#etho finding comfort in bdubs again.
lorephobic · 1 year
etho asking bdubs to drop everything and join ties and bdubs asking etho to drop everything to join the clockers….. this is literally history repeating itself. this is bdubs spreading lies about joel to get etho on his side. it’s etho quietly and constantly undermining impulse in an attempt to get bdubs to take him back. do u hear me
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hmshermitcraft · 4 months
Etho has been out of spoons for months now. He has no energy to do anything at all outside of working (because he has to) or eating (because he has to) or showering (because he has to) or using the bathroom (because he has to). He wants to hang out with his friends, he yearns for their conversation and bickering and their energetic bits but he can't. He just rests and rests and rests, waiting for the day he has inspiration and strength again.
He's so sick of being weak, of being tired. There's no joy in his endless napping, he just can't do anything else.
Cleo leaves food in his fridge and takes his trash out and refills his water bottle so he can take his meds at night.
Bdubs comes in every other day to brush his hair and brings him a bucket so he can brush his teeth.
The worst thing is that he gets up every morning, he works on his projects, he talks to people, he's normal, he's healthy. But then the moment he can relax he collapses and can't get up again. He uses all his energy and he can't go on. Which doesn't make any sense because why can't he have energy for the things he wants?
He's just...so tired.
Xisuma catches him while he's out and about, doing things. Says, "hey, you've been working too hard and it's making you use all your free time to catch up on rest." He takes Etho to a town an hour away from work, from everything. "This is my parents summer home, they won't be back for like, nine months. So it's yours for now, utilities n' stuff are paid so don't worry about that."
Then he offers to leave. Says that he'll stay close-ish to bring Etho food and all, but he offers to give Etho as much alone time as he could ever want.
"I know you like your own company better than anyone else's and I prefer to recoup by myself too so it's no worries."
"no uh, actually. If you would stay..that'd be preferable I think."
For the first days Etho sleeps and sleeps and sleeps, he wakes up, eats and uses the bathroom and then he sleeps again.
Then he migrates to the couch to listen to Xisuma knit or play guitar, then he's breaking out his noise cancelling headphones so he can watch X play doom until the early morning sunrise. Then he's asking to help with dinner, something that resets his progress a little bit he's quicker to bounce back.
Xisuma takes him for a little walk one week. Then two little walks, then they stop in at a coffee shop, then Etho sits in the shopping cart reading out the list. Their friends start to visit, Bdubs and Beef and Doc come for a night of super smash bros and Mario kart, Cleo comes over and plays some Zelda breath of the wild, zedaph tango skizz and impulse bring a board game he's never heard of before. Etho even gets to gossip in Japanese with Grian and Joel about everyone he's seen living here, like the dog walker who always has far too many dogs.
Then Xisuma miscalculates how long it will take a comforter to dry and asks to share Etho's space for a night. Which they do. Etho wakes with X's legs under his own because apparently Xisuma likes to rotate 90 degrees in his sleep.
Xisuma will never live it down, even as they continue to sleep side by side.
By the time Etho is yearning for something to do they've started cuddling, and by the time Xisuma deems him healthy enough to go back to work they're kissing a little.
Work is easier when he returns, he works four days a week instead of six. He has a boyfriend who leaves space for him to join in making dinner or going on little walks or whatever but never pressures him. He has extra energy to do things he enjoys.
He's not perfect, he still naps every day, still gets overwhelmed. But it's better.
He's doing better.
He thought he'd find it frustrating to be cared for, like it's something he doesn't deserve. But, instead, it's a weight off his shoulders. It's not just him anymore. Xisuma is looking out for him as well, gently pulling Etho away when he's burning out again. His friends are there as well.
Etho isn't perfect. But he's got people there to stop him reaching so low again.
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germworms · 11 months
Etho's unexpected face reveal
A shortfic of Bdubs accidentally seeing Etho's face on call.
Wordcount: About 1400 words.
Pairing: Etho&Bdubs Platonically
"I'll see you guys later!"
As he stopped recording, he leaned back in his chair. Through his headset he could hear his friends chatting away, about some random topic. He heard snippets of redstone talk, and that made him zone out. He double checked to see if he had stopped recording, which he had.
"Bdubs!" Someone yelled into his ear, making him jump up.
"Argh! What!" He asked, he moved his mouse around to find whoever scared him, rubbing his eyes. "Oh, hello, Etho."
"You tired?" Etho asked, his avatar sneaking in front of him, up close. He was laughing a bit, his own voice an octave lower. A sign of tiredness from the canadian.
He yawned, "Not at all, I gotta edit my video tonight too."
"Awh, you need motivation?" Etho asked, punching him in the game, "I'll be your ear worm."
"Thanks, you are a sweetheart."
"Yeah, I'll go take a quick washroom break, be right back."
"...Washroom." He mumbled, "Crazy man." He couldn't help but smile, he never could stop smiling when talking to him.
Someone walked into the room, hovering above him while wrapping their arms around his shoulders, "I'm headed to bed, the girls are asleep."
He turned his head to kiss his wife, "I'll finish up my editing and join ya', honey."
She closed the door behind her, smiling before closing it all the way.
He turned in his chair, opening up discord to check when the next hermit meeting would be. He saw Etho in the voice channel and joined, knowing that Etho liked to listen to music through Mee6. A big picture of a room showed up suddenly, his heart dropped.
Should he tell him? How would he even tell him, he was pissing right now! No use in calling for him.
He should have turned a blind eye, gone out of the voice group, but he was a tad too nosey for his own good.
His friend for over a decade, his faceless friend who he had never met. An internet friend whom he had spent countless hours talking to.
They had talked about meeting up 5 years ago, and then again yearly since then, but then Covid spread around right as they finally started making realistic plans. Everything got cancelled and they stopped talking about it. Etho stayed in his apartment alone, and he had his family he needed to take care of.
So as he watched, silently, and listened to every sound, a door closing made him jump. Footsteps.
First comfortable black pants, then the bottom of a black hoodie, "Bdubs I'm back."
He felt his heart speed up, the anticipation, not even Beef knew about this. He felt guilty already, he had seen more than enough, "Etho!"
A face became visible on the screen, a head full of brownish blackish hair, quite skinny face, clean shaven. His eyes were tired, but nonetheless, he was handsome. He gulped, "Uh, uhm."
"What did you do, silly?" He heard minecraft sounds, forgetting all about the game. Etho was probably wondering why he was standing so still, listening to him through the game and not through discord.
He couldn't stop staring, he felt like a sinner. Like this was more embarrassing to admit than when his parents had walked in on him as a teen, than his first kiss with a girl and with that boy in elementary.
An embarrassed blush crept up on him, "Bdubs, are you okay?"
Ethos mouth moved while he talked, of course, but seeing a face to a voice he wasn't even supposed to see made him speechless. The way he said his name made his heart skip in a way he hadn't felt in a long time maybe because he could see every syllable from Etho now.
"I- uh, ugh, your-" He coughed, watching how confusion spread across Ethos face. He noticed how Ethos posture was quite poor, "You should check your posture."
"Oh, thank you."
There was a moment of silence, "Hold on."
"Bdubs!!!" Etho's camera was quickly turned off, "You! What! You should have told me!! I- I don't know what to say!"
"Well!" He started, "I mean! Your handsome! Pretty! I mean, you're very- what I mean- I'm sorry!" He stumbled over his words, not knowing how to react. "I'll turn- I'm gonna turn on my face cam!"
He turned it on, forgetting how his face was completely red in embarrassment, "Oh god." he noticed, "It's the lighting!"
He let his words die out. Should he hide away?
"Are you angry?" He asked in a small voice.
"Angry? I- I don't know... A bit, I guess. I trust you, of course, but this has become a big deal for me, my face. I mean, you were gonna see it one day, I wanted that time to be special." Etho said, his voice became weary. "Be happy I actually wore clothes."
"I wouldn't be un-happy so to say."
"You- You're something else, man!"
Bdubs eased up, "I know, baby."
Etho took a long breath, he could hear the gears turning in his head, not knowing what he was planning. Who knew what that man was thinking anyways.
"You get ONE time of facetime, okay?"
He hadn't expected a sudden meet and greet, "Really?"
"Just make a private call, I don't want any of the other hermits joining, Gem will be so mad at you by the way." Ethos voice quieted down.
All hope of a session of editing went out the window, as he pulled up his private chat on discord with Etho, the last message read, 'U up for mc?'
He clicked the call button, "I'm calling! Okay! It's happening!"
Etho chuckled once, "Well, you already saw my face, WITHOUT me knowing, stalker."
"I'm sorry, okay?"
The call was picked up, eyes staring directly at him, while his mind blanked out, "Uh- hi."
"You're so RED, man!" Etho laughed at him, his whole face full of laughter, a mix of nervousness and excitement.
"I am?" He felt his face, "Well, don't blame me! You're pretty handsome, not more than me, though." He lied, of course Etho would be good looking, he could feel it in his guts from the moment he met him. Beauty followed the soul.
"Don't sell yourself short... Literally." Etho began cracking up again, going off screen to laugh.
"Oh, FREAKING funny, huh! I can prove I'm 5'10!"
"Stand up for me, then." Etho said, showing back on screen to stare directly at him. Making him nervous.
He halted in his action to stand up, "I don't take commands from you! You should trust my words."
"Oh, so now you don't wanna do what I say? Sounds like someone isn't as tall as they say they are, hmm, Bdubs?"
His heart skipped a bit, "I- I uh, I am." His voice more quiet now.
"You okay?"
He had to look away, "Nothing! I'm fine! Can you uh, say my name again?" He spoke the last part quickly, too embarrassed to say it out loud.
Ethos face scrunched, "What?-" His voice high, but then he spoke, "Bdubs? BdoubleO? John? Which one?"
He coughed, "Uh! Thank you! That's all, I wanted you to look stupid! Okay, Ha! Yeah.." Hearing his name from Etho was always something he enjoyed, but from Etho AND his face was something else entirely. He was comfortable with his sexuality, of course. He had always been open to girls and boys, and he fell in love with his wife the first time they met.
When he met Etho, he started wondering how his life would be if he had married a man. A thought for the dreamers, a thought he wouldn't make a reality, because he loved his life. He loved his children, his wife, his job.
He loved Etho as much as he could too.
"You like when I say your name?"
As much as a friend could love him, perhaps he never saw them as only friends, but also not as lovers. His wife knew about Etho, how could she not? And she adored him as well. They would frequently put an Etho lets play in the background when making dinner, laughing at the commentary. His wife never had any problems with, what Cleo would call, his obsession.
"You do, you weirdo." Etho said, leaning back, "Can you say my name?"
"Etho." His eyes scanned the screen, the face for any reaction.
A smile spread across Ethos face, he scuffed, "Yeah, okay."
A small pause between them and then a strange question, "Should I buy a better webcam for you?"
"For me?"
"You're the only one who gets to see me, mind I add, maybe HD is better for you." Etho said with a slight smile in his tone, "Anything for you."
In their years together, Etho had picked up on his adorations for him, and he had never said anything about it. Slowly, after a long time, it became their normal.
"You should get some rest, Bdubs."
"I should."
His head was tilted while the two men stared at each other, Etho said in a low voice, "This is kinda nice."
"Yeah, it really is."
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vivianquill · 10 months
They were a pack, not a hoard.
You know, there's something almost poetic about the boogeyman infection from session 7.
To me it wasn't a hoard of zombies, it wasn't a mindless hivemind of drones, it wasn't even a posse- a mob of borderline reds.
It was a pack. A pack of rabid wolves, vicious and bloodthirsty and hungry.
The way each early addition to the pack was ready to turn around and bite their new alpha in Bdubs, Scar, Pearl, Etho; the way they ran like Pearl and Scar; they went looking for comfort with Impulse and Scar and Skizz; And again, in Scar's case especially-- they tried to go back to the survivors. But that didn't work, not once the survivors caught on to what was happening.
There's something in the way that each of them wanted to hurt the one who killed them, only to be called off by Gem and kept in line as they hunted for more.
The only thing keeping the pack together was Gem's seer force of will, at least until they grew so large and forgot about everything else except the need to kill, to hunt, to cannibalize their own.
There's something poetic about the cursed ignoring Martyn, the only one to start red, the only one to start the session as a 'dog.' There's something poetic in the survivors tolerating him at their fringes, like tossing food to a dog you find on the street, but not letting them too close, because they're still a stray dog-- something you can never fully trust.
From his perspective, he was so out of the loop and had no idea about any of the curse until the survivors told him.
It was interesting to see how the alliances broke down. And not just the alliances, but the people themselves:
How Gem ignored Scott-- until she went red. Gem used Scott, and then turned on him the moment it made sense. She was the ringleader, the alpha of the pack, patient zero.
How Impulse not only embraced the curse-- He begged to be infected. He volunteered. He was one of the more dogged (hah) of the crew, in it from the beginning and already half-mad with bloodlust already from his previous tasks. Taking hearts from Skizz, the fake-boogey task, the games of chicken, being unable to kill ANYTHING for an entire session, etc. He still ignored Scott, though. even letting him get away when they were alone. And he was the most threatening, always coming in from a direction no one expected.
How Bdubs didn't want to kill Pearl or Joel-- He didn't have to, Pearl died to Gem and Joel to Etho and Scar and Gem. He was so hesitant to kill Impulse, asking him again and again if he really wanted this. Bdubs was also the first to find Etho, the first to welcome him to the pack.
But Etho still remained loyal to Cleo and Grian, not attacking them, not killing them, not ratting them out, nothing. He even jumped in front of an arrow meant for Cleo. He brought up a warden with Pearl, but that's just chaos, and you can hear a warden from miles away. And with all his experience in Decked Out-- well. Wardens aren't that scary. Not for him, not for a lot of the more Hardcore Decked Out players-- Gem, Grian, Tango, Pearl, Impulse, and even Bdubs and Cleo and Scar, to an extent.
Cleo going out on her own terms, instead of letting herself be killed. Her checking in on Scott, on letting Bigb hide with them, even when Bigb ratted them out (getting himself killed). She was running and hiding for so much of the last half of the session. Her sharing her dogs, making sure everyone else got some, fighting back when cornered and hitting like a TRUCK. Letting Joel leave after he respawned on the shrine for his last time.
Grian hiding on top of the tower-- Watching. No one thought to look up. Being the first to figure out the curse, being helpless to stop it, causing Etho's death-- and then denying it.
Pearl going 5am feral, not targeting Cleo until Cleo killed her dogs, pulling out a warden with Etho-- and then another on her own. Hiding her first dogs, making sure they stayed safe. Not helping to kill Joel, but happily scooping up the zombie flesh and the xp left behind.
Joel not wanting to hide, thinking that he'd be fine-- until he wasnt. Wanting to go out with a bang and flooding the server with zombies-- but once he was got he didn't hesitate to throw his lot in with the pack.
Scar. There's a lot to say about Scar. Forced to push everyone away from multiple tasks, going feral on his own without an alliance to hold him steady, holding his own with his bow and killing not one, not two but THREE people. Trying to go back to the survivors, burning Gem's book, running away and turning to shoot the pack that was trying to collect him. Getting sent into the nether first, almost getting that hit on Cleo that would have turned her bloodthirsty and rabid just like the rest of them-- Everyone disregarded him. He has the biggest target on his back, the pack only tolerated him because he was one of them. Almost like Martyn with the survivors.
Scott, oh poor Scott. The first to die that day and one of the only two to complete his task. He was used, kept sheltered by Impulse and Gem, abandoned in the grove. He was hiding alone in the dark while Cleo drowned and Bigb was burnt to death. He had no idea.
Speaking of Bigb. While it wasn't his yell that allowed them to be found-- it was one of the main factors. He's so confusing to everyone, going mad down in his backrooms alone and not quite counting himself a part of the heart foundation. Screaming "BANISHED" at everyone who even looks at him wrong. The sheer irony of Tango's death: The end glitch, his wolf, the fire-- everything.
And the rest of the heart foundation, Skizz attacking Joel and Scar, even when they were running away-- it cost him his life. Immediately turning around and attacking, screaming to Tango and Bigb in a familiar refrain-- ("There's a way we can still be friends-- You could join me." turned into) "COME TO THIS SIDE-- I want you back, buddy."
Tango, back from his amnesiacold --amnesiafood-poisoning as it were-- confused and getting teased and trying to fulfill everyone's wishes 'wrong'. Being killed by Bigb's wolf, getting confused as being 'one of them'. Getting thrown into the deep end at having to pull a warden out of his lake and point it elsewhere-- A victim of tragedy and circumstance. Not to mention the heart getting burnt down. Maybe the canary's bad luck is rubbing off-- just not onto the person we thought it was. After all-- He and Jimmy have always been together in being doomed by the narrative.
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mama-frog · 10 months
Session 7 Brainrot
I have so much to say about what happened this session so I'm gonna categorize this by person.
Gem: I find it incredibly interesting that she was the person given this task. A) Because she is the one the only Geminislay, B) Because she is like fresh meat to the watchers, C) Because of the infection she is already going through. The darkness spreading across her body probably made her more susceptible to the curse at first than anyone else on the server. She's such a strong player overall and the fact that she had a whole army behind her is terrifying.
Grian: The fact that he didn't get caught by the zombies says a lot about him. He's very good at running and hiding (especially from watcher stuff). I also want to point out WHERE he hid in the end of the session. The pesky bird went into a comfort nest. Definitely unintentional but definitely fun to think about.
Scott: Scott and Gem are, in my opinion, some of the smartest people on the server, so the fact that he didn't get caught doesn't surprise me and surprises me at the same time. Everytime Scott got boogey in a previous death game he did it in a way that was unsatisfactory for the watchers (Not actually killing and killing as soon as possible so the others weren't brewing up a pot of tasty negative emotions). He felt betrayed when Gem finally started to go after him (Even though she didn't go completely nuts until she turned red) and he has such a strong sense of loyalty to his allies. There's also some juxtaposition of him hiding underground while Grian hid in the air.
Martyn: Even though it was on a technicality, I think it's interesting that he was the only one not allowed to be infected. It's as if the watchers know that his chaos is secured and are trying to get the others in line with what they want to see. Also, he's just so damn good at being a red name, I feel like he's the only person to do it correctly in this series. I also feel like he was cheated out of his revenge plot on everyone else on the server because of the curse which might've been intentional on the Watcher's end.
Cleo: She is an icon and she IS the moment. I just love the irony of her being a zombie and not getting infected by the curse. I feel like her closeness to players like Martyn and Scott helped her in her ability to avoid the curse for so long. She's very smart with her allies this season.
Pearl: I'm terrified of how quick Pearl is to go insane when given the chance. Especially when it comes to her dogs. Tilly is always in her heart. This woman was YELLOW and decided on her own to bring up a warden when there already was one. And her gear is so well enchanted. She has learned a lot from previous seasons but she has also lost a bit of her sanity (Especially from double life). What a woman.
Joel: I don't know why he thought spawning 64 zombies so close to him and not on the others was a good idea, but man was it good comedy. Once he became a boogey he played really well though. He's so perfectly unhinged and after Lizzie dying he has very good reason to go insane on everyone else (The spine bit was cruel and unusual punishment). Underrated POV in my opinion.
Scar: Unhinged
Etho: Ok this part hinges on my theory that endermen are creatures created by the Watchers to interfere with the games. I fully believe that the watchers hated Etho being green so badly that they personally interfered to take him to yellow. The betrayal of your own tool killing you is a tasty snack for the watchers to enjoy. (Definitely not just Etho being washed up). Also the way he is so incredibly loyal to his team members even after being cursed. He's just a stand up guy.
Impulse: I just love the way him and Gem interact. He's like a proud dad whenever she does anything. That's it.
BDubs: I cackled when he got killed by a zombie again. Gem is hilarious for that. He did about as good as I expected under the curse. I do love all his interactions with Etho more than anything else. Those two are such unofficial soulmates (in a non-ship way).
Skizz: A true light on the server. All the better for the Watchers when he gets corrupted by the curse. He deserved to be mean after the heart got burned down.
Tango: This man's rage is so interesting. The way that it gets triggered most when people mess with his base is something I think could be explored (the ranch in double life, the ties base in limited life, and now the heart foundation).
Overall I have a lot of emotions about this last session
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darkaviarymc · 1 year
Blame @/wixelt for this post that I had to angstify because I'm me. So here's some... Xisuma angst? Xisuma angst.
Now with A03 link.
Tumblr media
The smell is always the first thing Xisuma notices when it's about to happen. The sharp scent of ozone and minerals permeates the filters of his mask and leaves a metallic tang in his mouth that makes him want to spit.
Next comes the electric chill in the air. The cool crackling of Their presence travels up his spine, leaving his bones too stiff to shiver.
He locks eyes with Grian from across the deepslate paths of the shopping district. An unspoken conversation happens in a matter of seconds.
I'm sorry.
I know. It's not your fault.
I wish I could stop it.
Me too.
No one else can sense it, something Xisuma is greatful for. This ability to sense Their presence is unique to creatures of the Void.
And Grian...
Well. Grian.
The next day Grian is gone, along with Scar, Cleo, Tango, Impulse, Pearl, Bdubs, and Etho. They hadn't taken Ren or Mumbo this time, but the forlorn expression they both wear and try to cover with forced casual smiles isn't lost on Xisuma.
It's not as if there is anything any of them can do. They take what They want from whoever They want it from, and whenever They want it. No amount of protective barriers or Void magic can ever stop Them.
He stands in the streets of Scarland on the first night. On top of an Atlantian seahorse on the Second. In the lobby of Deep Frost Citadel on the third.
All he ever wanted was to build a world with his friends.
What good is that world if he can't even protect them in it.
He stares at the sword in the Dwarven keep for hours on the fourth night. The fifth is spent taking shelter from the rain under the petal of an alien flower.
The denizens of the void once worshiped the Watchers as gods. Now Xisuma's only prayers to Them are helpless pleas to return his friends from whatever land of death they've been taken to this time, to free them from the cycle of suffering.
The sixth and seventh night in the basement and main structure of the monolith are the loneliest by far.
He gets a message from Doc on the eighth day telling him that Mumbo hasn't been sleeping. Neither has Xisuma, but he doesn't think that's important.
He'll sleep when his friends are safely home.
He goes to Mumbo and finds him knelt in a strange circle of red candles with a stack of heads in the center. Eight heads to be exact, one for each hermit taken to the death games by the Watchers.
He can feel it, Mumbo says. Something about having a piece of Grian's soul.
They go to Grumbot Cave together on the eighth night. But no sooner than the sun sets does the metallic taste and cold jolt wash over Xisuma again. From the way Mumbo cringes, he realizes Mumbo senses it as well.
Something about having a piece of a Watcher's soul.
A figure materializes in the center of the room, a vibrant glowing purple with two sets of wings covered in eyes. In its arms is a half conscious Grian, who the other Watcher is gracious enough to gently pass into Mumbo’s outstretched arms.
Watching with defiant eyes
Feeds to us his mournful cries
A curse unbroken, sorrow spoken
By his hands, his trusted dies.
"Wait!" Xisuma calls out as the winged figure fades, but it vanishes without another word or explanation.
"Dammit!" he curses, clenching his fists to his sides.
Grian groans as he wakes, then his eyes shoot open, flashing purple for a split second before jumping out of Mumbo’s hold on him.
"Grian..." Mumbo reaches for Grian, and Xisuma takes a careful step towards him.
"You're home," Xisuma reassures his panic-stricken friend. "You're safe."
For now, he thinks.
"Scar and Bdubs and Cleo. I need to find Scar and Bdubs and Cleo!"
"You've all gone through Hell, my friend. Why don't you take a breather first? They'll still be there once you've calmed down."
Xisuma hopes his gentle grip on Grian’s shoulder is comforting despite the cold metal of his gauntlet. But although Grian flinches at the initial contact, he makes no effort to escape. Instead, he just falls to his knees. There are no tears, only Grian’s trembling and Mumbo’s soft affirmations of safety.
There are no tears. At least none visible. Behind the tinted visor of his helmet, Xisuma weeps silently.
Because he's lying. Mumbo is lying.
His hermits aren't safe. They will never be safe as long as the Watchers are determined to slake their thirst for fear and grief with their deaths.
He can comfort them in the moment. He can help them rebuild and move on. But They will always come back, and as much as Xisuma knows his hermits appreciate his unending love and support, he also knows that it doesn't matter in the long run.
Even now, as Grian’s trembling subsides and his breath evens out, Xisuma feels completely, utterly, unforgivably useless.
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green-g3ck0 · 2 years
Inspired by this art by @shepscapades
Its short, but I couldn’t think of much ^^’
Word count; 708
What even happened? Etho takes a moment to rack his memory to remember breaking a red code, running to his friend- owner?- and making sure he took the brunt of the explosion. What he didn’t expect was how bad the repercussions were. He stood there for a moment before a warning popped up, then another, and a few more as he fell to the ground.
[Thirium low, replenish soon. 3 hours left. Audio processor damaged, files corrupted. Arm, shoulder, and face damaged. Stress levels high, 81%. Optical repair is required. Low power mode enabled. ]
His whole body felt like it hurt. Felt like? He wasn’t supposed to feel- or at least be able to process what pain feels like. He broke out of his code. He was instructed to mine, thats it. Not help the other from dying unless called for. He wasn’t told to do anything but mine. He disobeyed. He deviated. He’s a deviant.
No- no no no! He can’t be! What does that mean for him? Will X replace him? He doesn’t want replaced- is BDubs okay? What if theres more mobs and all he’s doing is bleeding out! Why is he so worried? He’ll come back.
But its not the same. BDubs will be different. He won’t have the same memories and feelings and experiences. Both of them will have to start over. BDubs hates starting over on anything. What if he gives up? What if he comes back and BDubs tells him off, leaving him behind? What if he doesn’t come back? What if Etho doesn’t come back?
He doesn’t want to die. He wants to live. He wants to be alive. He wants to get up and tell BDubs to shut his loud mouth, taking them back to the surface and pretending it never happened. He doesn’t want X to find out. Will X find out? Does X already know? What if he does! Oh god, Etho is done for. He doesn’t want to die.
How long has it been? Not long.
He shifts just a bit to look a bit better at his companion. The poor man is gripping his hair, mumbling and trying not to cry.
How Etho wishes he could get up and hug him. Hug him and tell him he’s okay, he’ll listen next time.
[Stress level lowered, 75%]
Does he feel less stressed by imagining happy moments? That makes him smile a bit, soon imagining hearing the other laugh again. Its not often he saw the other comfortable, but he remembers rare chances. He remembers Grian and Scar telling him about the weird way Mumbo works around doing tasks. Or even Pearl showing off how she dressed Impulse. Talking to other hermits made BDubs smile, knowing his emotions could be told and his mannerisms were understood.
[Stress level lowered, 69%]
He thought of more, but soon felt his body being picked up. He felt labored breathing a a bit of cold wind, like the person was running. He couldn’t help but try to find his pulse.
[Heart rate exceeding normal levels]
Poor friend, Etho forgetting who was with him. Their name slipped his mind and their face now a blur. Why was he forgetting? It upset him for some unknown reason, he should remember. Why doesn’t he remember? He has to! If he forgets things he’ll be shut down.
Shut down.
He doesn’t want shut down. It’s inevitable at this point. He deviated. He stopped mining to kill a creeper. He feels pain. He feels sad. He feels scared. Scared. So fucking scared. He doesn’t want to forget. He doesn’t want to die. He doesn’t want to be shut down. But he did wrong. Its going to happen. All he can do is pray to RA9 that they can save his ass. Save him. Keep him alive. Keep him with BDubs. Keep him safe. Keep them both safe. Safe and happy.
[Stress level heightened, 80%]
All he can do is wait. Save power. So he goes fully limp against the other and waits. Waits and hopes.
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cannedcrow · 3 months
Hermit's Hold - Scarian/Hermitcraft Gold Rush AU - Part IV
A/N: Been a while! I recently got the zest to write again and finally found the inspiration to continue this story. I'm very excited about continuing my various fics (Arbitrary Darkness and Flower Frost) so if anyone's still interested, stay tuned! This one might get spicy soon ;)
Read on AO3!
~ Fic inspired by @gritties. Please reblog if you enjoy! <3 ~
When Grian awoke, it was to a headache and an offensive sunbeam shining on his face. He rolled over groggily, propping himself up on one elbow and observing his surroundings.
He, Etho, Bdubs and Scar had eventually gone to sleep in the small apartment that Bdubs and Etho inhabited above the bar. They'd insisted their guests take the beds, and Bdubs was still snoring on the floor next to the bed, half-blanketed by his mossy cape. Etho was slumped over a small table, flanked by his tumbler and the whiskey bottle, which, he noted, was significantly less full than it'd been when Grian had gone to sleep. Scar and Doc had vanished, leaving only disturbed blankets as evidence of their presence. With a final glance at Bdubs and Etho - he decided to let them sleep - he dressed and hurried downstairs.
He found Scar and Doc in the stables, leant on the divider and talking in severe undertones. They looked up when Grian entered, Doc's face a mask of anger. He hadn't yet seen Doc be anything but pleasant, and he hoped he was never the recipient of the scowl that twisted Doc's already frightening face.
"The horses are gone," Scar declared flatly. He showed no signs of the previous night's drinks and Grian immediately felt aware of his own scruffy hair and rumpled clothes.
"Gone? Elderberry?" Grian exclaimed in panic, "But-"
Doc's gaze lingered on Grian for a moment before he looked away.
"Whoever took them is new in town I think. Or they are very foolish," he growled, a mirthless smile twisting his face.
"We'll find them," Scar comforted Grian, his reassuring smile not hiding the stern anger in his eyes, and Grian wasn't sure whether he meant the horses or the thief. Somehow, he couldn't help feeling a little sorry for the perpetrator.
Scar and Doc disappeared, bidding farewell to Etho & Bdubs before reassuring Grian that they didn't need his assistance. Etho shook his head as he helped Grian saddle a rented mule.
He inquired, but all Etho said was "What a fool."
Scar was gone most of that day and the next. And the next.
Grian continued work on the shop, trying not to worry about their fate. If anyone can handle themselves, it's those two, he reassured himself.
He joined a group of other camp members on the second day for lunch and was welcomed with open arms. The three were detonators, as evidenced by their charred clothing and soot-smudged faces. He recognised one as the pianist at the bar, a slight, blond-haired man with warm red eyes and a perpetual fanged grin. He announced himself as Tango, and introduced his companions - Mumbo, whom he took an immediate liking to, was another English man, tall and slim with an impressive black moustache and bizarrely well-groomed appearance, and Impulse, a stocky, broad-chested man with a friendly face and burn scars riddling his arms.
Impulse tossed a handful of redstone into the campfire Grian was starting and it immediately blazed red and grew in size. Tango laughed and poked at the eggs in their skillet. Impulse smiled too. "Old redstoner's trick, that," he informed, accepting a plate from Tango. Mumbo passed one to Grian and winced, earning chuckles from the other two as he pulled up his sleeve and rubbed his bandaged arm.
"What happened?" Grian inquired, looking at Mumbo's annoyed expression.
"I uh- misstepped while we were excavating today," the man replied begrudgingly.
"Poor guy didn't time his pulses quite right and got blasted," Tango snickered, as though this explained everything.
"I see," Grian said, not seeing.
"Redstone is tricky," Impulse helped, "That's why only the pros do it, right Mumbo?"
Mumbo scowled.
The three of them amused themselves by telling Grian horror stories of their experiences in detonation and showed off various scars, evidently enjoying his horrified expression. One of their number, it transpired, was absent - a maniacal man called Zedaph who it seemed had been experimenting with using creepers for controlled demolitions (this idea utterly horrified Grian) and was currently recovering after losing a few fingers.
As they finished their meal, he nonchalantly ventured, "Does Scar often disappear for days at a time?"
"Oh, yeah," Impulse said, wiping his mouth on his arm, "Funny guy, him. Great company though, and he looks after his own well enough."
"They're businessmen through and through, those two," Mumbo continued, "No clue what they get up to. Business stuff. What happened that's got you wondering?"
Grian recounted the other day, and the three looked flabbergasted.
"They stole your horses?"
"Well, it can't be too uncommon around here, right?" Grian replied, bemused at their shock.
"Well sure, but not from them. Fool to cross those two, if ya ask me," Impulse said, shaking his head.
"I wouldn't try it," Tango agreed with a dark chuckle.
Grian joined the trio for meals several more times, happy for their warm, comfortable company. They were always laughing and telling stories, sharing their food and even letting him taste their preferred drink - a strong, deep red whiskey that tasted like sharp fire which made him cough and was apparently infused with redstone powder.
When Scar did return, it was late into the night. Half asleep, Grian heard the thud of hooves and jingling of tack before the cabin door creaked open. Jellie leapt lightly off the bed and trotted up to him with a meow of greeting, and Grian watched through cracked eyelids as Scar stripped off a stained shirt and discarded it. The fiery glow of the hearth settled on a hard-muscled chest and the strong features of Scar, handsome despite the patchwork of dirt and scars marring his unshaven face. He looked exhausted but satisfied. He withdrew a flask and picked up Jellie, crooning to her softly as Grian let himself fall asleep again, feathers prickling with the sensation that somehow he were being examined.
When Grian awoke, Scar was already up and brewing coffee. He grinned at Grian with that familiar lopsided smile, surrounded by a white beard of shaving foam. "Morning, buddy! how've ya been?"
Grian yawned and stretched, the last night mostly forgotten.
"You're back! I was getting worried," he replied, returning the smile and accepting a cup of coffee, "That beard suits you by the way."
"Back and better than ever. And I've got your friend back," Scar said breezily, leading him outside, to where Elderberry was tied.
She whinnied a greeting and Grian buried his face in her warm neck.
"Thank you," he breathed, "What happened?"
Scar waved his hand as though the question was absurd, "We played detectives, found the thief and got em back."
"Just like that eh?"
"Well, we had to rough him up a little to make a point," Scar grinned at his reflection as he shaved, and Grian decided not to press the issue.
Normalcy resumed again in the camp, and Grian fell into the comfortable rhythm of work again. The store was gaining shape steadily, and they began frequenting town more often to transport inventory in readiness to stock. As a side project, he began to expand Lynxholding, adding a few feet to the large room to give space for himself and Scar, as he'd wholly committed to his home there. They frequently enjoyed the company of the demolitions crew when they came down the mountain, and Zedaph returned, another English man - to Grian's delight - with windswept blond hair and a badly singed white coat, who proudly showed off a bandaged hand with too few fingers.
A few weeks passed in peace before anything of interest happened. Grian had been preparing to make a midday meal when he spotted a crowd of miners near the river, huddled around a strange man whom it appeared had come down the mountain. He was gaunt and thin, clothes tattered, his blond hair touselled and plastered to his head by sweat, and his small yellow wings were dull, one held close to his body and stiff with dried blood and mud. His brown eyes were haunted and empty, one marred by a nasty bruise.
The miners flooded him with questions but he didn't say a word, only staring blankly at the ground, shrinking as though he hoped to sink into the ground. The crowd parted as Scar arrived, evidently fetched by one of the miners. He handed the man a waterskin and put an arm around his shoulder.
"Come on my friend, let's get you patched up," he soothed. The man followed dutifully as Scar led him away gently, addressing the others as he went, "And you fellas clear off. I'll look after our friend."
Grian returned to his meal, considering the encounter. He reflected on Scar's oddly gentle and comforting nature, stark relative to his intimidating person. The blond man had seemed so shaken and diminutive, utterly lost. What on earth had happened to him? Had he been separated from a hunting party and set on by Indians? Perhaps he'd run into a bear - God knows how he'd gotten away. People didn't often travel up Donner Pass - those mountains were treacherous and cruel, utterly unfazed by human exploration. He suddenly recalled Etho's story and shuddered.
In the evening he returned to their cabin to find Scar watching over the man as he slept fitfully in the bed.
"Evening. How's he doing? Has he even spoken?"
"He's not talking. God knows what's shaken him up so badly," Scar sighed, "I'm gonna try an' take him up to town tomorrow to see a real doctor. Think you can stay with Tango and them for the night? They came down a few hours ago."
"Oh - of course," Grian agreed, "Do - do you know him? You seem really worried."
"No, not at all. We have to look after each other though. It's a rough place. You can't get along without help," He scratched Jellie's chin and chuckled, "Speaking of which, sorry to have to kick you out buddy."
Grian gathered his things to leave, "No worries mate - I'll see you then. Wake me if anything changes, alright?"
Scar nodded, "Sleep well!"
Grian looked back as he left, and as the door swung closed, he frowned at seeing Scar watch the sleeping man, his face cold and expressionless.
The mysterious man died in the night, evidently succumbing to his injuries. They'd never even learnt his name, and they buried him shortly outside camp. Scar was rather reserved as they headed out to town accompanied by the demolitions crew. Grian assumed he was grieving over being unable to save the stranger, and the ride passed mostly in silence.
Upon entering the familiar, comforting cool of Easy E's however, their number perked up immediately. The wrecking crew split off to see some familiar faces while Scar and Grian found Doc at the bar talking to Ren, whose ears pricked as he greeted them with his cheerful, wolfish grin.
"Hey there my guys!" He slapped Scar on the back and presented a clawed hand to Grian, "I don't think we've met. I'm Ren!"
"Grian. I'm shocked we've not had a chance to meet yet seeing you're a pal of these two,"
"I've been doggedly ignoring you," Ren replied, roaring with laughter at his own joke as Doc shook his head.
"My god, that was terrible," he smiled as Scar laughed.
Doc ordered a round of drinks for their party, and Etho obligingly poured a stream of Canadian whiskey along their row of glasses.
"So, how's our shop coming?" He asked Grian, who enthusiastically reported the progress to a delighted Doc.
"Oh! That reminds me, I've been meaning to see Joe about some materials - we'll need canvas and furs for the shop - and of course, to give you something better to sleep on G," Scar nudged Grian jovially.
"Think he's here," Ren replied, looking around before hollering, "Hey - Joe!"
The man who approached sported a thick moustache and a beautiful beaverskin hat, and cordially shook hands with the three in turn.
"Howdy!" He waved away Doc's offer of a drink, "Nah, Tennessee whiskey is the only kind to drink," He had a surprisingly gentle voice with a slight Southern accent.
Etho leant on the bar to listen in with a nod to Joe.
Scar animatedly talked to Joe about various pelts and pricing as Grian sipped his drink, half listening. They seemed to reach a conclusion, and Grian was suddenly struck by a realisation.
"You were the trapper who went up on Donner Pass with Etho, right?" He blurted.
Joe raised his eyebrows, glancing at Etho before returning his gaze to Grian, "Good god, that affair. Didn't think Etho talked about it much. I certainly don't."
Grian flushed with embarrassment at his faux pas and immediately ventured, "Sorry to spring on you like that - Etho told us weeks back and I just realised he mentioned you."
Etho's mask twitched with what looked like an apologetic smile, "Came up in conversation so I thought I should tell them,"
"Well, nothing wrong with that. Nasty business though ... I do my best not to think of it myself."
"You believe it then? The wendigoo?" Scar interjected with interest, evidently listening.
"Wendigo," Etho corrected, rolling his eyes.
"I didn't see it, but I've been trapping a long time from Canada through to California, and I've never heard a beast make the sounds we heard that night," Joe said somberly, and paused before continuing, "... and I never heard a voice like that from any man. I didn't need to see anything to know every one of us was watched by God to have been able to get down that mountain. Etho's no liar, whatever else he may be."
"You ... you heard it then," Etho said quietly, eyes on the bar.
"Heard that thing call Antonio through the trees? A hunter's instinct is well tuned to sounds in the forest. I'll never forget the things I heard."
The two men seemed in their own world at that moment, and none of their party interrupted.
Joe sipped his drink and continued, "That Indian fella guiding us - you saw how he was. He knew exactly what was going on and knew to scarper. Gotta trust the Natives, they've lived here longer'n any of us and anyone would be a fool to disregard them," He shook his head, "I've never been near the pass since."
They're not joking about this, Grian realised suddenly, brow furrowing.
"Well," Doc chuckled, breaking the tension, "I never needed another excuse not to wander around these mountains.”
The group laughed, and Joe smiled. Tango wandered over just then and greeted everyone enthusiastically, before nonchalantly bringing up the strange man in camp.
"Stranger, eh?" Ren asked curiously, "What, some new prospector?"
"Far from it," Tango informed, "Some guy none of us had ever seen comes stumbling down the mountain into camp. Could've been dead already, the look of him. Didn't say a word to any of us and died that night. Pretty tragic."
Doc raised an eyebrow and glanced at Scar, who shrugged, "I tried my best to help the guy and we were gonna bring him into town the next day for a real doctor. Guess he was just too injured."
Scar swirled his glass, looking more annoyed than anything.
"Shame," Doc said, tapping his glass for a refill.
"What do you reckon happened to him?" Ren asked.
"Who knows," Doc replied unconcernedly, "Could have been anything. Wandered off drunk and got himself mauled by a bear most like. It happens more than you would think."
Tango frowned. "Honestly, looked like he'd been in a bar fight more than anything - those bruises? How'd he end up going anyway?"
"Just snuffed it that night," Scar replied plainly, "Shock? Dunno. He went to sleep and didn't wake up."
Scar didn't seem interested in continuing the conversation. The topic shifted as Tango took the opportunity to launch into a story about Zedaph's latest psychotic experiment, insisting they had to hear it from the man himself and leading them to the table the other detonators sat at.
Scar and Doc eventually retreated to the bar to get another drink, and Scar leant casually against the smooth wood as Doc spoke with Etho.
When Grian excused himself to get his own, he heard the tail of their conversation.
"-shouldn't have happened," Doc told Scar seriously.
Scar shrugged, "I took care of it as best I could," and looked up, "Hey G! Whatcha getting?"
"Gin, I guess. Taste of home yeah?"
"Last one I reckon, we don't want our horses stolen again." Scar laughed, winking.
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mentallyillfromdd · 11 months
trick or treat🥔🔪
Bdubs didn't know what to do.
He stood at the edge of a mountain that felt so right to stay in but so wrong to stand alone. The distant memory of someone standing beside him was a strange familiarity that he lived for too long. If it disappeared, he swore, he would finally bring himself to leave. Why would he want to leave? The endless spring was just so comforting. He couldn’t see very far beyond the place he stood, the rest of the world a blur. He noted the lack of flames lapping, yet couldn’t place if that was good or not.
Why was he alone? Better question: Why can’t he leave?
He stares down at the grass below him, he can leave there’s no fence keeping him here but it just feels so wrong. Like if he left he’d only see the worst of the world. The seasons change where he keeps himself from stepping. The autumnal forest invites him with warm arms, the trees begin to part and show him a new place. Bdubs looks back at the building behind him. He’s standing on the walls of a large snow fort, it begs him to stay. His eyes search the entire place for the missing piece that he wants so badly to be found. But he can’t find it. The missing piece is gone, it- he- has been gone for a while, he won't come back. He knows.
That might be the only thing Bdubs did know.
What does he know?
Nothing, apparently. He swore he knew how the world worked, a game of life- not a survival game, but a game of who could kill who the fastest- a game of death was most definitely not the place to fall in love. But he did anyway. Against all odds, he loved the missing piece with all his heart. Bdubs stepped forward. He jumped down the snow wall away from the fort. The fallen leaves crunched under his feet as he stepped forward again.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
Bdubs didn’t feel his injuries healing. They stuck on him, his bruises purple and his scars bleeding. Maybe he is waiting for something. He wants to circle back to the safety of the fort. It’s crumbling and destroyed but it’s safe. He doesn’t though. He keeps walking. Like a man on a mission, he keeps going. He wants to run back to the fort and into the arms of the missing piece, into the arms of a promise left unfulfilled. Bdubs is blind, he swears. He reaches and reaches for something not there anymore. He reaches for a distant memory he wants to desperately return to. He longed for the days when he and Etho would pass an imaginary baton of their power dynamic between them as the other helplessly admired to return.
An image of Etho standing up straight, a habit he had found himself getting into when Bdubs pressed about how bad his posture was, flashed in Bdubs’ mind. The way he fixed himself as everything came easy enchanted Bdubs. Maybe it did. Maybe everything did come easy to him. Bdubs scoffed. It's Etho! 'Course everything comes easy to him! Well maybe except stairs. Bdubs is getting distracted. He looks back every few steps. He wants to go back. He doesn’t follow through with his heart’s wishes. He thanks his brain for keeping him moving forward.
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moth-like-habits · 2 years
Caught in a Storm // ethubs, 1,015 words
Bdubs is so remarkably cold. Snow has coated the world- coming down in a ruthless flurry that makes it hard to see and impossible to fly. His fingers are losing feeling, and with how bad he’s shaking he can’t find the strength or stability to type a message on his comm, let alone find the button to turn it on. But he’s close- so close to the monolith. If he just makes it a bit further-
The pain is deep, his hands hurt so much. He doesn’t have gloves, how can the wind bite when he can’t feel it? He was up at the crastle when the storm rolled in, the altitude chill gnawing on his bones. He flew a little ways home until the wind almost batted him out of the sky, a cat messing with its prey. He can’t feel his toes.
Bdubs can see the monolith up ahead, but the snow is deep, making the uphill walk take even longer than normal. His moss cloak is heavy, pushing downward with the weight of the snow. Yet his hands are almost completely numb, his toes as well. He’s hardly even shivering anymore. There’s no pain. That’s gotta be a good sign, right? Right?
The door is only a little ways away but… he’s so tired. “It’s not much longer,” he thinks, “just get to the door.” He can’t feel his feet, his hands stay curled motionless where he brought them to his chest. His cloak feels like a dead weight. His elytra drags behind, pulling him down. He can’t feel his cheeks.
The door is there. Yet there’s ice on the steps and he goes falling in front of the door. The snow isn’t too cold now. It’s almost soft, a comfortable blanket. “I have warmer blankets inside” he thinks, “but it’s warm here already” a voice says within him. He’s inclined to agree. But some strong instinct has him raising a curled hand to the door to knock. He can’t feel his hand hit.
A moment passes and Bdubs can’t find the energy to try again. Etho should be home. He would know what to do, how to help. Bdubs needs his help.
“Etho?” He slurs, “are you there? please…”
The snow is blowing on top of him and maybe his words are lost to the wind.
Then there’s another gust that blows past him and around him, light shining off the ice crystals he’s fallen on.
“Oh no Bdubs…” He recognizes Etho instantly, his voice lighting a spark in his tired mind. Warm hands reach under him and quickly pull him up and in, the door slamming shut behind him. Instead of going up the towering monolith stairs they go downwards. It’s hot in the dark stone passageway. Shouldn’t it be chilly?
A piston moves and then he’s brought into what feels like a sauna to his frozen face. Etho sets him down gently on an armchair and there’s the crack of a fire across the room. His cloak is removed. Bdubs thinks Etho might be changing his clothes because the vague sensation of wet is being slowly peeled away and replaced with dry. He’s gently moved into one of Etho’s fuzzy coats. Etho’s mumbling something that seems encouraging and desperate all at once and Bdubs drags his consciousness toward that sound- Etho is worried.
“Bdubs. Bdubs please say something for me”
A groan is all he manages.
“I know, I’m really sorry but you’re going to be in a lot of pain for awhile.”
It’s already started. The warmth is seeping into the ice shards that are his bones and it hurts. His eyes are skrewed shut with the pain, Everything is drowned out by the all consuming thing that wraps around him. Careful hands lead him to take sips of something warm and sweet. Hot apple cider? After a while the hands return and cradle his and they’re too hot. The pain is not sharp- it is almost dull with a crushing intensity. It is constant. A whimper escapes him, he needs it to stop. At least the cold was numb.
Etho has gone back to his soft murmurs. “You’re going to be okay. I’m sorry, I’ve got you.”
It feels like forever but the pain lessens into an ache. The ache resolves into feeling. It’s not a pleasant feeling- no, all his nerves feel… off. Like the temperature shock has left them confused. His hands are still held in Etho’s and he opens his eyes to meet grey and red, worry apparent in his gaze.
“Hey baby” he whispers.
Etho’s barked laugh speaks to his relief, the tension falling away from his shoulders. “Hey dubs. You okay?”
“Yeah” and Ethos eyes soften.
“What were you doing out in the snow? Coming back from the crastle?” Bdubs gives a small nod. “I’m sorry for the pain you felt. That’s a part of warming up” and he lightly kisses the hands he still holds. “Let’s get you to bed alright?”
Bdubs is picked up again, and he rests his head on Ethos shoulder for the short trip over to the bed. “We’re going to stay down here with the fire, okay bud?” Bdubs manages another nod and he’s being carefully placed in bed, warm blankets draped over him. It’s a few moments before the place in front of him dips and Etho is opening the covers and joining him. They stare at each other for a moment. Etho’s eyes say I’m so relieved you’re okay, and I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner. Bdubs hopes his own say that he doesn’t care. That he’s grateful Etho found him.
He thinks they did because strong arms reach out to pull him closer and Etho presses a kiss to his forehead. “My flower” he murmurs, and who needs a fireplace when the love obvious in his voice sends warmth rushing through his tired nerves. Tomorrow he’ll no doubt get a lecture on winter safety- and extreme amounts of fussing. But for now? He’s here, Etho’s here, and he couldn’t feel warmer.
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
more hurt/comfort, this time polyhermits + a few others and research subject au. i continue my several years long tradition of being The Longpost Anon in whichever fandom i am in.
some of the hermits (zedaph, etho, impulse, xisuma, hypno, keralis, iskall, stress, beef, pixlriffs, lyarrah and TFC) are working at a research lab that has its own server. (there's a bunch of other staff too) the main focus of their research is the new species they're finding through various portals, which is like 33% biology 33% ethology and 33% anthropology because sometimes through the portals is a sapient species.
false and gem are security
cub and scar are high-ranking concorp executives who fund the place.
joe's a member of a poet's club and also a technician who mostly does fixing up arcade machines but occasionally gets called in to fix stuff in the lab
grian, pearl, scott, jimmy, welsknight, bdubs, ren, martyn, tango, jevin, doc, xb, cleo, joel, lizzie, and sloy are various kidnapped or otherwise entrapped nonhumans stuck in a different research facility with terrible conditions.
grian, pearl, and jimmy are the newest ones in - grian and pearl are watchers, and jimmy is a listener.
tango's a blaze-person (a firey techno-organic construct from the nether), joel is a hippogriff, scott's basically a living waystone, ren is a wolfman, xb's a guardian guy, cleo and sloy are obviously zombies, welsknight is a humanoid bird missing part of one wing, martyn is a pufferfish-person, bdubs is just a regular architect who found a plant symbiote, lizzie is a catwoman, doc is a creeper-guy with a little snow creeper in him, and jevin is obviously a slime.
the unethical lab has various ways of preventing escape attempts, mostly regular restraints and stuff but bdubs is kept chronically dehydrated and soil-deprived so he can't spread his plants around and control them to escape, scott isn't fed enough to safely use his energy-draining teleportation powers unless they're needed for the lab (whereupon he's forced to use them), joel jimmy and pearl have their wings clipped (grian is flightless anyways), cleo and sloy have healing potion dispensers set up around their cell, tango's hooked up to a generator and is powering a lot of the lab, and the watchers and jimmy are kept collared and shackled to dampen their powers and keep them from messing with their emotions.
unethical lab isn't sure how to get watchers or listeners to eat in captivity and is pretty sure their claims the collars are interfering are bunk
joe gets called in to fix something in the unethical lab, sees some of the terrible conditions, and goes to tell the hermits lab and also concorp. they manage to get everyone out of the unethical lab and into the hermits' lab.
they figure the rescued people would just stay for a few days or weeks while healing and having some low-pressure research conducted like "sunscreen for zombies: what's the most effective kind" and "what's going on medically with bdubs' plant symbiote, he's a little worried about that let's check" and "watcher and listener feeding behaviour, just, in general" and "since scott is teleporting around cautiously again, how does that work". except then some of them won't leave and the ones that do leave keep coming back.
doc ends up working with iskall (who is Extremely Old in an immortal kind of way) to make a prosthetic eye and arm for himself, cleo hits it off with TFC talking about geology and joe in a sparring match, bdubs doesn't want to go back to renting and starts building a house Immediately Outside the lab and planting a very large amount of plants and mushrooms, grian is actually interested in being studied and is outright offended the unethical lab was so bad at it, scott's trying to teach everyone to cook, tango's determined to learn redstone, etc
this quickly turns into just about all of the rescued people being either live-in research subjects, employees, or both. there is a small amount of very awkward flirting and an increasingly out-of-control prank war, but very little of the flirting is going anywhere. watcher and birdperson flirtatious display looks really similar to threat displays especially when they're really nervous, none of the scientists want to pressure the rescued research subjects, there is cross-species and cross-cultural confusion, lizzie's attempt to flirt with scott in the ancient catperson tradition of cooking them fancy food is foiled by a. everyone is feeding scott anyway and b. scott doesnt swing that way, etc
some of them have gone a little weird - joel spends a month wearing a hippo mask and insisting his name is griff, lizzie keeps wearing a mask of a person's face and claiming to be human to any visitors, grian has become a hoarder, rendog got a paper crown and started calling himself king, and welsknight got extremely into metallurgy and wearing armour all the time
they end up having to hire a new technician, mumbo, because it turns out watchers and listeners can take a humanoid form and grian keeps using this for getting into the walls and making the jankiest redstone ever with jukeboxes in the walls.
aaaand then grian comes up with the idea to defuse the prank war into "we larp a war on the weekends". disstracks are made. welsknight, pearl, grian, and jimmy are all subconsciously reading "friendly disstrack" as "flirting?" and somehow this is what causes the actual communication about relationship status etc to occur. the larp war. not bdubs growing flowers and struggling to conceal when they bloom (a lot harder to conceal than some other signs of arousal), not wels or the watchers displaying their wing patterning at people, not scott's insistence on making sure everyone knows how to cook, not scar showing up shirtless for no reason or doc deciding to wear 3/4s of a labcoat and no other shirt when his job doesn't actually need a labcoat at all, the larp war.
(bonus worldbuilding notes: bdubs' plants can link into the fungal-and-plant-root network to communicate with and control regular plants, as well as providing him a supply of sugars, vitamins, and oxygen in exchange for water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen compounds his body wants to dispose of anyways; watcher and listener humanoid form is actually a feeding adaptation to make it easier to stir up strong emotions; doc's snow-creeper ancestry means he can't explode; listeners have venomous spikes like pufferfish-people and he and martyn are immune to each others venom)
It's not the outcome they expected when they planned to shut down the lab. They went about it the legal route, eventually, but they may have been a little illegal about how they rescued the subjects.
There wasn't much to shut down in the end.
Some of the subjects were already dating each other upon being rescued. Being in close captivity can do that, so the freedom to explore their relationships was nice.
Initially, all the staff that dealt directly with the subjects got trauma response training. It was an important part of rehabilitation, making sure the subjects were comfortable returning to their normal lives. Then they refused to only interact with the staff they were supposed, so now all of them are hands on staff. The amount of times Scott nearly caused an accident by watching people from dark corners or high ledges fills several pages.
A lot of the non-humans and hybrids are happy to help with the research once they're further along their recovery. Many of them didn't have a community to grow up in, so there's a lot they don't know about themselves. Sometimes they're even the ones who propose hypotheses to explore.
They're also a great asset in introducing new people to the lab. People are often scared and unsure coming in. Seeing people like them, being reassured and being able to ask questions helps a lot. Jimmy is particularly good at it, xB as well, but he's less of a people person. He's calmed his far share of rampages regardless.
They make sure their relationships don't interfere with their work as best as they can. After all, funding is still sort of important. With the variety of species here (many not even documented anywhere else) and amount of results they can produce, they're sitting pretty, though. They can mess around and have fun. Hey, dating even lets them document some new things!
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Fic Recs May '23
What did I read this month? I didn't do as much reading this much, but here's some good ones I hit! Mostly DSMP, again, because I am Just That Way.
The Fics - Oneshots
Monsoon over Water by InsomniWillow Fandom: QSMP Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Ángel Missael Castañeda Vega | MissaSinfonia/Phil Watson | Philza, Chayanne (QSMP) & Ángel Missael Castañeda Vega | MissaSinfonia & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Good Parenting, Adoption, Chayanne uses sign language, Hurt/Comfort Length: 1/1 chapters 4,207 words.
Migrating pair of mers Missa and Phil find someone has been trying to steal their things, but it turns out it's not an enemy at all, but a much smaller problem. So adorable.
rousseau's man in the state of nature by honeyblock Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Niki | Nihachu & Wilbur Soot, Jschlatt & Niki | Nihachu, Jschlatt & Niki | Nihachu & Wilbur Soot Tags: Prequel, Niki | Nihachu-centric, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Friendship, Wilbur Soot is Not Okay, Jschlatt is Not Okay, Niki | Nihachu is Not Okay, no one is okay sorry. but they have each other, no one survives a trio friendship Length: 1/? chapters 5,979 words.
Before everything started, before presidency and treason and bakeries, Niki Nihachu, cocktail waitress, meets a charming swindler. A wonderful niki voice and I'm so interested to see honeyblock explores these jagged-edge friendships, and where it goes.
how complicated and unpredictable the machinery of life really is by Bee_4 Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: Major Character Death Relationship: Jimmy | Solidarity, Skizzleman (Video Blogging RPF), Joel | SmallishBeans, Death - Character Tags: Limited Life SMP Spoilers, Limited Life SMP - Session 7, Character Study Length: 1/1 chapters 531 words
The first three people out of limited life react to their deaths. This one hits espcially hard if you've read Diskworld I think, but it's not necessary. Just a mostly-dialogue character study, and it's so good.
self-improvement* by honoraryangel Fandom: QSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Relationship: Rafael Lange | Cellbit & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: anger issues, Sparring, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, constant escape-route-generating Philza, Paranoid Cellbit, i gave cellbit the ARG protagonist diseases, Protective Cellbit, philza put all his points in wis and dex, No Problems are Meaningfully Solved, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Bad coping mechanisms, Character Study Length: 1/1 chapters 4,501 words
Cellbit asks Phil to help with something he's been worried about lately. They continue.
This is SUCH a good paranoid Philza— you normally don't get phil anxiety written out and it's so good here! And another notch on the "Cellbit is becoming my blorbo by proxy because he is so many people's blorbo" tally.
Spock 🖖 by astris, WerewolvesAreReal Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: James T. Kirk/Spock Tags: Kirk discovers he is morosexual, Crack, Texting Length: 1/1 chapters 3,628 words
Okay so I love a crackfic if it's done well, and this is done very well. Spock learns that sometimes people use Emojis to substitute for body language and convey tone. So he starts using them. The ship goes insane. It's very funny.
Performance Evaluations by glossyblue Fandom: Hermitcraft Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Season 9 RenTheKing arc, Humor Length: 1/1 chapters 553 words
Ren the King does a performance evaluation of his court, with commentary by Bdubs. SCREAMINGLY funny, and excellent use of the format.
Dead Heat by glossyblue  Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Grian/Scar, Etho/Bdubs, Joel/Lizzie, Martyn Littlewood/Rendog Tags: Alternate Universe - The Great British Bake Off Fusion, Comedy, takes bits from 3L and LL but mainly it's jokes about cooking Length: 1/1 chapters 1,707 words
Outstanding 3rd Life week by week recap of a Bake Off. I want to watch this so bad. Lizzie makes a cake with a genuine air of threat. Etho is rumoured to have invented the victoria sponge. Bdubs betrays Tango.
The Fics - Multichapter
jevin's egg disaster by Bee_4 Fandom: Hermitcraft Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Jevin | iJevin & ZombieCleo, Hermitcraft Ensemble Tags: Crack, like this is pure crack, Hermitcraft Season 9, Animal Instincts, but like in the dumbest way possible, i would tag this as having children but they're more like gremlins, Ficlet Collection Length: 11/11 chapters 6,566 words
Oh man so just sat bolt upright remembering this one and sought it out and then was like "HOW DID I FORGOT TO BOOKMARK THIS". Anyways Jevin hides easter eggs. And then they, despite being papier mache, start to hatch. And then there are mini hermits running around. It is so so so funny.
You Either Die a Hero by WriterGreenReads Fandom: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Queerplatonic Relationships, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Winged Phil Watson (Video Blogging, Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza-centric, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), BAMF Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), BAMF Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), The Hero Comission Sucks, Two Storylinee, no beta we die like unnamed villain #3 Length: 9/? chapters 24,031 words
Superhero AU Superhero AU Superhero AU. Okay so I know we've all read a lot of superhero aus, but this one is EMDUO CENTRIC. And Techno is a villain and phil is a hero and they FIGHT. And benchtrio is there being vigilantes I guess, but PHIL AND TECHNO GET TO BE AWESOME and there is KIDNAPPING (for fun) and when I tell you I am having a GREAT time. *points* It's my blorbos and they're superheros!
Misery Meat by ReturnsNull Fandom: Dream SMP, Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Relationship: Technoblade & Tommyinnit Tags: Alternate Universe - Serial Killers, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Dark Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Kidnapping, spoilers in the tags, Cannibalism, Stockholm Syndrome, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better Length: 19/? chapters 117,709 words
Okay so this one is in my notes as "Bedrock Bros but there are some small problems in the relationship". Cause OH BOY. The premise is that Tommy walks in on a murder but the serial killer doesn't kill kids so he just takes him. And then tommy is a prisoner. And it goes from there. It's got really good character voice, and it's a really fantastic exploration of abuse and fucked up power dynamics, and at the same time I LIKE the characters and I want a happy ending, but we can't have one, because one of the people in this friendship is a serial killer holding the other prisoner. It's REALLY good.
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Please can i request a sleepy ethubs drabble?
well. this is certainly not the length of a drabble, oops. got carried away. but hey under 1k? thats an achievement for me.
Aroma gen/fluff, 896 words
Typically, Bdubs wouldn't find himself in this situation. He always slept, so of course he wasn't often tired- but sometimes things just slip when you're focused. So much so that he pushed past sleeping the night away if someone else was online to do it. He'd stop and stretch, give himself a moment, then move right back on to building. It was exciting enough he barely realized how exhausted he was getting after all these hours. Bdubs eyes were sore each time he blinked, and that mossy cloak was feeling more and more like a comfortable blanket anytime his mind drifted for a little too long.
But as the sun started to set once more and night crept in, the sun failed to rise with the convenience of someone filling his role. Just another block or two, is what he was thinking. Still, someone noticed...
<docm77>: can someone sleep
<Etho>: bdubs?
The faint whine of a rocket could be heard not far off, but in Bdubs' daze he didn't catch it until Etho's feet hit the ground not far from the expansive build he'd been working on. Bdubs was slow to turn though, processing his friends' presence a few seconds later.
“...Bdubs? What're you up to?” It wasn't a huge deal Bdubs looked busy but, not sleeping was... a surprise.
Bdubs still took a moment before stopping, supplies in hand. “What does it look like?” There was some kind of jest to his tone, but it was dragged down by his exhaustion.
[ continued under cut ]
“Well you know its night time, right?” Etho stepped up a little closer, looking up at Bdubs who knelt on the wall he was building.
“Yeah- yeah, I just- I'm busy.” He quickly looked back to his work. “Go ahead 'n sleep for me, will ya?”
Etho was quiet for a moment, tilting his head as he watched Bdubs start up again. In the darkening world, he spotted little sprouts of white flowers blooming on that dark mossy cape.
“Um, I think maybe you should sleep instead. You've been going at this for a while...” Etho starts, “You can stop, you know.”
Bdubs inhaled and exhaled with a sigh- the urge to close his eyes growing worse as the sweet smell of the flowers over his shoulders lured him closer to sleeping. The small blooms of jasmine did nothing to help him on his trek to finish this build in one sitting.
He had to hold himself up with quite some force in order to avoid falling forward. “Oh don't worry 'bout me. I'm almost done here.” Bdubs waved, leaning over the walls as he looked at Etho.
There was a slight cringe as Etho watched his friend sit so unevenly up there, clearly on the edge of dozing off- and falling off. “Bdubs, you're going to die up there first before you even finish if you don't sleep.”
It was a bit too much to argue at this point, as every moment to think about it made Bdubs space out as he grappled with the tiredness that gripped him. Each breath in relaxed him further, breathing in the aroma of the flowers growing from the moss on his back.
“I'm fine- I'll just rest up here if i need to...” Bdubs trailed off as he sat there up on the wall, holding in a yawn. He was leaning on his hand as he looked down at Etho, eyes half lidded and doing nothing to stop himself from looking so tired. His eyes were definitely closing.
Etho rubbed the back of his head. Bdubs was certainly not going to sleep up there. He'd fall flat on his face. By the time Etho stepped up some makeshift dirt stairs, Bdubs was only moments away from fully giving in. The flowers upon his cape crawled onto the ruins he worked on now too, roots trying to dig into the cracks right before Etho's eyes.
“Okay- you need to lay down. Not up here though.” With that, Etho scooped him up.
“Hey- hey.. I- I don't need you to carry me.” Bdubs muttered out quickly, but had no strength to struggle out of his grasp. He was determined to not fall asleep in Etho's arms, even if each waking moment made it harder to do.
When Etho was a few steps away from the walls, Bdubs shifted.
“Okay, you got me down so just... put set me down here, alright?” He rubbed his face with his hands, already leaning away from Etho with what energy he had left. “Jus'... right here, I gotta get back to building...”
“Your tower isn't far, I'll just take you-” Etho started, but was interrupted by Bdubs pushing away again.
“No, no, no- I'm sleeping right here- I'll be fine.” Bdubs' tiredly patted Etho on the cheek, voice becoming more lazy as tiredness took over. “Don't worry 'bout me cutiepie... if there's one thing I'm good at, it's sleeping.”
Etho rolled his eyes. He couldn't really stop him, and leaned down to let Bdubs crawl out of his grasp. Etho sat down next to the other, watching Bdubs become a lump under his mossy cloak when he pulled it closer. It only took a moment for him to be completely out, leaving Etho to sit and watch while the sun slowly rose, and the flowers on his cloak waved with the breeze.
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icarus-feathers08 · 1 year
Mama's boy, mama's boy
“Your like our mom!” Scar smiled and Bdubs cheered Cleo was a little more amused than annoyed when the two boys followed her around calling her varying names for mom. Cleo was a little more annoyed when they drug Etho into this mess. She wasn't as fond of him as she was her sons her teammates. He was a deadbeat anyway
M-A-M-A-B-O-Y, mama's boy, mama's boy
Her sons lost some time, and she was there. Her sons needed her and she was there. Cleo's children needed their dad and he wasn't there, and she swore she would kill him for them. Of course that would require her to be red, but if she had to lose more time to make sure her sons were safe then by all means.
The name Mama has a small ring to it
M-A-M-A-B-O-Y, mama's boy, mama's boy
“Mama.. when will Dubs get home..” Scar sat in Cleo's lap as Cleo rubbed her son's back
“..I'm not sure honey but I'm sure he will get home soon” Cleo comforted watching the sky fall to a dark navy. If Bdubs wasn't back by morning she promised herself she would find him..
Or that was until she heard the telltale sign. She held Scar closer. “..go to sleep Honey” she murmured to a now crying Scar who clung to the small cat plushie against his mom.. Age regressed or not they all knew what that sound meant, and Cleo and Scar knew Bdubs wasn't coming home.
M-A-M-A-B-O-Y, mama's boy, mama's boy
Cleo had to go, there was no way she could stay inside. How could she both her kids were dead and she needed to walk to kill someone she needed... Something? Maybe she could talk to Etho- that was of course until Grian (the filthy fucking murderer) and Pearl attacked her. Maybe it was a mercy, a kindness to whatever god was cursing this filthy land
Maybe it was fate for her to hear her sons bickering again or their hearty laughter and fighting,
She finally was home, and she never wanted to leave.
M-A-M-A-B-O-Y, mama's boy, mama's boy
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oh-snapperss · 2 years
for the dancing and the dreaming
yet another ficlet for the resistance au! the rest of the fics are here, but you don’t have to have read any of them for this one to make sense! special thanks to @briseise for the art of the last oneshot and @nuggets4fools for the song she made for this one! 
CW: none!
Music to go with this fic (thank you Nuggies!!): https://youtu.be/8NMjfKKCzJ8
Word Count: 1006
Read on AO3!
The first time Bdubs ever dances with Etho, there is no music. It’s just them, a fire crackling merely in the fireplace, and fooling around. Neither of them really know how to dance, and the steps are out of time, unsynced and entirely ungraceful. Bdubs is sure if anyone saw them they would laugh–rightfully so. Etho catches Bdubs several times after Bdubs trips on nothing, and Etho steps on his own feet more than the floor.
Falteringly, they work out moves, a sequence with rhythm but no tune just yet, and as the weeks pass by, they improve until they can dance it without too many issues (Bdubs still trips a little too often. Etho steps on his feet to annoy him some days).
The first time Etho spins Bdubs, the breath is taken from him, and as he’s settled comfortably against Etho’s chest again, he looks up at Etho, and wonders what it might be like to see him without his mask.
He doesn’t wonder about kissing him (he does).
It’s not until ages later, on a different server when Etho finally produces a tune for their little dance.
Noteblocks fill the jungle with a soft tune, and Bdubs knows he is the only one to ever hear it. They meet in the middle of Etho’s yet-to-be finished base, the stars above them, and this time Etho does not step on either of their feet on purpose, and Bdubs does not trip.
They move with purpose and intent, soft turns and spins coming together to create the finished masterpiece that is their dance. Once again it’s just them–but as the noteblocks taper off into their final notes Etho does something Bdubs has only ever dreamed of.
He pulls his mask down, face inches from Bdubs, and before Bdubs can properly drink in the sight of Etho’s entire face for the first time, Etho raises his other hand under Bdubs’ chin, and raises it slightly to kiss him. It only takes Bdubs a moment to fall into Etho, hands clutching at his shirt to bring him closer.
And Bdubs knows that he will always love Etho, whether it’s in the jungle or anywhere life brings them.
Their base is unfinished, walls incomplete and soul sand only lining half the ground as of yet. Horribly undergeared, food source unsecured, and the threat of a boogeyman looms as the sun sets on the server.
Bdubs sits by the fire, hands outstretched to soak in what little warmth it provides. At the soft tap on his shoulder, he barely moves, only moving his head to gaze up at his partner standing above him. Etho holds his hand out, and Bdubs knows what it is he wants.
They can pretend the world is fine, Bdubs decides quickly. They can act as if Bdubs did not murder earlier, act as if there is no danger outside of their flimsy defenses. Bdubs settles against Etho, and they move, with Etho humming their song softly under his breath.
For those moments, it is just them again, and Bdubs wishes they were anywhere else. Etho hums the final notes, and this time Bdubs removes his mask to kiss him, and if they linger like that for a little longer than necessary, who could hold that against them?
It’s the end of the world, and Etho isn’t there.
In fact, the world is empty of its players, all of whom have fled the coming destruction in any way they could find, knowing that nothing will remain for them to stay for.
All but one, that is.
Bdubs slides the disc into the jukebox and rises from his haunches to stand and survey the shopping district before him.
It’s empty, of course. The world is empty, save for villagers and the animals now trapped. And yet, Bdubs cannot bring himself to leave even as chunks of the very earth are ripped away and fly into the air.
Deep down Bdubs knows Etho won’t come back, not now. The world is crumbling before his eyes. And Etho never came back…
There’s only one thing to be done, now. A song crackles from the jukebox, noteblocks tuned to a specific melody Bdubs has only ever heard in the presence of his Etho. His hands lift to hold empty air, settling around a figure not there.
On the next count of music, he starts, feet moving unobstructed and gracefully. He doesn’t think about the next step in the dance, simply closes his eyes and lets memory and a ghost partner guide him.
The moon comes crashing down, and Etho isn’t there.
The monolith’s basement has always been chilly, an issue which Bdubs had no intention of solving until recently. Etho’s sudden appearance a few days prior had Bdubs scrambling to make the place much more welcoming, and a night out of the monolith under the stars now has them just as in love as they were previously, just with more communication and a promise from Etho to never disappear the way he did after Last Life.
They dance that night, in the monolith. It’s been far too long since they’ve done this without any complications, and as Etho spins Bdubs, he catches a grin of pure joy on Etho’s face. He knows the look is reflected in his own smile. The jukebox plays their tune clearly, and neither are leading the dance. Neither of them need to. They are in perfect tune, complimenting the other and moving in perfect sequence.
(Etho almost steps on Bdubs’ foot once, on purpose. Bdubs moves his own foot out of the way before he can do so.)
Neither of them need to remove Etho’s mask, at the end. It’s laying forgotten to the side. Instead Bdubs simply moves his head up to meet Etho, and the kiss between them is everything–a promise, a declaration of love and loyalty, and Bdubs is glad that Etho is home again.
And thus the dance ends, with two souls intertwined in perfect harmony.
(Or so they thought.)
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captainschaos · 2 years
The third session ticks into play, and it's just Etho and Skizz at the Team T.I.E.S. base. They move around one another mostly in silence, organizing chests, gearing up for the day. To most, this would be awkward, uncomfortable. But these two know one another well, and know one another by looks across tables and peripheral guards on battlefields. Their comfort is shown not in chatter, but in resources wordlessly passed from one of them to the other. Small gifts, appreciated by the fae that counts all hindrances and slights. Small kindnesses, appreciated by the reaper that cannot get enough of the warm moments of life.
But quickly, of course, they are joined by their T and I, and camaraderie comes easy in the chatter! Jokes and jabs, stories and snickers, friendship is thick between words that flow freely. They share what Impulse and Tango brought from the nether, and plans are fully formulated for the week now that they're all together. But behind it all, there is a sound the most pleasant of noise can't drown out.
The ticking of the clock continues.
They all split off to their business quickly to make the most of their quickly draining countdowns, and Skizz finds his in the sky. Skizz's clock is the loudest, his pull toward death the strongest, and he knows it well. The reaper's wings may not keep him safe as he begins to build SkyNet below his own feet, the pure white feathers thinned and clipped by this world that doesn't allow flight (an unfair advantage, particularly for a fighter of his caliber), but they bring him a sense of security anyway. A reminder, if nothing else, that he was made for this. He looks over the server with drained, yellowed eyes, and for just a moment he can hear every heartbeat in time with the persistent ticking. The reaper's senses remain with him, not enough to be unfair, but to keep him confident. He knows death. He does not fear it.
Well, until he takes a stupid fall to his stupid death. It was just one second, just one distraction as his foot slipped- it doesn't matter. He drags himself back from spawn, frowning and screaming his frenzied frustrations as Tango and Impulse laugh at his literal slip up. But he knows they're not really laughing, and they know he's not really angry. Not at them, at least. But he feels his time running out, and he feels the desperation beginning to well up. His yellowed time is beginning to rust toward red, and it rubs against the back of his throat. Impulse warns him that he has to look out, and he knows. Trust him, he knows.
(Down below, a different warning is uttered. Tango pokes at Etho as he passes the man by, giving a passing comment about thieves at the mob farm. Etho nods, and later, when the phoenix returns to find him standing with a red-handed Bdubs, he gives a quiet signal with a half-joke. A quip about killing Tango last, disguising acknowledgement that he's got his head in the right place. They don't have time to kill- it's come time to kill.)
They meet in the middle for a moment, a sweet moment. Etho is tired, his hands fumbling with the crafting materials and his mind jumbling the recipe. He tosses the materials toward Skizz, the reaper in need of his teammate's confidence and in need of his own, and a trade is made. Both spirits are boosted as Etho is allowed to let Skizz be the competent one for a second, and Skizz catches the knowing look Etho gives him as he's given this chance to prove himself useful, if mostly to himself. They give each other a smile before parting ways again.
Clock back in.
(Up above, a different threat is woven. Impulse passes Skizz on SkyNet, taking a handful of TNT from him. He makes no response to Skizz's questions, but his knowing look and barely-suppressed smile says it all. And he steps back, an acknowledgement that his head's in the right place. The reaper will help the demon with his silence. They are on the same timeline- time to kill.)
They're all milling about like ants at work, and Etho feels even more ant-like as he finds his work below ground. He watches his clock closely, his elevated senses twitching with every tick. No matter how far he is from death, he can never be far enough for comfort. So it's a boring task, threatening death by boredom for a chaotic soul like him, but the protection of diamonds is simply too powerful to ignore. His tail flicks back and forth, and though his connection to the world is different in this place that careens so quickly toward death, the fae is still grateful for the small hints he gets from his surroundings. Even if they don't lead him toward diamonds, they are a reassurance, the tremor of mob footsteps and shifting stone a comfort. He hears death. He does not fear it.
Well. Until his stupid death lands on top of him with a stupid fall. It was just one second, he didn't have time to dodge- it doesn't matter. Now all he can do is hear his death with the painful blast, and the even more painful taunting at spawn. He is silent against the noise around him as he steps into the water to escape the laughter, Tango and Impulse among the loudest of them. But they're not really laughing, and he's not really mad. At them. And yet there is an anger that he continues to carefully listen to within him, and it's getting louder. It's all he can do to keep it at a whisper as he tells the silent, watching Grian that the time to kill is near. And he knows what he'll do with it.
Trust him, he knows.
[There will be one of these for each week! This is 3/?]
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