#eve Polastri smut
cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
Truth or Dare ~Eve Polastri xFem MI6!Agent!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, implied smut, fluff, teasing, kissing, implied infidelity, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
You sat in the passenger seat of the car, watching the building across the street. You personally never loved stake outs.
Eve, your current MI6 partner, was munching away on her sandwich. You sighed as you stared at the deserted building that supposedly contained your target.
“Wanna play truth or dare?” You suggested out of boredom.
Eve stopped chewing on her food and turned her head over to face you.
“Sure.” She said, with a mouth full of food, shrugging her shoulders.
You cringed lightly at the woman speaking with food in her mouth.
“Why don’t you finish your sandwich first…” you sighed.
Eve eagerly nodded and went back to munching down on her food. When the brunette had finished her meal, she cleaned her face and hands with a napkin, and then sanitized her hands.
“Alright…! Do you want to start?” She exclaimed.
“Sure” you hummed, “Truth or Dare?”
“Hmmm… Truth.” Eve breathed out, her eyes still watching the building, but her attention on you.
“Have you ever been with a woman…?” You asked.
Your partners eyes widened at your question. She suck in a breath and shook her head.
“N-no…” she breathed out.
“Huh. Interesting…” you hummed, shifting in your seat and turning to face Eve.
Her face was lighting up with blush.
“Uh— Truth or Dare??” Eve stuttered, trying to shift the conversation.
You took a deep breath.
“H-have you… Do you have a partner…?” She stammered.
“I—No, I don’t.” You breathed out, shifting a little uncomfortably in your seat.
Eve then turned to face you.
“Really?” She asked in disbelief.
You gulped.
“Yea no. Truth or Dare?” You quickly said.
“Dare…” Eve breathed out, a little nervous and now fully facing you.
“Kiss me” you immediately breathed out.
It didn’t take even a second, before Eve had grabbed your shirt collar and roughly pulled you towards her. Your lips clashed into hers. And you both groaned.
After the kiss, you both pulled away, blushing and semi-speechless. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself.
The next thing you know, Eve had hopped over to your seat and was in your lap. You looked at her with wide eyes. Her lips smashed into yours once more.
“Truth or Dare…?” Eve panted in between kisses.
“Dare.” You breathlessly answered.
“Fuck me…” Eve breathed out, looking at you in anticipation and dark eyes.
You bit your lip and nodded.
“My pleasure…” you panted, before kissing the woman once more.
Eve Polastri Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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locolesbianwp · 2 years
the gift
pairing: Eve Polastri & Villanelle | Oksana Astankova
warning: smut
summary: Eve gives Villanelle the gift of a lifetime
word count: 4200+
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March. Typically, the world is greyed over due to numerous rain-filled clouds inhabiting the sky. Trees are still lank and bare from the winter weather and their leaves have barely given any thought about making a reappearance. However, today seemed special. Different. The usually sequestered sun had dominated the clouds and shone bright rays of light into the world beneath it. Even the trees bore small budding leaves on randomised branches.
Eve stirred from her sleep as a result of said sun, which was beaming through the slit in the curtains and directly onto her face. Her hands subconsciously rose to shield her closed eyes from the light and she let out a soft groan caused by both tiredness and irritation. She kept her eyes covered and wished for sleep to take over her again, before she realised what day it was.
Villanelle's birthday.
Eve's eyes immediately popped open, but reduced to a squint after being attacked by the sun. "Shit." She muttered, sitting up in the king size bed while Villanelle lay asleep beside her. Eve tried to rack her brain for an appropriate word to describe how her lover looked in that moment, but ironically, the only word that came to mind was angelic. Perhaps it was the way her honey coloured hair was sprawled across the pillow in an almost halo shape, or maybe it was the certain sunbeam which resembled a golden aura that highlighted the lower half of her face.
Villanelle's mouth in the light was nothing short of tempting. Her full lips looked even pinker in the spotlight, and the subtle sleepy pout that she wore was calling Eve's kiss. There was nothing she wanted more than to just simply lean down and kiss her, wake her. But Eve wanted to give Villanelle the best birthday she could, and that started with breakfast in bed.
Eve forced her attention away from the sleeping girl next to her and instead focused on the task at hand. First, she needed to actually figure out what time it currently was and how much time she had to sort things out before Villanelle woke. She pulled the charger from out of her phone and peered at the illuminated screen which displayed what she needed to know.
Villanelle generally woke up at around ten, so Eve had plenty of time. It wasn't unusual for her to wake up before her partner, however, she usually snuggled up to the person next to her and drifted back into a deep sleep. But not today. Eve carefully pulled the sheets from her body and clambered out of bed as silently as she could so as to not disturb Villanelle. She tiptoed her way out of their shared bedroom and walked into the large kitchen, where the whole of the sun could be clearly seen through the windowpanes. As she tried to think of what she could possibly make for breakfast, she scoured through the fridge to find any assortment of ingredients that could form something edible. Pancakes, maybe? Eve Polastri was definitely not a Michelin star chef, although she did take pride in her ability to make a palatable batch of pancakes.
Eve cleared the fridge of the ingredients she needed; eggs, milk, butter. She even grabbed a hold of a half-empty carton of orange juice and poured the liquid into a glass for herself. Deciding to make the most of the improved weather, she cracked open the windows to allow the fresh Spring air to spread throughout the room. While Eve began to whip up the pancake batter, she came to the realisation that she had never made this kind of effort with her ex-husband. She didn't wake up early on his birthday to cook him breakfast in bed, and she didn't sneak out of the room so as to prolong his sleep. Niko was her husband, but he wasn't the one.
The pancakes didn't take long to cook, and Eve was plating them up before she knew it. She would often drift away from reality when completing simple tasks, as they didn't require much forethought and her mind was very easy to succumb to. Due to this, she completely forgot she had to pick up Villanelle's birthday cake she ordered a few days before. Eve picked up her phone, all while cursing herself internally, and dialled the bakery's number to let them know she was running a little late and she'd be there as soon as she could. She wanted to be able to take the breakfast to Villanelle as soon as she got back, so she decided to quickly chop up some fresh fruit as she wouldn't have to do it when she returned. An assortment of blueberries, bananas and strawberries were finely sliced and placed intricately atop the stack of pancakes on each plate, with the reminder of the fruit being transferred into a bowl.
Eve was happy with her work, but she was well aware that the cake still needed to be collected. She pulled on a pair of shoes and caught sight of herself in the hall mirror, wearing grey sweatpants and a loose black t-shirt that she had slept in. Usually she would change into something fresh before going outdoors, but she just didn't have the time, so she left her house with purse in hand and no cares about her outfit.
On the walk to the bakery, Eve delighted in the joyous chatter of people and children revelling in the sunny skies. It was hard to believe that just yesterday, the streets were painted with raindrops. Next to the bakery sat Eve and Villanelle's favourite cafe. It was a family owned business with an expertise in roasting beans. The closer Eve got, the stronger the coffee smell was, and the more she craved a cup. She eyed the bakery door. She knew she was running behind, but she was won over by the caffeine.
The man behind the counter greeted Eve enthusiastically and immediately began to make her order, without her even needing to say anything. A cappuccino and a hot chocolate.
"V not with you today?" The barista questioned, noticing Villanelle's absence right away. The couple always came here together, so it was a rare sight for Eve to be here by herself.
"It's her birthday today. She's having a lie in." Eve explained and awaited her coffee as it was being poured into a take-away cup.
"Aw, wish her a happy birthday from me!" The man placed both cups on the counter. Eve reached for her purse to take out the money she owed, but the man waved a dismissive hand. "It's on me. Get back before she wakes up."
"Thank you." Eve said sincerely and picked up the hot drinks. Now she really needed to pick up that cake. She entered the bakery next door and was immediately greeted with the wonderful aroma of freshly baked goods, which had her stomach growling in search of food. Resisting the temptation to purchase a croissant for herself, Eve freed her hands of the coffee by putting the beverages on the countertop and pulled out the money she owed for the cake. And only the cake. No croissants. Once she was given her order, Eve placed her coffee cups on top of the box and bid a polite goodbye to the workers. It was definitely a challenge balancing the drinks while walking, but she successfully managed to make it back into her house without any accidents.
The house was quiet, apart from the high pitched singing of birds that could be heard from outside. Hoping that Villanelle was still asleep, Eve entered the kitchen to see things just as she left them. With a sigh of relief, Eve put the large box inside the fridge for safe keeping, and placed her items on a chopping board; two plates, the bowl of fruit and the two cups. She wasn't bothered to look for a tray since the chopping board did the exact same job and aided her in carrying all the stuff to the bedroom in one go. She pushed open the bedroom door with her foot and watched as a yawning Villanelle was rubbing sleep from her eyes.
"Good morning." Eve greeted, immediately drawing Villanelle's attention to her.
"Aw, Eve." She spoke softly, jutting her lower lip out in a sweet pout. "You made this for us?"
"For you." Eve corrected, kicking off her shoes and rejoining her lover on the bed. She set down the chopping board in the middle and scooted up with her back against the headboard. Villanelle mimicked her position.
"Happy birthday, Villanelle." Eve leaned over and pressed a kiss to her cheek, to which Villanelle's skin reacted by crimsoning in a blush.
Villanelle had never felt so seen before. Her birthday was never a big deal for her, or anyone. It was just a date on the calendar that she recognised but never fully acknowledged. She certainly didn't get breakfast handed to her, or the love of her life celebrating with her. She didn't know how to react to the gesture, and her eyes began to fill up with emotion, so she simply said, "Eat up."
Eve didn't need to be told twice, nor did the rumbling in her stomach. She picked up one of the plates and groaned in the realisation that she forgot cutlery.
"What's wrong, Eve?" Villanelle asked, a furrow in her brow that showed she was genuinely concerned. Eve chuckled and shook her head.
"I just forgot to bring a knife and fork."
"Hey, what are hands for?" Villanelle picked up a pancake in one of her hands and tucked a few berries into the fold she was creating, before putting it into her mouth and taking a hefty bite. This prompted Eve to follow and take her own bite of the pancake. They both shared a glance as the delicious food took over their taste buds. Villanelle comically rolled her eyes into the back of her head in pleasure, which had Eve quickly glancing away before she got any ideas.
"So good." The blonde mumbled over a mouthful of food and grabbed one of the cups off the board. She recognised the label instantly and smiled to herself, washing down her bite with a gulp of...cappuccino.
"Bleh!" Villanelle forced the liquid down before handing the drink to its rightful owner. "Cappuccino."
Eve laughed at the reaction and took her cup. The couple spent majority of the day in the bedroom, eating their food and dancing to old music played on vinyls. Villanelle suggested spending some time outdoors in the warmth and Eve agreed. They dressed into light clothing and walked hand in hand outside, where the sun was belting down hot rays and positivity.
"Do you want to go to the park?" Villanelle asked as the pair strolled down the street.
"Of course. It'll be packed, though." Eve informed her, but neither of them really cared.
"It's okay. I'll just scare the children off." Villanelle said casually. Eve turned to look at her, a questioning eyebrow raised. She was serious!
"You want to play? Like, actually play in the park?"
"Yes! Why else would I have suggested it?" Villanelle had a confused look on her face. Eve just laughed and leaned her head on the taller woman's shoulder as they walked to the park.
It was indeed packed. Children ran about the tarmac, squealing gleefully while parents chattered over benches and homemade sandwiches. Eve felt a little self conscious about being a fully grown woman in a park with no children of her own, but Villanelle did not care. She was a child at heart.
"C'mon, Eve! I want to go on the swings." Villanelle latched onto Eve's hand tightly, dragging her to the swing set that was fully occupied, apart from one. "Sit." She instructed and Eve followed, taking up the last swing. She thought that Villanelle was going to push her but instead she stood in front of the little boy on the neighbouring swing.
"Move. Now." Villanelle demanded and the boy ran off the swing without any further orders. She took the swing and looked over at Eve, who was stifling a laugh. "What? He's probably been here long enough, it's my turn."
"You're a big kid." Eve teased, adjusting her grip on the rusting metal chains and beginning to swing.
"I'm your big kid." Villanelle attempted to flirt, but they both looked at each other with widening eyes. "No, I have sex with you, that's just wrong."
"Villanelle!" Eve scolded her and glanced around to see if any children heard. "This is a children's park. You can't just say sex." Her voice lowered to a whisper.
"At least I'm not doing it." Villanelle shrugged it off and joined Eve in swinging.
"Yeah, 'cause it's a crime."
"Just because some things are illegal doesn't mean it has stopped me doing them."
"Duh." Eve laughed.
The pair swung around for a while longer before they decided to head home. The sun was beginning to dim down a little and the park was quietening. Walking back to the house, they continued to hold hands, not wanting to part after spending so little time together over the years.
"Do you think the sun knew it was my birthday today?" Villanelle asked with her head tilted towards the sky just as Eve was opening the front door.
"Yes." Eve said honestly, taking one last look at the star before it was to be covered over by incoming clouds. They entered the house and Eve instructed Villanelle to take a seat at the table in the kitchen while she shut the door.
"Why? What are you doing?" She questioned. Of course she wouldn't just sit down without asking why.
"Just sit down." Eve gestured to the chair.
"Why, though?"
"Villanelle, do you trust me?"
"I do."
"Then sit down." Eve rolled her eyes playfully at the stubbornness of her girlfriend.
"Fine." Villanelle dragged out the word, but took a seat at the table nonetheless. Eve snuck over to the fridge and removed the box she placed in there earlier. She lifted the two tier lilac cake out of its packaging and grabbed some candles from the back of a cupboard. She stuck a few of them haphazardly into the cake and struck up a lighter, disguising the sound with a cough. Villanelle could only hear what Eve was doing, and she was pleasantly surprised when the cake was placed in front of her on the table. Eve began to sing happy birthday, very horribly in her eyes, but Villanelle loved every second of it and that's all that mattered. Those tears that were blinked away this morning resurfaced, but Eve noticed them this time.
"Is my singing really that bad?" Eve joked lightly but pulled a chair closer to Villanelle and sat down. She grasped the blonde's face between her hands, allowing the pads of her thumbs to trace the outline of her cheekbones and wipe away falling tears.
"No. You've just been so nice to me." Villanelle admitted and leaned into Eve's touch, sniffling very quietly. Eve's heart hurt for her lover but she put on a brave face.
"And I will continue to do that. It's what you deserve. Now, make a wish." Eve directed the subject to the cake to lighten the mood, and she could tell Villanelle was grateful for it. She thought about her wish for a moment before blowing out each candle simultaneously with a huge blow, to which Eve celebrated with a cheer.
"Do you want to have a slice now or do you want your present first?" Eve asked, rising from her seat. Villanelle looked genuinely surprised at the question.
"You got me a present?"
"Yes, of course I did."
Villanelle smiled. "Then I want that first."
"You got it." Eve shot her a wink while she disappeared from the kitchen to retrieve the gift. Villanelle took a moment to appreciate the effort that Eve had put into making this day special for her. And it was just that. Special.
Eve returned with another box, but wrapped this time in a birthday themed paper and tied off with a red ribbon. She pushed the cake out of the way and set the present in front of Villanelle, returning to her seat to watch her open it.
She untied the ribbon, ripped open the paper and pulled open the box. She gasped at its contents and looked at Eve, who had the end of her nail in her mouth.
"Lingerie?" Villanelle raised an amused eyebrow, picking up the lacy underwear with her thumbs. The blood red material changed the mood in the room with its presence. The ribboned one piece felt expensive in her hands and she was just about to ask where it had been purchased, only Eve cut her off.
"How about you to try it on and I'll grab some wine." Eve rose from her seat with a confident composure, as if her heart wasn't racing inside her body at the thought of Villanelle in the present she got her. She felt maybe she was being a little selfish with the present, as it would be more her who would be enjoying it, but the way she was feeling right now let her know that Villanelle would definitely be as grateful for the gift as Eve was.
Villanelle wordlessly sauntered out of the kitchen with the box in her hands while Eve scanned the wooden rack for a particular bottle of red wine. Once acquired, she plucked two wine glasses and carried them to the bedroom. Upon opening the door, she found Villanelle already changed into the lingerie and seating herself on the bed, back against the headboard like her position this morning.
Every shift of her curvy body was accentuated by the cardinal colour, and it contrasted so beautifully against her pale, milky skin. Her full breasts filled the cups of the piece, with the tops of them spilling out ever so slightly. Each step that Eve took just added to the lust she was already feeling. The wine in her hands was almost forgotten about until Villanelle spoke up and drew Eve from her mesmerisation.
"I like these glasses." Villanelle admitted, taking the two from Eve's hands and setting them on her beside table. Eve could hardly form a coherent thought in her head, and there Villanelle was, admiring wine glasses.
"Yeah." Eve agreed with a sheepish nod and popped open the chilled wine bottle. The liquid sloshed around in the glass as she poured it carelessly, and Villanelle caught an escaped drop that was running down the side of the glass with her finger. She placed that finger in her mouth to lick off the drop of alcohol, all while staring at Eve from under her lashes. The older woman took a deep breath before swallowing the glass of wine in one. She certainly needed the alcohol to kick in immediately to soothe the overload of feelings within her body. She was so turned on, nervous, hot. All because of another girl.
"I like your style." Villanelle's lips curved into a smirk as she gulped back her own glass until nothing was left. The residue of the red liquid stained her lips a darker shade of pink, and that was all Eve needed to give in. She climbed onto her knees on the bed and positioned herself in front of Villanelle, between her legs. The blonde wrapped her slim legs around the other's waist, and pulled her in closer. Eve felt drunk already, but she knew it wasn't the result of the singular glass of wine; she was love drunk. And overly horny.
Eve leaned in first and captured Villanelle's lips in a kiss. Her lips were soft and delicate and she couldn't seem to get enough. Villanelle separated for air but Eve's eager mouth was parting her dewy lips faster than she could inhale. Eve felt again the rush of submissiveness, the fervent yearning, the surge of desire that knocked her breathless. This was routine for her, but she didn't wish to submit to Villanelle tonight. They both pulled away, intaking sharp breaths to their lungs. Eve barely gave Villanelle time to breathe, for her lips were now planting hot, open-mouthed kisses against the side of her neck. She skimmed across her pulse point with her teeth and pressed a singular kiss on the base of her throat. Villanelle gasped softly and her head titled back, hitting against the headboard with a quiet thud. The birthday girl was in a daze, rightfully in a trance due to Eve's actions.
As the pair put a few centimetres distance between their faces, Villanelle could read the look in Eve's eyes. She had no time to speak, to interject, for Eve was already shuffling her body down the bed, laying on her stomach and placing her hands around Villanelle's knees. She shivered at the cool touch and slowly spread her legs apart, peering down into beady brown eyes that were already gazing at her. No words were exchanged, only small pants of anticipation as Eve traced a svelte finger along the lacy outline of the panties Villanelle wore. She waited with bated breath for the next move, and slowly shut her eyes when Eve hooked the finger beneath one side of the underwear and pulled it to the side. The older woman could see just how wet this whole ordeal had gotten Villanelle. She let the material go from her finger and it snapped back against Villanelle, making her squirm. Her insides were quaking with lust.
Eve watched her own hands as they ran over expanses of creamy, pale skin and squeezed in all the right places. Each squeeze evoked a different reaction from the blonde, which only fuelled Eve's desire more. She couldn't take any more of this teasing herself, never mind Villanelle.
She pulled the panties to the side once more, but rougher this time. Eager fingers began to sneak between Villanelle's thighs, slipping past the soaked lace and ghosting over her pulsing clit, which earned a filthy whine in response. Eve rubbed tight little circles on the blonde's clit and looked up between her legs to see Villanelle's eyes shut. Eve stopped.
"What the hell?" Villanelle complained, glaring down at her lover with a nettled expression.
"Keep your eyes open, Oksana." Eve demanded, and Villanelle's eyes widened at the name. Words failed to come to her, so all she could manage was a nod to show she understood.
"And hold this." Eve instructed, gesturing to the panties that she was holding to the side. Villanelle reached down to take over and watched her lover's every move.
Eve used two fingers to spread Villanelle's glistening folds apart and leaned forward to ghost her lips over her clit, giving it a whisper of a kiss. She stuck out her tongue and flattened it, sliding from the beginning of Villanelle's entrance, up to the straining pearl of her clit. With her teeth clenched, the blonde hissed softly, and Eve repeated the motion again and again. She was determined to have Villanelle yield and by the way her chest was heaving up and down hastily, Eve knew that she was enjoying this as much as she is.
Eve worked messily and despite her best efforts to gather everything Villanelle had to offer, warm wetness still smeared across her cheeks. The blonde's taste was sweet, tangy, and so, so addictive. Eve's tongue delved deeper in search of more, parting Villanelle's pussy with the tip of her tongue and she thrusted forward into her. A sharp cry was released into the air and Eve looked up just in time to see Villanelle bite hard onto her lip to stifle her moans of pleasure. Eve's grip on Villanelle's thighs tightened, and she could feel the uneven skin of battle wounds beneath her palms. Each scar told a different story of how Villanelle fought and survived.
The couple knew that Villanelle would not be able to stay completely submissive for too long. Her free hand came to rest on top of Eve's head, twisting curly hair around her fist and shoving her face further against her pussy. Eve barely had an opportunity to catch her breath, but the way Villanelle's hips were raising to ride her tongue was evidence enough that she was close to ecstasy.
"Oh, Eve." She panted out, closing and opening her fist around black locks. "Keep doing that."
Eve had no intentions of stopping. She continued the repetitive plunging of her tongue into Villanelle's entrance, and removed one of her hands from her thigh to tease the clit that was longing for attention. At this action, Villanelle's thighs automatically closed around Eve's head in a vice-like grip as her orgasm overtook her body. Wetness trickled past Eve's mouth and coated her chin as the woman above her moaned out curses in a mix of both English and Russian.
"Wow." Villanelle spoke, breathless. She parted her legs to allow Eve to catch her breath and rekindled eye contact.
"Best birthday present ever. Do you want some cake now?"
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missgatorteeth · 2 years
“She is jealous of Villanelle at times; Who never learned the expectations of people around her, whose personality is a raw reflection of her true self and all its messy untrimmed ends.
She’s angry for Villanelle all the time; Who never had anyone who cared enough to correct the little things. Her bad table manners, her odd habits, and her selfish sleeping positions.”
- The Weird and The Wonderful, Chapter 10.
Read it on Ao3.
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the-hanged-lover · 1 year
basically just who i write for and general rules when requesting. who i write for is subject to change as time goes on. you can find my masterlist here.
please do
i will write oneshots, drabbles, and headcanons; feel free to request for any.
be detailed.
request as much as you like. i don’t mind. i love getting requests. :D
i will write about potentially upsetting topics. trigger warnings will always be present. these topics include s/h, violence, things related to suicide, abuse (never by the person i’m writing for), and profanity.
i typically write for female readers in mind, but i will do gender neutral readers or male readers if requested. i will also gladly do other pronouns besides she/her.
please do not
do not—and i cannot stress this enough—request anything smut related. ever. i will never write it.
do not badger me about requests. i’ll just delete it and move on.
i will not write about the reader cheating/being cheated on by the character you request; they can be cheated on by a different character. i will also not write anything related to a specific weight. do not request anything related to miscarriages.
luther hargreeves. diego hargreeves. allison hargreeves. klaus hargreeves. ben hargreeves (original and sparrow timeline). viktor hargreeves. sloane hargreeves.
frank castle. yelena belova. matt murdock. elektra natchios. wanda maximoff. bucky barnes. sam wilson. jessica jones. steven grant. marc spector. jake lockley. stephen strange. thor. loki.
jason voorhees. amanda young. lawrence gordon. mark hoffman. pinhead. hannibal lecter (both movie and tv versions). will graham. patrick bateman. charles lee ray. tiffany valentine. candyman.
the boys
billy butcher. hughie campbell. frenchie. m.m. kimiko miyashiro. annie january. queen maeve. cherie. homelander. soldier boy.
gen v
marie moreau. emma meyer. jordan li. cate dunlap. sam riordan.
mortal kombat
mileena. kitana. tanya. hanzo hasashi. kuai liang. kung lao. raiden/dark raiden. kenshi. johnny cage. bi-han/noob saibot. smoke. li mei. jade. shang tsung. kabal. kano. ashrah. rain. syzoth. sindel (midway/mk1 version). skarlet. cassie cage. sareena. erron black. fujin.
killing eve
eve polastri. villanelle.
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evenvillain · 3 years
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insecure villanelle is something i don't want to see in the show but like to think about a lot
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valfem · 2 years
we could be so good
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summary: eve accidentally discovers a fantasy of hers and villanelle helps it come true
rating: explicit (smut)
series: part 3 of safest haven
read it on AO3
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trixicbean · 2 years
i can't decide if it's a choice (getting swept away)
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rating: explicit (smut)
welcome to a rewrite of the horrible killing eve ending (because fuck laura neal) with no major character death
Eve stared down at all the photos that she had collected of Villanelle. She didn’t even know why she was doing it. Everyone she and Villanelle knew had died but still, she sorted through all the photos.
“And for my funeral make sure you choose a flattering photo. Not the mugshot with the bandana.”
Villanelle’s words from when they had walked through the street of Rome echoed in her mind. She remembered them three weeks after she had watched all her blood spill into the River Thames, her body tense with each bullet that hit her. Three weeks since Eve had pulled herself out of the cold water of the Thames.
read more on ao3
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willyoustrangleme · 2 years
It up! Part two of my one-shot collection of Villaneve fics, where I use creative license to fill in the blanks for some scenes of our favourite ladies.
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Killing Eve rn
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wordsofsplendor · 4 years
It came to my attention that Jodie Comer is currently being pressured to explain herself about her intimate relations. Fans are expecting her to apologize for falling in love with a Trump supporter. They’re expecting he to “make her stand”. Make a stand?! She DOES NOT have to explain herself when it comes to her intimate relations. She can be in love with a person whose opinions are different and that’s okay. Not to mention we don’t know what his views on certain matters are. Newsflash: Being a Republican does not make you racist or a homophobe!!! Whatever happened to embracing people’s choices and giving women the freedom to love who they love?! It’s time everyone started practicing what they preach.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 9 months
Killing Eve Fandom Masterlist
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This is my Killing Eve Fandom Masterlist ✨ which includes all the Killing Eve characters and ships I’ve written for! Check out my post with all my request details— Requests & Prompt-List! My main navigation post—
Mommy… Master List
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
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Carolyn Martens Masterlist
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Eve Polastri Masterlist
Thanks for sticking around 🤍✨🫰🏻 Leave a comment, reblog a post, message me—I want to hear your thoughts!!
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
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wndrcarol · 4 years
pride | villanelle blurb
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request: Ugh I absolutely love all your villanelle imagines!!! She is so ridiculously attractive, I can't even...was wondering if you would be willing to write something where villanelle is showing reader off to Eve? Maybe Eve bugged her or has her trapped and suddenly you show up?
a/n: i know right?? she is so cnoj ugh pls- I adore this request bc we all know that Villanelle would do anything to show you off. I tried to do gender neutral reader so I hope this turned out okay!! I hope you enjoy! This does  contain talks of smutty subjects so please 18+
pairings: Villanelle (Oksana Astankova) x Reader | Eve Polastri x Reader (platonic) | Eve Polastri x Villanelle (platonic)
warnings: talks of smut subjects but other than that it’s p much fluff! a surprise for my smutty blog
“Gosh Eve, I think you would adore (Y/N)” Villanelle gushed for the tenth time today as Eve rolled her eyes. All Villanelle has talked about today besides going after Aaron Peel and as much as she enjoyed her presence, hearing about you all day almost irritated her in a way. Maybe it was a bit of jealousy mixed with annoyance but Villanelle didn’t care, she could go on about you for hours on end.
“And why do you think that?” Eve asked, sighing before looking at Villanelle as she turned in her chair to face her. Villanelle sensed a bit of annoyance in her response and only smiled wider, wanting to torture her more and bore her.
“Well, for starters they’re the sweetest person ever, you wouldn’t really imagine myself with someone like them. It’s almost odd really. They also are very beautiful, a literal angel walking on earth I believe” Villanelle started, her mind drifting off just thinking about you, continuing to smile. She looked at Eve to see her expression of annoyance still there.
“And you’d be happy to hear, I don’t masturbate to you anymore, Eve. Can’t do that when I’ve got (Y/N)” Villanelle said which caught Eve completely off guard which made her sit up and look at Villanelle with a disgusted expression.
“I..didn’t need to know that” she said, sitting up straight before turning back to the mission file as Villanelle let out a laugh before hearing the door open. She looked over, her hand immediately going to her pant pocket, ready to grab the hidden knife before she saw it was you who walked in and immediately relaxed, her smile reappearing onto her face.
“(Y/N)! What are you doing here?” Villanelle asked, getting up to greet you by pecking your lips lightly and hugging you. You hugged back before pulling away and showed her the bag of food you had brought for her.
“I thought I’d bring you both lunch since I was around here for work, if that’s alright” you smiled, looking over Villanelle’s shoulder to see a woman who you presumed as Eve. Villanelle turned to face Eve, motioning you over to her.
“Eve, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Eve” Villanelle sadi, introducing you both. Eve shook your outstretched hand, taking in your apperance. Villanelle wasn’t lying when she said that you were beautiful.
“It’s nice to meet you. I have heard so much about you” Eve said, giving Villanelle a look before looking back at you. You let out a chuckle, nodding your head.
“Likewise. I hope I’m not intruding on anything” you said as they both shook their head, Villanelle wrapping an arm around your waist as you moved into her side, looking at her and smiling.
“Well, if you don’t mind Eve, I’m going to talk to my angel, privately” Villanelle said, giving you a small look as you felt your face heat up slightly, knowing what that had meant. Eve caught on, closing her eyes quickly and nodding her head before opening her eyes and looking at you.
“It was nice to meet you” Eve said before sitting down and turning away from you both as you smiled at her while Villanelle pulled you away impatiently.
“You too!” you said before finally catching up to Villanelle who was eagerly pulling you to the nearest empty room. She took you in and closed the door, pressing you against it as you let out an impatient small moan.
“Now, where did we leave off from this morning?” Villanelle said before pressing her lips against yours, ready to do more than just ‘have lunch’.
feedback is appreciated!
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cowboyghosthunter · 4 years
Relax | Villanelle | Killing Eve
A/N I wrote this for my friend and decided to post it! It was kinda rushed so I apologise but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
For some reason I would also really like @roxeterawr to read this??? Idk I just feel like she'd like it y'know ;)
Warnings - Smut: Dom!Villanelle, Sub!Reader, Mild Choking 18+
Word Count - 975
[GIF does not belong to me]
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"Please..." You muttered against the blonde's lips, her dominant hand snaking around your neck as the other moved behind you, clicking the door to her apartment open. She chuckled slightly at your plea, circling her thumb against the exposed plain of your neck as she pushed you into her abode, biting at her lip as she did so, lust pooling within the darkened forests of her iris'.
The apartment was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from the now setting sun lowering beneath the horizon - her rays casting a hazy, flaxen glow across the sparsley decorated walls - however you saw the way Villanelle's eyes sparkled as clear as day: the pure, unadulterated desire she conveyed as she gazed at you, up and down, drinking in your innocence.
You moaned gently as she took your neck in her grip once more, placing her lips against your jaw and nipping slightly, purring against your skin as you lolled your head back, granting her easier access.
"My prey..." Villanelle whispered, giggling to herself as she dragged her tongue along your collar before suckling gently at your honeyed skin, illiciting a quietly desperate mewl from your lips. "Follow me, My Kitten..."
Obeying her command, Villanelle took your hand, leading you into the bedroom you knew only too well. Your eyes danced across the walls as she removed your dress, taking in the softening glow of the suns rays shimmering against the makeup strewn vanity and the oiled Renaissance painting hung neatly in its ornate golden frame. Villanelle's fingers grazed your shoulders as she ran the tips beneath your spaghetti strap, pulling them from your arms with the utmost concentration - her eyes overflowing with anticipation, tongue peaking out from between her lips.
She placed a succession of delicate kisses against your collar bone, placing her fingers once again on your arms before meeting your eyes beneath hooded lids, lashes batting her porcelaine skin seductively. You gazed at her, envious of her confidence, in awe of her beauty as she shimmied you from your dress, letting it drop to the floor before resuming her parade of kisses across your chest and down to your stomach.
"Relax..." She spoke simply, holding her arm out to the bed for you to take your place as she slid the doors to her bedroom closed. Spinning on her heel, Villanelle gazed at you once more, a playfully predatory smirk softening her features before she bit at her bottom lip, eyes widening in quickening desire.
"Now..." She began, kicking her boots off as she moved toward you, trailing her finger along the covers beside your legs. "...Which accent will make you come tonight?" Your breath hitched in your throat at her question, your heart-rate speeding up gradually as Villanelle now lay alongside you - grazing your arms with her fingertips, raising gooseflesh beneath her digits.
"How about the easy-going surfer girl from the Gold Coast?" She purred, breath hot against your lobe as her accent changed seamlessly from Russian to Australian. "Hmm...?"
You whimpered slightly as Villanelle's fingers danced along the hem of your panties, tracing the lace lying flush against your skin as her teeth nibbled gently at your neck once more.
"How about daddy's princess from The Big Apple who gets everything she wants?" Again, her voice transitioned seamlessly - as though she'd lived thousands of lives and one by one they were each bubbling to the surface.
"Or what about the librarian from London Town? Kind, considerate... caring..." You couldn't help but moan as she dipped her digits beneath the fabric, her chilled fingertips working their way down your slit as her lips attacked your neck, leaving blush red bruises along the blank canvas below your ear.
"Or..." Villanelle muttered after a moment, now back to her native tongue, "...Perhaps you'd like the hardened killer from Moscow..." At this, your back arched against the crimson silk of her bed as she found your clit, delicately grazing the bundle of nerves with her middle finger.
"Villa-" You tried to speak, however her name had barely escaped your lips when she was on top of you, straddling your hips - one hand hovering over your clit, the other at your neck.
"Shh, shh, no talking, Baby Girl, no talking..." Villanelle's hand stayed at the base of your neck as her dominant went to work once more, circling neat figures of eight, building you to your high. It was when you began to whimper once more, back now raised high in the air, did Villanelle remove her hand from your neck and place her index and middle finger in your mouth. She chuckled, eyes wide, when you welcomed them, sucking eagerly as you bucked your hips toward her hand ever so slightly, grasping at every second of friction you could muster.
It would take just a second for you to come undone beneath her, and when Villanelle praised you - mocking your pathetic moans before she did so - you felt a simmering heat crashing through your body, flooding your veins and raising gooseflesh on your arms. A smug smirk curved her lips as she chuckled, watching you writhe beneath her, proud of herself as you lay, leg trembling slightly, breast heaving in defeat.
"Good girly..." Villanelle adored, bringing her fingers to her lips and tasting her victory, eyebrows raised and eyes widening as she did so, humming in delight.
You lay breathless, chest heavily raising up and down as Villanelle lay beside you, interlocking your fingers and tilting her head to meet yours. You mustered a chuckle when you saw her smile, exhailing deeply before gazing at the ceiling above, heat radiating from your body, thoughts blurry with the thrill of your high. Bringing you down, however, was Villanelle, who now had propped herself up on her elbows, a mischevious smirk occupying her lips.
"Round two?"
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lmillers · 4 years
Can someone recommend good post-3x08 fics? Like literally post-bridge? smut most welcome lol 
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comfycomer · 4 years
I Do It Better (Villaneve Smut)
Got inspired looking at @villanelloni’s art
Eve was not sure how this had happened. How had she gotten to the hotel room? Why was she here with Villanelle? One minute they had been on a bus and next second she was being pinned against ugly crimson and orange wallpaper by Villanelle’s lean body and lips which were attached to her neck. 
Villanelle’s hands were wandering all over Eve’s body. It was as if they were trying to discover what piece of clothing they wanted to remove first.
Eve let out a low moan and her own hands slipped down to the assassin’s ass. Her grip on Villanelle there allowed her to pull the younger woman’s boy even closer against her own. She did it almost involuntarily. She desperately wanted, no, needed Villanelle’s body as closer to her as is could possibly get. What was she doing? Eve was so confused how all of this has transpired. But as soon as Villanelle’s full lips moved to her own, and confusion she had was stifled by the kiss. 
“I want you so badly,” grunted Villanelle against her lips. It was then that her fingers finally found the clothing she wished to remove first. Those long fingers played with the zipper on Eve’s jeans for a moment before finally yanking it down. 
This caused Eve to let out a small gasp as she felt Villanelle brush against the top of her panties with her hand. She wanted Villanelle to remove them. She needed Villanelle to have her way with her body. She wanted the assassin to have complete control. And thankfully Villanelle wanted the same thing. 
So with Eve’s pants half way down her ass, Villanelle’s hand dipped beneath her panties and between her legs. 
Both woman moaned loudly as two fingers entered Eve’s wetness. Villanelle’s fingers danced across the folds for a moment reveling in the softness of it all. Then she went all the way in, as deep as she could. 
Eve whimpered out a soft, “Vill,” as this happened. 
But the assassin didn’t respond. She was far too busy with her work. In and out she moved at an almost frantic pace, eagerly longing to give Eve release. 
Soon Eve was sinking down onto the younger woman’s fingers and palm. Her arms wrapped around Villanelle’s shoulders as she tried to steady herself. She could hardly control her own panting breathes as her legs began to tremble wildly. “Fuck.”
Villanelle smirked as Eve curse. She pressed their foreheads together so that the small beads of sweat that were appearing on both of them began to mingle. “Can he make you feel this good?” 
Eve knew Villanelle was referring to Niko. But how could she possibly think of him now? 
“Say it Eve,” insisted the younger woman. “Tell the truth.” 
“You- you know-.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
“It’s never been this good,” Eve finally admitted. 
Villanelle bit her lower lip and grinned in triumph. “Your pussy is mine now. Only I can fuck you like this.”
Eve leaned in and kissed Villanelle’s collar bone. “Anything you say,” she gasped. The pleasure she was feeling right now was absolutely overwhelming and Eve would never be able to get enough of it. “Vill, I’m- i’m gonna cum.” 
“Good baby. Just let go now.”
Then with a few more stroke of Villanelle’s fingers Eve was coming. Her insides gripped Villanelle’s fingers tightly as her walls began to shake along with her body. She almost fell as her legs gave way, but Villanelle held her up. “Holy shit,” she breathed as a whine escaped her lips. 
“Did you like that?”
Eve closed her eyes and leaned into the assassin’s shoulder and nodded. “Yes, oh god, yes.”
“Good, because that’s just the beginning.”
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valfem · 2 years
i've loved you three summers now, honey
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summary: villanelle and eve go on a group trip but have trouble keeping their hands off each other
rating: explicit (smut)
series: part 7 of safest haven
read it on AO3
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