#etain skirata
lamaenthel · 4 months
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[Read on ao3]
Helpless (Boba Fett, Jango Fett • 851 Words)
Solitary Confinement (CC-2224|Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano • 1575 Words)
"Bite Down On This" (CC-5052|Bly, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos • 868 Words)
Obedience (CT-5597|Jesse, Darth Maul, Original Mandalorian Character • 1942 Words)
Rope Burns (CT-7567|Rex, Sith!Ahsoka Tano, Darth Vader, Sabé • 1723 Words)
"You Lied To Me" (Sintas Vel, Ailyn Vel, Mirta Gev • 1284 Words)
Suffering In Silence (CC-3636|Wolffe, Plo Koon • 889 Words)
"Why Won't It Stop" (Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker • 1443 Words)
 Bees Human Shield (Etain Tur-Mukan, RC-1136|Darman Skirata 876 Words)
Killing In Self Defense (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Qui-Gon Jinn • 383 Words)
Time Loop "I Love You" (CT-7567|Rex, Darth Vader, Sith!Ahsoka Tano • 1931 Words)
Semi-Conscious (Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi • 604 Words)
"You Weren't Supposed To Get Hurt" (Jango Fett, Boba Fett • 798 Words)
Blood-Stained Tiles (CT-6116|Kix, CT-5597|Jesse, Anakin Skywalker • 372 Words)
"Who Did This To You?" (CT-7567|Rex, Darth Vader, Sith!Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi • 1590 Words)
Came Back Wrong (CT-7567|Rex, Darth Vader, Sith!Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi • 2935 Words)
Hostage Situation (Barriss Offee, Luminara Unduli • 729 Words)
Too Weak To Move (Ailyn Vel, Boba Fett • 2114 Words)
"Please Don't" (Chirrut Îmwe, Baze Malbus • 458 Words)
Truth Serum (Crosshair, Omega • 1309 Words)
Unresponsive (Depa Billaba, Caleb Dume • 510 Words)
"You Weren't Meant To Be There" (N-11|Ordo Skirata, Besany Wennen • 819 Words)
Presumed Dead (Chopper, Hera Syndulla • 1735 Words)
"I'm Doing This Because I Care About You" (CT-7567|Rex, Darth Vader, Sith!Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi • 2376 Words)
Waterboarding (Kal Skirata, N-11|Ordo Skirata • 759 Words)
"Help Them" (Alexsandr Kallus, Zeb Orrelios • 943 Words)
Left For Dead (ARC-1409|Echo • 447 Words)
"No… Not Like This" (Cal Kestis, Merrin • 403 Words)
Not Allowed To Die (CT-7567|Rex, Darth Vader, Sith!Ahsoka Tano, CC-2224|Cody • 2457 Words)
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mrbubblyurchin · 16 days
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“No good female characters in Republic Commando” AS IF.
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totally-not-your-babe · 2 months
Spoilers for the first two books of Republic Commando
I just finished Hard Contact and started reading Triple Zero (I don't know why the Hungarian version called Coruscant btw) AND OH MY FORCE I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THESE BOOKS ALREADY!!!
Omega Squad my loves
I have mixed feeling about Etain sometimes BUT I adore her (why did Karen had to say she wasn't attractive in every two pages I can't understand tho)
Fi just wants to drink some beer and it's the most relatable thing ever
The Omega's getting the black armours when they have mission on a snowy planet... like REALLY
The way Skirata protected the Nulls! I love him. I don't hear anyone out I love him no matter what! He is my dad now
The Boba-sleeping-in-Jango's-arms part MY HEART
Sedate me!
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trashcanmando · 1 month
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repcomm but make it the 2003 genndy style
i think who's who is pretty obvious for the most part, but i also drew post-501st besany because i firmly believe she chops her hair off, gets a face scar in a bar fight that she started because someone insulted one of her brothers (probably fi), and gets armor (and an axe)
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mandalorianhistorian · 8 months
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Expanded universe official rep com art pre Disney
Part 1
Part 2
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techs-goggles9902 · 3 months
Actually sobbing over the fact that Etain and Darman will never have their happy ending with Kad. Don’t talk to me.
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roseaesynstylae · 25 days
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Hard Contact, Chapter 7
"It was the fields. There was too much open ground between areas of cover. Niner had been sitting in the fork of a tree for so long that one buttock was numb and the other was catching up."
Any time there's a funny (or mildly funny) moment in these books, I feel obliged to record it. It's less because I feel bad about criticizing them (I don't, at all) and more due to the fact that I like to note anything I actually enjoy in these books.
"Yes, she could use the Force. When she felt confident and controlled, she could master everything Fulier had taught her; but those days were few and far between She wrestled with a temper unbefitting a Jedi. She watched those with serene acceptance of the Force and envied their certainty. She wondered why Jedi blood had bothered to manifest in someone who was so fallible."
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I get Etain's low self-esteem. In fact, most of that paragraph is pretty relatable. BUT. "Jedi blood?" It has never been called that. Yes, Force-sensitivity tends to run in families (see, the Skywalkers, the Horns, etc), but, and considering how much certain characters rant about it, I'd think Traviss would pay attention to this, the Jedi Order is not about bloodlines. It's the furthest thing from. What exactly prompted--
OH. Oh, I have a sneaking suspicion as to why it's referred to as "Jedi blood" here.
What's the connotation most people have when they hear the word blood in the context of abilities or families or whatnot? For me, it carries this hint of elitism. There's just a sense of "Me and the rest of my family are so superior to you that even our bodily fluids are Better Than You." Why do I have this feeling that KT is trying to make the Jedi Order look elitist?
THE JEDI ARE NOT ELITIST. They are, again, the furthest thing from. They help everyone, especially people who are at the bottom of the pecking order, and they don't care where their members come from. Nothing about the Jedi Order is elitist.
But Karen Traviss is ignoring that "little" fact. She wants to make the Jedi look bad and unsympathetic and "Why would anyone stay a member," and she is ignoring facts in order to do that. It's one thing to have an interpretation that uses canon facts. It's another thing entirely to ignore facts.
To sum up:
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Jedi-Bashing: 14 (one for the elitist subtext, one for the blatant ignorance of the facts)
"Then she became aware of something she wasn't expecting to encounter in the Imbraani woods.
A child.
'Sorry, ma'am,' a man's voice said. 'I didn't recognize you.'
And still she detected only a child, so close it had to be next to the man. For some reason she couldn't sense him in the Force at all."
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This is how I want two people who are going to fall in love to meet! By one thinking the other is a child! That isn't creepy at all!
Also, why is Etain sensing Darman as a child? In all Star Wars media involving the clones, including this very series, portray all clone troopers as adults. I don't get why she senses Darman's chronological age in this scene.
Oh, wait. Yes, I do. Traviss wants to reinforce how bad the Jedi Order is. "Oh, look! They're using child soldiers! Aren't they just awful?!" In response, I say "Hey, remember how Kal Skirata wanted to start training his sons to kill people when they were eight? And remember how his wife was treated as a bitch for not being comfortable with that?" Am I deliberately misinterpreting canon facts? Maybe. Is someone else definitely doing the exact same? Yes. Shut up.
Jedi-Bashing: 15
"Sergeant Kal was especially eager for his Wet Droids to read stuff about a culture called Mandalorian. He admired Jango Fett."
These facts about Kal Skirata aren't bad in this book, but they're going to make him very punchable in future material. God, this fucking guy...
Jedi-Bashing: 15
Di'kut Count: 6
Main Post
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mamuzzy · 16 days
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@ithillia you always know how to word my problems with the fandom.
It really saddens me that you can't talk about the characters without someone going karentraviss over them. I want blorbo blurbs, not worrying about the fictional character's social status based on real life and feeling shame for enjoying a FICTION.
If I had tell you that I have dealt misogyny in my past workplace or in my family, you wouldn't give half as shit than you make a fuss about fictional characters. Because I'm a real person, I'm more abstract to you than Etain, or Ilippi or Besanny. You wouldn't take me seriously, you wouldn't raise a finger for me as a person, but you would kill over fictional women you don't even respect because "they are all cardboard plates" to you and you conveniently decide who is a good woman representation and who is just "karen traviss". Fuck off with your perfect women representation!
Who the fuck are you to tell who is a good women representation???
I don't want perfect women! I want my lonely city-girl Besanny! I want my not beautiful Etain with self-esteem issues and horrible life-choices! I want my collateral damage Jilka! I want my confident badass scientist Uthan who survived in isolation for three years and who dyes her hair! I want Ruu who made up with her father after all those years! I want old snarky widow Ny to find love! I want badass Ilippi who dared to divorce from his husband when she felt it was enough! These are the women you call cardboard plates.
I want Ordo and Besanny or Fi and Parja be happy in canon, and I can make Ordo stupidly gay for his boyfriend and Fi a fuckboy in my fictions simultaneously however I want!
Seriously, you act like the author pairing up her own characters are the most sinful act a person can do, when you do the same on tumblr, shipping blorbos.
fucking hell.
I just can't take this fictional misogyny debate seriously.
Yes. I held this in for a very long time. I'm not sorry.
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timeladix · 1 year
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It had to be done people...
Yes these are (form left to right) Darman, Etain and Kal Skirata from the repcomm series
What have i become..
(don't know the artists, took the art from pinterest, if you know who painted these please let me know so i can tag them:)
Update: Etain and Dar fanart by Jen Richards. Kan Skirata fanart by krad-eelav.
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orishya-buyce · 8 months
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lamaenthel · 4 months
Human Shield
[read on ao3][masterlist]Febuwhump prompt: human shield
Darman could smell rain on the wind that gently blew their bedroom curtains. The sun was just beginning to rise, clouds filtering the pink light into cold gray. He buried his face in Etain's hair and took a deep breath.
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Characters: RC-1136|Darman Skirata/Etain Tur-Mukan
Wordcount: 876
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Darman could smell rain on the wind that gently blew their bedroom curtains. The sun was just beginning to rise, clouds filtering the pink light into cold gray. He buried his face in Etain's hair and took a deep breath.
"Morning." She shifted uncomfortably. Her belly had officially reached massive status, though Darman would cut his leg off before saying it to her face. "Mm. Lemme just…" She flung a sleepy hand in the direction of the window, closing it with her Force powers.
Darman chuckled and kissed the back of her neck. "You could have just asked me to close it, you know."
"Why get up when I can…" She wiggled her fingers. 
Darman took another deep breath of her dewberry blonde hair; she insisted it was brown, as though she'd never seen her own hair in the afternoon light. Her shampoo smelled like sunshine and had some sort of cactus he didn't recognize on the front of the bottle. "I like doing things for you."
"I know you do." She struggled to turn over in his arms. "You don't have to wait on me, Dar. You're not subservient to me."
"I absolutely am." He kissed her neck, and ignored the scowl that popped up in favor of gently biting the thin skin over her pulse point. "I'm your riduur. You're carrying my child. I am subservient to you in every way imaginable, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
"You're incorrigible," she grumbled.
He laughed. "And how are you feeling this morning, ner Et'ika?"
Etain looked dolefully down at her giant stomach and sighed. "Enormous." 
Darman kept kissing her neck, considering it the smarter option over confirming her opinion. "Do you want a massage?" he mumbled into her skin.
"Maybe later." She caught his hand and guided it to her belly, smiling. "Do you feel your son?"
He nodded, his throat going tight. There was a fluttering pulse under his palm. "He's kicking," Darman said in awe.
"Yeah he is." Etain adjusted herself again and frowned at her big belly. Darman sympathized with her. He'd jumped out of more than one larty hauling more in equipment than what his runt of a wife weighed soaking wet and seven months pregnant.
"He's feisty. Like his mama." Darman kissed her cheek.
"He's a pain in my shebs like his daddy," Etain corrected him. 
"Oh, you know I love it when you speak Mando'a, ner cyar'ika." Darman said, nuzzling her neck. He blew a snozzberry in her throat and made her laugh. "Ner jet'ika, ner mesh'lane cyar'ika, gar dinui ner runi mirjahaal. Ni kartay'li gar darasuum."
"I love you too," she sighed, lacing their hands together over her stomach. "I'm sorry, Dar."
"About what?"
"That we never got to do this." She blinked her big, sad green eyes at him. "We deserved this, but we never had it."
"What are you talking about, Et'ika?" Darman sat up, confused.
Etain just looked at him patiently. "You know what I'm talking about."
"I…" Darman couldn't draw a full breath.
"It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong, my love."
"I…" Not my girl! Not my girl!
"Hey." Etain pulled his face close, pressed their foreheads together. "It was my fault. I've been using a lightsaber since I was four years old. I knew better than to try and stop one with my body."
"Then why did you?" Darman whispered, shaking. "What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't." She laughed softly. "I wasn't thinking, Dar. I acted on instinct and made a stupid, stupid mistake that cost me my life. I'm sorry you had to watch."
"I miss you." Darman squeezed his eyes shut. "I miss you so much, Etain. I wish you could see Kad. He's… he's like you. He needs you, but he doesn't have you."
"Lucky for him, he has the best dad in the whole galaxy." She kissed his fingers. "I love you, Dar. I will always love you. Ni kartay'li gar darasuum, ner riduur." 
"Etain," Darman said frantically, "Etain, wait—"
Darman shot up, instantly awake. He'd never lost that ability, even though it'd been four years since he'd seen active combat. The smell of Etain's shampoo lingered in the air. "Kad?" He held out his arms to the silhouette in the doorway. It was early; the sun had just barely risen, the gray rainclouds above Kyrimorut bleaching the pink dawn into cold gray.
His son dove into his arms eagerly. "You okay, Daddy?" he asked, getting situated.
"Of course, ad'ika. Just a sad dream." Darman fluffed his son's dewberry-blond hair, the same as his mother's. "Let's get some breakfast. Daddy's hungry."
"Was it a mama dream?" Kad didn't seem eager to leave his arms.
Darman sighed. "Yeah. It was a mama dream."
"Well, that's okay then." Kad smiled. "That just means she misses you. That's what she says when I have mama dreams. She comes and sees me 'cause she misses me so much."
Darman didn't want to cry in front of his son, but it was a damn close call. He forced himself to smile instead and threw off the covers. "Come on. Let's make some waffles." He reached up to close the window he'd left cracked the night before and paused.
It was already closed.
Mando'a Translations riduur: spouse ner Et'ika: my little Etain shebs: butt ner cyar'ika: my sweetheart ner jet'ika, ner mesh'lane cyar'ika, gar dinui ner runi mirjahaal. ni kartay'li gar darasuum: my little jedi, my most beautiful sweetheart, you give my soul peace. i hold you in my heart forever ad'ika: child
Taglist: @starwarsficnetwork, @febuwhump, @soliloquy-of-nemo Divider: @saradika-graphics
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mrbubblyurchin · 21 days
Just finished True Colors
What the heck.
Just to recap:
I ain’t ready for this.
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totally-not-your-babe · 6 months
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LOOK AT THEM!!!!! (Hungarian versions)
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This truly made my day 🥹🥹🥹
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mandalorianhistorian · 8 months
Force sensitivity in mandalorians isn’t uncommon but you don’t just magically get it
Kad/venku skirata the son of etain and dar was born with it like his mother but he had limited training so he wasn’t as attuned in it
Jusik was trained by the Jedi and became mandalorian later on so he has much more of an affinity to the force with his force healing
Their are more force sensitives most likely in mandalorian society but keep it to themselves being a secretive culture
You can’t just magically have the force that isn’t how it works in actual lore
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roseaesynstylae · 2 months
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Hard Contact, Chapter 2
"Clone personnel have free will, even if they do follow orders. If they couldn't think for themselves, we'd be better off with droids -- and they're a lot cheaper, too. They have to be able to respond to situations we can't imagine. Will that change them in ways we can't predict? Perhaps. But they have to be mentally equipped to win wars. Now thaw these men out. They have a job to do.
-- Jedi Master Arligan Zey, intelligence officer"
I'm going to add any of these...I'm not sure what these extracts at the beginning of the chapters are properly called, but I'll add them whenever they're interesting.
Zey's comment about the clones reminds me of the line from Andor. "We're cheaper than droids, and easier to replace." The difference here is that while clones are more expensive and harder to replace than droids, they're superior.
And yes, Master Zey, it did change them in unexpected ways.
"It didn't feel so bad to be revived after stasis. He was still a commando. They hadn't reconditioned. That meant -- that meant he'd performed to expected standards at Geonosis. He'd done well. He felt positive."
The implication that "under-performing" clones are brainwashed, at best, is one of the Traviss's additions that I genuinely like, emphasizing the cold detachment of the Kaminoans before they become prominent in the series. It's also just a terrifying idea.
"Darman was careful not to stare -- even though any eye movement was disguised by his helmet -- because Jedi knew things without having to see. His instructors had told him so. Jedi were omniscient, omnipotent, and to be obeyed at all times."
And here we see the official beginning of the Jedi-Bashing count. It's subtler here, but it keeps popping up in ways that are unmistakable in the context of the series' attitude toward the Jedi Order. In multiple cases, such as this one, lines that wouldn't make me bat an eye in a different book, (or more accurately, a different author), but make me grit my teeth here.
The way this specific paragraph is written is very similar to how I'd write a passage from the POV of a character who thinks the antagonist is a good person, or is brainwashed, but I want to make it clear what's really going on. Only in this case, it isn't portraying, say, a Sith cult, but the Jedi Order, which is devoted to helping others, enforcing justice, and studying the Force.
Jedi-Bashing: 1
"'This is your unit of four, then? A squad?' He seemed to be recalling a hurried lesson. 'Almost like a family?'"
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This might be a stretch, but I'm not cutting this series an iota of slack when it comes to the Jedi Order. The implication here seems to be "Oh look, the Jedi have no idea what a family is! It's so unnatural and wrong, not like the good, wholesome Mandalorians!" Am I being petty? Maybe. Does Kal Skirata ranting about baby-stealers get really fucking old really fucking fast? Definitely.
Jedi-Bashing: 2
"'My squad called me Atin," the wounded commando said.
Niner glanced at Fi but said nothing. Atin was Mandalorian for 'stubborn.'"
Okay, this bit is just funny.
"Darman -- a soldier able to withstand every privation in the field, and whose greatest fear was to whither from age rather than die in combat -- felt inexplicably uncomfortable at the idea of a Jedi having failings."
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Jedi-Bashing: 3
"Etain was neither a natural warrior nor a great charmer, but she was aware of her talent for spotting opportunities. It made up for a lot."
In this book, at least, I really like Etain. She's a good audience surrogate and her headspace is easier to get into than the other three narrators.
Jedi-Bashing: 3
Di'kut Count: 1
Main Post
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sytortuga · 1 year
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I was so inspired by this post by @ice-6caydesqueen that I needed to bring out my sketch book. Thank you for bringing Darman and Etain back! You made me realize how much I miss these two...
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