#entrepreneurial networks
edu-all · 1 year
Using working life oriented and entrepreneurial networks in teaching, guiding and assessment
Interview: During the teaching practice, I have learned how  working life experience and networking is important in teaching. There were two guests from different industries. Both shared what the practical perspectives of the theory classes, the challenges and the competence areas needed in their companies. It also discussed the areas where the industries are working in collaboration with…
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Larry Savage Jr Birmingham - Logistics Communication Skills Explained
Improving your logistics communication skills is important to create a strong network of contacts and become an expert in the logistics industry. You should know this because many profit and business opportunities in the logistics industry stem from the relationships that partners and clients form.
So, to compete in the logistics industry, one must build effective communication with both potential and existing partners and customers. This article provides tips for boosting your communication skills in logistics, offering insights from logistics networking specialists. You can also read Larry Savage Birmingham – 7 Books to Read to Improve Your Communication Skills to build connections with partners for your business.
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Here Are Some Tips To Improve Logistics Communication:
Pay Full Attention
Effective communication always starts with listening. Misunderstandings in communications are common with people who don’t have listening skills. All people have responsibilities, so wasting other people’s time can be bad for someone in the logistics industry.
It takes more than just physical presence to attend a logistics event. You must give your full attention in every meeting to avoid missing important details and forcing your partner to repeat information they've already said. Anyone can tell when you're not paying attention, and that's not how you should interact with current or future partners.
Practice Active Listening
You must listen actively to truly understand your logistics partner. Active listening in logistics communication requires understanding, responsive engagement, and retention of the information the other person is conveying.
Understand What’s Not Being Said
You should also be able to recognize when a prospect is lying. These are essential skills to have, and you won’t succeed until you develop the ability to read between the lines.
Speak In Specifics
You should be specific to be influential in logistics. You can prove to others that your freight forwarder is the ideal fit for his services and working style by providing concrete instances or tales to bolster your arguments.
Be A Logistics Expert
It is impossible to be particular if you do not understand what you're talking about. You should prove that you are an expert in the logistics sector and you know the issues, practices, and purchasing trends.
If you want to locate other logistics specialists who are true professionals in their freight forwarding industry, you should join a logistics network that carefully selects its members.
Know What They Don’t Know
It's not necessary to know everything about the logistics industry to be considered an expert. But you should be knowledgeable enough to manage the cargoes of your partners, have excellent assistance, and be an outstanding operator. You should also need to depend on your prospects to provide the missing information.
Recognize your knowledge gaps and ask your logistics partner to assist you in filling them in. You won't lose transactions due to erroneous assumptions; they will respect your candor about what you don't know.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are many ways via which honing your logistics communication skills can assist you in creating beneficial relationships for your enterprise. Finally, read Larry Savage Jr. Birmingham- 7 Skills That Can Help You Become an Expert Logistics Specialist if you want to become a master of logistics.  
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imarketer4udma-blog · 11 months
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The GoUSA 2023 Startup Networking Night in Vienna was an exciting event that aimed to bring together innovative startupers, investors, and industry experts from both Austria and the United States. The event provided a platform for networking, collaboration, and knowledge sharing in the startup ecosystem. Among the participating companies, IM4U Digital Marketing Agency actively took part in this event, showcasing our expertise in digital marketing and networking with potential partners and clients. Let’s dive into how the evening went for the IM4U agency at the event.
This event was made possible with the support of Open Austria, a prominent organization that fosters collaboration and innovation between Austria and the United States. Open Austria promotes entrepreneurial partnerships, technology transfer, and knowledge exchange to drive economic growth and strengthen the startup ecosystem.
IM4U Digital Marketing Agency had the privilege of collaborating with Open Austria for the event. This collaboration allowed IM4U to actively participate in the event and showcase our digital marketing expertise to a diverse audience. Open Austria’s involvement in the event not only provided valuable support but also helped create an environment conducive to networking, collaboration, and knowledge sharing within the startup ecosystem.
IM4U Digital Marketing Agency actively engaged with stakeholders in the startup ecosystem, demonstrating a proactive approach at the event. Through conversations and idea exchanges with startup founders, investors, and industry leaders, the agency positioned itself as a valuable resource. Networking sessions allowed IM4U representatives to seek potential partnerships, while sharing their expertise in digital marketing to foster discussions on strategies and insights. This showcased their commitment to enhancing startups’ digital presence and supporting their growth.
By engaging with startup founders, IM4U gained an understanding of their specific marketing challenges and provided tailored advice and solutions. This demonstrated the agency’s dedication to nurturing the success of emerging companies. Additionally, IM4U capitalized on the opportunity to connect with investors, showcasing their track record of successful campaigns and highlighting the potential for mutually beneficial collaborations. This established a strong presence among potential investment partners. Lastly, the agency actively sought out industry leaders, participating in panel discussions, workshops, and keynote sessions to exchange ideas and stay updated on the latest trends, further highlighting their commitment to continuous learning and innovation in digital marketing.
IM4U Digital Marketing Agency had a valuable experience at the Startup Networking Night. The event facilitated the expansion of our professional network by engaging with startup founders, investors, and industry leaders, potentially leading to future collaborations and business opportunities. Additionally, the agency gained insights into the latest trends and innovations in the startup landscape, staying at the forefront of digital marketing and offering innovative solutions to clients. IM4U also showcased expertise and thought leadership, establishing credibility and trust among potential clients and partners.
Furthermore, the event provided an opportunity for IM4U to learn from the experiences of others, gaining valuable perspectives and lessons learned from successful entrepreneurs and investors. This exposure to diverse experiences contributes to the agency’s strategic decision-making and overall growth.
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IM4U Digital Marketing Agency is thrilled to announce our upcoming journey to the United States, aiming to strengthen existing client partnerships and explore new business opportunities. We prioritize face-to-face interactions with clients to understand their needs and align strategies for success. By solidifying these partnerships, we can provide more tailored and impactful digital marketing solutions.
Moreover, we are excited to tap into the dynamic and innovative American market, connecting with potential clients, investors, and industry leaders. Our goal is to establish strong relationships that foster growth for both our agency and the businesses we serve. The IM4U team is committed to immersing ourselves in the American business landscape, learning from industry pioneers, and leveraging our expertise to deliver exceptional results. Building strong partnerships is our foundation for success, and we look forward to creating lasting value for our American partners.
Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this exciting journey to the United States and continue to deliver innovative digital marketing solutions to our clients across the globe.
IM4U Digital Marketing Agency is committed to staying at the forefront of the industry, enhancing expertise, exploring emerging trends, and delivering innovative solutions to clients. Our upcoming journey to the United States is an incredible opportunity to expand horizons, forge new connections, and explore growth potential. We eagerly anticipate immersing ourselves in the vibrant business landscape, learning from industry leaders, and bringing back valuable insights to elevate our services.
We firmly believe that strong partnerships are the cornerstone of success. Strengthening existing relationships and cultivating new ones with American clients is a priority. These partnerships will fuel our growth and contribute to the success of the businesses we serve. As we embark on this journey, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results, fostering innovation, and exceeding client expectations. The future holds promise, and we look forward to the growth, collaboration, and success that await us.
Thank you for your support, and we cannot wait to share the exciting developments and achievements that arise from our journey to America.
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amritokumarbd · 1 month
mihr transport
Address: 2341 E Ashlan ave, Fresno, Ca, 93711
Phone: 855-420-8256 Website: https://mihrtransport.com/ Service's: Freight dispatch, online business, logistics industry, entrepreneurship, starting a business, freight brokerage, legal requirements, licensing, dispatch operations, networking, marketing strategy, customer service, industry trends, professional development, success tips, business growth, entrepreneurial journey, online course
Freight Dispatch Course provides a comprehensive and flexible learning experience that empowers you to launch and grow a successful freight dispatch business. Whether you're a novice entrepreneur or an experienced professional looking to expand your skill set, this course is designed to help you achieve your goals.
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pathquestsolutions · 1 month
Sparking Innovation: PathQuest's team at Small Business Expo in NYC
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On May 2, 2024, the Javits Convention Center in New York hosted the Small Business Expo, an event for new entrepreneurs and small business owners. PathQuest made a remarkable impression by presenting innovative financial solutions aimed at helping businesses grow and scale.
Our team actively participated in workshops, networking sessions, and keynote exhibits to understand industry best practices and challenges. In this convention we introduced other attendees to PathQuest BI for real-time financial analytics, PathQuest AP for accounts payable automation, and PathQuest Scale for comprehensive financial management. These solutions were well-received, and our constancy in supporting small businesses. Visit our Website https://pathquest.com/knowledge-center/news-event/pathquest-ignites-trailblazing-innovation-for-passionate-business-owners-at-small-business-expo-in-nyc/  and learn more about this event.
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borngeniusworld · 7 months
The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires Quotes
The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires Book by Brian Tracy THE FIRST SECRET of self-made millionaires is simple: Dream Big Dreams! “What I learned was that in order to achive great success in life, you must become a special kind of person. To rise above the majority, you must develop qualities and disciplines that the average person lacks.“ “Nothing can take the place of…
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stphns3311 · 7 months
There's an undeniable allure to turning a side hustle—something you're passionate about—into a full-time endeavor. This transformation can be particularly powerful in the creative industries, where
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vninspire99-blog · 9 months
What makes a good entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur is someone who takes risks and makes things happen. I love the idea of this risk which creates business, develops employment and adds multiple benefits to people around us. Not only does it take guts but also a mad passion to make things happen for an entrepreneur. The word entrepreneur is derived from Entreprende which means to undertake a risk! The risks however indicate the…
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taazaofferss · 11 months
Active Vestige Upline ID Vestige Referral Code Products
Active Vestige Upline ID Vestige Referral Code Products ☘️ {Get the Latest Offers Loot and Deals by Joining Our @Taazaoffers Telegram Channel For Free, Join Now and Get the Latest Update Every Offer} ☘️ Welcome to the New Blog Post Which is Vestige Shopping and Marketing Related. In This Post, We’ll Guide You On How To Join Vestige Online And Explain The Meaning Of A Valid Upline Id In Vestige.…
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the-bodhi-mantra · 11 months
The Art of Taking Calculated Risks for Business: Unlocking Opportunities and Driving Success
Introduction:In the dynamic world of business and entrepreneurship, taking risks is an inherent part of the journey to success. However, it’s not about recklessly plunging into the unknown; it’s about understanding the art of calculated risks. In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing realm of risk-taking, exploring its significance, strategies, and the transformative impact it can…
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selfhelpskills · 1 year
Empowering Entrepreneurs: Building Habits for Optimal Productivity at Home
We invite you to delve into the world of entrepreneurship from a fresh perspective. Discover how daily habits can spell the difference between success and failure, especially when you’re working from home. Our upcoming article “Empowering Entrepreneurs: Building Habits for Optimal Productivity at Home” will guide you through practical and effective strategies to boost your productivity and…
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Newchip Accelerator Reviews is an equity-free program modeled as an entrepreneurial MBA to equip startup founders with the skills and success steps to raise capital and build businesses. With a multi-step application process and command for excellence, it produces success stories with each cohort, as evidenced by the many positive reviews.
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eeitonline · 1 year
Unlocking Entrepreneurship: Creating a Culture of Business in Eastern Europe
by Eastern European Institute for Trade
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Eastern Europe has long been recognized as a region with untapped potential for entrepreneurial activity. However, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship has proven challenging due to historical, political, and economic factors. This article explores the key elements necessary to unlock entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe, including regulatory changes, access to financing, education and training, and the development of a supportive ecosystem. To create a thriving entrepreneurial culture, it is crucial to address these factors and learn from best practices around the world.
Regulatory changes are essential in establishing an environment conducive to business creation and growth. By simplifying bureaucratic procedures and eliminating unnecessary red tape, countries can encourage the establishment of new businesses (Klapper, Laeven, & Rajan, 2006). Furthermore, implementing policies that protect property rights, ensure contract enforcement, and create a level playing field for competition can increase entrepreneurial activity (Djankov, La Porta, López-de-Silanes, & Shleifer, 2002).
Access to financing is a critical aspect of entrepreneurship, as it allows individuals to start and expand their businesses. Eastern European countries should work on developing a robust financial system that caters to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, & Maksimovic, 2005). This includes providing alternative financing options, such as venture capital and crowdfunding, to complement traditional bank loans.
Education and training play a vital role in shaping entrepreneurial mindsets and equipping individuals with the skills necessary to succeed in business. Eastern European countries should invest in education that promotes creativity, problem-solving, and risk-taking, as well as provide training programs tailored to the specific needs of entrepreneurs (Piperopoulos & Dimov, 2015). This includes fostering university-industry collaborations and promoting innovation through research and development.
Lastly, creating a supportive ecosystem for entrepreneurs is imperative. Networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and business incubators can all contribute to the growth and success of new ventures (Acs, Autio, & Szerb, 2014). In addition, fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge-sharing can help entrepreneurs overcome challenges and learn from one another.
By addressing these key elements, Eastern European countries can unlock the potential of their entrepreneurial talent and create a thriving culture of business. This, in turn, will contribute to economic growth, job creation, and a more vibrant and diverse economy.
Acs, Z. J., Autio, E., & Szerb, L. (2014). National systems of entrepreneurship: Measurement issues and policy implications. Research Policy, 43(3), 476–494.
Beck, T., Demirgüç-Kunt, A., & Maksimovic, V. (2005). Financial and legal constraints to growth: Does firm size matter? The Journal of Finance, 60(1), 137–177.
Djankov, S., La Porta, R., López-de-Silanes, F., & Shleifer, A. (2002). The regulation of entry. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117(1), 1–37.
Klapper, L., Laeven, L., & Rajan, R. (2006). Entry regulation as a barrier to entrepreneurship. Journal of Financial Economics, 82(3), 591–629.
Piperopoulos, P., & Dimov, D. (2015). Burst bubbles or build steam? Entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(4), 970–985.
Read more at Eastern European Institute for Trade.
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henindianetwork · 2 years
Importance of Networking in Business
It’s true, for our success certainly starts with us, but it grows to higher levels as a result of our association and relationships with people. And this is the reason why Networking is so crucial for any business.
Networking is a dynamic tool and in today’s interconnected world, it has become more important than ever to maintain a strong network of business connections for you and your business. Often Networking is confused with selling, but it is actually all about building long-term relationships and a good prestige over time. The benefits of networking are not only constrained to the Business arena but are also extended to the personal realm. It involves meeting and getting to know people who you can assist and who can potentially help you in return. Your network includes everyone from friends and family to peers and mentors and members of groups to which you belong.
Lets’ understand the importance of Networking in detail and how this fuel can accelerate the growth of any business.
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Creates new avenues for business –
Having a strong network not only opens new avenues for businesses but also keeps you updated with the recent trends in the industry. The more you network, the more likely you are to stay up-to-date on the business climate, news, and trends.
Networking allows you to expand your client base and remain relevant in this competitive era of constant change.
Leads to new ideas and perspectives –
Networking means engaging with all kinds of different people who come from all different backgrounds. Each and everyone brings something unique to the table. Connecting with people gives you the right exposure to New ideas, New insights, New opportunities, and some great learning experiences. Gaining advice from experienced peers is also one of the most crucial aspects of Networking, it can open the door to wise counsel and guidance.
Attract and retain customers –
Networking acts as a channel for businesses to tell their story. If you are not explaining your product and services and what you do, then your business might remain stagnant. Here networking serves as the perfect avenue to introduce new products and services, which leads to acquiring new customers and retaining the existing ones. Building relationships through networking is essential, for the customers and clients will feel more confident doing business with someone they know and trust.
Strong support Network –
Networking is about forming trust and helping one another toward goals. The famous percept says-” You can get everything in life you want if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want”. Regularly engaging with people and assisting them in times of need leads to a strong relationship and this relationship which you build with people through networking could lead to great opportunities during your rough times, provide you with resources when you face a challenge, and so much more.
In a LinkedIn survey, more than one-third (35 %) say that a casual conversation on LinkedIn Messaging has led to a new opportunity. Networking can open doors to success even in tough luck.
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Improves visibility of the business –
“It’s not what who you know, it’s about who knows you”. This old adage is absolutely true when it comes to building a successful business. One of the biggest perks of regular networking is creating an impact and enhancing your reputation within your industry. Networking allows you to stand out among the competitors as well. The more people know your business, learn about you and your business, and know what you bring to the table, the greater visibility and prestige your business can gain.
Networking is a virtuous cycle and there is no doubt that it is indispensable. It doesn’t have to take up a lot of time if you approach it with care, and consider what you are doing strategically. So, after knowing the importance of networking in business go ahead and leverage this powerful tool to build a solid foundation of relationships and continue to strengthen them.
Development of women entrepreneurship, our team at Hen India, is providing Professional and High-Growth Support. The aim of Hen India is to strengthen the women entrepreneurship ecosystem, through creation of women friendly networks, and guidance from experienced mentors. In this article we will be providing the ways in which Hen India contributes in strengthening Women entrepreneurship in India
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nasa · 9 months
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HBCU Students Make Moves with NASA Tech
In September 2023, students at HBCUs participated in a hackathon at the National HBCU Week Conference, where they used NASA’s technologies to create solutions to problems that affect Black communities. The winning team, Team Airtek, proposed a nano-sensor array for medical diagnoses that would give students on HBCU campuses a non-invasive, non-intensive way to test themselves for precursors for diseases and illnesses like diabetes and COVID.
The hackathon they participated in is a modified version of the full NASA Minority University Research and Education Project Innovation and Tech Transfer Idea Competition (MITTIC) that takes place each fall and spring semester at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.
No matter what you’re studying, you can join the MITTIC competition and come up with new and innovative tech to help your community and the world.
MITTIC could be the beginning of your career pathway: Teams can go on exclusive NASA tours and network with industry experts. Show off your entrepreneurial skills and your team could earn money—and bragging rights.
Don’t wait too long to apply or to share with someone who should apply! The deadline for proposals is Oct. 16, 2023. Apply here: https://microgravityuniversity.jsc.nasa.gov/nasamittic.
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csuitebitches · 6 months
Book Review- The Wealth Elite: A Groundbreaking Study of the Psychology of the Super Rich, by Rainer Zitelmann Notes
I came across this book because I was looking for psychology books. I found the first of the book rather boring and too textbook-y. The second part is much better.
The author interviewed like 45 millionaire - billionaires. These were his findings.
48% stated that real estate was an ‘important’ source of their wealth, and one in ten described real estate as the ‘most important’ aspect of their personal wealth-building. And a total of 20% described stock market gains as an ‘important’ factor in wealth-building, although in this case only 2.4% stated that this was the ‘most important’ factor in building their wealth.
‘Creative intelligence’ is key to financial success. The following is a comparison between the percentage of entrepreneurs (and in brackets the percentage of attorneys) who agreed that the following factors played a decisive role in their financial success: seeing opportunities others do not see: 42 (19); finding a profitable niche: 35 (14).
The role of habitus
* Intimate knowledge of required codes of dress and etiquette
* Broad-based general education
* An entrepreneurial attitude, including an optimistic outlook on life
* Supreme self-assurance in appearance and manner.
He identifies a key quality that is essential for any prospective appointee to the executive board or senior management of a major company: habitual similarities to those who already occupy such positions.
Skillset of Entrepreneurs
* The ‘conqueror’. The entrepreneur has to have the ability to make plans and a strong will to carry them out.
* The ‘organizer’. The entrepreneur has to have the ability to bring large numbers of people together into a happy, successful creative force.
* The ‘trader’. What Sombart describes as a ‘trader’, we would more likely call a talented salesperson today. The entrepreneur has to “confer with another, and, by making the best of your own case and demonstrating the weakness of his, get him to adopt what you propose. Negotiation is but an intellectual sparring match.”
Entrepreneurial success personality traits
* Commitment
* Creativity
* A high degree of extroversion
* Low levels of agreeableness
Entrepreneurial success personality traits
* Orientation towards action after suffering disappointments (the entrepreneur remains able to act, even after failure)
* Internal locus of control (the conviction “I hold my destiny in my own two hands”)
* Optimism (the expectation that the future holds positive things in store)
* Self-efficacy (the expectation that tasks can be performed successfully, even in difficult circumstances).
constant power struggles with their teachers in order to ascertain who would emerge the stronger from such confrontations.
Secret of selling
* Empathy
* Didactics
* Expert knowledge
* Networking.
Conscientiousness is the dominant personality trait. Extroversion is also very common among the interviewees. Openness to Experience is very common
A high tolerance to frustration is one of the most characteristic personality traits of this group.
exceptionally high levels of mental stability.
primarily characterize entrepreneurs as being prepared to swim against the current and make their decisions irrespective of majority opinion.
“No, I never did that (lost my temper). I never get loud. But I can be resolute and say: “That is unacceptable.” And then you either have to go your separate ways or make a decision that the other party might not like. It’s the same in negotiations. I was always described by other people as a bit of a toughie.”
Having the courage to stand against majority opinion is probably a prerequisite for making successful investments, as this is what makes it possible to buy cheap and sell high.
Many of the interviewees spoke about their ability to switch off and direct their focus, even in the event of major problems. The interviewees consistently referred to their ability to focus on solutions, rather than torturing themselves with problems.
At least in the initial phases of wealth creation, most of the interviewees rated their own risk profiles as very high. This changes during the stabilization phase, when risk profiles decrease. In this phase, the hypothesis of moderate risk does apply.
Conscientiousness was the interviewees’ most dominant personality trait. It is important to remember that the Big Five theory’s definition of conscientiousness does not just include qualities such as duty, precision, and thoroughness, but also emphasizes diligence, discipline, ambition, and stamina.
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