#esther and jerry hicks
brettesims · 2 months
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You ARE joy❣️
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symphonyoflovenet · 2 years
Your true happiness happens when you discover that no one other than yourself is responsible for the way you feel.
Esther and Jerry Hicks, The Vortex
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davestone13-blog · 7 months
The Seeker's Guide to the Abraham Hicks Universe: Which Books to Read First?
Ah, seekers of wisdom and cosmic giggles, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to the mystical world of Abraham Hicks, where the Law of Attraction reigns supreme, and reality is as bendy as a spoon in the Matrix. So grab your spiritual popcorn and buckle up; we’re about to dive into the universe of Abraham Hicks. A Roosevelt Island Daily News Feature First off, who or what is Abraham Hicks?…
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mrs-trophy-wife · 3 months
It doesn't matter how big it is, if you believe it, it will be.
—Abraham Hicks
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Make a declaration to yourself right now that you are ready to take back your power and use it to create the life you want.
Idil Ahmed
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kinhagamer · 1 year
[Livros] TBR 2023: 15 livros espiritualistas ou religiosos que vou ler em 2023
[Livros] TBR 2023: 15 livros espiritualistas ou religiosos que vou ler em 2023
Janeiro ainda não chegou, mas já comecei minha lista de promessas (^_^)”. Ler mais, não abandonar a academia, ler um livro de inglês por mês, hummm comecei a divagar. Voltando o FOCO escolhi 15 livros espiritualistas e/ou religiosos para ler em 2023 e confesso que alguns já estavam nas minhas listas de anos anteriores. Mas 2023 vai ser diferente, né? Espero que agora com esse desafio público eu…
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#32 Demandez et Vous Recevrez : Un guide pour manifester vos désirs
Salut à toi ! Ma deuxième critique de livre ! 🙌🏾 C'est l'occasion pour toi faire connaissance avec peut-être LE livre qui m'a le PLUS inspiré : Demandez et Vous Recevrer ! 📚 Clique pour en prendre connaissance. 😉 Namastē 🙏🏾
Salut à toi ! 😊 Te demandes-tu parfois comment transformer tes désirs en réalité ? Comment certains semblent attirer la chance, l’amour ou la réussite comme si c’était un jeu d’enfant ? Aujourd’hui, je vais partager avec toi une de mes lectures les plus inspirantes : Demandez et Vous Recevrez, un livre fascinant écrit par Esther et Jerry Hicks. Dans cet article, nous allons plonger dans…
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hugenays · 1 year
Wenn sie also sagen: »Ich weiß nicht, was ich will«, meinen sie damit eigentlich: »Ich weiß nicht, wie ich bekommen kann, was ich will«.
– The Law of Attraction (Esther & Jerry Hicks)
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theonegod420 · 2 years
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topaudiobooksit · 2 years
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Chiedi e ti sarà dato - Esther Hicks & Jerry Hicks https://ift.tt/l6DXYW8
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sleepysera · 29 days
"You are here to create the world around you that you choose, while you allow the world--as others choose it to be--to exist, also. And while their choices in no way hinder your own choices, your attention to what they are choosing does affect your vibration, and therefore your own point of attraction."
-Esther and Jerry Hicks, The Law of Attraction (2006)
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symphonyoflovenet · 2 years
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Being happy is a very personal thing—and it really has nothing to do with anyone else. - Esther and Jerry Hicks
More Happiness Quotes and Sayings
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yilisbookclub · 1 year
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"Ask and It Is Given" is a book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, which presents the teachings of Abraham, a non-physical entity channeled by Esther Hicks. The book explores the law of attraction and how individuals can use it to manifest their desires and live a more fulfilling life.
The book provides a step-by-step guide to the process of manifesting, starting with understanding the basic principles of the law of attraction and how to align one's thoughts and emotions with one's desires. The authors argue that by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, individuals can attract positive experiences and opportunities into their lives.
The book also offers practical exercises and techniques for practicing the law of attraction, such as visualization, affirmations, and meditation. It emphasizes the importance of taking inspired action toward one's goals and remaining in a state of positive expectation and gratitude.
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imeverywoman420 · 8 months
reading this article about jerry and esther hicks and the author is clearly a redditor. He was like “if positive thinking works so good then why did jerry die” bc he had cancer and he was like 60 bro? They didnt say to not take medicine or go to the doctor they literally always said “let the doctor worry about it. Act as if you are already healthy while you follow their advice”
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sheismo · 1 year
𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧✨📌
- This post is mostly dedicated to the laws of ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ which can grant one success. The law of Attraction is a law within itself ; it is the 4th law of the of the “Twelve laws of the Univese.” It’s suggested to read & understand the “Twelve laws of the Universe” before focusing solely on the law of Attraction. This post will simply break down the laws & factors of law of Attraction. You will have a deeper understanding of the meaning ,”rules” & how to use the information as a tool for SUCCESS. Each law will be explained in great detail. “ Nothing exists outside of your own consciousness, and your entire experience of the world is simply a projection of your internal consciousness.” - Neville Goddard
Tip : REMEMBER INTENTION ! ⭐️ An intention is a tool of conception, as in the seed that is planted in fertile soil. Manifestation is the tool of creation, as in the flower that blossoms from the seed. Your intention is the energy that is backing up your desire.
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What is the law of Attraction ?
✮ It is a law that is based on the fact that both positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. It is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are made from "pure energy" and that like energy can attract like energy. This law allows people to improve their health,looks, wealth, personal relationships & life overall.
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 ✓
⍟ “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne
⍟ “ The Law of Assumption” by Neville Goddard
⍟ “Ask & Give” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
Laws That Go Hand & Hand 📌
Now let’s REALLY get down to the real tea on this law & how you can use it to have WHATEVER & yes I mean literally whatever you want. Time to dig deep …
1.) Law of Ask & Allowing
2.) Law of Visualization
3.) Law of Assumption
4.) Law of Gratitude
⭒ 𝐀𝐬𝐤 & 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰
- The act of Asking for what you want helps you become clear about what you want. Being clear in your own mind is required for the universe to get a clear signal. If you are not clear, you will send out mixed frequencies. If the universe picks up mixed frequencies, you will attract mixed results. Being specific and clear about your desires sends specific and clear signals into the universe. Be specific.
Law of Allowing is the most difficult law in the Law of Attraction ; the law is simply the absence of negative thoughts or vibrations, along with no doubt for what is being attracted. All doubt must be removed from the belief surrounding what is being attracted. Removing the doubt is called Allowing. The rate of speed at which the Law of Attraction manifests the experience of desire, is directly affected by how much is just simply allowed. There are only two types of emotions used in the Law of Attraction, good emotion and bad emotions that create and allow the experience Forcing or worrying about the desire of attraction will only slow down or stop the process. Doubt comes from having limited belief in what is being attracted. This is where most people give up on attracting what they desire, because there simply is no understanding of how to allow or just to be. Limited beliefs can block what you are trying to attract into your life.
⭒ 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
- Visualization is mentally picturing what you want. The state of mind—the plane on which we visualize—is as real as the physical world. All the pretty pictures you created in your mind will become the pictures of your life. Visualization is effective because it harnesses the power of our subconscious mind. The human brain is the most powerful tool you can possibly possess Visualization is about allowing thoughts, ideas, goals & etc. to emerge as mental, inner images in the mind’s eye. Visualization works because the brain cannot determine whether something is really seen, in other words, viewed in the real world or whether it is just imagined.Therefore you can “trick” your subconscious mind and show it a self-designed, self-created reality and thereby anchor this “new” reality into your subconscious mind. Reprogramming the subconscious is a very important step in manifesting, especially when it comes to breaking old belief patterns. To attract the desired outcome, you must visualize until your ideas feel real. Once your visualizations have been subconsciously absorbed, your subconscious will do everything it can to live up to that reality. The daily practice of visualizing your dreams as already complete can rapidly accelerate your achievement of those dreams, goals, and ambitions. ** Tip : Create a vision board for reference. 📌
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⭒ 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✶ MOST IMPORTANT LAW ✶ - The Law of Assumption states that whatever you assume as true becomes your reality. The key to using the Law of Assumption to manifest your desires is to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled . Your imagination has the power to change your reality by changing your internal state. The law of Assumption maintains that everything that exists was once imagined. The more vividly you can imagine yourself experiencing your desire in your mind, the more quickly you will be able to experience it in the physical world. It proposes that our assumptions about life have immense power to positively or negatively impact the fulfillment of our wishes and desires. The subconscious can not determine reality from imagination. It assumes that what you think and feel are true. Feelings naturally arise from that which we believe to be true, and it's these feelings that are the catalyst for manifesting your dreams. If you can feel it and sense it, and if you can do this persistently, it will manifest in your reality. Take it to the next level by imagining how your manifestation can elevate the spirits of your family, loved ones, and friends. Ex: If you want to manifest a new car, don’t just think about your shiny paint job or your fancy interior.Go beyond the form by imagining how good it feels to drive your new car & the places you’ll go to in your new car. ⭒ Gratitude - Learning and practicing the law of Gratitude will enhance the practice of the law of attraction.Gratitude is defined as an attitude of being thankful, being ready to show appreciation for anything received. It also includes returning the kindness. Terms include thankfulness, thanks, appreciation, indebtedness. If you express gratitude, you will attract more of the reason for expressing gratitude. It can be transforming. Since your mind attracts more of what you focus your mind on, the more gratitude you express, the more you will be able to express. Likewise, the more misery you think about, the more you will attract into your life. The best way to jump start the law of attraction is to start manifesting thankfulness in your life. Manifest gratitude about everything, even the little things.An important aspect of gratitude is to express gratitude to the source of all life. The way most go about explaining the laws of attraction is to give praise to the creation. The praise goes to the universe. ✦ Sharing is caring #GoodLuck ✦
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Mon Défi Personnel
Mon tout premier article ! 😁 Je t'y partage un Défi que je me suis lancé ! Est-ce que tu penses pouvoir y apporter ta touche ?
Avant de parler de Mon Défi Personnel, laisse-moi me présenter un poil : Je m’appelle Rahner Carpel (c’est bien moi sur la photo😄). Professionnellement parlant, je suis Coach & Consultant Spirituel. J’ai accompagné, et aidé, un certain nombre de personnes avec succès. Et pourtant, concernant ce Défi, je pars de zéro. Du néant. Enfin presque en fait (j’en parlerai un peu plus tard). En…
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