#essential oil for pest control
cliganicstore · 2 years
How to Use Essential oils to Regain Sense of Smell
Essential oils have been used for centuries to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Today, they are gaining popularity as a way to regain sense of smell. There are many essential oils that can be used to help regain sense of smell. Some of the most popular include: Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Lavender, and Lemon. To use essential oils to regain sense of smell, simply add a few drops of the oil to a diffuser or inhale directly from the bottle. Start with one oil and see how your body responds before trying another.
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wachinyeya · 2 months
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fizziigoth · 1 year
Pls,,, I live in an area with a lot of yellowjackets and they're actually really chill, as long as you aren't very clearly going out of your way to hurt them. They also learn your face over time so after a while they'll stop buzzing around your face, but even then they're just investigating! They're also really important pest control and help keep certain bug populations from destroying everything.
I adore them with all of my heart and I will not stand for this slander
Yknow what, I actually agree with you - to a degree!!! Listen, they absolutely *are* dickheads and I stand by that purely bc yellowjackets, unlike "true" wasps, are known for stinging without being provoked (and *their* stings, as opposed to other wasps etc, are more likely to cause serious side effects). That being said, they are incredibly impressive creatures who contribute a huge amount to not only pollination but also to attracting other wildlife such as Jays (circle of life n all that) while controlling other insects that cause mass destruction - like aphids!
On that point though, decimating local beehives - especially that of small scissor bees and mason bees - is one of their specialities (and as an avid lover of bees, that breaks my heart ☹️)
If money wasn't an issue, if the house I lived in was my own and not a rental, and if I didn't live with my flatmate who's hella allergic to them and my dog who tries to eat them bc she's dumb, I'd absolutely set up a space for them near me that they can have free reign over. But, they're responsible for a huge decrease in the local bee population (whether that be wasps directly invading their hives/wiping them out or people killing bees *thinking* they're wasps), and also - they're eating through my walls and it's causing a LOT of issues 🙃
[also to anyone that's reading them - pretty much all insects and animals have dickhead tendencies, that doesn't mean kill 'em for it!!! Figure out ways to safely (both to you and your environment) relocate them!]
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Its fresh and pleasant perfume relieves tension, anxiety, and terror. It has a revitalizing impact on the neurological system, relieving overthinking and the consequences of stress and shock. Pure Wintergreen Essential Oil relaxes the mind and promotes happy feelings. It has been used as a pesticide to repel pests and mosquitos for decades. Its scent repels insects and heals bug bites. It reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation. It can be used to relieve muscular spasms, joint discomfort, backaches, and weary muscles. It has also been shown to reduce pain from arthritis, sciatica, and rheumatism. It is also beneficial for relieving menstruation cramps. It has a cooling effect on the treated area and relieves tension.
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the-learning-hub · 1 year
DIY Pest Control: The Fun, Easy, and Effective Way to Keep Your Home Pest-Free
DIY Pest Control: The Fun, Easy, and Effective Way to Keep Your Home Pest-Free
Are you tired of dealing with pesky pests like ants, roaches, and mice in your home? Do you want to take control of the situation and get rid of these unwanted guests once and for all? Well, you’re in luck because DIY pest control is the perfect solution for you!DIY pest control is a fun and easy way to keep your home free of pests. It allows you to take charge of the situation and get rid of…
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attapullman · 2 months
Morgan Le Fay my darling, I absolutely cannot get over roommate!Bob and the bungalow, it's so cute!!!!!
Oh my God can we talk about how the garden practically explodes overnight??
Bob has a serious green thumb and it shows. That man will raid the entire garden section of Home Depot with zero fucks given (lol).
I also feel like Bob would be a serious herb-crafter. That man is always in the garden or the greenhouse doing some kind of mad science experiment with the plants (I feel like he'd be really curious about using the essential oils and old school techniques for fertilizers, root stimulants and weed and pest control) and would keep all sorts of journals full of drawings and fancy calligraphy about each of the plants, their uses and how to use them.
Mary!! Are you in my brain? It's okay if you are, just tell me!
bungalow!Bob basically lives at Home Depot. The first week he moved in he spent a majority of the time staring into the backyard dismayed at the patchy grass and the handful of weeds you overlooked. Not that he blames you, you're very busy being a hard worker. But this yard? It won't do.
Once he had a firm idea of what he wanted to do - complete with rudimentary sketches on lined notebook paper he stole from your desk - it became the norm to see him out of the corner of your eye coming in from the garage with his arms full of stuff, muscles bulging. "Don't mind me, honey, we can talk about it after your 4 o'clock!"
Every night at dinner he's walking you through this new article he read on re-potting or starting the discussion on bermuda vs. bluegrass. A few times a day he's obsessively checking the basil plant to make sure it has enough water. While watching the next episode of the show you're watching together, you catch him with his phone out, Googling random house things that pop into his mind.
"Bob, babe, you're going to miss what's going on."
Kissing your temple, he rolls his eyes, "You're the one invested in the show, I'm only here to hang out with you."
You give him unamused eyes.
"I'm kidding," he teases. "If I don't look it up now I'm going to forget...and better now or you'll get mad again."
He's referring to calling time out during doggy last night when he just had to look up how quickly concrete cures for the patio stones he wants to install.
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meabh-mcinness · 1 year
(Alternatively known as 'Pest Control')
Living in the human world had meant learning tips and tricks to keep pests at bay while still enjoying small luxuries. Such as using lavender to deter bed bugs the one time you bought and forgot to clean a comforter at a thrift store, or peppermint around windows and doors to keep spiders outside. You hadn't known, of course, that such tricks could apply to pests in the Netherworld too. You couldn't decide whether you were happy or not to discover they did in fact do so. 
TW! There is technically a torture scene in here? A character gets a bottle full of peppermint oil to their face, which is known to cause skin irritation and rashes on humans when used too much, and does slightly worse due to him rather special heritage and lack of exposure to it. Also light descriptions of gore, or at least I think it falls under the gore category? Maybe?
Also, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY AND UNHOLY, DO NOT TAKE THE PLANT AND OTHER FACTS AT FACE VALUE!!! I am not a trained botanist nor biologist (I haven't even started my college courses yet!) and everything in here is based on research I've found in books, oral stories, online research, and personal findings. ALWAYS check in with professionals before using or consuming something you don't know about. I use some of the things in here because it's what I grew up with, BUT it does not mean it's actually true or safe. Please take caution in the things you use!
Also, the MC in this is a tad bit of a hater of insects, which in no way reflects my views. So if you're like me and actually find the bug world terribly fascinating, you may not like some of this. Hopefully, you enjoy the rest, though! Also, there's some Shiida X reader, and Balam x reader if you squint, really hard. 
The taking down of one Atori had been both incredulous and laughably easy for you. 
In hindsight, you supposed it wouldn't have been as easy if you hadn't known a little bit of basic human world biology and been a bit of a hoarder. 
In the human world, spiders and other bugs are a bit of (read, incredibly) a hindrance. You understood they were needed for the ecosystem to thrive, and you did enjoy a fair few (snails in particular were very cute, for example), but for the most part, they were an annoyance in your daily life. When they weren't posing a danger, that is. 
To keep such annoyances at bay, you had taken to making 'herbal potions' that smelt good to you, but that most bugs hated. Even taking to wearing it as hairsprays, body oils, and lotions to keep them away from your person while working your various jobs or just going out and about. The added health benefits you gained from soft, clear skin and full, shiny hair were merely a nice bonus you wouldn't complain about.
 It had been incredibly easy to squirrel away unwanted seedlings from farming gigs or dumped herbs that had fallen on the floor from your serving jobs. The thrown-away herbs were the hardest to save, but you always felt so proud to see the cuttings growing tiny roots after a few weeks in water-filled cups. Such plants were then cleaned and went through various lengthy processes depending on what you wanted at the time. 
Lavender oil to spray on and around your bed, because you failed to clean one comforter from a thrift store, basil lotion to repel mosquitoes, and large amounts of various types of mint along with others. The mints were mostly used to spray around the doors, windows, and the general perimeter of your tiny home, to keep bugs from invading in the first place. You even used the extra for your hair specifically, both to promote growth and just because it smelt nice. 
You had even just finished a fresh batch, of newly sealed vials and bottles in your old, patched bag to transfer when Sullivan had invaded your home and essentially kidnapped you. Granted, you had willingly gone once he motioned to a bound Iruma, but still. You had been non-too-pleased when you discovered Iruma's parents had sold both of your souls to the demon, vowing revenge if it was the last thing you did. 
Regardless, because you had this batch and no bugs to use them on (Opera did an excellent job of keeping the mansion pest free, and that was assuming the Netherworld even had those kinds of bugs, to begin with), they had been delegated to strictly hair product use until you ran out. 
It had been rather surprising, and humorous, for you to find out that this world had a similar-smelling plant. That apparently only high-rankers and rich folk used, due to how difficult it was to grow and harvest, along with how volatile it was, and its rather fond taste for flesh. 
A misunderstanding had eventually arisen that you were as, or at least close to, as powerful as Sullivan was and simply hiding your rank when Suzie-sensei had asked how you acquired the oils. Your confusion, briefly forgetting that you were not in the human world any more, led to you confessing that you simply used to grow them from cuttings before crushing them into oils and pastes yourself, and how you were quite sad that you no longer had access to them due to moving in with Sullivan. The awed and calculating looks everyone had given you had lasted for days until the Battler party, and Iruma took centre stage again with his "fireworks". 
Although you could still hear the occasional whispers about how powerful you must be to have Sullivan as a father, and, the quickly rising through the ranks, Iruma as a son. You quite often wanted to bang your head on a wall when you heard those because of that one slip of a mistake. Especially when, for your birthday, after bemoaning the fact you were running low, the Babyls teachers had banded together to get you a couple of cuttings from the actual Netherworld peppermint plant counterpart, the Geagpian. 
You had quickly understood why others feared it so much. Smelling almost disgustingly minty up close, it rather reminded you of a stinking corpse lily in looks. If a stinking corpse lily was far smaller, had sharp teeth surrounding the inside of its petals and sentient vines covered in sharp hollow thorns filled with paralysing venom and grew multiple flowers along a tall cactus-like stem. The three, foot-long cuttings they had given you had apparently almost eaten Robin and a couple of curious students in the few days they were hiding it from you. When one of the Geagpian tried to do so again, your rather firm smack on its creeping vines only cemented their ideals of you being powerful when it quickly drew back again. Despite your apprehensive feelings about having such a dangerous gift, you had almost cried that they had tried to be so thoughtful. 
The Geagpians were then lovingly planted in a corner of the mansion's outer garden, far away from the other plants, where you happily took care of them. The nauseating in-your-face mint smell, a small comfort of your old home. Not that you wanted to go back. 
Now, though, a year into your stay here in the Netherworld, hunched over Sabro and the first years, checking them for serious injuries, as Shichirou fought Atori, you were rather glad that you had a few of your original hair oils left. And even happier that you had a full bottle in your pocket thanks to Shiida.
(You glanced up when a sudden shadow crossed over the table you were sitting at in the teacher's break room. One of the newest teachers, Shiida, you thought her name was, staring at you before flumping down in the seat next to you. You blinked in surprise before internally shrugging and going back to the book you were reading. 
It was as obvious as the two moons in the night sky that the girl was bad at social interactions, and as a fellow 'no social skills' person, you could understand how hard it could be to make friends with your new co-workers. If this was her attempt to break out of her mould and make new relationships, you were most certainly not going to stop her. 
You sat together in relative silence, the occasional flipping of a page in your book, the sound of fabric as she shifted, or another teacher wandering in briefly to say hello, being the only sounds to interrupt your peace. Over the course of your break, however, her shifting increased. Hands wringing together, bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she seemed to contemplate something. Taking pity on the poor girl, you slid a silk ribbon bookmark, a gift courtesy of Kalego who had been annoyed at the constant crinkling of the random papers you had shoved in between the pages, and closed your book. 
"Is something bothering you, Shiida-sensei?" She startled, turning towards you with wide eyes and the slightest parting of lips. You gave her what you hoped was a comforting smile, "While I'm not certain I can help, I will certainly try."
"Your scent..." she said suddenly. You paused in surprise, not actually expecting an answer beyond 'I'm fine'. 
Then your thoughts took over. Your scent? Had you forgotten your perfume today? You had been in a rush having woken up late, but no, you were certain Shichirou would have said something if you had when you joined him for a jointly taught class this morning. Or even one of the students, they weren't exactly known for keeping their mouths shut after all. (The one time you switched up scents just to try something new, everyone demanded to know if you were courting someone. That had taken forever to clear up, and you hadn't worn anything else sense.) Demons, it turned out, were especially blunt creatures by nature. Rarely talking with constant double-wording that humans so favoured unless they were especially manipulative, or a member of the succubus battler. 
"It....smells good... What is...the scent?" A faint blush was appearing on her face, and she appeared to be about five seconds away from bolting. A giggle left you before you could stop it. She was actually very adorable, wasn't she?
"Oh, is that all? It's a Geagpian mixture. I grow and make it myself." 
"I see... Atori-san hates it... I like it." She nodded to herself, "Where...can I find?" You blinked in surprise. Atori hated the scent of your hair oils? That explains why he always avoided you, even taking positions as far from you as possible when you had to share space in meetings. Your first meeting made exceptional sense now. 
When you had first met, Atori had attempted to greet you from behind, only to get a face full of your hair when you turned around. You had assumed the rather violent reaction of his body jerking and entire face seizing up had been because of the surprise at a rather hearty amount of hair suddenly in his face. 
You had long since wondered if you had offended him somehow with the hair slap, but everyone had drawn blanks because Momonoki had done the same thing only a few hours later, and much harder considering the absolute length of hair and speed she had done it with, and he was still perfectly fine with her. Though, you considered it a blessing in disguise the longer you watched him. There was just something about him that creeped you out, especially after Shichirou confessed that he was certain they were hiding something. 
"I can give you some of mine to try if you would like. I have a couple of extras since it lasts for three-four years in a bottle, and I've just pruned mine to be able to make more." And hadn't that been a pain to try and figure out? You couldn't ask any of the teachers at Babyls what parts to make into the oils since they were under the impression you already knew, and most breeders were rather tight-lipped in their secrets in fear that you were a competitor. 
Well until Opera decided to get involved, and then you had not only which parts were safe to use but also formulas for the best things to mix with them and brand-new equipment to get started. 
"Although I'm surprised you would want to smell like me if your friend hates it." 
"Friend...?" Ah, right, you had forgotten that was a human word. 
"Friends are people who enjoy spending time together and help one another, but in a non-romantic or familial sense. Like how Iruma, Alice, and Clara do or Shichirou and Kalego. It's like allies but stronger, if that makes sense. If you want, we can be friends?"  You held out your hand towards her and were rather reminded of the scene from the first Harry Potter film. 
The longer she stared wide-eyed at your hand, the more you started to worry you would end up like Draco. Spurned before even being given a chance. Until slowly but surely her hand rose up and took yours. Eyes alight in wonder as she looks fixedly at your joined hands. 
"Not friends...with Atori...forced...companionship....coworkers on various jobs...no one else....to really talk to..." 
"Well, now you can talk to me!" You declared brightly, a large smile gracing your face. "Whenever you want to spend time together or need some help, just come to me and I'll be there." 
"Can we...pet chicks...?" 
"Of course! I'll even ask Shichirou if he knows of any petting zoos around here, and we can visit to pet lots of animals if so. And to cement this newfound friendship, how about I bring a bottle of my hair oil tomorrow to give you after the exam? As a way to celebrate our obvious winnings as well." 
"I would...like that." 
"Then it's a deal!")
Looking up from your position, fingering the bottle in your pocket, your mind racing with what to do. You had three terrified students, two of which were injured, and at least one deranged intruder. Potentially two if he and Shiida were working together. And wasn't that a sad thought? Your possible new friend could actually be an enemy in disguise. 
Though as you watched Shichirou smack down Atori with a giant fist made of vines, you could at least be assured you wouldn't have to attempt to fight. Shichrou had it well in hand, and eveidently he thought so as well as he turned back and gave you a nod, hellphone already in hand to contact the others. 
You started to turn back to the students to get them ready to be transferred when you noticed movement out of the corner of your eye. Whirling back around you saw it again. Thin shimmering strands of something were protruding out of where Atori's body lay before. You dared a glance at Shichirou who hadn't yet noticed, back still turned to the danger. 
You cried out his name in panic, right before a multitude of the strands poured out and wrapped around the fallen demon. Shichirou whirled around and you both watched, stunned, as the strands seemed to undulate, as if something was moving underneath. Were...were they healing him? No, your eyes darted about the shapes, counting each one and cataloguing how they move. 
It wasn't healing Atori, it was changing him. 
You risked another glance at Shichirou who was still standing there surprised. He wasn't doing anything, why wasn't he doing anything? Strike, burn, crush, something before-!
The threads tore apart, and your gaze was forced back to the suddenly mutated body before you. Atori stood slowly, shakily rising, his body with that came equipped with two extra sets of limbs. He hadn't just changed slightly, he had metamorphised. Like....like a bug, you suddenly realized. A giant spider that had been humanized. 
Your hands flexed around the bottle in your pocket again. Should you? Could you? There was no guarantee it would do anything, and even if it did, you only had one shot. One shot to make this work when you were lucky to throw something straight on your best days. But would it even work, or would you just be in the way? 
Shiida's words rang in your mind, "Atori-san hates it". If that were true and really what reason would she have to lie about that of all things? If he really did hate it and that was before the change, then maybe...just maybe. 
You forced yourself out of your thoughts right as Atori started to bring his hand up. Your hand clench around the bottle harder, bringing it out of your pocket as your body moved to exit the egg shaped shield Shichirou had thrown up in the beginning. All thoughts focused on your task, it never registered that you shouldn't have been able to leave it all, and yet your body flowed through like it wasn't even there. 
You had seconds, Atori's hand already at his mouth, lips forming an o-shape as if blowing. You saw it in slow motion as more threads, webs, spurred out and flew at Shichirou’s face. Sliding past him, you ducked underneath, far from the splash zone, and continued on your way. You could already see Atori starting to turn to get away. You were so close, just a little more, and there! Hand whipping out, you felt the bottle leave you, flying in an arch right towards its target. 
The bottle struck the side of Atori's head, glass shards flying as the liquid poured out directly onto his skin. His loud screech of pain echoed across the courtyard, pausing in his retreat to use his multiple hands to scratch at his face. You watched horrified, scrambling backwards again to get towards safety, as Atori fell to his knees, screams never fading. You felt large hands grab at your arms and almost panicked until you saw the tale-tell sign of green gloves. Shichirou. 
You let yourself be pulled against his chest as he jumped further away from the still screeching demon, more vines being produced to wrap around Atori's body once more. This time staying there to hold him in place. With Atori's arms held in place and no longer covering his face, you finally saw what damage you had done. The entire right side of his face was bright red and bulging, some areas far darker than others, an obvious sign of where the oils had hit first and stayed the longest. His left eye, that was still open, rolled about its socket manically as if he couldn't focus it at all. 
Once a considerable distance away, Shichirou put you down, but still hovered about directly behind you. You stood frozen, still staring at the carnage you had wrought on the spider demon. Completely ignoring the gargoyle behind you as he tried to check you over, a rant about dangers spilling from his lips, your eyes stayed locked on Atori. Adrenaline making it, so you couldn’t take your eyes away from the possible danger. It wasn’t until Shichirou forced your head to look at him that you finally took your gaze away. 
“Are you alright?” He asked softly. Were you? No, you were not alright. Your senses, still so high-strung, still screamed of danger. That turning your back was perilousness. All of your inner instincts clamouring and fighting to rip out of you and take care of the threat. Or at least run away. 
To run...run? Run! Your entire body jerked forward instinctively, Shichirou's arms wrapping around you, his wings bursting forth in a flurry of feathers ready to block whatever was coming to your back as he lept away again.  Your hands clutched his shirt tightly, eyes scrunching shut in fear at being so exposed and not being able to see the danger, much less attack back. Pulse racing, you waited for the attack to hit. 
Only, it never did. 
There was a loud cracking noise, that rather reminded you of bones snapping, and a pained yowl by the time Shichirou touched down again. Most of his body stayed tense, but the arms holding you loosened just enough that you could look to see what happened. Turning around, the first thing you noticed was Shiida, with a rather more exposed outfit than you remembered seeing her in this morning, lowering her leg back toward the ground. Stepping on top of a knocked-down Atori, a spray of web trailed from his mouth to fall only a few inches short of where you had been. She easily dug her heel into his back, exactly where you assumed his wing roots were... 
"You will....not hurt....my friend," Shiida growled, digging her foot further into his back. His body spasmed out of instinct, but it was obvious to tell from the way his body had fallen, she had fully snapped his spine. 
"Shiidaaaaa..." Atori growled out, "How… could you?!" 
"Friends help...one another...when needed... You...threatened friend... I end...the threat," Shiida explained before locking eyes with you, "I help...my friend." 
My allegiance lies with you. 
Your eyes teared up from all the emotions stirring in you like a cyclone, the most prominent being relief and something akin to affection blooming across your chest. You understood her message and nodded at her with a watery smile. 
A wall of fire surrounded the four of you, followed by what appeared to be a wall of flower guns crawling up the side of the building, Ifirit-sensei and Suzy-sensei. You heard the door to the side of you slam open and the pounding of footsteps as more and more teachers filed in as backup. 
Your body almost collapsed from the amount of relief that flowed through you, and if Shichirou’s arms weren’t still holding you close, you probably would have. You and the others were safe, there was simply no way Atori could take on the entire staff of Babyls if he had issues with two, technically three, of you. When the heavy pressure of Sullivan’s aura arrived long before you saw his tall, lean form, it merely confirmed what you already knew. 
Atori would not be getting away this day. 
"Hey, Shichirou?" He hummed in response, Shiida walking closer to you guys after finally getting off of Atori’s battered body, and Sullivan got to work questioning him. "Do you know of any petting zoos around here? Specifically, one with chicks?" 
The crazed look he gave you was more than worth the slightly hysterical laugh that left your throat as he went about checking your head for injuries.
Cross posted on Wattpad and AO3!
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
Hello! What do you do about pest bugs? I'm wondering if there is a humane way to deal for example with an ant infestation. What do you do if you're fine with the bugs existing, just Not Here?
If you want to avoid pesticides then the only things to really do are seal up where they're getting in and remove incentives (food) that are drawing them in. There are a lot of ~natural~ deterrents recommended online like certain essential oils or spices, but I've never tried any of them, so I can't speak to their effectiveness.
I'm not an expert on pest control by any means, so if it's possible and you really want to get rid of them, call and speak to pest control companies in your area and be clear that you'd like to avoid pesticides and see if they have any recommendations. Obviously you may have to pay for them to come out and make an assessment but might be worth it. Some will do free inspections.
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A small Kansas town is reeling after a baby-faced 23-year-old manipulated procedural technicalities to reinstall himself as mayor in one night, seemingly taking a page from the playbook used by former President Donald Trump after he was voted out of office.
Only, this time, it worked.
“People have said this reminds them of Germany in 1935,” Jeffery Jones, whose bid for a council seat in Goddard, Kansas, collapsed last week as Hunter Larkin abruptly took control, told The Daily Beast. “Like, ‘Hey, we don’t like you anymore and we’re gonna vote you out and put our own person in.’”
The convoluted machinations by which Larkin maneuvered his way back into power were described as “essentially, a coup” and reminiscent of a totalitarian regime, according to one recently departed council member. And while Goddard, a Wichita suburb with a population of just under 5,400, isn’t necessarily going to influence policy shifts on a national scale, the strategy used by Larkin—a right-winger who last year promoted an appearance in Goddard by accused sex pest and conservative kingmaker Matt Schlapp—could serve as a stark warning of what’s possible elsewhere.
“I have to hand it to Larkin,” Wichita Eagle columnist Dion Lefler wrote. “I’ve covered cities for a long time and have seldom seen a political takeover that was this sleazy, and yet this well-orchestrated.”
Larkin’s improbable ascent to office can be traced back to August 2020, when the then-mayor of Goddard stepped down amid a fraud charge for counterfeiting tickets to the local zoo’s “Zoobilee” charity fundraiser. Then-21-year-old City Council President Hunter Larkin was appointed to the job.
In November 2021, Larkin, who by day works as an accounting manager for a fiberglass oil field pipe manufacturer owned by a wealthy local family that has helped fund his political aspirations, was busted for DUI. He later pleaded guilty, receiving a sentence of probation and staying on as mayor until May 2022, when he resigned in the wake of a news report calling his ethics into question. Larkin said he was leaving office to focus on a statehouse run, but kept a seat on the city council.
“This campaign is about giving a voice to the people of our community and defending what so many of us hold dear, like voter integrity, the right to bear arms, protecting the unborn and keeping Critical Race Theory (CRT) out of schools,” Larkin’s campaign website thundered. “As your next Representative, I can promise that I will fight for just that!”
Vice-Mayor Larry Zimmerman was then appointed Goddard’s mayor, and has filled the position since—until last Tuesday night.
The agenda for that evening’s city council meeting didn’t appear particularly unique, at least on the surface; members would, among other things, consider a sign regulation amendment, discuss a road closure request for a Lions Club car show, and appoint a new city councilperson after a councilman named Michael Proctor relinquished his seat on Dec. 31.
Zimmerman nominated Jeffery Jones, who works as a hospice chaplain, for Proctor’s old job.
However, the vote ended in a tie. So Zimmerman instead nominated Aubrey Collins, a radio host and residential solar panel salesman who goes by “Cowboy Rip.” Collins’ candidacy was approved, and he was sworn in.
And, according to Jones, “That’s when everything kind of went haywire.”
As Collins was being seated, Larkin, who lost his bid for the Kansas legislature, immediately moved to amend the agenda and hold a non-public executive session to discuss “unelected personnel.” According to Lefler, the newspaper columnist, Larkin was eager to cast out City Administrator Brian Silcott, who has been critical of him in the past.
At this point, Jones left, thinking the meeting was over.
“Had I known what would happen next, I would have stayed,” he told The Daily Beast. “Because when they came back, that’s when Hunter asked for the election of a new mayor.”
When they returned, Larkin swiftly proposed removing Zimmerman as mayor, a motion which was approved by all except Zimmerman himself. Vice-Mayor Sarah Leland was then installed as mayor of Goddard—briefly. She immediately addressed the others, saying she felt she did not have “the capability to do these job duties… especially the current situation we are dealing with, so I would like to nominate Hunter, as I feel he can complete the steps that need taking.”
And with that, Larkin became mayor, switching seats with Leland, now his second-in-command. Larkin quickly moved to oust Silcott, who he considered a fly in the ointment, prompting now-ex-Mayor Zimmerman to quit his city council seat in protest.
“Before you get to that point, I’d like to tender my resignation from the city council, effective immediately,” he said, and walked out.
The council then filled Zimmerman’s empty council seat with resident Keaton Fish, a support staffer at a local special-ed school. As he took his position, Larkin introduced a motion to terminate Silcott’s employment. They then went to a second closed session to discuss Silcott’s firing, where the decision was consummated. (The next day, Assistant City Administrator Thatcher Moddie resigned.)
“The day and age where unelected bureaucrats ran this town is over,” Larkin later exulted. “This governing body is going to be more involved than ever before.”
This, Jones argued on Friday, is wholly disingenuous.
“Hunter said ‘we’re tired of being run by unelected bureaucrats,’ but I’m like, ‘Well, you’re kind of unelected.’ He was elected as a council member, no one voted him in as mayor [either time]. And right now, there’s a petition out for a recall.”
The recall campaign was started by Proctor, the councilman who quit office on Dec. 31. He called the situation in Goddard “a disaster.”
“He needs to go,” Proctor told The Daily Beast of Larkin, adding that he was baffled by the vice-mayor’s support for his mayoralty.
He said he will need roughly 168 signatures to move the proposal forward, and feels confident he’ll get them.
“Look, there’s complete outrage over this,” he told The Daily Beast. “Getting those votes won’t be difficult, there are plenty of willing participants.”
Proctor has also started a Facebook group called “For Goddard’s Sake,” where he is organizing and rallying support.
“This city is a joke!” one commenter wrote. “in who’s right mind is DUI kid a good choice for mayor after not being re-elected.”
“[H]unter has made it clear that he intends to turn the city into a rental community by helping his developer buddies build as many multi family dwellings as possible,” wrote another. “This is a very clear pattern all in the name of ‘growth’ and it is going to fundamentally change this town. He and his gang now make a majority and will be able to approve whatever Hunter’s little heart desires.”
“So where can concerned citizens file complaints?” wrote a third. “Surely we have a lawyer or three within reach who can help Goddard with its latest problem. Anyone?”
Proctor said he will be filing a report with the sheriff’s office, alleging campaign finance improprieties by Larkin which Proctor claims violate the Goddard city code.
“Somebody’s gotta do it,” he said. “Somebody’s gotta stand up. Otherwise, there’s a vacuum that’s going to be filled by somebody who shouldn’t be doing it.”
Replacing Silcott will also be a heavy lift, according to Proctor, who said Goddard last week “went from a city where up-and-coming city managers would love to come and work, to a bottom-of-the-rung situation, overnight. He’s delivered quite a mess.”
Fish did not respond to a request for comment on Friday. Zimmerman, for his part, told local outlet KWCH that Larkin’s maneuvering “wasn’t right.”
Brady Burdge, an assistant district attorney in Wichita who was in the running for a council seat but withdrew his name on Monday due to his heavy workload, said he found the Larkin situation “really unfortunate.”
“It is definitely troubling,” Burge told The Daily Beast. “The local level is where it all starts, and you definitely don’t like to see things like that happening in your own community… [Larkin] has had trouble in the past building trust with our community, and it looks like it happened again.”
Jones said he is not planning to fight the outcome of the election, and is “just going to let the chips fall where they may.” At the same time, he isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon.
“I feel honored that the mayor at the time selected me, but I’m not going to raise a fuss,” he conceded on Friday. “I told them at that meeting that I want to effect change within Goddard, and if I can't do it from the [city] council, I’ll do it from the community. And I’m going to be there at as many council meetings as I can, where I’ll be bringing up questions that the people want answered.”
For his part, Aubrey Collins said he is looking forward to his first experience serving in public office.
“I have no comment other than, we’re going to do the best we can for the city,” Collins told The Daily Beast. “I believe the steps that were taken will allow Goddard to win. Goddard is gonna win, based on what transpired.”
Before the council session concluded, Larkin remarked, “Today was a tough day. I know. Wasn’t fun, I don’t think anybody here enjoyed it. But I want you all to know it was done out of love.”
Larkin, who told local NBC affiliate KSN TV that he’s not concerned about any challenges to remove him, did not respond to multiple requests for comment by The Daily Beast.
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pancakeke · 1 year
I was looking up insecticides and came across a reddit thread where someone was like "I used neem oil, clove oil, cinnamon, and vinegar but nothing works :("
which drives INSANE. influencer brained essential oil fanatics who do not understand the scope of organic products need to do like an extremely basic google search into this shit because there are plenty of natural/organic insecticides that actually work.
This is a natural compound made from fermented bacteria (saccharopolyspora spinosa) and kills ants, fruit flies, leafminers, mites, mosquitoes, spider mites, and thrips. This comes in a spray and a dust.
Bacillus thuringiensis and its subspecies.
This is a species of bacteria that can control a wide range of pests depending on which subspecies you use.
Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (BTi) is used to kill the larvae of flies, mosquitos, and fungus gnats. This is the bacteria used in Mosquito Bits** granules and can also be purchased as a spray or dust.
Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (BTk) kills wormy type pests like gypsy moth caterpillars, tomato hornworms, cabbage worms, cabbage loopers, cutworms, and leaf rollers. It will kill non-pest caterpillars though so be careful with this one. This comes in a spray.
Bacillus thuringiensis var. san diego works for certain beetles/weevils but not all. Look up a list to see what it's effective against if you have a beetle problem.
There are other ones but idk if they're really commercially available.
**I see people applying Mosquito Bits ineffectively all the time and then they assume the product doesn't work. Don't just sprinkle the bits onto your soil (they aren't effective unless the bacteria is well washed off and allowed to permeate the surrounding soil, plus they eventually decompose and mold).
Fill a clear pitcher with water and add a tablespoon or two of bits. let them soak for 30 mins, stir, and then use that water for your plants. This ensures an even distribution of the bacteria over the plant's soil. If you retain like 1/8 of the pitcher of water and fill it back up you can get several applications out of your spoon of bits. dump the spent bits and replace with fresh ones once the water in your pitcher gets too clear.
There's other stuff that can work for specific insects in specific environments (inorganic dusts, sticky traps, utilizing beneficial predators like chickens, wild birds, or wasps) but they have enough drawbacks that I wouldn't recommend those things without knowing your exact situation.
Be extremely wary of any DIY/home made "insecticides". At best their effectiveness is deceptive (the "insecticide" does nothing but through its application you are mechanically removing pests by washing or wiping them away), and at worst they may cause harm to your plants.
Lastly, never put any kind oil on your plants. It doesn't matter what people say about neem. Plants breathe through pores in their leaves and oil covers those pores up.
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cliganicstore · 2 years
1. Essential oils are a natural pest control option that can be used to repel and deter many common household pests, including ants, roaches, and mice.
2. When using essential oils for pest control, it is important to select the right oil for the specific pest you are trying to target. Some common essential oils that can be used for pest control include peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and citrus oil.
3. Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways for pest control. For example, they can be added to homemade cleaning solutions or diffused into the air using an essential oil diffuser.
4. If you are looking for a natural way to keep pests out of your home, try using essential oils for pest control.
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thelandboundseawitch · 3 months
🪵Cinnamon 101🪵
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Cinnamon(Cinnamomum verum)
Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavouring additive in a wide variety of cuisines, sweet and savoury dishes, breakfast cereals, snack foods, bagels, teas, hot chocolate and traditional foods.
Medicinal Uses & Properties
🪵May reduce neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease
🪵Improves blood circulation
🪵Boosts brain function
🪵May have antibacterial and antifungal properties
🪵Control blood sugar
Magickal Properties
🪵Fire Magick and Warmth
Uses for Cinnamon
🪵Make a potpourri or simmer pot
🪵Burn cinnamon incense
🪵Brew cinnamon tea, or make other foods
🪵Use cinnamon(or cinnamon products, such as oils) to keep away bugs.
🪵Make a candle and add cinnamon to the wax
🪵Sprinkle cinnamon around, or make a natural bug repellent, to keep away pests, such as ants.
🪵Please do not burn cinnamon. Inhaling cinnamon, especially for long periods, can lead to respiratory inflammation and irritation, as well as coughing, wheezing, and breathing difficulty. Please buy cinnamon incense instead of burning cinnamon directly, the cinnamon in the incense has been prepared in a way that is safer to burn.[1]
🪵Please use a carrier oil when applying essential oils to your skin or scalp. I recommend doing a skin patch test before applying in large quantities. NEVER put essential oils on pets, even when they're mixed with a carrier oil. It can and most likely will irritate their skin or otherwise negatively impact them.
🪵Please keep cinnamon and cinnamon products out of birds access. Allegedly, Chinese/Cassia cinnamon is toxic to birds but not "regular" cinnamon. I say just keep all cinnamon away from them.[2]
🪵Cinnamon, while not fatal, can become toxic for dogs when consumed in large amounts. It causes skin and digestive irritation when consumed and inhalation can cause coughing, choking, and difficulty breathing.[3] These same warnings also apply to cats.[4]
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gardengreatness · 1 year
How To Sow Seeds For Your Garden: A Beginner's Guide
Sowing seeds is an essential step towards a bountiful garden. By planting seeds correctly, you can ensure that they grow into healthy plants, providing you with a beautiful and productive garden. However, sowing seeds can be tricky, especially for beginners. In this guide, we will show you how to sow seeds successfully and achieve a thriving garden.
Choosing the Right Seeds
The first step to sowing seeds is to choose the right ones. Consider the climate, soil type, and amount of sunlight in your garden when selecting seeds. Choose seeds that are appropriate for the growing conditions in your area to ensure a successful germination and growth.
Preparing the Soil
Before sowing your seeds, you need to prepare the soil. Ensure that the soil is free from rocks, debris, and weeds. Break up any large clumps of soil and add organic matter to improve the soil's fertility. Use a rake to level the soil surface, making it easier to sow the seeds.
Sowing the Seeds
Once you have selected the right seeds and prepared the soil, it's time to sow the seeds. There are several ways to sow seeds, including broadcasting, drilling, and transplanting. Broadcasting involves scattering the seeds over the soil surface, drilling involves making furrows in the soil and placing the seeds inside them, and transplanting involves starting the seeds indoors and then transplanting them outdoors.
Watering and Caring for the Seeds
After sowing the seeds, water them gently to ensure that the soil is moist but not waterlogged. Water the seeds regularly, especially during dry spells. Keep an eye on the seeds and watch for signs of germination. Once the seedlings have emerged, thin them out to give them enough space to grow.
Protecting the Seeds from Pests and Diseases
Pests and diseases can wreak havoc on your garden, so it's essential to protect your seeds from them. Use organic pest control methods such as neem oil, garlic spray, or insecticidal soap to keep pests at bay. Keep an eye on your plants and remove any diseased or infected plants immediately to prevent the spread of disease.
Sowing seeds is an essential step towards creating a beautiful and productive garden. By choosing the right seeds, preparing the soil, sowing the seeds correctly, watering and caring for the seeds, and protecting them from pests and diseases, you can ensure that your garden thrives. With these tips and tricks, you can become a successful gardener and enjoy a bountiful harvest.
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faethfulrabbit · 2 years
🌱 Basil Genovese // Plant Information !🌱
✨Ocimum basilicum - Lamiacae; herb of the mint family !
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Care Information
Bloom Time: Late Summer
Height Range: Up to 24 to 30 inches
Space Range: Stretches out about 12 to 18 inches
Lowest Tolerable Temp: Around 40° to 50°
✨ Planting * takes 5 to 10 days to germinate, though I’ve been luck enough to get it in 3 !
Garden - Does best being planted in late spring/early summer.
Indoor - Basil enjoys a well aerated and roomy pot!
✨ Lighting * direct lighting is needed !
Minimum Hours - 6 to 8 hours
Maximum Hours - Around 10 hours
In my experience basil seems to enjoy being warm.
✨ Soil and Watering
When to water - New seedlings need steady watering for a few weeks, 2 to 3 for those who enjoy specific details ! Afterwards, its best to water when you notice it drying out or shivering.
Humidity - Humidity can be a great way to help in basil’s growth, keeping it between a 40-60% humidity level is best. However its not a need for planting, I’ve done well growing them without a humidity box!
Best type of,, dirt - A light, nutrient packed, and well drained soil.
✨ Fertilizing and Pruning
Feeding - Just like a humidity box, fertilizer is not a constant requirement for basil but it does help! A 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 ratio of a NPK mixture (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) is considered best. Basil should be fed every month or so.
Pruning and harvesting - Use. Sharp. Clean. Tools. I know some people prefer to pinch leaves off, but using tools can minimize the chance of damage. When harvesting basil, make sure to do so from the top down- a good rule of thumb is to never take more than half of what it has to offer.
✨ Uses & Warnings * dont take my word alone, I highly urge you to do your own research to find out what is safe for you.
Cooking ; Basil is most commonly used in cooking ! Especially italian dishes. Both the leaves and flowers are edible, however the flowers hold a more packed basil flavor. Warning; Basil is safe to eat however in non-food quantities it can be very unsafe. Especially for pregnant people, people nursing, and toddlers/babies. Basil oils/extracts may also interact with medications.
Herbal Infusions/Teas ; The same warning as cooking remains, be conscious of the quantities you consume, and the medications it can interfere with. That aside however, brewing basil or even its flowers in hot water can be great !
Burning or Incense ; You can dry leaves in a window sill or upside down in bundles. Make sure you’re using a fire safe container to hold and catch the burning ashes. Be careful to avoid inhalation and only burn it in a well ventilated space.
Plant Buddies
✨ Good - These dynamics benefit each other! Plant them together for different effects.
Asparagus ; Basil and asparagus can attract ladybugs, which may help in controlling aphid infestations. Basil can also be used to protect asparagus from asparagus beetles.
Borage ; Improves the flavor and growth of basil ! Borage is a great edible plant that aids in repelling pests of other plants, but also assisting other plants develop better disease resistance. On top of all of that, it’s a pollinators favorite !
Chamomile ; Enhance basil’s essential oils, and by extension its taste.
Tomato ; Basil is great with deterring the tomato hornworm, but on top of that, both plants have been shown to better each other’s taste and yield.
Peppers ; Peppers and basil share the same bond as tomatoes and basil. Not only do they enhance each other, basil is great for protecting peppers from hungry pests.
Root Vegetables ; While this dynamic is only one way, its good to know that basil helps protect the leafy tops of most root vegetables when planted around them !
Marigolds ; Both work together to create an effective pest repellent using aroma.
Anise ; Just like chamomile, anise helps basil produce essential oils and with it better taste.
✨ Bad - Not exactly friendly with one another.
Cucumber ; Because cucumber is a plant that contains a high content if water, anything it’s planted with will affect its taste. Basil is known to make cucumber taste unsavory.
Fennel & Rue ; Both fennel and rue are notorious for stunting the plants near them.
Mint ; Mint is a selfish plant.
Thank you for reading through this post ! I’ll be posting the second half with Spiritual History and Correspondences soon as well !
🌱 My Garden Life
🌱 The Spruce Eats; Basil Flower Uses
🌱 Masterclass; Basil Companion Planting
🌱 Seeds & Grain; Companion Planting
🌱 RxList Basil Uses and Side Effects *this may be about “Holy Basil” however i still consider the information important knowledge.
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alisyamark · 1 year
Unwanted guests at home? Here's how to bid spiders goodbye! Tips and tricks for homeowners
Getting rid of spiders at home can be challenging, but with the right tools and techniques, keeping them at bay is possible. By keeping your home clean and tidy, sealing up any cracks and holes, using essential oils, getting rid of other insects, using sticky traps, and hiring a pest control professional, you can ensure your home is spider-free. Try these tips and tricks today and enjoy a spider-free home!
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bodyboostbro · 1 year
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