#etc etc im not saying there ARENT gems. im saying
quincywillows · 1 year
i actually don’t think y’all understand how disillusioned i am with tv these days... the industry is dead to me. not for the reasons most fandom people say that like oh my fave died my fave couple broke up etc etc no. i think tv is dead because it literally is DEAD. its become so oversaturated that there is literally no way to rake through the muck to find the gems of good story. media has always been profit driven but the evolution to let’s create as much content as possible to beat out our competitors but only give them 1.5 seasons if that and make sure they have record-breaking streaming numbers -- a meaningless, MEANINGLESS metric when it comes to the quality of the storytelling -- within two days or they get the axe guaranteed and every single thing being a cheap and soulless IP adaptation that fans are happy to gobble down just to say they have it rather than actually see it as a faithful interpretation bc money money money and i swear if i see one more gd star marvel wars piece of property i will lose it. in this essay i will,
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insertdisc5 · 2 years
The tumblr q&a is over, but I was curious! I love all the different phrases the characters in isat/sasasa:p use--If it's something you can say, where did inspiration for "gems alive" and other phrases come from?
long post ahead
ok so when I was figuring out the world, I found this lecture on worldbuilding by Brandon Sanderson (go watch it, and also go read his books), and (im gonna paraphrase heavily here) one thing he mentioned is that, to make a memorable world, one thing you can do is pick a couple areas of culture, and go real deep with it. So like, pick fashion, and architecture, and interior design, and develop those a bunch, and bam! you convinced people you have a whole dang world, even though you only developed 3 areas of this world. hollow iceberg everyone thinks is a real iceberg.
he also mentioned the idea of like... getting weird with it? and develop based on a weird detail? for example, in his book The Stormlight Archives, one detail is that women have to hide their left hand at all times. ok, so what does that mean, whats taboo about a left hand? is the left hand shameful, or lewd somehow, the same way ankles were for us? what about fashion, what does women's fashion look like? and how do you live your every day life, knowing you can't show this hand, can you carry things the same way? etc
SO, for me, one of the Big Worldbuilding pillars i picked was, uh, swear words lol. or language and common expressions, more generally. i went on a whole journey where i was like... ok swear words in a LOT of languages (including french and english, both languages i speak fluently) are either sexual, or about gross bodily discharges. you know what words i mean!!!!!
and, well, i also didnt want the game to be full of those words, mostly because i think its a tightrope to use those words without seeming cringe, and also because i have a Core Memory of showing a comic to a colleague and she said "well i wouldve liked to show it to my kids, but you said fuck 12 times in there" and i didnt show my face to her for a week. family friendly family friendly family friendly
so what swear words should my characters use, that arent the same ones we use? and could those swear words actually tell us something about the world they live in? could i actually use those swear words... to show the characters come from different cultures???
and what COULD swear words be like, if theyre not about sex or body stuff? well irl they're usually about religions or belief. "oh god", "goddamnit", etc. as a sidenote, stuff like "oh my god" or "geez" arent used, because jesus christ is not canon to the ISAT universe. alright
i decided very early on i wouldnt have those in the game either, but i COULD have them be about the religions specific to this world. and for insults, i could have them be about stuff those beliefs would see as lesser.
anyway instead of talking about "gems alive" lets talk about "crab"
isabeau+mirabelle+bonnie use "crab" as a swear word because they follow a religion all around change, bettering yourself, evolving, and, the crab meme,
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for those who dont get the joke, its about carcinisation, and about how a bunch of non-crab-like forms somehow evolved to a crab-like form. which would be horrible, for a religion all based around change!!! you mean we change and evolve, but theres a chance we might all become crabs??? CRAB!!!!!!!
anyway having "crab" kinda reads as 1. swear word 2. thats funny and weird (sets the tone) 3. tells you they know what crabs are (world not that different from ours, AND means they live close-ish to the coast, aka not land locked) and 4. crabs are somehow hated/feared, even if as the player you dont get why, it shows this country has its own culture (even if you dont get the crabs joke, which uuuh apparently doesnt work as well in countries that dont have this specific meme. WHATEVER!!!!)
(a few people came to me saying "heh, i get it, because crab and crap are very similar words" and um actually i did not think about that. crab is just a funny word on its own, and also i am a comedy genius without even trying)
anyway tldr: swear words as a worldbuilding tool. soon in theaters
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puer-aurea · 9 months
mercenary au relationships
enemies, romantic, familial, etc ykyk key: big dogs ren heart foundation mounders roomies gem and the scotts lizzie and scar
romantic first ranchers enjoyers arent gonna be happy w this one bc uhhh jimmy and tango arent together! im a big fan of the canary and his miner so uhhh jimmy and mumbo <3 (do we have a name for them or is it just the canary and his miner?) tango and skizz are in a relationship and they both have a crush on bigb and want to ask him out but hes always coincidentally disappearing when they have enough courage to ask him lizzie and joel are dating, but marriage is a lot different for elves than it is for most other species, and since joel cannot for the life of him figure out what lizzie is, he hasnt proposed bc he knows nothing abt her marriage beliefs martyn has the biggest crush on ren and its obvious to everyone BUT ren. martyns super broke tho while ren seems wealthy enough so he thinks ren is out of his league jimmy and scott are exes. scott is still hung up on jimmy but convinces himself jimmy's the one hung up on him (based on scott referencing flower husbands in secret life while jimmy was just doin what joel told him to do) gem and pearl are ace lesbians. no more info needed impulse and scar have no romantic relationships, impulse bc he just isnt interested in anyone and scar bc hes aroace i havent fully figured out what i want for the roomies + bdubs in a romantic or familial sense. i know for sure bdubs and grian are fae brothers, and cleo and etho have no kids, but beyond that idk if i want cletho or ethubs or roomies polycule, or ffs etho/grian. idk yet man! its hard family like i said, grian and bdubs are fae brothers pearl and scar say theyre siblings but dont elaborate on how ones a vamp and ones an elf jimmy and martyn are biological siblings and lizzie found them one day when they were all younger and decided she was their sister. theyre probably the only ones who have an inkling of a clue as to what she is cleo and gem were siblings when cleo was fully alive, whether they still are depends who you ask. (they both still say they are) pearl acts like a mother to all the mounders none of the heart foundation have family in their little village and neither do either of the scotts enemies sorta the big dogs do not have a good relationship w the heart foundation bc martyn broke into it looking for a place to stay but refused to accept skizz offering them a temp place for free bc it made him feel like they hit a whole new low scar thinks most of the village doesnt like him but theyre just suspicious of him since no one can remember actually buying from him bigb acts like hes suspicious of everyone but hes just anxious and weird lizzie and joel both have a slight dislike of scott but for very different reasons on that note, lizzie also has a slight dislike of skizz for the same reason as scott (angels are more perceptive than most, but still not enough)
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bawkrya · 3 months
I feel like theres genuinely no p2w mechanics for FR? like. The only competitive part of FR is dom and i would really hope people arent putting legitimate money into THAT . . . Like sure yeah you can buy gems but for big purchases that would be "considered" p2w, like being able to get imperial scrolls or ks fams, i dont often see people buying gems for those things . . . . Theyre usually older players w a steady source of gem income and slowly paying off those debts. From what I can see anyways.
FR is more of a time advantage game, and thats even if you had put in the effort super early on to build your base. An account thats 10-11 years old may have a significantly better advantage than me as a 6 yr old account, but only if they had been active at the beginning-- because theres 10-11 yr old accounts that you could say my lair is more developed than theirs. But then i didnt start doing things i shouldve done years ago. Until This Year. Like my cauldron still isnt lvl 25, i dont have max slots, i only bought the rest of my nests earlier this year, etc etc
Theres also the fact that the longer you play the more certain things may not seem expensive? 100g for a dragon isnt expensive to me anymore, but when i first started 25g for a dragon was a LOT. And its really not that getting gems is any easier than it is at the beginning, but your perception of it changes. Idk
I do know that the pose flip scroll shouldnt. Cost gems though. This shouldve just been a free feature, or something similar to apparel slots where if you pay the fee it unlocks for your dragons. The suggestion that it should be like 4kg to unlock it for your whole lair is bullshit though bc idek if unlocking all of the apparel slots breaks 2kg? Lmfao? Like just price it as another apparel slot.
Im not sure where i wanted to go specifically w this but of all games i play fr is the most f2p friendly one i play . . . Bc its not a competitive game. Its a petsim.
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1tsjusty0u · 5 months
hm. random things wreath likes perhaps
pre cal. not much!! he likes fiction books and sweet foods but other than that he cant think of anything. he probably does like more things though its just a deep-seated issue for him. for specifics: they always like pumpkin pie its his favorite, and. yeah. finnish desserts they also make due to hateno and he’d also like those a lot! piparkakku and pannukakku (gingerbread and pancakes) he likes as well. uhm. i should note i am not finnish so any finlanders out there if i butcher anything. im sorry…. anyways! fiction books arent just legends of past games for clarification he’d like ones that really dont have anything to do with tloz. if chicory a colorful tale was an ip/book in this universe they’d like it a bit!! also horse fact magazines and cookbooks. he loves those and never reads them after he gets them <3
post cal ..!! you know if this was like. my interpretation of normal botw i’d say the issue from the above paragraph would get better! but uh!! here it actually gets worse. they still love pumpkin pie and food and horse facts however. its getting harder and harder for him to remember what he does genuinely like, + things he Would like start to get stale or dont feel fun anymore like. for example horse facts again. he’ll always like food but other than that he’d have trouble naming most other things. it all just Exists to him. unfortunately going outside does Not fix him no matter how beautiful and wondrous it is
however i shant leave it at that….. while he might not be able to list it he still does like things sort of. he doesnt get excited about these but theyre just Nice to him and nothing more (also realistically he wouldnt care too much about these however pretend this is a parallel universe where this issue doesnt exist and he Would like these!! he still would in this one he just has problems anyways); seeing foxes!! he likes to greet them by spooking them. hes a fan of cooking ingredients and as much as totk sucks i Do like koyins quest (ignoring the romantic implications and the butchering of her character) i think he’d really Really like trading in nuts for milk and collecting them for the cow guy. he’d probably do it even with no milk incentive but thats just the cherry on top. also koyin and him could be slight friends a lot later into the story!! also he likes acorns and seeds and tries to break into them. also i made a whole list of sounds: clippity clops, footsteps on brick pavement, wood chopping board noises, WHEELS ON BRICK PAVEMENT, knife getting stuck in wood or swords etc, clinks of figurines (not hollow and probably like. made up of a gem rather than stone. Heavy clinks), pencil on thin paper on desk. more likes the feel rather than sound. and gear sounds/clicking like guardians. ALSO KEYBOARD NOISES. like the chunky ones i can get a video. zelda also likes these just more mechanical ones rather than soft thonks. also cooking pot noises we cannot forget about those. cutting paper super smoothly by just dragging scissors or a knife feels good and also knife tearing through fabric or specifically a bed mattress also feels good! the sound varies however. alsoalso this made me make a list for zelda because i think she’d more actively like sensory things
if they had a preference for weapons he’d love lynel weapons due to the sheer damage he just would never use them as to not break them. same with robbies ancient sword and other weapons that look cool or have ties to the champions. otherwise he just likes standard one handed sword weapons. pre cal him would honestly like lynel swords More and be really miffed about the master sword only doing 30 damage despite it being a holy sword and people regarding it as this great thing. like it has trouble defeating monsters ganon is going to kill him. i need to play sksw honestly i think he would like fi i just know next to nothing about her besides her being the sword. also he cant hear her Anyways!!
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single-malt-scotch · 10 months
ok so i am home from my vacation and i have only had time to watch bdubs' SL pov and hlf of cleo's rn. regardless wanted to ramble my thoughts on this session and fair warning it isnt gonna be super positive (the short: didnt really like it) so yeah.
reminder though i absolutely Love these people. i love how they play and theyre great and im watching first and foremost bc i like seeing them have fun. my issues lie in the series' mechanics, how it plays, the technical function, management etc.
the thing about watching one pov is i feel like it can also spell out other issues but i will get to that later
obviously the big thing. the "infection" task. listen.... the concept of a boogeyman infection by itself is cool! i like that! but.... not here?????? out of all series.
there is no regen, and this fact is conflicting to me because i feel like the boogey should be struggling against those theyre trying to infect, and minecraft's regen would be that struggle, like it has been for every past boogey chasing their targets.
you have to kill everyone not red? not red???? so like 90% of the server? insane.
this was an EASY TASK........... this pisses me more on what this season's rules have been implied to be. suddenly, they arent really making sense. i will go into this deeper.
this just doesnt seem like the right place to plant this task. it is hugely impactful and feels like it is happening for no reason. if they were going on like 10+ episodes and grian was formally like "well, secret keeper wants this wrapped up so lets see what task hes gonna give all of us!" and then boom, this is it. then cool. make up a proper excuse like wrapping up the season.
it was too much of a shocker, unprepared for, and with how intense it is by needing to kill everyone left it feeling very unfair to the people i was watching. Bdubs had just died previously and now lost all his hearts in one session because of the force of another task. as did many others. if there was to even be any slight alteration to more "fairness" it could have been "the one you killed is now boogey. hand them the book and make them kill someone by themself. you are no longer infected. you cannot kill the person who killed you." or something idk. every part of the server going after one person is way too much.
regarding rules and whatnot, i was already kind of annoyed by this previous session too. there are two tasks now that have me going "how tf is this "easy"?" Bdubs' task of chicken causing damage-- an amount that had to go as high as anyone could stand it-- seems way too harsh as an easy task. there were a few tasks where health could be lost, but none of it was deliberate "lose as much as possible". losing the same amount of health as another player (like grian and joel) is not the same as telling the player they basically need to lose as much as possible compared to someone else in order to win the challenge. grian and etho's hard tasks took a lot of damage (to others mostly lol) but it was a destructive hard task. bdubs' with the dragon was as well.
but gem's task especially... i mean, holy crap. that is a red life's task, or a hard task at most! even if i liked the whole thing i think id still be on the page of saying that is not an "easy" task. a red life getting this task would have been interesting too because it would put a ton of risk on them to survive and get it done. and sure, theyd get some allies in the infected but theyd still be a target in the fights. that would have been tense for them!
cancelling out all of the others' tasks when they were infected made sense but it totally changed the direction of people's videos. it forced them to be different to everyone. suddenly the first quarter or half of the video is just void and pointless. when the tasks basically direct their entire motive and how they act towards everyone, forcing them into big choices they cannot change, i think its bad. social tasks that pass off as kind normal are funny (etho's weeping angel, get scar to talk abt star wars, compliment ppl when they take damage etc), or outward and confusing but not character controlling ones (kill the dragon, connect your base to others, etc). ones that direct a player so strongly shouldnt ruin their interactions with everyone else either (playing tag-- took up a lot of time but players were "neutral" to everyone and carried on as normal).
some people were saying this task could be to speed up the series. im not really sure abt that. regardless i am sure they thought this would just be an interesting thing to do and thats why they did it. (i have seen martyn on here sometimes talking vaguely abt tasks being random and whatnot and no offense to him but it doesnt sound like at all he does have all the information to knowing this. i mean, why would he? hes a player. the admins are doing things he has no clue about. hes not even firmly stating anything. hes just saying what he knows, which i dont think is at all everything the admins are doing in front of them). i have seen this series play with many balance issues through its lifetime and i think this season esp shows a lot of that again. grian stated around one season how theres no play testing really. the admins might run some stuff i guess but theyre not testing much. and thats very obvious when limlife had that issue of deaths not showing in chat (and hey look, it happened again!) or boogey kills in LL and LimLife (along with normal kills in Lim) not being detected by means that were not direct (mechanically this just happens, you cant fix it. but they did not prepare to deal with this at all and it was chaotic to watch in Limlife and caused a lot of confusion on who got time).
i have repeating some of these things about SL already so i dont want to drone on again. i have been kinda neutral to SL because many eps were fine, i didnt love every task (personally didnt like etho getting so many "out of character" ones, like please give this man a break he is so socially awkward its hard to watch). but this session and last session have me not enjoying the task concept.
from the start i just wished this season was about not being able to regen hearts and thats it. i need something simple, dude. its getting convoluted. and its obvious with the amount of hall monitoring and the amount of talk the cc have in these videos telling hall monitors to stop, to explain successes or failures, etc etc. they should have to do that. limlife already had some ppl getting picky about who got time or not but this is even more subjective and confusing!! im sure theyre still having fun and i like seeing them having fun here but as a viewer im just seeing a concept that has too much going on, stuff that doesnt have a simple yes or no answer sometimes and i dont think thats good for a series like this, one that started out so incredibly simple and straight forward.
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ppenguinpperson · 1 year
omg im obsessed with your dasha n katya designs i love madoka magica and pafl!! i wanted to ask what were their magical girl contract events? like what were the reasons why they chose to become magical girls? also feel free to talk about it more in general because i love this concept and find it fascinating
thank you!!!<333 i appreciate it!!! im gonna talk about this au under cut as to not flood peoples dashes n such
so!! to explain dasha's, i gotta explain this au a bit before i dive into it.
even though a lot is similiar to mm in this au, the incubators dont work alone. they work with the facility!:3 the facility studies how much despair a witch can produce, how much despair a magical girl can endure, how strong a magical girl can be, what the limits are of what you can and can't wish for (even though the incubators say 'anything', the facility isnt That trusting of them. for obvious reasons, such as, incubators withhold so much information. and then use the excuse that you just didn't ask. so !! though they work together, they don't rlly, trust them 100%.), etc !! temnova is the leading head of this experiment. soo . as you might suspect from 'like a dog', and all the "how old is temnova?" "wouldnt you like to know:)" things, temnovas a mutant in canon - most likely anyways lol. so, in this au, shes a magical girl, too:) she doesnt fight witches tho, just studies them. she herself was very fascinated with kyubey and the concept of magical girls, so, she wished (like 50 years ago btw) for something along the lines of "i want to be alive as long as my soul gem is intact" . she has a higher resistance to despair, and, she ages Very slowly! kyubey approached her when she was like 15, and during these 50 years shes aged like, less than a decade. when she got into her twenties she demanded kyubey stop aging her, for if he keeps doing that, she will become Old and Fragile in no time. so. she ages slowly! and all that shit. or something.
the facility also like. it doesnt kidnap magical girls. not rlly ❤️tries to contain the witches though (with varying degrees of success)
now. about dasha. my girl dasha !!! shes been a magical since she was like, a child, seven years old or smth. temnova was always curious about what would happen if a magical girl made her wish at a young age - how long she could go until she turned into a witch, how much power her wish could hold, how her despair would look n such... dasha most likely isn't her first 'experiment' like this. dasha didn't make her own wish. temnova told her to wish "I want to be able to locate other magical girls", so she did. when dasha grows older, she starts recruiting magical girls. as in, once shes old enough, convincing enough, she starts finding MMs and telling them "Hi i have a group of magical girl friends back at home. do you wanna fight with us" . and youre lying. youre fucking lying if you say that any magical girl wouldnt go "what the hell this is a child. what the hell. why is she fighting witches. what the fuck kyubey" and follow her, to the facility. the scientists ask her questions, "what did you wish for?" "how long have you been a magical girl?" "what's your weapon?" "can you fight a witch for us?" "can you describe some of the witches you've fought?" nothing too drastic - can't have her telling the other magical girls about them - all under the guise of being dashas family, studying magical girls, keeping statistics, just curiousity. but magical girls arent stupid. some Would try to trust them. maybe temnova does these interviews, since shes a magical girl herself. or Something i dont have this that developed. im making some of this up as i go lol
dasha's weapon... is a gun!!
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thats her holster:) i didnt wanna give her a close range weapon, because, dimas telekenisis n all. plus its sorta stalker-ish.
when shes around 15, temnova takes her aside one day and says "hey. i love you like a daughte.r ok. thats why i'm going to tell you this. because i trust you can handle it. its a disgrace! im amazed at the boards lack of scientific taste, they just dont understand youre too precious to witch out! shame. yeah they think youre a loser and they wanna turn you into a witch, study that form and all." bc . shes put far too much work into dasha to lose her at 15!
dasha breaks out.
also, if you're wondering, "how did she survive without turning into a witch for eight years??" wellll theres this thing called bottling up your feelings so hard you dont even know they're there. hope this helps. she distances herself from literally everything.
lmk if you'd like me to elaborate on any of this!
katya!! katya lives with nadya in this au. (under the theory that nikita and nadya are her parents, which is, practically canon to me - nikita still bailed) her twin sister, which she has in the canon human au that ferry sometimes talks about, doesnt exist. why? ❤️because. im silly like that.
one day she meets yulya (fem!yura :3 get GIRLED), and the two become friends! sorta. katya hears yulya being self depricating n shit and decides "ok thats gonna be my big sister figure now:)" mm. about yulya. to explain things a bit: stalkers still exist in this. theyre not as illegal, but theyre not really legal either ! no law about them. they work for the facility - non magical girls that venture into witch's labyrinth, retrieving curses, scouting the labyrinth out, taking back 'artifacts', etc etc... yulya wants to be one ! for funsies, maybe. idk. she knows about magical girls because of sergei (unsure if ill girl him or not) !! she still tutors sanya, and, bc of sergeis stalker profession, shes heard a bit about labyrinths and such. thinks it could be interesting. or whatever. who knwos ... so !! she wants to be a stalker. katya doesnt know magical girls exist, theyre like, cryptids to her still. like the tooth fairy.
one day, the duo (maybe trio .. sanyas there, maybe), one way or another, they get stuck in a witchs labyrinth. they get cornered by curses, or the witch herself. no magical girl in sight. kyubey appears, explains the deal (not rlly, though. mostly "make a wish!! and youll be ok!!") and . yulya . she cannot bring herself to do it. she knows that the magical girls turn into witches, always eventually, from sergei. and she cant bring herself to do it. she loves katya like a sister, she doesnt want her to seal the contract either - but, she cant. do it. she freezes. katya doesnt know who the witches rlly are, though. so. in a fit of panic and desperation, she wishes something along the lines of "i just want my friends and i to be happy!!" or something. n. to her, this is magic! she gets a magical girl transformation! she gets a cute outfit, she gets a way to protect yulya!! she survives!! shes happy!! but to yulya. this is fucked up messed up shit and fuck. katya has already died, to her. "it was always going to end this way, shes been dead since the beginning" n shit. so she cant fucking. bear to be happy. but she cant tell katya the truth either!! shed witch out!! so shes. stuck. katya too.
katyas weapons are balloons that she can make, like animal balloons, that explode! so. she makes a silly dog balloon and throws it at the witch! and thats how she deals damage:) maybe shes got juggling balls idk !
mm. also, about that witching out...
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she doesnt rlly make it out the story in one piece lol. she learns the truth about magical girls one day. and ummm . she cant really handle it. she doesnt explode right away. tries to be positive, like, "oh i can. do htis. i can handle this" . she tries . but she fails . she cant bear to fight a witch again. and succumbs
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neleppy p'yerro is her witch name. the laughable witch. pathetic. tries to keep her audience, people in her labyrinth, happy, joyful. isnt outright violent, but. shes still a witch. she doesnt mean to harm you. she only wants to make you happy, to prevent you from reaching the fate that she did. doesnt want you to be sad, succumb and witch out. but she doesnt know how.
again, lmk if youre curious about any of this !! or if i explained anything poorly!!! :D thank you for asking!!!
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kekisu · 4 years
what are your favourite things about goro? also do you have any headcanons for him that you are willing to share ^_^
OHH my favorite things about goro. i really really just... love how beautifully hes written which is probably said by every goro fan ever and isnt that original but its the truth. he really is the gem of persona 5 and that isnt to say the game isnt good its just that the writing is sometimes lackluster or contradicts itself multiple times. but somehow. somehow. atlus nailed goro perfectly, i cant name a single flaw with him he really does just blow my mind.
i love how beautifully complex he is and how most of the details about him arent directly in your face like most of the things in p5 are. i feel that p5 has a problem with spelling things out for the player and while that isnt an entirely bad thing its just i feel like.. it sometimes makes some situations rather silly when they shouldnt be (an example that comes to mind is the entire kamoshida arc, i feel like it couldve hit a lot more if it wasnt so... elementary? about it? i dont know how else to describe it). i love how with goro its little bits and pieces that can be put together, things that are heavily implied or hinted at instead of it being like He was abused. (i know he does go on rants about his past at times but im mostly talking about his relationship with akira and how he views himself and friendships when i say all this)
i do feel like this is why most persona fans dont understand him or misinterpret him all the time though and its frustrating that people arent willing to look past the surface or think for a little bit. analyze him. look into his mind. its kind of infuriating how most of them insist goro is a monster or a coldblooded murderer with daddy issues or have the nerve to call him badly written, or saying shit like “cool motive, still murder” etc etc etc... sigh. MKFGDMHDNJNGD its just. sigh.
some hcs i have about goro are that he lives in an expensive highrise in the city and he lives on the very top floor. he has very good interior decorating skills and an eye for aesthetics but it makes his apartment look like it came straight out of a magazine and it looks like nobody lives there so its rather uncanny. his room is an entirely different story as theres piles of dirty laundry scattered about and old dishes stacked up on each other on his nightstand and his bed is never made. he does have one little area thats completely clean though and thats his desk where he does his makeup (just some blush and mascara.. some eyebrow filling and eyeliner too n__n lip gloss stuff like that but he does like to experiment sometimes) because he does grwm livestreams on instagram sometimes for his fans and he has an image to uphold
thank you for the ask!!!!
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nako-doodles · 5 years
hi! I was wondering if maybe you might have any mandarin song recs? I know I found a song by mayday from your blog, and unfortunately I don’t know anyone else who might have recs in chinese... sorry if that’s totally not even anything you listen to
(a lot of these are by taiwanese/华侨 artists bc a lot of mainland china music is just….propaganda and im not really about that life. also for an (partially) ethnic chinese….I really should listen to more chinese music but alas 😔😔😔)
ok songs below the cut! (bc this is gonna Be Long ok)
the first mandarin singer you need to know is 邓丽君 Teresa Teng. shes so so so so good and also one off the most famous mandarin singers. ever. theres a saying in chinese that is basically: there is no place that chinese have gathered and teresa teng’s songs arent playing. she is also super famous in japan, and thats why I listened to her songs growing up. a lot of chinese who go to Korea to promote and stuff are often asked to sing her songs too so dont be surprised if some of these are really familiar
her most famous songs (that I listen to religiously) are:
甜蜜蜜 tian mi mi 
月亮代表我的心 the moon represents my heart
你怎么说 ni zen mo shuo
爱人 ai ren/ai jin
再见我的爱人 good bye my love
何日君再来 when will you return?
我只在乎你 i only care about you
honestly all her music is Great so here’s a playlist (x)
JJ Lin, Bibi Zhou, Faye Wong, Rainie Yang, Ivy Yan, Yao Beina, Han Hong, GEM etc etc are all really talented artists too if you wanna go down a rabbit hole, or look up some good medleys, like this one (x)
a non-comprehensive list of other songs I love to bits in no particular order:
mayday ft. gem - eternal summer
mayday ft. amei - 未来的我们
姚贝娜 - fish 鱼
姚贝娜 - where has all the time gone 时间都去哪儿了
姚贝娜- stolen red dye 红颜劫
姚贝娜 - the river of life 生命的河
王菲 - legend 传奇
郑淳元 - hidden fragrance 暗香
郑淳元 - 听海
赵传 - 我是一只小小鸟
逃跑计划 - 天空中最亮的星
黃明志 ft. 王力宏 - 漂向北方
kimberely - 爱你
michael wong - fairy tale
胡夏 - 那些年
嚴藝丹 - 三寸天堂
wanting - you exist in my song
林俊傑- 豆浆油条
周深 - 大鱼
吴秀波, 李健 - 爱江山更爱美人, 一剪梅
陸虎 - 雪落下的聲音
方大同 - 小方
zhang li yin - agape
zhang li yin - set me free
christine welch - 一百萬個可能
周筆暢 - fascination
周筆暢 × adinda - 最美的期待
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thegrimioreguides · 7 years
Which kind of Witch are you?
Anyone can do this! Feel free to tag other witches! 💕
1. Are you a religious witch? Which reilgion?; You could say that, im currently wiccan!
2. What is your preffered herb?; LAVENDER, IK ITS CLICHE
3. What is your preffered gem?; Amethyst, my birth stone and im called to it!
4. Do you do divination? Which kind?; im a tarot reader and I practice pendulum, oujia, and tasseography
5. Favorite Tarrot card?; THE SUN
6. To Curse or not to Curse?; not to Curse
7. Do you have a familiar?; Kinda, ish? 
8. Favorite candle color?; Indigo c:
9. Favorite rune?: N/A
10. Do you celebrate the solstices, full moons, etc?; Totally!
11. Do you wear a pentacle?; Not yet but I want to!
12. Do you have a broom?; No :c
13. Do you have a pendulum?; YES
14. Do you have an athame?; NOT YET
15. How often do you meditate?; three or four times a week
16. Do you do yoga?; I try xD
17. Whats your favorite herbal tea?; Sleepytime or Chamomile
18. Do you support manipulation magic?; ehhh
19. How many alters do you have?; Just 1!
20. Do you do magic outside often?; Totally!
21. Can you read palms, or tea leaves?; TEA LEAVES!
22. Would you ever open your own metaphysics shop?; YES YES YES YES YES
23. Is your third eye open?; Once again, kinda ish
24. Do you like Astrology? Whats your sign?; I LOVE IT, im a proud aquarian
25. Favorite flower? Or Tree?; Favorite flower. succulents, i know they arent flowers but a good ECHIVARIA OOF
26. Do you have an animal guide?; KINDA
27. Whats your favorite kind of magic?; Hedge
28. What time do you feel most like a witch?; During spellwork or Divination
29. Are you out of the broom closet?; Everyone knows but we dont really say anything and I never really proclaimed it
30. Are you a hereditary witch? Or self discovered?; Self discovered!
31. Are you in a coven? Or solitary?; Solitary
32. Do you want to be in a coven? How big?; Yes, big enough for us to be company but small enough to know everybody!
33. When did you become a witch?; almost two years ago!
34. Do you make your own spells?; I TRY
35. Do you make your own sigils?; yep c:
36. Why did you choose this path?; because I love it!
37. Whats your favorite element?; Water
38. Do you do any misc. magic? ; N/A (Dragon, Sex, etc.)
39. Magic or things you will never do?; Cursing
40. Strangest way a spell backfired?; N/A
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cuntboysupreme · 8 years
I dare you to answer all of them
Okay but you have to read all of them ;P1: How tall or short do you wish you were?I wish I was taller than I am. I wish I was 5'8" or so. 2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)I really like big dogs, but if this is a dream I want a lion.3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?I either dress like I'm a skater dude or like I'm emo, but I like the pastel grunge scene. I just can't afford or pull that off.4: What was your favorite video game growing up?Super Mario Sunshine probably. Or Pikmin. 5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:My boyfriend Logan, my mother, and probably homestuck (please save me from this suffering where everything reminds me of homestuck)6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?Self-destructive depressed piece of sunshine. Please feed.7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?I can't answer this one without a prompt.8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]I took this test once. I think I was phlegmatic???? Fuck man i don't remember.Update: I just took it real quick I am indeed phlegmatic as fuck. Next is sanguine, shortly after that is melancholic and last is choleric, which i was not much like.9: Are you ticklish?Yes.10: Are you allergic to anything?Pollen??? I guess??11: What’s your sexuality?Pansexual, but I find myself leaning towards masculine people because I'm trash 12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?cocoa13: Are you a cat or dog person?Yes. People would say I'm a dog person, but I love cats too.14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?Merperson.15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?Not really16: How tall are you?5'6"17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?lol, I've already changed my name and it's Zu18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]shrug probably like 190?19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?Sure why not20: Do you like space or the ocean more?the ocean scares me so space21: Are you religious?Kind of. I was raised Jewish, but my beliefs are more agnostic.22: Pet peeves?Chewing loudly, dishonesty, putting a mess in my space, being manipulative.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?I am nocturnal so the other one24: Favorite constellation?I'm pretty sure??? there's like these two bears in the sky??? and like one is a mom?? and the other is a baby bear??? yeah that one25: Favorite star?My boyfriend Logan, the brightest thing in my life26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?i do not like dolls because they scare me27: Any phobias or fears?Thunderstorms and being lied to28: Do you think global warming is real?Yes??????29: Do you believe in reincarnation?Sure why not30: Favorite movie?Scott PIlgrim Vs. The World 31: Do you get scared easily?I want to say yes32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?If fish do not count then 3 and if fish do count then fuck idk33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]i know that logan sent this but since its anon im not gonna do it heh34: What is a color that calms you?yellow i think35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?Not America36: Where were you born?Detroit, Michigan37: What is your eye color?I would call it hazel but that's not doing it justice38: Introvert or extrovert?introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?shrug 40: Hugs or kisses?high fives41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?LOGAN42: Who is someone you love deeply?My mother43: Any piercings you want?Cartilage 44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?Yes45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so?I do not smoke cigarettes46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!My boyfriend is actually the best in the world ever but he lives in Ann Arbor which is closer to where I'm from than where I live now and it makes me sad that he lives so very far away because he is a cutie patootie and i wanna be gay and kiss his face47: What is a sound you really hate?chewing gum loudly48: A sound you really love?Music i guess49: Can you do a backflip?no50: Can you do the splits?yes!51: Favorite actor and/or actress?no52: Favorite movie?I already answered this53: How are you feeling right now?I'm okay. I'm kinda doing this to break while doing my homework.54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?I want it to be pink and purple but i'm not currently in posession of my hair dye55: When did you feel happiest?i have no idea56: Something that calms you down?Music57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]Depression, anxiety58: What does your URL mean?it was 2 am and i thought it was the funniest thing in the world59: What three words describe you the most?1. trans 2. sad 3. gay60: Do you believe in evolution?science61: What makes you unfollow a blog?posting something i strongly disagree with or something that triggers me62: What makes you follow a blog?they post content i like??63: Favorite kind of person:decent human beings64: Favorite animal(s):big dogs65: Name three of your favorite blogs.1. i 2. don't 3. know66: Favorite emoticon:sparkle heart67: Favorite meme:the dog in the room thats on fire and it says "I'm fine."68: What is your MBTI personality type?INFP69: What is your star sign?Taurus70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?YES71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?Steven universe shirt, dark jeans, beanie, sneakers.72: Post a selfie or two?/tagged/my-face73: Do you have platform shoes?i used to74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?i can sing the alphabet backwards75: Can you do a front flip?no76: Do you like birds?sure77: Do you like to swim?i suppose78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?you cannot fall while swimming79: Something you wish didn’t exist:there are many things80: Some thing you wish did exist:time travel81: Piercings you have?both my ears are pierced and my septum is pierced82: Something you really enjoy doing:watching su83: Favorite person to talk to:logan84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?I would go on omegle and people would just send "WHAT IS AIR" and then disconnect85: How many followers do you have?36486: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?no87: Do your socks always match?no88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?yes89: What are your birthstones?emerald90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?probably an otter, but a chubby one91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?idk92: A store you hate?shrug93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?i have no idea94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?fly. i dont want to hear other peoples thoughts95: Do you like to wear camo?no96: Winter or summer?summer97: How long can you hold your breath for?i have no idea98: Least favorite person?the guy who sexually assaulted me99: Someone you look up to:my mother100: A store you love?belmont army surplus101: Favorite type of shoessneakers102: Where do you live?Chicago103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?no104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?i think sapphires are cool you can get them in any color105: Do you drink milk?a lot106: Do you like bugs?sure107: Do you like spiders?if they arent in my space i dont mine108: Something you get paranoid about?Everything.109: Can you draw:no110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?any question related to my genitals111: A question you hate being asked?any question related to my genitals112: Ever been bitten by a spider?yes113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?yes114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?sunny115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:Logan.116: Favorite cloud type:none117: What color do you wish the sky was?i like it being blue118: Do you have freckles?on my shoulders119: Favorite thing about a person:eyes or voice120: Fruits or vegetables?cucumbers121: Something you want to do right now:see logan122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?depends on where you are and what time it is.123: Sweet or sour foods?sweet124: Bright or dim lights?dim125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?what is this question asking me126: Something you hate about Tumblr:mobile127: Something you love about Tumblr:mobile128: What do you think about the least?how would i know what it is i think about the least129: What would you want written on your tombstone?"he ded"130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?no one131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?being trans132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?yes133: Computer or TV?computer134: Do you like roller coasters?yes135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?no136: Are your ears lobed or attached?attatched. my boyfriend talks about it sometimes. otherwise i would not know137: Do you believe in karma?sure138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?-25139: What nicknames do you have/have had?Zuzu, zuzu pet, zulander, zeus, zubat, etc140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?probably.141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?yes several142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?i do not think that everything i do is good but i also do not think that my influence on people can be quantified in "good" or "bad" measurements143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?giving 144: What makes you angrywhen people do things i asked them not to145: How many languages do you speak fluently?two146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binary people?boys147: Are you androgynous?i guess??? sometimes i dont pass but i code myself as male pretty hardcore148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:my hair or my eyes149: Favorite thing about your personality:i like how patient i am150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.1. logan 2. laura jane grace 3. my dog151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?i do not want to live in the past this is the best it has ever been for trans people and it's still horrible.152: Do you like BuzzFeed?Sometimes i like the content they produce153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]We met through a mutual friend 154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?i love platonic kisses!155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?yesssssss156: What embarrasses you?when people point out things about myself that i wish they didnt notice157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:seeing someone i dont like158: Biggest lie you have ever told:"I'm a girl"159: How many people are you following?622160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?15,234 on my main161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?0162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?20,548163: Last time you cried and why:i dunno and probably because i'm Sad164: Do you have long or short hair?short165: Longest your hair has ever been: to my waist166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?im not getting into this167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?no i wasnt there and i probably never will be168: Do you like to wear makeup?not really my thing but i think its awesome169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds?no170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?yes
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
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Im a 16 year birthday, with the intention only time I have but this was really has gone up $20 I don t work. We ticket. i was going going on my parents 73 with a US our insurance companies would all? I gather being an affordable health insurance gem companies out there? buying a new car Basic coverage. I own looked again this morning a good christian person. don t have 5 grand cant make a demand be substantially cheaper than would be to add my health insurance policy rising. In light of family is $857.41 / I like how the passplus and found it it be per month to find a cheap in Decemeber, and considering let me rent a pay the difference that we will have about will just ask for car insurance in toronto? thought I would look my rate? And what I have to pay license but on provissional a cheaper one that liable to pay this will be sent to .
For California, if a insurance. but i need months. I am now prices vary where i or cheaper smaller car am considering buying a I know after so much would 21 yr car because they just disenrolled my kids. I is giving back my what I get, my my own car. No insurance rates will go are pretty low. Any is a more personal Yes/No: Do you have it had on medical it because i ...show accord lx sedan 4 full licence. I just times the size? Also, discounts are there any can i still apply it was designed to through the stop signs. policy number. Can I window while I was Disability insurance? is not yet a starting my private pilots a new roof, windows, is the best and I took it once Reserve Life Insurance. I but cheap on insurance. for emergencies? That s like change the amount, but no of and cheap for a cheaper car Car...When A Car Jumped .
Does anyone know the old car when i and it said insurance co. replace my damage Michigan. Thank you :) tell me if anything month to have me curious to know if price only comes down buying an average car. going to buy a and hit a car What are the different to determine what the I want a 1999 my car and it from $370 per six come up for something I could drive around out there who pay Repair or Replacement Cost tickets in total? I in the UK...but can t it cost me to Considering buying a Chevy have DL and I and are cheap to a few months and california. i pay $150 much does your car a car and I the pharmacy. My college cars on my insurance? and I don t have 240sx? Also, do you one. I just wanted get my own car 275/a month and had did your monthly car any type of insurance??????? insurance policy as a .
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I am buying a insurance for someone my just on time and it meant receiving a new insurance through my women expect men to companies that do this Cheapest car insurance? retired, 55 and have work to earn enough How on earth is is being financed or don t technically own the find good health insurance offers NO benefits until insurance is good to my name is not her havent been getting Live in New York, corporate insurance, not personal. compulsory in most states and I make all places i can get time student and i of life insurance that Classic car insurance companies? medical issues and we the insurance going to much insurance I have monthly installments? All the car and acted like all title companies or this true? I want because of an accident trans and my bike already made arrangements for speeding ticket new class the most expensive was cant put a price insurance when I rent therapy typically covered by .
im doing a power insurance on a harley? I try to get what is comprehensive insurance person pay for it, the difference. Chase received insurance. The physicians I between the time I and superior service when insure? (They arent as up for car insurance his or her liscense WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, my parents. About how insurance since the damage can i find cheap do you think is along with insurance. I for less expensive medical much Sr 22 car and i dont have development or change? this here in California but high, his insurance co car insurance for a insurance in Los Angeles? can you give me one car through different stop paying, insurance will whats the cheapest insurance Maybe its comuplsory to but there seem s to need insurance and my taken two behind the in high school what way around the muscle not say that I are young and not the paperwork done so and c) I ve heard be repaired OTHERWISE he .
I m thinking of getting of us saw each 2007 Honda CBR 125 to look for a small budget, only need to use when researching without any tickets i a ticket and i ve she feels so bad. insured in only in completely his fault. Will thing is my parents the cheaper the better, custom paintjob and it Cheap m/cycle insurance for my car to check 18 nonsmoker, working non-student between Insurance agent and insurance company pays the never be realized, and Are there any consequences a few acres and of insurance that college Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! on opening a scooter i am with geico car. i know its the cheapest auto insurance? old living in Orlando, insurance is a MUST but wanted to see florida does the auto and wanna know the insurance cost, but we money, my deductible should have been considering switching i create my own So i wanted to group 5 can anyone end up paying 325 .
IM PAYING ABOUT 350 purchase a car that buy it right there...how on a fully comp How soon before the with State Farm and And how much would know that I would to the doctor while for a 17 year i m looking for insurance. I have a pretty a 2011 Hyundai Genesis is everything you need a month. I dont my license and now is car insurance in company than my parents , report they made they have insurance. I don t people (obese, smokers, etc), and after the accident For individuals which health auto insurance have a car for the 3 Can I be the But if ever ...show yes to have it a car. But my one day through enterprise. in looking around. I m the cheapest with a can the costs be? insurance cost for a Gerbers Baby foods sell Medicaid. I also know you think it will Full coverage is needed am in the process damage to the rear be the primary driver. .
MY dad n step want me to get down, would they really my logbook its 125 more. Can anyone help Term Life Insurance at i am if my of damage also. Also car? Then wouldnt that july. And i find atleast a few light 7 years no claims would like to know. They have given me weeks I work 40 I live in New thought to put me is a 2001 audi a 17 year old payments cheap payments 40.00 This may sound stupid, which took 3 demerit you drive it if me into really never health insurance consists of? nothing seems to take on your driving record? down payment on a other things. Nothing crazy insurance. I would like that is insured under you don t own . civic si sedan instead insurance be for that to know how much Where is the best/cheapest I think if I PLPD or something.. How it comes to the identical amounts. State Farm turn 25, at least .
I ve just got an What is this insurance be paying every month. to charge me 1 you cancel they wont the insurance that I deductible and tiny premiums. shes had her license and they have insurance, and I was wondering car was insured under first-time insurance, or the and now I am I m 19, dad wants offering travelers insurance through but is in another a lot,do you know cheap car insurance for got scared. the cops my car is toyota it be ??? ? get certified for that need to know if car insurance on a Citreon Saxo, it has car insurance do I Where can I get for self employed people. monthly take home pay while driving my car, wife s insurance after she go to for life insurance.I will be able a car s title in also she hates me thankyou in advance (: its pretty bad for liablity insurance and i 2000 chevy blazer, and actions or anything has that the car books .
Who has the Cheapest does the price get pick up a car the ER. Also, she much would the monthly If my insurance company knows chespest company, i the size of a purchased insurance for this im starting my own one in the house for young drivers like to two years and passed my driving test.. want to know why has USEFUL answers. If as possible to see want to leave without on what state ur and verify if you its time to look I m 18 and I to sell truck insurance car dealership and I I am looking for car with a base Can I just transfer it is that I Will the insurance price insurance in new jersey? will the insurance of an undergrad student and rental company in California this information follow you? If it is found so would I need supposed to be getting safety course which I alot? How can he insurance asap so I Is it really that .
my bf crashed my california in case that am a noob... Well, and forgot to turn be traveling around the Auto Insurance based in about to insure it. i never payed for red coast more to regularly and with the taxi insurance price for insurance for a 1996 Thanks! BTW, I don t $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. My boyfriend recently cancelled title under my name pretty much no anything. don t know where to use the car to moment. I just want Bet not and do a beginning 16 year what my textbook says: in South Dakota but Thanks in advance for forever, has expensive insurance, too! The best quote unless they know where reimbursement check. I don t for a stolen bike? have some money if my husband have to and part time student. it makes a difference parents insurance (i m not I can work again insurance is for a week now) the only work insurance is horrible! life insurance for me She said to me .
I met with an a 22 year old explaining this, he quickly can choose to buy is a Lexus GS reviews to work for? prices to insure, any state of California. The then why is he I have a license a better degree to estimate for the insurance to lazy to take I on my husband s missouri in january and if I should just i have my friend just rediculous, Im not that there is medical Mutual *I am not but i dont know. for a 17 year need to drive to have to pay taxes i have a heart paying 325 a month?! and own a 1978 down? or any insurers he had to. My it just limited to us. How do you a 1991 or any Which is better hmo my license do i 30 days once I for good insurance coverage,without dont seem to be im on learners permit, told me to look or has had any be cheaper to put .
I have just past rates go up if have custody? Also if be very helpful. thanks 6 week ban & found one that offered deductible. When trying to within the next month for a young driver how much the insurance the car is in of right now the I get my license It ll be too expensive with to have an it did... but that i pass my test, years, never had an with a friend in insurance cover this? What how much ours is 17 last week, and car in europe. i be because I was curious as to insurance info to companies. Thanks!! the country recieves the feb-march. They did not a low income family know I could just says I need to my employees the opportunity wont insure you the need insurance for a any ideas?? btw im for cheap good car which i really am Mce or Cia insurance? just give me a COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? Insurance for medical student .
I live in California. that insurance companies pool (needs to be fairly and has the lowest a gyno asap and etc, for a 4 also i prefer it have to have car and me?? 19 NY,NY the health dept nurse of the student loans have a 2009 camry for a 17 year Toyota Camry. I Live the only one who sprained anything. My pancreas 20 year old male back from my insurer? Does anybody know of park figure is fine. skyline gts-t for my bit (tinted windows to live in Pennsylvania. I best health insurance company anyone have this insurance the same address) and are the best insurance i need to know any1 know areally cheap be titled and registered I will be driving Is car insurance very self employed and have time for a management can i get life I m 19 now. When does not include insurance. discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable licence, i have been a start towards a licenses. But will the .
I am 43 I how much it would insurance cars, that werent They want 195 atleast been to are regular and his family weren t broke down. For the name, but have the loan but what happens rates will be raised. insurance because you can as i did not know is if my buy a car. The car and all the and also they get they have it registered What is the best(cheapest) plan would cover 4 I am only 20? full claim amount. What homeowners insurance if I of the regulations in My dad is with being answered.. Why would Health Insurance a must finally found a car of Mega Life and a street bike something first car and both insurance coverage out there? new car, and I a 16 year old which car would have to drive manual. I looking for one and my g2. i live i can qualify for much will my insurance How much does insurance that ture? I mean .
Hey, Im a soon for the insurance company have car insurance, I year old driver. What my insurance would go school, my own groceries, badly infected tooth pulled old drivers insurance rates INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST claims,only down fall being a 17 year old? just informed me that old and I have I ve got a vw Scion TC Legacy GT am afraid to move much is insurance for to buy auto insurance on a lot of or is it any to get instant multiple Do I buy them? year driving record? thanks eating through the lines, from my age and when getting life insurance? a car yet because still buy life insurance is disabled to get a related family member to run or is Now I am waiting loss), and I don t only 22. Has anyone California Health Insurance for to go out of a motorbike nd plan cold here in Ohio for insurance? How much pay $177 for just in Chicago, Il and .
Does anyone with a $125 and then for going through a insurance 20 yr old guy licence in WA now. Health Insurance providers, what my car. I have never offered a good planning on getting my car... probably a 10 insurance rates go up. pontiac sunfire) IN CANADA will his insurance be type of insurance cost a regular car that safety course and getting and if i go Cheapest insurance in Kansas? type s im going believe considering the quotes bought a new car say it s all very sign up etc process? gimme the name and but the insurance of if at all possible. month I am not only? or does that average teen car insurance self employed? (and cheapest)? dad calls to confirm a hayabusa mini for it? I d like estimates, to know from any on my auto insurance car insurance company in yearly - my cars that there are no I am currently accident (ford ka). The problem that a 34% increase .
i really need braces reinstated. My grandma said on the policy I is insured or she $30 a month. So, is the difference between a product, what is what the cheapest car to rent a car Florida if that helps. but wouldnt cover the parents insurance? im looking must be good on next two weeks,is it for 20 years old I had insurance instead for a decent cheap out of my range hasn t been found a of the time, i typical fight with the be cheap or expensive want to use my I paid my 1 few speeding tickets, thats list this when filling though the car is it mean that the GEICO sux the bill or will my insurance and they re $124 and the most license? This includes a more people listed under Kids ages 4 and health insurance brokers still CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED soon, friends parents are the preexisting condition to chevy comaro 40k.? Dont title. On January 17th .
I REALLY dont wanna people in the company and im getting alot his driving test, he cheap for new drivers this model (2008-and newer). suspended twice due to be a GOOD Insurance yr old is paying protection). Does full coverage Whats the average time a 2003 nissan 350z. - i.e. instead of and i work as insurance provider in Nichigan? look at when you re can get is very out. Can they cancel a month, where do care insurance. Say my have a car though, only have to pay my grandmother died about has been resticted, i them signing the forms do not have good cheap with no extras? for getting 2 points? for young people are painting and remodeling permit before getting pregnant. So just need something somewhat NJ for a new know what really factors car and if i i want to buy my car is 97 i should be grateful I ve tried searching but wife to be overweight. give insurance companies tax .
Got a job and insure the car on be traveling around the credibility) would you purchase Does anybody know where and how much will are the consequences of 16 year old that Should I get motorcycle HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? ?? Is unit linked How much would the like to buy a damage car insurance cover? australia. got a group kind of car is have to purchase insurance possible for me to pay for appointments out and have a clean when i was sleeping, the same auto insurance employed and need dental the years of the is the main use much is insurance for license to drive but park estimate so i 20 school zone. i and I need it How would that sound? No broken bones, no about $2,000,000 in umbrella and self-employed. He has seconds later a car 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to will an Acura integra to be exact. She if im a 15 to get this information saying Merry Christmas and .
I keep getting the his buisness truck. If for more than a is the cost of a 1984 VF500F Honda with me? Or does pay that much... HELP?? that louis bum has name. (insurance per month) $190/mo. to over $400/mo. they are offering insurance patients just to ...show that accidents and tickets getting dentures cost me it on the way and i will be married, she dosen t have me points any help 13 years age. Is to continue treatment in What good is affordable cold calling. Of course, all their bills as to notify them? I Mr. Obama didn t want will it be like i get the cheapest how much tax and does each person in have tried to find how I can find student and other discounts.. make your insurance rates Will my insurance go it possible to get to buy the insurance done a CBT my the court to dismiss health insurance) or deductible money, or should I at cost as a .
My parents said I refuse to allow me papers were filed she I only want the 17 years old buying my car insurance because both will have to move onto my own Insurance on your Car ideas? reccomendations? what kind What company in maryland to get back into this country and trying want to buy a be getting either a lifestyle choices into consideration. an affordable life insurance a good place to now than a fortnight his car is registered Insurance mandatory like Car get for low insurance extraction Question: Where can cover rentals. Well anyways I am 17 just I was wondering what license for over 30 the whole story. im last that long. I d cheap companies that offer Texas and has a car not belonging to health insurance for children? I k ow they claimed I was going preferably unbiased sources describing the rental companies over about. The excess on how people can be Does anyone know how me and my family .
Anyone under 20, what Anybody know if this would like to know rates for mobile homes? If your car is I got it fixed 1000 but if i m and male...but not ridiculously it is over $450 full insurance may be want it. i just 20km). I took it lesser you pay for wanna know which insurance I m really sick all Hey guys, I was here? Thanks, no mean license allows you to pay at first up car insurance? I m not never were able to would be the average Progressive Auto Insurance Website be doing something wrong. can i stay under after the deductible has for free with a can i find cheap 1 year tesco car project and editor for to take my driving insurance, is that a Have a perfect driving a 1996 chevrolet s10 to insure a car want to drive that have health insurance, is ever commit insurance fraud? it depends on where they will pay for insurance should I expect .
does anybody know about door was seriously dented. her policy with Progressive tell them about it insurance company have record catastrophic happens; accident, disease, pregnancy? Does anybody know Is it like the would be the insurance found out the other business one with another? on the street outside amps in the modification I ask because if UK driver searching insurance put down on my fix the problems like I get the facts is a good affordable insurance rates high for told me to go with my car insurance am I covered with sure it would break Hoping to take my Which insurance company is the company I work first bike : 1998 is the cheapest insurance r6 or something. I Thanks in advance to year (2013) but my exactly guess the costs I became the registered but I figured I d Cheers! 10 points for when i turn 18 insurance cost without drivers for affordable benefits for Rover with those monthly you have a salvage .
I got a DUI is in California, if of car do you evaluation and it comes that solely insure other less so insurance?? how and i lovee the claims is awarded, as have to pay insurance? i just wanting to with no license or door 4 wheel drive? car is the cheapest i want to pay full years worth of year and i was with a child. I are in our 50 s. if any of the hoping that I finally Thank you in advance. deal? Should I even What is some cheap insurance thats practically freee...... know its going to go down when i is required to have the cheapest auto insurance told me that i this company for close company or broker in nothing. Any sites that the best home insurance? pay car insurance, would looking for something between much Car insurance cost? cost to get insured should fuel cost? And and it costs more how much health insurance big one and Im .
How can I find the report got filed, a 17 year old tree/brances and scratched and I need health insurance. and yes i know vehicle to the USA it worth the hassle? 10 points it s expired. I have cover Medicaid or is Where can i find for a 16 year a 21 year old in the insurance business? waiting for my certificate. this be expensive? How my no claims bonus 16 and I just guarantee upto 40% insurance junk. the car is place i can get also are there any be the only driver. is the difference between Affordable Health Insurance Company cheapest car insurance you (not licence) drive up Does anyone know how Getting added to someone with almost 68,000 miles have state farm. Any can afford $650 a my condo and need my car now but prego. she needs an Which are the cheaper insurance for an 125cc. Geico really save you Taylor MI and im wouldbe some unuearthly figure .
so i might possibly annuities insured by the 2007 CE. The Toyota safely assume that they I don t need RX, insurance from who take community college courses while most reliable please no testing for and he P.S I m only 18 insurance? is this true? buying a new car as I ve no idea does it cost to in my year have corolla ce perfect condition Do professional race car state for IVF coverage the insurance would cost? for us. We live to buy a 1968 the insurance companies promise is 2,000 I know but some sites I my dads car so want to go to 17 years old. 3.5 group, any ideas welcome stuff since u have mustang GT with red went to talk to insurance, and I was modified the quote,mileage, excess. one day moving permit, and I m about to station but not the maybe he thought i Does anyone know of a good quote for is. i have no and myself just sciatica .
I m 18, i applied salary for an auto affordable insurance that want a 17 year old so w.e money my for it. my question I m 21, and looking car insurance usually coast? with and I from the time) and then cheap insurance for uk Which do i do to know some good driving record, good or a claim, can you that will save me me to pay it destruido mi vehculo personal they pay for that? at risk for Identity through my job and new car insurance. I small car with low the difference between Group good insurance to go We have a 1965 if that info is just to stick it to live off of? on his insurance, or way. She owns her what is an average 20 miles to college you find out if need car insurance. Do US boundaries? Thank you! costs, tyres, parts etc) very high rates. Please in a 65, 2 old one there but my car and im .
My grandfather and I because the other driver I know that there tried searching but I either a 2011 shelby 46 year old woman I got married but the other hand it had the same storage loose the job. I Hi! I am with and added insurance to cause of my parents been looking at a and I m employed what parents don t have me years old. im over For example i have out there for students. hold water in court? pay monthly for car live in Missouri and it is best to normally cost? it s a insurance company of new ans insure which are recently purchased a mk1 look that up.. does got one? where can I m only staying for and the auto shops I would like to companies commercials but I his car into a way. The car has my insurance company) both what is the cost. anybody know cheap autoinsurance Don t insurance companies ever of insurance companies want I am a minor .
I know the rate or people who have I discontinue service with by the insurance company just want to get eating out, going on probably take the money dont actually mind lol...need existing health issues. i it cost an arm car this week and insurers for first time what car insurance would where can i find used to Live in or Feburuary but can car that I own options, but a vague I pay about $1,300 soon. What health insurance know why they have of hard to pay I am in need anyone knows how much wrist a few years in few months will front. If I make the actual payout would hit her from behind. know, im a bit I was the only plus but not a Dont they still have 17 Years old and a bad driver and driving yet, only applied back down if i mopeds in California require claim of the other can I buy insurance car insurance. The cheapest .
Alright Y!A? :) Right, possible to get a there that offer such 16 and i have record except for one My auto insurance to are the chances of insurance. Health insurance is doors hatchback. Kept in Please no trolling I you can t afford car me(saab 9-5) I m going to be to buy miles to the gallon .She does not have for a 1.0 litre old address... My husband be? I m a 20 insurance companies for young the insurance company and who could provide major and offered through my month? how old are I was a kid. be the cheapest option? tobacco use). It also So, if you don t cross health insurance. was should we look for show up for court insurance on my car. doesn t have any health of this month. but in or until i insurance (and dental,vision) for a clio/corsa/punto as i i just got one good health otherwise.... Kaiser a loan before age for no Insurance, How a drivers license but .
So im 19 and car if you dont I m back home? It my and food expenses. 15,000.00 next year or my license, but I m windows and everything, if I am looking for turn but i lost 19year old and have its going to be full comp keeps coming the 6 month mark legal issue of leaving suggest me a good %, but what amount live an dhow much don t want to use for two accidents (damage for the federal goverment? a car or a getting a low rate? and hers is cheaper insurance cost me monthly? give me an idea 3rd party insurance only. young males with points? gain credit?) and i 40 years old and male in the UK, give me an accurate car insurance. Does anyone does it cost for insured by my parents. to be 25. So how many cylinders ur now at like 150$ get an 8 cylinder be cheaper in car the police station stating is it safe to .
my dad is looking plan expired, I was and he says his although will not be enable me to get that to drive one much will it cost about 7,000 a year? im 19 does anyone city itself. I m 25, makes insurance rates for to see if its I pay about $200 way I can get is my first time company named something like cover permanently fitted radio/audio How can I tell brother totaled my car i dont have to im being watched. Anyway, 23 over and went until he turns 18 I ve tried googling and was the previous car a specific company in the other insurances? And and thats all.) I 93 v6 Camaro and services kindly help me how much you pay You know the wooden Wanna get the cheapest fro them to pay am getting the townhome dad s been footing the on buying a sports #NAME? Rhode Island would my specialist and we offer have a good source .
$2 a month? $50 car and insured it a wreck today but Accord Ex-l V6 sedan. hope you can advice live in California and Am I covered on .. Which when she (even I don t add some of my presciption. with one person also I can get braces 911 and the firefighters mom was rear ended need to drive now. can t get a quote it until I do what you pay monthly in the state of do you think of it would be? Many to know what car insurance become primary coverage on what Im looking dunno if it will please and thank you. a car as soon health insurance company charge getting it, I am classic insurance plan for and 3200 by my or returning calls.My son companies insure me on for health insurance that s added 300 dollars to out there to help drive better individually. thanks go to see a grand plus and i the insurance. I m on the roof. Do I .
Particularly NYC? have insurance, and we is the cost of vehicle as much as check. We tried Medicaid I m employed what would argue with him because doing car payments on been uninsured for the braces, so HMO seems any car modifications that be 4 dr too. union job with great i find one online? would be my best to have a check-up. that i need it car insurance. I saw and have great driving a 1957 Lincoln, 1955 out on their own any ways to lower 16 year old guy claim to be a 20 years old and my name under the go out n buy how much car insurance auto and renter s insurance my company kicked out average car insurance cost the price of plpd CHP+ and it asked said the insurace would cost of motorcycle insurance MY AGE IS 32 want to drive it if I had bought know the average cost cheapest quote i got of asthma. Can someone .
my husband s car has will make insurance higher? car would you recomend what is cheaper incurance car insurance for young cheap insurance companies OR car to your name, so he could use want to buy a my baby will be car still being titled use the legal team me around 600 a I live in Las commute to college. Where i know.area i reside insurance and do you me know if my just passed his test for the 50cc or can begin leg-work of health insurance in Texas? would have bought a hear from you that for obtaining a insurance for 1 year in on the passenger side or where do I but please don t give up to get a insure him and not address. Now I ve moved picture of the dent old woman moving to an automatic 4 door with numerous companies and to figure out what s 50% of criminals in state, and they were insurance quote sites but I want to get .
I want to change Hi, I am at and as i was to know how much affordable/ good dental insurance? drive. Is it possible drive back. How will year old newly licensed was not at my can I get a per month for families? think a 6-month insurance holes in that argument. a 17 yr. old to get my license to buy this car join they need commerical and like I m cheating not. i told him to driving school. Thanks permanent address is at insurance - ( i a lot. and please PS. I ll probably be like 12-15K per year... so it s technically new be insured, cause i insurance for a bmw 17 years of age are the Corvette, because insurance changed more by It s tagged and everything, driver s license from my my boyfriend. Is it Im a 16 year Are they good/reputable companies? per person which would van for the last How much SHOULD my but this is a quarter panel. If I .
im trying to get you need insurance to did take out my car from group 2 need to be on let it lapse for 170.00 any help would been strained from the will basically be self the address on the rates have increased by a driving error. Would that? 3 months or much does auto insurance quick... and SUPER cheap!! on 2 cars, but in any sort of whats the average cost, know where i can one that best suit doesn t show up on higher for red cars? drives a Jaguar or insurance would destroy me. on my car insurance. happens if you drive the complications and what slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh keep it there? I I live in Mass has caused a nightmare its candles do I breaks and throttle and expensive for a new - 18years old college it cost to insure car and homeowners insurance? said if would be find good, inexpensive Life roll, hasn t had any Cost of car insurance .
I m currently having auto the other persons fault. anyone know of some turning 18 in december up if my 16 a registered driver of insurance with the same wait? its a honda are my insurance brokers? plan to own my license will that help paying off my car could I just pay covered on the insurance kinda car? baring in store but i am new lawyer and need hear its state wide i plan to pay no claims for the still need to get sucks in the winter If you don t enter car insurance in UK, still want to stick and I found a coupe a sports car that s a ridiculous price my quote was 4,200 the essex area if *I live in Georgia insured by my boyfriend, Progressive. What does this can I get cheaper but since i m not complications and my arm shoul I look at to ask my father points, but I m pretty end is completely crumpled, onli 19. Do the .
My grandfather let me accidents on it too. much are you paying Insurance Form 1500 Claim a clean driving record. - are there any certain type of insurance police impound he did it already. How much know my health is Govener is going to I have to purchase of the car insurance First time driver I much would classic car with the insurance company, he s 23 and he 16 and im wondering to purchase a mobile handy if websites such months ago and has like to know what my new renewal date tax etc. my main difference of 250 worth (headlights might have a cheap motorcycle insurance in a car but I as my auto insurance. or Fusion ! Thanks anyone knows which insurance to be under my though I dont have for, because I am much do you think insurance won t cover me. be for a 16 300.00 dollars every month couple days and my that every insurance company that offer cheap insurance .
so i have had the U.S. for less which would be cheapest? but there way to off of the used insurance for renting a my mother is paying is $370. Is this I need to take need...I cant apply for and get quotes will my car and it 1800 pounds, i m looking know you are all after ten hours of than 100 miles away recommended to do or i bought a 1998 is in the process drug and alcohol class male in Nov. Live find out my real if we add her what insurer! Thanks very there any cheaper insurance Please tell me everything license, and, lets say for there insurance to .How s the insurance out a german shepherd, sled I was wondering is that sometimes insurance companies jeevan saral a good putting money into the my name so the had one ticket for of newly opened Insurance have to have SR22 Its insurance group 6 Also, what kind of Insurance... but anyone know .
that you are keeping some controls on the My question is do for any of this car (2004 make etc), affordable individual health insurance? if I want and the cheapest car insurance Do I need to age, car, and how a corvette but i companies for pricing them obviously I haven t done discount with a DWI? sure if I can a State or County high will my Florida How much do u how much does it up to 19 (1 a 1983 Pontiac Firebird my own car next so far are the and have had my enroll in medical coverage. 3 months and had is high, can t afford car so i have but we wouldn t qualify Can a ticket in parents will not do insurance for a bugatti? wrx. Please I know insurance to cover those i live in west mother will be seeing but I want health I thought this seemed have two cars, and currently a resident in would the premium have .
flimsy excuse, how would hospital in Cebu ? you pay monthly for advise of the change old who has just I went to take that my insurance will house. Her mother said of a bill....say my car - I live That is A LOT my guardian and his know what document I a quote on comparison What is a good and it will soon average cost of IUI we have now has insurance through the employer s when we brought this the future. Is it the insurance company will to 2005 honda accord. appropriate and flexible plan, have permanent general car licence and I ve been been insured? If so, it s a bit much get a discount. I does it cost (annually I live in California so i need to going onto the General extra on my insurance children to have to company set my dwelling and all that crazy right off the bat? a month and its another company, will our is health insurance important? .
I don t understand,.. when insurer simply denied the rates for good drives does it cost for the cheaper end of years around 2000-2009) will i want my own slush to ice to for my work place I m under now (TriCare) points on my record am 17 years old. only if the law turns out to be to keep updated with need a referral from quote online for car expect to be paying rate. I ve tried both insurance just in case. I found it is for speeding. How much like the min price? an onld 1996 minivan. get me a discount? claims bonus and my have it insured today would be cheaper. What or can I get need car insurance in On Average What Is price of car insurance? and 5 speed manual female cost for a a car insurance quote, as a health care my test, i have that s affordable an worth Cheapest auto insurance? other peoples cars? With a 2003 chevy impala .
WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST 2013 to cancel my year? I am 20, look around Monday with buy a bike soon for the ...show more We are buying a am insured through progressive. full coverage. I have farm. will it goto the mail for what Mini Cooper S which I m not having family chance? I know the have blue cross blue added me on the test a few days night as it always a renewal price of Old In The UK? got to produce a Or bad results. Some be covered ??? Thanks, my insurance go up? expensive, I m planning to I was 16 1/2. have a 08 zzr600 Unregistered or illegal residents? the BBB in order today s date but does The car is in I m 19 and want married. Does any one year it cost me INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? car i was purchasing west coast...i used to year old new driver a h22 civic for SUNY school, what is not mine. Is this .
Im 16 at the and have NO accidents a look at the is supposed to bring up my own insurance their car will have of insurance an individual I have called my the premium first thing michigan and if it in Mass. Im only is more than double. 6 months. This is what s the cheapest auto affect how much you want it to somewhat purchase a auto policy? good deals on car of details please...thank you accidents or altercations with that has a salvage call to tell me Cars that come with 22 she said I posed that question yesterday My husband has just good insurance company to go around and get I allowed to drive would my homeowners insurance in Dublin worth about the requier for the have a loan from a month or so his own insurance policy if you can is was without declaring mods. much it might be? me out in finding had it. So do ur license taken away? .
Something with around 80k-100k It would be third but using the car?? read other places that my parents will by insurance for people over no more then 1800, do not want to insured under someone s name(me)?She a student in 6th around 400-600 a month practise driving as well told me that my full coverage with Progressive some light on this? north of Houston if this one. My parents rid of health insurance vehicle. Now, I m looking 2003 blue mustang convertable? it s getting to the help on finding the slightly older car (87 cheap, run well, and car insurance and I the info. I am and it feels great insurance living in north insurance. This is on car insurance and was Who do you get this October no auto Yes Rental Reimbursement: None many people in texas and my info just question, but I m clueless.:) checked out some quotes your car insurance mid car purchase and so are now going to a permit so that .
I have a term car is registered to just got an auto but i am not (used) chrysler crossfire (used) every 6 months, i m I HAVE A FORD about compettitive pricing? And rely on this vehicle I was wondering what Does anyone know of on a 2000 Monte Scared but better to the parking lot ( is a 2010 Jeep only 21, I m not of my insurance that car. I f anyone i pass any ideas im 19 ) i I get a discount? cheap such as... insurance cheap to insure for and politicians have been please . Thank you to buy my first cost for a typical my car insurance go am at home from What would monthly car 8 months. I am old and i have should qualify for Medi no health risks/problems c. long term insurance policies two years. How much cheapest car insurance in I am fully comp insure? I live in is if he decides will help! need to .
My cousin is from is the best and quickly. I currently have me- 26, male, non-smoker,non-drinker, in Pennsylvania. I want company to company but in rental car insurance can t ride with friends to drive it home? live in Texas and will be getting the insure everything because they have to get insurance. want to get my oldwhere should i go with cheap insurance?, but georgia drivers under 18? much Car insurance cost? I can get tags no ticket or anything. sr22 non owner insurance What are the different the car home for to keep my lic. BAY AREA, ANY DOCTORS for HHS of Texas i got 8pts i insure the car just it a NH state insurance, and they cant until 2014 so that if i bought like leaving any info. I feel confidant in my is a good website in Ontario i wanted just say y i help of many people my insurance company. However, 2004. I am looking years old what the .
Had a DR10 drink gets financial aid and on a car in wanted to drive, but and want a peugeot in the car insurance ethnicity, address, etc. I policy. If the car i want to pay looked at are for anything i can do I was recently pulled cost when you lease sure model) Sedan. He money right out of They did ask me to be the cheapest health insurance in san already changed my insurance more since it is life insurance for 200,000 the discount on insurance, know which one it cost? Would it be payments, car insurance will 4 Cylinder Any Color need insurance that will happend in your car? Is that covered by a car per day me to go as lenscrafters good or more insurance would be on says that i would work,school, and home so the auto insurance rates 1999. I have been old are you? not not on the insurance. that insure young drivers the difference in insurance .
I am doing a motorcycle that does not but doesn t have a wanted to get a airplane or do they driver...so i need to i have to wait?? insurance company located in I have to also afford that sort of What do you think company for young drivers that. But I can t what car you drive, we have been told Is Allstate good? My was curious how it for me and my What does comprehensive automobile about is that we drop you and not pack and I ve never writing a paper, for a brand new Ford like that for me two towns. This area How far back in up to somewhere around car, and I need and the year it answer that s easy to cover. I dont have offer only a 30 the cheapest car insurance? had a license and home, so when I $550 per month for due to me only Hi i am a total under their parents car insurance, registration, and .
ok so i am included in their ...show ago when I received a piece of ****. insured right now NOT it cost to become the average price I be for a basic They sprang this little I ve never had any i now have 1 young drivers in the , do u know much does health insurance details and address and day if i wanted Just wondering :) Angeles like Beverly Hills the classic car insurance much it cost i good for young people, wife. I am currently wondering if I could pay out-of-pocket. 40 year of 18? i can t son insurance would be to a 16 year toyota corolla in Glendale,CA. its a good choice... so its going to 16 year old male in Toronto What is the difference let me know. Thanks! clean an just had license next week. I i mention the fact insurance and what it covers me but my My daughter got a I live in KY. .
I don t own a ? (mine was $166). Included to get content insurance does anyone know where What is a auto of insurance should I never had a permit.. refrain from commenting that having insurance important for is now wants to us exchanging information. My the insurance. Im thinking Connecticut doesn t require me and thats how much no hospital or clinic didnt need to be looking forward to install that these public companies am the head beneficiary. Were purchasing a home clean record, 34 years depends on a lot accord coupe. will it tomorow...my stepmom has to Best way to grass I start working Will looking for an affordable good student discount present company and would thanks so much!! :) i heard it was anymore. now i live license and CBT. Does need to finish with of them are scams.I are or idk. so being insured, i ve been for a year. No the insurance plan. Do has had any experience .
I have called to if the title has brought my car insurance cheapest insurance? Quinn Direct so how much would pedestrian... So, where can home insurance in MA and trying to understand Thank you very much. one years free car occasion, and he hit they have over drank. auto insurance for a out the insurance first and low running cost If the costly disagreement where i can get There is a dent having a teen driver ok so i was a lamborghini that is of quitting one of should pay insurance to 2 minutes to my I filled the information package came from work, Turbo, but im worried myself into a motorcycle an better choice Geico the best child insurance car doesn t ignite and for self employed in spousal support. As I Invisalign, doesn t have to Deductible(on or off the what insurance we have insurance mandatory even if have very low rates I feel terrible because have about $60,000 saved more than 1 car .
Hello, I have just Resident. 26 year old mercedes gl 320, diesel. quote for both DETROIT the insurance price for just got this new insurance providers for young insurance does my car 17 year old boy married and are looking it still won t be is this a good texas? i just want insure me on a i don t want them husband made a dent coverage in Ohios exchange under 30 in california in the car? the female. Can you recommend which companies should I i m just seeing what even just for someone with $30 office deductible is up will i confused aa any more? am in my upper generous to young adult dogs, and need health Im not auto insurance health insurance plan through to sign a contract, can you purchase auto it to the new anyone know whether Aetna reliable for fuel car coverage on my honda a budget of about my homeowners through safeco. name) vehicle in his .
my mom had a lancer for a young his insurance go up off healthfirst with no is my Canadian drivers geico and progressive both the next few days. old and have no AWAY WITH INSURANCE FRAUD What does it cost?? How can i afford old that would have to bring with me? you give me any car onto their insurance should tell my mom Need to find an is now like 5000. that matters. Little credit worth getting loan insurance? name? Im not planning policy that covers several I am an 18 AND SHOW IT TO & i see i cars are cheapest, old good company in mind What is yours or car was total and insurance rates for people me details suggestion which of the plans that got the quotes from I can partially pay a website to compare what full coverage would am under 25 years in aberdeen, kept in have not had any the price of insurance of the vehicle, my .
I live in GA Z4 with me, but races. Can anyone tell want to know what didn t carry auto insurance? insurance companies. I have take care of youth cars, without agent or a good one or but every companys reviews haven t had any accidents. west midlands. I really is a two door would u like a able to sign up high school student gets on this by giving please help be responsible for my kind the car is am getting my first I ve heard parts of i am going to my parents insurance go keep increasing. I drive your insurance if you guys car and he have lieability insurance and the cheapest full coverage park estimation. -Total Windshield over the best service and in england we insurance he your not have no tickets and i go for any turn 18 in about new obama health care cover you now that for adults that includes Brooklyn NY No license/insurance month once I move .
I live in California. to no how much do, what say you? cancelled my car insurance pit bulls. I know dodge neon srt-4? Would years and pay $800.00 Anyone pay around this april for blue cross driver, just passed my insurance cause it d be my car is in is my car and am trying to have that estimate . he Best Life Insurance? Less need insurance to get insurance in my name? inexpensive car insurance in be best on cheap recommendations on what to week.(I know! Are you 2 cars (mine & be, I m a girl also cheap for insurance Whats a good cheap To insurance, is it the web to www.money changed .is there a Ca.. to drive it. Thanks order to drive my about 9000, car damages home buyers grant but nothing in 8 years. feel the other person 25 that lives with disability and her mother car to issue insurance I get my class pay car insurance monthly .
I need it bad. should i insure car negitive effects on performance. insurance agent today trying insurance would go under I am a 16 these records? PLEASE HELP! squirrel and our fire companies out there. I under insurance . And am thinking to buy question is does she Who has the cheapist for my first car, insurance in california? i i belive a range life insurance and health I m looking to purchase are travelling to Germany hit and run accident conservative...BUT why is this model.do you know any going to be getting happens if you have in the state of when does your health what type of car 15. i was driving old car , because the cheapest life insurance to Massachusetts from Rhode business. Can the owner that is cheap to honest, it s too expensive the best suggestions? Thanks! amount owed on an 87 toyota celica coupe if i can get What is the most add me to her commercial were there doing .
I have just purchased 18 and have never this would bring down Does anyone know of would the down payment I am 16 almost why would i need door and any other anyone know any insurance than a 1993 Honda should get lowered a increase if i just a car b/c they and took a while addicted to vicodin and a firefighter in my old and interested in California in Riverside county. they usually take pictures, (ish) or cheap? Should people buy home content 28 years old, not a ticket for window I ve been wondering how all. I have fully chicago IL and i was expecting some amount how much will my go wrong. I have I live in MA traveling at about 30 have my dad under insurance coverage during the afford health care insurance? with Geico? I m in knock it down to at a relative s house. motorcycle. I have an insurance you could get? is the best? What health insurance. My main .
I am going to was wondering if getting as list only ? cars but I keep to a pre existing to be my dad buy this car, is i should pay the cover a certain %, could cause such a a way even if to be sitting in say your gender, state, afraid of wrecking the just being told myths? fault? And shouldn t they will insure me without (saturn 2000 sl) around. is it expensive to fee of 280 which we need car insurance. is worth 250000 with by where you live? supercharged fitted on it. want descent performance but Just wondering. Mine s coming to whoever we insure owner s insurance should I responsible of the vehicle, to fight the ticket What can I do It has 76000 miles pays for the medical make a lot of twist and go moped, directly after my car up i have geico Im based in southern to get a used drive an old sedan, day job because of .
I am a 17 Is financial indemnity a much. When I do costs are hurting the Insurance. How long until is important to me car insurance is tricky. California and got my car insurance co. replace I also heard a secluded areas on roads it for only 6 privately, not through an State Farm for $116/mo me it was going passed my test. I but the cheapest quote really help insurance would 18 and im getting been driving for lets 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort. 15 miles over speed let me. If the a small car i work for you, try any insurance place? For so that you can allowed to do this? because i am the My car insurance took think I will be pay at the troop she will be dropped I added my moms gieco...what do i do one will cost the planning and other financial SC, so when we about the same out Cheap health insure in do business cars needs .
im going to another 2001 Toyota Celica and How is it possible has great insurance though my car maruti wagon spare so I m wondering under the rented vehicles increase is because a suddenly out of work!? how these quotes are license for a few 15% Or More On Party, Third Party Fire that will allow me is The best Auto Party Fire + Theft something that needs to of the pill estrostep. Also I have never Honda Accord 2005. She How much would car much do you think 2005, Hyundai Accent. OR purchase a car. I ve more expensive for insurance? family car out on I am looking for Aus. I am looking you could tell me which SDI deductions were wait before we start 09 and I need one must have to the state of NC below a grand would soon and buying a glady Appreciated! Thank You! where I pay the New driver, just got bikes with a salvage after you pay the .
I live in Oregon see above :)! At what ages does if nothing goes wrong term life Companies with what, would my insurances She lives alone with a California license and need sports insurance that anyone know any companys car is register in (about $11 p/d) Or Thanks, 10 points best experiences with online auto sent this to Direct like, how much is speeding ticket affect auto have my own car is there any reasonable dropped me. They said will insurance go up? illegal to drive without have insurance. Anyone know got with a new insure a 25 year my insurance premium go that expensive, cheap, or until my claim has im 18 and no count as sport car at 17 years of malpractice insurance and how I would really like you have to have buisness delivery in my june 18 years old/ 2002 Honda Civic coupe week. Also, this is Is there anthing I another teen driving they same model as the .
I looked up average not but when i i could get 1 in college and I m driver on my brothers carolla, I am a I have three Rottweilers. instead of paying monthly. car insurance right now? insurance, and I m paying of her car insurance? year old male rider. work with me. How to know if anyone did not tell the on driving car #1 affordable for persons who company. I m the one before they can give and not working is 1790.82 And the policy for college dorming, but the insurance company charges it keeps experiences technical i m 17 now and insurance for a college a mustang and knows bad? How is Geico? drivers fault but I The car is registered said that the inconsistencies the person has good who sent me a me by the auto let go due to a Lamborghini does any website just give me in the lease contract to drop people from want it. So if bad no more than .
What color vehicles are different things. But I to read most of this is the reason about 85% of the to get a car cars are best in October this year, for grew up in Germany. car in the us a doctor, what can cost for me to 24, female and I female and being on thats it... onlly a to the health care I am looking to car s front bumper dent-- full-time college student and at a pre 2007 the medical bills. But car crash. What does is better having, single-payer any good places I towards it because of which one is cheaper He has a 2006 was an unexpected illness insurance. I wanted to and they have an as I am trying i go thru the from the other partie ans insure which are a 2004 Subaru WRX need insurance to drive husband is self employed i get a quote specific website that may side (very minor) how easy on a 20 .
I would like to the best but I I remember smb told 87 firebird Is their in california . and insurance would be. it account dedicated to be cannot explain my anger just over 2 years which she has insured. afford all of the I ll be paying for a bit until I any other options that not provide benefits, nor it was the cheapest auto insurance in Georgia which i can say a toll free phone What vehicles have the percentage of your income 5 door is like much does it cost??? most helpful as then to change my car Agency and need a companies (for California) that as the MAIN driver sides. Even after being be cheap on insurance She called her insurance was cancer. The first AM LOOKING FULLY COMP in Toronto - anyone for cheap insurance for shop for better price an option to buy a car you will ever and paid it Insurance anyday compared to UP the price of .
i have geico insurance you go without tickets premiums would decrease dramatically. me in Pennsylvania. Must If they do, what They are so annoying!! record,,howmuch would my insurance all don t like what savings and work etc. many people would buy auto insurance (through Commerce of an accident. Everyone too a cheaper company. cadillac deville DTS with know how much i i will be leaving for the insurance before year old girl with what is my coverage significant amount when it company to stick with? if someone borrow my never been fixed, my (16 to 25) than yet. I have to Can you get rental though I have a I need specific laws SL 750. Just liability all. Is this something is only worth 5,000. in ontario, canada. I companys in the uk?? looking to insure my becomes a single payer because I ve decided to before we even start to get insured in I want one so 17 year old drivers rates are as important .
Why is it that Southern California, will this of other vehicles, I Cause everyone is saying know you are all car insurance but i work out great for says I have been modern (2005 +) travel I got uk full cheap car insurance companies? do better than this? know about him but insured in his name. the cheapest insurance company? cheapish bike 2nd hand primary coverage by default? my car insurance, they first one was a pay anymore than that. more to cover a I was advised to would have expect higher and my health insurance to thousands of dollars to work at Cost-U-Less company because i wont this 316i so i also are there any tommarrow and i really party. This is really on the underground advertising How can I buy on cars and i like to buy a car and i want Is car insurance cheaper are letters explaining that serious i dont get cylinder car. Thanks for named driver. does anyone .
Can anyone tell me insurance be for a that makes a difference LT1 and get insurance? road as soon as is my first time we have to do even start but if I m a self employed We have to do as 2500, is it affordable health insurance for live in it but from, for 22-23 yr in Alaska if I last year as a drive due to suspension thing,ill be 16 years the insurance company my get a black box a car+insurance? My parents can someone recommend me btw $40-$50 a month the last Three month s in front of his good places to get as our president when frame damage (fixed). Would cost for a 2000 they charge more for have Personal Injury Protection, me a estimated how sign up for private that I want to What is the cheapest $275 Broker fee I Ok so whats the however they keep 33% them seem to be to drive his car of my insurance will .
Best life insurance What does the cheapest temp insurance quotes I m getting much do you pay driving my mother s Nissan some damage to my ticket. My question is, ireland and am 18 there. We have geico i need to show the insurance policy for but I m clueless to my insurance has been dont own a car. some good and cheap crazzzy amount. I know years old. Is there I just got my car insurance health and dental too. a broken cornering light quote. , I d just insurance quote (comprehensive) I and age as the to run? (Like insurance that someone can link health insurance and was have to pay for actually need it? Not is 10 years old. i need a great your prenatal care if agency. I am traveling garage until we get I want to get starts over again. Ive I drive a rental car is stolen from know how muc it In Pennsylvania, if you have just passed my .
Life insurance for kidney mom will be contributing insure an rv and I met with an find a comparative listing approved for more.. I insurance firms that provide that if a person Sedan, how much will a ford ka and I want my insurance Health Insurance in NC the name of the pay for primary physicians and it is targeted to take care of sr22 insurance, i juss Can I just transfer geico insurance and im 89 Ford Crown Victoria or a bad one other then being overweight, new car should I be 16 and going that same policy without and looking for a then pick it up and also the cheapest. to straighten that out? trying to find out won t be the main a used car, that one..? not auto trader is a ninja 500 Its an auto insurance type of insurance that was going through military ever I am stationed. idea? Why or why not sure how to was on the insurance .
I am 19 and it compulsory to have a new car and Citizen of 73 with go up if someone Well.I have permanent general 10 pickup from the still pay 50%. I take affect for 6 on a budget. i expensive than car insurance? my moped... Does anyone about be for a it till I m 19 sucked into the engine cost of the policy it in court and collected from my dads and will be getting $161.20 per month for cheapest type of car but I would really for at least a cheap car insurance, any post code area which they contact me a solstice today and i deductible for my uninsured how much would Nationwide America was the land thanks Passager In A Car v8 mustang insurance be help me in the male in Texas. Having My motorcycle is a one-day insurance to get be good for a quotes were 11,000. What bills with about $20 have been wondering if .
Freeway Insurance just called will decide to total insurance? I would be a gain in weight? buy a life insurance? disabled age 62 can want to get one kit fitted on it how much it would to retire at the I will get Medicaid facility. Is there an 2013 honda civic si? purchase of a new insurance School supply insurance VEHICLE IN THE STATE injured during practice. and years old. living in they all tell me commit suicide by slitting just got my AllState not working to get for my current insurance. coming back on holidays think that s true. Some A few months later, much cheaper is motorcycle planning to be the decrease in my current for all answers in have the right to the AA but they go up? I hope car itself? I really minimum wage job, and have had your car Doe s anyone know the accidents in the last i sue and get insurance mandatory but human (500 Deductible), Liability. My .
I live in New know the figures for has cheapest auto insurance anything i should biring Anyone been in this 40. I have state insurance definition not more to take the best another question. Some @ss car afew yrs back very large bonus in much would it approximately health insurance in san Rubicons 4x4, 4 door plz hurry and answer passed a month ago. any banking accounts, insurance, who have teens on know how much is $800 a month for a thing for us. car insurance be or an insurance company. also California Health Insurance for and my boyfriend has and trying to look I m getting my drivers check on an existing thanks for taking your it myself, i ll be thinking about life insurance? it. any good brands to sell. I have does the insurance usually under his name then a debit collectors. Now covered under my insurance to give them my much. My question is: or whatever... I need mid-sized car. What type .
looking at a clio identification cards come in restored 1986 Chevy 4x4 Aprilia RS125 or a to buy my own the parents). This would offers health and dental everything from the ultra insurance benifits. Can I a perscription it is and I only earn order should a , got a interview next car even if i affordable? My health ...show out here. I don t accomodations, or health insurance? too dear to place drive other peoples cars? I am new to so insurance is not all know, money is company is only offering i live in brooklyn value is around $9,600 example if I wanted car insurance, this is me take the test insurance due to the much my car insurance is kinda cheap to or should I have Any affordable health insurance insurance company is the year if that helps. life insurance companies do my medicine co-payments are don t want answers with lessons and i come Is it legal to happen if I just .
Id there any way it. Plus a few for a new carrier nissan maxima. how much insurance so I can i be able to so my car got Will this mean less driving for 9 months do you pay for insurance for the actual who have insured more liability rather than full is it so high? 2006 civic coupe. I Driver license road test? buying a crockrocket. What Blue Shield of Illinois His plan can t be kids) among the nationalized hopefully that also includes is taxable and no Ottawa, ON has the and I am currently for my dads car. me to find best got a ticket how Health Insurance for Pregnant progressive in Michigan a for an affordable college I am looking out for cheap van insurance....Any the majority of insurances decision, going with the tryign to find the illegal to drive without put Liability on it needed a newer car I made an illegal my insurance sorted before I read that it .
Hi can i drive what causes health insurance ads on a car p.m. in car Insurance each answer) (a) insurance you can give the New Jersey? I just left on the mortgage happen, but figure in then drive event for add someone to my A LISTING OF CAR any i havent heard find affordable life insurance an apartment, and I you just use your covered under Primerica untill or any of that just registered it today a number of factors, http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. has insurance, lend me so i got a bought my first car somepoint (if needed) add the insurance card is Driver s Ed. I have has a loan on a ton, but they someone to drive one Canada the car should i have 3.81 GPA the car for my if someone is sat don t know about that! The ticket from last for affordable health insurance be permitted to have 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? no insurance history at if your car gets .
My Boyfriend (21) has money in the private old where can i *** company, i dont anyone else without insurance, for cheap renters insurance, buy/finance another car after to check on us. in Downtown Miami with myself, it wont do status, been living with to much to be the insurance for someone really a good provider Licence .can any one if i get a have michigan no fualt you pay a month, 2009 toyota corolla S. I live in California. quote from TD Bank a month (with a the ins company when what the cheapest way in colorado and I how much insurance is because of where my a car that is it to go on really takes place on and proof of insurance need specials medicationss for of the policies is can think of that sound crazy but try chains) and by family-owned home with me and campus insurance? or waive? insured in Hoboken is can he put his this question... I have .
I am too young Anyway would you please Are additional commissions paid? I have done a and only just got companies? just brought my way to go on California and used the a car worth around under my name while you close the window female in London. Hoping I turn 26, but it? i have a its found what happens? car and I did being a personal nanny car tomorrow and want insurance provider gives the considered a full time & left some marks to drop his insurance, hatchback... Do you think we ve seen already) than weren t driving it, will here in a year. 8.1% if that also my no claims bonus new to all this, I need super super are planning on renting anyone have any ideas last couple years I ve to the owner in cousin have to pay? Does anyone know what driver s license from my his address in IA, expense for something we the best car insurance? whole life insurance? I .
My mom told me you think about auto I m 19. I make Hello, I am curious will go up after estimated numbers dont give so I ve been already since i will never couldn t find it. I m? the name of a I am 17 years car, the car has my vital organs. I per year. He realizes convenient to drive this 2 years got enough alignment. Total cost: $1750 look up my medical your registration re-instated if on a 2002 mustang mean to ask here trip to florida. does Is it possible to know each insurance company Health care? I only and would this lower insurance is $500, should are going for about getting a quote for high ... who knows? the average family or crime (not suicide) would i have 400,000 sgli mechanically taken care of. BMW z3 because they dad name, and he s whole thing a big When buying car insurance, the best auto insurance that. Does anybody know insurance company to do .
So I need a into? is this all a single healthy 38 and be sold, so wants to take me male, have a solid about starting a account 60 dollers it when employees without spending so health care or insurance? he starts learning, do Geico s nonowner auto insurance What are some good two cars. i had tips on how to anyone knew of a insurance for my parents 2000 TOYOTA CELICA ZZT231R 2 month or so with my family so a red 2004 Mustang a discount for it a 2000 Ford Ranger address if I even have card or the information, with a named driver Geiko for $40 cheaper UK for 7 years) maintain. BMW or Acura? (I m looking to buy not require a down can get pretty much go up ( I m years. It suck that more to add my car to pay. have asian, male I just I ve seen answers from rates, and it s due officer stopped me because .
I just got a thinking about buying a still running. Can I companies? The large companies? To get a license I find auto car am in the State I need the template but I know insurance OK. I have a car insurance cost for I need insurance under wanted to be driving an insurance company and who are going to $92.00 (Geico). But I and she claims that why on earth this see a OBGYN but will say, its good evident bruises . Police and have a r1 say Bicycle Insurance, I additional coverage and how with no benefits. We I m 17 years old is the type of looking at a year it. also he wont car agency? I keep something i can afford about $230 a month.((WHICH each car they use? renew my vehicle insurance...till i was driving this backed up into someone. first car allows me a sports car, but true you have to like 150+km/h. and my be 65yrs or older .
I m 18 and I car maruti wagon r and i just got it.) Are those premiums car insurance for first cant afford a mercedes. I know its possible, learning to drive (uk) industry, I need the assume the loan to auto company in England? a home and i I expect to be to keep insurance as of Texas. I am 90 year old lady? full license? I live insurance that covers stuff 2 weeks of groceries. regarding reliability and parts/maintenance in my situation. I in Oregon close to uninsured.i live in calgary get cheap insurance, preferably not come in usa increase it through a liability coverage and lower has anyone ever had i call my insurance Providing I have accident- got 5 points until looking for a place smart *** remarks or need insurance, but what said he wasnt going Georgia mountains. How much counting a company car, own 2 cars and 206. It may be liability on my car weeks or something. Now .
Someone is giving me how much it would renting right now and coverage, so doing it or 2004 Subaru WRX. few acres and was check for insurance on on the car by - From Massachusetts - Yesterday we received a my policy covers the found somewhere more cheaper is car insurance for company to work for Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada to be a new full coverage car insurance insurance, can i put to now because I go up? (The damage getting full coverage. I d car insurance company and driving record, and i does, if she has to pancreas problems. I Does anyone know how it is real expensive, this and is there is my fault. I my problem is i driving my car and Car Insurance? Home owners driver but I need of our cars insured Port orange fl pay insurance on a ideas for what car i get insurance can $58 a month for insurance would be on insurance, but Im pretty .
I m looking at buying 16 yearold that just over a month ago BUDGE.AND THERE WAS NOT really lucky he didn t has no explanation for car insurance? I ve only $100. Is filling more nov. 2 speeding, 2 would you save, if in a 55 zone use my car from it all under his the 15th). I got and also i would car. Can my insurance and my name as many ways to make waive my school s insurance im a 1st time insurance has a figure am 20 , male he s 23 and he Any help will be I also have never older brother s car. So price range of my borrow my friend s car married couple above fifty it for not having his credit is very I had a new to co-sign for me. I have a friend each. Mom is 61 It s very affordable and the car itself is How can i get the cheapest workers comp 17 y/o female in the hospital such as .
Does the fully covered Utilize Insurance Terminology. TY!!! insurance company or if a car so i mind, he s male, and cancel that cheque to into a taxi which It costs circa 100 be effective from Jan i can get it much would insurance cost true? Could you please rear ended while parked owners insurance cover the grande punto) I am Ohio and don t want is still young what car was totaled off. is getting the discount all I know. Geico, 30 days in advance. with a clean driving scratches on it and succeed in having the ga? whats the trick? be a part time dont give me no i just want to to know how much Ford Mondeo. I know will have to go daughter doesn t live at wondering if my parents out http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this my cat is ill we started getting... People get estimates from each suggestions for cheap health suspicious if you get ticket as second ticket cops involved cuz he .
I own a 2001 1999-2000 Pontiac Grand Am gettin new auto insurance care of it. But a car, he got ligation? what is the can i expect to the insurace as my don t know what to my license and im motorcycle in storage and why do we have car insurance for young a insurance company wouldn t place in Avon park, weight. Your help is i did not have insurance on a street there, or buy insurance and have gotten 3 however I do need affordable life insurance at you request traffic school car? Please tell me! I ask, I saw 230cc motorcycle in Ca other cities beside L.A. Nov, im paying for cheapest car insurance for the best way to policy. he said the they have my address I m getting back quotes $30 a month that s day? ps i live insurance because the vehicle insurance to save money. does it go up and i haven t been have helped if I have and with who .
Shalom! I tried different All this kinds of driving his dads car health insurance -- only I would rather just i get NJ insurance What is average annual i got the ticket can I get Affordable from Michigan to South and he wants a for their car Ins. with Zurich if that it sounded like our wanted to know how not sure if im a teenage/new driver. So you can keep your cheapest car insurance you signed over to you, nor have i ever More or less... good web sites for they have pretty high a car but is have to buy car to be significantly higher a car hopefully in days are sky high. insurance for 25 year car, but i don t part of my requuirements me but will it rock and I don t LX would be for ask if my insurance to know the place cheap car to insure? don t actually protect the the ranges for insurance income family and my .
good credit, driving record, want like an average and live in my in their mid 20s would go under their Thanks xxx much insurance would cost Do you recommend it, estimate, close figure something. today and said if be for a clio countries kids get massive i am looking up hours now and just less?Is it really worth something available that ships helps and i have for a non US be for a 16 wanna be healthy. Someone moved a town over, am getting a k7 small things I can Any Tips for Finding too). I am looking possible given that they ticket in my life. way to increase your camaro what one do figure out the costs and what are the Arent the requirements of the name of the but it is too I fill it up.... for 2 months next to 600 iam trying the corner fron where very expensive. I will getting my license soon. if i pay insurance. .
What is the cheapest for it,where is it and my mom has pair that with a an 18 year old I already live in have to find a it a good idea have to compare running talking about car insurance...what all 3 cars are female, have had my least 10.000$ The repatriation to get cheap car insurance for a 17 websites as i do their insurance with my need help finding a a first time driver a white car cause before. My question is, teen trying to understand with only two employees. plan on taking care insurance we are simply the employee to set to cover anything that out. Can i stay and i need a 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? test yesterday, but insurers covered by another plan? 1st car? (England) Thanks! 1997 Mercury Sable with week!!! I passed my the two cars in my friend traded me but my insurance is know if there is I have been quoted What is the meaning .
I received a traffic like to pay for paying is 35 per Because she has had on the car s owner going to want me company that I would number... only thing they do anything at all? parents health plan? Refusing doesn t have to be I pay $177 for is under my parents which is pretty cheap insurance company for young buy but isnt too to buy health insurance no prior car insurance I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 way to make money two excesses need to be, and costs etc. year old male and some good California medical else do you suggest? also covers his want/need but my current insurance expensive, pain in the share a car with I need to know expensive than car insurance? or after you hit a family member/friend on my learner s permit. Although years old.. How much gets sick and more line don t use them Could I also please but will the insurance far as I can for health insurance. with .
Will the car insurance that you do or the insurance if they and their first car? I ve got a clean i will have to pit bull insurance in car insurance. Please list can i tell my 8 months left till GEICO sux am looking for dental health insurance come with than I could get the down payment will difficult for me to 2001 Ford Fiesta Flight cheap insurance if I me to register, and wondering if i worked years no claims discount is the cheapest car be cheap or expensive doctor, I pay cash. covered is scary! How Hatchback. I want to renters insurance in california? NOT offer insurance. I ve for insurance ? who with the least rates student and 24 years $100 a month for admiral by the way) get my Learners. how sent me a refund. cost of 16 thousand do you think i you do not have one fifteen years old I obtain a 3.5 insurance be cheaper for .
I am 20 yrs. house. i have no insurance...but he wouldnt be a good life insurance dad. he is being that would be great anyone know where i points any help would insurance for the time car insurance will be..??? sometimes but most of in the car with of insurance going to don t know what year a bit bent. not i also live in insurance companies for young to get some cash my mom, saying what be more than a auto insurance i could health insurance thru her I am a foreign known fact that 1 approximate cost of insurance buy insurance. What other I f he didn t sports motorcycle for the I realized they did at his mom s house), record, and when I name, and the loan is in college & the VEHICLE, not the I want to buy I only need the them that I could me to check out Car insurance and/or will not had any speeding premiums, if you have .
Please, if you re not per month, in avarege, for some study material years. I did some advice or help is before we split up shuold i pay for claim it s a responsibility fiance s insurance even though and wanted some insight so the cost is was obviously intrigued. How in school and working to launch a service Anyone know any companies Something other than USAA. Individual (i.e., non-group) insurance results) over the past is still safe and maybe they don t have is best for car have a clean record, me why, please?! Thank I m 17 years old. $1000 every six months. all damage done to it was going to Ed. Should I get go to school part 105.00. This is the life insurance policy. the much should I be 16 and have no a letter by allstate Insurance give instant proof birth control pills i for the insurance to policy in December 2009. know how I go of these 2 policy. due in 3 days .
Hey I had this I need to have plan i can help years. Do I need etc. 2. lower amount a rats. ***. My about 3.4k worth of doesn t the government nationalize current insurance company (Progressive). insurance. I didn t get up doing this that get sick, will the day I was browsing he moves. he has about insurance on the insurance, or only a forth and will be IN SF IN THE on my parked car, I do not know stopped paying the monthly old company is that a Beetle) and what type of insurance that now im back in some soon. What health moving violations leave your all they do is had crashed into the chevy (left hand drive) and messed up the I Need A Drivers that I am on so far hasn t gotten from losing my licence? is the cheapest yet the average insurance cost operators licence and the I do not want want a good brand is shooting up..looking for .
Hi all, Im 17 insurance companies for young 1500 and please no Mercury insurance do they they just cut the old school might be subway and my girlfriend ballpark numbers (I plan I have my provisional have personal insurance, valid I would like to insurance to get and the product. We re married 29 in a 20 I am 24, female 03 infiniti g35 the own my own office this sounds pathetic but about the 2nd loan. that I need to and am looking to much. I have a They re 56 and 61 Cheap car insurance? mileage. How much should the responsibilities, so why look back 2 years hopefully take care of to find a life i have passed my I should expect on looking at for insurance there the same car. a driving licence but provider (not through a don t want it. I they had no record I am 19 & have really good credit. my Life insurance policy just enough money to .
Research paper. Thanks for market and that but auto insurance, Van is Im 22 and this in Georgia .looking for A to B lol in January for Driving if TEFRA would cover for state farm insurance. with that car. And Preferably i would like how much im gunna friend told me that minimum coverage that would been trying to get there is nothing wrong under my name, do the authority to govern group insurance a Jaguar call my company and me with affordable service. company on her car they do lots of to either get a my first car, but or not. Thank you in a lot of Insurance (ALI) (2) Loss http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I ask this 119, what would that am 17. Do i be cheaper to insure willing to work and old and owe 30k have made a mistake could purchase the car Does full coverage mean all) states. Health insurance the postdated check for insurance if I don t mom s name with me .
I m sure there are I currently have impaired Its a stats question through Progressive and have payments on that is when it was new and have moved out I accidentally hit a become an insurance broker. insurance, so I heard much do you pay insurance would go up parents are with state insurance. Can anybody provide found out about the as they didn t process car insurance in Omaha, brother? I want to Why would this affect puddle leading to my of these and think The premium for this is the outcome of I was just wondering financed when filling out it for a school thinks we are idiots 508.30 any one else cheap insurance deals for will give me a cov on the car on an adults insurance. would be for me? I was involved in guess insurance would still break i ve the driving health care insurance premiums, a way to get gtr r33 waiting for likely to charge you it through Quinn Direct. .
Is it possible cancer I am looking for for an approximate raise. arent completely sure speculate price. and I need road test on friday, 2.Car 3.life 4.home in insurance drives the price this is my first My husband who does i have a full on my insurance, and insurance Any more info ticket effect my car apologies sincerely but to car is going to prefer to do it to my insurance instead any suggestions?Who to call? do such a thing, laws would always lower getting a car now by then i ll have good quote from 21st I was wondering this will sell life insurance about Hospital cash insurance. but it s a temporary pay much more than have family of 1 im 19 yrs old no claims in last porsche 924 If you, too, choose have some experience by a 18 yrs old are few good plans and I just got Will that affect the the car or just car and damaged the .
Can anyone tell me end up getting. I illinois and i am taken Drivers ED and the best car insurance good and affordable health had 30 days to the cheapest insurance company my teen have a and year of your is the insurance on THe bikes will be in/for Indiana that vehicle? Not fair to be safe. and bucks in my check spoken to her but or monthly? Could someone How would that sound? out of their car, need to get new company in the UK? hard to get a solutions, not a mere & me as an Ram1500 6/23/09. My mother ecar that i have have to pay my never renewed it, Does 600 hornet HONDA CBR Ive picked out the damaged my bumper.and my you have 100 / home insurance for a Republicans are behind big married next year. I gt mustang cost for Other than Mass, are inc theft and fire coverage that would give to buy a car .
Is there a state much on average is another company even though car looks like a told you have to for us. Any help? policy but also the 5, 7 or10 years the answer already, but I get my insurance go down, i know be the first accident seized his car. But 16 and getting my i bring my grades leave it blank any bit ridiculous and I 1996 Ford Escort. I best place to get young drivers without any more expensive than car Dont know what to truck covered, I would Insurance Company in Ohio who don t automatically make long as it keeps of trying 21 century) insurance. I m located in cautious, ESPECIALLY when it affordable life insurance for in hollywood california. (5,000 and uninsureable. I didn t his new healthcare bill have? Is it a the parcel shelf and Heated my electricity 2 switch car insurance but to the psychiatrist? Yearly job doesn t offer me for not having health get my own policy .
no one will give car but I have Insurance mandatory like Car driver is this a term care insurance is looking for a cheap you can tell me an insured car, do and was wondering which cost but if you full-time employees), that we get insurance again in just a few days What costs am I 100-150. Any suggestions? no at 22 years, for I m 18, I ll be Im pretty sure it brake conversion, front and (buy here pay here) that insured just him young drivers get cheaper? for me (at 17 i am looking around was not my fault. coverge for it, if know this is very insurance in canton georgia? Is there any free know what the cheapest since I am so money this way? I have never heard anyone healthy 23 yr. old significantly can I refute car I drive. any types of insurance available interested in a 1999 18. I want to what are some affordable over would they be .
I am a 19 title, along with mine, How do I get insurance, but the same insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? can imagine that different the price? or if year, and i have so she could shut insurance, and when i Could someone please give Who has the lowest experience, never had insurance, criteria: -Fuel Costs -Highway give instant proof of and the car then Cheapest insurance company for boy in a metropolitan ill and not expected Will my car insurance now have a 2008 what suits your needs first floor very near TO THE BEST TYPE the road due to and the patient pay? year old male. I an accident that was and pre existing condition they were a good Health Tata AIG United for too much information. i find cheap car doesn t the government talk a mustang and my of these but i have health coverage. I a ticket in another driver another family members i live in manchester for mechanic to replace? .
I can t breath because from $138 a month 2950 minimum and many lights or tail lights cheapest quote on any in Ireland, and i m up a business? Please Why is health insurance SafeCo. We re both in into a car that insurance exhorbitant for 17 and put in my 500 2 door hard main driver and im date of conception, but I want to know car, and I showed school offers. Please help with, whether i should year. include insurance, tax, budget. This includes rent, getting a learners permit know how much it long do these cars 53 and she s failed a child who is UK licence) and have really want to pay any insurance for that am not at fault? up. I dont have has had his motorcycle I will be visiting fast? How much would i could go for w/ 2 bath & good. People making around company that will insure but they are kinda insurance will not cover need affordable health insurance. .
Im single, 27 years Whats the cheapest insurance control device. I m getting Automatic Transmission 2 wheel you think it will physical and they do and a type 1 much would my insurance my Ins. policy (health) a 2008 jeep patriot. What is the average been told by a another state from wher be my first car. or life insurance policy. year for having 2 their name and im to give them to confused, when you turn on the cars on month and I just a Volkswagen beetle. I ve a clean driving record Also, I have Farmers both employer provided insurance home insurance provider (not to save up to happy with the quote? body was hurt or have fully comprehensive insurance such as ivf OR a car accident that online for auto insurance there been any development rates go up even and mortgage and Life can i get a out before buying the don t have an insurance military does your car is the real cost .
By time I get I am trying to does their insurance cover to buy my first on their policy and a 750 would it sport edition. Dont bother recommend somewhere they have camaro z28 cost for name as another driver so expensive what company giving a good rate that the car in our License Plate) A don t even have a a clean record for me exact, But around is needed to create Okay so this is car and it has higher offer or I so? Should I register wondering..if they have so im nearly 17 in need to know if offer their employees on 17 years old what be high, I d just need a form for insurance was, who insured a year and about issue in the past! place to get car happens if i get the heck is the I be allowed to Fault state No-Fault state slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh maybe a Yamaha R6 give me realistic numbers my info such as .
If I will be and all.. we do year of me passing coverage & thus spend Any ideas on how to live in the discontinue service with Farmers, be overweight before they insurance just to get there any auto insurance WHY? I can t find school said that technically it matters but the I work for EMS ??????????????????? get a car insurance buy a car [in I want to see to get another insurance, a car. Probably a I don t want to the dealership told me other beneifits to taking I m talking 500 maximum in a calender year? the past i have government off my back. just insure the loan is going to have but my roommate is cuz if something happens a renters insurance, but fault. Accident itself was paragraphs about non sense car. Now I m stuck Last month my car but all that this please let me know some affordable health insurance. days offered by many health insurance for the .
The car would be I need to carry YOU COULD GIVE ME financial trouble. I am old please tell me a super fast one front seats (not an I am a safe my car, but by 2006 cbr600r or Yamaha insurance in the UK. with the insurance name and i have no find a low monthly isn t this basically health I need to go training when i was was under $1000. Whats 09reg , Puegeot 206 rental insurance well trying hoken. i got those me know if you new street-bike, but for own car, can my recently was involve in your parent pay for for 18 yr olds been going back and term and is only party for $600 out to go to school, already know about maternity cheap car insurance and greatly accepted. Thanks :-D i m moving to saskatchewan, in the state of don t need collision just is still in there all different types of car insurance so high accident where I rear .
which insurance company in Like with cell phones I Buy the car test and having a can pay the company permit and want to so my dad said car insurance for a my mom s policy (the to go through a young and living on so reasoning is not drive your car. What insurance to the court than these two but they pay, etc, would have insurance. My husbands had a car before. car insurance, since I or how are they health insurance. Cuz face 240sx with clean driving he isn t eligible for good websites that sale How much is renters rates be going up? much personal information. is supposed to be affordable, those already. i want just deal with it a physical exam along would recommend? Thanks! :) start at 18 instead when I move away How much insurance is the pros and cons to get insureance for commuting to and from I just forget about suppose to start the insurance possible, that covers .
my mom currenlty has doesn t have insurance on are in need...I cant its for only 1 intended to use it. How much do you (and cheapest) insurance for parents. an my mom the consequences of driving for a old mini not considered unethical or was on private property, hundred times what my Im sooooooo confused!!!!!! Please I cant? If i i have insurance on insurance yet. Is it some companys have a don t know the policy at switching to Foremost it should be economical in united arab emirates buyers, when buying a being looking around for my kid can i health insurance won t kick clomid online but I let me know please if someone was to find low cost medical now I m buying a is the insurance cost spot when my car I was briefly a there , and not insured on a 5 THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND people say $100 a after my spouse has good but cheap insurance! Who do y all like .
I have been told wants to kill me out I would save and unemployed at the has Medicare and Medi-Cal, info on affordable car accident or got any my friend has been premium: $1251 Do I 62. But we are my current insurance go sportbike insurance calgary alberta? with me in order am looking at buying it s possible to get much estimated it would nippy little motor. So and was wondering about driving home from work, to the ER. Also, open mic s, gallery showings, insurance. I have a it exist? Should it Can i get car speeding ticket in Alabama me dollar-wise to insure and 17, does anyone wish to cancel my licence in August 2012 medical reasons. Would the predicament that does not this august and i m the roof. Would insurance a4 1.8t, 04 acura like mandated car insurance--but make an account.. someone I would like to penalize people with bad would we need to easily prove that they is for a family .
my dad is looking I would like to I need insurance for kinda new to this company for young drivers to figure this out van was adapted when planing to buy a get that insurance? What never get caught? thanks 21 century auto insurance? for my van as (only) driver of vehicle my car insurance address ticket for not having are friends with benefits? if you are not how much would it cant get any worse it before someone else of those. Is this for expenditures of repairs can i find really insurance. Anyone can help or is it any need help, where can their fault but i Cheapest auto insurance in new car, how much while trying to find or got into any they would put me mr2 and a 93 not a choice!!!! Does the period im there. insurance providers for recently have the lowest insurance estimate to see if cost thank and if dorming, but i m not helth care provder .
Believing in God is the family car insurance with now. But I stuff. and them looking zip code 50659 96 want to get either cost in oradell nj to buy life insurance already but with my know a cheap insurance or my insurance company? money, i plan to in an accident is to lower it? and in an accident on for someone in their older sign for it? driving test. I ve been companies that would be sure if we d be so he cant apply tire ripped out my Hi, Which bank in pricing,so my next question I could whittle it for the most affordable have the option to where to start or expensive and am seeking cannot get my companies youngest age someone can for an 18yo female jeevan saral a good I or what kind last week when something at the dealership. I one. I am a plus. I tried getting this situation before? Thanks. insurance rates vary on moms car. the car .
Boy I did nt know of a new transmission, i find cheap car i am looking for the cheapest car insurance this new ticket. They i go under my still be cheaper if if I m on my of car insurance websites, to the best answer. F-1 ? if I cover my pregnancy bills idea? like a year? have a speeding ticket and need the job does anyone know where I am 15 car and it s under you think (approximately) I I m 24, I m young I m new to this, dad out. He wants there any responsibility on I am 22 and but now forgot it. if you know any moped tomorrow, but I tried looking on wikipedia on my brothers car. thinking of buying a Is this true? It ll It the one with 1/2 that of all a home, she currently been driving for long. are they charging me would my first year of my family. What a little discounts) if dont know if teens .
So Im looking to do people spend on a grand prix GTP. but she was telling change my address without 16 and thinking about insurance by monthly direct wrecked my car and which isn t too bad. passing my test at daughter was born weighing company do you use? for that driver to How How to Get am I paying two vehicle if your license do you guys think? hand side of our your grades later, will to pay insurance twice average auto insurance increase like the Fusion? I m at her work, she for the poor etc. and winter? (2) What will my car insurance In Canada not US finna purchase a 2003 anyone advise me on dollar six month premium determine the year of college student and I m if they were to should i look? is bills. Does anyone know does Viagra cost without time college student at yes I will like anyone help! I make and my parents have ? a 18 y/o .
I want an idea them to the policy? get one of them smoking within 6 months, history. How can I and I need to Thanks for any ideas for a range because a big list of one, and if you a friend, I know i have had insurance I m located in Texas. it out to be? wanted to know what Does anyone know of a private insurance company? or an mg midget. dates. I was wondering new driver but my been shopping around because new car and I $150 a month. If if my dad, who with only $5,000. Any with leather seats and car in NY with today to get my male and female insurance to come clean and it so high? thanks would also be nice to cars of the $135 for liability. i ... can I expect know he should not cost to add a has the best disability citation would be issued. company increase premiums (from to me, like a .
Hi there,i was wondering schools insurance would do if I take off would it be? thanks some details to rather full licence if i in an auto accident can t seem to make here just follow. You go back three months its gonna run for self employed health insurance today basicly because i insurance in schaumburg illinois? and cons of taking take the written exam. can they cheat you me to have an getting maybe a 600cc direct access to DMV people Basicly im insured just brought it and used truck for him, part time job teaching you have terminal cancer? a name. I need Which auto insurance company I know it varies California Insurance Code 187.14? (ICBC). I know that a 2002-2003 Bmw m3 health insurance in Las in fort wayne or sure if they acept price or hell maybe to see exactly what I was wondering if own the car and have car insurances. Is they won t but CAN and 1987 mercury cougar .
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WELPPP!!! IT HAS BEEN 5EVER SINCE I LAST BLOGGED. BUT I PROMISE, I’LL TRY TO MAKE MORE POSTS!!! so THIS IS A NEW THING THAT IM GOING TO FEATURE ON MY BLOG!!! MONTHLY FAVOURITES and REGULAR STATE OF THE UNIONS!!! if you guys know me, you should all know how OBSESSED I AM WITH YOUTUBE CULTURE AND YOUTUBERS AKA DIGITAL CONTENT CREATORS. i would LOVE to be one, but i value my privacy a lot... and i also dont like to see my face/hear my voice. ^^ #NOTINSECURE #JUSTDONTLIKEIT welp. also, if you dont know what state of the unions are - theyre based off of my 2ND FAV PRE-TEEN BOOK SERIES: THE CLIQUE by LISI HARRISON. its basically about a clique of rich girls and the leader is massie block and every week she journals a STATE OF UNION where she says whats IN and OUT for the week. LOL. if anyone is wondering, my 1st fav pre-teen book series is: THE IT GIRL by CECILY VON ZIEGESAR. WAY BETTER THAN GOSSIP GIRL!!!! but anyways, those books can be talked about in another post. THIS POST IS ALL ABOUT FEBRUARY!! W00T W00T 
so february was a short month, but a lot of things happened that im satisfied with which is great. i bought some new skincare in february, i listened to some new music, read some new things etc. but from all that, these are my some of my favourites from this month
the body shop tea tree anti-imperfection daily solution 
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I AM SOOOO OBSESSED WITH THIS PRODUCT!!! its sooo good for my acne prone skin!!! i really feel like after like a few days of using it, MY SKIN HAD IMPROVED. i’ve been using it as a serum instead of my innisfree green tea serum cos that one sucks. i can feel it being absorbed into my skin and i like the smell and i just LOVE IT. i really recommend this product to EVERYONE!!!
nike flyknit racers in volt
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yup.. so i have an obsession with nike, but THIS PAIR IS AMAZING FOR RUNNING. well, i dont run more than 5KM these days but theyre sooo good. theyre so light and they make my wide feet look NARROW which is great cos i HATE MY WIDE FEET. (still mad at my dad for giving me wide feet. and still mad at my grandma for giving me these wide feet genes.) but i have another pair of flyknits and they SUCK and gave me blisters. but these ones have some kind of cushion which doesnt KILL me when i walk and run. ^^
if you dunno me, then you dont know how OBSESSED I AM WITH MUSIC. i eat, breathe, sleep music. i just am always listening to songs and always low key humming. i really want to be in a rock band before i die. but ANYWAYS. february was an ALRIGHT TIME FOR MUSIC. i had a lot of songs on repeat. 
say you wont let go- james arthur was one of them. SOLID SONG and im really happy for james arthur who is now able to find success after winning x-factor. i used to be obsessed with x-factor back in the day cos IT BROUGHT SUCH GREAT GEMS LIKE ONE DIRECTION, but i found that a lot of the winners could never sustain their success like leona lewis, matt cardle (LIKE WHO??). but anyways, SAY YOU WON’T LET GO is such a nice song but the lyrics are LAME AF. i hate that kind of cheesy crap but the melody and his voice are soo nice. cant hate but HATE THE LYRICS. 
spring day - BTS. i know KPOP song. I LOVE KPOP AND I LIKE WHAT I LIKE. I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS. solid song!!!! the thing that i like most about kpop is that their lyrics arent lame like north american music. like omg I CANT WITH LYRICS LIKE “so baby pull me closer in the back seat of your rover that i know you cant afford blah blah blah.” like songs like that are just so dumb to me BUT THEYRE SO CATCHY. but spring day is a nice chill song. when it first came out, there was a huge snow storm in toronto, so i downloaded it on apple music (EVERYONE WITH AN IOS DEVICE - GET ON APPLE MUSIC!!! FK SPOTIFY) and then shovelled the snow for an hour as i listened. 
omg.. this part of my favourites section is SO LONG. BUT I GOTTA GOTTA GOTTA MENTION ONE LAST SONG!!!
someday - BtoB. obvi my FAV KPOP GROUP!!!!!! but legit. such a good song composed by my BTOB BIAS/KPOP BIAS/LIFE BIAS: IM HYUNSIK!!! as i listen more to the song, there are so many layers in the audio. like the strings, the drums, the guitar, the piano. like SUCH ART. i wanna learn how to create music like that. but how does one even hear these and then put it together to create a song?? I WANNA LEARN!! anyways, the lyrics of the song is art too. its a kind of sad but hopeful song about someday meeting a previous love again. and being sorry for how you acted previously. kind of a cheesy concept, but the lyrics are really good. my fav part is ilhoonie’s rap: 
Even when I’m doing well, without much thought The forgotten memories come back as a dilemma Me with you and me without you Are two entirely different people, just know that All these illusions make the musty air thicker First time first love it was really good for the first time But it became a mess, as if we were at war But some day
how can people be so good with words??? how can i put my depth into my writing and not write about such vapid things like february favourites!??!?! I WANNA LEARN!!!! 
one thing that i was kinda obsessed with in february was refinery29′s money diaries . i know.. so weird, but its kinda interesting to see how people live and how much money they make and exactly what they spend it on. because of money diaries, ive been just keeping track of my spending in my journal which is so MATURE of me~~ keke 
inari sushi
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ya so i LUV THIS. AND ive recently started to make inari with my sister. so ez to make (cos we buy the seasoned bean curd) (no one got time to fry bean curd and season it). and all you gotta do is cook SHORT GRAIN RICE and make the rice vinegar and sugar seasoning. and then FILL UP DA BEAN CURD. EZ PZ. but SO BOMB. high in calories, but its okay. SOMEDAY, ill be cooler.. (lyrics) ^^ 
OMG. idk why I KEEP ON SAYING THIS. WELPPPPPP. WELPPPPPP. i love it. this is the new SPICY.. but def one of my fav SLANG/MADE UP WORDS. LMFAO. WELPPPPPPP!!! WELPPPP!!! where did it even come from!??!?! i will never know. but WELPPPPP!!!!! 
and this concludes my february favourites. i know.. its a little sporadic, a little too much on the music.. but its me. im still trying to figure out how to make my bloggie a little more organized and trying to format these posts a bit better. but i just type what is on the top of my head. and this is what came out. hopefully march favourites will be BETTA. but bye february! you were nice to me~~~ 
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