dreamieparadise · 3 months
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@eternitas quick drawing of your Carol!! She is a super cutie!!! Lmaooo also I wanted to do some quick braids but I did the sections sooo messy, ahaha 😅
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plimchi · 11 months
Sir endeavor mister sir did you ever have the urge to spoil menma with presents?
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he literally doesnt know how else to express his love to her. this man is so sure he doesnt deserve this little angel, how could he not give her everything shed ever want.
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kyuji · 4 months
Dont say that!
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ciaossu-imagines · 4 months
⭐ pwease? óvò
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Okay, so I know the picture shows everything I chose but to elaborate on a couple!
I love browsing my dash and seeing your posts. They’re usually really interesting and I learn a lot from some of your posts and reblogs. And the original posts you make, like the one about children, are really captivating reads though it endlessly pisses me off that people judge you because, as an adult, you’ve decided you really don’t want a lot of interaction with kids. That’s some grade A bullshit.
I would definitely share my food with you but be aware…a lot of the time that just looks like Boost drinks because I’m shit at remembering to eat so more like…I’ll share my meal replacement drink that I occasionally remember, once or twice a week, with you?
The crown on that icon is fucked and not good enough, so take this one:
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You’re my friend and in this blog, we admit to loving our friends, both irl and online 😊
I’ll hide the body for you. You must be at a different location and be publicly seen for plausible deniability. We’ll have a drink afterwards, haha.
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ninnieartsies · 10 months
"Um actually makki is between jobs and thats so king shit of him"
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ratstuckinamarble · 11 months
Hello! You, dear guest, get (drumroll please...)
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A handful of tiny books! Enjoy <3
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eohwyyn · 2 years
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mermaid mythology moodboard
↳ for @shirehobbit
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amphiptere-art · 9 months
Lore Origin post for the Locked Door.
There's a lot in the locked door. Many gods, magic, cultures, species, and much more exist within the locked door. So this is actually going to be a origin post, More than an overall lore post. Because there's just too much.
Now there has to be some lore about the gods. Since they do play an integral part, but it is only going to be the higher ones. Any lesser gods, or representative gods I will only speak of in passing.
Now let's start with a basic description of what the locked door is and why it exists.
The locked door is every story I have ever created with a fantasy world in a single place. Basically it was a collection of reoccurring headcanon that I decided to scoop up, and place into a specific world and setting. There are of course universes that exist outside of the locked door, but many of them do exist inside of it.
The creation of the locked door is also old. Very, very, very old. The first time the locked door got a physical identity, was way back in kindergarten. Where I had to make a balloon planet for class. And while there have been many alterations to this first version of the world and everything in it. It has stayed mostly the same.
It is during this balloon planet classroom task. That the locked door gained many of its continents. Now these continents were made when I was a child. So they were very bare bones and copied. In short, you had two pole continents, one for shadow and one for light. You had a continent which was basically pangea, which has now been changed to a sort of beast land. You have a continent that was literally copy and paste of the Middle Earth from Lord of the rings. Which has now been changed to a more generic shape, and is known as the encompassing lands. You had a continent shaped like a dragon. Called dragea. I believe there was a continent for something else, but memory has escaped me. And then there was a small Australian size Island. That later would represent the gateway to the locked door.
Namesake and first stories.
The locked door got its first name sake from a dream that I illustrated into a comic. Now I was a kid. So the dream had many of my toys in it. But to try and describe the dream. I basically got carted away by dragons to go into my fantasy world and fix an issue. Now, there was a very high chance I had already been creating the locked door world. But I unfortunately do not remember anything about its creation until this point.
This dream. Which technically, only the beginning was a dream. Also connects into the Shadow wars. This is technically where the story of Shadow wars 1 comes from. The only difference is that it was from my perspective. From the other dragons perspective. From the world's perspective. Unfortunately I did not smoothen out this storyline for a while. Not until I was getting to the end of junior high and into high school. And this is an origin about the locked door, not the Shadow wars.
The Writer/Dreamer.
But the story also codifies the first God. Which is me. The literal embodiment of the person that was creating the fantasy world of the Locked door. Back then I called it the dreamer. As the whole world's creation revolved around a dream I had. Later on this would be simplified to the writer, the creator, imagination, etc, etc. point is, It's just me as a character inside of my own world.
Unfortunately, me as a god does not appear in any stories after this. And I have thought of rewriting it so I would not be physically there. As a reflection of myself only becomes a new character. An avatar as I would later call them. Avatars soon became the new gods. But in short, I am so omnipotent that the gods themselves know of me but not see me. I am the one that utilizes the gods to make my stories. I am the one that utilizes the people of the locked door to make my stories. Choice is an illusion, that I allow to be.
Tick tock/Clockwork.
But on to the second God that was created. Reminder again. The locked door is just a bunch of headcanons and fantasy worlds boiled down into one. Tick tock as he was once called. Was one of these separate fantasy world's. It was a generic, hero saves the world or area story. I honestly do not remember the details, but I do remember Tick tock's role in it. He was their weapon. A shape shifter into different objects. This power still stays with him today.
Now why did he become a god? It seems like a roundabout story that did wrap itself up eventually. Well, clockwork as I started calling him later on. (Due to a specific platform called TikTok) Is technically the god to all dragons. Now a lot of the gods are dragons. What makes him so special?
Well he was the first dragon that made it impact on me. I drew him over and over and over again. Why? Because in my little brain, The size I could draw him on paper, was his real size. He felt physical in a sense. Something that I could touch, Even if he was still an illustration on paper. He grew to be a size reference. Something I could place next to a character to understand how big they would be in real life.
Soon, clockwork wasn't attached to his story anymore. He was an entity within all of them. Plus with his shape shifting abilities. He soon became a god that could become any shape. A pendant, a sword, a pencil. And well, as you can tell with his name. He also became a keeper of time. Within time, He eventually became the god of time and space. Which was refined as being the embodiment of the characters being placed into the world. He became The pencil. The instrument of creation that could take it away and put it down all the same. He soon became a major creation God for the entirety of the locked door. Becoming my first official avatar.
I will go into the specifics as to why clockwork is the god of dragons in an actual dragon related post. But in short terms here. He was the first classified dragon. He was the first one that was given a classification, and a specific magic. He was the first real dragon that was given purpose outside of just being a dragon.
Alvis the archivist.
Now we get onto another figure. You will soon start to notice that most of these higher gods. Were characters that I illustrated over and over again, that became detached from their main story. Alvis is another one of these. (Do note. It is pronounced AL-vis. Do not say Elvis. I swear to God.)
Alvis was a undead dragon character. This is also when my dragon started to get put into different classes in my head cannon was slowly growing. His first story was something about him teaching a kid. I am honestly unsure though if this is the first story he was in. He truly got detached from his own story. Is I am not sure if this is the first one. But the student character that was in this story, soon became universally known as Red. The student that would learn from the teacher, and pass on his teachings until Alvis came again.
Alvis also became a character that I illustrated over and over again. I enjoyed his undead design, and the mask that he wore. He wasn't as influential as a clockwork. But he was a character I never wanted to forget. I didn't want to forget Alvis's design. Because of this, He became the archivist. Something that would keep track of what was once there. Much like I kept track of his own design. He sits in his infinite library, codifying everything that I've ever made. Every once in awhile coming down to the world of the locked door. And finding his Red. Someone that could pass on the history until that too once faded. He is these Tumblr posts. He is my art books as the paper. He is the written words saved on Google docs.
Eternita. The world.
Now this character, is not connected to the past. Not in the same way as the others. Cosmic Dragons have always been something I wanted to illustrate, but I was never quite happy with. She doesn't have a design I follow. She doesn't have a story she was attached to. But a niche needed to be filled. And what else could I fill it with, but a character that never was.
Eternita is the world we do not see. The ambience in the background, The people's stories we never know, everything that happens outside of the protagonist's eyes.
She was incomplete. Her design was never really made. But her presence was always there. A cosmic dragon that kept the realm of space together, soon became a cosmic dragon that kept the reality of the locked door present. The world vanishes outside of the protagonist's eyes. If there was not somebody that controlled what the world does outside of it. There would be no world. There would be simply the story. Eternita stops that.
She does not have as much history, but she plays an important part as keeping the locked door world alive. I have not made a story within the locked door for a long time. But I know it will always be there, because eternita is keeping it there.
In short.
Clockwork is the pencil that creates the world.
Alvis is the paper/text that those creations exist within.
Eternata is the ambient world that follows after these two.
Now this is a generics of why the locked door exists. And the gods that were made to keep it together.
The locked door is an ancient world that has been going on for a while. All these characters have had enough time, that they became gods for being something memorable. Not all things exist within the locked door. But almost all of existence of my stories, are ruled by these gods. The gods of the locked door.
The locked door is basically a home base. The origin point, The place where all the headcannons come from, a place where every fantasy setting that combines all those headcanons exist.
There are so many continents, and so many different points of time. That everything has almost happened on the locked door. No matter how wild or unfantasy like it is. Is most of the stories that exist on the physical world of the locked door fantasy worlds. Yes. But there are plenty of others that do not follow that rule. Technically the neutral continent can't hold any human like interaction. Plus that secret extra continent that I forget what it was for. I have been thinking of using it as a non-fantasy area of the locked door. Somewhere more easily that those non-fantasy stories can take place.
Now the big question.
Why is it called the locked door?
In the simplest terms. It is a world I can never enter. It is a locked door into an infinite imagination. That dream that I had. The one where I got carted away by dragons to fix a problem within my own world. Well, It ended with me locking the door.
This giant stone with a giant key symbol on it was permanently locked. Because in my opinion, The fantasy world should not be reliant on its creator. It is an infinite abyss of creativity that should not be restrained. I have a life, I have a home. I simply cannot be there when the creations of the locked door wish for help. So in Cannon, I made it so I can never come back.
I can exist as avatars. I have these gods I have put in place after their stories are long forgotten, just so it can run smoothly. Were half of these names made by a child? Yah. I was a child. I was like six. I was just coming out of kindergarten and into junior high. Creating fantastical worlds that soon merged into one. I have added, and added, an added onto this world. I have refined the magic, The creatures, the history into something I will forever remember.
It may be a door I can never walk through. Forever locked. But it will always be there.
It will always be a Locked Door, that I will forever cherish.
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Attimi eterni de na città eterna.
Raggi di quotidianità.
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macveigh · 2 years
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“Oh, good...you’re awake too,” Morgan stands in the doorway of Hatter’s room, awkwardly hovering between the threshold and the hallway, “I uh...I haven’t been to bed yet. I just can’t seem to...to wanna fall asleep. What about you?” 
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hcze · 2 years
hellu, lil update: didn’t go to work today cause sore throat, and I have to grade homeworks so I’ll be lurking again and in the IMs. 
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dreamieparadise · 2 months
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@eternitas , here's my attempt at Rena :') took the colours from the picrew I saw on her profile!
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plimchi · 11 months
Hey zorro
Whats Sashas 5 best features? :3
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this might take some time
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kyuji · 8 months
BABY you will NOT fuck DEFLAMINGO this summer I SWEAR TO GOD
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the emoji oracle has spoken
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
Personalization Prompt #1 – Eternitas
So, I used the first personalization prompt here for the lovely and incredibly supportive Lou over @eternitas! They’re an amazing person overall and I really cannot state enough how much their support and encouragement means for this blog 😊 I hope they’ll enjoy this prompt, done for the Katekyo Hitman Reborn universe!
Siblings: So, it’s definitely not a sibling but I’m going into this little fantasy and all these thoughts about your life inside the KHR universe with the basis of you being Brabanter’s grandchild, actually. Because of this, you’ve sort of known about the Vongola all your life and it’s how you really end up meeting most of the character’s initially.
Best friend: Tsuna, Shitt P., Kikyo, Chrome Frenemies/Enemies: Belphegor, Chikusa, Mochida, Bluebell Crushes on You: Fran and Lambo both had huge crushes on you at some point during their childhood/early teen years that they eventually do grow out of. First Romantic Relationship: Honestly, I see it being with Yamamoto. He’d had a slight crush on you for a little bit during his high school years, you thought you might like him as well. Though the relationship was very short-lived and didn’t work out, the two of you remain close friends. Lost Virginity To: Gokudera Married/In A Committed Relationship With: Of course, is it any surprise that I’m putting Gokudera here? While you do end up dating other people besides him before getting into that committed and long-lasting relationship, he’s who you ultimately end up getting and staying together with. Cockblocked by: Oh, pretty much every member of the Vongola Family at some point, Bianchi a lot, Reborn a fair bit, and sometimes even by Gokudera himself because he’ll have a sudden burst of inspiration in his head because you’ve gotten him into such a relaxed frame of mind that he was able to properly think and now must speed off before he loses that inspiration. Affiliation: You’re part of the Vongola family, a member of Vongola Decimo’s generation and family.
Special Abilities: While the former Rain Guardian Brabanter is your grandfather on the paternal side, you take more after the maternal side of your family who are all Lightning Flame holders. I do see you having a very strong Lightning Flame, with a much weaker Rain Flame attribute that you can eventually use after a lot of training, like at least several years’ worth. You tend to use the Rain Flame defensively and the Lightning Flame offensively when you do come to master the use of both flame types.
5 Headcanons About Your Life:
You might be a non-combative member of the Vongola during your childhood, but you are still a member of the Vongola and when you find out that the new Vongola boss to be is a kid around your age, you beg permission to go and meet him. When you do, you end up getting along surprisingly well with him and his friend group and because of that, you chose to stay in Japan and with them. Your parents rent you an apartment in Namimori and you speak to them, other members of your family, and your friends left behind, on the phone or via video call fairly regularly.
Namimori’s drama club was on the verge of being shut down because of lack of members when you arrived at the school. Not only did you join and save the club from being disbanded, but your obvious love for theatre and acting and your dedication to it does inspire some other new members to join. Throughout your school life, you and the club put on at least twice-yearly performances and theatre continues to be something you pursue even after you finish high school. Tsuna and all of the family members, plus your friends from the other families are in attendance to as many of your shows as they possibly can be. Reborn’s drilled it into the boys that flowers should be given to any actor before a performance so all the boys chip into to decide on a bouquet and Tsuna always presents them to you backstage either before or after the performance, depending on when he can get there.
You’re pretty good with kids and do help Kyoko and Haru out with the childcare rather often. The boys can sometimes take advantage of the fact you seem to be able to distract the more troublesome kids to stick you with Lambo a lot of the time so you and Lambo become really close, to the point where he refers to you as his older sibling and wants you and Tsuna to be the ones to walk him to school on the first day every year.
You have only gotten in trouble with the Disciplinary Committee once in all your years being in Namimori and you still thank your lucky stars it was with one of the lower ranking members and not Hibari himself, because the lower ranking member just figured your friends would beat him up if he beat you up, so you escaped unharmed in any way. If it was Hibari, you know very well you would have gotten a fair bit more violence, haha.
Colonello and Lal are both the Arcobaleno’s who tend to favour you the most due to your personality and attitude and both have offered you little training sessions with them here and there.
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ninnieartsies · 10 months
Ninnie, my fiance and i havr continued watching jjk season 2 and i out loud at several moments went ''oooh, yeah I get it, ninnie"
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