#erendor x samara
darkpoisonouslove · 2 months
Ruled by the Heart
Summary: Distance never worked for them. The separate bedrooms did nothing to keep temptation at bay when they sat on their thrones next to each other all day and it was perfectly natural–expected even–for a king to come and go from his queen's chambers as he pleased. They only had anger to shield themselves behind and now here they are – fucking like they want the other dead, for the crime of making them dependent. Everything is working against this story. I had to let it sit for months, then when I finally got motivated to fix it (shoutout to the tumblr user going through my Erendor x Samara tag and liking everything), I got sick (probably worst fever I've had in my life) and now that I've finally made it to posting, FFN isn't working. I'm pushing through all that because I need to free this story, and myself from it. CW: explicit sexual content and blood Read on AO3 | FFN
Fire-like, pain races through her nerves. Samara only half succeeds to strangle her whimper in her throat, completely fails to stop herself from clenching around his cock.
Erendor's teeth drive deeper into her shoulder, into the tender skin connecting it to her neck as if searing their shape there isn’t enough. As if he wants to tear a chunk of her flesh out and scarf it down to brand her his. As if he’s allowed to devour her because he owns her.
She hates that.
It makes no difference.
She can only dig her nails in his desk, bite the inside of her own cheek.
She's not allowed to leave a mark on him.
He's her king and he is as much hers as the throne is without him sitting it. She has no claim on him – in blood or in name.
She's taken it as a compliment. That he asks her into his bed regardless, because he wants her.
This is not it.
He's pounding into her in a way she honestly did not consider him capable of. It's rough and vengeful, like he wants to shove her over the edge, hurl her into orgasm.
It's ugly and angry, and she cannot stand the sweaty contact of their bodies where he tore her clothes off and she pulled his aside. Their skin sticks together and it might just peel off when he pulls away.
He will once he's had his satisfaction.
He always does.
He knows the same thing she does.
"You're going to come for me," he grunts in her ear in-between pants loaded with exertion.
Something tightens in her lower belly, in the pit of her stomach.
He's right.
She's quickly building to a climax and her eyes well up with tears.
It's sickening.
She doesn't want it.
Not like this. Not when her pleasure isn't the end goal, nor is his for that matter. It's all for his ego and if her energy weren't all going into just breathing through the inevitable quivering, the violent seizing of her pussy around him, she would have splintered his desk with her bare hands.
Her orgasm is a given, has been for years, and she can't do anything to stop him from wringing it out of her. Her body cooperates with him rather than with her, especially now that they've been fighting for weeks. Her flesh is begging for his touch, has been since they'd left each other high-strung and dissatisfied. The sounds of his fingers pumping into her drenched pussy would have shaken her to her core if he hadn’t bent her over the desk and sheathed his cock inside her in one swift, smooth thrust, all the air in her lungs replaced with their shared craving.
She hadn't been sure which would be the bigger defeat – to try to pleasure herself and face the inevitability that it will feel nothing like she wants it to or not to try at all and silently admit that any relief for her lay in his arms. Her only consolation had been his gaze lingering on her lips every time she’d opened her mouth and his too-frequent stolen touches for the sake of appearances.
She’d had to force herself to keep an amble pace on the way to his chambers, her heart fluttering with excitement and dread. He’d grabbed her from the door and slammed her against his desk, her palms slapping brutally against it and the wood digging into her thighs. She could have hissed, twisted like a snake out of his grip. A simple no would have restored the space between them.
Her teeth would have sooner severed her tongue than let a single treacherous sound slip out of her.
She needs this.
Distance never worked for them. The separate bedrooms did nothing to keep temptation at bay when they sat on their thrones next to each other all day and it was perfectly natural–expected even–for a king to come and go from his queen's chambers as he pleased. They only had anger to shield themselves behind and now here they are – fucking like they want the other dead, for the crime of making them dependent.
If she knew when and how they’d bound themselves together, she could pick the pattern and undo it, protect them both from this burning agony, this need to be so close even when they're mutually destructive.
He is hurting her.
If he lets her go, she will stop breathing. And it won't matter one bit compared to the emptiness she'll feel if he doesn't fuck her over that precipice of resistance lodged into her brain.
The way he stretches her to bursting with every quick thrust only to leave her hollow and then fill her again pulls her taut like a bowstring. A pulsing, vibration, has already started behind her sternum where she’s stuffed her voice. At a point the dam will break and everything will spill from her – the tears, the screams and her orgasm.
She needs this. Not given out of the goodness of his heart or the urgency of his lust, but because she took it from him.
She pushes back into him. Challenging his rhythm takes him by surprise, throws off his balance to leave him grasping, clinging to her. The force in her own hips dictates his movements, sets the pace in the space that opened between her and his desk – enough for her to slip a hand to her clit and stroke herself to ecstasy.
He sputters behind her, chokes on the air rushing out of him in a hot, heady torrent assaulting her neck. It does nothing to deter her touch – the squeeze to his balls, her nails scraping the sensitive, vulnerable skin. With every uncontrolled jolt of his hips, his cock hits spots inside her that make her eyes roll in the back of her head.
His fingers close around her throat and she's coming. There's no doubt about it, no choice afforded to her, no defense against it.
The orgasm rips through her like a tidal wave.
She collapses back against his body, grabs at his arm, his thigh. She can’t breathe, doesn’t remember human speech but her voice erupts like lava from a volcano, burns through her ribcage, her throat, his palm covering it.
He holds her through it, the tremors of her climax shaking him, too. His hips have stilled, keeping him wrapped up in her. Her name falls from his mouth – half awe, half reverence, as he comes inside her. As if he's just been claimed by a force of nature even when it’s her pulse kicking under his fingers.
Blood wets her fingertips where she's driven her nails into his flesh.
She has him now.
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Submitted Contestants (updated 24/02, 20:49):
Tecmy (Timmy x Tecna)
Brella (Brandon x Stella)
Nabu x Aisha/Layla
Florelia (Flora x Helia)
Muri/Rivusa (Riven x Musa)
Skloom (Sky x Bloom)
Tritannus x Icy
Nex x Aisha/Layla
Married couples:
Erendor x Samara
Mike x Vanessa
Musa's Parents
Oritel x Marion
Thoren x Daphne
One-sided romances, past relationships etc.:
Roy x Aisha/Layla
Driven (Riven x Darcy)
Brandon x Mitzi
Sky x Diaspro
Brandon x Shiny aka casual bestiality from s7
Radius x Luna
Amentia x Brandon
WLW ships:
Solarflare (Bloom x Stella)
JewelFlower (Flora x Diaspro)
SoundWave (Aisha/Layla x Musa)
SunFlower (Flora x Stella)
DigitalFlower (Flora x Tecna)
Bloom x Roxy
Flora x Mirta
FireFlower (Bloom x Flora)
Flora x Musa
Aisha/Layla x Roxy
SunWave (Aisha/Layla x Stella)
Flora x Icy
Faragonda x Griffin
Ambershipping/LavaRocks (Bloom x Diaspro)
Mirta x Lucy
Blicy (Bloom x Icy)
Roxy x Selina
Aisha/Layla x Anne
Daphne x Politea
Musa x Tecna
Flora x Krystal
Musa x Galatea
Stella x Nova
Stella x Chimera
Stella x Darcy
Stormy x Stella (aka Fate lovechild)
Darcy x Musa
Aisha/Layla x Flora
FireWall (Bloom x Tecna)
MLM ships:
Nabu x Riven
Ograntlos (Gantlos x Ogron)
Avalon x Palladium
Roy x Nex
Sky x Riven
Riven x Timmy
Brandon x Sky
Fanon ships:
Anagan x Flora
Covenshipping (Valtor x Griffin)
Riven x Flora
Helia x Musa
Roy x Roxy
Riven x Tecna
Timmy x Icy
Gantlos x Icy
Gantlos x Stormy
Nabu x Bloom
Nabu x Tecna
Sky x Aisha/Layla
Sparxshipping (Valtor X Bloom)
Valtor x Marion
Thoren x Diaspro
Sky x Icy
Jim x Bloom
Ogron x Flora
Helia x Krystal
Riven x Bloom
Brandon x Flora
Duman x Stella
Darcy x Riven x Musa
Brandon x Stella x Bloom
Saladin x Griffin x Faragonda
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charmixpower · 2 years
I hc that Sky has a hidden scheming/manipulative streak (not like with Diaspro/Bloom, like legit plotting) that he just never registered and once it surfaces for one purpose or other it's near terrifying
Like you think Riven is the shifty one well Sky can leave him in the dust
Jfjdjd Ren, I love you, but I have to disagree
Being able to plot requires the ability to see future consequences, patience, and the will to scheme against someone. None of which Sky has
Sky is an implusive little dumbass, that always takes the most direct route possible to deal with things because he's a prince and can just do that, and he's too much of a good boy™ in his own head to EVER scheme against someone like he's some kind of extra judicial vigilante
I feel like scheming requires: A huge revenge boner, extreme pettiness, a certain disregard for consequences to make the plan go well, and spite
Manipulative however? Yeah I can see that just a little bit. Not as a intrinsic part of him, but as a consequence of being around Erendor, Samara, Diaspro, and court politics in general. He's not even doing it intentionally, that's just how people talk where he's from. Though I can't imagine he's any good at it, Sky's too earnest to be actually good at it. He's heart is on his sleeve and it's not going anywhere
If you tried to get Sky in on any of this kind of stuff, not only would he whine incessantly about being shady and going the legal/formal/open route, but he'd also be like shit at lying and he'd be obviously suspicious
However I think Brandon would be VERY good at manipulation. Brandon was the only thing keeping Sky and Riven from tearing eachother's throats out, and in the past Diaspro and Sky, and there's no way he only did that in a honest and above board way. It just wouldn't happen. If someone really wants to do X and you want them to do Y, you need to be very very convincing. Someone had to be keeping Sky and Riven out of detention and keep the teachers from hating their guts, Riven and Sky aren't going to help eachother like that and it's sure as fuck not Timmy!
Like man's can keep his emotions off his face, carefully keep Sky and Riven just happy enough with eachother to not fuck up their squad, is the main person all of the guys goes to for advice, beyond emotional intelligent, and is near universally liked at all the schools. Being charismatic and convincing is just being manipulative with better PR, and that is Brandon perfectly
Brandon probably isn't good at long term scheming, he can come up short term lies to get his idiots out of trouble, but like long term shit? To deal with things?? Yeah no. He's just good with people, leave the deep understanding of the rules to the point of being able to bend them like taffy to Helia. Leave him to the talking. And yes, Helia is definitely good at long term plans and that can be easily converted to plots. Helia is a planner and detailed person, people like that are always good at plotting. That's just a law
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gins-potter · 4 years
Hi Jess! I'm curious about what Bloom and Sky's relationships are like with each others families in your au?
Hey nonny thanks for this ask! It was a lot of fun to think about.
Oooof Sky’s parents, they sure are something.  Bloom’s relationship starts out pretty rocky with them in season 2.  Samara’s cold and pretty stand-off-ish to Bloom, while Erendor is..... well Erendor’s a dick basically.  
He’s been planning Sky’s marriage to Diaspro for so long, mostly because Juvel is a rich af planet and he wants the power that comes along with it, so he can’t handle it when Sky and Diaspro call off the engagement.  And then Sky decides to date the lost Princess of Sparx which might have been acceptable but Sparx is a freaking frozen wasteland! Erendor can’t believe his bad luck.  By the time Sparx is restored, and Eraklyon have regained their powerful ally, Erendor has done his dash and doesn’t even bother trying to suck up to Bloom, because she’s totally not interested.  Now Erendor’s problem with Bloom is that she’s too head strong, stubborn, and completely not fit to be a Princess/eventual Queen (Bloom meanwhile does not give af what he thinks of her).  She’ll be polite to him for Sky’s sake but she has no interest in a meaningful relationship with him.
Bloom and Samara have a slightly better relationship though.  Season 2 is a pretty big wake up call for Samara that she’s dangerously close to losing her son.  And after she sees Bloom saving Diaspro she has to admit that Sky’s new gf is pretty badass.  They’re never best friends or confessing their deepest secrets to each other, but they are capable of spending time together just the two of them and having a nice time.
Sky on the other hand has a pretty great relationship with Mike and Vanessa.  He officially meets them in season 2 and celebrates christmas with them, and is so terrified that they’ll hate him.  They’re a little sus at first after all the drama of the year before but they can see how much he cares about Bloom, and he’s really respectful towards both them and Bloom, that they start to like him pretty fast.  He also spends a lot of time in Gardenia in the summer between s2 and s3 which develops their relationship even more.  They’re not exactly the caring parents he never had (Brandon’s parents fill that role) but he definitely sees them as parental figures to some degree.
(it was at this point that i remembered that oh yeah, oritel and miriam are a thing)
Oritel has a hard time coming to terms with the fact that the little baby he left behind on Sparx is now an 18 years old with a boyfriend of 2 years (who she’s probably more or less living with at this point).  And that translates to his relationship with Sky.  Oritel hovers over them a lot at first, and interferes to a degree, and is pretty distrustful once he finds out about the whole s1 debacle and then MA happens and he basically treats it as confirmation of his suspicions. Bloom eventually sets him straight and Oritel and Sky’s relationship gets back on track.  It takes a while until things are comfortable between them but eventually they get to a Samara/Bloom level of relationship.
Miriam, being much chiller than her husband, is pretty cool with Sky.  She tends to sit back and observe things before making up her mind, and yeah she knows about the drama from the past but she can also see how happy they make each other now.  And it’s hard but she understands that her daughter is an adult and can make up her own mind about her relationships.  Miriam tries to do her best to be a buffer between Sky and Oritel during the awkward years, which Sky really appreciates.  And when Sky finds out how good Miriam is with a sword they spend a lot of time sparring and practicing together which brings them even closer.
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everythingpuddle · 4 years
Do you have any plans or headcanons for Sky’s mom? I’ve always felt a bit sorry for her for because she clearly seems unhappy with Erendor.
Given how conservative I’ve made Eraklyon, yeah, Samara could be a lot happier. Some of her dynamic with Erendor and Sky is in S2 but it’s not much of a focus in that one chapter.
I imagine that she didn’t have a say in her marriage but is expected to be grateful for it because now she is queen. During S2 she becomes pregnant again and is horrified that Erendor does not pay her the same attention he did when she was pregnant with Sky.
She is very close with her son, but fearful of Erendor since she is to intents and purposes his property.
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
🥰 a fluff WIP snippet
😭 angst or sad WIP snippet
🤩 a WIP snippet with dialogue from Faragonda
I hope you know you're making this very hard for me.
🥰 a fluff WIP snippet
from the Winx rewrite, 1x03, (continuation of this angst snippet):
“Listen, Stella, we’ll keep this secret. The others would understand the gravity of the situation if they knew.” She had to talk herself down from her betrayed act, too. “I’ll just call him Sky. Just like I call you Stella. It will be fine. We’ll protect him.”
“Okay,” Stella sniffled. “Good. Because I wasn’t supposed to know either, you know. Sky told me, I think... I think because that way Brandon wouldn’t have to lie to me.”
“See? Sky trusts you and clearly cares about you as a friend.”
Her own heart settled a little. Maybe even without Stella’s mistake, at some point Sky would have decided to reveal his secret to her as well.
“It hasn’t done him much good.”
“Nonsense. He met me, didn’t he?”
The words slipped out almost instinctively – to boost Stella’s morale but even so, they didn’t ring as fake as she’d feared. It felt right. It felt right that she’d met him and vice versa.
Stella almost choked on the laugh she barked out. “Do I have to use up less confidence so there’s some of it left for you or will you keep this up on your own?”
“I can’t promise you success but I’ll try.”
Hope that's fluffy enough for you.
😭 angst or sad WIP snippet
I'll have you know this is literally just titled "Erendor x Samara hate sex" in the WiP folder:
Distance never worked for them. The separate bedrooms did nothing to keep temptation at bay when they sat on their thrones next to each other all day and it was perfectly natural–expected even–for a king to come and go from his queen's chambers as he pleased. They only had anger to shield themselves behind and now they're here – fucking like they want the other dead, for the crime of making them dependent.
Her orgasm is a given, has been for years, and she can't do anything to stop him from wringing it out of her. Her body cooperates with him rather than with her, especially now that they've been fighting for weeks. Her flesh is begging for his touch, has been since they'd left each other high-strung and dissatisfied. She hadn't been sure which would be the bigger defeat – to try to pleasure herself and face the inevitability that it will feel nothing like she wants it to or to not try at all and silently admit any relief for her lay in his arms.
If she knew when and how they bound themselves together, she could pick the pattern and undo it, protect them both from this burning agony, this need to be so close even when they're mutually destructive.
He is hurting her. She has to be hurting him. If he lets her go, she will stop breathing. And it won't matter one bit compared to the emptiness she'd feel if he didn't fuck her over that precipice of resistance lodged into her brain.
His fingers close around her throat and she's coming. There's no doubt about it, no choice afforded to her, no defense against it.
🤩 a WIP snippet with dialogue from Faragonda
from Till Death Do Us Part:
"I am not alone," Faragonda was unmoved, her hands clasping Griffin's between them cocooned her in unshakable security. "Griffin's flaws do not bother me. She's made mistakes. We all have," she raised her chin. "Unless you'd admit that your attempt to kill her was completely remorseless as well as deranged?"
Cutting her brakes had been too banal to be him. It had also been too flawlessly executed to be anyone else.
Valtor grinned, then shrugged carelessly. "Like I said, there's a long list of parties that would have motives to seek payback."
"I wouldn't know," Faragonda returned his smugness. She brought Griffin's hand up to her chest, holding it directly above her heart. "She's my wife and I would never do anything to hurt her. I promised that I will love her in good and in bad, and whatever she does, won't change that."
Griffin's throat closed. Her fingers went limp between Faragonda's, her heart struggling to beat in halves, her lungs running on empty.
Valtor caught her eye, "Well, that's a relief."
His tongue shaped every word carefully – a blade in her vulnerable flesh. If she could look away, down to her dress, it would be running red with her blood.
"Isn't it, Griffin?"
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
Erendor/Samara because I’m interested 👀
And Marion/Oritel purely for self-indulgence 😇
Lmao sticking to canon is going to be a challenge considering how little screen time they have. And I mean both couples here.
Erendor x Samara:
1) I'm going to go with an educated guess here and say that they probably had an arranged marriage considering their stance on Sky's engagement to Diaspro and the fact that arranged marriages are totally still a thing as we've seen. I like that about them because they're clearly not head-over-heels in love but they seem very compatible (both in 2x14 and later in s5). Arranged marriage is one of my fave tropes and I think all iterations are interesting. Usually, though, my ships fall into the "hate at first sight that grows into begrudging love later" but they are a more middle-ground version. They're not bursting at the seams with love but aren't also particularly uncomfortable with each other which works very well for them as characters, I think. That would tie perfectly into their insistence on the marriage between Sky and Diaspro because they've grown to feel content in their marriage (so Sky should too) while at the same time they don't understand his passionate feelings for Bloom (because their situation is different).
2) Honestly, I've kind of grown to find how horrible they are funny. Like, Brandon and Bloom (in particular) don't deserve the dismissal and downright resentment that they get from Erendor and Samara but their intolerance and entitlement can also be quite funny. Especially since they've both had a couple more graceful moments which just means that they choose to completely suck about 98% of the time. Those better moments in particular are what makes them work as awful people for me because it feels like it was a deliberate choice made for their characterization. I am aware that it most definitely was not. Their characters specifically are literally just what works for the plot but the show of positive traits makes them feel more nuanced. It feels like there's something that could be explored with their characters instead of them just being hostile to Bloom simply to amp up the drama with Sky's arranged marriage. With good writing you can actually make them feel like complex people.
3) I LOVE the implication in Magical Adventure that Erendor just felt so guilty for betraying his alliance with Domino and the consequences this would have for the relationship between him and Samara. In 2x14 she's actually the one who's more antagonistic towards Bloom so I don't imagine she is fond of anyone from the Domino family. Having Erendor walking around like he's a ghost himself just because of his broken promise to Oritel would have probably annoyed her heavily to say the least. But then on the other hand, there's the fact that Samara is pretty much the only sane person in s5 (which was certainly A Choice) and she's the one who's more understanding of Sky and Bloom's relationship. It doesn't lead to tension between her and Erendor but I love the idea that it could. That is to say, their good character traits seem to be in total disharmony which leads to the funniest fucking implication that the only way they can remain compatible is to be on their worst behavior, always. Which, in turn, supports the idea that they are in love because, as I already pointed out, they are totally awful at least 98% of the time.
Did you expect all three points to come together in an essay-like meta because I did not?
Marion x Oritel:
I'll try to be short here because I put too many brain cells into the previous ship.
1) Love that Marion is the one with the Dragon Fire while Oritel is barely implied to have any magic. Extremely sexy of them. (Also, when the maids referred to them as "Your Majesty" and "Your Highness" in SotLK, they were talking to Marion first and she's who they referred to as "Your Majesty" because Oritel is just a consort even if they call him a king; you can't change my mind.)
2) Having a baby during a magical war? Iconic. On a serious note, though, I'm 100 000% certain that that was extremely hard on them both from an emotional and tactical point of view. It adds a lot of depth to their characters (or would if they had fucking bothered to give them any attention whatsoever) to know that they weathered the stress and dangers during the pregnancy only to then sacrifice themselves to save the Magic Dimension. Like I said, iconic.
3) Okay, this actually pretty directly goes against canon (5x12) but who can tell me that they aren't totally in sync in battle and practically know what the other one is thinking? Just try to convince me that that's not the case. They are totally battle mates and a power couple and their teamwork is pretty much unmatched. They are absolutely NOT each other's weak spot; in fact, the only way to defeat them is to separate them because their love for each other just gives them too much power.
Would you look at that? I can actually keep things short!
send me a ship and I’ll tell you three things I like about it
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Magical Adventure and season 5 said Erendor only cares about his boyfriend and his wife.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Thinking about my headcanons about Erendor and Samara again, about how they both had awful parents and terrible childhoods but still managed to fall in love with each other (even if it takes them 30 years of marriage to actually admit it). My favorite thing about all of that has to be the fact that because they love each other it's clear that they CAN love... so they're actively choosing to be fucking awful to everyone (including Sky a lot of the time) but each other. The thing that humanizes them is also the biggest sign that they are horrible human beings and the irony is too delicious.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Want of a Mask
Summary: Wanting someone gives them power over you. Samara is used to being wanted, not to wanting. She has to go back to the mask she knew how to fit over her face. She has to find a way to fit it over the body of her want as well.
Now I'm just gonna drop this here and run away.
Samara could blame her early morning on the warm, golden light slipping in the room tentatively through the crack in the curtains or the ends of her own hair tingling over her breasts with each little movement of her chest. Erendor’s breathing next to her was much less bashful, though, and the heat of his naked skin seared all thoughts of the rising sun and her morning routine out of her reach.
The few inches to the end of the bed were far too much cold to drag her body over. The mattress was already shifting with her own restlessness, each motion rippling in the slickness between her thighs. It cut through her with the emptiness left to fill.
She gasped at the burn in her thighs and abdomen as she scooted closer to him and pressed herself up into his morning erection. Her breasts rubbed in the sheets, her hard nipples tingling from the rough friction. Her breaths were ragged, pushing her chest out in a frantic rhythm. The weight of her need would bruise and crush her but her hips moved on instinct.
It did nothing to prop along the twitching of her clit or soothe it but she was too lost in her cause to care if it was doomed to fail.
Erendor had showed up on her doorstep in an answer to the invitation she’d bitten back behind her sealed lips during the couple years he’d banished her from his bed. She’d fallen asleep every night with her mind stuck at the threshold of her own chambers.
She could have seduced him. An innocent touch of her hand when they were alone and a discreet but decidedly coy smile in the presence of others and the lingering promises of satisfying the temptation she’d left behind would’ve paved his way to her bed in less than a day. But what came after wasn’t as clear-cut.
In every room she set foot in all eyes were on her, regardless of his presence and the power of his voice. She knew the way to tilt her head, to laugh and curve her lips to shape the exact words on someone else’s that would spill their mind for her to pore through. The very crown on her head had been the key to Erendor’s bedchamber and a self-imposed hitch in her breath – all she’d had to slip into to receive permission to unlock his secrets.
She’d always been the object of desire in everyone else’s minds and in her own. Where did that leave her if she was seducing him for her own sake?
He’d went on to answer her the second her mouth had opened up to him. He’d given her no time to fumble with stripping away her clothes and thoughts. He’d taken them all as if they belonged to him. As if they were no different from the orgasms he’d given her, taken from her.
They’d started overlapping and stringing together until the speech coming out of her had been so broken that no intent could have possessed it. She was his instrument, responding to every brush of his cock on her clit and every squeeze of his fingers into her thighs and breasts. He’d left no imprints but her muscles were sore from how much she’d shaken when her world had come apart.
“All you had to do was turn around and kiss me awake.” Erendor’s voice startled her but his arm around her waist drew her back into his body heat. He rutted against her, the hardness of his length pushing a moan the same size from her lips. “But then you would’ve had to use your most trusted weapon – your words.”
She had no air left to ask and plead for her unutterable wants. Her spine bent to chase the feather-light beckoning of his fingers over her breasts and she yelped at the pinch to her nipple. The surrender was forced from her body and she was a spectator without a clue what to expect next from herself. All that mattered was his touch, his hands causing the shivers running under her skin instead of his absence, his breath tickling her neck.
“What do you want, Samara?” he growled in her ear, a new question for the one he’d answered.
Nothing. She should want for nothing with his body pressed into her once again, his fingers weaving their way between the sheets and her legs to dip into her drenched pussy.
It instantly seized around them to keep them hostage until he gave her the coveted bliss he’d introduced her to just last night.
For years his need for her had meant nothing when she couldn’t set foot into his chambers. It’d been weeks since he’d asked her back to his bed. But it hadn’t been before he’d stood in front of her door that she’d learned what true wanting was.
She’d wanted things to be like before. It’d been easy to do what she’d been taught, make him want her and hold on to the control his orgasms gave her over him, even if she’d lost her own composure when he’d made her come too.
She’d been a fool to think that would ever be achievable again.
He’d come to her. She hadn’t had to ask. And it hadn’t been enough.
He’d made her forget his name, and her own. And it hadn’t been enough.
He’d come inside her. Once. And it hadn’t been enough.
No one orgasm could be. He could fuck the life out of her and then slam the door in her face. And she wouldn’t know satiation until he opened it again.
She needed him to fuck her all the time. Each night. Every second of every day.
“Are you ready to come so soon? Hm?” the lilt to his voice was so cruel.
It left her no choice but to choke her sobs and tears and nod along with the undeniable. His fingers were stretching her open – not just for his cock but for the sight she had to make.
Helpless, out of her depth and clinging to his arms to withstand the burning echo of last night’s quivering pleasure in her muscles. Her nails were in his skin leaving nothing but proof of her weakness, of the lack of thought to even avoid leaving a mark on the king. She’d sink her teeth in his fingers if he pulled them away. Like a hungry dog.
“I haven’t even given you my cock yet,” Erendor purred in her ear to prolong the tremble possessing her body. “Isn’t that what you want? My cock?”
Samara’s stomach turned from the mortifying high-pitched whine leaving her along with his fingers. More wetness splashed the top of her thighs in a disgracefully obvious attempt to lure him in. The broken little sigh falling out as his erection brushed over her clit was just the cherry on top.
Erendor disagreed, had enough presence of mind to do so, and paused just at her entrance. His fingers dug into her hips to anchor her in place, “Say it.”
She was so empty it was a miracle she managed to squeeze out a yes through her trembling lips.
Erendor slid home, spilling out the leftovers of her breath and a whole new puddle of wetness they were leaving in the sheets.
“You’re really going to come already, aren’t you?” Erendor punctuated with a thrust that hit the off-switch of her dignity.
Her teeth sank into the pillow drenching it with her saliva, her tongue writhing uselessly in its trap. She still had her voice but she couldn’t wrangle it into words. He was the only one who could free it now.
“You’re just so easy, your body hardwired for pleasure like all you’re waiting to do is come and come and come until one perpetual, endless orgasm is the only state you’ll ever be in.”
She had to be. For him. For her own sake.
She'd been supposed to be a dutiful wife, not a willing lover. Her eagerness should’ve been practiced, calculated, controlled to precision to blind him to the truth and string him along like a doll to be puppeteered. She’d been supposed to shrug it off after he was asleep like a stained dress to be thrown away.
She was hot all over. No fabric would survive the contact with her skin. Her cheeks and lips would be so red if she looked in the mirror that she could skip the makeup and spend the time working his cock into her mouth.
She startled, head rattling against the pillow from the force of the notion. The heat stung her eyes as well, her pussy and clit throbbing wildly.
“I can’t keep up with you.” A grunt escaped Erendor’s strain to still his hips and hold at bay the shaking heralding her climax. “Even the seemingly neverending flutters of your orgasm won’t get me close enough with how impatient you are. What are you going to do then?”
“What?” she spat out the word. Almost coughed it out as his hand squeezed her breast to run her teeth through her own tongue.
“You’ll have to get off my cock and give me an orgasm for a change. What do you have in mind?”
“Whatever you want,” Samara whispered with the first gulp of air that registered in her mind. There was nothing else in there.
Her legs closed together, the pressure of orgasm unbearable.
Erendor was half on top of her, pushing her into the mattress, but his fingers grasped her chin and tipped it to the side to give her a taste of the wine still on his breath. Or maybe to look at her face and see something she’d never seen on herself in the mirror. “I want to hear what you want to give me.”
Her world tipped off balance and her body shook from his efforts. It was just the two of them in her bedchamber. She didn't have to give him any power outside of that.
He fucked her through it, fucked her into pleasure that was painful with its intensity and only stopped when she was screaming herself raw. He could’ve been murdering her and no one would’ve come to stop him. That’s where all the power was – in his hips, clasped between his fingers.
She would drown in it if he didn’t keep her gasping on the surface.
She shrieked but didn’t make it more than an inch up his cock before he pulled her back, fitting his full length snugly inside her again. “I didn’t hear what you want to give me.”
It tumbled right off her lips and into the air around them, “I want you to come in my mouth.”
He hadn’t made her beg for her own orgasm after years worth of proof that she wouldn’t. But his made all the difference now that she was spent and still so far away from sated. She was choking on the bitterness of her own wetness sticking to her thighs and his cock. Only the taste of his arousal could wash away the traces she’d left on herself with his fingers gripping her hair to pull her so close that she could only focus on the need for air.
Her lips parted to let him take her enthusiasm, take it away. His fingers poked her gag reflex but she pushed herself further both on them and on his cock.
His building orgasm echoed inside her only for him to slip her off his cock and replace it inside her with his voice, “We should commemorate the occasion with my favorite set of lingerie. You have to look your best when you get me down your throat.”
Samara forced herself to swallow and swing her legs out of bed. Each new step was like a print in the slickness between her legs that got washed over with the next tidal wave. Her mind raced the distance to her closet and back at least a hundred times by the time she worked her body into closing it under Erendor’s lazy gaze. His erection didn’t give her as much cover as she’d thought leaving her exposed even in her nakedness.
Her heart only calmed down once she was in her closet and going through her lingerie. It would be her armor even if he hadn’t told her which was his favorite. Each new set she looked at came with memories of his desire attached to it in clear labels.
The pink silk and delicate black lace roses were rough like a storm on her skin with all the little charges they added to the momentum of her lust. She made it out of the closet and carried herself to her vanity when Erendor pointed her to the makeup.
She’d been right. Her cheeks were flushed and she’d bitten her lips almost to blood. She’d need a thick layer of lipstick to cover it up and regular reapplication just to be safe.
She’d have to keep the teeth away with her mouth on Erendor’s cock. She’d already left crescents from her nails in his arms and her screams in his ears. Her only hope of those fading was years away and only if she didn’t refresh his memory every time he was inside her.
The brush spreading foundation over her with the sluggish pace of her shaking fingers tingled. She twitched with the impulse to rub the teasing sensation away but Erendor’s eyes on her through the mirror kept her to her memorized routine. Only when he rose from the bed and approached her did her breath hitch so harshly she had to push her chest back into rhythm with her own hands.
“You look so classy. No one would be able to tell your brains are leaking between your legs.”
His fingers brushed over the drenched silk covering the wet flesh begging for his touch, his other hand tightening in her hair to fix her gaze on the truth in the mirror. There was no hiding from it as he reshaped her reflection with the honesty she never allowed herself to give. Not even him. Not even herself.
Her lungs faltered and his lips were on hers devouring the evidence of his effect on her. Her pussy quivered from the barest stroke of his fingers through the fabric dampening the feel. Her hips moved of her own volition when her tongue was wrapped up in his pace and following his lead.
His breath was gone and the tickle of his stubble on her skin retreated.
Her eyelids barely kept up with the flow, pushing against the overwhelming heat she couldn’t shoulder without him. Her gaze focused on the tube of lipstick in his hand. Raised towards her like a weapon against any illusion that she could mask her want.
He knew now what was under the makeup. No additional layers or creative application would distract him from the dents of her own teeth in her lips and the shape of her kiss sealed in red on his cock. She’d given up the power to craft a facade desirable to him and convenient for her. All she could do now was dress herself in her want, paint it on her face and stroke it over his mind with every sound leaving her mouth.
She’d be a fool to think her name would sound the same way on his lips again. It was heavier with the full weight of her in it and required more focus to do it justice. Still, choking on his want tasted a lot more like victory than choking back her voice on the edge of orgasm ever had.
Even with the mirror out of her sight, she could see her eyes rolling in the back of her head.
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
The 'rarepair' polls give off more 'crackship' vibes as those are character who never interacted
The two terms aren't mutually exclusive and rare pair fit all the ships while crack ship did not.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 months
Could you tell us about the witch and witch hunter fic!
Well, like many other of my ideas, it started when I watched a review for a book that executed the witch x witch hunter premise (I think) badly. So naturally, I went "I can do it better!" only to take the very basic premise and run with it.
The idea is that Valtor was "raised" (read: held captive (just like Rapunzel)) by a witch (Belladonna) until he killed her and completed a ritual that transferred her ability to do magic to him. However, he wouldn't be classified as a witch but as a demon instead due to the specifics of the ritual. He became a witch hunter because he wanted to get rid of the other members of Belladonna's coven. However, looking into it, it turned out to be a huge, international organization that is constantly recruiting new members by making use of the current political climate.
Because of the Coven, all witches are perceived as a threat so witch hunting is completely out of control. The Coven only pours oil into the fire to force more and more witches to seek the protection that only they can grant and thus expand and become even more powerful. There are few independent witches that haven't joined them yet and they're all in hiding to avoid being executed.
Because of the reach and scope of the Coven, Valtor figured he cannot destroy them alone. He will need more resources so he decided to join the most openly witchphobic kingdom, which would be Eraklyon. He cannot stand Erendor but sacrifices have to be made for the sake of hia goal. He's pretending that his magic isn't dark and due to his efficiency, Samara is pretending to buy that even though some people in court are openly suspicious of him. However, despite his effectiveness, the Coven remains ever elusive.
Enter Griffin, who was on track to steal something important from Eraklyon (I haven't figured out all the details yet). She would have handled any other witch hunter but the uniqueness of Valtor's abilities proves to be too much for her and she gets captured. She gets offered a deal, however. The Crown has designed a new plan for infiltrating the Coven. Instead of getting burned at the stake, Griffin can choose to marry Valtor in order to act as his cover when they attempt to join the Coven's ranks. After all, a witch hunter would never marry a witch.
Griffin accepts, not so much for herself as much as because of her mother who's afflicted with a magical disease and needs intervention from Griffin's magic to continue living. That is a secret, however, that Griffin is trying to keep. She does marry Valtor and the two of them travel to Andros where they are supposed to get help from Crown Princess Layla and her own inside man that has already joined the Coven - Riven. The Coven is full of young magic users and is led by the Trix (who may or may not be possessed by the Ancestral Witches or are their reincarnations - I haven't decided yet).
I haven't figured out the rest yet but the Coven has plans for Domino's Dragon Fire (which incidentally, Valtor's power is identical to because the ritual he used to gain magic powers allowed him to pick any kind of power he wanted and he chose the one Belladonna was after - to spite her). Griffin and Valtor are, of course, going to fall in love over the course of their mission and uncover each other's secrets to leave them at a precarious position once the mission is over since it's unclear what Griffin's fate will be. No one promised her freedom after the end of the assignment. In fact, their most efficient witch hunter will be more useful without being married to a witch.
... I had kind of given up on this idea because I was having structural problems with it but... I think I just solved those while answering your question. Thanks for being interested in this premise, anon! You might have just helped me revitalize it! 🫶
Ask me about my WiPs
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 months
1, 2, 7, 8, 24, 25, 27 for fic writing asks :) Hope you’re feeling better!
1.the last sentence you wrote
Well, I posted the last fic I worked on so here's the last sentence(s) from my Fallen Love Chapter 3 doc:
Her head spun from just the couple inches her heels added to her height. She’d bet on practicality for years but combat boots would only take her back to the battlefield. They simply didn’t make sense without the threat of war hanging over her head.
(I was going to play by the rules but the angst doesn't really hit with just the last sentence so...)
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
Oh, my god, I've got nothing for this. I have been sick for over a week. Before that I was barely working on that Erendor x Samara fic I wanted to finish. Tbh my head has been way more into House of the Dragon (heaven knows why when the writers are hacks) than any of my own stuff. Like, I am hyperfixating in the most annoying way where I'm not coming up with fic, I'm not really analyzing the text that much, I'm just rotating the same thought in my head like it's a microwave that doesn't work and I'm hoping the heat generated by the rotating motion itself will be enough to cook my fucking thought.
But yeah, if we're talking about actual writing, then I'd have to go with Griffin since Fallen Love is all from her PoV (and so are all of my other recent Griffin x Valtor ideas, which are all I have). She's, uh... She's having a bad time and I don't know how to make it better. The good news is that I don't have to yet but at some point she's going to have to figure out what to do with her life now that she's not at war every day and I. Don't. Know what I'll do then. For now she's having Realizations TM but those are def spoilers.
7. your preferred writing fonts
I don't have any. Unless the one that's already set isn't an abomination, I just don't care. I'm using Libre Office and my default is Liberation Serif so I'm just using that.
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
I suppose that fics that already have sequels planned don't count? I have several for which I'd write an AU but a sequel? Let's see.
Yeah, nope, I'll have to pick something from those that I've already thought of continuing.
Originally, Imitation Play was supposed to have a sequel but I decided that I don't have a clear enough idea for it so I've left it alone. I already have enough other stuff to work on but if I had to write a sequel to something I've already finished, I'd look at that one and try to figure out how to continue it.
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
Usually watch movies. Way more rarely read a book or fanfic. But if I'm looking to spark thoughts, then listen to a playlist or even make a moodboard (which I haven't really done recently). Recently I found out that spending time and having fun with your family can really charge you like nothing else. Huh, who would've thunk?
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
There's watching movies and reading books. DIY. Drawing. Playing various games (sudoku, mahjong, jenga, crossword puzzles, chess occasionally). A couple more that I'd feel like a fraud if I list because it's really been years since I've done them.
27. your favorite part of the writing process
It's what would fall under outlining. When I'm making sense of the story and adding ideas, tying plot points together and just weaving it all into one. I like seeing how it comes together into a coherent story and since it's not super serious at that point, I don't have to stress out that much. I'm just throwing pasta at the wall and seeing what sticks. And then arranging the stuff that sticks into a coherent, beautiful pattern. I like that!
send me fic writer asks
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 month
Hi I discovered your tumblr not too long ago and I have enjoyed your work very much especially the valtor x Griffin and erendor x samara fanfiction , I wondered if you could please write something for stella's parents radius and luna if you want to of course , I was rewatching season 5 and was thinking of some post divorce angst with some unresolved sexual tension and since you have already covered the winx characters parents before I thought I would ask you if you are okay with that
Hope you enjoy your summer and have a good night or day depending on where you are
Hi, anon!
I am thrilled to hear you enjoy my Griffin x Valtor stuff because they are my OTP and I am mentally unwell about them so I just can't shut up about them! I am also very happy that I've gotten someone else into Erendor x Samara since that was such a mind experiment for me. I disliked them both severely (but especially Erendor) and yet, I wanted to see what I could do with them... That got out of hand and now I'm stuck with them haunting the insides of my mind as well so hearing someone else appreciates my madness is encouraging!
I will give it a try! I cannot say how long it will take me to get this done, however, since I have some time-sensitive fanfics that I need to work on first and then there's always the fact that inspiration and motivation can be tricky and not always work as we want them to. But I hope I'll be able to write something since Radius and Luna are intriguing! I'm thinking something set post 3x19 after Stella saves him from Cassandra (but definitely keeping the season 5 scenes in mind).
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darkpoisonouslove · 15 days
💯 [100] How many words does your WIP currently have? How many words do you hope it'll have when it's done? - Fallen Love
🎀 [Bow] How many named characters are in this WIP? How many do get a POV? - CoL trying to have one peaceful breakfast
💖 [Heart] What is your favorite moment in this WIP? - Fallen Love
‍🎨 [Palette] If your WIP was a color, which color would it be? - forgive me for being too lazy to look up the title, but the sequel to the Marion x Griffin AU where they make out in the CT crypt
❌ [Cross] What would your WIP get cancelled on Twitter for? - may I say the water stars wip 🤭
💯 [100] How many words does your WIP currently have? How many words do you hope it'll have when it's done?
What is this question? I have absolutely no idea what is happening here but my brain was trying to convince me to add a new chapter to this just today so I refuse to tempt fate. I am just going to say that, ideally, chapter 3 will remain the longest chapter of this fic even when it's completed.
🎀 [Bow] How many named characters are in this WIP? How many do get a POV?
Bold of you to assume I've gotten anywhere past chapter 1 with this fic. There are at least 10 named characters in it (but probably 12 since I think Erendor and Samara might make appearances). As for PoVs so far only Griffin's is guaranteed. I don't know if it's a good idea to add anyone else's PoV because I feel that if I include more than one of the CoL members, then I'd have to include all of them. But on the other side, I am really enjoying the image of Saladin that I've developed in my head and it would be interesting to explore some of his PoV. Especially since he's the only CoL member whose PoV I haven't written yet. I guess we'll just have to see (if I ever get to writing that).
💖 [Heart] What is your favorite moment in this WIP?
I'll have you know that this question was almost the death of me. Every time I'd pick a scene, my brain would be like "But what about this other one?" or "Yeah, but it needs the context from that earlier scene to really hit". This is like picking a favorite child.
With the caveat that I wouldn't talk about certain scenes because they are major spoilers so I could have a more favorite one among those that I refuse to mention, I have to say that my favorite is the scene where Valtor brings Griffin some of her mother's notes that he collected from the Coven's hideouts.
You see, when the Coven killed Emalyn, they stole all her work that they could find in her home before burning it down to the ground. Now Valtor was a major asshole in the previous chapter but don't jump to the conclusion that he's doing this to make it up to Griffin. He's, in fact, continuing to be an even bigger asshole as he only brought her the notes to make a point. Or rather to further prove the point he was making in the previous chapter - aka the reason why Griffin has been depressed and mad at him.
Griffin tries to turn the point on him because if it's true about her, then it's true about him too, which of course, majorly annoys him. When he cannot get her to drop it, he finally reveals that there was a point in time when he considered telling her absolutely everything about himself aka the fact that he was bound to the Ancestral Witches (which she'd already guessed more or less) and the fact that he's not human and his demon form is his original one (which Griffin had no idea about). He was going to trust her with that but when their plan (to get information pertaining to him freeing himself from the Witches) fell through, he decided not to do it. Not because he was disappointed in her as the failure was mostly hers, but because telling her would have come with certain dangers that could have very well resulted in the exact same situation that she forced on him with her betrayal - she may have needed to stay away from him for an extended period of time and he couldn't bear the thought without the benefit of his potential freedom from the Witches.
Griffin is totally floored by this confession but he's not done yet. He also states that he doesn't care about anything she did - whether her failure in that past moment or her betrayal. He's still just as taken with her.
🎨 [Palette] If your WIP was a color, which color would it be?
The sequel (to Smolder) doesn't have a title yet. I was thinking of sort of making all parts have titles connected with fire but we'll see about that. It doesn't really fit with this answer because I see this fic as pale green. It's a new beginning for both of them (though mostly for Marion) so it's the color of a tiny flower that's just sprouted from the ground - only has a stem and barely any leaves still. Also green to signal that everything between them is going slowly but very well.
❌ [Cross] What would your WIP get cancelled on Twitter for?
I've never been on Twitter + this is barely a WiP yet so I don't have much in the way of an answer. I guess it would be cancelled for how "problematic" Griffin's choice almost is, for how "selfish" Marion is and for some possible queerbaiting if I add that little detail about Marion and Griffin in the beginning (you know, where they're the only ones that remain together for a while).
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darkpoisonouslove · 9 months
2023 in Words
We got 2024... tomorrow. 0_0 Normal. I am so fucking normal about this.
How's it going? My eyes are closing, my hands are shaking and my to-do list until the end of the day has several tasks more than I can handle on it as usual which is all a pretty good summary of 2023. Let's see what came out of it:
Word Count:
101 079 words
Phew. I was afraid it would be much worse. That's not super bad considering I've been stuck on one story for more than half of the year and those words are not included here. (Also not included is my almost 40k-word outline for said story, nor any other outlines, so... uhh... actually way more words were written this year.)
(I'm not bothering with an overview of the fandoms because it's just Winx.)
A total of 7. And that's counting the first chapter of Fallen Love as a story. Ouch! I hoped to get more done this year but on the plus side, I really love the stories that I did write (and the ones I am still planning)!
Actually, there's 3 other finished stories that I do not ever plan on publishing, which rounds up the total number to 10.
Favorite writing moment - this is tough but I'm going to go with coming up with a completely new angle to Griffin's motivations for pretty much anything she's ever done. I've decided to step away from the righteous fight for getting dark magic users the equality they deserve and see how her character looks through a more selfish prism. I have to say that I love what's currently brewing in my head and the newest reason I've given her for leaving Valtor finally is something really personal that only has to do with the two of them and isn't just... guilt in a trench coat. I like to think that means I am healing as well and don't need to work out my subconscious guilt through her.
Wildest writing moment - definitely one of those 3 never-to-be-published fics. It was a total nothing smut idea and then I'm suddenly left with the most cohesive piece I've written since... ever. Usually when I try to explore several different angles of something in one piece, I start to get tangled up in the different threads and completely lose myself in the story. Whether because this was for fun and I wasn't stressing or for another reason, that didn't happen with this story and all threads are in their perfect place. I'm... thrilled about it! :D
This department has suffered too. There's the usual Griffin x Valtor, Griffin x Faragonda, Erendor x Samara (in my documents) and a side of Marion x Oritel and Marion x Griffin (yay!)... and that's about it. Frankly, I am not truly disappointed by this as it has allowed me to focus more on the relationships (that interest me) and on the characters.
I wrote Oritel PoV for the first time this year! Truly an accomplishment considering that he's just Marion's husband in my head and that's pretty much it.
I am also confident in saying that I have a much better grasp on Griffin and Valtor both as characters and as a pairing and most of the enlightenment happened over the last couple of months. I am looking forward to applying all this new knowledge into my fics next year!
That would be videos. I'm pretty sure those are also less than I made last year but that doesn't matter because I feel that I made some really good ones this year!
Other works:
Naturally, my favorites are Griffin x Valtor ones:
Griffin x Valtor - Haunting
Griffin x Valtor - "It's turned to an obsession"
Griffin x Valtor - Daylight
I do have to mention these two:
Griffin x Faragonda & Valtor - Another Love
Griffin x Faragonda - Slumber Party
They are so polar and I love the contrast of Griffin being unable to move on from Valtor in the first versus Faragonda stealing Griffin from Valtor in the second. XD
And last but not least, the video that I am proudest of because of how little material there was to work with and because this is my ship that I made from the ground up:
Griffin x Luna - Lethal Woman
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