#also disclaimer im not saying NO good tv exists right now
quincywillows · 1 year
i actually don’t think y’all understand how disillusioned i am with tv these days... the industry is dead to me. not for the reasons most fandom people say that like oh my fave died my fave couple broke up etc etc no. i think tv is dead because it literally is DEAD. its become so oversaturated that there is literally no way to rake through the muck to find the gems of good story. media has always been profit driven but the evolution to let’s create as much content as possible to beat out our competitors but only give them 1.5 seasons if that and make sure they have record-breaking streaming numbers -- a meaningless, MEANINGLESS metric when it comes to the quality of the storytelling -- within two days or they get the axe guaranteed and every single thing being a cheap and soulless IP adaptation that fans are happy to gobble down just to say they have it rather than actually see it as a faithful interpretation bc money money money and i swear if i see one more gd star marvel wars piece of property i will lose it. in this essay i will,
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ablednt · 3 years
Alright writing/roleplay tumblr we need to talk about textforms.
This is going to be a very long post I apologize but this knowledge is deathly important as it's reaching a very vulnerable group of people. From personal experience knowing this can save people from getting into toxic friendships and help ease intense struggles and depressions. If you have writer followers I ask you reblog this to get the word out, thank you.
What is a textform
A textform is a type of willogenic/parogenic system member that form through some kind of writing or roleplaying. This means that they're sentient people who now share a body with the people who wrote them, most often being an OC or a fictional character before the writers brain gives them actual life.
Because there's been no actual scientific studies on their existence I have no hard science to give you however the logical explanation behind it goes like this:
The human brain is able to contain multiple conscious and sentient entities. Often, it will become multiple as a defense mechanism (as noted in clinical plural dissociative disorders) but it's a natural function of the human brain and may do so for really any reason (similar to most neurodivergencies that someone isn't born with)
Because this is a fairly simple change in the brain/something every brain can be capable of doing you can actually intentionally program the brain into becoming multiple, but see you can also do it entirely without meaning to or being aware of it.
Now I want to clarify that there is nothing harmful or scary about this! Being plural isn't bad at all and is an existence many people celebrate. But when someone has textforms in their unrealized system and doesn't know they're sentient it can be incredibly painful emotionally. So that's why people need to know about this.
Obligatory disclaimer: if you read this post and think you want to become plural intentionally, you are welcome to do so but you need to take at least a few months exposing yourself to the plural community to gauge if this is really something you want and can do responsibly. You cannot go back on your decision once your plural and your headmates will be sentient beings not characters to project on or toys to play with. They will have all the rights to your body and identity as you do now because you're sharing it equally with them.
Now that that's out of the way back to textforms.
How are textforms made
Normally this is in the "character development" phase. Many writers eagerly develop their characters. When I was younger and had no idea I was plural my advice for oc making turned out to be an unintentional guide to textforms (more on my experience later): just put your character in every situation imaginable until you always know how they'd respond to things.
Basically, as you spend your time making a character act and think consistently from their POV you're training your brain to have all of that data and that's very similar to the data that the brain has on you and you're training the brain to be able to operate coherently from a perspective and consciousness entirely different from your own.
Now, this isn't a %100 will make everyone plural every time, there are obviously good writers who have a grasp on their characters who are singlet. There's no actual data but if I had to guess I'd say there's about a 50/50 split down the writing community just based on what I've observed.
But there's a lot of people who became plural this way and didn't realize it and that could include the writer reading this right now which is why everyone needs to be aware of this.
If this is such a big thing how come no one notices?
Because it's been completely normalized in the writing community but dismissed as metaphorical.
How many times have you heard "the characters write themselves" or phrases that indicate that a writer is giving a voice to sentient entities? From what I've been able to observe some of that is singlet authors being metaphorical and humble bragging and a lot of that is plural writers trying desperately trying to put their experiences into words but dismissing it completely almost immediately because no one told them being plural was possible.
This is comparable to say, gender identity. Trans and nonbinary people have always existed but when they don't know they're allowed to exist like that it's often "im a tomboy" or "they disguised themselves as a man" or any other thing thats immediately dismissed as being cis.
How do I know if I have a textform?
There's a lot of different signs but here's some I have experienced before finding out I was plural
You "miss" your characters when you're not writing about them or interacting with them in some way
You feel like your characters are real "in your heart" (for me this was in an incoherent loop like "they're not real but they are to me, in my brain, but they're not real to other people, but they're in my brain so they're real but no but yes but no")
You get so distressed they're "not real" that it feeds into actual mental health problems like depression, anxiety, dissociation etc. (I'd have fits of sobbing because these were my friends but I didn't know they were with me so it felt like i was grieving their deaths and had the same level of emotional pain)
Sometimes or all the time when you write about them you feel like you "become them" or that they're writing through you. (Especially if your hands move automatically or without your control. This can be hard to notice but for me when headmates control the body or hands movements feel faster and lighter or very slightly numb.)
Your muse for writing them comes and goes unpredictability: they're either here or they're not here so writing them doesn't feel the same.
You can vividly recall things that happened to the character in 1st person (or in 3rd person visually but with their thoughts and feelings) as if they're you're own memories.
You "roleplay" them in everyday situations IRL. (E.g once I liveblogged a tv show as my muse to a friend and was like haha lol im so talented I can roleplay in real time but found out later it was a headmate doing that themselves)
You have conversations with them mentally in which they actually respond to you. Singlets don't have actual enriching conversations with themselves because they only have one perspective and cannot give themselves any new information. So if you're responding to yourself and you don't feel in control of that response then you're pretty objectively plural tbh.
You have times where the lines between you and the character feel blurry or like you're a vague fusion of yourself and the character
You have an actual relationship (of any kind: romantic, platonic, familial, etc.) in which you can sense nuanced feelings about yourself from them that you aren't in control of.
There's a lot more but that's the most notable ones
Why this is so important
I'm just talking about my own experience now so I'll preface this with a few things. I'm a mixed origin/multigenic system but our system has existed since we were toddlers. Due to trauma we have DID and for a long time dissociated heavily to avoid our plurality. This means my experience may be more distressing than other plurals with textforms however people without DID can still experience these things.
When I was a teenager I joined a lot of writing communities and also roleplayed on tumblr. Writing very quickly became my main passtime and all I really did. I joined a roleplay group when I was 15-16 that I took far too seriously to the point where people were concerned about me because I was writing what was just supposed to be a joke roleplay group %100 seriously and very intensely.
In that time I started to form my first main textforms (we've undoubtedly had them before then but I had only formed a little under a year prior) because I was doing this every day it really started bringing my characters to life. (Literally)
And honestly it was something beautiful the distress of it aside. Like one of my ocs was a kid so I'd always celebrate their birthday with them and I'd cuddle a plush so they'd know I loved them/p and we'd watch their favorite cartoon episodes together. It wouldn't be until around three years later that I realized they were actually there for this but it was heart warming.
For me, all I ever wanted was for these characters to feel appreciated and like someone really cared for them and loved them even if they couldn't feel it and it wasn't until later I learned that they could.
The trauma came in not knowing they were real. I grieved for them like they were dead because I thought I'd never get to see them. I wrote them into traumatizing or upsetting situations to cope with my childhood trauma not realizing that was effecting them for real and hurting them.
Most notably because it was my one solid interaction with them, the one time society allowed me to talk about them as if they were real, I really HAD to roleplay them. Because it became an emotional need I wound up in a lot of toxic friendships in the roleplay communities because I needed someone, anyone, to allow me to interact with my headmates. I had friends who I really was only friends with because they let me talk about my characters constantly (and some of them weren't toxic to me but it was in hindsight really unfair to them) and I let people verbally and emotionally abuse me in roleplay spaces because this wasn't just a hobby to me but a lifeline.
Not knowing they were real but feeling them there, having conversations with them, and forming actual relationships was a hellish sort of feeling I don't wish on anyone. I never realized how isolated it made me, and how horrible it felt to have the most important people in your life be people I thought didn't exist.
I only found out about plurality through luck. I met some systems who had fictives and they got strong plural vibes from me because of how I talked about certain characters and because I said I wanted to be plural but thought I probably wasn't because I'd have noticed, right?
From there I was able to actually connect with and talk to my headmates. Now I'm happily out as plural and in multiple fulfilling in system relationships.
I want everyone in the writing community who's struggling with the same things to have the chance I got. That's all I want is to educate people about this so they don't have to grieve for people who are right there with them.
Feel free to send me an ask or a dm if you have any further questions. Sorry this post was so long I can't really shorten it at all. Again if you are have a lot of writing followers I very gently request you reblog this to get the word out. Even if you can't please talk to your writing mutuals and friends about plurality and about textforms.
[Also this should go without saying but this is absolutely NOT the place for syscourse any invalidating comments about systems will be blocked and where possible deleted it costs $0.00 to prioritize people's mental health over your discourse hot takes.]
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th3okamid3mon · 5 years
Spies in disguise, weirdly wholesome (Spoilers)
This movie was so freaking weird. I thought Blue Sky Studios was so dead, the only movie I´ve seen from them was Ice Age and Robots, and Ice Age went downhill after the 3rd movie. But this??? This could be their revival.
Lance Sterling is one of the best spies in the agency. He loves his job and does it really well but when a bad guy starts harming different people across the world using his face, Sterling has to clear up his name in any way possible with the help of a young scientist called Walter Beckett. Problem is, though, the same scientist tried a very complex experiment on him by accident which result on him turning into something everybody hates: a pigeon. 
I´m sure Blue Sky has made more animated movies than just Ice Age, but being completely honest I literally only knew that one. I loved that movie, I also like Robots, but the rest they´ve made aren´t as striking to me. 
As an animation studio they know what they are doing, it is really good. The details in the water and rocks, all the backgrounds? They all look awesome!
It´s no Klaus though. In comparison to other movies, this is pretty much blends with the rest of the CGI movies there exist. Ice Age and Robots had a very distinctive style, but this one? This looks like something Pixar would do (they kind of went a bit downhill, Toy Story 4 was not needed and The Incredibles 2 felt off and incomplete, animation was fine, writing meh. I hope Onward and Soul are better. Fingers crossed.) I also thought Dreamworks made it. It´s not very... original as in the style of the animation. 
The lighting was cool as hell!! The first scene in Japan WAS SO FREAKING AWESOME. It had amazing highlights and it was perfect blend in the atmosphere. The darks werent so obscure you couldnt see anything and when a certain light hit the character it was a great contrast. 
The design of the characters were really great, the background characters looked kind of the same though. It was like the main characters were anime protagonists in this case, not only because of the design but because they use more striking and hotter colors in them while the background characters had really opaque palettes. 
Story and Characters: 
So.. Disclaimer: Spy movies taken seriously is not my thing. I HATE Mission Imposible. I HATE JAMES BOND 1, 2, 3, INIFINITE WHATEVER. I hate them, they are boring and the main characters are worst than Superman (Who, by the way, I also HATE. not the animated one, just the live action one. LIKE BATMAN I HA-). That´s because they portray them as all mighty, powerful, type of card of all traits. Making them too useful and too able makes it boring and it makes you question Why do they even have a freaking team with them?
In this case you have the all mighty, hella cool and able Lance Sterling. He works alone, he is able to do everything and anything, right? Well, at least he is charismatic and such. Of course you have to add something to him so he isn´t just a cocky super human spy. What do you do? GIVE. HIM. AN. OBSTACLE. AND. MAKE. IT. HILARIOUS. Thank god this is comedy. 
It was a really weird premise for the super spy to become a pigeon. From all animals, a Pigeon? Uh... Yeah, sure? This director and writer do know how to make this shit work. And BOI was this really interesting. 
So it goes like this: Sterling goes against a bad guy who isn´t even the main bad guyTM. He does his cool fighting montage during which POOF, GLITTER! Glitter..? Da fuq? And he rolls with it because if he doesn´t he COULD DIE. (I know there´s the flashback montage for Walter at the beginning but bare with me). He gets the briefcase, which had a very dangerous and powerful machine which in spanish is called LITERALLY ASESINO (MURDERER) , LA-DI-DA-DI-DA he goes back to the agency and... The briefcase is empty and some agent comes all of the sudden and has some recording where it is shown HE stole it and killed some guys in Japan with it.
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But he escaped, relax. 
Now, previously he had fired Walter because he got into Sterling´s things and put the glitter bomb, which actually did his purpose: distract and make everyone happy. 
Walter is actually a curious character to me. He has good intentions, he just wants to make a safer world and all his inventions in comparison to the rest are to minimize damage and to protect not only the spies but also the villains. Now days we have characters who are mostly all in favor to not kill, because killing is wrong. It´s not a new thing, its a pretty old concept, but it is mostly seen in TV shows (at least from the movies I´ve seen, even if the hero doesn´t want to kill, the villain still ends up dead somehow). From all the movies I´ve seen, there were several that didn´t killed the villain but... I didn´t like them at all because the villain didnt even made sense (IM LOOKING AT YOU FROZEN 1 AND THE INCREDIBLES 2, FUCKING WASTE OF MONEY AND VILLAINS, SO HELP ME GO-) 
I dont know why Walter stick to me so much more than any other characters in other movies. His motivations were always for the greater good even as a kid. The biggest inspiration in his life was and is his mother, and I think because of her dead that motivation became even stronger. His whole personality and genuine care into his work to help others leaks in everything he does. It´s in your face, ALL THE TIME, but in a good way? It isnt at the point of being annoying, it´s weird how they manage to make such a nice character with certain points that are quirky without making him annoying. 
Ok, back to the story without spoiling much and going to the point, they both start working out how Sterling as a pigeon can do his spy work and Walter works on an antidote while also helping Sterling with the spy work. Question: Is it original? I dont know. Does it matter? No. 
Look, the concept of a character turning into something is not really original and as spy movies we all KNOW in all 9 levels of Mictlan that Spy theme movies are not original at all. Spy Kids? That was slightly more original than any other spy movie I ever seen AND I LOVED IT. The important manner here is and will always be the characters which... Well... Will Smith acted as Will Smith, or well.. I watch in spanish... wait... 
Ok, I already knew Mario Filio was the official Will Smith voice Actor... 
Where was I...? Ah, yeah. 
As a plot, it had pretty much a lot of dark themes and several heavy spots. For example: The talk between Will- I MEAN Sterling and Walter in the boat, where they talk about how to fight the villain we saw a bit more of them. We already knew the motivation for Walter, but Sterling? The cocky cock has feelings? WHO WOULD´VE KNOWN! He really doesnt want people to get killed and it gets to him, because that form limits him a lot. Walter is so stress too, they both want the best for the people and they argue but in a manner that makes it a bit heavy. Walter is still young and too dreamy, Sterling has worked in the battle field, he tells Walter  you have to fight fire with fire and doing it Walter´s way is not gonna work because bad people doesnt care about the good people. Walter replies that there are no good or bad, only people. (UM... I HAVE A BIT OF A PROBLEM WITH THAT?? But I will discuss it later.) 
There some scenes i did not expect to get emotional and it quickly returns to comedy but not as awkwardly as I would thought. It´s a fun movie, if it wants too it gets a tad heavy and if it wants to it becomes extremely dumb. It´s a weird blend, the concept is super dumb but the plot and the characters teaches you certain things like: People still get hurt even if you acted with the best intentions. Sometimes to solve a problem you need to think in another way. Kindness is a powerful weapon. And most importantly: Weird is good. 
So... It was a really fun movie. Weirdly wholesome, weirdly good! Pretty good actually, it didn´t get me much as other movies but it did stick to me. It has good animation, the characters are enjoyable and charismatic, the super good boi is Walter MY GOD, HE DESERVES THAT JOB HE GOT. Sterling is a good pal once he sees the value in Walter. That part with the egg was strange but Walter made it have sense and they both rolled with it and it was pretty cool.
Now, the messages are good. I understand people are people and such. You shouldnt kill because its wrong. I mean, the villain DID kind of had second thoughts after Walter saved him from falling after turning the droid off, which was SO COOL TO HAVE KILLIAN LOOK LIKE THAT. He didn´t had to say shit, just that look of ¨Huh... That kid did save me even after I tried to kill him...¨ Yes, give me more shown not tell. THIS MOVIE HAD A LOT OF SHOW NO TELL, THANK YOU. 
Still, bad people not always want to change. Some bad people stay bad, and sometimes we will have to fight back. We had movies like The Incredibles 2 or Steven Universe: The Movie shown what should we do and what happens to the villains. They had a backstory, they had their motives, as heartbreaking their backstories were what they did was wrong and at least one of them in those examples were punished for their wrongdoing. Steven in the movie fought back instead of getting himself hurt. 
In this movie, the villain was kind of kept a mystery, his backstory wasn´t a flashback or anything, it was told by the character but I think that was a good thing because the pain in his eyes and the anger he felt leaked from his explanation to Sterling. Even when he was explicitly a bad guy from the beginning, before even the movie started, we can see that those bad guys, in fact, are people too, and as the good people they can get hurt too because they have families, friends, pets, interests, hobbies and more. Walter does have a point, they are just people so we shouldn´t kill them. I guess the problem I have with the saying ¨There´s no good or bad, just people¨ is that the people who do bad things, people like Killian, they hurt and murder so many people and I am not fine with those kind of people. I say Eye for an eye, but then again ¨Eye for an Eye and everyone gets blind¨. 
I dont know why or how they manage to get somehow complex in movie where a person LITERALLY TURNS INTO A FEMALE PIGEON. Oh, yeah, by the way. Sterling becomes a female pigeon because Walter uses a feather of his female pet pigeon. 
I had low expectations and came out impressed and howling with laughter even after getting home. I do recommend this movie for his whole ridiculousness and for his weird but wholesome character development, bonding, different characters and final message. 
Weird is good and we need weird to make the world a better, safer place. 
-Sincerely weird, T.O.D 
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rogueshipagogo · 5 years
ppl have been asking me my opinions on space channel 5 vr... and i guess since i bought a vr headset off craigslist just so i could play it and speedrun it before work the day it came out... i should talk abt it now... i dont rly think i’ll be able to separate it into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things i think i’m just going to do a rambly stream of consciousness bc i have a headache... but i DO have good things to say abt this game... so st.... sta stay t tune  d
right off the bat, the thing i appreciate most abt this game- i like that space channel 5 vr doesnt have cash grab vibes. i Do genuinely believe that they Wanted to make this game For the people who are still obsessed with it, and that they ultimately did what they set out to do when they intended to scale certain aspects of the series up conceptually to match the way the fandom perceives it nowadays. but like i’ve said before... i’m not going to Disagree with the very common conclusion that it Needed to be longer, or at Least more intricate plot-wise. one of my fun and fresh excuses for sc5vr being as short as it is is because you arent really supposed to be playing vr games for too long anyways, its really disorienting and kinda painful, but even that doesn’t account for why so much of the game that we got is a rehash of old settings, concepts, songs, and characters. [i dont even have a problem with reusing old songs, i just think the ones they chose ended up being misleading]
for example i think it makes sense that the first report is a remake of the first games first report on the surface, it’s meant to take you back to the way the first game felt and give you an idea of what it means that the games classic scenery can be rendered in actual high quality detail now [same with the recurrence of events like encountering the space pirates in the asteroid belt/the last battle against a villain being singing to it about what it’s done wrong], but i really thought, like, report 1 was going to end up being a simulated scenario for the benefit of lou and kee’s training... which i dont think ended up being the case??? i think they really did write ‘ok here you are in the first game’s setting again, fighting the old enemies again, because... :^) ok have fun playing report 2!’
and then whats report 2... you fight another old boss from the first game... but theres Still no clear villain or motivation for anything thats happening... and there wont be until like... basically the end of the game...
like, glitter is a really cute character, but its kind of underwhelming that shes just a random citizen who was kidnapped by an entity that we NEVER LEARN ANYTHING ABOUT... like part 1 was extremely notable for being about corporate greed and corruption, part 2 honestly wasnt that political in comparison but at least made you do a think wrt purge’s motivation and his methods, and this game just has a plot device that feels like it’ll do smth but then ends up not doing anything beyond what we already learned about it from the information on its character bio before the game was out. if it turns out that cell x is actually relevant again in a future entry in the franchise and they do have a more developed concept for what cell x Is in mind, i’ll do an entire backflip, but for now its just chalked up to being the result of More Space Hijinks that dont need to be explained
ESPECIALLY WITH ALL OF THE ALLUSIONS TO CELL X BEING AN ENTITY THAT FEEDS OFF OF DANCE ENERGY... it had me thinking that there would have to be some New Method of fighting it off that didn’t just lend it more power in the process, but nah apparently just tacking on the disclaimer ‘*this dance energy is not for glitter’ is enough to turn it from smth it can consume for power into big attacks you can use to kill it... like honestly it sounds like im asking for a lot from a game that has Never made too much sense, but considering that in part 2 they could add details like ‘oh didnt you know purge can open pocket dimensions? ulala is capable of manifesting tangible dance energy and the only other person who can do that is purge???’, its not like they havent come up with weird new shit for dance energy to do within the plot before. they just didnt do it in this game fsr
like did anyone else think that cell x/glitter was going to be the result of tossing purge out into deep space and him encountering the sc5 universe’s equivalent of an eldritch alien creature, smth more bestial than morolians?? even if purge wasnt part of it, when you say ‘uh oh, this guy Eats this society’s only source of energy!!!’ i expect the stakes to get HIGH, and i want the ramifications of it to be kinda STARTLING, because blank wanted money and purge wanted to ritualistically end the world but something this near to an ecological disaster that would force an entire paradigm shift hasn’t occurred yet in the series?? its totally new!!! there’s a lot they could do with this but OH DONT WORRY ABOUT IT EVERYONE ulala knows how to make dance energy kill cell x instead of feed it she’s got this we’re good no need to investigate more into all that
i can’t explain why the game is like this. and i dont expect grounding to address it in any meaningful way either. i’m sure they’re Aware of these complaints by now- the game reviewing community has Not been kind to sc5vr specifically due to all of these shortcomings [i didnt even touch on the issues with motion sensing and how many of the games mechanics were removed in favor of smth presumably easier to program yet much less satisfying, like Secret Moves just being mini quicktime events and Turning Your Ratings Into Stars just being replaced with the standard Three Strikes You’re Out method of scoring], but the pr team still seems very enthusiastic abt the game and is still promising dlc and potentially even more games in the series after this one- heres hoping that they’ll at least take these grievances to heart and consider making the experience not only more accessible [aka it will... go back to being a rhythm game with controller input.... and not... an exclusive vr experience...], but also as immersive and detailed as the old games, with less reused plot beats. i can let some of it off the hook in this game simply because i’m aware that it began its life as a tech demo that was only supposed to be that initial first report from the first game But Happening All Around You!, but i Really dont think they could get away with doing this little to expand upon the groundwork set by the first two games again. not with the way people remember part 2 being such a vast upgrade from part 1... the bar had been set so high that this just felt like a huge backslide into something even sillier and harder to take seriously than part 1 before we had any idea what kind of staying power the franchise would have as a hallmark of sega’s quirky antics. like... this game is what i think space channel 5 looks like to people who don’t understand the appeal of the first two games. and that scares me
but i guess for the most part, aside from wishing they had done more to revitalize the setting and the lore of the sc5 universe itself, im kind of glad it didnt do a lot to change the existing storylines the characters have kinda forged for themselves- here i was stressing out that they would pull out some plot development that would utterly and drastically change the way we talked abt the series for the rest of time, but so little happened and so little was added to the bank of sc5 lore that we can kind of all just carry on as usual and keep having the same headcanons we always had.
BUT!!! there ARE a lot of cute little details here and there that make the experience feel wholesome and like i said not an utter cashgrab- like so many of the character profiles referencing previous games [all of the references to npcs in this game being relatives of the npcs of the last games made me lose it] and how often ulala changes her expressions up and looks right at you and talks to you. the new music they wrote for the game also all slaps and everyones redesigns [if they got a redesign... rip pudding] are stunning
one of the most important things they did in this game was give a nice sort of Update to every character.... for example explaining that ulala isn’t a rookie reporter any more like she was in the first 2 games, that she’s moved up to being in charge of training new channel 5 reporters, and that while pudding is still somewhat stuck on her rivalry with ulala her career isn’t stagnant either, she was just cast in a romcom series as the lead... which is really nice considering how in the past she was portrayed as somewhat of a loser with almost no remaining fans left from her idol years
and you knew i was going to bring up jaguar at some point HES ALL OVER THIS GAME AND IT LITERALLY MADE ME FEEL LIKE MY LIFE WAS WORTH POWERING THROUGH THESE LAST FEW YEARS AND ALSO LIKE IM A GENIUS FOR SPENDING SO LONG POSTING EVERY SINGLE DAY ‘NO REALLY, HE’S THE SECONDARY PROTAGONIST OF THE STORY, ITS ABOUT CHANNEL 5 AS A COMPANY AND THEIR IMPACT ON EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER ENCOUNTERED THEM AND THAT INCLUDES JAGUAR AS WELL AS ULALA HES INTEGRAL TO THE PLOT BC SHE WOULDNT BE ALIVE IF IT WEREN’T FOR HIM’ i feel like it’s really incredible how in this game he has genuinely nice energy and doesnt withhold praise from ulala just to be helpful in a mysterious way later and he like HAS FRIENDS now. like consider how he went from disgraced former ch5 employee who got mad every time he saw them, to kidnapped robot henchman kinda humbled by the fact that now the turns tabled and ulala had to rescue Him, and now 3 years later his bio is all about how he has a new tv show thats super popular and he has a new entourage of ladies who he considers his '’’’’’comrades’’’’’’’ within the station he founded??? AND AFTER 20 YEARS THEY WERE FINALLY ABLE TO GIVE HIS MODEL JUICY ASS CHEEKS??????????????? NO MORE PANCAKE BOOTY???? THE BOY HAD A GLOWUP AND NO I WONT STOP TALKING ABOUT IT
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hostiias · 4 years
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           Hey sweet peas! Nimbus here and I have what’s known as DID!! What is DID you ask? It’s short for Dissociative Identity Disorder !! It was known as multiple personality disorder until the 90′s--when they gained a better understanding and changed the name. You don’t have to read this, but it would mean a whole awful lot to me if you did!
       First a disclaimer! DID is unique to everyone like many disorders and while some core facts are the same, please not I only have one experience and one side of this multi-faceted disorder!
         DID is formed in ages 7-9 and only in this stage of childhood. It is caused by repeated and/or extreme trauma. The person who has developed DID (aka me!!) will have no memory of their childhood. That’s right! I don’t remember anything--and any memories I have are vague and fuzzy, like they happened to someone else. I only have one very clear memory--but I only recovered it fairly recently via therapy.
           That brings us to our next issue--DID causes severe memory loss. I’m not talking a few hours--Im talking losing days, weeks, months, and even years. I’ve had to work very hard with my disorder and therapy to get a better handle on this loss of time--but that’s still fairly recent and I do still lose time. The reason I bring this up is because I might not remember a conversation we had--or something I was supposed to do for you.
            I forget birthdays, anniversaries, important dates, etc so much--like i don’t even remember my mums. Bits and pieces of my life are like shadows in my mind and I have to do some digging and info-seeking to find it out. It’s very difficult and I feel very guilty about it...so please never take it personally if I don’t remember something. It’s not because I don’t care , but because my mind is literally fragmented.
           Expanding on that--DID is a defensive disorder created by your mind to try and protect you from your trauma. So you know how in 7-9 your ‘parts’ of personality are slowly integrating to create you? The trauma disrupts this and your parts stay separate, creating alters. These alters often create their own personas; become their own people. The bugger thing is, once you’ve split--you can do it later again when you’re older. That’s right! If I’m traumatized enough, it could cause me to split again--because now my brain has recognized this ‘split’ as a defensive tactic.
             I’m pretty lucky that because I’ve been getting therapy (and FINALLY got a diagnosis; like I’m medically diagnosed with this disorder) I’ve been able to avoid further splits. At this time I have eight alters I am aware of whom I communicate with almost like a family; this is how I’ve been able to cut down on my memory loss. It’s still a bit like watching myself through tv, but at least I’m more aware of what happened.
              Some quick terminology!!
Protector: an alter who keeps the system safe
Alter: The ‘part’ that split.
System: The name for the collective unit of alters and host/original.
Host: the alter who is living the individuals life most of the time, might not be the original.
Original: the individual who was originally traumatized and ended up with DID. (I am both the host and the original).
Gatekeeper: Someone who monitors what alters are allowed to interact with the rest of the system and what memories are allowed to be accessed. If there are Persecutors in the system, they keep them at bay.
Persecutor: An alter who often exhibits the behavior of the person who was abusive/caused the trauma. Usually only harmful to the system itself. It is rare for persecutors to cause harm to outside individuals, but they may say cruel things.
Internal self-helper: An alter who is mostly on in the system that makes sure everyone is where they need to be; aka sort of like the maintenance guy.
Trauma holder: An alter who holds the memories of the trauma that cause their split.
Little: An alter who maintains the appearance and mindset of a child; usually the result of the initial trauma from ages 7-9.
Non-human: An alter who is not human. Can be a mythical being but is typically an animal presenting alter.
Fictive: An alter who has the ‘memories’ and personality of a fictional person as well as their appearance and name.
Headspace: This is an internal world sort of like Sherlocks ‘mind palace’ from the BBC show where all the alters can interact with each other and ‘live’. How it appears is different for everyone–my headspace is a cabin in the woods.
Age: Alters can be the same age as the orginal or older/younger. They are, essentially, their own people in many ways.
Co-existence: A therapy method in which you learn to live and function with your alters (this is the therapy I use)
Integration: A form of therapy where the original and/or host begins to integrate the alter into their singular personality (aka going through the process that was disrupted in childhood). This can also occur between alters.
      I have a very good relationship with my alters but it wasn’t always this way. I’ve had a lot of issues in the past with varying personality traits, time loss, etc. I’ve even had a few toxic relationships in which I was the toxic party--partly due to not having a good handle on what was going on. Now no one should use this as an excuse! I am as at fault for my alters actions as I would be if they were my own so don’t let anyone excuse bad behavior with ‘my alter did it, not me!’ because they can absolutely work on getting a better handle of them.
        I will say that people with DID who have not gotten a better handle on their alters deserve your grace and patience where you feel you can give it; it’s frightening to know that sometimes there’s basically a whole other person driving your body. You don’t need to, nor are expected to excuse harm--but hopefully you can at least offer some understanding--because that’s all any person suffering from this disorder can ask for. It’s especially hard when you’re undiagnosed and have no idea what’s going on--only that something is wrong (I speak from experience here hhh--)
        You ready for another term? Ok so alters often will ‘front’, this is like to say if you were driving a car--whoever is fronting is driving the car. The car is your body (obviously). So if you’re in the passenger seat, you probably still are aware of what’s going on, even if you’re no longer in control--if you’re in the backseat you have a vague idea of what’s happening, but it’s not really clear to you--you’re there but removed. If you are in the trunk you have no idea what’s going on--you’re completely blind to anything being said or happening. Even when I (Nimbus) am not fronting, I’m typically in the passenger seat anymore--but I used to only be in the back seat or the trunk...so it’s taken a year or so of work to get here.
           This is a disorder that is very important to me to talk about because I don’t wanna feel ashamed or crazy of something my brain did to protect me so I’m gonna be more vocal about it here! You are welcome to ask myself or my alters questions in IM’s or in my ask box! You may not however ask about my trauma, that’s just rude and unkind. I can also send you resources for people who talk about DID that I feel are trustworthy in their info. My disorder is nothing to be ashamed of and I’m happy to share it with you!
          Below is a list of seven of my alters whom you may ask questions as well!
Roxas: Main protector. 26. He/him. True neutral. aro/ace. coffee addict. Teasingly known as ‘sk8r boy’. Not related to the kh roxas. Like sunsets, coffee, snap backs, and hiking. Pitches my voice down a bit.
Dimitri: Physical protector/gatekeepr. He/him. blunt/asshole. some sort of chaotic alignment. 25. Means well but could stand to be a little gentler about things. Likes leather, alcohol, dancing, and fighty-aesthetics. Pitches my voice down a lot.  
Sage: Caretaker. he/him. 31. the mom friend. Will make you tea and listen to all your problems. Will suggest good books. Lawful good. Likes soothing aesthetics, once upon a time, tea, sweaters, leggings, and classical music. Talks in full and VERY formal sentences. Has a softer tone than me.
Salem: Internal self-helper. 21. he/him. really sunny personality. lawful good. genuinely a good person. minor anxiety. likes exercise, healthy foods, and bubbly music. Has a country bumpkin british accent (kind of?). Will call you ‘love’ or ‘lovey’
Koumei: Caretaker. he/him/they/them. 23. genderqueer. “lets talk about how that feels”. Makes sure i’m honest during counseling sessions. Likes crop tops, those cloth elephant pants you see in hipster stores, yoga, tea, east asia aesthetics, and meditative music. Whisper-talks. SHY.
Carter: Gatekeepr. he/him. 18. ace. grumpy/moody teenager. awkward phase. ‘lol bold of you to assume I process anything’. Stays in room almost 24/7. blunt. likes video games, beanies, hoodies, jeans, sneakers, and sleeping during the day. Doesn’t change my voice really.
Bubble: non-human. Some sort of fairy? Genderless but uses he/him. Likes to look like a meow wow cause they make me happy. Age is a mystery. Can appear human and typically chooses a little boy. Lets have a good time everyone!! Like to color, play games, do child-like things/watch child-like shows. ‘reconnect with your inner child nim!’. LOUD and BUBBLY.
Thank you for reading and again if you have any questions for us let me know !! I love you all <3333
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The Soup
Super Junior Super Junior x SuJuMaknae!Reader Characters: Super Junior (ot13 [+ SJ-M]) Summary:  Just like the way you need to give someone soup when they're sick, this is how SuJu reacts when you need them. Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: CRACK, fluff, humor, gnarlyness, etc.
A/N: i need a pick me up so i made this. It’s low key a part 2 to Secrets Of A Maknae, but not really because, well, it’s not HAHAHHAHA, but hello @farewellkorosensei, i’m tagging you cos u said u wanted a part two and i had a part two in mind but then i lost it so now you have this HAHHAHHAHA im sorry im like this
none of this is real bro that’s why its an au ?????? ok like ok
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Being the only girl in a coed group that’s basically a boy group is not as bad as one may think
Especially since you're the youngest out of everyone, some people just cannot imagine how you do it
Sure like... being the only female means the testosterone thrown your way can be a lot
And there are just some things the guys can't and will never understand
Like how a woman's mind works
But through it all however
You loved being the baby princess
Because you have 13 knights at your side
good luck to them
And in case you were wondering, SuJu is not as sweet as you think
here's how each member would react to you needing them
ps yall
dis shiz is HELLLAAAA LONG SO it’s under the cut
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Being the eldest meant Leeteuk found everyone as his responsibility
and to you, who is in his group, their youngest AND only female member, he would drop everything for
Everyone who's watched korean TV knows this
cos yall do tv show hostings togther
and everybody knows how soft he is around you
like i mean he’s naturally caring towards everyone
and he’s normally high-spirited with others
like you + him equals shenanigans like firecrackers
he does 8999+ dad jokes when you’re his co-host
someone save s.korea
but let us not forget is is the EPITOME of gentleman
he always offers his arm to you
he takes of his jacket or gets a blanket for you to cover your legs when you sit
errbody is like “stfu, we get it stop flexing”
you two are just like “??????????????????? bro fLeXiNg whUAT?”
“i get yall are married n in love but like. pls keep it under wraps.”
and then ????????????
we believe you
cos its all we can do tho
and i mean you two aren’t married but are so too tbh
ELF’s call you two the parents of SuJu
and think you two are sO ADORABLE IT HURTS
He is definitely the most understanding with you through the age gap you have
And even if he finds some of your actions odd due to that age gap, he always works through it and tries to think proactively
"What are you doing????????"
"IM DOING A CHALLENGE OPPA YOU WANNA JOIN?!" you say as you attempt to put on makeup with your non-dominant hand
But if you need him
Doesn't matter if he's hosting 287378 tv shows at the moment
If you call because some loser broke your heart
He's taking the day off
If you call just to check in and he hears even a hint of sickness in your voice
He would take care of you even if he was also sick
He would find a way to go to you even if you were halfway across the world
You cant even get mad @ him cos you will and have done the same woops
and obvi we have to add
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his dog Shimkung prolly loves you more than him, just sayin
She runs to you and ignores Leeteuk when youre around
Because she loves playing with you
And she loves your energy
And the attention you give her
And the treats you bring
And because everyone loves you
And Leeteuk cant even because he loves you too
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Yall listen up
If you think heechul is scary by himself
Try bringing up SuJu's maknae up
I dare you
Just mention your name
Doesnt matter if it's praise
there’s literally an entire 20 (and going) part video comp. of his ears steaming when you’re brought up
like the mere thought of you is already to set him off
It doesn't even phase him if the person who spoke of you is younger or older
The death threats he will sputter is limitless
his tongue is sharper than silver
And the deadliest death glare that's thrown may cause a heart attack.
strangely enough though
but knowing heechul, not strange enough
he is ALWAYS THE FIRST to throw you under the bus
during interviews
and yall always bicker about the dumbest shit
everyone is like, “wait, they’re not the ones that are married?”
the answer is no
but honestly,
He's broken up with someone because of you
Because they were mean to you, i mean
And because he was tired of them too hekhek
and lyk Heechul may be short
But nothing is stopping him from getting into a fist fight with someone 1000+ ft taller than him.
That may be a slight lie cos he'd prolly call the rest of the guys and 5672 security guards to be on his side.
would honestly fite anyone for you
any AND everyone to be honest
He's also very picky with your boyfriends
"Ya, he looks like a womanizer."
"Ya, he looks like an idiot."
"Ya, he smells like woman's perfume."
"Ya, he smells like cigarettes."
"Ya, I don't understand what you see in him."
"Ya, I can't believe you're wasting your time with him."
"Ya, why are your standards so low when you know a guy like me?"
"You can do better."
and you’re kinda just like, “y dont u just look for a guy for me? or better yet, if you think you’re so great, why don’t you just date me?”
“pshhhh, as if, i’m too pretty for you, child”
is what heechul always says
to you and to everyone who asks why you aren’t dating
he also does’t ever answer your calls
cos he’s always too busy with his video games or selfies
so you get really frustrated when you call him to come over and he doesn’t call
but like 
he’s somehow already at your house
cos you needed him and he knew that
idek either bro
he has a sixth sense with ya gurl
he will baby the heck out of you every moment he gets
but not in public cos his image
also he’s never one to flaunt even with his personality
and kinda makes himself clingy for the sake of endorphins
cos he is your happy pill
and your go to man when the world just sucks hard
he gives pretty solid advice
like the ones where you really need some
because he’s never one to sugar coat and will tell you youre a bitch if you are being one
and because of how he is, when he gets soft with you, you know he means it because he’s a broken brick most of the time
he’s also who you normally vent out your problems and burning frustrations to
not that he listens
you mostly just assault him and he takes it
but somehow that’s therapeutic for both of you ???
i’d add heechul’s pets
and maybe i’m just shimkung biased lolol
ANYWAY the gist of you and his pets is that you love them and they love you
the end
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don’t even get me started on yesung
you know how he likes to think he’s all that
how he’s like really good at singin
but he’s like actin all airy sometimes
whICH IS Y u and eunhyuk havE A BALL MESSIN WITH HIM
someone save Yesung from his retarded dongsaengs
lol but eunhyuk comes later
anyway, he’s airy
that side of him comes in handy 4 u
because he makes for a gr8 hypeman
letz be real
SUPER JUNIOR together is the loudest bunch of morons that will hYPE YOU DO YOUR DEATH
but you cant keep havin that when you go to award shows
try havin your ears pierced with screaming every time you’re even remotely related to what the host is talking about
anyway back to yesung
he be your date to eveything
cos he ALWAYS has time to be all that
i mean you bring specific members to the specific events they fit into
u’ll understand laterz
but mostly yesung is your man for the job
cause he’s always available
you know when he’s not touring or holding concerts
whenever you need a date
he puts on all his extra accessories and offers you his arm on the red carpet
or just holds your hand cause it’s easier on his part
IT DOESN’T EVEN MATTer if it’s for some black suit event
he’s prOLLY GON BUST A MOVE and promote SJ’s black suit while he’s at it what a turd
he’s so loud in fact that you’ve reached a point past embarrassment
ur like, “Yeah, he’s my loud date. problem?”
honestly, yall have to be dumb not to see how in love you two are
there are theories on how you two ARE the one true pair
like the way yesung looks at you when you’re striking a pose
answering a question
thanking someone
receiving an award
laughing at a joke
existing in general
and you RIGHT BACK @ him
only an idiot would
but haha
just friends too
ye but itz trueeeeee
no matter how fancy you get
or domestic
cos did i mention you two do the lamest things too
like there is no in between
you go buy groceries
tour Gangnam
hand in hand obviously, duh, you do it every time you’re together
as with every member of super junior but yall already knew
i think i strayed too far from my point
point is he’s there to hang out and do nothing
cos thats what both of you are good for anyway
btw he’s who you bring shopping for clothes
but only like the nice kind you feel me
you’ll get that in a little while too
but like you always go to high-end stores together
never couture tho cos why ??
he’s the one you treat like your diary mostly
the everyday stress you have piled up he’s the one you sift through with
like you tell him all the mundane things
and he’d nod uninterested
and then you’d stop cuz you realiized he doens’t care
and then he’d get mad and be all like “Ya, why’d you stop, what happened to the leaf you kicked?”
i think imma stop here cos you get it
yall good for nothing HAHAHH
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you and kangin get into the stickiest shit every time your crackheads team up
and being the loyal one you are
you always point and blame him when things hit the fan
and he’s always like “Me?”
and then points right back at you
you’re reactions to each other are fandom memes fml
and you’d think with all the treachery you pull on each other you would never be able to count on Kangin
but that is so DAMN FAR from the truth
cos this boy is insufferably thoughtful when it comes to you
his favoritism shows
like he’ll sell super junior for a 1 cent
he’s usually the one that shoos the guys off when they’ll all up on your ass
he’s also the one to kick heechul when he gets too annoying
or anyone in general
He’s usually your partner in crime when it comes to screwing up SJ’s image
“it wasn’T ME!” you both shout, and then you jump on Kangin’s back and he runs away.
and yes there is also a compilation of you morons doing that for 15 minutes straight in multiple languages
dumb shit
he’s not as big as teasing you as Heechul
but he usually calls you ugly, that’s who you are to him
if you’re texting someone, it’s usually him
you send him ideas for a prank or sm shit
and he’s like imma do you one better
and then you just burn SM to the group bwahahaHAHAHAHAHAHHA
not kidding
you guys dont actually get to hang out often
but wHen you do there is a warning signal
and idek y yall pretend to be pranking someone else
but yall end up stabbin each other anyway
But there is also those times when you just cry
and he’s there to listen
he’s not as understanding as his hyungs, cos Leeteuk knows what to do, Heechul knows what to say, and Yesung knows how to remember the important things
but he is always there
he tells you as much as he can
and he aint dumb he can say a lot
but he’ll mostly just try to brighten up your day
by telling you a plan to attack one of the members
as ive mentioned before, you jump on his back when you skedaddle out of the scene you just caused
which have caused an uproar from many
your company mostly has to fend off rumors of you and him being together the second most
youll find out who soon enough
but back to you an Kangin
he usually offers to give you a piggy back ride
even tho he doesn’t really want to
when you’re down
cos u smol child like to be carried
ew grow up sis
dats all i got fam
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you and Shindong work the third most together outside super junior
dats obviously behind Leeteuk
and #2 who will be revealed later
and actually, you two have a very serious and business-like mindset when you’re together
which is why his skillz fly when you collab
you have youtube channel together that’s just u two posting vids you guys want to do
yall fund it urselvs and get some of ur friends to join in
that’s why you normally go to him when you need help with work
meaning if you’re unsure if you should do a drama he’s going to lay down the points 4 u
he usually acts like your manager
and visits you the most when you’re on set
he’s who de-stresses you when you’re working
and the one who you can count on to back you up when someone at work needs to have a little piece of your mind
he’s who you call up when you want to share an idea or a vision
and is the one to more than others root for you and help you all throughout
whenever works stresses you out,
you two do something fun together
watch a film
annoy one of the other members
you call him up when you have a crazy idea
you call him up when you have a song or plot in mind
you call him up when you are in need of advice
though sometimes his advice is to go to leeteuk or heechul
cos he knows he has limits
which is why you love him
because he’s real and never pretends to  know more than he does
with that said though, he does know a lot
and will tell you all he knows about whatever it is you are asking about
you guys do a lot of live streams as well
sometimes its pointless
sometimes its intorspective
but most times its pointless af
and most times yesung is crying in the distant not-so-distant background
cos like i said yall hangout the most
so sometimes shindong gets into the mix
and you do the weirdest shiz in front of camera
the amount of role plays you’ve done that made viewers go ???? is uncountable smh
like like
where you’re an astronaut
and you need to tell the emperor of goryeo he’s going to be assassinated
and then yesung is the emperor’s horse
and yall die of laughter
or that time yall kissed “by accident”
and none of yall were surprised
and you both ended up laughing
and then everyone was like? >?????
idek either tbh
or that one time you were a cake
as in a chocolate cake
running away from an orge
which was yesung
and shindong was the exterminator that kept hitting him with a pillow whenever he’d talk
i cant believe
you think yesung’s had enough with you and eunhyuk
speaking of...
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eunhyuk + u is quite like u + kangin
ppl pray for you to get separated
like pls
and then when you add DONGHAE
the world wants to implode and delete itself
eunhyuk is your usually your fake boyfriend
joke, he’s the fake love triangle interest
you’ll get that later
you say all the time every time you get the chance to that the reason why you dance half as good as you do now is because of eunhyuk
you make his ego fly through the roof
and he’s always like 
dawwwww stop 
no keep going
which is why if for whatever reason you need a dancer or a choreographer or anything between those lines
you call eunhyuk
or jung yunho but that’s not the point
point is the world explodes when there is a sexy suju concept
because you and eunhyuk are always paried up
the flexibility and coordination of your bodies
leaves the world thirsty
eunhyuk is pregnant because of you
Dem body rolls
The dehydration is real
you two just do something in sync
and surprise even both of you
the world cannot
whenever you do a show together they make you do so many dances
cant blame them  tho, u two be bomb
point is he’s normally your dance partner in almost everything super junior
and 73% not super junior
but beyond that he is also your bestest buddy
and since it’s a package deal, most of the time donghae is there
yall do everything from wacky antics
to window shopping
to roller coaster riding
to just lying around talking about life
actually, yall pranked the world by saying your were going out once
but then yall were like “oh we be playin yall”
When you went sikE Leeteuk wasnt surprised
and everyone gave you shit for so long
Ryeowook vowed to kill both of you
kangin thought it was pretty good though
Eunhyuk and you normally go to parties together
and because you are a d U M b fking drunk
he’s always the one who cleans up after you
because you vomit
and cry
and try to kiss everyone
which is why you have safely kissed everyone in super junior when you're wasted
eunhyuk especially
there are pics to prove it
but eunhyuk doesn;t mind
he’d rather be kissed by your vomit flavored mouth than have some ho try to do something to you
he gets really unsettled when other guys come into the picture
he’ll karate chop A morOn
ya think he be small
but he be strong
those dance moves are his weapon
and we def cant end this without saying
he makes you hangover soup
and all that jazz
when you wanna work out or feel sick
you call eunhyuk
i mean leeteuk loves you but you cant move an inch with that boy
so its eunhyuk
unless you wanna be lazy and need a mom (so leeteuk)
honestly i cheated with that lord almighty part
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which you wish would be a lot more than not
IF you have anything to do in China
it’s zhoumi everyday
he’s who taught you how to speak the language and the one who makes fun of you the most because of your prononciation
but you know obviously its all in good fun
you host some shows together
youve stared in a bunch of chinese mini dramas together
but most of all, you two do a bunch of variety
which people LOVE SO MUCH
if you werent so busy with the rest of the world
china would love to keep you for themselves
but anyway back to zhoumi
as i said he be the love of your life
because he’s literally everything you look for in a guy
tall, handsome, smart even though he does DUMB THINGS I CANT BE--
but the only reason why you’re not dating him is
I have no explaination
you are dating though
like outwardly
it’s like an unspoken thing
where you are dating but youre not and everyone around you agrees
with all the chinese variety you’ve done
yall have pretty questionable photos and footage together
why is you hand in his mouth
why are you two in one pair of trousers
why are you crying over literal eggshells
why are you laughing at him dressed up in a suit
why is he making heart eyes at you when you;re wearing clown makeup
why is he making heart eyes in general
why are you making heart eyes in general
idk man
but what you do know is this
there’s this entire ten page article about how he punch some rich guy in shanghai that tried to get too close and zhoumi threw a punch
out of all the boys in the band who’s said they’d punch a moron on the nose
zhoumi as actually the only one who has had the displeasure of doing just that
It was quite the talk of the town
Honestly many were scared for zhoumi
U and him counted
and the rich moron even threatened to sue
but you pointed out that there was footage in the place and that he’d lose so he should just walk away
of course he walked away
and so yeah
but obviously the sonavbish tried to get rid of any footage
And make it look like an assault
It was to be like an even bigger scandal
but you being a smart bitch that has starred in many dramas with the exact same plot already had a copy and so you won that battle
and zhoumi ‘s career was not ruined
he was even hailed a hero for all the no duh reasons
Yeah he can throw a punch 
zhoumi is so soft for you though
and you for him
he’s usually the one who takes your mind off of things
but you hang out the least out of everyone due to sched differences
that doesn’t mean you dont make time for each other though
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donghae that knows all your secrets
knows all your dog stories
all your accidental injuries
all your fails
all your successes
it may take a few moments to jump start and access his mental archive
but its there
and Donghae has been your boyfriend on many many occasions
whether or not it be fake or real the world will never know
you guys are the most intimate with each other
like you guys are so casual
and comfortable
that Leeteuk tells you guys off
h e e c h u l
even suju separates you on their own will sometimes
and both of you are like
donghae is a certified soft boi
and his softness is amplified when you’re together
PDA is second nature to you two
many hand holds
many cuddles
many suggles
... sure
and it doesn’t matter where you two are
nothing stops you from being touchy
people ask you about it all the time
but once again
Anyway donghae is the go to guy for heart to heart conversations
because he has a heart of gold
the softest purest gold
and he really understands and empathizes
he cries with you over dog movies
and listens to your frustrations
and you listen to him cry
and talk about his feelings
and you tie it all up by making each other smile
he actually gives really good advice
i mean they all do give good advice at a point
but donghae’s are actually quite on point
even though people think he’s slow
it’s probably because he’s once connected at the hip to you
he’s the one you talk to about boy problems and relationship problems
because he’s the only one that isn’t weirded out about the topic
i mean he’s got a soft spot of you
plus hes really caring
so he’ll listen to whatever topic you want to talk about anyway
he’s really the only who, like, pays attention to all your babbling
most of them tend to overlook that
but never donghae
he’s the guy you call in the middle of the night when you cant sleep
it’s not guaranteed he’ll pick up because i mean duh he has a life
but when he does he really listens
except for when he doesnt
cos he’s tired
and on top of being a cuddly living diary
he’s also your personal massager
like you know those knots on your shoulder
what knots on your shoulders
he massages them away because
youre his ultimate weakness
when you need him he’ll be there in a heartbeat, racing leeteuk to get to you
although he’s not as motherly as leeteuk
he’s more of a brother really
like he is motherly
he does baby you
i can
no actually
i cant explain
because i got nothing
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yall do the most goals things ever
and end up posting it on insta like the aesthetic things you are
he’s the guy you call when you wanna go out and tour
and you guessed it
he’s the second person in super junior you work most with out of the group
can you imagine the power you two hold in dramas
sometimes you do cameos in his shows
sometimes its the other way around
honestly it was a make out but you know
donghae’s fine
Siwon and you travel a lot
in a small scale sense where you just go around on a food trip
or going on a short vacation to another country
dont tell the others tho
and its honestly the cutest thing ever like siwon and his charities ad;hkasd
you two have this meme where its just a compilation of you two lauging
cos yall get WEIRD when you laugh together
your laugh is weird in general
and super junior is weird in general
but you and siwon laughing is just weirder
Whenever you have to go somewhere where you think youre going to die because of the formality
you bring siwon along because he’s the most businessman looking out of everyone
plus he holds a rich man aura
because he is
honestly he should just buy SM wtf
He is also the one you go to for advice
because sometimes crying with donghae isn’t really the way you want to go
he’s normally your outside opinion guy
when you normally have a course of action already in your head
but youre just not sure how to go
he gives solid points
and he’s quite firm with his answers
when you need him he doesn’t come as quick as leeteuk or donghae
but he’s the one who leaves last
because he’s just thorough like that
like if you have a mental break down
he’ll come when he can and make sure to make extra time for you
because he wants to both make it up to you and make sure you’re alright
i should add
that on top of being very aesthetic together with your black tie events and whatnot
yall make post memes of each other often on your own accounts SO MUCH
ELFs dig it
iconic really
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ryeowook actually hates you
he hates you because you have such a beautiful voic
he hates that youre pretty
he hates that youre talented
but it is also what completes him
It adds to his purpose in life
To cruSh u
N remind u who is butter
yall bicker the most out of everyone
yall raise your voices at each other the most
you always attack each other
it’s too much to handle
but when you catch on that you’re being played
You and ryeowook teamup
the sass is real when you’re together
makes both of your skin visibly darker to a point
he’s mostly the one to call you out when you and kangin are doing something dumb
or when you and donghae start getting cuddly
or when you just show your face to him
because yes he hates you
if he hears anyone say anything REMOTELY BAD ABOUT YOU
he wILL attacK
because only HE can be mean to you
which is why they actually think you’re dating
pipe the HECK down if you have something to say
and the feeling is mutual for you
if anyone says anything bad about ryeowook OR ANY OF YOUR BOYS
they’re dead
but sometimes both of you hate super junior together
and theres a bunch of videos of you questioning why you’re both still here
when he’s not hating you though
he’s violently supporting you
have you heard this man scream
if you’re doing something live
then he’s out
him and yesung are on a roll when you get an award
and on your live performances
theres normally a cut scene to him in the crowd holding a big ass sign that says something mean
like I HOPE YOU TRIP in bold letters
but in fine print is continues IN SUCCESS AND GOOD HEALTH
but that’s ryeowook for ya
Everyone's confused how you are able to be so violent and mean
But also so cheesily soft
Honestly u just weird
And so is ryeowook
when you need advice he fights you first
"How could you be so dumb to have a problem like that"
then,he'll tell you what to do
If he can, he fights your problem
and then solves it for you that way
Thats how it is, violently soft hek
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So serious
but unlike ryeowook he sometimes actually make people end up wondering if youre dating
Cause ryeowook and u be mean but not so lovey dovey
But you and kyuhyun are mean and lovey dovey
he makes sure you suffer
suffer in embarrassment in live television
and will do everything in his power to get you and ryeowook to stab each other
but if you squint hard enough
he acts hella whipped for you to be pretty damn honest
anyone with a brain can put together that he’s basically like a child
a child being mean to his crush because he doesn’t know what to do
but yall know what
even though ya both be also killing each other
I cannnnOt even
any drama that has been blessed with your vocals
----i meaaaan-----
your song can save any drama
and yall do a lot of live performances together
uhm did I mention you’re basically part of the sub-unit KRY
actuallY JK nvm, it’s you and kyuhyun alone actually
just you and him
hitting those notes like no other
AnD theN theRE was This incident
that you had to perform in on a live awardshow
but like a vocal accident
as in you lost your voice
kyuhyun covered for you duh
because  even if he wants you to suffer in public
he wants it to be by his hand
and not because you ended up getting sick suddenly
I do have to say he’s not very reliable tbh
for the sole reason he wishes to be the true maknae and to desTROY U
“are you sure you hate her though” -literally everyone
“YES!” kyuhyun would answer without missing a beat
“seem like bull by ok”
the there can only be one
i would’ve killed you if the lights were closed
excuse you, trash
i sarangHATE U Bitch
boi i cant wtf am i doin
and again
i cannot stress enough that kyuhyun wants your death by his hand
so if someone else comes for you
he’s going to attack that person more than they have you
whenever people ask him about you to, he gets all protective and scary
in summarry, he wants death but not really
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he’s the only one who actually treats you like youre a child
like you two are the closest in age
the audacity
the nerve
i cant believe
he literally pulls the Oppa card
he literally holds your hand when you cross the street
he asks you if you’ve eaten
he coddles you, especially around others
he brings you juice on set if ever you appear on the same show
he’s so embarrassing
he be actin as if he’z ya dad
get a grip
but as embarrassing as he is
he is also your best friend
and he talks fondly about you everywhere
literally never talks shit about you
unless its true tho lololo
and for real is probably literally in love with you
but is like “I’m her older brother tho so”
acts like an older brother 23/6
and the remaining time like a sweet and ExTreMely embarrassing boyfriend
will do anything for you to be honest
if you and kyuhyun do lame things
yall do weird shit online too
and yall have done questionable things on variety
which is why you’ve hosted a variety special before
if you ever feel down
or sad
or angry
or frustrated
henry is the guy to call to be reminded of the brighter things
nothing is impossible or gloomy with henry
and yall thrive in all the crack-ish things you do together
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precuretwinkle · 5 years
Sarazanmai Theory: Human Sara is not what she seems....
Disclaimer: I wrote this immediately after episode 7 came out but was too lazy to post it. now we're a few hours away from eps 9 and i feel like I might as well put it out there. But I won't be putting in pictures i hoped to add, it would back up the stuff better but i think thats why ive been lazing out on finishing the post. I will be adding stuff from eps 8 too. so without further ado:
So episode 7 came out and Sara and Keppi finally meet each other. But to be honest the whole interaction was strangely perfect. Sara had strangely robotic-like reactions during the convo with Keppi. The stuff she was saying didn't match her facial expression, it looks more like a perfect beautiful doll just saying lines that the beholder wants to hear. And Keppi was eating it up way too easily. And strangely her own kappa wasn't with her during these scenes?? Something is up... Episode 8 didn't convince me about Sarah. That whole scene where she turns on a freezing machine with Keppi only to clumsily knock him into it on accident. Isn't it still strange how quickly the team up between them is happening? And for some reason, correct me if im wrong, but whenever she's hanging with Keppi her kappa seems to disappear? It's.... odd.
I have reason to believe Sara might be working with the otters and has been for some time now. Think about it. The city the story takes place in was conquered by otters some time back and otters run the place now. That's why they set up base there. So in a place completely over taken by otters secretly (afterall the Kappa imagery throughout the town is still explicitly present), why is Sara, a girl with a PRINCESS OF A KAPPA KINGDOM full out on tv, the most well known and only idol there? You'd think they would have taken her out too like they want to take out Keppi yet she's allowed to operate in broad daylight. And the whole town is taken over by the most prominent symbol on her show: ア                       A symbol that when flipped reveals the otter heart symbol on the other side. That's a little too big a coincidence. 
It also can't be a coincidence that every lucky item Sara has featured on her show had to do with the kappa zombie of the day. It's a little too perfect... Sara does her show where she announces the lucky item in the morning right? Remember the first time we experience the Reo/Mabu dance, they were in a cop meeting where they were discussing how there was a person found dead that MORNING and they Reo/Mabu confess it was them and do their dance. My point is the uncovered death of that dude happened in the morning and by that same morning Sara announces the related lucky item to the victim. It's almost as if she's is told about it ahead of time, perhaps even messaged by Reo or Mabu themselves. 
And isn't it strange how the eps after Reo says "I finally found you" toward video footage of Keppi the next episode it's Sara whom finds Keppi not Reo or Mabu like you would expect? Sure she's been looking for her prince on her tv show since episode 1, but taking all of the above into account: what if she was actually the one specifically tasked to find Keppi to begin with? Something that stood out to me in episode 7 was when Reo checks the computer and has the ア icons appear on the map of the city and then he adds the otter heart icons. Again, ア is associated with sara strongly. It's pink and white like her color scheme. I think someone like Sara is the PERFECT bait and insider agent to use against someone like Keppi. This sorta makes me think of Anthy a bit from Utena in how despite her appearance and personality she wasn't what she seemed and was plotting the demise of the protag along with the antagonist but has a change of heart. There was this whole deconstruction of a princess in has past works that makes me wonder about how Sara has been presented in the show.
Now, I don't think human Sara is a malicious character. Certainly in the eps where Tooi and Kazuki kidnap her, there are a lot of scenes that present her as someone.... with a dreamy look in her eyes? playful, calm, and tbh a little out of touch with how a normal human acts. For example the way she was looking at cucumbers on her phone was emphasizing her non-human kappa nature right but just the the way she doesn't take Tooi's attempts at kidnapping her seriously even when he outright tried to murder her. Sure it was for the audience's humor, but she doesn't know that...  and yet she's just strangely enough having a good time throughout all of it? And not in a weird way, more like a girl who's playing a lighthearted silly game with someone. 
IF she is working for the otters I wonder if it's a deal similar to Mabu where something happened to her and she's trying to connect with something she desires in order to complete herself and break free from them? Perhaps this is the reason her kappa form and human form are able to co-exist and her goal is to be not split with her form? Though to be fair, the episode with Sara and Toi has me sorta crazy theory wondering if only we see the sara-kappa. Tooi didn't seem to notice sara-kappa at all and it was really interesting that as long as sara-kappa was free so was human Sara. And as I stated earlier, why does it seem like Sara kappa disappears when human Sara is with Keppi? I get there's merch of her kappa self in that city but what if it's a red herring, like what if someone actually just designed it bc they thought "hey sara our town symbol is a kappa what if we designed you as a cute kappa? " and it coincidently looked like her true form. That could explain why the otters don't see her as a kappa? If her kappa is on TV wouldnt that just give her away? It's also just strange how we don't know what or where Sara was during that otter/kappa flashback war scene. 
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huntypastellance · 7 years
hi its me @keithkog on twitter and since you so conveniently forget to mention all the times i’ve apologized and when i deleted the video or any of my explanation, let me tell you about it. there was no excuse for me to post videos without the parent’s consent. that i agree with. it was stupid and wrong, and i genuinely regret that. once i realized my mistake, i deleted the videos. there is NO EXCUSE FOR THAT. but the “sexual assault” thing was unprompted. i never talked about that with her (1/)
and i also never said anything about it. obviously she doesn’t know what that means, since as an anti i still dont think “sexual assault” is a correct term for sheith, its more statutory rape if you’re going to put it into that category w the age of consent. but of course she wouldn’t understand that, and i only laughed in the video bc i was taken aback by her knowledge of that word. regardless, i didn’t press the issue further because you’re right, i have no right to talk about that with a (2/)
a child im babysitting. so i just left it at that. look, i understand if you’re upset by it because you’re a shaladin but you’re making me seem like some huge monster. voltron is literally made for kids their age, and the term “force” was a joke. we’ve watched it together before, and they only protested bc they’re stubborn but they actually rlly enjoyed it after i showed them more. the point i was making about them being mature was in response to someone saying “she’s only 9 she shouldn’t be(3/)
watching voltron” which i disagreed with because both of the girls are mature for their age and can understand it. the only reason they thought it was confusing was bc when we watched episode 1 we were making cookies and they werent paying attention the whole time. i would appreciate if you would take down your posts or at least remove some things because in no way did i force them to talk about sex or bring it up in the first place. thank you.
ps, you have no proof that i fed anyone lines about sexual assault and i promise you i DID NOT. the kid’s parents let them watch a lot of older shows and they have older sibblings and thats how they know about it im guessing. i was surprised to but please don’t accuse me of feeding them lines about sexual assault because thats absolutely disgusting and you have no proof of that
do you exist purely to ignore people’s apologies? Bc my friend the one y'all keep talking about from Twitter, yeah she’s apologized multiple times so could y'all maybe just leave her alone? Bc she had literally 0 intentions for what happened to happen and the fact you all ignore her constant apologies here y'all are being petty and I’m honestly sick of it. Grow the FUCK up y'all she’s a minor too CHRIST. You think it’s ok to harass a minor? Bc if so y'all are even worse than my abuser lmao :/ 
Okay, I’m going to answer this seriously & without the whole “We, the Great & Glorious Lord Pastel Lance” schtick even though I don’t think you actually deserve it. I’m just trying to prove my point here.
> If you were so shocked that a 9 year old said the phrase “sexual assault”, why did you POST IT ONLINE AS A VIDEO TWEET?
>Oh boohoo, you took it down. What, do you want a gold star for that? Well newsflash asshole, if you had bothered to read through my post, you’d know that someone archived your entire tweet thread before you took down the videos. So now there are PERMANENT screenshots of the kids’ faces that were put online WITHOUT PARENTAL PERMISSION because of YOU, you illiterate jackass.
> Why would you EVER laugh at a child, who you’ve claimed to know & babysat for YEARS, having ANY knowledge of what sexual assault is?
> Nice try deflecting dumbass, I’m a Klance shipper AND a Sheith shipper, not just some gross shallie.
> Again, you don’t MAKE kids like the stuff you like. My brothers don’t like Ben 10 after the first 5 minutes of showing them it, (& without me trying to convince them by telling them that gets “really good” later & spoiling shit for them), so I switch the channel to Paw Patrol or search up a Youtube about Minecraft for them instead. I don’t MAKE them continue to marathon Ben 10 with me. You are a shit babysitter.
> Why do you keep suddenly being surprised when people get mad at your own freaking words when you are the one leaving out information & context? 
> It’s still really creepy that you keep saying that the kids are “mature for their age”. That’s literally fucking pedo logic right there, I don’t care about the fucking context, that’s a skeevy thing to say about kids.
> Seriously, what the fuck is stopping you from using the phrase “they’re old enough to watch Voltron, see the TV rating for it?” That is literally so much less creepier.
> You can’t just fucking ASSUME that the kids learned the phrase “sexual assault” from watching TV shows for older kids! That is something you NEED to tell the parents about!
> And you’re not even worried about those older siblings casually talking about sexual assault in front of their baby siblings? At all? Bitch, there are some things that SHOULDN’T be talked about in front of kids!!
> Well, you’re right in that I don’t have actual proof. But given how you & your friends constantly lie & refuse to provide any proof, I don’t give a shit. At this rate, a freaking ANON comment is more trustworthy than your own words.
> Her apologies don’t mean SHIT because as I’ve pointed out before: they’re not real apologies. There was no notion to make amends, to promise to not do the same thing again, etc. Her apologies are HOLLOW. And, frankly, so are your’s. Especially with your friends commenting below about the “nasty shallies” forcing you to apologize. You didn’t “TECHNICALLY” do something wrong, you ACTUALLY did something wrong & fucking illegal, jackass!
> I don’t give a shit if she or you are minors. That doesn’t fucking excuse your behavior. You both can still be arrested or legally punished for this kind of crap.
> When you say shit like that, that I, some random asshole on the Internet documenting your own freaking words, am WORSE than your abuser…..
that just proves to me that you’ve never actually been abused before.
That you don’t give a shit about real abuse & don’t know what it’s like.
No abuse victim would ever make such a flippant comparison to their trauma like that.
You’re the one who’s sick here, not me.
Disclaimer: This response is entirely the opinion of Lord Pastel Lance & NOT of anyone else. Just me. If you have problems with it, criticize me, not other people.
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keep-trying-mate · 7 years
hey 👋 please make sure when you do eat that it has high calcium? if not you end up with lots of bone problems later and it'll suck. also, any tips for eating low cal / fasting, and just control in general? thanks, stay safe ❤️
can people add to this low cal foods w calcium? bc literally besides milk i have no idea (yeah ik google exists blah blah) 
(disclaimer: i live alone so some of these tips may be hard to hide from parents/roommates. i don't have to worry as much about eating meals w other people)
breakfast is the most important meal of the day so i pretty much just eat breakfast. as long as it's below 300 (or less if ur intake is lower) kcals u can pretty much eat anything. I used to eat grilled cheese every day for breakfast and still lost weight. the only reason i don't anymore is bc i ran out of cheese lol. i also have a huge bottle of water, a mug of green tea, And a mug of black coffee with breakfast every day. while everything is brewing, do lunges or squats, or do some yoga stretches.
 once a week eat a higher amount, if you normally eat 400, try to go above 600 but below 1,000, then go back to normal the next day. on a higher calorie day, eat breakfast and lunch and maybe a snack of apple slices or something. also, eat slow. it takes me almost an hour or more every day to eat 1 or 2 pieces of toast. i don't like to feel full after eating, it can cause me to binge. but i know ive eaten enough to last the day.
people will say 'don't distract yourself while eating,' but for me, i use tv shows and movies to time myself. ill take a bite every other time a scene changes and i make sure not to finish before at least 1 episode of something ends. and if you have a handheld game (mobile apps, 3ds, gameboy etc.) play that too. use levels/deaths/cutscenes/whatever to pace yourself. distract yourself away from wanting to eat another bite, but be sure to remember when the last bite was. look at the screen and remember what a character was saying, the scenery, color scheme and remember how long ago it was. this works better with shows & movies you already know pretty well. 
if you work in a labor intensive job or you walk/bike to work, you have to have a higher calorie intake, sorry. but it can be around 500 daily (depending on just how labor intensive) and be sure to eat something with some carbs for extra energy. if you're in school, even if you walk there and have a huge campus, you can still stay around 3-400 kcals around day. drink water and all that.
i don't eat after 7 pm no matter what. I tend to get cravings around 8. if it's something i don't have around the house, i Google pictures of it and imagine how the food feels in my mouth and the taste. The only thing abt this tho is that i have that mental condition where i can taste food by looking at it? i forgot the name for it. but i get the flavor im looking for without the guilt of actually eating. 
if it's something i have or can easily make, i distract myself for an hour or two then take sleeping pills and go to bed. if ive had a craving for something high calorie for a week straight, (usually a baked good, bc i love baking and sweets) ill make a 1/8th size recipe of it, divide it into as small portions as i can, write down the calorie count for each portion, and eat one a day (if i still want it) until it's gone. right now i have 2 mini muffin sized nutella pumpkin brownies in my fridge for sweets cravings, eaten as a snack or even a meal on lower calorie days. plus, if you don't get a lot of sugar in your daily intake, your body tends to crave it more. so if you have 2 or 3 bites of something sweet every once in a while, it'll help w cravings and won't mess up your progress. just be careful not to make enough that you could binge on it (if you're binge eating disordered).
if you're fasting and you have nothing important to do for the day, go ahead and keep it up, even if you feel faint. just don't exercise and try to stay stationary. maybe eat a slice of lemon. but, if you're in public/at work/school and you feel faint, drink something with some sugar or caffeine to get your energy up. i keep a baby can of diet coke on me for times like this. it's a 7 oz can that's just enough to keep hunger away and give me a little bit of energy. if that's not enough, eat some fruit like a clementine or apple slices. passing out is not only dangerous, it's embarrassing and will let people onto the fact that you're not eating and they'll try to help. 
i try not to fast for more than a day bc i end up bingeing at the end of it. so idk amy tips on how to not do that.
drink lots of water and green tea (no sugar) to feel full and boost metabolism. chew minty gum to curb appetite, black coffee works for this too. keep 1 pack of fruity gum around for candy cravings. eventually, your body will get used to not having sweets often and stop craving them as much, but this helps for now. 
if you're like me and don't like milk, especially milk in coffee, but you love pumpkin spice coffees, add pumpkin pie spice into your coffee grounds while you're making it. this helps incorporate the flavor into it without having to deal with huge chunks of cinnamon floating in your drink bc it won't absorb liquid. 
basically, plain pumpkin pie spice has 0 calories and you can add it to anything you want to taste more pumpkin-y. the flavors you taste mostly in anything pumpkin is the a pics anyway. but for extra pumpkin flavor, pumpkin puree is 50 kcals for half a cup, which is 25 for 1/4, and 12.5 for 1/8h (2 tbsp), so abt 6 for 1 tablespoon of pumpkin puree. 
i think that covers the basics of what Ive acclimated myself to.
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Attina Monroe Triton - Character Sheet
all these couples are kissing / and i can't stand the heat / i lost my shoes and left the party / i wander in the street
i put my feet into the fountain / the statues' all asleep / no use wishing on the water / it grants you no relief...
Archetype — The Caregiver Birthday — June 22, 1991 Zodiac Sign — Cancer MBTI — ENFJ Enneagram — 2, the Helper Temperament — Melancholic Hogwarts House — Hufflepuff (burned) Moral Alignment — Neutral Good Primary Vice — Envy/Lust Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Water   
Mother — Athena Triton (nee Oceana) (deceased) Father — Jeffery Triton Mother’s Occupation — Homemaker Father’s Occupation — CEO of Triton Industries (they fund coral reef preservation and ocean clean up) Family Finances — Wealthy (from shipwrecked goods) Birth Order — Oldest Brothers —  None Sisters — Andrina (Anna Kendrick FC, Birthday: February 7, 1992), Adella (Tara Lynn FC, Birthday: March 14, 1993), Arista (Lily James FC, Birthday: March 22, 1994), Aquata (Brianne Hildebrand FC, Birthday: September 20, 1995), Alana (Grace Phipps FC, Birthday: September 23, 1997), Ariel (Sophia Lillis FC, Birthday: December 4, 2002) Other Close Family — Melody (cousin, Lily Collins FC, September 2, 1994), see family tree here. Best Friend — Nala Calame Other Friends — I’m sure she has them. Her sisters. Enemies — Guys that have broken her heart or fucked w her sisters. Pets — None. Home Life During Childhood — Happy, though, had to keep being a mermaid a secret and that was rough. Town or City Name(s) — The Ocean, Boscombe Reef. Swynlake, England. What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Shared with Andrina. Was constantly picking up after her. Had bright colors--yellows and oranges and reds. Any Sports or Clubs — Band/Orchestra. (Harpist/keyboard.) Favorite Toy or Game — She totally has a little blanket that she’s had ever since she was a baby and it’s all ragged but she lowkey keeps it in her purse. Schooling — Swynlake Secondary. Favorite Subject — Biology! Popular or Loner — Popular Important Experiences or Events — First time a guy broke her heart (16? Same year mom died.) Health Problems — OCD Culture — Mermaid culture. Religion and beliefs — Uhhh?? They believe in the ocean???
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Sarah Drew Complexion — Pale Hair Colour — Red Eye Colour — Green Height — 5’4 Build — Petite Tattoos — a whale tail on her finger. Piercings — ear piercings Common Hairstyle — lots of various styles, attina loves to mess with her hair Clothing Style — brightly colored, trendy Mannerisms — talks with her hands, laughs awkwardly a lot Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Not really. Physical Ailments — None. Neurological Conditions — Anxiety, Depression, OCD. Allergies —  Seasonal Grooming Habits — Attina does it all--face masks, pedicures, bubble baths. She loves it all! Sleeping Habits — A pretty good sleeper, but a light sleeper. Eating Habits — Can skip meals when stressed. Probably eats more sweets than she should. Exercise Habits —  Does yoga sometimes. Emotional Stability — 5 out of 10. Tina has a lot of anxiety and her OCD can make her really hard to function sometimes, she is quick to panic and quick to anger and quick to tears. Sociability — So. Friendly. Too friendly. Body Temperature — Runs a little cold to the touch, but isn’t actually cold Addictions — none Drug Use — recreational Alcohol Use — all the time.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — she’s ocd so there is a plethora to choose from Good Habits — always diligent lmao she locks doors like 15 times Best Characteristic — so caring, so sweet Worst Characteristic — sooooo nosy and lowkey desperate Worst Memory — learning that her mother had died Best Memory — each time her sisters were born. Also her first kiss (even if the guy was a dick) Proud of — her degree and her sisters Embarrassed by — pfft everything?? She gets so easily flustered, mostly bc she overshares Driving Style — Doesn’t drive. Strong Points — fiercely loyal and fiercely kind Temperament — bubbly but self-deprecating Attitude — optimist but also a pessimist about her own life Weakness — uhhh so many things? Her desperateness for love she could be easily used if someone tells her they love her Fears — unlovable; something happening to her sisters Phobias — well--OCD is kind of a phobia of disorder Secrets — she’s a mermaid, lol. Also, she got a job at the great barrier reef she turned down Regrets — turning down the job offer (but not really, she’d do it again) Feels Vulnerable When — she likes someone; when her sisters tease her about being overbearing Pet Peeves — when her sisters DONT LISTEN TO HER; messy people (aka all her sisters) Conflicts — wants to live her own life but feels a duty to her fam Motivation — her fam Short Term Goals and Hopes — keep everyone safe Long Term Goals and Hopes — get married. Have a family. (have a job she likes) **disclaimer: she’s given up on all of these Sexuality — Straight Exercise Routine  — she goes when andrina drags her, otherwise she swims and walks a lot. Day or Night Person — Day. Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert. Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist.
Likes and Styles:
Music — she likes lots of pop; megan trainor lana del ray katy perry. Basic bitches. Also movie soundtracks Books — anything romantic. Literally. Anything. She reads those 10 cent novels you buy at the grocery store that literally no one reads Magazines — vogue def. Probably whatever the british equivalent of People is (the Sun??) Foods — she’s a pescatarian. She lovesss fresh fish. But also fruits and veggies. Lovesss smoothies. Drinks — Smoothies. Also drinks lots of water or she’ll start looking like she’s dying Animals — starfish are her fave but she loves all sea critters. Especially coral reef dwellers bc she’s actually spoken with them Sports — uhhh does marching band count? Social Issues — magicks rights/a kinda skewed feminism/she’s p socially aware Favorite Saying — a boat is safe at shore, but that’s not what it was built for. Color — orange! Like her tail! Clothing — she dresses kinda like vintage but cute Jewelry — she wears like pearl earrings every day as a staple and different necklaces. Her mother’s stuff on special occasions. Games — uhh?? None rly. Tho im sure she’d loves those like shoot ‘em up games idk Halo? skyrim? Websites — tumblr def. Facebook def. Insta DEF TV Shows — god she loves trash reality. Movies — likes gore. Likes romance. Loves when ppl die. Greatest Want — to keep her family safe Greatest Need — to take charge of her destiny
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — She lives in Castle Suites, in a three bedroom apartment with her sister Andrina. (The third bedroom has two sets of bunkbeds and probably a futon in it so hypothetically all the sisters could stay the night.) Household furnishings — Pretty modern and always, always organized and clean. Her house always looks like it is getting ready for a photoshoot, though she has to get on Andrina for putting things away. Favorite Possession — Anything that was her mother’s, or that her mother gave her. Most Cherished Possession — A handwritten letter from her mother that Athena gave her the day her tail “popped” Married Before — Nope. Significant Other Before — Jason Madison (only serious boyfriend, they dated for nine months when she was 15-16). Children — Nope. Relationship with Family — She’s very close to all her sisters and keeps in touch with the cousins (on land) the best that she can. She’s the Perfect Daughter. Car — N/a. Career — Clerk at Whosits and Whatsits Dream Career — She wants to preserve the coral reefs in the world. Dream Life — Travel the world, but then, settle down and have a family. (Preferably have a partner during her worldly travels) Love Life — She dates around. She says “non-existent” Hobbies — Trashy reality television. Hanging out with her sisters. Knitting (bc she’s an old lady.) Watching documentaries. Hanging out in nature. Guilty Pleasure — Chocolate. Attina is always trying the newest diet craze, but when she sad chocolate is her go to. Sports or Clubs — She was in the chess club as a secondary student. She was also the favorite for student body president but she didn’t run during her upper sixth years. Talents or Skills — Attina is a talented piano player, harpist, and singer, though she hasn’t practiced any of these in quite a while. Intelligence Level — Attina is very bright, but she definitely dumbs herself down for boys. Smh. Finances — Her family is rich, but she makes a pretty meager salary at the shoppe.
2 notes · View notes
bloggy-hell · 7 years
We need to talk about 13 Reasons Why.
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13 Reasons Why (2017): Receiving a 9.1 on imdb and bucketloads of media attention, this new Netflix release has earned a place on everyone's ‘to-watch list’ as it seems like we all want to know what the big deal is about a show that retraces the steps of a suicidal 17 year old.
Quick, Non Spoliery Synopsis by Yours Truly:
A 17 year old girl; Hannah Baker organises the circulation of 13 self-recorded tapes before slitting her arms and killing herself in her family bathtub. These tapes make their way through 10 of her friends, ex’s and enemies, each identifying the particular person and their wrongdoing in order, before reaching her shy crush Clay’s doorstep. Her rules say that he must listen to all of the tapes detailing why she killed herself and pass them on to the person who follows him. WIth each tape revealing intimate secrets about Hannah and Clay’s classmates, we follow him in his struggle to understand who this girl really was when she was alive, how she was treated by those she trusted and most importantly; why Hannah Baker killed herself.
Having just binged the whole 13 episodes over two disgustingly wet and cold days with my sister, i think I have a pretty good idea about what goes down.
I hope you’re ready because I’m about to tell you what I think of this story as a teenager in this modern world. And since there are 13 sides to every story I want to tell mine.
I want to be honest here and start off by saying in an almost critical way, that there were a lot of things about this show that I didn’t like at all. I’m not saying that I was forced to watch all 13 episodes against my will, I just think that sometimes there are only a few things that TV shows need to keep you coming back.
Unanswered questions are one of those things, so so many questions which I personally need to have answered by a show, before it slowly drives me insane and I have to look up a spoiler synopsis..
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But who wants to cheat TV shows when you may as well just watch them? Hell, if i can sit through 7 years of the Pretty Little Liars mystery, then I had faith that I could sit through 13 episodes, and I did. My main questions centred around the tapes, specifically; what on earth did Clay do to make him partly ‘responsible’ for Hannah’s death?
So many things to question and discuss but really where to begin?
Let’s put ‘7 things that really grind my gears’(1 for each of the tapes of course) into a list and see how I go before this become a sad, sad rant.
*Disclaimer* I did actually enjoy the show overall so please keep this in mind with what you see below
1: When Clay begins to irk me, the other characters and the entire human species Portrayed by Dylan Minnette, (who believe it or not, has played a character named Clay before, WTF) Clay Jensen is a socially awkward yet well liked student who can hold a place on the school’s honour board yet cannot hold a conversation with a girl. His cringey yet endearing nature promotes him as a lovable protagonist, an innocent light in the darkness of an extremely tough situation. I found myself quite often taking his side in the show and totally rooting for his character.
Despite this, Clay’s loyalty and love for Hannah often poses as quite irritating and almost unrealistic (even if he was a sensitive guy) considering the way she treats him. Throughout the whole debacle, so many accuse Hannah of being dramatic, selfish and attention seeking. Clay however. seems to believe 95% of the time that she was some perfect being who could do no wrong in the world, that the responsibility for killing herself could not have been her own. Of course I am aware of looking at someone through rose coloured glasses when youre keen on them but, to put it bluntly; you’d think that might change when they die.
2: The fact that Clay has like zero close friends yet everyone seems to like him
Everyone who has ever been to high school knows that you need a solid few close friends to bounce back on, who you can trust. There is often a reason therefore that people don’t have any, usually the fact that nobody likes them. This just causes the whole plot idea to make no sense, because everyone at the school seemed to really like Clay. With the exception of Tony who he rarely sees anyway, Clay never had anyone to hang out with before or after school or even at lunchtime, unless of course it was someone he had a ‘school project’ with.
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3: The ‘jock crowd’
So most of the jock crowd, who of course run the school, are in the basketball team and are therefore given a leeway that most students aren’t. It makes complete sense for them to stick together, just as they do in every other US teen drama. Their group dynamic however has a small cult vibe to it  that is simply unsettling. These guys do everything together, support each other in fights, follow each other on their dates and supposedly tell each other everything. For some reason this group also includes the dorky class president and resident sadboi with unmatching hair and eyebrows. Now I’m not disputing that this couldnt happen irl because everyone has the right to befriend whoever they want, it just seems to me that these personalities together would clash. We all know they are together at the ‘present time’ because of the tapes, but for previous times, im just not buying it. Perhaps the writers couldn’t be bothered creating separate groups for each of those targeted on the tapes and introducing more characters into the 13 episodes created.
4: Is there no other girls at Liberty High?????
The jock crowd as specified above hold the place as the most sought after students in the High School yet it seems as though the only girls that exist to them are Hannah and Jessica. What happened to the entire cheer squad or the whole student body? Are these 2 new girls so amazing that no other girl could be considered an option? It seems almost like some game of musical chairs, except the chairs are the boys and Jessica and Hannah end up on a different lap every time the music stops.
5: WHo the fuck does Courtney think she is?
If you got through all 13 episodes without dedicating a split second of anger towards Courtney Crimsen then bravo my friend because this character literally drove me up the wall. Props to actress Michele Ang I suppose because this bitch fired me up real bad. Ever heard of the phrase ‘Dead men tell no tales’ well clearly Courtney disagrees, 100% hell bent on convincing everyone that Hannah was lying in the tapes so that she could continue living in denial of her sexual preference. Continually pushing Hannah onto the dirt road to get hit by whatever was coming her way there is zero surprise that she made her way onto the tapes, the selfish bitch that she is. (Speaking of Courtney) Netflix also needs to be a bit more careful about their wardrobe choices in such a recent Riverdale episode and season release of this show perhaps?
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Poor, sweet Zach. A whole episode and tape side that started with just one heated conversation in the cafeteria- where he juST wanted to go on a date with Hannah??? Of course at this point Hannah was not in a good place, so any small prank becomes a national disaster- but how was he to know before she gave him the letter of explanation. A letter which, considering his home and friend situation, he could not go to anyone for help with, especially if he feared that it would be telling Hannah’s secret. Zach really just reacted how 90% of teenagers would; he froze, he didnt know how to act, so he did nothing.
This is what got me about like half of the characters on the tapes, most of them just acted out of fear and didnt know what else to do, yet Hannah seemed to expect so much more from them. Which brings me to my final bullet point on the list;
7: Hannah fucking Baker
Where do I even start? It’s a really touchy subject to address; her character really annoyed me-I guess she really annoyed herself as well, considering her fate. Hannah at the end of the series is completely lost, she’s got so much on her shoulders and believes that there is no other way to turn. But Hannah at the beginning, I couldnt stand her. She had so much going for her yet she let every single obstacle get her down, none of her friends were good enough, all of the boys offended her, every tiny issue became a national disaster. I can’t help but think that if she hadn’t cared so much perhaps she might have found a way to work through her struggles without turning to the last resort. But i get it, this isnt a show about getting through problems and happy endings, it’s all about worse case scenarios. This is why Hannah does and says what she does, so that the situations can be both relatable and believable- for if Hannah gets torn up about high school rumours, then sexual assault and car accidents would be unbearable without professional help. I understand this now as I look at the plot as a whole, but during, oh hell that girl needed a slap into reality. Just watch it, you’ll understand.
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Don’t get me wrong though, there were also a lot of things that I liked about 13 reasons why.
-I loved the cassette tapes; a timeless way of recording and listening to anything, a much appreciated throwback in such a modern show
-I loved Tony who I think we can all agree does not look 17 but I’m not complaining, so sweet and such a good friend/person (and i loved his car of course)
-I loved how sweet and loving Clay was. As an eternally single pringle, my heart leapt for his cute crushing, even if it did become tiring
-I loved the almost vintage feel to the cinematography, the colours and shots almost dulled to the tone
-I loved how the concept of rape was not only addressed, but focused on as well as the idea of consent. Whilst these scenes may have been almost uncomfortable, they were necessary and extremely powerful.
-I loved how the show centered around outsiders, the quiet and socially awkward, the unusual characters and their interaction with the well known highschool stereotypes.
-Most of all, I loved how the show displayed how suicide destroys so many more than the person who died. Friends and family may never recover, forever question what they could have done differently, some also led to further suicides. 
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It’s a hard topic but I am so glad that it is being talked about, even if there are disagreements because at least it is now out in the open. I personally believe that suicide is an incredibly selfish act which I understand that many people could disagree with.  I get it, I’ve never stepped into shoes like that and that’s fine, but i know for sure that if anyone in my life chose to end theirs then it would absolutely destroy me- just as the strongly portrayed characters were torn apart. 
Let me know what you think.
5 notes · View notes
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"San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Would motorcycle insurance be cheaper if I get an M1 now and not drive?
Should I get motorcycle insurance under my parents name? Or should I just get the license and wait? Anyone know a good/cheap company for insurance? I'm 21 and live in Toronto. Thinking of getting a 2007 CBR1000RR.
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i'm a male, 17 years old, live in nj, no accidents/traffic violations, vehicle is a jeep wrangler from the 80s or 90s, i have state farm now""
""Someone reversed into my car, is it better to go through maaco instead of insurance? its jus ta minor scratch?""
i was at a stop sign and i was abou tthe 4th car, well the 3rd car decided to reverse to leave and backed up and hit the front of my car. its not really that bad but its still a big scratch. is it best to just have her pay my estimate at maaco? or deal with insurance? i don't want to get jacked up insurance rates because someone doesn't know how to reverse.""
Does an auto insurance company look at my grid when transferring insurance to a new vehicle?
Disclaimer; Please, I am not looking to have judgement passed on me as I know I made a mistake. In October 2011 I was convicted of DUI. I served my 1 year driving prohibition but left my vehicle insured because my boyfriend was driving me a lot of places. When my insurance renewed the 2 times since the conviction, my rates didn't go up but I am really not too sure why..I am a long term customer of my insurance company and I can only assume that they were made aware of the conviction in my file but maybe it auto renewed so it went un-noticed? Here is my question. If I purchase a new vehicle and transfer my existing insurance policy to it, is it highly likely that my file will be looked at more closely and my rates will sky rocket? Can the ins company retro charge me for the past 2 years in which my rates did not go up? How long until this conviction falls off my driving record and no longer warrants higher than normal insurance charges? Thank you so much.""
Any suggestion for an auto insurance?
I'm currently under geico but I realized that they charge me too much.Do you know any auto insurance that is cheaper?
Do I need health Insurance in Australia?
Hi, im going to Australia for a year and im really not sure how the system works. Will I get free healthcare if I have an accident or get bitten by something? Do I need to purchase health insurance to cover me for this? Can I transfer my free NHS healthcare over there somehow?""
Where can i find cheap car insurance on a honda civic type r?
im 23 and these will be my first car im driving...i will put my dad name as the main driver his 53..jus need 2find really cheap car insurance
Teenage insurance discounts help!?
Is there a difference between the discounts for insurance for someone who has an a average compared to someone who has a b average?
Do males always have higher insurance rates than females?
I know that this is true for teenagers, but is it true for adults as well?""
Car insurance and business... HELP...?
Hi, I am 17 and am taking my test next week. I am also soon starting an apprenticeship (electrical). At this time I am not sure about transport (if I have to go to company and travel as van passenger or even driver) or if I have to make my own way to jobs. Whichever way a licence will help a lot. If I am just driving to work 4 days a week and college 1 then can I use Social, Domestic and pleasure + commuting to a single place of work or study ? and if I have to drive between jobs then I know I can not use this insurance (correct?) but when looking at business car insurance quotes they seem to be based on me owning the company (which I do not) so what insurance do I need and is there any responsibility on my employers to pay some or all of the insurance if I am driving between jobs? Please can you help... Thanks in advance.""
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
Does it cost more money to ad your spouse with your car insurance?
My wife keeps asking for my car. But I dont feel comfortable giving it to her becuase her name's not under my car insurance. How does it work if i want to ad her on? Do the insurance company charge you more money or is it still the same? If they do charge more money, do you know any insurance that's reasonable price? thank you""
At fault driver had no insurance?
Me and my Daughter was riding my custom built harley sat. and a car made an illegal u turn in front of us and we hit his car on the side. He does not have insurance but I do. Can I use my auto insurance which is a different company form my bike insurance to cover the cost of my bike and other injuries that we suffered.? Should I hold off on getting a lawyer? I really do not want them to get my money that we are due..
How much will my dad's car insurance go up?
I hit a road sign. No one was injured, no other vehicles were damaged besides mine. The cop said the damage to the sign was minor but the city probably will come after us and make us or my dad's insurance pay for it. I was borrowing his car, I do not have my own insurance right now. I should have gotten 4 different tickets but I only got one. The cop let me off easy and only gave me one for the accident. Also, do I qualify for driving school, and how does that work? I know you can do that for speeding but what about accidents? I'm only 16.""
Car insurance so expensive in the uk?
i am 19, i have a K reg 1.6 litre fiat tipo the car is only worth about 120. i have never had any accidents or had any tickets so why does my insurance cost 2600.""
""What agency will investigate fraud, abuse or illegal activity in government medical insurance programs?
And how will the Judicial system be made affordable for persons who are living in poverty?
Does Car insurance increase for adding spouse as Non-driver?
I have been added to my Dh policy for Car insurance as Non-driver. I dnt know driver. Does it increase the insurance rate? suggestions please
What is the best and most affordable car insurance company in New York?
Particularly NYC?
How much is insurance on a 2008-11 Honda Accord Coupe Ex-l V6 for a teen?
I want this car for graduation and I want to know how much would insurance be? I live in a small town
Why is car insurance so expensive for me?
just passed my driving test this month and i checked how much car insurance would be for me and its 3000+ :'O when my younger female cousin passed she got her insurance for 900 on the same car!!! how can i get it cheaper? =[ im 17 male
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
How much would a 17 year old new driver roughly be paying for insurance?????????????????????...
for a reasonable priced small car, maybe push the boat out and go for a slightly sporty hatchback, maybe honda civic 1.6 sport what roughly do new drivers pay any other persons experiences???""
Cheap NY auto insurance ?
hi there, i plan on buying a car soon but im a new driver and i have no one else to help me insure a car so i have no choice but to insure it on my own. I've checked and looked around geico, state farm, all state, and they were all to expensive, anywhere from 5-6k to insure the car for a year (way to expensive). So do any of you guys know any NY auto insurance companies that are affordable? Thanks""
I have full coverage on my car insurance..i accidently dented my car and broke the window my self what i do?
i have full coverage on my car insurance ,,i accidently broke the driver side window and dented the door my self,,what should i do? tell the insurance that somebody else did it and have them fix it?..they supposed to right?""
""First car, What are good and cheap cars?""
I know everyone says to go for a KA but I can't stand them. I like the idea of a renault clio but not sure how cheap that works out for insurance&petrol etc. So a list of good cars would be appreciated! Also, I want to travel roughly 24 miles two days a week for college, so I need something not to juicy!""
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
What car insurance do you recommend?
There's probably 100's of car insurance companies. What do you have? Are you happy with it? How do the rates compare? How do you get treated after a claim? Ever dealt with those advertised on TV? Who have you had bad experiences with?
Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?
Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?
What is the ideal assurance do you expect from your car insurance?
What do you want to hear most from your car insurance company?
Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?
I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?
A question regarding auto insurance?
even though I have no need of a car/cant afford one, my parents are still pushing me to get a license as soon as possible because they say it will reduce your insurance cost when I eventually do get a car, are they right? thanks""
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
What is the best health insurance in california?
sould i go with the one that has deductible, and what it turns out that i have a cancer , m'i gonna be covered. i've been having this buzzing ear ( left) for few months and now i get dizzy when i look up and i started to feel oressure in my head and light headache. my emplyer's insurance start in 2 months and i need to be checked now, and i don't qualifie for medi cal any suggestion , advice?? thanks""
Will my insurance go up?
will my insurance go up if i got a ticket for carless operation? the officer said there wont be any points on my licence but if will my insurance go up? and will i get points on my insurance?
Driving without insurance in Illnois?
I am 21 yr old male & due to high rates of insurance i am not insured. Instead, my car is insured on my dad's name. I wanna know what are the consequences of driving without insurance in illinois. I heard the fact that it doesn't matter much if the driver of a car is not insured but the car should be insured on any other person's name rather than who is driving?""
Cheap Car Insurance in CT?
Cheap Car Insurance in CT? He has a lapse in coverage... He has one minor moving violation dated in 2006. He needs State Min. 20/40/10 then He needs Comp and Collision 2000 deductible... He drives a 2001 Buick Century... Cheap Insurance Companies Anyone? Websites or phone numbers please... I have already tried all I know. Geico, Untrin, Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, State Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... Any others?""
How much does insurance go up in a wreck?
Im a 16 year old male, get good grades, and i drive a 91 firebird. i recently got in a crash, my car was fine but the other guy had a scrape along the side of his car etc. how much can i expect my insurance to go up?""
Car insurance policy - car purchase date?
So I am currently trying to buy car insurance for myself, I am trying to get the insurance in my name so I can get no claims. The car is my mums however, and it is in her name, but the insurance can let me choose an otpion that says someone else owns the car. It asks when the car was purchased; now when my mum bought the car it didn't have a logbook, and we didn't get one for a year while it was sat at the back of our house. The date on the V5 is 2012 but technically we bought the car in 2011. Should I list the date we bought it or the date listed as registered on the V5? It makes a 250 different in the insurance quote for some reason o.O""
Can I buy a car under my own name and be covered under my parents insurance?
I am currently a college student and considering in buying a car. It will be my first car and I have never had car insurance before. Therefore, my insurance would be really high if I just had insurance by myself as a first time driver. My question is if the car is titled under my name, can I somehow have my parents insure the car under their name and have them add me as a driver on their insurance even though I own the car? Is this legal and normal? Some info: This is in the state of Nevada. I also live with them and they don't mind the liability.""
What is the cheapest car to insurance and tax?
Smart Car?
Should I get a full coverage insurance on a rental car?
I have to rent a car for 2 weeks for business. Supposely, the cost should be reimbursed to me by a company after the assingment is done. Not sure if I can truly trust that. But anyway, if I don't get the insurance, it will be $500. But if I get insurance, it is $1200. I am a safe driver and I will be in a rural place. I am trying to convince myself that I don't need it. But then again, I worry about what might happen if accidents occur. The cost of rental car will be reimbursed by a company. But I am not sure if they are actully going to do that in timely manner and my credit card balance is high. I don't want to put extra money charged into my account. My credit card company and auto insurance company (on my own car) told me that they do not have insurance coverage on rental cars. What do you think? Thanks""
Car Insurance For A 17 Year Old Male?
I'm 17 and starting to drive and thinking about getting a car later on when I pass, but I'm sure insurance and fuel costs are going to kill me! Can I get some advice and maybe a rough guide to how much insurance will be? I'm thinking of getting a VW Golf Mk1 or Mk2, or a Peugeot 106 Escapade. Could you also tell me if modifying the interior will affect insurance along with resprays and lowering the vehicle. Thank you""
What company will insure my toyota supra twin turbo?
In perth, wa. Youngest driver 19 years old""
""Got my first speeding ticket, will my insurance go up?
Im 20yrs old if that matters.. And this is only my first ticket. I was going 80mph on a 70mph. Will my insurance go up? If u know please tell me. I have state farm.
""Does price of car insurance go up, down, stay the same, after getting G licence?""
I'm in Ontario, Canada and am going for my G licence in July (I'm 26, if that makes any difference?). Right now I'm an occasional driver on my parents insurance and plan to stay that way after I get my G. Right now my insurance is 90 per month. I want to save up for enough insurance for 12 months so when I move out it's out of the way for one year. Anyway, does anyone know if the price of insurance goes up, down, or stays the same after getting your full G licence? I kind of want to figure out how much I should save up for the full year by knowing how much it'll be monthly. I plan on going in and talking to them, but I wont be able to for a few days...just curious if anyone can basically give me a heads up. Thanks.""
Lowest insurance rates?
Hi!!! I would like your opinions on the lowest car insurance rates. I am currently with an insurance company that has not lowered my rate and I have been accident free for more than 5 years. So I am going to switch carriers and wanted to hear your opinions on where I should try.. Thanks in advance
How much would insurance be?
How much money would it be to add someone to my insurance, for farmers?""
""When you purchase a new car, is it better to buy the GAP insurance from the dealer ?
Should you buy the GAP insurance from the dealer or from your own private insurance company. Usually your own insurance company is cheaper. Any suggestions?
Is a 2002 cadillac deville cheaper to insure than 1995 mercedes S420?
Is a 2002 cadillac deville DTS 4 door 4.6L northstar V8 @70,000 miles cheaper to insure and repair than 1995 mercedes S420 4 door @199,000 miles?""
Car accident cause my current insurance to go up?
I had an accident a few months back which I was not at fault but caused my car to be written off, I bought a new car yesterday and wrang up my insurance company who said that since I had an accident that to change the insurance over to this car for my remaining 4 months insurance would cause my insurance to go from 166 a month to 240. The car is a lower insurance group so it shouldnt have changed my insurance. I don't understand why I have to pay more? If my car hadn't been written off my insurance wouldn't have increased until the following 4 months so how come when I change my car they decide that I have to pay so much extra a month now?""
Problems with my car insurance?HELP?
last night somebody broke in into my car stole my audio system, they rip the cover of the doors to get the speaker and they broke the dash to get the stereo, not satisfied with that those bastards scratched all around my car, I called my insurance and they asked about a previous claim ,,where a car hit me in the front side and broke my light, well they asked if I fix that ,,they payed a thousand $ to me because I have full coverage but they got their money back from the other partie insurance, so I told them that I did replace the light but that was it, u guys think Im gointo have problems with them because my car wasn't in excellent conditions or because I didn't fix it HELP,have this ever happened to anyone tell me,,,,,,,,thanks""
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
How much will insurance cost me on a 1.6 Ford capri?
A year from now I hope to pass my driving test (hopefully with a pass pluss), in which case I will be 17 years of age and it would be my first car.""
Where can I find affordable insurance for my dental practice?
Where can I find affordable insurance for my dental practice?
How much does Bmw Insurance costs?
My dad and I will buy a BMW 2006-2008 3 Series he is 45 and he pays for his mazda 3 year 1998 80$ per month, but i wanna know how much will it costs for a BMW..we live in florida and i am 19""
Where can I find affordable car insurance for a kit car?
I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
Getting Insurance to get a license?
I am having a hard time getting my without insurance. I have a permit but I need insurance to take the drivers test, but I don't have anyone to put me on theirs so I can take the test. Is there anything I can do so I can get insurance. Please help me""
Would my insurance still pay for this?
My car got hit the other day and I got an estimate for it. It'll cost $500 and it's just a long scratch. If I tried touching it up with car paint and whatever and it comes out looking like sh*t will the body shop still do it's work or would I have to pay for it since I messed with it?
Good renters insurance/ car insurance?
i'm looking into getting a car before i move to tampa, fl in the winter. i'm on the waiting list for an apartment but i'm going to need renters insurance as well. it's my first time living on my own so i'm not exactly gonna be over flowing with cash. i'm looking for a cheep company that can cover my car insurance and renters insurance, is cheep, and will cover my 83lb dog (a non-vicious breed).""
Affordable health insurance in florida?
im 17, will be 18 in november, and i need to find health insurance. i need it to cover dental (orthodontics), prescriptions, and mental health services (depression, bipolar disorder). i am a non smoker, and i have no kids. please help!!!""
Question about car insurance?
I am about to get my first car ! but i have to wait until the guy at the car lot gives me the ok to pick it up but I was wondering about insurance do I get the car first and then get the insurance or vice versa? because what if something happens and I would get pulled over do I just say I just got the car and the insurance is about to start up? thanks in advance.
""Can any one say best insurance site,which dealing with better travel insurance policies of different companies?
I want to know benefits of insurance policies of different companies before buy travel insurance policy
Insurance pricing for a Honda Civic Coupe vs Sedan?
I'm looking to get a new car and was wondering if the insurance would be pricier if I got the civic coupe? I mean it's technically not really a sports car and is not much different than the sedan aside from its appearance. I'm 21 and have had my license for over 3 years if that makes any difference.
Does she have to pay the no insurance ticket?
My daughter just completed her drivers ed class so I let her drive to school. she was stopped and ticketed for no license and no insurance my car is covered and current. Q does she have to pay the no insurance ticket
Homeowners insurance in California????
I am thinking of purchasing my first home, and I was wondering about how much homeowners insurance would cost me. The home costs 200,000. Does anyone have any idea about how much that would be? I don't want to get into something I can't afford.....""
Insurance for a child ?
I'm on my fathers insurance until I turn 26, but I have a one year old baby girl. How much will it be to have good medical insurance for just her ? She needs good insurance because she has medical issues.""
The cost of dentist and insurance?
My family don't have insurance and I need to visit a dentist because I am having cavity. Does anyone know how much is the cost to visit a dentist and fix my cavity without an insurance? I am considering buying insurance for my parents and my self. I need advice on this matter. Please help. Thanks a lot.
""If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
Can a 17year old get kit car insurance?
I'm 17 and thinking of getting an old mini and doing it up, I'm not sure if I can get kit car insurance, I have no points on my licence and if I could get one does anyone know how much it will be? Thanks:)""
Why are car insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and buy a car, I was looking on some comparison sites to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the quotes were ridiculously high? I know being 17 will mean expensive insurance but this was really expensive, they said the cheapest was around 6000 for third party. This is really high because I know loads of people who drive at 17 and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. So, why is it so high and will it actually be this price when I come to pay the insurance?""
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
I am 19 and i need to get my wisdom teeth taken out asap! but i don't have dental insurance?
I had healthy families insurance but since i turned 19, it got canceled. I'm a student at ucla and i have health insurance but no dental plan and recently my wisdom teeth have been a nightmare. Does anyone know an affordable dental insurance that help me out in this situation? Thank you so much for the help!""
Temporary Car insurance??
Need temporary car insurance for about 3-4 weeks, our own policy runs out the middle of next month, but we have just ordered a mobility car, and it wont be here until 1st week in June. We call our current insurance company and was basically told they would charge us for 6 months and then a cancellation fee. What company offers the lowest price insurance for that short amount of time??""
What is insurance like in the united states?
is insurance better in canada or the united states and how much does school and college cost in united states and health coverage or how can you pay for health coverage i want to know this because i want to move to the states is there any site that would tell me about all this if there is can you give me the link thanks if i defend anyone sorry
Why does the Honda Insight ('00-'05) cost so much to insure? (UK)?
Why does the 2000 - 2005 Honda Insight have group 12 insurance status in the UK?! Its such a shame, I have been looking to upgrading my small car at the moment, and have always liked the old Insight. For some strange reason it didn't ever seem to take off, and it was way ahead of its time, and is still a very good, one of the best ever mass manufactured cars for fuel consumption (may even be the best). It has a 1 litre engine, which produces just 66bhp, but is extremely efficient so achieves 83MPG and has a 0-60 time of 12.1s (top speed: 112mph). Remember group 12. Or I could pick out a Seat Toledo 2 litre Sport - produces 147bhp, 34MPG, has a 0-60 time of 9.4s (top speed: 128mph). This is a group 10. Why isn't the insight lower?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Any info would be great""
Are others here getting rebate checks from your Health Insurance companies based on the new Health Care Law?
I just got back $178 from Humana. Per the form: Enclosed is your health insurance premium rebate check which is required by the Affordable Care Act - Health Care reform - and the Medical Loss Ratio provision. The purpose of this requirement is to lower the cost of health care coverage.
Can a college student go back on her parent's insurance?
I am a college student and in 09 I went off my moms health insurance and went on my work ins. If I move and leave my job I may be left without ins is it possible to go back on my moms insurance? I heard you can stay on your parents ins if you are a college student until you are 26 not sure if I can go back though.. Any info will help!
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
What insurance should i get....?
I need to find the best insurance that is gonna be the cheapest. i checked qoutes on progressive and i got a qoute for like 500-600 dollars a month which i feel is too much! what insurance would you reccommend for young drivers? Ive had my liscense for a year and a half and have two points on it
Honda civic Si sedan insurance for a 18 year old?
Hi I have been looking into a Honda civic Si sedan and i have been trying to get insurance quotes online but they all say insurance would be almost 400 dollars a month does that seem way to high? i have had my licence since i was 16 and have no accidents and no tickets i have a clean record and drive less than 9k miles a year and im under my moms insurance plan
Having trouble finding insurance for an older truck in ontario canada.?
Hello, just like the title says im looking to insure a 1978 GMC sierra and im finding none of the major companies offer insurance for vehicle's this old. does anyone know of a company that does with decent rates and possibly online quotes? i have a clean driving record and am in southern ontario, canada. thanks""
My mom is 83 years old .She does not have health insurance. How much will cost physical exam for her?
My mom is 83 years old .She does not have health insurance. How much will cost physical exam for her?
Will my car insurance rate change?
Okay so I got married this May and my car insurance is still in my old name and my old address... My husband has a couple tickets and accidents on his record... Will this make my insurance rate go up? Also I'm not living in the town that I got my insurance in anymore, will this be an issue? Thanks in advance!""
Car accident and insurance claim?
2 persons came to look my car for buying purpose. 1 of them was standing in front of my car and other just opened the door and turned the ignation on. the car was in gear so jumped up and hit the person standing in front of the car. man got stuck between my car and the other parked in front of my car and broke his leg. police and ambulance came. they took our statement and did not say anything to me but had separate discussionn with the othee person for long time. my question will this effect my by any mean legally? my car did not have insurance but no body drove the car either. i mean I am really scared what gonna happen to me I don't know if I shall keep trying selling my car or wait until hear from police. thanks
Insurance on a 92 Vtec honda prelude?
approx. what would insurance on a 92 Vtec Honda prelude be for a Canadian 17 year old guy with with a successfully drivers education course completed? and if possible what would be the cheapest place to go for my insurance?
Low car insurance rate??
hello i'm an 18 year old guy i passed my DMV tests and should be getting my license in the mail anytime I LIVE IN TEXAS. I have a 1999 Ford f-150 Black Truck and since i'll be hitting the mean streets soon, i need insurance of course. i AM trying to find a much cheaper one, if you'll say but keeps me legal but for less. Oh and I am a senior in high school so yes I'll be having an after school job so I guess you can say I don't make much..... please help""
What are 2 Door car insurance choices?
I live in New York City , and im trying to do all my research before i jump the gun and even buy my insurance and car ( Tho i do know what i want ). But these are what i want to know .""
""My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?""
My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?""
How much is motorcycle/scooter insurance in southern california?
i am looking to get a used honda ruckus scooter with 250cc motor, is that size motor still considered a scooter or motorcycle? will i have to get a M1 or M2 license? and how much would insurance be? i live in the los angeles county area.""
Where can I find business cargo insurance at reasonable rates?
We're a small company trying to get started, that's why we're looking for insurance at a reasonable rate. Any help will be welcome. Thanks""
Best car insurance in NYC?
i live in NYC, BX and its' really crazy how much money they are charging me for car insurance. about 3000 for 6 months...:-( cause i have never owned a car...i am 35 now and still it's not going down...:-( any suggestions? and please don't say walk! :-)""
Cheap Car to insure?? (UK)?
Hey, I'm 18/female and was looking to start my driving lessons soon and I was wondering what cars would be cheap to run and insure, and does anyone reccomend any driving schools that are an okay price..if you could put links up to cars I would be grateful. Thanks :)""
WHo LOVES Mercury Auto insurance and the alien commercials? lol Whats your favorite commercial?
Mercury Insurance rates are soo low that they are run by Aliens from the planet mercury lol This model simulation represents the facility and their landing site lol How about the Comcast Commercials? lol I was super high one time and saw the Turtles and was hellaaa freaked out lol.
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
Im 17 years old , I live in California and my parents have AAA insurance and I have my Driver's license. is it true that you need permission from them in order to drive?""
Is there a way to get an affordable car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hey, I have passed my driving test, about a month ago, and I really need car. However, the car insurances are so insanely high, it's incredible! There where some for 27000!! How is someone suppose to afford that?! The cheapest I could find was 6000, that's still too expensive though. Does anyone know if there is a way how to get it cheaper? Oh yea, I already tried to put my parents on the insurance, it's still too expensive...I think it's better to get a new bike instead :D""
Health Insurance-please help?
I am 22 years old, and I will currently be in law school until May of 2011. Because I had to be declared as an Independent, I can no longer be on my father's insurance plan. I am scrambling to find something, because I do not want to be without health insurance and I will no longer be covered as of Jan. 1, 2009. The school's insurance policy will not cover me until Jan. 20, 2009, it seems pretty shitty, and is expensive. What can I do? What is the best private insurance to get? Should I get private insurance? Thanks for your help, it is really stressing me out.""
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm 17 years old, with no convictions or points on my licence. I passed my test about a week ago, and I cannot get insurance for my VW polo 1.2, 02 plate lower than 10'000!!? What do I do?""
Car insurance?
if you are insured on your car, can you drive another persons car under your insurance? i'm having an arguement with the mrs over this.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old in CA?
anybody know?
""Help! looking for affordable health care insurance in atlanta, ga?
i am a single mom recently laid off from work. i have asthma and take a prescribed drug every day. i am running out and just to see my dr. for a new rx is $125 and then for a 30day ...show more
Can i freeze my car insurance?
Hi i am from ireland, and i am insured with Quinn insurance, I am 20. I am goin travelling for a few months in February. I am insured under my fathers policy, but he doesnt drive my car as he has his own van. I have to pay nearly 1000 at the end of January to insure my car but i am wondering could i freeze my insurance and pay for it when i get back. During my time away i am also going to try sell the car. so any help please.""
When should I buy insurance?
I want to buy a used car from a dealer. So can I drive the car home, and then buy insurance? Or I should buy the car and insurance at the same time? First time to buy a car.""
Why is health-care so expensive?
Just last year in CA Medi-Cal (state medicaid) stop covering for dentistry and optometry for people over 21. The total cost of my dental braces is $4550. I need them so I can fix some teeth that are misaligned. I pay $100 and it seems like its a never ending balance. I been doing this for 2 years now. I have Medi-Cal because of my SSI but that doesnt cover anymore because I am 21. My mother had heart surgery in 2007 and we still haven't payed a bill. My parents don't have any insurance. They used to have Medi-Cal but when Schwarzenegger became the governor in 2003 he made some changes to the policies and they stop having Medi-Cal. She tried applying for SSI but she keeps getting denied. The republicans should stop attacking Obama and work together to pass the health-care reform.
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
0 notes
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"affordable quality insurance pasadena tx
affordable quality insurance pasadena tx
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does anyone know of cheap health insurance in north carolina?
am a father of two and my wife has her and the kids covered under her policy at work. I have not had insurance in over 12 years! I need low cost health insurance and I have heard of plans under $100. I obviously never get sick, and dont mind a high deductible. I really need a low premium and a semi low RX cost and co-pay/ doctor visit (just in case). Any help or suggestions? Thanks!!!""
Who offers the best and affordable auto insurance ?
First time buyer, just got drivers license""
Cheapest car insurance? Does anyone know?
Paying no mind to the jibber jabber they say on TV what car insurance do you know is cheap?
Car Insurance Help!!!?
I have a Toyota Corolla 2007. About 6 wks ago I got rear ended, the impact sent me over the medium unto uncoming traffic. After all was said and done the car had $6,300 on repairs done. It came out okay but know I have trouble closing the trunk, I really have to slam it and the right side back lights don't really align. I am trying to figure out how much they will give me for devaluation value on the car, I have never done this before I want to make sure I don't get ripped off. Also I am still experiencing back pain from the accident, my primary doctor wants to send me to a chiropractor which my insurance doesn't cover, should the other insurance pay for it? They are not returning my calls, and they just want to offer me $500 for pain and suffering as long as I sing some papers that release the other driver and the insurance from any further responsibility. By the way it was the other drivers fault, she was in her cell phone hit mt at 45 mph from behind and this was her 10th accident in the last 3 mos. Any suggestions?""
Car Accident and Insurance?
On 7/24 I was at a Dairy Queen drive thru the person behind me hit the truck I was driving. I was looking at her in the rear view mirror the entire time. She had a cigarette hanging from her mouth that was unlit and she eventually backed up after hitting me. I got out of the truck and looked and I did not see any damage. She then said I didn't move you hit me I then told her No I did not hit you I am in front of you and this truck was never in reverse. Since there was no damage to the truck I did not bother getting any of her information since it was not my fault. On 7/27 I got a call from the police saying she told them I hit her. I gave them my side of the story and they said she had a witness who was a passenger in her car and they will be in touch. I also let them know I had a witness as well. The cop called me back yesterday and wanted to get my insurance information so her and I could exchange information. My question is do I have to give my insurance information to this cop? I did not hit this woman and I think she is trying to get one over on the insurance company. The cop said yesterday I'm surprised the truck does not have any damage because her car does have damage. This truck was a rental truck which was inspected at the time it was dropped back off at the rental company obviously there was no damage to it. This woman looked like she was on something to begin with and I'm guessing she was not paying attention probably looking for a lighter and let off the break and hit me. Which I still don't see how her car would be so damaged. I don't want this con artist having my information. So should I tell the cop I am not giving him my insurance information and tell her to take it to court? Should I get a lawyer? I'm not sure what to do I am 29 years old and I have never been in a accident so I am not sure how to go about this but I know this woman is trying to pull a fast one and I am not going to sit back and let it happen.
Motorcycle insurance in ontario?
Im 21 years old and im looking for cheap motorcycle insurance in ontario. Any suggestions?
Question about Car Insurance?
I'm 17 and going for my driver's test. My parents said that they were going to put my name under all three cars we own for insurance. That didn't make sense to me though. When I went to All State's website, and did an estimated quote, it would only let me pick one car for each person. Like just one primary driver for each car. My question is, how does this insurance thing work? Thanks!""
Will a speeding ticket affect my husbands insurance if I am insured through a different company?
Last year I got a traffic ticket for speeding. I am insured through AAA. We were only recently married and the car I drive is registered through my parent's name as they bought the car. I am not the primary subscriber and I am just down as a driver. My husband has his own car insured through State Farm Insurance. I realize that my own car insurance would be affected but would my husband's? We dont have the same last name, Im not on his insurance in any way other than perhaps a driver but even that I dont think we have updated. We got a notification from State Farm that his rates will go up now because of my violation, in my own car, through my own seperate company. Is this right? Can they do that? Does this mean that both AAA and State Farm get to raise the rate on me?""
New car insurance when to get it?
Bought a 2010 Toyota corolla s at rusty Eck ford my grandpa consigned for me and they took a copy of he's insurance to let me drive the car home on 60 day tag plates. Am I supposed to put the insurance right away or after the 60 day tags are over ? I'm in Wichita ks
My son who is 17 has to appear in the magistrates court for driving my car without a full licence or insurance?
He has never been in any sort of trouble before and is usually a good kid. What sort of punishment can we expect to receive? We are soo afraid! We are in the UK
Is dental insurance mandatory in Massachusetts ?
Medical insurance is mandatory in Massachusetts, but is the dental insurance also mandatory ?""
Adding car insurance to existing insurance...?
I don't have any car insurance, and never had any, but my elder brother does. He has his own car as well. I read it somewhere that it's cheaper to add a name to an existing car insurance because first-time drivers usually have high insurance. If I were to do that, will I have to drive the same car as my brother does? Can I buy another car and add my name to existing insurance of my brother? I apologize in advance if it sounds like a stupid question. This is my first time and I don't have any experience with this. Thank you in advance.""
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
Why is there a disclaimer on the Allstate Auto Insurance commercials that says Not available in all states ?
Afterall, its called Allstate !""
How much will my monthly payment and insurance be for a sports car?
im trying to figure out how much my car insurance will be. im 17, ive never owned a car, have no credit history and i want to buy a 1990 toyota supra which is a sports car. the car will probably cost $5000. i just really need to know how much i can expect to be paying a month with insurance and monthly payments""
Where can i find cheap car insurance?????
im 19 and have a vectra any one know where i can find cheap inssurance and is it better to do me or another family member as the main driver
Getting car insurance on a learner's permit?
i'm 22, living at home but my parents don't want me on their policy and won't let me drive their cars. so i've got to get my own - my question is, how do i get car ...show more""
What is a semiannual premium for car insurance?
My quote was: Semiannual premium: $1251 Do I pay $1251 twice a year?
How much will the insurance company give me for my car?
i was crashed into by another driver who has accepted full responsibility, my car was a vw polo 1.2 e it had done 55,000 miles and was a 53 plate. does anyone know how much they will offer me? im really worried im going to get completely ripped off and i only brought it a few months ago and the crash wasn't my fault at all. thanx for any help :)""
How much would insurance be for a 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c?
How much would insurance be for a 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c?
Cancel my car insurance?
My car is sitting at a farm on blocks. but l am still paying insurance on it. It's only liability. The car doesn't run. Should l just let it get canceled by not making a payment? don't know when it will be on the road again. perplexed
Affordable student health insurance?
I am a college student in Maryland and I need affordable health insurance. I don't qualify for the one through my job because I only work a few days and I go to school full time. I applied for state insurance and I was denied that.I ve looked online and everything seems pricey for me. PLEASE ADVISE!
Why will small businesses be affected if the health insurance mandate passes?
Research paper. Thanks for the help
Why is insurance cheaper on american cars than asian cars?
I have a friend who was in accident a while back and the end result is his insurance doubled, and he can only afford to buy an american car rather than asian or german. Why is that in canada insurance cheaper on the american cars? Thank you""
Maternity Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good insurance company with maternity insurance? I'm not pregnant yet, but me and my husband are talking about starting to try, and need to get insurance first. I would like to find a company with very little or no waiting period. Any suggestions?""
affordable quality insurance pasadena tx
affordable quality insurance pasadena tx
Anyone Know Any Cheap Car Insurance For Teenagers In Michigan?
Anyone know a real cheap place I can get car insurance at in Michigan. I'm 18(also the age which I got my license), I qualify for the good grades in school discount, I drive a 2003 Honda? Any suggestions?""
Auto insurance?
what is the average Auto insurance for a 16- year-old female in Kansas? a friend of mine wants to know.....
How much is the car insurance for a 18 year old boy with a dodge viper ACR 09 model?
ow much would i be paying a year with full coverage. Its a dodge viper ACR 09 model. Im an 18 year old male. Its a $112,000 car.""
Is there any user friendly and cheap motorcycles out there?
Hi, I'm 17 years old and looking to get a motorcycle. I have good grades and will only drive a motorcycle when the conditions are right. Like weather, cars on the road Sat. Sun. which has less cars, and going to school and to work. I don't care if I die and I'm not afraid to die. I have $7,000 saved up in the bank and would like to buy a Ninja 250 for $3,500 -2008. Plus $400 for gear and classes. I will get my driver's license this December and will take the MSD courses in spring of 2010. I can't find any used or cheap ninja 250's around my area and I think I would rather go stright to the dealer rather then the seller because of too much red tape and work. I think my insurance will be cheaper because I will ride only to school and work and I have good grades. Even though I am young. SO, is there any place I can find any user friendly bikes or cheap ninja 250's?""
""When buying a used car, what is the process of getting insurance for it?""
I live in Indiana, but am about to buy a used car that is in New York. I am going out there to pick it up and drive it back to Indiana. How do I go about insuring and licensing the car? This is my first experience with this. Do I need car insurance before I leave New York, or do I get that once I get it back to my home state and get it licensed and tagged? How long do I have before it needs to be insured? How long do I have before I need to get plates and everything for it? Where can I search on the internet to find more information about this, also? Thank you.""
6 penalty points for driving without full license?
I recently received 6 points for driving without full license and no insurance. Car was insured but named driver was not in the car (i was insured as well but without somebody over 21 years old with license next to me so insurance is not valid then) What happens next? It was stupid idea but you always learn on mistakes :I
Any suggestions on Pet Insurance?
Hi I've been looking at pet insurance from lots of different companies, and I've found that the high street insurances have so many ifs and buts in the policies that if my pet became ill or needed treatment I think it'll be very difficult to claim any funding. I've also looked at Pet insurance by companies specialising in pet insurance they seem to be more accessible but at the same time they are far too expensive monthly! Any suggestions as to a good insurance policy? I really want one because I'd hate it if anything happened to my dog and I couldn't afford the treatment!""
How can I get health insurance in WA state?
I am 27. I am currently not working and have money saved. I am going to need to get a hearing evaluation at University of WA and it will cost 900 dollars without health coverage. I have never bought health insurance before, can I pay it month to month? Or pay it for one month, to get my evaluation covered and then cancel it?""
How much is the average annual insurance for a mitsubishi evo?
How much is the average annual insurance for a mitsubishi evo?
What car insurance quote should I accept ?
I have a competitive quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would you use and why?""
""Whats so affordable about $6,000 deductibles and over $500 a month for one persons health insurance?
When can we expect the $2500 in savings Obama told us back when he was trying to get ACA passed?
Can you have more than one car insurance policy?
Okay, imagine the situation. Mum's got a car (A), but it's too expensive to run. Son has just bought a car (B) but doesn't want to drive it much until next year. Mum's already got an insurance policy on Car A, she wishes to take out an insurance policy for Car B with another company, but still keep her insurance policy on Car A with her old insurer. So Car A - Insurance Policy A - Mum driver. Car B - Insurance Policy B - Mum driver, Son named. Many thanks.""
Estimate how much car insurance would cost?
16 year old guy, with a 2001 Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. How much do you think insurance would cost per month?""
How much would insurance be for me?
Im 16 year old girl in Georgia. 2004 black Nissan 350z. How much do you think insurance will be monthly
Wrong birthdate on auto insurance?
my parents wont help me out with insurance, i bought my own car, i have a full time job and i am really responsible. i am 4 months from being 18 and need to get auto insurance for my new car. i live out on my own already and handle everything by myself. Do I have any options with auto insurances that would take a 17 year old in washington state. OR what would happen if I put I was one year older for the next four months than changed it? Does the insurance company verify?""
Are there any affordable insurance companies out there for carpenters?
i need to obtain general liability and workers comp. to start my business. looking for affordable insurance in louisiana, (preferrably in baton rouge).""
What insurance policies are available for an online real estate business?
How does insurance helps to secure any online business ? What are the prime areas of concern that need to be addressed?
Is Geico auto insurance liability only?
Is Geico auto insurance only liabilty coverage or do they have full coverage also?
""If I work for an insurance company, do I get free/discounted insurance premiums from them?""
I'm paying nearly 2400 at the moment, if I went and worked at an insurance company do you think I could blag a bit of cheap insurance? (ENGLAND)""
How much would my car insurance be?
I'm 16 years old & a female. I am 5'5 & weigh 150 lbs. I am purchasing a USED 2003 Audi A4 Quattro Base Sedan 4-Door 1.8L ; I was wondering what the estimated car insurance would be for me so I can start by getting the right idea of how much I would need to save each month. Thank you. :)
Health Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good resource for obtaining cheap health insurance and information?
Car accident insurance?
I was in a car accident where I accidentally hit a car, i called the police but he didn't give me a ticket. The car insurance is under my moms name. The insurance expired on the same day at 12:01am and the accident happen around 11:00am. I guess the cop missed the expired day. The other car door was seriously dented. Will the insurance still pay for the other car since I didn't get no ticket. My mom did renew the insurance the next day.""
Cheap Car Insurance For 17 yr old?
I am considering purchasing a fiesta st 2005 model and would like to know where is the cheapest place to insure it. I understand that being 17 it will be rather expensive but i hope you can help me find some cheap insurance i want fully comp with as little excess as possible :) thanks
Cheap Cars & Car Insurance? Help Advise?
I passed my test yesterday - with only one driving fault. i'm now looking for a cheap car and insurance? I'm 20 years old. also is it worth doing you pass plus as I've heard it lowers your insurance but then I've heard insurance goes up?
What is the best car insurance?
What is the best car insurance company? Has there historically been one that really stands out for following through on claims/advice/help? Not so much just a question of price, but reliability...""
affordable quality insurance pasadena tx
affordable quality insurance pasadena tx
Medical Insurance with an existing condition?
My mother is working two jobs, one of which she continues to work at because of the medical insurance. My mother is ready to slow her life down and give up her job that is providing med insurance. My mother is diabetic, and it is improbable she can be accepted for regular insurance with her condition. How can she get what she wants; stay covered permanently, and leave the job where she is getting coverage now? She lives in California.""
How much would car insurance be for a used 2012 Dodge Charger SXT?
I am an 18 year old male with no accidents or tickets and my parents and i are looking to get a new car for me. (well not new but new to me) So i was just wondering what might be the ...show more
I haven't received my national insurance?
I'm 16, going to turn 17 this year. I am from Bolivia (south america) I have live in the UK for 7 years and I don't received any benefits ... I haven't received my national insurance and i don't know why if any one knows why or how i can get? then please tell me thank you""
Whats the best auto insuarance?
Price really isn't an issue, but whats the best insurance out there, as far as coverage... I drive a new car, and i wanna make sure Im well covered......Any ideas? I live out here in California, if that helps.""
How long does insurance company have to respond to a claim?
Was in wreck w/semi-truck in Oct.. Driver took pic of wreck and brought back w/him. His insurance will not respond to lawyer. How long to they have to respond. If anyone knows, about average amount a trucking company will pay. They found out I have nerve damage to right leg-may not ever be able to return too work. Thanks for any input.""
Why do we need health insurance?
People complain about not being able to afford health insurance, and people aslo complain that the health insurance they do have doesn't cover what they need it to cover. Doesn't it seem more like health insurance is the middle man that keeps the price of health related goods and services at such a rate that is unattainable by the majority of US citizens? Wouldn't the tens of thousands of doctors be forced to lower their rates to an affordible rate if health insurance, as a standard practice, was abolished?""
As a new Driver when should I expect my insurance costs to lower?
Here is the background: I am 27 years old and I just learned to driver a little over 7 months ago. I know that as a COMPLETELY new driver my insurance costs weren't going to be the best so I was surprised when most if not all companies I went to quoted me at about 400-450 for 6 months of full coverage. I thought this was very very good because that is about what my husband pays and hes had an perfect driving record since he was 17. Well when I went in to buy my first car ( brand new and financed, so I needed full coverage based on my state laws. ) Before I left the lot I called my chosen insurance company and they activated my insurance for me. To my dismay but not complete shock they told me they would have to raise the quote because I didn't have a driving record yet. ( At this point I had only had the license about 3-4 weeks I don't quite remember ). I was told this should clear up the next time I renew. Well my premium has actually gone up fifty dollars ( instead of down 150 )! I was shocked. So, out of curiosity I got quotes from other places now and it was just as expensive if not more so. What happened? I've had no moving or parking violations, my driving record is perfect. I thought I would ask the yahoo community before I call my insurance company to point fingers.""
Best insurance company for a jewelry store?
I need and insurance company to insure my jewelry store. So far I found jewelers mutual but they're expensive.
How much would you expect motorcycle insurance to cost me?
i live in san diego county, i'm 19, i've had my license for about a year (i have one crash on my record from when i was in a car on my permit, with no injuries), and i want to get a honda rebel 250 cruiser.""
How much do you think my first year of insurance would cost with a v8 engine as my first car in new york?
If i am 16 how much (average) would my first year of car insurance in New York cost if i get an 8 cylinder 5 speed car?
Car Insurance As A 2nd Driver?
It is cheaper for me to be named as a second driver on MY car, with someone who has 4 years no claismand has been drivin ages, but if i was too hav a crash in the car would he lose his no claims?? and also he has a car 2, so if he claims of the insurance for my car, will this in anyway affect his insurance for his car?? cheers""
How much is car insurance monthly for a new driver in Indiana about?
thanks :)
Insurance and pregnancy...
I am planning to get pregnant in March, 2009. After working things out with my husband, it seems like the best time for us Anyway, my insurance policy will finish in August and I'll have to get new insurance (I won't be able to continue with my current insurance policy for reasons beyond the scope of this question). Will this cause me problems with the new insurance company (I still don't know what insurance I am going to purchase)? Will the NOT cover my pregnancy and delivery and consider it a pre-existing condition? What's your advice? We really don't want to postpone pregnancy any more and now is not the best time for us""
Second driver for my parents car insurance?
well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment. whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car? ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad) anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car) i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation. please help me.
What is average cost of insuance?
what is the average cost of insurance for a 16 year old male with a Toyota Corolla.
Do you think $250/person premium for supplemental insurance for seniors too high?
If so, could you recommend a cheaper one that you may have?""
Average motorcycle insurance rate?
I'm 16 and living in Ontario i wanted to know how much insurance rate it is do you pay monthly? yearly? i don't know submit what you know and estimate if you don't know
Rent insurance for tenants?
I am soon to be renting a property with my fiancee and I want to find out about rent insurance. I found a company online that provides insurance for tenants that pays the rent in case of job loss, etc. but now I can't find it. Do such companies exist, and where can I get such insurance? Can anyone recommend any?""
""I recently received a red light camera ticket, will the insurance know about it?""
I'm trying to apply for a new auto insurance which i think i would have a better rate than the one i currently have. The problem is I recently received a red light camera ticket with no points, but there is a question on the application form that said have you receive any moving violation including no points violation? Would they really know about it? should i say yes or no. i'm afraid if i say yes they will deny me coverage. please advice. I just ordered my drivers license history to see if its there. thanks!""
""A drunk driver just hit my house last friday. What should I do, call driver insurance or my home insurance?""
A drunk driver just hit my house last friday. No one got hurt but my sun room (patio) is all damaged. My famlity also got scared to stay in the bedroom since the car hit some part of our bedroom also. What should I do, call driver insurance or my home insurance, or consult a lawyer?""
I was wondering who has the cheapest auto insurance rates in the bay area california? please help.....?
I was wondering who has the cheapest auto insurance rates in the bay area california? please help.....?
How do insurance companies calculate insurance?
I went on to a price comparison site to check car insurance. For the car I wanted the price was great 320 for 1 year inc breakdown cover. (Insurance group 14). It got me thinking if I got a car in a lower insurance group what the price difference would be. So I entered the exact same details apart from a car in insurance group 2. The cheapest quote was 318 (only 2 cheaper than group 14) Surely the price should have been a lot cheaper than a measly 2??
My car was registered to an insurance company?
I bought a car about 2 years ago from a private owner. I just stumbled onto a free VIN report and it says the car was leased then titled to insurance co. No accidents though. Does this merely mean repossession or possible accident?
Optional insurance from Hertz in USA?
Hello, I'm from Australia and will be renting a car from Hertz in Los Angeles. Included in my hire charges is: - Airport concession fee recovery - Loss Damage Waiver - Taxes - Liability Insurance Supplement - Vehicle license fee recovery - Customer Facility Charge - MISCELLANEOUS LOCATION TAX - California Tourism Commission Assessment - Unlimited Free Miles I've previously been duped into buying extra insurance or unnecessary insurance. I'm told this is not included: - Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Effects Coverage - PREMIUM EMERGENCY ROADSIDE SERVICE Can someone help? Do I require these extra insurance options? What do they actually cover? Thanks!""
""What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager in alex,la for a motorcycle?""
What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager in alex,la for a motorcycle?""
affordable quality insurance pasadena tx
affordable quality insurance pasadena tx
me my uncle and my aunt have 4 vehicles in our household. we have a chevy avalanche or , toyota 4 runner limited edition o3, toyota corola s 10, and a harley bike 07. do this vehicles like have diffrent rates each under one insurance plan? its under USAA btw. (the numbers are the year models of car)""
Driving without Insurance?
Let get to the point, can my licence be suspend if my car insurance expire and I live in nj""
I need a new credit card so I can pay my car insurance.?
Can I get a new credit card then pay my 400+ car insurance with it and then be able to pay it off gradually without having interest rates added to the bill? The cards say 0% interest for the first 9 months BUT they then say if you pay your credit card bill in full you don`t have interest on it. What does this mean if it already states you don`t have interest for the first 9 months anyway? It doesn`t make sense, none of it.""
Any car insurance agents out there? Or at least somebody who knows a lot about car insurance?
I will be driving on my sixteenth birthday if I can get a job, because I will be responsible for paying ALL of my insurance. How much am I going to have to pay? I drive a 1989 Chevrolet Silverado. Plus I heard good grades have something to do with it (sometimes), I have an A average. Help!""
""I am 26 and currently a student and i dont have a job,i was looking for an affordable health insurance.?""
I am 26 and currently a student and i dont have a job,i was looking for an affordable health insurance.?""
Information about health insurance in indiana?
I need some best and cheapest health insurance company . Any site would be helpful .
I need help with my car insurance?
Middle aged female (mid fifties), have had comprehensive car insurance 8 years no claim but current insurers now charging me nearly 500/annum.Insurance runs out 30th october 08. Any suggestions for cheap car insurance companies (in England please) for Honda Accord V Tec (W Reg). Thanks""
Someone crashed into me will their insurance pay for my car?
So I was going down a main street when this guy passed the stop sign. We made a police report and he took the blame but the cop wanted to blame it on me. Now the other car has insurance but it wasn't the guys car. Will their insurance still pay for mine. Some one please answer quick.
What is the cheapest but best health insurance that is in Texas?
Under $100 a month. I need to know asap. I am a 20 year old full time employee and i need to see a doctor asap.
What are the cheapest cars for car insurance in England?
What are the cheapest cars for car insurance in England? I am just about to pass my test and don't care if the car looks like a piece of ****. I want it to have cheap car insurance. I'm thinking Peugeot 206 or something but I have no idea about cars? Thanks guys.
Average cost Motorcycle Insurance?
Hello, Does anyone know the average cost for motorcycle insurance in Arizona?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for 16 year olds?
I'm going to get a car soon but I want to be able to pay for my own car insurance. Take some bills off my parents backs. Which insurance company wouldn't screw me over?
Why are my insurance quotes higher when I list an accident I was not at fault for?
I've been getting online insurance quotes lately because I am getting a new car that will be more expensive to insure and I think my insurance now is already too high. So as part ...show more
I rang up Tesco Car Insurance today and they sent me away?
Hello, I rang up Tesco Car Insurance today, this women spoke on the phone and her first question was asking for the policy number, and then I asked her a question why they increase my insurance and she said everywhere is the same, they are the cheapest, and then she told me to ring somewhere else to get a quote and then phone us back. Thats a good customer service. What do you guys think about this situation?""
Car insurance questions!?!!? HELP! accident!?
Hey, three weeks ago, I got into a car accident and rear ended someone in the front with suv. I had a honda, and the insurance company declared it totaled and they are going to pay around 9k for the car. Since it was rear-end accident, insurance company held me for 100% at fault. The suv had broken/dented bumper and lower part of trunk lid dented (No broken lights or anything). I would say around few thousand dollars worth of damage. There were 3 people in the car and at the time they said they are all ok, and drove off. No police report was filed. When I called at night to get one of the guy's birthday, he said all three went to emergency, and had whiplash pain in neck area (which is understandable from rear-end accident). I had full coverage so I know my insurance comp. would pay their bills. The thing I am scared about is what if they sue me? I am from low-class family and a full time student on loans so I have no money or even a job. If they do, how much can they sue me for?""
Should I get life insurance for my children (13 yrs & 8 yrs. old) ???
If yes, Do you know of any trusting life insurance companies that are affordable ?""
How much is boat insurance?
I am going to liveaboard a 29ft sailing boat worth about 35000 purely based in a local marina. I need 2M worth of public liability insurance, any idea on the cost of an annual policy?Thanks in advance.""
""Boyfriend totaled my car, i have a $500 collision deductable on my insurance?""
my boyfriend totalled my 17,000 car. the car was totally paid off and i have $500 deductable for collisions on my insurance,. he has liability on his insurance. does anyone knnow what will happen from here, since he was driving i dont know for sure what insurance covers and what i will have to pay""
Do all fully comp insurance policy allow you to drive other vehicles?
I have a van and car and just want to find out the cheapest option to drive them both, a friend told me most fully comprehensive insurance policys allow you to drive other vehicles, do anybody know any names?""
Health Insurance claims in LA?
How long must health insurance claims be kept on file in Louisiana hospitals and healthcare facilities?
Advice on cheap car insurance ? UK?
hello i am a 17 year old who is currently learning to drive and hoping to buy a car afterwards, however insurance is very expensive and am seeking advice on how to get cheap car insurance, E.G. what car to buy, where to look etc.""
How much can you lie while obtaining new auto insurance?
I'd like to know... Whenever you're trying to obtain new auto insurance they take your driver's license number & social security number.. You'd think that they could look up any tickets/accidents you've gotten into. BUT, why do they ask? If you forget an incident, will they find out? This is coming from a 21 year old who was already paying $1,200 over 6 months for insurance and was involved in an rear-end collision doing 15 in congestion on the interstate, now my premium is $2000 for 6 months.""
""I received a ticket for no seat belt, will it affect my insurance?""
I got the ticket in Garden Grove, California (my first offense). I am thinking about fighting it because I DID have my seat belt on but then I found out that the Vehicle Code 27315 states that the fine for a first offense is no more than $20. But then again I am worried that it will affect my record and my insurance. Can I go to traffic school or something to clear the violation so my insurance won't know? If not should I fight it?""
Car Insurance - 17 Year old!?
part time motor trade insurance - That's the insurance policy that my dad's on, would it be possible for me to be added onto this policy then drive the cars that are insured on it. If not what's the best way about getting cheaper insurance policies? The way I thought I got cheaper insurance was that my dad would start a policy then add me as a named driver, is it still the same? Thanks in advance!""
affordable quality insurance pasadena tx
affordable quality insurance pasadena tx
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