#especially with his little fish bump at the end
twrp-time · 28 days
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wqnwoos · 1 year
dating seventeen (hyung line ver.)
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hyung line (95s & 96s) x gn!reader — cw mentions of food in some — written while sleep deprived (heavily) and not proofread
maknae line ver.
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is he your boyfriend or is he your sugar daddy. unclear.
would literally pay for everything if you didn’t stop him
also just sooo soft n cuddly with you :(
sits you in his lap and when he’s especially clingy he’ll literally just hold on
like he will refuse to let go and get all pouty and whiny and starts kissing up your neck and you’re like sir i love u too but please can i just go take a piss
ALSO 😭 probably gets jealous if you’re cuddling w kkuma and not him
or if she likes you better than him… he’s never going to get over it
i feel like he’s the type of bf who would take the couch when you guys fight — like no matter how mad he is, he would point blank refuse to let you take it
pulls out all the pet names for u too, ur his baby angel love darling sweetheart and there’s nothing u can do about it!!!!!
constantly teasing you omg
but like in the most endearing way possible so you can’t even get annoyed at him
big on leaning. like leans his head on your shoulder and loves it whenever you do the same
also feel like he’d love to just plop his head in your lap and have you play with his hair
like he just drags your hand to it wordlessly and if you stop for a minute he starts whining
scolds you if you don’t eat properly or miss meals and stuff like that,, he hates it so much and it makes him worry :(
do not ask him if he would still love you if you were a worm. the answer will not be the one you want.
probably replies with “i might step on you”
or even “i’d go fishing with you as bait” and then convince you — because you love him so much that you want him to eat well, don’t you???
probably squishes your cheeks at random intervals just because he can
baby talks you while he’s doing it too 😭 like “my pretty baby, so cute”
boops your nose
also makes faces at you across rooms at parties to try and make you laugh in the middle of serious convos 😭
but also the best comforter whenever you’re nervous about something; holds your hands and breathes with you :((
guys this man is sO boyfriend i don’t even know where to start. it’s kind of sickening actually
i just see him being flirty asf,,, like u guys are already dating but he’s still being so SMOOTH
also classic gentleman — holds doors for you and helps you in/out of the car
opens up all your packets and cans and everything so you don’t have to struggle
probably kisses your hand too (like ok prince charming we get it)
demands cheek kisses,, like he will just wordlessly offer his cheek to you
and if you don’t supply them he will be very upset
also hear me out: little spoon joshua
ITS A CONCEPT I MUST SHARE like i can see him being both but also just the idea of him being little spoon is cute ok
also type of bf to carry u out the car and upstairs when you’re tired (where do i find a joshua plsplsplsplsdolsdkhfje)
worst texter please just call him
teases u like HELL if u want kisses. but also supplies them in the end so who’s the real winner 🤨🤨
makes grabby hands whenever he wants you to cuddle him (which is a lot)
and if you don’t eat breakfast (like me) you’re about to get a lecture on the benefits of it and all the reasons you shouldn’t skip it
feeds you random parts of his meals and he literally just does it unconsciously it’s like second nature to him
learns how to make all your favourite foods too :(
giggly kisses !!!!
this is something very important to me !!! giggly kisses !!!!!! smiles into it and u guys pull away laughing and he kisses other parts of your face and u guys are still laughing and idk just giggly kisses <3
also likes to bump his nose against yours after a kiss
also random but i feel like he would genuinely be so distressed if he saw you cry like that would physically pain him :(
if he’s taller than you then probably rests his cin on your head and does that thing where he opens and closes his jaw on top of your head (idk if this is too niche or what but it’s definitely a concept)
like would randomly cup your face in his hands and give u a big smooch on your forehead and the only reason he gives is “cause i love you”
his lock screen / home screen is almost definitely a selfie of you two doing the horanghae (with faces all squished together and smiling and
makes you do the horanghae at the end of every facetime call
buys you tiger plushies (demands to see them whenever he comes over)
also has named them all different variations of his name (hoshi, soonie, hosh, horang…)
AND omg. drunk hoshi does NOTHING except talk about you
him just sobbing into mingyu’s shoulder like “i love them sO MUCH mingyu”
(mingyu is just patting his head and wondering if it’s too late to get you to come pick him up)
i feel like he’s so cuddly too like he just squishes u in his arms -squish-
also feel like he would get so worried if you’re sick??
especially if he’s away from you
like orders delivery to your door or sends a friend over to your house to check on you and texts you every hour like “have you eaten??”
and you’re like. babe i love you but i don’t need to eat soup every hour.
head patter. just keeps patting your head. reasons unknown.
(probably because he thinks you’re the cutest thing to walk the planet but like whatever)
i’ve mentioned this before but i feel like he just lets you do anything
want to try on his glasses? they’re all yours. want to play games and rUIN his killstreak? go ahead!! he does not mind!!!!!
also if you wear glasses too then he’d swap his for yours just to try it
hot take but he loves having you in his lap whenever you guys are at home — scoots to the side when you’re about to sit to make u sit on him and tease you
also sits you on his lap when he’s gaming
omg if you like reading he prob recommends books to you too
like you guys just reading your books together in the same room in comfy silence wow i’m so sad
also feel like he’s another one who just squishes your cheeks when he feels like it
just does the most heart fluttering things sooo casually and randomly 😭
like he’s telling you he loves you while you guys are doing laundry or you’re making 3am ramen and he’s like wow you’re so gorgeous or he calls you cute 47374 times a day
omg best person to just like. coexist with
you guys just in his studio and he’s doing cool music things and you’re just reading or something in the corner and you guys aren’t even talking
but it’s very comfortable and sweet and it just feels nice idk if this making sense
also such a hypocrite because he’s sending go to bed texts to you knowing damn well he’s staying up for another 4 hours
pretends to cringe if you say something cheesy but also kisses you on the temple to let you know that actually he’s obsessed with you
also so cliché and overdone but that’s because it’s TRUE — makes music for you
and lets you listen to random stuff he’s making on the side (but refuses to give you seventeen comeback spoilers no matter how much you beg)
even lets you mess around with his equipment and teaches you how to use it (if u don’t know already)
one of those bfs that has an arm around u always btw
like even when you guys are with friends, 9/10 times his arm is resting on the sofa behind you
laughs extra hard at your jokes only (zendayafied!!!)
also if his members are teasing you he will defend u <3 even if you’re wrong or saying something he doesn’t agree with (like milk before cereal)
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an / hopefully will do the rest of the members soon!! also i’m sorry this is so unhinged and i formatted i’m running of like 3 hours sleep but i hope you enjoy!! i’ve been xompiling this for a while whenever i cant sleep 😭
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kiss-theggoat · 10 months
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Thomas Sawyer x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: After being dragged away from your home at the Sawyer house, you finally make your way back home with some especially exciting news.
TW: Mentions of violence, some blood
The way you ended up here, nauseous, sweaty, and exhausted on the side of a familiar highway was an extremely long story. Your long walk gave you time to reminisce.
The group came into town just like the rest. Hoyt on their tail and Thomas acting as an evil henchman, the only thing on his mind was you, waiting for him with a kind smile and warm hug. He begrudgingly loaded two girls into the car and slammed the door shut, splattering some blood from a previous victim. One of the girls was unconscious and bloodied, the other screaming and kicking at the door. Thomas was tired, and he just wanted to get home to you.
Lately he’d been letting his mind wander. Allowing himself to daydream and realizing that there’s nothing wrong with the little universe he’s created in his mind. He closes his eyes and transports himself to that world. You and him own a small house, cozy and filled with little trinkets he makes or collects for you, on a small plot of farmland where a wildflower garden that you planted thrives. He walks into the homely kitchen and sees you in front of a window, curtains billowing around your glowing skin, sunlight illuminating every part of your face Thomas loved most.
You were hard at work on a meal for the two of you. His heart swelled with the thought of indulging in something that you put your love into. He walks towards you and places his hands around your waist, feeling the soft baby bump there. Pride blooms within him and he-
“Dammit, boy, pay attention!” A thump to the side of the head yanks him away from you like a fish being pulled from the depths of the ocean. He hadn’t even noticed that the window had started to crack from the girl's struggle.
Meanwhile, you sat at home, cleaning yours and Thomas’ room while listening to the crackly radio that he’d found for you in town. You loved music so having it was a must, even if it was only a couple crappy radio stations. The only thing that distracted you from your task was the sound of a car pulling up to the house, crunchy gravel revealing its location. Tommy was home. You beamed, even though you knew to stay downstairs for a little while, until he sorted everything out. So, that’s exactly what you did. You say anxiously in waiting, staring at the door like a hawk and waiting for your love to hulk down those stairs like he always did.
But instead, the door slammed against the side wall, making you gasp and jump from your seat. You saw a man and a woman, both bloodied and panting, the man leaning against the woman and he definitely looked more damaged than she did. She hobbled downstairs, whimpering and crying. “We have to get out of here!”
You stuttered, but no words would leave you. She thought you were a survivor. A prisoner kept by the Sawyer’s. She reached forward and grabbed your hand, yanking you surprisingly hard for someone who seemed to have lost half of her blood. Next thing you knew, you were in a sputtering truck, tears streaming down your face and worry suffocating you. If they got away, where was everyone else? Was Thomas okay? What about Luda Mae?
As you walked under the relentless Texas sun, you realized, you still didn’t know if they were okay or not. You hoped with everything inside you that Thomas was safe. At least from your damage control, you knew the cops would never be a problem for him.
When you arrived in north Texas, you were questioned over and over and over again. Everyone was, but the only advantage you had over them was that you knew everything about the Sawyer household. The rest of the kids didn’t even seem to remember what Highway they were on when they got pulled over. The only detail they could give police was that the town they were in was near Austin. Which, in Texas, meant nothing.
You, on the other hand, slowly and carefully revealed a new piece of evidence each time, effectively leading the investigation towards the opposite side of the city. After the intense questioning, you were finally free.
The options you had were horrible. The cops were offering transportation. But, accepting their transportation meant leading them to Thomas. You had no money, no car, and had no idea where you were. But, through a few illicit activities, you gained access to a really, really shitty car that barely got you halfway home.
Which led you to where you are now. Sweating through all of your clothes, sunburnt, and one second away from blowing chunks all over the highway. That really shitty car had blown out on you, probably something with the radiator being baked in the hottest Texas summer in years. You felt like sobbing. You didn’t know if Thomas was okay, and if he wasn’t, what would you do with the rest of your life? Thomas had become your life. Especially now.
You flashed back to the first stop in your new shitty car was an equally shitty gas station, where you gathered some food and water through flirting with the geriatric cashier, and also stole a pregnancy test from the shelf as you left the station. You had suspicions of being pregnant after the third day of waking up with intense nausea, feeling like you were going to start sobbing if you opened your eyes too wide. Thomas had mentioned having a baby a few times, but you’d never actually put a lot of effort into trying.
As you sat on the dingy toilet, you watched the second pink line slowly materialize. You were a huge mixture of emotion, happiness that you had created life. A shared life with the man that you loved more than anything else in the world. But, you wished for nothing more than to run to Thomas and tell him, which you couldn’t do. You didn’t even know if he was even alive.
The walk along the side of the highway had started to look familiar, the highway getting smaller and the area getting more and more rural. You felt like collapsing, but needed to get home. The heat of the sun beat down on your poor cheeks and you could tell that you were sunburnt. Sweat dripped into your eyes, obscuring your view of the upcoming road sign. The fabric of your shirt grated against your sunburnt face as you wiped your eyes, but you saw the light.
N xt Ex
The rundown, faded red sign was like a sign from the heavens. You knew that the Sawyer’s station was at the next exit.
The little bell above the door jingled, kissing your ear drums as you entered your sanctuary.
“We’re outta gas.” Luda grumbled, flipping her magazine without even looking up at you.
You smiled, missing her so much you felt like tackling her over the counter. “Luda…” you said, tears welling in your eyes. You walked towards the counter as her head shot up.
“Oh my god, we thought we’d never see you again, dear!” She stands and walks around the counter, holding her arms out to you in a motherly embrace.
You cried into her chest, unable to hold it in any longer. You were so upset and exhausted, needing one thing right now. “Where’s Thomas?”
“Oh he’ll be so happy to see you…” she smiled, lovingly stroking your hair. “He’s been so upset this last week. He’s at the house with Hoyt, let me give him a call.”
You watched her dial the phone, waiting in excitement for your Thomas.
Thomas was in the basement as usual, sewing himself a new mask. His body felt numb, like it had this entire week. Without you, he realized he was empty. Nothing mattered. Life was worthless without you in it.
“Tommy!” The door slammed open, Hoyt standing at the top of the stairs. “Luda needs us at the station.”
Thomas stood, head down as he climbed the stairs. The entire drive to the station was silent and melancholy, Thomas staring out the window. Gravel crunched under the wheels as they approached the station, and even though Thomas was still in the car, he watched as the front door to the station opened. His heart nearly leapt from his chest, and he shoved the car door open before Hoyt even stopped the car.
You watched Thomas rush out of the car, moving the fastest you’ve ever seen in your entire relationship. The smile on your face made your cheeks ache, and when Thomas reached you, his strong arms wrapped around your waist and lifted you off the ground.
“Tommy! I’m so glad you’re okay! I was so scared, I’m so sorry that it took me so long to get to you!” Again, you couldn’t help but cry. The tears streamed from your face at the feeling of being embraced by Thomas. He was your home. He made you feel safe.
He shook his head and set you back down on the ground, holding the sides of your face to wipe your tears away, but his eyebrows furrowed in concern when he noticed how sunburnt you were.
“I’m okay, Tommy. I promise.” You whispered, leaning forward and resting your forehead against his. “And I have something to tell you.”
Thomas stared into your eyes and nodded slowly, letting you know he’s ready for you to speak.
“I’m pregnant.” You said, smile widening again.
You thought that Thomas’ heart might burst. His eyes went wide as saucers and he perked up, staring at you in shock for a moment. Once the shock passed, he pulled you into the tightest hug you’d ever received. Thomas moved a step back, staring down at your stomach with eyes full of admiration, his large hands gently touching the sides of your stomach.
You knew that Thomas would be the best partner you could ever ask for, and the best father your baby could ever ask for.
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daistea · 20 days
"𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚜" - 𝙼𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚞𝚗 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
“Many think that the captain makes an effort to hide his emotions. He doesn’t. He’s an open book. It’s simply a very blank book, is all. There’s not much there to read.”
 You knew what Cithis was getting at. You also knew there was more to read than what she thought, because Mithrun was your friend and you adored him and wanted to kiss his face with your face. Still, accepting that remained quite difficult. 
 (Learning a new language is always hard at first)
  gn reader, implied to be a short lived race
  5,000+ words :o 
  tw: minor description of violence and blood
  Post-canon Mithrun, could be considered spoilers
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An ink black eye flickered up and landed on your face. You knew it was there. You always knew when it was there. The light shiver that ran down your back was like a cold finger languidly tracing every bump of your spine. 
 You didn’t know whether you liked it or not. 
 But you accepted it, for the most part. 
 Mithrun’s gaze was devoid of light as you met it. It was only natural for his prosthetic eye to be glassy and lacking in life. Yet, his remaining eye was like that as well. Fleki liked to joke that the captain had ‘dead fish eyes’ and you could see what she meant sometimes. Most of the time, though, you considered his gaze to be more like an endless pit. An endless pit that you were always on the verge of falling into.
 But you managed to keep your balance— for the most part. 
 It didn’t help that Mithrun stared. He stared, and stared, and stared. If you were in an especially combative mood, you’d meet his gaze and stare back. His good eye would start to flicker a little, like when a cat slowly shuts its eyes. You once heard that cats slow blink to signify that they love you. But Mithrun wasn’t a cat. He was an elf. An elf who had a habit of trying to consume you with his gaze alone. 
 It was one of the days when you couldn’t help but return his look. You glanced up from your plate of food, fork in your left hand and your other hand fiddling with a napkin. Ever since the dungeon, Mithrun had become more physically expressive. He had his elbow on the table and his cheek resting in his palm. As his sleeve fell down his forearm ever so slightly, you could see a hint of a pale scar. 
 “Don’t you ever get tired?” You couldn’t help but ask. The words were out of your mouth before you could stop to think about the consequences or implications. 
 Mithrun only blinked. A slow blink. 
 “No,” he answered simply. His voice wasn’t what one would call particularly deep or rumbling, but it was scratchy. When you heard him speak for the first time, you wondered if he had ever drank a glass of water in his life. 
 And the lack of inflection in his tone was something you eventually got used to. With a sharp ear, you could pick up the lilts at the end of his sentences when he asked a question. You recognized when he was annoyed, when the growl in his throat got more pronounced. You knew when he was sad, when emotion thickened every word. It was all subtle, learned. And you were good at learning. 
 For the most part. 
 “I don’t mean physically,” you replied, returning your attention to the food on your plate. 
 “I mean—” What did you mean? You weren’t quite sure. You were sure of the fact that you didn’t want this particular vegetable as part of your lunch. So you lifted your plate and absently scraped it off onto Mithrun’s. He didn’t react. 
 He did, though, slightly raise his brow. He shifted to sit up a little, moving his palm to his chin instead, eyes still lingering on you like petrichor after a rain shower. The slight tilt of his head told you that he was expecting an answer. 
 You forced the words to the tip of your tongue. It was rare for you to keep your thoughts to yourself, especially around Mithrun. As unreadable as he could be, the assurance that it was difficult to genuinely offend him was comforting. Except, this instance was different. If you openly acknowledged his habit of staring, that was too close for comfort to a much bigger acknowledgement. Mithrun’s heart, and yours, were closely guarded, surrounded by layers of walls. He’d knocked down a few of yours. You’ve knocked down several of his. But going any further was risky, at least in your opinion. The walls were bigger and more well guarded and seizing them might not produce anything good, anything worthwhile. 
 But his head was tilted and he was watching you. You felt as if you were on a stage with a spotlight shining down on you. 
 Might as well get it over with. 
 “Staring,” you said, “don’t you ever get tired of staring?”
 His good eye blinked. You’ve seen Mithrun surprised or shocked before, and you knew he wasn’t. Then, that meant he was expecting that question. He was aware of his staring and was doing it on purpose. 
 “No, I don’t get tired of it,” Mithrun said as he sat up straight, elbow slipping off the table. He grabbed his fork and began poking at the food you had scraped off onto his plate. Peeking just barely through his hair were the chewed, jagged tips of his ears. They flickered. Elves really couldn’t hide their emotions well, their ears tended to give them away. 
 The fact that he was feeling anything made your heart flutter. If only you knew what it was. It couldn’t be embarrassment or shame, those didn’t exist within Mithrun. Then what? What else could someone be feeling when called out for their habit of excessive staring? 
 “I mean, I’d just like to know why,” you said without thinking, again. It was rare for either of you to feel as if you needed to fill the comfortable silence you often shared, but at that moment in particular your heart was clenching and something unpleasant passed through your abdomen. The question had crawled up your throat and slipped out of  your mouth. 
 “Why I stare at you?” He asked. You were seventy five percent sure it was a question. But sometimes, Mithrun would simply state something, not asking at all, just echoing. You could usually tell the difference in the lift of his voice. Subtle, but there. 
 “Yeah,” you met his gaze. Ink black. You started to teeter on the edge of the dark pit again. “Do you stare at everybody like that?”
 “Do you ever see me staring at other people like this?”
 No. And Mithrun knew that you didn’t. The question was hypothetical, designed to draw the answer out of you. 
 You felt your jaw tighten as you stared down at your food. You’d missed something, a little morsel of a vegetable you didn’t like. You promptly scraped it off onto Mithrun’s plate before answering him. “I guess I don’t.”
 Fire flickered to life inside your chest. “And what?” You snapped your gaze back to his, “What do you want?”
 His brow raised, “You’re the one who wanted something.”
 “I want to know why you’re always staring!”
 “Why do you think?”
 You couldn’t help but groan, burying your face in your hand, “Mithrun, please just give me a straight answer. I can’t handle this right now.”
 “Why not?”
 Glancing up, you saw the corner of his mouth twitch ever so slightly. His ears flickered again. Was he enjoying this? As much as he could enjoy something, at least, which was more than before the dungeon. 
 That fire within you only grew taller and hotter and more destructive. The flames warmed your heart but also threatened to burn through your bones and muscles and ligaments and consume your body entirely. You didn’t know whether you wanted to smack Mithrun over the head, or grab the collar of his shirt and pull him close for a kiss. 
 Or both? Both were good. 
 You managed to resist the urge growing beneath your skin and instead shot him a weak glare, “Because— Because you’re not eating and it’s weird for me to be the only one eating right now, especially with you staring at me, watching me chew.”
 Half true. 
 Mithrun’s nose wrinkled a little in thought. Slowly, he grabbed his fork and speared one of the unwanted vegetables you’d given him, finally eating. Relief flooded your body, until his gaze flickered back up to your face once more. 
 “Happy?” He asked before swallowing. 
 “Never,” you snarked back, “you’re still staring. Why?”
 Did you want to know? 
 Another wall was crumbling and you were doing all you could to keep it from crushing you beneath bricks and emotions and emotional bricks. It was a mistake to ask that question, to even bring this subject up. You couldn’t go that far. You shouldn’t knock down those walls. You wouldn’t acknowledge the terrifying, unknown thing that had been growing between you and Mithrun ever since he’d decided to live. 
 You remembered that day. Celebrations surrounded you. Mithrun’s hand clenched the grass beneath him, the only betrayal of his feelings at the time. His knuckles turned white, but he finally let go as the realization, the emptiness, settled in; acceptance of the fact that he had nothing to live for anymore. 
 You remembered the relief when it all changed, when the listlessness disappeared. You remembered Senshi’s words. You remembered the sting of hot tears in the corners of your eyes as Mithrun smiled for the first time in forever. 
 It was a secret tucked inside your chest, kept close, chained up. But at night, when you stared at the ceiling with bright eyes and racing thoughts, you let the secret out just a little bit. You loved the captain like a desert dweller loved an oasis. You loved the captain like flowers loved rain. You loved the captain like—
 “I can’t not stare at you,” Mithrun’s voice interrupted your thoughts. You crashed back down to Melini, to the restaurant and to him, shattering on the floor and making a complete mess. 
 “What?” Your voice was just as scratchy as his now. You grabbed your sweating glass of water and gulped it down. 
 Mithrun waited for you to finish before he continued, “I can’t not stare at you. It’s simply what I do. What I want.”
 And he wanted so little. 
 The wall crumbled, and you internally cursed yourself before returning Mithrun’s gaze. “You don’t want that.”
 “I want that.”
 Was this really happening? Years of longing, of denial, of fear, all built up into one moment. And the moment was taking place in a dingy restaurant where you and Mithrun were surrounded by chattering people and the scrape of utensils on plates. Nearby, someone laughed. But it was as if cotton had been stuffed into your ears, your focus entirely on the elf sitting across from you— and his dead fish stare.
 You began to consider your possibilities:
 Option 1: Kiss him. 
 Option 2: Fake a heart attack to get out of this.
 Option 3: Explain your fears about starting an official relationship with him. 
 Option two looked best. 
 You put a hand to your chest and coughed a little, “I-I think I’m—”
 Mithrun rolled his good eye and stood up. The legs of his chair scraped across the ground as he loomed over the table, looking down at you. “Let’s go already, we have work to do.”
 You scoffed, “I’m kind of busy having a heart attack here.”
 “The heart attack excuse didn’t work when you wanted to get out of that dinner with the Canaries, and it won’t work now.”
 He was right. He was always right. You hated that. 
 You stood up as well. Mithrun went to the front of the restaurant to pay. People used to cast him curious glances as he passed by, but very few did that anymore. The locals of Melini knew who Mithrun was and were generally used to his presence. Plus, the kingdom had become a melting pot of different races and cultures as of late. Seeing an elf wasn’t too surprising these days. 
 You watched the back of his head. He had a curl there. He’d always had that curl. Something in the back of your mind desperately urged you to wrap it around your finger. 
 Mithrun cast you a flat glance as he made for the front door. “Are you going to just stand there? Or are you coming?”
 Your frown covered up the flutter of your heart. You followed, silent, grumpy, your right hand itching to take his left. 
 And as you followed him into the street, you noticed, just for half a second, that his fingers flexed, then curled into a fist before releasing.
 This was bad. How could the people of Melini happily go about their lives as your world started to shift? How was the sun still shining? Why didn’t time stop for you as the growing thing between you and Mithrun got too large to ignore?
 (Perhaps you were being too dramatic.)
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
 The captain did not only stare. He touched. 
 It was weird, really, because he didn’t enjoy being touched. Mithrun would prefer to keep his personal space, you knew. The Canaries often invaded it and he said nothing to stop them, but you saw the twitch of his ear, the slight narrowing of his good eye. Lately, since he’d been learning how to be more expressive, he would sigh. It was that kind of sigh that told the listener precisely what he wanted, the kind of sigh that spoke a thousand words his lips refused to say. Those thousands of words usually consisted of ‘get away from me’ or ‘stop touching me.’ 
 He never sighed with you. 
 But perhaps that was because you knew better than to invade his personal space. He had no qualms invading yours. He touched you. Often. At first, you noticed it too much. The feeling of Mithrun’s hand on the small of your back made your mind race with questions. Eventually, you got used to it and hardly noticed it anymore. 
 But that hyper awareness had returned since the staring conversation. 
 And also since the staring conversation, he touched you more than ever before. 
 Mithrun’s long fingers wrapped around your wrist. They were always cold, for some reason. He held up your wrist between your bodies, but he wasn’t looking at you. His attention was on something rustling through the forest. His other hand leaned against the rough bark of a tree. There was absolutely no reason for Mithrun to be holding your wrist right now, but you had a feeling he didn’t even notice what he was doing. 
 “Quiet,” he said in a low tone, casting you a glance, “there’s someone up ahead.”
 “Someone?” You asked, “Not something?”
 “Yes. Someone.”
 Melini had many types of people. Most of them were good, interested in the future of the nation. Yet the existence of an entirely new country caught the attention of other types of people. The laws weren’t yet established, Laois didn’t really care about imposing taxes, and homes were still being built. While it had settled down as of late, criminals still flocked to the area. 
 Mithrun cast you another glance. His good eye, black, flickered up and down your body. The look only lasted for half a second, but it still made heat flare up in your abdomen. 
 “Stay here,” he commanded. 
 The heat disappeared as you sent him an incredulous stare, “Excuse me?”
 “Stay here,” he echoed.
 “No,” the argument escaped your lips quickly and harshly, “I’m going with you. There could be any number of people out here and I won’t let you face them alone.”
 His eye narrowed slightly as he turned to fully face you, “There’s a chance I won’t even be fighting. They could simply be hikers.”
 “Don’t lie to me, I know when you’re on edge.”
 Another narrowed eye, another flicker of his ears. The chewed tips slowly lowered, pressing back against his head, barely visible through wavy locks of silver. You’ve always thought that when elves did that, they looked quite aerodynamic. 
 “Fine,” his voice was flatter than usual, “but stay close to me. I won’t allow you to be hurt.”
 Mithrun released your wrist, but his fingers deftly slid down your skin, across your palm. A shiver ran through you as he tangled your fingers together. They were puzzle pieces fitting perfectly, created specifically to hold each other. 
 And Mithrun didn’t seem the slightest bit affected by the fact that he was now holding your hand. He simply turned and began trudging through the foliage of the forest, gently pulling you behind him. Did he have any idea what he’d done? Did his sharpened elf hearing notice the pumping of your heart? Would he even acknowledge it? 
 He held your hand tight, as if afraid you would slip away. 
 “They know we see them,” Mithrun murmured. Tension filled the air and threatened to suffocate you. It was the feeling of danger, and a tingling through your limbs that made your hairs stand to attention. 
 He pushed aside a thorn bush, not caring when the sharp tips pricked his skin or when they clung to his clothes like childish hands trying to desperately keep him from leaving. He slowed down a little so you could navigate the bushes more carefully. His fingers slipped away from yours, but he kept your hand, holding it up like a gentleman helping a lady out of a carriage. 
 The moment you escaped the bush, he interlocked your fingers once more. 
 Your mind raced as you followed him. Why was Mithrun holding your hand? What did it mean? Was he trying to acknowledge your relationship? Impossible. That was impossible. Mithrun surely didn’t want a relationship with you. There was something between you two, obviously, but it wasn’t anything either of you were ever going to do anything about. At least you thought as much. His desires weren’t just going to randomly appear again. And surely you weren’t special enough to cultivate anything new within him. No, Mithrun was just being—
 The taut pull of a bow string filled the air. It happened too quickly. The whish of an arrow cutting through the atmosphere— it sliced the tension in half so smoothly, like butter. You only caught a glimpse of it as it came straight for your chest. 
 But it never hit you. You’d closed your eyes without realizing, but when you recognized an utter lack of pain, your eyes shot open to inspect the situation. 
 Mithrun still held your hand. Tight. A little too tight. You could see his jawline clenched, his ears pushed back. In front of you, only inches away from your chest, was the arrow. He’d caught it mid air. His hand was wrapped around the shaft and his knuckles were white as he gripped it. 
 Your heart didn’t just skip. It flipped, did an entire gymnastics routine, then promptly flopped onto the floor and passed out. 
 There were wasps in your stomach. Not butterflies. Wasps. 
 And Mithrun was angry. His chest rose and fell before he slipped his hand away from yours. You only caught a glimpse of his face as he turned away, but you could see the flicker of silver consuming the black; the crackle of a flame, the flip of a switch, a lightning strike in the distance. 
 He reared his arm back and promptly launched the arrow at something between the trees. A guttural noise erupted. It was thick with something, pain or blood or shock or fear. A tall-man stumbled out of hiding with the arrow lodged in the front of his neck, then he collapsed face down in the grass. 
 Mithrun lowered his arm and stood up straight, staring at the body. 
 Your throat was strangled, but you managed to push the question out nonetheless. “Did you just… throw a goddamn arrow so hard that it went through a man’s neck?”
 “Hm?” Mithrun sent you a glance, his eye widening just the slightest bit. But it returned to the black pit that you were seconds away from falling into. “Oh, yeah, I did.”
 “Just now,” you pointed at the literal corpse laying in front of you, “you killed him.”
 His brows furrowed, “Obviously.”
 “He was going to kill you,” Mithrun looked at you as if the answer was clear and he was genuinely confused at your bewilderment. He lifted his hand, the left one, and held it out for you expectantly. 
 While your mind raced with questions and horror and a bit of admiration, you placed your hand in his. The air smelled like blood, metallic. Mithrun told you that he wouldn’t allow you to get hurt. He meant it. It felt as if someone had knocked the wind out of your lungs. 
 Maintaining eye contact, he leaned forward, pressing his dry lips to your knuckles. The forest, the chirping of birds, even the warmth of the sun overhead, faded into the background. All you knew at that moment were his cold fingers holding yours, the feeling of his lips on your skin, the lingering look he was giving you. 
 His expression wasn’t blank this time. His good eye wasn’t lifeless. He looked at you through his lashes, his gaze glued to your face. Or perhaps not glued, but rather welded. He didn’t smile, he didn’t blush. But the intent was clear. His lips gently brushed across your knuckles for precisely four seconds, but it felt like an eternity. Your heart started to do its gymnastics routine again. 
 You could’ve lived beneath the spotlight of his gaze forever. 
 Yet soon enough, he dropped your hand and turned away. The tension dissipated like mist as he began walking, casually stepping over the corpse. “Let’s go. There’s been reports of a cockatrice nearby.”
 Right. Monsters. Work. 
 You looked at the corpse and the blood soaking into the soft earth, drying to a darker color on the leaves and grass. You should’ve been horrified, but…
 The fact that Mithrun was willing to kill for you only made you burn. Your knees were weak.
 This was a desperate situation. This was a confusing situation. This was the kind of situation that required an expert. 
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
 “Are you stupid?” Cithis asked. 
 Perhaps. You weren’t quite sure anymore. 
 You held a coffee mug tightly, wrapping both hands around it as you sent Cithis a pleading look. She returned your expression with something like boredom and disinterest. White braided hair fell over her bare shoulder. She sat across from you with one knee over the other and her hands politely clasped in her lap. While this elf woman was the picture of elegance, you knew what she really was. You knew how she could be. 
  Which was precisely why you’d come to her. 
 “I don’t understand,” you began explaining, feeling a ramble coming on, “he stares at me. He holds my hand. He gets furious if someone tries to hurt me. He looks at me sometimes with this face that almost makes me think he wants me. He—”
 “I think you’re stupid,” Cithis interrupted casually, “Or in denial. You know precisely how the captain feels. Admit it already and stop wasting everybody’s time.”
 You couldn’t help but scowl, “I don’t want to admit it.”
 “Why not?”
 “Because—” the words got caught in your throat and you had to forcefully shove them up and outwards, “Because it freaks me out. I don’t want to ruin the comfort between us. I don’t want Mithrun to one day get tired of me. I don’t want to… to die and leave him behind. He deserves better than that.”
 Cithis only tilted her head, “Don’t you think he deserves to get what he wants? How often does the captain want something?”
 Rarely. And you held the firm belief that when Mithrun wanted something, the world should bend its knee to meet that desire. Yet, this was different. Did he want you? Why? How? How can you be sure? Cithis seemed sure. How? Why?
 Her stare was unamused. She looked at you as if you were a dead fly that landed in her food. 
 “I guess I just don’t want to assume,” you finally said with a heavy exhale.
 “There’s no assumptions to be made here. He wants you. Everybody knows it.”
 Your head shot up, “What?” 
 “Everybody knows it,” her eyes narrowed.
 Nonsense. That couldn’t be true. You scoffed, “No.”
 “Listen,” Cithis leaned forward in her chair, pinning you in place with topaz yellow eyes— or piss yellow, how you described her eyes usually changed depending on your mood. “Many think that the captain makes an effort to hide his emotions. He doesn’t. He’s an open book. It’s simply a very blank book, is all. There’s not much there to read.”
 You knew what Cithis was getting at. You also knew there was more to read than what she thought, because Mithrun was your friend and you adored him and wanted to kiss his face with your face. Still, accepting that remained quite difficult. 
 You shot Cithis a dark look. Her lips twitched into a smile that held not even a hint of humor. 
 “I’m aware,” you said, “however, that doesn’t mean I understand. Does he even know how to flirt? Does he know how a relationship would work with him in this state? Do I know how a relationship would work between us? Does he have any desire to be, you know, intimate? Does he—”
 Cithis interrupted, “Honestly, I believe the captain would burn down the world just to keep you warm. But that’s just my observation.”
 “Idiot,” she huffed, “he touches you every chance he gets as if he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he doesn’t have his hands on you in some way. He stares at you like you’re a damn masterpiece—”
 “He stares at me rather blankly, actually.”
 “But he’s still staring.”
 “Maybe I’ve always got food in my teeth or something on my face.”
 “You know I don’t really enjoy doing this.” Cithis leaned back in her chair and twirled a lock of hair around her finger. Her piss yellow eyes narrowed, “It’s much more interesting to watch you and the captain silently orbit each other than it is to so dramatically reveal his feelings. Yet, I think it’s time you stop being foolish and give him what he wants. He’s developed this odd love language for you and I think you should start learning it.”
 She was right. You hated it when Cithis was right. 
 But that was why you’d consulted her in the first place, because you knew she’d be right. Still, how annoying. 
 “Okay,” you threw your hands up, “What do I do? What’s the next step?”
 She smiled softly, but her furrowed brows and pitying eyes made it clear that she was condescending you. You were a child trying to ask her why the sky was blue. 
 “Kiss him, obviously.”
 Kiss him. Just kiss him. How simple. How elementary. The idea of kissing him definitely didn’t fill you with stinging wasps or anything. 
 All you could do was close your eyes to block out the sight of Cithis’s condescension. “Yeah. Kiss him. That’s– Yeah.”
 “Now go,” she waved a dismissive, elegant hand, “off with you.”
 Whatever. You shot her a glare before setting the warm coffee mug on the table in front of her. You’d been gripping it like a lifeline, and you hoped it left a ring on her nice table. Her lips parted in silent offense at the tiny act of revenge. 
 You left Cithis’s home. Were you assured? Yes. Were you going to kiss Mithrun? Probably not. 
 There was still so much to sort through, still so many concerns. Mithrun wanted you and, apparently, everybody knew it. He hadn’t even been trying to hide his feelings all this time. You accepted his staring and his touching and his willingness to do anything you asked as simple friendship. 
 Maybe you should kiss him. 
 Maybe you should—
 “What’re you doing?”
 A shout ripped from your throat. You couldn’t control yourself, you stumbled backward, putting up your hands as your heart jumped and your stomach churned. You knew who it was that had snuck up on you. He did this all the time. 
 “Mithrun,” you hissed, “stop teleporting to me, you know it drives me up a wall!”
 Mithrun’s nose twitched ever so slightly. He was considering your words, just a little. Then he shook his head, “No. I don’t think I’ll stop.”
 Right. Okay. So, he wasn’t willing to do anything you asked of him. Again, you could only wonder if he enjoyed this. Did Mithrun like getting on your nerves? 
 You two were standing outside of Cithis’s little house. She should’ve been in jail, really, but she and the other Canaries had been pardoned, sort of. It was really more like a house arrest. You knew that Cithis didn’t care enough to watch you and Mithrun out her window, but it was still unnerving to be so near her, knowing what she knew. 
 Now, you were the one grabbing him. You took his wrist, gently pulling him down the road. “Come on, we need to talk,” you said. 
 Mithrun’s good eye widened just a little as you led him through the streets of Melini. It was more crowded than usual. Merchants called out to passersby and people laughed and talked and lived their own little lives. And this was your life, now, pulling the man you adored through a crowd in a desperate attempt to find a quiet, private spot. 
 You still hadn’t decided whether or not to kiss him. 
 There was an alley nearby. It seemed relatively clean. You and Mithrun entered the alley and walked around the corner of a stone building before you released his wrist. Yet, immediately, he took your hand, unwilling to allow even a second of no contact between your bodies. 
 The words came flowing out of your mouth as if a dam had broken within you. “Your love language, I’m learning it.”
 He only blinked, “What?”
 “Physical touch,” you raised your other hand, wrapping it around his, “quality time,” you met his eye and considered the possibility of drifting in black ink forever, “acts of service.”
 He blinked once more. “Oh. I see.”
 Your brows furrowed, “Why were you near Cithis’s house anyway?”
 “I was simply passing by when I saw you.”
 “And your first response was to teleport to my side?”
 His head tilted slightly, “Yes. It was.”
 Now it was his turn to furrow his brows, “Why not? It’s what I wanted to do, so I did it.”
 “And the staring,” you murmured, breathless, “the hand holding, the lingering touches… That’s what you want as well?”
 You didn’t expect Mithrun to react strongly to this conversation, and his reaction fulfilled your expectations. He remained calm, but his gaze lingered strongly on yours. His other hand slowly raised and he cupped your cheek, his thumb tracing soft circles onto your skin. You couldn’t help but lean into the touch. 
 “Yes,” he answered, voice as scratchy and tired and level as ever, “that’s what I want.”
 His composure broke just slightly. His eye narrowed and his lips quirked into a little frown. “Why wouldn’t I want to touch and stare at my partner?”
 “Excuse me?” Your tone was thick with disbelief as your heart began to do flips. “Your partner?”
  “Yes?” His brows furrowed and he blinked a few times as if confused, “My partner.”
 “But—” it was as if someone had punched you in the lungs, “Me?”
 “I’m your partner?”
 A sigh as he closed his eyes. “Yes. You’re my partner. You have been for the last year.”
 His eyes opened to pin you in place, “Were you not aware that we’ve been dating for this long?”
 “No!” You couldn’t help yell, “I wasn’t aware! I thought we were just good friends!”
 Mithrun said your name, tilting his head with a hint of a smile on his lips. He was amused. How rare. You only wish it wasn’t at your expense. “I wouldn’t do these things with just a good friend.”
 Alright. Cithis was right in calling you an idiot. 
 You felt like you were about to explode. You weren’t sure if that explosion would be from anger, embarrassment, or adoration. All three? You were going to self combust, then your flesh would fly everywhere and get on the walls and cause this huge, bloody mess. All that would be left of you were chunks. But if that happened, Mithrun wouldn’t be able to hold your hand anymore. He wouldn’t be able to stare. You weren’t about to take that away from him. The world needed to kneel and deliver him whatever he desired on a silver platter and you were not about to stop that from happening just because you exploded. 
 “I am in love with you,” you said matter-of-factly. It was pure word vomit. 
 “Yeah,” he remained calm, “I know.”
 He knew. Of course he knew. You wanted so badly to smack him over the head. 
 “If you knew…” your voice was strangled as you resisted every urge to scream, “then why haven’t you ever kissed me?”
 Mithrun shrugged. He shrugged. 
 “Do you want me to?”
 “Yes!” You snapped. 
 “Alright.” He released your hand, then grabbed your face and gently pulled you closer. His lips met yours. You wanted to melt. You were basically a popsicle on a hot summer day, then. And you had no clue what to do with your hands. 
 The kiss was… chaste. And soft. You weren’t quite sure what you expected. Certainly not passion, not from Mithrun. But chaste? That wasn’t right either. It was kind of… laid back, as if he’d kissed you a million times before and this was just another to add to the pile. 
 That wouldn’t do. 
 You figured out what to do with your hands. One gripped the front of his shirt, balling your fingers up in the fabric. The other stretched around his neck and tangled into his hair. He made a small noise of surprise. Satisfaction flickered through your chest. Gently, but firmly, you pulled him closer to you. Your back hit the stone wall. Your chests brushed against each other. His left hand dropped from your cheek and found your waist as he dug his fingers in and suddenly yanked your body against his. 
 There. That was better. 
 Slowly, Mithrun deepened the kiss, tilting his head. His hand slid away from your cheek and found a resting place on the back of your neck. You were both breathing through your noses as you kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed. 
 Heat began to build up in your abdomen. Your entire body tingled. He pushed you further against the wall and let out a soft exhale before introducing a soft bite on your lower lip. Another flash of heat wracked you, leaving you breathless. 
 Finally, the need for oxygen dominated and Mithrun pulled back, but only a few inches. He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes, letting out an exhale. 
 “I think… I like that,” he murmured, “We should do more of it.”
 All you could do was nod weakly. 
 “Right. More,” you leaned in, pressing your lips against his, and it started all over again. 
 One might call it a new beginning. In reality, it was a continuation of what always was. You set aside your endless questions and kissed him. And kissed him. And kissed him some more. 
 You’d officially fallen off the edge. No more teetering, no more balance. You were gone, and you’d never hit the ground. 
263 notes · View notes
vinvantae · 1 year
Part 1/16
Word count : 2.1k
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You chewed nervously at the inside of your cheek as you waited for everything to calm down outside. The final race of 2021 had been an absolute disaster and you couldn’t help but feel at fault for it. It was your crash that caused that final safety car, a desperate attempt from George at the restart ended up with you both out of the race.
All you wanted to do was to go and apologise to Lewis, but you knew you couldn’t. You had to wait for the dust to settle before you slid out of your driver’s room and pretend to be a normal member of the Ferrari team, but you were far too shaken up to put on an act. You knew the feeling of having a race win that was supposed to be yours, torn out of your grasp - but that loss had never taken a championship victory as well.
There was a light tap on the door, followed by the Monegasque voice you’d grown so used to. “It’s me. Can I come in?”
You cautiously approached the door, opening it just enough to let your teammate slip in - your back pressing against the cold wood as he turned to face you, concern written all over his face. It was hard enough to fight back the tears when you were alone but now that Charles was with you, you could feel your chest tighten.
His eyes flickered over your face, his expression shifting to concern when a tear finally escaped - slipping down your cheek.
“…I did this, Charl.”
“No. This wasn’t on you. It wasn’t on George either. This was all Masi.” He said, taking your shoulders in his hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. “I wanted to check on you, it was a pretty nasty bump.”
“I’ll be okay, a little shaken up. I want to say something to Lewis I…” you huffed, your brow furrowing - breaking eye contact. “I know you said it’s not my fault but I can’t even begin to imagine how he feels and to not even be able to apologise for my part in it?”
Your teammate shook his head. “He wouldn’t want you to. We should get you out of here while everyone is distracted, I have to get back down to the media pen.”
With a solemn nod you began to gather up your things, your race suit swapped with standard team wear. “That’s one thing I’m not jealous of. You lot are so good at holding your tongue with the press… how you’ve never accidentally called me by my name or used she or her…”
“It’s tough, believe me. Especially when I just want to shake off all those dumb theories that you’re Nico Rosberg or, as I heard recently, Michael Schumacher who never actually got into an accident.”
“Oh wow. I mean, that’s a compliment but yikes.” You grimaced. “Can you check if there’s anyone out there?”
He nodded, before giving you a hug. He fished his phone from his pocket and waved it a little. “I’ll text to give you the all clear, drive safe.”
“Thank you.”
After receiving Charles’ text, you slipped out of Ferrari hospitality, no one even batting an eye at you as everyone moved around for the weekend - your pass listing you purely as Admin, but allowing you access wherever you needed. You couldn’t help but let your eyes flicker to the Mercedes garage, everyone crowded around the doors, clearly desperate to get a word out of Lewis but he was either already gone or hiding away like you had been.
You watched as your fellow drivers walked through the paddock towards the car park - some of them glanced at you but you knew they had no idea who you were. And the way George didn’t even spare you a glance as he walked passed with Toto only annoyed you for a split second. He couldn’t apologise to the person without a face for ending their race prematurely. He couldn’t apologise to someone simply known by their number, Thirty.
After a few races, they all settled in referring to you as such - you weren’t entirely sure where it started. You were sure Ferrari wanted something more gripping but it was the number that stuck.
It was lonely, being faceless. Everyone around you had history, something more than just a competitive relationship. To them you were nothing but another number they had to get passed on the grid. You were jealous of the way Pierre and Yuki laughed together, of the way Carlos and Lando spoke in hushed whispers. You didn’t just want to be an F1 driver, you wanted to feel like one.
It was then you saw Lewis exit out of a side door of the Mercedes building, a hood up over his head and before you could think - your feet were carrying you in his direction. Revealing yourself was not on your agendas for today but, fuck, it was tempting. You climbed over a small fence and lightly cleared your throat.
His head snapped up, clearly suspecting he’d been spotted but when he saw a girl in a Ferrari kit - his features softened a little but the confusion remained. “Hi, sorry, I’m just trying to get out of here…”
“I know I’m…” you sighed. “I just want to say sorry for the crash.”
The Brit tilted his head a little. “Hey if anything, that crash was on Williams, not you guys. George was the one who hit Thirty.”
You wanted to tell him, everything about him just made you feel like you could trust him. I am Thirty. But when you opened your mouth to speak again, your words betrayed you. “You deserved to win today… but, uhm, if you want to escape unseen? There’s another exit tucked behind the maintenance building. We’re not supposed to use it but our passes work there anyway.”
He let out a soft chuckle, his eyes flickering over your stance for a moment - pausing at your badge, taking a moment to read it. “Thanks, y/n. I’ll see you around.”
A buzz in your pocket distracted you as he slipped out of sight, so you pulled out your phone and wiped the dusty screen on your trouser leg before cupping your free hand around the screen to read the message.
MB - People are getting suspicious. May need to move to plan B. Meeting tomorrow at 8:30am.
Until recently, there was only plan A - but now, at the end of the season, you felt like they’d created the whole alphabet of plans. You remaining a secret was as big to them as it was to you; the hype of a mystery driver brought more attention to the team than anything else. And despite you being in the sport for several years now, it remained as exciting. Motorsport’s biggest secret was not going to slip away from them now, not without their permission.
You weren’t 100% sure which situation ‘plan B’ was, Mattia and the rest of the team had thrown so many strategies out there - not unlike a race - and must have decided to designate each of them a letter. You considered texting Charles, to know if he had a clue, but you knew he was out with the boys and there was a chance they’d see. He had you saved in his phone as Ferrari Admin, so maybe the text wouldn't seem so bizarre but…
Fuck. Stop overthinking.
Instead you shoved your phone back into your pocket and climbed back over the fence to join the crowds. You slipped out of the paddock with ease, blending in with the last few dribs and drabs of the teams heading back to the hotel. The driver’s parking lot was nearly empty, except for a single bicycle propped up against the rack - Sebastian leant against the wall on the phone. You took a cautious glance around before heading over to him. He was with the team for years, so you always told yourself that it wasn’t weird for you to go over if you were wearing a team kit - he talked to people from Ferrari all the time.
“Hey, y/n. Long time no see.” He smiled knowingly. “Thought you’d be long gone by now.”
“Was waiting for everything to ease off a little, been a bit chaotic with the crash.” You hummed, trying to keep your language as vague as possible - trying your best not to burst into tears from the guilt. “So, they’ve decided to do plan B.”
“Plan b?” The german raised a brow. “Do we know which one that is?”
“Not a clue, but I’m finding out at 8:30am.” Your voice lowered as a small group of Alpine’s team walked passed to get to their vehicles. “Can I call you after?”
He gave you a genuine smile, nodding earnestly. “Please do. I worry about you, kid.”
The older driver watched your demeanour shift as another group of engineers walked by - you cowered away a little, lowering your head. Sebastian was never for the whole faceless driver schtick they were putting you through; when you were on track you were fearless, triumphant but as soon as the helmet came off you disappeared into yourself. It was almost as if Thirty was a different person. He’d had you over for dinner a couple of times and truly got to see you shine and he wanted nothing more than for the rest of the paddock to see the real you.
He cautiously reached out and gave your bicep a squeeze. “Never hesitate to reach out, y/n. I know you feel lonely, but you’re not alone. I’ve got your back.”
“Don’t start, you’ll set me off.” You said, cheeks flushing a little. “I do miss you.”
“We’ll try to have dinner during the break.” He smiled, pulling his helmet on. “Call me.”
Meanwhile, across the city, Charles was sitting in a hotel room with Pierre and Max, his two fellow drivers both nursing a strong drink after the dramatic race. Max wanted to hide away a little while before joining in the celebrations - his win was not how he’d pictured it at all, so he wanted to get some liquor in him before facing everyone.
“For the biggest drunken blabbermouth…” Pierre hummed, making Charles lift his eyes from his phone. “I am truly shocked you’ve never let slip who Thirty is, mate.”
The driver shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “They could sue me if I did. Not worth the risk.”
“Yeah but c’mon, it’s us.” Max added, nudging his shoulder against Charles’. “Don’t you think we can keep it a secret?”
“I can’t burden you with it. It’s a lot… you don’t understand how much I want to share it. Tell everyone just how amazing they are, y’know?”
Whilst Pierre completely missed it, Max never did. He never missed the way that Charles never said him - not once had he inferred that Thirty was a man like the rest of them. And that intrigued him. If one of his biggest competitors was a woman, he was definitely impressed.
“Well, whoever he is… his driving is very impressive.” Pierre said, leaning back into the sofa. “Some of the overtakes he did before the crash? Wow.”
Charles simply nodded, opting not to correct Pierre in this situation. “Well, do you want to go out for a bit? I have an early meeting tomorrow with Thirty and the rest of the team so I can’t stay out too late.”
“Oooh mysterious. What about?”
Pierre was definitely one of the most nosey about your identity - being the grid’s biggest gossip, and despite being one of Charles’ best friends, he could never get him to slip and it drove him crazy. On more than one occasion he wanted to just go up and talk to you but with a specialist team surrounding you whenever you were in the paddock, it was impossible.
“I don’t know. Just that it’s early.” The Monagasque brushed his friend off. “Let’s just go okay?”
Max gave his friend a sympathetic pat on the back before the three of them head out for the night. Charles trailed a little behind, trying to shake off his nerves. One thing he hated more than you being faceless, was that outside of meetings and sneaky visits to your drivers room, he wasn’t allowed to spend time with you.
You intrigued him and, merde, you were beautiful. It felt unfair that he had a secret teammate that was not only insanely talented and passionate but looks to boot. You had enough on your plate without one of the people you trusted crossing the line by admitting any feelings.
He also had no idea how you felt. So he convinced himself that being your confidant and friend was enough.
Little did he know, the universe - or more specifically, Mattia and the team - had different plans for you.
Next part >>>
Here it is! Hope you enjoy ❤️
I will not be doing a tag list for this fic but appreciate the support you’ve all already shown regardless!
923 notes · View notes
gojo-mochi · 5 months
Inumaki Fluff for a friend!
CW: A bit Suggestive near the end
WC: 900
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Everyone knew you two were crushing on each other; Maki and Panda were the ones that pushed Inumaki to finally ask you out. It was right after class that Inumaki tapped you on the shoulder and pointed out a spot behind the school. You two were alone; well, ‘alone’, the other students and Gojo were hidden behind some bushes, waiting to see how the confession would go. Inumaki played with the zipper of his collar as he handed you a letter, the envelope stamped with an onigiri sticker.
He motions for you to open it; you do so, pulling out the letter and starting to read it. It was very simple and straightforward. Inumaki wrote down that he has liked you for a while now and asked if you wanted to go on a cafe and shopping date with him tomorrow. As you were reading the letter silently to yourself, you heard Gojo from inside the treeline shouting, “Read it out loud!I wanna know what he said!” Then you hear the sound of a shuffle as Maki and Panda both drag him away. Inumaki's face was blushing red, zipping the collar of his jacket all the way up and trying to hide away. 
You were blushing yourself but tried to giggle it away, tucking the letter in your pocket and clasping Inumaki’s hands in yours. “I would love to go on that date with you.” Inumaki’s eyes went wide as he squeezed your hands and nodded happily. The date went well, great even. Inumaki held your hand the entire time and didn’t let you pay for anything. He would order for you too, but with his curse speech, he was limited to only ordering sushi or various types of onigiri.
He would feed you, though, and let you feed him, happily leaning forward with his mouth open to accept any treat from your hand. He would text you that it tasted sweeter coming from you. That's how you mostly communicated with each other, when he couldn’t answer with a simple “Salmon '' for yes or “Fish Flakes” for no. After your little cafe date, Inumaki towed you around various shops and stores. Keeping a keen eye on anything you took a liking to, even if you didn’t ask for him to buy it, Inumaki would sneak it to the cash register somehow, and he would not let you hold most of the shopping bags. He flexes his bicep and pats his arm with a huff if you try to take some of the bags away from him.
So by the end of the date, you ended up with lots of new trinkets. One of the highlights was getting two matching plush charms for you and Inumaki. His was a tuna rice ball, and yours was a salmon nigiri plush. Once the two of you got more comfortable with each other, you soon found out that Inumaki likes to troll a lot, especially with non-sorcerers. Since he only speaks in food terms, he loves to freak out non-sorcerers when he goes out. Never getting embarrassed if they look at him weirdly at all. He was also a lot more touchy than you realized, with a hand always on your back, pinkies hooking with each other as you walk, and letting your thighs touch when you’re sitting down next to each other.
That’s when Inumaki’s wandering hand wanders a bit too far, though. You were sitting together at a table with Maki and Panda, and Inumaki was right next to you as he bumped his leg into yours slyly. Maki was telling a story about something dumb Gojo did when you felt a hand creep on your thigh, slowly inching its way to the inside of your thigh. You shoot a look Inumaki’s way; he didn’t return the look or pretend not to notice. When Panda and Maki were distracted by something, you leaned into Inumaki and whispered, “Toge! What are you doing?”. He responded by tracing the word ‘Nothing’, on your thigh. You were about to slap him when Maki turned her attention towards you, asking you how you felt about the training today. “It was go-good!” You cough away the stutter with a blush, waving off Maki’s and Panda’s looks of concern. Inumaki stifled a giggle as his hand squeezed your thigh at the exact moment you were answering Maki. You excuse yourself, saying that you needed a drink for your parched throat. Inumaki followed right behind you, waving goodbye to the other two.
You ended up actually getting a drink from the vending machines, making Inumaki pay for it, of course. You chug down your drink of choice and send a glare over your boyfriend's way, his hand still lingering on your back, patting it softly. He gives you a cheeky smile the more you roll your eyes at him. “You’re a menace, you know that?” You scoff at him lightly; he points to you and then himself, ‘I’m your menace’. That made you giggle a little. You tugged him in closer by hooking a finger in his shirt collar, zipping it down as you made him lean to your height. Inumaki’s eyes flutter close as you start to lean in, expecting a kiss, but at the very last moment, you pull away with another giggle.
“Too bad menaces don’t get kisses~” You taunted, leaving Inumaki shell shocked, just standing there for a while. He quickly recovered and pulled you back in by your waist, trapping you against the vending machine. You let out a small squeak as his hand cupped your chin, forcing you to look up at him. His eyes tell you that if you want to keep playing this game, there will be dire consequences...
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norman-fucking-reedus · 2 months
I read your submissive Scud post and it literally had my foaming at the mouth. I was wondering if you would expand on that? (Especially the pegging part💀)
Thank you!! You’re awesome!!! I love your work!!
We’re both foaming at the mouth okay I get the urge to fuck the shit out of him every hour of the day its not a want its a need I desire that I NEED THAT
Anyone who says Scud wouldn’t be into pegging needs to immediately get their eyes checked. That is a cock lover in the flesh. Like i’m telling you guys he loves to just get bent over any surface and be completely stuffed.
This brings me to my secret headcanon abt him, I firmly believe that he’s been double stuffed before. Maybe he bumped into some hot guys on a mission who he totally didn’t lure into the back of his van for them to literally ruin him, and he totally wasn’t getting his little throat and ass destroyed on all fours. Wrong guy. Not him. Never ever.
Now let’s not get it twisted Scud still loves women. Thing is, his cock has always had a lot more nerve endings than the average male, so he cums fairly quickly, but don’t worry because all of Norman’s characters come pre-equipped with pussy eating powers. And Scud is pussy eating machine. He wants it for breakfast lunch and dinner. He has to be forcibly removed and pried away before he thinks about stopping. The jaw cramps just means that hes doing the damn thing.
Back to the original topic.. When you first brought the idea up to Scud, he had absolutely no fucking clue what pegging was, until you dumbed it down for him, to which he almost immediately agreed. Getting his back blown out by a literal goddess? Umm, somebody better sign him up twice.
Now again, Scuds cock is a tender one, and good boys dont need to be cumming after a few thrusts, so you cutely and quietly stop that from happening. How?
“What’re ya tying?” Scud mumbled against your lips as he you looping something around his balls and the base of his cock, jerking slightly when you pulled the ribbon tightly, tying it into a small bow. “Just something special for you” You kiss him, and he needily kissed back, dick twitching from your gentle contact.
Scud gets very, very turned on by kisses. Especially ones that are deep and sloppy with lots of tongue and spit. He gets so drunk off them and it’s the easiest way to get him to submit, because lord he’d do anything you say just as long as you keep kissing him.
Okay the actual pegging part, Scud is not the foreplay type. He physically cannot take it and needs pleasure as soon as he can get it. He’ll whine and squirm as you finger him open, babbling out begs for you to hurry.
He likes to be fucked as if he were a literal ragdoll. Please pound into him as hard as you can, he needs it. He needs to be a moaning mess on the desk. Also Scud is so. fucking. loud. His whimpers and whines bounce off the walls for everyone to hear, and while yes kissing does work, yanking back on his choker works a lot better.
Scud has a choking kink to the max. A very dangerous one at that. He likes to be almost strangled, racing between his orgasm to see if he would cum or pass out first. His choked off gasps and sobs only get him fucked harder.
Oh and the ribbon. The amazing ribbon. When Scud’s orgasm starts to build, he can feel it in his gut, tingling in his toes and shooting through his spine, so close, getting closer and closer yet never quite falling off the edge. It starts to hurt, his dick starts to painfully twitch at the lack of release, whining loudly as you continued rocking into him, a smile pulling your lips. “Hey Scud. Wanna see how cool my cock is?”
He mumbles something out, lips glossy with spit as a small puddle started to form on the table. You fished a remote out from your pants pocket, clicking once, twice, glancing up to Scud’s twisting face. You swiftly pulled your hips back, leaving only the buzzing tip of the dildo before completely burying it all back into your boyfriend, pressing right into what you knew was his sweet spot from the lewd and loud whimpers that Scud couldn’t stop from coming out, each thrust sending his eyes so far into the back of his head.
Scuds cock ached, orgasm building so rapidly once again as you fucked him stupid, turning his brain into nothing but the sex clouded mess that it was made to be. When you amplify the vibrations speed, and it makes each snap of your hips pump pure ecstasy into his body, and he just needed so much more.
“Please, mmngh, please let me cum mommy, please fuck me so hard and let me cum,” He babbled, whimpers and moans tearing from his chest when he felt you increase your pace, skin slapping skin. “Is this what you want, hm baby? To be fucked like the dirt slut you are?” You cooed, leaning down over him. Scud brainlessly nodded against the table, choking on his words as he spoke. “Yes! Want mommy to pound me so deep- so, very fucking deep!” He gasped, shaking like a leaf when he felt the you pulling the ribbon loose, almost sobbing when his orgasm crashed over him finally, cumming harder than ever. You fucked him through it until he was twitching and whining, actually you fucked him until he came again, high moans spilling past his lips with every buzzing thrust to his sweet spot, so overstimulated and sensitive yet you just kept going.
Scud could barely keep his eyes open, groaning which each slap of your hips. You fucked him like he was your own sextoy, pulling orgasm after orgasm from him until he would just collapse, so used and destroyed. His toes curled at a particularly hard thrust, choking in surprise when you suddenly yanking his head back by his choker, holding him down onto your vibrating cock pressed blissfully into that bundle nerves inside him. Scud choked his moans and cries out, desperately rocking his hips as his third orgasm raced off the edge. Oh God, he was so fucking close, vision starting to turn black and his ears ringing as he practically fucked himself on your strap, orgasm slamming into him–
“Scud? Y/n?” Blade’s voice rang out from the hallway, and you quickly pulled out and away from Scud, who gripped the table as his orgasm continued washing over his whole body, bitting down on his lips as he muffled a pained yet so pleasured sob, hips thrusting into the air as ropes of white shot out from his swollen and totally untouched cock, “Fuckin’ hell Scud” You grumbled, shutting off the dildo and having to just stuff it in your underwear, pulling your pants up quickly and searching for anything to wipe up the mess you’ve created.
Blade approached the workshop, steps echoing throughout. You groaned when you couldn’t find anything, and settled for wheeling a chair ontop of it, shoving Scud in it so his still halfway exposed bottom was covered, leaning against the table as if everything was totally normal.
The man swung the workshop door open and lingered at the top of the stairs, staring down at you and Scud with a questioning face. “What are you two doing?” You shrugged, responding with a casual “Nothing.”
Blade’s eyes landed on Scud, who was still very visibly fucked out, eyes droopy and lust riddled, hair pushed back and messy, not to mention the bruises forming on his neck from his choker being pulled. “Mhm. Whenever you get done doing ‘nothing’, come find me” He spoke flatly, before turning and exiting the room, shutting the door behind him. You sighed in relief, glancing down at Scud and his ruined state.
You leaned down, tilting his head up to kiss him on his glossed lips, smiling playfully. “I am not done with you, Scudster”
I got a little carried way I just need. I need. I need him guys.
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
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ann-ndsims · 9 months
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Seasons of Love Challenge
If you want a mini-challenge that centers on romance, story, and gameplay, then this might be the perfect challenge for you! I introduce to you, the Seasons of Love Challenge! Pair up or create four pairs and be the matchmaker and the writer of their destiny. Get indulged with their story and help them find love by the end of the season!
For each season, we have different couple that may or may not fall in love before the season ends. I recommend that you edit the in-game season length, it can be up to 7, 12, 21 or 25 days per season, depending to you. This challenge can either be rotational or generational, it’s completely up to you. 
Feel free to remove and add some more activities to the following. These are not really rules, but more like guides or checklist that you can do so that you won’t run out of ideas to do for each round, and hopefully, help progress the relationship of the each pair. 
For those who prefer slow-burn romance (like me!) there’s a Slowburn Romance Edition by the end with some set of rules, be sure to check that out! This is supposedly a personal challenge for my game, but I thought it would be nice to share it with the community. If you do this challenge, please don't forget to add the hashtag #TS3SeasonsofLove and mention me, I would love to see other simmers enjoy this little challenge that I've created 💖
Note: You may play this in any order.
trope:  enemies to lovers
 - sim A is demoted from her work because of her hotheaded nature, and was assigned in this town where her grandparents/(or) sister live. She absolutely hates that, she wants to go up the ladder and build her name, but how can she do that now that she's demoted and stuck in this town?
 - sim B is carefree and enigmatic, living his life to the fullest. He used to get sick a lot when he was a child and now that he's a teen and rarely gets sick anymore, he wants to break free from those restrictions and do the things he hasn't done in his childhood. 
how things started:
  ~ Just few days before his birthday, sim B is feeling rebellious and wants to spend the best of his teenage days, even if that means breaking the curfew. So, he stayed out late with his friends to party and even went to the beach and lit some fireworks just before he go home. But, on his way home, the police patrol saw him! He knew he's so screwed, but what can he do? He plead with the cop, which happens to be Sim A, but she don't take any of his bullshit. Which eventually leads to some misunderstanding, fight and disliking each other. Guess the last of his teenage day is remarkable afterall, especially if you're being escorted back to your house in police car. 
  ~ If things aren't already worst as they are, he, unfortunately, bumped with the same cop again when she joined the surfing/scuba diving club. Oh well, guess they have to see each other a lot now. Will this be the perfect summer as he imagined, or will it be totally ruined because of that one hot-headed cop?
childish, athletic, loves the sea
grumpy, natural cook, snob
Athletics, martial arts, logic
Diving/surfing/swimming, fishing, charming
Lifeguard/Scuba diver
pull booty traps and bicker
prank each other
scuba dive/surf together
play water balloon fight and pillow fight
throw a pool party and receive positive moodlets. you may do the following:
   * Perform Fireworks Extravaganza (Having three large fireworks i.e. Golden Dragon/Facemelter) during party    * Play in the sand    * play and swim in the water together    * skinny dip together
Try water balloon arena
Spend the summer festival together, join these activities and win Summer Festival Ticket:
  * get holiday greeting card in photobooth   * buy a snow cone   * Get Face Painted       * Skate together   * Soccer Shootout   * HotDog eating contest   * Water Balloon Fights
 date idea: 
Beach date, skinny dip, windsurf, and go boating together, take pictures!
Compete in a bowling alley
Watch a live show performance
Watch a band performance
Recommended Mods: 
Social Club Mod by @phoebejaysims
Surf's Up Sun & Fun Wave store content
trope: distant childhood friends to lovers
  ~ Sim A and Sim B where inseparable when they're kids. They spent afternoons playing video games, playing with their toys and painting together. But things changed when they entered High School. Sim B moved to a different part of town and became more distant as she found new circle of friends, and eventually, had a boyfriend. She thought it was forever! Only to find out that she's pregnant with someone who totally, totally dislikes children. So, she runaway from home and found herself back to the small apartment where she was raised, back to where sim A lives just next door. 
  ~ Sim A was surprise to see Sim B again. He always wanted to make up and be friends with her again, but he always felt shy and small when he sees her with her new set of friend and popular boyfriend. Now that she's back, will he finally have the courage to talk to her again? 
  ~ Moreover, can Sim B raised this child alone? And will she find comfort again with the boy next door?
artistic, dramatic, friendly
socially awkward, artistic, handy
handiness, inventing, video game
play video games together
go to karaoke and have a duet
play hopscotch together
compete in darts
visit each other's house and chat
Attend Spring Festival/Love Day together and do the following activities:
    * send love letters     * Slow Dance during Spring Festival     * Spring Dance Queen and Spring Dance King (optional)     * Hunt eggs     * Try kissing booths!     * Try the Love tester machine      * roller skate together     * Play horseshoes together
sim A must make a portrait of the other
sim B must make a toy for sim A's child
they must be distant friends at start
let Sim A go to parenting classes
let sim B know about the pregnancy before they start dating
Date idea: 
~ Park date, cook the dishes that you will bring, and watch the sunset/sunrise
~ Go to greenhouses and take pictures together in flower fields
~ Amusement park date
trope: Second chance romance
  ~ Sim A and Sim B are highschool sweethearts. They dreamed of living together and building their family when they were teens. They thought it was forever. But things took a drastic change when Sim B suddenly disappeared when his father died, leaving him to live with his mother in France, leaving sim B behind. Sim B never expected this, she never expected to bear a child with Sim A as well. She can't seem to find him anymore, but still, she decided that she will raise this child. 
  ~ Years later, Sim B discovered that their child was sick and only had a few months left. Pile with grief, the kid is constantly looking for his/her father as well. Sim B doesn't want to let her child rest without seeing his/her father. So, again, she tried to look for him. And she found him! Turns out that he's now a rockstar in France, with a name and career. After knowing all of this, he quickly booked the ticket back to their town.
  ~ Will him coming back after years of disappearance mend their broken hearts and finally build the family they've dreamed? Or will they stay together just for the sake of their dying child?
green-thumb, nurturing, coward
virtuoso, charismatic, materialistic
Guitar, drums, bass, charming
Cooking, canning, gardening
Music career: Rockstar
take care and grow a plant together
catch butterflies and fireflies on the cottage
play in the pile of leaves
Attend Fall Festival together (with their child). Join in activities and actually have fun!
  * Apple Bobbing contest   * Pie Eating contest   * Enter Haunted House
- Throw a costume or feast party during or before Spooky Time Holiday. You may do the following for the party:
* Plant and grow pumpkins    ~ make Jack-o-lanterns, or;    ~ bake pumpkin pies (or both) * wear costumes for the party * cook and bake the dishes for the party * Let their child do trick-or-treat
must spend time as a family every weekend together and go out of town
must teach the child and help with his/her homework
must accomplish every child's wish
must be a good parent to the child
Both must be best friends with their child
must not argue or fight in front of the child
the child may or may not die
sell harvestable or jams in the market
Sim B must play for tips on the park
optional woohoo spot:
 woohoo in pile of leaves
date idea: 
~ Coffee Date with just the two of you wearing couple outfits, take pictures!
~ Watch a horror movie together
~ Watch in theater
~ Go to a dive bar or lounge
recommended store content:
Canning Station (store content)
Produce Stand Mod
trope: force cohabitation
~ After getting tired of the big city, Sim A decides to travel, and he happens to land in this very town and rent in Sim B’s place. He’s a successful author, but he’s very shy and introverted and all the socialization and parties of the big city aren’t for him. He find this new town peaceful and gives him more inspiration to write. Perhaps, he can spend the winter holiday here, or will he decide to settle down in this quiet little town?
~ The death of her mother brings Sim B so much grief. Now that she’s just living on her own, she decides to open again their old bakery and let travelers rent her place. She’s a loner, more now that her mother, her only bestfriend died. Now she just spends her time baking and selling and knitting to ease her mind, will this new traveler who stays with her bring some color in her dull life? 
shy, brooding, bookworm
loner, perfectionist, unlucky
Knitting, baking
Bakery Owner
- Hang Holiday Lights
- Buy a mistletoe
- must give gifts to each other
- Attend Winter Festival Together
~ Snowflake Day is held last Thursday of Winter ~ don't do any work. make sure to have positive moodlets and enjoy the festival.   * Take greeting card photos   * snowboard together   * ice skate together
attend (or hold) a gift-giving party
* give gift to each other ~ gift idea: a book written by him, and a cloth knitted by her
make snowmen together
build an igloo together, sleep there
Make snow angels
Have snowball fights
Swim in cold water
kiss under the mistletoe before the season ends
the author can sell his book in the bakery itself, or make a mini library space (You can use this mod from nraas)
Sim B can sell the knitted products she did in the bakery
they must work together while the other is writing and the other is knitting
the author must finish at least 3 novels before winter ends
sim B must make at least 2000 simoleons from selling bake goodies
optional woohoo location:
woohoo in igloo
woohoo in sauna
date ideas:
~ go ice skating together, have some cup of cold choco, make snowmen and snow angels, take pictures!
~ have a sauna date!
~ watch a musical performance
~ Library date!
~ Spend sometime outside by the fire at night
recommended mods:
Knitting Mod
Savvier Seller Mod (for the bakery), or
SimState Business Mod, or;
The Merchant Mod by @anitmb
Baking Station (Store Content)
A useful thread on setting up a home bakery
i know that setting up a home business can be a bit complicated, so you can have 2 alternative options, 1) you can just purchase another community lot near your house and have the bakery there; or, 2) just drop the bakery all at once and you may find a different job for sim B.
Of course, this challenge wouldn't be as fun if you didn't share your gameplay and screenshots with the community! So, here are additional things that you can do for all rounds:
Take a screenshot of every activity that you did.
Pick your favorite memories and you may edit them as Polaroid pictures.
Make them do couple poses and take amazing photos of them together!
For each round/season that you finish, edit the photos that you had like a scrapbook, photo album or whatever creative idea you can think of.
Upload them and don't forget to put the hashtag #TS3SeasonsofLove and mention me so I can reblog it!
Now, if you’re like me who likes to take things slow, this rules are for you! You may or may not apply them, just an extra challenge for those who wants slower romance to this challenge. 
You must only force up to only 10 romance interactions, the rest will be up to the sims autonomy and wishes
You can not force them to kiss and woohoo, it will only depend on the sims wish and/or autonomy
You can only force atleast 3 dates, the rest will be up to the sims autonomy/wish
This challenge is made by ann-ndsims. Huge thank you as well to @frostedshore for giving me the idea for the Summer prompt and helping me come up with ideas for this challenge💕 If you like to modify it, convert it or have some suggestions and/or mod recommendations, feel free to send me a message! Don’t forget to mention me if you do this challenge and use the hashtag #TS3SeasonsofLove, I would love to see other simmers enjoy this little challenge that I made. Enjoy and happy simming!
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kit-williams · 19 days
The Equinox Song
Mer Anrir time! Yes I am going to milk this song again
Anrir's Fish vibe: angler fish
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
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You could finally afford to go to a Night Lord Equinox song! Only happens twice a year and everything in the local area got expensive or overbooked to come and see them sing. You've wanted to do this for years as listening to the recordings online only could do so much to quell the craving you had to hear them sing live. You were bouncing with excited energy as your best friend had come with you finally having enough of your wanting to see them. Fences had been set up around the dock, the beach closed off for a good mile, and no boats to disturb them as Night Lords were notoriously Territorial and known to kill with little provocation... you could tell as a few of the early arrivers were wearing masks made of bone. You looked over the pamphlet as like with most mer-songs someone went missing at every event... you look over the warnings: stop listening if you feel compelled to get in the water, avoid prolonged eye contact with a mer, mer's while aquatic can 'sprint' in short distances so if you think you're far enough you probably aren't... and other warnings.
You were especially excited to hear, what was assumed to be the head of the shoal, the angler sing. Where you sat you could see the large rock that most of them would sit on... the smaller smoother rock for the singer, and other various less desirable spots. Younger Night Lords would swim right up to under your feet and sing as they spin in the water some with glowing red eyes just looking up with sharp toothed grins. But you watched as more and more Night Lords were appearing and hissing, barking, shoulder bumping, and other displays as you watched one smaller Night Lord get thrown from a spot on the rock. There was singing during all of this but it wasn't the main song... it wasn't their song. You had gotten so caught up in the antics that you jumped slightly as your friend touched your shoulder. "Look." She whispers.
You softly gasp as you can see on his rock you could see him pulling himself out of the water. The moon was bright enough that you could make out some details. Long black hair that covered his eyes but not his nose and mouth ended at his waist... both front and back, his torso pale and covered in scars, twisting patches of midnight blue scales covered his chest and arms, the tips of his long fingers were black and his hands webbed, like all night lords poking out of his hair were long red ear fins that reminded you of bat wings, and your eyes landed on why he was called the angler as there was a lure that let out a pulse of bioluminescent light... his face lit up for a moment and you swore he was grinning at you.
The shoal got into place, the wind was blowing but otherwise everything else was quiet. His voice was soft... it was like a lullaby... but was it powerful as it caried on the wind in such a way that recordings failed to do it justice. You couldn't help but hold your breath as his voice croons supernaturally as you could feel it in your bones as this was why people were scared to hear them sing. He sings and as he goes on he sounds louder... stronger... almost as if he is singing directly to you. How his whole body sways and his arms held out as he sings... its as if you're watching something tribal... something sacred and intimate... you shiver as it feels like you are there alone... the water doesn't look so cold.
You swallow as the rest of the shoal bursts out singing, their voices filling the moonlit night air. Those on the rock were flashing white bioluminescent streaks down their tails akin to bolts of lightning spidering over their tails. Just like the storms they were fond of singing during. Right below the viewing area, churning the water were others as they churned it with their dancing, spinning and bobbing in the water as they sing up to all the humans just out of reach. Unnatural eyes glittered and glowed in the moonlight as the water rushed down their pale skin and dark scales. However, their antics couldn't pull your eyes away from him... you were hyper focused on him and at this point there was no denying it when the lure lit up his face... he was looking right at you.
It was magical... so otherworldly... so... get in the water... something told you deep in your gut that if you let him finish the whole song to you that you weren't going home tonight! You were shaking as you got up and ran covering your ears. The song was almost over and you were certain that when you stopped it would have been over. Your hands are shaking and you're on the verge of hyperventilating as you want to throw up even. Your chest was pounding from how hard your heart is racing and you wiped the sweat off of your face as you notice the lonely drink machine. Coins are fed into the vending machine and your trembling hands struggle with opening up the can. You put your head between your knees to come down from the adrenaline high as you were now safe. The waves were loud but no longer calling you to get in.
You exhale in relief as you continue to stop feeling like trash. Something scrapes against the concrete next to you... but you didn't hear footsteps. You open your eyes and see there is a lot of water wetting the concrete turning it dark as it soaks up the liquid. Your throat tightens and you start to shake... your hair is blocking what is to your side and you start to turn your head. You nearly scream as a webbed hand grabs your chin and guides you up gently. Your grab his arm that holds your chin as tears gather in your eyes as the large merman looms over you as he cups your face like a lover would. His lure lights up and you see thin spines on his face near his eyes raise and push the hair over his eyes away.
You realize you're looking right into his eyes as you watch large bioluminescent patches under his black eyes glow. He leans in cooing to you... знішчыць... he croons to you... the last... знішчыць... verses... of his... song... знішчыць.... He leans in and you just melt into his kiss as your body goes limp... you don't hear people scream for you... his mouth on yours feels so good... your name being shrieked by your friend... you pull back to breathe... strong arms wrap around you as you are pulled into the water... it doesn't feel so cold as he sings to you. знішчыць... pulling you down... знішчыць... and down... знішчыць... and down... знішчыць... into the dark... знішчыць....
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jeskoholic · 1 year
A Little Piece of You Chapter 14: An Excess of Kwangya
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This is a chapter from an on-going series. If you missed out on the previous entries, you can check my masterlist.
Previous chapter: The Mending and the Melancholy
Word count: 4,515
Tags: Male OC, Sister Irene, College Friends, Slight angst
Sorry it took so long for an update. I've been busy.
It was like a scene from a drama. The medical students eavesdropping through their building’s windows probably never saw a scene as intense and emotional like that. It was a common knowledge that breakups were not really rare for people around their age but confrontations similar to that surely were, especially when they were just having their breaks from their normal laboratory rounds. One quick slap was what ended everything as the girl finally ran off and left the guy drenched in the rain, a lopsided umbrella lay on the floor with its purpose utterly defeated. If only the young man did not pick up the umbrella upon realization and went on off ahead, the show would have continued. He would have been the seen through a lot of cameras, being remembered as the man who stood under the rain.
Yoon Jae-in ran as fast as he could away from the scene with the thoughts of the unintended commotion with Soyeon, as well as the consequences that came with it, only brought shame to his already faulty dignity. He was prepared in case something would break out for sure, but on that grave of a circumstance it cannot be helped. The rain was just another insult to the already obvious injury and all he could do was to hang his head low in the hopes that his wet hair could conceal his face from the general public. It was unfortunate that he managed to get out of a huge commotion almost at the same time as the dismissal of the other classes, in turn causing him tread through a large swath of North Line students. Perhaps a sliver of prayer would be the best to give, hoping for none of his friends to see him in that rather unusual predicament.
Fuck, I need to get out of here.
Those were perhaps the very words that served as a mantra for him while he sprinted towards the university’s main gate. With everything that happened, he could not even put his head on the breakup with Soyeon, as his concern that time was primarily to get away from his inevitable shame. He was soaked all over: clothes, hair, shoe… perhaps the only thing that was dry in him was his heart; maybe including a couple of papers that his seemingly water-resistant bag could protect. Yoon Jae-in finally reached the final stretches of stairs, eyeing the outskirts of the university’s front street filled with students heading to and fro. Like how it contributed to his physical challenge, the rain made it so that almost every cab was either occupied or eagerly waited. Even if he dreamed to board one home, it would seem to not be the most plausible option at that very moment.
It was even weirder to think about that most of the students were surprised upon seeing a student soaked with the hard rain from head to foot despite holding a folded umbrella on one hand. Clearly, something really bad happened to this one particular North Liner in that particular afternoon.
Jae-in walked a couple of metres from the front of the university just so that he could lessen the chance of bumping into someone, while still keeping the mystery of how to head home an utmost priority. At that rate, he was already too soaked to walk towards the bus terminal or even the train station, so either way he was really in such a bad luck.
It was so out of nowhere but it came as quick just as lightning flashed once more on the grey skies. It was fast, and yet he was sure that he felt it. Jae-in immediately moved to the left-most side of the roofed street path, steering clear of the incoming flux of students and moved to fish out his phone. Clearly, the first person that might even contact him would naturally be the person who would know about the breakup right away. He had a huge hunch that it would be Ningning, considering he could really see Soyeon contacting her first before everyone else. If that was truly the case, then she’s really quick on messaging him.
How long has it even passed since that slap; ten minutes or about half an hour already?
That is, if it was actually her that messaged him but it would turn out that it was not. In fact, for Jae-in’s situation the sender of the message was perhaps better if not the best person who could send one.
New message from: Noona Prettiest
The rain is strong so I got a shoot cancelled. Do you want me to drop by North Line so I can drive us home together?
Well, this is like a scene from a drama.
“Okay, now that we’re actually home and you’re all dried up,” I heard noona’s voice call from the living room as I exited the bathroom, hanging my soaked clothes as well as changing into new ones. “Can you please tell me how on earth were you so wet with rainwater when I came to your school? You did not forget your umbrella now, did you Jae-in? What would have happened to you had I not decided to fetch you, huh?”
“I’m sorry noona… I hope that I didn’t get the car seats wet. I just… something huge happened and me getting soaked was just one of the after effects of it, I guess. I really apologize… things just have been rough lately… and that is coming from someone who never really let school things a bother…”
Joohyun noona raised an eyebrow, albeit it appeared to be springing from a concerned expression rather than a pissed one.
“Ehh…? Is there something going on?”
“No it’s… I’ve actually sorted things out now, noona. You have no idea how relieved I am despite looking so cold in front of you… it looks bad but I really am happy.”
As I was busy drying my hair with the towel, I felt Joohyun-noona approach me and hold my hand with her ever soft palms. I did not see the entire ordeal as I was really busy so it came as a shock that she actually went off and did exactly just that. I don’t even know why she would do that in the first place.
“Come with me… sit on the couch and let’s talk about it,” her voice turned soft. It sounded really concerned by I got concerned with it. It felt as if it was the calm before the storm of her anger towards me.
Was that even the case?
“You’re not… mad?”
“Sit, Yoon Jae-in,” She commanded rather sternly. Of course, despite being so soft she still had that tone of authority and concern blending carefully well. I have nothing else to do but silently follow after her. Next thing I know, I sat on the couch with a towel over my head and Joohyun-noona disappeared to her room, only to appear seconds later with a blanket on her grasp.
“Here,” she said as she draped the towel over my shoulders and body. I wonder if it was her personal blanket; I assumed that it was because it had that sweet, velvety smell to it. “I know that it should have been a while back, but I had no expectations for you to show up dripping wet like that. Use my blanket. Don’t worry, it’s clean.”
She then proceeded to sit beside me and placed her right hand over my shoulder.
“I’ll be honest; I was a supposed to get angry at you when I saw you board the car. I don’t mind getting the car wet; for me that was the least of my concerns. I was really on the brink of being furious yet your face… your face when you entered the car door was different. It was quite unlike what I saw from you before, so I just resorted to rush home and keep you warm as much as I could.”
“I… I had that different look on me, noona?”
Joohyun-noona nodded.
“Your eyes looked different. You sure look sad but relieved at the same time. I don’t exactly understand why you would have that kind of look with you, but you did. It was weird. Do you mind elaborating about that?”
“Actually… I… I got slapped just now… not that long ago when we saw each other… the real reason why I was soaked when you saw me was anchored with that, noona… I have no idea how else I would have gotten home if it were not for your fetch. I got fortunate that your shoot got cancelled when it did.”
“Wait, wait, wait… did I just hear that right, Jae in?” I saw noona’s expression change. If she was not curious before, she definitely was now. Her eyes displayed nothing but pure inquiry. “Did I hear that right? You got slapped?! How… how on earth would you even get slapped? Did I just hear that wrong or were you really slapped across you face? Who would even do that to you and why would they do that?!”
I shifted a bit on my end of the couch. Things are about to come out to her now.
“Do you… do you remember that time when I was staring at Wonyoung’s letter…?”
“Of course I do… wait, did that girl do this to you!? Was Wonyoung the one who slapped you across your face?!”
“What…? No! Noona… please listen to me first… it’s…. I told you that night that I was keeping it as a reminder… I fished it out of my drawer for that very reason, all before you even asked me to tell the story about my ex-girlfriend. Today… today I felt like I just prevented a possibility of another Wonyoung situation from happening again, noona. Actually… there’s someone that confessed to me that they liked me and…”
The awkwardness of this whole thing never really sank in me until I was about to tell Joohyun-noona of everything that happened. Oh my, now there’s no real way to back out in this impending conversation.
However, on hindsight I really should have told her of the situation. She, of all people, could help me the best.
Maybe not entirely in detail, but… whatever….
“… And earlier today, I have given things a fair bit of thought and decided that… with all the signs from before, the way that this girl acted as well as the things I learned from my ex-girlfriend, Wonyoung… I figured I was not yet ready for the kind of relationship that this particular girl was aiming for. I could easily just have went with the flow and agreed to date her once and for all, but in good conscience I just could not do that. I think no human being deserves to have that.”
“So, you never really liked this girl and you finally said ‘no’ today?” Joohyun-noona asked. “Is that why she slapped you?”
I nodded.
“I figured that it was bound to happen, noona. I just hope that she would understand why I did that in the long run. At least by then, I could say that the pain across my face was worth it.”
“Why are you soaked then?”
“She… she left me under the rain...After the slap, there was a commotion and I just... I just stood there until she went off. I didn’t even realize that I was standing in the rain.”
“Does it still hurt? Can I see that?”
I was about to tell her that it was fine, honestly. Soyeon’s slap was strong to the point that I could still feel the force of her palm just as I arrived home but I could hold it in. However, before I could even protest, my step-sister already moved from her side of the couch towards my direction, placing her soft palms over the left cheek of where I was slapped previously. She brought her face dangerously close as well that I could see every small detail of her beautiful presence right before my very eyes. Her warm breathing was grazing softly against the skin of my chin.
I don’t know, but I immediately panicked on the spot. I never got this close with noona ever.
“N-noona,” I blurted out which clearly startled her. My head immediately formulated the first reasonable question it could produce at that moment. “H-how did you know that… that I got slapped right there?”
“I mean, if she was right handed, this is where her palm would land first.”
She gave my cheek a light tap and admittedly, it stung. Perhaps I was too obvious with that as Irene-noona immediately withdrew from being relatively close to me. Despite that, she still kept her hand planted on my cheek.
“It still hurts then. Let’s get that treated, Jae-in. Also, tell me what you like to eat. Even if it’s something that I can’t cook, we can just get it delivered.”
“No, that’s not necessary now, noona… I could make do of whatever you could cook there, heck I don’t even mind cooking myself; you don’t need to go out of your way and even go online just for me.”
She tapped her hand on my cheek again, inciting another painful reaction from the stinging sensation it gave.
“Yah,” she frowned and I must admit: her eyes felt like they were already talking to me. “At least let me treat you. You already got slapped. Plus, you’ve decided to do the right thing for whoever this girl was… just think of this as a form of me showing my appreciation for your decision, for your maturity… And also, there’s a huge tendency for you to get sick because of what you did so let me treat you with healthy food. That way, your body can combat the natural reactions.  I’m better off feeding you with something than take care of you because you’re sick; you little bean of a Jae-in.”
“I… okay then, noona… I’ll… I’ll let you do that.”
“Okay, it’s decided. I’ll leave you here for a bit and I’d get some stuff from the shops down below. Hopefully there’s something there that I would take a liking to. That way, we can eat right away and not even wait for the delivery to arrive. In the meantime, there’s hot water on the container. If you need something hot to drink, you can get some from there.”
Joohyun-noona stood up and brushed her shirt, but not before moving to give my head with soft series of pats. With how gentle she did it, her soft palms barely felt like it even grazed my crowning glory.
I nodded silently as she finally headed towards her room. That was, to my assumption anyway, to change into something that could combat the cold from the outside. It was no longer raining, thankfully, but that does not mean that the post-rain evening’s coolness was something to scoff at.
As I bade another soft farewell to noona while she exited through the door, I headed towards the kitchen and fished out the electric kettle just as she mentioned. At that moment, there was only a single sentence among a lot of things that solidified my train of thought for the evening:
I was so damn lucky to have a sister such as Bae Joohyun.
 Ever since she invited me to live with her, things have drastically altered my life for the better. I do not know if I could even make the decision I chose back there had I not have her advice on the back of my head. I would have definitely turned into another person for sure.
One more thing; I could easily have been ground meat the moment that she saw me soaked. Her not getting angry, among the plethora of things that seemed to align on this very day… it was just fucking amazing. There are a lot of things that happened today for sure, but this impending dinner with my ever so loving step sister felt like it was indeed a reward for what happened.
I just did it.
Things have not even sunk in me just yet… until now that I was alone with nothing else to think about.
I finally let go of Jeon Soyeon.
I did exactly what I said I would do.
Whatever comes after that; I must be brave to face the consequences. I must be able to uphold this decision as firm and as dedicated as I could.
I bet that at this point in time, something must have already happened within the messaging group. I would be really surprised if there wasn’t.
Worse case was… maybe Soyeon would have gone drinking with some other friend group of hers once again. If that was the case, then I don’t think that was still on me. That would already be on her. I did what I came for and that was to end everything once and for all. It had to be done for the greater good.
I have a feeling that this would not be the final interaction between Soyeon and me. I’m sure in the future; we’ll be able to talk again as friends. I could only hope so much, however.
The thought of the group’s reaction intrigued me beyond comprehension and I can’t keep everything to myself. With that in mind, I moved to fish out the phone placed on top of the oven toaster previously. I had a feeling that I would head to the kitchen after the shower and so I placed it there beforehand, fetching it before I went back to the dining table to enjoy the hot chocolate I made.
I connected my phone into the internet and pushed the icon of the messaging group, and that one push was all that I needed before my entire notification bar was flooded with messages from…
‘United Kwangya’…?
What even is that?
And then it hit me: it was a messaging group. In fact, it was the very same messaging group from before; the one that I had with Kyungsoo and the others, just under a different name… only now that everything was wrought in chaos. I don’t know who or what was the reason why they changed the name, but I trust that it was another product of the chaos that was happening. It might be an aftermath, it might not be, but it’s nothing short of confusing for sure.
What is going on?
Yoon Jae-in took a good sip from his prepared hot chocolate drink and proceeded to open the said conversation. The thought of the chaos being tied to him and Soyeon was already there and perhaps he, too, wanted a confirmation. However, his inner curiosity with regards to the previously unnamed group’s new peculiar group chat name weighed heavier, especially the perpetrator. He opened the group and almost everyone else was typing at the same exact time. Their portraits with multiple ellipses showed as he scrolled down to the most recent messages.
Kyungsoo: Hey, who the hell did that? Please just leave her be. I think there’s something going on so let’s just not barge in if Soyeon’s not interested to be added back. Stop being jack-asses.
Shinwon: Oh, something happened for sure otherwise she would not leave without even a message. I’m sure she’s told someone already, or we could just wait for Jae-in to go online and ask him.
I’m pretty sure Shinwon connected the dots already, Jae-in thought to himself. It’s not that long ago when we talked about her after all. It would take time before he would realize, though.
Kino: They could have had an argument or something. That’s just normal; it’s not like it’s something new. Let’s just shut up. It’ll pass. Who knows; maybe they’re even smashing RN and do not want to be disturbed. People do that to make up to each other right?
Kyungsoo: Hey, watch your mouth @Kino. We have other people here. Please don’t give them the wrong idea about us.
Yeri: I’m sorry. I think Soyeon left because I just got added: (. Maybe she got uncomfy that I got added here.
Kyungsoo: @Yeri, don’t worry about that. I’m sure it has nothing to do with you.
Wait, since when was Yeri added to the chat?
Jae-in, with curiosity already getting the better of him, moved to scroll past the arguing bunch and actually give context to what was going on. It was evident from the talk that Soyeon has left the group, somehow Yeri got added into the mix and then the group chat’s name got changed. His scrolling fortunately yielded answers to his queries, and things seemed to have become worse the more that he continued to read on upwards.
About an hour after the pair of them argued, the first thing that notified the group was Soyeon leaving without any response or message whatsoever. He also saw that Hongseok and Kino repeatedly attempted to add her back towards the group only for her to do the same thing of leaving without a message. It was quite obvious; she did not want to be in the same chat with Yoon Jae-in.
Then of course, Jae-in moved to open her private messages to him via the chat tab, hoping to confirm what he already had in his mind.
This person is unavailable.
Of course, it was quite the expected reaction. At that rate, had Soyeon not block him right away it would have been more surprising. That kind of development never really surprised Jae-in by any means. There was a part of him that was appreciative of the absence of message; surely, it was quite expected for her to throw in some words before blocking him for good. It was perhaps for the better that she did that.
Jae-in minimized the header for Soyeon’s portrait and moved to scan the unopened messages. Aside from the chaos of the group chat, United Kwangya, Doh Kyungsoo had a good amount of private messages directed to him. The first one that was on the face of it; the one message that Jae-in need not to even open to know what he said contained the following:
Kyungsoo: I don’t want to interfere but things are getting out of hand. Soyeon’s not replying to me, or to other members for that matter. Maybe you and her just…
The rest of the message was cut. Jae-in wanted to open the chat and message Kyungsoo in explanation of everything. He was, after all, the person who introduced Soyeon to him so if there was anyone who deserved an explanation first-hand, it would be him. However, just the tone of that heading chat already intimidated him. He somehow heard the voice of a very disappointed Kyungsoo messaging him that he could not bring himself to open the messages and reply to what followed.
Surprisingly, it was not Kyungsoo’s tab that was on the very top. Ning Yi Zhuo’s portrait flashed, signalling a recent message that she brought to him privately. Despite the initial decision to draw the attention away from the chaos, Jae-in moved and opened her chat tab hoping to converse with her.
Ningning: Jae-in, I know what happened with you and Soyeon and I’m sorry if it was not your intention to let me know.
Ningning: Soyeon came knocking at the front door of my dorm, all wet from the rain and asking if she could stay for a while. She unintentionally blurted out everything while she was changing clothes, so here we are. I decided to take her in because it’s too stupid to bring her out in the rain at this time.
Ningning: Please don’t think that I’m messaging you to guilt-trip you or anything. Soyeon might be my friend, but you are as well. I don’t think that I’m on the position to tell you what my side of the equation is without placing more fuel to the already bad looking fire. I just wanted you to know where she is because I figured you’re worried.
Ningning: She told me repeatedly that she would block you the first chance she gets. If you can’t message her now, it means that she already did it. Don’t worry; I’ll take care of her while she’s still on a huge emotional mess. That’s all I can assure you of her for now.
Ningning: Please, I don’t want to talk to the others because they might ask her of me. Can you be the one to tell them to not add her back for the time-being? Doing that would not help her to any degree while the wound is still fresh.
Jae-in’s heart leapt out of his chest the moment that he read Ningning’s soft message. A huge thorn just got shot out of his chest knowing Soyeon was safe with Ningning and not on some bar whatsoever. For now, he could relax and lull in his mind while the situation cools itself down.
Grateful, he moved to open the replier and provide a simple appreciation message for Ningning’s actions.
Jae-in: Hey, you have no idea how relieved I am to know that she’s with you. Take care of her while she’s there, okay? Thank you so much, Ning. You’re such a huge help.
Surprisingly, she replied almost immediately after she saw the message.
Ningning: We’re cool. Give her space for a bit and maybe you two can talk in the future. Take care, Yoon Jae-in.
Whether he would want to reply more to that or not was already behind him. The thought of Soyeon being in a safe place was already a reward in itself for Yoon Jae-in; he was so relaxed that he opened the chat tab subconsciously, with the conversation wildly being tossed around by Hongseok, Kino, and Kyungsoo. Everything was so out of context but he did not care; savouring on the recent topic of Kino’s screen being cracked after the hand phone slipped off from his grasp.
A soft squeak of the apartment door finally signalled his step-sister’s return. Joohyun showed up holding two paper bags that stood high up towards her shoulders, giving a wide smile towards Jae-in as she finally entered the apartment after closing the door behind her.
“Wait, let me help you there noona,” Jae-in said as he enthusiastically left the phone and went towards Joohyun’s direction.
And just like that, Jae-in left the messaging group generating disorder within its own members; and as Jae-in helped Irene set the respective food on the table, ‘United Kwangya’ repeatedly teased Kino for sending a screenshot. He figured that it was a good proof of showing everyone else in the chat that his phone’s screen really cracked, and he was not even able to realize what was wrong with that until Jae-in eventually fished his phone back in preparation for the upcoming dinner.
177 notes · View notes
haileybeehappy · 10 months
Handy Hardware
Summary : Working at your dads hardware store is a pretty boring job all around. Though you have your regulars who spice up your day to day. Especially your biggest customer, and small business owner Joel Miller. 
Word count : 5.2k
Warnings : Older Joel. Rough sex. Unprotected p in v. Hair pulling. Fingering. Throat fucking. Degradation. Praise kink. Daddy issues. Teasing. Lots of teasing.
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You’re pretty sure your shoes will leave an engraved mark from how long you stand behind the counter everyday. Fingers dancing with a pen as it unskillfully flips through your fingers, dropping onto the counter with a clang occasionally. You let out a sigh, there’s a clamber, followed by, “I’m okay,” and some more rustling. Your father in the back, ‘doing inventory.’
The pen in your hand fumbles to the ground on the opposite side of the counter and you huff out a breath and move to grab it. As you’re bent over you hear the buzzing of the electronic bell surge through the store. Your body snaps into a standing position and you turn quickly, realizing that the person entering the store probably got a good eyeful of your floral underwear peaking out from your dress.
“Welcome to Handy Hardware,” you squeak out before coming face to face with a very regular customer. “Oh hey Joel,” you smile widely at the man.
“Hey kid,” he smirks and makes him way down aisle three. A red blush rushes up your neck and spreads across your cheeks. Stepping back behind the counter you continue twisting the pen in your fingers. Joel pops in and out of the tall shelved aisles, boxes of screws and other odds and ends piling in his hands. Your eyes finding him wherever he is in the store through the small monitor on your right. He makes his final selections and makes his way in front of you dropping the multiple boxes onto the countertop.
“Will this be all Joel?” He shakes his head.
“I’m picking up a pallet from the back, some flooring your dad ordered for me,” he fishes a receipt from his pocket. Uncrumpling it and dropping it on top of his other purchases.
“Sounds like a plan,” You begin ringing up the small boxes of drywall screws and the array of nails. Your father pops out from the back room.
“I thought I heard my favorite customer!” His voice filling the space quickly. Joel smiles widely at him, reaching out and shaking his hand.
“Always good to see you,” he speaks your fathers name and looks back to you.
“Kid here is just ringing me up and I was gonna swing around and get that flooring,” you father nods. You roll your eyes at the nickname, earning a nudge from your father before he moves on to speak.
“It’s all ready for you on the lift, we can pop it into your truck, you drop Joel’s things into a large paper bag and hand it to him across the counter. The receipt slowly ticketing out of the machine, ripping it off you hand it to Joel. His hands much larger than your own bumping yours.
“Thanks kid,” Joel’s dark eyes squinted in a smile.
“Anytime Old man,” You smile even wider than him. Your dad lets out a gasp like noise. Then scolds you with your full name.
“No, no it’s alright,” Joel speaks to your dad. “It’s our little joke,” he shoots you a wink. They fall into simple conversation and make their way out the door, swinging back to the garage. Joel shoots you a wave before he’s out of view.
You’re alone in the store, your father in the much bigger town two hours over picking up a large load of supplies to restock the dwindling shelves. You’re organizing the shelves, making sure everything is neat and easy to find. The bell half chimes before dying out, what it’s been doing all morning.
“Welcome to Handy Hardware, give me a holler if you need anything,” you tell from your seated position on the floor. Joel’s voice echos through the aisles, your name falling gruffly from his lips.
“You guys got anymore of those specialty runs for me?” You stand and brush the imaginary dust off your jeans.
“We may have a few cases in the warehouse I’ll check the computer,” you round the corner and come chest to chest with him. “Ouf,” is the noise that’s pushed out of your lungs as you collide. His hands wrapping, pretty much completely, around your biceps to stabilize you.
“Woah there kiddo,” he chuckles, he’s standing close enough that you can feel his breath fan across your face. He smells like coffee, leather, and wood shavings. His grip releases from you and he steps back. “You okay?” You nod with a tight lipped smile. Quickly maneuvering around him, your feet carry you quickly to the counter. Turning your back to Joel, and the door you begin typing into the ancient box. The green letters ticking across the black background. You can hear Joel humming as he browses through the aisles. A clatter of a shaken box of screws or the clank of tools falling against each other, the accompanying noises of his song. The computer buzzes as it searches for the numbers in the system. The room around you buzzed with silence, you turn to look at the monitor and jump as you come face to face with Joel. His hips resting on the counter, legs crossed at the ankles and arms crossed over one another.
“It’s searching,” you say quietly under his stare. He nods, his eyes not moving from your frame. No emotion shown as his face, you slowly turn back around and watch the three green dots pulse on the screen. His shuffling feet urge you to look and see what he’s doing but before you gain the courage his arms fall on either side of you. His front pressed to you back as he looks at the dusty screen over your shoulder.
“I think you guys need a system update, could have made it to the warehouse and back by now,” his hushed tone sending shivers down your spine. You don’t move to look at him, eyes finding the reflection of his face in the pixels of the screen.
“Dad likes this one,” you shrug. Your shoulder bumping his chin. He leans into the touch and finds himself at home, chin resting in the crook of your neck. “As old as it is,” you lift one hand and smack the side of the monitor slightly. The green letters on the screen disappear, earning a chuckle from Joel before it springs back to life. The numbers on the screen, followed by a long green line and in a small box a three lays blinking at you.
“Three boxes, you’re in luck,” you smile. Your breath caught in your throat as he sits unmoving.
“Your dad still over in town?” You nod lightly. His hair ticking the side of your face. He nuzzles deeper into your neck. Breathing in deeply. “Mm,” he sighs. “Gonna walk me back to the warehouse?” His hands lifting from the desk, his finger sliding through your jeans belt loop and spinning you around to face him. You let out s childlike squeal, hands coming up to grip the lapels of his flannel.
“I can’t leave the store unattended,” your voice comes out breathy.
“Doors have locks for a reason,” His hands spread over the expanse of your hips. “Just have to run back for a minute. Shouldn’t take too long. You nod slowly.
“I’m due for my lunch break anyways,” he smiles softly. One hand coming up to your chin. Guiding your face to look at him.
“There’s my good girl,” you close your eyes and pull your face from his grasp. Stepping out of his grip and swiping the keys from the counter. Taking in a deep breath to soothe your heart, that you’re sure is beating out of your chest.
“Come on old man,” trying to cover the tension with a joke fails. As you go to pull the door open his hand comes over yours and closes it.
“Kid,” you can hear the smile in his voice. “Don’t make me show you what this old man can do,” you turn to look at him.
“Hopefully it’s carrying three huge boxes of specialty trim for some rich guys house. Lord knows I’m not carrying them,” yanking the door open his arm drops. He lets out a chuckle as you prance away, making sure to swing your hips with a little more sass than usual.
“Brat,” he huffs under his breath, smile still rested on his lips. You toss the keys at his as he pulls the door shut behind him. He catches them easily and locks up as you continue to walk around the building to the back warehouse. More so a garage with lots of shelving and a big work bench. You walk backwards as he stalks behind you. Footsteps heavy, eyes tracking your every move. Your back hits the large barn like door with a thud, the medal siding sending an echo through the large space behind you. Like a tape measure being pulled back into its casing. His steps capturing you in, just like at the counter before. His chest a short arm length from yours. His hand comes up between your faces in a fist, fingers opening revealing the keys dangling from his fingers. You hand lifts from your side, electricity vibrating through your fingers as you make a split second decision. Your hand, starting just above his waist band, glides up his abdomen. Palm flattened against his t shirt, slowly up his chest twisting and grasping the keys you turn to the lock. Pressing your back against his front, he lets out a low hum of a groan. Once the old lock is set free, you pull at the door, it doesn’t budge. You pull again, nothing. He pushes harder into your back and his hands rest on your shoulder. Gently drifting down your arms till his hands rear over yours. Finger’s encapsulating yours and he pulls roughly on the door, causing the metal handle to dig into your skin harshly. You let out a hiss at the feeling, the door pops open and his hand keeps a hold on yours as he pulls the both of you through. As you enter the large garage the motion sensor lights flick on, Joel closes the door behind you. His hand turns yours over I’m his palm, one faint red line. Already fading away, lifting your hand to his lips he places a soft kiss on your skin. You hum appreciatively, his hand guides yours after the kiss. Palm resting on the scruff of his cheek. Thumb moving gently over the sparse spot on his jaw. His opposite hand, wrapping around your hips and pulling you to him. Your front pressed snugly against his, hand still resting on his face.
“M’sorry, wasn’t thinking,” he hums. You just shake your head.
“Doesn’t even hurt,” your voice no more than a whisper. Your bodies entangled for so long, and so still, that the lights shut off. A small squeak reaches out from your throat. He chuckles and releases your waist with a wave. Hand in the air waving back and forth in the air above the two of you. Once the lights snap on you chuckle at the absurdity of Joel waving his arm around like a mad man. Your hand now dropped to his shoulder and both his hands drop down to find your waist.
“Let’s find those boxes, yeah?” You nod at his question. Clasping your hand in his he pulls you all around the garage to scan every shelf. A smile bursting on your face as you watch your intertwined hands. Joel had always been flirty when your father wasn’t around but this was a whole new man. It used to be stolen touches as you would reach across the counter to hand him his bag, or he’d tease you and call you kid. Tell you to ‘watch it, or see what happens,” so this Joel. Who kisses your hands, wraps his arms around you, holds you close. Is very different man, not that you’re complaining. You come to a stop and bump into Joel’s back as his feet cease movement.
He turns to you.
“You just can’t watch what you’re doin huh? Walkin into me all the time,” he jokes, a smirk rested on his lips.
“Sorry Joel,” you say meekly. He just shakes his head, smirk still rested on his lips.
“No old man huh?” You just shake your head. He then points to a few large, long boxes. Three shelves above your head. You let out a strangled sigh.
“I can’t use the lift, dad won’t let me. Says it’s dangerous,” the last work having a mocking undertone.
“I use it all the time,” Joel shrugs. Walking to the large garage door where he small forklift sleeps. Dad named her Betsy, the name is scrawled along the side of the old rusted machine. Joel pops himself in the seat and motions you to come over. “Come on beautiful, I don’t bite,” eying him cautiously you approach the side he reaches his hand out and you accept cautiously. You pulls you up onto the machine and into his lap. The small open ‘cabin’ of the vehicle barely big enough to hold both of your bodies. Your head brushing against the roof, his slides the key ring from your belt loop and inserts it into the ignition. His hands guide yours over the steering wheel, his over yours as he uses you like a puppet. Turning switches and pulling knobs, getting the ancient machine to work.
“Nice and easy,” he says under his breath as he releases the break and slowly applies gas. You let out little giggles as you maneuver the compact lift out of its spot. He then, hands still over yours. Speeds across the largest section of empty floor, a surprised squeal, turned belly laugh escapes you.
“Joel!” You yelp as he turns quickly around a corner causing the machine to whine, metal creaking and scraping. He low chuckle vibrates through his chest, one hand lifting off yours on the steering wheel and wrapping around your waist. Pulling you snug onto his lap, onto a very dense bulge. Your center sitting on top of a very hard Joel. You try to ignore the feeling burning a hole through your stomach. His hands leave yours on their own, wrapping one arm completely around your waist and the other finding rest on your thigh. You have full control of the steering around the garage while his foot stays even pressured on the gas. Small giggles erupting from you as you take the sharp turns. As you move to readjust yourself on his lap the seam of his zipper runs along your clothed cunt. You let out a small whine, rewarded with a flex of his hips. A grunt from the man your sat atop causing you to freeze.
“You’re killin me baby,” he groans again. Pulling you back down onto him. His hard cock pushing against the teeth of his zipper as he grinds up into you. “Gotta stop movin,” hold on your hips tight as he slows to a stop in front of the shelf you need to grab the boxes from.
“Sorry,” you whine. His hands find their way back on top of yours. Helping you to adjust the prongs to lift the boxes from the shelf. A smile fighting its way onto your face as his warm, calloused hands cover yours. Hand moving back and forth between the shift and buttons. Finally the boxes are on the floor and Joel finds the key in the ignition and pulls the power from the vehicle.
“Did such a good job for me baby,” he purrs in your ear. Nose ghosting over the shell of your ear. “Such a good girl for me,” you whine at the praise. “You like that huh?” You nod. “Like being my good girl,” you drop your head on his shoulders. His hands gently rubbing at your hips, slipping under your shirt. Fingers massaging gently into your skin. You feel sparks fleck across your skin at his touch. The feeling shooting to your core, your hips begin to move on their own accord. Gyrating against the hardening bulge under you.
“Wanna feel good huh baby,” his hands gripping your hips hard and guiding you up and down his covered self. “I wanna help you feel good yeah?” You nod. “Need your words baby,”
“Please touch me Joel, I’ll be good, please,” words tumbling out of your mouth at lightning speed. His chuckle causing your core to clench around nothing. You whine, his hands unmoving. “Please,” you pout, stomping your foot lightly with impatience. Hand squeezing tightly on your hip.
“Don’t get bratty on my now baby, I’m getting there,” you groan. Grinding down on him harder, moaning out. “Okay baby, okay,” his hand reaches up into your shirt and palms lightly at your breast. “I gotcha,” other hand drifting to find the button of your jeans. You nod fervently.
“Please touch me,” your head still resting on his shoulder. He pops open the button and his hand dives down your pants. Fingers tracing over the fabric of your underwear, tracing the seams that don’t quite cover the flowering lips of your labia.
“Already wet for me huh?” His longest middle finger dipping over your entrance. “Such a good little slut, ready for me already. Haven’t even touched you yet,” the animalistic growl in his voice unlike any noise you’ve heard him make before.
“Yes Joel, just for you, all for you,” applying a bit more pressure against your hole, the barrier of your lacy underwear.
“Fuckin better be,” he then skims past your underwear and runs his calloused finger along your seam. Not quite hard enough to enter you. Your hips move to accept his touch, causing his finger to graze your clit.
“Only for you, only yours,” his finger sliding ever so slightly inside of you before pulling out.
“This is all mine,” a growl catches in his throat. Dipping a finger further into you before pulling out and using it to run lightly over your clit.
“Joel,” you whine lifting your hips again. His hand rips from under your shirt, laying a slap on the inside of your thigh.
“Don’t make me take you over my knee kid,” you gasp at the tingling sensation left in his handprints wake. “Be a good girl,” his hand continues to move in your underwear. Tracing the same path back and forth. Dipping further into your core each time. Your hips jerking slightly at the movements. His erection digging into your ass painfully.
“I’m being so good,” you cried. Wanting more. “Joel please I need you, just wanna feel full,” your hair tousled over your face. You can feel him nod against the side of your head. His forehead pressed to the temple of yours.
“Wanna feel full baby?” Lips drifting across your cheek, barely there. “Want Daddy to stuff your greedy little cunt with his big cock huh?” You nod desperately.
“Please, please, wanna feel you so bad,” the second the first syllable leaves your mouth two fingers find your drenched hole and push in knuckle deep. The moan leaving your lips loud, loud enough to drown out the sound of the buzzing lights and humming generator. “Oh fuck Daddy,” a predatory growl following your moans.
“Again,” his fingers curling up into you, searching for the spongy spot he knows will make you cry out.
“Daddy, f, fuck,” you stutter out. “Feel so full,” he’s rutting up into the crease of your ass and thigh now. His breath uneven. His fingers finally find the soft ribbed walls, and begins circling it slowly. Digging into the spongy wetness, the mewls and whines escaping your lips growing louder and louder with each stroke. Digging his second hand into your jeans, pushing them down slightly. His fingers clumsily find your clit, your head thrown back at the pressure.
“Daddy, daddy,” the word flowing out of your mouth over and over.
“Come on baby, come for me princess,” your vision blurs as a wave crashes over you. Legs twitching and closing around his hands. Your fingers healing at his forearms till your knuckles are white. Jumbles of words and curses fall from your lips, incoherent at best. Body buzzing as you come down from your high. His fingers still sheathed inside you, sliding in and out against your walls. Prolonging your intense orgasm. Using his arms as leverage you lift yourself from his touch.
“Too much,” you whine. You can feel his smile against your skin as you continue to try to pull away.
“You did such a good job for me baby,” the need in his voice not unnoticed by you.
“Thank you Daddy,” you hum. “Wanted you for so long,” you lean back into his touch. His hands escape the confines of your jeans, you watch as he lifts his fingers to his mouth. Slowly licking them clean. His eyes on you, as you watch him clean your taste from his fingers. Your mouth waters at the thought. As his now, relatively, clean fingers are unlatched from his lips your eyes look to his. “You taste better than I ever could have imagined honey,” you smile at the pet name. “Wanna taste baby?” You nod, slightly unsure. Never having tasted yourself before. His hand then quickly wraps itself around the back of your head. He pulls your face to his, lips smashing against yours with a moan. His tongue invading your mouth instantly, you taste yourself on his tongue. Salty and a little sweet, slowly untangling your limbs. Still connected at the mouth you turn yourself in his lap so you’re straddling him. Your hands tangling in his curls while he moves to unclasp your bra. Fingers fumbling as you begin to grind your core onto his pulsing dick. He snaps the bra against your back. Arching from the sting you drop your weight onto him, he lets out a groan. Hands drop to his shoulders you go to lift yourself from his lap. He shakes his head and pulls you back down onto him with the base of your bra.
“Goddamn it,” he groans. Burring his nose into the base of your neck. Lips finding exposed skin and placing peppered kisses across the expanse of your neck. “Can’t wait to feel you,” he mumbles against your skin. You drop your head back, his fingers find their way back to the clasp and undoes the hooks one by one. Once the garment is released from your body. You lean back from him and pull the bra, and your shirt off your torso. Once your vision is cleared of the dark shirt you look to his face. Joel’s eyes are devouring your chest hungrily. Hand coming up to your right breast, slowly grasping at your skin. Hands dwarfing your breast in his hold. Thumb coming up to brush against your peaked nub, a breathy moan escaping you as he makes contact.
“Fuck you’re so beautiful,” his right hand pushing you closer to him, capturing your nipple in his mouth.
“Oh, Daddy please,” you whimper. His hair reaching up to pull at your roots as he sucks and nibbles at your sensitive skin. He releases you with a pop before moving to the neglected breast. Your hands digging into his shoulders. Flannel protecting him against your nails. “Daddy, I wanna feel you,” you continue grinding your core on his cock. He releases you quickly but only one enough to speak out to you.
“You can do better than that for me baby. Come on. Beg for Daddy’s cock,” the whine leaving your lips childlike as the words escape him.
“Ugh!” You groan. Dropping your forehead to rest against his. “Daddy please, wantchotofillmesogood,” the words blending together into a mesh of syllables. “Wanna feel your,” you let out a gasped moan as he lays a seat on your ass. “Wanna fee your big cock stretch me out Daddy please,” he chuckles deeply.
“Okay baby, I’ll stuff that needy little cunt.” A sigh of relief escapes you.
“Thank you Daddy,” you lift your hands from his shoulders and bring a kiss to his lips. Hands rubbing against the scruff of his jaw. Tongue delving into his mouth. He grabs your hips and begins sliding you off his lap. Your feet find the floor once again, stepping off the machinery and onto the concrete ground. You pull back from him and he clambers out behind you. Pulling you to kiss him by the back of your neck, your hands resting at the waistband of his pants. Fidgeting with his belt buckle. Occasionally dropping down to palm his bulge. His hips gently thrusting at the sensation. Hands tangled in your hair, bruising kisses mushing against one another’s faces. Your hand dips into his belt and untangle him from the confines. Quickly dropping to your knees out of his grasp, fly open, belt flapping. You look at him with hooded eyes. His own tracing over your form. Mouth agape, breath heavy, he looks straight out of a porno. You smile at him before yanking on his pants. Pulling them down his thighs, his hands come over yours.
“Slow down baby, I’m not goin anywhere,”
“Yes Sir,” you submit. Slowly pulling him out of his boxers. You can’t completely wrap your hand around his cock. Shakey breaths fall onto you lean forward to kiss him. Lips connecting with the head of his dick releases a groan deep within his chest. Hands gripping your hair tightly, tingles shooting down your spine you hum with appreciation. Mouth taking the head of his dick, lips wrapping around him and tongue rubbing back and forth in him.
“Fuck, you feel good baby,” fingers wrapping around his base and squeezing lightly. “Holy shhhh.” His words fading out to a hiss. Bobbing down slowly. Taking him bit by bit, teasing him the same way he teased you. An irritated gurgle leaves his throat gripping the sides of your head and pushing his cock deeper into your mouth. He lets out a satisfied sigh in the same stretch you moan around him. Pinching your eyes tightly, hand coming to rest on his thighs. His cock glides in and out of your mouth slowly, testing the waters on how far you could take him back. The grunts and muttered praises falling from his lips encouraging you to take more. You push down to him and take him as far back as you can. The tip of his cock fitting snugly inside your throat.
“Holy fucking shit, baby you’re perfect,” slow thrusts pulling in and out of your throat until you gag and he pulls back. You shake your head and chase his cock. “No baby, it’s okay, wanna feel that pussy now, yeah?” You nod with an excited smile. “Comere,” he pulls you up into a quick kiss before spinning you around and bending you over the seat of the forklift. A surprised moose leaving your throat. He quickly tips your pants down, settling them at your knees. As he finds his spot behind you you speak to him mockingly.
“Slow down baby, I’m not going anywhere,” he responds with a smack on your ass. You flinch back before pushing back into him. “Harder, please,” he chuckles laying another spank on you.
“Naughty girl,” you share your head.
“I’ve been good,”
“Have you?” You nod your head vigorously. He tuts his tongue. “I don’t think showing of your pretty flower panties to customers is being good,” your body stills and you gasp. “Yeah I saw your little show baby,” he’s spreads your cheeks apart. Tip brushing against you clit clumsily. “Was that just for me or do you show your pink little panties to all the boys huh,” your mouth hangs agape as you shake your head.
“It just,” you whine as he barely dips his head into your entrance. Pulling back and running back over your clit. “It just happened, just you, just the once, I promise,” your voice breaking through raged breaths. His tip teasing you back and forth.
“Just for me?”
“Yes Daddy, just for you,”
“Mmm, good,” he hums. Snapping his hips to yours in one swift motion. Stuffing you completely, your pussy squelching at the intrusion. You yelp out at the sudden fullness.
“Oh fuck, so fuckin tight,” his hands digging into the small of your back. Supporting his weight on you as he pulls out slowly and pushes back in even slower. “Pussy was made for me huh?” Hands pinching at your skin.
“Yes Daddy, made for your cock,” head twisting back to see him. Hair dangling over his forehead.
“Good fuckin girl,” looking up to make eye contact with you. “So tight,” he thrusts “so wet,” again, “so warm,” harder. You whine out at the praises.
“Thank you Daddy,” his hand finds you hair. The other resting on your ass. “Thank you,” you whine. “For making me feel good,” he pulls harder at your roots. “For letting me taste you,” you get lost in a bought of whimpers as the head of his cock rubs against your g-spot.
“Come on baby, can feel you squeezing me,” his grip on your hips tightening. “Come with me, come around my cock,” his thrust becoming quicker and sloppy. You sigh in relief and release around him. Elbows dropping down to the seat, his hands finding your waist and holding you through your orgasm. His hips stilling not long after your legs begin to tremble. Mutters of curses leaving his lips as he pulses inside you. Bring yourself to rest on the seat, your face pressed against the cool cracked leather. His chest presses against your back, placing chaste kisses along your shoulders.
“Did so good,” his voice grumbly, tired. You sigh appreciatively.
“Thank you Daddy,”
“It’s okay baby,” his hands running down your thigh. “Just call me Joel,” you nod.
“Okay Joel,” the two of you take a few moments to bask in your afterglow, him proceeding to place kisses along any skin he can reach. Then proceeding to untangle from one another and redress. You can’t seem to find your small lace panties and he has a mysterious bulge in his pocket and a smirk on his face. You just pull him to a kiss. He parks the forklift back it’s its spot and finds a hand trolley to push the boxes to his truck. You watch as he lifts the triangular boxes into his truck. Muscles flexing, visible even when trapped in his flannel.
“Thank you for all your help kid,” He smirks at you. You respond with an eye roll, he looks up at the front of the store. Eyes scanning and trim. He pulls toy to him, chin pinched in his fingers. “Thought I fucked the attitude out of you, you need to go again already?” You pull your bottom lip between your teeth.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” you smirk up at him. He lets out a sigh and fishes his hand into his pocket. Pulling out a small paper and slipping it into your hands.
“Text me, I’ll send you my address,” you nod shyly. “See you soon princess,” he places a firm kiss to your lips. Pulling back with a wide smile.
“See you soon Daddy,” he shoots you a joking glare and hips into the cab of his truck. He throws you a wave, you stand watching his truck drive till he turns out of sight. You groan and turn back to unlock the door and open up the shop again. Dull ache on your cervix as you walk. Sending a small smile to your lips.
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rinneverse · 2 years
꒰⚘݄꒱₊ 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 · · · ♡
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— pairings: diluc x f!reader , background kaeya/albedo
— warnings: frat party, alcohol consumption, dubious consent (reader and diluc are tipsy), oral (f!receiving), fingering (f!receiving), slight overstim, unprotected sex, he cums on ur cunt, diluc is kind of ooc sorry, i’m rusty so this is probably also bad whoops
— wc: 4.5k
— synopsis: diluc is dragged out to a frat party. he decides its not so bad when he runs into you, his cute chem class lab partner.
— notes: probably a wee bit ooc; first time writing 4 diluc :,)) this came to me while staring directly at dilucs skin. hes so fine i aasjkdhfsjkdg,, also posted on ao3 here!
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“i told you, i don’t want to go.”
diluc grumbles, his arms crossed tightly as he watches his brother strut around the room, gathering up the clothes scattered around his bedroom floor. kaeya pauses to look at diluc and shrugs.
“well, i told you we needed a designated driver. you don’t drink. it’s perfect, don’t you think?” kaeya reasons, throwing all the clothes he decided not to wear back into his closet to sort for later. diluc rolls his eyes.
“i’m not a party guy. you know this.” the redhead sighs, heavily so, but despite all his protests he would probably end up going all the same. just to make sure his idiot brother doesn’t get himself in trouble.
kaeya goes eerily quiet, a thoughtful look on his face. then he perks up, “ah! here, how about this; i’ll buy you all the juice you want for the next… ahh, week, if you do this. sounds fair, no?”
diluc fights the small smile that threatens to turn up his lips. of course it was like kaeya to try and bribe him a little bit — he was going to go regardless, but he was never a man to turn down free juice. especially if it’s grape juice. call him a child, or maybe someone with strange taste, but it was one of his favorite things.
“fine. i’ll do it,” diluc concedes, uncrossing his arm and digging through his jacket pocket for his phone. he fishes it out to check the time while kaeya slings his own jacket over his shoulder.
“we’re picking up ‘bedo and venti on the way, just so you know.”
“albedo? i thought he wasn’t a party person?” diluc raises an eyebrow, looking up from his phone to shoot kaeya a questioning look.
“i convinced him… don’t worry about the specifics,” kaeya winks with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows. diluc rolls his eyes dramatically and looks back down at his phone.
“i won’t. i don’t want to hear about your escapades.”
kaeya only smirks in response, tossing his ponytail over his shoulder.
“c’mon, luc. let’s get going, it’s about time we head out!”
diluc has a feeling it’s going to be a looooong night.
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the first thing he feels is the bass reverberating in his bones. it nearly shakes the foundation of the worn-down frat house, packed with bodies and alcohol and stained old furniture that has most certainly seen better days.
the moment the group makes their way into the house, kaeya and albedo are already splitting off to do god knows what. venti winks at diluc, thanks him for the ride, and disappears into the crowd. diluc assumes he’s off to get his fill of alcohol.
his eyebrows pinch slightly as he surveys the area and decides that the kitchen is probably the least packed, so he shuffles his way through girls dancing and guys cheering around a dirty ping pong table, muttering apologies as he is bumped into left and right by rowdy party-goers. he lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding once he regains a little bit of personal space.
the fluorescent lighting in the kitchen is jarring compared to the dark corners of the rest of the house but it only takes mere moments for his eyes to readjust. he takes a spot near the corner, leaning against the wall as he once again takes in his surroundings. there’s a door leading to the back patio—he’s sure there’s some rowdy couple out there making out or something. there are a few other people in the kitchen getting drinks, one of who he recognizes as venti, and another…
he blinks, rubbing his eyes to make sure he’s absolutely correct.
his lab partner from chemistry class — you.
absolutely gorgeous in that short little dress of yours, a smile on your lips as you’re passed a red solo cup filled with what he assumes is some sort of liquor.
his eyes gravitate towards the hem of your dress, barely covering the plush fat of your ass. your thighs are on full display and diluc really hopes he’s not drooling. when his eyes sweep back up again, he realizes that you’ve caught him staring. a playful smile tilts your pretty pink lips upwards and he feels his face heat up with shame.
he clears his throat and looks away from you, busying himself with picking up a drink of his own. he doesn’t know what it is but he needs to occupy his brain with something before he thinks too hard about you in your little dress and pops a boner—
he throws the drink back, his face scrunching up in disgust as he realizes that its alcohol — he’d have to make sure he’s sobered up later so he can drive his group home. he definitely wasn’t going to do it intoxicated.
“diluc? s’that you?”
he hears your voice and tenses slightly, hesitating before his crimson eyes meet your own glittering irises. you’re wearing makeup, he realizes, eyelids covered in glitter and liner sharp enough to cut. your lashes are long, fluttering as you stare into what he feels is his very soul.
he says your name softly, clearing his throat when his voice cracks a little. you smile a little wider and he resists the urge to grimace in embarrassment.
“didn’t know you were the partying type,” diluc finally says after he’s managed to calm his nerves a little. you tilt your head a little.
“i didn’t peg you for the partying type either,” you reply with a giggle, taking a sip from your plastic cup. “you’re so… quiet and stoic and, i dunno, responsible, so i was surprised when i saw you here!”
‘checking me out, no less!,’ went unsaid, but diluc was sharp enough to catch on. you didn’t seem put off, though — he thinks if you were, you would completely ignore him, probably ask to change lab partners-
he’s getting in his own head again. he rubs the back of his neck and glances off to the side with a half-assed shrug.
“my friends needed a guy to drive. i don’t drink, so…”
“but you’re holding a cup of alcohol?”
he glances down at the near empty cup, bent in slightly from his iron tight grip. he winces and loosens up a little.
“.. i sober up quick. i needed something to…“ he trails off, biting the inside of his cheek nervously.
“loosen up a little bit?” you finish his sentence, and he lets out a sigh of relief, nodding. initially, he just needed a distraction, but he wouldn’t mind a little bit of relaxation as well. he was tense, horribly so, and he’s worried you would notice sooner or later.
“i get it,” you continue, swirling the liquid in your cup. “sometimes all the people at parties make me nervous, so its nice to get a little something something to make the night easier!”
he nods again in agreement, a little slower this time. a comfortable silence falls upon the two of you for a few moments. the party music is blaring, bass rumbling the floor, a comfortable blanket of noise that keeps you both company.
“you’re here with friends too?” he finally asks, not to fill the silence but out of genuine curiosity.
“oh— yeah, but i think they’re going home with someone tonight...” you scratch the side of your head, laughing — he thinks he’s in love with the sound of it. “i’ve been drinking a bit too much so i’ll probably just uber home tonight anyways...”
“i can take you home if you want,” diluc blurts out. he can’t help himself. you turn him damn near into a blubbering fool.
you laugh again, sheepishly this time. “don’t get me wrong, i would love that, but…. don’t you have your other friends to take care of..?”
he shrugs.
“two of them are probably hooking up, and god knows where the other one went. i’m positive they’ll be fine. i’m more worried about you right now.”
your face warms at his words, and you play with the dainty golden chain necklace that rests on your collar bones. his eyes dart to the action before he forces himself to make eye contact again.
“well, when you put it like that..” you grin, and in a sudden burst of boldness, you hook your arms around his. he grunts, turning his face slightly in a poor attempt to hide how hard he felt he was blushing. god, he can feel your perfect tits through the thin fabric of your dress and its despicable. he takes a deep breath. do not pop a boner, ragnvindr, absolutely do not.
“i’ll be in your care, master diluc~” you sing and he wills himself to stay strong.
for once in his life, he thinks he needs another drink.
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you find it fun to mess with diluc.
even more so when you’re just a little bit intoxicated.
the way his face turns cherry red, a brilliant shade that nearly rivals his fluffy hair, the way he grumbles and furrows his brows, it all makes you want to kiss him all over. you nuzzle closer to him and he turns a few shades redder, if that was even possible. you grin.
while you’re hanging off of his arm, his phone buzzes, and you tilt your head quizzically up at him as he checks his texts. he rolls his eyes.
“told you they’d be fine,” he says as he shows you a slew of drunk texts from what you could only assume to be his friends.
you zero in on the last two texts, a sneaky little smile growing on your face as you read them.
dont wait up fo rus, bedo ans i cab get qnothwr ride ; ) you hv fufn with ur girly ovr there
“your girly, huh?” you tease.
diluc rolls his eyes as he tucks his phone away, then tugs you closer to him. he steals the cup of alcohol from you and downs it in one go. you gape at him in surprise — he doesn’t even flinch.
the way he stares at you shuts you right up. his crimson eyes bore into yours, flit down to your lips, then makes eye contact with you once again. you look away from him, breathless.
lord, the things you’d let this man do to you.
he says your name again, gruff this time.
“do you want to find a quieter spot?”
you glance around the two of you, your dreamy little atmosphere shattered when you come to the realization that there are still quite a few people in the kitchen; most are just people looking for drinks, but it seems the party is seeping out here as well. you glance up at the redhead and nod.
he shifts the both of you so that he has an arm wrapped around your waist, and he leads the two of you to a quieter part of the frat — an unoccupied bedroom a bit farther away from the booming bass coming from the living room. you feel impossibly warm like this, right up next to diluc, his large hand idly rubbing along your side as you enter the room. you hold back the dejected sigh that desperately wanted to come out when he lets go of you to close the door, locking it and checking with you just to make sure its okay.
“just so a drunk couple doesn’t come stumbling in,” he murmurs. you nod your head as he walks back up to you. your eyes are instantly drawn to his lips, and you think to yourself how fucking kissable they look right now.
he notices.
he’s confident that you at the least feel attraction to him, and that fills him with enough courage to pull you into his larger frame, his hands making their home on your hips once again. you yelp softly, hands coming up to rest on his chest.
“is this okay?” he asks softly, rubbing soothing circles into your side through the thin fabric of your minidress. you gulp and nod.
“yeah,” you mumble, a warm feeling growing in your tummy. butterflies maybe, whatever it is was driving you nuts.
the drunken girl in you just wants to pull him in and kiss him senseless. but you don’t. you hold on a little longer, that still sober part of you wanting to see what diluc would do next.
he doesn’t disappoint.
he leans closer and closer down to you, his head tilting slightly as his lips meld with yours. the kiss is hot and definitely sloppy; but considering you were both a little tipsy, it wasn’t too bad. not bad at all.
you note that he tastes like cherries.
you think you’re in heaven at this point, especially when the kissing turns into straight up making out, never once separating even though he’s backing you up into the bed. the backs of your knees knock into the mattress and you fall back onto the soft bedding. diluc is quick to follow, chasing your lips with his own.
you’re addicted to the taste of him, cherry flavored lips bruising against your own kiss swollen ones.
“fuck, ‘luc,” you whimper as he hovers above you, lips leaving a blazing hot trail down your jaw and over your neck. you claw at his shoulders, fisting the fabric of his jacket in one hand while the other travels up to card through his hair. he lets out a groan that goes straight to your core and you respond in kind, your legs moving to wrap around his hips so that you had some leverage to grind against him, separated only by the thin layer of your lace panties and his jeans. you’re soaking at this point, chest heaving as he sucks a pretty purple bruise into the tender flesh of your neck.
“i’ve been dreaming about this,” diluc says, voice a low rumble against the sensitive skin of your collar. it sends shivers down your spine.
“have you now?” you reply, kiss bruised lips quirking up in a smile. he nods, ghosting his lips back up your neck before hovering them right above yours.
“been dreamin’ about it since we were assigned lab partners.” he hums. “been goin’ crazy over how perfect you are. so smart, so gorgeous, so fucking perfect.”
his words make the butterflies in your core go wild. it makes you feel light and warm and tingly and you smile even wider.
in response to his words, you tug him gently by the collar of his jacket and smash your lips back against his, trying to convey all the words you wanted to say in this one action. a kiss you hoped felt full of love to him as it felt to you, bodies pressed so tightly together that the only thing that could get you even closer is if you became one.
he whispers your name softly as he pulls away, both of your chests heaving as you catch your breaths. in this moment you take in his flushed face, his swollen lips, his ruby eyes filled with so much adoration for you and only you.
“you’re driving me insane.” you mumble, cupping his face and stroking your thumb along his cheek.
“how d’you think i feel? i’ve been pining after you nearly this whole semester,” diluc chuckles. you laugh softly with him and peck the corner of his lips.
“you have me now, you know. whatever you want. i’m yours.”
“those are some dangerous words, love.”
“i meant what i said, master diluc.”
his eyes narrow slightly as you smirk up with him, knowing the effect those words had on him. it was just a silly joke amongst his friends, but when the words came from you? you knew it drove him crazy.
“it goes both ways, love. you are mine just as much as i am yours.”
what a sap.
you pull him down for another feverish kiss, his hands drifting down to pull the dress up your body. he pulls back and nearly groans at the sight of all your curves on display, pushing your dress even further up to reveal your chest, heaving up and down with each breath you take.
“no bra?” he hums softly, more of an observation than a question.
“it would’ve shown in the back,” you reply, raising your arms so that he could pull the piece of fabric up and over your head.
he tosses it over his shoulder, bringing his hands up to knead at your sensitive tits. it makes you arch your back, letting out a small whimper when he rolls a nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
“you like that?” he asks softly, leaning down to kiss in the valley of your breasts. you nod your head desperately.
“feels good,” you respond, gripping his shoulders tightly. if he minds, he doesn’t show it, laving his tongue over the soft skin of your chest before taking your left nipple in his mouth while he plays with the right.
“fuck.” you curse, tangling a hand in his hair as he smirks up at you. he releases your tit from his grip in favor of bringing his hand down to your panties, pausing as his hands ghost over your slit through your panties.
“you’re soaked…” he murmurs, rubbing gentle circles over your clit. your hips jerk slightly at the contact and you let out a whine. you needed more.
“s’all for you,” you breathe out, moving your hips against his hand. he tuts, stilling you with one hand.
he smiles down at you. “have patience love.” he waits until you’ve settled before hooking his fingers in the waistband of your underwear, pulling the article down your legs oh so painfully slow. you bite your lip in anticipation.
once the flimsy fabric is dangling around one of your ankles he kneels, throwing your legs over his shoulders. you can feel his breath ghost over your core. you shudder.
“you’ll be a good girl for me, won’t you?” he asks, looking up at you. he waits for you to make eye contact with him and you gulp. he squeezes your thigh, “i’m waiting.”
“y-yes,” you whine, goosebumps rising on your skin where he kisses over the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh.
“good. now stay still for me, okay? i’ll make you feel good. promise.”
true to his word, he slowly drags his tongue up your slit, drawing out a soft noise from you. he lets out an appreciative hum as he plays with your clit, tongue drawing circles around the twitching bud.
you needed more.
so you ran one of your hands through his hair, gripping the fluffy red strands and pushing his face towards your dripping cunt. he chuckles, amused, before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking.
you gasp out, tugging again, and he responds by slipping two fingers into your clenching hole. the sensation has you crying out in pleasure as he slowly twists his digits, pumping them in and out, working in tandem with his mouth on your clit. it has you seeing stars.
“diluc, diluc, diluc,” you chant, trying to grind your hips against his face, but his other hand grips your hip tightly as his other continues to pump in and out of your cunt. he slows down to add a third finger, drawing a long moan from you, pulling back from you to properly watch your face.
“so fucking beautiful,” he says as he curves his fingers just right, watching as you crumble and fall apart. your hole spasms around him and you mutter curses, repeating the words “so close, so close, so close,” as he continues to hit that spot inside you.
the tightly wound coil in your tummy snaps when he puts his lips back on your pussy, licking up all your juices and sucking at your sensitive spot. you tug harshly at his hair and he groans, not in pain but in pleasure, continuing to lap up all of your essence as you twitch beneath him. he withdraws his fingers slowly but continues with his mouth, addicted to the taste of you.
“luc, m’ sensitive, please,” you gasp, hips twitching and thighs closing around his head. he tortures you for a few longer moments before pulls back, satisfied.
when you make eye contact with him, he makes a show of licking his lips and it has you immediately looking away, face burning in embarrassment.
“you taste good.” he mumbles, kissing his way back up to your face. he hovers over you with a sly grin before he kisses you, long and sweet, the taste of you lingering on his lips and tongue still.
you found that incredibly sexy.
“i do,” you grin up at him when he pulls away and he rolls his eyes playfully. “now c’mon, you’re still wearing too much.”
he hadn’t even realized that he was still fully dressed — he was solely focused on you and your pleasure that it had slipped his mind.
“lets fix that, shall we?” you hum as you sit up, tugging at the hem of his hoodie. he helps you pull the article of clothing up and over his head along with his shirt, and you just can’t help yourself as you ogle his muscles. he lets out a hum as you run a hand up his bicep and along his pecs, suddenly yelping as you playfully pinch one of his nipples.
“careful now,” diluc warns you and swats at your hand, raising an eyebrow as you giggle and move to run your hands up and down his abs.
“couldn’t help myself!” you sing, now toying with the hem of his jeans. “they’re just so cute.”
he rolls his eyes. “and you’re just so cute i could gobble you up.” he says sarcastically, loosening his belt and letting you push down the denim article. his bulge strains against the fabric of his boxers, stained with precum. you lick your lips.
“i’ll let you taste me another time, darling. i want this to be all about you.”
you blink up at him with a tilt of your head.
“are you sure—?”
he hooks his fingers in the waistband of his boxers and pulls them down, his cock springing out and slapping his toned stomach.
you think you’re drooling.
to be honest, you probably are.
he steps out of the fabric and sits himself next to you, pulling your hips so that you straddle his waist. the heat of his cock is so close to your aching cunt and you let out a little whine, obediently placing your hands on his shoulders. he lets out an appreciative hum.
“so wet for me baby. you wanna keep goin’?”
“i do, i do,” you mumble back, hand grasping his pulsing cock and lining it up with your slit. you both let out a groan as the fat tip breaches you, feeling nice and full as you sink lower and lower on him. he gives your hips a squeeze as you spear yourself on his cock, and you let out a mewl as he bottoms out.
“so tight, fuck, feel s’good baby,” he groans into the crook of your neck, gripping your hips tighter as you draw them in a circle. it’s so filling, so fucking much all at once, and your mouth drops open as you pant and whine atop him. “luc, so big, it’s so much..”
“you can do it.” he urges you, guiding you to gently bounce on top of him. you let out a soft cry as you rise high enough to leave only the tip inside before you’re dropping back down rhythmically, your fingernails gripping his shoulders.
but its not enough. you’re shaking as you move, thighs burning with exertion as you bounce on him, guided by his rough hands on you. it’s so much all at once and yet not enough at all and you’re babbling nonsense to him.
sensing your plight, he suddenly stands with you in his arms. he bounces you once, making you cry out in pleasure, before he’s gently setting you to lay on the bed as he pulls your hips flush to his. once he’s sure you’re settled, he gives your thighs a squeeze.
“let me know if it’s too much, okay?” is all he says before he’s pounding away, making you see stars.
you cry out his name like a prayer, scratching at his back as he leans over you and pistons his hips into yours. he brushes the spot that makes you cream around him, creating a nice little ring around the base of his cock.
“so good, so good, fuck! don’t stop, please,” you ramble breathlessly, nails leaving angry red trails down his back. he doesn’t seem to mind, in fact, he takes it in stride, mercilessly hitting your sweet spot over and over and over again.
“cum for me baby, c’mon,” he grunts, reaching between the two of you to rub your clit in tight circles. your back arches off the bed, pulling yourself flush to him as you cry out in pleasure, pulsing around his cock. he fucks you through your high, chasing his own, letting out the prettiest groan as he pulls out of you. he twitches as his cum spurts over your pretty little cunt, onto your stomach and thighs, making a mess. you hold eachother tightly as you recover, seemingly catching your breaths in sync. neither of you seem to mind.
he flops on the bed next to you, pulling you to his chest.
“feelin’ okay?” he asks, stroking your hair gently. you nod.
“feeling amazing, to be honest.” you grin at him, pressing a chaste kiss to the tip of his nose. this draws a smile from him and you feel a swell of pride in your chest. it’s not often that diluc smiles at you like that.
“you oughta smile like that more,” you murmur, pressing your forehead to his. he pulls you tight against him.
“maybe. only for you.”
“it’s a deal.”
he lets the two of you bask in the afterglow a little longer before he presses a kiss to your forehead and gets up. you whine at the loss of warmth, quickly followed by a yelp as you feel a ball of fabric hit you gently in the side.
“i’ll take you home. lemme get you some towels for.. y’know.” he trails off, feeling a little ashamed about what he had done. “sorry about that.”
you grin at him, watching as he digs through the closet for a washcloth before he throws one that looks clean enough at you.
“be careful with that thing. still in a frat and whatnot,” he quips as you wipe at the mess on your pelvis. you giggle.
“i’ll take a nice shower when i get home, don’t worry.”
he helps you get dressed before he dresses himself, hooking an arm around your waist as he leads you out and to his car.
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you wake up the next morning with a killer hangover and sore legs.
as you roll over, your phone pings with a notification. you slap your hand around the nightstand for it, letting out a triumphant sound once you grasp the device.
wiping at your bleary eyes, you open your lockscreen.
diluc❤️: want to grab a coffee?
you grin widely as you hurriedly text him back.
you: i’ll be ready in 10 :)
you think that you’ll wear your cherry flavored lip gloss. just for him.
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© rinneverse (2022). rbs and interactions are super appreciated !!
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Harvey on his first date with shane ????
Huh? *reread the question* ...Interesting.
Ok, to be honest, I did not expect a question about this ship, but I've been noticing more and more Harvey/Shane posts lately. It's not that I don't like this ship, just never thought about it. But again... why not? Enjoy!
Shane x Harvey: first date 🌹
For them, choosing a place for a first date was such an agony.
Not only did Harvey and Shane try to take into account each other's entertainment preferences, they both wanted to choose a place where they would not meet friends and acquaintances.
They haven't officially announced their relationship yet (especially since it's only their first date), but the town's doctor and chicken expert decided not to give people of Pelican Town a reason to gossip and rumors.
The Gridball match didn't work out for Harvey, as he's not a big sports fan, and the place is very noisy anyway. Going out to a restaurant was not to Shane's liking (he didn't want to wear formal clothes and learn all the dining etiquette). Therefore, both converged on the Aquarium in Zuzu City.
The size of the building and the variety of fish broke the mold for both lovers. They immediately agreed that it was a good idea to go here.
Both walked slowly, looking at each passing fish. Harvey sometimes shone with knowledge of interesting facts about certain types of fish. Shane listened to them with pleasure, falling into a light trance from Harvey's conversations. Shane came to reality when he accidentally bumped into the aquarium (not too hard that he hurt himself or the thick glass)
Shane, in turn, sometimes showed funny faces, imitating puffer fish or other aquatic creatures, accompanying this with funny sounds. Harvey did his best not to laugh and to look like "the only adult among the two of them." But in the end, he gave up and began to giggle, trying to muffle the laughter with his hand and not attract the attention of other people.
Funny photos with fish! Absolutely!
At times, Harvey lightly scolded Shane for foul language if a huge shark swam very close to the glass and scared the poor chicken man.
When they were both hungry, they went to a cafe nearby. Although Harvey grumbled a little about the not-too-healthy food, he still took for Shane sweet fish-shaped cakes, which Shane wanted to try.
As they were about to leave the building, Shane went to the gift shop and bought Harvey a small plush puffer fish toy.
Both Harvey and Shane had a great date. The doctor kissed Shane slightly awkwardly on the cheek, to which the chicken man rolled his eyes, saying "we're not teenagers anymore", grabbed Harvey by the waist and gave him a passionate kiss. Yolo, or whatever people say...
The next day, Harvey, trying to smuggle a plush toy in his house without anyone noticing, failed a stealth task and tried to avoid Maru's questions. Meanwhile in the Saloon, Emily, seeing Shane smiling all evening, knew with her sixth sense that someone special had finally appeared in her friend's life.
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floral-force · 1 year
Hi! I love your work and I have seen that you are looking for Frankie Morales requests. So I'm here.
I was thinking about post break up Frankie and the prompt "i was made to love you." Maybe he fucked up, but they have kid so they have to see each other often and he just can't make himself love somebody else. So maybe getting together again?
ok so fair warning this is very angsty (but it has a happy ending I promise). I was in a mood while writing this, but I'm happy with how it turned out. this was a great way to practice frankie, especially since I love soft!frankie. I hope you enjoy this, nonnie! ♥️
requests are open! send me an ask!
I Was Made to Love You
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francisco "catfish" morales x f!reader
summary: Frankie’s mistake cost him your relationship and your love. You remain connected through co-parenting your daughter, but you never forgave him for what he did. Despite it all, something still remains, waiting to be discovered.
words: 2k+
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY/NO MINORS, infidelity, angst (with a happy ending), soft!frankie, mentions of pregnancy and labor (nothing graphic/detailed), brief mention of sobriety/implied past addiction, mother!reader, I'm bad at titles
read on ao3 | fic masterlist
You got up from your spot on the couch to answer the door. As soon as you opened it, you were greeted with a squeal from your smiling daughter, Isabella. You crouched down and scooped her into your arms with an oof.
“Hmph—Baby girl, you’re getting so big! Mommy won’t be strong enough to hold you soon,” you laughed, running your finger across her small, soft cheek.
She pouted and your breath caught in your throat. She had Frankie’s mouth, and her little pout was nearly identical to his. It always threw you off and reminded you of one of your first dates, back when you were both young and in your mid-twenties. You’d gone to the aquarium together, and he threw that look your way to get you to buy something dumb for him—a goofy fish plushie that made him smile like a dork. You were going to get it anyway, but you couldn’t resist when he gave you that puppy dog face.
Sometimes, in the pictures he sent you of Isabella, she was holding it.
You dated for four years, and he proposed just a month before you showed him a positive pregnancy test. Isabella was definitely not planned, and both of you always thought you’d live a childless life, but something must have changed. Frankie became a different person after you both discussed whether to continue the pregnancy or terminate it and chose to keep it. He’d been sober for a few years at that point and made even more of an effort to stay committed to it.
“For you, and for my little girl,” he’d said, placing a calloused hand on your bump.
“How do you know it’s a girl, Frankie?”
He’d shrugged and gave you that sly smirk you adored. “Just do.”
Frankie was right and made sure you never forgot about. He’d let out a cheer at that appointment, getting a stern glance from you that instantly cracked when you saw how joyful he was. You’d never seen him that happy. It had brought tears to your eyes, and it still did when the memory randomly crossed your mind.
He built her crib, saying he’d tell her one day about how her mom was constantly pulling splinters out of his hands. Frankie read all the books he could. Went to every appointment. Comforted you when everything hurt, got you whatever you were craving, told you how much he loved you and how beautiful you were. Frankie was there the entire time you were in labor, never leaving the room unless you—not the doctor, not the nurses, you—told him to. 
“What if I’m a bad mom?” You’d asked one night, still catching your breath from the orgasm he’d just coaxed out of you.
“Don’t say that,” he’d murmured against your neck, pressing hot kisses into your skin. “You’re the most incredible, beautiful, and caring person I know. You’re going to be a great mom.”
Frankie was a fighter, a protector, and stubborn as hell. You loved him dearly for it, and loved the way he made you feel special and adored. Around others, he was quiet, but you didn’t mind. His hand was always holding yours or on the small of your back. He wasn’t afraid to show you his intense enthusiasm and endless affection for you—not just during your pregnancy, but throughout your relationship. That made it even harder to accept what you saw on his phone that night in December. 
You’d called off the engagement when Isabella was just a month old; she’d been asleep in her crib when you confronted him about the woman who was texting him nudes—and why he was responding. You asked him why it’d been going on since your second trimester, why he did it, how he could hurt you like this. He’d begged for your forgiveness, but it was too late. He sobbed when you told him he had 3 days to pack up his stuff and leave. In an act of mercy, you told him he needed to remain in Isabella’s life. You refused to let your daughter grow up without her father, even if he’d crushed your heart under his boots.
To his credit, Frankie was a man of his word—when it came to Isabella, at least. He always picked her up when he was supposed to, made sure to get a two-bedroom apartment and fill her room with toys and books, and spent as much time as he could with her now before co-parenting became difficult with preschool on the horizon. She had just turned 3, and in the spring, you were going to start looking at programs. 
For now, though, you planted a kiss on her forehead and smiled at her adorable giggle.
“Isabella, why don’t you go up and say hi to your stuffies?” You set her down and she nodded, her eyes twinkling up at you. 
You watched her climb up the stairs, then turned to face Frankie. He’d set her small duffel bag down inside the door, his feet still planted on the cement of your porch. You saw his Adam’s apple bob with a hard swallow, noticed his fists clench. His ratty green shirt complimented the golden skin you used to run your fingers over, the mossy shade one you’d always loved on him. You had a sneaking suspicion this was one of the shirts you’d gifted him all those years ago. He stared at you with big doe eyes, adjusting his navy blue ballcap and disturbing his dark brown hair with a shaking hand.
“Thanks for taking care of her this week,” you said, breaking the tense silence. “I know it was really last minute, but my mom needed me home.”
“Of course,” he replied, that gravelly voice that you used to love hearing whether it was whispered in your ear or moaning it into the night tugging at something within your chest. “Anything for her.”
You nodded and looked at your feet as you rocked back and forth, crossing your arms. Defending yourself from him. There was something brewing inside of him, and it was about to spill over—you could see it in his nervous swallows, the way he cleared his throat, how he shifted and hunched his shoulders forward. It was never good news when he got anxious like this. He always complained about your intuition, but you told Frankie that he was just easy to read. You loved that about him.
He said your name, his voice cracking. You looked up at him, meeting his glassy gaze.
“Listen, I—I—” he groaned and clenched his jaw, squeezing his eyes shut. He looked back up at you with watery chestnut eyes, and you inhaled sharply. Goddamn, those eyes. “Fuck, I—I don’t know how to say it.”
“Hey,” you said softly. “Just say it, Frankie.”
He took a deep breath and looked straight into your eyes. “I can’t live without you.” 
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “You didn’t have this epiphany before you traded pics with that—that—” you shook your head and lowered your voice. “I don’t have the fucking time for this. I’ll see you next week.”
You went to push the door closed, something tightening in your chest—sadness? Anger? Grief? You didn’t want to keep looking at him, you knew that much. Before you could even move it an inch, his large palm slapped against the wood and stopped it. You glared at him and clenched your jaw. 
“Please, listen to me.”
“And why should I?” you spat. 
“Because I love you, dammit!” He raised his voice, something he rarely did. He didn’t even do it when you confronted him that snowy night. Frankie rubbed the back of his neck and his voice wavered when he said your name. “I never stopped loving you.”
You felt your body shaking, your eyes watering. You gripped the edge of the door and looked him dead in the eyes, hoping he could feel the anger radiating off you.
“If you really loved me, you wouldn’t have broken my fucking heart. You wouldn’t have cheated on your fiancée while she was 20 fucking weeks pregnant.” You felt your lip begin to quiver. You hissed, “I was carrying your goddamn baby while you were fucking her over the phone, Frankie!”
“And I’ll never forgive myself.” He stated. You saw tears slide down his cheeks, both red with emotion. “I think about it every fucking day. I think about you every day.”
You looked up at the doorframe and gazed out at the sunset sky, clouds painted in oranges and reds with splashes of golden yellow. You chuckled in disbelief and put a fist on your hip. “Should’ve thought about that before you got her number at a bar.”
“Do you really think I’d do half the shit I do for you if I didn’t love you?” he snapped, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand. The sight of it made one roll down your hot cheek. “I don’t have to come over and fix a leaky pipe or help you negotiate at the dealership. I could just fuckin’ tell you to ask your dad or call a plumber.” 
Frankie sighed and slumped his shoulders forward in defeat. A part of you liked seeing him hurt like this, like you had—but another part of you ached with him, yearned with him. When you remained silent, sniffing and wiping your nose and cheeks with the sleeve of your cardigan, his face broke and he looked exactly as he had three years ago when you’d railed into him. Broken, anxious, uncertain—something Frankie never was.
“Frankly, I don’t think you hate me if you still text me and ask for my help.” Frankie’s lip shook and he rubbed his hand across his scruff-covered jaw. “I think a part of you still loves me, too.”
You clenched your jaw and snapped, “I’m polite with you because of Isa—”
“No, no.” Frankie interjected. He waved his hand and gave you a somber shake of his head as he said your name. “I know you. You can’t hide how you feel, even when Isabella is in your arms.” He chuckled, something sad underneath it. “You never could.”
You hated that he was always fucking right. It made you straighten and purse your lips. “Then what, Frankie? What do we do?”
“I have no damn clue,” he admitted with a shy smile. 
It reminded you of the one he’d given you on your first date. He didn’t know it then, but he’d had your heart from the first smile he sent your way. Boyish and sweet but rugged at the same time, hardened and aged beyond his years. Charming without trying, whether he knew it or not.
“All I know is, I was made to love you.” 
Your sob got caught in your throat. You squeezed your eyes shut and felt tears start to stream down your face like waterfalls. Frankie’s rough thumbs wiped them away, just liked they had so many times before. He still remembered that you loved it when he stroked them across the top of your cheeks, his other fingers gently laying over the lower half of them and gracing along your jaw. You didn’t push him away or ask him to stop. 
Why was he always right? Maybe you were easier to read than you thought. Or, maybe, you were made for Frankie, and he was made for you. You opened your eyes to see his only inches away, the corners of his crinkled with a gentle smile. Those soft lips, that sweet voice speaking your name, those crying eyes—they were yours as much as they were his. That tight string in your chest snapped, and you realized that although you may not forgive him for what he did, you still loved him. And you wanted to start again.
When you nodded and smiled through your tears, Frankie grinned like he had when you found out you were having a girl. Joy at the thought of starting something new and from the thrill of being right about something you doubted. Joy only you could ever spark within him. The thought of that made you warm inside. It would take time, that was for damn sure. But you were willing to try. You were made for this man as much as he was made for you.
reblogs and comments are so appreciated! I love hearing what y'all have to say <3
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@hardlystrictlystarwars, @hrtsforpascal @notsosecretspy
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wooahaes · 2 years
sweet like chocolate
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pairing: non-idol!elementary school teacher!seungkwan x gn!elementary school teacher!reader
prompt: hot chocolate.
word count: 1.0k~
warnings: food mention!
daisy’s notes: tell me seungkwan wouldn’t be a cute teacher tbh.
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Seungkwan was almost positive you’d be a little annoyed with him by the time he got back with your cups of hot chocolate.
Every single year, the school had a small winter festival for the kids. It was usually a way to raise money with the kids getting their own tickets for free, and their parents being able to buy additional ones--plus they could put in money for the cake walk that the other teachers were running. Seungkwan, by some stroke of luck (likely due to the fact your classrooms were right next to one another), ended up partnered up with you to run a little fishing game for the kids. He’d help you hang up the shimmery blue curtain in front of the door, low enough that the makeshift fishing rod would be able to be cast over (with some help from him and the parent volunteer). One of you would be on the other side, sticking small toy prizes (ducks or little toy bears that could fit one’s palm--tiny things) onto the “hook” (magnets that you’d be able to pull off once the kid caught their prize). It was just a small game, but the kids seemed like it and that was what mattered in the end.
With a parent to take over his role for a bit, he promised you he’d bring hot chocolate when his ten minute break was over. The building was cold, and he liked the way your eyes lit up at the promise of hot chocolate.
Which... was why he was two minutes late at this point. The hot chocolate booth had been across the school, and Seungkwan was taking his time to make sure he didn’t spill a drop because the drink was dispensed into lidless styrofoam cups. He’d lodge a complaint with Jeonghan next year to do something safer, especially with a hot liquid that children would be drinking. Sure, they hadn’t had any incidents yet (and from the sip Seungkwan took, the hot chocolate wasn’t too hot), but it meant he had to walk slow enough to not bump into any wandering kids.
Yet when he came back, you were sitting on the outside, the parent volunteer inside hooking the toys (the easier job, he’d learned, since whoever was outside had to basically wrangle kids into sitting still long enough to get their prize). Your hands covered the tiny tot’s as you built excitement with your words, and he smiled to himself for a moment.
There was a reason Vernon kept telling him that he should just shoot his shot and ask you out despite the fact Seungkwan denied having any feelings for you. The look in his eyes, soft and warm and completely enamored with how gentle you were, was enough to say it. He watched the way you helped pull the line back in, gasping in fake awe at the little blue duck that was stuck to the end of it. He watched the way you easily plucked the glued-on magnet off of the toy, shoving it into your pocket before handing the toy to the excited kid, who immediately turned and showed it to his mom. The mom took her son’s hand and guided him away with a smile before lifting him up into her arms, and Seungkwan finally returned to you.
You beamed at the hot chocolate in his hands, taking your cup and thanking him. “It’s freezing in here,” you said. “I know it’s because Seungcheol didn’t want the building to get too hot, but not a ton of people are here...” 
Which wasn’t wrong--the two of you had one of few booths set up in this hallway. Therefore, you didn’t get too many people as a result. You had enough that your box of toys was running low, but not enough to warrant how cold the building was.
“My scarf is on my desk,” he said, “You can have it if you want.”
Borrow. He meant borrow. But you merely shook your head, smiling, “That’s sweet of you, but I’m fine.” You leaned back against the wall, “My love for the kids keeps me warm.”
Cheesy, but that was why Seungkwan was totally-not-in-love with you. Liked. He liked you. Maybe, if someone were to pose the word “crush” to him, he’d say that fit, too. But love? He didn’t want to confess to that yet. He’d let his heart hold onto that one a little longer. Instead, he’d let you reduce him down to a schoolboy again: heart fluttering in his chest as he wondered if your lips were as soft as they looked. His heart would leap into his throat whenever your hand brushed against his own, too.
Chan had called out your name as he was strolling past with one of the cakes that he was meant to be taking to the gymnasium, stealing one glance at Seungkwan before turning his sights back on you. “Are you free this weekend?”
Chan smiled. “There’s a cafe we could go to. It has nice dessert. And better hot chocolate than that,” he nodded toward your cup. “If you want--”
“I’m going out with Seungkwan on Saturday,” you had said, still smiling that polite smile Seungkwan was used to seeing you with.
Seungkwan’s eyes went wide at the sudden proclamation and his mind raced. Shit, did he agree to go somewhere with you? He would have remembered that, wouldn’t he? Surely, he would have told Vernon, and Vernon would have teased him over it a little because he was so enamored with you--
“Ah,” Chan said, still smiling as he took a few steps backward down the empty hall. “About time,” he turned, calling back “Have fun!” as he quickly made his way back to the gym.
Seungkwan turned to you the moment that Chan was out of earshot, “We didn’t have plans.”
“Are you free?” You asked, still smiling that cute smile at him.
“Then,” your eyes were sparkling as you turned to face him fully, “go out with me.”
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general taglist: @wonuziex​ @twancingyunhao​ @synthetickitsune​
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John the Apostle | In A Man's World | Romantic
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Dialogue prompt: "Ever since I was a child, I asked God every day why He made me a girl."
Requested: Yes
Frustrated after being harassed, you vent to John about how the position of women has always frightened you, but he knows just what to say.
TW: Reader getting harassed by a group of men
Going out on your own has not been the best call, but you had told yourself that the errand you had to run was brief enough to do alone. In hindsight, you’d have done best to ask one of the Disciples as a chaperone, for the sun is already gone and most people have withdrawn themselves to their houses. 
Skittish, you make your way through the streets of Jerusalem, hugging the basket of eggs you had attempted to quickly fetch from the other end of the quarter closer to your chest. 
It had started with a shadow or two alongside some hushed whispers; at first you had brushed it off, told yourself it were just a few townspeople chatting amongst one another.
Knowing better now, you hasten in your step as male footsteps draw closer. The route you take is purposefully unusual, so when the presence behind you does not disappear, you know you are being followed.
You can feel their eyes drill into the back of your head - you just choose to ignore them. Wanting nothing more than to avoid confrontation and just get home to your friends who are waiting for their meal to be prepared, you tear on through the city.
“Hey, you there!” 
Alas, to no avail. The three men keep tailing you through the street.
“You with the blue veil! I know you heard me!” The footsteps quicken, but before you can get yourself into a running pace, one of the men has caught up to you. Before you can turn the corner, the stranger intersects himself between you and the wall, and you are forced to halt in your tracks. Your heart skips several beats in the worst sense of the word and your throat runs dry.
“What are you doing here all on your own?” 
“Leave me alone.” you whimper, trying to walk around him, but he blocks your path again.
“No can do.” the man retorts. “Why are you here all alone?” 
You dare to let your eyes go up to face him – pockmarked cheeks, no older than thirty, sallow-faced – and when he grins, a few teeth are missing. He stinks of fish and drink, likely just having been kicked out of The Hammer.
“I am on my way home, leave me be.”
His friends catch up to him, successfully trapping you. You nearly drop the basket of eggs and wonder in what way you could hit them the hardest with it. 
“She’s a pretty one, isn’t she?” 
“Tsk, hands off, Melech. I saw her first, and we shouldn’t get into things too fast. Come on, girl, what is your name?”
You don’t respond, instead tense your jaw. 
“I asked you a question.”
“It is none of your business. Now step aside before my fiancé comes to find me, and you don’t want to mess with him.”
The two men behind you make mocking noises of feigned fear before chuckling darkly. The man with the missing teeth grins. “Is that a threat? If your little boyfriend really cared for you, he wouldn’t have let you go out alone, hm?”
You feel tears sting behind your eyes, and even though you attempt to blink them away at first, they escape regardless. Upon seeing them roll down your cheeks, the men laugh. 
“Look at that,” the toothless stranger quips. “What are you going to do, hm? Call on the Romans to help you out?” You flinch away when he tries to cup your face, pushing your hand forward out of pure instinct. It bumps into his chest rather pathetically and your breath hitches whilst the drunkard looks at it, raising an eyebrow as if not really processing that you had tried to hit him.
One of his friends appears to be more sober and grabs your arm firmly from behind.
“Don’t try anything funny, you. Should have known better than to walk the streets on your own after sundown, especially near the Red Quarter.” The way he hisses it into your ear makes the hairs of your neck stand on end and suddenly, you cannot stop the tears from freely flowing down your face. 
“Stop it, let me go!” A few curious faces peek from behind the drapes of a few houses, but nobody feels it to be their place to meddle. 
You feel a lump start to tighten your throat as your vision blurs even more than it already has. Is nobody coming to your rescue, then?
“Why don’t you come home with us?” the first guy slurs, “You’re such a pretty thing, and it would be a shame to let this opportunity go to waste–”
“Hey! Let her go before I’ll punch you!” 
John’s voice has never been more welcome, and out of sheer relief, you wrap a hand over your mouth to suppress the sound about to tear from your lungs.
Your betrothed quickly approaches and in turn the three men flee as they realise who it is: “Come on, Boaz, Melech, it’s one of Zebedee’s sons! Don’t want to mess with them!” As soon as they part from you, you immediately reach out for John, who opens his arms without question. 
You fall into him and he catches you, tears of fear and frustration running down your face. “Are you hurt?” John queries, “I know them from my days at The Hammer, I’ll go to their house and give them a piece of my mind–”
“I’m fine.” you whimper, holding onto him tightly. “They didn’t do anything. I’m just shaken a bit and… Very happy that you’re here.”
Guilt flashes through John’s face, barely visible through the darkness of night. His brow darkens. “It makes me feel sick to know that they tried to do things to you against your will. I…” His eyes glitter with tears, “I’m so sorry, my love. I should not have let you go get those eggs alone.”
You shake your head, your bottom lip trembling as you cup his face. “No–No, John, it’s okay, I’m okay. You couldn’t have known and I insisted on going alone. It’s not your fault.” 
John’s jaw tenses. “Still, I should have protected you.”
“And you have.” you breathe, “Praise Adonai that you decided to come look for me. Thank you.” 
For a long moment, you look at one another, both with wry smiles and unkeen to let your minds wander what could have happened if John had left mere minutes later. Suddenly, your gaze hardens, your body tensing up. 
“The people of the village… They just peeked out of their drapes and did nothing. Nothing. As if I didn’t exist. And–And I get it, many want to avoid confrontation, we’ve got enough conflict going on with the Romans about but… It’s not easy, you know. Being a woman, I mean. They just don’t care!”
John gulps and looks at you with a furrowed brow, not really knowing the right words to say. You don’t blame him for it. 
“I’ve always imagined myself in one of their positions when I was younger,” you sigh, wiping dry your cheeks. John quickly takes that job out of your hands by thumbing your tears away. “Being a timid housewife and nothing more. It’s what my eema always told me I’d be.”
Your beloved hums and smiles softly. “You’re more than that, my love,” he whispers. Your lips quirk upwards and you momentarily stare off into the distance, gathering your thoughts. 
“You know that our culture works like this. A woman’s job is to be a good housewife and carry enough children. And I love our people, I truly do. But I suppose that… Now that we’re at Jesus’ side, it is almost as if I see things from a new perspective. I’m not saying that it is necessarily wrong to want to build a family, but… It’s not all there is to life, right?”
Cupping your cheeks, John inspects your face. “I think we’ve experienced that way more than many, (Y/n), that life is more than building a family. It is about building a Kingdom as well.” 
You smile and nod against his palms. “Hm, yes,” you murmur, “But I am a woman helping to build a Kingdom in a world predominantly ruled by men. It is quite frustrating, if I may be honest.”
“I understand.” John says, “Some things must be difficult for you. Rules about cleanliness, about authority, about parenthood. I can barely imagine what it must be like.”
Humming in agreement, you momentarily close your eyes. “Jesus sends us out to spread the Word of God, that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. I just feel like… Like what I do does not truly matter. Don’t get me wrong, Jesus has never made me feel that way. Quite the contrary, actually. But still, my heart is so confused sometimes. Does that make sense?”
“I think it does,” your beloved tells you, although there is some uncertainty in his voice. Once you pick up on it, you decide to elaborate further, not holding it against him. 
“We are the youngest of the group, right?” you query, and he nods in response. “Well,” you continue, “Sometimes I feel like I’ve had to grow up faster than I would have liked.”
John slowly shakes his head, not really sure what you mean with that. “Please, tell me more, but… In the meantime, let’s walk home, okay? Otherwise we will catch a cold or have the others worry about us.” He takes the basket of eggs from you and you start walking towards the home the rest of the group is currently at, enjoying a few moments of quality time together as you empty your heavy heart to him.
“In this world, it is difficult being a woman, John.” you sigh, “Even here, at the side of the Messiah. Not that He is the reason for these sentiments, and not because of the other followers acting strangely towards me or any of the other women, but just… Men in general. My eema always warned me about men like that.” You vaguely gesture behind you, referring to the guys who had just tried to get you back to their place. “About men who don’t see women as equals but rather as their inferiors. As vessels to bring forth offspring.”
John swallows thickly, his throat feeling tight. He had never known that you struggled so much with this. 
“So my eema always said that I should guard myself against them. That I should get married quickly and always have someone nearby to protect me. It’s stifling, John.”
He halts, sudden tears prickling behind his eyes as he mulls over the words. “Do you mean that you don’t want to marry me? That you do it because your eema told you to–”
“No, that is not what I meant with that,” you cut him off, “Sorry, I just worded that a little strangely. I’m so honoured and content that I get to marry you. Never had I ever dreamt about running into someone as lovely as you, I…” You blush and look at your sandals for a moment, trying to find the right words. “I just sometimes… Ever since I was a child, I asked God every day why He made me a girl. And now that the Messiah is here, and I am at His side, I have realised that this question from my childhood is still there no matter that I am in my twenties. My eema has always had that effect on me, I suppose, and it seems that I cannot outrun her influence even though I no longer live at home.” 
John does not really know the right words to say. Instead, he puts down the basket of eggs and takes your hands in his, squeezing them gently. “(Y/n),” he says, “Thank you for being so vulnerable with me. I didn’t know that you feel this way, and I’m glad that you told me. Together, we can find a way for you to heal from this. Consider talking to the other women about it, how they deal with this, because you are not alone. We could even involve Jesus if you want to. I love you, (Y/n), I truly do. Let’s get through this at your own pace, okay?” 
You thickly swallow. “I don’t want to be a burden.”
“You never are.” he reassures you, pulling you into a hug. You bury your face against his chest and hold tightly onto the green fabric of his tunic, inhaling deeply. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” you murmur into his neck, relaxing a bit. “Thank you for listening to me.”
John caresses gentle circles over your back and holds you for a bit longer before pulling away, cupping your face in his hands. “Hey,” he whispers, and you try to smile, for you are obstructed by the way he gently squeezes your cheeks, “You’re cute.”
He presses a soft kiss against your forehead and you giggle at the feeling, flushing pink, considering yourself blessed with an understanding spouse-to-be like him. John releases you and takes the basket of eggs, raising a playful eyebrow. 
“How about I race you home?”
Your smile grows. “You mean to run home?”
He nods, his curls slightly bouncing at the movement, and you let out an amused sound, not even giving him a chance to mention the basket of eggs before darting off, chuckling at the sound of him accusing you of cheating for he had not yet given the sign to go, and with your laughter bouncing off the walls in the street, John eventually manages to catch up.
Even though he is a fast runner and very competitive at that, he lets you win this time around.
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