#ep 10 wip
princessofclowns · 1 year
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Are ya feelin' it now, Mr. Krabs Pantamimal?
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
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I bet there’s some insane foliage.
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marshmallowgoop · 7 months
And I'm just a little messed up I'm a little out of my head
[Song link] [YouTube link]
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faircailin · 7 months
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Tfw you start a new LoA campaign and suddenly you have three new wips in two days
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ichijokaoru · 2 months
i do understand the motivation from people in general to think of ships as together during the course of the piece of media, it's fun to think they're kissing and sometimes it's just interesting to cosnider what it'd mean for them at certain plot beats, but for godai/ichijou i really think if they were together, and their feelings were fully realised and fulfilled it kind of just takes the wind out of a lot of moments i find really impactful... not to mention i just don't think they'd act the exact same if they were together at that point
like don't get me wrong i can see how it's fun to explore them as together during x moment or y moment, but i just don't personally find it very satisfying to view them as together at any point during the show as my legitimate headcanon
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lemoncholy-stars · 3 months
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ya boy is plotting again
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hoshiina · 3 months
I'm literally so behind on kaiju I've been going places everyday I have no clue what the next eps on
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melrosing · 9 months
end of year wips!
doodled this whilst I was thinking about ep 10 of sparknotes robbie’s reb
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em-harlsnow · 3 months
all my works - the master list!
here's a list of all my current works on AO3:
what I'm currently working on: iron bars
only you (not your brother) - someone mistakes Mickey and Lip for being married, and neither are very happy about that
butterflies - a collection of small, sweet actions in their married life
I like taking pictures (as long as you're in them) - Ian has many photos of Mickey on his phone and Lip discovers them
Welcome Home (outside POV) - all the Gallaghers' reactions for Mickey coming home from prison in season 10
I see you as you see yourself (outside POV) - Fiona's boyfriend Sean's point of view on Gallavich in season 6 as if they never broke up
mostly fluff, light angst:
you're all talk - mickey talks a lot, and not many people realise it. Ian just loves it
Gallaghers and group chats - text conversations between various Gallagher family members over the years (ranging from snapchats between gallavich and a family group chat)
not everything's a struggle - Mickey still suffers from his childhood injuries even years later, and Ian convinces him to get some help
Mystery of Artist Mickey Milkovich - Ian discovering old drawings that Mickey made of him
what do you know? (outside POV) - Tami gets snowed in with the Gallaghers and learns about Ian and Mickey
It's Dark Tonight (will you stay?) - Ian witnesses Mickey getting hurt by Terry and takes him back to the Gallagher house to look after him set in season 3 (MY FIRST EVER FIC)
motherhood and what comes of it - mickey's mother returns after all these years and wants to see mickey set in season 10
iron bars (WIP) - Ian and mickey's time in prison in season 9, including difficult conversations and playfully reuniting
I'll fight everyone but you (AU) - Ian and mickey are in opposing gangs and have to work out how to be together
white knights and friends - just a season 3 ep 5 canon divergence of mickey protecting mandy (my absolute least favourite of all, I wrote it in like an hour and never checked it over)
cardinal sin is a vivid red - depiction of mickey's feelings when Ian leaves for the army (I tried to use a different writing style)
group projects:
s'more of you (AU) (WIP) - Mickey and Ian meet for the first time when they work at a camp together in the summer
my personal faves (should I have favourites of my own work?):
motherhood and what comes of it
welcome home
iron bars
Gallaghers and group chats
love you all, I'll be editing this as I go!
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princessofclowns · 1 year
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Can I offer you a distance model Leo in these trying times?
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night-error · 4 months
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MAP CALL!!!! 4/21
I've been working on this for AGES (ever since Ep 2 of tpc s2 came out)
Pt1- Thewolferclan087 (yt)
Pt2- Thewolferclan087 (yt)
Pt3- me- (I rlly wanna help with the map even tho im the host)
Pt12- astronic-fr
Rule 1- When posting your part here do not use a watermark or greenscreen, but if you're posting it on your social media then you are allowed
Rule 2- just for safety please make your parts 3-5 frames larger than it is incase it is accidentally make just too short.
Rule 3- You are allowed to collab with someone just tell me who it is so you both get credited!
Rule 4- the length of the part must be 1920×1080. If you mess up with the size then it's absolutely fine just try to make it around that size! ^^ (I actually broke this rule myself while making the reference/Storyboard)
Rule 5- Dont judge others parts, we are all at different levels of skill. You will get 3 warnings before your part and role will get taken away
Rule 6- do not be afraid to ask for anything!
Rule 7- try to make the characters look as cannon as possible!
Rule 8- don't rush the you'll have 2 months to complete this map so please use it. If you are still working on it past the 2 months and have provided with a wip and another wip to show your process so far you'll have an extension of about 3-4.
Rule 9- You can use any type of animating, although I'd like to keep it 2D and Gacha will not be allowed.
Rule 10- do not trace others work. I also would discourage tracing the storyboard but if you are very struggling use it to help you!
Rule 11- Have fun, it can be stressful at times to create a map part up to your own expectations but do not stress yourself on it.
Rules may be added on if I haven't made things clear enough! The map may seem strict but I assure you im trying not to make it strict!
Heads up-
Intro- The intro will have 'Evelyn Evelyn' on it for a good few seconds before it fades. The closed boom beside the text is the picture book from 'iris's discovery'. It opens slowly revealing 3 pictures, 1 of the right and 2 on the left (is optional for what you put in the ones on the left, but keeping it iris and circusic themed is good).  there should be a few second pause before the camera zooms into a picture of past iris and circubit. Making it full screened.
Part 1: young iris and cirusic are standing within a forest. Circusic doesn't seem sure about where they are and is of course nervous. Iris lightens the mood by pulling a funny face which they both laugh at. After the laughing brings a slight tear of joy to cirusics eye which he wipes will iris moves forward. Their chestplates glow when iris's hand reaches forward, trying to take circubits. Circubit also steps(/skates) forward but the screen will turn white just when they are about to touch.
Pt.2- iris and circubit walk (/skate) in different directions from eachother, stopping when they are satisfied with the distance. Iris looks down at the floor while this actors.
Pt.3- the camera focuses on Circusic who doesn't seem impressed. Circusic calls iris a parasite but the camera switches to Iris after the sound 'Para-' is said. After that iris is supposedly hurt by that and a tear forms in his eye. It is quickly replaced with rage as iris turns his head around yelling.
Pt.4- iris does a full body turn, facing circusics back. He stomps his foot with rage of what circusic thinks of him. This annoys circubit.
Pt.5.- The camera faces cirusics back. As he slowly gets more and more annoyed as he speaks. Eventually yelling and moving his hand before regaining his composure slightly.
Pt.6- there's a side view of iris, his eyes are closed and his hand is at his chest. He then opens his eyes and ever so slowly and gently reaching his hand out to grab circusics shoulder. The camera slowly turns somwe can see out off iris's POV. Before iris can touch circusic the screen turns white.
Pt.7- the scene starts with a flash. Showing a much more brighter time with many flowers blooming. The ghosty past circusic slowly turns around to iris, who pulls his hand back a little. Iris then hesitantly reaches forward, wanting to touch his chestplate since the memory he is experiencing feels real. The screen turns white again.
Pt.8- the white fads and circusic has a harsh grip on iris's hand, his face is filled with rage. He then forcefully shoves iris's hand away, using great force.
Pt.9- the camera focuses on a side angle of circubit. Cirusics head slowly faces down as his eys glare at iris. The camera slowly moves over to iris as he pulls his hand back to his side. Annoyed of what circusic just did.
Pt.10- iris raises his head slightly when talking to circubit to make him seem more bigger. he then closes his eyes tightly.
Pt.11- the camera is quite a bit away from iris as he talks, his eyes are still closed and his hands are behind his back. The more iris talks the more the dark side of him covers his face. Eventually half of his face is covered when that happens a red flash appears and iris opens his eyes. The red silhouette of the King appears in front of him, slowly fading.
Pt.12- Circusic starts to walk backwards but tries to keep up a brave face to iris.
Iris is still walking forward, he swings his arm in a one side motion to show his anger.
Pt.13-  Circusic is still moving backwards although not as fast as he previously was as he does hands gestures to iris showing him both rage and confusion.  Iris, also slows down at his face, angrly pointing at circusic.
Pt.14: circusic is frustrated and brings his arms up to his shoulders, he then clenching his face and glares at the camera (aka iris). Iris has folded his arms as he stops walking. He gets frustrated and he tenses his arms up.
Pt.15- another flashback occurs of iris and circusic having a laugh. The camera zooms out and it shows the scene of iris and circusic appearing in iris eye. The pupil of it softening up remembering it. The scene cuts to iris chest, where he reaches to his chest place and grabs the clothing surrounding it.
Pt.16- the screen spilts, having iris on the right and circusic on the left. Iris pulls his hand away from his chest closes his eyes small tears can be seen forming. Circusic pulls his hands from behind his back to his sides. Moving his head downwards in a glare. The background around them gets darker and duller as they also seem to get a bit darker. Their chestplates light up with a black glow
(The camera slowly zooms in the entire scene)
Pt.17- both their chestplates are glowing, although unlike when they were kids they glow back. The camera continues to zoom until it slows down. Iris opens his eyes and leans forward, tears dripping down his face. Circusics eyes go smaller and tears are forming but nothing comes out. They both stop yelling and glare at eachother with tears. Before the screen turns to black.
Pt. 18- the screen is still quite dark. But the shilluette of past iris and circusic can be seen sitting on grass. The reaper can be seen for a few seconds, before it tuns back to iris and circusic.
Pt:19:  the reaper flashes in once again raising its scythe. This time, iris and circusic look back with fear in their eyes. The reaper flashes in again, this time its scythe is fully raised and it can be seen swinging down just for a second.
Outro- The carma goes back to iris and circusic except they aren't there. In their place are 2 flowers. The one is circusics place is drying and has pink at the top of it. The other flowers petals slowly fall to the floor, leaving it with just the pollen. The camera switches and shows the book from 'iris's discovery' laying down, its closed and is in a dark area.
Please reply to the blog so I am be to tell you if a part is free or not!!!
Discord if you are thinking of getting a part!!!
The map should be completed by 8th August!!
Goodluck for those who are participating!
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leadandblood · 23 days
Hi~ Here's some useful info for this blog:
It's solely dedicated to The Terror/occasionally the actors
Main: @morgan-the-lonely-brick
AO3: Morgan_the_Lonely_Brick
For my horny Crozier posts, visit @severeomf
My humble archive of production stills, BTS and cast photos: #tom's terror compilation. That, or go to this link to a Google Drive
Some tags I use:
#mine - things i have made (art/writing/edits)
#fanfic ---- #art ---- #anon ask---- #ask - self explanatory
#bts - behind the scenes photos! I very often forget to tag this... same with:
#stills - production stills! They're mostly from Aidan Monaghan, an on-set photographer.
#fingers in neds mouth day - self explanatory. Writing, fanart as well as just Thoughts.
#jopzier posting - my posts about Jopzier, usually just yelling about screencaps. They tend to come in waves of like 10 posts, so here's a tag to block if you don't want to see all that. I don't put these in the main terror tag.
Each character has their own name tag #thomas jopson, etc.
My Terror AUs:
#Feral Jopson - in which Jopson bites. Literally and figuratively.
#insect AU - half insects. The definition of "insect" is very loose, though
#catboy AU - half the men aboard inexplicably wake up as cat boys one day
#Crozcest - An AU in which Jopson, Little and Crozier are related. 95% smut, the rest is unresolved trauma. Enter at your own risk. The fics are on the bottom of this post.
My fanfics:
Mostly Crozier/Jopson. Be aware they get increasingly unhinged as the list goes on. Clicking the title will take you to the fic on AO3. READ THE TAGS. This is DEAD DOVE territory. There's innocent fluff, too, though.
From oldest to newest:
To be loved...
Rescue AU. Crozier/Jopson/Fitzjames, fluff, 1 458 w.
Summary: Post rescue, James is recovering from scurvy and the other two help him relax and fall asleep.
Insect AU. Crozier/Fitzjames, fluff, 2 393 w.
Summary: Post walk-out. Crozier can't sleep, but neither can Fitzjames. They fix it by cuddling.
A Rabid Dog
Feral Jopson AU. Crozier/Jopson, violent, 894 w.
Summary: Jopson tears Hickey to death with his teeth. Crozier seems to like it. Praise and cannibalism kink??
Jopson is a good boy (who bites)
Feral Jopson AU. Crozier/Jopson, threats of violence, 645 w.
Summary: Jopson is posessive over Crozier and wants to ensure people don't even think of messing with his captain.
The Beast is Tamed (For Now)
Feral Jopson AU. Crozier/Jopson, 822 w.
Summary: Jopson gets some praise and a chocolate, then licks Crozier's hand clean. Bonus background Fitzier.
Jopson lives. Crozier/Jopson (?), near death, 748 w.
Summary: Jopson is dying, but right before it happens, Crozier comes to rescue him. Mostly Jopson's thoughts.
Broken, Beaten and Built Up Again
Near canon, Crozier/Jopson, during ep 6, 23 401 w, WIP.
Summary: Crozier goes through withdrawal, but at least Jopson is there to make it better. They both also have things to unpack.
Mandatory Nap-Time
Crozier/Little, fluff, 1 522 w.
Summary: Perscribed cuddles to boost morale. Little comes to Crozier with a cuddle request and he accepts.
Bring him back, whatever it takes
Crozier/Jopson, DEAD DOVE do not eat! 2 250 w.
Summary: Crozier dies during withdrawal and Jopson does the unimaginable just to bring him back (It works. Sex necromancy, yes)
Smells Like Honey, Feels Like Home
Insect AU. Collins/Goodsir/Little/Jopson, fluff, 5 736 w.
Summary: The bee cuddle pile (Collins, Goodsir, Little) might just be able to fit a wasp in too (Jopson)
A Fun Fact About Apples
Crozcest AU. Jopson/Little, incest, DEAD DOVE do not eat, 1 002 w.
Summary: Tom and Ned's feelings for eachother are complicated, but at least they can still frott while talking about Francis... They're rough and mean to one another
... They Don't Fall Far From the Tree
Crozcest AU. Jopson/Little/Crozier, incest, DEAD DOVE do not eat, 12,485 w. WIP.
Summary: Crozier joins his sons to have some fun, but he mostly watches. Please just read the tags, there's too much...
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crosbyism · 3 months
Omg. Tell me about mash fic?? Please??
thanks for the ask, friend!! ♥️ :))))
OK SO, like a year ago i started getting super into mash (as in, the TV show from the seventies) and especially once i hit the later seasons and finished my first watch through (which took a while bc… yknow, 11 seasons, 24 eps per on average), i got super fascinated with mash’s relationship with canon and continuity. there’s a huge difference in minor canon facts between early and late seasons, which ends up summing up to a really fascinating difference in characterisation for most characters? and it’s actually deeply fascinating to look at those differences. on like a metatextual level, obvs those differences exist bc of the group character dynamics needing to be balanced out, the episodic nature of the show and the lack of obsession with canon continuity in tv shows before the 2000s (— if we can pretend we didn’t say that Margaret’s dad was dead and her mom was an alcoholic in season three, we can make them divorced instead and bring him around for an interesting episode in season 9 or 10, and also, who the fuck is going to care or fact check it—). but if you pick up the heavier “misery of war”/hawkeye’s mental break stuff going on in the later seasons and take all of the differences (and the fact that the korean war within the canon of the show takes waaaaay too fucking long, bc obvs it was a commentary about the vietnam war at the time) extremely literally, there’s this sort of interesting potential for a metafic there that plays with hawkeye’s psychological problems and the timeloop-esque nature of canon that really interested me. it’s not very long so far and mostly disjointed snippets, but i do love this idea a lot and would love to finish it up. some single excerpts from this wip i quite like:
It starts with Trapper leaving. No, that’s not right. Is it? No, it is— They’re at the airport bar; Hawkeye’s staring into the glass, and he looks back up, at— BJ. His bunkmate. No, that’s not right, not yet. He’s going to be, but they’re not there yet. He’s still Captain Hunnicutt, BJ comes later. Right now they’re at Kimpo airport, drinking and making merry and stealing a Jeep to get out of here. There it is, now Hawkeye’s got it the right way round again: this is the part right before Radar freaks out again, and then they take the Jeep, drunk all the way back to camp, and tomorrow morning Hawkeye will open his eyes and think to himself: Gee, it’s a wonder I didn’t drive right into a minefield. It starts with BJ Hunnicutt arriving. What are Hawkeye and Radar doing at Kimpo, anyway?
His colonel’s wife is called Mildred. No, it’s Lorraine. No, it is Mildred. Margaret’s father is dead and her mother drinks. No, he’s alive and they just got divorced. Margaret has a sister. Or does she? No, that’s Charles, and Hawkeye’s getting it all mixed up again— His best friend is a faithful husband. He’s a big cheater in an unhappy marriage. Peg’s going to hire a PI the second BJ’s back, Hawkeye laughed the other day when Trapper told him. Either way, he always loves his daughters. Daughter.  One of his tentmates is always from Boston. He just can’t remember whether he has a bald spot or not. Reality is up for grabs. Someone said that to Hawkeye once. Hawkeye thinks it might’ve been someone important. He can’t quite remember. It’s just all so confusing. Is Hawkeye dreaming again? He’d like to wake up, please. Any time now, he’ll open his eyes. He just hopes he’ll be awake when he does.
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plutokneeurm · 4 months
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I just watched some s1 eps of Venture Bros. Show so good, I can't even rate it a 10/10 because it deserves something even more better than a simple 10. Take this wip before I unleash more Venture Bros artttt. I keep drawing him with a lolipop help me
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ryminzine · 2 years
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Rhymin: A CCJ Zine contains 70+ pages of cartoons, comics, illustrations, and stories inspired by Ryan and Min–the fan favorite rockers of CCJ! This charity fan zine is perfect bound and trade book-sized, featuring original work from 34+ independent artists.
All proceeds benefit NQAPIA to aid and support LGBTQA+ members of the Asian-Pacific Islander diaspora!
🎵Click here to preorder your copy today! 🎸
@fandomzines @zineapps @zinefeed @fanzinewatch @zinecenter @zineforall @zinesunlimited @atozines
Keep reading to learn more about our zine tiers and bundles!
x 1 Digital PDF of Sound Check (+$5)     = “Sound Check” Process Book shares the sketches and planning behind the artwork of Hey Judy! and Rhymin’, featuring WIPs from Page and Merch Artists!
x 1 Digital PDF of HEY JUDY! (+$5)     = “Hey Judy!” bonus mini charity fan zine offers a peek into the lives of iconic indie rockers, CCJ, featuring 20+ pages of black-and-white, candid and photoshoot illustrations (plus interviews) from 10+ Artists!
JAM SESSION Bundle (Physical Zine + PDF + Complete Merch) - $65
1 Physical Copy of the Zine
1 Digital PDF of the Zine
1 Digital Download of the Bonus Original Music EP, 202 **Not Pictured
1 Digital PDF of HEY JUDY! (the Bonus Mini Zine PDF)
Holographic Sticker (x1)
4" x 6" Sticker Sheet (x1)
3" Embroidered Patch (x1)
Polaroid Print (x1)
Enamel Pin (x1)
4" x 6" Postcard Print (x1)
**(OPTIONAL) $5 ADD-ON: - 1 Digital PDF of HEY JUDY! (the Bonus Mini Zine PDF) - 1 Digital PDF of Sound Check (the Bonus Zine Process Book PDF)
**SIGNED LIMITED EDITION VERSION** JAM SESSION Bundle (Signed Physical Zine + PDF + Complete Merch) - $75
1 Physical Zine Copy - signed by the voice of Ryan himself, Sekai Murashige!
1 Digital PDF of the Zine
1 Digital Download of the Bonus Original Music EP, 202 **Not Pictured
1 Digital PDF of HEY JUDY! (the Bonus Mini Zine PDF)
1 Digital PDF of Sound Check (the Bonus Zine Process Book PDF)
Holographic Sticker (x1) 
4" x 6" Sticker Sheet (x1) 
3" Embroidered Patch (x1)
Polaroid Print (x1)
Enamel Pin (x1) 
4" x 6" Postcard Print (x1)
*LIMIT ONLY 1 PER PERSON. Once sold out, those who have ordered any of the other PHYSICAL tiers of the zine will be entered into a lottery for a chance to receive their copy signed!
THE BRIDGE Bundle (Physical Zine + PDF + Half Merch) - $45
1 Physical Copy of the Zine
1 Digital PDF of the Zine
1 Digital Download of the Bonus Original Music EP, 202 **Not Pictured
Holographic Sticker (x1)
4" x 6" Sticker Sheet (x1)
3" Embroidered Patch (x1)
Polaroid Print (x1)
**(OPTIONAL) $5 ADD-ONS: - 1 Digital PDF of HEY JUDY! (the Bonus Mini Zine PDF) - 1 Digital PDF of Sound Check (the Bonus Zine Process Book PDF)
THE HOOK (Physical Zine + PDF) - $25
1 Physical Copy of the Zine
1 Digital PDF of the Zine
1 Digital Download of the Bonus Original Music EP, 202 **Not Pictured
4" x 6" Sticker Sheet (x1)
**(OPTIONAL) $5 ADD-ONS: - 1 Digital PDF of HEY JUDY! (the Bonus Mini Zine PDF) - 1 Digital PDF of Sound Check (the Bonus Zine Process Book PDF)
THE BREAKDOWN (Digital Zine Only) - $15
1 Digital PDF of the Zine
1 Digital Download of the Bonus Original Music EP, 202
**(OPTIONAL) $5 ADD-ONS: - 1 Digital PDF of HEY JUDY! (the Bonus Mini Zine PDF) - 1 Digital PDF of Sound Check (the Bonus Zine Process Book PDF)
HEY JUDY! (Digital Zine Only) - $10
1 digital PDF copy of this bonus mini charity fan zine which offers a peek into the lives of iconic indie rockers, CCJ! 
Black-and-white, staple-bound booklet comes packed with 20+ pages of candid and photoshoot illustrations (plus interviews with the men of CCJ themselves!) from 10+ independent artists.
Available as a Bundle w/ Sound Check (the Bonus Zine Process Book PDF) for $15
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zrllosyn · 3 months
oooooooooo tell us more about BB LEO AU 👀👀👀
[wip game ask]
Mayhabs its obvious from the title but its an AU where Leo's a blood breed. Leo's kinda the same though!! He's here in helsalem's lot desperately looking for a way to 'cure' his sister's eyes. Blood breed or not, the 'gods' are beings beyond comprehension.
Story mainly takes place during volume 10 (s2 ep 11 and 12) and just. Leo caught between revealing he's a blood breed, his sister, Libra, and Gamimotz. Events are pretty close to canon but like, the stakes are completely different lmao
Im gonna stop there before i keep rambling for like. Another 12 paragraphs about leo characterization n stuff in this one HSDJGHJGH
Have!! a pretty long snippet under the cut!
Snippet of intro:
His sister, however, he did care for. His sister was the only one who bothered to really bond with him, care for him. The only one he had truly grown to care.  And it was between him and his sister that space and time tore, the very air itself sparking into prismatic light so bright it seemed to invert the world. It was between him and his sister that Riga appeared.  And curse his luck it had to be him and his sister. And it had to be Riga, the one who could see through everything and anything.  The one that could see what he truly was. The one that knew who he was.  The one that contracted those thrice damned eyes that would see what he was.  "Choose." Riga's voice is flat of inflection, indifferent like he was inquiring about the weather. But Leo heard something else, mixed in with the demanding glisten voice.  "So this is where you were, progenitor of the cursed kin." If Riga's presence wasn't enough to make his blood turn cold, that statement, spoken in elder tongue and overlaying the English definitely did. He felt his cold sweat form on his palms as his entire body grew stiff, terror filling his every fiber.  The higher being sounded amused. That was never a good sign not to mention that Riga's presence meant one thing.  "Which will witness?" "This is most curious." His voice caught in his throat. If he accepted the eyes, Michella would be blind. Chair-bound and blind. If he refused, she would see. See who he was. See that he wasn't her brother, but a monster wearing his skin. And then he would lose her. But at least she would still see-- "If you must take from something, then take it from me." Michella is straight backed and unbowing, not an ounce of fear in her voice as she knowingly sacrifices her vision for him, and his conflicting emotions drain away into horror.  She had no hesitation in protecting him, and yet here he was debating his course of action.  "Michella--!!" "If you must take something, take it from me!!" Her voice is firm, and his body finally responds as he lunges forward, as if grabbing her would negate the contract.  "Understood." The echoing elder tongue sounded amused, and in a moment of startling clarity he sees Riga reaching forward with the glowing eyes and his sister, a faint smile on her face as she looks to him. He knows that look.  She was happy. Happy she protected him.  Happy, that she protected the beast that needed it least, under the guise of her brother.  He feels sick.  The world goes white.
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