#ep 10 hurry up
thelongestwalk · 6 months
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see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
(thinking about alice dyer)
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neonsbian · 1 year
double savage speeding things up so fast 😭
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akashi-tetsuki · 1 year
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I f you're going to do it, then hurry up. I'm feeling very hot, and I look ugly in this.
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imgeekgirlfan · 2 months
The Curse of Cassandra [EP : II]
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Read in Ao3 : here
Pairings:  Qimir x f!reader(SEAsians Reader)  [The Acolyte]
Content Rating : Mature 18+  Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warning (AT YOUR OWN RISK)
tags/themes : Alternate Universe - Dune & Star wars, Partners in Crime, Strangers to Lovers
Summary: your mother always reminded you, "You will never hate the desert. Your blood is the desert. The desert is your home and your tomb." but You hope desperately that your life will be different.
Status: work in progress (This is a long fanfic that will be about 10+ chapters.)
A/N : Previously, I changed the story from a reader-insert to an OC due to backlash for specifying that the reader is SEA. I didn't enjoy writing it and nearly deleted it. However, support from AO3 readers encouraged me to stay true to my original style and affirmed that specifying the reader's ethnicity is not wrong (especially since Manny is also SEA). I’ll stick with the reader-insert style. If you don’t like that the reader is SEA, feel free to find other fics.
Also, today is my birthday. so I decided to give a gift to others by releasing a new chapter of my fanfic. I hope you like it.
➡  Intro // EP : I // EP : III // EP : IV // EP : V // EP : VI // EP : VII
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[Episodes 2] You will never hate the desert. Your blood is the desert. The desert is your home and your tomb
You realize how quickly your life has changed, as your feet tread on the wet sand of Pabu, a small planet far from your birthplace.
Tatooine—where you were born and raised, is almost at the edge of the galaxy. There's nothing pleasant to see except for vast stretches of dry sand. The air is scorching hot because there are two suns in the sky. The cities are teeming with thieves, thugs, and smugglers. You hate your home planet so much, but your mother always reminded you, "You will never hate the desert. Your blood is the desert. The desert is your home and your tomb."
You know that the desert your mother spoke of isn't Tatooine, but another similar planet. An ancient world that disappeared from galactic records along with the death of your ancestors.
It's funny how your family's fate has always been the same: born in the desert and dying in the desert.
You hope desperately that your life will be different.
"Stop daydreaming; we still have a lot of work to do."
Qimir's voice comes from behind. His elbow gently nudges your arm, urging you to hurry off the beach. You turn and glare at him in annoyance, but obediently comply. You lift the cargo box to your side and turn onto the old stone-paved road, the only path leading to the upper town, the main trading hub of this island.
After reluctantly living together for more than two years, you've finally been given an additional role beyond being a prisoner. You're now Qimir's temporary assistant, helping him transport contraband to sell on small planets outside the watchful eyes of the Empire's law enforcers.
Qimir is tall with long legs. It only takes him a few strides to reach your side. "Haven't you ever seen the sea before?" the man asks, noticing that you keep turning to look at the blue ocean.
You nod. The faint, fresh, salty smell of the sea and the strong wind blowing across your face make you feel better than usual. "I grew up on Tatooine. There's only desert there. I've never seen this much water before."
You fall silent, suddenly realizing you've said too much.
No matter what, you always stay cautious. You try to speak as little as possible when you're near this man. But Qimir is the opposite—he talks incessantly, which is annoying. The more you show your irritation, the more he keeps talking. It's obvious he's deliberately trying to provoke you.
And this time is no different. Once he notices you're avoiding further conversation, he takes over, telling you about Pabu and other planets without you asking. You want to pretend not to listen, but deep down, you can't help but be interested. You've never had the chance to travel or learn about life on other planets, having spent most of your time after your mother's death quietly hiding. Until you met Qimir,. He's traveled everywhere, and he seems to know everything. Many things sound nonsensical, but many are too interesting to ignore. Like the story of Mon Cala, a planet that's entirely ocean, with a grand capital city standing tall underwater, and most of its population looking like fish. Or the fact that black holes aren't empty as many believe, but home to strange and dangerous creatures. However, they remain an unsolvable mystery because no one who has gotten close to a black hole has ever survived to tell the tale.
"I’d love to see fish people," you mutter to yourself, but Qimir’s keen ears catch it.
There's an inexplicable sadness in those words, he thinks as he turns to look at your profile, half-hidden by black hair blowing in the sea breeze. "If our ship passes by there, I might take you to see them," he says, his words unexpectedly gentle.
You press your lips tightly, not responding. Perhaps you would feel a bit more appreciative if you didn't already know that what he said would never happen.
You've seen it in your dreams. Prophetic dreams foretell the future. In about four months, Qimir will have to deliver his last expensive cargo—which is you—to his client.
But beyond that... a shadow of doom completely obscured the future. You don't even know what this dream means. It's too dark to see, too terrifying, and too mysterious to understand. But one thing you're sure of, that day will be a day of death. And the clearest path is your own demise.
You frown. For a moment, you suddenly feel something—not in the form of a vision, but a deep premonition hiding beneath your consciousness.
A revelation is approaching.
But you are at a loss to determine what it could be.
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Due to Pabu's highly liberal political policies, the city's population includes many immigrants from other planets, most of whom are often outlaws. This means an increase in the number of thieves and robbers, and consequently, a higher chance of being ambushed.
No place in the city was entirely safe, so Qimir decided to set up camp outside the city instead. He called it a vacation home, even though nothing about it resembles a house In reality, it's a large cave on a seaside cliff, which had been modified to resemble a living space. It's somewhat odd and out of place, but it has everything a typical home would have, all neatly organized. There are beds and desks carved from the gray stone of the cave, a small kitchen adjacent to the pantry, and even an old cleaning droid on duty.
For you, this place is much quieter than the city. There aren’t even small animals around, let alone people passing by. It’s an ideal spot for meditation or perhaps trying to use your visions again to find a way to escape.
Of course, you haven't given up on your original intention. You’re just waiting for the right moment.
But you can't use your visions recklessly. It’s not just that you don’t want to; foresight is too dangerous, It’s a trade-off that isn’t worth the risk. The future is not like the past. There are countless branching paths that can change at any moment. The further you look, the more painful it becomes, and you risk losing your sanity. You don't have the strong prophetic abilities of your ancestors. You are a weak, distant descendant. Without the training your mother forced upon you, you probably would have died before you turned fifteen.
For safety, you decide to look at the near future, roughly calculating the chances of what will happen tomorrow if you decide to escape. All the results lead to only one path: no matter how you try to escape, Qimir will still catch you.
You sigh in frustration, silently questioning yourself. which path could possibly help you avoid death?
"We are **** ******** We don't hope, we plan"
Your mother's voice echoes repeatedly in your head as you lie with your eyes closed on the hard stone bed, trying to meditate silently instead of falling asleep as you should.
You spend the whole night pondering the things your mother taught you, until the morning sunlight creeps in through the cave mouth, gradually dispelling the darkness of the night.
You hear Qimir stirring, getting up from his bed, followed by the sound of coarse fabric rubbing and footsteps as quiet as a cat sneaking out silently. He always goes out at the same time and returns later in the morning. Qimir never tells you what he does, and you never ask. You don't want to talk to him more than necessary.
...But that doesn't mean you're not curious.
You step down from the bed, feeling the stiffness that gnaws at every part of your body, especially your legs. You shake out your legs before walking outside the cave, following the earlier footprints stretching across the sandy beach. The early morning air is quite cool because the sun hasn't fully risen yet, making the sea breeze chilly. You hug yourself to ward off the cold, regretting not bringing a cloak. All you have on is a long-sleeved cotton shirt and baggy brown pants made of low-quality fabric, so thin they barely protect you from anything.
Soon you notice a pile of clothes left on the sand near a rocky outcrop by the beach. You recognize them as Qimir's clothes. You scan the area for Qimir before spotting his tall figure soaking in the water, naked and relaxed amidst the sea and the surrounding rocks of various sizes, which look like protective ramparts or a hidden place secluded from the outside world.
The sight makes you startle, almost exclaim but manage to stop yourself. Embarrassment quickly forms as a flush of heat spreads across both your cheeks. You didn't expect to intrude on his private time like this. Luckily, Qimir has his back to you; otherwise, you would have felt even more awkward if he had seen you first.
You know that the best thing to do right now is to quietly slip away before Qimir notices. However, something about him catches your eye first.
It's the large scar on his back—a terrifying long mark crossed-shaped. It definitely doesn't look like a scar from a mere accident, but more like someone intentionally tried to take his life.
You frown, confused, curious, mixed with a strange sense of apprehension towards Qimir. What could he have done to deserve this?
For the first time, you realize that you don't know anything about this man, except for the name he told you.
"If you're going to stare at me this long, I might have to start charging you."
You jump in surprise. Qimir didn't even turn to look at you when he said this.
Before you can make an excuse or hurry away, he turns back as if anticipating it, meeting your eyes openly with a mischievous, teasing smile. Those black eyes look particularly intense, contrasting with his pale skin in the water.
"Want to join in?"
His hand sweeps back the damp hair falling over his face before he swims closer to you. Water droplets cling to his tall, muscular frame, sparkling like gems in the sunlight, breathtakingly beautiful and alluring.
The sight makes you breathless, as if you're drowning underwater even though you're standing on solid ground.
It takes almost a moment before you regain your composure. Your feet quickly retreat from the shore, as if afraid he might drag you into the sea. "Don't move!" you shout at him when you see Qimir about to rise from the water while still naked, leaving you flustered and unsure of where to look.
Qimir can't help but laugh at your mix of shock and anger. "If you're not going to join me, I'd like to put my clothes back on." The man points to the pile of black clothes near your feet. "But if you want to see me naked, I don't mind," he smiles innocently, his sparkling eyes never leaving you for a second.
You feel increasingly irritated. You know he's trying to tease you again.
You want to get back at him somehow, even just a little.
Your eyes glance down at his clothes on the sand, and suddenly you have an idea.
"Your suggestion is very interesting," You nod at him before reaching down to pick up his clothes. "Seeing you walk around naked would be quite a sight indeed."
Qimir's eyes widen, only realizing what's happening when he sees you clutching his clothes and running away at full speed.
"You!! Stop right there!"
The shouting voice behind you sounds closer than you expect. You quickly glance back and see Qimir chasing after you rapidly, still naked. His bare body and flustered expression are both hilarious and amusing. The allure he had before is completely gone.
You can't stop laughing, even as he finally catches up to you.
You stand no chance against Qimir in terms of size or strength. As soon as he grabs you, the outcome is inevitable. After a brief struggle, Qimir trips you, causing you to fall onto the sand. The impact leaves you winded, but you keep laughing even while lying there. It is the first time in a year that you have the chance to laugh so heartily and for so long.
Qimir hurriedly dresses as fast as he can, glaring at you as you show no signs of stopping your laughter. He then sits down beside you, his broad chest under his clothes rising and falling with rapid breaths, exhausted from the sudden morning exercise. "You little brat," he says to you, still panting, trying to contain his anger. "I should just kill you."
He means it; he isn't joking. If anyone else had heard this, they might have been terrified, but you don't care. You are laughing so hard you can barely breathe, your cheeks flushed with a rosy glow, as vibrant as any typical teenager should be. Qimir stares at you without blinking, this time not in anger but in contemplation.
You have never smiled or laughed before, not even once. You always wear an expression as if you are carrying the weight of the entire world, like someone hiding something deep in their heart or someone who has experienced too many terrible things to mention. Many times, he senses this—you seem like someone much older, perhaps even more than him, as if an old soul is trapped in your youthful body.
Who exactly is this woman? He wonders, looking at your plain, unremarkable face. There is nothing particularly memorable about it, except for your eyes. They are the deepest, most brilliant blue he has ever seen.
There is something both captivating and unsettling about you.
"You have talent, you're cunning and quick. You'd make a good thief. Could be quite helpful in my work."
You stop laughing and look up at Qimir. His tone sounds too serious to be joking, but his lips are curved into a smile, completely different from his angry demeanor earlier. "Are you offering to teach me?" you ask, confused.
"Would you like to learn?"
You let out a dry laugh, shaking your head slowly. "What's the point, when I'm probably going to..."
You don’t finish your sentence, letting it trail off. The bright expression from moments ago is fading once more.
"When you're what?" Qimir asks, his curiosity about you growing stronger.
"Nothing," you answer his question with the same phrase you always use, while painfully swallowing the word 'die', unwilling to reveal more.
You don't realize the sharp, intense gaze from Qimir, subtly hidden beneath his friendly smile.
...and you certainly don't realize that your choice to remain silent might lead to events spiraling beyond control.
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66sharkteeth · 4 months
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Weekly thoughts Ep 173-
Well i said last week that I'd definitely have more thoughts this week, but here I am again, kind of just empty headed as I start this. I was actually pretty excited for this episode, just because it's the first time we see Jericho undeniably as the villain, as well as his scion's first canon lines technically.
But I dunno, feedback lately is kind of killing my enthusiasm. I know the majority of readers are still enjoying the comic, but it's exhausting to see the negative comments increase, ranging from people just being disappointingly moronic about there being LGBT themes in the story, to people telling me the story is going down hill. To which... I'm sorry! But! How?! Like I'm trying to wrap my brain around it. I'm not immune to criticism, there are plenty of points in the story that I agree were not the best writing, but this is not one of them. I've seen comments ranging from "not enough is happening" to "things are only happening for the sake of conflict" and both of those points baffle me. How is everything that's transpired in the past 10 episodes alone nothing? Sorry, do I have to kill off ALL of the cast for it to be "something"? And as for conflict only happening for the sake of conflict???? I literally don't know how to respond to that. Conflict is how a story progresses. Should Rex and Jericho just have...hugged it out?? Should Jericho just have been like "Actually, you know what Claude, I think I do just need therapy. This world domination thing was a bad idea." Should Rex have, back when everyone was betraying him and joined the bad guys, been like "Actually, the systemic treatment of me is fair. I guess I'm just gonna go to jail now instead of going into hiding with these guys. See ya!"
I dunno. I've been SO sad and down the past two weeks, but typing this out I've progressed to angry haha. Mad at homophobes and media illiteracy taking away the pleasure I get from sharing this comic. In a venty way, to be clear. I definitely don't think I'll post this one anywhere else because I can see people saying I don't take criticism or something, but man. No. I can and I have. But the points made this week would make for a flat out bad and BORING story. And I'm so mad people just want my story to be so BORING because they just don't like facing negative emotions in a story. There will be a light at the end of the tunnel of this story eventually, but we're just in the tunnel currently. I'm not gonna hurry up the tour for everyone else just because you're afraid of the dark.
Raugh ok, I guess this wasn't actually much about the actual episode, was it? Ironic that the big villain monologue episode is where I finally kind of lose it and monologue myself. I guess for the sake of actually commenting on the ep...
Yes, I had lots of fun drawing this ep. I've been waiting a long time to have Jericho's scion finally "speak." There's also a lot of cracks showing in Claude that I'm glad people are taking note of. I've said it before, but Claude's development has been some of my favorite to write in the entire story, and we're still in his arc. Excited for things coming up for him.
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live-tweeting-hotg · 2 years
my prince [aemond targaryen x reader]
summary: what if, instead of sending Luke to Storm's End, Rhaenyra sends her daughter, childhood sweetheart to Aemond?
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
warnings & content: incest probably, Aemond swears, violence, enemies to lovers?? (he puts a sword to her throat), very slight spoilers for ep 10
wc: 1.6k
a/n: my attempt at salvaging what’s left of my heart after the season finale…
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“If you take this errand, you go as messengers, not as warriors.” 
Your mother’s voice rings in you head, soft but insistent. You try your best to suppress your rising anxiety as the sharp cliffs of Durran’s Point come into view. You tense slightly, bracing for impact as Seasmoke lands before the gate of Storm’s End. Suddenly finding your throat dry, you try again to remember your mother’s words: Lord Boros is an eternally proud man. He’ll be honoured to host a princess of the realm.
Your clear your throat and jump from Seasmoke’s back in one swift move. As the Baratheon knights move to acknowledge you, Seasmoke suddenly snarls, pressing his head against you, almost causing you to lose your balance— before you look up and pinpoint the source of his threat. A large, looming shadow, almost covering the entire horizon, and you wonder why the fuck you hadn’t see it earlier. Vhagar. Shit. 
If Vhagar was here, then her rider had gotten to Boros Baratheon before you. Your mind races, trying desperately to draw up a strategy, both to draw Boros to your cause and to avoid confrontation with him. Aemond. Thinking about his name made you wince. As children, you two had been betrothed and inseparable, and in a different world, you might have even called him your first love. But that, of course, was before Luke took out his eye. After your mother hurried you back to Dragonstone, not another word was said about the betrothal and you had simply assumed you would marry another lord and rid your mind of him. 
When you last returned to King’s Landing with your family, before the death of your grandfather, the late King Viserys, you tried not to look at Aemond, instead allowing a thick, unbearable silence to fill the space between you two. And Aemond had not looked at you, when stood up at the table and toasted your brothers as bastards. His face was sharper than you remembered, the corners of his mouth carved mockingly upwards, and his eye shone, wildly, with something you could not recognise. He acted as if you didn’t exist, and when he pushed Jace to the ground, you half-wished that it had been his hands on you instead. 
The sound of the castle door opening forced your return to reality. As the knights announce your name and title, you stride into the hall with what you hoped was unbothered confidence. You could see his silvery hair out of the corner of your eye. You would not look at him. 
“Lord Baratheon,” you say evenly, forcing your tense shoulders to drop. Your hand are steady as you offered Rhaenyra’s letter to a knight. “I come bearing a message from my mother, the Queen.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you regret calling Rhaenyra your mother. It sounded girlish and juvenile, and you were sure Aemond would be suppressing a smirk. You were so close to him. You would not look at him.  
Lord Boros smiles, slowly, contemptuously. The letter is in his hand and he glances over it quickly. He had caught on to your slip. “Yet earlier this day, I received an envoy from the King.” He pauses, and you hear a soft exhaling of air, as if a smothered laugh. You wonder if it was Aemond. “The house of the dragon does not seem to know who rules it.” 
You bite your cheek as the Baratheon lord continues. “King Aegon at least came with an offer: my swords and banners for a marriage pact, not to mention the seat of Harrenhal.”
A marriage pact? It was suddenly very difficult to breathe. Surely not…? You move your head abruptly to look, finally, at Aemond. He was already looking at you, with a growing smirk that made you want to punch his face in. With some difficulty, you smile stiffly and look back to Boros. 
“Harrenhal sits at the heart of the Riverlands. The Houses Frey and Tully both have bent the knee to Queen Rhaenyra before the Iron Throne, and neither has pledged for Prince Aegon’s cause.” A pause. The calmness of your own voice surprises you, and you decide to press further. “How his highness might distribute land that he does not own is beyond me. One might call into question the virtue of his judgement,” You look sharply at Aemond, acknowledging him for the first time: “or, perhaps, his foresight.” 
It works like a charm. The smirk is wiped from his face and he stares at you intensely, his jaw firm.
“The wind changes, my Lord. This dance has not yet begun, and the Queen would not yet fault you for waiting to pledge your allegiance.” The Queen would very much mind, but you figure that convincing Boros to stay neutral would be better than nothing, and at least buy you some time in the war. Your eyes flash to Aemond again, and you are suddenly struck by the impulse to do something stupid. “As for his marriage pact, I wish only to remark that Prince Aemond appears to have more betrothals than he does eyes—” This comment was so dangerously ridiculous that you fought the urge to laugh out loud. “Two, that is.” 
The court falls silent, and you wonder if you had gone too far. Boros Baratheon laughs suddenly, clapping loudly, slowly, forcing the court to swing back to life. You breathe a sigh of relief, before you hear the grate of a sword being drawn, and then Aemond is striding towards you, blazing. Shit.
“Say that again,” he hisses. He towers above you and you suddenly realise how tall he is, how broad his shoulders had become. Everything about him is overwhelming. You open your mouth and forget what you had to say.
“Not in my hall! I’ll not have bloodshed beneath my roof!” 
Lord Baratheon’s words shake you out of you trance and before you realise what’s happening, Aemond’s arms wrap around you wordlessly, practically dragging you out of the hall and into the storm outside. Your boot heels clatter helplessly against the cold stone as he throws you onto the ground. 
“Aemond, I—”
“Draw your sword.” His voice was liquid fire, and you know you had fucked up. 
“I won’t—”
“I said draw your fucking sword.” 
He looks like he wanted to kill you. Instinctively, your hand flies to your sword, pulling it out of its sheath just in time to parry the first blow from Aemond. Seven hells, he actually wants to fight you?! You stumble back onto your feet and narrowly deflect another swing, dancing backwards to try to put more distance between your face and his blade. Your father had trained you well, but you knew you had no chance holding Aemond off for long. Aemond deals another swing at you, which you dodge with a sidestep, but he lunges unexpectedly and locks his sword around yours, twisting suddenly and your sword is falling out of your hand, clattering on the stone. Before you realise what’s happening, Aemond tackles you roughly onto the ground, pinning you in place underneath him. His sword rests against the softness of your neck, the cold pressure almost hard enough to draw blood. The rain pours around you, and you realise you are both completely soaked. His face is mere inches away from yours, and as you watch, a drop of rain drips from his lips to yours. You didn’t know if you want to kiss him or to spit in his face. 
“It was a poor joke,” you whisper, breathless. “I swear I didn’t mean it.” It’s a desperate apology. Deep down, some irrational part you you almost wants to laugh at the situation. Hadn’t you wished for this? After what he did to Jace? Aemond’s sword presses a little harder against your throat, making you almost whimper. You feel like a child again under him, and find yourself almost enjoying his proximity. It made the past feel real. 
He dips his head to meet your eyes and you wonder how a man with only one eye could have such a splittingly intense gaze. 
“Didn’t you?” He sounds faintly mocking, almost amused. You feel a jolt of relieve at the change in his tone. His voice is deeper than you remember. Everything about him overwhelms your senses. “I seem to remember you stood on your brothers’ side whilst they took my eye. You mean to tell me you didn’t mean it?” 
“I asked— for forgiveness,” you choke slightly, as a thin line of blood drips from where Aemond had cut you. It was true. You had sold your half your gowns and pearls to a travelling Braavosi to send Aemond an unblemished sapphire, in place of his eye. You never heard back from him. 
He hums softly in response and the sword seems to waver. You stare wordlessly at him, remembering just how fucking breathtaking he is. His lips twitch slightly as you cautiously stroke your hand along his cheek, hooking a finger under his eyepatch. Pulling it off slowly.
The sight of the pure, unclouded sapphire sets your heart racing. You smooth your thumb along his healed scar, running down from his eye to his cheek. Aemond takes a quick, shuddering breath, and across the angular planes of his face flickers something almost like vulnerability. You have to admit to yourself that you had never quite gotten over him. You look at him again, with a new certainty, and he understands instantly.
In that second, something shifts between you. The air thins, leaving you breathless, and it suddenly feels like every wrong had been righted. 
With the sword still in place, Aemond leans down to kiss you roughly, as you knew he would. The rain run from his hair to your cheek. You freeze for a beat before your body responds almost of its own will, jolting to his touch and gasping as his tongue met yours. Distantly, thunder rolls and you moan softly against him. He has made his claim on you, and you feel like something had clicked back into place. 
This feels right. 
This time, you feel Aemond’s smirk as it forms against your mouth. “Come with me to King’s Landing.” 
Your eyes shoot open. “As your captive or your betrothed?” 
His smirk grows. “Does it matter? I have a sword to your throat.”
“Then I supposed I’m in no position to refuse, my prince.” 
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aemondapologistfrfr · 3 months
Dethrone - Chapter 10
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Summary: Their betrothal is announced at court and they discuss their thoughts and plans on how to go about the ascension. First stop on the tour is Storms End and Aemond can barely control his temper with a useless Lord Borros. Aemond tries to keep his composure around his needy betrothed.
Warnings: 18+, bathing together, oral(f receiving), fingering, nudity, thigh riding, half of a handjob, swearing, mention of murder, political plotting?
Authors Note: I’m going to lock in on this fic and start editing it quicker (i say this to myself everyday 😵‍💫), he looked so good in ep 4 it’s crazy
Word Count: 4.5k ?
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“Princess, I have your dress!” Kaenna calls from the other side of the door, knocking waking me and Aemond.
“One moment!” I reply falling out of the bed as the sheets tangle my legs.
“Princess?” Kaenna asks worriedly.
“Kaenna please give me a moment! I’m putting a robe on!” I call out rising from the ground to see a smirking Aemond.
“Into the tunnels now!” I whisper pointing at the entrance.
Aemond chuckles and grabs his pants putting them on with haste. I have my robe on and approach the door. I wave at Aemond telling him to hurry up before Kaenna gets too curious. Aemond is shutting the door to the tunnels as I open the main one.
“I’m sorry, I’ve slept in.” I say yawning pulling the door shut behind her.
Kaenna brushes past me and makes her way into my chambers. She’s holding a gown bag and hangs it up near my wardrobe. She takes in the messy state of my room and looks at me knowingly.
“How long has he been staying in here with you?” Kaenna asks crossing her arms.
“What are you talking about?” I ask brushing her off walking over to the gown bag.
“Aemond. That’s his jacket. Is it not?” Kaenna points to a jacket that is indeed Aemonds.
“He left it here last night.” I reply flatly not trying to give anything away.
“Hm.” she eyes me suspiciously. “I found a seamstress who was able to make your vision come to life.” she opens up the gown bag showing me the work of art.
“It’s absolutely breathtaking and exactly what I wanted.” I say in awe of the beautiful gown in front of me.
The gown itself is a dark blue it’s almost black. It has two twin black dragons coming down over the shoulder. They both create a plunging neckline and meet in the center. The sleeves come to a point and has a loop that wraps around my middle fingers. The dress clings to my body, yet flows elegantly around me.
Kaenna helps me put the gown on and it fits perfectly. She brings out a box and hands it to me. I open it and inside is a beautiful sapphire necklace that she helps place around my neck. She braids a small crown on my head but leaves the rest of my hair cascading down my back.
“You look absolutely beautiful.” Kaenna smiles at me affectionately.
“Thank you.” I smile hugging her tightly.
“Do you want me to pick up your chambers while you’re at court? Or will I find other items that belong to Aemond?” she asks raising an eyebrow.
“If you could, I would appreciate it.” I say with tinted cheeks. “You most likely will find more of Aemonds belongings here.” I say truthfully as I head towards the door.
I open the doors and Aemond is standing outside of them waiting for me. He’s at a loss for words as he takes in my gown. He stalks around me like a predator circling his prey and hums in appreciation.
“You look absolutely divine, my Queen.” he dips his head down to whisper in my ear offering small kisses. “May I escort you to court?” he pulls back and offers me his hand which I accept.
We walk down to the throne room in no rush, relishing in each other’s company. People are still making their way into the hall as we turn the corner. I’ve never considered who I’m to stand with at court. I’m suddenly overcome with nerves and anxiety over what to expect and what could be expected of me today at court.
“What’s wrong, my love?” Aemond asks softly before we enter the hall.
“Who do I stand with? Do I have to go by them? Is it intrusive if I stand with you? Do we stand alone together? I should’ve been asking you more questions about court and-“ he cuts me off from spiraling even further.
“Stand with me and it matters not who we stand by.” he turns me so I’m facing him. “We are just having our betrothal announced to the council and the public who attend. We have nothing to say or do. I would never allow you to make a fool of yourself.” Aemond reassures me putting his hands on my shoulders and smiling softly to me.
“Thank you.” I look up at him appreciatively.
We walk in together and stand next to Alicent with our heads held high. I can feel Jace and Luke staring at me as I stand with the family members that they despise. The murmuring in the hall comes to a close as Viserys is announced and walks up the throne. He sits down and declares the floor open.
I quickly find out how dull court is. Hearing everyone drone on is making me tired. I fidget with my fingers trying to find a way to stay awake and alert. Finally I hear Viserys begin to make our announcement.
“Our lost princess has found love with my son, Aemond. They are to be wed after their tour to celebrate with the realm.” Viserys announces joyously causing a rush of cheers and scattered whispers to go through the hall.
I feel eyes on me from all over the room and I step closer to Aemond. This tour is news to me, although I’m quite excited to explore with Aemond. Celebrating with the realm will allow us a great opportunity to make the connections needed for ascension. Viserys stands and dismisses us as he leaves the hall.
“Did you plan that?” I ask looking up at Aemond.
“You said you wanted to fly and see the great house atop Vaelys. If you don’t want to we can cancel.” he says worried, searching my eyes thinking he made a mistake.
“No no! I would love to see the great houses at your side.” I beam up at him, unable to contain my excitement.
“Congrats brother.” Aegon booms slapping Aemond on the shoulder. “You’ll finally have somewhere to stick it besides your fist.” His words cause me to frown knowing how much they’ll affect Aemond.
I tug Aemond away from Aegon to avoid the fight that was bound to happen. Ser Criston comes up to us as we’re leaving and says Alicent would like to speak to us in her chambers. He leads us up there in silence and offers his congratulations as he opens the door for us.
“Congratulations!” Alicent coos pulling me into a hug first and then Aemond. “You two make such a beautiful couple.” she says sincerely taking us in as her smile broadens.
“Thank you mother.” Aemond replies hushed trying to hide his blush.
“Look at you!” Alicent quips. “I’ve never seen you so shy and bashful before my son!” she laughs as she goes to lounge on a chair.
“Mother,” Aemond groans rubbing his face.
“Hush now,” Alicent motions us to join her sitting. “You both will leave out on the tour in two days time. You’ll be visiting most of the great houses in hopes to make connections. I will not have you visit Runestone if you don’t wish it. You may if you want, but it is completely up to you. Overall, I’m anticipating this tour lasting around three turns of the moon.” Alicent begins filling in some of the details we were unsure of.
“Three turns of the moon?” Aemond asks as I raise my eyebrows at how great that length of time is for us to be traveling alone.
“Indeed my love.” Alicent says nodding. “It will end on Dragonstone with a traditional Valyrian wedding ceremony to unite you two in the old ways. This is a major opportunity for you both to create strong alliances and make dear friends. Invite nobles of high standing to the ceremony so many can bear witness.” my brain begins to calculate if she knows our plans due to her choice of words.
“I’m blown away by your generosity and planning Alicent.” I smile warmly at her trying to assess her body language.
“Thank you, Princess. If you both do well this may help set other plans in motion quicker than expected.” Alicent says giving us a pointed look.
I can’t help my eyebrows scrunching together at her words. I’m quick to change my expression and offer her a smile once more. What plans could she be possibly talking about? I look over to Aemond curiously as he smiles and pulls me closer to him. Alicent fills us in a few more details and dismisses us shortly after. Aemond escorts me out of her chambers and down the hall.
“This dress is absolutely breathtaking.” Aemond leans down to whisper in my ear.
“What plans was she speaking of?” I inquire raising my eyebrow, still not able to shake that conversation out of my head.
“What do you think, Your Grace?” Aemond asks playfully.
“You have told her of our plans to ascend the throne?” I hurriedly whisper. Has he not thought to discuss telling Alicent with me? I calm my voice and my temper and look to him expectantly.
“Of course. We would make much better rulers, no?” Aemond cocks his head to the side.
“Come,” I say pulling his hand. “This is no place for this discussion.” I say leading us to my chambers.
When we enter my chambers I’m relieved Kaenna has managed to clean up our mess. I see a pile of Aemonds clothes neatly folded on a chair with a note on top.
“Lie to me again princess and I’ll ground you like I used to. These are far too many clothes to simply be “left” here. - Kaenna, who raised you.”
I toss the note back onto the pile of clothes and let out a long exhale. So now Kaenna is going to lecture me the next time she sees me. I wonder how she’ll take the news of me and Aemond traveling the realm alone. I turn to Aemond and wait for him to start explaining himself.
“What are these plans that you’ve discussed with your mother then?” I ask crossing my arms, voice slightly clipped.
“I’m assuming they’re similar to the ones you were planning out the other morning on your own.” he hums sprawling back on my chase lazily.
“Enlighten me.” I say claiming the chair across him throwing my legs up on the table.
“Time out the right deaths and disappearances and we’ll have a clear path to our coronation.” Aemond says leaning back and studying me.
“Beginning with Aegons disappearance?” I cock my head watching his emotions.
“Indeed.” a smile begins to form on his face.
“Then Helaena and their children’s disappearance.” I add starting to go down my mental list that I’ve been forming.
“Mm, I hadn’t thought of that.” Aemond raises his eyebrow smiling at me.
“Which is why this conversation should have happened between us first. This is our future. I like having your mother as an ally and supporter but we should have spoken to her together.” I know my anger is seeping through my words and I don’t intend them to be so stern.
“I did not mean to undermine you. From this moment further it will just be us discussing these plans.” he says looking to me.
“Thank you.” I smile softly.
We continue planning and moving events along a timeline. Speaking this aloud and making plans to actually seize the throne captures my breath for a moment. I have never been able to actively make plans to make my dream finally come true. I smile finally feeling some sense of purpose having all of the pieces fall into place.
“We will have a clear path to coronation with these plans. This tour will be a great tool for us to ensure it’s smooth.” he hums offering me insight to his ideas as well.
“I would still like to be able to enjoy this tour.” I won’t miss this opportunity to see new things that I’ve only been able to read about.
“Of course, my love. We shall see it all and do whatever pleases you. They are celebrating us. We get to decide when we want to have advantageous conversations.” he assures nodding his head.
“There hasn’t been a royal tour in a while, we must make a good impression.” I think out loud.
“Everyone will love you and you won’t even have to try.” Aemond hums. “And we’re bringing our dragons, they’ll have no choice but to love us.” he chuckles lowly.
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The past day and a half has been chaotic as everyone is preparing Aemond and I, along with both of our dragons, to go on a tour. Gowns are made in haste so I can wear a new one at each house I visit. Kaenna helps pack my trunks for me all the while giving me a stern talking to about sharing chambers with Aemond before we are wed. She relents about the sleeping situation when it comes to the tour and makes Aemond swear to her I won’t be out of his sight.
“Of course. I promise no harm will come to her.” Aemond swears bowing his head.
I say a final goodbye to Kaenna before we exit our chambers. We walk slowly through the streets taking in Kings Landing before we’re gone for three moons. Once we reach our dragons, Alicent and Daemon come into view. They’re standing awkwardly by each other and look uncomfortable in each others presence.
“I expect you both to be on your best behavior and to show off the strength of this house. Make friends, but stay aware of your surroundings. Stay with each other and you both will be safe, I know this.” Alicent says grabbing our hands and squeezing them.
“Don’t make a fool of yourself and in turn make a fool out of me.” Daemon offers no other words and simply leaves.
“Tonight you will dine at Storms End and enjoy the Stormlands for the next week. Do your best to make allies and please take care of each other.” Alicent smiles softly.
“We will be fine mother.” he hums smiling down at me.
Alicent pulls us into one last hug and waves to us as she leaves. Aemond checks to make sure our bags have been secured. What we can’t carry on dragonback we have being sent to the houses to await our arrival. When he’s satisfied that everything is tied down and packed he walks over to me. He pulls me into a fierce kiss as I mold to his body.
“Let’s start our conquest, my Queen.” Aemond kisses my neck as he pulls back.
We mount our dragons and enter the skies. My hair whips wildly around me as I lean my body to adjust to our angle. Vaelys slips into a leisurely glide meeting Vhagar.
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We approach the Storms End in the late afternoon and begin lowering down to an empty patch of stone. Vhagar lands first as Vaelys circles the castle before landing next to her. Aemond and I collect our bags to bring down from our dragons and place them on the ground.
“Allow us!” a servant appears with a couple more trailing behind of him.
“Thank you.” I reply warmly offering them a smile.
They bow their heads in response and bring our bags into the castle. Aemond and I slowly walk into the main hall hand in hand. I’m blown away by the architecture of the halls and can’t stop myself from looking around and taking it all in.
“Wait until you see the other houses.” Aemond says casually, unimpressed almost.
“I can’t wait to see them all.” I say turning to him smiling. “Where are we going?” I ask realizing I’ve just been following him as we walk the halls.
“No idea. If we would’ve been greeted when we arrived, we would probably be in our chambers by now.” Aemond says slightly annoyed.
“My Prince! My Princess!” a voice calls from behind.
“Who might you be?” Aemond raises an eyebrow at what appears to be another servant.
“Lord Borros’ advisor. I’m here to escort you to him.” he says ushering us his way.
“Were we not important enough to merit a proper welcome?” Aemond says squinting his eye.
“Curious, I was thinking the same thing.” I agree cocking my head.
“I apologize for any dis-“ he’s cut off.
“I will hear it from Lord Borros himself.” Aemond silences him as we finally approaching him.
The servant leads us to the main hall and we’re greeted by Lord Borros lounging in his house seat. When he finally deigns to acknowledge us he sits there expectantly staring at us.
I know we are supposed to try our best to create alliances but this man is acting foul and I don’t necessarily think I would care for him as an ally. When I turn to look at Aemond he seems to be mirroring my sentiment.
“Good afternoon, Lord Borros. Thank you for hosting us, you have a beautiful home.” I politely smile trying to break the tension.
“It’s my honor.” he responds as if he couldn’t care less. He looks us over and then turns back to his servants. He continues to ignore us and I can feel my temper rising to match Aemonds next to me.
“Then I’m sure you’ll be absolutely bereft to hear we will only be staying for 2 nights instead of a week.” he finishes surprising me with the drastic change in time spent here.
“Terribly sorry to hear that.” Lord Borros tosses out at us. “My servant will show you to your chambers. Dinner will be at 7.” he finishes waving a hand towards us in dismissal.
The anger radiates off of both of us and I can see the terror it’s causing in the servant who’s leading us to our chambers. He lets us know our bags have been brought up and to simply ask if we need anything. I thank him sincerely before I shut the door.
“I think we should leave here now. That man won’t be won over with dinners.” Aemonds anger is still radiating off of him.
“I think we should try and stay for the two nights. Not for him, for me. I wish to look around and explore.” I turn to him hopeful eyes.
“Of course. I would not rob you of that.” He rises and walks to me taking my hand in his. “You deserve to be treated better than this and I’m disgusted with that beast of a Lord.” his temper starts to rise again.
“We have time before dinner to decompress. Come, lay with me.” I take his hand and lead us to the bed in hopes of simmering down.
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The dinner went exactly as expected and I had to talk Aemond out of having us leave immediately after. I don’t expect a warmer greeting in town but I still wish to see this part of the continent. We’ve sent word to Sunspear that we will be arriving earlier than expected and are awaiting their reply in the morning.
“My king,” I whisper into Aemonds ear. “when we rule we can have him replaced if he remains a problem. He’s nothing.” I smile as I kiss his neck.
“You’re ruthless.” he chuckles as his hands start to untie my dress.
We walk to our bathing chambers in a tangle of rushed kisses and flying clothes. We’re both breathing heavily as we reach the large tub filled with hot water. A blush rises to my cheeks as I fully take in his naked body for the first time.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Aemond growls lowly guiding me backwards towards the tub.
“You’re beautiful.” I breathe out looking up at him through my lashes reaching out to touch him.
“In the tub.” he shakes his head mischievously and backs me up to the edge of the tub.
I pout and slowly sink into the water as Aemond rummages through a basket. He sets out some candles and lights them. He walks back over to the me and brings along soaps and oils. He trails a hand across my back as he passes me to sit next to me in the large tub.
“I truly think you are the most handsome man I’ve met.” my voice barely audible as I trail my hand on his thigh next to me.
“Viktorya.” he warns grabbing my wrist.
“You’re right, we shouldn’t waste the hot water.” I say sarcastically as I reach over him intentionally grazing my chest on his to reach the basket.
We bathe in silence as we each steal quick glances at the other. I rise from the bath, unabashed, in search of a towel. I hear Aemond get out after me and a moment later he’s wrapping me in a towel. I turn to him and see that he has a towel wrapped low around his hips.
“Let’s go to bed.” he hums kissing the top of my head.
Aemond pulls us backwards toward the bed while attempting to dry me off. He sits down and moves to the other side so I can get in. He rests back against the headboard and I rise and move to straddle his thigh surprising him. He inhales sharply as my core meets his bare thigh.
“Gods,” his hands fly to my waist as he looks to me with a darkened eye.
He slowly starts guiding me on his thigh. I moan as I grind down causing my hands to fly to his chest at the surge of pleasure that washes over me. My towel falls back on the bed fully exposing me to him. Aemonds breathing becomes more ragged as his fingers dig into my waist.
Our lips meet in a clashing kiss. He nips at my bottom lip and slips his tongue in my mouth as I gasp. One of my hands slide down his chest to move the towel out of the way when he stops my hand from its destination.
“I want you to feel good too. Just use my hand instead of yours tonight.” I whisper breathlessly kissing his jaw.
Aemond moves his hand from mine and unties his towel. The towel falls and I take in the full length of him. His tip is hard and red and I reach out to help relieve him. When my hand finally wraps around him, he lets out a pleasure filled sigh.
I resume rocking on his thigh and moan into our kiss. I squeeze him earning me a moan in return. I collect the beads of come that have appeared at the tip and slide them down his length. He groans into my mouth as my fingers linger and tighten around his tip before sliding down again. He removes my hand and pushes me back on the bed hungrily. He crawls over my body until we’re face to face.
“No more of your naughty hands before I lose control.” he breathes out before he kisses me.
He kisses down my neck and between my breasts. He makes his way to one of my nipples and sucks it into his mouth. He grazes his teeth on my sensitive bud and I arch my chest into his mouth. He chuckles and brings his sinister mouth to my other nipple.
“Aemond,” I whine as he trails kisses down my torso.
“Yes my love?” he looks up at me from between my thighs.
“Touch me, please,” I beg lifting my hips towards him.
“It would be my pleasure.” he smirks softly licking his way up my slit.
I cry out as his tongue flicks across my clit. He feasts upon me as if I’m the true first meal of this tour. He quickly slips two fingers in me and I immediately clench around them. I cry out at his brutal pace and throw my head back into the pillows losing myself.
“Fuck Aemond, yes, please please,” I cry out as my legs begin to shake.
My cries of pleasure seem to spur him on even more and his tongue begins quick teasing patterns on my clit. I grind myself against his tongue and fingers as I come with his name spilling from my lips. He slows allowing me to feel every moment of my high.
“You’re so beautiful when you come on my mouth.” Aemond says full of adoration petting my hair.
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I wake up to Aemond peppering kisses across my face and the sun peeking through the curtains. I slowly stretch and begin to sit up. As the blankets fall around me my chest is left bare.
“Beautiful.” Aemond looks as if he’s worshipping me.
We get dressed and slowly make our way to the dining hall to get something to eat in passing. As we’re on our way out of the castle we are given a letter sealed and addressed to us. Sunspear expresses their excitement and states they would be honored to host us earlier and longer than anticipated.
We make our way to the city with a new sense of enthusiasm. We start to explore the streets and shops as the sun begins to rise in the sky. The locals are more friendly and welcoming than expected. We eat at the food stalls and I stop and buy some jewelry from some local vendors. Aemond purchases himself a dagger while near the forge and compliments their craftsmanship.
We return to the castle only to drop off our bounty and change to celebrate with the city for dinner. Winning over the city and its people can be just as rewarding as winning over its Lord or Lady. As we dine with the locals we ask them about life here and how they treated. We listen intently for hours into the night.
We plant a seed of doubt in the people as we tell them of our departure in the morning. We tell them Lord Borros wasn’t welcoming and no longer wanted to host us. Listening and confiding in the locals will make it much easier if we need to replace Lord Borros.
We make our way back to the castle well after moonrise and begin packing our belongings. Once we’re ready to leave in the morning we retire to bed.
Although this first stop didn’t go as planned, I think it was still successful. We gained the people’s trust and planted some seeds. I’m hoping that the stay in Sunspear will be more welcoming and enjoyable.
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collabpartners · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel: The Contract of Blood Ep. 10
*Hello, everybody! We're back with another chapter/episode! This is published on March 31, 2024. If you guys like this chapter/episode, please don't be afraid to comment, reblog, and heart it! That would be greatly appreciated. Warning: Vulgar language and violence. Enjoy!*
Episode Ten: The Living World
The sounds of police sirens alert Stolas.
Stolas blinks his red eyes, realizing that he’s in the alleyway of Los Angeles.
“Shit,” Stolas utters before noticing the group out of it from flying through the portal. He hurries to pull them aside in the darkness of the alleyway. Charlie is the first one to snap out of her trance to realize that she’s in the dirty alleyway full of graffiti.
“Where are we?” Charlie questions while looking around the place.
“We are in the living realm, your highness,” Stolas responds.
Moxxie and Millie manage to grasp their surroundings along with Angel, Bella, and Nifty.
Charlie smiles brightly. “Oh my gosh! This is where we get most souls from!”
“Yes, and if you don’t want them to notice our differences or be hunted down by demon hunters, you have to blend in. Like this, princess,” Stolas demonstrates by transforming into a human. “See? Although, you look like a human the most out of everyone here. Just need a little bit of make-up.”
Charlie’s red eyes sparkles. “Ooh!”
Angel tilts his head in confusion. “Wait, what about the rest of us?”
“Well, I’m afraid that without my Grimoire, I won’t be able to provide human disguises for you all. Although, both you and Bella can retract your limbs to make yourselves more like human. You’ll be seen as furries. I’m more worried about Nifty here.”
“What about Moxxie and Millie?” Charlie asks.
“Don’t worry about us, your highness,” Moxxie calls in a feminine tone.
The others turn their attention to Moxxie and Millie. Moxxie and Millie are dressed in casual human clothes with Moxxie wearing a black tank-top and tight black sweatpants with a cute hairstyle while Millie wears a beanie, an oversized black jersey shirt of a basketball team, and dark gray shorts that are pants to her.
Stolas stares for a moment and then nods. “See? They got it.”
Nifty looks up at Stolas with her one red eye. “Can I stab people?”
“Uh, no,” Stolas responds while taking out the backpack. “How about you get in this backpack instead, hm?”
“Ooh! Backpacks!” Nifty exclaims in excitement, jumping into the backpack.
Stolas zips up the backpack and gives it to Angel. “Here, you carry her around.”
“Ugh, fine,” Angel groans while getting the hoodie hanging on the wall besides the clothes shop and retracts his bottom two arms into his body.
Bella copies Angel and gasps in shock that she’s able to do it this whole time.
Stolas leads the group out of the alleyway. “We must look for the others. But first, let’s try to find a way for everyone to fit in. Let’s go.” They head through the city, searching for disguises for the others.
“Where are we even going?” Nora groans as Blitz is leading the group consisted of Loona, Octavia, Rosie, Sebastian, Eleanor, Alastor, Vaggie, Husk, Fizz, and Cherri.
“There’s always campsites in these woods for humans. Maybe there’s a campsite we can stay out that might be empty with plenty of food,” Blitz responds.
“It’s been a couple of days and we haven’t eaten,” Alastor points out.
“We can always eat each other,” Rosie responds with a manaical smile.
“No, God, no! We’re not eating each other!” Blitz barks at Rosie.
Husk notices Fizz staring at the ground without looking at where they’re going. “You okay?”
Fizz shoots a glance up at Husk and sighs. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Really, I’ll be fine...I just...miss Oz, you know.”
Husk frowns and pats his shoulder. “I know, kid.”
“Do you think Ozzie is going to be okay?” Fizz asks Husk in concern.
“I--I don’t know,” Husk responds sadly.
Fizz notices Husk looking away. “Um, I’m sorry about Angel Dust. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
“I hope so too,” Husk responds.
Nora sighs and looks up at Vaggie, who seems tensed up. “I’m sure Charlie and Bella are going to be fine.”
“I hope so too. But I swear if a hand is laid on both of them, I’ll fucking kill whoever their captors are,” Vaggie growls, not intentionally at Nora.
Nora lifts her head up with determination. “I’ll help you bury the bodies.”
Vaggie looks at Nora and huffs a laugh. “Thanks, kid. I’m going to need all the help I can get.”
“We’ll join you,” Sebastian says.
“Don’t worry, we are experts at burying bodies,” Eleanor reassures Vaggie. “Just don’t get on our bad side and we’ll be completely fine.”
Vaggie widens her eye. “I’m not sure if that makes me feel better.”
“Guys! We’re here!” Blitz announces to the group. The group looks ahead to find a camp full of teenagers doing various of extracurricular activities with camp counselors watching them.
“Ugh, teenagers. The worse,” Blitz responds with a groan.
“Not any worse than losing the one you love,” Fizz replies sadly.
Blitz glances at Fizz worriedly. “You doing okay, pal?”
“Ooh! Fresh skins and meat,” Rosie responds, showing her sharp teeth. “Let’s eat them all.”
“I’ll dice them,” Alastor says while pulling out a knife.
"We'll cook them!" Eleanor replies happily, pulling her blushing husband by her side.
“No, goddamn it!!” Blitz shouts at them. “You’re going to make a bigger mess than there already was. No. We need to blend in with the camp.”
“I’m sorry, what now?” Alastor responds.
“Yeah, you, an ex-exterminator thing, and this cannibal bitch can blend in with the humans perfectly,” Blitz suggests with a small smile.
Vaggie arches a brow. "You mean fallen angel?" 
"Yes, that too," Blitz says to Vaggie. 
“Wait, how do you know that I’m a fallen angel--?”
“Because you’re holding a fucking angelic spear. Don’t think I don’t notice that when we first met. I don’t know how anyone in Hell didn’t catch that,” Blitz interrupts Vaggie’s sentence. “I’m surprised your girlfriend didn’t notice it.”
“Oh, she knows,” Vaggie responds.
“We all know,” Alastor adds. “We just never made any comments on it.”
“Wait, what?” Vaggie questions. “I thought I was doing a good job hiding it!”
“Not so much, I’m afraid. I’m surprised that Charlie was the last to know this,” Alastor responds.
“Wait, wait, Charlie is the last to know?! Was it that obvious?!” Vaggie questions her friends.
“Yes, my dear,” Alastor responds.
Husk raises his hand. “Hey, I was thinking of telling Charlie about you before all of this shit with the exterminators went down, but this guy here says to not say a word since we figured that Charlie might know back then.” He refers to Alastor, who has his grin stretched proudly.
“And poor Charlie becomes desperate for my help that we shook on it,” Alastor responds.
“Wait, what?” Rosie questions.
“We shook on a deal. Of course, I don’t have Charlie’s soul since she’s Hellborn,” Alastor responds with a little wave of his hand.
Before Alastor continues on to brag about it, he feels the sudden cyan chain around his neck and is pulled back into the woods.
“Okay, okay, team, we need to focus on how to blend in with the humans,” Blitz tries to get everyone’s attention.
However, Husk has witnessed Alastor being pulled back into the woods in a quick manner and Rosie is nowhere in sight.
Husk sneaks into the woods while Blitz makes a plan for the group. He hears familiar voices whispering in the woods until he manges to find Rosie and Alastor. Alastor has a cyan-colored chain around his neck. Alastor is no longer wearing his usual grin, the fear in his yellow eyes is something that Husk has never seen before. He hides behind the tree to overhear their conversation.
“What the fuck was wrong with you?” Rosie questions Alastor harshly.
“I don’t have her soul, Rosie. I would never take her soul---”
“But she’s chained to you,” Rosie snarls. “Look, you can make deals with the cyclops maid or that gambling beast, but you don’t ever touch her. That’s the contract you signed, dear Alastor. You’re supposed to make sure her hotel is running smoothly. You’re supposed to keep her safe. She is off-limits when it comes to making deals with her.”
“I swear, Rosie, I don’t have her soul,” Alastor responds, trembling in fear now.
Husk witnesses Alastor shaking like the leaves up on the trees. He has never seen Alastor this fearful before. It’s almost like a small payback for all the fear Alastor causes Husk, but Husk can’t feel any remotely happy about what Alastor going through.
“When did this dealing take place?” Rosie growls at Alastor, tugging at his chain.
“When she found out that Vaggie used to be an exterminator,” Alastor cries in fear. “She just wants to save her own damn hotel and people--”
“And you took advantage of that,” Rosie snarls. “If I ever hear or see you making deals with her again, I’m going to make sure that the legend of the Radio Demon ceases to exist. You hear me?”
“Yes, yes, I promise I will never make deals with her again!” Alastor screams in fear, his radio tone now becoming real and raw, tears streaming down his face.
“Good,” Rosie responds sadistically. The cyan chains fade from Alastor’s neck. He’s risen on his feet as his legs wobble. Rosie notices Alastor’s frown and helps him stretch the corners of his mouth into a grin.
“You know, you’re never fully dressed without a smile, dear,” Rosie says, going back to her peppy tone.
Alastor’s grin is back on his face, glued on like a mask.
Husk breathes heavily when they notice him eavesdropping them. He bolts through the woods, trying to get away from them.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Husk whispers to himself, trying to run back to the group. “WAIT UP, GUYS!!”
Before he can get any attention from the group, the green chain is wrapped around his neck, causing him to slip and fall back on the ground with a yelp.
He’s being pulled back into the woods as he struggles in his chains.
Husk glances at the chains, watching Alastor pulling at them with his staff and hands.
“You know it’s rude to eavesdrop,” Alastor responds in a threatening matter.
Husk breathes heavily. “I-I was just worried about where you both were--”
“Oh, don’t play the fucking sympathy card, Husk. You know you want to get out of my chains for a while now. I know you. I can sense you trying to get out my chains. You tried all the rings of Hell to get free from your chains, only to find yourself completely hopeless. Did you really think that I’m that stupid?!” Alastor growls at Husk, pulling his face close to his angry tone behind his glued on grin.
“You of all people should know that I always know where you are at all times. You are the only overlord that knows that has shared powers with me and you are the only overlord that knows that I’m the one on the leash. Don’t make me kill you like the rest of those overlords who cross me. I have your soul, remember?”
Husk can feel his soul being crushed, choking on the green chains. “Al, you need to break your c-chains--”
“Be fucking glad Angel isn’t here. Otherwise, I’d rip his soul right out in front of you if you ever cross me again! Slowly and painfully. Then after I kill him, I’ll kill you. I’ll make sure yours and his screams are broadcasted on my radio daily. Don’t ever fucking cross me again, you understand?” Alastor growls, his unhinged smile turns demonic.
Husk starts to tear up in fear, nodding his head quickly.
“Hey, what the fuck is going on here?” Cherri’s voice echoes behind Husk.
Alastor glances up to see Cherri standing there with her eye glaring at him. He throws Husk onto the tree next to them as he storms by her.
“You saw nothing,” Alastor snarls at Cherri and heads back to the group.
Rosie walks by Husk with a small soft look and then walks by Cherri, giving her a friendly wave.
Cherri runs by Husk, which she notices him breathing heavily in panic.
“Hey, mate, are you okay?” Cherri asks Husk in concern.
Husk starts to spiral in his mind. He can hear his heart thumping from his eardrums. He looks to the sky as if he’s trying to keep his head above the waters. He places a paw over his heart to feel his heartbeat growing faster and faster. He breathes heavier as if he has run a mile.
“Husk! Husk, what’s wrong?!” Cherri’s voice is muffled by the ringing sounds in his ears.
Husk can hear his own breathing growing rapid, clutching at the leaves on the ground with his other paw to keep himself grounded. But even grabbing at the leaves didn’t stop his mouth from becoming dry.
“W-Water--” Husk utters, his voice dry.
“Water?” Cherri questions, watching Husk gripping his chest. She stands up quick. “Stay here, I’ll get you help. Hold on!” She rushes through the woods, leaving Husk alone with nature.
Husk starts to sob, tears leaking out of his eyes. The pain in his chest worsens when he starts sobbing.
“What the fuck is going on?!” he hears Vaggie’s voice, but he can barely distinguishes the words.
“I don’t know! Alastor might have threatened him or something! I don’t know what’s going on!” Cherri’s voice echoes in his ears.
Vaggie peers into his vision, shaking his shoulder.
“Husk? Husk?! Are you okay?! What’s going on?” Vaggie calls out, her voice still muffled from the ringing in Husk’s ears.
Husk can’t even answer, tearing up more.
Vaggie takes deep breaths on her own and sits next to him. “Okay, okay, big guy. It’s okay, we’re right here.”
Cherri sits next to Husk, giving him a glass of water. “Here, I got you some water.”
Husk raises his arm up slightly, grabbing the water and drinking it with large gulps.
“Don’t drink too fast,” Vaggie cautions Husk calmly.
Husk drinks the water to help his parched throat as Cherri takes the glass from him.
“It’s okay, Husk,” Vaggie replies. “Just take deep breaths. Like this.” She shows Husk deep breaths she’s taking. Husk’s eyes move to see it, and he attempts to take deep breaths.
“There you go, big guy. You’re doing great,” Cherri replies softly. “Keep going.”
Husk takes deep slow breaths. His breathing is becoming more easy, no longer choking on air. He blinks his eyes and before finally hearing everything in nature without his ears ringing. However, he breaks down crying, hiding his face from the girls.
“Hey, hey, are you okay? What’s going on, Husk?” Vaggie asks.
“That fucking maniac,” Husk chokes out, feeling Cherri’s hand rubbing his shoulder.
“Yeah, it seems like he threatened you,” Cherri responds. “Are you okay with telling us what happened?”
“I don’t want to remember it,” Husk whimpers, afraid to slip back to panicking.
“Okay, okay,” Vaggie responds softly. “You don’t have to say anything. Okay, just keep taking deep breaths.”
Husk keeps taking deep breaths and sobs into his thighs, earning rubs on his shoulders from both Vaggie and Cherri.
“You’re doing great, Husk,” Cherri reassures him.
“Yeah, you’re doing great,” Vaggie adds.
Husk finally calms down, looking up to see nature again. He glances at the ladies comforting him.
“You okay now?” Cherri asks.
Husk wipes his tears away and nods. “Y-Yeah.”
“Good,” Vaggie responds while looking around the woods. “The others are waiting for us. You want to wait a little or--?”
“No, I’m fine,” Husk responds, getting up from the ground. “Let’s go.”
Cherri and Vaggie got up with unsure glances at each other. They follow Husk through the woods to get back to the group.
“Okay, open your eyes,” Stolas, disguised as a human, commands excitedly after doing make-up on Charlie’s face.
Charlie opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is the reflection of her face that isn’t so pale. Her blushes are covered by the light skin foundation. Her eyes are still the same and she has her red suit still.
“Wow,” Charlie responds. “This feels weird.”
“I know. It’s something to get used to. I also have contacts to make your eyes blue,” Stolas responds while holding out blue eye contacts. “Hold still.”
Charlie did as Stolas puts blue eye contacts in her eyes. Now she’s a blonde woman with blue eyes. “Are you sure this is how normal girls look?”
“Oh believe me, your highness. It’s quite a common around here,” Stolas responds with a wave of his hand.
“Ugh, what a basic bitch,” one of the women with dark hair responds while walking by with a group of her girl friends of brunettes.
Stolas watches them pass by while chuckling nervously. “It’s still quite common around here. And must I say, you look stunning, your highness.”
Charlie smiles nervously. “Thanks.”
“Uh, I’m not sure you should go out looking like that,” Moxxie’s voice interrupts them.
Charlie and Stolas watch Angel walking out of the alleyway with a short small-size sweater that only goes down pass his chest fluff barely. He has a white and pink shirt underneath it with tight shorts wrapped around his thighs. He still has his high heels on, clicking on the concrete.
“How do I look, Charls? Do I look sexy or somewhat blending in to everyone in society?” Angel says, striking various of poses.
Moxxie steps out with Angel and looking at him up and down. “Angel, this could attract attention from other people. We are looking to blend in, not attract attention.”
“Bitch, I attract attention 24/7, what the hell are you talking about?” Angel responds with a sassy tone.
Moxxie sighs in discouragement while slapping a palm against his forehead.
“Ooh!” Angel gasps and looks at Charlie. “This sweaters got a hoodie and look!”
He tilts his head down and pushes up the small cat ears on the hoodie while saying, “Meow, meow.”
Stolas arches a brow in confusion. “Uh.”
“I can be Husky’s twin!” Angel responds happily. “The only thing missin’ is the red color. Which I got!”
Angel whips out the red bandana and wraps it around his eye that has only purple pupils while leaving his normal eye alone. “Bam! Now our colors are matched.”
Bella stumbles out of the alleyway, her make-up done to look somewhat normal and wearing a hoodie to cover her blonde pigtails.
Millie smiles while walking out with the little girl. “Look who’s ready to fit in!”
Bella has an oversized navy blue hoodie with blue pants.
“AWWWW!!!” Charlie coos. “You are so adorable.” She picks Bella up with a hug.
Stolas straightens up, smiling to see Charlie hugging Bella like a mother and a daughter relationship. “Aw, it’s nice to see this relationship grow, wait, where’s Nifty?”
“In this backpack,” Angel shows the cute Mickey Mouse brand backpack.
“Heh-heh, I want to kill someone,” Nifty responds with a maniacal chuckle.
“That’s a no,” Angel responds. “Now, let’s go find Husky and the others!” Angel skips off to look for Husk.
“Off we go then,” Stolas responds while the group follows after Angel.
Charlie carries Bella in her arms as Bella looks up at her with a frown.
“I-I’m sorry,” Bella replies in a croaked tone.
Charlie glances down at her. “For what?”
“F-For lying.”
Charlie frowns and cradles her more. “I know why you did.”
“Do you hate me now?”
“No, sweetheart,” Charlie responds. “I don’t hate you. You are still cherished by me and Vaggie. We still want to adopt you now more than ever to get you out of that abusive environment. If you want to, of course--”
Bella hugs Charlie, cuddling her head. “Can I call you Mommy and call Vaggie Mama?”
Charlie smiles. “Of course, sweetheart.”
Stolas overhears the conversation with a soft gaze at Charlie and Bella. Then he frowns and takes out his gold pocketwatch and opens it to see the picture of him and his daughter as a child. A sigh escapes his lips.
“Don’t worry, Via, we’ll find you and the others,” Stolas replies to himself.
Blitz puts on his yellow polo shirt in the cabin outside of the camp. “Alright, fuckers! We got shit to do and cabins to take over.”
“It would all be easier if we kill some mindless teens and counselors,” Alastor responds, wearing the camp counselor uniform with a deadpan stare despite his stretched grin.
“And eat them and their corpses,” Rosie responds with a small smile in her own camp counselor uniform.
“For the last fucking time, that’s a no!” Blitz scolds both of them.
“Do we really have to wear these costumes?” Husk responds, noticing the tightness around his shoulders and arms while wearing the uniform.
“Just pretend to be the main mascot since this mostly a black cat in the hat thing--”
“I don’t look anything like that thing!” Husk responds while holding up the poster picture of a live action version of Cat in the Hat. 
“Hey, these uniforms ain’t that bad,” Cherri responds, noticing the tightness of her rear from the tan shorts and the yellow polo shirt tuck into it. She has a ball-cap on backwards. “I’m definitely going to fuck up this campsite with explosives.”
“If you want to have any hope of taking shelter in the cabins, then don’t blow shit up,” Blitz responds.
“Aww,” Cherri responds dejectedly.
Vaggie looks at her yellow polo shirt, realizing how tight the shirt is around her breasts and the shorts are around her rear. “Well, shit.”
Blitz peeks out the cabin doors. “Alright, Operation Camping Trip is a go. Loona, do your stuff.”
Loona transforms herself into a human.
“Hey, Dad taught me this trick, watch,” Octavia responds, turning herself into a human with her outfit being the same, but she has a rounder face and smoother jawline.
“Shit, that’s cool,” Loona gasps in fascination.
“Yeah, you both look good,” Blitz compliments with a bright smile. “Now, let’s get out there and blend in the crowd.”
Fizz arches a brow since he’s the only one without the uniforms on. “What about me?”
“You get to entertain the kids by being the clown,” Blitz responds.
“Fuck you,” Fizz argues with Blitz.
“Fuck you, first,” Blitz responds with a smirk.
“Are you sure we shouldn’t kill these vulnerable targets?” Alastor replies while holding up one of the five naked camp counselors by his matted hair. Alastor places a knife against the camp counselor’s throat.
“And then we can eat their flesh for food,” Rosie brings up.
“For fuck’s sake, do I have to put you two on a leash?!” Blitz responds with the sass.
“Let’s just go,” Loona replies to Octavia as both of the girls walk out disguised as humans. Husk follows after them with Fizz and Cherri. Rosie and Blitz exit next, leaving Vaggie alone with Alastor.
Vaggie swiftly turns to Alastor. “What the fuck did you say to Husk earlier?”
“Whatever do you mean, dear?” Alastor questions Vaggie.
“Cherri says that you’ve threatened Husk over something. What were you threatening Husk over?” Vaggie probes with a snarl.
“Oh, please, there’s nothing wrong,” Alastor reassures Vaggie.
“Then the why the hell is Husk having a panic attack after your talk with him?” Vaggie asks with a snarl.
“Husk is getting emotional lately. Maybe that’s his problem, not mine,” Alastor responds, walking passed her.
She turns around to watch Alastor walking away. “Ugh, that fucker.”
She exits the cabin and shut the door, leaving five passed out naked camp counselors to rot.
Stolas, Charlie, Bella, Millie, Moxxie, Angel, and Nifty are exploring around the city.
Charlie shows Bella the restaurants with all the same kinds the same food.
Moxxie and Millie explores the shops around the area with Millie holding a lingerie with a smirk at her husband, who’s blushing in the store.
Angel tries to see out of his one eye, but when he sees the porn stores, his eyes widen in shock at all the naked women on the posters. He frowns at the state they’re in until one buff man rushes by Angel.
“Nice tits, slut!” the man responds while slapping the ‘tits’ on Angel’s chest. The man freezes for a moment as soon as he feels fluffy fur under the tight small cat-hoodie. Angel clenches his jaw and then starts slapping the man around as an act.
“You listen here, fuckhead!” Angel sasses. “You better not touch my body unless you’re my boyfriend!”
“Uhhh, can I be your boyfriend?” the guy responds.
“Uh, a hard no, asshole,” Angel replies with his hands on his hips. “Now get the fuck away before I slap the shit out of ya.”
Nifty pops out from the bag with a psychotic smile, holding a knife, and frothing in the mouth. “And I get to fuckin’ kill ya!”
The man screams at Nifty and runs away, leaving them in awkward silence.
“Sooo, is Husk your boyfriend?” Nifty asks.
“Get back in the bag,” Angel responds with a blush.
Nifty shrinks back into the bag obediently.
Unbeknownst to the group, there are two agents, one male and one female. Both of the agents spot Moxxie and Millie.
“Holy shit, those guys are demons we captured a long time ago,” the male agent, Jasper, gasps in shock.
“Let’s fuckin’ get ‘em,” the female agent, Josephin, responds.
The agents hurry towards Moxxie and Millie. Before the imp couple can react to being snuck up on, they are tased by Jasper and Josephin.
Stolas turns to notice the imp couple being dragged off by the agents. “Oh, shit!”
“What?” Charlie asks with Bella in her arms, approaching by Stolas and turning to look at what he’s looking at. She gasps when she sees Millie and Moxxie being dragged off.
“It’s those demon hunters again,” Stolas growls and storms through the crowd to get to them, but they are gone with Millie and Moxxie by the time they reach the spot where they saw the imp couple get taken.
“Shit!” Stolas curses.
Angel approaches the group with Nifty peeking out of the bag. “What happened?”
“Moxxie and Millie are taken,” Charlie answers Angel.
“Shit, really?” Angel questions in fear.
“This is the reason why we try to blend in with the human society as much as possible. The demon hunters are coming after the likes of us,” Stolas explains to the group.
“Then we need to get to them,” Charlie determines.
“I think I know where they might be taken. Chop-Chop, we got to get them,” Stolas responds as he leads the group to go after the agents that captured Moxxie and Millie.
Loona, Octavia, and Nora are fitting in with the students while Eleanor and Sebastian hides in the bushes from the sidelines to make sure Nora is okay.
However, Octavia has a crumpled up paper thrown at her. She blinks in confusion and looks at the paper to see the words written: “You’re hot.”
Octavia blinks in confusion and looks to see one of the teen boys waving at her to get her attention as if he’s the one who threw the paper at her. She blushes and hides herself under the beanie.
Nora notices this and looks at the note. Then she glares at the teen boy who throws the crumpled paper at her. “TELL THAT TO HER FACE, YOU FUCKING COWARD!”
Octavia widens her eyes in shock.
Loona hurries into the scene to back Nora away from the teen boys. “Okay, let’s not start a scene here.”
Vaggie watches over the girls to make sure they’re okay until one of the camp counselors smacks her on the butt.
She throws a glare over at the buff guy. “What the fuck?!”
“Can’t help but think you’re hot, toots,” one guy responds with a smirk.
“Ew, I already have a girlfriend,” Vaggie responds with a snarl.
“Yeah, a girl that’s a friend.”
“No, that’s my spouse, dumbass,” Vaggie replies.
“Are you sure about that, sweetheart?” the buff guy says as he leans closer to where his chest almost touches her breasts.
Husk gets in between Vaggie and the buff guy and pushes him away from her. “She says she’s already in a relationship, fuckhead. So why don’t you go scampering back to your buddies and get the fuck over yourself?”
The buff guy laughs at Husk. “Do you wanna fight?”
“Husk, no,” Vaggie groans.
“Give me your best shot, bitch,” Husk responds with a growl.
The guy throws a punch at Husk, who dodges and uses his claws to scratch up the guy in the torso. The guy stumbles back and catches some blood leaking from his wounds.
“What the--?”
Husk kicks the man in the face, knocking some of his teeth out. The man falls back onto the ground. Husk looks up to find other camp counselors looking at him in fear and shock.
Vaggie sighs with her fists on her hips. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Blitz notices the scene unfolding. “Husk, my guy, you need to--” Suddenly, Blitz has been tased by one of the agents with sunglasses and suit.
Husk gasps to see the agents dragging Blitz away as he charges after the agents by spreading his wings and flying towards them.
“Husk, wait!” Vaggie calls, but Husk doesn’t hesitate and attempts to pick the agent that is dragging Blitz away.
Vaggie is ready to spread her wings until she sees Husk getting caught in the net.
Fizz and Cherri sees this from the other side of the camp with gasps.
Husk is pulled into the mysterious vehicle along with Blitz.
“NO!” Vaggie shouts before watching the vehicle taking off with Blitz and Husk instead of it. “Shit!”
Alastor, Rosie, Sebastian, Eleanor, Nora, Loona, and Octavia approach behind Vaggie. Cherri and Fizz hurry beside Vaggie.
“Shit!” Vaggie curses.
“How unfortunate,” Alastor responds with a sigh.
“Where the hell are they taking them?” Cherri responds.
Vaggie spreads her wings. “I’m gonna follow ‘em.”
“Yay! I’ll join!” Cherri responds.
“I’m in,” Fizz replies, ready to fight.
Octavia steps out from the group. “Can I come?”
“Sure,” Loona says. “I can sniff out their trail.”
Vaggie nods. “Good. Loona, you take the ground. I’ll take the skies. The rest of you stay at the camp. We’ll be back with Blitz and Husk.”
“Oh, not like we have amazing abilities that might help our friends out,” Rosie responds with a smirk.
“Don’t worry, dear,” Alastor replies to his female friend. “There’s some entertainment we can do while we’re here.”
“I suppose that’s true,” Rosie responds.
Nora steps up. “Can I come?”
“No, it’s too dangerous,” Sebastian warns.
“It’s safer for you to stay,” Eleanor adds.
“Yeah, I would stay with your parents, kid,” Vaggie suggests. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back with the others.” She looks at Loona, Octavia, Cherri, and Fizz. “C’mon.”
Vaggie flies up to the sky while Loona changes into her hellhound form and tracks down Husk’s and Blitz’s scents, getting Fizz, Cherri, and Octavia to follow after Loona.
They rush off into the woods, hoping to catch the silver truck.
Blitz groans awake from his knock-out and realizes that he’s in a lone room, tied to someone else. He looks over his shoulder to see Millie and Moxxie tied with him, blacked out.
“Oh, shit, Mox! Mills! Thank God, you’re both alive!” Blitz says in relief, struggling in his bonds. “We’re in this shithole again. We--”
The doors open, interrupting Blitz’s sentences. Blitz looks up to see the familiar two agents approaching them. “Oh, goddamnit, it’s you two again!”
“Been a while,” Jasper responds with a chuckle.
“Fuck you,” Blitz growls, hearing Mox and Millie groaning awake. “What do you want from us this time?”
“Oh, we just want you here until a certain higher-ups in the city come and check you out. We have footages of your existence, so they’re coming down here to see you. You three are the main attraction after all,” Josephin says with a growl.
“Well, shit,” Blitz utters in fear.
“Yeah, we still don’t know if your cat, uh, bird thing is part of your world but we got him since he’s fighting one of us,” Jasper blurts out.
“Oh shit,” Blitz gasps in fear. “Where did you put him?!”
“Somewhere you’ll never find him,” Josephin says with a snarl.
Meanwhile, Husk is trapped in the other room, being interrogated by another agent, who’s a bodybuilder type guy with gray hair.
“Soooo, what are you?” the guy asks.
“I don’t fucking know, man,” Husk responds, struggling in his binds.
“You have to know what kind of...species you are,” the man responds.
“Look, man, it’s been a rough past couple of days,” Husk begins with a groan. “So, why don’t you cut me loose and we can call it a day?”
“No can do,” the agent growls. “If you won’t tell us the truth of who you really are, then we’re going to have to use excessive force.”
“Excessive force? That better not be a sex innuendo,” Husk groans when he watches the agent leave the room. Unbeknownst to Husk, the agent presses the button that unleashes the ‘truth’ gas.
Husk watches the gas leak from the ground and the ceiling. “Oh, fuck, this is much worse. Hey! What the fuck is this--?!”
Husk’s vision changes to where his head is above the black waters. He starts to breathe heavily, trying to swim around the water until he feels the chain wrapped around his throat. He screams as he’s taken underwater, kicking his feet until everything goes black around him.
Husk reopens his eyes and notices that he’s laying in the middle of the meadow. He raises his head up and looks around to find the colorful butterflies around him. He blinks and looks to see Angel sitting on the large tree trunk in the middle of the woods, playing with the butterflies.
He groans and stands up, limping towards Angel. Angel is in his gold dress with his fur shiny in the sunlight.
“A-Angel?” Husk recognizes Angel.
Angel glances over his shoulders and smiles. “Hi, Husky.”
Husk looks around them and then shifts his gaze back to Angel. “Are we...redeemed?”
Angel turns to look at him. “No, silly. Not yet at least. Have a seat next to me.”
Husk takes a seat next to him, watching the butterflies. “Where are we then if this isn’t Heaven?”
“It can be Heaven if you want it to be,” Angel responds with a small smile.
Husk hears the music starting as Angel gets up from the tree trunk.
Then he watches his angel start singing beautifully in the melody.
“I’ve been around the realms,
Sleeping next to strangers,
But none of them felt so real compared to you.
So, have you been feeling the same?”
Husk blinks in confusion and notices Angel offering his top hand out while singing.
“Fate has planned out my destiny, punishing me for my sins.
Yet you believe in me when I didn’t believe in myself, baby.
So, have you been feeling the same?”
Husk takes Angel’s hand as he’s pulled up to his feet. Both Angel and Husk starts to dance together while Angel singing his chorus.
“Oh, and I wish that,
I can be your music,
A beautiful melody in the acoustics.
I don’t need jewelry and diamonds,
When we can just watch the sunrise.”
Angel uses his bottom hands to hold Husk’s while his top set of his hands caress Husk’s fluffy cheeks, crooning.
“I wish you can see how much I want you.
Has love hurt you a long time ago?
Oh, you don’t have to be the overlord,
When you can be the last sinner left for me.”
Husk’s heart starts to flutter as they start dancing in the middle of the meadow, their surroundings becoming brighter.
Angel continues singing, his top set of his arms resting over Husk’s shoulders.
“I’ve been around the realms,
Pleasuring the wrong people.
But being with you has never been so real.
So, tell me are you feeling the same?”
Husk starts to nod his head, getting lost in Angel’s eyes. Angel hugs Husk, letting his arms wrap around his waist and his neck. Husk rests his chin on Angel’s shoulder as he continues to sing.
“Oh, you don’t have to fight so hard.
Baby, I’m right here when you need me.
All I want is who you are.
You’re a dream come true.”
Husk relaxes in Angel’s hold, hearing Angel’s voice singing his ears as he continues to dance.
“I can be your music,
A beautiful melody in the acoustics.
I don’t need jewelry and diamonds,
When we can just watch the sunrise.
I wish you can see how much I want you.
Baby, has love hurt you a long time ago?
Oh, you don’t have to be the overlord,
When you can be the last sinner left for me.”
Husk purrs while Angel pulls him away and puts him back on the ground. Then he starts to dance with him through the woods, butterflies fluttering around them as Angel sings the bridge of his song.
“Oh, and I wish that,
I’m the last sinner left for you.
Oh, and I wish that,
I’m the last sinner left for you.
Oh, I can be your music,
A beautiful melody in the acoustics.
I don’t want jewelry and diamonds,
When we can watch the sunrise.
Please, know how much I want you.
Love doesn’t have to hurt you anymore.
You don’t need to be the overlord.
When you can be the last sinner left for me.”
Angel and Husk dance together, staring into each other’s eyes before Angel sings his final verse.
“Oh, please know how much I want you.
Baby, love doesn’t have to hurt you anymore.
You don’t need to be the overlord,
When you can the last sinner left for me.”
From the outside of the smoke-filled interrogation room, Husk appears more calm without saying anything revealing to the agent, which confuses the agent.
“Uh, what the fuck?” the agent utters.
Blitzo and Millie starts chewing on their binds like wild animals much to Moxxie’s protest.
“Guys, we’re not going to get out of this,” Moxxie responds, trying to get out of his own binds.
“We’re going to have to try, Mox,” Millie responds, kicking her feet.
“Good luck with freeing yourselves, bitches!” Josephin says while maniacally laughing.
Meanwhile, Vaggie breaks into the agency and slides into the vent with Loona, Fizz, Cherri, and Octavia behind her.
“We’re in...though there’s not many agents around here surprisingly,” Vaggie responds.
“Oh yeah, we killed them all last time,” Loona states nonchalantly. “There might be only a few guarding this place.”
“Hopefully they’re not trained in combat,” Fizz says.
“Oh, they are,” Loona responds.
“That’s not helping,” Fizz quips.
Cherri wraps her arms around Fizz. “Don’t worry, I’ll blow them up.”
They hear creaking sounds.
“What the fuck is that?” Vaggie utters in fear before seeing Charlie, Bella, Angel, and Nifty jump into the room with Stolas behind them. “Holy shit! Charlie! Bella!”
Charlie and Bella notices Vaggie with gasps.
“Mama!!!” Bella cries with her croaked voice.
Vaggie hugs both Bella and Charlie, kissing their faces to say she misses them. “I miss you both so much!”
“We miss you too, sweetheart,” Charlie utters while cuddling her girlfriend.
Octavia gasps when she sees Stolas. “Dad!”
Stolas and Octavia run towards each other, transforming themselves back to their original forms as owls with red eyes. They hug each other tightly.
“I thought I lost you,” Octavia utters tearfully.
“I’m so glad you’re safe,” Stolas responds while examining her face. “Are you hurt?”
Octavia shakes her head, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Good,” Stolas responds softly.
Fizz jumps into Charlie’s arms. “Charlie! Thank God, you’re alive! How’s Ozzie?”
Charlie’s face distorts into a horror expression when asked about Ozzie. Remembering how Ozzie is tied down to the chair along with her father and Bee, getting their powers sucked out of them. She tries to form the words, but she doesn’t know how to tell Fizz.
“Charlie...is Ozzie okay?” Fizz asks almost desperately.
Charlie almost breaks down crying, comforted by Bella and Vaggie.
They hear footsteps coming to the front entrance.
“Shit, someone’s coming,” Vaggie utters in fear.
“Don’t worry, we can take them,” Loona responds.
“We still need to go after Blitz and Husk,” Cherri replies.
“Wait, Husk is here too?” Angel gasps in concern.
Stolas glances at Angel. “Angel, Nifty, you find Husk. Via and I will find Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie.” Stolas looks at Charlie, Loona, Vaggie, Bella, Cherri, and Fizz. “Can you handle them?”
“Yep, we can,” Charlie responds, her eyes turning red with white pupils, pushing her blue contact lenses out of her eyes and shakes the make-up off of her pale face.
“Good,” Stolas says and looks at his daughter. “C’mon, Via, I have a new lesson for you about your powers.”
“Ooh,” Octavia gasps in fascination as she goes with her father to find Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie.
“I’ll be back with Husky,” Angel responds with Nifty in the backpack, crawling through the vent.
“We’ll hold ‘em back for you, mate!” Cherri responds as the doors open, revealing more agents.
The agents charge at the group as the group left behind fights the agents off, leaving behind bloody messes.
Blitz struggles in his bond. “Fuck! We’re dead!”
Moxxie and Millie tries to get out of the ropes until Josephin laughs at their futile attempts.
“Soon enough, your whole existence will be broadcasted and people are going to believe us once and for all---”
The shadow hurries towards Josephin, possessing her.
“Uh, agent Josephin--” Jasper calls for his partner before seeing her head turn a 180 degree.
“Now, it’s your turn, Via.” Josephin speaks in Stolas’ voice.
“Uh, who--?” The shadow of Octavia possesses Jasper, struggling to control him.
“Dad, he’s a little hard to control,” Octavia says through Jasper’s voice.
“Don’t worry, he’ll succumb to your control eventually, my owlette,” Stolas responds while possessing Josephin.
It is then that Octavia manages to be in control of Jasper.
“Good,” Stolas replies in Josephin’s voice. “Now, watch this.”
Stolas, possessing Josephin, pushes the button. He controls her to come into the interrogation room, and Octavia follows suit of controlling Jasper into the room.
“What the fuck?” Blitz utters as he sees their ropes getting untied.
“Hello, Blitzy, miss me?” Stolas teases with Josephin’s voice, getting out of her body. Josephin’s body collapses on the floor, blacking out.
Blitz smiles in relief. “Stolas!” He leaps into Stolas’ arms. “Thank God, you’re alive!”
Octavia manages to phase out of Jasper’s body, letting him fall over and blacking out.
Moxxie and Millie stands up from their bounds.
“Where are the others?” Moxxie asks Stolas.
“Fighting the other agents at the front. Want to join them?” Stolas questions the imps.
“Oh hell yeah,” Blitz responds with a smirk at his tall boyfriend.
Husk and Angel chases each other through the fields, laughing together after Angel’s song.
“You have such a pretty voice,” Husk compliments.
“Why thank you, baby,” Angel replies.
“I want to stay like this forever,” Husk utters.
Angel smiles softly. “It can be.” He offers his hand again. “Take my hand and we can stay together like this forever. It can be whatever you want, baby.”
Husk is about to take Angel’s hand again until he hears the last sentence. “Wait, what the fuck did you just say?”
“It can be whatever you want, baby,” Angel repeats himself.
Husk backs away from Angel, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Shit...you’re not...you’re not real.”
“I don’t understand what you mean.”
“None of this is real,” Husk says tearfully. “I know where we are now. We’re in my fantasy. It’s so goddamn obvious.”
Angel tilts his head in confusion. “Husk. Are you okay?”
“You’re not the real Angel. You’re just in my head,” Husk responds, backing away from Angel creeping closer. “This is not the Angel I know of. Someone who makes sex jokes all the time. Someone who pretends to like whisky, but really, he wants a fucking martini. Someone who vents about how much Valentino treats him like shit. The real Angel would only say that if he’s wearing a fucking mask so that he can please everyone else. But he would never be like that around me!”
Angel blinks in surprise at Husk’s words.
“I want the real Angel. The real Angel who’s not afraid to get bloody. The one who’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. And I don’t mean that sexually. He’s the one who has grown more than what this dream shows. I want the real Angel back! I love that motherfucker!”
Husk gasps in realization, not aware that his surroundings are turning darker. “Holy shit.” He looks up at Angel, watching him almost torn apart. He sees tentacles taking over the environment. “Wait a minute. Angel isn’t the reason why I’m having these emotions. I mean, he’s part of it. My love...is the reason why these tentacles come up. Ever since we start opening up, there’s something pouring into me. Almost like all of these emotions are coming back to me the more I got closer to him.”
Husk feels the chain wrapped around his neck. “But I never got to tell him that at the mansion.” He starts tearing up, trembling. “What if he’s dead? Oh, God, no, Angel.”
He collapses on his knees, watching Angel disappearing into butterflies. “Oh, God, Angel. I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry. Oh, God, please don’t die, Angel. Please, please.”
Husk starts sobbing in his dreams.
From the outside of the interrogation room, Husk is crying in his binds.
The agent blinks in confusion while eating popcorn. “Uh--” The agent is stabbed through the head by Nifty’s knife, causing him to fall back. The real Angel steps over his body.
“Nice one, Nifty,” Angel compliments before slamming the button to suck the gas out of the room. He opens the door and hurries to Husk, untying him.
“Husk, Husk, are you awake?” Angel questions urgently.
Husk flutters his eyes open, tears edging out of his eyes. “A-Angel?”
“Hey, Husky,” Angel replies while caressing Husk’s face to wipe away his tears.
“A-Angel?” Husk sobs. “I’m so sorry.”
“For what, silly?” Angel questions.
“For not--for not telling you how I truly feel about you before you died. For not telling I love you before you’re gone,” Husk says while sobbing.
Angel blushes and looks at Husk in confusion. He glances at Nifty, who shrugs her shoulders. Then he darts his gaze back at Husk.
“Bitch, I’m still alive!” Angel shouts at Husk, attempting to snap him out of it.
Husk groans, rubbing his eyes. “W-What?”
Angel lifts Husk up on his back with his face over his shoulder. He extends his bottom set of arms to hold Husk’s legs. “C’mon, Whiskers, let’s get you out of here.”
As Angel strides out of the interrogation, Husk gasps in shock.
“Shit, you are the real Angel,” Husk responds.
“The one and only. Now let’s bust-a-move,” Angel says while Nifty follows after them.
Angel hurries to the front of the agency while carrying Husk on his back and Nifty following his trail. “We’re almost there!”
Angel finally arrives at the scene to see most of the agents dead with their friends standing over the bloodied bodies.
Blitz shoots the last human trying to get up and looks at Angel, Husk, and Nifty. “Oh shit, hey, we totally didn’t slaughter them.”
Charlie’s smile brightens to see Husk. “Husk! Are you okay?”
“The gas fucked up my brain,” Husk groans, resting his chin on Angel’s shoulder.
“Well, let’s get the fuck out of here--”
The doors locked, interrupting Blitz’s sentence.
“SHIT! Not again!” Blitz screeches in shock.
Josephin and Jasper approach the scene with their guns.
“You demons need to stand down--!”
The black spikes stab through Josephin and Jasper in the chests. They fall forward, revealing Alastor behind them. His grin is stuck on his face. Alastor steps forward in between two dead agents.
“You’re welcome,” Alastor responds with chuckle.
Charlie smiles in excitement.
“I thought I told you to stay at the camp,” Vaggie replies with a groan.
“I got bored,” Alastor responds. “Besides, we got a camp we can take over now.”
“Wait, really?” Moxxie asks.
“Yes,” Alastor answers. “Should we be heading back?”
“I guess,” Vaggie replies.
“Alright, let’s go!” Alastor determines, pushing the button to unlock the front doors.
The group are taking paths back to the camp, led by Alastor.
Vaggie looks to see Charlie holding her hand while Bella is on her back. She cuddles her head against Charlie’s, the two women showing affection towards each other.
Cherri notices Fizz staring into space, seeming to be deep in thought about something. She frowns to realize that he must be worrying about Ozzie. She places a hand on Fizz’s metal shoulder.
“It’s alright, mate. We’ll find a way back to get Ozzie,” Cherri comforts Fizz.
Fizz starts to tear up. “How are we going to save him?"
“I don't know,” Cherri says solemnly.
Angel holds Husk’s legs while looking over his shoulder to find Husk falling asleep on his shoulder. A soft smile corners his face as he pets Husk’s head with his top hand, hearing Husk purrs at the touch.
Angel blushes to hear Husk purring and chuckles lightly.
“You like that?” Angel asks seductively.
Husk snaps open his eyes. “What?”
“What?” Angel responds.
Husk blinks his eyes to find they are deep in the woods. “We should be almost there.”
“Yeah,” Angel replies, his face red.
Nifty, Loona, and Octavia walk with Blitzo, Stolas, Moxxie, and Millie.
“Boy, what a day,” Blitz ignites the conversation. “We nearly died today.”
“That’s nothing new, sir,” Moxxie responds.
“Yep,” Millie drones in agreement with her husband.
“I say that it’s been an exciting adventure. The princess of Hell has never been to the living world, so it’s fun to show her the new realm,” Stolas replies.
Octavia stays close to her father with a small smile on her face.
“Glad we don’t have to deal with those demon hunters again,” Loona brings up.
“There might be more in different cities,” Moxxie states logically.
“Well, for what is worth, we might never be bothered again by the humans,” Alastor replies.
The others reach the campsite, which appears to be a bloody crime scene without any detectives and police involve.
“What the fuck?!” Blitz shouts in shock.
Rosie appears with blood all over her dress while Eleanor and Sebastian are burying the dead bodies of teens and camp counselors. “Oh, hello, Al!”
“What the fuck is this?!” Blitz shouts at Alastor.
“I did say that I grew bored,” Alastor replies.
“We’re having dinner tonight!” Rosie announces as she holds up a pot of with blood and limbs inside.
“Ah, there’s food that will satisfy our stomachs,” Alastor responds with a smile.
Blitz glances up at Alastor. “That’s fucked up, man.”
Husk hops off of Angel’s back and walks away. “Eh, I’ll just go. I’m not hungry.”
Blitz sighs before getting out his phone. “That’s it, we’re ordering pizza.”
“Sir, there’s no connection out here,” Moxxie informs quick.
“Then I’ll make some connection!” Blitz responds while walking away to order some pizza.
“Aw, you’re going to hurt Eleanor's feelings,” Sebastian responds.
Nora comes out while noticing Bella. She gasps and hurries to her.
Bella hops off of Charlie’s back.
“BELLA!” Nora calls before flying into Bella, picking her up and spinning her around. “I didn’t think I’m going to see you again.”
Bella smiles and hugs Nora. “Me too.”
Nora breaks away from Bella when she hears her croaked voice. She puts her down on her feet. “Are you okay?”
Bella nods in reassurance, cornering small smile.
Nora blushes at the way she’s holding Bella and lets go. “Oh, uh, sorry.”
“It’s good to see you again,” Bella replies with a blush.
Vaggie notices the exchange between Bella and Nora, widening her eye in shock at Nora’s change of demeanor around her adopted daughter. Then a smirk comes on her face.
“Well, how about that?” Vaggie mutters to herself. She looks to see Charlie tearing up at their interaction.
“They’re so cute,” Charlie utters.
Vaggie pats on her girlfriend’s back. “Let it all out, sweetheart.”
Blitz comes back to the group. “Got the pizzas! Should be arriving in about a hour or so.”
“Wonderful,” Stolas cheers.
Husk sits by the lake, watching his reflection in the water. His ears twitch to hear the voices at the campsite interacting.
He hears footsteps approaching him. He turns to look up at Angel, who has a plate of two pieces of pepperoni pizza.
“I thought you might be hungry,” Angel replies, sitting on the shore next to Husk.
Husk takes a slice and nibbles on it. “Thanks.”
Angel smiles and nods as he eats his own slice. “Beautiful night, isn’t it?”
Husk glances at the full moon reflecting in the water, gazing up only to see a few clouds drifting by. “Yeah, it is.”
They exchange glances at each other until they blush at the sight of each other. Then they face back at the horizon.
“So, what was up with that gas that made you think I’m dead?” Angel asks in curiosity.
“I thought you were for a while,” Husk responds. “Even before the gas.”
Angel frowns for a moment until he smiles. “Nope. Still alive and kicking. It’s going to take a lot more than bullets and beat-downs to kill me.”
“Please, don’t talk like that.”
Angel blinks in shock at Husk getting teary-eyed. “Oh, shit. You know I’m just flexing.”
“What if we get separated next time? What if those bastards kill you?” Husk questions, starting to get emotional. “What if Al hurts you?”
“Hey, hey, Al won’t hurt me--”
“He threatens to take your life at least twice!” Husk shouts, causing Angel to wince in surprise. He softens his gaze and sighs. “Shit. I’m sorry, Angel. I’m sorry. I don't know what's gotten over me lately. I'm sorry.”
Angel looks at the calm waters. After a brief moment of silence, he sighs. “Anthony.”
“My real name is Anthony,” Angel responds. “Someone oughta know at some point.”
Husk is silent for a moment until he smiles softly. “Henry.”
Angel and Husk exchange gazes, scooting closer.
“I always wonder something, Henry.”
“What were you like when you’re alive?”
Husk ponders for a moment and shrugs. “I was a lonely man and I died a lonely man. Gambling, drinking, and casinos are the only things I know in life. Never had relationships. Well, besides the ones who are just broads looking for cash by pretending to love and care about you. Eventually, you date enough of them to see right through them.”
“Shit, man,” Angel gasps.
“Yeah,” Husk responds with a chuckle. Then he looks up at Angel. “So, how about you, Anthony? What were you like when you’re alive? Are you just as horny alive as you are dead?”
Angel huffs a laugh. “Yeah. You guessed it. Family didn’t like the fact that I preferred cocks, so they disowned me. And of course, human me is devastated that he hopes to escape by taking a street drug. And...that’s how I made it to Hell.”
Husk frowns. “I’m sorry.”
Angel waves his hand. “It’s a long time ago. Besides, I never thought I come back to the living world. I miss it when everything is not on fire.”
“You and me both,” Husk responds. “And demons are not running amuck killing other people.”
“And be exterminated by exterminators,” Angel adds.
“Can’t forget that.”
They look up at the stars.
“Were you lying?” Angel asks Husk.
“Lying? About what?”
“About you loving me.”
Husk softens his gaze at him and shakes his head. “No...I’ve been feeling it for a while.”
There is a brief silence with Angel widening his eyes in shock.
“But if you don’t feel the same, that’s fine. I’m just an old man anyway--”
"You know, age gaps haven’t stop me from hitting on someone before,” Angel says with a smirk. "Besides I think we're about the same age. I think. Don't quote me on that. But even with a thirty-year gap, I still would hit that." 
Husk huffs a laugh. “Don’t make me summon the tentacles.”
“Ooh, are you going to use them on me, daddy~? It's still kinky.”
"Shut up." Husk chuckles.
Angel giggles for a moment and looks at Husk, noticing the way his eyes reflect the stars and the moon. He blushes at the sight as the soft music comes up. He takes a deep breath and starts to sing.
“Sometimes I question my own belonging.
When I see you everyday at the hotel, I feel like I’m flying.
You’re a loser, but hey, I’m a loser too.”
Husk huffs up a small laugh when Angel mentions that they’re both losers, which lets Angel continue singing.
“And I am lost, hoping you would be my star.
That will guide me into your arms.
But the hard reality is, we are both chained.”
Husk frowns while rubbing around his throat. Angel smiles and stands up, offering his two hands.
“I’m just a sex addict.
You’re just a gambler.
Our brokenness is what ties us together.”
Husk takes Angel’s hands and is pulled up to dance with him. Angel gazes into Husk’s eyes as he continues to sing softly.
“Oh, was it foolish for me to believe
That you can love me for myself?
You’re a dream come true, a dream come true.
You are what I’ve been waiting for.”
Husk blushes at the words while he’s twirled around by one of Angel’s hands.
“It gets me high, it gets me fucking high.
You have brought a new side of me.”
Husk dances with Angel, listening to the music while he starts to sing after Angel.
“I thought I had no one to love, no one to care about me.
You came along and turned my world upside-down.”
Angel smiles softly at Husk with a blush while Husk continues to sing.
“But I thought it was all too good to be true, so easy to grasp.
And you would be crazy to fall for someone like me.”
Husk sweeps up Angel’s legs, carrying him up in a bridal style. He takes off, flapping his wings through the air as he sings to Angel.
“‘Cause I’m just a bartender.
You’re just an actor.
Our brokenness is what ties us together.”
Angel lets his hand touch the water, making a path of dispersing waves in his touch as Husk continues to sing.
“Oh, was it foolish for me to believe
That you can see someone to love in me.
You’re so lovely, you’re so lovely, baby.
You are the light in the dark.
You’re so heavenly, you’re so heavenly.
Can’t believe an angel like you brought out a new side of me!”
Husk flies up higher, disappearing in the clouds while both him and Angel starts singing together.
“And all I want is to be with you.
And all I want is to escape with you.
I can’t imagine my life without you.
Is it possible to break these chains?”
Angel croons in concern for Husk.
“Is it possible?”
Husk responds with a singing voice.
“I don’t know.”
Angel and Husk sings finally together.
“Tell me is it possible!”
Husk and Angel starts to dance in the skies, with the full moon behind them. Then they start singing together.
“We’re just losers, baby!
We’re just freaks!
But that’s what connects us, baby!
Oh, was it foolish for us to believe
That we can enter paradise like this?
When you’re here, baby, it’s crystal clear!
We are where we are meant to be!
You’re so wonderful, so wonderful, baby!
You bring out the best in me!
Oh, it’s heavenly, it’s heavenly!
Our new sides are changed forever
‘Cause now I see you.”
Husk holds Angel as he flaps his wings to keep himself in the air. Angel holds his waist with his bottom set of arms. The music has grown soft, letting the two sing together.
“Now that I see you.”
Angel caresses Husk’s fluffy cheeks. Husk leans forward and kisses Angel softly on the lips. Angel gasps into the soft tender kiss and melts into instantly.
They both pull away, their half-lidded eyes stare at each other’s lips temporarily until their eyes move into their eyes.
Husk blushes all the sudden. “Shit. I didn’t even ask if you want to kiss!”
Angel snorts. “Pfft, Husk--”
“I didn’t mean to lean forward so suddenly. Was that too much or was that--?”
“Husk,” Angel calls, stopping Husk from speaking. “I appreciate that you’re concerned about my consent, but isn’t that a little too much?”
“M-Maybe,” Husk responds.
Angel strokes Husk’s fur on his cheeks. “I love ya, Husky.”
Husk smiles dumbly. “I love you too.”
They both glance at their lips again.
“Wanna go for one more for the night?” Angel asks him.
Husk nods.
They lean forward and kiss again, not too passionate but more domestic. They break away this time, gazing into each other’s eyes.
Husk flicks his ears. “Uh, how was that? Not too much?”
Angel snorts. “Not at all. I’ll tell you when it is.”
“Of course, baby.”
Husk smiles softly at Angel.
“Let’s get back down before the others worry about us,” Angel suggests.
“Yeah,” Husk responds with a soft dumb smile.
Husk flies both him and Angel back down to the shore where they just were. However, they widen their eyes in shock when they see the others gazing at them with adoring eyes.
“YAY! YOU GUYS ARE TOGETHER!” Charlie cheers for them.
“Nice,” Vaggie replies with a thumbs.
“Too bad you guys are far away when you guys kissed,” Cherri responds.
“I GOT IT ON VIDEO!” Fizz shouts while taking out his phone.
“YES!!!” Cherri responds.
Blitz sniffles while wiping tears away from his eyes. “Fuck, you bitches are gay. Good for you. Good for you.”
Stolas laughs softly. “Congratulations.”
Both Husk and Angel blush madly.
“Uh, thanks,” Husk utters in confusion.
“Now, now, we got enough of sight-seeing, let’s get everyone to bed,” Rosie responds with a soft smile at Husk and Angel.
Everyone groans except for Stolas and Alastor. As they watch everyone going into the cabins to go to bed, Angel looks at Husk to notice the way Alastor stares at him like he’s threatening Husk. Angel nudges Husk softly, getting him to look up at his lover.
“I’ll be okay, Husky,” Angel reassures Husk.
Husk smiles softly, holding one of Angel’s hands.
“Now, why don’t we head to bed? I’m sure there’s one calling my name,” Angel replies. “Unless you want to share it?”
Husk blushes. “Uh, as long as we don’t go further than sharing a bed.”
“Don’t worry, baby. It won’t.”
As they are walking back to camp to find a cabin for them, Angel looks at his lover. “So, little spoon or big spoon?”
“That’s not a sexual question, is it?”
“...The little spoon.”
“Ah, I figured.” 
To Be Continued...
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randomvarious · 3 months
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Now listening:
Quadrastate by 808 State (1989)
Here's a pretty neat quote that 808 State's Martin Price gave to journalist Simon Trask for a profile of his group in the November 1989 issue of Music Technology:
Quadrastate is our version of techno", Price says. "[Derrick] May, [Kevin] Saunderson, [Juan] Atkins, they're my heroes. Detroit is the place that I want to go to. I can still remember the first time I heard Model 500's 'No UFOs' played at a club - I knocked a table over in my hurry to get to the DJ and find out what the record was.
And here we go, folks. This is the one that really kicked things into gear for legendary electronic Manchester lads 808 State. Introducing Quadrastate, the third release in their discography, which is a mini-album/EP from 1989 that features the original version of "Pacific State," the classic Balearic deep house anthem that would enable the group to successfully crack on a commercial level, with BBC Radio 1 DJ Gary Davies giving it plenty of spin.
Prior to the release of Quadrastate, 808 State had made two other releases: their brilliantly gnarly 1988 debut acid house LP, Newbuild, which is probably the least commercially-appealing thing that they've ever made, and a follow-up three-song 12-inch called "Let Yourself Go"/"Deepville." Neither of these managed to chart anywhere, but as critic Paul Cooper once put it in his write-up of Newbuild for Pitchfork, this album was like acid house's Velvet Underground & Nico—not many people heard it when it first came out, but for those who did, like Aphex Twin, who would later re-release it on his own Rephlex label, it definitely left a lasting impact.
And this release, contrary to the prior two, charted; not in an *official* capacity, but on UK publication Music Week's 'Dance Albums' chart. For the week of September 9, 1989, Quadrastate had made it to #10, and by the week of November 4, 1989, it had managed to climb all the way up to #1 😎.
This record also marked the end of one chapter and the start of another for the group as well. Gerald Simpson, aka A Guy Called Gerald, who had been in 808 State since its inception, had worked on "Pacific State" before departing (more about that in a future post), and in his place came a pair of much younger guys, Andy Barker and Darren Partington, whose hipper and more modern ideas would mesh well with the experimental and jazz-funk sensibilities of the older duo of Graham Massey and Martin Price.
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Old meeting new.
(Source: "The State of Technology," Music Technology, November 1989)
And lastly, Quadrastate was the final 808 State release to be issued by Martin Price's own label, Creed Records. Following this, the 808 State name would grow to become much larger. ZTT, the label that had been co-founded by The Art of Noise's Trevor Horn—who himself is credited as "the man who invented the eighties"—would sign them, and not long after that, 808 State would score a Stateside deal with legendary hip hop label Tommy Boy Records as well.
So, just like their first two releases, which were also issued on Creed, this one isn't on Spotify, either, but here it is in a single YouTube video:
And it looks like most of the rest of their discography following this release *is* on Spotify 👍🙏.
Gonna tackle the "Pacific State" 12-inch after this!
And for those just joining, here's some stuff about 808 State's first two releases:
Newbuild "Let Yourself Go"/"Deepville"
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nct-charlee · 1 year
Haechan + Charlee (HaeLee)
“It’s the best we could come up with…Haelee.”
masterlist // NCT DREAM
(korean, english)
warning: just one bullet talking about religion (off screen)
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First Meeting
“For obvious reasons, Lotte hated me. The first words I said were ‘Are you sure know your way around here?’ ”
Charlotte was trying to find her way around the company…more specifically trying to find the cafeteria
It was the first time she had ever been on this side of the building, she swears up and down that she knew where she was going (just maybe not from where she was)
She was just looking around, praying she would at least find some type of landmark that she recognized….sadly that landmark was none other than Lee Donghyuck
“Are you new or something?” Donghyuck asked leaning against the wall slightly tilting his head
Charlotte slightly shook her head, beginning to explain where she was trying to go
“It’s my first time on this side. I’m trying to find the um- cafeteria?” She couldn’t remember the right word and said ‘cafeteria’ in english
“Are you sure you know your way around here?” He pushed himself off the wall, “I don’t know about ‘cafeteria’ but I can show you were the cafeteria is.” He had made an action like he was eating something then pointed down the hall
Charlotte stayed quiet and just nodded her head, following him
Not before long Donghyuck had started asking questions, “What’s your name? How long have you been here? Do you even know who I am?”
“Lee Chaewon, Not very long, and of course. Now, do you ever shut up?”
“I am so shocked I actually listened, I think I should’ve known then she would’ve been the boss.” (all the boys agree while laughing hard. Charlee scoffs)
Fan Favorite Moment
During the rooftop fight, while everyone is trying to teach Jisung how to open the champagne bottle, Charlee is seen backing up away from the table. Trying to get away scared
When Haechan realizes what she’s doing he voices a loud “Yah! Where are you going Charlee?”
Charlee flashes him a deadly glare
“Watch your tone Donghyuck”
“Yes ma’am”
Charlee ends up back to her seat and stands behind her chair, using it as a shield
While Jisung is still calling for his parents and not opening the bottle, both Haechan and Charlee scream
On Screen
“Haelee was the best we could come up with…Sorry.”
Popularity: 6/10
Nicknames: Lotte, Chaewonie, ChaeChar, Lee-Meyers, “Tom”
It’s funny because as much as Haechan loves to play pranks and make fun of her, he knows his limits
Mark says they’ve all learned to say ‘Yes ma’am’ in english whenever she’s annoyed with them or she gives them the look (CharTea ep. 2)
Haechan is probably the person that says it the most
When he says something and Charlee gives him a look or even calling him by his real name he shuts up and sits down saying ‘Yes ma’am’
LOVES himself Charlee. Hugs, attempted kisses, hand holding. everything AND ANYTHING
Charlee is very resistant of his rizz (no she isn’t, she giggles and twirls her hair)
Off Screen
Charlotte LIVES for annoying him
“Awhhh Hyukieeee~”
They’re both the oldest of their families so once again it’s hilarious that they both jokingly baby each other
Charlotte also lives for his hugs, as much as she hates them on screen
They’re both Christian and years ago they went to a sunday service together. Nowadays they don’t really have the time
One of the first tattoos she had gotten was dedicated to 8dream, each member had a little doodle she drew that reminded her of them
His was a teddy bear with a bow that had the initials ‘l.d.h.’
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springsheep · 28 days
Meet You At The Blossom Notes Ep. 9 - 10
Ep 9 -> Huai En and Xiaobao reunite, Xiaobao is mad and Huai En is sad. That just rhymed whoo
Xiaobao goes to the Yuelian Inn to meet Huai En. Looks at the poison...
Huai En confronts Xiaobao (u know what scene I'm talking about)
Chokes him while asking, do you love me?!?!
Huai En coughs up blood, Xiaobao collapses and Huai En is shocked.
Huai En is surrounded by Prince Shen's people, is almost shot, and Xiaobao is worried. Huai En's dad saves him. He's in shock.
Huai En is actually the emperor's son!!!
Crown Prince makes a deal with Su Yin, kill Huai En and Crown Prince will give him a Dahlia flower.
Huai En reads a report of Qin Xiaobin torturing Xiaobao and cries.
Meanwhile, Xiaobao burns the poison Prince Shen gave him.
The Trio are playing around again, Huai En from the roof smiles as he listens to them.
Huai En gets "DNA test" and yes the emperor is his father. Emperor wants to make amends, but Huai En doesn't want it. He just wants the Jin family to be pardoned. Emperor says okay.
Poor baby Huai En aaaaaah
Jin Xiaobao's family is pardoned!!! He's happy!!!
Ep 10 -> Jinbao??
Huai En brings the box of Dahlia for Xiaobao. Omgggg my babyyyyy
Su Yin vs Huai En. Asura dog field ahhhh
Dog blood spraying everywhere
Xiaobao "stabs" Huai En, Huai En pushes the sword deeper.
Huai En: Will you stop being Angry at me now?
Xiaobao is crying. What does he want from me?!
Huai En sneaks into Xiaobao's room and they have a heartbreaking convo.
Huai En: I want to lock you up.
Xiaobao: Hurry leave, you're no match for Su Yin in this state.
Huai En: I won't ever let you go.
Huai En confronts Su Yin.
Jinbao x Que Siming ahahaha Jinbao is a cutie patootie ahh
Que Siming the Wingman insinuates to Xiaobao that Su Yin wants to kill Huai En.
Xiaobao eavesdrop on Zhaocai Jinbao and finds out that Huai En rejected the prince title in exchange for the Jin family's pardon.
Xiaobao runs away by himself to look for Huai En... It's going to rain?!
Xiaobao is saved by Huai En. Reconciliation!!!! Finallyy!!!!
Also Xiaobao pretend to still be mad BUT I SAW YOUR HAND YOU WERE HUGGING HUAI EN. tsk tsk
Huai En: It's okay if you don't admit it, I know you came here for me. *KISSES XIAOBAO'S CHEEK*
Su Yin arrives, gives his coat to Xiaobao.
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quodekash · 2 years
Win asks a lot of questions. In twelve episodes of the show, Win asks a grand total of 162 questions. And, because I don’t have a life, here are all 162 questions in one place, plus what episode each was in, what part of the episode, and a time stamp. Enjoy. 
EP 1, 1/4, 4:16, “right?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 12:28, “when will you stop?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 21:21, “who did this?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 21:44, “do you think that’s easy?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 22:17, “what is it now, man?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 23.21, “happy?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 23:24, “why are you so problematic?” 
EP 1, 2/4, 1:45, “waiter, can we have one (two, three) shaved ices please?” 
EP 1, 3/4, 6:27, “tinn, how did you become a judge here?” 
EP 2, 3/4, 2:56, “we have a fan?” 
EP 2, 3/4, 4:38, “you think we’re your slaves?” 
EP 2, 3/4, 4:40, “you think you’re the school president and you can do anything?” 
EP 2, 4/4, 0:25, “gun, are you sure?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 4:49, “why did you even agree to that, gun?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 4:55, “what’s that freaking smile?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 6:47, “how does he know that?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 6:48, “is he watching us?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 7:27, “who would have time to tutor us?” 
EP 4, 1/4, 1:11, “right? they are” 
EP 4, 1/4, 3:51, “see? I knew it.” 
EP 4, 1/4, 5:06, “what the heck are you doing?” 
EP 4, 1/4, 12:34, “why are you here?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 1:40, “what?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 1:41, “I couldn’t help it, could I?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 4:31, “do you think we will accept him?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 5:17, “why the heck would we want that?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 9:57, “what?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 10:35, “what the heck are you guys doing?” 
EP 4, 4/4, 4:40, “what the hell is wrong with you?” 
EP 4, 4/4, 4:41, “what do you want?”  
EP 4, 4/4, 12:01, “gun, why did you come back?” 
EP 5, 1/4, 1:59, “how’s your band now, sir?” 
EP 5, 2/4, 0:33, “what the hell are you doing here?” 
EP 5, 2/4, 1:13, “you think i’m slacking off, don’t you?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:27, “why are you here, Sound?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:38, “what?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:39, “do you think i’m running home?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:44, “are you picking a fight?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:46, “huh?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 11:14, “are you trying to get on my nerves?” 
EP 5, 4/4, 7:35, “what is love?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 6:46, “the heck are you talking about?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:34, “why?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:35, “are you bullying me?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:51, “are you happy now?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:57, “how about i shut your mouth with my feet?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 3:39, “was that a warm-up, too?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 3:52, “want me to coach you?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 4:37, “how many times have i told you?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 4:45, “don’t you get what I said?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 1:04, “why looking confused?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 3:53, “there’s more?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 3:59, “HUH?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 4:06, “have you decided who has a secret crush?: 
EP 6, 3/4, 5:34, “can i try it again?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 3:38, “that was off-script, wasn’t it?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 7:01, “should i just work in this industry?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 7:11, “your tier?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 7:12, “what tier, exactly?” 
EP 7, 1/4, 1:39, “when will he stop rambling?” 
EP 7, 1/4, 5:00, “why do you always ruin your friends’ mood?” 
EP 7, 2/4, 6:20, “you know people send me flirty messages every day?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 2:26, “four, do you like to eat?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 2:40, “do we need to?: 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:08, “what?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:42, “why on earth do i have to be attached to you?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:57, “can you hurry up?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:59, “see?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 4:32, “what?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 4:37, “why would i lie?” 
EP 7, 4/4, 2:27, “what are you waiting for?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 10:08, “are you sure?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 13:31, “what?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 17:26, “what did you do?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 17:31, “why did you drink that? 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:33, “can’t you see the situation?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:34, “how dare you leave now?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:38, “what?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:40, “gun, how can you let him leave?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 9:37, “are you the last one who saw him?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 14:30, “how about we practice all night tonight?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 14:36, “how does practice all night sound?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 2:39, “so this is your workshop, huh?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:00, “what’s wrong with your wrist?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:05, “why didn’t you tell us?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:08, “why acting cool?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:30, “want to go back with me?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 4:14, “does it fit?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 1:52, “why are you telling me?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 1:55, “you want me to take you?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 2:03, “how is your wrist?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 2:05, “is it better now?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 2:12, “what?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 8:01, “am i dreaming right now?” 
EP 9, 2/4, 4:08, did you come and set these up for us beforehand?” 
EP 9, 2/4, 9:25, “can anyone please tell me why he wanted us to do this cover dance?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 0:26, “how can that help with playing music?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:10, “what’s up with you recently?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:24, “what are you mad at me about?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:38, “what song are you writing?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:52, “why did it turn into a sweet love song?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 9:53, “why do i feel like you just yelled at me through that song?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:13, “seriously, since when?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:45, “hey, can i go with you?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:54, “are you leaving me here?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:58, “what if i get home soaking wet?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:00, “don’t you feel pity for me?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:02, “what if i have to walk home through the rain and get sick?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:05, “can i go with you?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:34, “you are?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:42, “the umbrella is small, right?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:00, “what is it?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:01, “are you blushing?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:07, “why is your heart beating so fast then?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:33, “what if i say my heart never beats fast for you?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 13:34, “can you coach me?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 13:48: “do you think you can do it?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 14:00, “so this is your way of hitting on me?” 
EP 10, 2/4, 5:40, “so what if we have no audience?” 
EP 10, 3/4, 8:19, “tinn, where’s gun?” 
EP 10, 3/4, 8:20, “didn’t he come with you?” 
EP 10, 4/4, 0:29, “what should we do now?” 
EP 10, 4/4, “where on earth is gun?” 
EP 11, 1/4, 7:30, “what?” 
EP 11, 1/4, 7:32, “are you guys giving in to this small defeat?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:08, “what do you want me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:17, “don’t you get it?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:18, “what do you expect me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:23, “what do you want me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:28, “what do you want me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:46, “what can i do now?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 17:56, “why didn’t you help him carry?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 7:13, “like it?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 10:14, “how can you even walk?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 10:53, “gun, do you want to take my place?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 10:57, “hey, gun, what’s wrong?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:01, “why are you two hugging?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:04, “if nothing, then why are you guys hugging?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:09, “gun, are you dizzy?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:11, “are you having a fever?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:20, “can i have some?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:23, “why would we walk all the way here just to let you drink it?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:37, “why would we walk all the way here then?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:41, “and you think we’re not?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:54, “he should go so he can stop being so self-centred?” (there was a question mark in the subtitles so im going with it) 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:58, “when was i being like that?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:04, “and you didn’t make mistakes at all, right?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:06, “was i the only one wrong?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:21, “why can’t you become a world-class musician if you’re so great?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:26, “so what?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:54, “what do you do every day aside from stopping fights?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 15:24, “you just realised that, a-hole?” 
EP 11, 4/4, 3:39, “did i miss something?” 
EP 11, 4/4, 3:40, “what is happening?” 
EP 11, 4/4, 3:45, “what did you two talk about?” 
EP 12, 1/4, 16:41, “have you seen this?” 
EP 12, 1/4, 16:43, “have you guys seen this?” 
EP 12, 2/4, 1:18, “have you seen the student council help other people like they did with us?” 
EP 12, 2/4, 8:15, “right, pumpkin?” 
EP 12, 3/4, 0:20, “what’s the situation?” 
EP 12, 3/4, 11:52, “what?” 
EP 12, 4/4, 5:57, “what should i write down?” 
conclusion: win asks a lot of questions 
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kj-bishop · 4 months
Wigs In Space, an AI adventure, Episode 10: Ep 1 (see for notes), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Final episode!
The slime mold had a noble purpose in escaping. While no one was paying attention, it had achieved sentience. Merging together to form massive pseudoplasmodia, the slime molds head for the raging fires. Thanks to their evolved instinct for altruistic self-sacrifice, the moist, gooey masses flow into the burning drum cores and, at great cost to themselves, extinguish the terrible flames!
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Radiation doesn't worry Slime Mold Green!
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The remaining human ships and crews are saved. But the drums are silent, and the AIs are reduced to feeble regurgitation of familiar themes. The diminished fleet limps home on bass power. The war is not lost, exactly, but it is abandoned, since the aliens are pretty knackered too, and are starting to feel that their time could be better employed in other ways.
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Peace accords are duly signed, stipulating that anyone claiming to be the fairest of them all must preface the statement with "imho", "just my 2c", or similar language, and that all parties will try to do better at masking their insecurities in public.
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A proposal to outsource risk assessment to AI is, however, left on the shelf, on the grounds that while sophisticated organic brains can be dumb as fuck, they're still not quite as dumb as computers.
The agreement leads to a new era of putting up with each other...
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...and deciding it's time to move on and see other people.
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Space fleet personnel, still bearing the visible scars of spatial distortion, gradually return to peaceful missions...
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...and their arts and crafts.
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The saviors of humanity are duly honoured:
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And now come free with every purchase of Slime Mold Chocolate products! Collect the whole set!
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The peace lasts far into the future...however uneasily at times.
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And as for the feline consultants, they, too, find better things to do.
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End of Episode 10. Credits roll.
End credits scene: "We just wanted to tell people that we were in this show too, man."
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"I wasn't."
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Farewell folks, and thanks for watching Wigs in Space, altruistically brought to you by Slime Mold Chocolate! Always remember: to be a successful, popular person who others envy, but in a good way, eat Slime Mold all day, every day!
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And before you go, a special announcement: For a short time only, Slime Mold is available in limited edition, intriguing Golden Brown flavour! It's Golden Brown, with texture like fun!
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(Different voices interjecting: "Fun...gi." "But it isn't a fungus." "I said like fungi." "Slime mold and fungi aren't even in the same kingdom. I don't think we should be perpetuating mis--" "For Pete's sake, it's just a pudding. It's never been near a forest floor. I don't know why we had to go down this weird branding rabbit hole in the first place." "Well, we paid those cats so much that it would have been a waste not to use--" (Static) Sorry about that, folks. As I was saying, enjoy Slime Mold Golden Brown, for a limited time only while stocks last. Hurry up and buy some, or you'll miss out, and spend the rest of your life feeling like something important is lacking but you just can't put a finger on it, leading you to become a bore at parties and eventually join a cult, so get down to the store today! When Slime Mold's your friend, the good slimes never, ever end!
"What even was that? I don't want to see any more of this AI wank. First Mate, change the channel."
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psybe4m · 1 year
So, Surf and Turf Wars pt. 2 just dropped, and I’d like to do a mini-review again, just like I did for the first part.
I try to be as unbiased as possible when it comes to reviewing these, as I don’t want to have an “old good, new bad” mindset. I like legacy, and it’s quite different from the classic era. So I try to give everything a fair chance.
and now for the actual review:
Yeah, once again, like my first review…it’s just alright. The whole “lobster monster Matt” wasn’t really to my taste comedy-wise. The whole “big monster does big monster stuff” isn’t really funny to me.
And I feel like this eddisode suffered from separating the guys. I feel like the way Tom and Edd are written in beyond isn’t entertaining enough to carry long scenes where it’s just them. (Which *might* be kind of controversial? Maybe. Because I know a lot of people liked their scenes together in part 1.) But, even so, the two of them are sidelined HARD in this and I’m not even sure why.
Also…I’m not a fan of how many jokes are relegated to random one-off characters. Like, I’m here for the guys. Not randoms. And yes, I know that both past eras of eddsworld had jokes with one-off characters. But they were using pretty sparingly, and never felt like it took away from the comedy.
Not to mention that both of the ongoing plots: the Matt plot, and the Tom and Edd plot…were both a bit stale. Both plots didn’t really end in any satisfying way. It’s was pretty anticlimactic. If it were up to me, I would’ve just had Matt be with Edd and Tom on the beach doing the competitions. The eddsworld guys work great when they’re all together. Plus…lobster Matt doesn’t even interact with Edd and Tom?? What’s the point then?
And all the jokes were very…meh. I’m just gonna accept at this point that Matt’s writing style isn’t my cup of tea.
OKAY. I know I just tore into this eddisode pretty harshly, but there are some nice positives and improvements that I noticed.
-Better pacing. The first part, imo, had really strange and awkward pacing. Like it was so sluggish at points, but also moved too fast sometimes. But that’s been remedied somewhat in the second part, and I like that.
-Less awkward: By “less awkward”, I mean there’s more music. Something thats bugged me about the beyond eps is that they felt awkward and quiet due to lack of music. But there’s more music now, yay.
-Montage. I liked the montage scene. Very eddsworld.
-Sonic popsicle on the ice cream truck. Because I’m massive sonic trash.
SO…yeah. That’s the review. Sorry if this is formatted shittily, I did it on my phone in a hurry, lol. And if you happen to have different opinions on this eddisode, totally cool.
Kinda sucks that pretty much all of beyond hasn’t been what I’d hoped. Everyone else is enjoying it though, and I can’t help but feel like squidward looking out the window in that one meme. 😭 I wanna like it so bad, but I just can’t. Beaster bunny, and the surf and turf pt. 1 and 2 have both just been misses for me.
…Also, Matt doesn’t like icecream. What’s up with that?
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mikuni14 · 10 months
The Sign Ep 2
Oh, to be a cow rescued by Tharn 🥺🐄
The Sign is just perfect, there is literally nothing there that I don't like, even Chart is gone. The relationship between Phaya and Tharn is 10/10, their romance, the way it's shot, their scenes together is one of the best I've ever seen. EVER. Them existing in their group of friends is also something amazing, how their team is hell bent on supporting them in their relationship, doing everything in their power to "help" them (and since they are guys, they are tactless and silly about it, but therefore highly entertaining lmao) Tharn is the cutest and hottest babe in the whole world, gods, when he was leaning against the bar listening to the song I thought I was going to die 😍! He must have guys lining up for him, Phaya better hurry up! What worries me is his statement that the one he loves must die. For now, Tharn is flirting with Phaya and he's good at it, not really hiding his growing feelings (I mean, EVERYONE KNOWS lol), but I'm afraid that he'll back out at the last minute, push Phaya away "to protect him", and there will be some kind of forced breakup. I hate this in my BL series. Just like I hate love triangles. I hope that Chalathon will only mess a little with them, but that it will be OBVIOUS to everyone involved where Tharn's heart lies and it will only come down to making Phaya jealous (I wouldn't mind some growling, staking his claim, maybe some grabby hands). Please don't ruin this perfect series, I am begging 🥺
ALL PHAYA/THARN SCENES WERE 10/10 THIS IS A PERFECT COUPLE. In terms of romantic love and horny horniness, but also playfulness and work compatibility, this couple is THE BEST.
I still have a lot of other thoughts and opinions about this episode, the story, the secrets, the new stuff we learned about Phaya and Tharn, but that's all for now :D I just want to say: I love this series, I love Phaya and Tharn and their friends. Tharn my beloved, gods, what a wonderful, lovely character played by a wonderful, lovely boy 😍💖
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fluctuating-fanby · 1 year
Reaction: WTNV 234 (The Boy)
This ep drove me insane okay
No Kevin yet, it looks like, but I continue to be delusional and wonder if The Boy is Donovan somehow
And it looks like this'll be a Carlos-heavy episode anyway!!!! So I am still hyped!!!!!
.....Cecil wdym "START to go grey", literally one of the first things we knew abt Carlos was the touch of grey at his temples???
"He was bright eyed with tousled hair and a high-spirited voice. He ran to and fro, the boy, through the park, pretending to be an airplane, and then a motorboat, and then a hawk chasing a mouse."
Me, on the brink of insanity: There's no proof that that's NOT Donovan yet!!! This is how the DB stans can still win!!!!
I'm probably so so wrong but can you IMAGINE if it was though hfjsskal
*weeping* He doesn't have a name OR memories, please just put me out of my misery already instead of making me hope
I just realized The Mudstone Abyss was FIVE YEARS AGO, Donny would be 10 by now
Idk if it's new but I'm really digging the bg music! (and still wishing I didn't forget my earbuds at home and do not have to awkwardly put my ear up to my phone speaker)
The ad for spoons was perfect haha
"Be a shame if anything happened to it." HFJDSKSK
Me, still delusional: Haha is it just me or do the boy's speech patterns kinda remind you of Kevin's? Asking for a friend 👉 👈
"born into the sunlight" DOES THAT MEAN ANYTHING
Sidenote my Night Vale geography is rusty, is Grove Park anywhere near either the Dog Park or The House That Doesn't Exist????
He's well cared for, must have had a guardian.........they're really drawing my hopes out huh???
"imagine, saying words into a mic that aren't true!" Very meta! But I also find this funny consiering Cecil has already lied on the radio more times than I can count (Ep 71 comes to mind right now)
Also Cecil Palmer is now canonically a terrible voice actor hfjsks
I can't stop laughing, the trees thing is the "peanut butter is a type of rock" debacle all over again
.......okay, "to do harm" has me stumped
Re: the Boy's monologue: okay, lots to unpack here!
Half of what he says is incredibly vague, the other half is just plain confusing
The mother thing kinda makes Donovan much less plausible, but it's possible he had a mother in his life before Charles met Kevin????
I can't really think of any connections to other plot points in this world? The Dark Planet Lit by No Sun maybe? "True name of God" makes me think The Obelisk and Susan Willman? Or is The Boy just a completely new thing they're introducing out of nowhere??? I am so lost
Either way I'm still clinging desperately to the Donovan theory!!! Anyways great ep even though (because??) it drove me insane
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