#wing clipping tw
hmshermitcraft · 9 months
Xisuma is Grians biological father, Xisuma has witnessed Grian grow up and raised him. When Grian suddenly went missing without a trace after the events of YHS, Xisuma was devastated. More on so, when he heard that the watchers had taken Grian, the void walker inside him grew more and more furious, he swore to destroy any watchers he met. Unbeknownst to him, a young man, reeking of watcher magic, clearly hurt and grounded, wings clipped would be his own son. His wings were not the same as other watchers’, they were far too close to Grians.. that is when Xisuma realized that the hurt ‘watcher’ was his own son, he dragged Grian back to Hermitcraft and was overly protective over Grian. Grian, who has just met a charming person by the name of Scar, is ecstatic, while Xisuma is .. wary..
Grian tries not to be hurt by Xisuma's overprotectiveness. He understands why, but sometimes it feels like he doesn't trust him. Despite Scar being a hermit that Xisuma allowed onto the server. So clearly he deems him safe!
He doesn't need him to supervise every single interaction he has with Scar. Grian is allowed to flirt and be interested with people! He feels like he's a teenager having to sneak around like this just to go out on dates.
Scar enjoys the secrecy - it adds a layer of excitement to things! He's also excited to see Grian's wings gradually grow back in, brushing through them and straightening them out. They'll talk to Xisuma eventually. Scar has plans to make a presentation, though Grian isn't sure if that will help or make things worse, he does think it'll be hilarious. And prove Scar is committed to his well-being. Grian thinks that's what's most important for Xisuma. He doesn't have to worry about Grian all on his own anymore.
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berrysquared · 7 months
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just cactus ring things ya know
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nocokenoparty · 5 months
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Flesh is a trap,
And magic sets us free
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v1model · 8 months
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you'd fit perfectly to me and we'd end our loneliness; melt this curse away / though i'll never know your name, i'll cry for you the same.
snowless version under the cut
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hoglinz · 2 years
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the mind as a territory (happy [late] exile anniversary)
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silverwingborn · 3 months
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artofloof · 9 months
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and I said "what if he had bat wings"
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mtsodie · 2 years
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duck fucking dies again
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sins-of-the-sea · 5 months
*reeeeeeeeeeaches into Gio's locker for that gold-turned dragon skin*
Giovanni doesn't bother to turn the grey-faced stranger to gold. He's in no right of mind to even think of it as an option.
Because instead, he grabs the person by the head and smashes it against the ground, over and over again, until the skull shatters and brain matter spreads all over. The resulting mess may resembled an egg dropped on the ground before being stomped all over.
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Giovanni screams on top of his lungs despite being covered in blood and brain bits. "I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE ANNALISE AWAY FROM ME!!!"
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lovedeathalice · 1 year
I know a lot of people hate your obsessive yanderes for eren or think they’re to dark, but I personally find them really interesting
TYSM😭😭😭💕💕💕 these asks really mean a lot to me bc it makes me keep on wanting to write for my few fellow dark fucked up yandere Eren stans out there :)
I have a specific characterization I've formed of Eren in my head & I refuse to stop writing him the way I want😭 idc if it's ooc
Like from what I've seen in canon, he internalizes every single bad thing that happens to him or simply angers him, big or small, and he either 1.) Lashes tf out or 2.) Builds that anger & emotion up into something sinister that just explodes out into something completely deadly.
And he won't stop until he gets the outcome that he wants.
And THAT is why I absolutely love writing Eren as a crazy, obsessive, & relentless yandere. It's so perfect. That plus he's hot as fuck so it's double the self-indulgence LOL. Good shit for my readers as well!🤭
Also, I am so so sorry I did not see this ask until now😭 I literally never get any asks so I only check my inbox once in a blue moon.
Ilysm & pls never hesitate to send me more asks🥰 also happy new year, anon🥂🎉
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hmshermitcraft · 11 months
Not many people know this, but Martyn has wings. It's... Sort of a new thing? The Listeners gave them to him at some point during the death games, but he's not exactly the best at using them (he was born human, after all) and usually just keeps them hidden under his clothes.
Because he keeps them like that he often stretches them out when he's alone, giving the muscles a break and all that.
And then Ren walks into their home (technically Ren's home, Martyn just crashes at the Hermitcraft Server between the life series) to Martyn laying on the bench in the garden, bright yellow wings spread out and soaking up the sun.
The conversation afterwards isn't.. anything like what Martyn thought it would be. Ren was surprised, it makes sense, you think your partner is human and then boom! Wings nearly as big as an avians! But, he took it well.
Eventually Martyn got used to having his wings out in their home, and then eventually having them out when he's wandering around Hermitcraft.
(Grian did not know, and absolutely screams at Martyn for not telling him sooner, and teaches him how to fly.)
It's a lot easier to explain when, well, they're a new thing for Martyn as well. Easier in some ways, certainly not others. He's lucky he's already opened up to Ren about his communications with the Watchers and Listeners, because 'yeah they appeared at some point in the void between games' would make most people think he was losing it.
He still is, just not for that reason.
Ren takes great joy in grooming Martyn's wings. Neither of them actually know what they're doing, but they're muddling through it together. At least Ren knows why Martyn insists on sleeping at the edge of the bed, now. And all the feathers he keeps finding!
Ren is there as Martyn learns to fly as well, cheering him on every step of the way. It takes time, a lot of time considering Martyn wasn't even that used to elytra, before Martyn can get comfortably into the air. Grian and Ren are proud of his progress! He'll be swooping and soaring soon enough.
(Martyn wakes in the next death game to find his wings clipped and Ren missing. Grian comforts him when he breaks down, offering guidance. In the morning, they return to being enemies.)
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bonniethewolpertinger · 8 months
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Day five is for all da vampire lovers out there (of which I am deffo one)
Used a scene from Symphony of the Night as a reference for the pose
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vocaloightmares · 1 year
it’s the (belated) anniversary of a wonderful SW epsiode named “The Legendary Super Wing,” so here’s a voice claim for TW’s father, director of Teen Troupe, and Legendary Super Wing!
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hawksights · 1 year
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Just here to say that Riza's medical records are a mess. Even before she joined the military, stinky man did not take her to a doctor. Like hell did he want anyone seeing his alchemy tattooed on her back. Also, regularly seeing a doctor was a pain, and he did not take care of himself anyway.
Joining the military was a challenge because she had to risk getting exposed by medical professionals. So, what did Riza do? Lied. Everything else about her service record is above board (save for, you know, Ishval). Her medical records? Forged. Lied about. Hidden.
There is only one doctor she trusts, and that would be Knox. He oversaw her condition when Roy burned her back before they left Ishval (since they had to be careful). Even then, Knox has never seen the array in full, and he didn't want to. Roy told him what needed to happen, a vague description of why, and that was it. Nothing else.
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cats-thoughts · 2 years
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hey remember that one otterverse hungergames thing? Stickynote made it pretty far! Probably woulda made it further if its wings weren't clipped :/ It was relieved to have died I think. Did you know that throughout the whole game, they never killed anyone? They hunted for others but never killed. I think that's interesting. They begged for :D to kill them the day before they died, and yet :D died before them. Isn't that irony at its finest?
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silverwingborn · 2 months
//These spicy rp meme pick-up lines are the worst but they sound so much like what Adam the First Man would say 😂 warning: they are so fucking vulgar lmao.
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