#especially camicazi
wickedcriminal · 8 months
in your half brothers au, what does Camicazi think of Elder and astrid and vice versa?
Camicazi LOVES Elder and Astrid and the dragon riders because she finds it REALLY FUN to mess with them <3 Astrid found her annoying at first but after a while she just became impressed by her kleptomaniac tendencies.
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Astrid and Camicazi are especially good friends during Race to the Edge, where Camicazi proves to be an invaluable asset to taking on Viggo and the dragon hunters.
Meanwhile Elder is amicable toward her most days— but finds her to be a really bad influence on Younger ☠️☠️
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Just you wait, Elder. It's going to get so much worse 😔👊
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headfullof-ideas · 2 months
All right, I finished it much sooner than I expected, but I finished that drawing, and decided to post it as a separate post instead of yet another reblog to the original post, because I didn’t feel like it. So here I introduce and give a general description of the teenage cast of characters that originate from Berk, even if some of them no longer reside there. This may get a little long-ish
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From left to right, we have Camicazi, Dogsbreath, Astrid, and Wartihog, the Berk residing teenagers. These kids are determined to find and bring their former peers back to Berk to face trial for what they’ve done, or something along those lines, they’re not sure what the ‘punishment’ beyond exile is for dragon riding. (Neither is anyone else) And the riders have already been exiled. But they keep messing with Berk, and the surrounding islands and tribes, bringing chaos and destruction practically everywhere they go, so they need to capture them to make them stop! They haven’t exactly told Chief Stoick yet though, he seems a bit indifferent or unsure how to handle the situation at hand.
Camicazi is a self-proclaimed thief, but her sticky finger tendencies aren’t as great as she boasts them to be. They really only come into some effect when she meets someone who doesn’t know her, which is unfortunately not a single person on Berk, who know to protect their belongings around her by now. She’s crazy, and wild, unruly with a thirst for injury and pain on others that can be slightly concerning at times. She’s a lot of bark, and not a lot of bite, except for when she does bite. She tends to be over dramatic about the wrong thing, and lies to save her own skin whenever she appears to be in the slightest amount of trouble. Camicazi can’t stand losing in anyway shape or form, and hates when someone is better at something then she is, even if she’s never done that thing once in her life.
Dogsbreath is Spitelout’s eldest son, Snotlouts older brother. With Stoicks wife, Valka, getting scooped up by a dragon before they ever had a child, and Stoick refusing to remarry, the title of Heir went to the next in line, his eldest nephew. Dogsbreath is the pinnacle of Vikingness to most of the other adults on Berk; big, beefy, a good fighter, ready to fight their enemies and the dragons with endless energy. Unfortunately, Dogsbreath isn’t the greatest with leadership. He’s arrogant, boarheaded, and the biggest bully to any of the kids who are even slightly not Vikingly in his eyes, which has most of the other teenagers standing on tiptoes around him so as not to get dragged in an alley and beaten. Dogsbreaths head is filled with reassurances that he will be Chief someday, throwing that weight around to anyone who tries to discipline him, with Stoick rapidly growing frustrated with Dogsbreath lack of care for the finer details of being Chief. Dogsbreath is only in it for the glory and fame, and none of the responsibility.
Astrid does not go with the riders in this story. With Hiccup non-existent, that relationship never comes to be, and neither does that eye-opening flight on a Night Fury’s back. Astrid is not fond of Ant, Hiccups stand-in, in this story, and is actually quite infuriated and annoyed by him. She’s not close to any of the other kids either, determined to be the best their is, and knock Dogsbreath off his high horse a little bit, especially since he keeps insisiting that they’re meant to be, as Heir to Berk, and Berks toughest Viking maiden. She hates him, but not as much as the traitorous riders, who she is determined to capture herself, bringing down their dragons as well. Astrid has the tiniest flicker of doubts here and there though, and eventually becomes the rider to a Deadly Nadder she names Stormfly, becoming a part of Berks first troupe of Dragon Riders. Don’t worry Astrid fans, Astrid gets there and gets Stormfly and becomes a dragon rider…eventually.
Wartihog is the village flirt and playboy, or as much of a playboy as a sixteen year old with no game can be, anyways. He’s a smooth-talking, yet easily distracted guy, who thinks he’s the coolest guy on Berk. Well, second to Dogsbreath anyways, who’d bash him if he thought Wartihog thought he was better. Wartihog assumes that all the ladies love him, and thinks he’s going to be some hotshot bachelor in the future, with rippling muscles and scars from all the dragons he’s brought down, further gaining the ladies affections. He’s incredibly vain, and loves looking at his own reflection, and refuses a helmet entirely so it doesn’t crush his ‘killer’ hair. Wartihog has a tendency of occasionally going after girls who are a few years younger than him, either because too many girls rejected him, their sister rejected him, or they have some defining trait he thinks is exotic, like hair or eye color. He’s a bit of a creep in that regards, but is pretty easily distracted by either food or another girl, or a girls pissed off parent.
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Next up are the infamous exiled dragon riders. On the right are some pretty familiar characters, Snotlout, the twins, and Fishlegs, but on the left is Ant No-Name, and an OC named Kari. After Ant was exiled, Berk didn’t immediately send him away, too preoccupied scrambling to assemble the ships needed to go after the nest now that they knew how to. Which meant Ant was able to show the other, eager, teenagers the basics of dragon riding (hold on for dear life and don’t let go) before they went off to deal with the nest themselves. Ever since then, they’ve been in exile, trying to avoid the numerous enemies they’ve found themselves with.
Ant is called No-Name, because no one knows who his family is. No one’s even really sure how he got to the Archipelago to begin with, just how he got to Berk. His skin tone indicates his family is from far beyond the Archipelagos waters, and being the only person with dark skin in a predominantly white region of the world has caused some self-esteem issues to develop for Ant, which aren’t helped by most everyone else’s reactions to him either. He was the apprentice to Berks resident blacksmith, Gobber the Belch, for practically all twelve years of his life, until he bonded with a Night Fury he accidentally shot and tracked down in the woods, affectionately named Toothless. (Toothless is still named Toothless. I firmly believe that Ant imma name this bear Barry and this alligator Snappy Nekton would come to the same conclusion that Hiccup did when it comes to naming the dragon) Ant never wanted to be a dragon killer, firmly happy with being in the smithy and out of the spotlight, but inevitably was dragged into the spotlight when Toothless was revealed to the rest of the tribe, and he was exiled. Ant is a bit OOC at the beginning, because he’s lived a very different life. He’s quiet, a bit shy, extremely anxious, and sometimes goes mute when faced with something he’s afraid to mess up, or someone with a very thin trigger. His bangs aren’t up yet either, because he hasn’t had ‘character development’ yet (Toothless licked his face and his hair got stuck, lol(kidding)). He gets there though, with some friends and building of self-confidence.
Kari Hasselson (Harper typically, but that’s not a very Vikingy last name) is the second youngest of the initiates, about a year older than Ant himself. She’s got a bit of a temper, especially with Wartihog, and doesn’t have many friends either. Her relationship with her family isn’t…great, but she and Ant get to know each other better during Dragon Training, and she’s one of the first kids to reach out to learn about riding dragons. For all that she’s a spicy angry kitten as a child, Kari mellows out as she gets older, and I’m saying this now, she’s meant to eventually get with Ant. A LONG eventually. It takes years of friendship before they even get there, like, late RTTE age. They’re thirteen and twelve right now, no romantic shippy feels or anything like that happens right now, they’re two chaotic kids trying to become friends at the start of the story, when these drawings take place. They bond over being the youngest initiates through Gobbers crazy teaching methods, and then trying not to be mildly babied by the older riders when they’re in exile, planning tweenage revenge on the others as they go. Nothing happens at first. Kari is also not meant to be JUST Ant romantic interest, when I first made her, it was literally because I thought that boy needed some friends that weren’t fish, so I made him some. Kari just ended up also later filling the romantic role later as well, after I’d made sure she was a developed, rounded character with her own interests and life outside of being the love interest. She’s like an angry kitten.
As for the other, more familiar characters, each of the other riders had their own reasons for leaving. Fishlegs was stuck in the middle of a huge family, where he was swept under the rug, and didn’t want to kill dragons. The twins had an absent father, with a slightly overbearing mother, and an urge to go out and see the world, also leaping at the chance for chaos without an adult telling them no. Snotlout was sick of all his attempts at getting his dad’s attention being ignored in favor of his older brother, wanting to prove that he could do something Dogsbreath could never do. They’re a few years older than Ant and Kari, and with no Berk to fall back to, the kids are all scrambling to survive the Arhipelagos harsh weather and harsher inhabitants.
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This is the drawing in its entirety. I’m thinking of maybe drawing the others characters, or at least the ones that are wildly different from their film counterparts. Maybe the Nektons and assorted characters from The Deep, to show what they’re like in this universe. I probably will
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ebenelephant · 4 months
on the one hand it's sad the characters like nobert, eggingarde, camicazi, and the bog burglars didn't make it to screen when rtte expanded the worldbuilding, but on the other hand camicazi especially has a raw energy and cunty criminality that i don't think was destined for fandom at large.
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anhttydbookfan · 5 months
Rest Stops (or Rest Stoppers)
Several humans and dragons from both the HTTYD movieverse and bookverse end up transported to the opposite realities thanks to several mysterious dragons that seem to rip holes in space. Shenanigans ensue as the mixed-up casts attempt to get back home and stop several villains from using the mysterious dragons for their own gain. Things get even more hectic when characters thought to be long-dead appear, though they have certain…. differences that nobody seems to remember.
Rest Stoppers AU love it. Who are all these strangers and why are they looking at Snotlout like they're seeing a ghost? Stoick doesn't notice he's in another world for hours until someone confronts him about his recent... lack of being alive. Some of the Berkians think Stoick's a revenant at first, come to take revenge against the dragon that killed him. Most of the former Alvinsmen and Dragonmarkers are convinced that Snotlout's a revenant come to avenge his death. Especially the former Alvinsmen who shot the arrows that killed him. Everyone gives Fishlegs Ingerman funny looks when he introduces himself. Their king straight up tells him "no you're not" when he introduces himself as Fishlegs from Berk. A giant three-headed Dragon was about two seconds from eating him, it was terrifying but also what kind of Dragon is that he's never seen anything like it before it's beautiful. Camicazi finds herself in a strange new world and immediately starts committing crimes with her Amazing Talking Dragon. The King of the Wilderwest has to enlist the help of the Hysterics to help out a mute Dragon with a really ingenious prosthetic tailfin whose only drawback is that someone needs to be on his back in order for it to work. Berk's Chief has to help a fuzzy black dragon with a limp through a panic attack. Everyone Fishlegs No-Name introduces himself to asks if he's lost weight recently, even the tribe's chief, and it's really starting to get annoying. Astrid is apparently the only displaced person in either universe who actually tries to stay on the task of trying to get back home.
Chief Hiccup of Berk introduces himself to a newcomer, and they immediately laugh in his face. The next newcomer he introduces himself to asks him "are you sure?" and his own resurrected father doesn't recognize him.
King Hiccup of the Wilderwest isn't faring any better. He introduces himself to the newcomers and they're all in various states of "you're Hiccup." (said in the most sarcastic, skeptical tone possible) "What are you, eight? Where're your parents?" (said in the most dismissive tone possible) and "What's the Wilderwest?" (said in the most has-somehow-missed-the-last-three-ish-years tone possible)
i love this thank you
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hufflpuffin · 10 months
Controversial opinion I guess but im going a little insane seeing people crying about a black actress potentially getting casted as Astrid in a fictional comedic fantasy world where beer drinking long bearded vikings in silly spiky armor and horned helmets ride dragons because "its not historically accurate to vikings" when there are literally nonwhite vikings in the HTTYD franchise.
The world of HTTYD itself is based in stereotypes and satirizes vikings and viking culture, so its odd to me to be upset about historical inaccuracy in a live action adaptation, but only upset specifically about skin color. Astrid in the books is literally named 'Camicazi' and from an all female tribe of warriors led by a viking called Big Boobied Bertha. That's not historically or source accurate either, but you can probably understand why the film adaptation redesigned the character. The HTTYD world is not that serious where historical accuracy is super important, its exaggerated and played up for laughs.
The original Astrid is still there, in 3 movies and multiple tv shows. Different adaptations don't have to be completely accurate to the source material, especially when the movies themselves are not accurate to the source material of the books, and the creators can change and interpret their own characters differently across mediums.
I wanna say the real issue for me is that HTTYD needs a live action adaptation at all because I think animation should be a respected medium in itself and not just "for kids", but then again I still feel like an old woman yelling at clouds because it's maybe it's just not for me but there are other people who genuinely like live-actions and i'm frankly im happy to see fans get more out of a beloved franchise 🤷‍♀️
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In regards to the new HTTYD live action remake. The characters are Vikings who were Scandinavian therefore White. Astrid is blonde, blue eyes & based off of Camicazi who is a blonde, blue eyed white person. I'm all for representation so dontt start with the "oh you're so racist" bullsh!t coz I love the Little Mermaid live action. However, they're taking away historic white people. For example, we wouldnt change Martin Luther King to a white person or change Cho Chang into a non Asian character (although we might change the name to a less stereotypical one) so why are people doing this for people who are white? Especially blond(e), blue eyed folk! The only thing I would change about the Little Mermaid remake is that I would make Ariel's hair redder! If film companies really want to add representation then add a brand mew character! For example, have a remake only family in Berk that is not white & say they moved there! That way you have the representation & you're sticking to the source material! Trader Johan could be a POC as he always seemed like he came from a far away land. Drago Bloodfist was voiced by a black person so he could be cast as not white - Heather and Dagger also come to mind. Snotlout could be mix raced because we never see his mother so who knows? Hiccup could be mix raced as well as - from what I remember - Valka wasnt from Berk either.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 7 days
“You’re right there, he is definitely happy; I swear, I think he’s more in love with Luna than you are with Astrid, and that’s saying something.”
“Yeah, and all the ‘old fashioned’ Berkians will probably be dead by then— Kidding! Haha, just kidding! Aren’t I just hilarious?”
She held her hands up in mock surrender. “Hey! That’s not what I was trying to say, but… I am not denying that claim, if anyone fits that category, it’s definitely you! And you can’t be mad that I agree, because you brought it up!”
“You’ve been eating Astrid’s cooking? Physically consuming it? How are you even alive right now? Wait, am I just hallucinating you? Did you actually die and become a fragment of my imagination or something? Oh Gods… Hiccup, if I am really talking to you, I’m gonna need you to prove it; state my full name and age, and… just, I dunno, prove you’re actually alive.”
“Duh, she’s a one month old baby, of course she’s fragile.” Her eyes widened a slight bit, and she stuttered for a brief moment. “Well, uh, I was honestly just wondering.” She shrugged. “I wouldn’t be opposed to it, I mean I love flying either way, so it doesn’t matter too much to me, but don’t you think that should be a family thing? And by ‘family’ I mean you, her, and Astrid.”
“Do I? Do I really know you? Or have you been tricking me for over a year?” she asked teasingly.
When they entered the stables, Danny immediately started looking inside the fish barrels, seeing if they were full or not. “Uh, by ‘we’ you mean that you’ll do the measurements and I’ll do the drawing, right?”
Finishing up her search for supplies, she concluded, “The two barrels over there by the Monstrous Nightmares are empty, and we should probably stock up on some more saddle polish…”
Laughing, he nodded. "I can't disagree with that!"
His jaw dropped. "Wait, wait, I only said it that way for lack of a better phrase! I'm your brother, don't you have anything kind to say?"
He stopped, looking at her, completely deadpan, and poked her hand. "See? I'm not dead. Dead tired? Yes. Dead? No. Your full name probably won't convince you, since we have the same last name. But I assure you, I am not, in fact, dead. Now, as for Astrid's cooking..." He continued walking. "Yes, I've had to eat it. It is getting better, especially if she follows a recipe, but if she doesn't?" He just shook his head.
"Well, I suppose...but, if you wanted to be there, I'm not going to refuse."
Rolling his eyes, all he said was, "Oh, ha-ha. Very funny."
Chuckling, he held up his hands. "Hey, you do like to draw, don't you? Look, I figure it's something we'll be able to do together. I'm more than happy to draw it out if you aren't interested."
"Okay. Easy enough. I'll add it to the list, see if our traders can bring back extra."
Looking around, he noticed there were less dragons than usual, but that could have just been him. "How's Twilight? And Camicazi?"
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manakete-smoocher · 2 years
Finally get to start How to Fight a Dragon’s Fury! Gonna be sharing my thoughts here, reblog with updates
First of all, the repeat of “There were dragons when I was a boy” gave me chills. I love how it’s such an innocuous line when you first hear it, but as you get later and later into the series it fills you with dread of what’s to come.
Onto the actual story though, I sure as hell wasn’t expecting Hiccup to have amnesia! With Wodensfang telling him not to trust anyone, I really want to see what happens when he meets Fishlegs and Camicazi.
I’ve also just been introduced to Luna and Barbara the Barbarian- two characters I’d previously seen in fanart but knew nothing about. I’m excited to get to know them, especially Luna. As for Barbara, my thoughts there are just “haha cats” lol
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vryfmi · 5 months
Talk Shop Tuesday! You asked me a really really good question about my art style, so I'd like to bounce it back to you! Are there any specific influences on your art style and/or process that you can pinpoint? How do you feel you incorporate new information and techniques to your existing style?
And, of course, what do you like best about your art style?
yes, i really like this question! i like getting insights into one's artistic journey and what started it. so, speaking of mine, i was asking the same question and failing miserably at answering it. it just happened? and i went with it?
as for influences i don't think it was any particular media, tho i have been getting quite a few comments that my artstyle (especially in traditional) reminds people of illustrations from various books. and the thing is yes, i can see that, i love illustrations that are done in ink, i did take a lot of inspiration from artists with similar styles and used their art as references when i liked something about it or the way they draw a certain thing. so i guess that's where it all originated and came together.
there's one influence of which im not 100% certainly about but i really really liked How To Train Your Dragon books as a kid and i always loved illustrations in it and how messy and unflattering yet compelling they looked. when i default to drawing characters in a very simplified manner i think there is a slight similarity or, at very least, similar vibe that could be noticed
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[id from alt text: a page from How To Train Your Dragon book with very messy pencil drawings of main characters: Hiccup with Toothless on his shoulders, Fishlegs (hiccup's best friend) with Horrorcow and Camicazi./end id]
tho i specifically remember the turning point in drawing eyes, when i decided to stuck with only upper eyelid and the iris after noticing how many other professional artists simplify eyes in their quick sketches or figure drawings, where eyes are not a focal point but they still communicate emotions just as well and look coherent with the rest of a drawing. i just really like how it looked so i adopted it, plus drawing just two dots is fun.
i wouldn't say i learn a bunch of techniques, im still intimidated by actual hatching and learning process for that, im definitely not a jack of all trades when it comes to mediums and art tools. that said, the easiest (for me) way of incorporating something new is by drawing something one time but as detailed as possible and then finding ways to stylise or simplify it in the future. mostly i use it for character designs but it works with a lot of other things too.
and to round it up, i'd say the thing that i like about my artstyle the most is that it has a good balance between being realistic and stylised. it's versatile and gives me a certain freedom to be as detailed or not with what i draw but also doesn't limits me to drawing just one thing (my hyperfixation does). also i think it became somewhat consistent and recognisable in the past few years so that's also a nice thing to have
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oseytorvan · 2 years
Bookstrid AU
What would Astrid Hofferson be like if she existed in httyd books? Here are my headcanons:
1. Astrid would look the same as all the Hairy Hooligans – she would have a massive physique, firm abs and biceps that many boys of the tribe could envy 
2. Astrid would be one of Gobber's best students. She would be especially good at Board-an-Enemy-Ship, Beginner Burping  and Hammerthrowing Studies
3. One of Astrid's habits would be to take off her shirt during shipbuilding and work in her underwear. During puberty, the sight of her sweat-glistening, muscular body would lead young men into a special excitement. Book Hiccup is the only one who would feel Spanish shame because of this
4. In addition to training with an axe, Astrid's favorite activity would be Bashyball
5. As two of the best young Vikings, Book Snotlout and Astrid would be academic rivals. Snotlout would focus all his efforts on defeating Astrid in whatever it was, so he wouldn't pay much attention to Hiccup and Fishlegs (to their great relief) 
6. Astrid would be a real fan of Valhallarama. She would often try to behave as dispassionately as the Hero of Berk, but Astrid's natural emotionality would not allow her to keep her face for a long time 
7. Astrid would be one of the few who didn't trust Alvin from the very beginning 
8. Fishlegs would be head over heels in love with her. Astrid wouldn't reciprocate his feelings and would get annoyed whenever Fishlegs started complaining in training, but she would have a strange protective instinct when he was in danger.
9. Astrid would also not have particularly warm feelings for the book Hiccup, since his behavior does not correspond to the behavior of the Heir to the Throne. However, when Hiccup shows his best qualities for the benefit of the tribe, Astrid will support his decisions and force the others to do the same 
10. Astrid will become one of Hiccup's main assistants when he becomes the king of the Wilderwest. Perhaps she will have a small quarrel with Camicazi on the grounds of jealousy (not romantic, by no means, neither of them would be in love with Hiccup). Despite this, Camicazi and Astrid would be able to appreciate the best features of each other
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wickedcriminal · 2 years
Some HTTYD Book headcanons! (A few full-series spoilers ahead)
Hiccup is ambidextrous (because he learned he was left-handed when he was 10, he can now write with both hands! He favors his left of course but it's good to have a fall back)
The Deadly Shadow is hypoallergenic. I don't really know how it works but it definitely it makes Fishlegs's life a little easier
Hiccup says "oh dear" and "oh my goodness" a lot, so I like to think he also says other old lady phrases like "good gracious" "dearie me" and "as I live and breathe". He also calls his friends "my dear", ala "my dear Fishlegs, my dear Camicazi" and "my dear little Toothless" (I'm especially fond of 'my dear little Toothless')
Since Excellinor is a witch and has the ability to prophesy, Alvin and even Fishlegs also have inherited a mild ability to see into the future, maybe via dreams or a sense of deja vu. Fishlegs doesn't figure it out until he's older, in which he picks up soothsaying as a side hobby and gets really good at it.
Fishlegs and Hiccup make songs together and sing them at parties. Fishlegs is a wonderful singer and can hold a tune very well.
Bog-Burglars are some of the best dancers in the archipelago, having some crazy and impressive moves due to being escape artists with impeccable balance and flexibility.
Camicazi never gets taller than 5"4
The trio get more tattoos as they get older. Camicazi gets colorful designs all over her skin that are inked with special oils from Stormfly that allow the tattoos to change depending on her mood. Fishlegs gets a neat, stylized lobster in honor of his mother, as well as a stylized three-headed dragon. And Hiccup gets three seadragon designs; the Wodensfang tattooed on one arm, Furious on the other, and Toothless over his heart.
An idea from @orangeblob79 is that Fishlegs uses a cane for his limp! I love this headcanon and have since adopted it
Likewise, @mrsnaildood brought up that dragonmark/slavemark ink is a super-permanent ink made by mixing dragon and human blood, and therefore dragons and humans fighting in the war and getting blood on each other would create permanent tattoo-like marks, which is SO fascinating and something I definitely subscribe to.
Hiccup does eventually get married, but it's for strictly political reasons. He has one biological kid and then adopts two more! I just feel like he'd really like kids. I also feel like he'd make a pretty good dad, seeing how well he managed to parent Toothless
Mermaids are in fact real. This one's random but Hiccup canonically wrote a book about mermaids so I vehemently believe they do exist in the httyd universe and that Hiccup met and studied them. I also like to think they're distantly related to dragons!
Toothless cat gecko. He purrs like a motorcycle and gives Hiccup head butts and rubs up against his legs or against his face if he's on Hiccup's shoulder. He also gets the zoomies and does biscuits which is REALLY ANNOYING because his claws are really sharp and shreds everything to ribbons. He also responds to pspsps but would NEVER admit it.
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headfullof-ideas · 20 days
Rivalries (at least ones that aren’t in the pre-existing lore, Ala Viggo and riders, Alpheus and Ant, so on and so forth…)
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I genuinely don’t really see Snotlout and Alpheus getting along. Their personalities clash too much, and Snotlout just gets beef with anyone new in this story, due to trying to protect the other riders. Alpheus being a little pompous and cocky and ‘so this is the brainless muscle-head?’ Upon first meeting didn’t really help either. Lots of petty pranks and fights between these two, with poor Ant playing mediator, albeit reluctantly due to not knowing Alpheus too well himself, he just knows Snotlout. Honestly I’m not sure about Alpheus and Dagur either, i don’t know if Alpheus would play nice with someone named Deranged, though I do see Dagur enjoying messing with him, but that’s neither here nor there-
Kaiko and Viggo have had beef for longer than Fontaine has been alive, so Viggo starts sweating when he realizes that Ant is Kaikos kid. She also scares him a little bit…or a lot a bit. Assassination attempts have been had, on both sides. As well as petty smack downs with whatever they can get their hands on. Like the drawing above, where little-sibling-extraordinaire Viggo (not to be confused to these two being siblings, just that their fights can resemble sibling fights sometimes) is utterly losing.
Camicazi and Mad Madeline are a case of thief meets thief, but Madeline is better at it than Camicazi, with the additional bonus of being a sea-faring pirate, and also being nearly five to six years younger than Camicazi. And Camicazi HATES someone being better at something than she is, especially something she insists on being so good at. So naturally they clash. Maddie spends most of it just messing with Camicazi, much to the older girls infuriation.
I would like to clarify that Astrid and Fontaine’s rivalry has nothing to do with race, though Astrid has never really interacted with a person of color due to the overall whiteness of the Archipelago, Ant being the only person with darker skin she’s ever met till she leaves the Archipelago. No, it’s because they’re both stubborn, Astrid hates being called out on her not-so-great actions, and being held responsible for those actions, and Fontaine loves pointing this out and poking the metaphorical sleeping bear that is an easy-to-piss-off Astrid Hofferson. There may be a bit of petty grudge-holding due to what Fontaine has heard about stuff that happened between Astrid and Ant too, which also pisses Astrid off. Fontaine has the same flaw of being incapable of acknowledging her own mistakes though, so Astrid makes plenty of jabs in her direction too with the same effectiveness.
Heather is obsessed with Kari’s dragon Ardyn, and Kari is mad about the time she straight up tried to run off with Ardyn. This is probably the pettiest of rivalries here, next to Camicazi and Madeline anyways. Heather pretty much just pulled an Alpheus and started having beef with a thirteen year old for no real reason beyond spite and petty rage. Granted, little Kari is a menace who is not above biting, and has bitten Heather, so there’s some of a reasonable grudge there. (Especially not helped by Heathers older brother teaching the little brat how to shoot a crossbow-) It’s hard to feel justified venting to someone about it though when you’re reminded you’re getting into squabbles with a tweenager a head and a half shorter than you who hasn’t even started puberty yet. Heather’s younger than Alpheus is in the show, so it’s a little less embarrassing when she loses, especially when it’s over something wildly different
These are the ones I can think of, and I’ve got doodles i want to draw to further elaborate on these dynamics, that might not come to light in the actual story itself. I dunno yet, we’ll see. I’m juggling a couple of things irl at the moment, so new stuff might be a bit scarce, but i’m hoping to send chapter three to my beta in a few days! So hopefully chapter three comes out sometime in the next few weeks
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hhhhhh thanks I'm glad you like the 10 class system! But now I'm gonna go a step further: we have Night Fury for Strike, Deadly Nadder for Tracker, Gronckle for Boulder, Monstrous Nightmare for Stoker, and Hideous Zippleback for Fear. What if there were riders for the other 5, what species would they ride? I'm thinking Death Song or Dramilion for Mystery, Razorwhip or Timberjack or Hackatoo for Sharp, Snow Wraith for Frost, Triple Stryke for Toxic, and Thunderdrum for Tidal.
Continued from this post!
All those proposed dragons are great for a larger rider group. Especially, I love your inclusion of Razorwhip, Thunderjack, and Thunderdrum. And not just because I like those dragons (though that bias is there <.< haha).
Dragons like the Thunderjack and Thunderdrum I think of as "more common," containing a higher population near Berk. That's my headcanon, but how I got it: The Thunderjack was introducer sooner into HTTYD lore, so I think of it as "more standard" than "exotic." The Hairy Hooligans knew about and talked about that dragon for a long time before anyone went off venturing, ergo, it's around them lots. Similarly, Thunderdrums were introduced earlier in HTTYD franchisedom, and between Thornado and the babies Bing, Bam, and Boom, we've seen enough Thunderdrums I suspect they're frequent around Berk.
When dragons are native to Berk and populous, they're more likely to become a rider's dragon. When making headcanons of future hypothetical riders, I prefer sticking to "more likely" dragons.
There's a cool narrative appeal to hitting all 10 classes, as you were saying. So, going by your premise:
Hiccup: Night Fury (Strike Class)
Astrid: Deadly Nadder (Tracker Class / Sharp Class)
Fishlegs: Gronckle (Boulder Class)
Snotlout: Monstrous Nightmare (Stoker Class)
Ruffnut and Tuffnut: Hideous Zippleback (Fear Class)
Heather: Razorwhip (Sharp Class)
New Rider A: Changewing (Mystery Class)
New Rider B: Snow Wraith or Woolly Howl (Frost Class)
New Rider C: Triple Stryke (Toxic Class)
New Rider D: Thunderdrum (Tidal Class)
Honorable mention: Speed Stinger as a non-rideable Toxic Class pal, like the Terrible Terror messenger dragons they had.
You already had such good ideas I'm sticking close to them!
In a hypothetical world I had full control of creating five new riders, I wouldn't hit all classes of the proposed 10 class system! I'd have doubles. Why not three Nadders and two Gronckles? That's more likely than each dragon class being represented once! It wouldn't have the cool narrative factor you're working with, but I'd enjoy doing an underappreciated duplicates thing, too.
Because I'm a book!HTTYD lover, whenever I consider creating HTTYD characters / content, I slip in as many book Easter Eggs as possible. So there's also a chance I'd give new rider characters the dragons book characters had. (Heck, just put Camicazi, Thuggory, etc. into the "new riders" group!)
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reading the ballad of perilous graves by alex jennings and i wasn’t expecting so many of the main characters to be kids (the book was in the adult section of the library) but i’m coming round to it. it puts me in mind of the charlie bone books. peaches especially reminds me of olivia vertigo (from that series) and camicazi (from the how to train your dragon books)
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corey where can i read the httyd books like asap
delfi my Absolute Beloved !!! i am Grinning So Widely holy trash
[also sorry i took so long to get back to you, i took a shower and was in there for like an hour mentally ranting about--that's not relevant and will probably make some people mad or something idk anyways--]
okay imma go in order of books so this is like. Major list for you 😁
how to train your dragon: pdf | audiobook
how to be a pirate: pdf | audiobook
how to speak dragonese: pdf | audiobook
how to cheat a dragon's curse: pdf | audiobook
how to twist a dragon's tale: pdf | audiobook
a hero's guide to deadly dragons: pdf | audiobook**
how to ride a dragon's storm: pdf* | audiobook
how to break a dragon's heart: pdf | audiobook
how to steal a dragon's sword: pdf | audiobook
how to seize a dragon's jewel: pdf | audiobook
how to betray a dragon's hero: pdf | audiobook
how to fight a dragon's fury: pdf | audiobook
bonus: a fun guide that's for teachers to use to teach the book but also has a lot of cool information about vikings as well as world building that i suggest looking at for funsies
*note: had trouble finding a legit / good pdf from six (how to ride...) onward, so those were the best that i could get and you should just be able to download most like the others ??? some websites seemed sketchy but i could be wrong. audiobooks are all completely safe tho
**note: this is weird because they repeat the story like twice ??? like it is the whole story and legit, but then it like starts over once it ends lol
so, the audiobooks are Incredible ! like. no joke. i actually relistened to them back in like. march / april / may, that area and i Loved it ! actually, fun fact, david tennant recorded them and he does a phenomenal job !!! he gets super into character and does different voices for everyone and is just all around Incredible ! they are a pleasure to listen to!
another thing i'll add is that cressida adds her own pictures and i'm pretty sure none of these include her pictures which is sad :/ but maybe some do ! the art is really cute ! she also includes things in the middle of the books like a guide on certain words or phrases and how to say them in dragonese or pages from hiccup's personal guide to dragon's book which gives you, the reader, more information about the dragons hiccup and the gang are facing, seeing, interacting with! the audiobook includes those, but idk about the pdfs!
i hope you enjoy them because these books were like. my childhood. i vividly remember that i once had a (poorly drawn) map hanging on my wall of the world in relation to berk and where all of the different viking tribes were ! the characters are all unique and quirky and wait also
do Not let the silliness of the first few books make you stop because they get so much more mature as they go on. not to make a harry potter reference because screw jkr, but like, you wouldn't put goblet of fire as the first hp book. you gotta work up to the genuine seriousness, you gotta introduce the characters and establish world building and that's what the first three, four, books does ! cressida is a super clever author too, and everything she writes matters, even if it's later on. it's incredible to watch the books mature, i remember reading every book as they came out and being blown away every time. i was just a kid, tho, so rereading / listening to them makes me gape sometimes because wow there are some serious / darker themes that are handled Really Well.
the books also have Incredible representation for their time, imo, especially with gender roles (which is even more impactful when camicazi comes in in book three) and disabilities (fishlegs is a Huge person here and i love him) (toothless also works here too because he has a stutter), amongst other things. and none of these things are ever made fun of in a way that seems legit. the people who make fun of them are the jerks or the villains or the people you aren't supposed to like. it's just. ahhhhh! they're so good and i have Many Feelings i could go on forever about how much i adore these books wow wow wow but i shall stop now so i do not spoil anything major because i am Great at accidentally spoiling lol
fun extra analysis posts i love under cut oops
x -- do NOT read this one until you finish the series because major spoilers but Great analysis
x to go along with x
not a post but just me here saying that camicazi is an aroace lesbian thanks and also hiccup is on the aro spectrum i don’t make the rules
okay i’ll stop there lol
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mrsnaildood · 3 years
Coming back to Ninjago and relearning the absolute joy of being head over heels for other fans’ interpretations of the ninja like PEOPLE JUST DRAW THEM SO GOOD and I might not even draw those characters with the same traits but *insert the bottom panel of the two cakes meme here*
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