#she was one of my childhood HEROES
fauvester · 2 months
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nicktoonsunite's tigerghost haunting my brain
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nashazie · 2 years
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fave huntress <3 <3 <3
i always imagined them in these cool fantasy heavy fur cloaks. are they practical? no. are they badass? hell yea.
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freaky-flawless · 3 months
I just realized what a travesty it is that Wonder Wolf doesn't have brass knuckles.
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myonmukyuu · 10 months
Preview of my newest 🎀🎙 book "Between the Lines"(24P)! I've had this story idea ever since Setsuna started writing self-insert fantasy fics about her and Ayumu (what did she mean by this) 😊😊
Available for print order and digital: SHOP LINK
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aheckinmess · 11 days
Hide and Seek -> Pt. 1 [Hawks] (Fluff)
(One-shot 25/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays - and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Keigo Takami, Takami Keigo, Hawks, Original Female Character(s), Ichijiku Aoki, Tigress, Fluff, Angsty Fluff, There's a Little of Both Okay, It's Bittersweet, Pining Hawks, Childhood Friends to Lovers, It's Actually So Cute, Takami - Keigo's Father Mentioned, Tomie Takami Mentioned, Bookstore is Mentioned, OC Works at a Bookshop, She Lives in Kamino Ward, The Bad Part of Town, Hawks Gets Protective, Pinky Promise, I'm Bad at Tagging, But I Blame That on the Fact that You Kinda Need to Read the Prompt Itself to Understand, What Else Do You Want from Me?
Word Count: 3,137 words
Summary: Hawks' childhood was not unlike that of Ichijiku Aoki, and she would know because she was his best friend. Ten long years after leaving her to train and be a hero, Hawks suddenly pops up in Ichijiku's life again.
Author's Note: This one-shot is a little different. Normally when I write multiple parts of a one-shot, I just include it in a separate series. However, this one just happened to run a little longer, so I decided breaking it into chunks would be helpful. I may end up deciding to make it its own series anyway, who can say? For now, you get part 1/2 of this tasty delicious prompt!
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
Mommy doesn’t like emotional brats. That’s why when she and Daddy fall asleep, I sneak out the back door and start running down the trail behind our house. I make it to the broken tree before I see a blurry house. 
I step closer, the house getting clearer until it’s obvious it’s more of a shack, wooden and decrepit. It looks like the perfect place to play House, or Superheroes, or even Tea Party! Looking over my shoulder, I crawl beneath a lonely window and peek in. 
A little boy with red feathers looks back at me and I crouch as my heartbeat makes it hard to hear. I look up after a moment to find him when his shadow hangs out of the window above me.
“What are you doing here? You have to go before you get in trouble!” He whispers, turning over his shoulder. “My dad will be really angry if he sees you.”
“My mommy can’t find me, or she’ll whoop me good.” I hiss back.
We stare at each other for a minute before his pretty red feathers swirl around me. My face slips into a smile as I reach for it.
“This your quirk? What are they for?”
“I can move them around and hear things with them, but…Mom and Dad say they’re pretty useless.”
“Can you fly?”
“I dunno. Never tried.” He shrugs. “They don’t let me leave our house.”
“You should see if you can–” A limb snaps and both of us freeze, eyes snapping towards the sound.
I wave at him before hopping into the closest hidey hole I see: a barrel. The loud voice inside reminds me of Mommy. I expect the yelling and the smack! that follows, as well as the sharp scolding about being respectful and listening to adults.
I’m not expecting the silence that follows to be tainted with soft sobs from the sassy little boy from the window.
It makes me sad.
I peek out of my barrel and climb out, before looking into the broken window. The boy - Keigo? - faces away from me with shaky wings. He sniffles every few seconds as I listen for footsteps, eyes latched onto the woman sleeping on a mat beside him.
When I climb through and pad over to him, I pat his shoulder and pull on his arm. He pulls back and shakes his head.
“You have to go–”
“Who are you?” A tired voice asks.
I whip my head around to find a lady and two extra eyes watching me. Those two eyes float and circle around me, coaxing me to move closer to Keigo. I swallow thickly and hide my trembling hands behind my back.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m Keigo’s friend.”
“I asked who you are, Keigo’s friend. What’s your name?”
“Ichijiku.” I answer, looking at the floating eyes. “What are those for?”
“None of your business, kid.” Dark circles line her eyes as she glares at me. “Why are you here? How do you know Keigo?”
“I just met him. I was playing Hide and Seek outside when I found this house.” I explain carefully, glancing away. 
“Well, you’re not welcome here, kid. Keigo doesn’t have any friends. And if you don’t move your ass, my husband will kick you out personally.”
“Can I come visit Keigo another time if I promise not to bring nobody?” I plead.
“Tch. You can certainly try, kid.”
“Okay!” I lock her pinky with mine. “I pinky promise I won’t bring no one next time. See you later, Keigo!” 
. . . . .
The next time I see Keigo, I make extra sure I don’t see any eyes as I sneak in. No one else is in the house as I tiptoe over the wooden floorboards. Keigo’s still curled up in the same spot he was before, red feathers fanned out behind his back.
“Hi, Keigo.” I whisper.
“Huh?” He turns over and his eyes widen as he jolts to a standing position. “Ichijiku?”
“What are you doing here?!” He hisses, squeezing a plushie against his chest. “I told you, my dad will kill you if he sees you here!” 
“He won’t see me.” I assure him. “Besides, you’re my friend! Do you wanna go play Hide and Seek outside?”
“I’m not allowed to go outside, ever.” He frowns.
“Oh.” I rub the back of my neck as I look around. “Well, do you wanna play Superheroes in here, instead?”
“What if my parents come back and you’re still here?”
“We can listen to hear when they’re coming and then I’ll go hide!” I say quickly, before I gasp and point at his feathers. “You said you can hear stuff with your feathers, right? Maybe you can listen for them?”
Keigo looks around the house one time, before he turns back to me with a smile.
“Let’s do it!”
It becomes our ritual to see each other at least once a week playing as the world’s greatest superheroes: Tiger and Birdie! Since Keigo can’t go outside and find me, I make the trek every Thursday to go visit.
Until one day I find the dilapidated shack empty.
My shoulders slump. My little legs scour the surrounding area and all over the house with no luck. No floating eyeballs. No loud, red-haired man. No Keigo. 
I return to my house feeling more lonely and worried than ever. Did he leave because he got in trouble? Did I get him in trouble? Will he ever come back? A few weeks pass and answer my question. As the little shack remains vacant, it becomes clear he's not coming back.
Mommy and I are waiting for the train when I spot it.
A small, red feather.
“What the hell are you looking at? Hurry up!” Mommy jerks me forward. “Pay attention so we’re not late!”
I see Keigo huddled up against the wall with his mom and my face smiles so wide it hurts! I look up at Mommy, scrolling on her phone, and get an idea.
When the train doors open and we make it to the platform, I duck and squirm between the people behind us to wiggle back into the train station. I dart over to Keigo as soon as the train doors close.
“Keigo-kun!” I call, sliding to a stop on my knees in front of him. “I found you!”
“Ichan?” His head lifts and his eyes sparkle.
I yank him into my arms, hugging him so tight. I don’t want to let him go. I want to take him home with Mommy so that he can stay with us forever!
“Where did you go?” I whisper, pulling back and wiping my face. “Your house is empty!”
“Endeavor saved us from my dad, Ichan! Endeavor’s real! Like…really real!” Keigo exclaims, holding out his Endeavor doll. “He helped us get away from Dad!”
“Yeah, and now we’re homeless, Keigo.” His mother scoffs, turning her head away. “We have nothing. Nothing to eat, nowhere to stay. Why do you have those feathers if you’re not gonna use them?”
 Keigo and I look between each other and then his mom. We remain silent. I turn back to the train to make sure my mom hasn’t come back for me yet. 
She’s going to be so angry.
“Where’s your mom, Ichan?”
“I hid from her so I could say hi.” I admit, rocking back and forth on my feet. “Is this where you’re staying?”
“For now, yeah. We move around Fukuoka to find places to stay warm or get food.” He pauses to look behind me before he adds. “You’re not gonna get in trouble are you?”
“Probably. But it’s okay. Maybe…maybe if I talk to my mommy you could stay with us! And then you wouldn’t have to look for food or blankets!” I offer.
“No way, kid.” Keigo’s mom snaps. “I’m not staying somewhere with another brat to take care of and a stranger. Get lost.”
I open my mouth to disagree, but Keigo’s eyes widen and he shakes his head. He uses a feather to turn me around.
“Ichijiku Aoki!” My mom snatches me by the front of my shirt as I flinch back with scrunched eyes. “What on earth did you think you were doing? What if I hadn’t found you? Now those bastards are looking into the custody case on the grounds that I’m not a competent parent. Get your ass back on that train!”
The following pop on my butt burns, but not as much as it burns to wave goodbye to Keigo.
. . . . .
“Pardon me, ma’am. Is your daughter home?”
“My daughter? What is this about? I’ve been getting her packed to move in with her father, you bastards. Why are you here?”
I peek around the corner of the dining table as I see men in black suits talking with Mommy. My stuffed tiger stays squished against my chest as I watch them.
“Ma’am, I’m afraid you’re mistaken. We’re not here to take your daughter. We’re here because a friend of hers would like to say goodbye.”
When Keigo comes into view, I gasp and pop out of my hiding spot, running over to him. This time, he’s the one that pulls me against his chest.
“Did you come over to play, Keigo? I’ve got–”
“I’m sorry, young lady, but he’s not here to play. He’s here to tell you goodbye. He won’t be speaking to you anymore.” A man behind him says.
Keigo stands there with his feathers looking sad. They drag on the ground as he tilts his head down.
“He…” I look at Keigo. “I won’t get to see you again? Never ever?” 
“Not never ever!” He says confidently, lifting his head. “Just…not for a long time. It’s like Hide and Seek. But this time, I’ll be the one to find you.”
“You pinky promise?” I ask, holding out a small digit while my eyes burn. Sticky tears dry on my face before he ever leaves, before he ever links his finger with mine.
“Pinky promise.”
. . . . .
“That was years ago, Sacchan, I doubt he remembers who I am.” I whisper to her over a crowd of fawning girls.
Years following Keigo’s abrupt removal from my life, I’ve walked the streets every day hoping for a glimpse of red feathers. By the time Hawks made his debut, I’d all but given up hope in ever seeing him again.
But now? Seeing the familiar floating feathers and the swarm of fangirls on a morning stroll with Sayuri could only mean one thing.
“There’s no way he’d forget you, Ichan! It sounds like you were his only friend as a kid. You don’t just forget that.” She presses, urging me forward against the claustrophobic hoard of warm bodies. “At least say hi. Don’t pass up the opportunity to meet #3!” 
At her insistence, I worm my way through the crowd; people scream his name and reach for his feathers. I know I have no shot, but I still raise my hand to get his attention when he looks in my direction.
Immediately, our eyes lock.
“Ichan!” His eyes widen and he surges forward, rendering me frozen. “Hey! Ichijiku, yeah?”
“Y-Yes. You…remember me?”
“Definitely! I told you I’d find you again, didn’t I? I’d know your face anywhere.” He smirks, red feathers circling around me. “Remember these?” How do I tell him that my every waking moment has been filled with the hope of seeing them again? That every thought in my mind has been tainted with his promise, with his smile?
“I do.” I grin, giggling as they tickle my face. “Did you ever figure out if you could fly?” I taunt.
“Haha! Sure did! Turns out you had the right idea.” His laughter settles in my bones and heals every ache. When he leans in close to me, the smell of springtime and cologne invades my nostrils as he whispers in my ear. “Meet me on the roof of this building in two hours.”
“Okay.” I breathe, exhibiting maximum self-control to keep from reaching for him when he pulls back.
“We’ve gotta catch up sometime!” He beams.
“For sure.” I nod.
As I’m shoved back into Sayuri’s side by the thronging mob, she gives me a knowing smirk while I pinch myself to see if I’m stuck in a dream.
“Told you he’d remember.”
“Shut up.” I flush. “We need to finish shopping quickly; I’m busy in 2 hours.”
. . . . .
Between my attention span and restless limbs, I simply can’t wait. I’m reclining on the roof well before the time I’m supposed to show up. For one lonely hour, I bond with the sky, voicing my insecurities and long-lost desires to the clouds as I gaze over the streets of Japan. 
“Breathtaking.” Keigo’s voice ricochets through every muscle.
“Y-Yeah.” I squeak, hopping onto my feet and rubbing the back of my neck. “I don’t often get a view of the city from this high up.”
He chuckles, warm and inviting, as he steps within arm’s reach of me. “I wasn’t talking about the city, Ichan.”
I don’t have time for this. I can’t have time for this. The feeling of home that saturates every limb with this bittersweet reunion clashes with the reminder that a year ago I’d given up hope. I’d given up hope and decided to try and move past my age-old crush on a childhood friend that I’d never see again.
Now, here he is.
And the man waiting for me at home is not Keigo.
Yet, here I am. I am on top of a building looking out over Japan with Keigo. He thinks I’m breathtaking. And even though I know Akuma should be getting off work in a few minutes and heading to the apartment, my temperature skyrockets as I laugh off the giddy feelings building in my bones. 
“You grew into a charmer, I see.” I nudge him. “At any rate, it’s really good to see you again, Keigo.”
“Hawks, please. At least in public. My real name has been scrubbed from existence.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “I’ve been looking for you since I became a hero, you know? I promised I’d find you, and I never forgot about you.”
“I never forgot you either, Birdie.” With every inhale, I get minutely closer to him until our arms touch. “I’ve missed you. I was starting to worry I’d never see you again.”
He envelops me in his arms and holds me against his chest. The warmth of his aviator’s jacket mingles with the heat of longing I’ve smothered over the years. 
“How have you been?” I ask.
“Busy.” Keigo loses a bit of his smile as he pulls back. “Being #3 calls for a lot of work. It’s exhausting.”
“I can imagine.” I peer up at him and focus hard so I don’t get lost in him. His smile. His eyes. His broad wings surrounding the two of us in our own little bubble. “You do an amazing job, for what it’s worth. I’m grateful for all the hard work you put in for everyone.”
“Heart of gold, just like I remember.” He pauses. “What have you been up to, then, Tiger?”
“Ugh…I’d hoped you’d forget that nickname.”
“Aw, come on! I’d never forget our first hero names. Tiger and Birdie fight for justice, remember?”
“Yeah.” I reminisce. “But I’m working at a local bookshop now. I’ve always enjoyed books. Being surrounded by them all day brings me a sense of peace that I’ve only ever found with you.” I turn away from him, facing the bustling view of the city.
“Nice! Following your dreams, yeah? Which bookshop do you work at? Which part of town?”
I stiffen and his feathers vibrate. 
“Honshiro, it’s a second-hand bookstore in downtown Kamino Ward.” I try to evade. “I’m also–”
“Woah, wait. You live over there?!” His wings stretch wide, large and captivating. “But it’s so dangerous over there! Why are you staying there, of all places? Why not further east where the neighborhood is safer? Isn’t there a Honshiro there, too?”
“Well, yeah. But, I mean, ideally we would have stayed in Fukuoka, but Akuma had a better work deal downtown.”
“Akuma?” Keigo’s feathers twitch and his eyes glow. “Who’s he?”
I look down, feeling my world crashing around me. What if I’d just waited? What if I had held out hope that Keigo would come back for me? Would I be living better than I am now? Would I be happier?
Would Keigo be mine?
“Akuma is my boyfriend.”
“Oh…” I don’t miss the way his wings droop. “Right. But, well, you can’t stay there. That place is crawling with villains. Fukuoka is my agency’s base of operations. You’d be safest there. I mean, even Kumamoto would have you in Ms. Joke’s territory.”
“I know, Birdie, but I can’t.” I sigh. “Akuma’s on the brink of a really big promotion. We’ll only be in Kamino Ward for a couple months tops. I’ll ask him what his position will be and if we can go somewhere safer, okay?”
“A couple of months?” He frowns before it melts into a little smile. “Well, I guess that’s better than nothing. But do me a favor and talk with him about it sooner rather than later…please? See if he can afford to move somewhere else.” “Hawks…” I sigh. “I really want to, but Akuma has a really good proposition there.”
“Is it a good proposition for you, though?” “Why does it matter so much to you, Birdie?” The distance between us suffocates me.
Silence stretches between us as he extends a gloved hand out to me. His lips part to say something before he clenches his hand into a fist and drops it to his side.
I deserve the pit. I deserve the lowest circle of hell. Because at that moment, I would do anything to make him reach out again and tell me he loves me.
“We both lived through similar childhoods. I was given an opportunity to be freed of it. I just want the same for you.”
“I know. I appreciate that you still care about me after all this time.” I look up at him, begging him with my expression to be mine even though I shouldn’t. He’s busy looking over the city, the collar of his jacket hiding his expression. “Can we keep in touch, then? If you give me your number, I can at least promise to call you anytime I think I’m in trouble.”
“Deal.” He taps his phone against mine and our contact information is swapped. “Promise me you’ll call me the second you’re in trouble.”
I hold out my pinky for him as a grin twitches on my lips. “Pinky promise.”
And with a crooked grin, he links his pinky in mine.
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Want More Hawks? Try: Elysium
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msfcatlover · 2 years
So the Joker’s little “BANG!” guns can launch that flag pole out with potentially lethal force (at least, according to Batman Beyond). Which very much seems like the sort of thing he’d do—it’s a double punchline.
Why does no one ever just pull the trigger twice?
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blizzardstarx · 6 months
old (2022) oc art dump
halfmask, blizzardstar, and gingerstar v
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eclipse and gingerstar my lesbian cats <3 v
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aura and i forgot her name the silver bengal
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and paw anatomy
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windwakemeup · 1 year
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Yet another self-indulgent wallpaper, this time of Gladiolus!
Shoutouts to Telvanni wizards in mushroom houses, gotta be one of my favorite genders
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gradelstuff · 1 year
Something I don't understand about the de-aging Tomura theory is that making him younger = making him "Tenko" again. Because if he supposedly *does* get rewinded, I don't understand how he would lose all his memories as "Tomura". AFO is being rewinded in the manga and he still has all his memories, quirks, etc. He's just physically getting younger and younger. Granted, AFO got rewinded by a refined bullet and not Eri's original power, but Eri briefly rewinded Overhaul and that didn't change ANY of Overhaul's memories either.
I don't even know if Eri's quirk can affect a person's mental state, since her quirk is shown to rewind physical matter only. Its never changed a person's mind like Shinsou's quirk. So I don't understand how rewinding Tomura will get us "Tenko" and not... a de-aged Tomura Shigaraki that still thinks the same way as he did before but now he's stuck in a 5 y/o body lmao
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godblooded · 1 year
i miss my mom.
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lanayrutower · 10 months
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i'm about to throw hands with this yt poll.
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this is the zelda version of that twitter butch post to me.
#the best zeldas arent even here!!! if og 'i was like 8 y/o when i SHATTERED the triforce and hid it ALONE in a monster infested land' zelda#and st 'the only one with a character arc u see play in real time & goes from i'll wait here to i will STAB malladus with my own 2 hands#and alone if i have to' zelda were here they'd obliterate the competition. maybe not in votes but just in terms of correctness#BUT EVEN IN THIS CASE. ur not voting for ms. 'i saw my family home and kingdom be systematically destroyed over the course of 7 years &#stood back up said no & changed my ENTIRE self to try to save everyone largely on my own for 7! years! as a child!! only to at the end of#it all be the only person who can truly empathise with the hero who had his childhood stolen from him and return it even though i will#never have mine again'????????????#or even ms. 'i was normal & happy & loved until i wasnt and i learnt i was the orchestrator of my own and everyone else's misery because im#not even myself & im so much bigger yet lesser than who i thought i was and if i cannot be divine then i will be less than worthless i will#be a blight who couldnt execute the plan i had tossed everyone into and they will have lived in my lie and died for nothing so i will be#divine even if that means sealing myself away for an eternity. even if i will never know happiness the way i did again'????????#i cant say anything about twipri. i barely remember her bc i watched that playthrough ages ago and she was barely in the game idk what ur#voting for#but botw???????? /BOTW/?????????????????#girl wasnt even the best princess in her own game and she only had one other competitor smh#(<-THAT'S A JOKE. THAT'S A JOKE. I AM JOKING.)#this whole thing is half a joke. i love botw zelda (dont look at me like that. i do) and i get why she's winning but like. come on. that's#way too big of a divide. how are oot and skysw losing that much. botw zelda's voice alone should have cost her half her votes#WKSHDKSDHKKA#anyway this whole thing is for funsies so dont be weird on my post ok <3? ive had a shit three days and if being fake mad at a silky video#game poll makes me laugh then that's fair ok? and if you're weird i have the license to explode you with my mind and curse your family for#3 generations ok <333?#freya talks loz
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thefandomcassandra · 1 year
they're Orpheus and Eurydice, they're unhealthy and imbalanced, the very heavens keep them apart, they do not love equally, they have both become parents, they have a century between them, death cannot keep them in his grip, they lie and cheat and steal to pave their way
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shaykai · 1 year
Oooooh I forgot how much I hate the end of Warcraft (ignoring the MMOs I don’t fuck with those djdjjd)
#hey gang- what happened to kel’thuzad???? where did he go? why was his character assassinated SO HARD?#Also hey hey hey Illidan fighting Arthus?? and not landing a single hit????? and Vashj and Kael not coming to his imidiate aid????#ALSO SYLVANUS NOT KILLING HIM???#look I’m sure some things like that get taken care off in WoW or something#but WOWZERS did that last bit of the game just feel straight up bad#like look Sylvanus can be racist because she’s complex and she isn’t a perfect hero#but I refuse to accept that five minutes after she’s freed from the Lich King’s control and goes on a whole monologue about how she is no#one’s slave- that she would turn around AND LITERALLY CALL OTHER PEOPLE HER SLAVES#LIKE SHE HAD A DEMON RIGHT FUCKING THERE- I forget his name- but have it force her hand! have the demon guy be like hey girl I know my#brothers and I know their armies and if you want even a chance against them you need more numbers#it just felt weird and bad to have her turn around and do that to other people without anyone pushing her to that??? she just did it?#and she didn’t seem the least bit remorseful???? also hey again kel’thuzad. what happened.#my favorite little guy got assassinated so hard. :(#you cannot tell me he would be friends with Arthus. you cannot tell me any sort of relationship that might have been there was not just for#him to use and manipulate. you cannot tell me he wouldn’t pry his way into the frozen wastes to get shit done and make some power plays#like nothing he has some suggests that he would just sit on the side lines and accept that he’s out of the game- he’s a goddamn lich#I’m upset djdjsjjsjsjsjs all of that felt weird and bad and I will forever be upset about the handling (or lack thereof) of kel’thuzad#and also how Vashj and Kael weren’t by Illidan’s side. they should’ve been sjsjsjjsjsjsjss it’s dumb that Arthus just got to kill him and be#done with it like. immediately#anyways I have a few complaints djdjdjjd clearly. mostly because Warcraft is a beloved childhood game and I didn’t remember the ending and#it just felt bad playing through it sjsjsjjs I love the games but o u c h was that upsetting#(also worse because kel’thuzad was my favorite and he just. wasn’t there djdjsjsjjs which I think is dumb- he’s power hungry and he deserves#to act like it. let him cause issues! more than he already has! sjsjsjsjskksksksm hhhhhhhhhhhh
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
In all fairness, if people that I called friends and trusted to be by my side plotted behind my back and then betrayed me by 1) trying to kill me the first time (moxxi, i swear to god—) 2) when that didn't work, semi trying to kill or at least injure me by punching an entire vault relic into my face so hard that it left a burning scar and only one seeing eye, I, too, probably would call them bandits and want revenge. Lilith got it easy with the collar Jack made her wear for, like, one hour at worst.
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Every time Katrielle promises ‘any mystery or any puzzle solved!’ it sure feels like there’s a professor sized elephant in the room.
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shitakimooshrooms · 2 months
Thinking about a Psych AU for my ocs…
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