#eva stellenbosch
icebearinacornfield · 5 months
Rating Alex Rider Villians on a scale of 1-10 on how supportive they'd be of me telling them I'm Agender:
[Just so we are clear, the concept for this came from a TikTok-er who does a good amount of Alex Rider content/analysis!)
Harod Sayle: 5/10 He's too focused on his own revenge plot against British school children to care and he wouldn't entirely understand it, but I get the vibe that he'd ask some follow-up questions about what I meant and then just be like "ok cool IG". He'd misgender me a lot, but it wouldn't be from a place of malice, it would just be because he forgot. He'd be quick to fix his mistake though. All in all, Harod Sayle's just too spiteful to have the energy to expend on being transphobic/enby-phobic/agender-phobic (I never know the right term to use, please send help!), so he simply wouldn't be. If I were British, however, he would be the most transphobic person on Earth to me!
Nadia Vole: 10/10 She'd ask for pronouns upon introduction and always make sure that she's using the right ones! If nothing else, Nadia Vole is a professional, and professionals use people's correct pronouns, names, and honorifics. I also get the vibe that she'd not put up with anyone's bullshit if they're intentionally going around not respecting other people's identities. She also just gives the energy that she's queer (especially in the graphic novel), but then again it might just be me projecting.
Mr. Grin: 5/10 Bro's literally just doing his job and couldn't give less of a fuck. He'd respect my pronouns and stuff, but it'd be out of total indifference to me. Just like, he doesn't have the energy to waste, so it wouldn't matter to him whatsoever.
Dr. Grief: -10/10 He's a racist/nazi/white supremacist/fascist jackass (probably a stronger word would be better suited for this, but I don't feel like putting it in), so going off of what we know already, I can make a very educated guess as to what his stance on me not fucking with gender would be...
Eva Stellenbosch: -10/10 Same with Dr. Grief. She'd also just straight-up hate crime me for fun, so there's that too.
Alexei Sarov: 8/10 He'd be a little confused/not know entirely what being agender meant, or even what it is for that matter, but after it was explained to him, he'd make an effort. He'd read up on the subject, he'd ask questions, he might mess up on pronouns and such pretty regularly, but there'd be an effort on his part and that's what matters!
Conrad: 1/10 He's a chaos gremlin of pure hatred and murder. He is alive solely out of bitterness and spite. He'd purposely misgender me/be actively transphobic just to feel something. Anything. Conrad just wants to watch the world burn and he's got the gasoline.
Damian Cray: 20/10 There was no heterosexual explanation for that man to begin with! I also can't see him being super big on gender in the first place. He'd be out there actively fighting transphobia and showing his support for all of the LGBTQIA+ community! He'd validate me and he'd be aggressively supportive as well!
Nikolai Drevin: 0/10 Y'all saw how he was to his son Paul Drevin. Paul has been head-cannoned/heavily implied to be gay and we all saw how THAT turned out... I just feel like Nikolai Drevin would not hesitate to force me to go to conversion therapy. That's it. Maybe he'd pretend to be supportive at first to lull me into a false sense of security so he could kidnap me for conversion therapy, but it'd be a complete and total act. Believe me, this man IS ABSOLUTELY NOT an ally!!! That being said, he wouldn't outright kill me/other type of hate crime me. Not that conversion therapy is ok or anything, but the bar is so low on this list at points and I'm forced to give credit where credit is due. He'd kill me because I beat him at something which is something he does with everyone else so it's an equal opportunity thing.
Desmond McCain: 3/10 He'd try and do an exorcism of me. not necessarily because of the whole agender thing (not that that would hurt his decision though), but just because of me as a person. I don't care if he's not that kind of religious, but that wouldn't matter to him. He'd become that type of religious. Desmond McCain would also try to talk me out of being agender (not that that's someone that can do) by telling me that "God didn't intend for you to reject your natural calling as a woman." which isn't something that I think that God would agree with because I just don't... Either way, he'd say that I was a sinful person and going to super-hell when I eventually and he'd mean it too even if he's just faking being a Christian.
Dominic Royce: 4/10 He'd be on the quiet side, but don't let that fool you! He'd actively be doing everything in his power to pass anti-trans laws even though legislating is not part of his job! He'd refuse to acknowledge my saying anything about being agender and say condescending shit like 'You're too young to know that!" or "It's just a phase!" and would be calling me "young lady" or "Ms./Miss" a lot which would just be super uncomfortable.
Owen Andrews: 2/10 Bro totally leaves Reddit comments about how being trans/non-binary/agender isn't real/is a mental illness or some bullshit like that in his free time for fun and probably believes it as well. That being said, however, I don't see him being super transphobic out loud to my face. He'd definitely misgender me every time and place he got, but I could probably beat him in a fight and he knows this.
Darcus Drake: 6/10 He'd use the right pronouns, he'd be respectful enough, but mostly he wouldn't be too bothered with any of it.
Dr. Raymond Feng: 5/10 He'd be skeptical about it, but he'd hear me out and just accept it. I get the sense that he'd be thinking 'oh is this internalized misogyny or childhood trauma or something?', but I stand by my statement saying that he'd ultimately be accepting and validating to me more or less. Not a strong ally, not a transphobe, just a man who presumably has a doctorate in psycology with no quams about imprisoning and interrogating a thoroghly traumatized child. And I for one think that's beautiful. (Not actually, I just wanted to put that last part down there.)
Dwain Garfield: 1/10 He's a Trump supporter. 'nuff said. Source? Trust me bro.
Vladimir Sharkovsky: -5/10 He'd hate crime me or, more accurately, have somebody else hate crime me for him.
Harry Bulman: 2/10 Bulman would've been out there writing transphobic AF articles LONG before meeting me. Harry Bulman would be writing articles about how being trans/non-binary/agender was the latest 'fad/trend', go out of his way to make fun of the trans experience, and spread misinformation about how "gender/women are under attack!". Now, I don't think that he'd actually believe what he's writing (except for the whole thing about it being a 'trend' or mental illness or whatever), he's just in it for the money/the clout. Not that this makes it any better, if anything that makes it worse. In any case, he'd laugh in my face when I say I use they/them pronouns and then tweet about it or whatever and call me a 'crazy, blue-haired liberal' or whatever despite me not having blue hair. In short, metaphorically (never literally) fuck Harry Bulman!
Colonel Aubrey Sykes: 1/10 He'd just call me a 'snowflake' and say that he identifies "as an attack helicopter" because like many transphobes, he hasn't evolved much since 2016-2017. Also, since I'm not a veteran or active service member of the military and an American, I just get the vibe that he'd already have had absolutely zero respect for me in the first place even if I was cis. Also, he just gives extremely misogynistic vibes too, so whether or not I was cis wouldn't change much.
[Probably going to do a separate list for SCORPIA members and the Nightshade board. The same goes for MI6/CIA/ASIS characters. It'll be fun maybe!]
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imnotadogiswear · 1 year
Forget protagonists reading to the books, I want to lock all the Alex Rider villains in a room and see their reactions to the series.
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countessrivers · 2 years
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Alex Rider/Futurama 3
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bestmothertournament · 11 months
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mirabilefuturum · 2 years
speaking of the HDM au, I'm planning it for serious and Greif of course gets a German shepherd for a daemon and I was thinking what I should name her and the choice was between the name of Hitler's wife and that of Hitler's dog until I realised we already have one bitch named Eva hanging around lmao
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paperori0 · 30 days
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the gremlins
Julius = Serial Designation J, or J for short
Yassen = Serial Designation Y, or Y for short
Nile = Serial Designation N, or N for short
John is Serial Designation H, and Alex is just Alex :/
Ian is obsessed with doors, Jack just wants to keep Alex safe, and Tom does not care whatsoever but is scared of the murder drones, Sabina grew up inside the safe zones and thought murder drones was just a myth to keep children behaved and Kyra is curious about them. James and the other kids from Point Blanc are worker drones that live in the safe zones, just a different section of it.
Harold Sayle - a worker drone obsessed with experimenting on viruses, only works for money, lives outside the safe zones in a mansion that keeps the murder drones out
Dr Grief/Greif - a worker drone employed by humans to create/experiment on murder drones and worker drones. Creator of Julius/J
Alexei Sarov - a human that lives on Copper 9 and wants to wipe out all rogue worker droves with a nuclear bomb
Damian Cray - a very popular worker drone known for his hatred towards drugs and alcohol and just like in the original au he is a pop star
Julia Rothman - the Tessa of the au. She is more crueller tho and likes to torture and kill worker drones
Nikolei Drevin - a human that lives on another planet. He hates rogue worker drones and has a son named Paul.
Desmond McCain - also a human that lives on another planet. He is married to Myra Bennett and owns a zoo of Sentinels (in the original AU, he owns crocodiles)
Winston Yu - a worker drone (?) that lives with the humans and works with Julia Rothman. His body is fragile and he wears gloves
Abdul Razim - a human that also lives on another planet. He is emotionless and likes to torture people and measure their pain. He worked with Julius/J before
-Side Villains-
Mr Grin - a worker drone that works with Harold Sayle
Nadia Vole - a worker drone that also works with Sayle
Eva Stellenbosch - a worker drone that works with Dr Grief to create Murder Drones
Walter Baxter - helps Dr Grief create replacements or clones of murder drones that are destroyed
Conrad - a worker drone that was repaired after being devoured by murder drones, he hates murder drones because of that, he helps Sarov
Kasper/Magnus - a human that works with Drevin
Erik Gunter - a human, he worked with Julius/J and Razim before
Ash - a human, Alex’s godfather, killed John due to him going rogue
Njenga - a murder drone that works with McCain
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zevfern · 1 year
Alex Rider season 1 review! Spoilers below:
What a ride, pun intended. It's not perfect, and it's far from accurate, but it's still pretty fun and entertaining.
First off, let's get the complaining out of the way:
Quite a bit of the casting isn't accurate to the books. Blunt doesn't look like Jeremy Clarkson, Mrs. Jones and Eva Stellenbosch are much too pretty, Dr. Greif was cast to look more like Herod Sayle (especially odd since he's supposed to be from Apartheid period South Africa) and Yassen Gregorovitch looks like Noel Gallagher if he had been a successful boxer and not a rockstar.
No SAS training for Alex like in Stormbreaker means that Wolf isn't much more than just an interrogator who shows up later to shoot people. Really disappointed, as Alex gaining Wolf's respect and Wolf reappearing in Point Blanc are highlights of both books and could have been included in the series (maybe budget constraints prevented this?)
WHERE ARE THE GADGETS? All they give Alex is the Walkman MP3 player and it doesn't even work for sending out the distress signal like it does in the book. No exploding earring or CD player buzzsaw :(
The secondary storylines with Tom and MI-6 investigating Scorpio are somewhat hamfisted, and if not for the final episode would not have a good payoff.
Alright, now for the good stuff, and there's a lot:
Alex and Tom's friendship is great, and Tom finding out about Alex's spy recruitment and visiting him at the Friend mansion is great! It helps to humanize Alex, who at times came off as a mix between James Bond and (name redacted) in the books, and Tom gets to be a supporting hero in the story, as he is crucial in the final fight between Alex and Alex's clone since he manages to tell them apart.
Point Blanc (as in the school) is exactly like I imagined when I first read the book, hats off to the producers and scenery department. The uniforms and such are also really cool, and helped with some subtle storytelling (the Kyra clone reveal!)
Speaking of Kyra, despite being an original character who's not in the book I still liked her. She somewhat supplants James Spritz as Alex's main friend in Point Blanc (he's still there, he's just focused on less), and I did like that the writers restrained themselves from using her as a love interest for Alex. I wonder whether she'll show back up later or not.
Yassen, despite not looking all that tough or imposing, still managed to keep the intense intimidating aura he has in the books. Will be looking forwards to seeing him again next season.
As mentioned earlier, if not for the Tom/MI-6 side storylines the final confrontation between Alex and his clone would be much as it was in the book, a swerve that came out of nowhere but was still very exiting. Giving it real stakes for Alex really improved it! A shame the clone got killed, but maybe that's a good thing since Scorpia Rising won't get adapted (as it was the original ending for the book series before Horowitz decided to write more for some reason and the writing suffers for it)
Overall, I'm still really happy I finally watched this, the show runners did a great job with their adaptation. I'm pretty sure the next season will do something similar to season one where elements of another book bleed into the one actually being adapted, but this is still much better than butcherings like the Stormbeaker movie.
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sassmasteralexrider · 3 years
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mejcinta · 3 years
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Eva gave Alex one hell of a harsh slap of reality. 😬😬😬
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I am currently wondering how there were fifteen rich boys all the same age in PB(not counting Alex), and trying to ignore the disturbingly plausible theory my brain came up with.
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Ok I can’t decide what would be better - Alex sitting like he does in the series, or getting up really sarcastically and bowing or something before sitting back down
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jedinightsister · 4 years
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Eva Stellenbosch in Alex Rider (2020)
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not that I want to see spoilers but y’all telling me eva stellenbosch is NOT ripped in the show???? tragic.
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kwebtv · 2 years
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Alex Rider -  Prime Video  -  June 4, 2020 - Present
Action Adventure (16 episodes to date)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Otto Farrant as Alex Rider
Stephen Dillane as Alan Blunt
Vicky McClure as Mrs Jones
Andrew Buchan as Ian Rider
Brenock O'Connor as Tom Harris
Ronkẹ Adékoluẹjo as Jack Starbright
Liam Garrigan as Martin Wilby.
Ace Bhatti as John Crawley
Thomas Levin as Yassen Gregorovitch
Haluk Bilginer as Dr Hugo Greif
Howard Charles as Wolf
Nyasha Hatendi as Smithers
Ana Ularu as Eva Stellenbosch
Marli Siu as Kyra Vashenko-Chao
Simon Shepherd as Sir David Friend,
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beautyofthend · 3 years
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They’re coming in now, all hostages and clones are accounted for. We have Grief and Eva Stellenbosch is dead. There is a storm on its way so we need to get clear of the mountain, then we can do a full forensic search.
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