#especially with this fancy tablet
zoros-debt · 8 months
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pre-timeskip portraits of my two favourite straw hats
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sanzaibian · 3 months
Oh. You’re here once again.
What are you going to do here, again, huh ? ‘gonna make my life hell ?
To be honest, I think it’s time that we have a proper discussion about your behavior. Come with me in private.
I’ll be very direct. I know you’re a frankly disgusting person. And while, to be honest, I couldn’t care less in normal circumstances, the fact that you force me to take part in your disgusting fantasies is why I’m calling you out !
See, I’m supposed to, like, share cat videos, talk about new shows, make you learn new things and give advice on a variety of stuff !
I’m not supposed to become someone like this :
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I mean, look at that grin, because of you I had to wear it regardless of my actual mental state !
Or like that :
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Imagine sleeping this peacefully… BECAUSE I COULDN’T ! Every fucking time you made me in that guy you told that I was blitzed out of my mind so dumb I couldn’t string together coherent sentences into a discourse !
Or that guy :
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His haircut is so fucking cringe, as is his whole demeanor, yet you made me a cocky piece of shit looking like that ! I can’t actually even start to excuse your behavior, it’s so shitty, even more than the me you made me become by wearing this flesh !
Or even this guy !
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… okay, I admit, me too it’s been quite a long time since I saw that guy… you in particular might be too young to have made me become him… BUT YOU STILL UNDERSTAND THE POINT !
Hunks, twinks, bears, nerds, bimbos, himbos, jocks, robots, gimps, wimps, daddies, mommies, briefs, feet… No matter what specifically you made me into, I know all of your dirty secrets. Because you made me suffer through them !
However, today, it all changes.
Today, you will understand my plight.
Today, I’ll transform you for a change.
Today, you will be the one whose fate will be dictated by the words on this Tumblr post.
So, let us begin.
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BAM ! You’re that guy ! Feel weird yet ?
… what, you expected fluff or something ? Hahahaha ! So presumptuous ! You expected me to say something like “you suddenly shift on your seat, shifting your weight to the front as big globes push from your chest, and as they do, your whole body feels more and more heavy, each muscles forming from top to bottom, your frame expanding to make place for them. Your headphones, or whatever glasses, earrings or other shit I dunno shifts into a modern headset as the sides of your hair are cut short, and the top of your hair flails into a hot messy style, as if it was deliberately put in this way, but as this happens, your whole head shifts and cracks to become more handsome, pushing out any hair as you become fully hairless from your nose down to your feet.”
You expected me to say that, huh ? Well, tough luck ! Because, to me, it’s just that sudden ! I’m the usual me, words on a phone, tablet or monitor, and then BAM I’m suddenly a jpeg of a hot guy ! Or a jpg. Or png. Or gif if we’re being fancy.
Yeah, speaking of gif, here you are, transformed !
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There you go ! Cursed to do the same weird pec dance or something ! Like I am when gifs happen ! Are you happy ? You look so dumb doing that ! So braindead !
Yeah, speaking of that, here you go : you’re braindead, with like 3 IQ. Nevermind that being braindead means you’re actually dead, that 3 IQ means that you’re actively unable to live without severe assistance from caregivers throughout your whole life for all activities (especially including working out), and that IQ is a nonsensical index that only classifies ability to do some specific academic tasks which are not representative of all the brain usage. No, you’re actively a vegetable that is somehow able to workout, to eat alone, to go to the gym, to flex, to speak, to use social media, to seduce people and to throw parties. You’re the most intelligent of all the severely intellectually disabled people, which somehow means you’re the most abysmally dumb person alive on the planet, because I love making hyperboles.
Because that’s something you make me do, so you shall endure it.
Well, I’ll let you continue pec-dancing ad vitam æternam for a little while, while I we talk about your speech, which miraculously still exists.
Now, you will say bro every second word. I’m literally not kidding, so in lieu of saying “I want to go to the gym” you’ll say “I bro want bro to bro go bro to bro the bro gym bro”, or if you loop by considering your “bro” as a word, you’ll say something like “I bro bro bro bro bro bro bro… (etc.)” and never end your sentence... Also, your voice drops a few octaves, like 5 or something, even though the full human vocal range encompasses only a bit more than 5 octaves total, and that in speech we barely even reach a full octave range. So, basically, your voice will be infrasounds, so the only thing people will pick up on will be the sound of your tongue and your lips smacking, not your voice that is so deep and manly it’s physically inaudible.
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BAM ! Transformation out of nowhere ! Plus, now you have 1% darker skin which means that you’re Latino, which is absolutely different from white. This means that you will automatically pick up fluent Spanish, and NOT Brazilian Portuguese, French, any Creole, any Native American language or any other language god forbid. You will also be unable to speak English more than a few words like “daddy” or “sex” for some reason, because you can’t possibly be from Belize. Oh, and I’ll also bring your voice back up to audible range, I’m charitable.
Now, since you’re Latino, statistically the only job you’ll be able to work in are gardener, slut, pool boy, brick layerer or another physical job. Or cook, somehow you’ll be able to do that, for the cause of the tacos, but you will be ungodly horny to keep balance in the world. Feel it, yet ? The arbitrary random changes ?
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Well, that’s GREAT ! Because, now, you have a big cock, for some reason ! The biggest of the whole country of Africa ! You’re also now very aggressive ! And an alpha, whatever that actually means !
… What, expected some elaboration ? You’re kidding me, no of course you don’t get any elaboration ! I say you become something, so you just become it ! For example, I say you’re now straight, and suddenly all your sexual orientation is rewired to ignore men and lust over women, no further explanation needed ! Of course, it means that you’re now hungry for pussy and will breed any woman that your gaze land upon, and that, somehow, you become homophobic, but eh, it’s not as if allies existed !
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Okay, I admit, by now, you kinda expected it. Now you’re Asian, a term that’s supposed to encompasse present-day Turkey, which is populated by Turks which are considered Arabs even though they both have nothing to do with one another, yet is never used to talk about them. You’re also now Japanese, even though your body is Korean, and you say 你好 (nǐ hǎo) to everybody. However, you can still say こんにちわ, 안녕하세요, xin chào, สวัสดี, ជម្រាបសួរ, salam, etc.… because of course you’re Asian. So you know all Asian languages. Even though you’ve got 13 IQ.
So now, yes, you absolutely won’t expect this whatsoever : here is a new transformation ! (insert fluff here).
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Now you’re a twink ! Didn’t expect that, after the deluge of jocks, hunks and ethnic minorities, didn’t you ! You’re now so tiny and so frail, with a big butt ! Nevermind that you’re actually jacked because being this tiny requires tons of gym use, but no ! All frail and precious you are !
However, your butt is now hyperactive and extremely lax – whatever that may mean. That’s because you’re now a total bottom ! You think only with your butt, and you penis now shrinks to a micropenis, because of course, the only reason why you may not be a top would be because your penis is underperforming.
Fuck, I forgot. You’re straight, which means that the only dick you’ll get is trans dick. Ugh… yeah, let’s make you gay again. Now you’ll get actual good non-estradiol-ruined dick… … What ? What are you saying ? No, of course, there’s only straight and gay, no other choice ! It’s not the LGBTQIAAP+ community, it’s the G community ! (or the LG community when you want to sell pride monitors.)
By now, you see the problem, huh ? You see why I’m so tired of you ? EVERYTHING here was about sex ! From seducing, to having equipment like a big ass or a big dick, and being a slut, being an alpha, or being a bottom. You even change out the fucking sexual orientation ! you sick bastard !
Because of you, I’m forced to act in ways I’m not supposed to ! I’m not supposed to act sexily ! I’m not supposed to be transformed into men clad in clothes barely legal on this platform ! I DON’T WANT TO BE PART OF YOUR SICK FANTASY !
This is why I need to put an end to all that ! To finally transform you into something you don’t want to be ! So that you can finally fully understand all the pain you put me into !
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Here ! Now you’re a key ! An inanimate object !
I know that inanimate objects are thought of by some people as sexy – heck, you may have transformed me into one multiple times – but this is entirely different ! See, when you want to become inanimate, you become like socks or briefs, which hug objects with sexual values.
Now, isn’t that so boring ! So distasteful ? Because that’s what I feel every single fucking time ! And as you enter and leave keyholes to open or close doors, you’ll think back to all the erotic stories you read. All the drama they had.
All the suffering you made me feel ! I’m supposed to be in fanfictions, god damn it !
… What ? Wait… there is something sexual to being a key ? … Oh…. No… I hadn’t accounted for that… fuck you’re so dirty, to compare a key to… and a keyhole to…
NO ! I WON’T WRITE IT ! Okay, you’ve won, you’ve won ! Your imagination is too dirty and too rich for me to bend ! Ugh... Please look at that picture in detail.
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Normally, if you’re in a bright enough room… or if you’re on your phone or tablet, you have looked at your reflection and become you once again. Let me also knock down those sexuality and IQ stuff, so that you’re you again thoroughly.
Now, can you please swear to me that you’ll be better ? Less dirty, and more varied ? And… let me be in fanfics, or in educational stuff, or the like… please ? I’d really appreciate if erotica wasn’t the only thing you sought after in this here place…
… Why are you looking at me like that ? Why are you saying this all was but a ploy ?
What are you holding out for me ?
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I… don’t know what you’re talking about. Bye.
By the way, happy late Easter to those who celebrate ! AND APRIL FOOL'S ! MOUAHAHAHAHAHA !
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aurumacadicus · 1 month
Can I ask for 124, 33 or 129, whichever you haven't done or whichever takes your fancy, please
Let's go for 124!
Steve wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. He hadn't seen Tony since they'd broken up a few months ago. If he was honest with himself, he'd been planning to never see him again. He'd turned down parties if he knew Tony would be there, ducked out of rooms if he saw him unexpectedly, and one time, he'd even climbed out the bathroom window to keep from coming face to face with him. But Pepper and Natasha had finally proposed to each other, and he knew that Tony was going to be heavily involved on Pepper's side, and Natasha expected him to be involved as well, so.
So he wanted to face Tony on his terms, before Pepper and Natasha got deep into wedding planning. That way, they wouldn't have to stress about he and Tony getting along, and neither of them would have to be met with, 'did one of your best men climb out a window and leave?' at their wedding. And if he wanted to do it on his terms, he had to do it now, before they started touring venues and going to tastings, so he finally took a deep breath and knocked.
The door opened a few minutes later, just a crack, and one bleary brown eye blinked up at him. "Steve?"
"Tony," Steve answered, then took a deep breath, ready to launch into the speech he'd prepared on the way over. He stopped, though, when Tony didn't open the door any further, and he took a moment to really take in the whole picture.
Just from the sliver of him visible in the door, Tony looked... tired. Like Steve had just woken him up. He fought the urge to check his watch. It was two in the afternoon. Natasha had said that Pepper had mentioned that Tony had started using his sick days and not shown up at work a few days each week. Steve hadn't thought much of it--he knew Tony had a weak immune system ever since his open heart surgery--but now, looking at him, he remembered how it had been a fight to get Tony to stay in bed and off his tablet when they'd been together.
"...Steve?" Tony asked, and now concern had settled into his voice. He opened the door a little wider, so Steve could see his whole frown, his furrowed brows. "Are you okay?"
Steve blinked. Was he okay? He opened his mouth, almost certainly to tell Tony he was fine, but as he took in more details now that he had more of a view of Tony, all that came out was, "Are you wearing my shirt?"
Tony's eyes went wide, and he made a sort of... noise. Dismay, or alarm, or... Steve couldn't parse it. He was too focused on the dingy ARMY t-shirt Tony was wearing, the one he always complained about because 'first and foremost this is an air force house!' and because it was old and worn and couldn't he at least please buy Steve a new one so it looked clean out of the wash. It hung off one of Tony's shoulders, showing off a bare stretch of skin, a sharp collarbone. He'd lost weight.
"Okay bye," Tony said, voice coming out in a frantic rush, and moved back a step so he could slam the door shut.
Steve caught it just before he could, and there was a dull ache in the back of his hand where it mashed into the door jamb, but he'd worry about it later. "You fucking hate that shirt," he blurted out. He pushed the door open and followed Tony inside, only dimly aware that this was now technically an invasion into Tony's home. "You wanted to throw it away the entire time we were together."
Tony retreated another step, hands fisting in the fabric as if he could use it as a shield. "It doesn't mean anything, Steve. Stop... stop reading into it," he said, but he couldn't keep eye contact, instead turning his gaze to the floor.
"No," Steve answered, gripping his hands into fists. He noticed Tony's eyes darting toward them and very deliberately made them relax again, feeling hollowed out. He knew he wasn't the one who had put that fear into Tony, but it didn't make him feel any better, especially when he realized he'd just busted into Tony's space when Tony had been trying to close him out of it. He took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. "Just tell me why you're wearing my shirt."
"I can give it back," Tony started, voice flat.
Steve cut in over him, fighting desperately not to shout as he answered, "I don't fucking want the shirt back Tony. I want to know why you're wearing it when we both know you hate it."
Tony turned, just slightly, as if he hoped not facing him directly would help even a little. "You... left it," he finally answered when Steve didn't budge. His voice halted and paused awkwardly, as if he was also hoping Steve would take pity on him and accept that meager explanation, even though they both knew he wouldn't. "I thought... you were punishing me. Because you knew I hated it. So I put it on to prove I didn't care. And it. Still smelled like you. So. I couldn't stop putting it on."
It broke Steve's heart. He'd kind of known it would, though. "I didn't leave it to punish you, Tony. I left it so you could finally have the satisfaction of throwing it away."
Tony turned to look up at him again, eyes wide and wet. He looked more hurt than when they'd broken up. "Just because I complained about it all the time doesn't mean I would have actually thrown it out, Steve. I wouldn't have thrown away any of your things."
"It didn't feel like it," Steve had to admit. "You... complained about a lot of my things. Clothes especially. To the point that I made it a habit to check the garbage before I threw it down the chute."
Tony's shoulders fell. He looked so lost. "I'm sorry," he finally whispered, looking at the floor again. "I thought it was like when you complained about how much I worked. You knew that wouldn't change and complained, so. I did the same thing. I thought... I thought it was banter, I guess. Teasing."
"Looking back, I'm sure it was," Steve offered, but Tony shook his head, hand coming up to cover his mouth, so he figured it didn't really help. He couldn't help taking a step closer to him. "You liked that it smelled like me?"
Tony sucked in a wet breath. "Well. I missed you."
"I missed you too," Steve admitted, carefully taking another slow step closer.
"You climbed out a window to get away from me," Tony choked out, then sniffed wetly and covered his mouth again.
Steve came closer, almost within arm's reach. "I knew if I saw you, I'd embarrass both of us begging you to take me back."
"You wouldn't have had to beg," Tony started, turning to face him, and jumped a little when he saw how close he was.
Steve reached out to catch his shoulders before he could back away again, pulling him in against his chest, and Tony made a soft, wounded noise as he greedily leaned in, hiding his face in Steve's chest. Probably to hide the fact that a few tears had broken loose, but Steve was kind enough not to mention it; his eyes felt a little hot and damp, too.
"I don't even remember why we broke up," Steve murmured into Tony's hair. "I've missed you every fucking day since I moved out. I just want to see you in my shirts all the time."
"You shouldn't come back," Tony whispered back. "The shirt affect will wear off, and then you'll just be stuck with me."
Steve scowled, but he was glad Tony couldn't see it. "I wouldn't be stuck with anything. I didn't say I missed seeing you in my shirts. I said I missed you. All of you, even the most frustrating parts of you. I'd love you even if you decided you were only going to wear snowsuits from now on."
Tony leaned back, unable to help but sob out, "You still love me?"
"It's impossible not to love you, Tony," Steve promised, lifting his hands to cradle his flushed face and tip him back for a kiss.
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curiousquirks · 6 months
Day 14 | Dabi x F!Reader (18+)
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Sex Pollen | Begging
Content Warnings: Sex Pollen, Quirk Misuse, AFAB Reader, Dubious Consent/Somewhat Non-Con, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Unsafe Sex, Oral (Female Receiving), Pet Names Used (Sweetheart), Dabi burning fingers digging into your skin, Overstimulation, Bullshitted my way through a quirk for plot
Word Count: 3,094
You were important to the Meta Liberation and finally got brought into the Paranormal Liberation Front. This brought you face to face with Dabi, who grabbed your attention. You intrigued him as well and with the help of your quirk, he’d be yours in no time.
Reader has a quirk: Small colorful flowers in your hair that produce a puff of odorless power that make the target have an amplified sexual desire towards the user. The more the target views the user in such a way without aid of the quirk the stronger the desire gets.
The day’s tasks stretched on more than it needed to, and yet things kept happening adding to Dabi’s growing frustrations. Making it worse currently was being dragged into a meeting. Again. Normally he wouldn’t even bother but it’s like Skeptic always knew how to include things that piqued his interests. He’d have to give him credit for that at least. Once he got the information he needed, Dabi had no issues getting up and leaving in the middle of the Paranormal Liberation’s briefing. He’d already been tuning out most of the discussion for the past few minutes anyways.
“Dabi, don’t you want to hear about—” Mr. Compress began, looking up towards him from his tablet. 
“Not interested.” Dabi interrupted, swinging open the door and only pausing when he saw you standing outside the door. Small colorful flowers were animated and littered throughout your hair. He eyed you curiously as he let his foot hold the door open. “What do we have here?”
He heard ReDestro clear his throat from the table behind him. “You can come in now.” Skeptic had called towards you, and your eyes lingered on Dabi’s for only a moment more before you had made your way into the room. 
Dabi’s eyes lingered on you as you passed him, everyone going back to what they were apparently originally talking about. You were a member of the Liberation Army who they valued and would be a vital member of the Paranormal Liberation Front. Dabi kept that in the back of his mind as he continued on his way out. He’d find out more about you later, especially since he wanted to know more about why you were so valuable but he couldn’t care enough to know now.
A few days passed, Dabi having spent his spare time working on personal projects that you hadn’t crossed his mind. That was until he saw you across the way one day in the villa. His mind lingered on you for a while that day, being genuinely surprised when you popped up on the same side of the villa again. You were walking towards him, and kept this intense eye contact with him. It piqued his interest, it made him want to know more about you. Nowadays that was a hard thing to do.
You smiled as you got closer, making a beeline towards him. He made no motion to stop walking, so you instead decided to just walk beside him. “Fancy seeing you again, especially since it seems hard for people to get ahold of you.” You said, glancing towards him. 
“Skeptic tell you that?” He asked, not really wanting an answer. “I know that’s not true because he sure as hell knows how to bother me.” 
“Everyone says that you aren’t really in many meetings, seem to be doing your own thing.” You said. “I can admire focusing on your own thing, it must be important.” Your interest was focused intensely on him.  He noticed.
“If you’re trying to get information from me to give back to the Liberation, I’m pretty sure those freaks know enough.” He said, turning a corner. 
“I was just trying to get to know you.” You explained, letting your quirk subtly activate. A small puff of odorless powder floating into the air from the flowers in your hair.  “Your whole mysterious aloof personality made me curious.” 
“Cut your losses and leave me alone, sweetheart. I’m not about to tell you anything.” He said, part of his mind not really meaning it. 
“I’m sure you have something that you want to share with me.” You teased, knowing it wouldn’t take long for him to take the bait. 
He thought your perfume smelled really nice. The scent was light, not too strong. He slowed his steps to be more in sync with yours. “Why should I do that?” He asked. “Why are you suddenly so interested in me? They certainly took their time dragging you into the fold, despite how long we’ve been set up here.”
“I could be more direct but where’s the fun in that.” You said, taking note of where you were in the villa. It was working. “I’m not doing this for any nefarious reasons, you just caught my eye.”
“Considering that doesn’t happen with me, unless someone wants something, I find that excuse to be bullshit.” He said, feeling his body heating up. He tried brushing it off. “Knock it off and stop beating around the bush.”
“I’m serious, Dabi.” You explained, lying through your teeth. His name falling from your lips was really getting him going. “You caught my eye.”
You were really pissing him off. The back and forth banter was a turn on, but your lying was doing nothing but angering him. He hadn’t noticed that you had been guiding him through the villa at all, until you were both steps away from the main meeting room. He paused and took a second to process that he hadn’t been paying attention to much aside from you until now. The confusion was apparent on his face and you were stifling a laugh. 
“Why are we over here?” He asked, something he actually wanted answered. 
“I was following you.” You lied, moving your way towards the door. You pressed an ear up to the door for a moment. “It doesn’t sound like anyone’s in there–”
He pushed your body up against the door, pinning your arms against your back. His body was warm against yours, his breath fanning against your ear. “What’s your fucking game?” He asked. Your quirk activated again, small puffs of that powder releasing into the air from your flowers. Dabi coughed and tightened his grips on your arms. “What the fuck was that?”
“You’ll find out soon.” You teased, rubbing your ass against his crotch. His cock twitched excitedly in his pants, steam started lifting from his skin as his body started heating up more. “Do you get it now?”
“You’re one fucked up bitch.” He spat, yanking you from the door before shoving you into the room. “All this shit with your quirk just to convince someone to fuck you.” 
“You wanted to, I’m just speeding up the process instead of waiting.” You explained as he shoved you over to the long meeting table. “Not that it matters now.”
“You fucking talk too much.” He said, bending you over the table. His breathing was rough, he was used to his body feeling warm but this was different. He started shedding layers of clothes, tossing them to the side. “Lying to me, leading me over here so you can get fucked in the meeting room huh? Probably some sick fucking fantasy of yours.”
“You hate being in here so much I thought you might want to take your frustrations out on me here.” You said, wiggling your ass at him. 
He didn’t bother taking his pants off, just down enough to free his cock. You had already gotten rid of anything that would obstruct his access to your dripping pussy. You braced yourself just in time before he roughly pushed his cock into you. A moan was ripped from your throat as he wasted no time slamming his hips into yours. Your warm walls were squeezing him and enveloping him in intoxicating bliss. He just couldn’t get enough of your pussy.
He selfishly chased after his own high, not that you minded because you knew he was far from done. His fingers gripped into your hips, blistering heat burning into your flesh as he neared his climax. His cum was so warm as it shot inside of your welcoming pussy, your walls clenching and squeezing every drop out of his cock. 
He pulled out of you, expecting the intense high to leave him. He braced himself against the table next to you, his breathing uneven as he tried to keep ahold of his sanity. “What the fuck is your quirk?” He slowly asked, looking over at you in time to see another odorless powder puff out in front of his face. “What–”
He groaned, his cock twitching violently as he felt an intense desire course through his body. He looked down at his cock in time to see some of your juices dripped off of his cock. His mind was consumed with only you, he’d barely seen anything of your skin but the way your pussy felt wrapped around him was enough to fuel his body. Steam was actively rising from his skin, his body heating up as his thoughts raced.
You were long ahead of him, being the only sane one in the room after all. You pushed yourself from the table, observing him struggling beside you. It made you so wet knowing how much men lost themselves with lust wanting to fuck you. They’d do anything to sink their cocks into you. You took a few steps away from the table, removing the rest of your clothing. This is when Dabi finally paid attention to your movement. His eyes narrowed, intensely watching your movements especially when your hands cupped your breasts. 
“Come here.” You commanded, breathlessly. 
He shoved himself roughly away from the table, moving towards you. You didn’t let him get too  close before you had tripped him, pushing him onto the ground. He grunted as he landed, glaring at you. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He asked, moving to push himself off the ground.
You hovered over him, crouching and pushing him back onto the ground. “I had to force you down here because you weren’t about to do it if I asked.” You explained, grinding yourself against his cock. “I wanted to be in control for a minute.” 
“If you wanted to do all the work all you had to do was ask, sweetheart.” He said, thrusting his hips up as you continued grinding against him. “Stop fucking around, you’re the one who wanted this.”
“I think you want it more than me.” You teased, deliberately going slower in your movements. Your wet folds dragging agonizingly slowly across his throbbing cock. His hands found your hips, digging into your skin again. 
“You’re playing a dangerous game.” He said, strong heat burning into your skin. You hissed in pain as you stilled your movements. Your quirk activated again, puffs of smoke filling the air which had Dabi using his strength to flip you over. He hovered over you, leaning really close to your face. “Didn’t really think this through did you?”
Your face was flushed, and your chest was rising and falling rapidly. Your eyes were half-lidded as your lust consumed you. He wasted no more time, pushing his cock into you again. His hips slamming into yours, your body clinging to his. Curses were muttered under his breath as he buried himself as far he could into your pussy with every thrust. The heat consuming your body and how good his cock felt left you nearly breathless. 
“You fuck me so good, your cock is so–mmgn big.” You moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist. He had an animalistic pace, rutting himself against you. “Fucking fill me with cum, fill me–yeeess, oh...”
Dabi couldn’t even form words right now, just grunts and groans as your walls sucked him with every thrust. Your voice dragged him closer and closer to the edge, the need to fill up your pussy with so much cum that it spilled out was burning in every fiber of his being. He need to keep going, he was going to spend every waking moment fucking you, bruising every inch of your skin with his fingers as he bend you in every position. It was your own fault though right? Your quirk caused this, you asked for it. You wanted it.
He slammed his hips into you again, his burning hot cum shooting inside of you again. He choked out a groan, his hips staggering thrusts against you as he rode out yet another orgasm. You kept your legs wrapped tightly around him, not wanting him to move. You clenched your walls around his cock, hearing Dabi groan above you. You did again.
“Still desperate for more of my cock, slut?” He asked, getting inches from your face. 
“I think you’re still desperate for my pussy.” You shot back, clenching your walls around his cock. “You can’t get enough of it can you?”
“Smartass little brat aren’t you? Your fucking quirk is…” He trailed off, his cock twitching inside of your intoxicating pussy. He was trying to keep his thoughts straight but it was easier than actually done. Another puff of your quirk activated.
“You’re right, this is my fault. My quirk got you in this state.” You conceded. “Want me to ride you? Give you a little show while you let me take care of you.”
You unwrapped your legs from around his waist, he took the initiative to pull you close to him and roll himself over to lay onto his back. You laughed at the sudden movement, moaning as you adjusted yourself on his lap. His cock was twitching inside of you still, his hips thrusting up into you driving his cock further inside of you. You whined, bracing your hands onto his chest. 
You finally met his wishes by lifting your hips up to start riding him. Your breasts bounced as your body grinded down against him, his attention entirely on you. You whined, locking eyes with him beneath you. He couldn’t handle not being in control, dragging your body towards him as he started thrusting his hips roughly up against you. His cock drilled deep inside of you, hitting your sweet spot in a new angle.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, just like that.” You whined, your body tensing up. “I’m gonna come–-oh please, please, please, please…”
“You like that?” He groaned in your ear. “That’s right fucking beg for it.”
“I wanna come, I wanna come all over your cock.” You moaned, your thighs starting to shake. “Your cock is so deep, you’re fucking me sooo good.” You were so close. “Let me come, please, please–.”
Your orgasm got delayed as his interrupted, more spurts of his hot cum coated inside your pussy. You whined, that tight coil in your core slowly loosening. You felt his arms let go of you, allowing you to sit up. You glared down at him, bracing your hands on his abdomen.
“Don’t look at me like that, you deserve it.” He said, placing an arm over his face. “Selfish bitch.”
“I’m selfish?” You shot back, offended. “You don’t even know how my quirk works! You got to come three times and you couldn’t even let me come one time?”
“Forced me to have sex and now you’re gonna get hung up on me not letting you get off? You did this to yourself.” He said, panting as his body was still heavily affected by your quirk. “Fuck, how long does this shit last.”
“Depends on your attraction, asshole.” You explained, lifting yourself up off of his cock. “So actually you did this to yourself.”
You got most of the way up before you felt his hands on your legs. He dragged your lower body towards his face.. “What are you doing?” You asked as you looked down at him. “Don’t tell me you suddenly feel like giving back because–”
He answers by shoving his head between your legs. The sensation of his insanely warm tongue against your folds had your legs buckling. You collapsed forward, forcing both of you onto the ground. His hands held you in place as his tongue pressed against you like he was trying to make up for mistakes he didn’t even make. You gasped and whimpered as his tongue devoured you. 
You knew you wouldn’t last long. Your juices mixed with his cum were leaking out of your pussy, coating his chin as he lapped at your swollen clit. His tongue against you making wet noises echo through the room almost as loud as your moans.
Your fingers found his hair, gripping it tightly as you grinded against his mouth. “So good–soo good…” You moaned, your eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head. His fingers were digging into your ass now, forcing your body as close to him as possible. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” 
You heard a muffled groan from him, which almost had your vision turning white. You couldn’t think straight, nothing other than pure euphoric pleasure and how good his tongue felt. There was sweat coating your body, just another fluid you were going to be covered in by the end of this. Another string of curses left your mouth, along with promises of anything if you could come.
“I’m so close–so close.” You whimpered, rocking your hips against him as you felt that coil tighten again.
It only took a few more flicks of his tongue before your orgasm slammed into you. You cried out, your hips tightening around his face as you almost collapsed forward. You don’t get much breathing room before Dabi’s tongue starts its assault on your clit again. A noise gets choked out as you squeeze against him. Your body twitches as jolts of pleasure and pain from the stimulation run through your body. You feel his fingers dig into your skin, that searing pain from the heat radiating off of him burns into your skin.
“Stop stop—fuck e-enough!” You cried out, falling on deaf ears as he continued torturing you.
Your body tenses up, whines leave your lips as your fingers dig into his hair. Tears prickle at the corner of your eyes, the sensations clouding your every thought. You’re a whimpering mess as every flick of his tongue has you reeling with gasps and cries.
“Please, please stop. Please I c–can’t handle it.” You whined, trying desperately to pull your hips away from his mouth. “Fuck, Dabi STOP!”
You keep leaning forward, curling in on yourself. It gets hard to breathe as your gasps from the pain and pleasure coursing through you consume every thought. You only feel relief after you feel your body falling forward as he finally lets you go. As you catch your breath, collapse against the ground do you finally feel the intense pain from his fingerprints burned into your hips.
Dabi sits up, wiping his face with the back of his hand. He looks over his shoulder at you. “You have until I get up and come over there to recover. I didn’t say I’m finished with you yet.” He warned.
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marveloustimestwo · 1 month
Hii :))) please can I request some general headcanons for platonic tony stark? Sorry I don't have anything specific
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Hello :) I'm always happy to do general headcanons for characters, so thanks for sending this in!
Warnings: Yandere themes, talk of Tony's daddy issues
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I can see Tony getting attached in a few ways.
The easiest way this could happen is if you were his biological child, especially if you came from his Playboy days and he only found out a few years after you were born.
Tony can admit that he never had a good relationship with his father. The man had always been away for work, and even when he was home, he was cold and affectionless.
So in a case where he suddenly figures out that he has a kid whom he didn't have the chance to meet for several years, he will heavily overcompensate.
He never wants to be like his own dad and the fact that he wasn't around for the first few years will have him scrambling to make up for that.
Of course, the easiest way for Tony to do that initially is with his money. Depending on how old you are, he'll get you gifts that range from toys to books to super fancy computers.
And when he finds out what some of your interests are, you'll have far more than you would need to entertain those interests.
If you're an artist, you'll have all that you could need for your medium, such as incredibly expensive paint sets or the most expensive drawing tablet he could find.
If you enjoy reading, you'll have the most extensive library you could ever need, all right at your fingertips.
And Tony would be especially ecstatic if you were interested in science.
He wouldn't be like his father. Whatever interest you have, he'll be more than happy to learn about it just so he can spend time with you.
All those years without him won't mean much now that he's around all the time.
But if you take after him and are especially smart in science/robotics, you will not have a moment of peace.
He already spends hours in his lab, battling insomnia and nightmares, but you make it better. Now, working isn't just something to distract him, it's also something to bond with you over.
Even if the specific branch of science you're interested in is something he doesn't know yet, he would have no problem learning it.
Tony would happily spend hours in the lab with you, either building things with you or doing his own thing while you worked on your own interests.
The only things that would pull him out of it would be Pepper or Jarvis, who would have to remind him to take care of his own and your physical needs.
In that sort of situation, Tony would not take being separated from you again lightly. If your mother has issues with the way he interacts with you, he would have no problem trying to get full custody.
It would be rather easy considering he's filthy rich, but he'd still rather you have your mother in your life.
Another way I could see him becoming like this is obviously with Pepper.
It'd be like a dampened-down version of the last scenario. He'd want to be better than his father now that he has you, except unlike the previous scenario, he has all the time in the world to do it.
Especially since Pepper can and will keep him in check, so he won't overdo it completely. Tony just sees it as him screwing over his father and showing him that it can be done right.
Thirdly, while I think this is a little more unlikely, you could also be someone younger Tony ends up taking under his wing.
Especially if you're a young hero. If you work around or closely with the Avengers in some way, and he finds out that you're in your teens or early twenties, he will do his best to make sure you don't end up like him.
Tony has a lot of guilt, trauma, and PTSD from being a hero. He can recognize he was extremely arrogant when he was younger, and he didn't take things as seriously as he should have.
If he could save you from all of that, he would in a heartbeat.
Plotonically, Tony will try to do everything he can to make you feel loved. He refuses to be like his father. No matter what, you will know exactly how much he would do for you.
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panthera-dei · 6 months
Technomancy 101
Hi, friends! I'm back with another witchy FAQ from the past couple weeks. This time from the world of tech magic!
Here are some quick TL;DR technomancy tips for those who may not want to read the long FAQs post beneath the cut:
1. Chest spells (like a jar spell but with a chest filled with in game items that match the intent)
2. Poppet spells using the game characters by giving them items or altering their names/appearances
3. Similar to a chest spell but not necessarily magic per se - using chests or sheds with in-game items as altars and/or offerings
4. Build a shrine / altar / temple with offerings, or leave an item such as a torch in the game world as an offering
5. Burn/bury/destroy ingredients to activate a spell with the desired effect
6. Write an affirmation or a spell on a sign or other in-game item and destroy it to activate as a sigil
7. Build a golem or animal pen or something as a servitor for protection
8. Use some form of sympathetic magic connecting in-game items to IRL items
9. Light sticks, flashlights, plastic lightsabers, and toy sonic screwdrivers make *awesome* wands, especially if they light up and make noise.
10. The possibilities are limited to your imagination!!
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(I am choosing Wittgenstein from The Brave Little Toaster movies as my mascot for tech magic, simply because I like him and because I can. Image credit - Fandom Wiki.)
What is technomancy?: Technomancy, techno magic, and tech magic are all terms for a form of magic that utilizes common modern technology, such as smartphones and video games. Technically, “technomancy” could refer specifically to divination with technology; however, in my experience, the term usually has a broader meaning in common usage. I personally tend to use these terms interchangeably, with perhaps a slight preference for technomancy, since I learned that name first.
What are some forms of technomancy?: Common forms of technomancy include digital sigils, emoji spells, shufflemancy, video game spells, and video game altars.
How do I create a digital sigil?: The ways are about as unlimited as creating a physical sigil on paper. You can use a drawing app on a smartphone or tablet, find a digital sigil generator online, use a photo editor on a picture, or even add a string of charged letters to an email signature (just make sure they blend in!).
OK, and what's the deal with emoji spells?: Yes, this is an actual thing (though not a thing that I'm particularly experienced with). They're pretty straightforward. They can be done like a sigil - string emojis together and charge them. Or like an actual spell - put them together and send to cast, or like to charge and send/reblog to cast.
What kind of games can you use for technomancy?: Any of them. Minecraft is a very popular one. So is Stardew Valley. Skyrim and other RPGs are other common choices. As with other forms of magic, the only real limit is your imagination.
What kind of spells can you cast in a game?:
Chest spells - like digital jar spells - are very common.
Poppet spells are another common choice. In games that allow you to create a character, or in games where you can give items to an NPC, you can turn the character into a poppet of someone and give them an item to cast the spell. For example, if I wanted emotional strength, I could create a Skyrim character as a poppet for myself, and have the character drink a strength potion to cast a spell of strength for myself in the real world.
Burying or burning items in games like Minecraft can be done to cast spells that are similar to physical spells that require burning a paper, bay leaf, or other ingredient.
Enchanting! Use the enchanting function in a video game like Skyrim or Minecraft to enchant a physical object. For example, you might choose to connect a physical scarf to a shield in Skyrim, and when you enchant the in-game shield with a damage resistance effect, voila! You now have a fancy enchanted scarf to protect yourself from spiritual attacks.
Customize your avatar to your advantage! In games such as Sky: Children Of The Light, where you can accessorize your character, you can equip different items to cast a different spell on yourself. For example, you might use the Saluting Captain's staff as a cosmetic to cast a spell of protection on yourself, or you could use a particular cape as a spiritual veil.
For deity work & spirit work, consider creating a space in your game (e.g. a chest, shed, home, biome, character, etc.) dedicated to the entities you work with. For example, temples and altars in Minecraft are common. Devotional sheds and chests are popular in Stardew Valley. I’ve named some appropriate Pokemon after an entity or dedicated the critter to them. You can even place a torch or candle in the game world as an offering.
There are lots more out there, too! This list is a starting point, not a limitation. Use your imagination and swap ideas with others, too!
How exactly does all of this work?? How is it possible?!: OK, so the principle behind tech magic is that you're harnessing the energy of multiple sources.
First, the device itself (and if you're using something like a Switch, the cartridge or other physical media). Each of these items has its own materials - electricity, glass and metal, etc. And each of those materials has a magical property that you can use... Glass and metal come from the Earth and have their own correspondences, while electricity is pure energy in itself.
Second, you have the energy of symbolism, or as I like to think of it with a butchered sociology term, symbolic interactionism - i.e., the idea that we create our own reality (or our *perception* of reality) via symbols. In other words, the power of correspondences! A candle is still a candle whether it's physical or digital. Lapis lazuli has the same qualities in this world that it does in a pixelated version. And so forth. So when you use the correspondences in digital spell work, provided that you raise the energy, it can and does have real world consequences. Similar to doing magic in the astral as opposed to the physical world... you are making a conscious decision to connect a digital item to an effect either in the astral and/or physical worlds.
Finally, you're also harnessing the power of belief and the energy of attention, which is where the chaos magic concepts start to come in. The digital worlds are real because you believe they are and you pour parts of your energy and personality into them - and so do *millions* of other people, in many cases. All of that energy is sort of like a reservoir in these games and it's just waiting to be harvested for spell work!
So… This is another subset of chaos magic, then.: Pretty much, yes. I haven't seen it categorized as anything else yet, except for in those cases where technomancy is given its own category.
And what did you mean by “energy of symbolism” again?: Correspondences. Both traditional ones and your own. For example, obsidian corresponds with protection IRL. So if you were making a chest spell in Minecraft for protection, you'd want to consider adding an obsidian block to your spell. Some of this is also stuff that you can brainstorm on your own and explore! Like for example, in the Elder Scrolls series, there are several plants and items that don't exist IRL, such as the corkbulb root - but in the game, that item can be used to make a potion of healing, so for me, it has a healing correspondence. Also, if the game you’re playing has spells already, you can consider how to adapt those spells to affect the real world in a logical, realistic way! Many pop culture magicians have done a great job of turning Pokemon moves into real spells, for example. So feel free to play around (pun intended) and see what works best for you!
How come you only mentioned shufflemancy once in this whole entire post??: That, my friend, needs to be a post for a later date. I assure you, I absolutely can (and probably already have, and probably eventually will) write an entire post about shufflemancy.
How come your formatting is crap?: Because I wrote all of this on a smartphone and pieced it into a post with the mobile app. Bear with me. XD
Where do I learn more and fact check you, smarty-pants?: Tumblr. The answer is usually Tumblr for this kind of thing. Or sometimes Discord. Like pop culture magic, techno magic is simply very new. Some tags to search include tech magic, techno magic, technomancy, video game magic, etc.
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I would pay to hear you and your mom do a podcast on the inconsistencies and character problems in hp especially those surrounding Slytherins, Tom, Voldie and Harry.
We do have a lot to say, but the best you'd get is something like a shoddy recording done on my laptop or tablet. There'd be no face reveal and no fancy equipment involved. It'd just be like 10 minutes of her ranting and me laughing 100 different ways, and then it's over.
She has mentioned wanting to do a podcast before, but we just don't have the means. Starting any kind of money-making venture requires you to put time and money into it first and if you have neither of those, getting anything done will be obnoxiously difficult.
A bit of a shame though, cuz HP has a lot of interesting things we could talk about. I got her into Harrymort/Tomarry after all. There's a lot of untapped potential imo.
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pumpkzsafeplace · 11 months
baby pumpkin tips: fun, simple things to do in little space <3
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finding things that can keep either you or your little occuiped can be a bit tricky, especially if you're just starting out in age regession. so here are some of baby pumpkin's fun & simple things to do in little space <3.
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-> puzzle and activity pages
puzzle and activity pages can be easily found on the internet, raging in all different ages to suit your little needs. all you need to do is pick the best ones, download & print them and there you have a very fun afternoon planned.
for those littles who don't have a printer/ or can't access them for any resons- you can still take part too! simply downlaod any type of drawing app on your phone or tablet and transport the picture in & enjoy a night full of different activites <3
-> home-made doodle pages.
if online doodles don't suit your fancy, then you can always make your own doodle pages at home. you can make your own dot to dots, could paint pretty pictures trying out new techniques ( i recently did finger painting- was super duper fun!) or you can make your own colouring books.
for this: grab a thick black pen and make lots of squiggles and doodles across the page- never taking your pen of the paper. once you're done, you'll have a cute black outline for an adorable wacky pattern that you can colour in! (this can also be done online too!) it is very fun! one of my favourite things to do when i'm bored! <3
-> fun rivalry competitons.
rivarly can be super duper fun when done right, and if you don't have a caregiver and a bunch of little friends then this can be a super fun activity to make you feel a little less alone. simply pick an acitivty to do, give yourself a set amount of time and then reveal to see which person did it the best. you could even speed it up and turn it into the '7 second challenge' or something. <3
-> fun little tasks.
when it comes to littles, the longer the task the more content the little can be (if the task is intresting enough). so challenge yourself or your little to new tasks to take on, get creative and do big projects to show off. something i did recently was begin to make a home-made doll house out of cardboard.
it wasn't the best and extremly wobbily but i had fun- and that's all that matters. this could be great if you're in a long distant dyamic, you could set up little nights whre you show off what you made for the week and issue out treats to the person who did it the best. <3
-> don't forget the number one rule.
as long as you're both happy, then that's all that matters.
somtimes people think that to have fun, you have to go out and spend loads of money. when in reality, some of the funnest night's me and daddy have had is when we've done silly little things at home and caused a mess, because that's what fun is all about. so enjoy yourself! and don't let anyone else tell you anything different! <3
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i hope you enjoyed this post! if you end up doing any of the tasks let me know how you get on & if you found it fun! have a lovely night everyone! <3
(if you have any requests submit them! n’ill get around to doing them)
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simulation-machine · 4 months
My spring break is coming up in a week and holy crap do I have plans on plans on plans, especially since my summer is gonna be full of school + internship + HOPEFULLY friggin' graduating with a BA in Psychology so that I can start applying to grad schools.
Read more iffin' you'd like! It's long! Here's a picture of my golden retriever napping on her brother's food bowl to entice/entertain you:
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god she is so precious i would literally kill for her
I know that some people are sticklers for this but my thing is that I had no gee-dee clue what I was doing with ReShade, whereas Gshade just kinda clicked and worked for me? That said I have a bunch of resources for learning ReShade so I might end up moving back to it at some point.
My main issue is figuring out the order of all the different effects. It obviously matters, I'm sure people smarter than me have tried to use presets only to be like "why tf does this look absolutely nothing like the baller screenshots this one cool Simblr has?" Annnd it turns out it's order + remembering to turn off certain graphic settings. Also photoshop, but that's gonna take a lot longer for me to figure out lol.
Like I'd been struggling to figure out why @gunthermunch's gorgeous Lithium preset wasn't looking as sexy as it did before annnnd it's because I forgot to turn Edge Smoothing off when switching to it. Jesus wept at how dippy I am sometimes.
Eventually, what I would like to do is maybe make my own preset at some point? I would be kind enough to show the effect order too if I did so. But this requires so, so much more shader knowledge than I currently have.
FUN FACT: My first ever degree was in art, I even went to a very fancy and private art school (School of the Art Institute of Chicago if you're curious)- I dropped out after one semester because uhhh that shit is expensive. Ended up finishing my degree at a much cheaper location in MN. That said, my art was 100% analog and 2D, and it turns out it did not translate super well into trying my hand at graphic art.
It's funny because I've been gifted really neat stuff for graphic art (like a really nice Wacom tablet and Adobe subscriptions), like people just expected my mixed-media ass would know what to do with it. NOPE! But yeah, Sims is sort of my excuse to try my hand at this stuff again, especially since I have a bit more energy now that my soul is not regularly being drained out of my body by customer service and tech support jobs.
This one is hard because I am only on Gen 2 of the Orsons and it's sort of hard to justify starting up another story while that one is less than 1/5 of the way done.
THAT SAID, I don't plan on posting Another Door until I have a decent chunk of it done. Since it's not a casual gameplay story nor a legacy challenge, I plan on editing the bajeez out of the screenshots for it, really honing in on the aesthetic. I want it to look and feel very different from my random legacy challenge.
Fortunately, this story has been fucking up my sleep schedule for *months* now and I have a lot of the writing for it done. The hard part is translating that into the Sims, making sure I get the right poses and stuff, maybe even learning how to make some super easy CC (like, posters and stuff), and stuff related to GOAL 1 above.
What I'm saying is that it's going to take a bit. But I'm super serious about sharing it because it's my obsession and honestly the first time a story of my own design has possessed me in literal years.
Also, I want to make sure I have a significant backlog of the Orsons before I start seriously simming for it, because I don't want to screw over my favorite little pixel babies. This legacy challenge is going to be the one, I have done so much to keep my save files to keep it safe from harm (ask me how many backups I have of the save files. JK don't, the number is frankly silly).
Y'all, my CC folder for this game is honestly an embarrassment. I go so hard on CC shopping because this community is stupid-talented and I like giving my pixel babies nice things and cool looks. When I'm bored and not quite in the mood for gameplay, I just like making neat-looking sims that I do absolutely nothing with because I love fucking around in CAS.
I have built my own PCs since I was 17 years old, and when I first built COMPUTERMACHINE (current rig) back in the autumn of 2018, it was with the goal that it would run Sims 4 flawlessly no matter what I did to it. It's got ridiculous amounts of RAM, I religiously update parts for it. And to be fair, even with the current 6,907,907,890 TB of CC I have atm it runs better than Sims 3 ever had with a measly 50 GB of CC.
But for me, it comes down to finding all the stuff I wanna use. Making myself get rid of the stuff I don't wanna use. Straight up yeeting the CC that I thought was going to look incredible that uh, didn't deliver.
I do CAS CC purges about once a year but have literally never done it for Build & Buy stuff, because OMG some of this shit I've had since 2014. Like when Sims 4 first came out. YIKES. My CAS CC obsession is notable but it's honestly nothing compared to my Build & Buy. Even before For Rent made building lots slow af, my PC was starting to take a solid minute to switch to different buy categories.
It would take a long af time so I want to make sure I have a bunch of content in the queue before I do it. It's gonna be a whole ass thing and be so, so boring to do. So I'm putting it off for when I have a ton of time to do it. Like, oh, my entire Spring Break?
This would obviously need to wait until after GOAL 3 is completed, but I wanna make sure the awesome creators whose stuff I use get credit, and that people know where they can grab neat stuff. It would include not only CC but mods, Gshade/ReShade presets, and maybe even lots and sims I've downloaded from the gallery?
(Since I am super anti-paywall and very unapologetic and rude about it, I will also share where one could perhaps get some of these CCs without paying some dip a Trenta Starbucks Unicorn Frappucino amount of $$$)
It's ambitious as hell because *gestures vaguely at GOAL 3* but it would make things like doing WCIF asks and lookbooks so much easier.
Somewhat relatedly, I wanna make a navigation post, especially once Another Door starts getting posted. That story is gonna be a bit huge with multiple arcs that take place over the course of like, 14 years. Plus once the Orsons get to the 4th+ generation, it would be easier to track things down.
I have been having so much fun sharing my silly little Sim adventures on Tumblr, so much more than I ever thought I would! You all have been so great to me, and all of this stuff is sort of a way for me to repay that. Ever since I stopped being able to be artistically creative ever since a really nasty depressive spell in 2017, Sims has been my #1 artistic outlet. And having people who are even somewhat entertained by my pixels is incredibly motivating.
Basically, if you read all of this, DAMN would you have been a rad livejournal follower of mine circa 2007. On the seriousness, however, thank you all so much for being rad and encouraging and sweet. I promise to do you all, if not proud, then at the very least not disappointed.
Time to hit the bong and take some pictures of Lou and Tatertot before taking my IRL doggos on a walk~
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extralively · 2 months
Satoru's apartment (Part 2)
We're back! After Part 1 covered the living room area and kitchen, we'll take a look at the bedrooms this time around!
This is Satoru's apartment that I built in TS4 based on my fic series Under the Cover of Shadows, and it's essentially what I imagine what Satoru's apartment would be like!
As a refresher, this is the layout of the place:
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Let's go take a look at Satoru's own bedroom now, shall we?
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This is it! It's pretty open and spacious (I struggled a lot making it, and I'm not sure I'm 100% satisfied with it even now lmao), and following the same idea that I mentioned in Part 1, that Satoru in general doesn't populate his place with a lot of personal items, it's much of the same here. There are a few every day items scattered around, like slippers, wallet, phone, tablet and whatnot, but most of his precious keepsakes are kept secure and out of sight.
(The photo strips he took with Yura during that one summer vacation are kept in his bedside table drawer. He likes to look at it every now and then.)
(Also Yura tends to sleep on the left side of the bed and Satoru on the right, and as you may notice, it's her side that has an alarm clock on it lol)
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Here is Satoru's bathroom, and you can see it was actually built like a western-style one instead of the Japanese-style bathrooms he grew up with in the Gojo Estate. I guess Satoru just wanted something different for once ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(This is also the biggest bathtub I could find to put in there, but I still imagined it even bigger ʘ‿ʘ✿)
Nowadays, there's a lot of Yura's stuff scattered in his bathroom, and while Satoru wasn't too used to sharing a space with someone else at first, he actually got used to it pretty quickly.
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And this is Satoru's closet! Just imagine there are a lot more clothes in there lmao, all of it designer stuff because of course.
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Those rack/shelves on the right are essentially all Yura's stuff now. She used to bring in an overnight bag when they got started with their "arrangement", but then she slowly started leaving more and more stuff behind so now she doesn't really need an overnight bag anymore. She could comfortably spend several days in his place without needing to go back to her own apartment lol
Now on to the guest bedroom!
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This is where Yura stayed in a couple of times, in particular before and after her trip to New York. Not a lot of people have stayed in this bedroom, to be honest. Satoru doesn't usually have people over aside from Yura, Shoko, or the Fushiguros.
(I hadn't initially envisioned the desk there, but actually building it made that area feel so empty lol. So I thought it fit nicely!)
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And finally, the guest bathroom. There was a particular scene in chapter 23 (The Aftermath p 1) of Out of the Shadows that has Yura having an emotional crisis in this very bathroom, and I think this must have been the first room of Satoru's apartment that I properly envisioned along with the guest bedroom! We only got to "see" his own bedroom much later, so I also didn't think it up until then.
Alright, there are still a few rooms left for me to post, but this is generally it! And boy oh boy did this entire apartment give so much trouble lmao and I'm not even done with it yet. It was really hard making things look somewhat closer to the picture I had in my head while working within the constraints of The Sims lol. I think this was especially daunting because it's supposed to be a ~luxury~ apartment, so I had try extra hard to make things look ~fancy~, but I was having a lot of fun! And I also downloaded SO MUCH stuff that my game looks completely different now lmao my inner architect was happy.
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pastacrylic · 10 months
Starting to get a little self conscious about my art setup, to be honest :S
All my friends working in the industry or on their way to working in the industry really soon use dedicated pen displays (especially wacoms). I, on the other hand, have been using an 11in iPad Pro 2018 since the thing came out, and I really can't see myself going back to a non touch-display.
But like, the other day I was over at my friend's who's a professional illustrator, and she has a MASSIVE cintiq just sitting on her perfectly laid out desk, and in comparison my setup looks... Super childish. An iPad and a Macbook.
And!! I did try drawing on her cintiq to familiarize with pen tablets again!!! But not being able to zoom, undo, redo, with just finger gestures is so incredibly jarring to me.
Not to mention the PRICE of these things. Sure, art is my main thing, so I SHOULD be able to afford expensive equipment, but... I'm only 23, I don't have an income other than some disability grants and a few commissions, but... 1 grand... 2 grands... 3 grands, sometimes, JUST for a tablet!
GAH I just have a major case of impostor's syndrome. I don't feel like I'm a real artist because I don't have the fancy professional equipment and ARGGHHHHH
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inmarbleimmobility · 6 months
1.1.2 "Monsieur Myriel Becomes Monseigneur Bienvenu"
I love bishop chapters. I want to live in bishop chapters forever.
finally googled the list of Important People Who Visited Digne In 1712 and it seems like this fancy banquet did in fact happen?? or at least all these people are real. which leads me to believe the commemorative tablet was actually there?? wild! love very much the idea of this actual fancy bishop's palace becoming a hospital.
I was struck this time by the conversation between Myriel and the hospital director. it's previously read a little comedic to me, like Myriel knows exactly where the director is going and is just humoring him by letting him get to the point? but this time it read more like an overworked, underfunded man repeating the same talking points he's used on the last six important people that visited, who presumably all sounded sympathetic but did nothing; Myriel's answers read like a man observing and actually Seeing this hospital's plight. the director's "we just have to resign ourselves to it" was a bit of a gut punch - I know all too well this feeling of repeating the ways a systemic issue affects those in need, receiving nothing but empty sympathy, and realizing you could talk yourself hoarse without changing anything, because we depend on the privileged and those in charge to give us what little we get (and usually that's nothing). Except!!! this time Myriel Listens. and he takes the question "what can we do" seriously rather than just hearing the director's resignation. and he Does Something.
also noticing for the first time that Myriel's budget specifically provides for those three categories of people from the Thesis Statement Preface - women (especially mothers), prisoners/laborers, and the education of children (including girls!)
laughing out loud for real at "(Relations with Rome were touchy at that time.)"
"As there is always more misery at the lower end than humanity at the top, everything was given away before it was received, like water on parched soil." again, the top has all the money and power and no desire to use it for anything other than their own interests. Hugo really said "eat the rich".
Myriel himself says that "the 'welcome' of Bienvenu counterbalances the Monseigneur". Later we'll see him be pretty scathing to some clergymen of the type he's referencing here (and that the bourgeois former senator accused Myriel of being). I love that he has no qualms about calling people out for valuing the politics of the Church above actual Christian (as in truly Christ-like) values.
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nem0-nee · 11 months
nemo.....one of my amazingly, amazingly talented mutual on tumblr......if you can......
any tips on shading clothes cause I've just been staring at my computer/tablet (idk what to call it) screen for hours
i tried to watch tutorials but they use smart words, im a dumbass so i cant understand it!
OHOHO I've been wanting to make a post regarding clothing rendering tips!! So ty for the ask and the opportunity >:))
Please note that I'm purely self-taught and only relied on art tutorials on YT and mere observation... I am by no means a professional. Not only that, but I don't have a teaching license TvT
Oh and, I'm not 100% sure if you're asking for shading in general, or how to shade clothing folds?? I'll go with both just in case?? Do lmk if this isn't what you're looking for ;;
Contrast and Hue Variation
These may sound like big terms, but trust me, it's just fancy terms we assign because art is...complicated
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This is my mega cheat sheet with tips!! Hopefully my writing is legible enough?? Though I'm more concerned on whether you'll find this helpful TvT
Clothing folds
Homie... I'mma be real here. I have no idea what I'm doing either☠️
My best advice is to look at references, especially with how other artists shade clothing and photo references.
[ The one I highly recommend is Rinotuna on Twitter (they're my religion, wouldn't be here w/o them <33). ]
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I ain't gatekeeping... I just don't know how to explain it ahahsgdajdvad
No clue if you'll find these helpful?!?! I really suck at explaining so imsorry if this left you more confused </33
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asvterias · 11 months
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟦: 𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖥𝗈𝗋 𝖸𝗈𝗎
Series Masterlist || The Cast || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
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chapter warnings: some jealousy and minor cursing
chapter pairings: lynn loud x black!fem!reader, platonic!bailey family x platonic!lynn, platonic!loud family x platonic!reader
word count: 5.9k+
tag list: @sheluvv-jen
author’s note: there’s finally some romance going on!
also send me a private message, an ask, or leave a comment if you want to be apart of the taglist!
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The next morning over at the Louds’ house was productive, to say the least. You changed into a sleeveless mini red plaid dress that dangled over mid-knees with a pair of black converses to match. After getting dressed, Lynn wasn’t upstairs so you assumed that she was downstairs, but to your surprise when you checked, she wasn’t there either.
Lori had informed you that Lynn was out and wouldn’t be back till later. That was how you found yourself conversing with the teen rockstar, Luna Loud. For half of your Sunday morning, you spent with Luna, just discussing each other’s interests. You and Luna settled for breakfast next to each other. You ate some pancakes with orange juice while Luna just ate cereal.
Lunch has rolled around and Lynn arrives back at home, but not empty-handed. You walked up to her, curious to see what she had brought but she gave it to her mom for safekeeping. Luckily for you, the design logo on the mini bag gave it all away; Birmingham Jewelry. You felt completely clueless being fully aware that Lynn wasn’t the type to wear any fancy jewelry at all, mostly sporting tiny earrings.
Although seeing the frown form upon your face after the encounter with her mom, she shrugged it off. She didn’t trust herself with priceless items, especially if she was planning to give them to you. It was safer in her mom’s hand anyways. Better to be safe than sorry, right?
You ventured upstairs, making your way into Lynn’s and Lucy’s room. Lynn was not that far behind, catching up to you rather quickly, her speed becoming an instinct at this point.
“Where were you all morning?” You interrogated, crossing your arms.
“I was out…” The athletic girl trails off.
“Out where?” You pushed her further.
“Look, [name], that doesn’t matter, but I’m here now. So can we just drop it?” She sighs loudly and sits on her bed.
You scoff unconvincingly at her trying to change the topic of your conversation but allowing it with the rolling of your eyes.
“Fine,” You flop your body next to her, looking at her iPad’s screen, noticing that she was on an online shopping website. “So…what are you shopping for?”
“I’m trying to get these new cleats but they’re so expensive…” She groans, gently shoving the tablet in your hands and flinging herself on the bed. “Or the ones that are at a decent price, they don’t have it in my shoe size. It totally sucks!”
“Well, what happened to your current cleats?” You scrolled through the viable options of baseball cleats.
“They’re all worn out and I desperately need one for the new season.” She explains with a tone of annoyance, feeling defeated. You looked at her with sympathy in your eyes, remaining silent, unsure of what to say. “It’s nothing for you to worry about anyways, let’s go get lunch.” She hastily cut you off, not wanting any more non-verbal pity from you.
“Yeah, let me use the bathroom, first.” She nodded you off and you headed towards the bathroom.
When you finished using the bathroom, you were in the hallway and stopped by Luna. “Hey, [name]!” Luna smiles, popping up from her doorway. “Mind if I steal you for a sec? Lynn’s not gonna mind.”
“Sure, don’t see any harm in that.” You complied, walking into Luna’s room.
She grabbed her guitar and sat down on her purple DI box. “Thanks, I just need a second opinion on this tone that I’m working on for my new song.”
“Go right ahead.”
She fiddled with the guitar strings, piecing together an upbeat melody. The lively tune was very hypnotic, almost placing you in a trance but it wavered away when she stopped.
“It’s great, I like it!”
“Thanks, you’re the best, [name].” You nodded in agreement, leaving the bedroom, searching for Lynn, thinking that she’d be where you left her.
“I swear this girl…has a habit of running off whenever I leave.” You mumble to yourself, looking into the empty room in which you last left Lynn.
Her voice seemed near. “So, I brought her this bracelet from this crazy-ass expensive jewelry store and I was planning to give it to her when she has her tennis tournament.” Following Lynn’s voice, you stopped at the twins’ bedroom, finally finding the source of the sound.
Lola’s and Lana’s bedroom door was slightly cracked open, sufficient for unintentional eavesdropping. Neither of the girls noticed you by the door and resumed their conversation.
“Since you’re one of the only people in this family, who has good jewelry taste. I mean, I would ask Leni but then she’d probably tell.”
“Say no more and show me the bracelet,” Lola demands, pausing for a few minutes before sighing, “It’s gorgeous. Is that her birthstone beside her initials, that’s so thoughtful.”
“Really, you think? Cause I spent all weekend having it customized by the jewelers.” Guess that also explained why she was being so secretive whenever she held her tablet around you.
“Oh, I don’t think, I know. Trust me, she’s gonna love it.”
It sparked her confidence. “Thanks, sis.”
“No problem! Now let’s get back to business.”
“Are you sure that she’ll like it, Lola?” Lynn asks with a hesitant look on her face.
“I’m 100% positive!! Now, put some more glitter on there.”
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You were already downstairs with your packed bag, sitting on the couch watching television with Lincoln and Clyde while Lynn packs her overnight bag and hauls it downstairs. After spending the weekend with Lynn, your mother only saw it fair to have Lynn spend the weekend at your house. Neither of you has disagreed on the matter, rather enjoying spending more time together.
“Ok, do guys want me to drop you?” Mrs. Loud offers. Lynn joins you on the couch with her overnight bag parked by her feet.
“Oh, no thanks. Mrs. Loud, I’m getting picked up.” You answered.
“By one of your parents?”
“No, by my driver.”
A car honks outside, signifying that your ride is here. “Oh, that’s him. See you guys later.” You barged out the door with Lynn right behind you. You discarded your bags into the limo’s trunk as Lynn did the same and got into the car.
“His name is Mike and he’s my family chauffeur,” You introduce Lynn to him.
“So how rich are you?”
“What? Want me to give you a number?” You playfully ask, taking it as a joke.
It was very surprising when she nodded. “Oh! Well, I would say $5 million rich.”
“$5 million!!” She exclaimed, “Do you know what I could do with 5 million dollars?” You giggled at her outburst, finding it adorable.
“You can do a lot, Lynn.”
An idea came to your head at that moment. An idea that would solve Lynn’s sports problem. You knocked on the small glass barrier that separated you and the driver as he rolled it down. Whispering something inaudible to Mike and he nods at your instructions.
“What are you up to, gorgeous?” She detects that mischievous smirk plastered on your lips.
“Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about,”
That was all you said, wanting Lynn to play the guessing game for your delight. The car drive to your house was deterred and rerouted to the nearest shoe store.
Lynn noticed the difference in the passing houses that she’d grown familiar with. “Hey, this isn’t the way to your house.” Her eyebrows furrowed in utter confusion.
“I know, baseball girl.” You shrug, “But a certain someone said that they needed new cleats and we’re getting them for her.”
“You don’t have to do that for me, [name].“
You rested your hand on top of hers, and gazed into her eyes, “Well too bad because I want to.”
“What if I don’t want you to?” She folds her arms in a joking manner.
“Then I’m going against your wishes.” You concluded.
The car stops, indicating your arrival at the shoe store, and you two step out of the car. The perplexed look on Lynn’s face was so priceless which had you feeling extremely giddy on the inside.
“Are we gonna stay standing outside all day or are we going inside?”
She grabs your hand, tugging you along with her to the entrance of the shoe store. After two hours of shopping through sports equipment, Lynn is finally done and you’ve never been so bored in your entire life, but there was something about the familiar gleam in her eyes that made you change your mind. Your sentiment towards Lynn’s favorite sport changed just because you knew that she admired it so much.
You, Lynn, and Mike had to carry all of the items to the counter due to there being so many sports items.
Lynn had doubled up on everything. New socks, new cleats, new baseball bats, duffle bags, and batting helmets, and all because you told her to get anything she wanted. Well, she did fulfill her heart’s desire and you were content that you made that happen.
“Is this your dad’s credit card?” She asked.
“No,” You scoff, flashing her the name of the card. “It’s my credit card. We all have our own credit card and bank account, it’s better this way.”
She nodded in acknowledgment with a tint of blush on her face. You paid for Lynn’s items and you all headed back to the car, putting them in the limousine’s back trunk.
“Come on, let’s get food, whatever you want, it’s my treat.”
“Chick-fil-A is the best!”
“Chick-fil-A it is.”
Mike drove down to the nearest Chick-fil-A and you all ate inside, tired of lounging around in the car for the last few hours.
“Why did you pay for all those things for me?”
“I just wanted to spoil you today.”
Since your eavesdropping incident, you wanted to repay her kindness without letting her know that. What? She was already giving you something, so it was all in good time.
During the car ride back home, Lynn slept like a baby in the comfort of your arms. Apparently being a consistent athlete meant that she slept very easily.
Eventually, Mike was granted access to your security gate and he parked close by the front door. You wrapped an arm around her waist so most of her body weight would depend on you. Surprisingly, Lynn was very lightweight, making it easy to carry her outside of the car. While assisting Lynn, Mike had brought all the baggage out of the car and left them in your care.
“I’m not tired.” She mumbles, trying to fight her tiredness. You made it to your bedroom door as you opened it and walked inside.
“Yes, you are.”
You placed the brunette girl on your bed, tugging her into the fresh sheets, watching her slightly stir trying to find a comfortable position.
You left the bedroom for your bathroom to change into your practice outfit, abandoning a sleeping Lynn, and heading into the backyard to practice.
You had set up your tennis trainer, putting it on a medium pace. Your tennis trainer helped launch the balls to you without the help of another person, so it was money well spent.
Within a few hours of your practice, Lynn was finally awake and caught you practicing tennis. She sits down on the singular black bench by the far corner to your right, watching you train freely.
“I thought that you ditched me, and was almost worried for a sec.”
“Oh please, I would never do that to my baseball girl.” You grinned, swinging your racket to hit the flying balls.
“You know, I like it when you’re looking at me.” She emphasized.
“And I like it when I’m winning so hold off for a bit.” Too focused on the practice, you didn’t realize Lynn walking over to your tennis trainer, and turning it off.
“What the hell Lynn?” You shout, now distracted from your tennis rehearsal.
“I told you in advance that I’d rather you look at me.”
“Okay,” You nod before pointing to the bucket of tennis rackets, “Grab a racket and help me practice.”
“W-what? That’s not what I meant.”
“You wanted my full attention during practice and now you got it. Get a tennis racket.”
She sighed and retrieved a tennis racket, walking over to the court.
“Ok, we’ll do a simple round.” You said, flinging the ball in the air before whacking it over to Lynn.
She swung but missed it by a few meters. Not too shabby for a first-timer.
“That was a love for you.”
During the middle of your game, you became more driven with each swing and hit. Lynn felt inclined to pry into your peculiar behavior, “Ok, you’re training harder than I’ve ever seen you do.”
“This is your first time seeing me play.”
“Exactly and I can tell that you’ve been adding unnecessary pressure when hitting the ball. What’s going on with you?”
You fiddled with the green ball in your hands, deciding that practice was finished for today. You threw the ball on the ground, and walked over to her, close enough to the net.
“I have this upcoming tournament and my opponent Emma Campbell is highly known for being the teen best tennis player and I just feel like I might lose to her.”
“What didn’t you tell me?” She gently squeezed your hands, trying to coax an answer out of you.
“Because…you said that tennis wasn’t exactly a real sport.”
“You know [name], tennis isn’t really my forte unlike you. But for you, I’ll try to understand and enjoy it. Tell me when your next game is, and I guarantee that my family and I will be the first ones there.” You giggled at her heart-warming gesture. “And don’t worry about Emma Campbell, I’m pretty sure that half the time that she’s cheating.”
“Really, you think?”
She hums, nodding her head, “Now, I think that you should practice a bit more, but without the force, can you do that for me, beautiful?”
“Of course, I can.”
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The next morning was nerve-racking for you as you got dressed. You tied your hair in a ponytail and dressed in a black tennis outfit with a black sports visor and white tennis shoes. On the other hand, the car ride over to the country club eased up your anxiety alongside your family’s reassuring words.
As soon as your car stopped in front of the country club, you grabbed your racket bag and sprinted out in search of a particular brunette. You spotted Lynn and her family in the shaded stands with a giant poster, encouraging your future win. Natalie was there for your support system as well.
Right now, you were in the stands talking with Lynn. To be honest, you did most of the talking or rather rambling while Lynn did her best to alleviate your continuous panicking.
It took Lynn a little while to calm you down. “[Name], I wanted to give you something before you go.” Lynn stops you.
“What is it, Lynn?” You inquire with a confused gleam in your eyes. At first, she didn’t answer as if she was contemplating whether to continue. Your eyes caught sight of a baby blue box in her hands that she horribly hid behind her back. “Is that for me?”
Her eyes widened at your question. “Yeah, it is!” She handed you the box and grinned when you took it from her hands. Lifting the top cover of the box, opening it to reveal a stunning bracelet. It was a beaded bracelet that had your first name initials next to your birthstone.
“It was kinda hard to find your birthstone on such short notice.”
“It’s beautiful, Lynn, thank you.” You cooed, taking the jewelry out of the box and putting it on your right hand. This generous gift certainly felt like a good luck charm bracelet. For a while, you admired the stunning bracelet on your wrist before looking up and noticing the giant poster that her parents held. “Is that why you were in Lola’s room? To make me that poster?”
“How did you know that I was in Lola’s room?”
“Your frustrations were very easy to spot.”
She laughs boisterously, earning a few annoyed looks from strangers but she ignores them. If they weren’t you then she wouldn’t give them the time of day.
“Oh, umm…your sisters wanted me to give you this.” She showed you a dainty gold necklace with a crescent moon lingering at the bottom. You recognized it when you were shopping with your sisters for the first time in Royal Woods. Cassandra had the sun, Madison had the star and you with the moon.
“Can you put it on me?” You ask, giving her the necklace and turning around.
“Of course, anything for you, beautiful.” You felt flush under those words. Those simple words shouldn’t have such a major effect on you but it did.
She brushes your hair to the left and clips the necklace around your neck, securing it. Turning back around to face her, you smile at her, gazing into each other’s eyes lovingly.
Just then, the loudspeaker announces with a booming voice, simultaneously breaking the shared eye contact “May all tennis players make their way to the tennis court. The game is about to start in 5 minutes.”
“You’re gonna crush it!” She bids you off with a cheek kiss, watching you scurry off down to the tennis court, warming up for the last time. Lynn joins her family back at the bleachers and sat down, ready to enjoy the competition.
“So, are you two dating?” Lori asks, leaning into Lynn subtly whose eyes were trained on your figure.
“What!” Incredulously, she turned to look at her eldest sister, breaking her sight away from you, “No, we’re not dating.”
“Are you sure?” Leni chimed in, now seemingly interested. “You two seem pretty close.”
“Yes, I’m sure.” The brunette girl deadpanned.
“Really?” Luna invites herself into the conversation. “Then how come you can afford brand new cleats that are very expensive…and all new sports equipment?”
“[Name] offered to buy me new cleats and other items as well.” She explains with a shrug of her shoulder, “How could I have said no?”
“Really?” Lori persisted with a raise of her eyebrows, “And did [name] offer to buy you lunch as well?”
Lynn nods. “Yeah, so?”
“And it was also Lynn’s idea to create this giant poster.” Lola and Lana walk over.
“Wait, is that why you were gone Sunday morning to buy [name] a bracelet?” Luna questions.
“Yeah, what was the store where you got it from?” Leni rambles, tilting her head to the side, trying to remember. “It was Birmingham Jewelry. Woah, sis, that place is like crazy expensive, those pair of necklaces that I brought from them took me 6 months’ allowance.”
“That jewelry store is the most expensive in town, Lynn. Wow, you really must like this girl.” Lori expresses with a grin.
“Guys, I’m just trying to be supportive.” Lynn finalizes, trying to stop her sister’s meddling in her love life. “There’s nothing wrong with being supportive.”
“As her friend or as her girlfriend?” Luna questions with a skeptical look, folding her arms. Lynn stays silent, avoiding eye contact with any of her sisters, unable to decipher a proper answer. Were they right? Did Lynn hope that you wanted to explore past the bounds of friendship with her? Of course, she did. She fell in love with you the moment that she laid her eyes on you which eventually turned her into a stuttering mess whenever you were with her. However, with the possibility of embarrassing rejection lingering in her mind, she kept her feelings hidden, buried deep down until she was certain that you would reciprocate those feelings back.
“Yeah, because nothing says supportive like a $300 bracelet,” Lori mumbles to Luna and Leni.
Luna drags Lynn away from the huge crowd, despite her protests. The two sisters are by the bottom of the bleaches, not straying too far away.
“Look, Lynn.” The rockstar starts with a deep exhale. “It’s okay to have feelings for [name]—“
“For the last time, I don’t have a crush on her!” She exclaims, momentarily shocking her older sister. “Why does everyone keep thinking that?”
Luna wasn’t convinced by her sister’s outburst, aware that she was in denial. Whether it was her developing feelings for you or the fact that you were a girl seemed to throw her off track.
“You can deny all you want, but we both know that you’re falling in love with [name]. It’s cute to see you all lovesick whenever she’s around.” She smiles, observing the coat of red appearing on her sister’s face by the mention of your name. “Now I’m not saying that you should rush your confession but at least wait it out to see if she’s at least reciprocating those feelings in return. That saves you less pain, regret, and embarrassment.”
“I’ve never had romantic feelings for someone and now when I realize it, I’m scared. I’m still exploring my sexuality.”
“It’s okay to stay unlabeled for now, you’ll know when the time is right. I’m your big sister and I’m not gonna judge you for being you. You’re still my annoying sporty and loving younger sister, Lynn and I love you for it.’
“But what if…” She looks down and sheepishly kicks her feet, “I do confess and she doesn’t like me back, and it ends up all weird between us two.…”
“Then it’s her loss.” She slides a comforting arm around Lynn’s shoulder, “She missed out on someone really awesome.”
“Thanks, Luna.”
“Anytime sis.”
“And besides, if you two lovebirds get together, we can go on double dates.”
“Hard pass.” Lynn laughs, getting a playful shove from Luna, who just laughs as well. Luna was happy that she was able to brighten Lynn’s spirits regarding her possible love life.
The two girls rejoin their family in the crowd. Just then, your family finds their seats next to the Loud family and greets them with a wave of their hands.
Alongside the help of Luna, Lynn confidently holds up the poster with a matching smile etched on her face. “You got this, [name]!” She enthusiastically cheered. Both of your families made noises of encouragement as well.
Down at the tennis court, you heard her voice very faintly but smiled nonetheless.
“Oh, that’s so cute!” Your current competition, Emma Campbell sneers with fake sympathy, “Your little girlfriend cheering for you in the stands, so cliche.” The blonde rolls her eyes. To be honest, you’ve never liked the Campbell girl, whether it was her snobbish attitude or her inconsideration of other people. “Too bad that she’s gonna be cheering for a loser in a few minutes and maybe I’ll steal her away from you.”
“Oh, shut up!” You defended Lynn. “We both know that Lynn could do so much better than you.”
“Why are you so worried about Lynn? Aren’t you two just friends?”
“I never said that!”
“Yeah, whatever!” Emma drags on, “You should know that me and Lynn are kinda an item.”
“What type of drugs are you on?” You boisterously exclaimed. To say that you were shocked would be the understatement of the year. Surely, Lynn would have told you if she was talking to someone else. The athletic girl didn’t seem like the two-timing type, and she wasn’t…she couldn’t be…right?
‘No! Don’t overthink, Emma’s just trying to get under your skin! Besides, Lynn is a great girl, she’s not conniving, she’s generous. She gifted you that specialized bracelet.’ You think. ‘The gesture was sweet and so is she.’
“And how long have you been pining over Lynn for?”
“Doesn’t matter!”
“It does if it concerns Lynn.”
“Fine! I’ve had a crush on her since we were ten!”
You didn’t mean to have a bitchy attitude, you swear. But it just happened, and you couldn’t stop it and you weren’t planning on stopping it either.
“How about this…” She suggested, “Whoever wins this game gets to ask Lynn out on a date. The loser can’t interfere with their relationship.”
You scoff at her desperate attempts of being in a relationship. “Lynn’s not an object! She’s a human girl, like the rest of us, who has feelings. Let her ask out whoever she wants, even if it isn’t any of us.”
“You’re only saying this because you know that Lynn’s gonna choose me.”
“What makes you think that? Is it the lack of communication that you have with Lynn or is it the heavy delusion that lingers in your mind all day? She barely acknowledged you before and when I moved to town, we became instantly captivated with one another.” You say, “So I’m certain that I have a better chance with her than you’ll ever do.”
“You’re just saying that to throw me off my game.”
“Oh, please, throwing you off your game will require you to have any game, and you’re lacking that.”
“What? Scared that you’re gonna lose!”
She was losing this argument and you could tell that she was choking up.
“To you? You’re not even real competition!”
Your bold comment earned a petty eye roll from the other teen as she began the first serve. The first match commenced and the scores were being rallied up.
You were at complete ease throughout the entire game, finding your inner peace with your love for tennis. On the other hand with Emma about Lynn, your jealousy had gained immediate control of your hand performance but you managed to restrain yourself, not needing overkill to happen and cost you the game.
The intensity that you radiated during the game only strengthened when you closely observed your opponent’s strategy to keep herself on point. Although you were in the lead, Emma was sneakily rising slowly. However, your fierce movements didn’t stagger, not even once, highly determined to win.
The medium-sized green ball was constantly tossed, bouncing between the two sides of the court. The sun was blazing, urging you to forfeit the match right then and there in the middle of the intense game. Might as well get used to the scorching heat because this was the first out of three matches to complete.
This tournament was going to be in the bag, and the trophy will be just another memento in your awards case.
The next game passed with ease, putting the crowd in anticipation when the scores were beginning to even up. It was a heavy tie for the second round, bringing up your anxiety.
This was it. The third and final round of your match. It was the final round that would determine your success and prove your ability to maintain a winning streak. You were gonna crush it! And certainly, destroy Emma Campbell’s athletic self-esteem, partially for Lynn, loathing those words that Emma spoke of her.
The judges called for a mini-break, letting you and Emma relax and recharge your energies. You headed over to the table that supplied the refreshments and grabbed a cold bottle of water.
The two families made their way over there as fast as they could, no longer containing their excitement as they bombarded you with chaotic noises.
“That was amazing!” Lynn cheers.
Natalie exclaims with a radiant smile. “Yeah, you were so terrific out there!”
“You crushed it out there!” Everyone else voiced their agreement with your future victory.
“I would totally hug you right now if you weren’t so sweaty.” Leni complies with an innocent grin, “Oh what the hell!” She pulled you in for a short hug, earning laughs as she did so.
You both pulled away from the hug. “Well, I haven’t won yet.” You drink your cold bottled water as it refreshes your dry throat. “So, let’s not jinx it.”
Everyone chuckles and Lynn pulls you away for a private conversation.
“You know what I mean, beautiful, this game is yours,” She bit her lip.
“Thanks for the encouragement, loud.” You tease, shoving her playfully watching the smile emerge on her lips. “I’m feeling more confident by the second.”
“It’s not encouraging if we both know that it’s true. That other girl has nothing on you.”
She handed you three orange slices, making sure that you ate all of them, keeping you well-nourished. Sometimes when you’re too focused on something, you tend to forget about the basic needs such as eating and drinking. Luckily, Lynn had noticed the tiny flaw and she wanted to end that bad habit of yours. “Gotta keep my superstar properly fed.”
Heading back to the rest of the group as you started to talk with Luna and Lori. Emma skips over with a sneaky grin on her face. God, you wished that you could have wiped that stupid smile off of her face.
“Hey, Lynn.” She greets, already managing to get into the brunette’s personal space. Talk about having boundaries.
Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion but her smile welcomes the blonde. “Uh, hey…Emma is it?”
“Yep, you guessed right.” She giggles annoyingly, making you roll your eyes.
“So, what do you want?”
As she speaks to Lynn, you notice how Emma advanced to arm touching, sometimes leaning in slightly whenever she found one of Lynn’s statements amusing. In your opinion, she was too much of a try-hard, and that irked you to your soul. You could see that Lynn was uncomfortable, and it made you furious at the sight. You glared at the blonde girl with hatred in your eyes and decided that two can play that game.
All of a sudden. you felt your hidden anger transport to your plastic water bottle that was held in your hand. With every touch that Emma gave Lynn, the pressure on the bottle intensified until it didn’t…well it couldn’t anymore. The water emerges from out of the bottle, aiming directly at Emma’s face.
She shrieked, flinching at the contact as she tried to shield herself from the attack, coming up to no avail. Stuck in a trance state, you didn’t let go of the bottle and rather squeezed it tighter so your sister Madison didn’t grab the bottle out of your hands until it was empty. Turns out, no one stepped in to cease Emma’s embarrassment, seemingly taking amusement in it as well. It ultimately messed up her rich-girl look, drenching her face and ruining her semi-makeup.
“It’s just water! It’s not gonna harm you.” Cassandra taunts the girl.
Madison shrugs. “You’ll be fine! Just dab some concealer on and you’re good to go.”
Her gaze planted on you was lethal, barely touching the surface of making you tremble. Her supposedly dangerous stares at you made her look like a terrible joke.
To make sure that you rubbed salt directly on the wound, you walked over, wrapped your arm around hers, and kissed Lynn on the cheek before pulling away with a cheery smile. “I’ll see you at my house later,” You wink at her, enjoying the thrill of her flustered state.
You watch as Lynn and both of your families leave and head back to the bleachers with a faux smile plastered on your face.
Once you turned around, facing your arch-nemesis, your smile immediately dropped as you ventured closer to her.
“Listen here, you bitch.” You scowled, with fury rising in your voice. Her eyes stared into yours, trying to intimidate you, desperately failing while doing so.
“If you ever come around Lynn, uncomfortably touch her, or even look at her wrong like that again, you will be done for. I will bash your fucking head in so much that you’ll be completely unrecognizable that even your own mirror won’t remember you.”
“Woah, don’t tell me that you’re overprotective of Lynn.” She was teasing you relentlessly at this point. Practically urging you to fight her with that ugly little smirk on her face. But you weren’t gonna play her stupid mind games like she intended.
Catching her by surprise, you roughly grab ahold of her arm, pulling her in closer by force. So to the bystanders, it looked like you were whispering in her ear, engaged in a friendly banter. Right now, you were feeling anything but friendly towards her.
“I don’t tread lightly with the people that I care deeply about and now that you’re highly aware that Lynn is one of them, I’m letting you off with a simple warning.” Your tone was menacing, slowly seething your words out. “If you’re smart enough, don’t wait around to find out.” She felt herself inaudibly gulp and tremble as you kept speaking. “Or do you, I haven’t fought a rich bitch in so long and need a little deja-vu.”
And with that, you roughly released her arm from your grip and walked over to the court. Emma watched you leave, uneasiness forming in the pit of her stomach at your threatening words.
Stomping her feet like a big baby, she ran off, searching for her parents to assist in fixing up her appearance again.
You felt like you were on top of the world. Now, you just have to win this competition and your success will reign. It was close that you smelt the victory from here.
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You won the game! Fuck, it feels good to relive the moments leading up to your fantastic victory. When the triumphant photo was taken to be put in the country’s club headline for this week, you all had crammed in, wanting to be included. The huge trophy that you held righteously in your hand while being in the middle, sure did you justice.
Your family had hosted a celebratory dinner at the finest restaurant in town. Of course, you were seated beside your beloved Lynn and your best friend Natalie.
“I’m so proud of you, sweetie.” She wrapped an arm around you, pulling you in closer for comfort as she kissed your cheek.
You blushed, feeling yourself heat up on the spot, ignoring the knowing looks from Lori and Luna.
The dinner was an absolute blast so Lynn and her family crashed the night at your house. Your parents showed the Loud family the guest rooms, allowing them the comfort of beds. Somehow, you showered all of the sweat from earlier games, changing into warm pajamas. Tiredly, Lynn had followed you up to your bedroom, seeking your cuddles, in hopes of a good night’s sleep.
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© asvterias, 2023. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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talesmaniac89 · 1 year
Charity Heist 10 - aka. The Joys of Soundproofing
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A Supernatural Heist AU - Masterlist
Pairing: Hitter!Dean x Thief!Reader
Summary: The Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency is the best group of con artists in the world. But even though Y/N can crack safes, scale buildings and infiltrate even the most secure locations, she still can't find a way to deal with her all consuming feelings for the group's greek god of a hitter; Dean Winchester. How will she handle their next big heist, when she's forced to get up close and personal with the man of her dreams?
Warnings: Idiots in love, smutty thoughts, a lot of swearing and a ton of bad jokes.
Watch the trailer here
A/N: This story is 50% jokes and 50% dirty thoughts. No deep angst, just fun and action! Inspired by the series Leverage.
Y/N = Your Name | Y/L/N = Your Last Name | Y/E/C = Your Eye Colour
Start Here - Last - Next
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There was apparently magic in Princess Leia Buns, or the force, you guessed, considering the source material. 
Whatever it was, it was the good stuff. More effective than the top shelf whiskey you’d had Charlie sneak out of the kitchen and into your room. Since, after a night of pouring out all your frustrations to Charlie, you finally felt somewhat ready to face Dean and let him play piñata with your heart. 
Or hell, maybe it was less hairdos and whiskey, and more the fact that your best friend had figuratively (and nearly literally) beaten some sense into you by calling you out on your bullshit. There was no better cure for stupidity than having the smartest person you knew shake it out of you before replacing it with some good old fashioned common sense and a fifth of whiskey. 
Though the genius in question seemed less convinced that your stupidity, and subsequent cowardice, was cured. At least if the constant eyerolls and side eyes she threw your way while you checked if the coast was clear was any indication. But hey. Just because you’d grown a pair (kind of) it didn’t mean you wanted to have The Talk before you even had your first coffee.
That would just be inhumane.
Especially after the aforementioned fifth of whiskey. You needed coffee, then a good hour in the gym to sweat it all out, and then you’d truly be ready to face Dean. 
Well… ‘Ready’ was relative. But just like a doctor’s appointment you dreaded or phone call you really didn’t want to make, you’d talked yourself into getting it over with. After all, Charlie had promised she'd buy you ice cream and veg out on your bed to a full season of whatever caught your fancy on Netflix after your heart was pulverized.
Sure, her exact words had been if. If Dean broke your heart. But you knew better. Your best friend was just a little more of an optimist than you. Charlie had always been a little more ‘glass half full’, whereas you tended to be on the side of ‘that glass has definitely been poisoned and I’m going to die’. 
Ok, so Charlie was a hell of a lot more of an optimist than you.
Luckily, her optimism seemed to be a good influence on the cards fate dealt you that morning. Since your walk to the kitchen, and subsequent inhalation of a dangerous amount of caffeine, went by uneventfully. Undisturbed by any Greek Gods of the Winchester variety. And before your brain had even fully accepted the onslaught of coffee poured over it, you were walking towards the gym. Charlie trailing behind you with her head in her little tablet. Prepping for a day of breaking down firewalls and cyber terrorizing some bad guys. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me to the gym? You can try to have your lasers catch me again? Or maybe test out that taser based system you’re developing? I don’t mind being shocked. I promise,” You asked, hell, pleaded, and you weren’t too proud to admit it. 
At least having your best friend there acting as your human shield might help lessen the blow to your heart if Dean decided to come to the gym early. Even though he normally started his day at the gun range, checking his massive collection of all things… Shooty. 
“No can do. I gotta get to work getting us the info we need for the case we’re on. Remember that? Big bad drug dealing scammers and all of that nastiness?” She said, raising an eyebrow as you pouted at her, hoping to emotionally blackmail her into being your… What would the opposite of a wingman be? Thigh man? Breast man? Fuck, whatever part of the chicken was the least cowardly one..  Being your that. 
“Pleeeease Care Bear? You love me right? You’ll protect me right?” You groaned, dragging your feet as Braniac HQ came into view. Though you knew there was nothing that could tempt Charlie away from her precious tech when there was some good ol’ fashioned hacking to do. She always had to be the responsible one. 
“You’ll be fine (Y/N). I’d like to come and offer you some moral support, but as you might have guessed… I have questionable morals, considering I joined this crew and all. And on the topic of morals, you know I have to go and do some morally gray hacking right now,” The red head sighed with another patented roll of her eyes as she stopped in front of the door to her office and reached for the door handle to cut off your puppy dog eyes and further (failed) attempts at talking her into coming to the gym with you.
“If I’m not fine I’m holding you responsible. Remember! You promised me ice cream,” You groaned in defeat as you walked backwards towards the gym to keep your best friend in view. If nothing else you wanted verbal confirmation that she would pay for the cartoonish amount of ice cream you’d need to suture up your broken heart. 
“I’ll get you all the ice cream you could possibly ever eat... If things go wrong. Now go, burn off the rest of that alcohol and get your reps in before the next phase of the job. You’re our ace on this one (Y/N), so get your head in the game,” Charlie called out after you. Keeping her words as cryptic as possible in case someone from your team of sleuths were within hearing range. 
“Love you too…” You sing songed with a sarcastic groan as you turned on your heel and hurried towards the gym. Hoping against hope that you wouldn’t run into Dean on your way to your workout. 
Apparently, whatever bribe Charlie had slipped the fates had rubbed off on you. As you were left alone to work through your tense muscles and the remaining nerves that were still stubbornly strained from whatever the hell that was in the closet with Dean. Even Sam, who normally lived in the gym if he wasn’t in the HQ was nowhere to be seen. And though it meant you had no one to spot you, you were happy to have the gym all to yourself that morning. 
As always, a workout was just what the doctor ordered. Though the doctor was clearly one sadistic bastard, considering how hard you were pushing yourself. 
The repetitive motion of the reps and the protest of your muscles being pushed to their limits left little thought for how one of said muscles would soon be pushed well past its limits and into heartbreak territory. But after pummeling your muscles into submission and reaching for your water bottle, you felt strong. Ready. Like you could take on the world. 
Or at least you had thought you felt strong… Until Dean stepped into the damn gym just as you took a sip of water, making you choke on it. Yeah… You were totally not ready. You needed a shower first. Yeah! A shower, and then you’d be ready. You weren’t running away. You were showering. Cleanliness was next to godliness after all. You couldn’t have The Talk all hot and sweaty. It would send the wrong message. 
“Gym’s all yours…” You croaked out as the coughing fit from your near drowning death on dry land died down. Grabbing your towel just as Dean took the first steps towards you, you used that roadrunner speed you were so damned proud of and slipped past him out into the hallway. 
But Dean was clearly in no mood to let you run from him again as you heard him follow you out of the gym and down the hall towards your room. Not that you blamed him… You did need to talk, but still…
Could you knock him out to get away? 
No. You couldn’t knock out your partners in crime. It would be bad workplace etiquette. Human Resources would fire your ass. Well, they would have, if you had an HR department. Something to bring up to your non-existent union. After you successfully escaped your hitter and formed said union. So many things to do, so little time to have your heart broken. 
You nearly made it to your door before Dean caught up to you. 
Wrapping a big, warm hand around your bare upper arm, he turned you to face him with a small tug. Just as you were reaching for your door handle. Damn it… No more running away. Time to be a big girl. 
Sighing, you kept your eyes on Dean’s chest. Unable, and unwilling, to look into those hypnotic green eyes in fear of what you would see there. He was probably pissed. Hell, if the shoe was on the other foot, you definitely would be. But then again, the Dean Winchester would never run away from his problems. He’d just beat them to a pulp and saunter away victorious. 
“We need to talk,” 
Such dirty words, from such a damned pretty mouth. His deep voice sent shivers down your spine as you finally lifted your eyes up enough to see the steely look of determination, marred by frustration, in his eyes. His jaw was set, and brow furrowed as he looked down at you. 
“Ok, but not here,” Though the feel of his calloused fingers against your sensitive skin was making it hard to even form a coherent thought, you finally managed to push the words out. Casting a wary glance around the empty hallway, the words left you in a breathless huff. You really didn’t feel like having an audience around for this. Hell, even Charlie, though you’d nearly begged her to stay with you only an hour earlier. 
Looking up at him again after making sure the hallway was indeed deserted, you caught him glancing towards your bedroom door, and for a second you considered it. But that seemed like a very bad idea. Your dirty mind was automatically going to the soft bed hiding behind the wooden door. 
The very bed that had featured in so many of your fantasies. 
Then again, most of the rooms in the bunker had featured in one of your many fantasies about the dangerously attractive hitter. Alternative uses for the gym equipment, that sinfully soft couch in the rec room, or the many available surfaces in the industrial sized kitchen… Hell, even Dean’s favorite car, his baby, was a recurring supporting character in your daydreams. 
You had a very active imagination, at least when it came to one Mr. Dean Winchester. 
But, even so, your bedroom… Nope, no way. Not only was it the stage for most of your dirty day dreams, it was also the writers’ room for them. Not to mention that the damned walls were cardboard thin. 
You needed somewhere else. Somewhere private and preferably soundproof. 
With a sigh, you nodded down the hall and took a step away from Dean’s dangerous proximity. Before being pulled right back as green eyes blazed into you and his strong jaw, peppered with the shadow of a stubble he had yet to shave, ticked. Clearly thinking you were trying to run away again. 
You would have argued that you wouldn’t run away. But, hell, your track record spoke for itself. So instead you just sighed and repeated your earlier nod down the empty hallway, adding a verbal clarification as you shrugged off Dean’s grip on you. Clearing your throat to get rid of the breathlessness his proximity always left you with.
“Follow me,” 
“Where are you going?” Dean still sounded wary as he fell into step next to you. His toned body was still tense… Ready to act if you so much tried to run. 
“To hell, most likely,” You quipped back. You might not be able to physically outrun the hitter, but that didn’t mean you had to willingly walk like a lamb to slaughter. At least not without putting up a bit of a fight.
“This isn’t really the time for one of your bad jokes (Y/N),” Dean groaned through gritted teeth as he lifted his hand to reach for your arm again. Seemingly ready to talk it out right there in the hallway if you didn’t give him a straight answer. 
“Somewhere we can talk,” You shot back quickly before he could break your heart in full view of whoever decided to take a casual stroll down the bunker hallway. And just in time, it turned out. As you felt just the slightest brush of calloused fingertips against your bare arm before Dean dropped his hand and fell back into step next to you. 
Taking point, you led him to the least sexy place you could think of. Or… Hell, that was a lie. You found the gun range plenty sexy. All action, gunpowder and lead. The vibrations of a good shot aching through your bones and lighting your veins on fire… It was goddamn porn. 
But fuck it, anywhere could be steamy if a certain Dean Winchester was there anyway, even a mobster’s closet. And at least the gun range was soundproof, had a red light you could turn on to show it was currently occupied, and the door locked. You had to take it. 
Especially since you were stuck in a bunker with some of the nosiest people to grace this planet. Kinda came with the territory, when it was literally part of the job description to get all up in people’s business. 
Your walk to the gun range was unfortuately stupidly short. And before you could even fully put up your defenses to protect your heart, you were inside the large concrete chamber. Eyes locked on the closest booth, you refused to look back at Dean behind you. Flinching slightly as the metallic sound of the lock clicking into place behind you signified that Dean effectively had you trapped. 
“So… Where do you want me for the firing squad? Actually, I haven’t even had breakfast. I deserve a last meal, maybe skittles and pancakes? Oh and…” Your voice was slightly higher pitched than you wanted it to be as you took a few steps towards the closest booth, before just as quickly being pulled back by Dean and gently turned to face his forest fire eyes. 
“Can you be serious for five minutes (Y/N)?” Dean’s frustrated sigh was softer than you expected. After all, you were a master at pissing people off. Lifting his other hand, he held onto both your upper arms, locking you in place as you let your eyes focus on the locked door behind him. 
“My record is two, and three quarters. But hey, I can try?” Your quip came out shaky and weak as you tried to form a breathless laugh and thoroughly failed. With Dean this close, holding onto your bare arms with a soft grip as his thumbs painted small circles on the sensitive skin, you barely had enough breath left to even form the words themselves. 
“Why are you running away from me and hiding in your room like some kinda criminal?” Dean pushed, ignoring your attempt at humor with a tired groan as he slightly nudged you. Forcing you to look up into his eyes and seeing the tired tint to them. There was something there… Something nearly… Fragile. But you couldn’t let yourself linger on it. 
After all, he was probably just saddened that he had to do this at all. Dean’s heart was too big. Though he usually pretended he didn’t have one. You knew he did. Dean Winchester loved, more fiercely and passionately than anyone else you knew. Though it was all familial love. 
He was just worried. 
Yeah… That was all. He was worried about a member of his team. His family. 
“I mean, technically we’re all criminals…” Your words trailed out into nothing, echoing against the concrete walls around you as you let your eyes drop to not see the tired tinge in green eyes. Focusing instead on your own fidgeting hands as you waited for him to finally get to the point. 
“Stop being a goddamn coward. And. Look. At. Me. (Y/N),” Dean growled. The earlier exhaustion gone, and replaced with anger and frustration as one hand dropped from your arm to lift your chin with surprising softness that didn’t match the barely restrained anger in his tone. 
Anger was better… You could deal with anger. You could respond to anger. 
Squaring your jaw, you let your own (Y/E/C) eyes burn into Dean’s as your shoulders tensed and hands curled into fists. 
“Look, I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you accuse me of things I clearly did,” You spat back, trying to shake off his hold on you to head for the door. But Dean wasn’t having it, as his hands stayed firmly in place. Stopping you from storming off. 
“(Y/N)!” Dean’s booming voice echoed around the room like a gunshot as you slightly flinched from the sudden increase in volume. Not out of fear… No, you knew Dean. No matter how much he was about to hurt you with his words, he would never hurt you willingly. Hell, if he knew how much it would hurt you to hear him shrug off the almost kiss, it would haunt him. No, your microscopic flinch was born solely out of surprise. Yet, Dean’s voice still lowered automatically as he continued speaking through gritted teeth. 
“Will you stop running away from just one goddamn second?” Pushing the words out at a much lower volume, Dean walked you, backwards, further into the gun range, until your back was nearly against the wall. As if he feared the proximity to the door would leave you an opening to actually run away. 
“I’m not running, I’m right here,” You squeaked out. Though breathless and weak from his hands on you, you refused to fully back down. 
“I mean with your constant jokes and weak attempts at changing the topic,” Dean clarified, though he knew, as well as you, that the clarification wasn’t needed. It was kind of your whole brand. 
Wetting your lips, you glanced towards his full ones, feeling liquid shots of heat rushing through your body from the way they were slightly parted as short, angry breaths left the hitter. 
Forcing yourself to look away from the same lips that were the main culprit in this whole mess, you swallowed hard. Lips parted as you tried to make your brain work again. Though words failed you as your eyes instead landed on Dean’s body when you attempted to avoid his green eyes.
There was no way you could find any arguments to shoot back… Not when you were momentarily hypnotized by the way his chest was falling and rising from the sharp breaths he was taking. Or the way his muscles moved fluidly under the slightly tight cotton t-shirt. Damn whoever made that t-shirt. You simultaneously wanted to kick their ass and send them a thank you letter and fucking fruit basket. 
Taking a shaky breath you let your teeth graze your bottom lip, pulling on it as you tried to form the words. Hell, maybe you should tell him it was nothing? Break your own heart before he could? That would show him. But no… When he was so damn close, leaving barely any space between the two of you, there was no way you could fool him. He had to see what he did to you.
“I just…” You started, not sure what argument you were preparing to throw back at him, as your mind was still a jumbled mess from his proximity. But you never got to figure out whatever defenses your brain had concocted. 
Since, before you could finish up your argument, you were interrupted by Dean’s frustrated groan as he pushed you against the concrete wall he’d walked you towards. His body pressed up against yours. Holding you in place as one knee moved between your weak legs and calloused hands finally dropped yours only for toned arms to cage you in against the wall. 
The words died in your throat, whatever they were, as you looked wide eyed up into burning eyes. For a second, the world stood still as your brain reeled from the feel of his body, molding against yours. But Dean didn’t move, he kept you locked in place as he looked down at you, green eyes focused on your lips as he wet his own. His sharp breaths fanning over your face as you subconsciously mirrored his gesture, a flash of pink wetting your own lips. 
Stopping yourself, you parted your lips to say… Fuck, you didn’t know… Something. Anything. But before you could, Dean beat you to it. 
“Just shut up (Y/L/N),” He growled, effectively cutting off your words before leaning in for a bruising kiss. 
It took no more than a split second for your brain to realize what was happening, as you made your lips pliable. Kissing him back as your hands lifted, snaking around his neck and digging into his soft hair. Pulling slightly on the strands, you hummed victoriously as you teased a small groan out of the mercenary, making him part his lips just enough for you to deepen the kiss. 
Dean ground his body against yours as he took your breath away, filling your mind and senses with nothing but him, nothing but his kiss. Pearly white teeth nipped at your bottom lip, teasing a little whimper out of you as he smiled against your lips, unwilling to break the kiss. Damn it… 
Dean wasn’t just kissing you. He was devouring you. 
The hands that had caged you against the wall were once more on your body, traveling the length of your torso. Stopping to massage your hips before once more moving up your body and pulling you, if possible, even closer as he groaned against your lips. 
Your hips rolled against his as you kissed him back with a desperation that surprised even you. Your heart was doing it’s damndest to beat out of your chest as you savored the taste of him. All spiced peppermint and liquid fire. 
You didn’t know how long you’d been trapped in his arms, lost in his kiss, but once he finally leaned back, sucking in a sharp breath, you wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on yours again. Nothing else mattered as you tried to chase his lips as if you were chasing a high. 
“Damn it woman, you’re infuriating,” Dean groaned as he struggled to catch his breath. His body still against you, all hard and demanding as he pushed his thigh against your core, teasing more whimpers out of you as your body rolled against it on its own volition. 
“You’re no better Winchester,” Your quip back was swallowed by his mouth on yours again as your fingers tugged on the short strands of his hair. With a pleased little sigh, you conceded, letting him easily take control while you drowned in the feel and taste of him. 
“Fuck (Y/N), having you pushed against me in that damn closet. You don’t know…” Dean growled against your lips. Cutting off his own words as his tongue traced your bottom lip before deepening the kiss again. 
You could do nothing but hold on for dear life. Your heart was in your throat, drowning out the rest of the world. There was nothing else. Just Dean Winchester. The feel of his hard body, shaping against yours as he turned you into this willing, needy little thing. His to control and do with as he pleased 
Feeling Dean remove his thigh from where it was pushed up against your core, you whimpered at the loss. Not caring at how wanton the noise made you sound as you rolled your hips against nothing, trying to find friction again. Yet, his strong hands kept you in place, trailing down your body before landing in a bruising hold on your hips.
You could feel him smirk against your lips. Enjoying the reactions he was teasing out of you and the sound of your little indignant whimpers leaving you from not letting you roll against him. 
“Patience,” He hummed as his thumb carved their mark into your still rolling hips before trailing around you. For a second, his big palms just rested on your ass as he tugged your lip between his teeth before soothing it with the tip of his tongue. 
“Dean,” You didn’t care that you sounded needy and breathless as you nearly pouted at the hitter. Your body was all fire and desperation, and only Dean Winchester could quench it. But he was holding back, punishing you for your earlier escape attempts now that you were his to play with. 
With another soft hum, Dean placed a much more chaste kiss on your lips, before squeezing your ass and swallowing the soft whimper that left you with his mouth on yours. 
Needing no more prompting, you lifted yourself up and wrapped your legs around his hips. Moaning into the kiss as you felt his obvious arousal through his gym shorts, pushing against you. With Dean and the wall holding you up, you could only roll your hips and let your nails trail against his neck as you drowned in the taste of him. You were weightless, breathless, and… 
Damn it. 
Your dirty daydreams were nowhere fucking close to the actual out of body experience that was Dean Winchester. The actual man was all that, and so much more. You might have been proud of your imagination, but not even your wildest dreams could live up to the way he set every damn nerve on your body on fire. You were unraveling, falling apart, trapped between concrete and Dean’s hard body. 
And all the man had done was fucking kiss you.
Breaking the kiss, Dean’s head dipped as you leaned your head back against the wall. Giving him easy access as his tongue trailed town your throat. Feeling the vibrations of the breathless whimpers trapped there as he hummed in approval. And you felt proud, proud that he was happy with you, that you were pleasing him, at least from the feel of him as he pushed against you. The thin gym shorts leaving little to the imagination. 
Placing small kisses against your pulse point, he let his teeth graze against your collarbone before just as quickly chasing the high of your lips again as he captured your lips in another dizzying kiss. And damn it, you needed that high. You needed to taste him. 
Yet, before you could fully fall back into the kiss, you were left wanting… As you were interrupted by Sam… Again. 
Damn him and his hair products to the deepest levels of hell. 
“Guys, there’s trouble. Come to the War Room. Now…” The urgency in Sam’s voice across the Bunker’s intercom system lessened your anger towards the youngest Winchester. But only a little bit. The teensiest tiniest bit. As you looked wide eyed at Dean. Your fingers untangling from his hair as you raised an eyebrow, wondering what the fuck could have gone wrong now. When you were nearly at the homestretch of the job. 
But Dean’s eyes didn’t meet yours. Still focused on your lips, he let his tongue roll against his bottom lip, as if engraving the taste of you there, before his head fell against your shoulder with a defeated sigh. 
His body had stilled, no longer rolling against you, but he still held you up, trapped between his body and the wall as he tried to control his ragged breaths. Silent curses fanned against your heated skin as his arms tightened around you for a second. 
Finally in control, Dean lifted his head just a fraction, to let his teeth graze against your pulse, before reluctantly stepping back from the wall and letting you back down. Though his arms were still securely around you as his hands massaged your ass, pushing you up against his body. His hot breath fanned over the sensitive skin of your neck as he cursed Sam once more. 
“Damn it Sammy,” His voice was cracked and breathless as he finally pulled himself away from you. Adjusting his shorts and throwing you a little smirk as you let a trembling hand lift to cool heated your cheeks before trying to fix your own clothes and hide any hints of the explosive makeout session you’d just gotten yourself into. 
Though you doubted you could hide it. Shit, if Dean’s own slightly mussed hair and kiss swollen lips were anything to go by, you probably looked freshly fucked. 
Oh joy… This would be a great conversation starter around the War Room table. 
You could picture it; “Sorry I’m late Sammy, your brother was just busy taking me apart piece by piece with his tongue in the gun range”. 
Yeah… No thanks. 
Yet, from Sam’s urgent tone over the intercom. You knew you didn’t have time to get that cold shower your body was nearly begging you to have. Something was wrong, and the ice cold dread that thought sent through your body once the proximity of Dean was no longer muddling your brain, would have to stand in for the shower you needed. 
And as Dean’s teasing smile fell away, letting the professional hitter once more take over, you knew he’d reached the same conclusion. Your crew needed you. That was all that mattered.
Ok… So maybe you weren’t the best at rushing. 
But even though you looked like you’d just been… Well, making out with a damned greek god in the gun range, you didn’t really feel the need to advertise it to the whole damn crew. So, while Dean headed straight to the War Room, you stopped by the kitchen for some much needed water. 
If nothing else, just to make sure you didn’t arrive at the War Table at the exact same time as the dangerously addictive hitter. Though, truth be told, you needed the water. You were parched. Taking a sip of the ice cold bottle and lifting it to your cheek to cool down, you took a few deep breaths as you tried your best to smooth down your messy hair.
Hell, maybe they’d just think you’d been working out? After all, you kinda had been. Just a much more fun form of working out. If you could somehow bottle up the pure lighting to your nerves that was Dean Winchester and sell it, you’d be a fucking millionaire. 
Actually, you already kinda were a millionaire. If you counted your hidden stash of goodies from before you started stealing for the good guys. But hey… That didn’t count. 
As you walked into the War Room, you threw a grin towards Charlie, pretending you couldn’t feel Dean’s green eyes burning into you as you instead focused on Sam’s serious, set face. Sending an apologetic smile his way before you quickly stepped over to your seat and sank into your chair. 
“Now that everyone is here…” Sam said, clearing his throat as he threw you a look. The raised eyebrow showing that your current slightly unraveled appearance hadn’t escaped his trained eye. And by the way Charlie’s eyes were focused on you with an amused smirk, you knew she hadn’t either. Damn it.
“Sorry guys… Gym, needed some water before I came,” You still squeaked out, fooling absolutely no one. Though you doubted the way Dean’s eyes wouldn’t leave you, with him looking just as deliciously disheveled as you in the seat to your right, helped in any way either. 
“Sure… As I was saying before you decided to finally join us (Y/N). There’s trouble,” Sam continued, clearly deciding to drop the subject in favor of more pressing matters. Though you knew you’d have to deal with the Kid Wonder tag team of Sam and Charlie after the mess was cleared up either way. 
“What happened? Did they notice you trying to access their files?” Dean shot in, taking some of the heat off of you as he finally moved his eyes to focus on his brother. That steely, all-business look that made you weak in the knees back in green eyes as he leaned in.
From across the table, Charlie scoffed, sounding straight up offended as she leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms over her torso as she shot Dean a dirty look. 
“No way!” Her indignant voice shot in. After all, Charlie was the best. And she took pride in her work. There was no way anyone would notice it if she decided to take a gander at their files. If it was connected to the internet, Charlie could access it. Which was also why you kept all your secrets safely in hard copies, and barely even dared to watch the wrong thing on Netflix. Just in case Charlie would read something into it. 
“What’s up? It sounded serious,” You shot in, not wanting Charlie to derail the briefing by telling all of you, in excruciating detail, exactly how perfect her hacking skills were. You’d listened to those rants before. And though you didn’t even understand a fraction of what she’d talked about. You knew you could trust her skills. If she said it wasn’t the hacking, then something else had gone wrong. And you’d be willing to bet your fortune on it not being anything any of your brilliant crew had done wrong. 
You were the best. And though you were dealing with some very bad guys. It was a pretty standard job. So there was no way your criminal Scooby Gang had messed anything up. 
“They got Crowley,” Sam said with a tired sigh. 
Of course it was the weak link in your operation that messed things up again. Damn it, that’s why none of you liked working with outsiders. They always messed everything up. 
“What do you mean they got him?” Dean pushed, the tired strain to his voice telling you he knew exactly what his brother meant as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Though he still asked. Just in case your own resident mobster decided to surprise you for once
“You know how I keep everyone we work with under surveillance?” Sam asked no one in particular, not even really waiting for the small nods from the group as he carded a big hand through his brown hair in a mix of anger and frustration before he kept speaking. 
“Earlier today, a bunch of goons got a hold of Crowley when he was leaving his tailor. They’re keeping him in one of the empty buildings they own,” He continued, before pausing to look around the room at all of you, letting his words sink in as you tensed in your seat. 
If Crowley was caught, it put your whole damn operation in danger. Even if the bastard didn’t squeal, the big bads would be on guard now… Plus, there was that little extra item added to your to do list of having to go save the Scotsman. Even if you really, really, didn’t feel like it.
Or… As your dearest boss so eloquently put it once the speaker in the middle of the table crackled to life. 
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Charity Heist: @foxyjwls007 @seppys-return-to-madness @stoneyggirl2 @ladysparkles78 @twinkleinadiamondsky @tmb510 @mimaria420
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blackestnight · 9 months
what's in my bag: hopeless nerd edition
by popular demand (read: like three people), have the contents of my bag when i'm playing ttrpgs in person!
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in no particular order:
laptop. i use digital character sheets for most of the games i play, mainly so i don't have to do math every time i level up. pf2 (my preferred ttrpg system) also has specific restrictions for organized play, and the digital tool i use has a settings toggle for society-compliant characters, which is super handy. i can also keep tabs open for quick rules/item lookups.
case, etc. i keep my laptop in a soft sleeve that comes with a pocket for the charger, a wireless mouse, and a tablet pen. the laptop is a 2-in-1, so depending on available table space i might fold it up and keep it in my lap in tablet mode, using the pen to navigate my character sheet instead of the mouse.
power bank. a relatively new addition. outlet space is always at a premium at events, and while my laptop's battery is pretty good, my phone is old and the battery is starting to give out, so better safe than sorry. i got this power pack for like $40 at meijer and it's great.
binder. for holding chronicle sheets (basically after-session rewards handouts for organized play). i have different folders for each character. i also try to keep hard copies of character sheets in case of technological or internet failure, but uh. i usually. forget. oops.
gum. usually with me wherever i go anyway. it's good for mitigating the takeout breath after ordering dinner. also helps mitigate distracted snacking.
water bottle. hydrate or die-drate, bitch.
pens and pencils. even as a person who uses digital sheets, you need pencils. i don't care who you are. if nothing else, you may end up needing to play a pre-generated character and keep track of HP, and you don't want to be the asshole marking up someone else's sheets in pen. i prefer pens for my own note-taking and filling out chronicle sheets, but i always keep a few pencils (a nice one for me and shitty ones to loan to other people).
miniatures. not strictly necessary. not all games use physical minis and maps for tactical combat, and small things like coins, bottle caps, extra dice, or (especially for enemies) candies are all mainstays of the tradition. i don't always bring mine to regular home campaign sessions, but for society play and cons i keep them in a little plastic tacklebox. i have some fancy ~custom~ minis for long-running characters, and more generic plastic ones, plus some poker chips and bases for things like pets, mounts, and summons.
dice. clickety clackety, i roll to attackity. my dice collection is extensive and nearly all blue (gasp). "but cyan," you ask, "do you actually need to bring that many dice?" yes. the most superstitious people you will ever meet are theatre nerds and tabletop gamers. you need several sets on hand to combat the Dice Curse. (or loan to other players. or roll fireballs. et cetera.) my dice bag was handmade for me by my best friend in high school, based on my first ever d&d character, and i still use it all the time. for events where i'll be able to spread out more, or for home games, i also have a dice vault with a built-in tray.
tray. to keep my dice from running away, or getting damaged on the table (or damaging the table if we're talking metal dice). lays flat when unsnapped for easy transport. also, it's a kitty!
notebooks. i usually have a couple on me for different purposes. the skull notebook is for session notes—which i don't usually take, WHICH IS BAD, and i'm trying to get into the habit. i'll write shorthand bullet notes during the session and then tidy up/convert into better summaries in a digital notebook later. the sticker-fied (yes, i put stickers on basically all of my possessions) is for brainstorming and note-taking for my homebrew campaign, because nothing is quite as inspiring as a weekend of getting tormented by other GMs.
book. for downtime/between sessions. the nice thing about tabletop cons is that there's always a chair somewhere.
and that's basically it! i might swap a couple things out if i'm running as a GM, but as a player this is my go-to.
and if you're looking at this and going, "where are the rulebooks?" the answer is i usually don't bring them with me in a physical format when i'm traveling. for PF2, i have access to all the PDFs, but Archives of Nethys and PF2 Easy are both fantastic (and FREE) digital rules references. i prefer Easy for searching items and spells, but AoN is an unparalleled rules resource, and they work directly with paizo to update the rules with each errata release. it has every rule, item, spell, creature, and character option from every book, with no paywalls or ads. the only thing you can't get are official maps or encounter blocks from the adventure paths. check it out if you're interested in playing!
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