#established adrinette
The trust between Ladybug and Chat Noir is stretched to breaking point when a new butterfly holder emerges in the wake of Monarque's defeat. Chat Noir doesn't know who to trust until Chrysalis confronts him with a truth Ladybug had tried to bury: Monarque made the Wish—and she wants Chat Noir’s help to undo it.
“I shouldn’t,” she said quietly, turning her face away. “Besides, I’m not really in a party mood… there’s still Guardian stuff to do.” He studied her gaze, fixed on something unseen in the distance. Though he’d long grown accustomed to the way his heart tugged harder toward her the further away she went, this time the pang ground deeper in his chest. “Right, of course,” Chat Noir said, turning away too. “You took Monarque down.” You and Gabriel Agreste, he couldn’t help thinking. “I’m sure you have a lot to talk to Nooroo about. And Su Han. And the team.”  What a talk that would be, when Chat Noir would receive the play-by-play alongside all the other Holders. There was no point being angry about it. Not when Gabriel was gone, when Ladybug wore her victory like a shroud, when there was still so much work to do. Chat Noir didn’t know how to be angry without destroying anything—and so much had already been destroyed.  “And you have to find a new Butterfly Holder too, right?”
so excited to do this collab with @ladyofthenoodle! this fic is gonna be amazing guys. don't let all the angst scare you away from the happy ending ;)
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aalissy · 1 year
Anddd this chapter officially marks us a week into Ladrien June! I hope you guys like it. This chapter is set during mid-s5 so keep that in mind before reading :). Lemme know what you think <3
Ladybug felt her heart plummet to her stomach as she swung from rooftop to rooftop. She watched as the akuma slammed into the ground, mere inches away from Adrien. She picked up the pace, swinging faster in a desperate attempt to save him.
The akuma had interrupted her mini date with Adrien as Marinette at the Place des Vosges. He had gotten her to safety before leading the akuma away from her. A wonderful sacrifice that had left her heart wobbling in her chest. Either way, he had given her just enough time to transform and come back just to see that Adrien hadn’t made it out yet. 
An involuntary gasp left her lips as she watched him duck and dodge away from the slashes of the akuma’s sword. This only seemed to infuriate the villain whose mad swipes became shorter and quicker. Her heart pounded against her chest as she watched their battle.
Adrien attempted to roll out of the way and Ladybug held her breath. Some of the tension in her shoulders relaxed when she watched him stand up, seemingly unharmed. Narrowing her eyes, she was just about to land in front of him to keep him safe when the akuma lashed out once more, slicing against Adrien’s leg.
He fell to the ground with a wince, clutching his ankle in pain. A quiet, almost silent shriek tore through her lips as she saw him fall. A mixture of rage and worry overwhelmed her as she watched the akuma smirk, striding towards him. He pointed his sword, about to deliver the fatal strike.
But it was too late. Ladybug swooped in, picking Adrien up as she tore out of there as fast as she possibly could. She needed to get him to safety! Hopefully, Chat would be able to get started on the villain whilst she was busy protecting Adrien. Right now, all she could think about was making certain that he hadn’t gotten too badly injured.
She swung the two of them up to a rooftop. Carefully, she set him down on the ground. Her stomach swooped as she watched him almost fall straight back down. Using herself as support, she tried to take as much of his body weight as she could. 
Everything would be fine once she used her lucky charm, she tried to tell her racing heart. He’d be safe after she stopped that akuma once and for all. 
“Are you alright, Adrien?” Ladybug’s voice was soft as she gazed at him. Her hands trembled as he leaned even more against her, trying to take the pressure off his leg. She had to get him home. Had to ease at least some of his pain.
The grimace on Adrien’s face did nothing to assuage her worries. If anything it just made them worse. Especially when he tried to smile at her. It was weak and filled with pain. 
Her lips wobbled and she struggled to keep the sobs of apologies from leaving her lips. Adrien didn’t know who she was. Couldn’t know who she was. Not until Monarch was defeated and she could finally share her secret identity with him anyway.
“I’ll be alright, Ladybug.” He attempted to wave her off. “You need to go and stop that akuma.”
Already she was shaking her head. That was not happening. Not on her watch. He was much too important to her to leave him all alone on a rooftop. “That can wait, Adrien. I need to get you home. You need to lie down. You’re hurt.”
She scanned him, allowing herself a quiet breath of relief when she noticed that he was alright. She had been worried that the akuma’s sword had done serious damage to more than just his leg but that didn’t seem to be the case.
Her mind flashed back to that akuma, her thoughts filling with murderous fury as she recalled the way he had attacked Adrien. She was certainly going to make the fight a quick one this time.
Ladybug tried to pick him up but he simply hobbled away. A frown furrowed her brows as she watched him. Now he was being ridiculous. 
“I’m fine, really! Paris needs you. And I’ll be alright after you use your lucky charm anyway. Besides, I’m sure Chat Noir really needs your help right now.” A pointed look entered his eyes as he emphasized his words.
Her gaze softened and the small pucker on her forehead smoothed out as her head tilted. The tiniest smile lit up her face. It was no wonder that she had fallen in love with Adrien. He was so selfless. It was sweet. Even if it was stupid. Sometimes, she wished he could be just a little less stubborn.
Once again, Ladybug shook her head. “Chat’ll be fine. I trust him. I’m sure he’s already picked up a few things fighting the akuma.” An odd glint entered Adrien’s eyes but before she could decipher it, the look faded away. “But I won’t be able to focus unless I know that you’re home safe. I can’t just leave you alone up here. Right now, you need me more than Paris does.”
His lips parted in surprise and something that looked briefly like utter joy before he closed his eyes and shook his head harshly. Eventually, he opened them with a hesitant chuckle. “Well, if it helps you focus.”
Ladybug beamed. Taking him into her arms, she swung the two of them over to the manor. She let herself enjoy the brief, wonderful moments when her boyfriend was cradled in her arms. He looked so adorable cuddled against her chest. And it was nice to feel his arms tightly wrapped around her.
Quickly, though, Ladybug slid into his room. Unfortunately, there was still an akuma to fight. Gently, she placed him down on the couch. 
Worry and uncertainty fluttered in his eyes as Adrien shifted on the couch. Ladybug managed to hold in a sigh. If only she had managed to get there sooner. That way he never would have had the chance to get hurt. Then she could have stopped all of this pain from ever existing.
She retrieved a cushion and carefully propped it under his injured leg for support. Adrien winced as she adjusted his position, but he still managed to offer her a grateful smile nonetheless. Ladybug's heart swelled with affection as she brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead.
"Stay here, Adrien," she insisted gently, her voice filled with determination. "I'll be back as soon as I can. Just hold on, okay?"
Adrien nodded, his expression a mix of concern and trust. "Alright, Ladybug, I will. Just... be careful. Please. This akuma’s tough."
Before she could talk herself out of it, she pressed a brief kiss to his forehead. He looked shocked at the action and she gave him a small grin before rushing out of the room. Adrien didn’t call after her and she wasn’t sure whether she was glad he didn’t or not. She would’ve almost certainly gone back if he had. 
On one hand, Ladybug wanted to be able to spend even more time with him but on the other, she knew how essential it was that she helped Chat defeat this akuma. Oh, if only there were two of her. Then she’d be able to be in two places at once. Taking care of Adrien and saving Paris.
As she swung through the city, her mind raced with thoughts of both his safety and the akuma they had left behind. She knew that she had to defeat it to keep him safe but at the same time, all that she could think about was going back to his side to make certain he was alright.
As Ladybug neared the site where the akuma had last been spotted, she cleared her mind. It was time to focus. The faster she defeated him, the faster that she’d be able to check on the boy she loved.
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galahadwilder · 2 years
After a week of insisting to Alya that no, he and Marinette were not going to get together, he's in love with another girl, Adrien is both delighted and mortified to learn that actually, the other girl is Marinette and he's been acting like an ass all week. He falls into being Marinette's boyfriend quickly and easily, with all the gooey idiocy expected from a Lovesquare relationship, but one question keeps eating at him:
What is he going to tell Alya?
After all, he's been telling Alya no for a week. It won't be believable if he just suddenly claims he changed his mind, and he doesn't want her to think that he considers Marinette a second choice or backup option. He needs an explanation that sounds plausible while also not making it clear that he's not settling.
He shuffles through explanations with desperation. Maybe he and Marinette were secret pen pals? Or they knew each other from virtual Mecha Strike events, but only by their gamertags? They've actually been secretly dating for months but had to hide it from his dad? He'd realized he'd fallen out of love with the "girl from his work" and realized he'd actually been in love with Ma--no, she'd never believe that. He was so used to Anime relationships that he'd mistaken respect for love? Maybe, hard stretch, not great.
The next day at school, Alya sees the two of them necking and asks what changed, and Adrien launches into a long, complicated, incomprehensible explanation that he hopes will mollify her while protecting their identities.
This is approximately when Marinette realizes that she forgot to tell him that Alya found out a year ago.
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Can we all take a moment to appreciate that this scene, at most, takes place a couple of weeks after they officially got together, and already Adrinette have a wedding vision board?!?!
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And like, sure, Marinette has been planning their future together since day one, but does anyone really think that Marinette would allow Gabriel to so much as view this, without first receiving Adrien's approval?!? She even went so far as to put this in the sketchbook she brings along with her, so really anyone could see it. The logical explanation is that Adrien has not only seen these designs but has put his seal of approval on them.
Also, just wanted to point out the little hamsters on the page
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seas-of-silver · 1 year
I saw this video about a girl pranking her boyfriend by referring to him as her husband while placing a food order, and he got so freaking happy about it - it immediately made me think of established relationship post-reveal Adrienette and so I sent the vid to @frostedpuffs's discord server and got to talking with her, @skribbz, @lesbitorte, @galahadwilder and @rustyace:
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this honestly reads like a buggachat comic, so like... bugga... if you're looking for comic inspo, we humbly offer you our ideas~
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Tangled in Marinette’s blanket cocoon, it was warm enough Adrien didn’t feel like he’d woken up alone. He thumbed the comforter. The design was a ladybug perched on her kitty’s ear.
“Minou minou minou! Pancakes!”
Pancakes? Really? He climbed out of their bed. As much as he didn’t want to have to eat those things, it was worth it to see her.
A quick detour to clean his teeth and he stepped into their kitchen. She was there by the window, the sunrise sparkling in her messy hair. The tip of her nose tapped on her phone. Her hands were too full to text properly.
“Mon Adrien!” She waved her spatula at him. “Come see. I figured out the thread for my midterm.”
Her project was laid out over the counter in a mess of fabric scraps and pins. He could sew a bit, but not enough to help someone as talented as her. He met her bluebell eyes. “Beautiful.”
“We’re talking about the slippers.”
“But I was!” He grinned. “I wouldn’t call you just beautiful, ma lady. You’re beyond gorgeous. There are no words for how amazing you are. How I fall deeper in love every moment we spend together.” He slipped the spatula from her fingers, lowering his head over her calloused hand and letting his kiss linger.
She pushed him off. “Just go eat! Stupid, flirty alleycat.” Through the silky tangle of hair the back of her neck pinked.
“Alas, my love has banished me.” He took his seat in the breakfast nook and poked the awful, dry thing with his fork. It might smell good, but he wasn’t going to trust a pancake.
Over their time together, he’d made many sacrifices for his Marinette. A pancake was nothing. He cut a big chunk. Bracing himself, he shoveled it into his mouth.
It was buttery warmth and the soft flavor of bread. Surely it was a thick, fluffy crepe.
“This isn’t a pancake.”
It was tempting and luscious, whatever it was. He devoured it in two bites and wanted more.
“Is it bad? I take multitasking a bit far sometimes.”
He shook his head hard. “These are amazing. Pancakes are awful.”
“Had any pancakes since we brought down Monarque?”
The pancake mystery clicked together. “So, you’re saying now that I’m a part of your family I get Dupain-Cheng pancakes.”
“Yes, mon mari.” She dropped two buttery soft pancakes on his plate.
He smiled goofily up at his wife.
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cactusladybug · 9 months
Call it Even
By: abbysue, okayanna
Word Count: 76,449
Warnings: (Temporary) Major Character Death
After a year of dating, there is one thing Marinette knows for certain: it's her and Adrien against the world. Through it all, Adrien is kind, patient, and endlessly understanding—even as she tries her best to keep her secret superhero identity hidden from him along with the rest of the world.
Nothing could ruin it, not even the supervillains of Paris: Hawkmoth and Chat Noir.
(adrinette dating // ladynoir enemies au)
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ladyofthenoodle · 1 year
pre reveal established relationship adrinette where marinette goes to university and adrien misses her so he goes to visit as astrocat. and every time her roommate is like “marinette your boyfriends here” and marinette gets really defensive because chat noir is NOT her boyfriend, adrien is her boyfriend!!! and her roommate is like. whatever i’ll be in my room. you guy really need to dtr. and then it turns out that one day adrien had gone into the living room to detransform and feed plagg while her roommate was sitting alone in the dark contemplating her existence and she never mentioned it because she thought marinette knew and just had commitment issues
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coffeebanana · 4 months
pre-reveal, established adrinette fic where they're just goofing off one day and adrien says something so ridiculous that marinette's automatically like "stooooop, mon chaton"
adrien's wondering how the heck she figured him out and marinette's trying to figure out how she's supposed to 1. convince him she's NOT actually ladybug. it was totally just role play! which--oh no, what if adrien isn't into that sort of thing?! what if he thinks she's so totally weird and--, 2. if step one fails, how to explain that yes, she calls her partner pet names, but no it doesn't mean anything, even if she has kissed him once--twice--um, several times...
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lesbitorte · 5 months
Don't think of toxic Ladynoir. Don't think of it happening once adrinette is an established couple. Don't think of Ladybug being jealous of Chat Noir, he's happy with a girlfriend and that girlfriend is not her even though she shouldn't mind, Marinette is dating Adrien and everything is well. Don't think of Adrien looking at his relationship in sadness because everything he has with Marinette is what he wanted with Ladybug. Don't think of Ladybug acting up on her jealousy, don't think of Chat Noir snapping at her, don't think of them crying and shouting and wanting to kiss but also feeling all wrong about it. Don't think of adrinette falling apart because of this.
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aalissy · 5 months
Lucky Charms
Anddd day 21 is now finished :). I really hope you like this lil fluffy oneshot <3. If you do, please lemme know! I also hope you had a great weekend!
Marinette gently ran her fingers along Adrien’s wrist, twirling the charm bracelet that she had given him. “I can’t believe you still have this,” she murmured.
They were sitting on her chaise, a movie playing as they cuddled close together. Adrien shook his head, craning his neck back to look back at her. “You gave it to me, of course, I kept it.”
She giggled shyly, tucking her hair back behind her ear. “Yeah, but I mean I don’t know. I gave that bracelet to you back before we ever got together. Before you ever even had feelings for me. Back when I was still a blushing, stuttering awkward mess around you.”
A frown creased Adrien’s brow before he paused the movie, turning around to squeeze her hand in his. “Marinette, I treasured everything you gave to me back then.”
“Really?” she asked, a smile teasing at the edges of her lips.
“Really.” Adrien grinned back before he began to chuckle. “Honestly, Marinette, I should have realized I was in love with you sooner than I did just from how many signs there were. Every single thing you made for me, I’d just stare at for hours. Pl- er, my friend used to tease me about just how long I’d spend idolizing the little gifts you gave me.”
Marinette’s eyes softened at his little speech before she tugged him closer, wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him. “I love you,” she murmured in between kisses. “So... so much.”
Their laughter filled the cozy space of Marinette's room, blending with the quiet noises of the Parisian streets below. Adrien's arms tightened around her, his lips meeting hers in a tender embrace that spoke volumes of their shared love for one another.
"I love you too, Marinette," Adrien whispered, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "You've always been the one for me, even when I didn't realize it."
Marinette smiled against his lips, her heart fluttering with happiness. She traced the outline of his jaw with her fingertips, pecking another kiss on his lips. "I'm so glad we found our way to each other, Adrien. Even if it took just a bit longer than expected."
Adrien chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with adoration. "It was worth the wait. Every moment with you is a treasure."
They stayed wrapped in each other's arms, lost in a world where time seemed to stand still. The charm bracelet Marinette had given Adrien glinted in the soft light, a silent witness to the love that had blossomed between them.
“Wait just one second,” she murmured, getting up before heading over to her pink backpack. She rummaged in it for a brief moment before sliding on the charm bracelet that Adrien had given her on her birthday. 
“Now we’re matching.” Marinette grinned shyly up at him, her cheeks a rosy red.
He traced his fingers along the bracelet before embracing her as he brushed another kiss against her lips. “You kept this silly old thing?” he asked, his green eyes gleaming at her playfully.
“Of course!” Marinette giggled. “You gave it to me. You can’t even begin to understand just how many butterflies you gave me when I first unwrapped it.”
Adrien traced her cheek, running his thumb along it softly. “I remember being terrified when I gave that to you. I thought you’d hate it.”
“Nope.” She shook her head with a smile, twirling it around her wrist. “It was my favorite gift that day.”
They leaned into each other, their hearts beating in sync. Marinette’s eyes fluttered closed as she sighed happily. This was more than she could have ever even dreamed back when she first realized how desperately in love with him she was.
And in that quiet moment of togetherness, the world outside faded away into insignificance. Marinette knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other and the magic of their love to guide them through.
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galahadwilder · 2 years
The Scars War Leaves Behind
Chapter 2
AO3 is Linked in Bio
When he was a boy, Simon had loved comics. Knightowl had been his favorite—he'd related, in a lot of ways, to Sparrow, and he'd been inspired by the Dynamic Duo's insistence on doing the right thing, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Before Hawkmoth, Monarch, reading about the adventures of those superpowered Americans, how evil always lost and problems were always solved and villains always defeated, had been calming, inspiring—until Hawkmoth had terrorized Paris for half a decade without any sign of getting caught.
But before that, he'd read one comic that had been very... different. Darker, full of failure and loss, of broken heroes who sacrificed everything to win, and sometimes the wins weren't even worth it. Violent, bloody, desperate. He probably shouldn't have had his hands on it, not at that age, but he'd been fascinated. Horrified, but fascinated. And there had been some elements that had stuck out to him, that he remembers even to this day.
In the first chapter of the comic, there'd been an old joke about a therapist and a clown. He knows there’s an earlier version of the joke, but the one from the comic is the one he remembers:
A man goes to a therapist about his depression. He tells his therapist that life seems harsh and cruel, that he feels all alone in a threatening world, that what lies ahead is vague and uncertain.
The therapist thinks for a bit, then tells him, "I have an idea for you. The great clown Grimaldi is in town tonight. You should go and see him—that should pick you up!"
The patient bursts into tears. "But Doctor," he sobs, "I am Grimaldi!"
Looking at Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng—at Ladybug—the joke seems a lot less funny. With a lot of his patients, he frequently recommends calming their flashbacks or their panic attacks by imagining their fear as an Akuma and then visualizing themselves as Ladybug or Chat Noir, invincible, unstoppable, powerful enough to take on anything. It helps a lot of them—his whole generation grew up idolizing Ladybug, believing in her, looking up to her as the ultimate hero.
It doesn’t take a genius psychiatrist to recognize that, with this patient, that approach would only trigger her worse. One look in those haunted eyes and he knows, Ladybug is a trigger. Akuma aren’t something easily conquered, not to her—they’re fear and responsibility and pain and panic. Now that he’s looking for it, it’s pretty obvious that her glances around the room at his various superhero pictures and collectibles aren’t grounding her, they’re agitating her. And he’s not entirely sure what to do with that.
So he does the only thing he can.
”Start from the beginning,” he says, leaning forward and steepling his fingers.
Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng takes a deep, steadying breath, pulling her legs onto the chaise and crossing them under herself. “When I was 13,” she says, shrinking into herself, “I was late for my first day of school.”
Hearing that feels like queuing up for the bathroom at the back of an airplane and then suddenly getting hit by a train. It’s such a mundane thing to say, such an average, run-of-the-mill problem, he’d never have expected that to be the start of it. He’d figured it would be something bigger, something momentous, some moment where she’d found a secret cave behind a waterfall or met a wise old mentor who bestowed upon her the magic jewels. Not something as simple, as prosaic, as being late for school.
But if there’s one thing Simon has learned from this work, it’s that it’s the small things that stick in someone’s mind sometimes. And if something like that stuck… it would be because it was part of something very big. And sometimes starting small, starting with the mundane, is how his patients ease themselves into talking about the big, damaging stuff.
The way she tugs on her own fingers, not looking up at him, but staring resolutely at the Ladybug-red carpet—he'll have to do something about that for her visits, that's probably not a good color for her—only reinforces his assumption.
"I lived in my parents’ bakery, back then,” she continues. “It was right across the street from the school, but I was a chronic oversleeper.”
That’s another unexpected detail to file away about Ladybug, then. Not a morning person, probably very tired. More tired than she ever let on to the public. Even without the Akuma to keep her awake some nights.
”I was running across the street, and…" Her voice starts to grow more ragged as she speaks. "This... little old man." Her hands go completely still at the mention of this person. "He dropped his cane and fell, in the middle of the crosswalk. There were cars coming.”
Simon's stomach drops, knocking him back in his chair. The way she's speaking, the way she's moving, something clearly happened to this old man, something she's still dwelling on to this day. He remembers, in the comics he loved, how frequently the superhero would have some kind of tragedy in their backstory, some trauma that drove them. Did Mme. Dupain-Cheng watch this man get hit by a car? He knows full well the kind of effect something that violent would have on a 13-year-old—he's seen the haunted looks in patients who'd had to watch their parents or friends or siblings die, only to be magically brought back again. But this accident would be pre-Ladybug. Pre-cure.
Simon's mind spins, thinking about possibilities. Maybe this man been carrying the magic jewels, the Miraculous, and they'd spilled across the street for anyone to grab. Was that how Ladybug had gotten hers? Was that how Hawkmoth had gotten his?
"I ran back to help him up," she says, and Simon feels the tension in his shoulders release. Not that, then. Not the worst-case. Still, though, something bad happened to this man, something she still hasn't processed.
She brushes a bit of hair out of her face, still staring at the floor. "Apparently, that was the test!" she says—she's laughing, but there's no humor in it. "He purposely fell down in the street, and... whoever stopped to pick him up..."
It's not hard to notice her word choice. Whoever, she said. Implying that she felt like it could've been anyone. Implying two very different statements: I'm not special, and Why did it have to be me?
Then her face softens. "Adrien had a similar test, apparently," she says, and for the first time since she revealed her identity, she finally looks up and meets his eyes. "Master Fu fell down in front of him, too. He had to choose between his own freedom, or helping a stranger."
"Freedom?" That’s a concerning word, especially if this Adrien was the same or similar age to her when it happened.
"His dad..." She stops, starts picking at her fingers again. Her gaze shoots to the left, at the picture of the victorious super team taken less than an hour after Monarch’s arrest. "His... his father..." 
"You don't need to tell me anything you don't want to," Simon tells her, gently.
Marinette swallows, tearing her eyes away from the picture and back to Simon’s sweater. "...Okay."
"Adrien." Circling back to that. Talking about Adrien is the most comfortable, the happiest, he's seen her since she entered his office, and he wants her to be at ease. "This would be... Chat Noir?"
Marinette nods. "I think Fu was testing whether Adrien would use his power selfishly, or whether he'd put others first." She purses her lips. "I... my test was... it was so simple, in comparison. I don't even know what it was for."
Translation: I don’t know why I deserved to be Ladybug over anyone else. He suspects she does know, or at least did at one point, but it’s been buried under so much pain that she can’t retrieve the memory. But he does have a suspicion.
"How close were the cars?" he says.
Marinette blinks, startled. "I, um." She swallows, uncrossing her legs and pressing her feet down into the plush if the carpet. "I don't know."
Simon nods. He wouldn’t expect her to, but he’s willing to bet that there had to be at least some danger. "Maybe this... Master Fu?"
Marinette nods.
"Maybe Master Fu was testing to see if you'd put yourself in danger to save someone else."
As soon as he says it, he can see in her face that it's absolutely the wrong thing to have said. All of the shaky, nervous, extraneous movements suddenly stop; her face turns ashen as her eyes sink further into her head. He knows she's not in his office anymore—she's somewhere far away, somewhere dark and painful, and the hitch in her breath is the only way he can tell she's still alive.
"Mademoiselle?" he ventures, hesitant. He's tripped over a trigger, and he's uncertain as to how to proceed until he knows what it is.
"If—" she begins, then halts. Closes her eyes, tears squeezing out from the corners of her eyes. "If... if I'm the one who's supposed to be in danger..."
Simon's eyes widen as he straightens in his chair. Oh. Oh no. Oh no, he knows where this is going, this was just supposed to be a gentle introduction to—
"He... he k-keeps..." Marinette sobs, before slamming her fist into the couch's armrest, her voice rising to a tear-filled, grief-stricken scream. "S-s-stupid fucking bastard cat won't! Fucking! Stop! Goddamn! Dying!"
@ravnskold @shinyredjacket @bitterblue-city @bugaboooooooooo @steelblaidd @naresar @flightfoot @gentil-minou @mari13606 @trippingovermyfeet @caissa2021 @s-n-arly @dorkwingdad @ineedabettername2124 @fandomthoughts0620 @placeholdernr57@turtle-gem @sadwinistic @onenerdymoth @booksfoodmusic-minion @lady-charinette @backyardbob01 @turandont @mishkamitsukuni @northernbluetongue
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almadesarrollo · 9 months
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YES YES YES!! This is great news, miraculers, because it is not just that the series itself is advancing, it is that the creators and producers of the series have a great organization.
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Ok, let me explain.
AS YOU ALREADY KNOW, season 6 consists of 26 episodes with a duration of 22 minutes.
This has always been the case, it is the quantity and duration of the series (with some exceptions that have to be explained more and the chapter lasts longer) And of course I thought: "How?! There's not going to be time for the felinette, the content falls short!!" And for the route that they were already on in S6, they must sow the seed of these 2 and at least give them a slight development or introduction, (you know, develop their friendship a little and have them interact a little more, that's the beginning) to May this flourish in S7 and other seasons... but of course I thought: "there's not going to be time and it's a lot of running around like the adrinette!"
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THINK ABOUT IT, we have many things left to see and develop that are almost confirmed by the clues of the beings: developing Lila's villainy (we don't know how long she will last as a villain, Gabriel lasted several seasons hahaha), Adrien's villainy, breaking the Adrianette and make Marinette evolve for it, Adrien's akumatization, Marinette's akumatization, more information about Felix's past, Alya's betrayal, the introduction and development of chatnoir x Ryuko, (make Kagami and Adrien fall in love) , more powers of ladybug and chatnoir, more information about the guardians and the temples etc...
As you can see, there are many things to develop and it is not vast with a single chapter, but now that I see that they have several specials, because what this gives me hope, these people really have it under control and surely, there will be even more material, only They have not yet communicated it because it is not official and several things have to be established, but this clearly shows that there are people behind it knowing what they are doing, that the felinette is going to develop as it deserves and THAT THIS IS THE END OF THE GAME.
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"Still better than show! Marinette's friends all guilt tripping Adrien for prioritizing his own emotional needs and mental health over Marinette's feelings." I know this was probably a throwaway comment, but I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on this, if that's not a bother.
It's... How should I put this? Everyone except Nino is not Adrien's friend.
They're Marinette's.
This has only become more true as the seasons wore on. While you could say that Adrien was friends with the boys in season one, with episodes like Gamer. Post season three they only care about Adrien insofar as they ship Adrinette.
Which, sure most of the girls' interactions with Marinette are also shipping related. But the difference is that they are acting with Marinette.
Whereas Adrien is never made aware of any of this until they actually started dating. They don't even think to ask him if he wants to date Marinette.
It's just assumed Adrien would say yes.
(The only exception to this is Zoe but her objection to pairing up two people who might not want to be together has more to do with her friendship/crush on Marinette than any relationship she has with Adrien.)
This all leaves Marinette's friends with a vested interest in Marinette dating Adrien while also establishing that they don't take Adrien himself into account.
A perfect example is when Marinette catastrophizes that Adrien would date Kagami and none of the girls' objections included what Adrien himself wanted.
Season 5 basically leaves all of Marinette's friends in that state Up to Eleven.
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If the woman at the pool really is Amilie then from S6 onwards we will have 2 orphans in the main narrative: Adrien and Lila
That fact that it's these two is honestly weirdly giving me hope
and yes, Adrien is an orphan. Just because he doesn't live alone and has legal guardian/s and a girlfriend doesn't it mean he isn't an orphan anymore. Marinette holding his hands and kissing him is not undoing the fact that Adrien's mother died harshly of illness almost 2 years ago and he thinks his father now died because Ladybug was partnerless and Gabriel as the only adult member of the Resistance and as Adrien's father - Adrien, who was thought to have been kidnapped - filled in Chat's place to defeat Monarque.
The amount of death surrounding Adrien's narrative right now - if the woman truly is Amilie - is beyond concerning.
Add Adrien blaming himself for Monarque having been cataclysmed in "Destruction" to the mix, plus depending on how Ladybug will go about Monarque's defeat she may use as a cover story towards the world in a panic reaction that Monarque crumbled to dust because of the cataclysm, which would indirectly but very directly include making Chat Noir responsible for Monarque's death in front of the whole world which in normal Miraculous fashion Marinette probably only accepts 20 episodes later to sweep it under the rug because *sighs; unfortunately insert random excuse for why she's blameless*
And let's not forget the fact that Adrien still had to wittness Nathalie having been sick like his mother (though Adrien never saw Nathalie in her worst state) and he also knows that Nathalie and his father were very close to the point where he has already given his blessing in season 3 and in s5 Nathalie has worn his mother's ring.
And now Adrien has every reason to blame himself for his father's death.
Take a damn guess if Nathalie being his legal guardian is enough for Adrien to not be or feel like an orphan anymore!
Then there is Amilie being around who looks like his dead mother and most likely can't stand either of his dead parents
Or Félix being around who gave ShadowMoth the 15 miraculous' which made Monarque as powerful and dangerous as he was (that's an objective fact) which for Adrien also would have lead into his father's death which is gonna be awful when Félix bad mouths Gabriel with Kagami, Marinette, Ladybug or in general.
Depending on what everyone else thinks and remembers, Adrien's friends may bad mouth Gabriel as Adrien's father too since that's what everything has lead up to by "Representation".
And let's not even get into Lila now.
The way Lila at this point would have such alarmingly easy game taking Adrien from Marinette and the rest of his friends and family, and also Chat Noir from Ladybug and her team that has barely ever been his anyway - especially now that there are 4 people in Ladybug's team who know her identity and he will continue not being allowed to be included in any of that, because I don't know how realistic it is to hold onto any hope regarding this - is ... insane. This is absolutely insane.
I know hoping that the new villain will latch onto everything bad and unfair is a shitty and biased thing to do, but Lila's villain narrative will be all about her being an orphan (right? That makes sense with the whole mothers thing and her extreme attention seeking behavior while not having a home. Just dialed up to the worst 11) and now Adrien is one too after.. all of THAT and how Adrinette and especially Ladynoir are at risk because of all the lies and secrets Lila is perfectly aware of.
For me there is a difference between wanting a new villain to latch onto the unfair treatment of a character because of one's own personal biase and just straight up refusing to get out of one's denial to acknowledge it when a new villain not only as an established character but story wise too has every reason in the book to do that now.
Do what you want, but I'm not putting my TRUST into LILA for her to not be as stupid as Gabriel because that's "mean to Marinette/Ladybug"
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Can I just say that I was always an adrinette girly. I have always adored adrinette. But going the adrinette canon pre reveal way was never how I expected the show going and I have to say I hate it.
I feel like it removes all the flavor from the love square. Ladynoir are friends, marichat and ladrien do simply not exist anymore. Them reversing it for those few episodes was awesome. But then to just throw away marinettes development of her feelings for Chat? It just doesn’t make any sense to me.
I feel like it could be done right if their was more pining. If Marinette loved Adrien and their relationship but had a constant guilt of loving Chat as well. If Adrien felt he couldn’t devote himself fully to Marinette because deep down he still loved his lady, too. But seemingly, this is now not the route they are taking since they’re in an established relationship. I supposed that there’s still a chance that this could happen, but it doesn’t seem it’s going that way.
And a little more of a personal opinion, but I MISS LADYNOIR!!! The angst of their relationship, the banter, just everything. I feel like there are so many ways they could’ve done the love square better, even what they’re doing currently better. But it just falls flat to me. Marinette decides to get over chat noir, and Adrien magically decides to get over Ladybug after realizing he loves marinette. I know there are more factors but this is just how it seems. I miss my lovesquare, adrinette is not complete without the full picture.
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