#entitled karen
sariphantom · 10 months
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Rise August Days 3 and 4: Dr. Delicate Touch + Yokai
I'm SO SORRY for being way behind. Anyway, this little piggy is going to get her ass kicked by Dr. Delicate Touch.
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beybladeninja · 6 months
So I was watching videos in which entitled people get taken to jail, because watching people like that get karma is strangely satisfying for me.
It was... honestly getting to the point where I felt like I could easily slap or cuss out any of these people and not feel guilty about it.
I mean, the police are just doing their jobs, what is wrong with these people? They just keep making it worse for themselves!
But I can't do that without getting arrested myself, so I did what any sane artist would do: I projected my feelings onto a fictional character.
I chose Lui, because I feel like he'd act how I feel.
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Context: An entitled Karen was being loudly rude to the other officers, so Police Intern Lui Shirosagi stepped in and said a few choice words to the woman that instantly made her shut up. His methods are harsh, but at least the police station has a little more peace and quiet than before.
I don’t know, I just see Lui biting the heads off whichever inmates he feels irritates him the most, then when they threaten to sue him and end his career, he just laughs and says “Joke’s on you - I’m just an intern.”
I’d love to set Lui on a screaming Karen and see how that cat fight plays out. I think I’d start looking for the nearest popcorn vendor.
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giahantonetty · 2 years
Everyone:*having fun* Karen:hey!! You all are making too much nosies!!!! Everyone:*stops* Karen:good!!!! *Goes into her car* * car breaks down* *Karen can't get out* Karen:i- I can't get out!!!! Me:oh no!.. Jordan:what should we do??? Jerome: NOTHING!.. Everyone:*laughs and leaves* Brooke: let's all leave the rude Karen to die!!!!
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amygdalae · 6 months
Its still always very funny when the rude customer happens to be named Karen....
Like oh no she's not even trying to break free from the grim path fate's threads laid out before her.....oh no
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crezz-star · 4 months
There's no wrong way of pairing characters! There is no WRONG pairings.
If you think there is and you're making reasons to justify it, the problem is ON YOU for not being able to understand the FACT that by the end of the day, all of us are just making paper dolls kiss. That they're not real, and invalidating other pairings by making up reasons about morality and stuff, just makes it obvious you're bitter and honestly it's embarrassing for you.
Don't like the pairing? Don't talk about it. Block it. Block the people who make content of it. Don't look at it. AVOID IT. Cater to your own environment.
✨Be respectful of what others likes✨
But what they like makes me angry- Block them and avoid the pairing. But their pairing is weird and gross- Block them and avoid the pairing. But the pairing makes me so uncomfortable- Block them and avoid the pairing. But-- BLOCK THEM AND AVOID THE PAIRING.
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maxs-left-eye · 1 month
gee, i can't qWHITE put my hands on why liz is so mad about q going on the reward, even though he had no say?? you're calling him evil... becuase he doesn't roll over for you?
liz, you have your fucking rice now - you're not more starving than the rest of them
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coochiequeens · 1 year
A TIM shouted at a woman, yelled at her to leave the coffee shop, called her a Karen then clapped in her face then assaulted the guy filming the incident while trying to take his phone i.e. robbery. But sure he’s a victim because he’s trans.
A transgender woman in the U.K. was fired by Starbucks after she was caught on camera getting into a heated confrontation with a female customer and allegedly fighting with a man who filmed the incident.
The man recording last month’s incident in Southhampton can be heard saying the woman had apparently said something “transphobic” to upset the employee.
“Don’t ever call me transphobic! Ever! You do not know me!,” the customer shouts at the Starbucks staffer.
The transgender employee replied, “You’re calling me a man, you’re being transphobic, Karen. Now get out.” The coffee shop worker clapped in the woman’s face and refused her refund request before lunging for the phone of a man who filmed the incident.
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A Starbucks spokesperson told Dan Wootton Tonight editor Ben Leo the employee no longer works at the company, and Hampshire Police are investigating an allegation of assault stemming from the incident.
Considering his height, build, voice and overall manner and her insistence that she’s not transphobic I wonder if she accidentally called her sir, then instead of accepting an apology he simply lost his shit. Because TIMs know they can shout at women over simple errors.
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onesaltysir · 6 months
Parents will post the dumbest shit I swear to god
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Rant under cut
Idk Kelli, maybe your son was looking for you because you're his parent, and children typically go to their parents when they want something. I PROMISE you, your five year old with skibidi ipad cocomelon tiktok syndrome who can't read does not understand the concept of perfect parents.
Quit praising yourself for taking on a job that you chose to do. If your kid wants his mum, he's going to go to his mum. Like that is the simplest thing. He dgaf if you're perfect, he just wants something. You're not some angelic queen because you chose to be a mother.
Parents, you do not deserve special treatment for raw dogging it and then popping out some little shit named Braxteyighnn or Ahshahleyigh. Stop acting like you're some angel when all you do is shove an ipad in your kid's face while you post about how your parenting is so perfect and you're some magical blessing on this world.
Parents who do this shit are not a blessing, they're the bane of my existence.
Get off your mommy blog, get off your high horse, and do the fucking job you chose to do.
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hereforthepotions · 2 months
I feel like people don't talk enough about how sometimes emotional intelligence is knowing when it is appropriate to tell someone to fuck off.
I don't always want to be the bigger person, I want you out of my face, step back. Normalise showing me some respect, actually. Stonewall was a riot, at a certain point you aren't being polite or mature or being the bigger person or not stooping to their level or whatever you want to call it, you're just letting people walk all over you.
If you don't value me as a person, my thoughts, my feelings, and my time, then I'm not going to waste my thoughts, feelings, and time on you.
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kil9 · 3 months
me & the one other person masking in public kissing each other with tongue (mentally because we wont take our masks off)
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xxlovelynovaxx · 1 year
Anti-recovery people: hey, it's okay to be unhealthy. That's not always something you can change and it's certainly not something you have to do. It's okay to exist as you are.
"Pro-recovery" people: OMG YOU'RE what's wrong with the mental health community, you BRAINWASHED me into thinking it wasn't okay for people to seek help if THEY wanted it, this is honestly TOXIC AF.
Anti-recovery people: but ... that's literally not what we said. Most people view recovery as this linear progression of milestones that often includes becoming more palatably neurotypical, which is ableist. What we're saying is that it's okay to recover if you want to, but that doesn't have to look like the mainstream abled version of recovery, and that it's okay to not do so at all. Some people also can't recover to those standards and we celebrate accepting your limitations.
"Pro-recovery" people: So it's OKAY to just harm your friends because of your mental illness? You support being a BAD person and not bothering to change? Also being unhealthy is bad and I'm going to assume because I recovered that everybody is capable of doing so, even if using different methods, and just choosing not to bother because of YOU people.
Anti-recovery people: What? No! Hurting other people is not okay! Do you actually think that these symptoms of a diagnosis are what causes someone to choose to harm other people? That's both super ableist and also a fundamental misunderstanding of what causes harmful, toxic, and abusive behaviors.
Anti-recovery people: In the few cases where someone is truly incapable of controlling a harmful behavior, where someone has extremely high support needs, we support them getting the adequate societal support to have someone help them through these behaviors without anyone getting hurt, but more importantly, without exacerbating their own distress that they are very clearly expressing.
Anti-recovery people: In most other cases, conflating the choices and actions of someone who is mentally ill with their diagnosis is super ableist, as is conflating "it's okay if you struggle to brush your teeth" with "it's okay to treat your friends and loved ones like shit with no consequences". I assume you're defining harm as "actively insulting, belitting, invalidating, physically or sexually assaulting you, though, and not just visibly having symptoms of a mental illness or talking about their struggles, right?*
"Pro-recovery"people: . . .
Anti-recovery people: We're saying that it's harmful to moralize health, for multiple reasons. There's that you are not capable of determining if a person is able to recover, for any given definition of recovery. There's that even if a person is able to, them being unhealthy is not actually harming you, and they have the right to make those choices even if you wouldn't make the same ones for yourself. There's the fact that recovery looks different for everybody, and for many, accepting that you can't "recover" to the expectations set by the mainstream IS recovery. ESPECIALLY given that many things that are called "unhealthy" are perfectly harmless and healthy aspects of neurodivergence that have been unnecessarily medicalized by our ableist society and psychiatric institutions.
"Pro-recovery" people: . . .
"Pro-recovery" people: YOU'RE the reason I wanted to kill myself for a decade and didn't bother to do anything about it! Personal responsibility, ever heard of it? Once I left your CULT I started doing yoga and now I'm BETTER and so everyone else can do that too!
Anti-recovery people: ... Do YOU know what personal responsibility is? All the "anti-recovery" in our names means is that we are against the idea that it's morally wrong to refuse to recover, whether that means refusing to conform to the mainstream ideal of recovery, a choice that you make to not pursue recovery, or an acceptance of your own inability to recover. We are not against choosing recovery as a personal decision if that's what you want - in fact, we support those people.
Anti-recovery people: Anyway, you don't know what led up to someone making this choice. Someone with long-term treatment-resistant suicidal depression is not wrong for not continuing to try meds that have not once worked, pursuing expensive TMS they may not be able to afford which is not covered by most insurance, continuing meds that have some effect but worse side effects than the depression itself, or psychotherapy that may have little to not effect, especially if they have at any point been subject to psychiatric neglect or abuse, which is more common than you're aware.
"Pro-recovery" people: See, I was toxic like you but unlearned all of that so now I'm no longer toxic. Btw I'm currently actively harassing disabled people because they're not 'working hard enough' or using 'better coping skills' and them being unhealthy is a personally harmful to me and everyone that ever interacts with them. What do you mean that's not okay just because the disability is a mental illness?? That's ableist!!1
Anti-recovery people: Okay, so, you haven't even bothered to deconstruct the moralization of healthiness and how that ties into ableism, I see. It's actively bigoted to expect someone to meet certain standards of health when they have a CHRONIC HEALTH ISSUE. This is no different than expecting someone with a chronic illness never to eat or drink anything unhealthy, to exercise regularly, have perfect sleep habits, and otherwise be a paragon of healthy choices or else it's "their fault" for just "not caring enough to put in the work to recover. Of course, you likely also do those things, in which case the comparison is lost on you, because ableists are so rarely ableist against only mentally or physically disabled people and not the other.**
Anti-recovery people: You also seem to believe that you're ontologically incapable of doing harm - you say that it's an "ongoing process" but then your actions show that you haven't bothered learning to listen when people say you're harming them and have just changed your targets to be people who have less societal power than you so they're less able to stand up for themselves and you're less obligated to listen to them. Are you just trying to find a justification for bullying people that others will accept?
"Pro-recovery" people: . . . STOP HARASSING ME!!1
Anti-recovery people: *Looks into camera like they're on the office*
*I have actually harmed others in the past in ways that were influenced by my mental illness. OCD, of all things, was the one that most directly impacted my actions, and I owned my mistakes. That being said, they were still my CHOICE. The mental illness played a role, but it didn't cause the harm I did. You know what wasn't my choice, though? My overreliance on my friends for essentially trauma-dumping and for getting my emotional needs met because I was actively being abused and the system was neither providing me ANY way out nor even adequate mental healthcare (as if that's possible when being ACTIVELY ABUSED WITH NOT EVEN A BROCHURE OFFERED ABOUT HOW TO ESCAPE ABUSE.) I was a drowning person clawing at them for survival, and it was neither of our faults that the system is primed to actively keep disabled people in abusive situations. So don't @ me.
**I would know, I am both multiple physically and multiply mentally disabled.
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zaggyzoo · 11 days
AND client support didn't even offer me a discount
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quilleth · 1 year
Working in customer service type jobs is my villain origin story
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starlooove · 6 months
Need to stay off tiktok why are white men going ‘white women be like’ and white women talking about their ‘white boy obsessions’ those are just ppl to you. The descriptor is unnecessary. Those aren’t ‘white women’ to you they’re women. Thats not a ‘white boy obsession’ that’s a boy obsession. This is the problem with y’all copying everything black ppl say online; we use those descriptions bc when we talk about black women/men we don’t NEED to specify amongst ourselves. We do when we talk about y’all. Like y’all just saying shit makes you sound so weird. Also the men are just being misogynistic and the women are tryna make regular ass shit sound quirky and cool like you hate ur mother and u have a crush. It’s ok. Be yourself.
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silver-wildfyre · 1 year
Jesus Armond really can’t catch a break, although I don’t know if an apocalypse is truly worse than working in hospitality
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tyxaar · 2 months
I always try my best to be polite and cheerful and patient when interacting with employees at cafes and supermarkets and restaurants and such.
I’ve heard enough awful stories about entitled rude patrons and I try to make my own lil difference against that. Often I wish their day is going as good as it can and that I appreciate their work. Hopefully it lightened up someone’s day at least once. <3
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