#enviromental problems
jethroq · 1 year
I’m not a vegan, but I really hate anti-vegans. just parttaking in online discussions both in English and Finnish, I’ve gathered some key anti-vegan claims:
1. deforestation in the Amazon is driven by soy farming therefore veganism is bad, despite the majority of that soy being for animal feed, and the second leading cause being grazing land for cattle farming.
2. cows apparently live by grazing on only naturally deforested land that isn’t suitable for other forms of agriculture.
3. all vegans eat imported exotic plants, and it’s also only vegans who eat them. no omnivore ever eats avocados.
4. despite the the most popular plant based milk being oat milk, all calculations about enviromental impact of veganism should be based on almond milk.
5. the person who is writing ”only eats local grassfed cattle and wild game”*, so the existing mass production of cattle is of no consern.
6. not getting enough vitamin B12 is life threatening, people eating only meat and starch with no vegetables is of no consern.
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elbiotipo · 1 year
See this is why the Galactic Federation won't ever accept us as a member state. Yanquis see a thing floating around and they just shoot it down. They don't know how to behave.
That and Big Mouth.
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nerdykorgi · 2 months
(aka, my ideas and thoughts on how these bad but sad boys work!)
with pictures :D !
ok for starters! I tried my best to make real life connections with actual biological stuff and yeah but there are some things ima have to bullshit lol
i hope yall like rambling
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[ ^ Basic ideas ]
Lets talk about anatomy!
From what i can tell from the grim walker ingredient book they have some pretty ... interesting ingredients...
Heart and Power apparently. What i can make of this is that the Galderstone not only powers and animates the non-organic materials but acts as a circulatory system, flowing blood and nutrients to keep the body stable by creating magical pulses of pressure that makes the blood flow. Blood is kind of ideal for homeostasis and living and om pretty sure we've seen hunter bleed at least once... Perhaps the Galderston can create an artificial vascular system to carry oxygen, magic, and nutrients throughout the growing body instead of just making veins from scratch. I want to say the Galderstone can generate energy for the grimwalker but that would mean they wouldn't need to eat, and I don't think that's true. I think its main purpose is just activate the magic materials and is like the generator to a car, keeping it running. If the Galderstone were to break or fail, the grimwalker probably come unglued and fall apart to its components (which would be pretty horrifying)
Very key component! The ortet bone kind of helps form the blueprint for the species of the grimwalker, as well as supplying blood, a skeletal system, and components of DNA. The most basic definition of the word ORTET is as follows: the original plant from which the members of a clone have descended. Fun fact: since were using cloning terms, Hunter is to Caleb as Ramet is to Ortet (Ramet is an individual clone) I did research for cloning and as it turns out you kinda need a complete genome for cloning but for bullshitting reasons (which will be explained) we can clone with incomplete DNA and make synthetic dna from scratch! I hypothesis that the reason grims can look different from the ortet instead of just straight carbon copies is due to the bone that is used and how much of i there is. Like example a grimwalker made using just a toe phalange is going to look A LOT less like the ortet compared to a grimwalker made from something like the cranium and bigger bones and such. Basically smaller bones dont carry as much dna info and leads for room to fill in the blanks. Sadly this means alot of Grimwalkers had A LOT of health problems (this can range anywhere from immune system problems to liver failure which is quiet typical in clones, that and it is often that clones appear different from the ortet due to enviromental factors and influences)
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[ As the image above shows, subject #103 has a very close resemblance to the ortet due to the bones that are used ] There are pros and cons to using bones! Pros being that they can hold DNA for much longer than tissue, but the thing is bones can degrade really easy if not preserved, and i don't think belos had a bottle of hydrogen peroxide laying around that he could dunk Caleb in, so let's just assume he made sure his brother's corpse was well cleaned and kept. Biggest con is the human body only has so many bones (about 206) I believe that the reason Grimwalker can generate organs is by using the ortet and making the stem cells created from bone marrow. Stem cells are very important because they can turn into different types of cells like blood and tissue cells as well as repair tissue. I believe the process of growing grimwalkers is kind of like "Self-renewal" the process in which stem cells divide and make more of the body
Im just gonna assume stone sleeper had very small lungs because aint no way those t rex lungs fit in a teenage boy. I originally thought The reason that Grimwalkers can stay underground for so long is because the lungs, similar to how a stonesleeper hibernates for centuries (kind of like how wood frogs can basically cryo-hibernate) by petrifying but a grimwalker IS growing and therefore needs resources to grow, like how a baby does in the womb. So it has to be actively getting said resources so it cant be petrified. I now think the reason that grimwalkers have these lungs is because theyre easily compatible to the galderstone, which needs oxygen for the blood and that they can be easily harvested and stored in stone form. But that does give room for cool adaptations like self-petrification! (which i will get into next time :D )
Ok its says that the wood is used for keratin, which is a fiberous protein which can make all kinds of things like scales, hair, nails, feathers, horns, claws, hooves, and skin! And since its also a plant means it can grow 4 times as fast as normal keratin can! This explains why hunters hair grew so ridiculously fast in season 3, was because his hair can produce its own carbohydrates and nutrients on its own... This means his skin and surface wounds can heal quite fast! (down side is it might give him something similar to PSS (Peeling Skin Syndrome ) ...) I think Palisman is very important becasue of several reason! 1 Like palisman, it can "animate" if you will, more or less help pull off the illusion that he is alive. 2 Like mentioned before, Grimwalkers need nutrients to grow and I believe the palistrom wood aids in that! Using a process called cellular diffusion, the grimwalker can take in nutrients from the ground around them (which i theorize to be highly fertilized) through THEIR SKIN! and into the veins and flesh of the grims 3 I believe that in the process of forming, the galderstone "activates" the palistrom wood, forming into skin or hair but this process of rapid growth leaves the skin all undone and fragile because a proper cutaneous barrier was not formed yet (which is useful for being malleable. This is why Hunter's ears are so 1 .god blessed big because they are fake and molded to look like that. Its also why The grimwalker Belos possessed fell apart so easily, like he said "It wasnt ready")
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This one kind of confused me because... well why do we need the seal flesh when the ortet can just regenerate it?? I think its kind of like the stuffing if you will, it also speeds up the process of producing flesh by a lot! Especially if you want to make grown grimwalkers! Im thinking that Grimwalkers don't have a set "age" theyre just as big as however many materials they are given to work with. Even though the book says they can start as babies, if you look closely there is a check mark towards the more adolescent figure, so im thinking that they are not ready to be unearthed until they reach a certain growth ima guess around the age of over 10-ish?? We don't know how young Hunter was pulled out of the floor but it seems like he was fairly young, or atleast younger. This means while Hunter appears to be 16, he might have only been living for around 5 years or so.
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Now typically normal seals have a lot of blubber which is a thick layer of fat, also called adipose tissue, directly under the skin of a marine mammals. Its used for insulation. The thing is tho, it says Selkiedomus Scales, not flesh... Dont worry there are mammals that have scales like Pangolins but i dont know if these scales are like thick plated or small and stretchy. Magic bullshitting time, Im goin to assume Selkiedomus scales refers to a layer of scale-like flesh that protect the creature from boiling but is also highly malleable and easy to work with. Maybe the reason they can withstand such heat is due to unsaturated bonds of butadiene molecules mixed into the blubber that are highly heat resistant Selkie domus flesh is molded and into the relative shape of desired body and using the DNA of the ortet the flesh is reshaped and reused into the desired muscles shapes. The vascular system created by the galderstone spreads throughout the flesh and binds with it. healing together and becoming flesh, kind of like a speed up version of skin graft maturation! This is useful for growing them quickly because they don't have to grow an entire adult body from scratch so this speed up the process by eeeerrm 20 years or so lol
Thats only the basics for now, sooner or later i shall get into the more fun stuff, like adaptaions of Grim walker, the growing process, ad more!
Hope you guys enjoyed my ideas, if i got anything incorrect let me know, my research isnt exremly searched through.
last question ill leave you all with, it kind of stumped me while i was working...
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i have a theory but i wanna know your thoughts...
(i worked hard on all this btw, i really hope people read it lol /lh.)
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txttletale · 3 months
youve previously spoken about i was a teenage exocolonist and its confused politics, and i agree, and now im thinking, how would one revise the story so as to improve them?
i think the game would have to either not be so proudly About Colonialism or would have to revise its story so that the theming actually matches the events. like imaginining that my proposed rewrite aims to 1. make the game's politics coherent while 2. changing as little as possible and 3. keeping the game's intended themes, i think the things that are most dissonant and jarring are:
the game not understanding what colonialism is but wanting to very much assure you that It's Bad
the game not understanding what fascism is but wanting to very much assure you that It's Bad
the game not understanding what capitalism is &c. &c. &c.
the bizarre unexamined eugenicist elements
so let's start on the first thing. you would want to lean much more heavily on the colonists as 'refugees' rather than 'colonists' -- the game treats 'colonizing' a place the exact same way as 'living there', and that kind of sucks (a common problem when using 'Space Colonization' as a 1-1 metaphor for actual colonization). so while we want to keep the weird culty aspects of the colony's society we'll ditch most of the colonial intentionality until the Helios arrives. secondly, we need to have the planet's indigenous people, like, actually present and not secretly hiding away as supercomputers.
so, like, let's keep the Gardeners as artificial life forms dedicated to protecting the ecosystem, but let's make them biotech. let's make them giant, imposing trees that reach up into the sky, with root networks that span the whole planet. then, rather than the colony being colonialist because it straight up doesnt know indigenous people exist (because they're secret computer people), we can make a much more interesting conflict by having the colonists be ignorant (and, as the game progresses, willingly ignorant) of the gardeners' sentience. have the raids start after the colony fells one of the trees (killing a Gardener) to make room for their own expansion, maybe really lean into the nasty parts of the colonial metaphor by having the Gardener's wood be the construction material of the new wing of the colony.
then Lum arrives as part of an intentional colonization project from the Earth we fled, assumes military command as in the current story, and immediately ramps up existing exploitation and destructive enviromental practices. his administration deliberately suppresses information of the Gardeners' sentience and spreads propaganda about them being 'monster trees'. have Lum clearly backed by Earthbound corporate interests, seeing the colony as an excercise in extracting value and using fascist dictatorship (usurping elections and the council with a permanent state of emergency and martial law) as a tool to maximize that value.
instead of defeating Lum at the ballot box, you can remove him in a coup. you can keep the getting-the-councilors-on-side minigame, you can even make it a bloodless coup if you don't want to put revolutionary violence in the game (but considering how much other violence there is in there, including terrorism, genocide, and murder, seems like a strange omission tbqh). and dont make him your fucking tiktoker put the guy in Jail. hes killed people sol.
have Sym still have his humanboo interests but also hint at an internal power struggle within the Gardeners, make it clear that there is a real and thriving culture among these indigenous gigantic environmentally networked tree-ecosystem-people, make his motivations for seeking peace more multifaceted.
then make the peaceful resolution to the whole colonialism issue to integrate the settlers into Gardener society rather than the weird siloed reservation thing going on in the base game. the head of the settlement or an ambassador (probably Dys) gets to go to the big fancy Gardener meetings where they decide things, the settlement gets permission from the Gardeners to farm and expand sustainably and is integrated into the ecosystem rather than neatly separated from it. the excolonists stop being colonists and become citizens of the planet.
as for the capitalism stuff, you can just drop that from marz' character, honestly. or if you want to make it make more sense without having to get into What Capitalism Is (which i think would be outside the mission statement of these proposals), make her thing wanting opulence and excess (it already kind of us, the game just keeps saying 'Capitalism'), have her excited when Lum starts giving people the opportunity to have that, then have her moment of excitement turn sour when she looks into Earth history and realizes how destructive this kind of extraction is in the long term.
and the eugenics--i think the simplest case here while still keeping all the cool genetic mutant character tics is just to make the genetic mutations a random glitch in an artificial womb system the refugees were using to have kids in space. this lets you keep the weird and wacky stuff going on with tangent and dys without raising questions like 'hey isnt this society insanely fucking dystopian'.
that's my in-a-nutshell rewrite of the game. obvsies an actual rewrite would need to change some more in-depth things, but i think off the top of my head these are the changes to the narrative that would make the heavyhanded attempts at political commentary work for me (that said, you could also go the opposite route, stop trying to draw parallels to colonialism and fascism and keep all the weird shit as is. but i think that's less interesting and more like stuff that already exists)
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seasonofthewitchbabe · 2 months
The only problem I have with Diane's arc is the implication that in order for her to get happier and mentaly healthier she must stop caring about societal issues.
Yes, I know that her actvism was partly fueled by her want to make a mark in the world and that she had to learn to not obssess over bad stuff that's out of her control and that made her miserable in order to get better, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't have care in the first place. Like, she had good points and noble intentions, even if the way she tried to resolve stuff wasn't exactly efficient or good for her.
What bothers me the most when I think about it is how the first scene in "Good Damage" that shows how she's improved with antidepressants is her stopping her spiral over the overproduction of plastic with the snacks in a beiseball game. Sure, it's great that she managed to quit a self-destructive spiral during a time of relaxation but what she was obsessing over is an actual enviromental issue! Of course, she shouldn't believe that she must tack it on head-on and alone, which is why there are so many actvist communities! Because nobody can change the world on their own!
The issue with Diane's actvism wasn't just that she wanted to feel special, or that she was overly self-righteous, or that it made her miserable, but also that she'd often do it all on her own, with no organizing or planning whatsoever!
Want to get a chicken to a better farm? Break in there with your stoner friend and this random teenage you were assigned to babysit that day.
Wanna take down a serial mysogynist who happens to be a beloved celebrity? Spearhead the whole thing and become the main target of mysogynistic haressement and death threats.
Wants to take down a capitalistic monopoly? Go around investigating said capitalistic monopoly with your cameraman/partner in an attempt to bring them to justice, only for it to come to naught when the law gets on his side.
I get it! It's not easy and being burned so many times by your failuires to make a dent on the world for the better would make lots of people to give up! However, if Diane worked with a community working towards the same goals as her, that could've supported her and vice-versa, and organize and plan stuff together, she'd probably wouldn't have burned herself out that badly and may even have managed to exact actual positive change!
It's really odd that a show that states that "In this terrifying world, all we have are the connections we make" would just miss that.
I wish Diane managed to have found a happy balance between her mental health and her desire to change the world instead of sacrificing one for another. I just don't think someone can medicate themselves out of systemic issues.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
I hypothesize the reason anon interpreted “we should cut down on light pollution” as “So you want to eliminate all outdoor lights?!” is that certain parts of lefty and enviromental movements tend to have a habit of being way too cool with the idea of people’s quality of life going down, that it’s always a matter of having to choose between the miserable but moral option and the functional/pleasurable but destructive one. (1/3)
For examples, see that restaurant/home cooking debate, or that one post chain that said under a true leftism some of us may never eat oranges again under communism/that picky eaters “won’t survive the revolution” or really anything by Giorgios Kallis. A lot of them assume that any changes have to be in this binary under the name of an ideological shift towards a better world, and they assume that any benefits gained are totally fungible/superior to what would be lost (2/3)
Like, I’ll admit this may be projecting because as someone who’s fields of interest and means of expanding their capability get cut as things are now because of them being “inefficient” the degrowth movement’s efficiency-fetish and the way they treat massive cuts as The Only Way make me nervous, but I think that broader lack of concern for types of wellbeing that don’t fit The Plan in environmental circles is why people read that sort of thing in bad faith (3/3)
that's fair, and I have my own annoyances with the way people frequently post about problems in the world that we, the readers, are responsible for caring about, without putting forth any solutions or explaining how those solutions would work. however, this is usually annoying only when the OP gets pissed when people ask follow-up questions
Anon's statement wasn't a follow-up question it was just a completely unwarranted "Oh, so you think we should just be in COMPLETE DARKNESS and have NO LIGHTS AT ALL?"
I mean, I don't think that gigantic ass bright glowing billboard blaring advertisements at the sky is necessary for human life but maybe i know nothing
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greenlog17 · 29 days
So. The traveler in the archon mafia au. The twins are both part of the mafia and the traveler was sent out to check up on each nations mafia with meetups with dain after each nation, which are what the archon and interlude quests would become.
Mondstat: meeting with venti first the traveler uses the tried and true missing sibling cover story for why their wandering trevat, venti tells them that devalin is sick and they work togother to get the medicine to treat him.
Liyue: heading over to liyue the traveler overhears that morax was captured and is slated for execution in a few days, the traveler rushes to liyue harbour to hope to prevent this but when the execution is meant to take place and they cart out morax its revealed hes already dead, the milalith lock everything down to prevent the killer from escaping as they assume it was one of the adepti, possibly even the equally as feared conquerer of demons, alatlus. The traveler obviously attempts to escape so their mafia conections arnt discovered and are spotted and chased until childe shows up and drives off the milalith. The traveler then heads to junyun karst to find out what the hell is going on and to meet up with the adepti and while there they meet zhongli who explains that he wanted to take a step back from leading the mafia leading him to fake his capture and death. With the bonus of allowing them to pin the death someone causing problems for the mafia while raising the travelers reputation, and after disscussing for a bit everyone decides on osial and his wife as the targets to frame as theyve been trying to take out the adepti for years now, so the plan becomes for traveler and childe to pubilcly spar which traveler and childe fights to everyone else look like fights to the death and for traveler to win only for childe to retreat and break osial and his wife out of his prison in gunyun stone forest, the milalith and traveler work together to take out osial and his wife killing them who also get blamed for moraxes assassination.
Inazuma: once the traveler gets to inazuma and meets up with ei at narukami shrine they decide to send the traveler to watasumi in order to build rapport with them to hopefully merge the mafias together in the future. So the traveler and ei fake a fight that the traveler retreats to watasumi for safe haven from ei and joins up with them, they get sent to investigate the increased fatigue within the watasumi ranks which they 'discover' (read they already know about) are the result of fatui delusions¹. Kokomi then tasks them with shutting down the delusion factory where they meet up with scaramuche and report on how the delusions are working. Yae miko also shows up to take the traveler back to narukami island to deal with the tenryou commision who have started raiding houses and businesses to look for the raidens hq, traveler, ei and singora come up with the plan of having the tenryou commision headbe framed of working with the fatui and raiden and have the traveler fight them and then singora and ei which works.
Sumeru: heading into sumeru via the chasm the traveler meets with tingnhari who directs them to nilou in sumeru city, nilou reports that nahida been imprisoned and is being held in the sanctuary of surasthana by the akedemiya. Luckily nahidas public reputation as a peaceful enviromental protester has caused outrage within the population as to the public it looks like the akedemiya falsely inprisoned a protester that didnt agree with them, nilou is taking advantage of this to organize a protest of the rampant pollution and of nahida false arrest, and when that protest rolls arround it gos rather well until the end when the grand sage appears and declares it illegal to protest against the akedemiya, the protest disperses and then, the samsara happens. By the second time round nahida has already told the traveler and the gang about the samsara and that the goal of it is to try and get a confession that nilou and some others are apart of the mafia, and assuming this the akedemiya made samsara host is alhaitham who is one of the mafias inside men on the akedemiya, so they discuss what to do as they find out that the sages arnt recording until near the end of the loop when they break up the protest. So they break out of the samsara and meet up with cyno, their other inside man on the akedemiya to confront the sages about it when they encounter dottore². They have to retreat to prevent cyno from brutalizing dottore on the spot and head to aaru village instead, there they pick up some friendly eremites and raid the abandoned hospital stoping the experimentation going on there, they then head back and meet up with scaramuche and some fatui in caravan ribat and encounter dottore trying to get his hands on collei in the pardis dhyai and subsequently everyone beats the everloving crap out of him, the traveler, scaramuche, tingnhari, cyno, everybody there except collei and nilou who just holds and calms the former down. After they stick dottore in a tree they head to sumeru city and the plan goes similarly as it does in canon, azar gets put into a tree alhaitham gets promoted to grand sage, nahida gets released and pollution gets stopped.
Fontaine: going to see lyneys magic show with nuevellette and furina the whole water tank crushing a dude thing still happens and people blame lyney and lynette who they accuse the murder and of being apart of the spina de rosula, the traveler defends them in court and proves it was a suicide like in canon, after this nuevellette notices how stressed furina is about keeping up the act of not being apart of the mafia and the group including arlecchino, lyney, lynette, clorinde and the traveler come up with a plan to 'expose' furina as being apart of the mafia in court as a dramatic finale and it goes off well, furina quits her position after the trial and nuevellette continues to manage things as before which makes some people suspicious "if furina was the mighty focalors... then could the chief justice be her right hand ludex?? No that couldn't be right. Why would they hide their apart of the mafia if they control the government?" Is a common sentiment amoung those suspicious.
¹delusions in this au, since there arnt really any dead gods, are made from crystalflys, slimes and other elemental flora and fauna, they take more energy to use then a normal vision and cause people to become lethargic or bedridden if overused.
²dottore in this au was apart of the fatui until they experimented on collei and scaramuche which when nahida and ei found out went to the tsaritsa and told them what was happening who promptly kicked them out and issued a kos order on him, he then ran to the akedemiya to continue his experiments.
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fallenstarzz · 4 months
any kevin hcs to spare?
Ooooh let me see... Here are the ones I can think of rigth now:
I feel like Kevin is the kind of person to have overtly formal phone contacts, regardless of intimacy. Like Abby and Wymack are to this day named Nurse Abby Winfield and Coach David Wymack in his contacts. In one of my WIPs his system for fellow Exy players is Initial + Last name + Jersey number (so for an example Neil is N. Josten 10). Also in that WIP, but I think that in general too, the only exception is Nicky because that is a man unafraid to steal your phone and change his own name in your contacts.
Most of his growth post-canon I think would have to be related to standing up for himself and learning to shed the fear of the Moriyamas. A part of him will always be DEEPLY aware of his image, but I like to think he eventually grows into a bit of a Media Nightmare himself. But not like Neil or Andrew, in a much less actively hostile way. I think that at the start of his carreer Kevin would still be so afraid of provoking retribution from the Moryiamas he would take on any deal his agents deemed lucrative, to the point his first few years he barely had any time to breathe between training and games and interviews and photoshoots and charity events and and and. But with time and security on his new position he'd begin to allow himself to be more picky. He stops going to talk shows if the hosts or recent guests are involved with something he doesn't like, from politics to a slightly annoying tweet from ten years ago; Stops taking deals from brands accused of labor or enviromental violations; eventually his list of standards grows so long he is only taking 3-4 gigs a year outside his standard Exy season stuff, but since he still brings the numbers with him every time, he has companies bending over backwards to fit his demands.
Also we have to remember that he. Cannot give criticism like a normal person. I think he does eventually learn how to express himself better, and to limit his advice to people that ask for it, but old habits die hard, so Kevin is known for being a harsh critic. There are some people that hate that about him, but most fans find it hilarious and there are many compilations of his scathing takes online. The people LOVE Mean Kevin Day and the Foxes never let him live that down.
A bit related to this, I think Kevin's relationship to the rest of the Foxes improves a lot once they're all out of college. Both because it removes the main source of conflict between them, and because once they don't HAVE to see each other every day, they have to find actual real reasons to keep in touch and that leads to some begrudging long distance bonding. The day the Foxes realize they might actually like each other as people, for their personalities, is devastating to psychologists worldwide.
God but Kevin must be a NIGHTMARE at therapy. He rationalizes EVERYTHING and I see him as the type of person who has a hard time recognizing his emotions. I do think he would go absolutely ham on Cognitive Behavior Therapy because finally. Spreadsheets and assigned readings. THIS is how civilized people deal with problems
Kevin 100% lets his knowledge of Japanese go once he's out of the Nest for good. He spoke it for so long and from such a young age that he'll always be able to understand it a little bit, but it's not his first language so his fluency could and does atrophy from lack of practice. I think that a few years post-canon he's already only barely able to speak and write it.
He very discretly arranges for flowers to be sent to Riko's grave every once in a while, but he never visits it again after the funeral. I don't think Kevin will ever be able to disentangle their clusterfuck of a relantionship – he tells himself the flowers are for Kevin's first friend, the one who was dead long before he was buried.
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auroragehenna · 6 months
No matter how much you squirm you won‘t get out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Failed Escape
AI-less Whumptober
Day 20 Dehumanisation, Master and Servant kinda,
TW/CW: Failed escape, electrocution, intimte/creepy-whumper, angel/demon whump, pet whump, petnames, quick mild gore warning, a bit of enviromental whump? Somehow??, more magic whump, light wing whump, Word count: 1'326
Harmonia had waited until the house had finally gotten quiet. She was incredibly battered after today’s torture but she had to bring up the strength for this. Since today’s torture had finally ended and she was dragged back to her quarters she had been pacing her room. Changing potions and places in unequal sequences. Harmonia suspected that she was being watched and she had to make sure she wouldn’t attract attention when she would get up eventually. She had to get out of this hellhole. She just had to. Out of here. Probably out of Gehenna. And then…somewhere. She didn’t know where and she didn’t have time to think about it any further now. Her next change was about to happen, and that one would be it. She got up from in front of the fire and walked over to the door. She leaned her back against the door and slowly slid down into a crouching sit. From there she knotted her hands into each other and tried as inconspicuously as possible to get the magic gem she stole out from under her skin. Where she shoved it in a few days ago through a cut Electra had given her. Harmonia tried her best to suppress any sounds of pain as she was forced to re-open the barely healed cut with her nails. She had to keep quiet. There! It was bloody and greasy, but it would still work. Slowly she shoved the gem towards the door and when they touched, she heard the most beautiful sound. The soft click of the lock. Carefully, she got up, ripped a part of her clothing, and make-shift-bandaged her arm with it. If she failed, Electra’s anger about the ruined clothing would be the least of her problems, she thought. Slowly she got up and squeezed herself through the door. No guards. That was weird. And concerning. Then again, the demoness had quite the ego. Wouldn’t it be like her to be so sure of herself? Doesn’t matter, she didn’t have time for this. Harmonia would have preferred to fly; she would have preferred to be as fast as possible. But she couldn’t risk the airflow alarming somebody and she had to stay low-key. So she conquered meter and meter. Hallway after hallway in this labyrinth. Always looking over her shoulder. Neck, eyes, and ears straining to pick something up. Heart racing. Finally, after what felt like eons she arrived at a backdoor that led outside. She pressed the gem at the door, praying even though it was useless down here. Blessedly the door opened and she walked outside onto wet grass. Quietly she hushed through the door and closed it behind her. Finally, she could spread her wings. They have been itching to move. She slowly flew a few meters straight into the air, keeping close to the house wall. Before she could go, she needed to make sure there weren’t any guards outside either. But even as she reached the pointy end of the roof, there was nobody in sight. There was a thunderstorm, but she was assuming that was always the case here with Electra being a lightning demon and all. Harmonia turned around and flew towards one of the edges of the mansion. The one where there were a lot of trees and bushes. The only test left was now the barriers. She had memorized and inquired how many and at what point the barriers were. As she reached the first one and fortunately passed though it started to rain. Maybe she could really do this. Through the second barrier, stronger rain now. She avoided the tree crowns, getting more and more reckless in the need to escape. She was soaked as she reached the third barrier and pressed the gem against it. It gave and then everything exploded in white.
Wet. Wet and constant. That was what Harmonia felt as soon as she was able to feel anything again. Anything aside from pain. She turned her head and something stung faintly in her cheek. Grass. She was laying on grass. “Get up! You weren’t even unconscious, so get. Up!”, Electra ordered her angel with a voice colder than a glacier and with a far more dangerous edge.
Groaning Harmonia got up on all fours only to be kicked in the side by Electra’s boot and end up on her stomach again and push herself back up on her knees. Truthfully damage control was useless at this point but she couldn’t help clinging to the hope that it would help at least a tiny bit. She only now noticed that her wings felt like they were on fire and as she turned her head a micro-bit she knew why. Countless feathers were black and scorched. Her beautiful wings. That and the realisation that she failed was enough to make tears well up in her eyes.
“I am not even going to waste my breath on you too much. You know what you’ve done. You will face the consequences for it tomorrow. Follow me, you won’t be going back to your quarters tonight, obviously, your loyalties are not sufficiently adapted yet.”
“This can’t be happening. I was so close”, Harmonia whispered to herself.
Electra who had already started walking back towards the house stopped in her tracks. She didn’t turn around but her cold expression suddenly started to melt a bit until it broke into a grin. She chuckled. “Do you really believe that?”
Harmonia looked up to her silhouette through the hazeof tears in her eyes.
“You really believe that was all you? Oh, my stupid, stupid doll. Never make the mistake of underestimating me again. All of it, from the gemstones to you stealing one, over the unguarded perimeter, all of it, was a set-up. A test if you want. And you failed. And in the morning you will pay the consequences for your actions. Now! Move!”
Harmonia got up on shaky legs and winced when her burned feathers shuffled. She didn’t want to make the demoness even more mad so she hurried behind her. They really didn’t go the way to her own quarters. Electra led her up the stairs. No word was spoken but there was a tension in the air around them and Harmonia was sure it wasn’t just her imagination. Who knew with that woman. Finally, they halted in front of a big double door. Carved into the wood were the outlines of jewels and lightning flashes and much more.
A maid waiting outside the door opened it and let the two of them in. It was a big room kept in low lighting, with a grand bed, many windows and another cheminee.
Electra ordered Harmonia to wait and walked to the bed. Once there she crouched down and pulled out a heavy chain from underneath the bed. On the end of the chain, there was a thin metal collar. She ordered Harmonia to come and kneel next to her.
Harmonia did as she was told and Electra closed the collar around her throat and connected the short chain to the bedpost next to her head. Then she walked to a cupboard and pulled out a rope. With that, she walked back to Harmonia and ordered her to stretch out her legs. After she had bound them together she spoke again: “You will sleep here for the next time. Until I feel you’ve learned your lesson. And a word of advice, you don’t want to disturb me. Now, sleep.”
Again Harmonia did as she was told, what choice does she really have? She turned around with her bound legs and laid down on her stomach, her head resting on her arms to prevent the collar and chain from digging into her. From the exhaustion and the pain, she fell asleep pretty fast, she could just hope, that she could bear whatever was going to happen tomorrow…
Taglist: @yourlocalgaefae33, @princessofhe11, @greatkittencloud, @bisexuawolfsalt, @whumpasaurus101, @ailesswhumptober
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collapsedsquid · 9 months
Is tricky for me to find enviromental impact of blueberries, there aren't enough of them to make up a meaningful percentage of any global accounting and it doesn't seem fair to account for them on a per-gram basis to compare them to say meat, grains, or cheese. Sort of the same problem we have with the almond farming water use here in California, sure on a pure water-per-gram-of-almond basis they are ridiculously inefficient but is that a sane way to account for them?
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elbiotipo · 8 months
some stuff that inspires me when I write the Biopunks, in no particular order:
Argentine and Latin American memory: the weight of everything that came before us, all our victories and struggles, dictatorships, crises, revolutions and democracies. The characters are young, and yet they are defined by things that happened decades before they were born.
60s-70s counterculture: revolutionary students and hippies, the connection between ecology (bioengineering in this case) and spirituality, self expression in a repressive culture, the hope for a better world, for the world revolution... and how it all faded away and the legacy it left behind (papá cuentáme otra vez...)
Argentine Rock: A bit too wide since it covers everything from Te Hace Falta Vitaminas to Inconsciente Colectivo, but every chapter is titled after an Argentine rock song, it's intended to be the soundtrack.
Pirates of Silicon Valley: the movie yes, but more accurately the whole PC revolution, the dichotomy of open vs. closed source (in genomes this time), hacker (biohacker) culture, the rise of megacorporations vs academia vs subcultures... but this time it's genetics...
Neon Genesis Evangelion: for real, don't laugh. Exploring what they didn't talk about much: what is a world with billions dead? Ruined flooded cities contrasted with bright futuristic buildings, the UN taking over after a worldwide catastrophe with helicopters patrolling the skies, the contrast between high technological infrastructure and a mostly normal life.
Argentine fútbol: the canchita de barrio, even if it's a biotech club this time! Competition among institutes and among countries, the bioclub as a nexus for young people, pride on the camiseta, old glories, the joy of winning for your team... even if it's a bunch of nerds, it's really a story about a team on the C Nacional who wants to revive its old glories...
Art Nouveau: Not exactly the one from the early XX century, but the main art style everywhere. There were never real Art Nouveau skyscrapers and major buildings, now they are everywhere, and they are complemented and even made of biotechnology too, and how it contrasts with the sharper, more practical style of the post-Ecocide world.
Transhumanism: trascending the human form yes, but also all that's associated with it: the deep view of humanity's future, the potential of technology to change the nature of Homo sapiens and the biosphere itself, space colonization, inmortality, AIs and new sentient species, things that looked like fantastic dreams now are practical problems as technology advances...
Enviromental restoration: The world is not over, not if we have anything to say about it! A healing Earth and the scientific, technological, but also social, political and even spiritual debate on what shape should it take. Whole armies of people dedicated to regrowing forests, cleaning oceans and recovering wastelands, and what does it mean for a society which adopts an almost warlike approach to enviromental conservation and restoration.
Argentine Academia: of course, since I'm on it. The eternal stress of writing grant plans and struggling with your director, trying to make the best of your little funding, making your obsolete equipment to last as long as possible, and managing great things with it.
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Rabbid biology
Follow up of the Rabbid biology post I made a while ago with some things i mssed.
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A rare fur mutation, most commonly seen in litters of rex/rex Rabbids where the offspring completely lacks fur. These Rabbids have a hard time staying warm and they will always wear as much clothing as possible to shield their skin from enviromental factors. Hairless Rabbids are more prone to get sick than furred Rabbids. Skin and ear infections are the most common health problems, to contrast them, they have to have frequent baths and use hydratant and antibacterial skin lotions. They also tend to be either underweight or overweight (due to being constantly sick or to overeat to fight the cold). Angora Rabbids or Rabbids that shed a lot will sometimes donate their fur to hairless ones to make clothes, wigs and blankets out of (thanks this anon for the idea!).
Rabbids have incredible healing factors, they can whitstand injuries that can kill other creatures their size. However, they are not less prone to illnesses and diseases. Sick Rabbids are treated differenly from every culture: some use natural remedies, some have advanced medicines and some even have to learn to live with untreated disabilities. Their ears are especially vulnerable to cuts and bruises, but they also heal really fast, so Rabbids with notches in the ears are pretty common. Scars are also common, and are quite visible as the fur on the area comes back thinner (like on their belly where the skin shows). Rabbids (especially very young and old ones) who get some kind of surgery or have an open wound treated, will have to wear a cone to avoid picking at the healing site.
When Rabbids get older, they mellow down and are far more calm and quiet. However, they will not stop from doing what they always loved to do despite the age, so it's possible to see an elderly Rabbid still enjoiyng running around and play with their friends. They do get tired quickly, though, so they need to rest a lot.
Rabbids build their nests in safe spaces when they're about to have kits: wild ones prefer to dig a separate room in their burrow for this, while civilized ones tend to build the nests in a quiet room (usually the bedroom). The nest is made out of soft materials (leaves, hay, blankets, pillows and shedded fur) and is circular in shape with a raised rim to keep the kits from wandering outside. The nest is prepared quite in advance and the parents keep adding and shifting things until the kits are born. No one other than the parents is allowed to enter the nest until the kits are already able to wander out by themselves. Rabbid kits are carried around by picking them up by the scruff. They have a lot of lax skin there, so it doesn't harm them, in fact they completely relax even when just pinched behind their necks. Rabbids carry this reflex even in adulthood with various degrees of sensitivity to it: some of them may not relax that much, but some of them can literally ragdoll to the ground. The parents rarely move the kits away from the nest when they're too young, but if needed they make bundles out of some nest materials to wrap the kits and carry them with to keep them warm and to keep them calm by having something close with a familiar smell.
Rabbids are very social creatures, as such they love to form colonies and live close to eachother. It's not uncommon for some Rabbid culture to have a single house/burrow for all the population to live in.
Wild Rabbids dig burrows to live in. They have different rooms and they decorate them with things they find suitable, for example a "kitchen" would have plates, pans and maybe even a stove regardless if the Rabbid owner even uses those things. The room they sleep in is usually the lowest one and is the only one with a door, to avoid noise from the outside as Rabbid dig their burrows very close to eachother.
Civilized Rabbids live in buildings and have a more complex social structure, with one or more Rabbids leading the others. Buildings vary depending on the environment where they are built and, unlike wild Rabbids' burrows, they have distinct rooms with functioning furniture.
Carrots are a staple food of Rabbid diets. They're eaten and prepared in all sorts of ways and every Rabbid culture has its own recipes. For example in hotter climates (like Beacon Beach) carrot ice creams are really common, while in colder places (like Pristine Peaks) carrots are usually baked in more caloric dishes or used in desserts. Rabbids also make drinks from carrot juice. Carrot juice is used as a substitute of alcoholic beverages as Rabbids aren't affected by alcohol at all. They can get "drunk" off of the sugar contained in concentrated carrot juice (more on carrot juice here), but it's more of a sugar rush.
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adhdcopingskills · 2 years
Have you ever stopped and couldn't figure out how to get going again or tried to do something and its way harder than usual?
So. This coping skill is ELITE. A single solution to many problems. This will actually help you create your own coping skills. This was a game changer for me and it only has 3 steps.
1. Recognize whatever issue you're having in the moment might be due to whatever neurodivergency you have.
2. Find the 'stuck place' as I call it. (I've heard others call it 'stalling out')
3. Make your own brain hacks!
Step 1. Easier said than done, of course. Just the first step takes practice. But soon you'll start seeing a pattern. You're doing something and then suddenly you're not doing that thing and you don't know how to get started again. THATS where you think 'This might be related to my ADHD.' Once you can recognize that, you can move on to step two.
Step 2. The stuck place. Finding it is often simple once you've completed the first step. An example I saw on tiktok(I think? I'm not sure) was a person sitting in their towel, needing to shower, but just staring at the wall for a long time. This is the stuck place. Once you recognize its ADHD related, you ask 'where did my brain stop?' I was about to get in the shower and I can't and I'm not sure why. Here you can use enviromental context clues and routine context clues. In the example, the person had been getting music ready for the shower, but got 'stuck' trying to decide what music to listen to and then got distracted by notifications on their phone and forgot what they were doing. So they are sat in their towel, feeling like they can't shower and aren't sure why.
Step 3. Here is where you make your own brain hack. What can you do to move past the stuck place? Some answers for the example could be asking a friend to send you a playlist they think you'll like, or using a radio station instead of playlist, or using lowfi music instead of lyrical music. But out there in wild? You gotta practice finding your own brain hacks.
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My biggest problems with bad romantasy so far:
Exponential growth of all the fey populations. Like it can't be enviromentally friendly?? Hello?? (Like yes there was Big Scary War few centuries back but come on. They're immortal otherwise and fucking like rabbits.)
...also that's bound to cause some funky shit with the gene pool, right? Like with gepards.
None of these ships should be able to reproduce?? It's cross-species breeding?? And if they do then their demon-spawn should be infertile, which is a bit detrimental for the hereditary monarchies in there. Just saying.
Also when reading it translated I keep confusing "mates" as in "species" with "mates" as in "One True Love" cos it's the same word so that's fun.
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nso-csi · 1 year
210525 (59.35) SHINee Debut 13th Anniversary Online Party ‘SHINee DAY’
Minho: Taemin is into YouTube. And dokumentaries. ... So, when he says he has an interesting story, it's about an enviromental problem. ... this morning Key was upset at him. He was looking forward to a fun story, but it was about dokumentary. Key: I stopped playing a game, and he talked about a dokumentary. He talks about quantum physics recently...
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dark-orca-dynasty · 1 year
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Sneak peek at a comic! I described this to my brother as "jaded ex magical girl is travelling with the less favoured heir of atlantis to try and figure out what's going on with the magical animal stuff", because he knows basically nothing about the three composite media it's based off of.
This is another AU I've been thinking about for a while. It's a crossover between The Deep (obviously), Tokyo Mew Mew, and Tallulah Casey. The Tallulah Casey/TMM crossover came first, because smacking slice of life school days books into cutesy magical girl anime is fun. Both TMM and The Deep are enviromentally minded series, TMM focusing on endangered animals and The Deep on ocean health, so crossing those together was something I wanted to do too.
The jaded part comes from thinking about what the girls do when the enemy is defeated and they have to go back to living a normal life when all their friends and family have no idea what they went through, and in the case of TMM, dealing with the instincts and traits of the animals they were spliced with and maybe even an existential crisis or two.
I think Alpheus would also have similar-ish problems? Like I think he'd have trouble integrating into normal society after spending so long with the guardians, and he's obviously got different problems in general, but he's eighteen and until Ant showed up he was told he had a great destiny ahead of him, and putting that kind of pressure on a kid's shoulders is a lot to begin with. With Proteus most likely manipulating him (he definitely tried manipulating Ant), Nereus possibly being biased because the Benthos were behind the fall of Lemuria, and then both of them choosing to back Ant as heir over him... that's a cocktail for a handful of emotional complexes.
All these emotional quandaries, and this comic touches on none of them. It has an implied butt joke that I asked three separate people's opinions on before including and is about why giving into the impulse to touch the fluff is a bad idea when the fluff is attached to a 200lb apex predator.
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