#enver gortash headcanons
hijackalx · 8 months
to add onto the gortash headcanons i feel like he wouldnt be the best dad lol.
like he provides for them and buys them everything they want and keeps their stomachs full but he doesnt understand how like…….. being actively a part of their lives is important 😭😭 most of the time they dont see him. like…. 75% of the time hes busy doing other stuff.
when they do get to see him tho hes so sweet like he genuinely does love them. he’ll like swing them around and put them on his shoulders and play games with them and shit but i think that prolly just makes it worse for the kids bcz they want to be with him all the time and they cant 😭😭 hes just too busy and doesnt think its necessary for him to go out of his way to be with them
*bonus: would also be the type to have lots of boys and like one girl LMAO
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envergortitwindow · 4 months
I headcanon Enver as Turkish adjacent/equivalent for Toril. If I take the fact that his father has a very English sounding name aside, I assume that his mother's family is from Calimsham which is the closest equivalent that we get to Turkey in the Forgotten Realms. I was just thinking of having Enver use Turkish language dirty-talk in my writings of him and my Dark Urge, Rhyleth.
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sailorgundam308 · 3 months
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Betrayal :<
Gortash and Karlach, sometime a decade ago.
(Baby Karlach without all her scars and tattoos and metal implants… 🥺)
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cats-obsessions · 7 months
If Durge Could Recruit Gortash Headcanons:
Once agreeing to ally with Gortash, Durge can convince him to join the party, but only if they agree to kill Raphael. If Karlach is in the party, this may be done in exchange for Gortash to fix her heart if Durge can pass the persuasion roll on Karlach.
• Upon joining the party, Gortash shows up in a more practical armor set, still gold and black but not as decorated as his robe. There’s scrapes and dents on parts of it, clearly having been worn before. Durge can ask him about it in conversation and discover he has chosen to wear the same armor as he did when they robbed Mephistopheles Vault. He never repaired it and can tell a story for each scratch.
• He does a lot to try to jog Durge’s memories, and it works a some degree. We hear little stories around the city, some more suggestive than others.
• Old habits never die. He’s constantly touching Durge, always walks next to them, has a lot of strong opinions but will only concede to Durge.
• Durge persuasion rolls on Gortash are DC10 and under. Anyone else it’s DC30.
• He absolutely compliments Durge a little too much. And he’s always the first at Durge’s side after the fighting ends. Grumbles if he has to rez anyone else but dotes on Durge.
• Gets along well enough with Astarion, Shadowheart, and Laezel. Respects Minthara and Gale, sees them both as potential allies if they know their places. Absolute bitch to Wyll. Actively the number one Ravengard hater.
• If Durge can convince Karlach to stick around, she will only be in the same party as Gortash once or twice. She’ll confront Durge about it after and either has to be kept separate or leaves the party.
• If taken to Astarion and Shadowhearts’ personal quests, he’ll be surprisingly respectful, and will tell them they’d make good Banites, particularly if Shadowheart resists Shar. (Kinda think he would tell Astarion not to Ascend but for his own advantage of not having to deal with an Ascended Vampire and not wanting the hells to gain power from 7,000 souls)
• Random gifts pop up in Durge’s inventory. He says nothing about them. One is definitely the hand of an enemy.
• When in the House of Hope, Gortash will only allow Durge to enter the prison with him until the warden is dead. He’ll tell them everything, but won’t let the others see it.
• Killing Raphael is very emotional. He’s proud, happy, relieved, but being there shakes him up. Durge can hug him in private when they talk about it.
• If Durge chooses to save Hope, she tries to hug ‘little Enver, all grown up’ before they leave. He does not like it, but part of him is happy to see her free.
• Durgetash romance can initiate after Raphael is dead. Sceleritas is so fuckin' pissed. Like, he kinda ships it, but he CANNOT handle Durge getting labotomized again for this Banite fool.
• He has random little personal quests and pop-up events like his formal coronation celebration ball, taking Durge to a fancy dinner, dealing with fans, and assassinating a rude journalist who called him not-so-young-and-handsome.
• If taken to Lady Jannath's estate, she flirts with him. Durge has an option to stab her for this- just once. Just a little. She'll be fine! Gortash approves. He apologizes to her, but he's absolutely into it.
• His two allied pathways at the end are to remain fully evil and control the brain/Faerun with Durge or absolutely still be, ya know, Gortash but destroy the brain and become archduke without the tadpoles' help as he’s now viewed as the city’s hero. This is his least evil option and requires a Durge romance or at least a Durge that will remain by his side regardless and saving Hope as pivotal moments.
• Durge's alliance or resistance of Bhaal would significantly influence this. Resisting Bhaal lowers the DC on any persuasion. Failing the duel with Orin would block any option except controlling the brain with Gortash as he sees it as the only way to protect Durge. Because controlling the absolute would offer them a large enough following to grant them literal ascension to godhood, freeing Durge from Bhaal's control. Plus, you know killing a god would only inflate Gortash's ego more, and that would be his new goal.
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kawareo · 7 months
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Durgetash fluff!
I wanted to just do some doodles of them but it turned out into unconventional ways they'd take care of eachother - such as drugging your insomniac partner to make sure they get some rest, or threatening violence if your equally insomniac partner refuses to stop tinkering with his machines at 4am, or just holding them underwater to wash blood from their murder cult activities off of them.
Partner obviously meaning a business partner. Obviously.
full image under cut
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finn-writes-stuff · 8 months
Could I request headcanons for Gale, Halsin, Wyll, and Gortash with touch starved gn s/o?
A Soft Touch
Adventuring to save the world leaves little time for comfort. Yet they provide it anyway.
Gale, Halsin, Wyll & Gortash x Reader
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Format: Headcanons
Gender Neutral Reader
My first bg3 work! Apologies if I don't have their characterization just right yet. - Finn
You're both so incredibly touch-starved. He has only had the company of his cat ever since he locked himself up in his tower.
He's terribly gentle when he does touch you. As if he expects you to disappear if he grabs you too tight. As if one of you might just shatter.
It's easier for him to touch you through magic. Encounters in the weave, mage hand, anything of the like. It allows him to touch you without feeling so overwhelmed with it.
But once he truly starts touching you regularly, he can't get enough. He'll have you in his arms while he reads, or he'll lay on your lap and speak of magical innovations.
He drinks you in like the magic he needs to live. Knowing that his touch is providing some benefit for you makes him content and satisfied. Gale lives to make you happy and see you smile.
Gods, this man gives the most incredible hugs. The only one who compares is Karlach. He's warm and soft and strong and he holds you as though he would never let anything hurt you.
He's quite a tactile person in general. His hand is regularly on your shoulder when he points something out or asks your opinions. If you're comfortable with it, his hand will rest on the small of your back when he walks with you. He likes keeping the point of combat.
Fall asleep in his arms, on his chest. You will never sleep better than this. It will ruin you for any bed ever.
He's quite careful about boundaries. If you are overwhelmed by him touching you so much, he will tone it down and keep it at your pace.
Alternatively, if it's not enough for you, he's always ready to offer a full body massage.
Literal king of romance. He is determined to court you properly. His touch always feels like it has intention and awareness to it.
Loves to kiss your knuckles and make eye contact as he does. It feels ridiculously intimate for just a kiss on the hand.
Wyll traces the lines and curves of your face while you relax with him, admiring you and memorizing your features.
Having you close, whether in an embrace or a dance, settles him. He keeps you close as much as you allow it.
If you ask him to hold you, he will stop nearly whatever he is doing in order to do so. Lae'zel makes fun of him for pausing his sparring for it.
Oh if he had it his way (And he rarely tolerates anything less), you would never leave his side. You being touch-starved just gives him all the more reason to keep you there.
Enver is possessive in the way he holds you. He will have a portrait commissioned of the two of you with his gauntleted hand settled firmly on your hip.
He's inevitably touch-starved himself, but he's unlikely to admit this. Just allow him to hold you when you fall asleep or he'll be frustrated with everyone in the morning.
Gortash has the ability to pamper you and he takes advantage of it. He'd have you bathe with him in a bath full of expensive soaps and he'll wash your hair. He will also be ridiculously smug for as long as you smell like him afterwards.
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chronurgy · 7 months
obsessed with the idea of someone attacking gortash while durge and the rest of the party are there and Durge and Gortash just immediately falling back into covering for each other. They know the other's blind spots, they know exactly what the other will do, where to stand to be out of their way, all of it. It's easy as breathing. Durge knows when Gortash is feinting, Gortash knows exactly how to line up enemies for Durge to hit them with a spell while keeping himself out of the way. It's natural. It's instinctual. Because Durge doesn't remember him, but their body does
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vibingandsimping · 9 months
Random sfw + nsfw thoughts/headcanons for randomly assorted characters from BG3! Excuse any grammatical errors or poor phrasing… it is nearly midnight and I got off work.
Send requests or thoughts in my ask box. It will always be open!
Forewarnings/tags: Trying to keep this gender neutral… mentions of sweat/scent, blood-drinking, possession/control, some tooth-rotting fluff, fingering (receiving + giving), oral (receiving), hate-fucking, some ass-play mentions?, nipple-play, dirty talk, degrading, praise, validation.
Characters involved… Astarion, Wyll + Gortash
If you have warm-blood… such as a living creature. He adores that- his fingers trail along the expanse of your skin and if you could see his eyes you’d swear his name made sense. It has been so long since he had his own warm skin. Since Cazador stripped him of his innocence and life. He lives vicariously through your body. He may be dead but you breathe life into him and he swears his cold-heart no longer beat still.
He admires your features. The more unconventional ones. Like the wrinkles in your skin, the uglier scars that line your flesh. Moles, freckles, stretch marks… they all remind him of how uniquely alive and different you are. He’d kiss each one if you’d let him as his tongue singed praises.
He’d craft you a perfume or cologne to your scent. His senses are heightened as a vampire. He’s pressed his nose against the crook of your flesh more times than he could count. He’s smelt your skin and sweat… all of your essence. He has tasted and inhaled the scent of your blood. With that information, he presents you a mixture of herbs and other properties. Once applied to your skin, it illuminates your personality. Truly, as he said, he missed his calling.
As we all know… this man loves to bite. It is a form of dominance as well intimacy. Your vulnerability and his stake of claim as well as acceptance. You do not truly understand the importance behind the act. He never fed on humanoids until you. You were the sweetest he’d ever tasted… and will ever truly taste. The fact you’d give yourself so willingly gives him a feeling of superiority. As well as a lighter, chest tightening feeling of belonging. As much as you belonged to him, he was also yours.
He truly loves to delve into your pleasure. As much as he is fond of using his tongue… to break you apart with simply his mouth. Watch you crumble and cry from betwixt your thighs, there is also an unremarkable excitement in his fingers. Filling you and stretching you with them. Working to angle and prod the most sensitive parts whilst his tongue slides against yours or along your neck. Licking at the wounds from his feedings. To hear you cry so deliciously from just the thickness and persistence of his fingers strokes his ego. He knows he will fuck you dumb unto his cock.
A shorter smut headcanon but I do believe he’d love cumming on your skin. Your face, chest (particularly loves giving you a pearl necklace, he thinks you look dashing), stomach, thighs… any skin that is available, honestly. There is a strange sense of pride for him in it. To see you covered in him. He also loves to cum inside. Either works, honestly, as long as it is you.
Wyll (this guy has no fics about him. Step up y’alls game)
A true gentleman. He grew up as a son of royalty… what do you expect? If you guys ever had a proper date, he’d dress no less to impress the finest. Honestly, it makes you feel so utterly underdressed. He adorns a wonderful cologne. It is reminiscent of leather, warm spices and a sweeter scent like honey. His vest has gold detailing along a beautiful maroon. Still, in his eyes you are the most stunning thing he’s ever seen. No matter how fancy you dressed. He cannot keep his eyes off you, truly.
We all know he loves to dance. It is something he praises in his dialogue. Still, he wishes no more than to dance with you. If you can or cannot dance, it doesn’t matter. He will teach you the rhythm and steps if you have two left feet. Each time you trip or fall, he simply quirks a smile and offers a hand. He does not judge, only finds some amusement in how adorable he finds you. If you know how to dance? How delightful. He will play some faint music to follow along too. His hand rested along the small of your back and his fingers intertwined with yours. Dipping you and guiding you as the music fades away and you’re left with the trance of his loving gaze.
As much as he is a gentleman, I think he’d love harmless pranks. Gentle teasing of your character to see your frustrations and shock. He’d ‘misplace’ an item of yours to see you scour in confusion. Then, when you look at him, he is holding it out with a devious little smirk. He lets out a chuckle when you stomp over and nearly cuss him out. He loves every side of you and you know that it’s lighthearted fun… and god damn is it hard to hold a grudge when he has a smile like that. Curse him, truly.
He is a simple man, honestly. He takes pleasure in what you take pleasure in. Will indulge your desires and kinks as long as they aren’t particularly destructive. Though, he does have a little… interest. He proposes it one day with some nerve, or, you happen to stumble on it yourself. Nonetheless, he enjoys his ass being prodded during oral. You noticed when a fondling hand upon his balls drifted and brushed against his hole. He stiffened and let out a strained noise. You brushed it again before discovering it was one of pleasure. With that information, do as you will. Just know that it makes him release much easier than he intends. He finds it a dirty (although frustratingly pleasurable) trick when you go down on him.
He enjoys toying with your nipples while either betwixt your thighs or wrapped around you. There is a certain look you hold when his thumbs squeeze and roll them. You arch your back a little more and your thighs quiver as the pleasure shoots between them and enhance what he was giving you. It was truly a sight and he didn’t even have to say anything for you to unravel just the way he’d like. Don’t think it’s just hands, either. He’ll glide his tongue along them, sucking and nibbling til he is assured you’re enjoying it.
Gortash (I’m a dirty Gortash lover… sue me. Durge will get some content later, I swear)
Starting off with the normal Tav… If you manage to ‘fix’ him in a sense, he admires your persistence and patience with him. He had a troubled past that he overlooked and developed some… issues from. Yet, it was your kindness and guidance that led him to stopping the Absolute and creating a better city. He is not perfect, by far. Enver is still a controlling man. He needs some sort of power and dominance to soothe his mind. Though, he does not use fear to control his citizens anymore. He’s truly impressed by the way you swayed him. You can see it in the way he gazes at you sometimes. There is certain softness as his hand grasps yours and he looks to you for reassurance in a moment of vulnerability. He needs you to keep him in reigns.
He loves holding you from behind and to bury his face into your neck. The crook between your head and shoulder holds such warmth and a smell that is yours. It reminds him of the path he has chosen… and the person he gets to cherish for it. He places his hands onto your stomach and allows his sharp, metal nails to tease the skin. To remind you of the still powerful man whose giving up such command and control to you. Someone who grounds him. He might even hum into your skin in content if you do not push him away. Honestly, you will eventually. He could cling onto you like a koala of you did not stop him. He murmurs into your skin about how you two rule this kingdom… and one day you’ll be officially betrothed to him. The thought of him proposing and taking your hand in marriage makes your heart flutter.
Although he is so soft with you, he fucks you like he hates you. His cock battering your walls and filling you up so painfully full. He is thick- and makes your mind melt as he stretches you unlike you’ve known. He may not be particularly the longest but he does not lack length. Sadly, foreplay isn’t the best thing he’s at. You can blame it for his inflated ego and quick beds over the years. If you ruined his initial plans and had him submit the Absolute, he seethes in your ear about it. As much as he is a changing man, there is a part deep down that will resent that fact for awhile. He could’ve had everything he’d ever wanted as a boy. “Look at you, such a dirty thing. Soiling my plans, stomping into my heart… and now you’re sprawled on my sheets pathetically.”
When you finally convince or wrangle him into going down on you, it’s a sight. A mess of black hair and hands wrapping around your thighs. His tongue works rapidly, lavishing you in slightly inexperienced licks. Sucking at your sensitive parts before returning to ravishing you with his tongue. It is not that he hasn’t gone down before in all his years… it’s that his ego was so inflamed that he never truly thought or cared for it before you. He’s willing to try and work on better things just for you. As such, this is a way of showing his commitment to you. Not only to indulge in his pleasures but to show he cares about yours.
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I love how some of The Dark Urge's dialogue (and Orin's) is so eloquent, almost Shakespearian. The dichotomy of pre-tadpole Dark Urge as a monstrous killer, but also a passionate wordsmith, is such a fun idea to explore. The Prayer for Forgiveness is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm imagining Durge coming back to the temple of Bhaal drenched in blood, fresh from a murder spree, and sitting down to write another flowery love poem to Gortash. They then stash it in a chest full of unsent love letters, most smeared with various levels of dried blood, never to be seen again.
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bearhugsandshrugs · 7 months
Can I ask for headcanons for Raphael and Gortash? How would they show their love for their partner in subtle ways?
I feel like both their 1st instinct after they fall in love is shower their partner with grand gestures and the small stuff might only come a little later, when they are more comfortable.
this is so cuuuuuute thank you here have cute raph and gorty
I'd think Raphael would seek you out even more often than he already does. Standing around, waiting for you, practicing more lines, with more care, throwing in more and more teases and flirts until you can't listen to a whole sentence coming out of his mouth without blushing.
He'd court you with extravagant pleasantries: Your favorite boutique, open exclusively for you. Your favorite meal, suddenly appearing on the menue of the tavern you're staying at. Your favorite book getting a sequel out of the blue.
Raphael would never acknowledge that he organized that, however. He'd wave you off, smiling quietly, and you see the knowing tease in his eyes but he'd be damned before he'd ever admit it.
Then, one day, you visit him and he's painting, hurrying over to you so you don't see. Later, once he's freshening up, you sneak away to take a peek at what he's been working on. Which posture he's painting himself in, which setting, which scene, but your breath catches in your throat when you see your own face on the canvas–
The first thing you notice is that he makes time. For someone as busy as him, that's quite a lot – he moves his meeting back so he can lay in bed with you a little while longer, or sit with you at breakfast. He cancels a meeting so he can take you out to dine. What would be the bare minimum for almost everyone else is quite the effort for our Gorty, usually so laser-focused on his work.
The next thing you find is that he seemingly remembers every detail of anything you tell him. He asks about your friends, your acquaintances, about the shopkeeper that you shared a laugh with the other day. He wants to know everything, and somehow, he remembers everything, even months later.
The biggest most subtle change that happens however are his quarters. While he always prided himself in having you at his side, he was very hesitant at changing anything about his room. Then, one day, you spot that half of the wardrobe is emptied out. For you. There are more pillows on the bed so you can sink into your own.
He doesn't announce it, doesn't even ask you to move in, he just decides, and knowing him you know how difficult this was for him. You belong – with him.
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hijackalx · 4 months
characters included: gale, astarion, wyll, gortash
a/n: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY YALL!!!! your bg3 pookies have a present for you !!!! (hint: it’s head)
you guys already know i’m a pleasure dom astarion truther 😹😹 at the end of the game he is WHIPPED for you. so he enjoys every minute of giving you head
and he’s so good at it. and he knows he’s good at it
well— he’s good at it as long as he has the patience. sometimes he’d just rather make you finish on his cock and you know how he is when he wants something
ANYWAY……. he’s obsessed with the way you taste. and smell. especially when you’re close to/on your period. will literally BEG you to let him eat you out then
can be a little rough when you’re bleeding though. he gets a bit overexcited 😹😹 sometimes he has to stop and bite your thigh to regulate himself, which honestly hurts worse LMAO
will look you in the eyes while he kisses your clit
he basically never breaks eye contact. eye contact is HUGE for him. he’s mostly watching how you react so he can adjust accordingly, but he also loves how intimate it is
SO much praise if you react the way he wants— “thaaat’s it... that’s my girl”. he loves hearing you whimper his name, he could literally get off to that alone. your voice is as sweet as you taste
secretly loves when you reach out to hold his hand lol. he thinks it’s so cute
also loves having to hold your legs open when you start to squirm/try to close them. your thighs will be so bruised after
when you tell him how good it feels he goes “i know, i know” in the sweetest, faux-sympathy tone. he’s cocky with it lmao
immediately goes “come give me a kiss, darling” after you finish and he hasn’t wiped his face off yet. half of him is doing it to tease you and the other half genuinely wants you to kiss him lol
i’m going to be honest i think you’re his first
he’s a little nervous to try it but he’s also SO eager. he’s just worried he’s not going to be good at it lol
he needs a lot of praise and reassurance. he’s constantly watching your expressions to see if you like it, but at the same time he doesn’t really know what to do if you don’t 😹
at first he’ll need some direction but he learns so fast. will start out slow and hesitant but eventually just loses himself in the pussy LMAO
gets rock hard from eating you out. the sounds and faces you make drive him crazy, mostly because he’s so eager to please. LOVES to know when he’s doing good
the type to moan into your pussy. probably because he’s grinding into the bed 😹😹
i think he could probably finish just from eating you out
when he gets more confident, he can be a bit of a tease. sometimes he’ll stop to pepper kisses on your thighs so he can hear you beg for him to keep going
he feels bad making you beg for too long though so he gives in pretty quick lol “anything for you, my love” or “your pleas are so beautiful— how could i say no?”
also i think he’ll eventually try to fuck you with his fingers while he eats you out too. once he gets the hang of balancing both it’s MAGICAL
likes to eat you out while you’re standing. something about having your leg propped over his shoulder while looking up at you from his knees does something to him BAD
he usually doesn’t want to overstim you because it feels mean 😹😹 but he will absolutely keep going if you want him to
i don’t think he really ate pussy before he met you LMAO
he seems like he can be a pretty selfish lover— if there’s nothing in it for him then what’s the point?
BUT……….. there’s something about you…….
he feels a little weird the first time he gets the urge to do it. he sticks his fingers in his mouth to clean them after they were inside you…… and when that creamy taste hits his tongue….. boom……. his third eye opens
he’s not super adept at it to start, but he’s got the spirit 😹😹
he literally eats it like he’s STARVING. i’m talking lickin’ and suckin’ on ANYTHING he can put in his mouth. nothing is safe. clit? assaulted. lips? sucked on. hole? tongue-fucked
even when he’s eating you out it’s like he’s doing it for himself LMAO. he just disappears into his own little world
he DOES love your praise though, so that kind of encourages him to try to work it out of you. he needs to hear you tell him how good it feels or it’ll bruise his ego
reaches up to knead a titty while he’s doing it
LOVES to do a bunch of hungry, flat sweeps with his tongue. will also press and hold it against you like that to get you to grind on it. he wants to see how needy you are
will say nasty shit into your pussy. “you taste so fucking good, baby”, “daddy loves this pretty little pussy of yours”. you can feel every vibration from his voice
will want to spit in your mouth after
i feel like gale is the greatest pussy eater there is. like he basically has no vices when it comes to eating you out
he’s extremely sensitive and receptive so he always knows what to do. sometimes you don’t even have to say anything. he just figures it out
his FAVORITE position is facesitting. eating pussy is a literal hobby to him
he’s SO good with his tongue. he has such good control of it and uses it to absolutely destroy your clit. his switching between circling and flicking will make you finish embarrassingly fast
will overstimulate you if you let him. he’ll keep making you cum on his tongue until your whole body is shaking
also the way his beard feels against your inner thighs/lips…………… magnificent……
since he’s a thigh man he loves to knead/bite/rub on your thighs too. will legit almost bust when you try to close your legs around his head. it’s that serious 😹😹
LOVES when you grind on his face. will grab you by the hips and encourage you to do it. you using his face to get off is so hot to him
likes to stimulate your g-spot with his fingers while simultaneously sucking on your clit. also gets off to all the lewd, wet sounds he creates while he does this
moans and groans like he’s eating a five star meal LMFAO
talks A LOT but it somehow doesn’t get in the way of what he’s doing. most of it is incoherent mumbling along the lines of “so good, so good”— but other than that he tells you how gorgeous/perfect your pussy is. i’m not joking when i say he worships your pussy
he WILL try to make you squirt. he’s in the splash zone for a reason baby
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envergortitwindow · 3 months
I wanted to share some more soft/affectionate headcanons of my primary Dark Urge Rhyleth and Enver.
When Enver's joints are inflamed and when he is having pain flare ups in general, Rhyleth helps to tie up his shirt's ties for him. While even as a highly leveled Cleric, he can't take his pain away, he does his best to help Enver manage it.
A part of this reasoning is Enver's pride, his not wanting to accept his help with it as he's accepted his chronic pain as a part of who he is. The last thing that he wanted from anyone, let alone his partner-in-crime was pity.
It was one of the things that he missed while Rhyleth was missing and thought to be dead.
I like to headcanon that Rhyleth had gifted him the cain that he uses early in their relationship with one another, and that he even commissioned it to fit Enver's aesthetic. The one that he had before was the one that he'd been using since he lived in the House of Hope. He enver liked the look of the one that he had before, but he didn't see the practicality of replacing it when it worked fine. That was before his Banite aesthetics hoe™ era.
He never expected such a tender albeit practical gift from the infamous assassin, but secretly, Enver was touched that the Drow Bhaalspawn put so much thought into him, regardless of how messed up the dynamic of their relationship was at the time. He loved the danger and the intrigue of it all, but he savored those tender moments that were offered to him because he never got that at home or in the House of Hope.
With all of that said, post-game (but starting pre-epilogue party) he is a very attentive partner who makes sure that Enver is well taken care of. Enver finally gets over his pride in that respect and he allows Rhyleth to pamper him. The Archduke would only admit to himself that his heart would swell with joy when the Drow would draw a hot, fancy bath for him after a long day and an aching back and joints in general.
This is especially because he knows that the Drow's intentions are from love, something that he had a hard time accepting for a long while and that there was nothing transactional about it at the slightest. Rhyleth genuinely cares for Enver and his primary love-language is acts of service along with giving people practical gifts.
Practical is what Enver had tried to convince himself of, but as it turns out there was far more sentimentality left in his heart than he previously thought. The changes that Rhyleth had gone through at the temple where he'd rejected Bhaal were not just only welcome to Enver, but in fact they were just what he'd needed all along from a lover.
Enver's pregnancy post-game was tougher on him than either of them thought that it would be, and he hated to have to be reliant on Rhyleth for so much. There were many nights, especially in the third trimester that he had to take sleep potions along with another potion for his pain in order to sleep well at night.
The last month, especially, before their first son's birth, Enver was constantly miserable; so much that he was genuinely surprised that Rhyleth stayed with him. Rhyleth however, remained at his side as loyal as a soldier and more affectionate to him than anyone else had been.
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fourraccoonsinacoat · 7 months
*At their weekly triforce of evil board meeting.*
Ketheric: Araj has some new elixirs she's experimenting with and is asking for a gnoll to test them on.
Durge: No.
Ketheric: What?
Durge: Let me elaborate; tell bitchtits to get fucked.
Gortash: *Snorts*
Ketheric: You have twelve of them! Surely you can spare one?
Durge: "Get fucked. Love, Durge." Write that down and send it to her.
Ketheric: Gods below! I'll go send one of the gnolls, myself!
Gortash: I wouldn't recommend doing that.
Ketheric: Why?
Durge: Because then I'd have twelve gnolls and a dead body.
Gortash: Technically, he's already-
- - - -
BG3 Incorrect Quotes Masterlist.
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dearest-and-nearest · 8 months
Some Gortash headcanon banters, because we need it
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Gale: About your Steel watch... Can you speak through it?
Gortash: And "watch", too. I don't usually see anything interesting, though, so it's more for fun.
Gale: You have a interesting view of fun.
Gortash: Don't worry, wizard, I didn't spied your party through the watchers. You make so much noise, I could do it just from my office window.
Wyll: Your parents... I can't imagine anyone capable of such cruelty to their own child
Gortash: It's not your business.
Wyll: But all I wanted to do was--
Gortash: Wyllric Ulder Ravengard, one more word and I'll kill a random slave just so you'll stop pretending to understand me.
Wyll: A monster after all.
Gortash: That's better.
Gortash: I've been meaning to ask. Your sword, it's Gith-made, isn't it?
Laezel: No, I will not let you study my sword.
Gortash: How could you think that! I'm just trying to get to know my dear friend's new companions!
Gortash: ...and what about the crossbow?
Shadowheart: So what was Ketheric like?
Gortash: Dead? Ah, though that's not saying anything in your party.
Astarion: That's very kind of you.
Gortash: Suffering for his daughter, suffering for his wife, suffering that we made a little joke of him... Didn't he also suffer when he died?
Shadowheart: Don't tell me you're feeling sorry for him.
Gortash: It's just so monotonous. I was hoping he'd surprise me before he died
Gortash: So what about the dragon under the city?
Laezel: It does not obey the githyanki and will likely burn you all. I will be saddling it.
Gortash: Oh no, no, my dear, the city is mine, so the dragon belongs to me as well. I will be its rider.
Wyll: You do know he's intelligent and unlikely to want to ride you, don't you?
Gortash: Remind me to put your father back in the Iron Throne when we get back, okay?
Astarion: And how many years did you spend in House of Hope?
Gortash: Nine years, four months and five days
Astarion: What admirable accuracy.
Gortash: I have a talent for math.
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kawareo · 5 months
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something something gay
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gortashs-skidmark · 2 months
At the time of Gortash's friendship with Durge.
DND CANON LORE HISTORY TIME - WITH ME!! this is all written in DND history
Spoilers for Act III
So Durge at least has to be 33. As of 1492, The Year of Three Ships Sailing when all of the game's events take place. TEN YEARS BEFORE, there was a Grand Duke name Abdel Adrian, who was a Bhaalspawn, although defied all of Bhaal's teachings. He was good. Also 120 years old.
He was killed in 1482, by Viekang, the only other Bhaalspawn. Supposedly. The both died in a fight in the market place streets after Viekang's ambush on the Grand Duke. Unclear who won. One in Slayer form and the other too mangled to tell.
There was another bhaal's chosen after this, Grand Duke Torlin Silvershield. Who shortly died after revealing himself as a Bhaal's Chosen.
Baldur's Gate legislation consists of The Council of Four(4), then their servants The City Officers (5), and then The Baldurian Parliament (50) who are representatives of different districts. 12 parliament were from The Lower City, the rest were Nobles from famous families, Patriars from the Upper City.
Gortash started their alliance 10 years ago. so, 1482. It could've been after this marketplace assault. Hell fucking broke loose in Baldur's Gate and crimed SPIKED. and I mean it. Grand Duke Ulder Ravenguard tried fixing it with his hold on the Watch and The Fist but it made it worse.
The council was highly corrupted and bought off by The Guild, Nine-Fingers Keene.
Gortash and Durge were probably 90% of the crime problem. that's my theory.
1482 was the same year Karlach was sold to Zariel, so her and durge have probably never met before the memory wipe.
Durge's memories are wiped, even of all that Baldurian History. It's fucking crazy to think about. So much was happening they slithered around like eels. I just need you guys to fathom the history with me.
If durge romances wyll, i think his father would hate durge for awhile. The Grand Duke has been through so much shit with Bhaalspawn historically, and looks over the lower city. He was in Elturel when it fell, then got kidnapped again by Gortash and now this bhaalspawn bullshit aGAIN.
sorry that was aggressive.
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