#et contactee
cat-eye-nebula · 2 years
ET contactee Elena Danaan: I saw the future, 20 years from now (with an Alpha Centaurian time-looking-device). Our utopic future is being created now. We are already on the positive timeline. Full Disclosure will happen and we will become members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Advanced technologies are already being build, ready to be released, to heal us, nature, the air and the oceans. The Great Awakening is here and the Deep State is losing. 🌌🌎🤍🛸💫
Video source: CONTACT with Haben of Meton~ Dec 16, 2022 // Telegram version
Elena Danaan is Extraterrestrial contactee since childhood. She became an emissary for the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Elena is an Archaeologist who spent many years working on diverse sites in Egypt and in France studying ancient cultures.
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cosmicbuddhi · 3 months
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the-wangfang · 1 year
Benevolent ETs & Earth Changes: Insights from Andromedan Contactee Alex ...
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giltines-blood · 2 months
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tjmorrisagency · 4 months
ET Notes
Two Janet’s Journey: Lifelong Contactees in the Age of Ascension Chapter 1: The Awakening Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris sat in her study, the soft glow of her desk lamp illuminating the pages of her latest manuscript. She paused, her pen hovering above the paper, as memories of her first contact flooded her mind. It was a night like any other when the sky opened up, revealing a presence that…
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divine-nonchalance · 4 months
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ufo-thetimesareripe · 9 months
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J. Burkes MD 2024
**On July 28th, 2019, I addressed the MUFON International Symposium in Irvine California. I described a remarkable series of sightings my contact team had in a lecture titled, “Human Initiated Contact Experiences and the Consciousness Connection.”**
Thirty-two years ago, I took a walk on the wild side. I joined a group that had the audacity to go out at night and try to co-create contact experiences with the intelligence associated with the so-called UFO phenomenon. To my surprise and initial delight, we were immediately successful. During our first month of teamwork, we had several sightings while in the field.But stranger still was that these “Others that Experiencers now call ET” (TOTENCET) targeted us to have individual sightings under circumstances that were not associated with conducting the prescribed “contact protocols.” One senior member of team reported receiving the following telepathic communication while viewing a large glowing orb flying above her driveway, “You wanted to see us; well, here we are.”
UFO contact teams like those in the CE-5 Initiative, and the Peruvian based group called Rahma facilitate contact experiences with combined programs of psychic/ spiritual training and active fieldwork. These groups emphasize the importance of mental connections between volunteer contact workers and UFO intelligences.
I organized a contact team in 1992 and for over five years served as a CE-5 Working Group Coordinator.
As a contact team coordinator in Los Angeles, I had ample opportunities to observe unusual occurrences. One definition of “High Strangeness” is the inexplicable aspects including the synchronicity of events that occur before, during and after various Close Encounters with flying saucers or presumed ET beings.
By definition, one cannot fully explain the inexplicable, nevertheless one can endeavor to describe the inexplicable and, in the process, possibly gain insight into the mechanisms of contact.**INITIAL EXPECTATIONS WERE WAY OFF BASE**
My initial expectation after becoming CE-5 Working Group Coordinator in 1992 was that UFO sightings would occur as an exclusive function of fieldwork. I anticipated that as my team mastered the contact protocols, we would experience higher and higher levels of contact and that this would occur in a stepwise fashion.
To my surprise, however, as soon as our Working Group started to carry out field investigations, a few individuals started reporting personal sightings of UFOs. The witnesses to these sightings were members of the team, or as in one instance the physician wife of a CE-5 investigator. In her case, she became very interested in UFOs as the result of a daylight sighting of a metallic disc. She subsequently underwent formal training and joined our team.
These events transpired while the observers were driving home. It is important to note that the first series of sightings happened during the initial month following the workshop in August of 1992 that founded the LA CE-5 Working Group. Just two days after thedemonstration of fieldwork techniques, the first personal sighting occurred.
**INDIVIDUAL SIGHTING 1, Sept. 1, 1992**
Joseph Burkes MD: while driving home on the 405 Freeway South the Sepulveda Pass at approximately 11:30 PM, I had a sighting of an anomalous nocturnal light. It appeared over the highway as a brilliant blue-green light that silently flew by the witness in a northerly direction. It had a slight oscillating movement. At its closest approach, the light was less than 500 feet away. There was no discernible superstructure associated with the object. This impressed me because of the considerable amount of background illumination from city lights that should have made the shape of any conventional craft visible.
The sighting occurred immediately after I had carried out a vigorous defense of the CE-5 program to several prominent ufologists. They were rather skeptical of our program of staging human-initiated contact events.conscious decisions by intelligent and technologically sophisticated extraterrestrial beings that staged the encounters for teaching purposes.
I wondered whether the choice of individuals selected for the sightings, or perhaps other details had special significance. Michael Lindemann, a prominent student of non-human intelligence, has cautioned ufologists to never assume that they can think like an alien. In other words, we should not try to impose what passes as human “conventional wisdom” on beings that may have evolved on different star systems.
Such extraterrestrial civilizations would undoubtedly have entirely different cultures, different value systems, and different social organizations as compared to those of Earth. With such infinite possibilities, perhaps a technologically advanced civilization for purposes unknown to us might choose to communicate via outlandishly subtle means.
It should be remembered that approximately 10% of the US population claim to have had a sighting of a UFO. In terms of an individual’s lifetime of experiences however, a sighting is an exceedingly rare event for most people. The fact that these three individuals who knew each other had a sighting within a few weeks should diminish the odds that they were mere coincidences.
Even less likely to occur by chance is the fact that the circumstances of the sightings were highly congruent. The observers were all driving home and were alone in their vehicles. Even the direction of travel was the same; we were all going south when the encounters took place.
In my sighting, I had just left a meeting after engaging in a heated polemic defending our program of human initiated interactions with what I believed at the time was an extraterrestrial intelligence. Present at the meeting was the “old guard” of ufology. Prominent researcher and author Ann Druffel was there. She explained to me that as “ufologists” we should study other people’s sightings to determine if they are “anomalous” i.e., “true unknowns.”
In no uncertain terms, I labeled her approach “old fashioned.” I stated that the contact network which I would later call “The Contact Underground” had, “opened up a new era in UFO research.” As I left the meeting it was clear that I would never again be invited back to the prestigious “LA UFO Study Group.”phenomenon. His name is Preston Dennett. There was also successful a film writer that had an undergraduate degree from Harvard and two master’s degrees. I have kept in touch with Captain Joe Vallejo who was a “Line” pilot for United Airlines. He ended his career as a 747 pilot. Joe has not had any further interactions with UFO intelligence. In subsequent years I attempted to facilitate contact team formation. I was never able to bring together such a unique and highly functional group as our original team.share the shocking aspects of contact with family, friends and he larger society they are again injured by a massive wave of ridicule and denial.
It is clear to me that UFO intelligences work with a wide spectrum of people, many are contacted at sub & unconscious levels. This permits them to live their lives, have a career, supportive family life and would be characterized by the term you used, “high functioning.” When the time is “right” as determined by UFO INTEL, they are “activated.” Suddenly they develop a tremendous interest in this subject. I am convinced, but in no way can I prove that every member of my team had a pre-existing sub/unconscious relationship with flying saucer intelligences and that their memories of prior contact events were suppressed. I believed this proposed mechanism probably applies to me.
The implications of this analysis are colossal. We are seeing the creation of a major shift in societal paradigms being driven in part by advanced non-human intelligences that have awesome physical and mental capabilities. I discuss this further in upcoming blogs. Again thanks for the question.
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let-go-and-allow · 1 year
Watch "ET Contactee Says Elves Are Aliens" on YouTube
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maverick96 · 2 years
Watch "Woman Describes Strange, Otherworldly Pregnancy" on YouTube
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cat-eye-nebula · 1 year
I love these videos about Full Disclosure and other topics around ETs, positive earth-alliance, fake Bible gods, advanced technologies, the Deep State/Cabal. These things are connected.
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inkymp · 2 years
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badulescuradu14 · 2 years
Dr. Michael Salla – Return of Enki, ETs Preventing Nuclear War, and Restoring Adamic DNA, Interview with Alex Collier
Alex Collier, a long-time Andromedan Contactee, reveals what he knows about the return of Enki, the Anunnaki geneticist who played a leading role in the genetic modification of humanity.Dr. Michael Salla – Return of Enki, ETs Preventing Nuclear War, and Restoring Adamic DNA, Interview with Alex Collier
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belburypoly · 6 years
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Illustrations by Anna Hayes depicting beings which she claims to have been in contact with from the age of four. “Guardians” (left) and “Intruders” (right).
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nateaz · 6 years
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Captured photo of an #alien with a balloon drawing in an unmarked doorway by an unknown artist. I don’t know who drew this!? Most of the #alienencounters I have heard from witnesses and #abductees have always been negative. I can’t identify with #Experiencers or #Contactees whom have had traumatic experiences with #ETs. Personally, I only draw from my own experiences on the #UFORoad. My experiences have been nothing but mysterious and very positive so it’s hard for me to share affinity with a room full of #experiencers and #aliencontactees at a place like the #RoswellFest last July! I’ve been impacted by this mystery/phenomenon both in our physical realm and in the spiritual slash metaphysical sense and I’m pretty sure the government is invested in this phenomenon as well but even the US Gov doesn’t have all the answers. They would like to be in possession of all of this knowledge, but their scope of the bigger picture is limited too! I’m not one to demonize the government and most people give our government way too much credit. Let’s not be paranoid and give into every conspiracy out there. The government’s knowledge of this mystery is very limited and its presence is waaay beyond their understanding. (at Little A'Le'Inn) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuHUehcF-Ut/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ovqbmdsgk9hp
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Ascyla's pinkish-purple aura, and her neon rainbow energy silhouette, as well as some crystal jewelry I've been told would compliment her. I attempted to draw her scales.
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tjmorrisagency · 9 months
Planet Information Network,community
Citizen of the Universe, Multiverse, Metaverse, Xenoverse, Omniverse who welcomes the future on earth and in space. Ace Folklife 2012 Ascension Age 2012 A Theory Shift of Vibration into New Golden Age Christ Consciousness 2012 Ascension Age Preparation for Raising Awareness! Alien ET Contactee Avatar Shaman Asking All Levels of Essence as Beings Assist in the Ascension Age 2012 Game of…
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