#erm. well. we’ll see. professor would you like two essays.?
lem-argentum · 2 years
professor made the mistake of giving me too much leniency in this essay which means i am going to take the opportunity to write about my favorite interest ever
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nextdoor-neighbors · 4 years
Rumors Only Grow
Link to Part Two!
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Female Reader x George Weasley
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Fingering, oral (female) (nothing very graphic)
Summary: After hearing a rumor about them and their best friend, Fred and George decide to make it into a reality
A/N: The idea just came to me and I had to
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“Did you hear?”
“Both of them?”
“That’s what I heard.”
“Do you think it’s true?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised, would you?”
“What the bloody hell is everyone talking about?” you mutter, clutching your books to your chest. It’s only the first day back to school, and there’s already some rumor floating around, but you haven’t heard enough details to piece it together yet.
You’re walking between your two best friends, Fred and George Weasley, Fred on your right, and George on your left, per usual. The entire school knew that the three of you were inseparable. You’d been that way since first year, and it was now your sixth.
You were just that, though: friends, and nothing more. Sure, the boys playfully flirted with you, and you flirted back, and sure, you were extremely attracted to them, but you were just friends. Nothing more.
“We’ll get to the bottom of it, don’t you worry, Y/L/N,” Fred says, nudging you with his elbow. 
“I just feel like the whole school knows, except for us.” You look at a giggling group of fifth year girls as you pass, and you can’t help but feel like they’re giggling at you. It’s a very unsettling feeling, especially for the start of a brand new school year. 
“Oi, don’t look so grumpy, Y/N.” George slings his arm around you, resting it across your shoulders.
“Yeah, do you really care so much about silly gossip?” Fred adds.
“When I feel like they’re talking about me, yes, Fred, I do,” you reply as the three of you walk into Flitwick’s classroom for Charms.
“You’re just being paranoid. I’m sure it’s nothing.”
However, the twins are proven wrong as soon as the three of you take your seats.
You turn around, face-to-face with your good friend, Cedric Diggory. 
“Hey, Cedric,” you reply, as he leans as close as he can from his seat.
“Have you heard the rumor yet?” he asks, his voice much quieter, as if he was about to tell a secret. The twins lean in closer, too, from either side of you.
“No, and it’s driving me mad. What is it?” You turn around in your seat. Luckily, you still have a few minutes before class starts.
“Well..” Cedric flushes, looking between you and the twins. “They’re saying the three of you, erm, did some... stuff... over the summer... together...”
“Wicked,” Fred and George say simultaneously, as your mouth drops open.
“No, not wicked! What?” you blurt, extremely flustered. While you’re mostly shocked by the fact that people are talking about that, you also can’t help but wonder what it would be like...
No, shut up, Y/N. You’re in school. Enough thinking about it.
“No wonder no one’s told us,” Fred giggles.
You sigh dramatically and turn back around in your seat as Professor Flitwick walks into the room. “Thank you for letting us know, Ced.”
“You aren’t actually mad, are you?” George asks quietly, leaning over to you, his voice low in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“N-no,” you stammer, still flustered, especially now after feeling George’s breath on your ear. “I-I just-”
“We could make the rumor true,” Fred says, winking at you.
Your mouth falls open, but you’re saved from having to respond by Flitwick starting class. Thank Merlin.
Most of the rest of the day passes without the twins saying anything about the rumor, much to your surprise. You actually can’t help but be suspicious. You were expecting them to have a ball with it and to be teasing you all day, but ever since Flitwick’s class, they’ve talked about everything and anything else. You can’t help but feel both relieved and slightly disappointed.
Now, you sit in the library during one of your free periods, working on an essay for Potions, books covering the table in front of you. You had told the twins you needed them to leave you be (a request you didn’t ask for often, because you loved being around them) because you needed to focus. Yet you look up to see them headed towards you.
They sit on either side of you, holding their own books, and now you really know something isn’t right. Sure, they’ve come to the library countless times to bother you while you do your homework - and quite often, theirs - but they’ve never brought anything of their own to work on. The twins never came to the library to study. So, you can’t help but wonder, what do they have planned?
“I told you guys-”
“We know,” George says, opening his book and dropping it on the table, the noise making several people look over at us. “We have stuff to do, too.” A smirk plays on his lips, and you can tell he knows that you know they’re up to something.
“You two? Doing homework?” You pick up your quill and shake your head ever so slightly, getting back to work on your essay.
You feel a hand on your thigh, making you jump.
“He never said it was homework, love,” Fred whispers.
Your stomach flips and you suck in a breath between your teeth. You press your thighs together tightly under the table, and you hear George chuckle softly from beside you.
“What’re you guys doing?” you demand, your voice much quieter now, and more strained as you become increasily aware of Fred’s hand on your thigh, pushing your skirt up, dragging his fingertips ever so slowly across your bare skin.
“Just having a little fun, Y/N.” George pretends to look interested in his textbook as he places his hand on your other thigh, squeezing it gently.
You shudder as you feel Fred’s fingertips trace the lining of your panties.
“What if someone sees?” you say, breathily, pretending to look like you’re focused on your essay, when in reality, that’s the very last place your mind is.
“Why’s it matter? There are already rumors going around,” Fred answers, sliding his fingers under your panties and finding your clit in one swift movement, causing you to let out a choked gasp as you spread your legs for him.
“Well, someone’s definitely going to notice if you keep that up,” George teases, winking at you as Fred rubs circles on your clit.
“Merlin,” you breathe, accidentally letting out a whimper before biting down on your fist as Fred slides a finger inside of you.
He lets you adjust before adding another, and you gaze at him and his infuriatingly attractive smirk as he pumps his fingers in and out of you.
You hear something clatter on the floor on the other side of you, so you quickly turn to the noise. Fred pulls his fingers out of you, much to your dismay. You squeeze your thighs tightly together, desperately missing the feeling of Fred’s fingers inside of you already.
“Oh, no,” George says quietly, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “I dropped my quill.”
You watch as George gets out of his chair, ducking under the table, grabbing his quill and coming to a stop between your legs.
“George-” you start, as he pushes your legs apart. He looks up at you, mischief and lust darkening his eyes, before pulling your panties aside and putting his mouth on you.
You suck in a breath, trying your hardest not to make any noise as you reach out and grab Fred’s wrist for support. You reach under the table with your other hand, grabbing a fistful of George’s hair. He makes a noise against you, sending a wave of pleasure through your body.
George pulls away far too soon for your liking, leaving you soaked and wiggling in your seat, needing more. He sits back in his seat, his hair completely mussed up, and you can’t help but notice that he’s got, er, a big problem in his trousers.
He holds up his quill, and with a devilish smile, he says, “I found it.”
Crossing your legs, you lean forward and start stacking your books and gathering your things to prepare for leaving the library. These boys - they know just how to drive you wild. Screw Potions, you’ll finish your essay some other time. Right now, you have other things to handle first.
“What’s the problem, Y/N?” Fred asks, much too innocently, setting his hand back on your thigh and squeezing it tightly.
You push his hand off and stand up, looking between both of them pointedly.
“You two, Room of Requirement. Five minutes.”
They both smirk up at you, passion clouding their gazes. George bites his lip.
“You must not be too worried about those rumors now, huh, Y/N?”
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Would you do a slight NSFW Draco Malfoy imagine of him dating a Slytherin who's good friends with Hermione, Ron and Harry and she manages to convince Draco to go to the Three Broomsticks with the Golden Trio and be cordial with them since she's promised him some alone time if he's nice to them since she wants them to see that he's not all bad because they don't get what she sees him in?
Hello! This one took forever to write, I lowkey got stumped and I couldn’t figure out how to write the ending, lol. I didn’t want to go all-in so this is what I came up with. I love Draco Malfoy so I want to do him justice!
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Draco watched as (Y/N) (L/N) adjusted her lipstick in his dormitory mirror, studying her silhouette as she bent over his dresser. As an upcoming superstar for the Slytherin Quidditch Team, (Y/N) was quite popular and often found herself being the center of attention. But once the school caught wind of her relationship with the Draco Malfoy, it did not take long for them to be considered the power couple of Slytherin House. However, despite sharing a perfectly healthy relationship, there were a few students that questioned (Y/N)’s partner of choice.
These complaints came from the three most determined students of Gryffindor House. Despite being in separate houses, the Golden Trio and (Y/N) managed to become great friends, effectively breaking the hateful stereotype between Gryffindor and Slytherin relationships. During their second year, (Y/N) found herself in quite the predicament when she fell off a borrowed broom hours past curfew. She spent a fair amount of time sprawled across the training grounds staring up at the starry sky trying to ignore the excruciating pain of her broken arm. It was then that Harry, Ron, and Hermione stumbled upon her still body as they pursued the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione Granger was the first to approach her, momentarily scolding (Y/N) for breaking the rules before examining the extent of her wounds.
Harry and Ron followed cautiously behind Hermione, the two of them exchanging worried looks before kneeling beside (Y/N).
“It’ll be alright,” said Ron with a sympathetic smile, “We’ll take care of you.” 
From that day on the four of them were inseparable. Which was a natural outcome when a group fabricated lies to fool Madam Pomfrey or any other staff member, for that matter. When they were not chasing dangerous creatures within Hogwarts, they often spent their time near the Quidditch Pitch, with Harry and Ron teaching (Y/N) the basics of the game while Hermione reviewed her books from the ground. As time went on (Y/N), and Hermione calmly listened to Harry and Ron’s rants about Draco Malfoy and how much they despised him. 
Being from the same house as Draco Malfoy, (Y/N) often found herself conflicted between choosing her friends and abiding by the “your house is like your family” statement. She could not think of one occasion where Malfoy had been rude to her directly, but she could not excuse his behavior towards her friends. It was not until Professor Snape paired them up for a Potions essay that (Y/N) and Draco began learning more about each other. Draco was used to boasting and putting on a show in front of other students, but he quickly realized that (Y/N) would not succumb to his usual tricks.
Draco lay comfortably against his bed, his arms crossed behind his head as his eyes landed on the plaid pleated skirt his loving girlfriend decided to wear for their Hogsmeade trip. (Y/N) looked at Draco’s reflection, a devious smile playing at her lips as she bent forwards, giving her boyfriend a better view of what he quietly desired. At this movement, Draco clicked his tongue and scowled in her direction, swiftly rising from his four-poster, and making his way towards her. 
“Little nymph,” uttered Draco against her ear, rubbing small circles against her hips as she straightened up, “We could just stay. Avoid the trouble... and have a little fun ourselves.” Under different circumstances, Draco would have been thrilled to visit Hogsmeade with his beloved, but he knew they would not be spending the afternoon alone. 
(Y/N) cleared her throat, her eyes landing on the silver “I” on Draco’s robes before excellently replicating Professor Umbridge’s high-pitched voice, “Boys and girls are not permitted to be within eight inches of each other,” she teased, leaning back into Draco’s grip as he scoffed. Spinning her around, Draco lifted her onto his dresser, pushing her skirt up farther up her thighs. 
“I’d like to think I can change your tune rather quickly,” Draco snapped, pressing chaste kisses against the smooth skin of her neck, “I’ll never understand how you imitate that woman so perfectly” he added, earning a giggle from (Y/N).
“One of my many talents,” retaliated (Y/N), wrapping her arms around Draco’s neck, “You know, I can’t help but think this is your way of distracting me” she added, twirling small strands of his platinum blonde hair.
“Ugh,” groaned Draco, “I just don’t understand why we have to spend our Saturday with Potter and his stupid friends,” he spat but quickly scowled at (Y/N)’s hurt expression. 
“I’ve told you before, Draco,” (Y/N) frowned, “They’re my friends too and I wish for us to get along. It took me a while to convince them, but they’ve agreed to give you one more chance,” she said, placing her hand against her boyfriend’s cheek, “I want them to see the real you, the Draco I fell in love with.”
Draco turned his head away from (Y/N) but held her hand to acknowledge her words. Despite being together for a little over a year, he still found it quite difficult to let his guard down completely. He supposed it was due to his family’s teachings and the expectations of his Father, but throughout his relationship with (Y/N), he came to realize there were far more important matters. One of them being keeping (Y/N) (L/N) safe and content. 
“Fine,” Draco uttered, his grey eyes meeting hers, “I’ll do it for you, Darling” he added, pressing a gentle kiss against her forehead before capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. (Y/N) smiled against his kiss, pressing her forehead against his once he pulled away. 
“I appreciate it, Draco,” She whispered, pressing a light kiss against the tip of his nose, “and don’t forget, I promised you a little reward if you behave.” (Y/N) added seductively, leading Draco’s hands underneath her short skirt. 
Draco hummed contently, harshly squeezing the back of her thighs and lifting her against his body, her legs wrapping instinctively over his hips, “Well then, I’ll make sure to be on my best behavior,” He said, kissing her once again and setting her down in front of him, “We better get going, it’s not polite to keep them waiting.”
(Y/N) laughed at his change of behavior, taking one final look in the mirror, and heading towards the door. A loud smack suddenly filled the room, earning a small yelp of surprise from (Y/N), “Draco!” she exclaimed, turning to face her seemingly innocent boyfriend, “Why don’t you save the spanking for later?” she teased as Draco chuckled. 
“Alright, alright,” He added, raising his arms defensively, “but you are aware of how much I adore those little skirts you wear.”
(Y/N) opened the door of the boys’ dormitory and took another glance back at Draco, “and that is exactly why I wear them,” She winked and scurried down the stairs, filling the stairwell with her giggles as Draco chased behind her. 
                                            ϟ ϟ ϟ
Meanwhile, at the Three Broomsticks, Ron Weasley let out his fourth impatient huff of the afternoon, leaning his hand into his palm with a noticeable scowl on his face. “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” he grumbled, taking another swig of his Butterbeer as they waited. 
Hermione sighed once again, “Ron, this is for (Y/N), just try to give him a chance.” Even though she was attempting to sound positive, Hermione could not help feel wary of what was to come. They had never seen eye to eye with Draco Malfoy and his new position on Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad made the situation even more cumbersome. 
“Ron’s right, Hermione,” added Harry, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back into his seat, “I find it hard to believe that Malfoy has a ‘good’ side.” Hermione scoffed at his words, glaring at the crabby boys beside her, “Oh, stop it!” exclaimed Hermione, “You two know how much (Y/N) cares for him, we at least have to make the effort to talk to him.” Ron and Harry looked towards each other, exchanging abhorrent looks until Hermione elbowed them both. 
“Bloody hell, Hermione!” exclaimed Ron, tenderly rubbing his aching side, but quickly shut up once he noticed the presence of his friend (Y/N) and her boyfriend. Hermione quickly rose from her seat and greeted (Y/N) with a tight hug before awkwardly turning to face the silent Draco Malfoy. 
“Hello, Draco” she greeted, extending her hand for him to shake. Draco shifted his eyes towards (Y/N) who gave an encouraging nod as he gripped Hermione’s outstretched hand. 
“Hello, Granger,” He replied, a meek smile playing at his lips as he turned towards the boys sitting at the booth, “Weasley, Potter, good to see you.” 
Ron absentmindedly let his jaw drop, hesitantly replying “Erm- Good to see you too, Malfoy”, carelessly scratching his head as Hermione returned to her seat beside him. Harry, however, did not speak, he only acknowledged Draco with a subtle nod of the head as he sipped his Butterbeer. Draco smiled towards (Y/N), pulling a chair out and gesturing for her to take a seat, “I’ll go order us some more drinks,” He stated, kissing the top of his girlfriend’s head before sauntering away.
  Ron watched Draco go in shock, “good to see you?!” he whispered harshly, slapping his hand against his forehead, “I sound like a prat!”. Hermione scowled once again, shooting a reassuring look towards (Y/N), “Ron’s just getting used to this, I’m sure he’ll behave once Draco returns” she stated comfortingly, taking (Y/N)’s hand into hers with a smile, “But honestly, I didn’t expect him to say that either.”
(Y/N) laughed, patting the top of Hermione’s hand as she glanced back at Draco at the bar, “I told you he was polite,” she added with a grin, “You just have to get to know him.” With nearly perfect timing, Draco returned and took a seat next to his girlfriend, wrapping his arm around the back of her chair. Ron examined the situation carefully, his protective instinct rising as Malfoy got closer to his friend.
“Madam Rosmerta will bring our drinks soon, I also requested an assortment of pastries” Draco spoke out, lacing his fingers with (Y/N)’s underneath the wooden table, “My treat,” he added, earning a satisfied smile from his girlfriend. 
Some of Ron’s animosity disappeared at the mention of free food and he gave a small nod of appreciation towards Draco, “Thanks, Malfoy” he uttered, looking towards Harry and Hermione who were also having a difficult time understanding this “new” side of Malfoy. 
A wave of silence fell over them. It seemed like they were unsure of who should speak first, but upon feeling the gentle squeeze of (Y/N)’s hand, Draco cleared his throat, “So, (Y/N) tells me you two taught her how to play Quidditch,” he added, nodding his head towards Harry and Ron curiously. 
“Uh, yeah,” Harry replied, speaking up for the first time since the couple’s arrival, “(Y/N)’s a natural though, it didn’t take long for her to learn the basics.” 
“That reminds me,” added Ron, grinning as Madame Rosmerta set down their freshly baked pastries and full goblets of Butterbeer, “(Y/N), you haven’t told us your favorite Quidditch team! I think you should have a pretty good idea at this point,” he said, bringing his cup to his lips to take a generous gulp. 
(Y/N) took the opportunity to play a joke on her friends, taking a bite of her warm apple tart before saying, “Why! The Chudley Cannons, of course!” 
Harry immediately regretted taking such a big drink, choking on the liquid before (Y/N) even finished her sentence. Hermione let out a panicked squeal, patting Harry’s back as he violently coughed, “T-The Chudley Cannons?! Have you gone mad?!” He exclaimed tearfully, looking towards (Y/N) in bewilderment. 
Ron subtly placed his hand over his mouth, concealing his smile as Harry finished up his coughing fit. Draco, on the other hand, could not hide his amusement and snickered at Potter’s antics. (Y/N) burst laughing at Harry’s reaction, quickly shaking her head, “I was just pulling your leg! The Chudley Cannons are complete rubbish!” 
Ron let out an angry scoff, “Hey! It is just a management problem! The players are quite good!” He defended while Harry violently shook his head. 
“I’m glad it was just a joke, I was ready to take you to Madam Pomfrey” Harry exclaimed, dabbing his mouth with a napkin and sinking back into his seat.
“And what would she have done?” Hermione asked dubiously, taking a bite of a pumpkin pasty.
“Unless she knew a cure for madness, she would not have been much help,” chuckled Draco as he sipped his Butterbeer, earning a noticeable smile from Ron and Hermione. 
Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed pastry off the tray, “Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled in annoyance, “She could’ve examined (Y/N)’s head or something, I don’t know”
“Who do you follow then, Potter?” Asked Draco curiously, wrapping his arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders as they continued their conversation. 
“Uh-” Harry paused, caught off-guard by his question“Well, the Bulgarian team has some great players, but I’d say it’s between them and Ireland” He admitted, recalling the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, “Can’t say I have a favorite, though” 
“The Gryffindor team is definitely your favorite,” teased (Y/N), “but that is a bit biased since you are their Seeker.”
Harry playfully rolled his eyes at her comment, “Can you honestly say your favorite team isn’t the Slytherin team?” He asked, pointing an accusatory finger towards (Y/N). Both she and Draco laughed, shrugging at Harry’s reasonably accurate comment, “You got me there” she admitted.
“We are quite good,” Draco admitted proudly with a nod of the head, “Never lost a match until you came along,” he added, shrugging towards Harry, “I promise we’ll beat you next time, (Y/N) and I have been training non-stop.” 
Harry snickered at Draco’s comment, “We’ll see about that, Malfoy,” he grinned, “I’m not going to let you off easy just because you’re with (Y/N).” 
Draco clicked his tongue in amusement, “I want a fair match, Potter.” He stated sternly, “I wouldn’t be satisfied if I won a match just because you threw it” 
“Then we’ll settle this on the field,” Harry stated confidently, raising his Butterbeer in satisfaction and finishing it off. 
After a surprisingly pleasant outing, the five of them walked back towards the castle, hoping Professor Umbridge would not catch them sneaking in the extra special butterbeer Madam Rosmerta brewed per Draco’s request (and compensation, of course). Disregarding educational decree number twenty-six, Draco snaked his arm around (Y/N)’s waist, pulling her closer to him as they strode towards the Great Hall. Once there, Hermione gave (Y/N) a hug as they happily exchanged goodbyes for the evening. Draco and (Y/N) gave the Golden Trio one final wave before turning towards the direction of the Slytherin common room, making their way there quicker and more excitedly than usual.  
Delighted to find his dormitory empty, Draco urged his girlfriend into the room and swiftly locked the door. Although he would not give her the satisfaction of knowing this information, he actually had a great evening at Hogsmeade with (Y/N) and her friends. However, this realization did not deter Draco’s excitement as he recalled his dear girlfriend’s promise before they left. 
Placing a hand against the small of her back, Draco pushed (Y/N)’s stomach against the dresser she used to tease him earlier. “I’d say I put forth my very best manners today, wouldn’t you agree?” He muttered against her ear, earning a small gasp from her as one of his hands gripped her hip and the other sneaked towards the buttons of her shirt. A sultry moan slid past (Y/N)’s lips as Draco’s hips ground against her clothed behind. 
Encouraged by her noises, Draco wrapped his fingers underneath her chin and lifted it so their eyes met in the mirror, “Should I take that as a yes?” He asked huskily, pressing a kiss against her cheek as he gave her throat a squeeze.
 The boldness she exhibited earlier quickly cast out the window as she gave a rather desperate nod, enthralled by Draco’s movements. (Y/N)’s mind had strayed farther than she had expected it to. It did not matter how confident she acted before their usual teasing started, as soon as his expertly calculated movements began, she became putty in his hands. The feeling of his fingers tracing lines up her thigh until they were hidden under her skirt made her heart beat wildly. Draco carefully inched his fingers up her inner thigh, ghosting them over her dampening core, but moved them away without pressing them into her. Shifting her hips, (Y/N) let out another small whine as she attempted to at least brush herself on Draco’s fingers, earning a small tut from him.  
“Cat got your tongue, Princess?” inquired Draco, his hands moving to flip her skirt up, exposing the flimsy black lace underwear she flashed earlier, “I’m not going to do anything until I hear that pretty little beg of yours…” he added, removing his hands from her body and loosening his emerald green tie, his school robes discarded at his side. Draco’s words sent shivers down (Y/N)’s spine, his low tone forcing her thighs together to provide some friction, something her observant boyfriend had taken note of. 
“Oi, where are your manners?” he retorted, gripping her hips hard enough to bruise. Fed up with her silence, Draco slapped his hand against her exposed ass cheek, the cold, silver rings decorating his fingers adding another layer of pleasure as she gasped harshly. “I’m not going to ask you again,” With that, Draco hooked his index fingers underneath the lacy fabric and yanked it down her ankles, her arousal on full display. 
“I-I’m- Please, Draco,” (Y/N) whined out, squeezing her thighs together in front of him, “I need you, please touch me..!” She begged, another gasp overtaking her as Draco swiped two fingers against her folds. 
“That’s a good girl,” He praised, dipping the press a kiss against the back of her neck, smirking at her moans as he finally inserted a finger inside of her, “Keep making those noises for me and I’ll reward you” demanded Draco, lowering himself onto his knees as he pumped his fingers. Flattening his tongue against her folds, (Y/N) let out a sensual moan, her hands reaching for the corners of the dresser in an attempt to anchor her shaking legs. Draco smirked as (Y/N) shuddered at the sudden loss of contact, rising to his feet while he fiddled with his belt, “Let’s get started then, shall we?” He stated, kicking his trousers away and gripping (Y/N)’s hips tightly, her skirt pushed up to her waist as he ground his erection against her needy core. 
As their moans and groans echoed throughout the empty room, Draco could not help but think about giving in to her requests more often. If all of them ended with her writhing and calling his name underneath him, he did not have any qualms with entertaining Potter and his friends for the afternoon.
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wwwafflewrites · 4 years
Never Fear (The Winchesters Are Here)
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Follow Your Heart
You tried following your heart, once, as a senior in college with straight A’s, a bright future, a career so close you could almost touch it. You were so close to satisfaction. So close to that diploma.
And all at once, that dream ceased to be. And all you could think was my heart must be very very lost.
It all began on a cloudy Friday evening, you were just about to end your shift with the dogs. It was a tangled mess of leashes when you made it back to the animal shelter. Sweat and dog hair covered you, and after a good shower of puppy kisses, you finally untangled yourself from the mass of dogs and return them to their rightful cages.
You refused to meet their sad eyes. You made that mistake, once, and had spent half an hour reassuring each heartbroken dog that they were, indeed, a good boy.
"I’ll see you guys in the morning!" you promised with a wave and a jangle of your dog whistle, and after a reply of barks, you left the building at dusk.
The road was silent, the street lamps weren’t on yet, and the clouds had become heavier in the sky. You had read in the forecast it was going to rain, but hadn't expected this.
The tightness in your chest only continued to build as you made it to the campus. The sun was just barely visible behind the storm clouds that had rolled in. The wind had become cool, and the wind had picked up, sending chills up and down your spine.
Perhaps it was just a combination of paranoia and reasonable worry for a woman walking alone at night to her college dorm, except your blood chilled the moment you unlocked your room and entered.
The hair on your arms and the back of your neck were on end. Your eyes adjusted to the dim light, and you realized that the window was open, and the harsh breeze was whipping past you.
You laughed it off, feeling silly. Though that night you slept with your cover tight against your chest, back against the wall, and your little silver paring knife under your pillow.
The next day, you experienced the same fear. Except, this time, it was sunny out.
What was triggering these feelings of dread? It was like you couldn’t focus anymore. Everything just felt... itchy. That was the only way you could describe it.
With each day that passed, the source of your terror was slowly revealing itself. Little, weird things that wouldn't be so noticeable to an outsider, but as someone who valued cleanliness and order, it might as well have been an elephant in the room.
Things were never as you left them. On Sunday morning you couldn’t find your hairbrush. Monday evening, your bed was mysteriously unkempt, even though you’d recalled making it that morning. Tuesday, the caps of your perfume bottles were all off and littered on the floor of your bathroom. Someone had been in your dorm.
You didn't have a roommate.
You called the police at midnight on Wednesday, and they showed up to your dorm to find you locked in the bathroom.  They chalked it up to a wild imagination. You were three floors up, after all. Nobody was breaking in. You were just a stupid, homesick college student.
Pah, it wasn’t like you were a senior, or anything. Or that you’d ever even cried wolf in the last three years of living alone. But yeah, sure, call it paranoia.
Three weeks later, there was a knock on your front door.
It startled you enough to send you on your ass. You stared at the door from the floor, and it loomed over you like a bad dream.
Your stalker had been your shadow for almost a month at that point. A gaze that burned into the back of your skull, even when there was no one around. You wanted them to keep their distance.
You stood like a whisper, careful not to make any noise as you tiptoed to the peephole of your door. This was it. There would finally be a face to your terror. Someone you could blame.
A weird combination of disappointment and relief washed over you when you saw two FBI agents instead. Your fear of it being your stalker morphed into a fear of the justice system. Had they come to laugh at you just as the police had?
When they knocked a second time, you opened the door.
They showed you their badges and introduced themselves. "Mind if we come in?" Agent Young asked. He had longer, brown hair and kind eyes. You couldn't hold a gaze with him worth your life.
Strangers in your home, even authorities, made your hackles raise. What the helllllll was all you could think as you welcomed them into your tiny dorm as your legs shook.
A million questions raced around your head at once.
"Could we ask you about the death of your professor? Mr.Cleveland?"
Your heart plummeted and all hope died within you. Oh. This was about that whole freak-show. "What about it?" you said. Your feet shifted.
"Well, it’s said that you were there at the time of his death. Is that true?" Agent Scott asked. He was more intimidating—more rough around the edges—but you supposed he was just professional.
"Um. Uh, yeah. It…" the agents were watching you with intrigue, and you looked to the carpet. "It was horrible." And it was. It was bloody and scary, and all your fault because you had just stood there—watched as the professor died right in front of you.
Upon seeing your haunted look, Agent Scott spoke a little gentler. "Did you see what happened?"
"I—yeah… I saw it all. He—he had been helping me with something. An essay. I was flunking and he suggested a one on one." That had only been a week ago. Your grades had suffered as you juggled your classes. When Mr.Cleveland died... you abandoned college altogether and let the dog whistle collect dust.
"I don’t know… he just…" started dying at your feet. You hadn’t even tried to pick up a phone. You just stood there, and you watched. Your breath picked up. "...he just—"
Agent Young's voice was sympathetic. "He started coughing up blood?"
"Yeah. I didn’t—I didn’t know what to do. I kept thinking about..." the stalker, you thought. I couldn’t stop thinking about the stalker. "I froze and, a-and I just watched—"
"Easy, easy. It’s okay. We just need to know the details," Agent Scott said.
You paused, then. Something didn’t add up. "Wait... why is the FBI interested in a guy that died of a lung disease?" When the agents exchanged glances, you squinted at them, your anxiety briefly replaced with confusion.
"We don't think it was, erm, lung disease," Agent Scott said. "We think he might have been…" He searched for the word a little too long for your liking. "...uh, poisoned."
"Poisoned?" you yelped. "Who could have… oh god, that makes me a suspect, doesn't it?"
Your stomach sank, and that anxiety returned. "You guys have to know I wouldn't—I would never—"
"If we thought it was you, you would be in custody," Agent Scott informed you curtly.
Agent Young frowned at his partner as if to say not helping and then turned back to you. "We just want to know what you saw that day. Anything weird? Strange noises? Smells?" He narrowed his eyes. "Is there anyone you know who would want to kill Mr.Cleveland?"
This was your chance to tell them about your stalker. If there was anyone who could help you, it was the FBI.
Yet you clammed up.  "No, not really," you blurted. "Nobody I can think of, honest. Not to be rude, but I have finals tomorrow. Could you… leave?"
Who were you kidding, your grades had dropped so low lately that even finals wouldn't save you. But they didn't know that.
They offered you a trained smile that didn’t reach the eyes. "Of course. We'll get out of your hair. If you think of anything else, here's our card." And with that they left the room.
The tightness in your chest did not ease.
That night, you had dreams of monsters and of evil people that could poison someone and smile. You dreamed of your stalker, and them laughing as you choked on your own blood.
You woke up in a cold sweat, eyes snapping open to the glow of an agape window. It was shut when you fell asleep, but it was open now, blowing in a breeze that chilled your blood.
Your dog whistle was gone.
It was a fear like no other. Your gut was screaming at you to launch for the phone. You did, automatically dialling the number on the business card that laid discarded on the other end of the room. You had memorized it after hours of staring at the numbers, debating whether or not to call them, then ultimately deciding not to with anxiety gnawing away at you.
They answered it on the second ring.
"Hello?" said a gruff voice. Agent Scott.
"I remembered something," you blurted. "You-you said to call… if I thought of something..." You trailed off when you saw the clock. "Oh god, it's three in the morning. Maybe this can… this can… this can wait…" It couldn't wait.
"No, wait. What is it? Might be important if it's got you up at three in the morning. Unless it's just finals?"
You shook your head and then realized he couldn't hear that. "Not finals. Someone's been stalking me for the past week. I thought… maybe, I was paranoid. I was... constantly told that I was paranoid. But someone was in here while I was asleep. And might… might still be close."
"Okay, you got a knife?"
"A knife?" You squeaked.
"Yeah. A knife. To defend yourself."
"Oh. Right. Right, okay. Uh. Well, uh, I have a paring knife?"
"You have... a paring knife," he repeated.
"Um, yeah? Is that okay? The dorms have rules against big knives. For safety reasons. It's a silver p—"
"Silver? Okay, you know what? That's fine. That's good. Use that. Is it sharp?"
"Sharp enough, I hope." You ran over to your cabinet, pulling out the knife and holding it to your chest. Your ragged breaths were loud in your ears. "Now what?"
"Well," he said, and you could hear an engine starting in the background. "We should be there in a few minutes. Stay on the phone, you hear me?"
"I—should I have called 911? This has never happened to me—"
"You're doing fine. Now, what made you so sure that someone had been in your room?"
"Well, the open window. I live up a few floors. There is no way they could have opened it unless—"
"Unless someone had been in your room. Alright. Just sit tight, okay? Don't hang up."
"O-okay." The agents will be here soon. They will help me. You had the knife and phone held so close to your chest and tight in your fist that your knuckles were white.
I will not die.
Without warning, you choked. It was wet, coppery, and lukewarm on your tongue. You clawed at your neck for air. You fell to your knees. The phone clattered on the wooden floor'; it buzzed with muffled shouting, but you couldn't pick it up, nor could you answer.
Just then, a massive shadow crawled in from your window, and it grunted like an animal. You barely had enough strength to look at him as trails of red spit hung from your face.
The man had claws. The man had claws. The man—the thing, had—for the love of God, inch long claws.
Down the hallway, there was a muffling of running feet. They would be too late. You realized then: you were probably going to die. You were no fair match.
You could feel the monster’s breath on your neck when the beast abruptly fell down like a sack of potatoes, howling and twisting.
Blindly, you stabbed it in the chest with all your strength, twisting the blade and then collapsing once again into a fit of retching.
The agents burst into the room.
But instead of moving to help you, they tore the room apart in search of something. You couldn’t help but sob in despair. Why weren't they helping you?
But when Agent Scott whipped out a little bag from your drawer and lit it on fire, the choking miraculously ceased.
You melted into the floor to catch your breath again. For a minute everyone just breathed. You really appreciated the minor break.
Agent Young helped you up, closely inspecting your heavy, slightly bloody, zoned-out face, and decided you were okay.
You licked your lips, still not processing any part of the last hour. "What," you said, "just happened."
The agents exchanged looks.
You looked at them. Really looked at them. "You're not FBI, are you?"
Agent Scott shrugged at his partner. "You gonna give her the talk, Sammy, or should I?"
"Were-witches," you deadpanned. Monsters, hunters, hex bags, and were-witches.
"Yep," Agent Scott—or Dean Winchester, you were now learning—said. "He probably got a whiff of you covered in dog hair or something. You're lucky we got here in time. The pervert was, I kid you not, jellifying human hearts with dark magic. Like, alive. And then he’d make you regurgitate—" He caught the hard look from Agent Young—Sam—and shut up. "But, yeah. Were-witches."
You frowned. "I can accept witches and werewolves, but… were-witches? For real?"
"Trust me, we didn't know they existed either," Sam informed you.
Dean laughed to himself. "Hey Sammy, should we call him a son of a witch or a son of a bi—" His smile faltered with both Sam and your glaring. "Get it? Witch jokes? Dog jokes? Sheesh, okay, you guys are seriously no fun."
Sam sighed. "We should probably take the, um, dead werewitch, out of here."
You followed his eyes to the heap of fur on your floor. Seeing your stalker dead was a major weight off your shoulders. It was such a relief that you felt high.
Sam was still talking. "—and you have finals?"
You sobered. "Right. Those." Like you would do anything except bomb them.
Sam must have known the look. "You haven't studied, have you? At all."
Shaking your head, you slumped into the mattress. "Nope. This stalker thing screwed me up big time. There's just no way." You sighed. Sam's dark look made you squint at him. "What?"
"I just, uh, know the feeling," Sam said.
"Yeah," he said thoughtfully. "I got a free ride to law school before the hunting life took me away. I was already a hunter, I didn't have a choice. But you still do. You can still have that life you want." He tapped the card, still on the desk from his last visit. "Stay out of trouble and call us whenever. Especially if it's three in the morning."
Right then, you noticed the dog whistle was back, as if it had never left. Realization hit you like a brick to the head. "You did that! You blew the whistle."
"Yeah, well, I knew it was a werewolf. So I took a gamble and… borrowed it. Guess I didn't think you'd miss it—it was pretty dusty."
"You stole my whistle!"
"Hey, no, I borrowed it—"
"You gave me a heart attack! I thought the werewitch had stolen it! That's what set me off and made me call you—not the window!"
Dean cracked a smile. "Hey, it saved you, though, yeah? If I hadn't taken it, who's to say I could have saved your damsel ass?"
"Bitch," Dean said automatically.
You blinked in surprise at the speed of his reply.
His eyes widened. "Sorry. That's… uh, Sam usually says that and I respond with…"
You laughed. Really laughed. You doubled over, struggling to breathe for the second time today, but this time it was welcome. The Winchesters inevitably joined in as you howled. You wiped away your tears of laughter, occasionally breaking into a smaller fit.
"You good?" Dean asked, grinning,
You sighed, the hysteria wearing off. "God, it wasn't even that funny! You just caught me by surprise. Thanks, though. For saving me, and all."
Dean smiled, patting you on the back. "No problem, kid."
You settled into a comfortable silence. You were still trying to calm down as they watched you with looks of fondness.
"Are you going to be able to sleep?" Sam asked.
You knew what he meant: were you going to be able to sleep alone? And honestly, you had a feeling you would sleep like a baby tonight. However, you had no purpose staying here anymore. "Would I be stepping too far if I asked to come with you? Just for the night."
"Of course."
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sweatersarecomfyy · 6 years
Salamander and the Fangirl (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Summary: Modern Hogwarts AU. Reader is bullied and Newt tries to stand up for her but then they both end up getting stuck in a broom closet together. Pre-established friendship.
Warnings: This is just a lot of corny fluff. Please excuse me. I’m a sucker for it.
A/N: This may or may not be trash but let me know. It was fun to write. Happy almost Christmas. Don’t forget your sweaters.
Word Count: 2,485
“Hey, hey you!” A mean voice shouted at me.
I sighed and kept walking.
“Mudblood. Listen to me.” It was behind me. The person it belonged to grabbed the strap of my shoulder bag and pulled it off.
“Give that back Geoffrey.” I reached out for my bag but the larger Slytherin boy held it just out of reach.
“Why? Can’t live without all your mudblood books, can you?” I tried to stop him from reaching into the bag, but someone came behind me and grabbed my arms, pinning them behind me.
I looked up and it was one of Geoffrey’s oafish friends. They all went around tormenting younger student’s for fun. This scuffle was attracting the attention of some of the students but unfortunately, they never got caught by the professors.
He reached into my bag and pulled out my journal and flipped through it.
“Stop it. That’s private.” I begged, tears in my eyes.
“That’s the point.” He laughed. “Would you rather me rip up this?” He pulled out one of my books, a muggle one, my adventure story.
“No. Just stop.”
He laughed. “Ooh, this is just too good.” A couple more of his cronies gathered around as he started to read out loud. “Today was really bad. Snape was horrid in potions even though I was really trying my hardest. People keep teasing me because I am muggle-born. I thought they would get used to it by the time I was in the 4th year. Anyway. I felt a lot better at the end of the day when I talked to Newt in the common room. He cheered me up and taught me some stuff he learned about dragons. I really like him, but I don’t think he likes me. After all he is a year above me.”
My face was turning red and all the kids standing around were laughing. I struggled to escape.
“That’s so embarrassing!” Geoffrey shouted. “The fangirl likes the salamander.”
I couldn’t see through all the tears in my eyes. “Just give it back. Let me go!” I shouted.
Someone broke through the circle of Slytherins. A tall, slender, red-head who was unmistakably Newt Scamander. He looked around at what was happening. His eyes landed on me for a second, and then observed Geoffrey who was holding my belongings. I felt my face growing even redder.
“What’s going on here, let her go.” He said softly to Geoffrey. “You have no right to look through someone’s belongings like that, or to touch her.”
He scoffed “Seems as if the salamander likes mudbloods too.” A flicker of confusion crossed Newt’s face. “What are you gonna do about it?”
I saw it before Newt did and I screamed “Newt, look out!” but it was too late, he too now had his arms pinned behind his back.
“How are you gonna protect her now?” Geoffrey got uncomfortably close to Newt, who surged forward, as if to try and attack him, only to be held back by the stronger Slytherin.
Everyone was laughing now. “Want a taste of the mud, salamander boy, ‘cause she sure wants a taste of you.” Geoffrey backed up and signaled to the two guys holding us. They pushed us around the corner and spotted a broom closet. He opened it up and the two shoved us inside. Geoffrey threw my bag and books in and then slammed the door behind us before we had time to react.
“Don’t bother with alohomora on this door, it doesn’t work.”
Newt banged his fist against the door. “Come on, let us out.”
Laughter filtered through the thick door. “Not a chance. We’ll give you plenty of private time to snog. We’ll be back, hmm, how about tomorrow?” More laughter.
“You’ll get caught!” I yelled.
“No, but maybe you will. Well, goodbye then.” Their laughter echoed on the stone as we heard their footsteps fading away.
I backed away from the door and sat on the floor against the wall, burying my face in my hands. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” He sat down opposite me in the small closet. “It’s those idiots.”
“How much did you hear?” I asked peeking out.
“Erm. I heard you shouting when I came down the hall, so I went to see what was happening. I didn’t hear anything before that.”
I breathed out in relief. “Okay good.”
“But what do they mean that erm, you want to, to, taste…”
I buried my head again.
“Well, they were just teasing you, I guess.” He smiled briefly.
“Yeah, yeah. That they were.” I laughed.
“What happened? Why were they bullying you?” He asked, his eyebrows knitted together in a very adorable way.
“You know that I like to read muggle stories about magic, and that I’m not that good at magic. Geoffrey used to be my friend and I would tell him about the stories, and then he changed.” I shook my head. “It’s pathetic.”
“You’re not pathetic. He’s just confused that’s all. And for the record I think you’re brilliant.”
“Not brilliant enough to stop them from stealing my bag and reading my journal in front of the whole school.” I grimaced.
“So that’s what happened.”
“That’s terrible.”
I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to keep my secret from him, especially because basically the whole school would know by now. “Erm, Newt?”
I pulled my schoolbag and books towards me and brushed the cover of my journal before slipping it back in my bag. “You should probably know what they read just so you don’t get a distorted view from other people.
“Oh um. Alright.” He turned a little red. “Is it about someone you fancy?”
I nodded.
“It’s ok. You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to.” He looked away from me.
“I fancy you Newt, that’s what they read aloud.” I felt heat rising to my face. “I’m sorry. But you should hear it from me not others.”
He let out a breath that he seemed to have been holding in. “Oh good. I thought, I thought it would have been someone else.”
My eyes shot back to him. “What?”
“I fancy you too. I was really worried you would have said someone else. I mean why would you want to date a fifth year like me when you could have anyone else.”
I laughed. “Anyone else?”
“Well yeah, I mean, I’ve heard…well, no matter.” He blushed.
“I thought you wouldn’t want to date a fourth year.” I shifted my legs so that I could see his face better. “And what do you mean about what you’ve heard?”
“Just that there were other people who may have liked you. I heard Geoffrey liked you for instance.”
“Well he certainly has an odd way of showing it.”
He looked me in the eye. “You didn’t phrase it that way they said, with the erm ‘taste’ thing, did you? When you said that you liked me in your journal?”
I picked up on what he was talking about “Merlin, no. That was all them. All I said was that I liked you, but I didn’t think you liked me. Simply. Nothing about anything else.”
He smiled shyly. We looked at each-other and laughed.
“Are they really going to keep us here all night?” I asked.
“I guess it’s a good thing it’s Friday.” He looked through the cracks in the door. “It’s pretty late already. I guess we could do our homework.”
We got out our books and started, working together on some things. I knew Newt was bright, but he was absolutely brilliant, plus he had already gone through all my coursework and had great tips on how to do it. Due to the fact that we had nothing else to do we got through all of the next’s weeks homework in a couple of hours. We lit up our wands so that we could keep on working after the sun set.
“If you were my constant study-buddy, I would get much better grades.” I said as I wrote the last line to my potions essay.
He smiled over his book. “Ok then.”
I blushed. “You’ve really signed yourself up for something.” I warned.
“I don’t mind if you don’t. I quite like spending time with you.” It was his turn to blush.
“Alright then.” I held out my pinky.
He looked at it questioningly.
“It’s a muggle thing. A pinky promise.”
“What are we promising?” He asked.
“I guess it’s more like an agreement to be each-others study buddies.” I said, still holding out my pinky.
“Is this your way of asking me to be your, your boyfriend?”
I paused. “Do you want it to be?” I asked.
He lifted his hand and wrapped his pinky around mine. “Yes.” He smiled wider than I had ever seen.
I smiled too, and our hands broke apart.
He checked his watch. “We still have a lot of time till morning.” He looked at me with an awkward expression.
“I have a book. Do you want me to read it to you?”
“What is it about?” He asked.
“It’s called The Hobbit. It’s about a magical world. They have dragons and adventures and lots of other cool stuff. It’s also really well-written.”
“If it’s got dragons I will love it.”
“It doesn’t come in until later.” I said.
“Well then we’ll just have to keep reading together.”
I smiled and pulled the book out of my bag and started reading. I read just like I would with my little sister at home. I did all the voices and everything. Newt laughed with me when I did the lower voices of the dwarves. His eyes fixated on me and he was transfixed on the story. At one point I moved next to him so that he could hold his wand light up while I held the book.
I kept reading as I tentatively rested my head on his shoulder, seeing if he would react, if he would mind. His head leaned onto mine, so I figured he was alright with it. I kept reading for a while and then yawned.
“Are we going to stay up all night?” I asked. When there was no response I looked at his face, trying not to move, and saw that his eyes were closed. He had fallen asleep. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, leaning into him more and falling asleep myself.
 A small flicker of light danced across my eyes and I blinked into the morning light streaming dustily into the closet. Newt was still asleep and was holding onto my arm.
I poked him in the shoulder. “Newt.” He didn’t wake. “NEWT.” He blinked his eyes.
“Morning.” He muttered. “We still here?”
“Yep.” I said.
He straightened up a bit more and didn’t even get embarrassed at the amount of physical contact. “What are we going to do when they find us?” He asked.
I thought for a second and then a smile broke across my face. “Do you want to do something that will really scare them?”
He looked at me blearily. “What do you have in mind?” He asked cautiously.
“It just something they do in muggle movies when they don’t want to actually show the two actors snogging. So, you know that they have kissed, but you haven’t actually seen it.”
He smiled cheekily “Sure, why not? Our reputations will be ruined anyways.”
“Alright. Untuck your shirt, and undo your tie, just a bit.” I reached into my bag to find my lipstick.
I looked up and he had done what I asked. I reached up and ruffled his hair so it stuck up in an odd way. His ears turned a bit red, but he was fine. I untucked my shirt too and then mussed up my own hair.
“What’s that?” He asked, pointing to the lipstick.
“Lipstick. I’m going to put it on your face to make it look like I’ve kissed you.”
“Is that alright?”
I knelt in front of him and put a good layer on my fingers. Then I pressed it to his face in several places, then rubbed it over. With any luck no one could tell the difference between real and fake lip-stick marks.
I stopped to look at my work. He looked like he had just been snogged alright. Frankly his hair looked adorable and his slight scruffiness made him all the more attractive. I caught myself looking into his eyes and blushed.
“I have a question.” He stated, looking back into my eyes.
I gulped. “Yeah?”
“Why didn’t we actually just kiss?”
“I erm, well, I’ve never…” I scratched my neck and looked down to the floor “I’ve never actually done it before.”
He slipped his hand under my chin and lifted my face towards him. I thought it was a pretty smooth move, especially for him, and then I saw how red his face was. It was taking all his courage at this point. My eyes widened, and he faltered.
“Well, I-If you don’t want to that’s fine. Ok.”
“You are my boyfriend…” I said smiling.
“But don’t feel pressured.” He said in panic.
I felt him about to move away so I leaned forward to where my lips were almost touching his. He closed the distance and pressed his lips firmly against mine. I closed my eyes and kissed back. I know I probably wasn’t too great at it, but I didn’t care because my whole being felt alive. I had heard a lot of people describe kissing, but this wasn’t quite like any of those descriptions, no matter how unexperienced I was with the whole thing.
There was a clanging at the door and we broke apart. I smiled at him and he was beaming back, although as usual, not making eye-contact. We heard mean laughter again and Geoffrey’s voice yelling something crude. The door swung open and Newt and I both blinked in the light, still facing each-other, and pretty close.
All the Slytherins’ mouths dropped open at our appearance and Geoffrey let out a weird kind of whine.
“But…” He said stupidly, standing there and blinking like a frog.
I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder with Newt following suit, I stood up and took his hand, helping him up too. I marched out into the sunlight with my head held high and walked straight up to Geoffrey.
“What were you expecting? After all, I did want a taste of him.” I smirked around at the Slytherins and shoved past them, dragging Newt by the hand behind me. They gawked at us as we walked away. We got quite a few stares from others as well, but nothing beat the feeling of holding Newt’s hand as we walked along those corridors.
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munarlothhp · 7 years
Old Habits
Part 1 of my 36 Questions That Lead to Love Series: 1. "Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?" The Gryffindor 6th years have an eventfully uneventful train ride back to school. 4038 words | ao3
Lily Evans clutched the handle of her trunk tightly as she stepped off the train. King’s Cross looked the same as ever, despite the fact that she had somehow expected the station to look completely different--maybe because this time, for the first time, she was arriving alone. She had spent the better part of the last week convincing her mum to let her travel alone on the local train on the morning of September 1st after Petunia had made it abundantly clear that she would not be joining them to see Lily off, but the fight was worth it that Mum wouldn’t have to travel back to Cokeworth by herself.
She loaded her trunk onto a trolley and made her way to a newsstand for her last Muggle chocolate bar until Christmas. Tucking her purchase into her bag, she headed for Platform 9 ¾. There were still several Hogwarts families milling about on the Muggle side, but Lily hurried as a station announcement noted the time at 10:50. The Wizarding side of the platform was as bustling as ever, full of old friends getting reacquainted as parents said hurried goodbyes. Lily pushed thoughts of her family from her mind as she dragged her trunk up the platform.
Lily sighed, turning at the sound of one of the last voices she wanted to hear that morning. “Potter.”
He was taller than he had been in June. “Alright, Evans? Have a good summer?”
She nodded, glancing around for any of her other friends as an escape, but there was only James. “You?”
“Yeah, it was alright--good--a lot of Quidditch.”  
“That’s nice.” He looked nervous, hands twitching at his sides, and Lily was running out of patience. “Alright, well...we should really get on the train, so…”
“Right. Need any help with your trunk?”
“No--erm, thanks. See you at school.”
She turned and quickly made her way down the platform before James could say anything else. She wasn’t sure that she was properly over what happened after OWLs, and now really wasn’t the time to hash that out. She heaved her trunk onto the train and dragged it down the corridor, dodging small children--they couldn’t be first years , was she ever that small?--and eventually spotted her friends through a compartment window. Mary slid the door open and Marlene helped to heft her trunk up into the holding above.
“Lily!” She was quickly enveloped in a hug, then another. “How was your summer? Is your mum here? I’m sorry I didn’t owl more--”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s fine. I took the express from Cokeworth--Mum was busy this morning. Summer was fine. Yours?”
“Uneventful, mostly. I babysat my siblings until they all went to Quidditch camp, then Mum and I were at her friend’s place in the country for a few weeks.”
“I hope that was more fun than it sounds…?”
Marlene shrugged. “I got all my schoolwork done there, anyway.”
“Well that’s something. Mary, please tell me you had more fun than that.”
“Not really--chores around the house, homework, and we went to my aunt’s at the seaside on the weekends. Nothing terribly exciting.”
“Your tan looks great, at least.”
“Thanks! I feel like it took years of lying in the sun to get this dark.”
“I always have to sit under the umbrella.” Lily held out her arms for inspection, frowning at her pale skin.
“Your skin tone suits you so well though, with your hair and everything! I’d kill for those freckles just across your nose.”
“I guess. Maybe there’s a charm for sun protection--I should ask Flitwick when we get back.”
Somewhere a clock struck 11 and the Hogwarts Express pulled away from the platform. Lily settled into her seat, twisting a piece of hair around one finger. The world outside blurred backwards as the train picked up speed.
Marlene tucked her legs up criss-cross on the seat and looked at Lily expectantly. “So was Snape hanging around your house again this summer?”
Lily groaned and pulled out her cigarette case, lighting a smoke and offering them to her roommates. “He came ‘round once at the beginning of July and I had Mum say I wasn’t home. Of course then she wanted to know why, so I just said we’d grown apart, you know? Petunia said she was glad I was finally finished with ‘ that beastly little freak ’, and they didn’t ask questions after that”. It was the most Petunia had said to her all summer, besides ‘pass the salt’ and ‘hurry up in the bath, will you’.
The first summer since their dad’s death wasn’t easy, but they had managed. Mum kept busy between work, volunteering, and book club, and Petunia wasn’t really speaking to Lily since Easter. Lily didn’t have an owl to keep up with her friends--her parents always said that it would be too hard to keep it under wraps in their Muggle neighborhood--so she found ways to keep herself occupied, spending two months listening to records, smoking on the back porch, and snogging a Muggle boy from two blocks over in between her shifts at the local Tesco.
“I hope he leaves you alone this year.”
Marlene agreed, blowing smoke rings into the air between them. “He really is sort of beastly, isn’t he?”
Lily shrugged, cracking the upper window open and blowing her own smoke towards the opening. “No comment.”
“You’re allowed to acknowledge that he’s an arse, you know,” Mary pointed out. “He did call you a...you-know-what.”
“Mudblood.” The other girls winced, and Lily continued. “I know. I know what he is. I just--I don’t know.” She knew that she couldn’t let Severus back into her life after what he did, and she didn’t want to, but she didn’t feel like she was quite done grieving yet, either.
All thoughts of Severus Snape vanished when the compartment door slid open without warning and 7th year Dorcas Meadows stuck her head inside. “Hey Lily, don’t forget--oh, you can’t be serious . Smoking on the train? Lily, you’re a Prefect !”
The 6th years stubbed out their cigarettes at once. Marlene grinned at Dorcas, and Mary at least had the decency to look guilty while Lily Vanished the lingering smoke and the remains of her own cig. “Sorry Dorcas, we weren’t thinking--just a holdover from summer, you know?”
“That’s a poor excuse, but I guess I won’t take any points from my own House before we even get to school.”
“Thanks Dorcas, you’re an angel. I promise it won’t happen again.”
“Oh, whatever,” Dorcas rolled her eyes. “I just wanted to remind you, the Prefect meeting starts in five minutes.”
“Right, I’ll be right there.”
Marlene relit her cigarette as soon as Dorcas closed the door. “I suppose she got Head Girl, then.”
“Looks like it. Don’t get caught with that. I’ll be back after the meeting.”
Lily entered the Prefect compartment and made a beeline for the seat next to Remus, decidedly not looking around to see if any of the other 6th year Prefects had arrived yet. “Hey Remus, how were your hols?”
“Pretty good. We were at James’s a lot. How about you?”
“Not bad. Spent a lot of time with Mum. Did you have any trouble with the Transfiguration work? That theory essay took me ages to finish.”
“Nah, James and Sirius are really good at Transfiguration so we all put our notes together. Marlene helped, too--I didn’t expect her to pick up on the theory that quickly but she had it down pretty well by the time she showed up at James’s.”
“Right.” Lily’s brow furrowed. Marlene at Potter’s?
Before she could ask Remus anything else, Dorcas stood up to start the meeting. “Hello everyone, welcome back! I’m Head Girl this year and Kingsley,” the 7th year Slytherin stood up when she mentioned his name, “is your Head Boy. I hope everyone had a nice summer? I know I’m glad to be back after some of those awful headlines in the Prophet--nowhere safer than Hogwarts, right?” A few Prefects murmured in agreement, Lily among them--though she wasn’t sure if she really did entirely agree. Just because Dumbledore was there didn’t mean that bad things couldn’t--wouldn’t--happen.
“Anyway, we’re both very excited for this upcoming year, and we have just a few announcements to make before you get started on patrols. First off, I’d especially like to welcome all of the new 5th years. We’re very happy to have you all on as new Prefects. As a recap, you’ll primarily be expected to patrol the school after hours and make sure no students are out of bed. We’ll be handing out your patrol schedules at the end of the meeting. Kinglsey and I are in charge of setting the schedules, so if any of you have a specific conflict, please let one of us know. You’ll also be patrolling the train until we get to Hogwarts. I want 6th years patrolling for the first half of the trip, 5th years patrolling the second half. Kingsley and I will also be setting the common room passwords, and we will give you each month’s passwords at our biweekly meetings. Now, Kingsley, if you want to…?”
“Yes, of course,” Kingsley said, standing up to take over the announcements. “Professor Dumbledore wanted us to let you know about a new rule that we’ll be helping to enforce this year. From now on, magic in the corridors at school is forbidden.”
Jenny Krampf, a 6th year Ravenclaw, raised her hand. “What if we’re practicing before class?”
Kingsley shook his head. “You’ll just have to practice in your common room. It’s a matter of precaution, after last year’s accidents; Professor Dumbledore just wants to make sure that he’s providing the highest possible level of safety for students while we’re at school.”
“‘Accidents’ my arse,” Lily muttered. Remus shushed her.
“Magic is also now forbidden on the train. Obviously the rest of the student body doesn’t know that yet, so Dorcas and I have decided that during your patrols today, you should issue a warning to any student using magic, and a detention if you catch them a second time.”
“Alright, any questions?” Dorcas pulled a sheaf of parchment from her bag and stood up. “That’s it for the meeting, then. We’ll see you again for the first meeting two Sundays from now! I have copies of your patrol schedules, common room passwords, and the password to the Prefects’ bathroom, so please come get yours before you leave.”
She handed a sheet each to Lily and Remus, sitting in the front row, and they swiftly made their exit. “That new rule is definitely not just a precaution,” Lily said in a low voice. “Do you remember what Mulciber did to Mary last year? Dumbledore’s mad if he thinks a silly new rule will stop those Death Eater-wannabes.”
“Yeah, but what else can he do? He can’t kick them out just for suspicion--”
“I know, I agree.”
“Ugh. The whole thing’s just so stupid, anyway.” They made it to Lily’s compartment and she leaned against the door, folding and unfolding and folding again the schedule from Dorcas. “So, do you think your mates will have trouble with the new rule?”
Remus rolled his eyes. “Can we not talk about that right now? Term hasn’t even started yet.”
“I know, I know, I’m just kidding--mostly.”
“It just gets a little old. You’re not the only one who mentions it.”
His voice was sharper than usual, and Lily's cheeks burned. “Sorry.”
“I know. See you at school?”
She nodded and watched him continue on to the next carriage. The compartment door slid open and Marlene stuck her head out. “Was that Remus out here snapping?” Lily nodded again. “What’d you say to piss him off?”
“There’s a new rule that says we can’t do magic in the corridors at school, and I asked if the others will have trouble with it. I was just kidding, sort of.”
“Oh! Well, if that’s all, then.”
Lily rolled her eyes. “I have to go patrol. Do you want anything off the trolley if I pass it?”
“Chocolate, please.”
“There’s actually a bar in my bag if you want some.”
Marlene vanished back into the compartment with a grin and Lily started off down the train. She still needed to ask Marlene about having been at Potter’s, and it occurred to her that the Potters and McKinnons were probably friends--old pureblood families and what not. It also occurred to her that Marlene being at James’s was probably part of why Lily received next to no letters over the summer. She had been surprised, if she was being honest, by the radio silence, but she wasn’t going to be the one to bring it up for a real discussion. And this, knowing that Marlene was at James’s, she would just keep that card close to her chest and wait for Marlene to bring it up herself.
She traced the outline of the silver case in her pocket as she walked, lamenting the fact that it would be another 10 months before she could sit on her back porch and smoke whenever she wanted.
By the time she’d made it to the other end of the train, she had worked out more frustration than she realized she even had by giving out three warnings and two detentions, and she hadn’t seen Severus or the sixth year Gryffindor boys even once. This usually wouldn’t bode well for anyone involved, but she pushed it from her mind. She wasn’t the only Gryffindor Prefect and they weren’t her responsibility.  
She made her way through the final passenger carriage, shushing a group of third year boys who thought that shouting was the best way to determine who had made the compartment smell so rank, and finally came to the storage car at the end of the train. Hoping that she wasn’t about to catch anyone with their clothes off and crossing her fingers that she might be able to confiscate some cigarettes by the end of patrol, she opened the door and peeked inside. “Hello? Anyone in here?”
Sudden footsteps behind her set off warning bells in her head and a firm hand on her back pushed her into the carriage. The door crashed shut behind them and she spun around, already pulling her wand out from her jacket sleeve, and stopped short.
“Severus.” She hadn’t spoken to him since that night outside the Gryffindor common room.
“Hi, Lils.” He sounded as shy as he had the first time he ever talked to her.
“Don’t call me that.”
Severus’s brow furrowed and he dropped any hint of bashfulness. “What should I call you then, Evans ? I’ve called you Lils since we were nine years old.”
“You weren’t friends with Death Eaters when we were nine years old,” Lily said coolly.
“I’m not a Death Eater,” he growled. He was already starting to pace back and forth.
“I didn’t say you were. No new tattoos yet, then?” She knew it was dangerous to taunt him but she didn’t care. All she could think about was that day after their final exam, and then the look on his face through lacy curtains in her upstairs window as her mum closed the front gate on him in June.
“Well you wouldn’t know, would you? You wouldn’t even let me on your porch, let alone talk to me,” he spat. Color was rising in his cheeks and he paced closer to Lily. She moved slowly, swallowing when she backed into a stack of crates. “I was just trying to apologize again, and see how your family’s doing.”
“I said all I had to say in June,” Lily said softly. “You chose your path, I chose mine.”
“But Lils, I could help you! So much more than Potter or any of his blood-traitor friends. I could protect you!”
“What exactly do I need to be protected from?” Her heart was racing as her grip on her wand tightened.
His eyes darkened. “You know what I’m talking about, Lily.”
“Well how do you know about it if you aren’t one of them? If you’re in with the Death Eaters, how can you protect me?”
“I’m doing what I have to do for you !” Lily’s breath caught in her throat; he was suddenly right in front of her, slamming his hands into the wood on either side of her head. Drawing a shuddering breath, he hung his head. He was barely inches from her face, almost whimpering. “Lily. You know how I feel about you. Please…”
She swallowed hard as he ignored the tip of her wand pressing into his chest, and the carriage door slid open loudly. He stiffened at the sound of James Potter’s voice. “Alright, Evans?”
“We’re having a private conversation, Potter.” Severus spun around, pulling his wand from his robes and pointing it at the other boy.
“Everything’s fine ,” Lily said firmly, slipping out from behind Severus.
“You sure, Evans?” James asked lightly. “Looked to me like Snivellus here was bothering you.”
Severus made a sound in the back of his throat like an angry animal, and Lily moved to stand in front of his wand. “We had a bit of a misunderstanding, that’s all. Severus was looking for something that I don’t have anymore.”
He looked like a kicked dog, startled but ready to bite. “If you would just listen --”
“Snape it’s over , just go .” Lily couldn’t remember ever speaking to him so coldly, and he seemed to realize it as well. He shouldered past her and James, slamming the door shut behind him. They stood in silence for a moment before Lily spoke. “You don’t even have your wand out.”
James shrugged, grinning. “You do. I knew you’d protect me.”
She snorted. “More like Remus told you about the new rules.”
“So? You know about them and you still have yours out,” He said. “A bit of a misunderstanding, huh?” She looked away and crossed her arms. He sighed. “Are you really ok, though?”
She nodded. “He wouldn’t have hurt me. I know you probably disagree, but at least the Snape I used to know wouldn’t have...done anything.”
James looked around the carriage, his hand rising toward his hair. Lily almost rolled her eyes until his hand stopped to rub the back of his neck, then dropped. “Sometimes, I wish I could have old Godric Gryffindor up for a chat, so I could ask him why he was ever friends with Slytherin in the first place.” He spoke very deliberately.
She chewed over several responses before she quietly answered. “Maybe Slytherin wasn’t so bad in the beginning, and Gryffindor needed him then. And by the time he realized how much things had changed, it was too late to go back.”
“If you say so. I think Gryffindor was well rid of him in the end.” He opened the compartment door and looked back at her. “You heading back to your friends at the front?” She nodded. “Alright. See you at the feast then.”
“Hey!” He turned back, eyebrows raised. “Is Remus still ticked at me?”
He shrugged. “Not really, but you know how he broods.”
“Think you could apologize again for me?”
“Absolutely not.” He flashed her a grin on his way out the door. “I think if you can deal with Snape, you can handle that yourself.”
Lily sighed, letting her head fall back and resting her hands on her hips. She gave James a minute’s head start to get farther along the train before slowly making the walk back to her own compartment.
“I think that was the best feast yet.” Mary dropped spread eagle onto her bed, resting both hands on her full stomach.
Marlene snorted. “You say that every year.”
“It gets better every year.”
Lily laughed, pulling off her robes and rummaging through her trunk for a large tee shirt. It felt nice to be back in the dorm, in the same bed that she had slept in for the last five years. It felt closer to home than she would admit, and she Summoned her cigarette case from the pocket of her trousers bunched on the floor, opening the window.
“Oh, good idea!” Marlene joined her on the window seat, pulling out her own cigs.
“Must you smoke in here?” Their roommate Diane Clearwater wrinkled her nose.
“Yes,” Marlene replied bluntly, blowing a smoke ring in Diane’s direction.
Soumya Patil, the fifth and final Gryffindor 6th year girl, rolled her eyes. “Really, Marlene? Come on, Diane, let’s just go downstairs.” They left quickly, Diane slamming the door behind them.
Lily giggled as Mary scoffed at them. “Must you antagonize her on the first night back?”
Marlene blew another smoke ring. “ Yes , I must . She’s a twat.”
“Soumya’s nice though, usually,” Lily pointed out. She blew her smoke out the window, not having quite mastered smoke rings yet, though not for lack of trying.
“Why’s she hang out with Diane then?”
“Because she’s nice , unlike you.” Marlene stuck her tongue out but still passed Mary a cigarette when she held her hand out.
The rest of the train ride had passed uneventfully, and Lily was pleased to have confiscated not one but three packs of cigarettes. Some were a bit harsher than she usually preferred, but beggars can't be choosers--cigarettes were high on the list of banned items that Filch kept posted on his office door. Lily thought it was rather odd that he didn’t just Vanish any cigarette trash or smoke in the halls, but she didn’t question it, rather enjoying the fact that his rules kept her from having to spend more money on her bad habit. She curled one leg up onto the window seat now, watching the smoke from her cig curling up out the window and thinking about their arrival at school.
Mary was right, the feast had been delicious, and there hadn’t been too much grumbling from the student body when Professor Dumbledore officially announced the new rule about no magic in the corridors. Lily was pleased to see that Gryffindor got 12 new students this year, and she had let the 5th year Prefects lead everyone to the common room after dinner. She hung back, looking for James and his friends, but they had disappeared in the crowd.
“Do you think I should talk to Remus?”
Mary finished lighting her cigarette off of Marlene’s cherry and furrowed her brows. “About what?”
“That bit on the train.”
“Nah,” Marlene waved the question away. “I mean, yes, honestly, eventually. Like, it wasn’t a real row or anything, but you should probably talk it out. But not tonight.”
“You think?”
Mary nodded. “From what you said, it sounds like he could use somebody to talk to about the pressure, anyway. I’m sure it’s not easy being their mate and a Prefect.”
“Definitely not,” Marlene added. “Though I think they all calmed down a lot this summer. They seemed pretty decent away from the Slytherins, anyway.”
“Oh? Did you see them over the hols?” Lily tried to keep her voice light, examining her cigarette.
“Um, yeah, actually. Mum is friends with Euphemia - I think they’re on some committee together or in a book club or something. We were there for a couple of weeks in the beginning of August.”
“Was it fun?”
“Yeah, I guess. The boys played Quidditch a lot and I mostly worked on homework and my tan.”
“Oh, ok.” Lily glanced up in time to see Marlene and Mary exchange a look. She swallowed, stubbing her cigarette out on the windowsill and waving her wand to Vanish the smoke, and tucked the remaining butt back into her case. “I think I’m going to go to bed. I’m always really tired after the train.”
“Ok, Lils. See you in the morning.”
Lily was quick to brush her teeth and crawl into bed, pulling the curtains shut behind her. If Mary and Marlene had anything to say, they waited until after she fell asleep to say it.
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meggonagall · 7 years
Saving Severus Snape - Chapter 14
23 October 1976 If there was one thing that the past had in common with Hermione’s own time, it was how quickly news spread throughout Hogwarts. She wasn't sure how everyone in the school seemed to know that she was attending Slughorn’s Halloween party with Severus, but it was clear they did. Whispers followed her down the corridors and throughout the Great Hall, and all of that extra attention was the last thing she wanted. Saturday afternoon Hermione sat across from Amelia during lunch, when she noticed three Slytherin girls with their heads together giggling and looking in her direction. Hermione's face burned as she lowered her head and tried to concentrate on the food in front of her. “I'm sorry people are being so rude,” Amelia said quietly with a glare towards the Slytherin girls. Hermione shrugged and took a bite of her sandwich. It wasn't the first time she had been the subject of cruel whispers and misinformed rumors. “I mean, I sort of understand why people are talking,” Amelia continued. “Snape isn’t typically the type to have a date.” “It's not a date,” Hermione grumbled quietly.
Amelia ignored Hermione’s protest and went on. “And face it, Hermione. You're new, pretty and extremely intelligent. You could probably have taken any bloke in the school you wanted.” Hermione huffed and rolled her eyes. “Amelia. I've told you at least a hundred times. We’re just going as friends.” The corner of Amelia’s mouth lifted in a patronizing way. It took all of Hermione’s strength not to storm off on her friend. “Alright. It's not a date. But you have to admit, those who are just hearing it through the rumor mill would take it that way.” “I suppose so...but I don't care what people think. Severus and I know where we stand,” Hermione said firmly. Amelia looked like she was about to say something, but then thought better of it and instead focused on her food. Hermione glanced over towards Severus and gave him a tight smile when she saw he was watching her as well. Her attention was taken away from Severus when Remus sat down besides Hermione, which caused Amelia to immediately sit straight up with a huge smile. “Alright there, Remus?” she asked brightly. Hermione noticed a touch of red tint Remus’ cheeks as he nodded and quietly said hello. “Hey, Remus. What brings you to our table?” Hermione asked. It wasn’t completely unusual for Remus to sit with them towards the end of lunch, or sometimes breakfast, but he also didn’t do so frequently. This was the first time in about two weeks since he last did. He looked uncomfortable, Hermione noticed, as he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. She wondered if there was something wrong. “Erm...please don’t get angry for me asking, but I heard something from James and Sirius, and I was just wondering if it was true,” he said while keeping his eyes on the table. Hermione glanced towards Amelia, who was covering her mouth with her hand, clearly trying to keep from laughing. It was obvious that both Hermione and Amelia knew what Remus was inquiring about. It was an enormous feat for Hermione to keep from growling. After a loud breath, Hermione twisted herself so that she was facing Remus. “If they’re talking about me attending Slughorn’s Halloween party with Severus, then yes, Remus. It is true that we are going together as friends.” She made sure to emphasize again that this was strictly platonic. She wondered what was the matter with the teens of this era that they had such a difficult time accepting that two people could go to a party together with no romantic intentions. Yes it was true that she and Severus spent quite a bit of time together, but so did Remus, James, Sirius and Peter. And that didn’t mean that they were all dating. Remus nodded then finally brought himself to make eye contact with Hermione. Instead of the contrite, apologetic look she was expecting, he looked more concerned for her. He reminded her so strongly of Professor Lupin, rather than her friend Remus at that moment. “Hermione...I -- I don’t know if you know, but he and Lily --” If she had to hear about that one more time, she was certain she would hex someone. “I’m going to stop you right there, Remus,” she began with more steel in her voice that she normally would have used, but her patience was worn thin in regards to the subject of she and Severus, and people telling her what had happened between him and Lily Evans. So far Amelia, Edgar and Otto felt they needed to warn her. She knew they had her best intentions at heart, but it angered and insulted her that they didn’t think her capable of taking care of herself, or having good judgement when it came to the company she chose to keep. “What happened between the two of them is really no one’s business besides theirs. I haven’t even brought it up to him, because quite frankly, even though it was rotten, people do make mistakes. He and I get along, and I’m not going to ruin a friendship because of something that happened before I even attended this school.” The rueful look she had anticipated a moment ago made an appearance on Remus’ face. A large part of her felt satisfied seeing it, if she was being honest with herself. “Of course, Hermione. You're right. It really isn't my place to say anything. I'm sorry,” he told her. “Thank you, Remus,” she answered shortly. After that Remus and Amelia fell into a conversation regarding the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend, which just so happened to fall on the same day as the Halloween party. Hermione’s mind drifted away from the pair of them talking, travelling to the small island that she and Severus had visited a few days prior, and how her heart seemed to skip a beat when he held her hand in his. The more she thought about it, the more she understood why most of the student body had thought she and Severus had become an item. The two of them spent nearly every evening alone together in the library, walked together to most of their classes, and had become Slughorn’s prize students in their potions class. Certainly she wasn't the only one who had noticed Severus smiling and actually laughing when the two of them were together, and she was also certain everyone knew how unusual that behavior was for him. Without intending to, her eyes travelled towards the Slytherin table and she found a familiar black pair looking back at her. What was that about? Severus mouthed as he glanced at Remus. Hermione gave a minute shake of her head. Nothing, she mouthed back. He jerked his head towards the exit and stood up from his seat. Hermione nodded. “So I'm going to…” Hermione trailed off as she stood up. Amelia turned around and let out a short laugh when she saw Severus headed towards the door. “Right,” she said with an eye roll. “Have a nice time with your friend,” she joked, which caused Remus to choke on his pumpkin juice. Hermione glared at the two of them. “I'll see you in the common room,” she said to Amelia, pretending she didn't hear her comment. “Bye, Remus.” “See you ‘round, Hermione,” said Remus after he caught his breath. “Severus,” she said when she reached the door. His eyes seemed to lighten when she said his name, she immediately felt a flutter at the sight. “Hermione,” he responded with a half-smile. She really enjoyed the agreeable and pleasant side of Severus she had been seeing recently. He was like a new person, not at all the man she had come to know in her lifetime. She was definitely thinking of them as two different people, and that could potentially become quite dangerous for her. “What would you like to do today?” he asked as they left the Great Hall and began a slow walk through the corridor. “Well,” she began and looked out the window with a frown. “I was hoping we could have gone to your island again, but the rain sort of put a damper on that idea.” She giggled at her own sad excuse of a joke and then full out laughed when Severus snorted and rolled his eyes at her. “That was pathetic,” he told her in a dry voice, yet the smile on his face told her he found it funny. She flashed him a wide smile then playfully elbowed him. “That was brilliant and you know it.” “Yes, absolutely stellar. Hermione Devereux, ladies and gentlemen. She'll be here all week.” Hermione loved when Severus genuinely laughed, as they did together then. It was wonderful to see him appear so human and normal. Not to mention, she found the deep baritone of his laugh to be rather adorable. Once they both had controlled themselves, Severus stopped and looked down at her. “Library?” he asked. They did have a two foot Potions essay that was due the following week. It probably wouldn't have been a bad idea to get a head start on it since the weather was so miserable. “I'll go get my bag and meet you there?” “Sure. I’ll see you shortly then.” Just before they parted ways, a lock of hair fell into Hermione’s eyes, which Severus immediately reached for and carefully tucked behind her ear. She took in a sharp breath when he let his hand linger there for a moment. He froze, almost like he was just as shocked as she was at what he did. She was positive that her face was as red as his when she cleared her throat and awkwardly thanked him. He took a step back while rubbing the back of his neck. “Erm...right. So we’ll meet up in -- in a little bit,” he stammered. “Right,” Hermione whispered. While making her way towards Ravenclaw tower, Hermione could still feel the ghost of Severus’ hand on her cheek. Her mind began to wander forming pictures of him leaning in towards her, and her standing on her toes to close the distance between them as he placed his lips onto hers. “No,” she said aloud, causing a boy in a nearby portrait, who was attempting to steal sweets from a kitchen table, to yelp and run out of his frame into a neighboring portrait. “Sorry,” she mumbled to him as he tried to hide behind a sheep in the field he was now standing in. When she arrived into her common room, Edgar and Otto were hunched over a model Quidditch set going over moves for their upcoming match against Slytherin. “Hey, Hermione!” Otto called over to her while Edgar gave an enthusiastic wave. Hermione smiled and said hello to the boys, then stopped to have a brief chat. Otto tried to explain to her what they were going over, but when the boys spoke of Quidditch, they might as well have been speaking Chinese to her. She still didn't understand Wrongski Fainting, or whatever blasted thing it was. So mostly she just nodded politely and threw in a, “Sounds wonderful,” or “That should work,” when it seemed appropriate. When she told them that she was sorry but had to go, Edgar frowned. “You're meeting him again, aren't you?” he asked sounding disappointed. Hermione felt a small stab of guilt at his tone. She really hadn’t made as much time for her housemates lately as she did in the beginning of term. Even though she did have a purpose there, she supposed it wouldn't hurt to make more of an effort with her friends. She nodded. “Coursework,” Hermione said as if that explained everything. “You're always doing coursework,” Otto whined. “We miss you.” It was a mistake to let them become so attached, she knew that deep down. But she tucked those thoughts away and promised them that she would devote the entire following evening to them and Amelia. Edgar and Otto immediately brightened up and began planning what they could all do in lieu of school work. Hermione had to remind them a few different times that they needed to keep their ideas within the rules of the school. There was no way she was going to sneak out, steal brooms and fly down to Hogsmeade for the night. No matter how many times they begged. Much later than she anticipated, she finally arrived to the library to find Severus seated in the back checking his watch. When she pulled her chair out to sit across from him, he frowned. “What took so long?” he asked. A part of her knew that he was worried she wouldn't show after what happened before they parted. As she took her books, a quill and a bottle of ink from her bag, she sighed. “Otto and Edgar cornered me in the common room.” The small flash of something that looked like disapproval in his eyes did not go unnoticed by her. She knew that Severus was not exactly fond of her friends, since he usually mumbled something about ‘big shot Quidditch prats’ when she mentioned them. Hermione tried to hide her smirk when he scowled and responded, “Lovely,” though his tone suggested he thought it was anything but. “Severus,” she scolded gently. “They're really pretty alright when you get to know them.” “I'm sure they are,” he said in the dry way that was uniquely Severus’. Hermione laughed as she opened her book. “Fine. Let's just get started, shall we?” *** 24th October 1976 The Ravenclaw Common Room was alive with ruckus laughter as Hermione and her friends played a Muggle game called Truth or Dare. Otto had just stripped down to his pants and gave an off key rendition of the Hogwarts school song from the top of a table near the wall. After that most of the first and second years cleared off, clearly intimidated by the older students. After everyone caught their breath and settled down, Otto looked carefully between the group, who were all trying to avoid his gaze in the hopes that they wouldn't be next. “Hermione,” he finally said with a Cheshire grin. She covered her face with her hands. It was the first she'd been called on, and since most of the dares consisted in losing some or all articles of clothing, she whispered, “Erm...Truth,” through her fingers. There were some moans of disappointment and someone called her a chicken, but everyone fell silent after Amelia yelled for them to shut it. Otto stroked his chin, looking like he was in deep thought over what to ask her. Hermione’s palms were sweating as she waited. From the corner of her eye she noticed a wide smile cross Rita’s face before she leaned in and whispered something into Otto’s ear. His eyes lit up as he chuckled. “Perfect!” he exclaimed. Rita aimed an arrogant look Hermione’s way as she tucked herself back into Lockhart’s arms. “Alright, Hermione,” Otto began. “Is it true that you're having some sort of secret relationship with Severus Snape?” She should have seen this question coming. Perhaps it would had been better for her to have ended up in her bra and knickers singing something ridiculous after all. Every eye was on her. You could hear a pin drop in the common room at that moment. “Look how red her face is!” Rita yelled with a snide laugh. “There's your answer right there!” “No -- I. There's nothing --” she stammered. “Oh come off it, Hermione,” Alice said. “You're together all the time. And you never smile as much as you do when you're with him.” Hermione threw a panicked glance Amelia’s way, but she just shrugged. “It's sort of true, Hermione,” Amelia said softly. Traitor! Hermione shouted in her mind. “There's nothing wrong with it. Even if he is a little gross,” Dorcas told her with a giggle. Hermione’s limit was reached. She stood up quickly and glared at all of them. “For the last time, he is just my friend!” she shouted. Everyone’s eyes widened at her outburst. “And that's cruel, Dorcas. There's nothing gross about him at all. In fact, he's highly intelligent and quite funny once you get to know him. He's a good friend! Better than you're all proving to be at the moment!” With her chest heaving in anger, she turned from the group and stormed through common room without sparing a glance in their direction. Even with a few of them calling her name and shouting hasty apologies as she went. “Well that's an obvious yes,” she heard that wretched Rita say, before the door closed behind her. As she stormed her way through the corridors, her feet seemed to automatically take her to the one place that always brought her comfort -- the library. She skirted around the tables and through the aisles of books seeking out the back table she and Severus always shared. Her mind was a jumbled mess of anger and confusion. Why did she become so angry? Oh who was she fooling? She really couldn't deny it any longer. The moment that Dorcas called him gross she realized it. She had moved passed Ron and her affections had fallen upon someone else. Someone who was more like her. Someone who valued learning and knowledge. Someone who debated with her and challenged her. Someone who pushed her to her limits. She indeed had fallen for Severus Snape. Now the question was, what would she do about it? She didn't know how long she would be in the past. And the more she thought about it, Severus had been giving off some hints that he possibly developed feelings for her as well. That stunt he pulled with her hair the day before, and the way he left his hand on her cheek more than proved that. Or when they were in the boat together, face to face, the tension in that moment was so thick you could have cut it. Would her pursuing a relationship with Severus end up being part of the reason she was sent back to that time period? Would that be how she would show him his worth? And if she did, she would only hurt him once she had to return to her own time. It was a lot to think about, and she knew she couldn't make any rash decisions. Besides, it was completely possible she had misread the signs she thought she saw from him. She needed some time to mull this over. Possibly even a few days away from Severus to clear her head. She jumped violently when a hand grasped her shoulder. “Hermione? Are you alright?” he asked softly. When she turned around and looked into those deep black eyes, which were filled with concern, she knew then and there that she wouldn't be able to stay away from him. Not even for just a few short days. Damn, she thought.
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