#like It’s so irritating
starlooove · 9 months
Need to stay off tiktok why are white men going ‘white women be like’ and white women talking about their ‘white boy obsessions’ those are just ppl to you. The descriptor is unnecessary. Those aren’t ‘white women’ to you they’re women. Thats not a ‘white boy obsession’ that’s a boy obsession. This is the problem with y’all copying everything black ppl say online; we use those descriptions bc when we talk about black women/men we don’t NEED to specify amongst ourselves. We do when we talk about y’all. Like y’all just saying shit makes you sound so weird. Also the men are just being misogynistic and the women are tryna make regular ass shit sound quirky and cool like you hate ur mother and u have a crush. It’s ok. Be yourself.
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leahcee · 1 year
i need to rant about fatohobia and fat shaming bc I feel like I’ve been seeing and hearing about it a lot lately especially in my personal life and I’m going to start biting heads off
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artschoolglasses · 1 year
Americans not giving a shit about the wildfires burning down forests and homes in Canada until smoke starts spreading across the border. Meanwhile Indigenous communities across the country are far more likely to be impacted by the fires and I’ve seen all of one link to a charity and about nine million memes. 🙃
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alakuhfuckingzam · 8 months
the v's are so funny to me. they own some of the biggest media companies in hell. they're a bunch of upstarts who have the patience of a toddler. only one of them can deal with the others shit at a time like they're playing the worst game of rock paper scissors ever. they call each other pet names. they're hells worst polycule. they're somehow the least and most efficient business partners ever. they're some of the most impulsive people on the cast. they manipulate each other constantly. they're a moth, a tv, and a clown. one of them is shown to be so much worse than the other two. i think they'd kill each other if they were allowed too. they lean on each other so heavily they'd knock over the leaning tower of piza. ive never seen three cunts try so hard in my life.
like what is wrong with them i want to put them in a terrarium and observe them with a magnifying glass.
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I think it's funniest if Luke and Anakin have completely opposite opinions on sand actually
Anakin: I don't like sand, it's course and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere UGH
Luke: I like sand. Reminds me of home. The good old days when all I had to worry about was not being allowed to go to tosche station to pick up some power converters :') I would happily take a sand bath
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sophfandoms53 · 5 months
Anyway shout out to Dewey who constantly looked like he was having the worst time of his fucking life in the pitches
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Just an 11 year old pissed off at the world it seems😭
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post-it-notes7 · 10 months
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he's never going to find out
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cube-cumb3r · 2 years
while im at it neopronoun opposition is weird to me as a swedish person.. the whole debate is so anglocentric that they assume every language landed on the same solution they did, to reuse a plural pronoun as a gender neutral one and then they think any other solution is absurd or unheard of. what do you mean you just made another pronoun up you cant do that!! etc
coz its like here in the 2014 the swedish academy accepted 3rd person pronoun "hen" (as opposed to hon/han) like officially into our word list after it gained some popularity in the 2010s. like that is a NEOPRONOUN that someone just Came Up With in like the 60s and then people just started using it and now its just a recognized part of our language. sure we could've also reused our plural pronoun "de/dem" as a gender neutral one but we just made up a new one instead. and to like imply that mainstream use of a neopronoun is just UNHEARD OF and that neopronouns is something the mainstream could NEVER GET USED TO EVER!!! is... your perspective is very limited to the english speaking world is all i can say
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1071png · 2 months
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finished dmc1 today
the shadows are so cute...albeit annoying lol
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deluxeyellowflower · 8 months
If you're USamerican and feel very strongly about how people vote in this upcoming election, if you feel hopeless about how those around you aren't voting, here's some suggestions.
Sign up to be a poll worker or election worker in your county. You might need to call or email the local election office to find out how to do this.
Get very familiar with your local voting process and its bureaucracy. Know the important deadlines and remind people of them. (Being a poll worker helps a lot with this.)
Ask your friends and family if they're voting. Have progressive voting guides on hand if they don't know who or what to vote for. Offer to drive people or go with them to vote. Fill out your mail-in ballots together.
Organize and join get out the vote campaigns. Canvass. Table. Flyer. Call. Text.
Don't shame people for ambivalence, disinterest, or hostility to voting. Be curious. Provide practical advice and tangible support.
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here-comes-the-moose · 3 months
Echo during his time with the 501st: doing body shots, dancing on tables, blowing things up in the barracks with Fives, creating chaos with Fives, doing keg stands, complaining about them leaving the club “too early” even though it’s four in the morning, being the reason that new rules were added to the reg manuals, generally being an absolute terror
Echo during most of his time with the Bad Batch: tucking kids in, telling bedtime stories, always carrying healthy snacks, in bed by nine, putting people in time-out, telling “kids” to behave, tending to sick “kids”, being the only one to put their foot down and shut down any shenanigans, generally being a mom and an absolute angel (of course this is when he isn’t being the absolute badass that he is and always had been since let’s not forget that he’s an ARC Trooper)
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tapakah0 · 2 months
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sunnibits · 5 months
senshi dungeon meshi tell me what to eat for lunch…. senshi from dungeon meshi pls… Guide me…..
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margle · 2 months
my hopes and wishes for s17:
dee and the waitress have scenes together
dee maims someone
dee is an evil horrible woman
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natalieleif · 1 year
I know Jack and Maddie's relationship in canon is probably MEANT to be seen--depending on the episode--as a pretty bog-standard, 2000s-era "idiot big dad and exasperated, smart wife who puts up with him" trope.
my personal favorite interpretation is that BOTH are equally genius engineers who are also equally on the autistic spectrum, with a specific hyperfixation on ghosts and mad science.
The main difference is that Maddie has siblings and female social expectations, so she had to learn how to mask in ways that are seen as sociable and polite and attractive and "smart." When she does bumble major social cues (such as not recognizing Vlad's flirting until Danny points it out decades later, or humiliating her kids by showing up in a hazmat suit at school), it feels more "socially acceptable" from her.
She genuinely loves Jack because he could not care less about her being Feminine or Socially Acceptable. He just wants to shout with her about ghosts! So the nanosecond she's around him she can yank the mask off and go chasing spirits with a toaster turned into a machine gun.
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fortheloveofexy · 3 months
I've seen a lot of posts in the wake of tsc calling out how the Foxes mistreated Kevin and never really gave him the same degree of compassion and patience that they gave Neil (and like, fair enough, there's definitely a disparity in how the two are treated by the broader team) but I think it's important to remember that it's very likely most of the Foxes didn't know just how bad things in the Nest were, especially when Kevin first came to Palmetto.
Like, they knew he'd been hurt badly, but were they ever told the full extent of the abuse in thr Nest? Probably not, because unlike Jean, Kevin was media trained. It was ingrained habit for him to conceal the true conditions inside the Nest to all outsiders, and that's not a habit he'd have been able to break easily. The only people who knew the full extent of what he'd been through were probably Wymack, Bee and Andrew.
Add to that Kevin's abrasive personality and his tendency towards nitpicking and perfectionism, and it's no wonder that the Foxes' patience with him ran thin after a while.
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