#enneagram personality types
cherriiramen · 2 months
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Some more ISTP + INFP art because there needs to be more light shed on their dynamic smh 🙏 (coming from my experience with an ISTP)
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lilmeawmeawblog · 1 year
𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙴𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚜
𝚃𝚢𝚙𝚎 𝟻 : 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛
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the quiet kids, kids who like to disappear inside their own mind, kids who don't want to lose the safety it provides. Its likely that E5 kid didn't feel nurtured enough, especially by their mother which caused the painful feelings of longing, isolation. To defend themselves against those feelings the kids started to occupy their minds with something else, they retreated into their mind. The kids thought by not wanting any emotional nourishment from the nurturing figure they can truly become independent. Its possible the kids never felt safe with their family. Detachment & forcing themselves to not desire any emotional engagement with others became their defense mechanism. As a child it feels very overwhelming and unsafe for them to leave their mind. When the E5 kids needed other people's mental support the most in order to survive , they were neglected & left alone. Most likely the mother figure was unresponsive to E5 kid. As an adult, they are forever stuck in the last & third phase of separation "detachment" since childhood.
{ writing this was a bit uncomfortable for me as an E5 because it brings back the painful feelings from childhood. }
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taxominn · 5 months
Spoilers up to chap 303 of tsctir
When you're on your Enneagram bs & realize that Sung Hyunjae is self-pres/sexual 7 & Han Yoojin is self-pres/sexual 2.
...the fact that they both prioritize self-pres instinct while wielding the sexual instinct second would explain some of the odd chemistry in their semi-transactional relationship. They both are, or at least were, using their growing connection with the other as a tool to satisfy their own needs, and both of them see this as reasonable and fair because they know the other is doing the same thing.
Hyunjae only rejects the chemistry between them when his dominant instinct is threatened... needing to risk his arm to help everyone get out of the Japanese dungeon bcuz of whatever funky stuff Yoojin's got going on. He literally says to Song Taewon, after running away from Yoojin, in ch.296:
“No matter how much I like him, I come first. He’s mine to the end, and while he’s something I treasure, the one I value is myself.”
No wonder dude spirals out of control until he's literally contemplating wiping Yoojin off the face of the planet. he's a pleasure-seeking sp7 that ensures the satisfaction of his needs by building interpersonal alliances, & the passionate, dreamy energy of his sx7 instinct serves that end. if the focus of his current passion is abt to risk his survival, if he's gonna have to start making actual sacrifices, then it makes sense that he'd think abt cutting his losses. but... he doesn't want to kill him. cuz he liiiikes him. so he just ghosts him lol
& Yoojin's reaction to it is so freaking funny dude. he's like a crazy ex Hyunjae broke up with over text. & that makes sense, too, bcuz he's beginning to actually care about Sung Hyunjae in a non-transactional way, so Hyunjae just up and ghosting has to absolutely trigger the 2's fear of being unloved and abandoned, like it did when he thought Yoohyun abandoned him pre-regression. and because 2's are hiding insecurity and entitlement for love & attention behind a veneer of altruism, which wells into anger & resentment if they don't get the love that they're due, Yoojin literally threatens to blow up his house if he doesn't respond to him. and does, like, a 24 hour death countdown before barging into Sung Hyunjae's house when he STILL hadn't responded to his texts lololol
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blueopinions49 · 11 months
Controversial Opinion
What’s the obsession with enneagram 4? I genuinely don’t get why there are so many people so obsessed with this type.
I get that there are some people that just romanticizes some of the mental illness aspects of them HOWEVER mental illness isnt an inherent E4 thing and neither is personal struggle I can see why they correlate that to 4s (maybe cuz of the pseudo depression naranjo described on his work however thats just a false image they portray so?) , which mostly stems from terrible understanding of the type. However the increase in mistypes? The obsession with the SX4 subtype? The obsession with the toxic aspects of E4? Idk I just don’t get it.
I’m asking from a place of genuine wonder cuz this has been going on for a long time. And I want some clarity as to why it happens.
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gleamingtempest · 6 days
Danganronpa: Despair Time - Cast Typology [Overlay - MBTI Enneagram Wings]
Perhaps one day I will do socionics & vultology. Let me know if you want that. (Speaking into the void.)
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kerkikerk · 2 months
The OG group of 9 enneatypes, this is my first enneagram humanizations, 2021
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paradoxical-plutonian · 7 months
It would be wrong to say I am grieving. Grieving feels like such an active process, a constant yearning. Instead, I feel passive acceptance in a world washed of color.
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rainytypology · 1 year
Enneagram system
A rewrite/more in depth post of the Enneagram system compared to my last post on it. Not an expert. May change later.
If you like kpop and typology, check out my blog. I do type analysis on idols and typology notes.
What is Enneagram?
I mainly took notes from Riso Hudson theory.
A typology system that categorizes personalities into 9 different types. Each type is numbered from 1 - 9.
Each type has a desire and fear that motivates their actions in life.
Core and Wings
Core: Our main type. It is the foundation of our personality and does not change.
Wing: Acts as a complement to our core. Wing can be one of the two types that sit beside core type. E.g a core 2 can have a 1 wing (2w1) or 3 wing (2w3). But is not necessary to use since wings can change and/or can be balanced.
Levels of Development
Summary of healthy - unhealthy levels of personality
- Healthy levels -
Level 1: Liberation
Let go of self image so we are free to express ourselves however we want. Self acceptance of all traits.
Level 2: Pyschological Capacity
Begin to identify with positive qualities in our personalities and learn to improve ourselves with them.
Level 3: Social Value
Still strongly identify with our set self image and make effort to maintain image. Want to share our good talents and abilities to make a positive effect on self and others.
- Average levels -
Level 4: Imbalance/Social roles
Idealization of self image; have a major focus on either good or bad qualities, no in between. Fear is an obstacle here.
Level 5: Interpersonal Control
Insist on self image being accepted by others, which can cause conflict. Can lead to controlling and manipulation.
Level 6: Overcompensation
Overcompensate due to underlying negative feelings. Desperate for others' acceptance.
- Unhealthy levels -
Level 7: Violation
Desperation for acceptance leads to violation of one's self and others. Serious conflict can occur. May victimize themselves to excuse offensive actions.
Level 8: Obsession and Compulsion
May be overly obsessed with an image of who they want to be. Deceives others
Level 9: Pathological Destructiveness
Most unhealthy state, display very toxic traits and behaviours, may have mental breakdown
Disintegration vs Integration
Or basically Stress vs Growth
Disintegration: When under heavy amounts of stress, a type will go into their disintegration type. They will pick up the negative traits of that type and act like the unhealthy version of it.
Integration: When maturing/developing positively, a type will go their integration type. They will pick up the positive traits of that type and improve their character.
* I will only give short descriptions for the triads. I will explain more in depth in individual posts.*
Centers of Intelligence
There are 3 centers of intelligence. Each center shows how and why we solve issues in life.
Gut/Instinct/Anger (types 1, 8, 9)
Gut center focuses on reacting and taking action immediately. This triad has an issue with control and anger.
1: Often perfectionists who repress their anger in order to remain morally good. They see their anger in a negative light.
8: The most open and comfortable with their anger. Uses it to assert boundaries, especially since this type fears vulnerability.
9: Often a passive type that dismisses or downplays their anger. They fear conflict and may worry being more assertive will cause a negative effect on themselves and others.
Heart/Image/Shame (types 2, 3, 4)
Heart center focuses on self identity and connections. This triad wants love and recognition and do what they believe is best to get that. They struggle with self worth.
2: They want to be needed and helpful to others. Pride themselves on being of service. Wants to receive love and to give love.
3: The most image oriented type. They always try to show their best selves and best efforts in order to seem admirable. Fears being worthless.
4: Wants to create a unique image for themselves, believes being boring will make them unloveable.
Head/Thinking/Fear (types 5, 6, 7)
Head center focuses on ideas, making rational decisions, and gathering info. This triad deals with fear and uncertainty.
5: The most internalized head type. 5's want to gather as much knowledge and resources as possible in order to stay secure and independent.
6: Quite an anxious type who seeks security through relations with others.
7: This type fears pain and suffering and seek out experiences in order to avoid negativity.
Other triads
- Harmonic Triads -
How types handle conflict, coping mechanism
Reactive (4, 6, 8)
Reactive types are not afraid to show and speak about their true feelings. They may seem "dramatic" in a way.
4: Melodramatic and self absorbed in negative feelings, drowns in intensity
6: Will argue, stick up for the right thing, moody, anxious
8: Big and loud reactions, can be very fiery
Positive (2, 7, 9)
Positive types dislike negativity and conflict and have their own ways of avoiding such tension. Optimistic during hard times.
2: Actively tries to be a good and kind person, only tries to focus on the good aspects of people
7: Seeks out fun opportunities to make their life exciting (basically distraction)
9: Values harmony and peace, will not risk any type of action that will disturb these values
Competency (1, 3, 5)
Competent types are often perfectionists who want to show their best selves. Objective and rational.
1: Strives to be correct and right, wants to be precise in what they do
3: Represses softer emotions to keep up a certain image, thrives with work/passions so they can be the best at what they do
5: Detached from feelings to remain logical and objective, knowledge seeking
- Hornevian Triads -
Relationships with others, how they get what they want
Assertive (3, 7, 8)
Assertive types go against people to get what they want. Do not back down easily, can seem aggressive and forceful.
3: Pushes through obstacles for achievements, goal oriented
7: Asserts their right to have fun, refuse to be restricted
8: Asserts power and strength, places boundaries
Withdrawn (4, 5, 9)
Withdrawn types are very internalized and do not show their needs openly. Deals with things alone.
4: Feels something is wrong with them internally, feels misunderstood
5: Detached from others as to not drain their own energy, will figure it out themselves
9: Introspective, lets life happen
Compliant (1, 2, 6)
Compliant work with people to get what they want. Builds relationships for security, wants to be helpful to others.
1: Doing the right thing instead of one's own wants
2: Focus on other's needs more instead of self
6: Tries to build a safe and secure environment by getting ppl to work together
- Object Relations -
How we are affected by others, our own affect on others, how we react to personal wounds
Attachment (3, 6, 9)
Seek out bonds and companionships for particular reasons. Individuality vs adaptation.
3: Changes their image to suit whoever they are with in order to meet expectations
6: Creates support systems to help with their self doubt and indecisiveness
9: Adapts to the energy of the environment to keep harmony
Frustration (1, 4, 7)
Triad gets frustrated when their needs aren't met.
1: Has a need to improve every little imperfection they find
4: Dislikes shallowness, longs for depth and complexity
7: Not enjoying experiences, not feeling fulfilled
Rejection (2, 5, 8)
Their own needs feel unimportant to others, so they reject their own needs as well.
2: Rejects the need to receive love and guidance, instead focuses on connecting with others and helping them.
5: Ignores and minimizes all their needs, offers knowledge and expertise in some hope of being acknowledged for their intelligence.
8: Rejects by being never putting their guard down, wanting to appear strong and as the protector of others.
Claudio Naranjo theory
There are three subtypes/instinctual variants that show our drive in life. There are 27 different subtypes in total.
Self Preservation (Sp)
Focuses on physical safety and security. Our physical health, financial security, obligations, and comforts.
Sexual/One - on - one (Sx)
Wants intensity and deep connections, one on one relationships are preferred.
Social (So)
Prefers to be in a community, wants to create good connections and bonds with others. Socially aware, focus on group goals and contributions.
Katherine Fauvre theory
A minor but still interesting piece of Enneagram. Tritype is formed of your 3 dominant types from each center. The first number will always be your core, followed by your other 2 dominant types.
E.g 369. 3 = core, heart. 6 = head. 9 = gut.
Enneagram notes
Side blog:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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elaho · 2 months
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An INFP 2w1 ----------------------------------------
The Fe Sun Kingdom's territory encompasses wide open spaces where the sun's rays can easily reach, such as fields, meadows, valleys, plains, and plateaus -- but not any area where natural shade occurs, such as the Fi Forest.
Due to biological differences, xxFPs can't be exposed to direct sunlight for long periods, making it nearly impossible to live outside the shelter of the Fi Forest, much less venture outside of it.
The Forest is vast and contains many different environments and ecosystems depending on the 'depth'. One aspect of the Forest is the perimeter which contains shorter trees with smaller leaves and a thinner treetop canopy. This allows for slightly larger pockets of sunlight through the canopy, but it is still dark enough to provide a safe atmosphere for xxFPs to stay long-term.
Though considered a dangerous and volatile environment, many xxFP 1s, 2s and 9s still choose to live there. It's unclear why, but some speculate that while some INFPs prefer the relative safety of the forest's dark heart, others long to overcome their fear of the sun and connect with those who live in the light-- getting as close to it as they can without getting burned.
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alkistisnetwide · 3 months
People who self-type with rare and "coveted" labels, such as: INFJs, INTJs, 5s, 4s, IEIs, ILIs, Ns by extension
Let me ask, to what extent would your self-worth differ if you concluded you were mistyped?
To what extent would your self-worth change if you found typology to be a false idea?
Back when I believed socionics was the answer to everything at 15, I was negatively affected by that interest. I questioned things about myself because I seemed to have traits that didn't fit my EII (INFP,INFj) type, but I settled on it eitherway because of my focus on morality. It didn't help how little self esteem I had to be of the least impressive of the 4 "intelligent" types. Even worse, socionics changed how I saw others. I believed others lacked moral values and intelligence, thought in a manner inconceivable to me and would fundamentally be bad company for me
The enneagram had me constantly questioning every aspect of my behavior in order to affirm that I was indeed a 5w4
If you are invested in personality typing, I think you should consider the influence of your emotions on your investment and take a short break. People who are no longer certain about these systems, it might be useful to share your opinion of them in retrospect
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jtypology · 3 months
new to typology? 🫂
don't worry, we've all been there!
why learn? well, in short, typology can provide you with a better understanding of yourself and others, unravelling our strengths and weaknesses.
where to start
although many people who are new to typology start off with an interest in mbti (mostly due to the popularity of 16personalities and personality database), i actually recommend starting with temperaments, big 5 and/or enneagram instead.
temperaments (the four temperaments) is an archaic system, one that has its roots in medicine. it is simple and easy to understand, with there being four main types (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic) that you can choose from, or blends between any two of them (for example, i am a blend between melancholic and choleric, therefore my temperament is melancholic-choleric). there are no contradictions between temperaments and any other system, and you can be either dominant in one or a blend of two just like yours truly!
big 5 is an empirically proven and scientifically endorsed typology system. it covers five core aspects of one's personality, such as openness to experience (inquisitive vs non-curious).
enneagram is a lot more complicated than the other two systems i've mentioned, featuring nine distinct personality types. however, i recommend tackling it first or prioritising it over the other systems, as i, and many others, would deem it the most important of them all. there is a lot to it, but that is simply par the course for typology. if you aren't prepared to read and dig deep, then maybe typology isn't for you.
resources :
"the complete enneagram" by beatrice chestnut !
beatrice chestnut is quite beginner-friendly, if you're just starting off, this particular book of hers is your best friend (mainly for enneagram, but also because it is a good taster of what you're getting into).
"gifts differing" by isabel briggs myers & peter b. myers
although i haven't mentioned mbti beyond discussing how newcomers cling onto it (typically 16p users), it is for this reason i feel compelled to share this particular resource. most people drop mbti the further they delve into typology, and i can't say i like the system either. however, this is your learning journey, and it's worth knowing what sites have been inaccurately portraying and selling.
there is lots of information out there relating to typology. other places to search include the internet archive for books and even personality database wiki pages for specific topics. remember to take a break if things get too overwhelming or stressful ! typology is for fun.
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lilmeawmeawblog · 1 year
I firmly believe that things like enneagram, MBTI,astrology etc. are tools that are meant for self development, they are something that can induce greater empathy, more tolerance in you, give you a broader perspective. These tools are not meant for enforcing stereotypes like portraying certain types as immoral psychopaths, hard hearted robots and then certain types as angels or Messiah; People aren't really two dimensional like that. Just because you struggle with rational thinking or social skills as an effect of belonging to a certain type doesn't mean you have to stay that way till you die. Putting people in a box won't get us anywhere, it limits our potential, makes us close minded. Instead, these tools are are supposed to make you open minded by showing you that there is no only one true, right way of looking at or doing things, that each type plays an integral & equally important role in our society, its supposed to tell you your weakness & strengths so your can better yourself and become a more well rounded person
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sxturnrjpple · 2 months
hirano typology analysis <3
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okay, everyone! let's start off from this page first thing first.
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as you can see he's typed estj 1w2 but let's go further in this:
estjs are te-fi si-ne axis based which means his te and his si need fi and ne to function (this axis is applied for ti-fe se-ni as well and goes both ways).
(for anyone who doesn't know how this works: cognitive function in a stack of 8 make a type AND it's shadow type (your "opposite" type) as you can see in the screenshot up there functions are set this way: introvert > extr. > intr > extr. OR extr. > intr. > extr. > intr.)
let's start with his dom-aux stack
honestly, i believe he's an estj as well so im going to stick with this typing.
his dominant function is Te, i think this guy has an unbearable amount of Te here 😭
up to now I've noticed he is:
- rational
- more in his head than his heart
- pragmatic
- focused on efficiency
- very responsible
- direct (says what he thinks in your face even if it might hurt you (for ex. like when he rejected kagi for the first time)
as for his Si, which is high as well, this is what I've noticed:
- respects traditions (doesn't mean he supports them but he has nothing against them)
- sense of duty and responsibility
- he needs structure and order
- he's loyal
- resistant to major changes
- stubborn
- tidy
actually about his dominant function (between Te and Si) i have something to say about his Fi in the tert-inf stack. i think he uses much more Fi than Ne so I'd move it to tert. position and put Ne in inf. that'd make him an istj tho. in the latest chapter we can see how he thinks it's "right" not to stop Kagi from moving on but it's not an action of pure morality since sensei's shown us his whole reasonment. we can see that it's more of a "rational morality" which in a in a typology aspect is clearly Te and Fi working together. Still, i think both an istj and estj typing are correct since there's only a difference in the functions positions (estj: Te-Si-Ne-Fi istj: Si-Te-Fi-Ne).
okay now comes my fav part of typology!
enneagram, tritype and instinctual variants!
im gonna note them here so I don't have to scroll up over and over again.
enneagram: 1w2
tritype: 152
instinctual variants: so/sp
alright, so. I'd make some changes here.
first thing, his enneagram. i think e1 is correct for him since e1 is a perfectionist who thinks they have some kind of mission, they're usually systematic and responsible (in his case his self-given mission could be helping kagi with his studies for ex.) while for his w2, i honestly don't know because e2s help others out of a personal gain (to feel better about themselves) which I don't think is hirano's case because he genuinely helps others even if he doesn't get anything in return. he could be a 1w9 in my opinion. type 9s look for harmony and peace and fear having their harmony shaken/broken which could be related to his change avoidance? i think it's surely better than 1w2 (since type 2s are subconsciously selfish and he isn't selfish at all).
tritype: i think it's correct, although I wouldn't type him an e5 since he's not shown us he likes to collect knowledge "just because"
instinctual variants: I don't think so/sp is accurate, he's probably an sx/so. from my point of view it's like he values his close relationships more, by this i mean it's like he's completely comfortable with only one person (which is kagi) and I wouldn't change the social typing
we reached the end of my analysis!
it's probably confusing since my thought process is very messy to begin with, I'm sorry if it seems like that 😭
cyaa <3
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blueopinions49 · 1 month
Enneagram 4 Subtypes Explained
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Social 4 "Shame"
The social 4 looks to create connection with others through the exploration melancholy and brokenness. Unlike the other 4s this subtype looks to share their depth with others. Imo they subvert allot of the traditional notions of the E4. They aren't as withdrawn as the SX and Sp subtypes. And whole they do maintain a level of difference within they still look to fulfill that need for emotional depth with others. A tendency that pops with the So4 is the need to create that social circle while struggling to remain their own self. This subtype tend to express their difference through being an outsider or extremely sophisticated with unique tastes. Usually among to attract others while maintaining their boundary of eccentricity. They are hard to mistake as any other type in my opinion however they can look like the stereotype of a 3w4 (due to being pretentiousness) or a 9.
Characters: Anna Karenina, Mark Jefferson, Blue Diamond, Diane Nyguen, Lisa, Anne of Green Gables, Jin Kazaa and Catherine Meyer.
The Self Preservation 4 "Tenacity"
The Sp4 finds it self trying to mitigate their envy due to being a counter type. Usually this 4 is not looking to be different but rather to have a different type of life. As the counter type of 4 they dont overexposes their melancholy and rage but rather they tend to keep it to themselves. This 4 tries to find a different path in the world without following tradition or social expectations. They are a bit more idealistic with their pursuits choosing lifestyles, style or professional life. This subtype can look like a 6 (due to their calm and environment oriented thinking).
Characters: Elio Perlman, Rose DeWitt Bukater, Eleven, Belle, Sebastian, Wicked Witch, Violet Harmon and Susana Kaysen.
The Sexual 4 "Hate"
Probably the most well known 4. This subtype is the most expressive and "aggressive" about their sense of uniqueness. They are highly interested in creating a relationship with another that fulfills that bond of difference and uniqueness. They tend to be the most expressive of their envy. To the sexual 4 the most important thing is not to be mediocre. By this I mean that the 4s see everything that doesn't have emotional and personal depth is beneath them. While many texts describe them as aggressive id say they are closer to passionate. The SX4 interest and frustration find depth within interpersonal relationships leads them to look like enneagram 8s.
Characters: Kylo Ren, the phantom, Maleficent, Loki, Jason Todd, Helen Sharp, Lucille Sharpe and Zuko
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phlve · 10 months
The Enneagram of Divine Forms — Point 5: The Observer
Will narrow the universal view into the particular and subjective point of view of the observer
Always losing perspective of the forest because their entire attention is on particular trees
Is found collecting bits and pieces
Can spend a lot of time trying to disclose the riddles of life and society
Continuous interest in observing others
Fear that they are also the focus of attentive study and observation by others
Inclined to hide and be anonymous around people
General inclination to play the social game without giving of themselves completely and openly
General attitudes of fear of the environment, natural and social, ‘nervous wrecks’ because of the pressure of their fear and stress
Perceives and projects their distortion of reality by thinking that they have been alienated by their siblings or the world
Ego-delusion: of being stingy or a person who keeps to themselves as they judge others exclusively from their personal perception and narrow point of view
Passion of avarice: amass information and accumulate, pieces of knowledge and gossip about others, as well as collecting material things
Meddling on one side and antisocial on the other
Introjection: their primary defense mechanism, in which they absorb themselves in and internalize the attributes and personalities of others by assimilating their behavior, emotions or characteristics
Self-obsessed, see themselves as a separate bystander
Assert to themselves: ‘I am sociable and self-sufficient’
Shyness which makes them nervous socially
Ego-reaction: distrust, which produces a constant looking in every direction
Ego-justification: to face facts with cynicism because of their poor idea of the motives and self-interest of others
Intense aversion or repulsion that is felt acutely, which becomes the starting point for their plotting and scheming
Considerate on one side and imposing on the other
Source: @/if u seek amy on PDB
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