#eon ione
lilyhanaart · 11 months
different character expressions for more character relationship stuff (2/3)
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saltedbiscuiit · 5 months
Random text post I am half asleep half awake but thank you all so much for being so nice! I love reading the tags and always appreciate all of the support! :( I wish I knew how to interact better on here but I’m not sure how to;; Regardless thank you so much again! I truly appreciate it! Reading tags are one of the highlights of my day! Even though I write my inner thoughts and shit in my tags oopsie…
I hope everyone is having a good day/afternoon/night!!
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tinydefector · 5 months
Hello! How are you? This is my first time requesting so I hope this is okay, but can I request a shorter scenario g1 Optimus, Ratchet, Jazz and Ironhide with a human s/o lives for chaos? They would point at Megatron and say ‘bitch’ just for the reaction. 🩵
Cursing Megatron out
Ps I'm sleep deprived af it's 12am right now and just finished this so enjoy.
Word count: 2.3k
Warning: description of fighting, swearing
Ratchet masterlist
Ironhide masterlist
Jazz masterlist
Optimus prime Masterlist
Optimus Prime
They yell loudly as Megatron goes to grab them, they smash him in the face with a tire iron as he is then tackled by Optimus. The Decepticon leader had ruined their date night. They flip him off as Optimus throws Megatron across the ground, his servo wraps around them quickly pulling them closer as they scramble up onto his shoulder. "Eat shit and die Fuck face!" They yell at Megatron. 
Optimus clutched their small form protectively against his plating, battling protocols roaring. Had circumstances been different, the Prime would have roared in fury at your fierce defence against the tyrant but he was dealing with trying to keep them safe. 
Megatron howled, clutching a fist to his dented face as energon streamed between digits. His optics blazed murder, craving nothing more than to snuff the fluttering spark of Optimus' and the human he held so closely. 
"You've made a grave error this day, little beast. No corpse shall hide you from my wrath!" Megatron bellowed, brandishing his fusion cannon as if to raze the very earth. His field screamed promised agony that sent lesser mechs scampering for shelter.
Optimus vented his battle mask into place, tucking them securely against the safety of his backstrut. weapons primed and wrathful fields promising eons of hurt against any who dared to touch his Human.    
"You shall not harm them, Megatron. Leave. now. while your spark yet functions," Optimus warned in a voice low and in a heavy growl that sounded feral and unlike the Prime.
"Maybe you should get Shockwave to give you a facial reconciliation!, oh wait I did it already!" They sneer back from Optimus' shoulder at Megatron. Their teeth are bared at him as they snarl. If anyone else had seen the human they would have thought they were an animal.
Optimus suppressed an amused sigh at their show of fangs, so small yet fearless against the monster terrorising his people for millennia.  Megatron bellowed in foaming rage, lunging toward where they perched upon Optimus's armoured pauldron. "Insolent pest! I shall grind your bones to powder and force-feed them to - aggh!"
A well-placed shot from Optimus's ion blaster struck the warlord, toppling the tyrant shrieking to the dirt. "Last warning, Megatron. Leave. or face me," Optimus rumbled, field pulsing protectiveness intertwined with fierce Protection.  
With a snarl Megatron takes off. Once both Optimus and his human lover settle from the adrenaline and battle protocols. Optimus cradled their small form within his battle-worn servo, venting slow ex-vapor to purge lingering fumes. His optics dimly regarded their fragile body. 
"That was a foolish act of bravery, little one," Optimus rumbled gently, digit carefully brushing across their  forehead and down their cheek admiring their eyes alight with fire. His spark swelled at the determination.  
"Sorry, I..  I got caught up in the moment, he missed me off ruining date night" they huff out while pressing their face into his neck cabling. Their body shakes from the adrenaline. "I hit Megatron with a tire iron" they whisper as it slowly registers in their own brain.
Optimus vented a soft huff of static, equal parts worry and weary amusement filling his field at their admission. "A valiant act indeed, though foolhardy against one as powerful as he," rumbled Optimus, vocals warm with approval despite the danger of the situation. His optics flicker in fondness. “Please do not do that again” 
 Megatron let's out a horrific scream as he gets electrocuted. He hadn't noticed the humans who had shoved the taser between the plates of his armour. "Get Tazered Bitch, not so fucking tough now huh?" They shout at the downed Decepticon only to be scooped up by Ratchet. Ratchet swept them into his servo with a staticky huff, deftly dodging the warlord's flailing blows as voltage shocks wracked Megatron's colossal frame. His field buzzed approval at their fearless defence of him. 
"Reckless sparkling! You'll deactivate my rusting struts with stunts like that," Ratchet grumbled, though optics shone bright relief beneath grizzled plating. Megatron howled upon the earth, shaking off aftershocks that would crush the stoutest Autobot, madness glinting a terrifying helm snapped halfway 'twixt beast and machine.
Ratchet backed swiftly from flailing reach, hoisting their small form beyond harm's sight. Ratchet takes off transforming around them before he begins scolding the for how stupid they were, how dangerous it was. And the fact Megatron would personally hunt them now.
"Have you any idea how foolish that stunt was?!" Ratchet's engine revved indignantly even as he sped across the scarred earth, his cabin vibrating with barely-suppressed wrath and equal measure relief. 
His sensors remained fixed upon the precious organic cargo nestled within his altforms cab, monitoring vital readings  "Do you want a personal vendetta from Megatron? Because that's how you get a personal vendetta, you glitched little slagger!" Medical scans analysed each minute shift of breath. 
"Reckless, Just...do not scare me so, small one," Ratchet rumbled quietly, worried and care etched in every bolt and wire. 
"He had it coming Ratchet, plus that Amazon taser is getting a 10/10. 'WORKS GREAT, I Tazed a large alien warlord and he screamed like a bitch, will in fact work on creeps on the street' " they laugh while they look in the revision mirror to make sure they aren't being followed by said Decepticon.
Despite himself, Ratchet's engine sputtered an amused huff at their tone - so fearless in the face of giants who had destroyed armies. "Oh I've no doubt - the reviews certainly won't lack colour!" Ratchet agreed wryly, subtly activating scanners to sweep their escape route while watchful optics remained pinned to their reflection. 
His vents sighed relief upon confirming no stalking signatures upon their trail, enemy or otherwise. Swinging wide the Ark's bunker doors, Ratchet transformed with care not to jostle his delicate cargo. Blue optics peered down aglow with a glare "Come now, troublemaker. No more outings for the next month for you while the oaf licks his wounds." His states while guiding them to the medbay. 
“no fair Ratchet!” 
They cling onto Jazz as the bot hides behind a boulder, multiple autobots had been out when the Decepticons had attacked. They are held tightly by Jazz as he debates the best possible to get them out of there unscaved.
Jazz vented softly, hugging their form protectively against his plating as pedefalls rumbled outside their scant cover. 
"Ain't nothin' t'fear, li'l light. Ol' Jazz'll getcha outta here one piece, ya feel me?" he murmured soothing static against their ear, subtly scanning surroundings through plating. An opening presented itself, if he could provide distraction just long enough...
Pressing a swift kiss to their forehead, Jazz.” Go, sweetspark! Ain't got but a klik - I'm right behind ya!" Jazz called desperately over the roar of weapons, swerving and banking with abandon to keep pursuers engaged but alive. 
 "Hey ol' buckets 'a bolts! Over here!" With that, he peeled from cover in a burst of speed, transforming mid-leap to present the biggest possible target, tailfins flared wide. Weapon systems engaged, greeting the three pursuing seekers with enthusiastically snarky exclamations as he led them on a merry chase. His sole purpose in those seconds - buy precious time, before sharply veering back toward cover with afterburners blazing. 
They do take off running but stop as they see Megatron advancing towards Jazz. They aren't far from either bot and in a split moment of bravery or stupidity their shoe is off and being flung right at Megatron's helm. "Your shit ass piece of Junk you lay a fucking hand on my boyfriend and I'll rip you apart with a fucking Magnet and plyers, don't you fucking test me you dipper wearing, goofy as looking supervillan wannabe!" They shout. It make the whole battlefield go almost dead silent. " Yea you fucking hear my bucket head, ill make you wish you were rusting!" They shout again. 
Jazz's optics widened in horror behind his visor, witnessing your defiant act through static-laced vision. Fear gripped his struts like freezing polyhexian tundra. 
Megatron's helm barely shifted from the impact, regarding their small form with optics glinting cruel amusement. His cannon charged with purpose to squash resistance as pointless and fleeting as an organic.
"Foolish creature. Your lives mean less than insects" Megatron sneered, taking ponderous steps their way that may as well have been a funeral march. The field around him broadcast murderous intentions that sent even the seasoned warriors around bolting for cover. 
Jazz would not be denied. With a grief-stricken keen that curdled energon in lines, he flung himself between you and that doom-wielding arm aiming to end what meaning he had left. His field pulsed frenzied protectiveness tangled with pleas no words could voice. 
"Ya want 'em, Megs, you'll hafta go through me first! An' I been dancin' this dance a long time..." Jazz spat static. Jazz was quick to get them out of there grabbing them and taking off. It isn't until they were back at the Ark did he finally transform, arms wrapped around them as he gives the a peace of his mind.
Jazz clutched their body against his chest plates long after abandoning the battle site, fleeing farther than ever felt safe from those sworn to end all he had left. His engine roared wildly, fuel pump pounding faster than any sabotage mission's duration against the relief of delivering them from harm. 
Only within the Ark's fortified bunker did his struts unlock enough to collapse wearily to the floor, holding them close as grateful cries and static escaped in equal measure. "Don't you ever fraggin' do that ta me again, ya hear?" Jazz gasped brokenly at last, cupping their face desperately within his quaking palm. His visor glimmered tears unshed, relief and terror warning in equal measure. 
"Can't lose ya...yer all Ah got left in this mess. Please, li'l light...don' scare me like that." Raw emotion clogged his vocalizer to near uselessness, pressing reverent kisses between choked intakes. 
"He was going right for you baby!, I'm not letting the 3 tonne prick hurt you, so what I lost a shoe next time it will be a hydro flask of salt water and I hope it dents his helm" they state as they grab his face plate returning his kisses with fevor.
Jazz huffed a static-tinged laugh at their fierce declaration, so brave yet trembling in his gentle grasp. His cooling fans cycled accelerated drafts, systems still buzzing from terrors faced alone to shield them from doom's sightless gaze. 
"Frag if ya ain't the bravest thing this side'a Cybertron," Jazz rumbled. He pressed his faceplate into their shoulder holding them tightly, not willing to let go yet. Curling them protectively against the humming mass of his spark, Jazz vented shaky ex-vents. "Mah brave, beautiful li'l light...keep shinin' that fire, sweetspark." Jazz whispered raggedly into their shoulder. 
 Ironhide shoots at Megatron. His human companion latched to his back as he uses his body as a shield so the war lord couldn't get them. But they were making it rather hard as they tried antagonising Megatron. 
"Damn did they build you like a shit box on Cybertron or did you pick this form yourself!" They shout out. 
Ironhide careened across the scarred terrain, engine roaring as his heavy cannons unloaded volley after volley into the Con warlord's encroaching chassis. Megatron's howls shook the earth, armour blistering under Ironhide's righteous fury for daring to threaten his human lashed securely to broad backstruts.
"That's it, slaggertits, dance for me!" Ironhide bellowed back at Megatron. 
Megatron lunged forward through a hailstorm of plasma, cannons charging in a frenzy to end lives denying his rule. But Ironhide spun on a dime, releasing another blast to cave in an optical relay before transforming ram-tight around you both. 
His engine pounded like the Pit below, field alive with devotion harsh as his bearing yet gentle as newborn sparks flickering against red-and-blue armorweave. When Megatron gets too close they lob a can of WD-40 At him which Ironhide shoots cause it to explode in his face. "Get sunbeam shitlips!" They yell in delight as Ironhide takes off with them trying to get to safety.
"That's enough outta you, squishy," Ironhide rumbled, yet his cannons sang in harmony with your unbound spirit. His mission remained unchanged - shield the light of life, defying all forces that sought to smother its radiance. Ironhide's cannon fire consumed the volatile projectile in a brilliant fireball, engulfing Megatron in inferno. As they take off leaving Megatron in a fireball of energon and wounds. 
"Right in the visual output, squishy!. Primus, I think I'm in love," Ironhide roared instatically, tires biting earth as he tore across the ravaged wastes well beyond enemy sensors. His spark soared like the smelting winds of Vos. Ironhide's engine purred a low rumble as his struts unwound, tension leaching from armour plating now safe. His field pulsed weariness, yet underlying it swirled pride and fierce gratitude for your indomitable spirit so small, yet burned brighter than any star.
"Can't say I approve of y'all's antics out there, squishy. But Primus if you didn't frag up that rustbucket good," Ironhide chuckled, copper-sheened plating creaking in amusement. Never had he witnessed such fearless bravery, nor met a soul so worthy of the praise.
"He had it coming, Ironhide!You're not going to tell prime are you?" They had just faced down Megatron and cursed him out yet they were worried over being ratted out. Ironhide's engine grumbled a tired huff, his massive frame unwinding into a sprawl across the barren earth. He transforms lifting them up into his arms
"I'd be a fool to deny you put the fear of Primus in that rustbucket," Ironhide chuckled. "But Prime's got enough weighin' his wires. Don't need him fryin' more circuits over our antics." A digit gently booped their nose, gaze softening. "Your spark burns brighter than all the Well's glory. Ain't no mech takin' that from you - least of all one as glitching as Megs."
"Our secret?" They asked looking up at him.
"Our secret, squishy.” Ironhide replied, massive frame creaking gently as massive fingers curled to cradle them against his chassis.
Taglist: @angelxcvxc
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Lazarus Pact AU
In the last moments of his reign, King of the Inifinite Realms attacked the victor and fled to the mortal plane to prevent the Tyrant known as Pariah Dark from absorbing his core and stealing his powers for himself. Those who couldn't challenge the new king's rule and wanted nothing to do with the barbaric monarch followed soon after.
Notably, the seemingly countless elite warriors who were revered for their expertise at ectoplasmic manipulation who joined the Former King throughout his eons-long time as ruler of the Realms.
However, in an environment with very little to no ambient ectoplasm, they had to use their energy reserves sparingly until they found a new home. The journey nearly resulted in them nearly fading from existence in the void of space, but they had found salvation in the form of beings called 'Guardians' who held similar beliefs to the monarch himself.
So, a pact was made, and conditions had to be met. The most important were the following:
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1) The Warriors of the Infinite Realms would house themselves in artifacts that were virtually indestructible to any form of harm to keep them safe.
The Guardians would create power rings to keep them safe.
2) Ectoplasm was essential for beings of the Realms. Without it is to perish, so an energy would be needed to replenish their cores.
The Guardians got to work and made ectoplasmic generators that could revitalize a warrior's energy within a matter of seconds to carry on in their duties. These devices were to be called Lanterns.
3) A stealth team would be made to keep an eye on the happenings within the Inifinite Realms, specifically the young king Dark, and reported to the former king.
The Guardians established an elite team of Green Lanterns composed of their best members. These mission reports would be classified and kept secret from the Corps at large for the former king's eyes only.
4) Should Pariah Dark lose his crown, they would be informed by the former king. Should the new monarch be a just soul, the Green Lanterns are to protect this being with their lives and come to his aid in his hour of need.
Failure to do so will result in the forced disbanding of the Green Lanterns Corps via the destruction of the his own core. The Guardians, despite their scientific prowess and failsafes, could not hope to stop this event if it came to pass.
Upon hearing this, the Guardians would anxiously make their weekly scouting parties turn daily and scour the Realms for trouble.
5) From that day onward, the former king would no longer be addressed with his old title. A new one would be made.
The Guardians would address the entity as Ion, the Being of Willpower.
~•~ ~•~ ~•~
When Ion booms across all power rings that the new king is in need of immediate assistance, the Guardians send every available Lantern to intercept the threat.
The question being...who is it?
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radiaurapple · 3 months
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Lucid Dreams of New Orleans: Chapter 12
CHAPTER SUMMARY: IN WHICH Alastor finally learns the truth.
FIC SUMMARY: Lucifer has always kept his distance from sinners. It’s what keeps him (relatively) sane — if he gets too close, he is haunted by visions of the tragic mortal lives that landed them in Hell. But in his new life at the Hotel, it is more difficult than ever to stay away — and when it comes to light that his daughter’s insufferable facilities manager is gravely wounded, it falls to Lucifer to deliver his soul from Death. In so doing, he falls headfirst into the sins, past lives, and heartbreaks of the one human whose contradictions he is powerless to resist.
it's saturday so it's new chapter time!!! I went outside of my comfort zone for the art this time (with mixed results) but i really wanted to capture this moment this chapter!! ALSO we have a teeny lil discord server now for brain rot related to the fic so feel free to join in!
Chapter preview below!
Humanity has conceived of many delightful inventions over the eons. Lucifer could spend ages listing his favorites: the printing press, engines, soda, aqueducts, cereal with little prizes inside. But of all the surprises over the years, he’s pretty sure nothing tops electricity. 
The manipulation of electromagnetic fields has always been second-nature to Lucifer — he just never got the point. He was fine with living in a Hell lit by flames. Then humans discovered electricity, and Lucifer was blown away by all the potential they saw in it. Their little contraptions won Lucifer over immediately; over the years, he’s created hundreds of generators to support Hell’s burgeoning electrical grid. 
Which is to say that making a generator for the hotel is second-nature to him, even though he’s exhausted and the work involves a bunch of fiddly little parts. He’s only been at it for an hour and he’s already made good progress, working half in the hotel and half in the palace workshop, thanks to the portal he’s opened in the center of both rooms. He leaves it open so he’ll be able to hear if Alastor or Charlie come by while he’s in the palace, or if something implodes while he’s in the hotel — a very real possibility as he’s currently got the vacuum pump depressurizing the generator’s antimatter chamber. 
He gets up from his workbench in the hotel, trips on an empty wire roll, and stumbles through the portal into his workshop in search of motor oil. All of Lucifer’s creation stuff is piled at random on the floor-to-ceiling shelves that line the far wall of his workshop; he unfolds his wings and flits up to rifle through the bottles on the top shelf. 
It’s Alastor. 
“In here,” Lucifer says.
Alastor pokes his head through the portal just as Lucifer sticks his hand in something slippery and mysterious — he jerks his hand back and an assortment of solvents topple off the shelf and splatter on the floor. Alastor laughs; Lucifer scowls over his shoulder. “Not a word.” 
“What an utter mess,” Alastor says pleasantly. 
“Right,” Lucifer says dryly. He flaps his wings and alights on a table in front of Alastor. “Do you need something?” 
Alastor steps through the portal with a mug in his hands. He isn’t smiling — is this how it’s going to be from now on? Has Alastor decided he no longer needs to smile when they’re alone?
“I’ve brought more coffee,” Alastor says. “Though I’m not sure you should accept it in your present state.” He glances pointedly at Lucifer’s hand. 
Lucifer glances down — his fingers are dripping something thick and blue onto the tile floor. He groans and magicks the stuff away.
Alastor holds out the mug. “It’s a wonder you’re able to accomplish anything amidst such chaos.”
Lucifer takes the coffee and glances around at his workshop — at the overflowing shelves, the pile of random lithium-ion batteries in the corner, the charred remains of an exploded rollercoaster car for Lu Lu World which he’d never bothered to clean up. How long has it been since anyone visited the palace? Has it really been a couple … hundred years? 
“Hah — I get by somehow,” Lucifer says. 
Alastor steps around the table, studying the machinery around the edges of the room. He pauses at the narrow unmade bed tucked in the corner. Lucifer’s face heats — he’d forgotten about the ducky quilt. 
“Do you spend most of your time here?” 
“Um,” Lucifer says. “I sleep down here, yeah. I’m usually making stuff when I’m at home. This is where I work on the big stuff. Engines and … whatever. I have a smaller workshop upstairs where I make the, uh — the ducks.”
“May I see it?” 
“You want the tour?” 
“If you please,” Alastor says.
“Uh, okay — sure. I can do that. Yep.” He crosses the room and opens the door to the hall. “Right this way.” 
Lucifer heads for the entry hall. Alastor follows; their footsteps echo on the tile. The main hallway is lined with red doors, most of which have been shut for years. The palace is larger than the hotel, but for as long as Lucifer has lived alone, he’s used only a small fraction of its rooms. 
“Where do these doors lead?” Alastor says. 
“Oh — nowhere,” Lucifer says. “Just rooms that haven’t been used in a long time.” He points at the closed doors. “That one used to be Charlie’s playroom — on the right here was the music room. This was Lilith’s office. And this was Charlie’s classroom, back when she had a tutor.”
They step out into the entry hall. On their right, a wide marble staircase leads to the second and third floors; Lucifer leads Alastor past it, through the wide archway beside the stairs. 
“This is the kitchen,” he says. “I’ve got a bunch of snacks from Earth in the pantry, if there’s anything you want to try — I put a spell on the whole room to keep food from going bad.” 
Lucifer sits on one of the barstools at the kitchen island and watches Alastor peruse his collection of sugar cereals as though it were a shelf in a library. 
“Which cereal is your favorite?” 
“Hoo boy — that’s a tricky question. Um — I’ve definitely got a soft spot for — see that blue box on your right there? That’s Cotton Candy Crunch.” 
Alastor pulls the box off the shelf and regards it with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes! That one. It’s so good — but they discontinued it a couple of years back.” 
Alastor opens the box, pours a couple of pieces into his hand, and pops one into his mouth.
“Hm,” he says. 
“Yeah, they’re, uh — they’re pretty sweet.” Lucifer hops down off the barstool and slides the cereal from Alastor’s hand into his own — their hands brush together, and Lucifer’s kitchen becomes Alastor’s, in the yellow house. There’s a pile of dishes in the sink, a layer of dust over Alastor’s mother’s cast-iron pan. This memory is near the end of Alastor’s life, when he lived alone. 
Lucifer glances up and meets Alastor’s hazel eyes. Alastor is older than usual; orange evening light filters through the kitchen window and catches in the strands of gray in Alastor’s curls, glints off the copper frames of his round eyeglasses. Lucifer struggles to place this memory among the hundreds of evenings at the end of Alastor’s life in which he came home to an empty house, made a sandwich, smoked on the porch, and then went to sleep. 
Lucifer studies the faint lines that were just beginning to appear at the corners of Alastor’s eyes in his early thirties. What might Alastor have looked like, if he’d had the chance to grow old? Lucifer’s body might as well be carved from stone; it has never aged, never changed, apart from the switch flipped when he fell — but he knows enough of human souls to envy the terms of their existence, where time is precious and the world is always in motion. Alastor’s thirty-one year human life had passed, for Lucifer, in the blink of an eye; the time had meant nothing to him, and so he had slept it away in complete isolation, wandering the palace halls and watching rubber ducks fill up its empty corners.
Alastor is still studying Lucifer with that intensity that always makes Lucifer feel utterly transparent. Some corner of Lucifer’s mind prickles with the urge to turn away, to crack a joke, to make a passable attempt at hiding the jumble of emotions playing out across his face — but Lucifer can’t move — he is transfixed by the way the sunlight catches in Alastor’s eyelashes, like paint in a paintbrush.
“Um,” Lucifer says.
The memory dissolves; they are back in the palace kitchen. Lucifer remembers the cereal in his hand and pours it into his mouth — no point in letting perfectly good Cotton Candy Crunch go to waste. 
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Monday's Musings: The Development of Biomineralization
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William Buckland first noted the seemingly rapid appearance f fossils in Cambrian strata in the 1840's.
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And Charles Darwin discussed the then inexplicable lack of earlier fossils as one of the main difficulties for his theory of descent with slow modification (natural selection) in his 1859 book which you've probably heard of.
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This seemingly sudden appearance of fauna raised three big questions: was there actually a mass diversification of complex organisms over a relatively short time during the early Cambrian? What caused such rapid change? What does it imply about the origin of early animal life?
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Edward Lhuyd, the curator of Oxford Museum in 1698, first discovered Cambrian fossils in the forms of trilobites. From that point on, trilobites became some of the most important fossils for dating Paleozoic rocks (these are called index fossils). Buckland recognized that a dramatic step-change in fossils occurred near the base base of the Cambrian thanks to trilobites and Adam Sedgwick and Roderick Murchison used them for dating Cambrian and Silurian strata.
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Charles Walcott suggested that there was an interval of time prior to the Cambrian fauna that did not preserve fossils or was simply not in the fossil record (maybe the rocks had eroded away before Cambrian deposition).
Today, we have fossil evidence that the earliest like goes back 3.8 billion years ago. Rocks of that age in Australia contain stromatolites,
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colonies of microorganisms called cyanobacteria.
Fossils of more complex eukaryotic cells called Grypania have been found in China and Montana in rocks dating 2.1 billion years old.
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Rocks from about 600-541 Ma have also been found to contain fossils that we now call the Ediacaran Biota but that deserves a post all on it's own.
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A reevaluation of the Burgess Shale fauna in the 1970's sparked a renewed interest in the explosion.
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Harry B. Whittington realized that many of the animals Walcott had found were just as complex as modern animals but they were also very different. He noted that Marella was clearly an arthropod but not a member of any known class.
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He also noted that animals like Opabinia and Wiwaxia were so different than anything alive that they must belong to their own phyla.
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Now, we know that there was complex life at the end of the Proterozoic Eon so the Cambrian is not the "beginning of life" like we used to believe. So, why is the Cambrian explosion still so important?
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Biomineralization. This is the time period where hard parts began to develop. This is the process by which living organisms produce minerals often resulting in hardened or stiffened mineralized tissues. An example you probably don't think about is your own skeleton. Your skeletal tissues are made up of collagen and calcium phosphate. Other types of biomineralization include silicates in algae and diatoms (these often create chert in limestone) and carbonates (such as chalk) in invertebrates.
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Why did hard parts start showing up in the early Cambrian and not before? One hypothesis is that atmospheric oxygen was finally high enough to allow metabolisms to work efficiently enough to create collagen, a protein made of amino acids that provides structural support in connective tissues.
Another hypothesis is an increase in the concentration of calcium in seawater. Animals that create hard parts from calcium carbonate do so in a very specific way. First, carbon dioxide gas must be dissolved in seawater. It then reacts with the water to create bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. That bicarbonate then reacts again with the water and creates carbonate and hydrogen ions.
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Calcium is also an ion just floating about in the water column. Animals then absorb these ions.
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The calcium ions bond with the carbonate ions to form calcium carbonate crystals inside the shell.
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This increase in calcium could also have caused a high rate of erosion (a thought for another Monday).
A final hypothesis is that of predator-prey competition. There is evidence of predation in the Ediacaran fauna such as holes drilled into animals called Cloudina. While the appearance of predation wouldn't trigger hard part development, an increase in predators probably would. In the Burgess Shale alone there are dozens of carnivorous worms, anomalocarids and other arthropods, carnivorous molluscs, lobopods and early jellyfishes that would predate opportunistically.
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Likely, it was a combination of all these things that led to the rapid development of hard parts. And hard parts stuck around too! Thank goodness or my job would be even harder than it already is.
Fossilize you later!
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mizuruifan9 · 24 days
Sodium is a chemical element; it has symbol Na (from Neo-Latin natrium) and atomic number 11. It is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal. Sodium is an alkali metal, being in group 1 of the periodic table. Its only stable isotope is 23Na. The free metal does not occur in nature and must be prepared from compounds. Sodium is the sixth most abundant element in the Earth's crust and exists in numerous minerals such as feldspars, sodalite, and halite (NaCl). Many salts of sodium are highly water-soluble: sodium ions have been leached by the action of water from the Earth's minerals over eons, and thus sodium and chlorine are the most common dissolved elements by weight in the oceans.
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suchafrickinkayce · 18 days
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Headshot of my Rook.
I'm still deciding on a name and have finally narrowed it to:
• Ione or Eone
• Emari
• Ivris
Any suggestions?
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oscconfessions · 5 months
how do you pronounce ion? like iy-on or eon or the "ion" in "onion" or what
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SES Pledge of Starlight: Holding Out
Today's ventures have seen relative success. Despite the apparent lack of a formal briefing- far be it from me to question high command's devotion to the brevity of their wit- our orders could not be more straightforward. The wretched bugs continue to defy all reason, refusing the comforts of the free-range E-710 farms in favour of assailing democracy's colonial outposts. We were to put a stop to the assaults on our innocent colonists in the Jin Xi Sector.
Gatria reminded some of us of our brief stint on Ubanea, eons ago. We were all so fresh back then. Fortunately, we were able to paint the planet a more familiar shade of green with Terminid blood. The ion storms sure tried to ruin it for us, though.
Phact Bay was an easier assignment. We deployed to one of the very final operations there, enduring the constant sandstorms to make liberty proud. These restless insects need to- P3 informs me that the Terminids aren't technically insects, whatever. They're bugs crushed beneath our boots either way.
Things are going well. But then, that's when some of us start to worry. Complacency breeds stagnation, and stagnation breeds weakness. We'll continue to adapt to whatever the bugs and bots try on us.
Until next time. SES Pledge of Starlight out.
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lilyhanaart · 11 months
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Happy birthday, Thorn 🎉🧡
His bday was actually on 10/25, but it still counts!!
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shyspider · 1 year
I read through both when flesh gives and when metal bends in 4 days and I have to tell you their amazingly written, really wish I could give you more kudos <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3! On another note I don't know why but when I read about the part when eva uses her power I keep remembering kida from Atlantis the lost empire when she was one with the hearts of atlantis. Now I'm imagening eva like that in the future?!
Your thoughts?
Thank you!!!
I've never seen Atlantis and have been struggling to find the time to watch it since I first got this. I ended up just watching youtube clips just to see who she is...
And Kida is so 💞
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Thank you for introducing me to her.
What I saw of Kida looked more spiritual to me. The spirits of her ancestors looked like they channeled through her and spoke.
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It's not quite like that with Eva. Not so pretty and whimsical. Yes, sparks are attracted to the radio frequency she unconsciously emits, and amplifies when near the original body of a dead Cybertronian, but they are unable to speak through her. I wanted the spark to anchor in like a magnet to the radioactive ions in her body till it 'settled' back into a spark chamber. While latched, I wanted there to be a consequence, such as burning through the nutrients our bodies need.
So many sparks at once in such a small, organic body would be painful, and probably fatal, with the kind of risk-reward system I have in place.
But that doesn't mean Cybertronians won't look at her like she's an avatar of Primus.
God that would be beautiful, though. Just the thought of holding up the matrix and undoing eons of death. That would be quite the future to look forward to.
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unsoundedcomic · 2 years
Dear Keon: are the -ion and -eon in your name pronounced differently, or did you actually marry into a name that fucking rhymes, on purpose? Also, is your wife single? Sincerely, a concerned citizen.
They don't rhyme. Pronounce it like it's Spanish or Japanese! Rion Keon. And who says Irma doesn't still love her husband, even if they had a fight? You can't get along with your hubby **all** the time, Anon.
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trolloled · 1 year
hey xrumon, hows physical therapy going? any new solid foods you can keep down, or is it still a liquid diet? rooting for you to get that cheeseburger someday
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I╪'s going abou╪ as badly as you'd expec╪ for so/\/\eone of /\/\y co/\/\ple╪e lack of condi╪ioning.
No a/\/\oun╪ of being an asshole can /\/\ake /\/\y leg /\/\uscles s╪reng╪hen fas╪er. I a/\/\ so da/\/\n sick of ╪he sa/\/\e exercises, over and over and over again. Friday's a luna╪ic, half ╪he ╪hings she's sugges╪ing wi╪h Ullane on vaca╪ion would kill /\/\e.
Righ╪ now, I can keep a peanu╪ bu╪╪er sandwich down. On whole whea╪. We're s╪ill working up ╪o ╪he sugary nirvana ╪ha╪ is 'whi╪e bread.'
So forge╪ cooked /\/\ea╪s. Ugh.
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virtute-praeditum · 2 years
Writer's note: I will be using the g1 cartoon and a few related things as my basis for this portrayal. Due to the chaos of it, I will keep what I wish while entirely tossing out other things. Additionally, some details here will conflict with later media, and I think that will be part of the fun of multiverse shenanigans. If more serious content occurs, we can plot/figure it out then!
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Name- Optimus Prime. Designation prior to reconstruction: Orion Pax. Species- Transformer (Cybertronian), a sentient robotic organism. Eyes- Cyan Height- 8 M or 26 Ft Attitudinal Psyche- EVFL Enneagram- Type Seven (7w6)
〘 ❂ 〙
Personality- Optimus has experienced eons of hardship and war. He has died, by all technicalities, only to return more than once. Individuals of many species have broken for less, yet Optimus remains resolute, supportive, curious, kind, and occasionally playful (including in combat). He values life, peace, and the beauty cultivated from it, but he also knows loss and destruction are never the end. Thus, no matter the situation, he continues to hope for a better future and appreciate existence one day at a time.
A few other things-
His primary weapons are his Ion Blaster and Energon Axe. The latter is not mounted to his arm and instead wielded as an independent weapon, having a haft and longer reach. Both are stored within his armor and technologically transform when removed and activated.
His Earth vehicle mode strongly resembles a Peterbilt Cabover truck.
His facial shield is not removable, although it will shift to an extent to enable him to consume fuel. He has not had an average, mouth-like intake since he was reconstructed.
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redwhistles · 6 months
nonspecific/general suffixes list from this carrd (link); making this list because ci use that list a lot & it sucks when webarchive goes down lol
ac/ale: related to
ada/ame/edo: collective
aea/aean/aeus/an/ea/ean/eus/ian: one that does or deals with relating to, belonging to
aeon/eon: age/everlasting
ain/aine: to own/oblique case
al/ial: resembling or pertaining to, having the characteristics of
ane/ary: belonging to
ant: inclined to or tending to
ay/way: our/multiple
ec/iec/ime/nec: from/deriving from
en: to become, to make __, made up of something, to cause to
eous/ious/ous: having the qualities of
esque: reminiscent of
ette: smaller
eyn/eyna: quality, trait, or instrument of an action
ic/ick/inal/ine/iyn/na/nic: of or pertaining to
ion: the action of
ive: having the nature of
nes: abstract
sec: a part of a larger quality
trois: three/neutrality
un: of
ure: having the condition of
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