#escaping explusion
skuaclan · 10 months
Sunstar, you must really like Foxfern or Cinderplume if you’re following them out into exile! Or was it a bit more of an…escape before they find out situation?
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"Don't misunderstand me, I didn't do anything wrong. Though I'm sure the others would say the same, despite their... forced explusion."
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auralucariogamer · 6 months
2 Polls because there are a lot of major Lumity moments! The Top 5 voted between both polls will partcipate in a poll final within next week!
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angelcloves · 9 months
Owl Piece AU!
Since Owl Piece takes the place of season two...
Shouldn't Odalia still be able to keep tabs on Amity via the creepy monitoring necklace? Escaping Explusion has no reason (Or way, for that matter) to happen in Owl Piece
consider: touching lumity moment where amity laments her family life and luz is like 'well. u dont have to worry abt that now!' and amity just kinda goes like 'huh. youre right' and chucks that bitch out to sea
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catboymoments · 2 years
Okay I know it’s been a while but. Flower House AU ASIAS!!! Susie and Noelle meeting Kris and being on a flyer derby team! Cute Friskkid B-Plot Shenanigans! On the other hand, FH AU Escaping Explusion! Noelle standing up to Queen plus Suselle content!!! On the other hand- can you tell I’m brainrotting?
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
The Owl House Season 2 Reviews: Escaping Expulsion or Hooty is a Disney Princess
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to my coverage of the Owl House.. and to my pride month reviews.. and to my nightmare your going to feel like you belong. The last one isn’t relevant I just always wanted to say that.. isn’t that right Freddy?
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Yeah he’s ready for the summer.. and to kill a lottttt of teenagers So anyway we’re into week two of new Owl House and back on the Lumity train again just in time for pride with an episode featuring a karen, arms deals, hooty as a disney princess, attempted murder, cat blobs, ice blobs, parentally allowed child kidnapping, and my boy. So join me under the cut for a full reviewcap with spoilers. 
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So we open this children’s show with an arms deal....
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Yeah it turns out Amity’s parents run their own company Blight Industries: Her mother Odalia...
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Okay okay that was unfair.. her occupation is to serve as hype woman to sell arms to people and generally market the horrifying weapons her husband cooks up, Odalia being in the oracle coven and Alador being in the abomination coven like Amity. Which is sketchy as all hell. No she’s an asshole in her PRIVATE LIFE, bullying Amity over slipping grades and using the necklace amity wears to berate her at any given time telepahtically. Lest you thought the whole willow thing was a silp up or she’d have some hidden depths. No she’s throughly a monster and she’s easily tied for the biggest monster i’ve seen this week.. and keep in mind my review yesterday had me dealing with this guy
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So you’d THINK one domestic abuser would trump the other but nope, their both extremely wicked, shockingly evil and vile. 
Anyways Amity is demonstrating for their parents Abominaton... and while I THOUGHT magitek was just a thing belos has turns out it’s at least commonplace enough that The Blights make a living off it. The sales go up as Amity does a fight with it and puts on a good show.. until her grom photo slips out and the monster nearly destroys it. Amity procedes to tear it and her mothers’ profits a new asshole and Odalia, incensed decides to blame her friends on it and plans to do something about it. 
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So while we wait for that bomb to go off it’s time for School before School as Luz is teaching the Clawthrone Sisters about Glyphs, how she’s only found four as well as how you can manipulate them to do diffrent things by changing them slightly, explaning how Luz can change what the Glyphs do sometimes. I do appriciate the hard work put into the world buliding and how the magic functions here and it’s very clear Dana put a lot of thought into this. 
The Sisters also act how you’d expect: Lilith is an overly studious teachers pet and Eda just wants to be done with this and is carving Glyphs into her desk.  But enough with teaching two 40 something women how to do stuff, Luz has to get to her school.
So naturally for this show the two plots dovetail off and since our main plot is a tad more serious let’s go ahead and get the shenanigans out of the way
The Shenanigans:
So while Luz is off at School and then trying to get back into school and then trying to fight for her life,  more on that in a minute, Eda and Lilith try practicing their Glyphs: Eda fails at it because, being impaitent to get back at full power, she keeps trying to speed up the process and instead just keeps failing at getting her glyphs down right. In contrast Lilith is much more patient and methoidcial, and thus takes the time to learn from the ground up much like Luz did. What’s intresting is while Luz shares Eda’s impulsivness, her learning style is still far more like Lilith's having clearly taken the time to learn how to use each glyph and alter them and play around with them. 
This does make sense though: Eda’s ALWAYS had tons of power and little patience and thus could simply wing that mother and succed while LIlith had to practice and study to be as good. Eda dosen’t lack Technqiue mind you: as we saw in her fight with LIlith and her menotring Luz in wild magic, she DOES have knowledge to back herself up, but she prefers to learn by experince, finding out things for herself and experimenting.. something the Glyphs just aren’t as conducive to. The reason Luz diddn’t follow her mentor here is Luz never had a bunch of magic to play around with: she ONLY had her light glyph for most of season 1, so she had to learn to play with that and make THAT special, likely learning how to alter it as  a result. So when she got the other three as the season went on, she likely took after it the same way and picked them apart to properly master them. Eda has all the power, Luz had to work with what she got and was more importantly GREATFUL for every scrap. It’d be like if you had a team of eliite, maxed out fully trained pokemon in say gen 3 then had to jump over to 7 where several of those pokemon are missing, several moves are gone or radcially changed, and you have a whole new typing to deal with. 
So Eda naturally pulls an eda and gets frustrated both with her lack of progress and with Lilith showing her up, having upgraded to doing an ice scuplture of her new BFF Hootie and giving him a crown, thus dubbing him Princess Hootie now and forever. So Eda tries to combine a fire spell and an ice spell to make an ice blast.. and instead creates a weird ice thing that looks a lot like a snom without a face, that nearly absorbs the whole house. Eda ends up calling for Lilith’s help with Lilith dispelling it and us finding out how after the fact via flashback: Lilith discoverd something new about the glyphs: The reason there’s only 4.. is that their essentially the building blocks of all magic, something even King comments on because he’s smarter than i give him credit for, and thus can be put one after another like a sentence to do more complex stuff, with Lilith pattenting the title glyph combo for the technique. So in theory and with enough practice they can be used to make any spell from any of the dicisplines. Eda finally agrees to buckle down and learn the hard way: with actual effort. 
I like how once again the subplot advances the story and worldbuilding instead of just being some wacky shenanigan sidelining eda and king. Here we learn the four spell types luz learns are the foundation of magic, further showing both why Belos was a liar.. and why he’s so against wild magic. If anyone else found out magic works at all like this his entire spiel will be shown as fraud: after all why would the covens be split up the way they are if MAGIC isn’t naturally split up that way? Questions for later.
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Now Back to the Good Part: 
So Luz returns to Hexside for the first time since the season 1 finale worrying things won’t be the same and they aren’t just not because of the ceremony, her friends are cool about that: no... the real change is Gus hit witch puberty, and this is taller and has a deeper voice now. The reason for this is simple: Gus’ actor’s voice changed during the production of season 1 and apparently required pitching down. So rather than replace him like way too damn many cartoons, even great ones like Hey Arnold, Gumball or the Loud house, tend to do, they just .. let him hit puberty. 
It’s something I wish more cartoons would do: just let the characters  get older and if you can’t just pay for the pitch shifting dammit. You can afford it. Better than changing voice actors multiple times if you last a while. 
Anyways, Amity is also happy to have Luz back for obvious reasons and even baked her a pie. 
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A fairy pie.. which is filled with still live faires all crammed in there...
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But Luz is polite about it and takes Amity’s pie.. and there’s no way in hell they didn’t choose pie on purpose.
But the good times are interuptted when they get called to the principla’s office... and Odalia not only helps with the calll but is there and is indeed such a petty, vindictive bitch that she’s having the three who aren’t amity expelled, also chastiszing Amity for going back on their deal even though said deal was garbage and so are you Odalia. As for how she can do this...
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I didn’t know going in and the most I know going out is she runs some kind of children’s fund and bump’s hands are tied. Maybe she’s the school’s top donor.. maybe she has photos of Bump having sex with a body pillow of a dalmation man. I don’t know but I hope i’ts the latter. 
Point is our heroes get thrown out and Luz confronts the blights, mostly odalia. I get the distinct impressoin Alador isn’t even aware of things half the time enough to abuse his kids and just let’s his wife do it because he wrongly assumes she knows best. Or he enables her. I don’t know pick your form of toxic co-depdency i’m tired and this review is incredibly late. 
Odalia shrugs it off.. then whips out her endgame, giving Luz a card and telling her she’ll undo it, “A blight never breaks a promise”, if Luz agrees to a little deal. Terms and conditoins are at the manor. She certainly won’t do anything evil...
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Luz opts to try plan A first, i.e. sneak back into the school. This fails again and again, though we do find something intresting out: Bump LIKES the kids. Yeah it turns out he enjoys Luz’s shenanigans and is bored without her. It’s probably why he was willing to let eda simply work Luz’s way back in: he figured correctly Luz, much like her mentor, would inject some needed chaos into his boring ass life. Without them he’s miserable. 
So Willow and Gus are dragged off by their parents and ravens and groudned.. though I assuem they retracted it once they found out their kids literally did nothing wrong and were victims of white privlage. Look all three characters ejected from school are people of color, this can’t not have been intentional. 
Luz talks to Amity after school, with Luz nicely NOT blaming amity for not standing up to her mom: she gets she’s a victim of abuse and this isn’t Amity’s fault and it’s okay she can’t. Amity begs Luz not to go with plan “Go fall into her mom’s clearly evil trap” but with no options and this being her fault to a degree, Luz has no choice. 
So she goes to Castle Doom Blight Manor to go make a deal with fuckface. Naturally the deal is simple Luz take Amity’s place at the demonstration and then dies horribly fighting their best creation after a night of taking severe punishment so odalia can cut out the heart of Amity’s rebellion. and Luz and Co are back in the game. There will also be cake. 
So Luz goes to this very obvious trap and spends the night getting hit in the face with weapons from impoblizing goo guns that at their highest setting turn into flamethrowers, to crossbows, to other fun merch. 
Meanwhile Amity returns home to find her parents left without her and left a note:
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But one look at the abomination butler, which Luz later made look like a cat and she realizes exactly what happens and just sighs. She knew what she was getting into falling in love with this noble dum dum. She’s just numb to it. 
Meanwhile Willow’s dad are trying to make sure she gets a good edjumacation and prepare her for tommorow> Willow however finds Gus and Amity at her window as Luz is in trouble.. with Gus adding an “Again”. He’s also just used to it at this point. Willow sneaks out and adorably one of her dad’s notices.. btu let’s her go getting this is important. Awww. I like her poppas and I like that we finally met them: they seeme nice and the grounding was likely redacted once they found out WHY she was expelled and now simply want to help her be the best her she can be. Awwwwwww. 
So while our heroes try to sneak in and stop Luz from dying tonight, Luz faces the final demonstration: an improved Abomination that won’t stop till their target is eliminated.. .so yeah Odalia planned to kill luz this whole time just to get her daughter’s grades up. 
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So yeah we get a horrifying scene of Luz TRYING to hold this thing off which is esentially like putting 90′s era (cartoon or comic your choice) Jubilee alone up against the juggernaut. It’s not that our lady hero isn’t badass, it’s that she’s CLEARLY out of her league here and can only stall for so long. 
The rest of our heroes meanwhile argue about how to get in: Amity just wants to brute force it and Gus.. wants to conjur a sexy lady guard, to which Willow quips “this isn’t a 40′s cartoon gus!” Okay okay stop. 1) Gus you didn’t stop to consider these guards might be gay or in the case of any actual lady guards straight. 2) The Guards turn out to be abominatoins mostly so do abominations even have a concept of gender? 3) I love the implicatoin the boiling isles also has cartoons and i’d love to see them. Like staby, the goblin whose always stabbing people and watches slowly while they bleed out or mouthface, the mouth that’s always screaming and eating things while it never stop’s screaming and of course Blinky.. hit it sniggles!
Thankfully Eldtric and Emira come by and offer them an easier option: they just give them the robes all the participants are wearing because no one wants ot be idenitfied buying weapons, it’s the first rule of illegal arms dealing
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So our heroes infiltrate and while Gus and Willow are captured like.. minutes after they walk in...
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Amity spots Luz about to die and decides to finally tell her mom to go fuck herself in the most Disney friendly fashion she runs up on stage, destroys the fucking necklace of emotional abuse, and declares no one harms “her Luz”.  Luz then blushes, finally openly returning Amity’s feelings. Either she just finallyr realized the really obvious given there’s nothing subtle about “My Luz” or she happens to find crushing a monsters hands with powerful magic attractive. What am I saying..... it’s clearly both. 
So the two team up with Amity giving her mom a long and cathartic speech about how she won’t let her control her, how Luz, Willow and Gus, who I wasn’t aware she even knew existed, made her a better person and take a hard look at herslef and she’s going to keep seeing them no matter what. She and Luz tag team the blob monster, and also blush together which AWWWWWWWWWWW. Their both into it now. it’s so fucking cute. So Amity makes her mom a deal, her mom will back the hell off and undo the explusion, or Amity will destroy the only thing she truly loves: her profit margin. Odalia reluctantly agrees, Luz and Amity take a dive, and the sales meter Odalia has set up explodes with profits. 
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Odalia naturally wants to go back on the deal right away and go even harder on Luz...
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But Alador finally notices his wife is the spawn of satan, and while that’s part of what he loves about her he tells her to simmer the fuck down: She agreed to it and he’s holding her to that.. and more importantly while Amity’s grades have slid.. that dosen’t matter. She’s STRONGER now, having easily bested their strongest creation simply on adrenaline. So the idea of her daughter being succesful sates the beast and Luz head shome.
At home Luz is prepared to clock out only for Lilith to have made a sculpture of her for extra credit:
So she gives everyone gold stars and goes to bed.
We close the episode with lying ass bitch and husband happy with their profits.. until Golden Guard shows up. The Emperor had eyes in the crowd and WAS gneuinely impressed with the abomatons and is buying out the whole stock out from under the current buyers, and funding research.. but warns the two Belos frowns on personal armies, basically saying “Sell this crap to anyone but us and i’ll kill you. :) “ So now Belos has a private army better than his actual army.
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Final Thoughts:
While I still consider Separate Tides the better of the two this episode was not bad at all. IT had good pacing, world building, and a subplot that felt like it helped further the series instead of wanting to get back to the good stuff. It was a solid episode and had some great Lumity content and i’m here for that especially since they dialed down how Amity acted and instead used the episode to enrich her character more, while still giving the shippers what we wanted without overdoing it and making it seem like things escalated way too fucking quickly. Luz also finally openly reciporcates which.. about fucking time honestly.
Next Time: We finally get back to watching these episodes week by week as King’s shenanigans somehow result in an island trip for Luz, Lilith and Hooty. 
If you liked this review consider joining my patreon RIGHT HERE. Patroens get access to my discord and brucey bonus reviews, and your contribution helps me reach my stretch goals with my next one being reviews of season one of this very show! So sign up today if your intrested and hurry, the end of hte month’s coming up on us. 
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rainey-day-whispers · 3 years
They really don't miss any details we love to see it
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mittcnsblight · 3 years
Poor Amity
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appleb18 · 3 years
The One Thing The Owl House Need to Fix
As The Owl House returns next week, there’s one thing that had always bothered me since the middle of season 1 and that is Willow and Gus lack of development, invovle, or appearence in the show. They are Luz’s first offical friends and the ones that introduce Hexside and they’re treated poorly. They’re slowly becoming more background characters than actual characters as the series goes on.
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The reason I brought it up  because I felt that I’m one of the few people that actually cares about them. It just seems to me that Dana Terrace and writers don’t know what to do with them and fans don’t give a damn, which is sad because they do have character 
Willow is a plant prodigy and was once best friends with Amity when they were kids. 
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Gus is part of illusion coven and fascinated in human culture. He even made club about humans.
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 They got all the pieces and all they need to do is to execute, but during the duration of season 1, they acted more as plot devices than actual character themselves. 
 In “Really Small Problems”, “Enchanting Grom Night”, and “Wing it Like Witches”,  their only purpose is to be supportive for major characters like Luz, King, and Amity to have them to grow.
Hell, even “Understanding Willow”, a Willow centered episode was more of Amity development than hers. 
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It has gotten worse where season 2 they didn’t do anything significants at all, just there to fill in the episode time length. Seriously, look at “Escape Explusion”, they done anything, just there to observe how conflict get resolved.  
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Then the writers decided to have a Gus episode, “Throught the Looking Glass”, but have to share the episode with the most major plot in the series, the development of Lumity. It’s pitiful that the episode ended with Lumity, not Gus
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The only side characters that are getting development are 
Amity Blight 
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and Hunter, a new addition to the cast. 
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Even Hooty is doing a lot more than those two by befriending Lilith, coming along with the gang to an uncharted island, and solving Eda, King, and Luz issues  
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Although the preview have shown Willow is actually going to do something in show, but that’s a bit too soon to say ‘till the episode comes out. 
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I hope the next coming episodes they give them better treatment than the last couple of episodes. 
For Willow, since we haven’t seen Willow and Amity reconcile, they can do that and explore more of their friendship WITHOUT LUZ. 
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For Gus, he can help Luz find out more about Philip Wittebane by doing research on his own.
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Just anything to get them have an active role or develop would be great. 
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ant-honey-0 · 2 years
Darius and Alador
This is a small theory, but what I'm thinking about Darius and Alador's friendship fall out was because possibly both of them wanted to be head coven of the Abomination Track. And what turned out to be friendly competition with each other quickly became nasty. And those two just broken up from it. Since it shown (Im pretty sure) on Escaping Explusion near the end how he said to Odalia how Amity could be strong enough to become a Abomination Coven Head. Then on Reaching Out, how his tone is when he said how he played to much when he was younger. It sounds kinda like regret or something around that. I just want to think that how they stopped being friend with each other and all.
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Rewatching escaping explusion hits different when you just watched the newest episodes
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Do you have any Jacques and Olivia headcannons for after they start dating - Hogwarts AU? All the fluffy fluff necessary 😂 x
Sorry I didn’t answer this right away, I usually focus on the kid characters in ASOUE so this took a while. Hope this is alright! 
When they finally got together they just kinda… forgot to tell people. Kit and Lemony didn’t even find out until Jacques mentioned inviting Olivia to Christmas, and Lemony was like “what is she your girlfriend now?” and Jacques was like “yeah.” 
Most of their “dates” are just going to the Library and studying together. Kit and Lemony find this hilarious (even though that’s 75% of Lemony/Beatrice’s dates, too) but Jacques and Olivia think it’s nice; neither of them are very extroverted, so they can just sit and chat and get some reading done. 
Olivia’s parents, two muggles, love Jacques, they think he’s charming and polite. He sometimes visits on Holidays and Olivia is mortified by all the baby stories they have for him. 
[Mr. and Ms. Caliban haven’t met Kit or Lemony yet, which is probably for the best, as Kit had narrowly escaped explusion twice by the time she graduated and Lemony was quite the troublemaker, he and his friends kept breaking into some hidden school vaults.] 
The Snicket Parents are dead by this point, so Kit takes it upon herself to give Olivia the “girlfriend talk.” Even though she’s clearly joking about the whole “if you hurt him I will murder you,” Olivia’s still a little scared of this angry Slytherin who’s famous for duelling everyone who looks at her funny. 
Their cats, Scout and Arthur, get along amazingly and sometimes bring their owners little gifts, like flowers or dead mice. Olivia thinks this is quite charming, though she’s terrified of the dead animals and Jacques gets rid of them for her. 
Olivia and Jacques both studied to become Aurors, and stayed up late quizzing each other on different defensive spells and concealment charms. Eventually Olivia decided to become the next Hogwarts Librarian instead, and occasionally substitutes as Divination Teacher. 
After Jacques and Olivia had been dating for a year, Lemony accidentally referred to her as his “other big sister” and Jacques and Kit have not let him live it down. Olivia thought it was sweet, Lemony thought it was mortifying. 
My Hogwarts AUs || Olivia at Hogwarts || Jacques at Hogwarts
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roxannepolice · 6 years
Do you honestly think Rey killing Ben in ix is a possibility? She already had an opportunity to do that on Supremacy and she didn't. I don't even see her wounding him in anger, by the end of tlj she wasn't pissed at him, just disappointed and heartbroken. Her going back to being angry would throw away all the development they had in tlj, and their relationship developed quite fast. Please don't see it as an attack, I just legit don't understand how you can still think that.
No, please go ahead, I’s a doubt and challenge addict. But, reylo duel isn’t something I still believe in, it’s the conclusion I’ve arrived at fairly lately after thinking about sequel trilogy almost every day for the past 8 months. Also, duel is always followed by resurrection/healing in my predictions.
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Maybe I’ll ask you this: if in mid 2014, assuming you never had any knowledge of GL’s plans for the sequel trilogy, I told you Han Solo is going to be killed by his son, who’s the redemption arc of this trilogy and actually loved his father, would that sound believable?
Han’s death has the shocking emotional impact it has largely because we see that Ben doesn’t want to kill him. For all I know he was hoping his father would “shoot first” and kill him, as he assumes his family wants to after what happened with Luke. Really, what was he waiting for with that saber in both his and his father’s hands, having metaphorically put his life (his ls) in Han’s hands, as if asking him to take the choice away from him? Is the Skywalker drama gene really so strong that he had to wait for the SKB to load fully so everthing will be atmospherically dark? There are compelling metas explaining how Ben was as actively as it was possible with a creeper ever present in his head avoiding the confrontation with Han, one that he knew, or at least gloomily hoped, would be his ultimate test of loyalty to Snoke. Hell, he was actually looking for Rey at that moment only covering up with looking for the rest of the gang, hoping he’ll be able to unfortunately fail to find his father, which shows how weak his sense of him in the force has become, he doesn’t care for him at all. But once Han called out on him, once they actually stood face to face - he was pushed against the wall.
I would also bring in another Ben who didn’t actually want to kill his loved one so tried to avoid the wall - Obi-Wan trying to persuade Yoda he doesn’t know how to find Anakin. Yoda doesn’t buy the bs of course, and so Obi-Wan is also pushed against the wall, doesn’t have any excuse. Oh but he has an excuse later - Anakin’s goning to fry anyway, he doesn’t have to strike the killing blow.
And this is exactly what we lack in the throne room after Rey wakes up - she wasn’t pushed against the wall. She had somewhere to escape to from this decision. She had more important matters to attend to. She felt it wasn’t what the force wanted, that Kylo’s life wasn’t hers to take - which I’m inclined to believe was what she wanted to feel the force wants, as is usually the case with those pesky force omnitions. I’m not even talking about SKB, where the ground partitioned to stop their fight.
So the interesting question for epix is what will happen when Rey is pushed against the wall? When her not killing Ben would shake the belonging she found in resistance, similarly as Ben not killing Han would immediately expluse him from fo and he feels he has no belonging anywhere else - or plain made Snoke kill him? 
Now, I’m not saying she will be happy about this, probably less than he, though I have no doubt the choreographers will still make the unwilling duel a work of art. It’s very possible he’ll “help her” do what his soul saving uncle and arguably weak father failed to do, because if she actively spares him then I honestly believe he would pierce himself with his lightsaber and jump into the lava river to not have to deal with all the morally superior people and tain the world anymore. However, the more interesting option is the one in which Rey’s hand isn’t exactly forced. I refer you to SKB duel only ask you to watch it not drowning in Rey’s awesomeness only coolly analyse what is happening. And what is happening is this girl goes almost berserk. That’s not light side she’s channelling if you ask me. In the novelization she hears a voice saying kill him in her head and I really hope it’s not some next diabolus ex machina a la Snoke. Once the tides turn at the ravine, that’s not defensive honorary duel Rey is fighting, it’s not self-defence, nor is it light side steering its champion to punish the wicked. This is a rage of an abadnoned child who corcked her pain for  15 years and whose parent figure has just been killed, by his actual child at that, one she has a guilty lady boner for, too. And she was scared and defensive moments earlier. So I argue that should Rey go in her battle mode again in epix... yeah, she would kill him, possibly with him discreetly lowering the weapon when the strike comes.
Now, about it being a regress. TLJ balanced the situation wonderfully because while most of the audience loved the reylo relationship and possibly guilty hopes they’ll turn out fine, the apparent narrative is the one in which Rey’s actual progress is her eventually rejecting most of the “fake” progress she’s made while communicating with Kylo Ben - and that also includes the catharsis about her parents she had, she should just rebury the knowledge and continue as she did before, because now lies are good provided they keep you nice. On the other hand, it is eactly in abandoning delusions abut him that she overcomes the mistake she ade about her parents. I think that here a good summary of much of the audience’s attitude - right after tlj there have been people interpreting all the sexual chemistry between Rey and Ben as actually a very healthy message, because a girl shouldn’t marry the boy she had her first time with. So basically Ben was the unhealthy girlish crush that she needed in order to understand what a healthy relationship is. 
And of course none of this makes any sense in the larger narrative, which is why I say, go ahead, Disney-LF, give them the story they want and show them how mindnumbingly dumb it is, so that by the time the duel comes they’ll root for them to have sex instead.
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feedimo · 5 years
Saracens escape Champions Cup expulsion over fielding ineligible player
Club given €50,000 fine for playing Titi Lamositele last monthChampions will play Leinster in April quarter-finalSaracens have escaped explusion from the Champions Cup but have been fined £42,400 (€50,000) for fielding an ineligible player, prop Titi Lamositele, in against Racing 92 last month.
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source https://feedimo.com/story/82570484
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coco-capone · 8 years
Flashback from last night: I have this trait where when Im over the top excited, I’ll gladly talk to myself in public and crack jokes with my conscious..like respond out loud to my conscious thoughts as if it’s an internal friend. So anyway here I am, queing to buy ice cream that I’d been hankering for all evening at the petrol station, uber driver awaits outside patiently; my noble steed. There’s a guy getting served infront of me and Im high and my conscious says like the angel on my shoulder “do you reaaaaally think this is a good idea, this is a lot of ice cream and you dont have a freezer at home-” and before jt can finish the hymn of honesty, the part of me that had been craving this so bad says out loud in an escaping explusion of laughter mixed with word like a devil"NO DONT LISTEN TO THE VOICE!“ and the guy infront of me and the clerk have been interrupted so LOUDLY, so upbruptly, the customer turns around and looks at me in disgust like ’…..you feral nutjob’. I’m seeing how this is all going down and I start pissing myself laughing, go to say no you dont understand but the idea of how much I’d ironically slipped out of my human suit profile and my statement being impossible to declare sane; especially with flashbacks to my first impression on the two present was me seeing my flavor in the fridge titled “Bedstuy Edition” and sacrificially bowing down on one knee like a breakdance throw down offering, looking up to the cieling a hollering “AWWWW YEAAAH WE IN BROOKLYN BOY” ; the chaotic, cathartic tumble of it all forming in my head rapidly before even a pause like a pyschedelic tunnel collapsing in on itself within a second, too quick on human times to again speak about how I’d broken social norms too hard to plea my case - the entire situation made me laugh even more some chaotically on the floor in spasm, shaking my hands please no you dont understand, the more he contorted in distrust, the more I couldnt handle.
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technibba · 5 years
Saracens escape Champions Cup expulsion over fielding ineligible player | Sport
Saracens escape Champions Cup expulsion over fielding ineligible player | Sport
Saracens have escaped explusion from the Champions Cup but have been fined £42,400 (€50,000) for fielding an ineligible player, prop Titi Lamositele, in against Racing 92 last month.
The troubled English club could have been thrown out of European competition after it emerged that United States international Lamositele’s work permit expired the day before their 27-24 victoryover the French…
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Pride Month 2021 Reviews!
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Well it’s been a hell of a month and while I didn’t hit every review I intended to I still had a great time doing it. So for those of you who missed my pride reviews from the ones intentionally labeled that to the ones I did that ended up being gay as shit here they are in one handy dandy post:
Owl House:  Wing It Like Witches Escaping Explusion DuckTales: Della in Comics Whatever Happened to Della Duck?!  The Golden Spear! Queer Duck: The Series The Movie Other:  Transformers MTMTE: Liars A to D Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour  OK K.O.: We’re Captured
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