#eq poetry
hallowmist · 11 months
i've begun to realise that maybe the lingering grey amidst my head is not 'normal'. that the thought of everything i cannot do is the default setting, instead of everything i can- is like sailing a boat through stormy waters, like hiking up a hill on loose dirt: it is surviving in an environment already against you, but with effort and learned belief, i can rise to the challenge.
— patience; a practice in self care // e.q.
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weaselishmcdiesel · 9 months
please consider: equius or horuss and bdubs. horsegirl to horsegirl
ohhhh shit thats a pretty good idea XD i had planned to give equius over to joe BECAUSE i wanted to give nepeta to cleo. and i thought joe could sorta nurture that regal air about equius yknow what i mean? i vaguely remember that equius had a thing for poetry or am i making that up... and then nepeta's feral ass is perfect for cleo's enabling ass, and who probably would be fine with nepeta if she came home covered in blood dragging a some animal behind her asdhkjf so :,) yknow. and then extra points bc joe and cleo hang out so nep and eq can hang out
i actually didnt give anyone to bdubs and my reasoning is.. he's taking care of etho and etho doesn't have a troll bc he's taking care of bdubs asjdhkf
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2winkspice · 1 year
My Destruction Only Account - 4
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So. We've hit the Phantylia Wall. After multiple days of trial and error, I can't seem to find a way past it. It's disappointing, but it's important to look on the bright side: with the August shop reset, Hook can be bought from the shop.
I insinuated that Hook was absolutely instrumental to the account, and at first glance, maybe it's hard to see how that could be the case. Phantylia isn't weak to Fire, so how could she be any better than PhysMC?
Well, Hook was instrumental, not for fighting against Phantylia directly, but for something much more important:
Simulated Universe.
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With Hook, we now had all the elements needed to smash through the Svarog wall on World 4 with ease. And even in SU, Kafka's world 5 fight is a breeze thanks to the Abundance path unlocking in the same world.
Access to ornaments were very important, because now the builds could be completed. Not only that, but SU has a wonderful, wonderful quirk: while the drop rates for Gold relics are tied to your EQ, Gold ornaments for SU5 and SU6 are *not* EQ locked.
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Thanks to Hook, we now had access to the best DPS Ornaments in the game--Inert Salsotto--at 5* rarity, no less! Coupled with the double Ornament Drop Event, it felt like Serendipity, true poetry. Not only that, but being able to clear SU thanks to Hook got us access to the Herta Shop Destruction LC, Fall of an Aeon.
Now, the stage was set.
Y'see, if shiny yellow artifacts were all that was needed, it wouldn't be much of a challenge, would it? No, there's more to this.
Although we had the Gold relics, this didn't solve the major problem, which was Jing Yuan. These Gold ornaments helped my characters, but not him.
So, for Jing Yuan, we needed to call upon the great reagents of old: consumables.
There is a very cheap and easy to make consumable that gives you +25% DEF. I also considered getting bonus HP, but because Phantylia cuts your Max HP as part of the fight, I decided DEF would be better.
The question was what offensive consumable to use.
I initially went with Lightning Paste to boost Jing Yuan's and Arlan's attacks, but they kept falling short. After investigating, I found this:
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This is a massive 12% CR boosting consumable, locked behind Serval's companion quest, which is itself locked behind a random side quest. I blazed through it without hesitation. This Crit boosting item would elevate not only Jing Yuan and Arlan, but also MC and Blade.
At this point I had been at this for over a week straight. Nothing compared to the almost-month of Cocolia, but in that case I was simply farming, using my Power and waiting. No progress could be made, so I just relaxed and let time pass me by, logging on for my Jade and nothing else.
This, though, this was active, almost daily, running face first into a brick wall level stuff. No joke, I had a friend tell me it would be better to give up than keep trying. It came from a place of love, I think (hope).
Now, to activate inert Salsotto's effect, you need 50% CR or higher. Blade was prioritized for this, as he was easily the best Damage dealer.
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At the end of the farming, this is the best I could do: 4pc his set, 3* CR body, 2pc Salsotto. With the two stacks from his set he sat at around 52% CR. Just enough.
Unfortunately, PhysMC didn't have a full Salsotto set, but he did have a full phys set, which would have to do. For some reason those orbs and ropsles weren't dropping on the right set, and Arlan...
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Still, this would be good enough, for now. I felt good about these builds, and this set up. It would be close, and I was relying on at least one lucky Arlan Crit, which was only about a 27% chance between his relics and the Disposable Arm.
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For the upteenth, unknowable time, we went into the domain. Even with all this preparation, it still required luck. Remember, Jing Yuan can never be targetted, or hit. I had to leave and come back to the fight time and time again to get a run where Jing Yuan avoided every attack other than her AOEs. I shuffled positions a bunch too, even though all of them technically had the same aggro and it shouldn't actually matter.
After days and hours, it happened.
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To explain this, Phantylia will always live on 1% HP and advance her turn forward to do an AOE attack. She also has a normal attacking turn where she does an AOE attack, and she does another AOE attack immediately when she shifts phases. This means that, normally, she does 3 unavoidable AOE attacks. This will 100% kill Jing Yuan, and it is impossible for him to live through all 3.
If you're able to nuke her down before she takes her normal attacking turn, she will advance forward, and her story based AOE will happen instead. Essentially, if you can kill her fast enough, in the first turn rotation, then she will only do 2--not 3--AOE attacks.
Jing Yuan cannot live through 3 AOEs.
But barely, just barely, if he isn't attacked, and *by the skin of his teeth*....
He can live through 2.
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And it happened. Somehow, by some miracle, we were able to nuke her down in Rotation-0. Jing Yuan, who had not been attacked, lived through her AOEs. And finally we were greeted with this screen.
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It was a long and arduous journey.
But I'm was so excited to have gotten past it all.
I was convinced that the fight would require Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae, but as it turns out, the only thing that was required was luck, a lot of consumables, and of course, Pitch Dark Hook the Great.
I'm a bit scared to see what the end of the Xianzhou Luofu arc will hold. With all the trouble getting past this hurdle caused, I'm scared the next one will be too high for me to vault.
But I'll be damned if it wasn't fun to try.
And that's the story so far of my Destruction Only Account. I'll keep working on it, of course, but there's no more content to do right now, so I'll have to wait.
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radio-charlie · 10 days
God I hate the poetry excerpt bitches on this platform you are all literally such EQ pretenders. Let us know when a man sticks around for more than four months.
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tasmiq · 5 months
Jumu'ah Sohbet: 10 May 2024
In the midst of uncertainty and sorrow because corners of the world have been suffering dramatically in the hands of other humans... We are still able to connect to Allah in spite of it, especially because of the spiritual purpose we gain from belonging to our Sufi Tariqa (spiritual school), Shukran Ya Allah (Divine gratitude) and Bismillah (with the name of Allah)...
#1. A fellow murid (seeker) posted an undeniable truth where how one perceives the Divine is what one manifests in their being. It exemplifies why so many of us have found emancipation in our deen (faith / religion) through Jamal (beautiful qualities) over the Jalal (overpowering qualities) of Allah!:
"The words we use for the Creator are a reflection of ourselves. If we think of God as fear and shame, we are afraid and have something to be ashamed of…But if we see love, compassion, and kindness, it is because we possess these qualities."
~ Shams Tabrizi - the beloved friend and mentor of Shaykh Mohammed Jaluddin Rumi.
#2. Also posted by a fellow murid was the profound poetry of Hazrat Inayat Khan, whose words cemented the reality of tawhid (oneness of God) through observed or perceived worldly realities in and around us:
"If we say that there are many souls, it is true, just as there are many waves or many rays of the sun; but if we say there is one spirit, it is truer still, just as there is one sea and one sun. The waves are an action of the sea, the rays are a manifestation of the sun, the souls are a phenomenon of the spirit. They are and they are not. They are because we see them, and they are not because there is only one Being."
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Above: A beautiful picture of the deeply ponderous Hazrat Inayat Khan
#3. We also learned how deeply connected the martial art of Silat is to Sufism in Islam. Our Guru Rennie reflected that tension is essential between our higher-selves and lower-selves, which is our egos. We thereby increase our awareness. We were further guided by him saying that we ought to do a skill or Jurus (which in Silat is a unifying form / method to encode and convey meaning in a martial context), in a way that we are mindful of the entire movement. This will help us to develop our resilience. Through constant practice is the remembrance of Allah (Zikr / Dhikr) cemented into our spiritual hearts, which defies our inherent forgetfulness as humans (insaan).
#4. Shaykh Nishaat then intriguingly asked us to contemplate on Allah's ability to be an Artist. Your Abbu reflected with me about the known Names of Allah that speak to this undeniable ability:
Al Khaliq - The Creator
Al Musawwir - The Fashioner
Al Mubdi - The Originater
Al Bari - The Shaper
Then your Abbu reflected on an inspirational expression from the holy Qur'an in Surah Al-Baqarah in V 138 which says:
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Sibgatullah - referring to the colours of Allah. Who is better at colouring than Allah? He then found varying interpretations, as your Ammu would have done prior to Shaykh Taner's translated edition 😉
V138: We get our colour from Allah. Who is better at colouring than Allah? And we are His dependents.
During my own contemplation as a visual artist in my tertiary education, I strongly felt that Allah is a dynamic Artist where He constantly crafts our lives with Jamal (His beautiful attributes), while enabling us to exercise our free wills. If we surrender to loving Him, He beautifies our lives with His taqdeer (predestination as His absolute decre).
#5. Last Sunday, we conducted a timeous, rich, and rewarding Grief Workshop as a source of needed emotional healing. As a Tariqa, we ourselves have been grieving the loss of our beloved Shaykh Taner. It facilitated our emotional intelligence, also known as EQ.
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Above: Your Naeem Bhai handing over a beautiful product of healing that him and your Maryam Bhen have made together. They are the new generation assuming Shaykh Taner's proclamation towards your Abbu and me, that's another "good cheam"!
Despite man's maddening crowds, our Tariqa were thus left swimming in an ocean of gratitude!
Shukran Ya Allah × infinity
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margysmusings · 6 months
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hervecomeau · 8 months
How Hervé Comeau Syracuse's MFA Course Shaped His Creative Expression
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) courses can truly play a pivotal role in unlocking the full potential of a student's creativity. Through in-depth study and immersive experiences in various artistic mediums, these courses create an environment that is not just conducive but also nurturing for creative exploration. By delving into the nuances of their chosen artistic discipline, students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the art form, enabling them to push the boundaries of their own creativity and produce truly exceptional work.
The rigorous coursework, mentorship from experienced faculty, and collaboration with fellow artists further enrich the learning experience, providing aspiring artists with the tools and guidance they need to thrive in their artistic journey. Whether it's sculpting, painting, writing, or any other form of artistic expression, MFA courses offer a comprehensive and transformative education that sets the stage for lifelong artistic growth and success.
The structure of MFA courses encourages students to delve deep into their chosen art form, and to challenge traditional boundaries. This unique educational experience facilitates the blossoming of new ideas and provides students the freedom to express their inherent creativity in innovative ways. It's a journey of personal growth and artistic discovery that nurtures the next generation of creative thinkers and visionaries.
This article takes a closer look at how Hervé Comeau Syracuse's MFA course shaped his creative expression and artistic identity. The transformative experience not only honed his skills but also instilled in him a deep understanding of his chosen artistic discipline. Post-graduation, Comeau has successfully applied the creative expression cultivated during his time at Syracuse University in his work, pushing the boundaries of his art and making a name for himself in the artistic fraternity.
Hervé Comeau, a first-generation immigrant from Haiti, is a multifaceted individual, known as a writer, activist, and lawyer. In 2018, he was awarded the Juniper Prize for Poetry for his debut book, Children of the Down-swing. Throughout his academic career, Comeau has earned various accolades, such as the Leonard Brown Poetry Prize and the Cornelia Carhart Ward Fellowship. Additionally, he was a finalist for the Olive B. O'Connor Fellowship.
Syracuse University's Renowned MFA Program
While attending Syracuse University's esteemed MFA program, Comeau's artistic talents were nurtured and his poetic expression flourished. During this time, his work appeared in Pif, a well-known literary journal that highlights poetic talent, and his fictional works were featured in Hobart, another prominent literary publication. Furthermore, his writing is set to be published in the upcoming anthology Time Travel for All of Us.
Navigating through the rigorous program, Hervé Comeau Syracuse further honed his skills, learning from a diverse and talented faculty who pushed him to expand his creative boundaries. This environment fostered exploration and gave him the platform to discover his unique voice, ultimately enriching his contributions to the world of literature.
During his time at the MFA program, Comeau's exceptional talent and dedication to his craft were recognized with the prestigious Leonard Brown Poetry Prize. This noteworthy accomplishment not only served as a milestone in his creative journey, but it also propelled him to delve even deeper into his passion for poetic expression.
Moreover, Hervé Comeau Syracuse was not only the recipient of the highly coveted Cornelia Carhart Ward Fellowship, but he also stood out among other exceptional students in the field of creative writing. This esteemed grant not only provided financial support but also opened doors to invaluable mentorship and valuable resources. With this fellowship, Comeau's growth in the program was significantly empowered, equipping him with the necessary tools and opportunities to take his creative endeavors to new heights. These remarkable recognitions and opportunities not only showcased Comeau's exceptional talent but also served as a testament to his unwavering dedication and commitment to his artistic journey.
Looking Ahead: Hervé Comeau's Current Pursuits and Future Aspirations
Today, Hervé Comeau is making a significant impact in his community as a dedicated public interest immigration attorney in Syracuse, New York. With a passion for social justice, he actively serves on the advisory board of the esteemed New York Civil Liberties Union, working tirelessly to protect and uphold the rights of individuals. Additionally, as a founding member of Black Lives Matter Syracuse, he is deeply committed to fighting against systemic injustices and advocating for the voices of marginalized communities.
The experiences and achievements Hervé Comeau garnered during his time at Syracuse University's MFA program have indubitably influenced his ongoing endeavors. Immersed in a vibrant artistic community, he honed his creative expression skills and developed a profound understanding of the power of storytelling as a catalyst for change. This transformative experience not only shaped his career trajectory but also ignited a lifelong dedication to affecting positive change through his work.   
With a combination of legal expertise, creative vision, and unwavering passion, Hervé Comeau continues to make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and the broader community. His unwavering commitment to social justice and advocacy serves as an inspiration to others, demonstrating the profound influence that Syracuse University's MFA program has had on his journey.
Hervé Comeau Syracuse's artistic evolution during his time at Syracuse University's MFA program has served as a testament to his perseverance and ability to balance multiple passions. His accomplishments, including the Leonard Brown Poetry Prize and the Cornelia Carhart Ward Fellowship, demonstrate not only his exceptional talent as a writer but also the transformative power of MFA courses in nurturing artistic growth and shaping the future of creative individuals. As Hervé Comeau Syracuse's journey continues to unfold, it is clear that his time at University was a crucial stepping stone in his pursuit of artistic excellence and social impact.
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semicoloncraft · 1 year
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“How was your first month?” They ask.
- I spent less money
- my mental & physical health is better
- family dog bit off my friendship bracelet from Karolina (too much excitement upon my arrival.)
- I got complimented I’m fantastic, beautiful, tanned, exotic, etc.
- I cried about 10+ times
- I’m living and working through my pet peeves of others
- I over analyze peoples behaviors, attitudes, languages & ignorance
- my novel is being written, and my poetry collection ought to be published soon
- my Swedish is none existent
- I deactivated all my social media platforms
- my hair is growing rapidly since my last shave
- we went hiking, nature cures the soul
- not sure if my nightmares are getting worse or better. I jump out of bed and hydrate on most nights
- realized I have an incredibly high EQ & English vocabulary
- kindness exists & so does loneliness
My month was great, how was yours?
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lulumusicwaterbear · 2 years
Term 1 31/10 - 04/11/22
This week we worked on From Eden by Hozier. I was really looking forward to this song as I love the breakdown and time signature changes as well as the emotion in Hozier's voice when he sings. Emotion when singing is a big thing when performing in my opinion especially with slower songs as it's harder to move around but you can still captivate your audience. In order to achieve this on stage I did research into the meaning of the song and thought about how I perceive the lyrics. This made it a lot easier for me to understand the lyrics and add dynamics vocally to the song when performing. This song's really helpful towards my summative assignment as the beginning of the verses are quite quiet and the tempo overall is slower.
I struggled slightly with making my falsetto sound supported and strong due to the amount of breath I use, which I mentioned in my SWOT, and also because I didn't have a lot of confidence in going back to the verses on the word "babe" and in my opinion you can hear it. I found a lot of exercises I can add to my warm up such as making sure my body is relaxed before singing so nothing's too tense and making it harder to reach higher. I also found a new technique called "bubble lips". It's used to help physically feel yourself switching between head and chest voice as well as move the weight around your face so I'll add this to my warm up before the summative. The warm up I've decided on so far makes sure to focus on working my range, feeling my placements move and also relaxing my muscles to make a smoother transition and make it less likely to sound strained or feel painful. I start by massaging my facial muscles and shoulders as I carry a lot of tension there, I then push all the tension down my face. After that I'll start vocally by doing siren lip trills into scales. I find the lip trills help a lot as I'm not overthinking the placement in my throat and I'm able to push my range more. I then start practicing different vowels and sounds in my scales such as e, ah and nyah so I can feel all the different placements I'll use so nyah for example is more nasal compared to ah which is chest voice. Tongue twisters are after to warm up my mouth muscles and help my diction as that's something I struggle a lot with. I'll end with a chorus of a song I find comfortable singing so I can feel if I might need to warm up for longer or not.
Summative Assignment:
This week I was able to put together the band for my live performances. As this is one of my weaknesses I was really nervous about doing this and while I was able to work around it by asking people I already know from college, I don't know any drummers. I decided to ask one of the drummers in my class as he had previously mentioned he also likes Deftones so I was hoping this would encourage him to want to work with me. While he did agree, he also has multiple other projects he's working on so this makes it harder to make a schedule everyone can stick to. To work around this I sent everyone in the band a link to the song so we all learn the same version and I got everyone to send me their schedules. After I knew I had a band I decided to finish the chorus in my production. I struggled getting the bass to stand out and not be lost in the layers so it sounded empty in my opinion. I tried to fix this by adding a studio hall reverb and whilst it did help it still didn't give the full orchestra sound I wanted which really frustrated me. I then realised this gave me the opportunity to work on my EQ skills. The strings all had a lot of high end in their EQ so I decided to lower the limit on the high end and make the mid and low end stand out more. I also made multiple layers of the double basses with a variety of deeper octaves and made the gain higher. Next time I know that I need to layer the basses to make them effective as well as vary the EQ's rather than relying on the EQ's already set. I also researched vocal mixing techniques. I personally struggle making mixed vocals blend and sound natural so I decided to research it and found that tonal EQ can make a big difference as “we hear vocals everyday, so as soon as you start to use heavy EQ it’ll start to sound unnatural” (Mayzes, 2016) . It’s best to start with 3dB or less and then work on boosts. Depending on the genre it’s common to add heavy boosts to the top end of the vocals and a small amount of boost to the mids to help it cut through. In order to cut through muffled sounding vocals it’s good to add a small wide cut between 200 - 500 Hz. A free plugin that’s really useful for this is Slick EQ. 
After fixing the tonal EQ I found the next step should be working on compression instead of starting with it. 3-5 dB of compression is most common and sounds best with a peak limiter compressor such as CLA-76 or G Channel. Balancing compression is really important - “You don’t want to squash the life out of it, but you do want to add energy and strength. Finding that happy balance is what takes a developed ear and practice” (Waves Audio, 2018)
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jackinalex · 2 years
That's fair, I suppose. I said this on overbearingstuggles's blog as well, but I finally put my finger on what's been annoying me about these songs; the EQ balance is weighted too high. The richness of his voice is highly dependent on the low EQ (for lots of sound engineering reasons), and it sounds like they turned down the low end, so in the recent stuff, his voice is missing the richness that can often be heard live, or in acoustics. And I know it's not my end of EQ settings because I always set mine to rock/jazz, because they enhance the low end without sounding muddy. It's not a huge detail, but it does sort of kill the music for me. Also that synth without a more prominent bassline?? Girl, please, let Zack be heard!! Alex come back to tumblr, we miss your poetry-like song lyrics
I am so impressed that you know what all of this means because I am totally lost, chief. But I do think that they do a lot of tuning on Alex's voice, and they don't have to!! He sounds great without all of that extra stuff. And Zack is just a genius bass player (WHO PLAYS WITHOUT A PICK DAMMIT), so I don't think he needs any help. I do appreciate you pointing all of this out. I'm sorry that I'm too dumb to understand it.
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hallowmist · 1 year
oh take me away from here,
my lover, my light.
let me drape myself in your arms
and leave this kingdom behind us,
as we vanish over the mountains,
and into the night.
- abscond // e.q.
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londonfogger · 4 years
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You deserve to give the gift of happiness to yourself. -@loveaprilgreen
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equestrianideas · 7 years
you do not know trust until you learn to put your faith in a horse.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 years
(during a discussion about rap over breakfast) Dave: you know hes more about that slam poetry stuff but equius actually does a real good chuck d impression Dirk: No way. Dave: its true show em eq Karkat: OH GOD. Equius: D – > Dave, you know very well that I prefer to stick to my Alternian poetry Equius: D – > The reason is that you may say I find the form of your human raps somewhat… Dirk: … Dave: … Equius: *inhale* Equius: D – > BASS! How low can you go?/ Death row, what a brother know / Once again back is the incredible / Rhyme animal, the uncannable- Dirk and Dave: *losing their shit and beatboxing respectively* Karkat: I CONSTANTLY LONG FOR MY EXPURGATION FROM THE UNIVERSAL NARRATIVE. I FUCKING HATE YOU GUYS.
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thepenwieldersblog · 5 years
Things Science Can't Explain⁣
Things Science Can’t Explain⁣
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Poem | Mrunal Nerkar (@deed4697)⁣ ⁣
⁣ I wonder why science can’t explain: ⁣ ⁣ (i) Why I hope for you to come back even though I don’t want you back because you broke me in ways that I couldn’t recognize the pieces of me when they fell on the ground. ⁣ ⁣ (ii) Why I slave my days away at a job that pays the bills in the form of my soul but I’m oh so terrified of leaving that I’d rather stick with…
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yaoyuandaydream · 3 years
(just a rant)
i'm still so angry at being advised to be "more compassionate" and "sympathising" like who do you think you're talking to!!!!!!! maybe you don't read my angsty poetry i post anonymously online but i thought you should know me by now. how dare you tell me i don't think about other people's feelings enough. how could you say that to me.
and maybe a part of my anger is the fear that maybe they were right, maybe i needed to step away from my own hurt and try to give a little more leeway because it's tough times and everyone's EQ in this goddamn family is kinda shit right now. but how much leeway do i have to give up before i slip off the cliff?
i really hate the word 讓 i really don't think i have any more to give
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