#eris x original character
munsons-hellfire · 1 month
My Love Will Never Die: Chapter 1
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SUMMARY: Circe is reunited with her cousin, though it doesn't seem to go the way that she thought it would.
PAIRINGS: Azriel x Circe Archeron x Eris Vanserra
CONTENT WARNING: SFW, abandonment issues, toxic family.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here is chapter 1, I can't wait to dive deeper into this book and share the plans I have for this story. I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you wished to be tagged let me know in the comments.
Circe Archeron, Prologue
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It had been months since Feyre had left. She came back for a short time only to disappear again. I kept to myself, Nesta had made it perfectly clear that she didn’t much care for me. I guess I was okay with that. But it had been a difficult time for me after Feyre left. Everything had changed, I had become quick to anger and that’s why I stayed in my room most of the time.
Nesta and Elain couldn’t even get me out of my room, unless Nesta dragged me out; which wasn’t often. They’d have servants bring food to my room, but for the most part I was nibbling on the food. Not enough to keep me looking healthy. Currently I lied in my bed, the curtains were closed and I was hugging the pillow. It was difficult sometimes to lay on my back, though I still didn’t understand why.
Someone knocked on my door, I wanted to ignore it but I couldn’t. If it were Nesta she’d get angry with me and storm in here and pull me from my bed. So I stood up, then I walked over to the door and looked to see Mrs. Laurent standing at the door. There was a pleasant smile on her face as she stared at me.
“How can I help you Mrs. Laurent?” I asked, leaning my head against the door.
“Your sister has requested that you get dressed and go to the drawing room.” Mrs. Laurent answered.
I didn’t want to fight whatever Nesta wanted me to do so I gave her a nod of my head and closed the door. I walked over to my closet and grabbed an outfit. I only wore pants and shirts whenever I’d go outside. If I was being requested to the drawing room it likely meant that someone was here which meant I had to dress nice.
I opted for a dark blue dress that had an amber coloring etched into it. I don’t know why but this was always my favorite dress to wear whenever people would come over. I had these colors on a lot of my outfits but they were always so different. The dress reached just below my knees and came with long frayed sleeves.
I wasn’t much for heels so I was allowed a pair of boats that actually matched with the dress I currently had on. Once I was dressed, I pulled my hair to the side and began to braid it until I reached the end of my dirty-blond hair. Now that I was finished I walked out of my room heading to the drawing room as requested. However when I came to a stop at the entrance I swear everything stopped.
She looked so different from what I remembered. Taller than I remember her to be, and she had pointed ears. She was a Fae now. Is that why she hadn’t come back to visit us, to visit me? I stepped forward and caught my cousin's attention.
“Feyre?” I asked, my voice shaky as well as my hands.
“Circe?” Her voice was just as shaky, she stared at me taking in the sight of what I truly look like, which wasn’t great. I didn’t care at the moment, I walked over to her and pulled her into a tight hug. I didn’t want to let her go now that she was here. Nesta pulled me back from Feyre, though my cousins didn’t miss the way I pulled my arm away from Nesta’s touch. I was sure Feyre would ask me about it when it was just the two of us.
So much had changed since she left again, I needed to know what had happened to her. Why was she even here? Was she coming back home to stay with us? Had that Fae finally decided to let her come back home to us? So many questions I wanted to ask her, but instead I sat down next to Elain. Waiting for someone to talk, hopefully it would be Feyre and she’d answer everything.
“Where is Father?” It was the first thing she said since we’d all sat down. I wasn’t the least bit surprised she wanted to know of his absences.
“In Neva,” Nesta answered. He’d been gone for a while now and I honestly wasn’t sure when he’d returned. Not that I really cared anyway. “Trading with some merchants from the other half of the world. And attending a summit about the threat above the wall. A threat I wonder if you’ve come back to warn us about.”
At this I glanced over at Nesta, why hadn’t she told me about this? I had just as much a right to know as Elain did. I couldn’t shake the hurt I was feeling as I stared at my eldest cousin. I wanted to leave this room now. If Nesta thought I didn’t need to know than maybe it was best I leave to let them talk. That feeling I’d been trying to avoid for so long came back and I felt myself fighting to hold back whatever tears wanted to fall down my face.
I hated being treated like the black sheep of the family now that Feyre wasn’t here. Though I suppose it had always been that way considering my parents didn’t love me enough to raise me themselves. Instead they sent me to live with my aunt and uncle and look where it got me. Alone.
“Whatever the reason, Feyre, we are happy to see you. Alive. We thought you were—” A glimmer of panic ran through my body. Feyre pulled back her hood. I wasn’t so much afraid of the fact that she was now Fae. It was the fact that it meant she’d actually died.
“I was dead.” Feyre said roughly. “I was dead, and then I was reborn—remade.”
“How did it happen?” I asked, I needed to know. Was she alone, or were there others with her.
“That’s a story for another day, Circe. I need you to listen.” I listened to her as she explained what was happening. The panic I felt in my body was speeding through it. Suddenly I felt the need to go outside and climb into a tree. I couldn’t do this anymore.
“Excuse me.” I whispered, standing up I shifted my shoulders and walked out of the room.
“Circe.” Feyre called out.
“Let her go, this is too much for her and the exact reason I didn’t want her in here in the first place. She’s fragile right now.” Nesta said sternly.
Fragile. Of course I was fragile. I had lost the one person who meant more to me than the others. Feyre was the only one who truly understood where I was coming from when I tried to express myself. Nesta didn’t understand my need to be out in the wilderness when I wasn’t in my room. It was my safe place, my escape. It allowed me to feel close to things I didn’t understand.
When I made it outside I walked past the front door and towards the woods. Finding my favorite tree I began to climb it. I climbed and climbed until I was finally a far enough distance from the ground I could have peace and quiet. I could finally think. But it didn’t last long. Not when I heard the rustling of tree leaves.
“What do you want?” I asked, thinking it was Feyre. But when I looked up I came face to face with hazel eyes, and shadows. I knew all too well why they looked so familiar. I stood up and walked towards the Fae that was staring at me, not speaking. “I’m Circe.” I said, holding my hand out to him.
He was just staring at me, I didn’t seem to find it weird. It felt comforting to have his gaze on me. I didn’t know where to take the conversation though. And it was clear that he wasn’t comfortable shaking my hand so I dropped it back at my side. I felt something touch my back, and suddenly panic rose in my body again. It was cool to the touch as it moved around my body. And I realized that it was shadows.
A smile fell onto my lips, then there were more surrounding me. Some tickled my skin. I couldn’t stop the laugh that left my lips as they continued to glide around my skin. I did notice that the Fae in front of me was stiff as a board. I also noticed that the shadows stayed away from my back. I held my hand out again and one of the shadows swarmed around my fingers.
“You’re not afraid of them?” His voice was so soft and rough at the same time as he finally spoke to me. I placed my eyes on him, a curious look falling onto my face.
“Why would I be? They’re so beautiful.” It was clear that each word that left my lips was more of a shock to him than it was to me. Another shadow wrapped around my arm, tickling me in the process. It caused another laugh from me. But then I couldn’t stop laughing. Happiness. It was the only thing I felt in my entire being as this Fae stood in front of me with shadows swarming my body.
“Not everyone is like you.” He whispered. At this I lowered my hand and stared at him.
“You’re right, they’re not. But I assure you that they don’t scare me.”
“That’s a first.” Another voice called out. I pulled my eyes away to look down, seeing two other males not far from us. I took the opportunity to walk away from the Fae with shadows and climbed back down the tree.
“You should be careful.” I looked up at him, a shadow still swarming around my body.
“I’ll be fine.” I jumped down, landing on my feet. Then I held my hand out to the two as the other joined. “Circe. Feyre’s cousin.” I said, shining my brightest smile.
“Cassian.” The one with shoulder length hair said, shaking my hand.
“Rhysand.” The other said, I shook his hand. Then he looked over at the one I’d been talking to. “This is Azriel.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” I looked at Azriel, and then Cassian. They both had the same set of wings. They were beautiful, and suddenly I wanted to know everything about their wings. I shifted my shoulders slightly at the weight on my back, the invisible weight. Then I moved towards them inspecting their wings.
“These are Illyrian wings.” Rhysand said. His violet eyes were on me, like he was studying me. Though Cassian and Azriel were doing the same thing as well. That sounded familiar, so familiar. I remember my mother and father had talked about the fae alot, Ilyrian’s in particular.
“I’ve heard of them.” I said, staring back at Rhysand. I could see the confusion on all their faces as the three stared at me. “My parents used to talk about the fae before they abandoned me. More specifically they talked about Illyrians, I never understood why they’d talked about them so much, we were humans after all.”
“What were your parents' names?”
“Lily and Beau Archeron.” I hadn’t shared their names in so long that it hurt to say them outloud for the first time. I watched the three exchange glances with each other. “Do you know those names?”
“Just from what Feyre has told us.”
“Oh.” I nodded my head. Then I shifted my shoulders and started to walk back towards the house. They were following behind me. The door opened and I looked to see Feyre standing at the front door.
“I see you’ve meant my cousin.” She wasn’t speaking to me. It also seemed that she had an annoyed look on her face. So I lowered my head, trying to ignore the heartbreak I was feeling on the inside.
“I’ll see you inside Feyre.” I excused myself, lifting my arms up to cover my body. Then I moved past her and walked into the house heading for my room until dinner was ready. Not that they’d want me there anyway. Once I was in my room I closed the door and slid down it. I adjusted my shoulders again, then rested my head back against the door. This was going to be a long night, I knew it.
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stars-and-scripts · 2 years
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the sidebar i made for the prince of ashes fic ( @vanserraseris​ ) if anyone was curious
(as always, link to the masterlist)
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coralseacourt · 4 months
🧡Broken Love🩵 🐚@coralseacourt🐚
✨Summery:✨ The youngest Acheron Sister gets rejected for Elain.
Love is sweet but revenge is sweeter. After a broken heart comes a broken court part three of broken love.
✨Warnings:✨ naughty scene
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,
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Part 3:
I m a traitor.
A liar.
The evil Personified.
At least that’s what they want to believe.
That the innocent girl I was, had turned on them without good reason.
They would never understand that revenge led me.
Revenge for all those hours I had spent alone locked up in their prison tower.
It had been a golden cage.
A prison I would never return to again.
The doors opened and a cruel smile played around my lips.
With Eris right by my side I entered the High lords meeting Room.
Every pair of eyes found us in an instance.
Gasps and shocked faces all around us.
One Face particularly shocked. Azriel.
Just for a second my eyes swiped over his beautiful but furious face.
The newly crowned High Lord next to me chuckled and laid his hand on my bare back.
The game was on. And I was ready to play.
“Violet?” Of course feyre was the first to speak.
But I didn’t gave her any indication that I had heard her.
The growling from the other night court members was harder to ignore.
“ Tztz would you please not growl at my pet. She has claws and I rather don’t want her to use them.” I smiled dangerously at Eris.
“ I thought you promised me that I could play.” I said with a sensual tone. “I haven’t played in so long.” I glanced at Rhysand who looked like he could throw up at any given moment . My eyebrow raised I walked closer to the table where everyone sat.
My mental walls pulled up and tightened.
“Soon my sweetness. Nightmares are not made overnight.”
Eris strolled to the only free chair left and sat down like a king ready to conquer.
I narrowed my eyes and let my fingers drive over the top of the marble table.
Long fingernails clacking on the cold stone.
“I like to play. Don’t you High Lord of the Night?” I smiled cruelly at him.
His mask slipping away for just a second.
But I saw. I saw straight through him.
Then the moment was over, he straightened up and narrowed his eyes.
Ah there he is.
The most powerful High lord of prythian.
“Violet. I see you.” He paused for a second pulling invisible dust from his jacket.
His pause seemed intentional and I had to think back to the words that had started it all.
Do you want to be seen?
“are in great company. And I thought you finally had the guts to go and be on your own. Seems you only changed sides.”
His face changing to a cruel mask of authority.
I tilted my head to the side looking at him like a predator analyzing its prey.
“I like being in his company and being his pet. It gives me satisfaction to know he can do whatever he wants with me.”
I smiled devilish and let one of my hands glide up my throat over my chin.
Playing with my lips and licking one of my fingers.
The growl that came from behind Rhys let me look up.
Azriel. His hand on his knife, teeth fletched and his black eyes staring me down.
”What has become of you? Look at you being the whore of autumn scum.”
I laughed out loud not bothered by his hateful words.
I put a innocent face up before saying.
“Oh but Azriel. I have only become what you have made me.” All night court eyes turned to the Shadowsinger surprised.
“Az? What does she mean with that?” Feyre, her eyes had teared up and my face softened for just a second before putting my mask back on.
“I don’t know what she is talking about.”
I giggled.
“Of course you don’t honey. But it doesn’t matter either way.”
I turned around and walked to the waiting hand of the only man that knew the rules of our new game.
“Now that we have this issue cleared, I want to announce our marriage.” The Autumn High Lord took my hand and kissed it gently.
Feyre gasped.
“No, you can’t do this. Rhys do something.”
But the Lord of Night only stared.
“Rhys, please she is my sister. He can’t marry her. What about Azriel’s Connection .” “Feyre stop talking.”
I stiffened.
First because of the mention of any kind of connection with the Shadowsinger.
But then because this asshole had dared to quiet my sister down.
Now I was angry.
And angry me did not hold back anymore.
With only a wink of my power, that no one had ever known about I called my shadows and let them rise behind me like a black wall that would withstand anything and anyone.
Eris was chuckling next to me while I stared at the shocked faces of all high lords and their companions.
My teeth fletched and my eyes glowing green with power.
“ If you ever dare to talk to my sister like that again you will regret it.” Everyone tensed at the words of my threat only Eris stayed calm.
“Wonderful now you angered my little nightmare. “
He pulled me into his lap and put a hand on my neck squeezing it softly before pulling my hair to the side to kiss my throat. Calming me down I realized.
My shadows disappeared in an instance.
“She is a Shadowsinger.” Helion leaned back in his chair, eyes gleaming with excitement.
“I m right here you don’t need to talk over my head I can and will talk for myself.” He only raised his eyebrows in response.
“You haven’t been like this before, what changed? Please tell me violet. We can fix this. I know we can. “
Feyre was now pleading with me and deep inside my heart broke but I had to do my part, had to play this character.
“There is nothing to be fixed. I m exactly who I want to be.” Was all I said and the attention finally was turned to the official meeting points.
But I could feel his eyes on me, could feel something else too. I scrunched my forehead in confusion.
Why could I feel jealousy.
Hot headed blatantly obvious jealousy.
The problem was that it wasn’t my feelings.
I looked up Azriel’s eyes gleaming at me.
And that’s when I could see what I clearly felt. Jealousy.
It had been hours for the high lords to finish. We were the first to leave for the room we would spend the night in to continue the meeting on the next day.
A fire was burning when we entered. Cozy.
“Violet come here. “ I turned around to look at the male with the softest red hair.
I walked slowly towards him until we almost touched. His hands cupping my cheeks.
“Are you alright?” I blinked a couple times before catching myself.
Eris was a great High Lord but concern was not his strength.
So, for him to try to be gentle was new.
I pulled away.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I? This is what we’ve been working towards. Remember?”
He straightened up and back was my sensual Companion.
“I have to say , i was surprised how good you handled yourself.”
I only raised my eyebrow before strolling back towards him letting my hands slide softly down his chest pulling his dressshirt up to have better access to him.
He closed his eyes and let his head fall back.
A moan escaping his full lips while I was letting my fingers glide over his hot skin, down to his leather belt wich I opened with swift fingers.
“You are a naughty little vixen.”
“I know, but would you want me any other way?”
He chuckled before laying his hands on my shoulders and slowly pulling my dress down making it pool around my legs.
I was now completely bared in front of him.
“You really are as beautiful and cruel like one of my darkest nightmares.”
With strong arms he suddenly lifted me up and pressed me against the wall. My head falling back while his tongue circled around my peaked nipple.
Nipping, biting, licking.
“I need to be inside of you like you are inside of me every second, every moment of the day.”
And with that he pulled his pants down and started to slip into me first slowly until he was completely hidden inside of me, then hard and fast until the world erupted around us.
Stars filling my vision and moans leaving my lips.
And while i experienced complete Bliss the Shadowsinger next door was drowned in darkness having to listen to us.
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starswhogaze · 5 months
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you were great
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🔥- Smut 💕- Fluff 🙈- Angst
Masterlist Header by @saradika-graphics
Please read all warnings on fics - some fics contain heavy emotional topics and explicit descriptions. All fics will be appropriately tagged at the time of posting. Please read them carefully before diving in. Your mental health matters.
🔥 Winner Takes All - After returning from a girls retreat weekend at the cabin, Nesta and Celeste find out the Bat Boy husbands have made a bet they are sure to lose. (Azriel x OC Celeste)
🔥Here Comes The Sun - When the Spymaster of the Night Court discovers your little crush, you end up crossing a lot of firsts off your list. (Azriel x You/Reader)
🔥💕Dinner and Dessert - As his mate's due date approaches, Az can't handle the sight of her pregnant body in a sundress without going a bit feral. (Azriel x OC Mira)
Continuing Series
Unbound - Not having a mating bond didn't stop the love Azriel and Celeste have for each other or their commitment. When an unknown magic lingering from Celeste's past causes her to lose all memories of the last century, will they be able to rebuild their life without a bond tethering them together? (Azriel x OC Celeste)
💕🙈 Part 1 - They Don't Know About Us
🙈 Part 2 - Don't Pull Away
💕Part 3 - We're Going to Solstice Dinner -- and We're Gunna Get Married
🔥 Make It Hurt - After a truly terrible day you come home only to be surprised by the one and only Eris Vanserra and he knows how to make it all better. (Eris x You/Reader)
💕A Pocketful of -- Ragweed? - (Short little drabble for Azris week) Eris might be snide and snarky with his words, but he sure knows how to surprise his mate with his actions.
💕 Scrabble Drabble - Family game night after weekly dinners tended to get a little contentious. It wasn’t unusual for someone to quit midway through or to accuse another of cheating. It was no different now that Lucien had joined in the weekly tradition with his mate, Elain.
💕Icing Is The Spice Of Life - Elain may have slightly over-commited her famous holiday cookies to friends and family. But her mate Lucien comes to the rescue. Cuteness abounds.
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artethyst · 2 months
because I annoyingly made THIS as my secondary blog, I realised I never interact with you all (apologies) so…here is a poll : P
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grenzlinie17 · 1 year
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✧HAPPY NEW YEAR✧ (Late but it’s finally here) 。 My illustration for the New Year art! (ノ≧▽≦)ノ Drawing the kimono took a whole day and cost a backpain.  Since Rui's birthday is close to New Years, I put it as well the scene where Kai give Rui a present. A green jade color tama kanzashi. Hehe, this man has a very traditional taste (=^・・^)ノ 。 Hope this year bring a lot reason to smile to you all!!
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icey--stars · 1 year
Born For Tragedy (Eris x OC) Series Index
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She was tragedy. Nothing except death, fear and pain followed in her wake. When she was young, she was beaten. Now she’s the one doing the beating as an assassin. A mysterious stranger comes to her, paying an absurd amount of money for her to kill Beron Vanserra, and protect the eldest son until the job is done. She stumbles across a story much similar to her own, and knows what must be done.
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
Complete series! { ao3 link }
✵ indicates smut!
this series has many continuous warnings about mentions of abuse (domestic violence), death and killing. please be aware of them! there will also be quite a few instances of insecurity and self-hatred ^^ i do not add this warning past part 3, please don't read if any of these subjects are triggering in any sort of fashion.
56.6k words total :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18 ✵
Part 19 ✵
Part 20 ✵
*potential bonus chapters later on*
(MC) Valda Callahan Moodboard
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
My ACOTAR Writing Masterlist
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sorryimdyingrn · 2 months
Snape: I can't let you walk off after a near-death experience!
Eris: I would let you walk off. I would even go as far as finishing you off to make it a full-death experience.
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munsons-hellfire · 5 months
Introudction Summary: Circe Archeron
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello everyone here is the little summary for my Azriel and Eris fic. It might be a little over the place in terms of what books this series follows. Also there will be two other original characters that will appear in this. They will have their own books as well. Those other characters will be introduced at different points in time in this fanfic and their books will start at different points.
WORD COUNT: 823 (a little short but that's okay)
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Circe Archeron was a beautiful, surprising gift bestowed to her parents. They had been blessed with her and even though her parents took the blessing in stride they sent her away. Circe was an interesting addition to the Archeron family of what was already created with her cousins Nesta, Elain, and Feyre. Circe’s unfortunate arrival came with a twist of fate when the Archeron’s lost their home and had to forgo a move to a smaller cabin in the woods not far off from the wall that separated them─humans─from the Fae.
As the struggles surrounded them Feyre and Circe formed a special bond, one that not even Nesta and Elain could understand. They relied more on each other than Nesta, Elain, and her Uncle. Nesta had always made it clear that she wasn’t welcomed, in a sense that didn’t involve any format of words. And Elain, well she never really spoke to Circe. But it didn’t matter because she always had Feyre by her side, until she didn’t. The cousins were thick as thieves and no one could tear them apart.
When they had moved into the cabin the Archeron girls shared one bed, one room. It was a tight fit but they made it work somehow. For some time Circe had been haunted by hazel and amber eyes, mixed with shadows, bat wings, and fire. When Feyre had been painting on their dresser she had asked if Feyre could paint the images of what she constantly saw in her dreams. If only she had known then just who and how important those mystery people would become to her.
Feyre and Circe risked their lives more and more to gather whatever food they could get their hands on. Then it struck, Circe had been out hunting with Feyre but the two had separated to see if they could find more food. Circe came up empty but Feyre had not. When the beast had come for her cousin she was sure that she’d at least get to see her but that never happened and things only changed for the worse. With the only person who understood her gone she didn’t know what to do anymore.
When they had moved into a new bigger home Circe found herself out in the woods a lot more than she would’ve liked. It became more of a home to her than the actual home. For some reason Circe never forgot where Feyre had gone, and she didn’t understand why she couldn’t forget. It was almost like whatever magic had been used wasn’t strong enough against her. Circe was determined to figure out why she was different from everyone else, why she had felt so different from the time she could walk.
She was determined to figure out not only why her parents had sent her away but what they were hiding from her. Circe knew something was hidden she could feel it everyday of every hour. So when she hadn’t been in the woods she would search whatever legends she could get her hands on. By that period of time Feyre had come home only to leave again. Circe cared to a certain extent but she had been so focused on figuring out what was wrong with her.
However one night she felt a rift when she had been searching through books she had found. Something had happened to Feyre and she could feel it. Why she could sense something like that she didn’t know, but she could feel it. After that night she had hoped to see Feyre come back and visit but she never came. Months had passed and there was no contact with Feyre. Circe now had a strained relationship with Nesta and Elain. No matter what any of them tried to do they just couldn’t talk to each other.
Circe didn’t know how to continue to talk to them, and Nesta had known now that Circe truly relied on Feyre more than she realized. They had relied on each other for so long and Circe didn’t have that support anymore. When Circe wasn’t out in the woods or studying whatever she could find, she was in her room refusing to eat with her cousins or refusing to spend time with them. Her life had taken a turn for the worse and she wasn’t sure it could get any worse but it did.
Her life seemed to change like a whirlpool when her cousin came back into her life. Only she was changed, Feyre had been Made into something Nesta, Elain, and Circe had been told to hate. But that’s not what Circe felt, not when she felt like she had finally figured out why she had been so different. They wanted her to know the truth, or at least what they had been able to find. When she discovered the truth everything made sense to her. But things were only now starting to change.
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coralseacourt · 4 months
🧡hey beautiful people 🧡
I will update part 3 of Broken Love tomorrow.
I hope everyone has a great evening and a wonderful crescent city release week.
Thank you for all the likes and comments, I really appreciate it. 🩵🧡🩵🧡🩵🧡 🐚@coralseacourt🐚
Part 1, Part 2
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✨Taglist ✨ (let me know if you want to be added) 🪸@impossibelle 🪸@going-through-shit 🪸@marvelouslovely-barnes 🪸@mis-lil-red 🪸@isa1b2h3 🪸@darling006 🪸@the-sweet-psycho
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acourtofsmut · 2 years
part 1: when two stars collide
nova & nyx
Pairings: OC!Female Half-human/Half-Illyrian x Adult!Nyx
Warnings: (NSFW) suggestive language, mention of death of a parent, mention of emotional abuse, pet names (little star, little one, poor little thing), smut, lots and lots of teasing foreplay, wing play, thigh riding, nipple play, size kink vibes, dom/sub vibes
Summary: Nova meets Nyx for the first time (and smut ensues).
A/N: Hello folks, I’ve been dreaming up this scenario and character for months. About two months ago, I wrote this to get it off my chest, and I stumbled upon it recently. I’ve spiffed it up for you all. To be honest, I did not edit this thoroughly… I skimmed it and said, “that’s good enough.” I could sit here for hours and hours trying to make this perfect, but that’s not my goal. My goal here is not to make a perfect plot-filled fanfic, more so to paint a picture of the love story Nova and Nyx that I have been daydreaming about. Things may not be in chronological order, so please bear with the errors and inconsistencies. I envision it as a collection of one-shots/drabbles that highlight their story. However, the first one is wicked long, so I apologize in advance. I’m so excited and nervous…I hope y’all enjoy 😊 Please show your love and reblog!
Word Count: 6,019
I was flying. My wings outstretched and flapped with strength that propelled me forward. A smile was plastered to my face as the wind whipped against my face; my waist-length, light brown hair trailed behind me. I have never felt so free. So light. So me. The moon glowed brightly, casting a warming light on my wings making them look translucent. The blues and purples of the veins visible beneath the white skin. Suspended in the night sky. Higher and higher. Lighter and lighter. I never wanted it to stop. Blissfully sailing among the clouds. I reached out and grabbed a star cupping it in my hands. It didn’t burn, but its warmth felt like a soothing salve. The light quickly dissolves into my palms. As I danced through the sky, starlight seeped out from my fingers twirling up my arms and around my wings, leaving a trail of stardust in my wake. Peering over my shoulder, the night sky spread out behind me. Behind a wispy cloud, blinked a pair of eyes. Beautiful, eyes speckled with stardust. There was a glint of controlled chaos swirling from within. Those starry eyes twinkled, embracing me in their darkness. Giving me their undivided attention, I did not shy away. Rather, I basked in their gaze feeling completely and comfortably seen. Like, the being behind those eyes could see straight into my soul, my psyche without it seeming like an invasion of privacy. It was surely welcomed. In the night sky, those eyes looked ethereal; unforgettable. I could feel that our time was coming to an end, but wanted nothing more than to be suspended within the night sky under the gaze of those eyes made of stardust and chaos. As they winked shut, the ground seemed to fall from beneath my feet. My wings no longer worked as some invisible force tugged me down. I was falling. Down. Down. Down. Into the darkness. I jolted awake.
The sun crept up the Illyrian Mountains. As the night sky met the morning sun, dawn cast a warm orangey glow upon the Windhaven Camp. I had been up for a while now, just laying in bed thinking about those stardusted eyes. I’ve been having that dream for a while now. Always the exact same sequence of events. Always left thinking about those eyes. Longing for the next time to see them.
When the warmth caressed my face, I rolled out of bed. Cold. I shivered, as my toes hit the freezing floor. Too tired to pick them up, the bottom of my wings dragged behind me. I hissed going to feed more wood into the fire. As soon as I had dressed myself in a simple olive dress and filled my belly with some warm honeyed oats, I trudged down the steps and into the store below. My bookstore. My pride and joy, finally.
About two years ago, my father’s drinking caught up to him and within a few months, he passed. I’m not ashamed to say I was relieved. No more flinching when he raised his hand or demanded a refill. No more dealing with a toxically egotistical Illyrian male. No more hurtful words. No hiding in the back of the store.
“You’re wings are a disgrace. Fucking ugly. Stay out of sight so nobody has to see them!” he would constantly remind me whenever I ventured out from the back of the store.
Since he passed, customers had stopped coming to the store because of what I am. I’m half-human. My mother was human. A ray of sunlight on this cold, brutal mountain. Or, so I was told. I never met her… she died during childbirth. Because of me. Her body wasn’t made to birth a winged-child. My father had hoped, prayed that I would be born without them. On the other hand, my mother didn’t seem to care. There was always a chance that she couldn’t have survived the birthing process, she had just hoped that I was healthy.
As she pushed and pushed, there was so much blood. Too much. And, my Dad never let me forget that.
The only memory I have of her is her voice. “She’s blessed by Aether,” she whispered in admiration looking at my little, white wings, “Call her Nova… my bright star.” And, then, her voice faded.
My wings.
My mother loved them, but they had taken her from me.
I sighed coming back to reality. I grabbed a book, my coffee, and settled into the worn chair towards the back of the store. The seat was hidden behind some shelves yet allowed me to see the door through the small spaces between the books.
Contentedly, I stared at the cover taking a sip of the rich coffee. Midnight Pleasure. My love life was severely lacking. When I say severely lacking, truly, I mean nonexistent. Never existed ever. Nothing. Probably due to a combination of my introversion, my wings, and the fact that I haven’t ever found anyone attractive except for the love interests in my books. It is difficult to come by an Illyrian males whose personality is agreeable and is attractive. The heated kisses, longing stares, passionate lovemaking… and, even more dirty things that made my cheeks heat. First kiss… at 24, I had never even been kissed before. I wasn’t ashamed. I only was curious which is the reason I continued to live vicariously through smutty, romance novels.
I lifted my eyes towards the door. Still hidden behind the bookshelves, I assessed the customer. A male I did not recognize had stopped just at the threshold of the room. Just his presence emanated power, my chest started to tingle almost like there were butterflies trying to tickle me from the inside.
His clothing showing off his muscled figure. Black combat boots beneath Illyrian leathers that hugged his muscled thighs. My eyes lingered a little bit too long where the leathers bulged at the apex of his long legs. My eyes still making their up his body. Along his arms were black, swirled tattoos. The tattoos travelled to his fingers on his right hand. Those long fingers settled on the hilt of a gorgeous sword slung around his tapered waist. Upon his shoulders perched enormous black wings which spread out a bit as my eyes glazed over them. He wore a deep v-neck shirt that exposed a glowing olive-toned chest. His jaw and nose were sculpted by the gods. His plump lips were parted just slightly showcasing perfectly white teeth. The corner of his devilishly handsome mouth quirked upwards. Long silky, black hair brushed the tops of his shoulder. One side tucked behind a beautifully pointed ear. And, those eyes.
I swallowed deeply as my mouth dried, my heartbeat picking up a bit. I stepped out from behind the bookshelves and approached.
His eyes were a deep violet, speckled with stardust swirling with night and chaos.
My heartbeat skipped. An exact replica of the eyes in my dream. His stare so intense that I could feel the heat rising to my face. It was like I could feel the blood pumping through every vein in my body. No one had ever made my body respond like this.
“Hello there, little star,” his legs moved soundlessly with preternatural grace, and he approached the counter that I stood behind.
Only then did I realize how massive he was. My face was level with his chest. And, oh gods, up close, his eyes were even more captivating. I could feel his dark power enveloping me. And, that scent. Have mercy… that smokey scent filled my nose with sea salt and ripe pears. An oh-so-sweet musk. Oh great, now I’m drooling. Okay, get your shit together. Stop staring. Say something.
“Hi,” I murmured breathlessly and blinked my dark blue eyes up at him slowly.
“What’s your name?” he said barely tilted his to the side. The corner of his lip quirking up again in that slight smirk.
Frozen. I was frozen. He was devastatingly handsome. And, he seemed to be admiring me. His eyes snagging a bit longer on my wings. No trace of pity or disgust detected upon his face. It looked more like he was gazing at a masterpiece. My heart skipped a beat… his eyes finally captured mine.
“It’s Nova,” I softly said, my wings tucked themselves in a bit more.
“Beautiful…” he murmured under his breath, his wings mimicking mine.
“I’m Nyx,” he purred, his voice feline.
Finally, my mind started to clear from his stunning appearance. Still flustered, my heartbeat evened out, yet remaining slightly faster than normal. I couldn’t believe that he was actually real. Maybe I was still dreaming… yeah, that would make more sense than this.
Interrupting my thoughts, he began, “I was actually looking for a book… Emerie told me to swing by this place, she’s a family friend.”
“Oh,” I coughed, flustered, “Well, I have books.”
Stupid. Gods. I have books? Well, duh this is a bookstore. I mentally berated my stupid response.
“What are you looking for?” I added quickly.
“What do you recommend? What about that one?” he asked and pointed at the book I was still clutching in my hands.
“Umm… I don’t think you would like this one,” my cheeks heated, and I went to stuff it in one the counter drawers, out of sight. Before I could, his arm audaciously shot over the counter snatching the book from hand. My breath caught as I watched him turn to look at the cover. He let a short chuckle, smirking.
“Midnight Pleasure,” he mused, and I took the opportunity to snatch the book back, “I would never have pegged a lady like you as a reader of erotica…” he teased.
“It’s a… romance novel!” I searched for the words a little too long and his grin widened.
“I like romance novels. I think I’ll take that one.”
“It’s… uh… not for sale. Plus, I’m still reading it.” His gaze travelled across my face, lingering on the apples of my reddened cheeks.
Most people probably found his presence terrifying. His sheer dark power radiating through the room. But, I let the darkness embrace me as it did in my dreams like a wool blanket. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as they darkened a bit becoming more chaotic.
“Would you care to lend it to me? Once you’re finished, of course.”
A seed of defiance sprouted in my stomach; my eyes narrowed, and I scoffed. He was enjoying this. I could tell. He was enjoying flustering me. And, I liked it. I needed to put space between us. Some distance. I stepped back, ringing my hands together.
“Possibly… as long as we stop talking about romance novels.”
He smiled softly, like he had won.
He was never getting that book.
His eyes flickered, remembering something, “Actually, I did come here looking for something in particular…” he said.
My brows furrowed in confusion. This is a bookstore, if he didn’t come looking for a book, then what was he here for?
Nyx’s eyes perused some titles on the shelf beside him.
“You, my little star… I came looking for you.”
I failed to hide my surprise feeling like the floor was being ripped out from underneath me.
“But… why? We don’t know each other.”
“I think we both know that’s untrue, Nova,” the way he said my name made something in my chest start tingling.
He couldn’t know… about the dream. Could he?
Again, as if he could read my mind, he offered, “You’re the little star with white wings dancing across my night sky.”
Stunned and confused, my mouth dropped open like a fish. His words caused that incessant tingling in my chest to intensify.
“You’re even more beautiful in real life,” he admitted, “although, I didn’t except you to be such a little thing,” he teased.
“You’re just an overgrown male,” I retorted softly.
“Avery powerful and handsome overgrown male.”
I scoffed.
“And, egotistical.”
“You didn’t deny it.”
“Deny what?”
“That you find me attractive.” He teased.
Again, with the teasing. He thrived off of it, eyes glistening with a challenge. Well, there was no use in denying it. I did find him attractive. Very attractive, but also frustrating.
I rolled my eyes at his antics. There were more pressing manners… like why were we having dreams of each other?!
“What does this mean… you know, that we dream of each other?” I tentatively questioned.
He gave me a long look, brows furrowed slightly. Opening his mouth to say something, he closed it quickly. His eyes shown with worry. My chest tingled with the urge to reassure him, comfort him.
“Just tell me.”
“I don’t want to scare you off,” he admitted, looking down.
“I don’t scare easily. I promise.”
“What do you feel…” his hand came up to place two finger in the center of my chest, “…right here?”
As soon as he touched me, it was like an electric surge through my body. My toes curled as my breath caught, startled. His hand jerked backwards like he had felt it too. Like a bungee jump, something pulled at my chest. I felt it now. A tether connecting the both of us. Reaching out for it, I felt like I was falling for a short second, suspended in the air.
His eyes darkened, those starry eyes twinkled and embraced me in their darkness., “… mates, Nova. It means were mates.”
I felt dizzy. Nyx’s hands went to support my waist. Just as his fingers wrapped around my hips, the tether snapped taught. Yes, I understood what all this meant now.
A primal feeling rose from deep within me. My heartbeat faltering a bit as if its falling in sync with another. Mine. My mate. A mate. I have a mate.
“Mates…” I said breathlessly, my eyes growing slightly bigger. Failing to hide my unease, Nyx seems to be extremely observant. He steps out of my reach to give me space I assume. However, all that does is leave me unsupported, quickly, I feel like I might faint.
I feel Nyx’s hands circle my waist and guide me to kneel on the ground. Instinctively, my hands shoot out forward to ground myself. I hang my head low to alleviate the rushing sensation from crouching.
“Breathe with me, my little star,” he takes my hand and places it on his chest. Each breathe he takes expands his chest out a bit. He wants me to breathe with him, so I do.
Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.
“I know… if I found out I was my mate, I would be on verge of fainting, too,” he wittingly states, trying to break the tense mood. A smirk beginning to form as he fights against a laugh. His tease, I couldn’t help but to bite.
“It’s good to know that you also find yourself absolutely unbearable,” I jabbed.
“Unbearably desirable. Absolutely,” he agreed with a feline grin plastered across his face.
I scoffed, rolling my eyes and pushed myself backwards so that I was kneeling, legs bent at the knee with my butt perched on the back of my calves. In a blink, Nyx was standing before me. From my spot on the ground, he appeared magnificently tall. Neck craning all the way back, I caught the heated look in his eyes as they darkened slightly while he looked down at me. My arm lifted like I was puppet. His hand was palm up. I placed my fingers on his while wrapping my thumb around the other side. Cauldron, his hands are huge. I’m only wrapping my hand around three fingers and it barely fits. Our eyes met. My chest started tingling, again.
Smiling, he pulled me to my feet. My wings settled, relaxed. He didn’t let go of my hand, but he dropped it in between us. As we stood, I noticed he how much he truly towered over me. Standing at five feet tall, I looked up to most people. But, he was at least a foot taller than me. Standing at around 6’4, the crown of my head barely reaches his shoulders. Everything about him was big. That tingling in my chest starting to spread, pooling in my core. Lord, I had never felt like this before. My breathe hastening. I gulped, eyes falling downwards. Ready to drown myself in embarrassment. I couldn’t control it. His delicious heady musk intensified, filling my nose. He smelled of night-blooming flowers, a spray of salt water, and caramelized fruits. I almost moaned.
“I usually get to know a girl before I see her on her hands and knees, little star,” Nyx suggestively raised an eyebrow at me.
“Don’t say things like that!” I screeched, burying my face behind my hands. Gods dammit, why does he have to say such things?  My blushed scorched me face. Did I hate it? Absolutely not. Something deep within me wanted to purr back.
“But, you like it,” Nyx teased eying the curves of my hips. He seemed to enjoy doing that. Teasing me.
Face still buried, I spread my fingers and peered out at him. Eye level with his chest, I could see the top of his toned stomach. The olive-skinned abs disappeared down his shirt. His nostrils flared as he took a deep breath, chest rising.
Get your shit together, Nova. I told myself.
“How do you know that I like it?” I peered up into his violet eyes getting lost in the specks of stardust. Those eyes are weapons.
“You blushed. I heard your heartbeat increase, and your… scent changed,” he took a short pause towards the end to find the right words. Scent changed.
“What do I smell like?” I curiously asked, brows furrowing.
He took another long whiff through his nose closing his eyes.
“Lavender and vanilla…,” his voice had turned huskier, “it got sweeter, so I only can assume it’s your…” he gulped, eyes dipping to stare at my lips, “your arousal.”
My fingers snapped back over my face.
“It’s perfectly natural. Nothing to be embarrassed about, my little star.” He said reassuringly, leaning up against the bookshelf.
I let out a half frustrated, half embarrassed sigh.
“Nobody’s ever… talked to me that way before,” I admitted. “And, nobody has ever made me feel this way before… physically I mean,” I finished.
“You’ve never been sexually aroused?” he couldn’t hide his surprise.
I shook my head.
“Nobody has ever caught my eye. I don’t really go out all that much,” I confessed as the tone of my voice shifted, laced with sadness, “and it’s not like many people expressed interest either,” my voiced softly murmured, but of course, he heard it.
“Why do you say that?” he closed the distance between us. Our feet practically touching. My neck tilted back to stare up at him. He looked down tentatively setting his hands on my figure, one on my hip and one cupped my face. His thumb stroked my cheek comfortingly.
“My wings,” I admitted, as they sagged behind me trying to take up less space.
“What about your wings, Nova?”
“People think they’re ugly.”
I could feel his chest suppress a growl. He seemed to be getting agitated. Protective almost.
“I think they’re beautiful.” He confessed.
“You’re just saying that.” I said getting annoyed.
He couldn’t actually believe that. Nobody has ever told me that my wings are beautiful. Well, except for Emerie and my mom. Most people call them ugly. With the white flesh, the deep blue and purple veins shown through the translucent skin.
My embarrassment crept up quickly. I went to turn around to continue shelving books as a distraction, but my head throbbed.
“They are beautiful, Nova. Nothing to be embarrassed about,” he comforted me like he had a direct line to my feelings. I calmed down enough that he tacked on, “I’d worship them, if you’d let me,” he purred, eyes glinting with his tease Worship my wings. My core melted. Utterly molten. I think I wanted that to happen.
“What do you mean?” my curiosity encouraged me to ask.
Nyx leaned down brushing his lips against my ear, “I’d start with a soft breath….,” he blew outwards, “just like that.”
He had pulled back in the blink of an eye, waiting for my reaction.
The small burst of warm breath tickled a sensitive spot at the base of my left wing shooting down to my toes. Reflexively, it spasmed a bit. I shivered and let out a soft breathe that was a cross between a sigh and moan. Gods, had that spot always been there?
“My little star liked that, didn’t she?” he rhetorically questioned. His perfect lips quirked upwards in a stunning, predatory grin.
That grin held me hostage. My minding going fuzzy from the pleasurable sensation and possessive pet name.
“Do you want to know what I would do to you next?” I barely register his words, stating at those lips. My nipples hardened beneath my shirt.
I nodded dazed, entranced by his lips.
“Do you really?”
I nodded again; this time my wings spread out as if they were reaching for him.
“Nova..,” at the mention of my name, my eyes drifted upwards to his, “do you want me to continue? Use your words, please. I need to hear it from you,” his hands cupped my face. I could feel that sinful breath caressing my face.
Mouth moving before my brain had caught, “I want to know. Please. What… what would you do next?”
“Adorable, I’ve barely done anything and you’re begging already… I’d start by kissing your perfect, rosy lips all the way down your neck and shoulder to those gorgeous wings.”
His hand tracing the path along your skin. Your breath caught. “I’d play with that little spot on your wings until you could barely stand,” leaning in his breath ghosted the spot once more sending pleasure radiating to my core. My knees almost gave out, but I remained upright. My panties began to feel like they are too tight.
“Until you were begging me for more. Until you’re sweetness is pooling inside your panties,” his voice growled, “Only then would I take my finger tips and drag them all over those perfect little wings if yours.” Seriously, just his words were making my core clench. Wetness began to leak from core, slick coating the inside of my panties.
His eyes darkened, nostrils flaring. He could smell it. He knew. And, he loved the effect his words had on my body.
“I’d tease you until you couldn’t stand anymore. You’d be quivering. Shivering with pleasure.”  He murmured against the corner of my mouth, hands connecting at the small on my back.
I could feel the smirk, feel the heat seeping off of him. His scent had intensified; that sweet and salty musk making me salivate. “I’d keep you right there. On the edge. And, if you were a good girl, then I’d let you cum….How does that sound, Nova?”
Lost in the fantasy, my eyes closed. I felt dizzy from arousal. Yes, yes! My mind was chanting.
Nyx chuckled.
At that, my eyes opened. The corners were soft, everything was a bit fuzzy.
Trying to piece together an actually response, my dark blue eyes widened with arousal looking doll-like.
“Yes, please.”
“So polite.” He drawled, but didn’t move to touch me. He looks at me expectantly.
“Words, Nova. What exactly do you want from me?”
“I… I want you to kiss me.”
Embarrassed, I broke eye contact, “please, don’t make me say it,” I begged him softly. This felt like torture, but I liked it.
“We’ll have to work on that…” he assessed me and his hand went behind me to clutch at my long pony tail.
Starting from the base, he wrapped my hair around his hand once. Twice, and tugged a bit. My neck craned up towards him, hair pulling deliciously at my scalp. With my lips parted, he asked, “May I kiss you, little star?”
I tried to nod, but could barely move from his grip on my hair. His eyes glinted as he felt me try to pull.
Words, yes, right. He wanted me to verbalize my wants.
“Yes.” It was breathier than I intended.
A hand lightly gripped my chip between his thumb and index finger while he leaned in.  His sweet breath became overwhelming, lips hovering over mine. Waiting. Teasing more like it. Just fucking kiss me.
His lips brushed mine, softly. Lower lip dragging slightly over his upper lip. Chest rumbling, something snapped. My chest tightened as our bond pulled taught Like, he couldn’t hold back any longer, his mouth devoured mine. My hands were frozen by my sides as his mouth moved over mine.
Oh my. His lips are heavenly. So soft. They are on mine. And, he smells so fucking good.
Lacking in experience, it took me a while process the situation before I realized that I should probably kiss him back. The entire time I was frozen, his hands had been running up and down my back; caressing me into the sensation of his lips on mine. That primal voice screaming devour him too! With newfound courage, I lifted my hands to thread through the nape of his neck. Gripping the hair and pulling slightly causing him to groan. He pressed me against him further as if we needed to become one entity altogether.
I gasped as I felt his warm tongue drag along the seam of my lips. My lips parted involuntarily, and Nyx slid his tongue into my mouth. I sighed into him, opening my mouth allowing him inside. Letting him explore me. His tongue danced with mine. Tasting each other. There was no doubt about who was in control in this situation; his tongue taking the lead. His grip tightening on my waist with one hand while the other comes up to cup the back of my head, tilting it just where he wants it as his thumb softly strokes my cheek. Our lips part with smacking noise. My head is spinning. All I can smell is him. All I can taste is him. Sweet. Immediately, he starts trailing kissing down my jaw, sucking lightly when I let out a gasping moan when he arrives at the spot below my ear.
“Hmmm…” I hum blissed out. My fists tightening in his hair to keep him there. I can feel him smile against me. He gives the spot a quick peck, and continues his descent. He pays close attention, sucking at the spots that elicit a gasp or a moan from me. The spot below my ear. The spot in the middle of the tendon along the side of my neck. The hollow of my throat. That one in particular makes me gulp for air as I press my legs together beneath my dress to alleviate the need to press myself against Nyx. Ever observant, Nyx notices.
“Uh, uh, uh…keep your legs spread,” his leg wedges between mine pressing up against my aching heat. I sigh in relief closing my eyes and my hands fall from his hair. His hand grips my jaw lightly, “Eyes open. If my little star is feeling that needy, then she needs to use her voice and ask for it,” he drawls out as his hands begin to trace lightly from my shoulders down to the tips of my fingers. Each time the ticklish trail moves closer and closer to the base of my wings. Each time, I have a harder time catching my breath. My eyes are locked with his, pleading. Begging him. On verge of becoming a begging, crying mess.
“If you think those pretty eyes are going to make me go easy on you, then you are mistaken,” a small whine escapes my throat at his words. At the sound, his eyes darken. A mischievous glint in his eyes sets the stardust in a spiral of chaos. Realizing that he’s not going to give in, I sigh in defeat.
“Please…” I begin quietly, eyes glancing downwards every so often. His gaze is so powerfully beautiful that it can be intimidating. But, I catch the nod he gives me to go on. Ugh, does he really have to make me say everything out loud? It makes me feel so dirty, but I kind of like it.
I open my mouth to continue, but smack it closed in embarrassment. A deep flush spreads across my cheeks.
Oh, please. Just do something or I’m going to go crazy.
Taking mercy on me, Nyx askes, “Do you want me to make you feel good?”
I lock eyes with his nodding. Yes. Yes. Yes!
“Do you want me to touch you, Nova?” Nyx asks in a rougher voice.
“Yes, please.”
“Good girl.”
Good girl. Oh gods. I grind down a bit on his leg wedged between mine. I want him to call me that all the time.
He grins as if he knows exactly what calling me his good girl does to my body.
“Where do you want me to touch you?” he continues his questions. As if he could sense my unease about voicing my wants, he adds, “I need to know exactly what you want so we can have boundaries, Nova. I want to make you feel good. I want to make you cum.” He growls the last sentence into the crook of my neck. His voice vibrating and sending a rush of heat down to my aching core. He pushes his leg up a bit to add more pressure to my core. I grip him tighter and sigh in response. My head growing light and vision fuzzy. I just want him to touch me. I can’t think anymore!
“M-my wings,” I stutter out. His eyes darken, hands coming up to trail towards the base of my wings.
“Are you absolutely sure, Little Star?”
“Yes. Nyx, please,” I confirm in a whine. That primal voice within me screaming…touch me touch me touch me!
At the first touch of his finger on the base of my wing, I gasp loudly and shutter. It feels like the perfect balance of way too sensitive to way too ticklish. It’s a lovely torture that ignites the ache that has been building within my core. Pressing a bit more firmly he begins to make small, tight circles against the tendons and knots with his thumbs, I moan and press my lips up to meet his in a sloppy kiss. It feels like heaven. Moving a bit faster, the sensation feels akin to rubbing small, tight circle somewhere else. You know where I mean.
I gasp as he picks up speed. Nyx focuses his attention on littering my neck with kisses as his fingers work their magic. I settle into the sensations, sinking into the feeling of his fingers and hands as the fire within my core builds. Bearing down even more on his leg, I can’t help myself, but start to slowly grind my core against his leathers. The movement creates a delicious friction.
“Yes, little star, take your pleasure,” Nyx praises me with his lips parted. With each rock of my hips, my pubic bone sensually massages his growing bulge. His lips slightly part, eyelids drooping. I ride his thigh with vigor as he massages the base of my wings, but I need more. The strain on my body from exerting myself making me feel weak and frustrated.
“More, please,” I plead, eyes beginning to tear. Becoming desperate, I grab one of his hands and guide it to my breast. He takes the message. Through the fabric of my shirt, his thumb swipes over the pebbled bud. A shutter racks through my core as the heat intensifies. My hips still weakly rocking against him.
“Ohhh…yes!” I moan out as he takes both nipples between his fingers through the fabric and rolls them. My chest tightens at that movement, pressing my core fervently against his thigh. Arms grasping to fist at the fabric of his shirt. My thighs clamping down on his leg, the heat becomes all too much.
“Let go, little star,” Nyx purrs against my ear, fingers moving to assault a different spot at the junction of my wing and shoulder. White hot pleasure sears from my wings to my core pushing me towards the edge. Higher and higher. Lighter and lighter. I never wanted it to stop. Suspended in his night sky, only his violet eyes grounding me as if I am in a trance.
“You’ve been such a good girl, Nova,” Nyx whispers, then kissed my forehead. Out of breath, we both know how close I am.
Right on the edge. Just a little bit more. More. Please. Mate.
“Cum for me, mate,” Nyx growls into my ear. I shudder, eyes rolling back into the head as I succumb to the white-hot pleasure that radiates from deep within my core. The sensation grows, consuming my leg and lower torso. Moving up to my wings which begin to twitch. My core clenches down as my legs flex, milking the pleasure. Nyx hands wrap around me, securing myself to him. My core begins to flutter in pulse-like clenches… wanting something to fill it up. Slowly, my breath regulates itself. I lift my head, still feeling light and dizzy, to find Nyx grinning like the Cheshire cat down at me. With a kiss to crown of my head, he hugs me closer.
What about him? What about his pleasure? I want to make him feel good, too.
I begin to snake my hand in between our bodies towards his bulge. With preternatural reflexes, he stops my hand. Bringing it up to kiss, he mumbles against my fingers, “I didn’t expect to come here and have you like this. I want you to know that. This was about you. Only you. My mate. We can focus on me later.”
“Next time…” I concede laying to rest my head against his chest. Completely satiated and extremely tired, my eyes begin to close. He’s been supporting most of my weight while we stood for this whole time.
“lay down…” I request quietly into his chest.
“Your’s or mine?” Nyx slyly asks obviously not as tired as I am.
“Wanna sleep, don’t care,” I mumble, feeling protected and safe within his arms.
“Okay, you expended too much of your energy, poor little thing. Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of you,” Nyx whispers all this with his head in the crook of my neck. He raises to his full height taking me with him. Cradled in his arms, my neck is buried into his chest. I hear his heartbeat. Because I know the route so well, I feel us walk back through my shop towards the front door. Nyx grabs the keys from the front counter, then goes to exit and lock the front door.
“Hold on tight, little star. We’ll go to mine,” he pulls me in tighter, bends down, then launches into the morning sky. Wings flapping behind us. I peered up at Nyx. Beautiful, eyes speckled with stardust. I basked in his gaze feeling completely and comfortably seen. In the morning sky, his eyes looked ethereal; unforgettable.
If you would have told me that today I would meet my mate, I would have laughed in your face. Yet, here I am… cocooned within his strong embrace, still on cloud nine from the best orgasm of my life and feeling safe and secure in our new bond. A bond that I want to pursue. Desperately want to continue to pursue.
Flying in his arms, I have never felt so free. So light. So me.
“Sleep,” Nyx coaxed me with lingering kiss to my temple, then pulled back to gaze down at me. Those starry eyes twinkled, embracing me in their darkness as my own shut with exhaustion. Dreaming about waking up to the eyes in my dreams.
If I was his little star, then he was my night sky.
 (Thank you for reading this far!! Sending you my love!!)
part 2: when two stars collide**
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adeanthedraconequus · 8 months
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@drake-the-highlander @alexcanine @reformedladyfandom @jaysmily2919 @kingnice1219 My drawing of my dragon self girl Adean hugging the Tanuki girl Michiru, they are truly BFFs forever.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Hello by beloveds, today im here to finally show you my original characters!!
Here are some of them, and maybe I will introduce you more of them
I wont say much about them and just let you judge them by their appearance, if you have questions about them or want to know more about them feel free to ask
In the ALT you an find a little information about them
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theshadowsingersraven · 4 months
I finished this edit for Chapter 25 of my fic, featuring my beloved bestie, Ash, as Azriel. I had so much filming and editing this, and I'm excited to do more with Eris, Lucien, and Elain in this new arc. I figured I'd share it here, bc why not? 🐦‍⬛🖤💙🦇
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sonettoz · 8 months
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she made that flower crown for him.
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