arvindsingh002 · 26 days
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Celebrate Lohri by Planting Trees: A Step Towards a Greener Future
Lohri, a traditional festival celebrated primarily in Punjab, India, marks the end of winter and the arrival of longer days. This vibrant festival, filled with song, dance, and bonfires, also brings an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with nature. In recent times, there has been a growing awareness about the importance of environmental conservation. What better way to celebrate Lohri than by contributing to a greener planet? Planting trees for Lohri is a meaningful gesture that can help combat climate change and ensure a sustainable future.
Visit this link to learn more about how you can contribute.
The Significance of Lohri
Lohri is celebrated with much enthusiasm, especially in agricultural communities. It signifies the end of the winter solstice and the start of the harvest season. Traditionally, people gather around a bonfire, sing folk songs, and offer grains, sugarcane, and nuts to the fire as a way to thank nature for its bountiful gifts. However, as we enjoy these festivities, it's essential to remember our responsibility towards the environment. Planting trees for Lohri can be an excellent way to give back to nature.
Explore more about tree planting initiatives here.
Why Plant Trees for Lohri?
Trees play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance. They provide oxygen, improve air quality, conserve water, preserve soil, and support wildlife. By planting trees for Lohri, we contribute to these essential functions. Moreover, trees help mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Given the current environmental challenges, planting trees is a proactive step towards a healthier planet.
Learn how you can participate in tree planting here.
Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees
Planting trees has numerous environmental benefits. Trees act as natural air filters, trapping dust, pollen, and smoke from the air. They also help in reducing urban heat islands by providing shade and cooling the environment. Additionally, trees prevent soil erosion and enhance water infiltration, which is crucial for maintaining groundwater levels. By planting trees for Lohri, you contribute to these vital ecological processes.
Find out more about the benefits of tree planting here.
Social and Economic Benefits
Beyond environmental benefits, planting trees also has significant social and economic advantages. Trees provide timber, fruits, and other resources that support livelihoods. They enhance the beauty of landscapes, which can increase property values and promote tourism. Furthermore, community tree planting events can foster social cohesion and provide educational opportunities about the importance of environmental stewardship. Celebrate Lohri by planting trees and enjoying these manifold benefits.
Discover how you can get involved here.
How to Get Started
Getting started with planting trees for Lohri is easier than you might think. First, choose the right species of trees that are native to your region to ensure they thrive in the local environment. Next, find a suitable location for planting. This could be in your backyard, a community garden, or a designated reforestation area. Finally, ensure you provide the necessary care for the saplings to grow, such as watering and protecting them from pests.
Learn more about the tree planting process here.
Join a Community Initiative
If you're looking for a more collective effort, consider joining a community tree planting initiative. Many organizations host tree planting events where you can volunteer your time and effort. These events not only help in planting more trees but also raise awareness about environmental issues. Participating in such initiatives can make your Lohri celebration more meaningful and impactful.
Check out community tree planting events here.
Make a Donation
If you're unable to plant trees yourself, you can still contribute by making a donation to organizations dedicated to reforestation and tree planting. Your donation can help fund the planting and maintenance of trees in areas that need them the most. This is a great way to support environmental conservation efforts from a distance.
Find out how to make a donation here.
Educate and Inspire Others
One of the most powerful ways to amplify your impact is by educating and inspiring others. Share the importance of planting trees for Lohri with your friends, family, and community. Use social media platforms to spread the message and encourage others to participate. By raising awareness, you can help create a larger movement towards environmental sustainability.
Get tips on how to spread the word here.
The Future We Want
The actions we take today will shape the future we leave for the next generations. By planting trees for Lohri, we invest in a healthier, more sustainable world. Trees are a legacy that will continue to provide benefits long after we are gone. This Lohri, let’s make a commitment to nurturing our planet and securing a greener future.
Join the movement to plant trees for Lohri here.
Lohri is a time of celebration and gratitude. This year, let’s extend our gratitude to the environment by planting trees. Whether you plant a tree yourself, join a community initiative, or make a donation, every effort counts. Together, we can make a significant difference in combating climate change and preserving the planet for future generations.
Celebrate Lohri by making a positive impact here.
By incorporating tree planting into our Lohri celebrations, we honor the spirit of the festival while taking concrete steps towards a greener, more sustainable world. Let’s make this Lohri memorable by planting the seeds of a brighter future.
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nurserylive-plant · 2 months
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Miyawaki Forests: Revolutionizing Urban Green Spaces
Link: https://growbilliontrees.com/pages/miyawaki-forests-revolutionizing-urban-green-spaces
Description: Miyawaki Forests, also known as Urban Mini-Forests or Tiny Forests, represent a paradigm shift in afforestation methodologies. Unlike traditional approaches that prioritize monoculture or exotic species, Miyawaki Forests emulate natural forests, boasting dense vegetation and high biodiversity.
Tags: miyawaki-forests, tree-plantation-ngo, tree-plantaion-in-india, environment-day, earth-day miyawaki-forests tree-plantation-ngo tree-plantaion-in-india environment-day earth-day"
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growbilliontree · 2 months
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considernature · 2 months
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That's right! It's International Bat Appreciation Day! We share our planet with over 1400 species of bat, making the second most abundant mammal order, and they perform a wide variety of ecological roles, from dispersing seeds to pollinating flowers to eating thousands of insects in a single night! Over 200 bat species are listed as Threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature--that is over 14 percent of all bats!
YOU can help endangered bats today by donating to Pennsylvania Bat Rescue at this link. This PA-based organization rehabilitates sick or injured bats and helps educate people like you and me in how we can create more bat-friendly environments.
If you want to learn about particularly-cool bat species native to New Zealand, check out this Consider Nature article on the Pekapeka, the bat that walks:
For the rest of the day, Consider Nature will be bat-bombing Tumblr with some of our favorite bat species to share them with the world!
Alt text: a small brown bat stretching its wings with the kind of fabulous flourish that would impress Ryan Evans.
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mienar · 11 months
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close-ups of a commission i did a while back! 🌱
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tumatawa · 4 months
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I wish she had more scenes... Whateva
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litbowl · 1 year
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Poem for Earth Day. From Matthew Olzmann's book, Constellation Route. (Alice James Books, 2022)
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zemi-noelle-art · 4 months
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I turned my old Webkinz into OCs and made them gay. Their names are Valerie and Disco and they are having a lovely Valentine's day <3
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strawberrysoop · 2 months
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young justice has taken over my brain and theyre all i can draw lately <3 also i highly recommend clicking to view the middle 2 bc tumblr cropped then bad in the format </3
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hope-for-the-planet · 2 months
"People assume that in the 50 years since the first Earth Day we've made no progress. That we're in a worse position now than we were in the 1970s, that there's no point in environmental action," [...] Quite the opposite is true. Climate-friendly advances that would have seemed impossible even 10 years ago are now commonplace. And three times in the past 50 years humanity has faced--and fixed--massive, man-made global environmental issues.
The fight isn't won yet, but don't forget that we have made enormous progress.
We would be in a much, much worse position if it wasn't for all the incredible work of environmental activists who came before us, most of whose names and contributions we will never know. They are the reason that we have a fighting chance now, and we owe it to them to pick up their banner and keep running.
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(volume warning)
this was surprisingly fun to make so i'll probably do another
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arvindsingh002 · 2 months
GROWBILLIONTREES | Trees For Women Employees On Womens Day
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Celebrating Women's Day with Trees: Empowering Female Employees
As the world celebrates Women's Day, it's imperative to reflect on ways to honor and empower women beyond just a day of recognition. Women's Day serves as a poignant reminder of the progress made towards gender equality, but it also underscores the work that remains. One impactful way to honor women is through initiatives that not only celebrate their achievements but also contribute to a sustainable future. At GrowBillionTrees, we recognize the vital role women play in society and the environment. Our Trees for Women Employees program embodies this ethos, offering a meaningful way to celebrate and empower women while making a positive impact on the planet.
Women are the backbone of communities worldwide, contributing to social, economic, and environmental well-being. However, they often face unique challenges and barriers, including unequal access to resources and opportunities. By championing initiatives like Trees for Women Employees, we aim to address these disparities and promote gender equality. Through this program, we empower women within our organization by giving them the opportunity to plant trees in their name, fostering a sense of ownership and environmental stewardship.
Planting trees not only benefits the environment but also has significant social and economic implications. Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Moreover, they help conserve biodiversity, prevent soil erosion, and provide habitat for wildlife. By participating in the Trees for Women Employees program, female staff members at GrowBillionTrees contribute directly to these efforts, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.
At GrowBillionTrees, we believe in the power of collective action. By engaging our employees in tree-planting initiatives, we create a culture of environmental responsibility and sustainability. The act of planting trees fosters teamwork, camaraderie, and a shared sense of purpose among our staff. It also serves as a tangible demonstration of our commitment to making a positive impact on the planet. Through initiatives like Trees for Women Employees, we not only empower women but also inspire others to join us in our mission to create a greener, more sustainable world.
In addition to its environmental benefits, tree planting has numerous socio-economic advantages, particularly for women. In many communities, women are responsible for household food security and often rely on natural resources for their livelihoods. By planting trees, women gain access to additional sources of income through the sale of forest products such as fruits, nuts, and timber. This economic empowerment enables women to support their families, invest in their children's education, and improve their overall quality of life.
The Trees for Women Employees program at GrowBillionTrees is more than just a symbolic gesture; it's a concrete step towards gender equality and environmental sustainability. By providing women with the opportunity to participate in tree planting, we empower them to take an active role in shaping their future and the future of the planet. Each tree planted represents not only a commitment to environmental conservation but also a symbol of hope and resilience for women everywhere.
As we celebrate Women's Day, let us remember the importance of recognizing and empowering women in all aspects of life. By supporting initiatives like Trees for Women Employees, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society while simultaneously combating climate change and environmental degradation. Together, we can build a brighter future for women and for the planet.
Join us in honoring women this Women's Day by supporting tree planting initiatives like Trees for Women Employees. Together, we can make a difference—one tree at a time.
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danielnelsen · 7 months
while i get where this comes from and it’s true to an extent, i reeeaaaally don’t like how people try to explain “trans men don’t [necessarily] have male privilege” with things like “some trans men don’t pass”.
like sure that’s the most obvious example (someone who is seen as a woman won’t have the privilege that comes with being seen a man) but you’re still acting like being a passing trans man is just a free opt-in to male privilege which is………kinda the issue.
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the-stove-is-on-fire · 7 months
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[Image ID: A digital drawing of a blue dragon flipping burgers at a grill with one hand, holding four kebabs in the other, and chopping meat with a cleaver held by it's tail. A second blue dragon off to the side is breathing blue fire under the grill to heat it. /. End ID]
The semester is finally finished! This is a style frame from my story development project. Even though I've decided to change the project's final style to something less polished, I'm still quite happy with this.
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considernature · 4 months
Move over Valentine's Day, it's time for World Hippo Day!
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There are only two species of hippo left on Earth, though there were once many more. These incredibly-unique and adorably deadly species are in serious need of conservation attention!
If you want to learn more about the pygmy Hippo, the smaller and lesser-known cousin of the famous river hippo, you can check out my article on them below!
Image alt text: a baby pygmy hippopotamus standing below its mother, looking like a fusion between a pug and a rubber marshmallow.
Image credit: Sander van der Wel under CC BY-SA 2.0.
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mienar · 10 months
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stillness in these waking hours
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