#erik killmonger x reader
darkmemesworld · 7 months
Why when im scrolling through a tag i flashed by cho0chie 😦?
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All jokes aside i had posted a meme and not even 3 minutes later it got flagged.. and im starting to see a lot of prn bots is it just me??? But why did my stuff get flagged but bots thats are showing naked people still up 🤔
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honeytoffee · 1 year
AI ain’t have to go off like they did on these Erik Killmonger pictures. Lawd! 😩♥️
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mbakubabe · 2 years
Not the End
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Reader takes a heart-shaped herb after Erik's death, hoping to see him again.
CW: Erik's dead, Angst, fem!reader
You took the herb-you didn't care if you got the power of Bast, potential side effects, nothing-you just wanted to see him again.
You ended up in what looked like a plain, with beautiful trees and sky.
Your breath caught when you saw him.
Even though you weren't very far from each other, you still sprinted to him, burying your face in his chest. He laughed a little, and your heart broke all over again.
"Hey, babe."
You looked up and wanted to cry. He had that same cocky, lovable grin that you missed so damn much.
"You doin' alright?" Usually, he'd try to play it off his concern as casual as possible, but not right now. Maybe cause he was...
You gulped, trying not to break down in his arms. "Nah," you whispered, burrowing yourself into him further, "missed you."
"Me too," he said, and you didn't miss the way his voice shook, just a little bit.
You didn't want to move, but he pulled you back, just enough so that he could see you properly.
"You look good," he breathed. The way he said it made you smile, even though your eyes watered and your legs felt like jelly.
He looked good, too, albeit a bit different, his hair being styled differently, beard a bit longer, and his all-white clothing. But you didn't mind in the slightest.
You felt a tug, and you fought, wanting-needing-to tell him what you didn't when you were alive, when you were both together.
"I love you, Erik."
He just smiled at you, cupped your face in his hands and brought you close enough to kiss, "Yeah, I know."
Then he did kiss you, and you never wanted to stop.
When he finally pulled away, you felt the tug, stronger this time.
"Erik, I got-I got to-"
"Stay? We both know that ain't happening. Least right now." You'd think his words harsh, if his tone hadn't been so soft. Almost heartbroken.
"But I-it hurts, Erik."
Erik just pulled you into another hug, this time much tighter. "I know, baby. I know."
Then he slowly, slowly pulled a fraction of an inch away from you, and you saw that same perfect smile that he reserved for late nights, when he thought you weren't awake, when he'd gaze at you as you both lay and tell you how much you meant to him, when you'd both look up at the stars and he'd talk about how he'd make you royalty-
"Don't cry," he said, his voice gentle-too gentle. You felt his thumb brush your tear-streaked cheeks.
You didn't know you'd been crying.
"Now, you need to go," he murmured, bringing your foreheads together one last time, before pulling away from you completely.
Your vision blurred, and you felt yourself going.
"Erik! N'Jadaka!"
"Love you," he called, suddenly seeming far away. "And death ain't the end! I'm not goin' away that easy!"
You woke up, gasping.
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starcrossedxwriter · 2 years
Bleeding Through Part 1 (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
Trigger Warnings: Angst, asshole Michael, some mentions for triggers for the OC but nothing graphic - just vague mentions (that will be important plot points in later fics!)
A/N: well… this is way longer than I intended or anticipated lol but here it is… Also if you love these two… don't be mad at me!! lol
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“That looks delicious, Charlie. He’ll love it,” Michael’s mom commented as she watched Charlotte put the final touches on her husband’s favorite sweet treat, a chocolate cake. 
Her eyes did not leave her cake as she checked the icing meticulously for spots that did not look exactly. She knew her attention to details slightly obsessive. After all, Michael could care less about the look of desserts as long as the taste was just right. And if there was one thing Charlotte could do, it was bake. But still, she desired only perfection for her husband’s first day home from shooting. Her entire spirit beamed at the compliment from her mother-in-law, one of the few people in the world whose opinion mattered to her.
“You think so??” 
At Donna’s affirmative nod, the young woman let out a small squeal of excitement before laughing at her own antics. 
She moaned, “Ugh… Sorry… I know I’m acting like a complete nut. I just can’t wait for him to be home. This time felt way harder for some reason.”
“I know. It felt longer than three months.”
Charlotte shrugged. “He wasn’t able to call home as much, maybe? Usually we FaceTime every night when he gets home from set but I could barely get him on the phone once a week. And I’ll get to see him at some point but I haven’t seen him since Oscars weekend,” she mused before shrugging. “But I totally get it. Lupita mentioned that the filming and training schedules were just relentless so he probably just didn’t have much time.” 
Michael’s schedule for Marvel’s Black Panther had been crazier than most of his projects so Charlotte truly did understand. Most of the film was shot in Atlanta but the cast had flown to several other locations across the world while training to capture different scenes. And she knew that Michael’s character forced him to stay in hair and make-up longer, which meant earlier and later days on set than many of his counterparts. 
With all of that in mind and as an actress herself, she gave Michael as much grace and understanding throughout the process. He missed a call, no worries. Forgot to call her back, all good. However, that meant they had seen precious little of each other since he left in February. Three months later, she desperately missed everything about him. 
“That boy doesn’t know how to slow down either.” 
The pair shared a laugh. “Definitely doesn’t.” She checked her watch and phone, her face falling into a frown. 
“What’s wrong?” 
She shook her head, forcing her mouth back into a grin and her concern back to the depths of her mind. “N-Nothing, nothing. Just… well he usually texts me when he lands and is on his way but he should’ve landed like an hour ago? Hell, he should be walking through the door any minute.” 
“I’m sure he’s fine… you know he’s forgetful.” 
Michael could be forgetful, it was true. But generally not with things like this. He knew how much Charlotte worried so he never forgot to text her when he landed somewhere. It was usually the first thing he did even when they spent the whole flight texting back and forth. Which was also unusual. She had not received one text from him his entire flight. She shook her head as if she could shake the thoughts out of it. 
He’s fine… he’s fine, she thought to herself. She knew she was just trying to convince herself. To keep her concerns at bay as she worked to clean up their kitchen, she made a mental note to call him in ten minutes if she did not hear from him. However, that ten-minute mental alarm never needed to go off. 
“Speak of the devil,” she whispered to herself as she heard a key turn in the door. She wiped off her hands off and raced to the foyer of their home just as Michael crossed over the threshold. 
Damn he looks good, she thought to herself as she took in his Killmonger look. She loved him in any iteration. But she could not deny this one was… sexy as fuck. Her eyes almost did not know what to focus on and she was shocked at how, even with only three months on set, his body had changed so much from when he left. His muscles were massive before but now they threatened to break the limits of his hoodie, his beard had grown longer and a bit unruly, giving him a rugged look that made Charlotte go weak in the knees. And she could not deny that the dreads were growing on her. They were neatly braided back to keep them out of his face.  
“Hey handsome,” she offered with a bright smile. She immediately wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Her movements almost faltered as she felt his body tense up at her touch, however, he seemed to catch himself and force his body to relax. However, the hug and chaste kiss he placed on her lips were still brief. 
“Hey babe,” he offered before quickly breaking free and moving to bestow equally-brief hugs to his parents. 
Charlotte felt the balloon in her heart deflate slightly at his less-than-warm welcome. Perhaps she had simply built his return up in her mind but typically when he returned home, even from a weekend, he could not keep his hands off of her. And she would be lying if she claimed she did not enjoy it. And so, in this moment, it felt odd not to receive it, his immediate love and affections. 
However, she knew she would not solve any of these conundrums standing in their foyer so she fixed her face back into a smile and followed her husband deeper into the house. 
“How was the flight, babe?” 
“You hungry? I may or may not have a freshly made chocolate cake in the fridge for you. A lil welcome home surprise.” She hoped the promise of his favorite sweet treat would bring out some of the excitement to be home that she felt he was missing. 
“Nah I’m good. Just gonna go shower.” His eyes barely left his phone as he moved through their house, his answers short and clipped as to not invite additional conversation. 
And before Charlotte could even blink or think of a response, he disappeared before her eyes to their master suite upstairs. Charlotte glanced around, unsure of what to do with herself. This was certainly not how she expected his return home to go. She anxiously fiddled with her wedding band as her brain went down a million different rabbit holes at once. She questioned whether he was upset with her. But she had barely spoken to him in the last few weeks, hell the last few months if she were honest about it, so what could she have said or done? She glanced down at her clothes, which did have a light dusting of flour across them due to her mad furry of baking earlier in the day. Perhaps he expected her to look cuter or more put together for his return and he was disappointed? 
Whatever the reason, she knew something was off. This man who looked and spoke like her husband was not fully him. She stood at the foot of their staircase for a few moments as she tried to strategize what she should do next. Should she go and talk to him and gauge what was wrong? Or should she give him space? She was not used to not knowing what to do where Michael was concerned. Usually, they moved in perfect step and in sync. This was far from that. 
She did not noticed Michael’s mom studying her until she spoke up. 
“I’m sure he’s just tired, Charlie.” 
Her words knocked her out of her trance. 
“Y-yea, yea. Just tired,” her words trailed off as she nodded to herself. She repeated the words underneath her breath a few times as if to convince herself her mother-in-law was correct. 
Not everything is a reaction to you, Charlie, Charlotte reminded herself, a refrain her therapist had given her many years ago that she often had to repeat once she stepped her toe back into the dating pond. It was not that Charlotte was self-centered, she preferred when things were not about her. But she had to learn and unlearn a lot where relationships were concerned by the time her rugged path led her to Michael. One of those things being that not every negative emotion or reaction from her partner meant she had done something wrong or would lead to harm. It had been a tough one to unlearn but she was all the better and stronger for it. 
While Michael tended to be in good spirits most of the time, she knew he was not immune to a bad day like every human being and those bad days were not an indictment against her. He just came off shooting a character that was so unlike him, a grueling training and filming schedule, and a long flight. He earned some alone time and some space to decompress if he wanted, she decided quickly. 
“I’m gonna unpack his stuff. I was going to take him out to dinner but I think we’ll just order in so he can get some rest… cool with you two?” 
His mom shook her head. “We actually are going over to Jamila’s house for dinner. Figured you two would want the house to yourselves for a bit.” 
Charlotte’s heart warmed at their thoughtfulness. Before she and Bakari got married, she had always questioned whether living with her in-laws would be awkward or uncomfortable. However, they were both so attuned to giving she and Bakari their space as a married couple and never overstepped. Now, Charlotte would fight tooth and nail to keep them around.
“Love you SO much… Thanks!” She squeezed Donna’s hand before treading the same path up their stairs to their master. She made a mental note to stay positive and to focus on getting him whatever he needed so that once he got some rest, they would get back on track later that evening. 
However, that proved to be wishful thinking. Charlotte felt like she was a ghost in her own home, barely corporeal and visible to his eye. And when he did speak, part of her wished he hadn’t. There was a sharp edge to his words now, even his clipped responses carried annoyance like he wished he did not have to talk to her. 
By the time she was ready to retreat to bed, Charlotte was almost excited for the forced silence of sleep. She was slightly disheartened though as her thoughts drifted to the lace lingerie hanging in her closet that she bought particularly for this moment that would go unused. It was black with gold detailing to match his former character’s Golden Jaguar suit, a detail she had gotten from a spy or two on set. She had strongly considered still putting it on and entice him. However, he did not seem to want any physical affection and she had felt enough rejection from him for the day. 
Maybe tomorrow night, she reasoned as they both slid into bed. 
When he turned off the light on his side, she offered him an ‘I love you,” and a kiss on the cheek. However, neither were reciprocated nor did he ease back into their usual sleeping position with half of his body draped on top of her. No, instead he slept on the edge of their shared bed with his back to her. 
As his light snores filled her ears, Charlotte barely slept as she prayed her husband’s off day was merely a one-time issue and he would be back to his usual jovial self tomorrow. Somehow, despite the warm body next to her, their bed felt cold as ever. And she was no stranger to coldness in a relationship, that dreadful feeling of loneliness when someone was there with you. In fact, in her experience, coldness and indifference were a step up from her ex’s usual behavior. But she was not accustom to such coldness from Bakari. Warmth was she knew with him, all he had ever been. Even on the rare occasions when he was angry, he never acted as if she was a burden or as if he did not wish to be around her. And that was all she felt today: that coldness and the sharp edge of rejection. How else was she supposed to feel when, after three months apart, the love of her life acted as if he did not want to see her? But as she laid there, she still held on tight to her optimism. She vowed not to read too much into it or let it get to her too much. 
She sighed before turning over to face the wall away from him and close her eyes. 
Tomorrow, he’ll be back to normal, she thought to herself. He has to be. 
Charlotte shifted in bed, her hand reaching out to find the warmth that was her husband only to be me with the uncomfortable cold of an empty bed. 
“This nigga,” she whispered, rolling her eyes. She knew exactly where her husband was, where he had been almost every night and day since he returned home from Atlanta four weeks prior. 
She swung her legs out of bed and grabbed her robe, tying it tightly around her waist as she made her way through the darkness to her husband’s ‘man cave,’ which housed all his gadgets and toys. She scratched her head, her reddish-brown curls wild and untamed around her as she had accidentally pushed her scarf off in her restless sleep. She was not surprised to find him playing Call of Duty, the loud gunshots and bangs from the game mixing with the sound from an episode from some anime she did not recognize on the other screen. 
“Babe… Babe. Bakari!” She called his name several times, the annoyance in her tone increasing each time she had to repeat herself.
Charlotte was slightly taken back by his tone and that his eyes did not leave his stupid video game to even acknowledge her presence. However, it did not deter her as she crossed the room to stand behind him. Her hands went to his rub his shoulders, only stilling when she felt him flinch beneath her touch and shrug her hands off of him. She supposed she should be used to the bite of rejection from him these days, but it still stung. Her arms wrapped tightly around her midsection as if to fight the instinct to touch him again. 
“I-I just wanted to see if you were coming to bed soon. It’s like 3 am.”She knew her words sounded needy but she did not care. She missed her husband.
He immediately shook his head, wholly uninterested in retreating to the warmth of his shared bed with his wife. “Nah, not for a while.” 
Charlotte’s whole body seemed to sag in disappointment, her shoulders hunching over as sadness spread throughout her. She knew she had been foolish for being so hopeful… hopeful that he would return to bed and hopeful that he would return to the man who left here in February.
It seemed as though, since he wrapped filming Black Panther, he had little time or interest in being with her or his family. He holed up in his cave in the basement for 90% of the day, only exiting when he had no choice. And even then, it was clear to everyone that he was suffering through their company. His behavior was odd for everyone in their household and their family. Michael was typically the conversationalist but everyone was struggling to pull two words out of him lately and those two words felt like an Olympic feat. She could count on two hands the amount of true conversations they had had since he returned home. And it was not just his isolation from her and his family, which she could, at least, make excuses for. She had also never seen him so short and quick to anger. Usually, he was the calm one, the one who could jump in and diffuse a situation. But now, rage seemed to live just beneath the surface and it only took one out-of-place word for it to spring forward. 
It only took her a few days to recognize what was truly happening. It was the character bleeding through, the toxicity that was Erik Stevens tainting the waters of Michael B. Jordan. And the more she recalled the small tidbits of information she knew about the character he played, the more his behavior now and while he was shooting made sense. However, that did not make it any less anxiety-inducing and frustrating for her. Especially when it was not 24/7. There were certainly moments were she thought her husband was finally back fully. He was actually initiated conversation with her and laughed and joked around. However, those were always shorted lived as Erik seemed to rear his ugly head every time eventually, causing him to ignore her or retreat to his corner of the house. And she hated it, hated this Jekyll and Hyde rollercoaster she felt forced into enduring day in and day out. This ‘Erik-Michael’ hybrid was not the man she married and pledged her life to. But he seemed to have no desire to go back to who he was. 
“Damn… You could’ve just stayed in Atlanta if you were gonna stay holed up in here all day and night,” she mumbled to herself, her own frustration getting the better of her. 
“The fuck you just say?” He threw down his controller and stood up, the loud clanging to the ground causing Charlotte to jump slightly. However, his outburst did not deter her. 
“I said, ‘you could’ve just stayed in Atlanta if you were gonna act like you don’t have a wife and family here.’ I mean what the fuck is wrong with you, Bakari? Like I know it can be hard to shake a character, trust me, I’ve been there. But this is getting fucking ridiculous.” 
He rolled his eyes and took another gulp from his glass of scotch. “Always comin’ in here with some bullshit.” 
“See - that right there. Since when do you speak to me like that?? I don’t know what’s going on with you babe but this ain’t ok.” 
He shook his head. “I’m good. Don’t worry about it.” 
She scoffed, “I’m not an idiot, Michael. This,” she gestured to him, “This isn’t you! You don’t let me touch you,” she started listing all of the grievances that had built up over the last month. “You only let me close to you when you want to have sex. You’re fucking mean a-and aggressive to everyone. You barely speak to me and when you do, you act like you can’t fucking stand it. I’m worried about you! Because this isn’t healthy. And I’m worried about our marriage when you’re treating me like you don’t fucking care about me at all. I need you to tell me what is going on???” 
By the time she stopped talking, she was shouting, her chest heaving lightly with her frustration.
“MAYBE I DON’T CARE!” He yelled at her, his anger at her perceived attack boiling over to uncontrollable levels. Part of him knew she was right. However, hearing his behavior repeated back to him only increased his shame at the fact that he could not shake whatever this was. And that only increased his rage at himself, which he felt like could only be directed at one person: his wife. The words flowed from his mouth like vomit. He did not even know what he was saying until it was too late. “Maybe I don’t give a fuck about you or anyone else! This is the real fucking me. I got every right to be fucking angry if I want to be and I don’t give a fuck what you or anyone else thinks about it!”
The retort bubbling to the surface immediately died in her throat as his words hit her. She did not try to hide the tears that immediately sprang to her eyes as she stared at him. The back of her hand hastily wiped the falling tears away. She had never expected words so callous to come out of his mouth of all people. She could not fully even formulate thoughts, let alone a sentence, as his refrain just repeated in her brain over and over. 
Michael immediately regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth, especially since they were farthest from the truth. For the first time in a long time, he felt the spirit of Killmonger subside, even just for a moment. And he could finally see the damage he had left behind in his wake.
“Babe-“ he immediately raced up to her and touched her arm, immediately stopping when she flinched at his touch and stepped back away from him. 
“Don’t…” her voice cracked as a small sob escaped her lips. “D-don’t touch me.”  
She turned on her heels and raced out of the room, her eyes blurred in the darkness as she made her way, not to the bed she shared with Michael, but to a guest room on the other side of the house. She locked the door immediately and crumpled down to the floor, her body hunched over from the strength of her sobs. 
The sound of her quiet crying as she left the room stayed with Michael, playing a torturous loop in his mind long after he was alone. He had never been so angry or disappointed in himself. He threw the glass in his hand across the room and knocked everything on the coffee table across from his couch to the floor. The shattering sounds did nothing to appease him. 
He did not know what the fuck was wrong with him. Killmonger was dead but it seemed as if he was determined to not let Michael go. Every time he tried to lay the character to rest, Killmonger resisted, feeding on his insecurities, his pain, his anger, and every other negative emotion Michael usually had a handle on. Everything that he usually was able to diminish, Killmonger forced to the surface and amplified to new extremes. Nights like tonight there was only Killmonger and his ‘I have no one and nothing but my revenge’ attitude that Michael just could not shake. 
But Michael had someone… several someones who loved and cared about him. He did not know why he had routinely pushed them all away over the last few weeks. And now he had done significant harm to the one person he loved more than any other person on Earth. 
And he had no idea how to fix it… or if it was even fixable at all. 
Charlotte hummed quietly along with her music as she packed her suitcase, her song only interrupted by her quietly talking to herself as she went over her checklist. 
 “Where you goin’” 
Charlotte glanced up from her suitcase to find her husband standing in the doorway staring at her. The cold front in the Jordan household had been reduced to Arctic levels since their blowout argument two days prior. Michael had considered apologizing but his shame only pushed him farther into isolation. He could barely look at Charlotte and every time he tried to say something, a voice in his head overpowered his good sense and stopped him. And Charlotte, in turn, refused to speak to him.  
So the couple existed in near silence ever since. Unless his parents prompted conversation or the pair had to discuss something important, they simply acted as if the other was not there. Charlotte had even moved out of their bedroom, sleeping in a guest room down the hall to avoid him. 
“I’m going to New York.” She continued packing and gathering her things so she could close her bag. She did not even look at him to see the confused expression on his face. 
“I thought we were supposed to be going in a few weeks before the Tonys.” 
Charlotte nodded. Charlotte had work to attend to in the city and since they both loved NYC so much, they had planned to just go together in about two weeks and stay there until the Tony Awards. Michael had some time off before he had to start training again for Creed II so it would have been the perfect mini vacation for the pair. NYC was at the top of their shortlist of cities they did not visit without the other. And she was knowingly breaking that pact. However, it was, currently, the only city in the country she actually had something to do in and could stay busy while running away from her current problems. 
“Yea but I just think I should go now. Gonna help workshop this new musical and get some other shit done. Car’ll be here in like 30 minutes.”
His eyes grew wide at how soon she was leaving. “You weren’t gon’ say shit?” 
Still emotionally bruised from their argument two days prior, she could not stop her initial thought from escaping her lips. “Why would I? You don’t care, remember?” 
Her eyes clenched shut as she heard the words settle in the space, immediately wishing she could stuff them back down her throat. When she opened her eyes she could see his whole body was tense, his face crestfallen. It was not her intention to make him feel bad. She knew her husband and knew he did not mean those words. But there was a petty part of her who wanted him to hear how deep his words cut. 
However, it seemed to have the opposite effect. She could feel his energy shift, his defenses immediately rising as he felt attacked by her words. 
“So what? You’re leavin’ me cause of some shit you know I didn’t fuckin’ mean?”
Charlotte rubbed her forehead. She was not interested in fighting with him. 
“Nobody’s leaving you. I just… think we both need space. That seems to be what you wanted anyway? Time alone and away from me? Now you’ll have it. And maybe you can use the time to figure your shit out.” 
“Figure what out?” 
“What it is about this fucking character that you can’t shake? And why you can’t let him go? Because you can tell me you’re fine until you’re blue in the face but it isn’t true. And we both know it.” 
Michael knew she was not wrong but slowly his Killmonger facade was slipping. Michael was the one holding the reigns now and Michael needed his wife… here with him.  
“I don’t need space. You’re my fucking wife, Charlotte. I need you here.” 
Charlotte let out a humorless laugh. “See I know I’m your wife, Bakari. But it isn’t clear to me right now that you know that or that you even know you have family and friends who love you. Cause you aren’t acting like it.” She paused before walking over to stand in front of him. Her hand went to his cheek and wiped away a tear that she did not even think he knew was falling. 
“Look, I understand what you are going through… truly I do. I know what it is like to be you and in your skin and in your life but.. you have this other personality gnawing at your soul. It is hard a-and it takes work sometimes to let it go. B-but just because the actress in me understands this and empathizes with it doesn’t mean the wife in me can accept it. I don’t like who you are right now a-and I can’t accept how you’re treating me. I-I have no intention of leaving you, I promise. But I just can’t be here with you like this.” 
Hearing that his wife did not want to be around him hurt worse than any physical wound ever could. He immediately wondered if his mood swings and behavior was triggering to her, something he had been far too in his own head to even consider. 
“I’m so sorry for the other night. I didn’t mean it and you know I'd nev-” 
“I know. Truly, I do,” she assured him. “You aren’t him, you're the farthest person from him I've ever met. A-and I know you didn’t mean what you said. B-but for the last few weeks, babe, I’ve been walking around on eggshells with you. Every day, afraid I’m about to set off a ticking time bomb. And even if all that bomb does is hurl words at me, it,” she choked back sob that caused her voice to crack. “It f-fucking hurts, babe. It hurts to feel lonely with you here. It hurts to not be able to love you or receive that love back. It hurts to feel constantly rejected. And… most of all, it hurts to see you in pain like this. I’m just exhausted, Michael.” Her words sounded as weary as she felt, fresh out of energy and options. If anything, she hoped this time apart would replenish her and him.
A buzzing from her watch pulled her attention from him. Her car was here. 
She pulled her suitcase off of the bench at the end of their bed and grabbed her purse. She knew they both needed this but she did not expect it to hurt either of them as much as it did. The broken look on his face made her want to unpack her bag and stay exactly where she was. But she knew she couldn’t. 
She dragged her feet toward their door, stopping to envelope him in a hug, the first hug in weeks that he actually returned with earnest. She kissed him on the cheek before pulling away, knowing if she lingered in his touch too long, she would not be able to leave. 
“When will you be back?” He asked as she walked toward the door. Part of him was afraid to hear her answer.
She glanced back at him and shrugged. “Don't look so solemn, Bakari. Our marriage isn’t over. I’m with you to the end of the line. But that’s entirely up to you… let me know when my husband is back and Killmonger is dead and buried, and I’ll be on the first red eye back to you. And whatever you need to get him back, you tell me and I'll support you. I love you.” 
She offered him one last smile before she met her driver in the hallway and handed him her stuff, leaving Michael alone in their bedroom.
“I love you too.” 
Taglist: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @msniaimani @hi888888sworld
A/N: So… what do you think??? Charlotte has left for NYC, though she promises to come back. How can our favs come back from this? Do you think she should've let at all or stayed to work it out? What do you think Michael needs to do to get his shit together? Let me know your thoughts! Thanks for reading!
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justice-maul · 1 year
Can I request NSFW headcanons for Killmonger?
Killmonger NSFW Alphabet | Headcanons
Author Note: They requester didn’t specify the gender so it’s neutral, and I didn’t know what to write for the headcanons so I did the alphabet template which is from @the-coldest-goodbye
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Warning(s)⚠: Sub/Bottom Killmonger (we only do Dom/Top reader on this blog)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This man does not like to sleep in a mess so he insists on showering (which may or may most lead to more sex,) and even cleans the sheets before finally laying down to relax and cuddle depending on his mood
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself chest and arms, he loves the scars he’s imprinted on his chest and he’s proud to show them, his arms are his main work out point so this man is clearly buff when it comes to them
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He takes a while to cum but once he does it’s a pretty large amount, but he isn’t a big fan of you cumming inside of him he prefers for it to be on him like his thighs or back, and even likes it in his mouth
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s a bit of a masochist, like he’s into impact play, or getting his nipples pinched, or something even a little extreme like getting a cigarette put out on him, I mean we saw what he did to his own body this man is definitely into some freaky shit
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Well experienced but not overly, he was in the military and mainly focused on his goals but as we saw in the movie he’s clearly had his fair share of sex but he hasn’t had the chance to explore most of his kinks yet
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
The power grab, it’s basically doggy style but, it’s when the dominating partner keeps their partner on their knees while holding their arms back. This is perfect for choking him or and whispering nasty talk into his ear from behind, it gets him going
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s not that goofy but he might make a few jokes or comments just to be bratty
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I see him as the kind of guy who is both messy and neat I’m his life and while he prefers messy sex, he’s very well groomed down their trimmed nicely and everything
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s not the most inmate person in general, and he probably doesn’t like too much intimacy during sex either, but there’s those days where the sex isn’t rough or messy it’s just passionate and slow and the eye contact is prolonged
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Masturbates like any normal person but not really that much, he doesn’t feel the need to if y’all can both satisfy your needs but if your busy or he can’t see you he’ll do it in the shower thinking about the last time you two had fucked
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Impact play,
Knife and Gun play,
And slight exhibition
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Like I just mentioned, he’s into a little bit of exhibition so alleys, a bus, and bathrooms are good with him
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The way he kissed his girl in the movie after a heist? He’s definitely into that adrenaline rush and the thought of getting caught or doing some reckless and dumb is a turn on for him
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Either age play or foot stuff, not really something he’s ever been interested in or wants to do
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Receiving, he’s very good at giving head but he does perder receiving, but don’t worry this man is good with both his mouth and his tongue, they can work wonders on anything
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I mentioned before that this man is rough and fast but has his slow and sensual moments, but most of the time he prefers it hard and rough, he wants to fuck until either one of y’all have passed out
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Loves them, they’re conviene when he’s busy so they’re not exactly uncommon in your relationship and you two often sneak away from the crowd
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Most definitely, he loves danger and the high he gets from it so he would be down to be risky as long as no one gets traumatized by accident from y’all
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has amazing stamina, mans could go on for hours on end, but to make it realistic let’s say about 4 to 5 rounds and he lasts for a while
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own many toys, just classic things like ropes and handcuffs that he’s willing to use on you or himself but he’s open to using your toys if you have any
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s such a big tease, he likes to make you jealous as well, I’m his opinion it adds more spice to the sex, and he ain’t wrong, the build up from all the teasing makes the sex all the more lust filled
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not particularly loud but he often just grunts and pants a lot along with some light groaning, and sometimes lets out low moans occasionally, but if your lucky and it’s been a while since you two have done it, he will let out a string of low moans
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He likes being restricted and having you take control and use him as some kind of toy, he won’t say it but you can tell because he immediately shuts up those annoying bratty comments of his
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
If we’re talking about dick, average length but is girthy, has non prominent veins on the side and his cock is the same color as his ski with the top just a tad but lighter
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His libido isn’t that high but he does often have a craving for it either and can wait for a few weeks but he’ll be real needy and more bratty/clingy which is a sight that is very rare
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
After his whole cleaning process he doesn’t sleep immediately, he talks to you for a little about random things or even about the mind blowing sex y’all just had leasing you to most likely fall asleep first and him following you afterwards
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leelahsrose · 2 years
Thank you all for the support on the last chapter! Even if it was just one note I still would of been happy! Enjoy chapter two 🫶🏾.
chapter two.
"𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡, 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨." -Eli Sostre, circa 2021.
10:30 AM
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Khaleesi woke up the following morning with bags under her eyes, she was exhausted. The night life had its disadvantages but, she loves going out with Kali and helping her. The atmosphere, the people, the feeling of adrenaline. She couldn't get enough of it, it was like going on an adventure. She rolls out of bed and squints her eyes, the sunlight shining through her room was beautiful but blinding. The plain top that she has on reaches down to the middle of her thigh, her ass fills out the bottom of the shirt nicely.
She yawns, the pink thongs that she wears shows for a brief moment. Her black hair was all over the place, strands of it sticking to the side of her cheek. Khaleesi's feet were now stuck to the floor as she realizes she couldn't move, not even an inch. Her eyes remain gazing at Kamari's through the mirror in front of her. The small smile on his face said more than she could say in this moment.
"How did you find me-," He gets up quickly and pushes her gently into the wall. His finger over his mouth as he shushes her, his calm demeanor told her that he was not here to play games. Leesi's eyes began to water, her bottom lip quivering as she looks down at the gun from last night still in his waistband. "Please don't-"
"Baby, there's no reason to cry. I'm not here to hurt you." He wipes her eyes and she gradually calms down, her eyes blinking away the rest of the tears. "I just wanna know why you didn't tell me who you were at first. I had to do my own searching cause me... I know everybody that needs to be known up in this city. You and your sister, y'all new." Khaleesi watches as he sits on her bed, his voice echoing around the tall walls.
"You out here living in the suburbs and shit, you must be important. Come to find out, a nigga ain't ever seen you," Kamari stands back up to walk over and push a piece of hair behind her ear, "because you with the enemies." His voice was filled with bass, it tingled her ears.
"I don't want anything to do with you, I wasn't trying to get you in trouble. I have nothing to do with what my brother does." He creases his eyebrows together and shakes his head. "What?" Khaleesi says softly, her eyes traveling down to the bold tattoo stretched across the front part of his neck.
"You thought I came here to kill you?" Kamari's cuban was right in front of her face, she then realizes that she's practically naked on her bottom half. Khaleesi's hands reach to pull her shirt down, he grabs them swiftly. "No reason to do that, I done seen it all anyways." His lips were lingering over her ear then move over to her cheek. She couldn't turn her head to look at him, the stare he was pinning on her was causing her legs to squeeze together. "Hm, you want me to take care of that?" Kamari's voice buzzes in her ear lowly, almost causing a moan to slip from her mouth.
Khaleesi straightens up and fixes her posture, she pushes him against the chest and he backs up while staring at her. "I want you to tell me what you're doing here."
"Khaleesi Taylor, that's your name. Kali Taylor, Alicia Taylor, and Q Taylor." Kamari sits in the chair on the side of the bed, he breathes out deeply, his nostrils flaring. "You made a mistake walking up to me that night. I should've never seen you." Khaleesi's chest goes up and down steadily, her fingers fiddling with each other. Her heart pounding in her head— like how a fist knocks on a door. His legs were open and his hands were resting on the arm rests. "Cause now I gotta pursue you." He brings his thumb up to his lips and nibbles on the tip of his finger. "Damn, baby."
"You have to leave or my brother, he's going to kill you." Khaleesi didn't want to say those words but, she had to. Q is their family and he protected them fiercely. Now he's saying he's going to pursue her, she couldn't let this happen. She was surprised that he even got in easily but, her brother was away which meant his guards came and go: making it easier for him to sneak in. "You don't know who-"
“I know who your brother is, do you know who I am?" Leesi stares into his eyes and hers soften, she recognizes this man. Last night had to fly by quick for her not to notice who he was. Kamari sits up and clasps his hands together, his eyes never leaving hers. "Leesi—"
"Mari." She hesitates, her eyes searching his face throughly—Khaleesi then rushes into his arms and wraps them around his neck. "I didn't even recognize you, how did you find us?" Mari was Kali and Q's old childhood best friend, he had moved back here to his hometown when they were younger. Mari and Leesi were attached to the hip when they were teenagers, he walked her to school almost everyday to engage in one of their conversations but he was mainly friends with Q.
He was slightly older than her and basically the same age as her brother. She couldn't understand why he was on the opposite side. Why were Q and him fighting? "I didn't, you came to me." His arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, she had never felt so secure. Her hands run down the unfamiliar tattoos on his forearms, the pad of her fingers graze his cuban wristlet. "After I moved away I had to make something for my own. I was tired of taking orders from other niggas. Your brother was one of them, hate to say it."
"He's bossy, I can't disagree." Khaleesi's eyes finally meet with Kamari's. "We can't." She tries to fix her hair but, it wasn't worth it, he had already been gaping at the mess she woke up as. "You changed so much." She attempts to switch the subject, the way he conducts himself was completely different then when they were teens.
"You not ready for me yet, I get it."
"No, I'm scared of what Q will do."
"He won't know." Khaleesi stands up from his lap and walks over to her closet, she grabs a pair of sweats and turns around while pulling them up her legs. Kamari returning back into her life was crazy, insane even. She believed she would never lay eyes on him again. Crazy how your life can change with one person, what was the universe up to? “He didn't know about us when we were younger."
"We kissed once and maybe dated for a while, we can't continue this, Mari. I know you want other girls."
“Wait a damn minute, where this coming from?"
"You've always had options and I know you still do. I'm just saying why would you want to sit here and risk your life like this?!" Khaleesi tilts her head towards him, waiting for his answer.
"I feel like we've been given a second chance right now. When I seen you last night... fuck another weak bitch if she ain't you." They had went through situations together when they were younger that caused them to be pushed together more closely. She's far from weak, Khaleesi took care of him when his parents couldn't even know about what him and her brother did in the streets.
"He's dangerous, worse than when we were young."
“Stop acting like I'm not." He sits forward, his sight not leaving Khaleesi. "I'm not finna argue with you about this, I want what I want." The sunlight hits her eyes gently, the light brown in her orbs was ethereal. He leans back once more, his fingers grazing the stubble on his chin. "When's the last time we had sex?" Leesi's eyes look up at him quickly, sure, they took each other's virginity: that was years ago. Kamari stands up and takes small steps towards her, he eventually is standing face-to-face with Khaleesi.
"You didn't even last." Kamari scoffs and places a soft kiss on her forehead, Khaleesi feels a shiver erupt all the way down to her feet. Her eyes closed for a second then open back up, his lips felt smooth like leather.
"That's because a nigga was young, no experience whatsoever."
"You telling me you got better?" He moves his hands up to either side of her head, his palms flat on the wall. Khaleesi angles her head down to the right, she traces her finger up Kamari's clothed chest then back down slowly. His eyes follow her finger then land back on her eyes.
"That's exactly what I'm saying." The way he spoke to her was aggressive-like but, gingerly. He had definitely gained experience and it was making Khaleesi nervous. Of course she had slept with men of her own but, he was different, her first love: first everything. "Lame ass niggas can't handle you, you too real for them. Just saying." His words were sharp, he meant everything that came from his lips. "Think about it." Khaleesi presses herself against the wall as Kamari turns around and walks toward the balcony.
"You're going to hurt yourself leaving that way."
"How you think I got in?" He grins, his stunning smile showing itself. And with that, he disappears over the banister. Khaleesi smooths down her hair, she breathes heavily. It was the only audible sound in the room, she blinks her eyes then glances at the door. Everyone's still sleep? Her mind wonders. She walks over and twists the knob, on the other side, Kali stands in the slither of space.
"What the hell are you doing?" Kali pushes herself in and slams the door behind her.
"I know you didn't let that nigga in?!"
"Bitch, he showed up here this morning, thanks to you!" Kali arches her lip then rolls her eyes, she takes the time to re-tie the strings of her bonnet. "It's Mari."
"I know, I heard him. What does he want with you?"
"He wants to finish what we had." Her sister furrows her eyebrows together and laughs. "I'm serious."
"Fuck no, Q is going to kill him and you." She moves close to Khaleesi and takes ahold of her wrist. "You need to get rid of him before Q gets back. Leesi, are you hearing me?" Khaleesi felt frustrated, she didn't know what she wanted to do. A do-over with Kamari sounds so good, so tempting but dangerous. Forbidden. He didn't care for danger. That was the problem.
"Okay. I understand."
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essaysbyciara · 2 years
He Ain't Him | Erik "Killmonger" Stevens x Reader ['You Ain't Her', Part II]
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Warnings: lightweight mentions of sexual situations (smut thoughts), conversations about sexual consent. (i cannot stress this enough: we all about consent over here. no means no at any time). peace and love. - Ci
As you sat in his car, you kept seeing her name on Erik’s dashboard. One call turned into two and into three. He kept hitting ‘dismiss’’. If you were her, you’d grow suspicious. Wonder why her man, once attentive and warm, would do a thing as detached himself from your love at the tap of a screen. He’ll call her back, you’ll suppose. It wasn’t as if you two were in a conversation deep enough to warrant that. But he wouldn’t dare answer the phone in front of you. Even though you know who she is, what’s she doing and who he is going home to: her. 
That was the last straw for you. At dinner, Erik talked long moves. Money and location. He wanted her to be a part and feared that she might not be with it. You assured him that it’s best to tell her. That was a bit of inception on your part. You also wanted him to tell her about you. About these dinners. About these few hours away from his peace that cause you such discomfort. Just be honest about it all. But then he called her “crazy” and that’s when you knew she’d never know. For the sake of his safety and the anticipation of her sanity. 
This hurts. Once a man that you wanted to try cosplaying a relationship with is now someone you call a “friend” just to keep in your life. You tell yourself that you need more friends and he can be that for you. When you finally left his car after the fourth missed call, he sent you a text telling you that he “missed you.” and that it was “good to see you.” It had been months since you last sat across from each other. You thought you grew a backbone, choosing to fall back because your heart and common sense fought with violent rage. But then you felt alone, felt as if you needed to get just a sliver of what you snatched away from yourself. So you fell back in line and into his view. 
“... you were the one that distanced yourself and I respected it. I got it.” 
About that distance. About your decision to walk away. When your father died, sex became the salve. It didn’t matter who, it didn’t matter then when and why. You wanted to be with someone, close to someone, needed by someone, used by someone. So you did it. Often. More times than you did before death was dropped at your doorstep. It’s no different than those who drink or smoke the pain away. You chose to use your body in the worst way to escape the worst emotions you’ve ever felt in your life. One day you slept with the wrong one. He changed your life forever. 
Since then, you hid. From men, from dating, from romantic love, from warm embrace. Get numbers, never call them. Flirt for sport only to cry about empty beds and empty promises. Try to date under the pretense of trying but fail at that too. You didn’t want to waste anyone’s time. You didn’t want to give pretense to something that would never be a reality. 
And when you would get close, it felt like they only wanted one thing. That thing you weren’t comfortable to give. And when you said that you couldn’t, they were going to find a way to get it from you and they did. In an empty office space, in the car on the way to a smoke session, in your DMs and text messages. In a kitchen with your back against the counter. That time you graciously open your legs. It had been so long since you felt a man’s touch by your own discretion. You never shook and trembled so much before. You never saw stars like those. Galaxies and orbits surrounding you. You smiled coming down from space. 
You hit the ground with a thud full of so much violence and gore. That’s a way to describe shame and guilt. 
You didn’t want to feel that way again so you swore yourself to solitude and silence. 
“I’m abstaining at the moment.” 
Is he out there? Is he out there waiting for you? The person who understands your decision and never pressures you to think otherwise about your choice. Someone who knows you can be in when it’s time but doesn’t feel the moments leading up are a waste. Willing to be in your space, willing to care and share, willing to be a rider. Is okay with being your friend. Not using your friendship as an escape from “crazy” or “clingy”. Not a friend who says he’s looking to build a future with his future but then says that she could be soon in the past. Within an hour. After you tell him that you need a minute away to figure out who you felt about him, y’all and us. Because he felt you slipping away. 
You can’t wait to find someone who isn’t him. Because he ain’t him. 
So care about yourself for once. 
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Summertime Magic XIII
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A/N: WHAAAAT?!?!?! Another chapter of your FAV fanfic with Mr. N'Jadaka Udaku.
To Catch Up, Press Here. 
Warning: Nothing really but there is a discussion about ... uhn uhn no spoilers sorry
Word Count: 4182
Song Recommendation: All Mine - Brent Faiyaz
“So what you wanna talk about? If this is about M’Baku, I apologize.  He's wild as fuck I swear. Do you mind if I grab an apple?” She washed one off and handed it to him with a smile. He nodded as he bit into at how delicious it was heard:
“Ndiyazi ukuba ungubani kanye kanye ... iNkosana N'Jadaka (I know who you really are... Prince N'Jadaka),” Leslie said, causing him to cough from the shock and looked up; noticing her brow raise, folded arms and slight grin, hips leaning against the counter.
N’Jadaka looked up at Leslie and said “I can explain everything, Leslie. Wait, does she-“.
“Nope. She doesn't know anything. Y’know I was a little skeptical when we first met then I started to see you more and when Y/N told me about your trips to Wakanda, I just thought ‘hmmm, just another person from Wakanda. But then low and behold the freaking king and lord of Wakanda are in your house. You don’t know how to hide it, don’t you?”, Leslie asked before she took a sip of red wine. The prince looked down at his hands and sighed. “Look, I’m sorry but you have to keep this between us. She can't know right now”
“Why? So, my best friend doesn’t know she is gonna be one of your wives?”
“One of my wives? Leslie, where the hell did you hear that from?” Leslie poured another glass and said, “my grandma told me when she was back home, the kings and princes had multiple wives. Look, I ain’t tryna talk shit about our own culture but Y/N is too good to be one of your wives. I ain’t with that shit and neither would she.” N’Jadaka laughed and said “with all due respect, she must have not been there for decades because we stopped that shit when my unc became king. Queen Mother wasn't with that shit at all either so I get you. I care about Baby Girl too damn"
Leslie leaned forward on her hand as she asked "then why can't she know? I mean you love her and what not so why keep her in the dark?" N'Jadaka took a deep breath and started to explain why. "Well, I feel like if she finds out she may leave me, use me, or just whatever the fuck she wants. I had to basically stop my friends from mentioning people around me. I have to keep a very low profile at all times or someone will run and ask for my autograph like I'm Beyonce or something."
"With all due respect my prince, you will never be Beyonce. And do you really think sissy is like that", she asked in a monotone voice, left brow rose and arms extra folded. N'Jadaka sat up and looked her in the face before saying “no. To be honest, I just wanna protect my baby. She really does mean a lot to me but I just know a lot of folks will come after her. I promise I will tell her.”
"When", said Leslie when she rolled her eyes, not believing him. N'Jadaka kept her eyes on her as he dug in his pocket and slid a velvet box towards her. “N’Jadaka…is that what I think it is?” Leslie looked to him before grabbing the box and once she opened it, all she can say was:
"Yeah, been holding on since we made it official."
"N'Jadaka, this is beautiful. But wait, why buy a ring but not tell her about you being royality?"
"It may seem foolish but it was M'Baku's idea. He said it would be more suspenseful, dramatic but mostly I did it because I want to take her on a trip to Wakanda in a few months and tell her." Leslie couldn’t stop looking at the ring; a 2 1/4 ct tw Emerald-cut 14K White Gold but the band looked like it was a polished vibranium finish. Leslie felt teary eyed just looking at it, just imagining how her best friend would react and how beautiful of a bride she would be. “Wow, this is really nice and beautiful and sweet. I’m sorry that I’m so dramatic. I am just so happy for y’all.” He walked over to her and hugged her tight as he chuckled. “Well, I’m happy you love it. I can’t wait to see my baby’s reaction.” 
They heard footsteps and had to be inconspicuous; N’Jadaka let go of Leslie and started caressing the fridge while Leslie wiped her face clean of tears and sipped her wine clean, they saw the ring and its box; he grabbed and hid it in his pocket. Y/N waltzed in with her nephew on her like a koala. “Hey, Monte. They in here and for some reason, babe is making love to y’all new fridge.”
“If he gets my fridge pregnant, he will pay child support”, Monte said as he walked behind her. Soon, everyone made their way to the backyard where it was a whole barbeque feast along with pot roast, baked mac and cheese and multiple side dishes. “So, JD. How is the OutReach center going, man? Sis been tellin’ me about some of programs already?”
“Oh yeah. You know we have the whole nine yards but I think the kids are going to be more into the science and art programs though. We also got the sports coming in too so the kids are gonna love it.” Monte nodded and asked “So JD, when are you and sis gonna make me an uncle?” Y/N coughed on her white wine and fanned herself to breathe again; Izaiah patted her back to make sure she was okay. Leslie told Monte “baby, don’t tryna sound like pops please. They will have kids one day.”
“Leslie baby, I know. I’m just talking trash, that's all.” Leslie cut into her pot roast as she glared at him and said “well, ya better stop or your butt is gonna be talking to that couch.” Monte looked at her and glared at her back but went back to his food then asked “so, baby sis, when y’all getting married”; this made Leslie choke like Y/N and she quickly drank her water while everyone watched. N’Jadaka sat there with wide eyes eating his food then relaxed them once she felt Y/N’s hand on his thigh. She looked to her good friend and said “when the time comes, Monte. I don’t want to rush into anything, you know what I mean but even if he never asks me to be his wife; it doesn't matter to me. I will always love him.” N’Jadaka looked at her and smirked as she winked and went back to his food. 
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Once they finished dessert, Monte, N’Jadaka and Izaiah were playing with a huge yoga ball in the backyard. Leslie grabbed her vape, added a cream pineapple flavor and took a small puff, making sure to blow the smoke out where Y/N wasn’t sitting. “I can’t believe Monte asked that”, Y/N said before pouring her fourth glass of white wine. Leslie took another hit and asked “which one”?
“About me having a kid with him. He know that is a touchy ass subject so why ask?” Leslie took a deep breath sipping her red wine and said “I’m sorry, Y/N/N. I feel bad now.” Y/N looked to her then looked at the three boys and watched as N’Jadaka played with her godson. He looked so happy as he played with the small child; it warmed her heart so much but then she felt a tear drop and her heart shattered. She excused herself and went straight to the bathroom. Once she did, she saw her mascara running down her cheeks. “Great, there goes my makeup.” She grabbed one of Leslie’s makeup wipes and tapped her running mascara marks away. She then dug into her purse to grab her setting powder, her travel powder brush and started to cover what was missing from her makeup. Y/N closed her eyes, took a deep breath and told herself “I am beautiful. I am powerful. I am strong. I am loved and I matter.” She opened her eyes to see Monte standing behind her with a concerned face that made her heart fall to her kneecaps. “What the fuck, Monte?! When the Hell did you get in here?!”
“Uh, when you started chanting like Angela Bassett praying like Tina Turner”; she rolled her eyes and he looked at her reflection. “Bae told me where you were and also cussed me the fuck out so yeah.” She looked at him as she reapplied her eyeliner then her mascara. Monte bent down to place his head on her shoulder, pouting as he looked in the mirror. “Sissy, you ain’t mad at me are you?”
“I’m chillin’, Monte.”
“You sit on a throne of lies, madam. I’ve known you since middle school and I know how you are, missy. You get that look in ya like you wanna shank someone in the knee cap then ya nostrils start flaring up.” Y/N looked up to him which made him point at her and stand up straight. “See, there it is”; she turned to him which made him yelp and slam his back into the door. She poked into his chest as she said the following words:
“Why the hell would you mention children knowing what I've been through?” Monte relaxed his shoulders a tad and took a deep breath; he hung his head in defeat and replied: “I am sorry, sis. I feel really bad. I meant no harm by it.” Y/N looked at him with folded arms before he asked, “he doesn’t know, does he”; she stood in silence which he took as an answer. “You gonna have to tell him one day right, sis? You can’t hide it from him forever.” Y/N stood there, feeling as if she was disappointed in herself. She loves N’Jadaka dearly but what if her secret would make him leave for good. 
Once it was time to go, Y/N placed her god baby in his bed and tucked him while JD watched. He grinned thinking of how great of a mom she would be. He thought about what he was asked at dinner and just couldn’t stop imagining him and Y/N as parents. He felt like she he was a chunky baby, their child would also be a chunky one as well. He didn't care if they had a boy or girl first; the only thing that mattered was the health and well being of the child or, as he would like in the future, children. When he was growing up in Oakland, California, he only really had his father up until he was eight sadly. Once his father passed away and his family took him to Wakanda, Mother Ramonda and Father T’Chaka were his parental figures. At fourteen years old, his family decided to explain his mother’s death; she passed away two days after giving birth to him. This became a fear for him especially if he and Y/N decide to make their own family.
The ride home was honestly so quiet which wasn’t their typical quiet, there was some tension that you can cut with a knife.When they got to N’Jadaka’s home, she hopped in the shower as he was checking his phone and getting undressed. Y/N stood looking in the mirror after she hopped out, she had to come clean about her secret. To her, communication was key and she knew that if she kept this hidden then it would keep eating at her. In bed, her in a huge shirt and him in just sweat pants, they just lied there looking at the ceiling; and that’s how they dosed off.
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Y/N woke up to the smell of breakfast so she stood, stretched her limbs and headed to do her morning routine before leaving the bathroom. N’Jadaka stood at the counter as she walked out, listening to Brent Faiyaz and setting the waiting area. He poured some OJ in tall curved glasses and followed half the cup with champagne. On their plates were fluffy omlettes with spinach, peppers and cheese, wheat toast, turkey sausage links, bacon and a side of hashbrowns. She sat at the counter and took a small sigh before saying “good morning” with a small smile and buttering her toast. N’Jadaka can tell something was troubling her and said “y’know? My unc always said ‘you can always feel if something is troubling someone you care for.’ You have something on your mind. I can feel it”. 
“I just been thinking about what Monte said at dinner”, she said after showing and finishing a slice of toast. N’Jadaka looked up at her while he sipped his mimosa. Once he placed his cup back down and moved his food next to her as he sat. N’Jadaka sat ext to her and leaned into her saying “baby, we already talked about this. We don’t have to get married anytime soon, love. We-”.
“I can’t have kids, N’Jadaka”, she said as she poked at her food. N’Jadaka was taken back honestly mentally. He had no idea what to say in the situation. He couldn’t imagine what was going on through her mind. But all he can do was stand as ahe looked down at her plate and hugged her from behind. He rested his chin on her head and as the hug went on, he heard little sniffs and felt her rub his arm slowly; the sound of her crying broke his heart. He kissed her head to comfort her and said “it’s okay, Y/N.” 
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“It’s not. I just-” ; she stopped and continued. “What if you wanted kids one of these days and I can’t give them to you. I just- I just don’t want you to regret being with me...” He looked over her head, took a deep, holding her tighter before he letting go and went to sit back down. “Y/N, I will never regret being with you. I love you way too much to say that is a deal breaker. We don’t have to have kids right now and when the time comes, we can just try and do our research. And even if we still have a baby, I can’t see myself with anyone but you.”
“Really”, she said as she look up at him while tearing up a bit. N’Jadaka wiped her tears with his thumbs as he told her “of course, beautiful. I would never call it quits because of that. We will make it work. Aight?” She nodded and he leaned into her lips and kissed them softly. “Now, eat ya food, shower, get dolled up, alright? You been working a lot, you may got a little burn out and stress going on so I’m take you to get ya nails and feet done. Maybe, a deep ass massage, a little shopping trip for you and not for your shop. Okay?”
Y/N sat there in her feelings but they weren’t bad feelings. She felt love, she felt safe and never felt this way with any man before and she was okay with that. After they ate and got ready, they headed out and spent the day together. He would steal some looks of her. Watching her with pineapple hair, black shades, tye dye body con dress with red slides to match, she was beautiful not even trying. As they walked the street of Rodeo, he would pull her and wrap his arms around showing her a warm embrace. He couldn’t imagine his life without her. Even just watching her get nails and feet done, he still loved being around her and in her presence. As she talked and got pampered, he watched as she smiled and everytime she did, there was light that just shined and made everyone smile from ear to ear; he couldn’t wait to make her Mrs. Udaku and treat her like royalty the rest of their lives.
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The following week, both of their schedules were hectic as heck. From the Outreach Center to the grand opening of her salon, they have been overly busy with everything. When ever they were together, they were always working but they always made sure that made time for one another. On the next off day for N’Jadaka, he sat at his place bored and laying in bed. All of a sudden, he heard a knock on the door and got up to answer; it was Jerald and Sheila. The couple wore a matching Nike sweatsuit and had bags in their hands. “Hey, man. Where baby girl at”, Sheila asked. He told her “working on the shop, S. She’ll be home in a few hours.” 
Jerald places the bags on his counter and said “my moms made you grip of food, bruh. Cornbread, greens, pot roast, all that.” N’Jadaka rubbed his hands together feeling his inner fat boy jumping for joy. “Awe shiet. Ma Dukes threw down, huh?”
“You know she did. How ya fam doing by the way? I know the finna all be down here soon for the grandopening in like a month, huh?”
“Yeah, but between me and you, they just wanna meet Y/N. M’Baku and T already did and B’s big ass try to talk to Leslie.” Jerald and Sheila now sat on the couch as Jerald said “Leslie got a whole ass child and man though right.” While she rubbed Jerald’s back, she told the guys “please that aint stopping nothing for M’Baku. Remember her tried to get at me when I was a few months pregnant?” N’Jadaka chuckled and said “oh yeah and he was trying to challenge him on the mountain. Nah, that was funny as fuck.” 
“Man, I still got PTSD from being on that damn mountain being butt ass naked.” N’Jadaka passed them some drinks like water and apples juice before sitting. “So, JD, did you do it yet”, Jerald asked and N’Jadaka replied “nah, not yet man. I want it to be special though and y’all got be apart of it.” 
“I’m sorry but what are y’all talking about?”
“N’Jadaka is proposing to Y/N”. N’Jadaka said “NIGGUH! Now, you know S can’t keep a damn secret.” She stood and said “am not. At least I aint tell the baby you a whole ass Prince of Wakanda. Did I, hmmm?” Jerald looked at N’Jadaka and said “bae, you kinda told the last girl he hooked up with though.” She looked at him and seemed as if a ray of heat hit the back of his head because his eye twitched once before he said “she looking at me is she?” He avoided her glance as his friend chuckled before saying “Sheila, please don’t tell my girl anything. But my plan is to tell her that I got a surprise vacation planned, she won’t need anything just her and her phone, right? Ima get Dora Milaje to dress up and up on the aircraft then on the plane I will tell her we in Wakanda and all that but then once, we getting greeted by all the tribes. Ima make her feel like royalty the whole night you know after I tell her. Then Auntie talking about a welcoming feast and party but after that, Ima take her to the garden then BOOM candles every where, flowers falling, the purple night sky and my hands in hers as I get on one knee and then this.” He even got on his right knee as he showed the ring. Jerald stood and looked at the ring. “This shiet is sick as fuck, bruh.”
“Is that a vibranium band, JD?” The prince looked at the ring as he stood and said “yeah, it is. Because just like vibranium, our love can withstand anything and last for generations to come.” He heard sniffles as he looked up and saw not only Sheila crying but also Jerald. “That’s so beautiful, nigga. Got my crying and shiet.” Sheila looked to him and pushed him out the way to get to JD. “I promise I won’t saying anything. I am so happy for y’all, baby brother. EEEEK, I can’t wait.”
“Hey, y’all. Can’t wait for Sheila?” They shock to see Y/N standing there with black plastic bags of food. She wore some distressed jeans, a white tee and matching Converse; her hair was in a low bun. Sheila looked at the box in N’Jadaka’s hand and stood in front so he can hide the ring in his pocket and said “the grand opening of the salon, sis. Y’know what? That reminds me, girl. We actually got to get our fits ready. The event is in two days, right?” She pulled Jerald up and pushed him to door as she got her answer and walking; they said their byes with some hugs and left. Y/N turned to her man and said, with a confused expression as she walked to him, placed the bags on the coffee, “was J crying?”
“Yeah, we watching a sad ass movie, Sheila made us watched.” She giggled and wrapped his arms around his neck to kiss his lips once; he growled in pleasure and wrapped his arms around her waist, deeply kissing her. She moaned as her lips and tongue make love to his. She began to hold the back of neck getting deeper into the kiss until she smelt the food. She tried to pull away from the kiss but he didn’t want to stop. 
“Baby, the food is gonna cold.”
“Fuck that food. I wanna eat you instead.”
“Baby, I’m hungry.”
“You can eat later after I eat.”  With that, he picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist and made their way to the bedroom. He threw her gently on the bed and started crawling up her body. “You gonna feed me, baby girl, or do I gotta unwrap my food myself.” She looked up at him while on her elbows before unzipping and slipped out her jeans. He began kissing her inner thighs before slipping her panties to the side. Slipping his thick digits inside her made her grip them instant as he did a curling motion as he sucked her clit. She moaned at the feeling and felt all her stress from the work week. She looked down at him to see his gentle orbs looked right at her. 
He loved making eye contact whether it was missionary.
“I love you so much”.
From the side.
“Damn, this pussy good as fuck, baby girl.”
And especially from the back. God, bless that mirror.
“Look at you taking all this dick. Mmmm fuck. Don’t you look beautiful taking this dick.”
“I look so good taking this dick, daddy.” After they made love, he stood from the bed still nude and said “aight, baby. You wanna eat?” All the answer he got was when he heard little snores behind him; he just chuckled and laughed.
It was the night of the grand opening and they were ready. N’Jadaka looked in the mirror of the bedroom and knew he looked good in his attire with his coat wide open and gold fangs glistening. Y/N came out in her amazing dress and he was taken aback. He kissed her cheek and they were off. They saw the news trucks, her family, friends, and supporters as they pulled up. Y/N got local black businesses to cater the event, and she had something to say before she opened the doors. 
“Hey, everyone. If you do not know who I am, I’m Y/N Y/L/N . I have been doing hair since very young young and been saving for this moment. This may sound cliche but I honestly am very thankful for y’all support and just being here. It was a very long road to travel down but it was all so worth it. I appreciate you all from friends and family for having my back for years but I also want to thank a man who has showed me so much love in the year and few we have dated and that man is Mr. N’Jadaka Udaku, who without him, I wouldn’t be standing here now.”  She held out her hand to signal him to come and as everyone cheered, clapped and took photos, he stood behind her, hugging her from the back and just being so proud of her but they didn’t know what was happening a few feet behind the crowd. 
There was a couple leaning in a silver Nissan Altima, wearing all black hiding in the night. “So, what you got planned to fuck them over,” said the man who was still upset N’Jadaka has his ex now. He looked towards the woman and said “just know, you inspired this plan… a lot.”  The woman was about to do something to ruin what a good thing the couple had, but she didn’t care and was willing to do anything to let Y/N know she made a huge mistake.
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Um....who in the raggedy hell plotting on Y/N and the Prince and HOW do you think Y/N will feel when she finds out N'Jadaka is a whole Prince? Find out in the next chapter. *evil cackle*
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darkmemesworld · 2 years
"hey Namor look under there"
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"under where?"
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"haha made you say underwear"
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I guess Namor can't take a joke 🙄
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
erik killmonger x the reader is his mother , in the scene where he sees his father in the ancestral plane , i wish it was his mother
You may have met Erik's father by chance. Your beauty, kindness and good personality caught his attention. Especially your stance against racism had a great impact on him. Your love soon ended in marriage. Your happy family was completed with the birth of your son Erikin. Your son was your pride. You and your husband work together in the care of your son. You get very emotional when you hear his first word and see his first steps. After a while you lose your husband. You and your son are alone in life. You are trying to do everything to protect your son. You are trying to prevent your son from taking action for revenge. You stand by your son no matter what he decides. Your son is overprotective of you. He has no mercy on those who try to harm you and those who insult you.
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mbakubabe · 2 years
Bound for Gold
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Part 3 (Part 2) (Part 1)
You only have three rules when it comes to your job: complete the assignment, get your money, and get out. Easy. Simple.
Well, it was. Until you met him.
Erik x Fem!Black Reader
CW: eventual smut (not in this chapter), angst, violence, enemies to lovers
You approached the guard from the back, knife in hand. A few more moments and a dead body later, you were in.
You'd have to get this done quickly, before they noticed the trail of bodies you were leaving.
You crept through the halls, making sure to avoid the cameras (you'd done this countless times, and Hydra was as predictable as you'd expect), eventually coming across what looked like a cell.
A sudden explosion shook the place, and you had to lean on the wall to not lose your footing. What the fuck?
Sprinting to the next vent opening, you pried it open and crawled inside, trying to catch your breath as you heard the thudding footsteps of Hydra soldiers pass.
Well, subtlety didn't seem to be the right approach anymore, you thought, crawling towards the main office through their freezing ventilation system.
"Just get it done quick," you murmured to yourself.
You heard screams and shots, then bodies hitting the floor, but you just kept moving. You were here to get Weber. You could deal with whoever that was later. If you had to.
Eventually, you lowered yourself from the vent, onto a cold, tiled floor.
This part of the hall was quiet, so-
"Hands up."
You recognized that voice. Damn!
"Hands. Up."
Taking a deep breath, you put your hands in the air. If you could get to your gun fast enough-
"Nah, girl, turn around," he said, his hands on your shoulder. He smirked. "So it is you."
His gun was trained on your face, now, but you just wanted to roll your eyes. So much for quick.
Hydra or not, you were not ever gonna take a job from S.H.I.E.L.D again.
You flashed him a smile-all teeth-before another explosion went off, and for a fraction of a second, he looked away-more than enough time for you to pull your gun out and point it right back at his face.
So now you two were just kind of just pointing guns at each other, while explosions and gunshots rang out, and the sound of more Hydra goons stomped though the facility. Getting close.
"So...Hydra? Really?"
"Should be asking you that question," he shot back, "now put the gun down before we both die."
"Why, so you can shoot me? You think I'm an idiot?"
He opened his mouth to speak, probably to say yes-before you both heard yelling again, extremely close this time.
Erik exhaled, pausing for a bit before saying, "You don't wanna put it down? Fine. I guess we both dyin', then."
You remained silent, your gun's barrel still aimed at his forehead. If you managed to pull the trigger before he did, then maybe-
You shook the thought away. Don't be stupid.
"How about we both put our guns down? Till...after we do this, anyway."
You really, really hated extending olive branches, but right now, you didn't see much of a way out, short of somehow managing to out-shoot him and Hydra outside the hall.
He hesitated for a long moment, then nodded, and very slowly, you both lowered your weapons.
"Tötet die fremden!"
You dashed out of the hall, sprinting at the sound, resisting the urge to shoot the man following you-what was he doing?
You ducked near a corner, shooting the two guards in front of the door and throwing a timed bomb at the other door at the end, the one Hydra was currently trying to break into.
"What the fuck are you doing," you hissed.
"That's Weber in there, right? Gonna blow his head off," he said, briefly covering his ears when the bomb went off and took several screaming men with it. And then he shot the bolts off the door before you did.
"What? I'm going to kill him-"
He didn't stick around to listen, rushing into the room, you close on his heels-only to find an empty chair and a few drops of blood.
He wasn't here. At least, not anymore.
Quick job your ass.
You darted to the windowsill, seeing Erik already had it open and climbed halfway through.
For some reason, his hand was outstretched towards yours, and for some reason, you took it. He helped you up.
You both jumped at the same time, the screams and gunshots growing more and more distant as you hit the water.
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Erik swam, the current strong-but not strong enough. He'd swam through much worse.
The woman, though-she was gone. If she stayed in here any longer, she'd drown. Or freeze.
"Fuck," he muttered, diving under the water and swimming in the opposite direction, as a helicopter hovered overhead. You'd have to get through yourself.
He didn't know why the thought bothered him so much.
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Running through a forest in sopping, freezing clothes-at night-sure was comfortable.
All this and you hadn't even completed the assignment.
You reached a road, ran alongside it and hoped your gun wasn't jammed. You'd have to use it soon.
As you ran, your thoughts started to wander.
What'd happened to Erik?
Wait, was that...worry you were feeling?
You frowned, shaking the thought away. Of course you didn't feel worried. He was competition. An obstacle.
Slowing to a jog, you just focused on getting to the hotel. You'd start over.
Job might not be quick, but you'd get it done. You always did.
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writerbee-ffs · 7 months
MBJ/Killmonger fics still alive and well ?
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shyblackgurl · 2 years
Leave Me Alone
The sunlight poured through the window and your alarm blarred loudly on the nightstand. You huffed as you begrudgingly pulled your legs to the side of the bed. “Shit.” You sighed as you shuffled to the bathroom. You slowly brushed your teeth and jumped in the shower. Letting the warm water run down your back you finally let the tears break. You finally told Erik you wanted more than just a situationship. He just wasn’t ready to be a boyfriend. He made that clear from the beginning. However, you being stubborn and hoping he’d have a change of heart. After all you two have been seeing each other for almost a year. Granted your dates mostly began and ended with sex but your connection was deeper than just sex. He’d come over and greet you with good conversation and a home cooked meal. You two were more than just sex. He made you feel so loved.He was special.
You made to work late but at least you showed up. Your co-worker Janine walked over to you cubicle with doughnuts. “Girl, what’s the problem. You’ve been looking gray all week. What did Kevin do?” She asked offering you a napkin wrapped baked good. You panicked, shit, Kevin. You had forgotten all about him during your sulking. You cleared your thoat and straightened your back. “Girl, Kevin’s good. I’m just having a bad week. Ya know.” You said quickly grabbing the sweet treat and spinning your chair back around. Janine folded her arms not convinced by what you said but who was she to question your mood. “Well okay boo. If you need to talk I’m just down the way.” She exited your cubicle. You hadn’t thought about Kevin all week. You strolled through your phone to text him.
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This was the worse possible thing he could do to you today. Come to your house! You’d been sulking all weekend and your apartment showed it. Dirty dishes in your bedroom and laundry piled on the floor. No way was he coming over today. You left his message on read and continued your work day. Maybe he’d figure out your non-reply and not bother to come by.
Your work day was shit. You told Janine some random lie you’d concocted right there on the spot so you could go home early. After all you weren’t very much help with your drab attitude today. As you pulled into the parking garage you saw a car parked in your parking spot. “Damn! Universe give me a fucking break!” You yelled into the ceiling of your sedan. The driver door opens on the two door coupe and you see him. Erik. He waves you down so you’d stop. You rolled down your window and his cologne meets you first then the sweet spearmint of his gum as he leans into your window. “So how you like the new whip?” He said glancing back at the blacked out beauty. You rolled your eyes “It’s nice. What are you doing here,E?”. Erik takes offense to your tone. “Damn did I do something to you?”. He said stepping back from your car. “Erik, are you serious?!” You huffed and rolled your eyes. “Dude, I told you we were done. Why are you even here?” Your face was twisted in anger and hurt. His presence made your emotions so confused. You wanted to beat him but your love for him kept you from cussing him out. He was really out of line right now. Erik just smirked, deep dimples just taunting you. “Y/N, i know you didnt mean that shit. That’s why I gave you some time to let that shit blow over. I thought you’d be good by now. You really trying to cut a nigga off?
You rolled your eyes but your inner monologue was screaming, “The audacity of this nigga!! He really thought I was a joke! WHAT. THE. HELL!”. You took a deep breath and shook your head. “Look, I seriously meant what I said. I’m done. I can’t keep playing these games with you. You know Kevin and I are getting serious and it’s about time we let whatever this is... go.” He took another step back from your car and looked you in the eyes. His facial expression unreadable. You took the time to pull into you parking spot next to his car. With his hands in his pockets he approached your car again. “Y/N, okay. Imma give you this little break. You know my number when he mess up... again.” He winked and he got into his car.
You watched his black sports car turn the corner and you take a sigh. You gather you purse and head to the elevator to your apartment. Your phone dings with another text from Kevin. You didn’t even attempt to read it. Struggling to find your keys you notice flowers by your door. “What the hell is this?” You ask aloud. Looking around to see if anyone is near by. You grab the small vase and read the card
“Bae I miss you.”
A simple and sweet gift from a simple man. Kevin really is a good man.
Too bad he isn’t Erik.
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mermaidchansons · 2 years
I am now taking requests for one shot fics! Here are the characters/people I’ve written for or am willing to write for:
• Shuri (MCU)
• M’Baku (MCU)
• Erik Killmonger (MCU)
• Steve Rogers (MCU)
• Henry Cavill
• Katsuki Bakugo (BNHA) (aged up)
• Izuku Midoriya (BNHA) (aged up)
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leelahsrose · 1 year
chapter six.
"𝙄 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙙."
-Sade, circa 1993
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"Is he doing better?" Khaleesi paces the fancy restroom, she attempts to talk loudly over the classical music. The short train on the gown she wears comes to a halt as she turns and looks in the mirror. She pulls up at the sides of her black dress—fixing her breast into place, Kamari's voice on the other side of the phone rambles on as she does so.
"He doing way better, I got him at home resting: got some people circling his place to make sure he good." As Kamari promised, he got Khaleesi home on time: after fixing up his friend's wound she rushed to the shower to wash off his scent then got dressed. She holds her phone between her shoulder and ear, her eyes glancing toward the door every few seconds. "You ain't find no colleges did you?"
Khaleesi knows he doesn't want her to go, the anxiousness in his voice stuck out. She bites down on the corner of her bottom lip, her hand clutching the phone. "I did, I saw a couple good ones but, it's too early to decide. My dad was... he was thinking about Atlanta." Her voice was low, barely audible. Her father has been wanting Khaleesi to be an alumna at Spelman, she would be the first in the family to graduate from college and an HBCU.
She hears silence on the other end but, it said a lot. "I know you your own woman and shit but, Leesi, I don't want you to go."
"You know it's my dad, I don't want to go either. But, I have to—"
"No you don't, wait, hold on baby— what the fuck you want, nigga? Damn." He takes his mouth away from the receiver, his booming voice trailing off. Khaleesi shakes her head then rakes her fingers through the ends of her hair, she curled it earlier but now they were starting to fall. "All you gotta do is say the word, you know?" His low voice coming back into the phone, she squeezes the counter in front of her. "And I'd get you out of there, with the quickness: for real."
Khaleesi shifts back and forth on her feet, she didn't know what to say. She didn't understand how he would get her without anyone dying. "That's dangerous." She interjects, her voice sharp: his raspy laugh now in her ear. "Nigga, what's funny?"
"So that's a yes?"
"I don't want anything to happen to you, Kamari please." Khaleesi begs quietly, she rolls her eyes.
"Nothing is going to happen to me, I got this. In and out, 20 minutes." She stomps her foot then crosses her free arm over her chest, Khaleesi sighs and shakes her head—what would Kali think? "Baby, trust me, please."
"When the time comes."
"Okay, be ready for our date though."
"What you mean? We're doing that tonight?"
"Hell yea, I'mma be there around 10: I'll come help you pack a bag." That only meant that Khaleesi had to get Kali to cover for her again. She already told their mother she went to a sleepover with one of her girl friends for last night.
"Kali has to cover for me again, I don't think she's going to do it though. I'm sorry, baby. We can do it another time."
"Nah, she gonna cover for you again. I think she seeing my homeboy."
"What?!" Khaleesi's eyebrows crease as she looks towards the door, her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach. "Boy, what the hell are you talking about? She hates y'all."
"He told me last night, said they met at the gas station that night but she didn't know at first." Khaleesi thinks back on the time she first seen Kamari, trying to see if there was any time throughout the night Kali wasn't accounted for.  She hears a dainty knock on the bathroom, her head switches over to the door. "I gotta go, I'll talk to you later."
"I love you, perpetually." Khaleesi smiles, her nails tapping against the counter: her head completely empty.
"I like that, I love you perpetually." She hangs up and presses the phone against her chest, Khaleesi rushes over to the door then pulls it open. Kali stands on the other side, her embellished blue gown sparkling under the lobby's lights. "We need to talk."
"Not right now, mom is waiting for us. Let's go." Khaleesi walks out of the restroom and into the crowd of people with her sister. Kali grabs her hand and begins to walk down the corridor, her eyes scanning the various individuals.
"Are you seeing one of Mari's people?" Kali stops moving all of a sudden, she looks back at Khaleesi and squints her eyes. She leads them to one of the side walls, pushing her against the wallpaper.
"That is none of your business."
"It is my business because Mari is my business. What happened to not fucking the enemies?"
"Bitch, we're not fucking." Khaleesi purses her lips, not believing a single word coming from her mouth.
"Maybe once. It's still none of your business, I'm a grown woman whose about to move out. They won't care."
"You're a hypocrite and a lying ass bitch." Khaleesi rips her hand from her grip then crosses her arms over her chest. "You will continue to cover for me—"
"No the fuck I'm not-"
"Yes, you will. Or I swear I will tell mom about the club and how you influenced me to go and stirred me away from school. Don't, cross me again. Have you lost your mind?" Khaleesi scowls and continues to walk down the hall, Kali's eyebrows crease as she treads after her.
"Khaleesi." She ignores her, continuing her movement. "Come on, okay I know I should've told you. I'm sorry, we always forgive each-other. What's different about this time?"
"Because, Kali, you made me feel like being in love with Kamari is wrong, saying that he's an enemy and what not but you're doing the same shit. That's fucked up. Can you not see how that's messed up?!" She slightly yells at the end causing several eyes to move over to the sisters, Kali looks around and shuffles them over to the side once again.
"Yes that's fucked up, I get it. I'm sorry, Leesi. You know it's still dangerous though, right?"
"I don't want to hear that right now."
"It's the truth."
"No, the truth is that me and you are in danger. You're not excluded from this, you're still very much a Taylor like me. Bitch, get real." And with that, Khaleesi leaves Kali in a pool of her own thoughts and regrets.
10:00 PM
same day
Khaleesi looks down at Mari's text lighting up her screen, he was on the way. Her TV was already turned off, bed made-up to perfection: the silence that hugs the room was comforting to her. The rose-colored duffle bag on her bed was already packed and zipped up, she sits her phone on top of it and walks to the bathroom to the side of her. She fixes her multicolored headband then flicks a piece of lint off her cheek.
"Khaleesi!" She hears her name and her head cocks back toward the door, her heart beginning to race. Kali had already told their mother she was staying with her girl friend again, what was it now? Her phone begins to ring and she sighs, Kamari's name popping up.
"My mom wants to talk to me, what do I do?" Kali opens her door and comes in, shutting it behind her. Khaleesi looks over at her, wondering what she wanted.
"She wants to meet your friend, the one you're staying with? He better come up with something quick cause I can't think of anything else and Nizhoni is busy."
"Did you-"
"I got it, I came prepared trust me." Khaleesi nods her head and hangs up, she tosses her phone on her bed and breathes out a frustrating breath.
"That's all he has to say is trust me? Leesi, mom thinks she's already here to pick you up. If he can't come up with a physical human being within five minutes, I don't know what to tell you."
"He got it, trust him Kali, shit." The doorbell startles both of them, they both gaze at one another: wide-eye and anxious. They move to the door at the same time, Khaleesi goes out first and races down the stairs.
"Whose that?" Alicia Taylor treads out of the kitchen with a towel in her hand, she wipes her palms and tilts her head. Khaleesi opens the door and a young brown-skinned woman stands there, a friendly smile on her face as she holds a pair of keys in her right hand.
"Mom, this is Tracy." Khaleesi thinks of a name quickly, she turns around and stands to the side letting her come into their residence. Alicia smiles and walks towards her, greeting her with a small hug.
"It's certainly nice to meet you Mrs. Taylor, it's nice helping Leesi with her paper. She's doing really good."
"Oh—that's great to hear, my baby she's so smart. It's good to finally meet you as well, wanted to make sure she wasn't running off with no boy now." Alicia laughs amusingly, the three girls all share nervous looks as they chuckle quietly. "Well, I won't keep y'all long. Enjoy studying, Khaleesi don't stay up to late, I'll see you?"
"I'll be back tomorrow night, wanna work on it some more later that day. I won't be too long, ma, I'm just ten minutes away."
"Alrighty then, I'll call to check up on you, try to make it back before dinner? Q is coming over, you know how hard it is to get all of us together."
"Yes mam." Alicia smiles gently and walks back into the kitchen, they all stare at her as she does so. Khaleesi looks over at Kali and walks over to her, she wraps her arms around her sister and hugs her tightly. "Thank you, I'm sorry about earlier. I'll be back, don't worry he has me. It's cool." Leesi pecks her cheek and pulls away, Kali nods her head agreeing silently.
"Let's go, girl, what's your real name?" Khaleesi's voice fades out as Kali shuts the door, the young lady laughs and places her hand on her shoulder: leading Leesi to Kamari's car down the block.
"Kecia, call me Key though." They had walked for several minutes before coming to his car, Khaleesi's heart begins to jump up and down in her chest. "I took my own ride here, he told me to come earlier just in case something like this popped up."
"Well, thank you so much. Hopefully, he rewarded you gracefully for this. It means a lot."
"I love black love, and yep gave me a band." Kecia laughs as she holds the stack up to her ear, she treads away: further down the street. Khaleesi smiles then bites her lip, she walks over to the car and hops in the passenger seat. A set of arms wrap around her, Kamari.
"Baby." His lips attack her cheeks viciously, her fits of laughter fill the car. Khaleesi kisses him, her hand holding onto his bicep. "Mmm." She pulls away, her plump lips smacking on his: he wanted more but she didn't allow it. Her finger resting against his soft lips, she tilts her head and reaches over to turn on the car.
"Let's go, Kamari come on I'm excited. We can do this later, I promise." She smiles and pushes his shoulder, he laughs and puts the car into gear.
"Okay, okay I got you. Let's go." His voice smooth and full of charisma, she takes her shoes off and pulls her legs in the seat. Her fingers reaching over to lock the two-door car. "Don't ask me where we going either, it's a surprise."
"You play too much."
"Nigga, I'm tryna be romantic."
"Sorry, you're doing a good job." She rubs his shoulder and he looks down at her: they laugh together and he smiles brightly. Kamari grabs her bag and puts it in the backseat, she puts her seatbelt over her body then feels a warmth take over her.
"Here. A/C be blowing, you finna get cold soon: and before I forget." A blue blanket sits in her lap, it was the one that's usually laid out on his bed. Kamari reaches to the back one last time before pulling out a black square box filled with clipped red roses. The red color vibrant as can be, she gasps and takes them in her hands. One thing Khaleesi loves is flowers—trees, plants, any type of nature.
"They're beautiful."  The tips of her nails touching the delicate petals, she takes a whiff of them and hums. "And fresh, thank you, love." Khaleesi leans in and pecks his cheek, he looks over at her—disappointed. His lip up in a scowl as he stares at Khaleesi, she laughs. "What?"
"Give me a real kiss."
"We have to go, come on." Khaleesi goes back into her seat and holds onto her seatbelt, she looks over at him while pulling her blanket over her body: setting the roses on her lap.
"You cute."
They had drove for about two hours, Kamari was wide awake but Khaleesi had found herself knocked out in the passenger seat. Her face snuggled into the soft baby blue blanket, Mari's hand resting on her thigh as his other hand grips the top of the wheel. He pulls the black SRT up to the valet that was placed in front of a vast glass building.
"Baby." Khaleesi stirs a little she opens her eyes seconds later and sits up yawning. "We here." He opens the door then she throws the blanket into the backseat, Khaleesi gets out and hugs her beige coat around her body. She walks over to Kamari and leans her head on his shoulder, he takes her hand and leads them over to the steps.
Kamari hands the keys to a young man in a black suit, two other men pull up in SUVs and get out of the vehicles—coming behind the two. "This is beautiful, why are they here?" She whispers the last part then her lips land on his seconds later.
"Rented out the whole place for us, private exhibit views—didn't want anybody in our way. They're here because I want to be able to be as vulnerable with you as possible. "
"Red wine?" A man comes up to her, a small tray sitting on his palm with a glass of bubbling wine on top.
"Yes please." Khaleesi takes it in her hands then takes a sip of the alcohol. The sweet liquid buzzing on her tongue and swirling down her throat, she hums in agreement. They go into the museum, the soft studio lights surround the spacious room.
"An itinerary of the exhibits." Another gentleman coming up as he hands her a thick beige paper with black lettering, she takes it in her hands and thanks him quietly. Her eyes scanning the paper as her fingers squeeze Kamari's hand. The last exhibit on the paper named after her, with the word The before it.
"Baby, what's this?" She holds it out to him and he smiles, bending down to kiss Khaleesi on the cheek.
"You'll see." She lays her chin on his shoulder as they walk, gazing at the pieces in front of them one-by-one—every once in a while stopping to discuss. There were little white stands by every exhibit to the side, three lit ivory candles on each one. Khaleesi's heart fluttering every minute, she felt so peaceful in this moment. Nothing to worry about, not even Q. She felt safe.
"This is so nice." She says gently, her eyes staring up at the chandeliers: Kamari guiding her steps as she did so. They come to the last exhibit, before they could step foot into the room, he covers her eyes and she gasps. "Come on, Mari."
"Hold on, walk with me." He moves behind her causing her to do the same, they tread closer to the piece—the two men with them staying behind. "You ready?" He says in her ear, chills dance down her spine.
"Yes." He takes his hands off her eyes then wraps his arms around her waist, Khaleesi looks up and is met with a colorful and realistic portrait of her: various flowers from different species suspended in the air around the large canvas. Her hands instantly clasping over her mouth, tears already pricking at her eyes. "W-what?" She turns around, her face filled with bewilderment. "How did you—?"
"I know you surprised but, there's more." He takes her hand, leading her to the open space behind the portrait, a small place that's lit up only by candles.
A sea of red rose petals decorating the wood floor, a set of words spelled out in white. Khaleesi couldn't take it anymore, tears dropping from her eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend? Khaleesi Taylor?" She turns around, his eyes already pinned on her. "I know it's soon but, our bond—it's tight like honey. We've been through, everything together: you know that. I love you so much. It's okay, baby." He walks up to her, she looks down at his chest: her hands laying there.
Kamari wipes her cheeks with his thumbs, she gathers the courage to look up at him. She had finally had someone that had her, no more one-sided connections, or toxic individuals entering her life. This was it. She has someone who makes her feel safe, who appreciates her—and something like that was a thing she wants to fight for. She wraps her arms around his neck, her puffy face angling up towards his, Kamari pushes a couple pieces of hair to the side. "This means so much to me."
"Mhm, I know baby, I didn't get to show you actions back then but I'm showing them now. I need you to be with me." Khaleesi sighs, her heart thumping against her chest.
"This is going to be dangerous, Mari."
"Let me show you how far I go for you."
"Yes." They shift back and forth on their feet as they look at one another, Khaleesi had took his hands into hers—pecking him several times on the lips. "I'm yours."
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justice-maul · 1 year
Can I request NSFW headcanons for Killmonger?
Yes I got your first request for it, it’s in my drafts I’m getting started on it don’t worry sweetheart, wish you a good day! ❤️
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