#eternals banned
justaz · 3 months
merlin standing to the side watching arthur address camelot, the sun shining on his skin and lighting his hair up as its own crown despite the actual gold resting atop his head, his red cap billowing behind him by the light breeze, his eyes shining with joy, merlin’s freedom spelled across his lips. merlin watching arthur be drowned out by enthusiastic cheers so he laughs and recedes back inside toward merlin, head held high and shoulders squared back, looking even better than the king merlin has shaped him into. merlin falling impossibly deeper into love as arthur returns to his side with a grin after repealing the magic ban
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morethanwonderful · 30 days
Which MXTX Character Would Be Most Insufferable Online?
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(Bonus match theme: Professional Poison Understanders)
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cerealboxlore · 2 years
Billy Batson and the Super Sons Sleepover Party
Good evening, y'all. I am comfy in my bed with my plush frog from Build-A-Bear, and I got thinking. Man. I missed out on sleepover parties as a kid.
And then. Bam. Billy Batson ideas came popping in.
What if Billy Batson, pen pal/frenemy to Damian Wayne, was invited to a sleepover at his house after months of talking to each other through a school sponsored pen pal service? I think they'd be good friends, but also, imagine Billy not knowing Damian is Robin and meeting Jon Kent, Damian's other friend, at that sleepover at Damian's house.
Bruce and the batfam are happy that Damian is making normal friends who aren't involved in the superhero business.
Damian is glad to finally meet his pen pal/frenemy in person, and to talk all about animals with Billy. And also, prove Billy Batson wrong that Batman is better than Super man in a face-to-face argument.
And Jon is just happy to be there.
The hilarious shenanigans that could ensue from Billy being inside the Wayne manor, trying not to reveal his magical identity as Captain Marvel while also noticing a strange magical energy source in downtown Gothom...that may or may not be a malicious threat to everyone.
There's also the option of a scenario where Billy's identity as Captain Marvel is known to the league and Super boy and Robin are allowed over to Victor and Rosa's house for a sleepover with the shazamily.
Damian would easily get annoyed by Freddy, but also impressed by his collection of information on heroes and Eugene's technological intelligence. Super Boy and Darla would be fast friends, 100%. Pedro tried to lift more weights than Jon. Mary would be the responsible one in charge and make sure the others don't stay up too late or watch any horror movies. Billy sneaks in a horror movie.
And I am cackling at the thought of Dr. Sivana choosing this as the time to attack the city, now having to face the wrath of not only the shazamily, but also two sons of major superheroes in their pajamas, furious that their sleepover was ruined.
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jestersking · 9 months
c!leo gives off biggest blacksmith vibes to me. like he just seems like the type of guy that loves to forge, loves to mine, loves to watch netherite melt for like 200 hours. of course you can create armor by magic, but there's something so exciting about creating everything by hand and leaving little things that just scream This Was Made by Leo Leowook! and shit. he's just a craftsman in general. sew? can do. crochet? absolutely. carpentry? don't mind if i do. fighting is fun, destroying shit is REALLY fun, but it's just as fun for leo to sit down and spend his time trying to design and create his own little things. he doesn't have much free time on lifesteal, but the time he gets he spends by improving minute's costume, engraving clown's name into pierce's sword or adding little gems to wemmbu's jewelry collection. it's not much, but if someone teams up with leowook, you can see it in all the care and love he puts into his teammates appearances.
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yeyayeya · 8 months
Ok ok, listen
If, IF, Eternal Faith ever releases, I am HOPING that the characters get their own themes songs like they did with The Untamed characters. I know I shouldn’t compare one with the other, as I know damn well that they’re both completely different and all that, but you know? What if
The Untamed handled the MDZS characters quite differently, but both of them have the same director, so maybe, just maybe, they get their own character songs? I know TGCF isn’t as music based as MDZS is, but PLEASE.
Because if so I am going to go incredibly INSANE if they actually do that.
Ok but if we are being real, this is only if the show releases, and who knows if the characters would even get their own songs
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junotter · 11 months
I'm sorry but I just can't support two blonde people dating it's against my morals
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sadaveniren · 1 year
How old are you?
As someone who began using the Internet in the early 2000s I learned very quickly/was taught never to share my age, name, or location on the internet and even in this day of social media I still maintain that privacy by not publicly posting my exact age, birthday, legal name, or location✌🏻
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esoteric-dyke · 10 months
i want to taste life like
fruit on an
early december morning
like one of those early summer stone fruits
that you see
and buy excitedly at the store-
a cherry a lychee a nectarine a child
a sun that pushes my sweat slicked
hair back behind my ears
and kisses the salt
off my lips-
its pulp pulls at my teeth
and gets stuck
and juice cascades
from the corners of my mouth
i have never been alive before this moment
i will never be alive again
buy me a mango
when you get the groceries
today and we will
eat and feel its flesh
under our nails
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uneclipsing · 4 months
the girls (redditors) are fightingg (on my post in a subreddit)
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majougari · 1 year
it's been a year and a half. frostiron fandom is still the best fandom ever, blessed by the norns.
i will read them all, or die trying.
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justaz · 8 months
druids can NOT speak in people’s minds. when they are before a high priestess, they can pray to her directly and she can hear them (hence the scene between morgana and mordred when he spoke in her mind).
merlin who constantly has this buzzing in the back of his head that he can never understand besides the occasional odd word which makes no sense. but when he’s closer to a druid or when their prayer is super strong, then he can make out what they’re saying.
merlin who brings up the fact that druids can speak into peoples minds to gaius who casually unfurls a scroll containing his ongoing list of reasons why merlin is/evidence of merlin being a god of the old religion.
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abuddyforeveryseason · 5 months
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Don't look, Marion! It's the Buddy for April 12th! It's a gif! It's beautiful...
Today's Buddy was based on that famous scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, the bane of VCR rewind buttons everywhere, where the bad guy's face melts off.
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That must've been a fun special effect to pull off. And I know I say a lot of movies are the best movie of all times, but, seriously, Raiders is the best movie of all times, right?
Spielberg and Lucas wanted to make a James Bond movie, but they were chased off into the sunset, so they decided to make their own version - a much cooler adventurer, not tied to those british spy novels and silly penguin suits.
A lot of people say a movie like the Indiana Jones series couldn't be made today. I mean, not another Indiana Jones movie, there's probably another sequel on the way. But giving a guy the equivalent of 1981's 20 million bucks to make an original movie, not based on IP, just an idea the dude had.
I don't know about that - after all, Rebel Moon just came out, and that movie shares a similar background to Raiders - famous director wanting to make a movie that's part of a famous franchise, gets rejected, makes his own edgier and pulpier version.
Sure, it sucked, but, still, it got done.
I don't really agree with a lot of the public discourse about modern movies. Probably because I'm very optimistic about popular movies. People complain about franchises and IP, but, I don't think it's a bad thing. Or at least, not necessarily a bad thing.
A good example is the best movie of all times, Eternals. It's a Marvel movie, yeah. But it's about obscure characters, and it allowed a auteur director to make an actual big-budget movie for a chance, something she'd never have a chance to do without Marvel's help. And it's an interesting story - the original comics were an interesting story too, despite their clumsy flaws.
Yet, everybody hated it. Especially people who never heard about those nobodies before - they were the ones complaining about the lack of new ideas in Hollywood. So that was the beginning of the end for Marvel.
I still think a lot of the criticism wasn't about the movie itself, but about Zhao choosing to "sell out" and make a sci fi movie, and a Marvel one at that.
Thankfully, it'll never happen again.
But, I don't know if we'll get a movie as good as Raiders again. It's a different world. And, I don't know, in a way, we don't need it. Kids can just watch Raiders instead of some director having to reinvent the wheel for a new generation. I don't get why every era needs to have its Star Wars, anyway. I mean, I do get it, it's because there's money in making new movies, even if they're just rehashes.
I read something online about the dangers of nostalgia, of people being obsessed with their youth. It ends up making their bitter towards the present day, it turns toxic. And it's easy to exploit - just keep shoveling out remakes, reboots, adaptations of the crap they loved when they were kids, and they'll keep buying. Suckers.
There are people like that (and a lot of them), yeah, but there are different issues to consider, too. One idea that a lot of people agree with is, a person's never too old to enjoy kids' stuff. We keep getting angry about adults enjoying cartoons, but, what's the harm, really? And yet, that can turn toxic too - a lot of douchebag complaining about "wokeness" in cartoons is the dark reflection of a refusal to grow up. As is the creepy obsession with sexualizing kids' cartoons.
Sometimes, it's better to accept that you're too old to enjoy something that wasn't made for you. It's better than to force it into that slot. Let the kids have their thing.
Despite all that, though, I still like some kiddy stuff, although I appreciate it in different levels. And I did like Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Old Indiana Jones was fun, it felt almost like a movie version of Mr. Mustachio from Osamu Tezuka stories.
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catastrxblues · 11 months
i feel like addie larue right now. liking and reblogging posts but unable to leave a mark that i have done so. tumblr, please fix it. i’ve written you a ticket, and i did it in a respectful manner and kindly, and i’m trying to be patient, but if this will continue on to weeks, just so you know i’m one reason away from committing arson and once i do it will all be your fault so better get that fix!!!
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 9 months
𝔇𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 - 𝔈𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔅𝔞𝔫
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
Yeah the whole ban discourse was like…huh? Are we reading the same thing? I’m also unsure how much radio play really matters in 2023 vs. Spotify playlists or other forms of promotion (ahem - magazine covers/features or talk show performances). How much does radio play actually increase a fanbase? (Seemingly what fans want for Louis). If we look at indie artists who have blown up recently, has that occurred based primarily on radio play? In any case, Louis is not out there starving to death y’all.
Alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of this, sprinkled with a dose of why do people get off so hard to making him some kind of victim in a game he a) already won in his 20s and b) doesn't seem all that interested in revisiting in his 30s? Like, I'm sorry (truly, deeply sorry) that struggling indie solo artist Harry Styles is now on my dentist's playlist, and everyone working there has to hear it 5x a day, like, why would you want your fave to be that kind of flave? I trust that Louis's doin' just fine! Better than most, even!
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morethanwonderful · 2 years
Which MXTX Character do You Most Want to Study Like a Little Bug?
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(Bonus match theme: For the love of god don't ask them about their hobbies)
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