#esc stuff u know how it is ;)
bisonaari · 1 year
So I've mentionned wanting to do a list of weird music recs a while ago, and the idea hasn't left me so here it is!
If you enjoy weird music, come with me in the read more ohohoho I've got beautiful things to show ya
First I'd like to mention that my specialty is asian pop, especially japanese pop (I've been hosting a panel about weird jmusic at my local con for more than 10 years). So there's gonna be a lot of that stuff here hahaha
Golden Bomber
They're my absolute favourites they're incredible. First of all… THEY'RE NOT A REAL BAND. ONLY THE SINGER SINGS, THE OTHER MEMBERS DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY. Their music videos are always a delight because nothing makes sense
Other songs from them:
dance my generation
Yokubou no uta
Odoru na yo -do not dance-
Norazo is this weird korean duo that I've been following for the last 15 years. Their videos are always the result of like if you could film someone's fever dream and it's DELIGHTFUL
Some other songs from them:
Your fortune
Wild Horse
P'tit Belliveau
I need to show off my country a little bit! P'tit Belliveau is an artist from Canada, singing in chiac. What is chiac? It's actually a variant form of canadian french, spoken in the east of the country. It's honestly pretty cool sounding, and sadly not valued enough. Anyway, his videos are very 80's/90's graphics inspired (with a lot of weird ass CGI lately hahaha) and he just seems really friendly I love him
Some other songs:
J'feel comme un alien
Cool When Yer Old
Téo Lavabo
I love this guy SO MUCH HAHAHA. So Téo Lavabo is from France. He's proudly lgbt and that's a recurring theme in his songs. His style can be described as… yodel/electro/pop??? I SWEAR I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP LOOK FOR YOURSELF
Other songs:
Vernini Vernana
Caresse ma salopette
Little Big
Of course a lot of people here will know them, as they were selected for eurovision 2020 (I have been following them since like 2014 and I was HEARTBROKEN when esc 2020 was cancelled I wanted them to win so bad haha). They've started as a band that made music a lot heavier (still weird though), but they've mellowed down in the latest years. After the war, Ilya and Sonya moved to the USA.
Other songs:
MOUSTACHE (feat. Netta !!)
I have to speak about him because he's the person who started me on this weird music journey all the way back in 2009 (my mom HATES him for that HAHAHA I haven't been normal since). DJ Ozma was the pop side project of rock band Kishidan's lead singer, Ayanocozey Show. It lasted only for 3 years but oh boy what incredible 3 years they were. He was mostly doing japanese covers of kpop songs, with some original ones from time to time.
Other songs:
drinkin' boys
Momoiro Clover Z
Momoiro Clover started as a fairly standard jpop idol group back in 2008 (I've been following them since then, it has been a while lol). In the following years, one of their members decided to leave to pursue an acting career instead. They switched the group name to Momoiro Clover Z and all the videos took such a turn, it was quite the whiplash. And it was for the BEST, they're aliens in the idol world, including the fact that some members are pushing 30 now! Their style is mostly back to normal nowadays, but they've still produced gems
Other songs:
Neo Stargate
I think that's enough for today hahaha. If you want more or if you want to share some interesting artists, please don't hesitate!! I'm always in for new weird music hahaha. After ESC 2023 someone suggested Hooja and I absolutely LOVED it, and katinkulta has sent me some KAJ it was a delight. So please send all the weird stuff my way I need it like I need water
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nightcolorz · 11 months
Fuck marry kill Marius, David, Claudia
cw..I get very crude and make some really gross and insane jokes about ig canon typical terrible consent and abuse and stuff. Also if u like Marius or David Talbot u will not like this post 😭 I’m so sorry for this. When I first saw this ask I got SO EXCITED because I am such a huge fan of fmk especially with fictional characters it’s so fun it’s so silly it follows this train of thought that I love to go on. But then I registered who the characters were and I went “ah ok anon wants me dead” 😭😭. This is a pure nightmare scenario, this is a loss-loss, no matter what i choose it will result in me giving in to devastation and going into oncoming traffic. So bad, so bad. Anon what did I do to deserve this.. I live for it though, and tysm for sending this ask, even though thinking about this made sorrowful tears come to my eyes. Here’s my answer 😭
I think it’s really clever and uniquely cruel how you paired Claudia with these two because it forces me to choose either Marius or David Talbot to fuck (unless i want to publicly declare the character in the body of a five year old girl as the best bet for that) so thanks for that, really uniquely sadistic choice. This was difficult, it was really difficult, but I’m going to go with fuck David Talbot. We don’t have as many canonical records of his sex life as we do Marius, and the ones that may or may not exist I am blissfully unaware of because I skipped over the majority of Merrick since I can’t fucking stand David Talbot 😭 So yeah I’ll fuck him, only because I believe it would be significantly less scary then fucking Marius, who feasibly might start beating my ass at some point. I’d probably have to fake an organism if I gave a shit with David bcus he doesn’t know where the clit is (nor does he care) and would be just ramming into me like I’m his teenaged looking 1000 dollar sex doll he lost access to when he left the Talamasca that’s being studied for science now. He’d just looming over me in missionary going “oh blimey! Good god!” Periodically in between pig like grunts until he cums inside me (condom mysteriously breaks), cleans himself up while he doesn’t make eye contact, and leaves. Even still this is leagues better then fucking Marius, who has the threatening unpredictable sternness and barely restrained fury of your dad trying not to beat tf out of you while he explains your math homework to you, which honestly that energy would probably give me a panic attack half way through his sensual biting at my underarm and I’d burst into tears as he watched me with this vaguely infuriated expression at having to both decipher and comfort an inferior female if he wants to continue gyrating his tongue around my main arty until he cums his 11th pair of red pants without me kicking him in his stupid fucking high cheek bones and calling the cops. So yeah, David for fuck…
Marius I’d kill because this is something I often wish I could do in real life, and because marrying him is nightmare scenario of all time. I would literally rather eat my own ass hair. Imagine an existence of just, your freakish blonde man husband is furiously painting your asshole as your heart slams in your chest like a pray animal paralyzed in fear because if you say the wrong thing he may pull out the old whip and send u straight to god. These are the downs of your marriage, the ups are smiling and nodding passively as he explains to you in excessive but ultimately fruitless and dull textbook esc detail the complete history of Rome as your pretend that you care despite him not giving a single shit about whether or not you are enjoying this (he thinks you’re not smart enough to understand anyway). Then your nights end with a romp in the bath where he fists his entire clawed hand up ur puss as he grits his teeth and resists mauling you like an animal. You ask for him to please penetrate you so you might actually get smth out of this and he refuses and instead bitterly strokes your hairless genitals (he forces u to shave ur entire body so that ur baby smooth. he can’t be aroused by a body that looks too mature) until u miserably cum. I don’t know why anyone would want this, he’s not even hot enough to justify that. Oh god I’m talking about sex again. Anyways I’d kill marius and marry Claudia 🥰 yes I am choosing to marry the five year old die mad haters.
Claudia would be a shit wife and she wouldn’t give a single fuck about me but I’d marry her in a heartbeat before David or Marius, Jesus Christ. She’d spend all night every night spending my money on excessive shit she doesn’t need and force me to go with her most of the time because as a five year old appearing women she wouldn’t be allowed to do most things without me being there. We wouldn’t kiss or hug or have sex because I’m not into five year olds and she’s not into anyone let alone me but she would cuddle me sometimes which would be vaguely nice in the way that cuddling a cat is until u realize the cat is only using u for ur bodies warmth and is not endeared to u at all in this moment, basically that’s Claudia. Like a cat with the labor of a child who u occasionally have very interesting and intellectual conversations with when she’s not passive aggressively glaring at you over her book (she takes after her twink ass father).
anyways I hope my answer was satisfactory 😁😁😘😘 fuck David marry Claudia kill Marius ❤️ I’m inviting anyone to send me tvc related fuck marry kills, plz do so because I find them soo fun and I’m basically invincible now that I got the worst one out of the way bless
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menciemeer · 1 year
okay I was scrolling through your blog (a normal amount? too much? I'm sorry if this is weird I don't know if dragging up old posts in acceptable on this site!) and saw one where you said you use vim and I am curious about that! I tried it a while ago and was like... okay I can see how this might be faster once you get REALLY good at it, and it would definitely be useful to have the ability to export easily in multiple formats because I have realized suddenly that it seems like AO3's downloads frequently mess up the formatting? (Or maybe just fail to fix messed-up formatting that the browser smooths over?) Sooo yeah do you use it to write or just for code or what? is it worth it to become a Vim Person?
HELLO this is actually one of the things I most love to talk about because vim is my Favorite Piece Of Software. I love it well beyond a normal amount. That being said it's ummm not for everyone and not for everything. I'm putting this under a readmore because this is too long to inflict on poor unsuspecting souls who are just here for Hannibal content.
Section 1: The ways in which vim is useful
Vim is most useful when the stuff you're working on is more structured and what you're doing is more rote. So something like code (which, yes, is what I learned it for) is very formally structured, and something like html is sort of vague scaffolding around text, which is pretty much a blobby mush where really nothing means very much of anything. (The number of times I ct. only to get pulled up short by an honorific is very high, and I am grouchy.)
Part of the thing that makes structure good is that vim is more useful (relative to a traditional editor) when you can precisely define the action you want to take. Getting better at vim is really about improving your vim-vocabulary so that you are more able to make precise statements about what it is that you want vim to do. I use a "normal" markdown editor for drafting, because what I want to do is "write the next bit" which is not a very vim-interesting action and obviously not very precise. I do use vim for editing, though, because often the things I want to do are, like: "replace this word with some other word" (cw), "delete the end of this paragraph" (D), "rewrite this bit of dialogue" (ci"), "remove this whole paragraph" (dd)--you get the idea.
Also, the place that vim goes from "ok, this seems pretty good" to "this is invaluable" is really when you want to repeat stuff. Something like "the compiler is giving me 25+ pedantic warnings because the file I'm working on was written prior to the introduction of the C++ override keyword" or "I'm rewriting an API so I need to fix the function name in these dozen callsites, remove the first argument, and swap the places of args 2 & 4." These examples are programming-related because I haven't found a use for macros in writing yet. (I live in hope.)
Section 2: If you want to learn vim, here are my tips
I don't really want to tutorialize because there are a lot of those out there already. I do wish to dispense some general philosophical wisdom. (!!!!!)
First of all, keep in mind that the bar is very low. Normal editors are not really that productive. Fancy WYSIWYG editors (which I hate, equal and opposite to my vim-love) are negatively productive for me, because I will get distracted and/or distressed by all the available buttons, formatting options, and whether I accidentally italicized any of the spaces. You don't need to be maximally productive in vim to make use of it, and you don't really need to know that much to match the capabilities of a normal plaintext editor.
If you want to learn vim, I would pick a small set of keys to understand first. Like, i and I (capital-i) to enter insert mode, <Esc> to get back to normal mode. bwhjkl as basic movement options. u and <ctrl>r for undo/redo. If you must, y and d for copy/cut, p and P for paste. (System clipboard--I'm sorry--accessed with "+, so "+y or "+p for example.) That is probably well over enough.
After you get a handle on the basics, the fun part of vim is figuring out where your inefficiencies are and learning how to improve them. Realizing that you're pushing more buttons than you want to be pushing, figuring out how to describe the thing you want to do in a google search, and then finding out that vim has a key to do that. gg G } { c % $ ^ zz . ; and so on, and so on. The world is your oyster &c. (The sheer delight I felt when, more than half a decade after starting to use vim, I found the aforementioned ci"? Indescribable.)
Section 3: In which I address the actual ask
Ok ok okokok sorry. I've written all of this to tell you that I don't actually know what the weird formatting stuff you're talking about is. I read pretty much all long fic on an ereader after downloading as epub and I haven't noticed anything bizarre with the formatting? When I do want to go in and poke around in an epub I usually just use calibre's built-in editor.
In terms of exporting your own plaintext/markdown writing to multiple formats, I use pandoc. I've been very happy with it, but it isn't anything that couldn't be done by hand (and also doesn't require you to start from Vim In Particular). I would love to talk about pandoc but aaaggggh this is already way too long (sorry).
I do have strong feelings about writing in plaintext (glorious! small! no weird formatting distractions! what you see is what's in the actual file you're really writing it there's no secrets) versus WYSIWYG (too many buttons! what do they do! am i using it wrong if i don't push them! why is the filesize so big! what are your secrets, renamed .zip file!) but vim isn't the only choice if you want to go the plaintext route only the best one no, look, I spent the whole of section 1 talking about this, I am not allowed to go backwards. Honestly, though, if you're interested I'd say go for it! Vim is fun to learn and very clever! Knowing vim feels a little like knowing a weird, hyper-specialized little language.
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mintbees · 2 hours
Yea :( and it is all American friendly too which then influences us. Not to be all Wilders-esc but Americanisation is a real big threat in my idea. You also see it more in politics now how this are left or right.. not just in how censored or not shown in media things are.
im somewhat agreeing with you there because it does suck that america is mostly in charge of the internet and that its puritan beliefs around sex are then pushed onto everyone as a consequence. But it's also just something that naturally happens, theres always going to be one country thats got a big cultural influence compared to others, and its just happened to be the USA for the past few decades.
Personally i fucking HATE the potical influence the USA has over the world, seeing trumps election in 2016 directly causing far right politicians to gain power in europe is downright scary and a major reason i'm invested in the USA election despite it not being "relevant" to me. If far right wins in the US, it will win in europe too, and that's terrifying to me.
Serious stuff said i hate that a man cant even browse the easytoys website without having to enable 18+ images. if i go to easytoys.nl and type "buttplug" in the search bar u already know damn well why im there!! fuck!!
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Shoot day 1- Scene 7
Category:- Coursework Development/ Production
We had another delay because of the Saisha backing out and us having to go to meet the actor during lunch since the actors hadn’t eaten lunch yet we ordered for them and the delivery for the same took a long time. We had to pack up early as well so shooting this scene was relatively more chaotic. So while the actors were eating I gave them a brief of what the scene was about and how I wanted it while rutvi was doing makeup on Jiya. we sent Jaden to change into his next outfit and since he didn’t have black pants, he swapped his pants with Samarth who had black pants on. While this was happening Aaryaa was setting up the camera and then when Samarth joined he set up the lights. We played with the different intensities of it but the mid to brightest mode was what I liked the most as it helped bring the focus solely on them. I even tried switching off one of the lights to see if it gave the effect that u typically see in interrogation scenes but the room became too dark after that and the intensity of both the lights was perfect to give off a similar esc vibe. After Jaden was ready, I went to him went over the scene with him told him places where I wanted him to react a certain way and gave him overall notes. I told him as soon as he gains consciousness and understands what’s happening, he should start panicking and shocked. try to break free I told him to give me big movements when it comes to that(moving his hands and legs a lot even though they are tied up) and try screaming. I told him to act confused when she is talking about other men and when he gets the paper thrown at him he needed to act shocked. I told him to try and get away from her each time she tried coming close to him and also amplify that once she gets the knife in her hands, especially at the end. I overall told him to react how he would if he was in a situation like this where in there was no escape.
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By the time this was happening jiya was done getting ready I just done I gave her the overall gist of what I wanted. I told her that I wanted her to essentially be in a manic state wherein there is a lot that she is feeling- there is euphoria (killing her victims makes her feel not only like she is invincible in a way but also brings her content and extreme happiness), anger(of what had happened and again what she was reminded by him), sadness(because of what she had been through)- and so I wanted her to switch between these emotions at different times. It sort of goes from her mocking him and her previous victims for being in this state to then remembering her assaulter and getting mad being disgusted and then a switch to being sad and also addressing Vivan and talking to him like he was her assaulter and then getting mad again and then going back to mocking him. I told her to also fluctuate and change the way she speaks when she is delivering the dialogues like when she is talking about herself being and stuff to sound like she is about to cry but not to. I also told her to utilize the same go back and forth go behind him and bend down and look at him and smile when she mocks him, play with a knife and just be free when it comes to her movements. I originally wanted her to deliver the monologue all in a single but since it was too big of a monologue, we had to do it in parts. I gave her a moment to gather herself to know her dialogues and then we started filming.
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We did a master shot pov of both Jiya and Jaden and Jaden’s ots. Since the monologue was relatively big this took a little while. I particularly loved how we had Jiya sit on the table while looking at her victim’s Polaroid pictures and then get off the table. Her sitting on the table was to show that she had the power she was the one in charge and having her elevated above him showed how he was now below her in her trap right where she wanted him to be. Her playing with the Polaroid was her way of making her way of entertaining herself while thinking about what was about to happen next with her victim.  We had to initially retake some of the scenes as the actors would laugh or Jiya would forget a few dialogues or because Jaden didn’t look very scared. That’s when I told him to sort of relax the muscles in his face as much as possible and try acting while doing that, this funnily worked as he looked like he went pale and looked more scared. After the master shot to help Jiya with her monologue during Jaden’s ots and pov scene, we had rutvi stand and hold the script open on Jiya’s iPad for her so that she could refer to it when she is outside the camera viewpoint. For the pov scene I helped guide Aaryaa and sort of help her shake the camera during the pov scene to show Jaden’s struggle through his eyes. For the pov scene of Jiya’s the struggle was to have Jiya deliver the lines while following Aaryaa and not get in the way which still worked out pretty well.  I also told Jiya to cut his right wrist since Jaden’s a lefty and also that to first go near the neck to sort of give the illusion that she is going to slit his throat but then quickly go for the wrist. For Jaden’s pov, I like how we went from soft focus to deep focus, it was used to show that he woke up. All of this was sort of rushed and we still had 2 small shots to take one was Jiya’s reveal and the other was shots of the blood on the floor and Jaden’s bloody wrist which we decided to shoot on the next shoot day. and with that, it was a pack-up for day 1.
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I later got in touch with Rhythm explained to her the plot and her role and told her to think about if she wants to and is allowed to do something like this- she was. I told hwr to send in a mail to school saying that she is willing to take part. I later explained to her what she might have to carry. I asked her to send me pictures of options of shots and a white top and floral white dress that she had I sent whatever I received to rutvi and then we discussed it. Her floral dress didn’t match the vibe and was too fancy and so we had her carry only the white top and shorts it had a tiger and looked kiddish which helped pull her off as a child even more.
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changelascl · 2 years
How to delete ps2 game saves
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This includes linking to your let's play channels. Exceptions to self promotion will only be made if you contact the mods, get approval, and follow reddits 10:1 post ratio.
No advertising, selling, buying, trading, asking for free or self promotion. Rule 5: No advertising, selling, buying, trading, self promotion or asking for free stuff.
Questions that can be answered with a simple Google/subreddit search.
Requests - Including (but not limited to): Price checks, memory card or game recommendations.
Pictures of a single game box or an unmeaningful screenshot.
Please head to /r/PlayStation for these posts. No Telling users to download or otherwise illegally obtain copyrighted content. No asking for where to get Games, Roms, or BIOS images. Piracy is not allowed and may result in a possible subreddit ban. No enabling piracy, via discussion or otherwise. Rule 3: Piracy, or Distribution of copyrighted content. Any spoiler and NSFW posts not properly marked will be removed. What is reddiquette? Link Be nice to your fellow humans. Spoilers and NSFW must be properly marked. Posts must be related to PlayStation 2 and link directly to the source.Īll posts and comments must be related to PlayStation 2 and link directly to the source. #5 And if you want a break then press ESC key, the whole game will be paused and closed you can resume it from MENU BAR>SYSTEM>RESUME till you close PSX2.Rule 1. #4 Graphics are almost the same in every setting until you are changing the resolution but recommended resolution is NATIVE #3 If you have a powerful graphics card supporting dx10 or higher than you can select in the video plugin settings MENU BAR>VIDEO(GS)>PLUGIN SETTINGS(always select the HARDWARE renderer) But, you can add this manually using your graphics card control panel. #2 The performance of this emulator depends on the hardware of your computer, sometimes it doesn’t start with your NVIDIA or ATI graphic card but, with integrated graphics card. And if you do, then remember what change you have made, because they aren’t the default settings, so restoring to default may not work. #1 If you are new to all of this, then do not mess around with its audio or video configuration. It will open a window where you can set buttons: Though the controller’s settings are already set for USB gamepads but still if you want to change them or having any problem then you can switch to MENU BAR > CONFIG > CONTROLLERS(PAD) > PLUGIN SETTINGS Then click on BROWSE (nearby) and add your game from your hard disk.
Now open the psx2 folder and start the emulator by hitting pcsx2-r4600.exe now switch to MENU BAR>CDVD>ISO(click).
By doing this, you will have the ISO file of your game, save it wherever you want.
DOWNLOAD the ISO image file of game’s DVD OR if you prefer to buy them as DVD then make an image of that DVD using NERO (u can Google this if you don’t know).
To play the games you will have to follow some easy steps: And basically, they don’t even need any installation. Keep in mind that this version includes both bios and plugins already so just hit pcsx2-r4600.exe and keep on rolling.
Just open the downloaded Rar file and extract the psx2 folder to the location where you want to install the emulator Pcsx2 (click here to download it from official website) So read the whole process and follow steps carefully. Still, it’s a pretty long post, but installation won’t take more than minutes.
Games running on every new computer of I series processors (haven’t tried with older PD’s, but if you do, then share your experience, in the comments).Already set controllers setting, for USB generic game-pad.Faster installation than the standard version.Comes with best preset to run on any PC.And if you like it, then go ahead and buy it. PS2 is a very popular gaming platform for your television, and to play games of that platform on your PC, you may require a tv tuner card, a Sony play station 2 and games. But if you are running low on budget, then here is how you can try them for free. Although it is the best ps2 emulator on the web right now, we are providing you the best of the best.
PSX2 is emulation software for your Windows PC to run ps2 games.
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matchamabs · 3 years
this is. not a good ranking. but surprisingly there r some very sexy towers so whaddya know 👀
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the starting point,,,, the og,,,, the great plateau tower! this tower is a pretty easy climb, tho the whole like... almost killing u and sending rocks flying everywhere n shit is :(( lots of footholds look nice and all the water surrounding it is pretty. not to mention this is the tower u can climb and see ALL of hyrule on so its definitely good 6/10 not the sexiest tower but it has a lot to offer. i believe in it
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the fact its on the other side of a huge fuckoff river that i always die trying to swim across makes the dueling peaks tower really piss me off but it looks rlly pretty next to it. still, its like. not a hard climb, but if u fall off ur basically fucked. the nearby bokoblin camp also makes me want to chug bleach so! 4/10 its hard to live up to the great plateau tower and frankly its not doing a good job of it. cringe tower next to the fail river
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ok look. its normally not that bad! but i did the hateno tower for the first time whilst i was off my ass on malibu and my god did i have a bad time. the thorns,,, the lack of stamina,,, and im not exactly a tactical player either, so. ruined the tower for me a bit. its very aesthetic sitting up on the hill tho very nice very neat. very majestic. 5/10 thorns are sexy but not when you’re drunk :(
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thanks google for giving me only the lowest quality res of lanayru tower. tbh im biased against this tower bc it rains every time i try and climb it so FUCK it. its a good looking tower tho?? its a bit lopsided but i think it gives it character! hey if italy can make it work,,, 6/10 lanayru region has a wat but thats all its got to offer
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hm! fuck this tower! okay ignoring literally everything about ridgeland tower, its pretty! the lake surrounding it,,,, its very prim. even the wizzrobes make it look kinda nice. its a sexy tower but thats literally all its got going for it bc climbing it is an atrocious nightmare! 7/10 its like the rlly hot girl at school who has the personality of a tire fire
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ill be honest i dont remember much of akkala citadel tower aside from the fact it was guardian central and i only climbed it literally after i beat ganon LMAO. truly its the chad of all towers. but sitting on the very top of the citadel,,,, surrounded by all the nice trees,,, it looks like it rlly belongs there. the malice at the bottom doesnt even look good tho. sorry dude who said this was the sexiest tower- its not :( 7/10 everyone tough until the trees start beeping
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u know what i rlly like eldin tower. its kinda cozy lookin in the rock and the volcano in the background is pleasantly menacing. its abt as far as u can go without getting crispy, so its one hot ass tower. its got guts. ambition. its a tower i can respect. 5/10 not perfect but a cute addition. shes doing her best.
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now THIS is a sexy tower excuse the poor quality image BUT wow,,,, woodland tower,,, this tower could be on fire and breaking down and it would still look hot. even tho its standing in a monster camp it rlly rocks it. the skull on the top,,,, this tower is the goth of all the towers, especially since its so close to hyrule castle. 8/10 this tower likes 2 accessorize
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the hebra tower is VERY pretty,,, the blue rlly matches the snow everywhere so u know the tower has good colour coordination,,,,all the ice at the bottom is also cute. annoying but cute. very prim. its like the tsundere of towers. 9/10 chilly until u get 2 know her,,,
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,,,,, well. i like it, at least. all the ruins around it rlly brings out its, uh ... malice. and in fairness they offer a quick way up there so this towers got backup plans for u. it cares for u. tabantha tower may be covered in malice but it makes it look Good. it rocks it. it works. 6/10 you did your best considering the circumstances
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gerudo tower,,, its by far one of the sexiest. it just descends into the ground forever. the open space around it. the spiral mountain. the few and far between footholds. kass sitting on top. i like everything about this tower. visually, that is. climbing it is an absolute ballache of a chore. but its worth it,,,, for this tower,,, 9/10 if i could marry a tower,,, i probably wouldnt marry this one. good try tho.
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hebra tower is hard to beat but central tower doesnt actually look That bad. the footholds that go all spirally up look rlly nice, and all the ruins around it is tres good. u get to see everything from the centre of hyrule which is rlly nice positioning. the guardians? hm. rlly ruin the atmos. it sits there and looks rlly pretty for when u get off the plateau and then BANG guardian laser. betrayal. i love u,,, but i can never forgive u,,, 6/10  this thing probably has laser marks all over it but hey just think of it as sexy battle scars,,,
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hh i dont even remember this one tbh but i think its the lake tower and thats like. in faron. shows how much i care about it. if i remember right it keeps raining when i try and climb this tower so. i have a bias. i think its average tbh. the rainforest around it is SUPER nice until lit everything tries 2 kill u so. its a safe haven in a dangerous forest. it means well. 4/10 sweet but not hot. stop getting me struck by lightning.
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this is one windy bitch! the wasteland tower! the footholds r all up at the top which is kind of a look but its surrounded by a swamp which,,, hm. not the sexiest choice. if i was trying to attract someone i probably wouldnt sit in a puddle of shit but u do u boo. 5/10 it looks nice on the top of a mountain but the functionality is dogshit
conclusion: theyre fucking towers idk why i rated these it was hard and i hate everything 
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tuituipupu · 3 years
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maskyartist · 2 years
I thought of the characters for my Psychonauts/Persona 5 AU. The characters are Augustus (Fool), Oleander (Magician), Truman (Chariot), Hollis (Lovers), Sasha (Emperor), Donatella (Priestess), Gloria (Hermit), Milla (Empress), and Gristol (Justice).
oh bestie u shouldnt have brought this to me im about to judge the hell out of ur choices cause these? mmmm dont sit right with me, chief :D
first of all, Hollis and Dona need to be switched. Hollis fills Makoto's role MUCH more accurately as she's already very strict in her work space, as well as being very sold on her own idea of persuing justice n such. She's a rough n tough woman and fills Makoto's role better-
-as does Dona filling Ann's role. She works perfectly for the "exchange student whos so pretty everyone hates her" energy Ann has, along with her playing along with Kamoshida's advances for someone else's sake. we can decide a Shiho later >3>
second, Gloria feels like a very out of place addition given that everyone else here is very prominant in Psychonauts 2 rather then Psychonauts 1 (excluding Sasha, Milla, and Oleander), and Gloria just doesnt mesh well with the rest of this cast. if we ARE choosing from the asylum cast, i'd suggest Fred for Hermit, since he'd fit better with Futaba's struggle of seeing hallucinations brought about by her trauma and overcoming the struggles of having an oppressive parental figure become your new mental image for all the bad shit you say about yourself from guilt
i can see Fred awakening to his Persona and finding a cognitive Napoleon in a war game-esc Palace, totally
Truman as the Chariot is...SO out of left field. If anything, Truman and Oleander should get swapped here. Truman is not shown as outwardly loyal and reckless to get what he thinks is right, nor is he shown being firm on his own sense of justice.
but Oleander definitely is. that's literally his entire character arc :D
the rest of the roles i can see fitting, tho. Sasha and Milla work perfectly for their roles I think (tho i would say Milla as the Lovers and Dona as the Empress especially since we as a collective fandom can agree Dona was DEFINITELY from a rich family before marrying Augustus), and Gristol as Akechi is ungodly funny i REFUSE to change that- (plus honestly it works with my own hc of Augustus n Gristol being friends before the deluge happened)
but yeah, this isnt me trying to judge your work or shove my own ideas into ur stuff, however i am ungodly invested in Persona 5 like this has been my special interest since it came OUT and hasnt stopped sense, so i know...a lot about this cast. And a LOT about their personalities, stories, and internal struggles from my many times of replaying this game.
and then u bring in Psychonauts which is ALSO an interest of mine that i've sunk a lot of time into reading and looking over characters n their interactions n like i have a whole BACKSTORY for Augustus written out, along with an idea that could theoretically be a whole third game-
so basically i can confidently say i was NOT the person to come to for this if u wanted gentle advice cause a lot of these choices just feel kinda paper thin and picked out for no real reason, just because they semi-resemble the character in question or fill that character's role and not because of who they are as characters n such
like i cant see Milla and Truman bickering like Ann and Ryuji do, but i can see Dona and Oleander doing that MUCH more realistically since Dona's a hothead and Oleander just speaks outta his ass all the time
...yeah not too sure how to end this, but those are my opinions on ur picks :D the idea's got somethin but the execution is lacking in my opinion, so this is how i'd do it myself but yknow its ur au! u dont need my permission to do jack, have ur fun n explore the characters however u want :D
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residentraccoon · 3 years
✨ esc 2003-2000 tops ✨
so I got lazy and will just list my main favourites lol 💖
🌌 esc 2003 🌌
1. Belgium - for some reason this is so eerie but hypnotic...and so unique...on repeat
2. Turkey - gotta love this ethnic bop
3. Spain - yes so catchy!!
4. France - this was so sweet <3
5. Iceland - nostalgic 2000s rock my beloved
6. Romania - a total bop idk we should ditch the ballads for next year and send groovy stuff again
7. Russia - they're way too static on stage but go girls!!
8. Ireland - charming ahh
9. Netherlands - uplifting lol this got me out of depression
10. Portugal - amazing ballad
11. Poland - oh my i did not expect that voice-
🌌 esc 2002 🌌 aka my birth year!! :D
1. France - gorgeous ballad, gorgeous dress, gorgeous vocals...winner
2. United Kingdom - haha her name is garlic
3. Malta - love those little whistle noises
4. Slovenia - always stan our slovenian drag queens <3
5. Latvia - unpopular opinion but this was really cool, you guys are just mean
6. Croatia - i want wristbands like those
7. Russia - gUILTY PLEASURE okay why is this so catchy??
8. Romania - power vocals duet, and our first top 10 finish <3 so proud...
9. Cyprus - fuck yeah let's party
10. Estonia - has such a feel good vibe
11. Spain - how I love self aware songs at eurovision
12. North Macedonia - hmm yes..ethnic song
13. Switzerland - what a sweet performance, underrated
🌌 esc 2001 🌌
1. Slovenia - my undeniable winner, amazing, spectacular, showstopping <3
2. Denmark - hey this was so cute?? there should be more kazoo songs at esc
3. Spain - hECK I love this 😔😔
4. Estonia - it's so funky and cheerful?? stop hating on this?? love them
5. Greece - a bit overrated but sounds so interesting
6. Germany - she has such a cute voice wth
7. Bosnia Herzegovina - love the atmosphere of this song
8. France - amazing vocals!!
9. Malta - summer mood, hell yeah
10. United Kingdom - we didn't need a rapping part thank u
11. Lithuania - trashy but idk I love it
🌌 esc 2000 🌌
1. Latvia - he's so cute I can't 😔💖 I love this way too much
2. Estonia - would have also been my winner hhh I LOVE the message and always makes me emotional for some reason 😭
3. Iceland - they're so fun on stage
4. Sweden - another sami entry besides spirit in the sky? sign me tf up
5. Romanian - the most underrated romanian entry tbh
6. Denmark - such a sweet song!!
7. Croatia - criminally underrated
8. Russia - loved that choreography
9. Germany - I have no idea what's happening lMAO???
10. United Kingdom - i don't know why I like this either
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bregee13 · 3 years
A New Home WIP
Here's what I wrote of this so far. There is a LOT l have yet to write. So much so, that I've been debating on splitting this up in to multiple parts.
Also this story is part of a long series of stories I already wrote, so context is important in order to understand what's going on. You can read what I've written so far here.
But if that's way too long (I don't blame you), here's a TLDR: There was a Raposa family living in Rapoville that comprised of a mom (Nixie), a dad (Bob), a son (Hunter), and a daughter (Polly). Hunter for a while was secretly going to the twilite woods on his own. Polly eventually found out Hunter's secret, and threatened to tell on him if he didn't let her go with him through the forest gate to see the twilite woods. When the two went into the twilite woods, a flyin rabbit doll attacked Polly and cursed her into making a flyin rabbit doll (which she named Bongo). After a big argument between Hunter and Polly, Hunter ran to the twilite woods. But the darkness around Rapoville was getting worse, and ended up trapping Hunter in the forest gate region (he's fine, he'll go on to live with the Baki there. Nobody knows that though). Nobody knows where Hunter was except Polly, and she was extremely guilty about it. She tried to enter the darkness to try rescuing him, but was caught by Cricket. But when she noticed she dropped Bongo right next to the expanding wall of darkness, she ran up to get it (risking her life in the process, which resulted in Bongo absorbing a lot of loving energy). But Cricket managed to save her from the darkness. Eventually the darkness gets so bad that Polly and her parents are forced to move out of the village (via the bridge).
This story picks up with them moving through the snow gate region into the forest gate region, and them having to deal with a new temporary home. Also a bunch of other stuff, especially Bongo stuff, but I didn't get to that part yet. 😭
The actual WIP is under the read more.
It wasn't before long until the Raposa family wandered into the snowy fields. At first the snow barely dusted the grass beneath their feet, but eventually the snow became almost knee deep. It was a good thing Polly thought of bringing blankets with them. Even then, the three wished they had the time to change into warmer clothing.
Polly, while squeezing her dad's arm for support, shivered uncontrollably. "D-dad??? Why did-didn't we u-use the S-snow G-gate...?"
Nixie, who was also freezing, couldn't help but glare at her husband. "That's a g-good question, Polly! Bobby, why DIDN'T we use the snow g-gate?"
"Nghh..." 'How's this my fault? Movin dis way was YOUR idea...' As much as Bob wanted to say it out loud, he was much too tired to butt heads. Besides, after trudging through the snow for that long, you almost HAD to blame somebody. Though, if he didn't say anything, Nixie would freeze him to death before any snow could. "Well, if we w-went through the snow gate, we could've walked right i-into darkness. A-and dat wouldn't be fun, would it?"
Nixie, who was starting to remember her plan, felt her cheeks flush a little more than they already were. Though embarrassed, she welcomed the extra warmth on her face.
"B-but.... Why did-didn't we go to th-the dock?? A-and r-ride a boat somewhere?" Polly asked, hoping asking more questions would distract her from the cold.
Her mother shook her head. "N-no... We couldn't have done that. The d-darkness might've covered the dock by then..."
"M-might've!?! Y-you didn't k-know?!"
"I...I... Um... f-figured there wouldn't be any more boats sailing to and from there anyway... With all this darkness, of course... Of course...."
"Th... That... s-sounds..." Polly tried to call her mom out on her poor excuse, but she was just too frozen to speak.
"Dat sounds like a c-cra... crummy excuse, N-Nix.."
Nixie turned her head toward Bob in confusion. "Wh...what? Are you saying, Bobby?"
Bob stared off into the distance. He longed to go back home and sleep in the warmth of his bed, but he knew that was impossible. "D-dere was no h-harm in checkin first... Ya k-knew dere was a chance of esc-cape dere.... W-what the Rapo stopped ya...?"
"Oh... U-um... You know, um..." 'Well, you didn't bother to check either! Why blame me...?' It took a moment for Nixie to regain some of her composure. She knew she was the only one planning anything out, and that Bob likely didn't even think of checking the docks in the heat of the moment. She actually thought about leaving the village by boat many times. But the one thing that stopped her every time was her fear. "...E-even if there was a way.... Th-there's no way to know what to expect... The o-other villages might be worse off than where we w-were.... There's no way... There's no way...." While she did fear the darkness in other villages, she did have one other small fear that she was afraid to admit. She was scared of returning to her parents after going missing for so long. 'Only Creator knows how those two would react...'
"...Y-ya got a point.... I haven't h-heard from Jack in a real long time... H-Hope he and the folks are alright in Lavasteam... N-nice.... hot..... L-Lavasteam...." 'Rapo... This snow is messin with our heads n' makin us lookin all ridiculous!'
Bob looked back toward Polly. She hadn't spoken for a while now, which was odd for her. On top of that, she was moving at a snail's pace, slowing everyone down as a result. "Polly? Ya doin okay?"
"..." Polly, shaking rapidly, fully relied on her father's arm for support. She had a hard time gathering her words and saying them out loud. She felt horrible. "D-dad....." She cried. "I...I can't feel my legs......."
"Dat can't be good.... Hang on..." Bob walked up to Nixie and handed her the clothes he was carrying. "Hold dis for a s-sec?"
"O-oh... Of... Of course..."
Bob then proceeded to lift Polly off the ground, and carry her in his arms. "Urk!" 'She's heavier than I remember!' "It's okay... you're o-okay... Y-you you're gonna be okay, okay?" He tried to reassure her, but it only seemed to make everything worse. 'Oh Creator, she's real cold....' As worried as Bob was, he knew he couldn't show too much concern. For all he knew, it would just jinx everything. "...Y-Ya got uhh... Um... Bangle with ya? Ah! I..! I m-meant...! B....Bon...Go?"
Polly, squeezing her stuffed friend in her arms, didn't even bother to correct her dad. Though the fact that he caught the mistake on his own really meant a lot to her. "Mhmm..."
"G-good. Dat's good... "
Nixie took the clothes that were handed to her and covered her daughter with them as if they were extra blankets. "There. H-hope that will help s-somehow..."
"Th-thank thank you..."
The three silently continued on their journey through the snow. The bitter wind brushed their cheeks. Eventually, the snow began to die down, and the air was less stiff. The knee-high snow turned into mere frost. Needless to say, everyone was relieved. The ice life is NOT a nice life.
The wide open snow fields slowly turned into a chilly forest. The trees were of a purplish hue and had seemingly no end to them. It was clear that they had entered the forest gate region.
Bob, now getting tired of carrying her around, set Polly down by one of the many trees. "There ya go. Are ya feelin any better?"
Polly slowly nodded. "Y-yeah."
Nixie leaned down to feel Polly's arm. "She's still really cold..." She turned to her husband. "What should we do now?"
Bob looked up at the sky. It wouldn't be too long before it grew dark. "We gotta get some shelter. Can't rest out in da open..."
"Where are we going to find this shelter, anyhow?"
"We're gon have to build it from scratch... Don't expect nothin fancy, I don't got no tools to work with."
"That's fine... But..." She looked down at Polly before returning her gaze to Bob. "Are you going to be alright by yourself?"
Bob tried to reassure her with a smile. "I'll be good on my own. Don't worry bout me. Just worry bout her."
"...Okay. Just be back soon."
"I will." Bob stepped back from his family and got to work.
Now, Bob may be a carpenter, but he wasn't exactly experienced in wilderness survival. Lucky for the three Raposa, he managed to put a small shelter together out of branches and leaves. And for the restrictions he had, it was relatively spacious. Just big enough for everyone to lay in comfortably.
Nixie had Polly wrapped up in her arms. "How are you feeling, baby? Are you warmer now?"
Polly yawned. "Yeah. I'm okay. I think Bongo's a little tired though. Are you tired, Bongo?"
"Yeah... He's pretty tired..." Polly's eyes had grown heavy from the exhausting journey she had been through.
Nixie, who was tired as well, softly chuckled to herself. "It seems that you're tired too. How about we get ready for bedtime?"
"Yeah… Okay." Polly stretched.
"Are you well enough to get up on your own?"
"I think so..." Polly slowly started to get up off of the ground. Although her legs were a little wobbly from sitting too long.
Nixie reached out for her daughter in an attempt to stable her. "Are you alright?!"
"I'm okay! I'm okay! My legs are just sleepy."
"Come on, I'll help you over there." Nixie had her arm wrapped around Polly's body, helping to guide her to the makeshift home Bob had made. "Bobby! Is the shelter finished over there?"
Bob looked back at his wife, and sighed. "It's 'bout as done as it's gonna get... Hope it works just fine."
"It looks wonderful. Why don't you take a break and get some rest? It's been quite a long day."
"It is gettin pretty late, huh? Alright. I'll take a breather."
"That's what I wanted to hear! Besides, a good sleep in there will make the perfect test for the structure you made."
"That's true..."
Polly pulled her mother's arm toward the shelter. She was starting to get cranky from a lack of sleep. "Mooom... C'mon! We gotta go to bed! Bongo's really really tired!"
"Alright, Polly! Settle down! We're on our way. Why don't you go on ahead and get ready for dreamland?" Nixie suggested.
"Okay..." Polly yawned. "G'night...." She squeezed Bongo in her arms, and stepped inside.
Nixie glanced at her husband. "We should follow her."
Bob nodded. "Yeah, I guess we should..."
The two stepped inside the structure. The dirt floor was covered in a bedding of grass and leaves, which in turn was covered by the largest blanket they had brought. It was cozy to say the least.
Polly was already laying down, curled up underneath her very own blanket. She held onto her doll as tightly as she could. Her eyes were shut. As far as Nixie and Bob could tell, she was already fast asleep.
“She looks so peaceful…” Nixie whispered.
“Dat didn’t take very long at all, huh?”
“That journey must have drained all of the energy from her. I don’t believe I blame her.”
“Poor Polly… I sure hope all dat snow didn’t leave her sick…”
“I hope so too. She didn’t seem to be all that ill, just tired. ...I have faith that she’ll turn out alright.”
Bob sighed. “Rapo, what’d we do to deserve any of this? We lost nearly everythin, and now we gotta live in this… this… whatever this is!”
“You’re the one who built the shack… I don’t see why you’re the one complaining.” Nixie mumbled.
“...What was that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s fine.” Nixie clearly sounded annoyed. “It’s not a permanent solution, anyhow… We’re not staying too long.”
“...Are you insulting my work?”
“Bobby, please.”
“No no, I get it. I understand! I don’t wanna live here either! Who da Rapo would? In fact, it’s so awful dat any normal Raposa would rather sleep outside on the dirt and die!”
“We may as well be…” Nixie muttered.
“Excuse me?! I worked real hard to set this up! All by myself with no tools, no help of any kind, and you’re talkin to me like that?! A lil while ago, you said it was fantastic. I worked the best that I could under these circumstances, and now you’re mad it ain’t good enough?!”
“Bobby, you know that isn’t what I meant.”
“Really? What else could you have meant by that?! I don’t understand anything you’re saying, Nix! First you said one thing, then you say the opposite? I don’t understand at all...” Bob crossed his arms and hung his head low. His eyes were starting to water in frustration. “...Explain to me, Nix. What’s wrong? What’d I do wrong? What the Rapo did I do to you to make you insult me like dat?!”
“Rapo, you didn’t do anything! Nothing is wrong! Why would you come to the conclusion that everything is your fault?! What the Rapo do you even think you did?”
“I-I dunno… I was just askin you that! Ya can’t just say ‘nothin is wrong’ right after complaining your rear off to me!”
“Well maybe I’m just feeling a little peeved.”
“Of course I’m peeved! I didn’t want this! I didn’t want to be forced out of my home, I didn’t want to have to worry about whether or not we’ll make it out of this okay, and I surely didn’t want you to yell at me!”
“Yell at ya?! Nix, you’re da one dat started it!”
“Bobby, what the Rapo are you talking about? I didn’t start anything! You just got mad at me out of nowhere!”
“Out of- What?! I-I would never do dat to you! I would never yell or get mad at you for no reason!”
“Then why are you yelling at me right now then?”
“B-because... I’m mad because you insulted me!” He began to cry. “I’m mad because you decided to be mean at me for no reason! I’m mad… because I don’t understand why you would do that…”
“That… that really hurt, Nix… Why would you go and do that?”
“Bobby… I… I’m so sorry.” She gently lifted his chin up so she could see his face better. “I’m sorry.”
Bob looked at her and sniffled. “I don’t understand, Nix. I-I know it ain’t the best I’ve done, but you ain’t gotta be mean about it…”
“I wasn’t trying to be mean to you… I… I was just frustrated. And I ended up saying the wrong thing… I know that wasn’t right for me to snap like that, but… I’m sorry…”
“I know you’re sorry… I know you’re just stressed out. Dat just… really got to me for some reason. I-I’m sorry I overreacted.”
“Bobby… You didn’t overreact. It’s okay. It’s my fault for upsetting you.” She sighed. “We’re both just... frazzled from all of this. I understand.”
“...I forgive ya Nix. I know ya didn’t mean what you said.” He faintly smiled for a moment. “But… Dere’s somethin I don’t understand. Why’d ya say it looked good earlier? I don’t get it.”
“...You want me to be honest? I... was trying to be polite. I didn’t want something like this to happen. Especially not in front of Polly. ...Wait a minute. Polly!” She turned around to face Polly, hoping that she was fast asleep and didn’t hear anything they said.
Polly, who was watching the entire time, hid under her blanket once she got caught. ‘Rapo! She saw me!’ She then pretended to be sleeping, hoping that she wasn’t in trouble.
Nixie sighed and turned back to her husband. “We really need to pull ourselves together, don’t we?”
Bob nodded. “If I were her, I wouldn’t want my folks arguing over nothin… I’d want em to be happy. I’d wanna be sure that it’s all gonna be okay. ...We gotta do better for her.”
“You’re right. From now on, we have to stay positive. No matter what happens.”
“Of course. We gotta set an example. It’s what Polly deserves. It’s what Hunter deserves too.”
“...I wonder if Hunter’s doin alright. Maybe… Maybe he’s alive somehow?”
“I don’t want to talk about Hunter...”
“Alright, I understand.”
The two stood there for a moment in awkward silence.
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childhoodgrave · 4 years
I'm starting 2 play pathologic but I'm scared any tips for how to make the start of the game less impossibly heavy and mortifying (I accidentally started a fight got scared and restarted my game)
HI im typing on  my computer this time bc i wrote likean essay long response to this and tumblr crashed instead of saving this also adding a readmore bc this will get long im sorry.. but thank u so much for sending me this ask i am so excited u r playing pathologic first of all!! i will format this in a numbered list so its a bit easier 2 read...
1. im assuming the fight u started was with the ppl loitering in evas garden, right? this is a v common problem new players face and an intentional obstacle left by the devs to teach u tht u shld avoid confrontation and fighting at all costs when u can help it. the fighting system in this game is intentionally difficult and u will usually die if u get into a fight if u dont have a gun. just leave the guys alone and let them stay and u will be fine. there arent any consequences to this so dont worry!!
2. starting and then restarting the game a few times when ur getting into it is very normal so dnt worry abt that!!! i had to restart my save like 3 times before i got the hang of things, so dont be discouraged. tht being said the game isnt for everyone so if u just consistently are not having fun w it dont force urself to play it!!
3. check out the settings page where it lists all the controls for the game, bc it will show you some mechanics the game nevr tells you about. use Q to open up your quest menu which will show you your overall goal, main quest, and sidequests. the main quest MUST be completed by the end of each day or there will be ingame consequences, so be careful. sidequests are less dire. 
the I key opens up ur inventory!! 
you press E to talk to people
the P key opens up ur status menu iirc. be sure to keep track of that too, but statuses will also pop up in the corner of ur screen when they get actually dire, too, so if u dont check it u wont be completely clueless dw!!
the L key opens up your letters menu. u will get letters from different ppl throughout each day and usually they pertain to the main quest at hand or a sidequest you can do so that you know what youre supposed to be doing each day. whenever you get a letter a spinning icon will pop up in the corner of the screen and the sound of a paper flipping will play, but the game never actually tells u abt it which is a big design flaw on its part.
4. pay attention to the time!! esc or q will pause ur game and pause the flow of time, but opening ur inventory wont. time is a super important aspect of the game so just watch out 4 that.
5. spend all your money on food on day 1. dont bother with eggs or lemons so much as meat, bread, fish, vegetables, and milk to a lesser extent. its important u do this on day 1 for reasons u will find out later.
dont worry abt keeping ur hunger meter completely low tho!! make sure it doesnt max out, but dont try to keep it empty, ull waste food very quickly that way and its a very important resource.
theres also an area in the game near where u start out that has some milk left out near a statue of a woman that you can pick up. raising ur fists in game will make a little dot appear to help you aim for things, and i always use that to focus on what i want to pick up because it can be very difficult otherwise. heres the area im talking about
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6. check ur map frequently whenever ur going anywhere!!!! the layout of the town is intentionally confusing and u will get lost without ur map, esp because it shows u quest markers of wherever u need to go. 
the walking in this game is also very slow and tedious. u get used to it but it is a feature of the game so just keep that in mind.
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i used this map to keep track of where all the shops in town are because its a bit difficult to tell otherwise and can save time if u need to get stuff (like food and medicine. dont bother with clothes bc theyre honestly useless but clothing stores do sell needles which you should collect for bartering.)
7. bartering is a BIG system in the game and its actually what you use to get a lot of the items youll need. you can barter with pretty much every random npc you see in town, just press E to talk to them! different people will trade for different things and find value in different items, so just pay attention to that! 
look in trash cans and bins located around the town to find useful things you can barter or use yourself, like water bottles. id recommend especially saving items that children will trade for like jewelry, flowers, needles, hooks, sharp objects (like knives and switchblades), and nuts. dont eat the nuts, trade them with children.
8. one child in particular will have an item called “schmowder” on her occasionally. theyre important for reasons that you find out in game later. if she has a schmowder, trade for it, and save it. it costs a lot so save up things this child will trade for. dont use schmowders on yourself, save them for later. the child looks like this.
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unrelated but i just think this girls design is sweet. i like her dress :)
9. sometimes characters will give you items for quests. if your inventory is full, the item will drop to the ground in a bag with a thud. watch out for this and be sure to check your inventory and the ground to make sure you actually have the item you need to do a quest.
10. quests can be confusing sometimes, and if u ever feel lost i recommend checking the pathologic wiki for “the bachelor’s route” to find a guide about each quest that happens each day. OR you can just dm me and i can help u if u dont want to risk being spoiled!!! i dont know everything but if i dont know the answer i can just look it up for you since i already know the story of the game.
11. dialogue can also be confusing sometimes, so choose what you say carefully! dialogue trees that you can go back to are usually rare and dont actually happen that much. the dialogue system is also intentionally confusing and tricky. dont be afraid to reload a save file if you want to learn more or see what other dialogue options would have got you.
and thats all i can think of right now??? im sorry this is a lot, i promise the game isnt actually that difficult once you get used to it!!! its just a matter of getting used to the mechanics. lmk if u ever need any help at all :D
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years
HAPPY ONE YEAR TO LANDSLIDE 🥺🥺🥺💜💜💜 I can't believe it's been a year akxnsmxnsn. (I habe a lot more stuff to send you akdnansn but it's nearly 1 am for me).
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AWE THANK YOU SO MUCH KRYSTA! <33333 so very much appreciated truly! (sorry i just got to this too! i had work all day!) but seriously thank you SO MUCH.
I CANT BELIEVE IT EITHER AH! like literally i remember sitting on the bunk bed in a lake house, in the late hours of the day, thinking up an idea for a bob fic — i wanted something that i really hadn’t seen before (ie natia entering with easy co in holland) that was always the plan, but i wanted to see what else i could do. and i kept crafting and formulating ideas and well here i am 🤩💕✨(BAHAHAH DONT WORRY, i know this was sent in the wee hours of the morning take all the time you need <3)
BUT THE MOODBOARD OMG 😍����😍😍😍 all the quotes! + the poppies! U KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THAT POPPY CLOTH IS TO NATIA :,) *brb sobbing my literal eyes out* THE FORGET!!!! YES! such a natia-esc thing! all she wants to do is forget :(
AND THE SELF DESCRUCTION MANUAL IMAGE HOLY HECK! now if that isn’t natia idk what it bc that poor girl is literally self destructing herself 😭 THIS IS BEAUTIFUL KRYSTA THANK YOU SM FOR EVERYTHING <33333
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batz · 4 years
I am. NOT a professional pianist and im still learning a lot honestly but i mostly started writing music by focusing on a chord progression in one hand and melody in another, loosely transposing chord progressions i knew from ukulele onto the piano to seeing how it sounded and stuff like that. And when it comes to theory- some people enjoy it and find it useful! It varies from person to person. Personally, my brain is literally incapable of reading it lol.
YEAH i can do That, like i can write classical sounding pieces n stuff , relatively simple stuff but still nice lil tunes,  but my issue here is trying to write something i can best describe as showtunes-esc ragtime,,, and THATS tough bc i have the chord progression adn everything but i cant make the bounciness happen,,, ig the best thing i can do is just listen to a lot of ragtime and try to replicate it. luckily it all kinda sounds the same to me so DKGJDFJK i can find the patterns to copy those into a New Song, but yeah its a totally new genre and requires like... skills i do not have yet dkjghdfjhg
AND YEAH SAME sheet music is so hard 2 read...im sure if u get used to it its essentially like learning  a second language adn is a useful skill to know in the endrun if u make music but its still super hard djdfljhgdjfhg
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Can I get a Ojiro boy tickled to pieces? Thanke u!❤️
A Qurik With Quirks
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Mashirao Ojiro
A/N: I don’t really have much to say on this actually XD. I thought it was a cute idea.
Description: While taking notes on Ojiro, Midoriya notices that not only does his classmate's quirk give him a tail.... but it gives him paw pads and toe beans too?! He must explore this new fascinating discovery!
Wide eyes met as a soft blush grew. The noise that had just escaped into the rather basic dorm room caught both it’s inhabitants off guard. Deku slowly leaned back in the desk chair he was using. He studied Ojiro as he slowly uncovered his mouth and brought his legs away from his chest. He looked at the other, unsure of what to say or do. All Deku had done was gently brush the eraser side of his pencil on Ojiro’s newly discovered paw pads. 
It had been a boring weekend. Ojiro lay on his bed, staring at his ceiling as not even his phone had much appeal. The weather predicted for little to no chance of skateboarding and dealing with his classmates as a whole just seemed like too much for the moment. However, then his phone buzzed, he snuck a glance to make sure it wasn’t a parent. 
Upon looking at the notification, he was pleasantly surprised to see it was a message from Midoriya. ‘Are you busy? Was looking through notes on classmates, realized I don’t have much for your quirk. Can I interview you?’ Ojiro thought the request over. It was a little odd to him and very embarrassing, but he agreed nevertheless. 
Not long after a message of confirmation was sent, there was a knock at his door. “It’s open,” the tailed student called. Midoriya opened the door with a small smile before entering. Shutting the door, he stood beside the side of the other’s bed with enthusiasm. “Thanks again Ojiro!” The taller gave a small nod; a blush creeping on his face. 
“Ah, it’s not really a big deal. So, what did you want to know.” He patted the bed and pointed to the chair at his desk; offering for Deku to sit. Deku obliged to the offer with a nod of gratitude before taking the desk chair to the side of the bed. He sat with a stiff postured back and a slightly puffed chest. 
Taking out his pen and opening his notebook, he nodded once more to Ojiro who yawned softly. “Uh, anything I should say in particular,” the shyer asked. Midoriya shook his head. “Anything works.” It was still too vague. “How about you ask me something instead?” “Alright” Midoriya said in his typically happy voice. 
First thing was first, the tail. Ojiro covered his face as he stood beside his bed, letting his classmate measure the length and width of his tail before the questions finally started. Questions such as: basic usage of his quirk, then special moves, then team moves like with Iida. Ojiro realized he really didn’t know all that much about his quirk in the way Deku was explaining it. He seemed rather just plain and basic. How you would think it worked was how it worked. 
His quirk wasn’t flashy with tricks or new abilities. It was a muscular tail that Kaminari loved to play with. When that came up, Ojiro actually laughed. “Why do you need to know about that,” he giggled out. Deku shrugged. “I like to write fun facts. Also, who knows, your tail could aid in anxiety or stress relief.” Was that so. Mashirao shrugged before turning so that his back was to Deku. “Go ahead then.” Deku blushed before smiling excitedly. “Wait, really?” He nodded. “Ah, yeah. Just be gentle please?” “Of course!” 
Gentle hands started to mimic Denki’s typically actions before feeling up and down the tail. Each muscle under the skin felt powerful, each hair so soft and fluffy, each toss from side to side seemed a little more weighted; it was nice. “Side note,” Deku mumbled as he let go of the tail with one hand. “Tail aids in stress relief and possibly anxiety relief.” Ojiro rolled his eyes. “Still don’t see how that’s necessary.” Midoriya merely gave a shrug. “It just was.” 
Deku let go and Ojiro took that as a que to turn and face him once more. As he did, Deku gave him a curious look. “So…. is the tail the only animal-esc part about you?” He was leaning back in the desk chair, one leg swung over the other. He had his book open and supported by his left hand and forearm, right hand readying a pencil. 
“Um…. not exactly?” Ojiro removed his fuzzy socks that were protecting his feet from the dorm’s cold wood floors. Green eyes widened; no way.
“You have pads?!” Deku leaned forward to get a better look. If it weren’t for the animal paw bottoms Ojiro was packing, this would have been so awkward for the tail hero. “M-Midoriya. You're a bit close?” Oh, whoops. Deku blushed a bit before backing up. “Sorry. They… they just look like a little kittiy’s toe beans and paw pads. It’s a little weird only the top part of your foot has them though.” Mashirao shrugged. Was it?
“I mean not in a bad way, obviously, but it’s just a little odd, you know? I would have thought,” he started to bring his pencil closer as he observed curiously, “that the heel would be padded too; not just the balls and toes.” He gently swiped the eraser of his pencil up the balls of the foot earning a startling reaction.
Both legs tucked into Ojiro protectively, a yelp of sorts leaving his mouth. While trying to pull his legs close, one of Mashirao’s hands struggled between where to be. Finally, one sided with his mouth as the other held his legs. Oh no. 
Wide eyes met as a soft blush grew. The noise that had just escaped into the rather basic dorm room caught both it’s inhabitants off guard. Deku slowly leaned back in the desk chair he was using. He studied Ojiro as he slowly uncovered his mouth and brought his legs away from his chest. He looked at the other, unsure of what to say or do. All Deku had done was gently brush the eraser side of his pencil on Ojiro’s newly discovered paw pads. 
“Ticklish?” Ojiro covered his now burning face. Of course Deku was going to write that down. “Honestly Midoriya, most of our school is ticklish. Why are you wiritin- nahahah!” Deku smiled as he advanced the other. He took an ankle before gently tickling the padded top of the underside of the foot. “Whahahait, sthahaahaop! M-Mido-hahahah!” Dark eyes were shielded by soft crinkling lids as eyebrows turned upwards. Hands came up to better cover the reddening face as Ojiro’s stomach filled with butterflies. His tail started to smack into the bed repeatedly between wags of joy. 
Soft whines and awkwardly, cringey noises escaped the poor boy’s mouth as he shoved at his friend using his free foot. Deku merely smirked as he grabbed the ankle, truly testing to see how much of this aspect of Ojiro’s quirk could be used as a hero. As he went along though, he did notice that the padded parts of the foot were much more sensitive than other parts of the foot. Slowly, the green bean ceased to write a note in his journal. Maybe he could get his hands on Koda’s bunny later or one of Shinso or Aizawa’s cats to test their paw pads. 
As he turned away from the soft boy, Ojiro collapsed. He continued to giggle softly, curling up fully into himself on his side. He curled his tail up to protect him, just in case Izuku threatened to start over again. “That…. That was mean,” he panted through his soft giggles. Deku glanced up before smiling. “But it did give me more insight on your quirk!” 
Huh? Mashiaro quirked a brow. “How’s that?” Deku stood up to show him a few notes he took. “Your quirk not only gives you a tail, but pads to help with landing and stuff like that. As useful and cat-like as they are, they seem to be a rather large physical weakness.” “You write down weaknesses too?” Deku nodded. “Ah, yeah, but I don’t like flaunt them or show them around. It’s to kind of study how all heroes are, if that makes sense?”
It didn’t persay, but Ojiro found himself nodding nevertheless. “I guess. But…. please don’t start telling people about this.” Huh? Ojiro looked down, face pink from embarrassment. His tail twitched slightly, not sure what to do. “Why would I tell anyone about this? Like you said, most of our class is ticklish.” Deku put the journal down before walking over to his tailed friend. “Besides….. It’s just some friendly, fun, bonding stuff, right?” 
Oh, yeah; it was, wasn’t it? Ojiro gave a small, shy smile and nod before jumping as a hand found i’s way to it’s stomach. “And now that I’m done taking notes…. Let’s see where else your ticklish.” Oh crap.
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Rules for mobile (Pinned Post)
The Code
Success. I’ve sufficiently pestered the wench to make me a blog, much to the cost of a certain behorned mischief god whose presence I must share. Follow the rules below, and there’ll be smooth sailin’, savvy?
This be an exceptionally selective blog. I was me mun’s first ever muse yonks back and I’ve pestered her into writing me again, BUT, she’s horribly pressed for time. Partners will likely be very few, else ones doubling up with Loki’s. Anyone is welcome to approach and enquire, but she and I will be leaning toward those either from me own universe or crossovers with which she’s highly familiar and characters in whom she’s especially interested. Ye have been warned.
Replies are like to be slow, up to a few weeks at most.
Partners must be 18+. Various themes of an adult nature may be found here. Sexual things will be tagged ‘#filthy pirate’ with whatever level/variety of sin I deem them. More details below.
Behave. There shall be no rudeness, no passive aggression, no hate, no censorship or generally being a twit. Do I make meself clear?
The Code - Extended (below the cut)
Hi, guys. I’m Pirate (oddly known as this long before I made Jack a tumblr). Here are my more detailed rules and guidelines for writing with me on this blog, though the absolute basics are at the top as, honestly, it’s never easy to remember everyone’s requirements.
Jack is a sideblog. If you’re being followed by a benevolentgodloki that means I’m following you back. I don’t need us to be mutuals (both following each other) for us to write together, but there is a greater chance of us having a partnership if we’re letting each other know we’re interested.
How I Roll
I note myself as ‘highly selective’. This isn’t to be an elitist bugger, it’s because we all only have a limited amount of time we can put in. I want to write what I enjoy with people I enjoy. I am married with two attention-seeking cats, two jobs, a slow-brewing intended writing career and a video game addiction.
Asks/Memes - I will usually answer these no matter who they are from but I may or may not turn them into a thread I intend to keep. Some memes are very much designed to be something that continues so context can be key. If you would like to know in advance whether I intend to answer and/or keep something, please do pop me a message and I will be kind and honest.
My Threads - While Jack’s blog is still exciting and new, I’m being a bit all over the place with who and what I reply to depending on which way Jack’s.. compass.. is pointing. I do have a rolling turn order that I adhere to (to the point that I can genuinely tell you who is next at any given moment) but it’s all piled in with Loki’s threads, meaning I can take a few weeks to get round everything. Every partner gets one of their threads answered within that ‘round’ and then I go round again. However, when I’m really into something/finding something easy to pop back, I treat myself to spamming certain threads or partners at my whim. I use rpthreadtracker.com to maintain what I have. 
I will remind partners of threads that have not been replied to for more than three months. If I do not do this, I have either forgotten/lost it myself, I’m not too fussed about keeping it at that stage, or you were absent for a long period of time. 
My Style - I will write in both past or present tense depending on partner preference. My default is past but I like either. Please kick me if I screw up and write the wrong one. I prefer using regular size font but I will make mine small on replies to people who use the smaller so that it looks neat. I will often match partners’ lengths and some formatting details e.g. bolding dialogue, but I struggle with doing novella-length posts for reasons below.
I have a bugbear to admit about role-play. What we call splicing. A good half of my partners write this way so I’m not about to tell everyone to stop but if you’re someone who does this, you will occasionally run into some frustrations when writing with me. ‘Splicing’ is when you retrospectively write dialogue or actions as having previously happened during your partner’s last post. These things are fine when they’re passive i.e. your character muttered them, thought them or you were writing what your character was doing at the time because that’s pretty much essential. The trouble comes usually when my characters talk a lot/ask rhetorical questions and partners choose to answer every single one despite the fact my character carried on talking. I know it’s an ass that I have talkative muses and you really want to respond to every point/get a word in, but putting words and actions into the past effectively godmods my muse into accepting they happened. If you feel your muse would have full-on interjected midway through their ramble, please ask me to edit my post/stop it at that point. Otherwise if you do prefer to splice, my muse will only respond to whatever it is your character did or said last in their post. This is one of the reasons I can’t write novella, because often there is only so much you can write before you’re stepping into the territory of changing what went before and not allowing your partner to do anything about it.
TL;DR don’t ever worry about your post being too short for me. If it’s one sentence long but it’s because something fast-paced is happening, I won’t be miffed.
Shipping! - no not that kind of ship, Jack. I love shipping. Ships all around. Let’s face it, romance can be one of the most exciting reasons we bother writing. I am open to a lot of ships for Jack, practically all of them. Yes, even that one. I will do downright nasty, toxic, horrible stuff, savvy? It’s fiction and Jack is a great indulgence for bad things happening to him as much as good. That said, of course don’t force something on him without prior agreement between us. Well, I mean, your muse can try and accost him and see what he does, just don’t expect him to definitely reciprocate. Jack and I are bi/pansexual. We’re open to everything. I will admit a heavy lean toward m/m but, that said, Jack is extremely fond of the ladies, more so than Loki. I am very into Sparrington especially.
Not Safe For Ye Olde Work
Sliding down from the above topic, I enjoy the occasional smutting. It is not a requirement from my partners. In fact, I’m warming very much to fading to black depending on the context/mood/if things feel a bit repetitive. I do feel a touch more comfortable with partners who don’t need that boundary but as I’ve recently figured ‘if it needs a cut, then it’s smut’ I know when to skip on.
Saucy material will go under cuts/Read More’s and be tagged as mentioned above with ‘filthy pirate’. Additional tags will be based on the citrus scale: ‘lime’ for general grabbing, ‘lemon’ for full on sexual content and ‘grapefruit’ if things get extra kinky. I will tag things such as ‘rape tw’ or ‘noncon tw’ or ‘dubcon tw’ where necessary. Please blacklist any or all of these at your leisure, or search them if you fancy :U I do NOT tag these as ‘ns.fw’ because tumblr just completely hides them from being searchable which is useless for my partners.
OC’s - Due to my time constraints I am extremely picky when it comes to OC’s. This is a good fandom for well-thought-out muses and I know firsthand how hard it is to make headway as an OC in the RP world. However, I also understand that for people like me, I want to dip in on this site to mostly play with the characters and worlds I’m really absorbed in and ship my weaselly black guts out. Some people have more time than others to really give your OCs the time and love they deserve. Unless I’ve played with you a long time and I really like the cut of your and your muse’s jib, it’s very unlikely I’ll bite. Apologies! The same goes for crossover muses from fandoms I’m unfamiliar with, but I will let you know if that’s the case.
Threads - I don’t have a strict limit on how many to have per person but please bear in mind that the more of these you have with me the longer it will take me to get to a particular one (unless I’m spamming it back and forth). This is more a mun/muse context how many I accept.
Exclusives/mains - I don’t do these although I may consider having a maximum of 3 or 4 of one muse depending on activity levels and to ensure plots don’t get mixed up or attention feel unfairly balanced.
Triggers/squicks - I don’t like body horror e.g. graphic detail of squishy bits having bad things happen to them. I’m writing a pirate so there’s absolutely allowed to be elements of torture/violence, just don’t stab him in the eye or chop bits off him. One torture-related thing sends me into a complete freakout which I’ll discuss with partners if we’re doing a thread of that ilk as needed. Kink-wise I’m not into mpreg, A/B/O or infantilism or toilet things. Just ask me/Jack if you’re after something XD
Who I Am/What I Need From You
Being yourself is the most important thing and I promise I am not a scary person (usually). We’re only human and it’s natural that we’ll get along better with some rather than others. This is more to give you a gist of the sort of person I am and who I gel with best.
So I’m a shy hermit at the best of times. I’m trying to be better at engaging and enthusing with partners over our threads because I realise more than ever this does keep things alive and make for a more enjoyable experience. I’m not always great at it. I work best with people who are patient and don’t worry too much on what I think of them and their writing, with people who are happy to keep threads going for the longhaul rather than keep dropping everything before I’ve had the time to get to the next post, and most especially people who accept that fiction =/= reality. I do need a certain level of quality, which doesn’t always mean perfect grammar, but it must be coherent, fun and creative. I like a relaxed approach, sharing mutual enjoyment in silly fantasy world sandboxes as escapism from (and exploration of) this complicated world we live in.
If you managed to read all of this, have a drink (even if it’s water). You’re a diamond. 
Pirate xxx
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