelgänger and too evenly matched and Konro would be hurt. All the while his Doppelgänger taunts him and Konro, describing how “his Konro” (the Doppelgänger) used to fuck him - finding all of Benimaru’s sensitive spots easily because he had them too. Tells them how it’s obvious to everyone how in love they are, that everyone suspects they’re together, because Doppel!Konro has been fucking Doppel!Beni’s brains out since he was a teenager. In spite of the situation, Konro ends up getting hard.
- Benimaru is haunted by dreams of hellfire. In them he always sees himself, a version of himself engulfed in flames. He’s had these dreams since the night before he discovered his powers. In them his other self violates him. It hurts. The dreams always feel so real, even in the morning. Nevertheless he chalks them up to just being nightmares until the discovery that Doppelgängers are real.
- They were evenly matched but his Doppelgänger blindsided him. His head is bleeding, Asakusa is burning, he doesn’t know what’s become of Company 7, and his damned Doppelgänger takes time out of his destruction to rape him - just to add insult to injury.
NOTE: If you’re unaware what “mob” means, it’s a doujin term basically meaning their only purpose is to assault whatever canon character. It’s not an OC, self, or reader insert. It can be an individual nameless character or a group of them.
Also yeah you can clearly tell the kinda stuff I’m into and I don’t care. I put all these prompts in one list because laziness.
May or may not update this list as need be! Enjoy the naughty stuff I know y’all really want as well!!
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Guess what I am currently reading? Fire Force.
:D since I was a huge soul eater fan and my best friend insist that I should be reading the manga.. and it’s a delight! So cool characters! Joker is one of my favorites with Viktor Licht (I will draw him soon xD)
This is more a doodle.
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lifeisajoker · 4 years
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He has so much hair
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mydreamsarejanked · 3 years
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for some reason loki got extremely bothered by my keychains
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