turgenevskaya · 4 hours
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woetoy · 1 month
Do you have any goat ocs?? Goats are my faves and I was wondering if you've drawn one yet :0 your art style is killer cute!
plenny goats and sheeps! here are Marilyn, Esme, Sera, Lidia <3
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the-golden-onion · 2 years
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that’s it, that’s carlisle’s entire character summarized in six words
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heatynn · 2 years
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She caught you looking
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blairedazz · 5 months
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i'm a stepford cuckoo. we're three-in-one. i am never alone. thank you for the inspo @mattelektras @brw! <3
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trashpandato · 7 months
“Ah fuck,” Alex growls as the coin clatters on the tile floor.
“Language, babe. You know with Kara here, Esme can still hear you even from her room.”
Kelly’s admonishment is firm but warm, and Lena has to smile when she sees Alex’s frustration morph into adoration for her wife.
“Sorry,” Alex mumbles, before she bends down to pick up the coin to try again.
“It’s okay to fumble a little,” Lena reminds her gently, “the key is going to be to create enough distraction with your voice and words that your subject won’t really be paying attention to your hand.”
They’ve been at it for a while now. It being Lena teaching Alex a couple of very simple magic tricks. Alex isn’t particularly good at learning them, but when Esme came home from preschool a couple of weeks ago babbling non-stop about the “cool tricks” her teacher showed them, Alex promised herself to learn a few so she could keep the glee going at home, too. After she spent a few evenings trying and failing miserably to teach them herself through some YouTube videos, she sent a call for help to the Superfriends. 
And here they are now, Lena sitting in front of Alex, teaching her to hide a coin behind her fingers long enough to pull them out of Lena’s hair.
“You know,” Alex says as she shakes out her hand to get ready for her next attempt, “I know you’re a witch and all, but I never thought Lena Luthor would know these kinds of party tricks.”
Lena laughs. She demonstrates again how to tuck the coin first between and then behind her fingers while Alex watches.
“Lex taught me. Long ago, when we were both young. I think initially, he was trying to impress me, to be the cool older brother. But I saw through the tricks very quickly, so he pivoted to teaching them to me.”
Alex nods. She knows that Lena doesn’t like talking about Lex, especially not about this version of him, the brother who welcomed her into the family when no one else did, the brother she loved. Admittedly, Alex struggles to reconcile what she knows about Lex Luthor with the fragments of stories Lena has shared over the years, but she keeps that to herself. Mostly.
“Alright. Let me try this again.” 
Alex concentrates, holds up her hand, and this time, the coin doesn’t fall. She lets out a loud whoop and gives Lena a high five. The excitement and noise must have drifted into Esme’s room because only a few moments later, both Esme and Kara appear in the kitchen.
“What’s all the ruckus about?” Kara asks.
Alex claps her hands together, beaming. “I learned a new skill. Here,” she waves at Esme to come closer. “Let me show you.”
Esme bounces over to her adoptive mom and Alex directs her to sit down on Lena’s lap. Esme is practically buzzing, kicking her legs out excitedly. 
“What is it, what is it?”
“Hold still,” Alex tells her, and then she focuses on the trick. “See how I have nothing in my hands?”
Alex waves her hands briefly and Esme nods.
“Okay. But you know what? I think you, you might have something riiiight here.”
Alex slowly lifts her hand toward Esme’s left ear and produces the coin. It’s a bit clumsy but the coin doesn’t fall. It sits right in Alex’s hand.
For a brief second, Esme is silent. Then, she frowns.
“You had it tucked between your fingers.”
Alex sighs. She should have known that Esme would see through it. She’s just about to explain that she just wanted to learn a fun trick for her when Lena interrupts.
“I think that was my fault, actually.”
Esme twists in Lena’s lap so she can look at her, and Alex tilts her head in surprise.
“How so?”
“Well, you see, I gave Alex the wrong coin.” 
Lena holds out her hand and Alex places the coin in her palm.
“This one,” Lena continues, “is just a regular coin. We need a magic coin for this to work, so let’s just, let’s get rid of this one, yeah?”
Esme nods, her gaze locked on Lena’s palm. Lena closes her hand, shakes it a couple of times and then opens it again and the coin is gone. Completely gone. Alex tries to see if Lena has it tucked behind her fingers but then Lena turns her hand around and spreads her fingers wide and the coin is nowhere to be seen.
“Now, should we try and find the magic coin?”
Esme nods vigorously this time, her eyes bright and curious.
“Alright. Let me see. Hm,” Lena turns to look over at Kara, who’s been standing a couple of feet behind her, observing. “Ah. I think I know where it is. Kara, could you come over here for a second?”
Kara smiles and steps closer. Lena gestures at her to bend down a little so she is face to face with both Lena and Esme. Then Lena turns to Esme.
“Can you see the coin?”
Esme shakes her head. “No. Where is it?”
“See if it is behind her ears maybe?”
Esme frowns a little but then both hands come up to move Kara’s hair aside. She checks both ears, several times.
“I don’t see it,” Esme pouts.
“Check again,” Lena encourages, giving Alex a quick wink.
And this time, when Esme’s hand moves towards Kara’s right ear to brush her hair to the side, a coin tumbles right into her little hand.
“It’s here!” Esme exclaims loudly, showing off the coin. She hops off Lena’s lap and runs into her room, squealing.
Kara looks a little stunned. “What? How did you do that?”
Alex huffs out a laugh. “You know, it’s not really fair to use actual magic. How am I supposed to keep up with that?”
But Lena just smiles. “No magic involved, Agent Danvers.”
And that leaves Alex just as stunned as her sister. “Wait. Really?”
“Mm,” Lena hums. 
From back behind the kitchen counter, Kelly laughs.
“You’ve always been good with your hands, Lena. Maybe Alex needs a bit more practice?” And then, she smirks: “I’m happy to volunteer as a test subject.”
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beelaboola · 4 months
“i love you like a rotten dog. i love you like my canines are falling out of my gums. like a monster, like a beast. like something not worth loving back.” - Tory Adkisson
man i hope i cited that correctly, anyway— pov esme gets a little too silly :3 i love my daughter
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Submitted for classification by @faustisgettingviolent
"hiii this is esme and she could literally be flashbanged and her pupils would still Look Like That. shes eleven this year i think!!!"
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kissingagrumpygiant · 3 months
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Idea I had to throw at the wall
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quess-art · 27 days
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Character Designs for Twisted Wonderland's version of Esméralda (Esme) and Quasimodo (Celes), characters that will feature in her Glorious Masquerade fic.
Commission for @thelazyhermits! Thanks for commissioning me ❤️
☕ Kofi Commissions (Limited Spots Open) ☕
Both designs were created with Haze's descriptions and backstories for her characters.
Design Notes for Esme
Jewels and trinkets galore! It catches the light beautifully when he dances
But his accessories are a mix of real and imitation jewels and gold. He's no Kalim lol
He wears bright and mature colours on top of a puffy shirt he keeps unopened. It's mostly because it gets HOT with a ton of people dancing around you and torches everywhere (as lighting and entertainment)
He's been called a pirate before because of his fashion choices (boy, I wonder from who lol)
His short gloves are for fashion and to protect his fingers from the cold because woodworking will fuck up your cuticles and skin
The gold chains on his hair are attached from the feather accessory to a jeweled clip on the back and then to another gold clip on the left side of his head
Overall, his design gives confidence and freedom with a dash of mischievousness and wit
Design Notes for Celes
I based the burn scars on myself and some of my good friends. Also, research on too many tabs that made my laptop die on me lol
Her left eye can't open fully due to the accident and the skin around that side especially is tighter and more sensitive
She wears light, breathable clothing and compression garments for comfort and due to some bad experiences with others (ie. orange tights, black glove, white sleeves)
The lining on her hat is the same off-white colour as her shirt and compression sleeves
Her dress shape is like that of a bell. It goes a little past her knees like a Japanese lolita fashion dress. There is a soft petticoat inside
Overall, there are elements of catholic school clothing styles and more modern feminine fashion
+Close-ups of faces!
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turgenevskaya · 7 days
Несмотря на то, что пол ребенка был уже известен, Кевин и Эсме все же решили провести гендер пати для родных и близких. Прерожденные актеры 🤓
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После этой вечеринки Кевин все же уговорил Эсме съехать с квартиры и вернуться с ним в Винденбург в его (или теперь уже их) фамильное поместье. А вот малыш Хейз, кажется, вы еще с ним не знакомы 🐶
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За несколько дней до родов роднулькины успели животик пожамкать 💞
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А потом ПУФ и роды в этот же день. Было тяжело, но любимый мужчина был рядом 🤧
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В моменте родов Эсме получила вот такую вот очивку. В какие уж она зеркала так насмотрелась, разве что в гинекологическое 🤣
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Через боли, муки, страдания на свет появился маленький пупс Лео.
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Вот такая замечательная семейка 🥹🤍✨
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woetoy · 1 year
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Seepiest assistant 🐑💤
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wendigo-volturi · 2 months
If they were animals what would they be?
Aro - Raven: Symbolizing intelligence and cunning, a raven would be a fitting animal for Aro as he is the leader of the Volturi and is always a step ahead in his plans.
Caius - Wolf: Wolves are known for their fierce and aggressive nature, which would suit Caius as he is often ruthless in his decisions.
Marcus - Owl: Owls are often associated with wisdom and patience, qualities that Marcus exhibits as the calm and collected member of the Volturi.
Jane - Black Panther: The black panther is a symbol of grace and stealth, reflecting Jane's ability to move quickly and quietly to carry out her duties as a Volturi guard.
Alec - Snow Leopard: The snow leopard is a symbol of agility and grace, fitting for Alec's ability to incapacitate his victims with his powers.
Felix - Lion: The lion is a symbol of courage and strength, reflecting Felix's role as a fierce and formidable fighter within the Volturi guard.
Demetri - Hawk: The hawk is a symbol of keen vision and swift movement, reflecting Demetri's ability to track and hunt down his targets.
Carlisle - Stag: The stag is a symbol of nobility and healing, reflecting Carlisle's compassionate and caring nature as a doctor.
Edward - Bat: The bat is a symbol of darkness and mystery, fitting for Edward's brooding and enigmatic personality.
Emmett - Bear: The bear is a symbol of strength and protection, reflecting Emmett's physical prowess and protective instincts.
Esme - Dove: The dove is a symbol of peace and nurturing, reflecting Esme's role as the caring matriarch of the Cullen family.
Jasper - Eagle: The eagle is a symbol of courage and determination, fitting for Jasper's role as a skilled fighter and strategist.
Alice - Butterfly: The butterfly is a symbol of transformation and intuition, reflecting Alice's unique ability to see the future and make quick decisions based on her visions.
Rosalie - Swan: The swan is a symbol of beauty and grace, fitting for Rosalie's stunning appearance and elegant demeanor.
What animals do you think they would be?
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revretch · 11 months
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A commission for @esmeelora of her OC, Esme! Currently, she's working on a novel about the character:
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jessicanjpa · 18 days
Just your typical morning parenting five undead teenagers. An excerpt from this 1983 one-shot. Esme POV.
"Emmett Cullen, what is the meaning of this?"
My mad scientist leapt up from his stool, sending a red-hot soldering iron and half a dozen circuit boards rattling to the concrete floor of our basement. "Uh oh," he grunted, taking one look at my expression.
I flicked the letter open and read it aloud. "Dear Dr. and Mrs. Cullen, we are writing to inform you that your son Emmett has not met the requirements for graduation on June 20 with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. He will be receiving a failing grade in four classes this semester, three of which are required for graduation as described above. Please review the transcript enclosed. Your student may enroll in all of these classes for the upcoming fall semester of the 1987–88 school year without reapplying for admission. Enrollment for the fall semester..." I shoved the letter into his hands. "Care to explain?"
"Hmm." He studied the letter with scholarly interest. "I may have forgotten to turn in most of my assignments and take the exams this semester."
"Emmett! You were doing so well—you got straight As last semester! What on earth happened?"
"Nothing happened!" he said. He was trying not to grin—the nerve of him! "I just don't want to graduate."
"What? Why?"
He shrugged and stooped to pick up the circuit boards. "What's the point? It's not like I'm going to get a job."
"You could if you really wanted to, you know that. We have at least another year before we move on."
"Esme," he said, finally bursting into the enormous grin I loved so much. "Can you really see me sitting in an office eight hours a day?"
"Not really," I admitted. The image really did border on the impossible. "But there are other jobs you might enjoy. And even if you don't use your degree that way, you deserve to graduate a hundred times over! You've come so far academically, and we're so proud of you."
"Yeah, but still, what's the point of the piece of paper? It's not like Carlisle ever got a legit medical degree, you know?"
"That's not the point—"
"I swear to God, Rosalie, if you don't unlock this door...!" Edward shouted two floors above us.
"Anyway," Emmett said cheerfully, swinging back around onto his stool, "it's one less graduation you have to sit through. Those things have to be getting—"
"ESME!" Rosalie shrieked.
"—old by now. You're welcome!"
I huffed my disapproval and headed up the stairs. Edward and Rosalie had been at it all morning. Edward was parked in front of the bathroom door, rapping repeatedly on the bruised wood.
"Now what?" I sighed.
"I'm going to be late for my eleven o'clock," Edward snapped, trying the doorknob again. "I need my keys, Rosalie, for the last time!"
"And your keys are... in the bathroom?" I said, perplexed.
"I may have left them in the pocket of yesterday's jeans," he admitted. "But it wouldn't be a problem if some people didn't take three-hour bubble baths..."
"Or if some people would clean up their own laundry," shouted the voice on the other side of the door. "Honestly, how lazy can you be?"
"All you have to do is slide them under the damn door!"
"I'm not getting out of this bath for your stupid philosophy class! It's an elective anyway! Esme, would you please dismember him for a while?!"
"What possible reason could there be for sitting in cold water for three hours?!"
"Because you haven't left yet?!"
Edward spluttered, rattling the doorknob again. "Of all the pig-headed, immature—"
"You want your keys?!" Rosalie shouted. "Here!" There was a splashing sound and then we heard the bathroom window creak open and slam shut.
"Are you kidding me?!" Edward fumed. "It's been raining for six days straight!" He threw me an accusing look and stormed down the stairs.
"Esme?" Alice's voice drifted in the window from outside.
"Coming," I called back, exasperated, and headed downstairs after Edward.
The screen door swung open and Alice appeared, followed closely by Jasper.
"It's not a big deal," he was telling her.
"They're in the garden," Alice informed Edward politely. "Two rows back in the zucchini."
"Thanks. At least I have one decent sister in this house."
"My pleasure, dear brother."
The screen door slammed behind him.
"Carlisle needs you," Alice announced, looking squarely up at me with that elfin authority she carried sometimes. "He's about to pull over on the side of the road and he's upset."
I glanced up at the clock. "His shift isn't due to end for another three hours. What's happened?"
"I don't know," Alice said. "I just know that he's upset and that you should go. He'll be stopped on the shoulder in a few minutes. Route 73, mile marker 59."
"He doesn't necessarily want company," Jasper put in. From the hint of exasperation in his tone, it sounded like he had been protesting Alice's interference all the way home.
"I thought you weren't going to hunt," I said to him, frowning. His eyes were still too orange—the result of his accident back in March—for being seen in public, and Rosalie was counting on him. It wasn't every day she presented at the college's astrophysics symposium.
"I figured it'd be better not to kill her classmates," Jasper said. "I'll wear sunglasses."
"Indoors, at night?" I asked.
"As I was saying," Alice said, glaring up at him, "You'll need to go now if you want to meet him in time. Traffic's bad."
"Not in his direction," Jasper said firmly.
I was already out the door. Any excuse to get out of this house!
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trippygalaxy · 11 days
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(Clicked for better quality)
A younger Esme in her training clothes!!! Shes such a pretty lady *faints*
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