#even an aviary!!!
i went to the flower fields with gg today, and there were so many women in their little outfits there and i just love women so much
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fisheito · 8 months
If you tracked my eye activity on that bliss promo pic with the tops it would be something like this
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Making a major stop at topper
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Before crashing into a ditch (yakuya corner)
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#i'm having a moment. the only time i'll ever see these two standing next to each other is in a promotional pic for the sfw game version#FOR SERIOUS i was weirded out by this combination of characters in one pic when i first saw it#i was like oh?? they doing a random assortment now? i mean sure! yeah! i guess! spice it up they look great!!#then someone pointed out that this was Tops Only#then showed me the corresponding picture of Bottoms Only#and i felt my eyebrow raise sharply#OOOH.... i didn't even consider... right.... top bottom segregation#(reality does not occur to me. i see them all through switch-coloured lenses and thus ignore information inconvenient to my preference)#then i started thinking more about the . idea of it. that the tops are in a bar's hidden back room with mafia boss dante#and the bottoms are hanging out in the airy beautiful atrium of pure white snow and lilting piano music#tops are like WELCOME TO THE LIONS DEN and bottoms are like HEY COME INTO THE AVIARY AND SIT WITH US 🥰#i dwelt on the fact that i was weirded out by yakumo in this group#and it made me think about how..... yakumo would be scared of all the other tops#all of them are INTIMIDATION 100 to hiim#so i imagine after you get him to pose for this shot with everyone. and the business is done#yakumo will quickly retreat to the room with the bottoms (where all his friends are)#blade being the adaptable little creature he is will be like OH COOL ARE YOU GOING TO SEE THE OTHERS??#I WANT TO SEE THE OTHERS TOO!! MORE FRIENDS!! LET'S GO TOGETHER n_n *links arms* *DRAGS everyone else out of the room*#imagining yaku being first ushered into this dark room with kuya dante and quincy#and he's just nervously glancing at topper for reassurance that there's no danger#just trembling and thinking about how he wants his emotional support wolf/vice captain/priest/earring twin senpai#no yakumo. i wanted you to mingle. and you shall mingle#wear matching outfits with your fellow Tops and (topp) until you build trust and reduce their Intimidation Factors#nu carnival dante#nu carnival blade#nu carnival quincy#nu carnival kuya#nu carnival yakumo
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Story time with Lucile Desmoulins compilation
The Violet It was the first day of spring, and I walked out, descending into a valley filled with willows, which, alas! were not yet green. I turned away my eyes from the sight of those melancholy trees denuded of their leaves, and thought only of seeking amid the fresh-springing grass for the first flower of the fairest season. I walked a long time without finding anything, but at length, as far off as my sight could reach, I perceived a violet, one single violet! Oh, how beautiful it was! I flew to the spot, and was about to pick it, when, (what was my surprise!) the humble flower stirred, and seemed to endeavour to extricate itself from beneath my fingers! Fearing to deceive myself, I stretched out my hand. Then a voice, as sweet as its perfume, made itself heard, ”What are you doing, Lucile,” it said to me; ”why would you tear me from the earth? Alas! suffer me to live yet awhile; no one here treads me underfoot; you will soon find thousands more beautiful than I; in a bouquet I should be lost, mixed up with others, and I should add nothing to its size; let me end my days here.” Touched by such affecting language, I replied: ”Fear nothing, gentile flower, I would never be so cruel as to destroy you; let me only inhale your breath.” Then she lifted her odorous head, and her leaves unfolded themselves. Moved to tears, I allowed one to fall into her calix. She said to me: ”Your tears recruit my strength; I shall live longer than my fellows.” Then I said, ”I will come every day and moisten your leaves with sweet pure water.” ”Come,” she replied, ”but come always alone.” I promised her this, and every day I went to tend her, and to inhale her delicious perfume. Alas! I shall never see my friend again! My charming violet — one evening — in vain I sustained her bending stem, in vain slightly sprinkled her with water drops to revive her; her last hour had come. I shall visit that valley no more, but I shall ever think of my sweet violet.
First cited in Camille Desmoulins and his wife: passage from the history of the dantonists by Jules Claretie (1876) page 128-129
What I would do if I were in her place If destiny had placed me on the throne, if I was queen, and, having brought pain to my subjects, a just death for my crimes had been prepared for me, I wouldn’t wait for the moment when an unrestrained population came to tear me from my palace to drag me unworthily to the foot of the scaffold, I would prevent their blows, I say, and would like by dying to impose them on the entire universe. I would have a large enclosure prepared in a public place, I would have a stake erected there and barriers surrounding it, and three days before my death I would let the people know my intentions. At the back of the enclosure and opposite the stake I would erect an altar. During these three days I would go to the foot of this altar to pray to the great master of the universe, on the third day I would like all my mourning family to accompany me to the stake, this ceremony would take place at midnight by light torches.
First cited in Les Autographes et le goûts des autographes en France et à l’entranger (1865) page 301-302
The Aviary Cloé had only seen the revolution of the twelve months of the year twelve times. Her only occupation, her only amusement during this happy period of her life, was to look for nests in the woods and to see these young broods growing under her eyes and by her care. The little birds had grown big, she didn't have the courage to get rid of them; she kept them all and fed them as best she could. Her parents, who were not wealthy, were forced to interfere with their daughter's innocent pleasures. The aviary had become considerable and required a fairly large quantity of grain, which the young shepherdess obtained only with great difficulty. She had even had to steal more than once. One morning the young Cloé had gone out to find some new broods. What a sight awaited her on her return! She arrives very happy, in her hands a pretty nest of warblers. She runs to her aviary: the door to it was wide open, and not a bird inside... The merry finches, the bullfinches, the frank sparrows, the goldfinches, the tender warbler, the nightingale... and you too, faithful pigeon, all had taken their flight: not a single one had awaited the return of their poor master! How to paint Cloé's despair? At first she remains motionless and mute. A moment later, rage seizes her, she tears out her blond hair, she is flooded with tears; then she overturns and breaks the cage under her feet; she goes, comes, walks out and returns almost immediately. Several times one sees her following the birds in the air with her eyes, hoping to distinguish some of those in her aviary. She can no longer eat, and throws away all the objects that could remind her of too dear memories. At twenty, she was no more distressed when she learned of the infidelity of her beloved shepherd. One hears her exclaim: “Ah! Alas! They gave up their beneficence… Even though nothing was missing. These ingrates! What had they to desire? I shared with them the bread that was given to me for myself alone. I made them eat it out of my hand. How many times didn’t I go to the garden to pick up for them the fruit that had fallen from the tree! I spent whole hours looking for new worms for them that they love so much! How many times have I exposed myself for them to the reproaches and threats of my parents! Every morning, every evening I took care of them, as a mother takes care of her little children. I caressed them in turn; I warmed them in my bosom. How many times have I disturbed my sleep to go discover some companions for them at dawn, through brambles and thorns! They were all my pleasures. Near them I forgot the hour of the dance. They even recognized me and returned my caresses. During the winter, when the snow covers the fields, where will they take refuge? They will die of cold and hunger… if the bird-catcher does not trap them to give them to cruel children, or else the inhuman hunter… O my poor little birds, how I pity you! Alas! You miss me. Cruel parents, it is you who cause us all these evils!”
An elderly shepherdess, her neighbour, had heard the lamentations of the young Cloé. Touched by her good heart, she came up and said to her, embracing her: 
”Console yourself, beloved child, do not cry over the fate of your lost birds; all your care did not make them happier... 
”My dear, what more did they need? I could have given it to them.”
”Liberty, my dear daughter: it is the greatest of goods. For her, we face the rigor of the seasons, the traps of the bird catcher, the gun of the hunter. For her we forget her benefactress, and the benefactress has no right to call ungrateful those who prefer only liberty to her.”
”So you mean that, free, they can be even happier than they were with me?”
”Yes, Cloé.”
”You assure me, my dear?”
”Yes, beloved child.”
”Well, if it is as you tell me, I am willing to forgive them.”
First cited in Paris en 1794 et en 1795: histoire de la rue, du club, de la famine, composée d’après des documents inédits, particulièrement les rapports de police et les registres du Comité de salut public, avec une introduction par C-A Dauban (1869) by Charles-Aimé Dauban, page 335-337.
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pebblemae · 9 months
You know what I would LOVE? If we could make our own Sky houses Roblox style. Like we have a plot of land, a starter building, and a few furniture items. Any furniture props you have you can set up and make your own little home. I would LOVE to have that in game.
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skyhighru · 7 months
1st day of the month means it's time to go back to the firework festival
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haven't taken much photos during the actual firework part of the festival because I was busy running around and adding more fireworks to the mix
also changed the fit again, because I'm indecisive lmao
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occultopossum · 13 days
Loving animals but you've hit that stage of 'So many of these cute animal videos are so bad. In the following flavors; exotics being mishandled/in poor habitats (And don't get me started on animals who shouldn't ever be pets), this animal is in distress/showing symptoms of illness people are applying human characteristics too, someone has put a predator animal with a prey and says they're best friends (see cats with 'bunny best friends' when like a scratch from a cat can get easily infected/ect). and just feeling like suuuch a spoil sport seeing a '''cute''' video and knowing it's dogshit or knowing someone will be like 'urm exchtully' If i comment
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amity206 · 1 year
Project Aviary Video Screenshots?
This was from someone’s YouTube video, I think it’s the video that the people in charge of the Chinese version of the game sent out - so take this with a grain of salt as things in the Global version are slightly different
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This looks like the place it’s located on the map shrine? Also a little picture of manatee? The second screenshot seemed to be in the Office which had a door to the Aviary
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More location screenshots, these match the ones we got pretty closely
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Hello?? This looks like a place where ALL cosmetics are available to try on, even past ultimate gifts. The video showed you could wear them in other areas of the Aviary but I’m not sure if a) this feature will only be available in the Chinese version or b) if they’ll change it so the cosmetics are only available within the building. It’s possible they might change it to just within a specific building, but I’m not sure
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hexjulia · 3 months
learned soldering aluminium is not actually difficult as i assumed for some reason! yay.
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paleodictyoptera · 4 months
I keep seeing sky:cotl tags and i instinctually say in my head Sky: Cult of the Lamb. New unhinged AU idea?
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thekrows-nest · 2 years
ScarKrow brainrot where another sex worker from a different brothel notices Krow and wants to take him just to spite on Scarlet 💃 (I'm back winndyyy)
(Eeeeeeeemmmmm yaaaaaaay~ o(≧∇≦o) )
Oh man. That would be quite the time.
The first time or two I imagine it's a little something like so: Krow is walking along in the red light district, neon lights flashing and blaring so much they reflect off his headphones and cast even his dark green hoodie in an array of colors. He isn't giving much mind to the other businesses, nor the girls walking along and trying to solicit their services to any potential clients. That is, until one quite literally stops him by putting her hand on his arm, trying to tug him along. "Hey sweetie, why don't you have some fun with me instead?" she would say, giving Krow a voluptious look. Krow has never seen this young woman before. Is she new? He figured everyone around here knew who he was an exclusive client of by now. Krow takes his arm back, forcibly, and gives her a look to backdown but not a wholly unkind one. "N-no thanks. D-don't touch me." he hurries quickly to the brothel Scarlet is at, finding reprieve in her arms.
But if it happened more than once? Kept happening? Well...
Krow would walk with a more hurried pace, headphones over his ears as usual but no music playing, just giving the subtle cue to not bother him, but would allow him to hear everything around him. He would keeping an eye out, glancing at each person passing by him as he walked, a slight sense of relief when it wasn't that woman again. Why did she want his attention so badly? Like him, specifically? It was getting ridiculous... and irritating. He got lost in his thoughts briefly, only a moment, but that moment was enough. Suddenly he was being pulled, yanked really, backwards, and Krow had to flail to get out of the grasp of who was doing it. He rapidly turned to face who was his assaulter, and saw it was her. Why? Why did she keep doing this? "Come on love, why are you giving old news like Scarlet any attention still? Don't you know she's on her way out?" That garnered some rage from the shorter male. "How many t-times... do I-I have to t-tell you... t-to leave me a-and Scarlet alone?!" Krow said, his voice dark, the pupils in his eyes, just subtly, changing to green; it could be hard to catch in the dark, and even with the neon lights, would give the impression as just a trick of the light. To the woman's venomous comments of Scarlet, Krow had grabbed the woman's wrist harshly. "N-never make such a c-comment of Scarlet a-again. You will r-regret it." Krow let go of her wrist, almost shoving her back with a final glare. As much as such a person was annoying him, he didn't really wish to hurt them. But if she continued to insult Scarlet so... well, Krow was a person of his word.
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angrybatgaming · 9 months
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(Where I live, we sometimes get small snow showers through March and April. Had a snowstorm once on the first day of Spring.)
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Oh well. At least I got one last funny snowman pic with Chill Sunbather cosmetics on. The snowboard makes the image even funnier. In my opinion anyway.
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Sadly, the sunglasses clip through the bat mask horribly. So I wore the Journey mask with them instead. The Gloating Narcissist hair works so well with the look! If only I had the surfboard. (Too expensive for something that only works on water.)
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Grandma, that is NOT a good substitute for firewood. You're scaring Björn!
Björn: ...
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And ending this post on a nice landscape shot I took today before signing off of Sky. Next post will be when Season of the Nine-Colored Deer starts! Really looking forward to some of the Asian-inspired cosmetics! (Is it Chinese? Indian? I've never heard of this legend until now, so sorry if I just sounded like an idiot. >_< )
Until next time!
It's Persian!!!! I just looked it up! My bad!
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tklishbrwngrl · 9 months
Merry Christmas! At what point of Christmas are the 12 days of Christmas supposed to start? Just the beginning of December or specifically 12 before Christmas?
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Absolutely weeping over a 60s tv show nobody else cares about
#I don’t know. there’s a lot to unpack#I just watched the one with the aviary#and I’m just rly emo abt jeannie/marty#they are both so fucking unhappy sometimes#I feel like sometimes it’s easy for the audience and for Jeff to forget that like#he’s dead. to Jeannie he’s dead!!#esp since in the last couple of eps Marty has been so serious and not in like. his usual panic-at-everything way#but in a way that to me suggests that he’s just. really unhappy#him being excited to show Jeff he can move a cup and then Jeff dismissing it#and I feel like it discourages Marty bc he ends up thinking yea whatever he’s right it is a stupid thing to be proud of#and then obvs Jeff is like okay now I’m gonna have ur wife flirt with some other guy like#nooo stop that’s the thing he’s SENSITIVE about lol#even tho I firmly believe that Jeff is right when he says that Jeannie should move on#I just don’t think it’s time yet#idk I should channel this energy into fanfic lol but I don’t have time rn#so I’m just. spilling thoughts everywhere#the fact that Jean is consistently SO vulnerable to manipulation when it comes to Marty#and the fact that Pete and her other friends either are oblivious to that or just don’t care#like in that fucking party where she’s sat on her own and she’s So fucking sad#and none of them go to see if she’s okay#and when she’s like hey I’d Really rather not do any kind of seance shit#they’re just like whatever come on don’t wimp out#like. they know of course they know. they KNOW she was bereaved recently#why don’t they listen to her when she expresses discomfort#like obviously it’s good for Marty that she goes along with it in the end#but they still shouldn’t be pressing her on something which is CLEARLY an upsetting subject for her#idek!!#anyway whatever#this is merely a FRACTION of my thoughts. I am thinking abt this show SO hard lol#randall and hopkirk deceased
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many-gay-magpies · 1 year
a friend just sent me a vid of the aviary season beta and told me where to stop it so i wouldn't get spoiled on the area. i want pretty much every single cosmetic i saw this is unfair + insane
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wild-at-mind · 1 year
Any time a bird is in captivity of any kind without fail there’s someone who shows up and goes ‘:( so sad, it should be FREE!’ Which, I’m very aware of the problems with cagebirds, but someone does this every time including when the bird in question is very clearly a genetic freak of some sort. For example, a rescue aviary near me used to have a lovely fantail dove, who according to volunteers was extremely friendly and loved cuddles and sitting on people’s heads. She’s passed away now, sadly, but on the aviary facebook there’s an old video of her and someone has put one of those comments along the lines of she should be in the wild. But she was so visibly a product of human selective breeding it was unreal. She had a huge, bulgy chest and her neck was bent so far back that the resting position of her head was on her back. If her eyes weren’t on the sides of her head she wouldn’t have been able to see over her own chest. Not all fantail doves look like this, but this one was so extreme looking that they had a little sign on the aviary reassuring people she was alright. I just wondered where exactly this commenter imagined she would belong if all the birds in the aviary were released into the wild and somehow back into their ideal habitats. There’s nowhere in the world outside of in the care of humans where a bird looking like that would be remotely ok.
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