#positive timelime
I can easily see saeyoung Knowing but not like... Thinking About it until he actually sees it. like passively noticing something vs actively going "oh yeah, that sure is A Thing". like yeah he knows in concept that MC and saeran are together. but it's not until he does see them kiss/etc that the Big Brother Brain goes into overdrive for a few seconds like 'WAIT A SECOND MY PRECIOUS INNOCENT LITTLE BABY BROTHER IS KISSING SOMEONE??!?! HE'S--wait no i knew this' and he just kinda freezes while his brain wrangles itself together
also now bc I'm thinking of saeyoung being an overprotective big bro, I'm positive that in every timelime outside ray's route (assuming all goes well for the twins in said timelines) saeyoung absolutely gives saeran's partner the shovel talk. "listen... as long as you make my little brother happy, we'll get along just fine. but if you hurt him... hmm, i dont think you want to find out :)"
That would make a reasonable amount of sense given the fact that Saeyoung is going to be spending a long time trying to accept that his image of Saeran doesn't match the Saeran that exists today. He sees a young boy who needs help from his big brother, but in reality, the Saeran in front of him now doesn't need to be coddled and has a life of his own. This would also apply to Saeran being with MC.
He'd have to stop himself mid-thought and go, "Oh, right. Saeran isn't a child and he's in a relationship. He's grown up, and he's so strong to be the man he is today. He doesn't need me like he used to. But, he's happy to be my brother and hang out with me without the pretense of survival."
Funnily enough, I think Saeran's MC is the only one who doesn't need to be given the protective big brother talk. You look at the head of the Agency and Saejoong Choi without pissing yourself in fear. You stand up for Saeran when nobody else will. Saeyoung knows how far you go for his brother in this route. The more he learns, the more he respects you.
It's the fact that you'll look Saeyoung in the eyes and tell him, "Listen, you're his brother and he loves you, but if he needs space from you at any time and you force him to be close to you? You'll be dealing with me, Saeyoung." That is what makes Saeyoung understand that you're the right one for his brother. Nobody else would ever dare to do that.
However, if you meet his brother in the Secret Ending as someone who isn't involved with the RFA... or you meet his brother after V's Route where you don't have any idea what he went through? Yeah, protective Saeyoung will come out. Context is key here.
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radikylie · 3 years
um so hi friends today I have accepted a preliminary offer for a job at a university in the state where my love lives so we can start our lives together which means I will need to move across the country to start there in person like after thanksgiving lmao
#it’s admissions which isn’t ideal but im getting my foot in the door and still get to work with students#AND they offered me more money than the position was initially offering like still entry level but highest end of that#but when I did research on the school and the area it really felt like a good place to be and room for so much personal n spiritual growth#and ofc my love and I can move in together and it’s very cheap to live there and a nice city#I have not told my parents yet and incredibly anxious about telling them bc they blew tf up on me when I said I had an interview#basically yelling at me and making me feel like a dumb child who can’t do anything bc they selfishly want to keep me here as a slave#I’m so excited and scared and overwhelmed and not sure where to start or how to get there#but I’ve asked that Mother Goddess and my guides have everything fall into place for me with their love and support#so rn the biggest issue is when to tell my parents and I don’t know what to do bc I know their reaction is going to be terrible#so rip the band aid off now and tell them but not be able to answer when/how questions#or wait with anxiety over telling them until I do have a clearer idea of plans and timelime#emily suggested I do a grounding meditation and ask for help and strength from my guides and Mother Goddess to tell them#and probably cry it out so there’s hopefully less tears when I do tell them#which makes me wanna cry cause like god I never want to be the kind of parent that makes their child so scared of telling them things#so uh yeah that’s where I’m at now#personal
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emperor-seadwweller · 5 years
So does Steve now have to live through some straight bs timeline with either his best friend just not there somehow, or does Bucky still do all that winter soldier stuff bc at that point hydra would have found him after falling off the train, bc both options are terrible and make me sad
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punkwitchanarchist · 7 years
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Thank you hormones for slowly working your magic on this goblin body. Ps, ignore my crazy ass hair.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
People wanted the early volumes to be re animated. They got their wish it seems. At least the first volume it seems.
My sense at the moment is that we've deliberately been shown only a small, small chunk of the series. Basically, everything taking place in the first 1-2 episodes that deliberately mirror (no mirror-verse puns intended) the original show before we get into AU territory. So it might not but an early volume(s) reanimation so much as a early episode(s) reanimation with subtle nods towards the different timeline — did Yang ever confront Weiss like that? I can't remember — before things really take a turn.
Okay, now pardon me, anon, but I'm going to use your ask to throw out random observations because I'm too lazy to make another post lol.
I like the animation style well enough so far, with the exception of everyone’s eyes. Ngl they kind of freak me out but, you know, presumed dark AU so maybe that’s a good thing for the tone of the story? At least on my end.
The combat also looks good. Ruby’s scythe skills generated a “Nice, nice” but Weiss, like, THROWING the boarbatusk? There’s a hard-hitting intensity in the visuals here that, despite Monty's stellar choreography, the original animation lacks just due to constraints.
I like that Ruby is speaking to Summer a lot in the trailer. It helps establish a strong tie between them and keeps her motivation—becoming a huntress to follow in her mother’s footsteps—at the forefront, rather than just mentioning it in passing. If this AU takes the time to add onto what we got in the original timelime, something I'd most like to see is Summer development.
It’s so funny having all the girls’ original, basic personalities distilled into a trailer because it’s like: Ruby [very serious]—'I won’t disappoint you, Mom.’ Weiss [very serious]—‘I have a responsibility as heir to the Schnee corporation.’ Blake [very serious]—‘The world is not a fairy tale.’ Yang [vibrating at the speed of light]—‘Oh my fucking god I LOVE MY SISTER’
Whether anything comes of it or not, I like Weiss’ “You’ve done nothing to earn your position” superimposed over her fight against the knight, implying that she doesn’t just think she deserves the leadership role by virtue of being a Schnee, but because she underwent a difficult trial set by her father to get here. It’s a slightly different spin that adds depth to Weiss beyond just being an arrogant know-it-all. Why does Ruby get to be leader when she worked so hard to be here, etc.? The idea of Ruby getting by more on raw talent than work effort—crazy impressive scythe skills she seems to have easily picked up, let into Beacon early, made leader, doesn’t like paying attention in class, etc.—was never explored, but could be a cool angle here.
Weiss also appears a lot more hurt by Ruby calling her “bossy” than she was in the initial show. Of course, that could be largely due to the different animation style, but still. Regardless, it (again) gives us a slightly different reading of Weiss’ character and her relationship with Ruby. Whiterose shippers getting fed tonight.
As is the freezerburn crowd.
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“This is about novice girls” oh god slap that on Volume 8 as the tagline.
Funny that the subtitles give Ozpin’s well known “I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them” without explaining what “them” is. That is, one of his many mistakes.
More importantly: HE’S BACK. It’s okay, Oz, you can keep your creepy eyes. I’m just glad to see you.
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possibly I’m being very stupid by asking this but what… is this? Salem is talking about dust when it’s shown so I assume it’s dust-related, but it looks kinda fantasy banana-ish? Did a piece of Jaune’s hair fall out? I feel like this is just a matter of me being too tired to think straight but idk I was #confused.
Cool that the music cuts out and the glass of the screen shatters during the credits, like the normality/reality of the original RWBY universe (even as a webseries — now it's an anime) really has been breached. Weiss sees her counterpart, though notably not in the alternate outfit shown on the website. From the back they appear to be identical.
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So yeah, we still don’t really know what’s going on. As said, first few episodes (mostly) retelling RT's RWBY before a sudden divergence? That seems the most likely at this point. I do wish we'd gotten some sense of what the AU aspects will be — it's not really a "RWBY: Ice Queendom" trailer is it? It's a "RWBY: Reboot" trailer with the fandom simply knowing better — but given that the early volumes are my favorite, even if this wasn't the case of an AU I'd still be interested in the content.
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vimbry · 2 years
man, I had a dream the big new show everyone was talking about was a guy whose life was being slowly rewritten by someone who'd obtained a book-like tool to it.
who that is was the overarching mystery. there were theories/hints over whether the person was recreationally destructive and picked him as a random target, someone seeking revenge, or if it'd all turn out to be a metaphor for memory loss/daydreams to cope with regrets. details and events were being dropped from his life, and he'd occasionally re-experience whole days as if time-travelling, now revised into something unrecognisable. he eventually somehow learnt what was happening to him. he remembered exactly how things were meant to play out, what objects were there before, the time of day just a few minutes ago etc. but had to not let the "writer" catch on. maybe for fear of how they'd react if they knew the game was up.
one thing they apparently couldn't follow was his inner monologue, or at least never showed any indication that they did by responding to it. only outward actions. the only other piece of information he had is that anything he drew too much positive attention to would be part of what was altered soon after. there was a clear pattern of the writer taking whatever he liked most.
so midway through, the focus shifted from the fear and confusion around being gaslit, to trying to keep himself and others safe while figuring out how and why this was happening, in addition to continuing the act to keep his writer from growing suspicious.
he would be "locked" into certain actions at times. for example, at one point trying to get up to go to another room and being unable to physically wrench himself from sitting on the couch, as if something like "he curled himself into the far end of the sofa" had been inserted and left as the latest sentence, meaning there was nothing beyond that to free him from the loop.
there was one episode where he was suddenly dropped back into his regular life, albeit a few years previous to where he'd started, seemingly unaltered. he recognised the timelime of the day, just some random one, but things like conversations, meals, and such were feeling familiar.
by the end, he was looking out from an upper-story flat window at a night city skyline (vaguely londonish lol), finally letting his guard down. it had been normal. the longest it had ever been since he began to notice the change. he had a partner, a younger child, and another relative staying over, all asleep in other rooms. exactly how he remembered it. but then, there's a growing realisation of horror on his face, as he notices something is still very wrong with this picture. and that's where the episode/dream ended so thanks for the cliffhanger :(
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silvermoon424 · 3 years
Not <i>that</i> anon, but I have a question regarding Sayaka. When I watched PMMM I had the impression that Sayaka had not been a magical girl in the original timelime? As part of the tragedy of Homura's previous timelines? When we see their reactions to Sayaka becoming a witch Homura is a magical girl, and it's clearly a shock to her, so either it didn't happen in the first timeline or else Homura didn't know about. 1/2
And during the original timeline conflict with Walpurgis Nacht, Mami and Madoka don't want to die, but they also don't seem concerned about overdrawing themselves and becoming witches. I understand it's canon that whenever Sayaka becomes a magical girl, she'll become a witch. So, as they don't know about the witches, Sayaka can't have become a magical girl. Even when Madokami ascended, I recall she said Sayaka would prefer it that way, rather than that Sayaka couldn't be saved. Thoughts? 2/2
I'm a PMMM superfan and have read a lot of spinoff/supplementary material so I feel like I can answer this!
The PSP game (which is actually super well-written, although unfortunately only summaries exist for 3 of the 5 routes) gives us a more detailed look at the very first timeline. Sayaka indeed never contracted, it was only Madoka and Mami who were magical girls (and Kyoko, but she never shows up). I'm also pretty positive that she didn't contract in the second shown timeline either, as again we only see Mami and Madoka as preexisting magical girls.
I'm also pretty sure that Homura witnessing Madoka becoming Kriemhild Gretchen in the second timeline is the first time any of the Holy Quintet saw the true nature of the magical girl system. From what we see Homura immediately tried to warn them in her next loop, but they didn't believe her. It was only when Sayaka Witched out in front of them did they accept the truth.
Also, it's my headcanon that Sayaka doesn't have great potential as a magical girl and so Kyubey ignored her for the first few timelines. I'm not saying she's weak and incapable, but rather that other girls were probably more enticing to Kyubey and so getting Sayaka to contract wasn't a pressing issue. It was only when Madoka's potential started getting bigger and bigger did it become impossible to ignore and Kyubey decided he could get a 2-for-1 special. This is especially evident in the timelines where Madoka doesn't contract at the beginning. We pretty much always see Kyubey approach both Madoka and Sayaka (never just Sayaka), with Madoka clearly being his main target; Sayaka's a bonus, especially if she helps Madoka to contract.
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chronicallycrow · 3 years
The First True Time Rift (Aka In Which Croissant Loses an Eye)
Fandom: Cookie Run
Character(s): Croissant Cookie
Word Count: 594
Ship(s): N/A
Trigger Warning: Blood, eye gore, mentions of physical fighting, passing out due to adrenaline and blood loss.
Summary: The first true rift Croissant opens without help from something, her gateway to becoming Timekeeper, doesn't begin as what she'd thought it would, in fact it begins with a rather unfortunate event.
Extra: Sorry if the format is weird, I'm writing on my phone as I don't currently have access to a computer.
Timelines were something dangerous. They always had been. That had just been a fact of life for Croissant. Traveling through them and trying to fix them was even more dangerous, but by the gods would she do it.
Now, knowing something is dangerous and knowing exactly what might happen in that danger are very different things. That is the main key as to what lead our protagonist, the lovely Croissant cookie, into her current position.
She'd stopped the part of the timelime that had truly messed up, she'd fixed it, however in doing so she herself had messed up. She was currently in the middle of a fight with another cookie - Shrouded in darkness, she was unable to tell who they truly were. They yelled at her, tried to hit on her, and when she denied them heavily they began a fight with her. Croissant wasn't one to give up, which made the situation worse.
It had gotten physical. She's managed to dodge most of the attacks. This one, however, was different. The attacker threw a punch, which she dodged, however moving back into position she was struck by something. Right in her left eye. The object plunged deep into the soft orb, and Croissant fell to the ground, covering her injury. The attacker laughed at her and made their way off.
Croissant sat on the ground, in pure shock for a moment. Once some of the adrenaline wore off she felt around her eye. A key, that's what was shoved into it. She could feel the blood and tears streaming down her face. She bit her lip, and jaggedly ripped the key out of her eye. A skeleton key. It had a clock on the end of it. Of course it did.
Of course, her eye came out with the thing. She blinked, her vision fuzzy from a mixture of tears and now only having one eye. She took a breath in before letting out a scream of agony, all of the pain dulled by shock and adrenaline finally hitting her. All of her emotions hitting at once, the pain, it ripped something in time.
Behind her ripped a hole in the time-space Continuum. It made a sucking noise as it sat, open. Croissant, shaking, turned towards the hole. Inside of it was what seemed to be an office. No one was there, completely barren. She stumbled into the thing, nearly falling through and getting lost in space. By this time her glove, hair, and shirt were all soaked in blood. It made her surroundings smell terribly of iron.
She shakily made her way around until she found a bathroom in which gauze, cotton pads, a temporary eyepatch, and a note lay. She picked up the note, bood splattering on it, and put it in her pocket, before attempting to patch her now empty eye socket up the best she could. After she managed to get the bleeding to slow down and the eyepatch on she fell to the floor, unconscious. If this weren't her office alone - Not that she knew it was yet - She'd feel bad for the cookie who had to find her like this, laying on the ground, a bloody mess and missing an eye.
Little did she know at the time, that was the first time rift she'd opened on her own will without something else to guide and help her. She'd keep the key as a relic, a memory, and as a memento to one day get back at the unidentified cookie who made her lose her eye.
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infinityactual · 3 years
I think that's the 2nd men body positivity you've reblogged and it gives me good emotions? And I'm so glad it came through my dash because of you! Especially since I grew up being body shamed while also reading the Halo books. So for you to say that even these absolutely fit people who I looked up to deserve to eat and be how they are makes me think that I deserve that too. So thank you very much.
I'm so glad you got something good out of those posts!!
I think it's really important for people in general to know that the ripped, defined-muscle look that society has upheld as the 'sexy' standard for men for the past...idk, sixty-ish years is an eating disorder in disguise (I am not exactly sure on the timelime, but I know that this trend is very recent in human history, relatively speaking).
And while the Spartan IIs are framed as definitely being abused, the fact that they eat very little and are known to be insanely strong makes it easy for fans to go 'Healthy! Good role model!' and that is simply not the case!
Some more positivity: This guy does excellent cosplay and as far as I can tell, he looks like...a normal dude. Those THIGHS. And at the very least he's got some good core muscles in his midsection!
Also, this comedy-documentary is EXCELLENT and a great source of positivity as well and was a real eye opener for me!!
It refutes pretty much everything society "knows" about health, nutrition and fitness, and was made as a parody of 'Supersize Me' which is a shit excuse for a documentary.
Anon I love you and I'm so glad I could use Halo to make you feel like you deserve to EAT. Treat yourself like a living thing that needs to be nourished!! <3
-A Chef With A Degree In Make Food and Spouse Of A Big Ole Chonker Whom I Love
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2ofswords · 4 years
Alexander Block ^^
Our dear Commander! This is going to be interesting, because I think he is pretty ambivalent in his role. Also I have to disclaim: I have not yet played the Changeling Route, so there probably is some information lacking. I will try my best though!
their biggest strength
All in all I wouldn’t say that we really see the General at his best here. Well… depending what kind of best we are talking about but the military at that point of the outbreak is pretty much useless unless for the ending itself and Block has no real way to handle the situation and it is really hard to pick a direct strength, because… well… he is not showing as many in a situation that really confines him. He looses control pretty quickly and almost becomes a bystander relying on other peoples judgement calls in both games. So I kind of cannot really judge him by his speciality (which would be how he handles the military but… you know… we don’t really see that) and also not by what his character strengths in general are, because he is just so out of his element that he has a very small time to react on his own and show strength. For example, I have no real idea about his skills as a tactician even if they could probably be real^ly good just by the merits of being a successful general. So direct skills like these kind of fall apart here) What I can do though is judge the way he holds himself up in the narrative and where he has the greatest and most positive impact. And I think his sense of justice is his biggest strength here and perhaps still stands strong disregarding the fact that my perception of his strength feels a bit limited. But while creating a mess at the last days of the game his flat out refusal to destroy everything is his biggest and most impactful choice in the game and the way he actually archives some form of agency, even if it puts him in a passive position for the rest of the game because he has no own reason to spare or don’t spare different things. This also kind of works in both games and also explains why Aglaya states fearing him specifically. Her words “hero of the people” elude to him being kind of popular but also having some sort of heroism. And even her naming him a “genius” kind of plays into what I am calling his sense of justice when she denies herself being a genius by calling herself a “machine”. While Aglaya acts according to her set parameters and goals even while actively fighting her fate, Blocks first move is actively denying set parameters and I think this is his biggest strength and what upsets the whole status quo in the first place. (It is also why he bonds with the Changeling who is all about finding a different miraculous outcome that straight up denies the dilemma.) And I would say this happens by him actively saying “No. This way isn’t right, and I will not act according to it.” Of course, he makes kind of bad judgement calls as well. The whole bone stake lot disaster happens by his orders after all and the way he handles the mutiny seems pretty messy. This is more about the concept of morality and less about judgement calls in specific situations. But his fame and the way he seems to be actively dangerous to the powers that be seems to come out of a strong sense of justice and the willingness and bravery to follow through with it, which is definitely something few people would archive.
their greatest weakness
I was thinking about writing his dependence on other peoples opinions here, but I am still not quite sure about that one. First there are instances in the first game where he does act pretty immediately and second we already discussed how this is kind of a good thing and while his “I don’t know, just tell me what to do” kind o frustrates me, we should know that authorities listening to medical experts may not really be the worst one can do… So I do not feel got to choose that one, even if I think he stays really passive while he stays but on the other hand I have no real idea, what he could and should do in the first place. As I said his own options are pretty limited. Maybe not burning people alive would be a good start… Hm… To me he feels absolutely clueless. He is even more out of it than Daniil who at least arrives before the disaster starts and gets a small town crash course. He just arrives in the midst of disaster, in Patho1 there is an elaborate murder scheme… thing planed behind his back that he just kind of shrugs away and he still orders the bull being burned because of the Bachelor’s words (and that guy in general talks a lot of bullshit that Block just kind of accepts. Which… as I said listening to experts is kind of good but mayyybe get like a second opinion? The changeling is standing right next to you, it’s fine you can talk to her! She knows better anyways, believe me…). He just doesn’t know what the hell is going on and I think this is his main problem and the actual reason he stays this passive and kind of just does what he is being told is logical at this very moment. Or you know… just gets locked up (maybe?) and then released again to just fuck of because he has no idea what the fuck he should be doing about this situation. He kind of tries to talk to the different healers and in Patho 2 he seems a bit more adamant about it but we have yet to see because the Haruspex has almost no interaction with him. And again I think most about it happens because he arrives at a time, where everything already escalated and the mess is so convoluted that I have no idea how he should even see through it. But in the situation this lack of knowledge kind of leads to him being used by kind of everyone to manipulate the outcome of the outbreak and him having no say in it aside from not wanting to murder everyone.
a headcanon about their childhood
I cannot imagine Block as a child for some reason. He just gets… smaller. It’s said that he is very young for his position and that leads me to believe that he is part of a military family… He seems like a person who doesn’t really know anything besides the front and his duties in the military and he seems to be a bit awkward about handling something that isn’t that… Or he might be the second or third child of a family where the parents were like “just go to the military can’t have our business” and he always kind of prepared for that. That would also make him being this sudden shooting star who climbed the ranks a bit more spectacular. Anyways no cute headcanons for Block. He just was always a military man, I am afraid… But I think it fits his angst of desperately wanting something good and human to happen in his life.  
a headcanon about their future (if they have one)
Firstly out of all the people sent by the powers that be I think Block is the most likely to survive the whole disaster and escape relatively unscathed. Even with going against his initial orders he kind of washes his hands off of it pretty effectively and with a war going on he still seems needed enough (and I guess pretty easy to dispose) after the plague happened. How his future turns out depends on the question, if Clara will leave town with him or stay and I actually do simply not know about the outcome there. I think he will just stay at the front and be on his way again, if she stays in town but I do not think, he would be irresponsibly enough to carry a child to the front, even if she is a miraculous saint. So he will probably go back to the capital and strategize and hold up appearances there and basically do exactly what the powers that be feared in the first place. Also I want to imagine that at one point he meets up with some fellow generals that he really hates and Clara advises him with a really elaborate, clever and very childish prank that involves great things like tying shoelaces together. It’s a good evening.
a small detail/scene that leaves a great impact
Hm… I wish I had his appearance in Patho 1 more in mind but I was really stressed out while playing the last days and without using any guide I also missed quite a few side quests (for example I never visited all participants of the whole Block murder thing on day 9)… So there are a lot of details that escape me right now. The scene that for me leaves the greatest impact and was also my first impression was the very first cathedral scene at the beginning of Patho 2. I think that interaction is pretty neat. Of course refusing to spare the town is a pretty horrible thing to do and say and after seeing what the army did the impression of their leader cannot possibly be a very positive one but on the other hand it feels like he genuinely wanted to give you a shot at convincing him and he rather mourns not having the means to stop the plague which… you know, they do not have at this timelime and even while I agree with Artemy that there obviously wasn’t enough time in the first place… after the twelve days there aren’t that many people to save, time IS running out (there are around 15000 people in town (the 5000 in the Termitary make up a third of the population according to Young Vlad) and in Patho 2 after ten days there are over 13000 total deaths. So… not that many people left on day 12… I don’t know the numbers in Patho 1 though…), so not having a solution right now becomes a big problem in the general’s eyes. It is still a cruel decision and one I would definitely disagree with, but… with being responsible to your own troupes, letting your own people die when you see something as a lost course… It’s still a hard decision and he seems mournful about the outcome… So he stands for and does very problematic things but is introduced in his humanity and suffering over his own obligation. I think this early and pretty short conversation establishes him exceptionally well as well as some very important themes that will haunt us through the entire game.
their philosophy/worldview (or part of it) described in one neat little sentence
Luckily there is an entire theatre play dedicated to explaining his worldview and stance in this whole play. So how about “Protecting something means to attack the right thing at the right time.” Pretty much summarizes his entire dilemma in the game and shows a destructive stance and course of action, while also wondering about what really is the right course of action and showing his desire, to actually help and protect.
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trh-thesussexes · 5 years
I hate seeing negativity in my timelime... Be positive everyone.
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This is the entire description, personality, and information on Infernix. It’s long as heck so be warned. Seriously, it’s freakin long. It’s mostly here for my own reference when writing her character or commissioning stuff, but feel free to read if reading about other people’s OCs is your thing <3
One sentence description: Full-time crazy bird lady, part-time reluctant super hero
Full Name: Holly Burns Nickname: Nix, Nixy Reason for nickname: Shortened version of her super hero name, Infernix Age: 26 years Sex: Female Gender: Female Place of Birth: United Kingdom Birthday: 20th October Currently living in: Municiberg Species/Race: Human [super] Ethnicity: Caucasian Occupation: Works at a rescue centre for birds given up by their owners Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Social Status: Middle class Relationship Status: In a relationship/married (depending on the timeline) Status: Alive
Body Build: Slender, but with chubby hips Height: 5’4” Weight: 120lbs Skin colour: Pale Hair style: Long, comes down to mid-back. Straight with fringe over right side Hair colour: Brown Eye colour: Dark brown Distinguishing Features: Has a tattoo of two feathers in a heart shape on her left collarbone, has single piercing in each ear Preferred Clothing: Casual; jeans and a shirt with either a cartoon character or a bird on it Accessories: Blue topaz earrings, hairclip with topaz and amethyst beads and two phoenix feathers
Supersuit: Over-the-knee boots with a flame colour design, over-the-elbow red gloves, white suit with a yellow belt and a phoenix emblem on the chest, attached to the belt is three large phoenix tail feathers and the same beads as those on her hairclip, her mask is curved up at the ends to imitate eyelashes and goes over her nose like a beak, and is orange with three purple accents in each corner
Likes: Birds, heights, flying, birds, the sky, nature, birds, cartoons, boats, warm days, night time, socks that have animal faces on them, seafood, birds   Dislikes: Planes (it’s not natural flying!), small spaces, spiders, people who don’t like birds, spicy food, really loud music
Bird watching, reading, going for nature hikes in forests and woodland, watching documentaries, aviculture, collecting precious stones
Has retained many habits from her time spent as a phoenix. She will spend a lot of time “preening” her hair, she makes clicking noises with her tongue when she is happy, she feels awkward about how to position her hands so she usually keeps them against her chest when standing, and she will make bird-like squawks or chirps when startled or curious. Oh and she hisses (like a swan) when angry.
Strengths: Intelligent, fast healing, able to shapeshift into a phoenix which grants her flight, temporary immortality, and fire powers
Weakness: Water extinguishes her fire, certain soundwaves disrupt her ability to maintain her transformation, if the phoenix is “killed” then she is forced back into her human form which has no other powers and will be physically exhausted, is quite easy to emotionally manipulate
Infernix is a super, and her super power is shapeshifting. She can only shapeshift into one thing, and that is a giant fire bird phoenix. Her phoenix is around 10-15 feet high, depending on the amount of energy she can expend into the transformation. She can maintain this transformation indefinitely, but once she changes back, she is physically exhausted and must rest before being able to transform again. In her fire bird form, Infernix can fly, communicate with any bird species, breathe fire, and is immune to any damage from heat/fire sources. She can also speak and understand English as a phoenix. The true power of the fire bird is to engulf itself in flames and burn everything around it, but she has not achieved this yet. As a phoenix, she is of course immortal. She can feel pain and be injured, and even experience the pain of death, but instead of dying, she simply is forced back into her human self. This only applies to her phoenix form, and as a human she is mortal. She has some hand-to-hand combat skills, but nothing advanced. She is quite intelligent, and because the size of her phoenix makes it impractical for her to transform in crowded cities and built up areas, she is usually the ‘brains’ and takes on the planner/sleuther role for fighting crime. Her phoenix has high raw power though, and is very useful in large-scale supervillain battles. As a human she has no other particular powers, except that she recovers faster than normal from injuries and illnesses.
Spiders, being trapped (especially underground), anything bad happening to Screech, and she has an irrational fear of one day waking up and not being able to use her powers any more and being trapped in her human body forever
Very emotionally attentive - feels emotions strongly. This can be good as it means she is very loving and very appreciative of little things, but it also means she is sensitive and easily hurt/angered by other people
Very kind and caring towards every living thing, believes that every life is important no matter what body it’s in. Very empathetic and compassionate
Brave, especially when protecting others
Very maternal towards those she cares about
Stubborn, often believes she is right and can be argumentative. Can find it hard to accept when she’s wrong or know when to stop
A lot of her kindness is aimed at animals and the disadvantaged and vulnerable (e.g. children, the elderly). When dealing with typical, healthy humans she can be selfish as she is not used to socialising, and firmly holds the belief that animals (birds) are purer than people
In her human body she is unsure of herself and doesn’t always feel ‘right’. Only feels ‘normal’ when she is in her phoenix form. She is slowly getting more used to it
Family: Not in contact with them, except Gus Burns (Reflux), who is her great uncle. In the future, she has 4 children with Screech: Jay (male, 15), Raven (female, 13), and twins Skyler and Robin - (both male, 5) Love interest: Screech (Boyfriend/husband depending on timelime) Friends/Allies: He-Lectrix, Krushauer, Voyd, Winston Deavor, Brick Enemies: Currently none. Not an enemy, but she’s kinda mad at Edna Mode because she criticized Infernix’s giant phoenix tail feathers on her costume
Infernix did not discover her powers until very late compared to other supers. During ages 5-10, she was a ‘normal’ kid. She was bullied heavily at school, because she didn’t make any friends and would spend her playtime looking for birds and feeding them. The other kids would call her ‘bird girl’ and throw things like birdseed at her. At age 11, her emotions were running very high, and she could not shake the feeling that she was in the wrong body. She didn’t feel like a human, she felt like a bird. When she saw birds in the sky she felt jealous of them and felt like she just wanted to join them. When she looked at her arms, she saw unnatural, lanky limbs, and they just didn’t feel right. There should be wings there. These limbs aren’t hers. The human body is so weirdly shaped and hairy. Where were her feathers? She felt they were meant to be there, but they were missing. It was then that her first transformation happened, and it terrified the life out of her. It didn’t last long because she could not sustain it. Not sure what was going on, and thinking it was some kind of fever dream, she tried to pretend it never happened. Until it happened again and again, each time when she felt tremendous energy from her emotions. Eventually she was able to bring it under control, so she could decide exactly when she transformed and when she transformed back. She kept her powers hidden, and her family never knew about them; she was never close to them. Aside from learning to control it, she never really experimented with her powers, so she never achieved her full potential. She was pretty content this way for a while, until she met a man she fell hard for. She was infatuated with him, totally smitten, and he appeared to be the same with her. They had a relationship for two years, during which he subtly destroyed her self-esteem without her realising, and then used that to emotionally manipulate and abuse her. The relationship ended when she discovered he had not only been married the entire time, but had a child too. Heartbroken, she spiraled into depression. She felt totally betrayed by humanity, and felt less connected to her species than ever before. Birds never betrayed her trust like this, they were always loving and never had secret intentions. So, she decided she was going to transform into a phoenix and live in the wild amongst the birds. She lived this way for years, completely missing the events of the first and second Incredibles movies.
After the events of the second movie, the “Wannabes” created their own superhero team. Winston was eager to locate the supers who had survived the Omnidroid. Infernix was listed as one such super, since she had powers she was on the NSA database, but since no one had seen her years, she kind of got forgotten. So the “Wannabes” eventually located her, and tried to convince her to return to society. She refused. But they persisted, and reluctantly she agreed, but on the condition that she can stay a phoenix. She took an immediate interest in Screech because she felt he was a fellow bird-enthusiast, who might possibly understand how she felt. Screech of course marveled at her, because she was a giant bird, but that was strictly it. Not long after, during a super villain fight, the phoenix was ‘killed’ and Infernix was forced back into her human body. It took her a long time to adjust, even things like walking felt weird. But now as a human, she and Screech began to bond better. They would talk about birds, and no one but them understood their crazy passion. At one point, Infernix hit a very low spot, after trying to locate her family and being unable to. She confessed to Screech that she felt she had made a terrible choice in running away and had ruined her life. She felt torn between her two lives, and felt like an outcast among other people, because they never understood her and she never understood them. Screech comforted her and told her that he knew how she felt, that he too had been thought of as ‘weird’ for his owl-like habits and appearance, but that he still had a place here with his new friends, and so did she. From that moment, she and Screech began spending a lot more time together, and eventually he gathered the courage to ask her out on a date. Gradually they fell in love, with Infernix loving Screech for his honesty, passion, and pure intentions, and Screech loving Infernix for her similar passion, and her ability to always be loving and kind to people even after the resentment and bitterness she went through.
Thinks popcorn counts as a vegetable
Has several pet birds, including 4 budgies, a cockatiel, a pigeon, and a screech owl. Would like a cockatoo
The feathers on her costume are real phoenix feathers, taken from her phoenix form. They do not give her any special powers and are only for display
Does not actually consider herself a superhero; she’d much rather spend time with her birds than fight crime, and she only does so because she thinks it’s the only reason the “Wannabes” remain her friends and she doesn’t want to lose them
Aside from Screech, the person she gets on most with is Voyd. Voyd’s naturally caring and enthusiastic nature makes her feel comfortable
She doesn’t really interact with the Parr family much and thinks Bob’s name is Bill. She also calls Elastigirl “Elasticalgirl” which mildly annoys Helen sometimes
She gets very offended when people call pigeons ‘rats with wings’
Food: Sea food, particularly crab, lobster, scallops, and mussels Colour: Orange Animal: Budgerigar Number: 4 Holiday: Christmas Season: Winter Time of day: Night Genre of music: Cheesy love songs Genre of literature: Non-fiction Genre of shows: Documentary Genre of movies: Horror
General health: Excellent, she heals from illness and injuries quickly Any physical illnesses?: No Any mental illnesses?: BDD Take drugs?: No Smoke?: No
Mental/Emotional State
Archetype: The “Everyman”or the “Lover” Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Think before acting Emotion-wise, generally: Pretty mature, but wears her heart on her sleeve
Way of speaking: Has a North-Atlantic accent, is well-spoken except for when she is excited Common conversation starter: “Do you like birds?” Swears?: Occasionally, but only for hyperbole effect, not when angry
Education: Has a degree in ornithology IQ: 140 EQ: 100
Before her and Screech were a couple, she had a giant plush owl that she called Screech and cuddled at night pretending it was him
She likes cats but distrusts them, because “they eat birds”
Everything in her apartment is bird-themed; bird plates, bird mugs, bird ornaments, bird plushies, bird cushions, etc.
She cannot talk to/understand birds when not in her phoenix form, but she talks to them as if they understand her anyway
She’s into BDSM, specifically as a dom
She likes drawing and thinks she’s pretty good but she’s actually really, really bad at it
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kwanamikaela · 3 years
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We are POWERFULLY⚡traversing Timelines. Literally. In a REAL-Time. Many can even be not aware of, how is playing out 'alternative' Lifes with the Souls they are interacting; many can notice unusual (for the Mind perception) encounters / situations / turning points; many can experience Deja vu; for some, there can be a sense, that they are somehow different in their behaviour (or they will notice it themselves, or someone will tell to them).
Mostly these occurrences will be described as a spontaneous - extraordinary - spectacular.
These 'unusual' experiences:
Mind can not process that simultaneously Human with physical body can find itself on more than one Timeline; that various number of the Timelines can be included with a person they have interaction; is easily to slightly become submerged in those occurrences, we are having with this person on OTHER Timelines, and is easily to as if "step out" of original New Timeline you are creating with each moment for own Soul's purpose, Divine Blueprint, Divine Service for the Whole and, through Ascension. But also, you can not 'seperate' yourself from facing Timelines with, actually ANYONE. This is about Observation, peaceful approach, discernment and Knowing.
- Overlays of the Timelines;
- One Person - infinite number of Timelimes playing out "at once"..
.. will occur more often, more bold, more visible.
To not get confused or caught in energies / events, that "leads" us "farther away from the present moment", from fulfillment of our present incarnation with Divine Blueprint's 'basics', - we can start to practice and develop our SENSITIVITY and Perception, to FEEL, where is starting infusion of 'something different' in a sense and energy; where we are crossing other Lifes.
This IS a part of Ascension; our steps to recognize / surrender / allow appear, moment by moment more clear Sense of multi-dimensional possibilities.
Present Moment is, what Grounds you.
Your Heart Knows, that there are no Right or Wrong, except Experience you choose; if it is too much for you, step back and return to observation and neutral position. Return to Present Moment via your BREATHE.
We are Rising Together.
Present Moment is, where opens and activates your individual Divine Blueprint, Knowing of Mission, where you KNOW, where exactly is your next Jump 💎 Quantum
Bless those Souls with who you gain most Magical Encounters and Spirit Flights ✨🌱🎶
We are supporting each other EQUALLY.
But, we also are keeping in our Hearts, that this current incarnation is the best version of us from all Timelines, - we came here from the "future" to fulfill a Beautiful SHIFT for Humanity on organic Ascension Timeline.
We are shifting ourselves; we are shifting own Perception; we are shifting our Hearts energy to not to hold onto longing, to cycles, that repeat itself, to "always and forever".
Alchemy of our Beigness is taking a place.
New Earth as a New World is a Dawn, created, again and again, from our Lightness.
We agreed to it; we want it.
Lightness emanates from our Within.
Loving you ALL 💛
From the open Heart in a Human Being, and (Heart) Awareness 💗
Photo by Nai'a Crystal (Facebook) 💎
Kwana Mikaela
August 27, 2020
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
دیکھیں: کوئٹہ کے طلباء نے آن لائن انٹری ٹیسٹ کے نتائج کے خلاف احتجاج کیا۔
دیکھیں: کوئٹہ کے طلباء نے آن لائن انٹری ٹیسٹ کے نتائج کے خلاف احتجاج کیا۔
آپ کا براؤزر ویڈیو ٹیگ کو سپورٹ نہیں کرتا۔
کوئٹہ کے بولان میڈیکل کالج کے طلباء بدھ کی سہ پہر آن لائن انٹری امتحانات کے نتائج کے خلاف سڑکوں پر نکل آئے۔
مظاہرین نے ہائی چوک پر احتجاج اور دھرنا دیا اور سڑک کو ٹریفک کے لیے بلاک کردیا۔ ایک طالب علم نے کہا ، “اس سال ہمارے ٹیسٹ اسکور بہت کم ہیں۔ یہ سب اس لیے ہے کہ ٹیسٹ آن لائن لیے گئے تھے۔”
مظاہرین نے دعویٰ کیا کہ یہ طلباء کو ان کی پسند کے کالجوں اور یونیورسٹیوں میں داخل ہونے سے روکنے کی کوشش ہے۔
ایک اور طالب علم نے مزید کہا ، “پاکستان میڈیکل کمیشن کسی بھی ٹیسٹنگ سروس کے ذریعے امتحانات لے سکتا ہے۔ ہمیں کوئی مسئلہ نہیں ہے۔ لیکن ہم ٹیسٹ آن لائن نہیں دیں گے۔”
مظاہرین نے احتجاج ختم کرنے سے انکار کر دیا ہے جب تک کہ ان کے مطالبات پورے نہیں ہوتے۔
ملک بھر کے اسکولوں ، کالجوں اور یونیورسٹیوں میں بیشتر امتحانات کو کورونا وائرس پھیلنے کی وجہ سے آن لائن منتقل کر دیا گیا۔
<![CDATA[ .rscolumn1 float: left; width: 13%; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; .rscolumn2 float: left; width: 70%; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; .rscolumn3 float: right; width: 10%; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; .rscolumn4 float: left; width: 5%; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; .rsmostread font-family: 'Arial' !important; font-size: 16px; color: #000000; font-weight: 600; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; /* timeline */ /* The actual timeline (the vertical ruler) */ .timeline position: relative; max-width: 700px; margin: 0 auto; /* The actual timeline (the vertical ruler) */ .timeline::after content: ''; position: absolute; width: 2px; background-color: #1a2871;; /*background-color: #eb0042;*/ top: 25px; bottom: 68px; left: 2%; margin-left: -3px; /* Container around content */ .containar padding: 0px 27px; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-top: 0px; /* The circles on the timeline circles */ .containar::after content: ''; position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; left: 0px; background-color: #1a2871;; border: 4px solid #1a2871;; top: 10px; border-radius: 100%; z-index: 1; /* Place the containar to the left */ .left left: 0; /* Place the containar to the right */ .right left: 2.5%; /* Fix the circle for containars on the right side */ .right::after left: -16px; /* The actual content */ .content position: relative; /* Media queries - Responsive timeline on screens less than 600px wide */ @media screen and (max-width: 600px) /* Place the timelime to the left */ .timeline::after left: 15px; top: 40px; /* Full-width containars */ .containar width: 100%; padding-left: 42px; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 0px; /* Make sure all circles are at the same spot */ .left::after, .right::after left: 0px; top: 40px; /* Make all right containars behave like the left ones */ .right left: 1.2%; .rsmostread font-family: 'Arial' !important; font-size: 16px; color: #000000; font-weight: 600; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; .rscolumn2 float: left; width: 85%; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; .rscolumn3 float: right; width: 12%; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; .culture-module-8 width: 100%; position: relative; border-bottom: 0px solid #1a2871;; border-top: 4px solid #1a2871;; line-height: 36px; line-height: 36px; font-family: 'Gotham' !important; font-size: 17px; color: #1a2871;; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; .f-column float: left; width: 33.33%; padding-right: 10px; padding-left: 10px; .radius border-radius: 15px; .wr height:150px; @media screen and (max-width:600px).f-columnwidth:100%;padding-right:0;border:none;padding-right:0;padding-left:0 ]]>
. Source link
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ardentguilt · 7 years
Gonna finally put up some info on trashfangs Timelime under a readmore here.
Large built up cities can be found along the coast because seadwellers. The further inland you get the more rural and sparse the towns become. If the landmass was pictured as a circular area the outer regions are urban, mid regions are arid and the central region is thick forest.
Coastal regions are more likely to be inhabited by tealbloods and higher. Inland is more likely to be inhabited by jadebloods and lower.
The breeding caverns are located deep in the forested regions, the exact location only known by imperial drones and the jadebloods who tend to it.
The coastal cities in way of appearance are similar to a sort of futuristic tokyo. Inland regions would resemble in part rural Australian towns, a few of the less inhabited areas desolate and unforgiving appearing like the vast opal plains of Lightning Ridge. The forested regions are visually like what’s depicted in the ghibli movie Nausicca however the deeper into the forests the more they resemble the forests shown in the ghibli movie Princess Mononoke.
The trolls themselves are not quite as warlike as the canon timeline though are still very much a militant empire. The bloodcastes segregated into set job areas.
Fuchsias are of course rulers, the timelines current emperor being the Imperial Beastlord, a Nitram who rules and commands vast beast armies into battle. The violets are mostly Naval forces, occupying high ranking positions. Those that aren’t in the Navy occupy high level administrative position, pulling strings at the will of the current ruler.
Purplebloods are in charge of the church and legislacerators, relaying orders and keeping the masses compliant.
Indigobloods are designated to either mid ranking army or infrastructure workers.
Ceruleans are mostly airforce with a few serving as basic navy and infrastructure workers.
Tealbloods are legislacerators and airforce.
Rust to gold are considered expendable and used as the main army foot soldier/cavalry units.
Olivebloods are mostly army though a few manage to get much safer work in lower level infrastructure.
Jadebloods are exclusively cavern workers.
The bloodswapped lineup and occupation for the timeline is as follows:
Handmaid => mutantblood - “the Forgotten” (Outcast)
Signless => Rustblood - “The Scholar” (Scribe)
Condy => Bronzeblood - “The Harvester” (Harvester/Farmhand)
Dualscar => Goldblood - “The Slaver” (Slave driver)
GHB => Oliveblood - “The Shepherd” (Animal Handler/Farmhand)
Darkleer => Jadeblood - “The Grubfather” (Cavern Worker)
Mindfang => Tealblood - “The Observer” (Legislacerator)
Redglare => Ceruleanblood - “The Skypirate” (Pirate)
Dolorosa => Indigoblood - “The Forger” (Blacksmith/Armourer)
Disciple => Purpleblood - “The Ringmistress” (High Overseer)
Psiionic => Violetblood - “The Administrator” (Enforcer)
Summoner => Fuchsiablood - “The Imperial Beastlord” (Emperor)
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mcudandt-newsfetch · 3 years
Read This Article Before Watching "Loki" On Disney+ This June
The wait is finally coming to an end! The mini-series "Loki" is now expected to hit the small screens this June 9, 2021.
Watch the official trailer of Loki here:
Now, what are the things that you need to know before watching "Loki?" Say less, because MCUD&T - News Fetch compiled 10 key things that you need to know before finally watching the upcoming mini-series.
1. Watch these movies before watching "Loki."
Before watching "Loki," i highly recommend you to watch these following MCU movies, in order for you to be familiar with the main character of the show:
• Thor (2011)
• The Avengers (2012)
• Thor: The Dark World (2013)
• Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
• Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
• Avengers: Endgame (2019)
I recommend you to watch all the MCU movies too, because it's more fun if you watch the whole universe (and all of the MCU movies are interconnected with each other, so it will make more sense if you watch them all).
2. The Time Variance Authority (TVA).
To briefly explain, the Time Variance Authority (TVA) is an agency which exists from the Null-Time Zone dimension that monitors all timelines within the Multiverse.
In a branch timeline made by the Avengers back in "Endgame," the TVA took Loki into custody in the aftermath of the Battle of New York. But because of the chaos in that timelime caused by his escape, the time-watching organization recruited him to fix the timeline in exchange for letting him survive.
The TVA, in the comics, has a long history. They have done many operations involving time, which one of them includes Kang the Conquerer (actually, they have a working relationship with him and other time travellers).
The TVA has the power to “discontinue” timelines, virtually erasing them from history. The TVA’s highest authority is their director, Mr. Alternity. Beneath him are various administrators, each an identical clone, including Mr. Mobius M. Mobius, Mr. Orobourous, Mr. Paradox, and Mr. Tesseract. (Marvel, 2021)
3. "Loki" is likely to be connected with "Doctor Strange Into the Multiverse of Madness."
"Loki" has something to do with time and the multiverse. It will be fully addressed in the future, so don't worry, we're all part of the wait.
4. Who is Mobius M. Mobius?
Portrayed by Owen Wilson, Mobius M. Mobius has a big role in the upcoming "Loki" series. But who is he?
Mobius is a member of the TVA who first appeared in Marvel Comics in 1991's Fantastic Four #353. He was in a junior management position with the TVA at first but rose through their ranks to become an executive. Mobius' role in Loki appears to be rather similar to that of his comic counterpart. Footage from the show has repeatedly put Mobius at Loki's side. He's the one who seems to tell Loki about his past (and possibly what his future was supposed to be). It appears this will lead to Mobius and Loki working together throughout the series. However, there is so far no sign of what position he has within the TVA. The only council member shown is Gugu Mbatha-Raw's character, so Mobius could be on the council with her. There's also the chance that Mobius hasn't worked his way that high up the TVA corporate structure yet and views Loki as his chance to prove what he's got. (Screen Rant, 2021)
Mobius is a very obscure Marvel character. All that we know, for certain and for now, is that he's an agent of the TVA and he's the one who will guide Loki throughout the awaited series.
5. The rules of time in the MCU.
When did "time" became a relevant topic in the MCU? We can trace back its roots in the first Ant-Man movie. We can say that some of the earlier MCU movies have something to do with time, but they did not fully or heavily discussed it. The Quantum Realm is introduced in that movie, and the rules of time were lightly discussed. This was followed by Doctor Strange (2016), and it's obvious because of the time stone. And then the two last Avenger movies so far (Infinity War and Endgame) heavily and fully addressed the rules of time in the MCU. But what are these rules?
To summarize it, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Time Travel follows the quantum mechanics interpretation that the universe is always splitting into parallel universes. Therefore, change/alter the past by going into the past, a new reality branches off. Essentially, every time displacement to the past in your own timestream creates a new timeline. If you move forward in your timestream, your arrival will not create a new timeline. The return to the present by using your time machine will not create a new timeline either. When a reality branches off from the timeline, this new reality will follow the exact same path of the timeline it branched off from. If the time-traveller causes "ripples" and makes sure the course of history in this new timeline (created since the arrival) follows the same path, this new reality would be exactly the same to the one it branched off from. If the time-traveller causes "waves" this new timeline will be completely different from the one it branched off and will follow its own independent path. The story of your reality is unalterable. The Infinity Stones create what we perceive as the flow of time, the story of our reality. The Infinity Stones keep the flow of time intact, if they are taken out of the universe, you have an unstable reality that brances off, returning it would erase that new reality. The time-traveller leaves a quantum trail when he/she moves in time and can be tracked to the new universe that was created due to the time-traveller's arrival. (Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki, 2021)
Time rules of the MCU is very complicated. Well, you still didn't got it? Have a read here:
6. The speculated villain(s) of the show.
Kang the Conquerer is theorized by many to be the villain, or not, just be teased or mentioned in the awaited series. If you remember, Jonathan Majors will be playing MCU's depiction of the character.
All of the crazy fan theories include Karnilla, Ulik, Doctor Doom, Annihilus, Thanos, Hela and Magneto to appear in Loki (again, these are only products of theories, not confirmed, only rumors).
Another one is Mephisto. Wait, again??? This sounds silly.
7. The premise of the show.
After stealing the Tesseract during the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), an alternate version of Loki is brought to the mysterious Time Variance Authority (TVA), a bureaucratic organization that exists outside of time and space and monitors the timeline. They give Loki a choice: face being erased from existence due to being a "time variant", or help fix the timeline and stop a greater threat. Loki ends up trapped in his own crime thriller, traveling through time and altering human history. (Wikipedia, 2021)
8. Other supporting characters.
Ravonna Lexus Renslayer. Portrayed by Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Renslayer is a member of the TVA who serves as one of its judges.
Hunter B-15. Portrayed by Wunmi Mosaku, Hunter B-15 is a member of the TVA.
Additionally, Sophia Di Martino, Richard E. Grant, Sasha Lane, Erika Coleman, and Eugene Cordero have been cast in undisclosed roles.
Rumours about "Loki" can be found here:
10. The Loki that we'll meet in the show is a different version.
If we recall the events of Avengers: Endgame, where Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Scott Lang and Bruce Banner went back in 2012 New York in a quest to acquire the mind stone, time stone, and space stone, we get a chance to see Tom Hiddleston's Loki again just right after the Battle of New York. Unfortunately, the team failed in obtaining the space stone (which is then stored in the Tesseract), and in a coincidence the blue cube lands beneath Loki's grasp. In an attempt to escape, Loki grabbed the Tesseract unhesitantly which immediately summoned him into a desert probably located in Mongolia (as the first teaser suggests).
So, the Loki that we'll meet in the series is more like a baddie one, not that heroic one that we last saw in Avengers: Infinity War.
Loki starts streaming June 9 only on Disney+.
(MCU Discussion and Theories)
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