#even i slightly wanna look like gwen and i am a dude
pr0wlerpunk · 1 year
Would they love you as a worm?
And how would they react?
Some of these are short and I’m sorry for that, wrote this at 1:am and I didn’t rlly feel like adding or fixing anything ☹️
Warnings: Slight atsv spoilers!!!, really bad British slang(someone please help), idk if the terms I used for hobie are actual British slang or not….nor do I know how to spell them if they are☹️
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Earth-1610!Miles Morales- Definitely(but he Misses human you)
🕷️miles would ABSOLUTELY love you as a worm.
🕷️somehow someway you turn into a worm and miles is so protective.
🕷️I’m talkin’ like dude would keep you so safe, with a little terrarium filled with fresh soil and plants.
🕷️feel like he would also spend nights talkin’ to you and just spilling his problems out.
🕷️one time he got scared that his mom threw you out but she had just moved you…yea he almost had a heart attack
“Mom, where’s my little jar I had on my window?”
“Oh uhm….I honestly don’t remember where I put it..”
And he’s already gone to look for you around the house.
It took him a hour but he finally found you…in a cabinet.
That night he spent singing sunflower to you
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Earth-42!Miles Morales- Kinda(he had to think about it)
⛓️ miles would have to warm up to you.
⛓️like 1610 miles, you somehow turn into a worm.
⛓️at first he thinks it’s a joke…but as time moves on he realizes you’re a worm.
⛓️he definitely would keep you safe though.
⛓️like he would keep you fed and made sure you didn’t dry out.
⛓️but like he doesn’t do the whole talk thing.
⛓️the only time he talks to you is when he’s checking on you(like twice a day)
⛓️he definitely hides you from his uncle.
⛓️he’s not ashamed he just doesn’t want to explain how you became a worm because even he doesn’t know.
⛓️though if Aaron ever found out I think he would just stare at miles and walk away.
“Yo miles, cmon man we gotta do a ru-”
“…” “…”
“Miles why is there a worm on your desk?…”
“I know it looks weird!!, but somehow [___] got turned into a worm..”
“Yea… we not doin’ no run today…you can just stay here with uhm…yo worm”
“Yo! Unc, it ain’t Like that!!”
But Aaron’s already out the door
And miles is left as heat flushes his now embarrassing face
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Hobie Brown- Doesn’t care(but yes)
🎸hobie doesnt care, Like literally it’s your life.
🎸but, he is one of them that would carry you in his pocket.
🎸like dude has a full on pocket full of damp soil just for you.(that’s how he keeps you safe)
🎸he doesn’t know how you got turned into a worm, but like I said earlier he honestly doesn’t care.
🎸if you wanna be a worm…he ain’t gonna stop you.
🎸like 1610!miles, he definitely would talk to you.
🎸like full on conversations though.
🎸like he’s asking you questions and everyone’s just staring thinking he’s finally lost his marbles.
“So I was tellin’ bloke-”
“Ay hobie, who’re you talking to?”
“Bruva, you’re tellin’ me you don’t see [___] right er’???”
“That’s botched huh luv?!”
Yea they never came back…
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Gwen Stacy- Not at first(but she does)
🎵she actually thinks you look stupid at first.
🎵she blames however you got like this on you or miles.
🎵she definitely thought you were ugly.
🎵but then she gets to care for you and ends up loving you.
🎵not the best at protecting you but please don’t be hard on her.
🎵she gets mad when someone tries to mess with you.
🎵like it’s kinda scary.
🎵I’m talkin’ bout full on glare, eyebrows furrowed, right nostril flared and lip curved up slightly.
🎵one day she caught a spider person tapping your glass and she got pissed.
“Ay!, why’re tapping the glass?”
“Oh, uhm.!”
“Move. This isn’t a zoo”
“Right! S-sorry!”
“You ok [___]?”
All in all everyone knew not to mess with Gwen and her worm friend.
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Jessica Drew- Yes(shes basically your mom now)
🤰🏾she absolutely loves you.
🤰🏾plus she thought it’d be easy practice for when she pops her baby.
🤰🏾is the type to tell someone she has a kid and then show them you
🤰🏾she’s definitely always checking on you.
🤰🏾protects you like a mom should.(kinda)
🤰🏾she cried when she lost you.
🤰🏾one day she set you down to grab a drink and when she came back you were gone.
“I’ll be right back [___], don’t move!”
5 minutes later…
“E-excuse me, but has anyone seen [___]??”
“Uh, who?”
“Their a worm, and they were right here!”
She ended up finding you with Peter B and mayday
She realized this was harder than she originally thought…
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Miguel- No(He Acts Like he hates you, but secretly would do anything for you)
🕸️dude definitely almost stepped on you once or twice.
🕸️Bros the Type of Person to yell at you After he almost stepped on you.
🕸️but like once he warms up to you he’s definitely carrying you everywhere.
🕸️Like Bro wouldn’t trust you😭.
🕸️or for that matter anyone.
🕸️Like one time, he let Peter B watch You And when he came back mayday was about to eat you.
“I got it dude”
“Are You sure You can Watch [___]?”
“Yes now go..literally you’re ruining the mood right now”
10 Minutes later…
“I’m back-”
“What!, What!?”
“Your child almost ate [___]…”
“I’m sorry?”
“…Hijo de puta…”
“Yea i deserve that…”
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Pav- Yes(He wants to keep you forever..)
🪀Bro thinks you’re the cutest thing hes ever Seen
🪀he definitely calls you his little wormy
🪀he would keep you safe in a while mini House
🪀Like Bro made it And Everything
🪀he doesn’t want you to Turm Back Human
🪀Like…Ever 💀
🪀he definitely Rants to you about EVERYTHING
🪀he told you how miles called Chai, “chai tea”
“So im sitting there right And he just Says….Chai tea…”
His mom thinks he has an imaginary friend now….
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Tags: @alisblackgf
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suguruslut · 1 year
Your wedding (part 1/2)
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
<<< 𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪🐉| 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙖🐅| 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙖🐕 >>>
Gwen’s Notes: while I personally think weddings are a huge waste of money, time, and are a disgustingly glamorized circus promoting legalized slavery, I am endlessly amused by wedding shows on TLC🤣 that being said, here’s what you two would look like on the big day! (pics are of female x male, but it’s your fantasy & you can wear whatever you want)
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-Tatsu stressed out about the perfect wedding suit more than you stressed out about your wedding dress. He was used to wearing suits for yakuza business, but this day was dramatically different than the day-to-day suits he wore at his old “job”
-he knew you were planning on wearing a kimono, but your hints told him that it wouldn’t have a traditional style, which only confused him more on the subject of what HE should wear
-in the end, he decided on all black. maybe an odd choice considering this was his wedding day, but light colors made him look like a stock broker, and nothing existed that made him look less scary
-you kept your kimono pattern a secret until the big day. you didn’t want anyone spoiling the golden dragon design you had specially made
-the dragon design went on the back of the kimono, mirroring the dragon tattoo your husband to be had on his own back. even if his had to be hidden for your wedding day, you wanted everyone to know just whose wedding they were at
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-Although Tora normally likes sexy outfits on you, the two of you discussed classing it up a little for your wedding day, deciding something in satin would be a good combination of luxury and simplicity
-you went with a sleeveless white dress instead of a traditional kimono, both of you not crazy about traditional weddings. you made sure the dress had no back, though, and showed just enough of your chest where Tora might become distracted during the ceremony
-Tora saved up thousands of yen to buy you big earrings that were actually worth something. he wanted you to be the envy of every man and woman in the vicinity
-as for Tora himself, he went a different direction from his usual color scheme and wore a black suit, slightly unbuttoned white shirt and gold chain. the man loves putting his own personal touch on things, adding dress shoes with a strange pattern and an expensive watch you’re pretty sure he scared off someone
-standing together, you two looked like a combination of high class society and the ferocious underbelly of Japan, an image both of you were satisfied with
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-So...even if it is Masa’s wedding day, the dude doesn’t really wanna get dressed up. Knowing that, you two decided the easiest wedding to have was a beach wedding, which enables Masa to not even wear shoes (something he appreciates)
-Masa actually looks very good in light colors, so he wears off white dress pants and a loose suit coat. definitely not a tie man, or a hanker chief man. lazy man.
-feeling a bit lazy yourself, you decide a flowy, lightweight dress would be best for a beach wedding, wanting to be comfortable while you two are tripping in the sand
-you couldn’t make it too easy for Masa, though, wanting to distract the poor boy by getting a dress with a dipping V front
-both you and Masa are fascinated by your long flowy sleeves and spend most of the dress rehearsal playing with them
𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚
                                                      🐉 🐅 🐕
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td-thoughts · 2 years
i want to look like gwen so bad but im afraid everyone will know im trying to look like her
honestly go for it it'd be a power move. change ur voice to sound like hers as well. i'll supply the hair dye
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hypnosisbuttd · 3 years
Hypnosis is Bullshit
(A gay Hypnosis Story)
“Alright Campers!” Chris shouts to the contestants in the cafeteria “It’s time for your next challenge!”
“What now?” Duncan asks annoyed.
“Aw what? Do you not enjoy my challenge?” Chris says sadly
“No” All of the contestants say simultaneously
“Rude...” Chris says, faking being offended. “Well it doesn’t matter cause you’re doing it anyways! Meet me out by the cabins! No not your housing arrangements, the OTHER cabins.”
Chris then proceeds to disappear.
The Campers leave their cafeteria, but then Duncan and Trent get into a little scuffle outside the doors.
“Don’t fucking push me dude” Trent snapped
“Well if your slow ass wasn’t taking up the entire doorway I wouldn’t have needed to” Duncan responds
“Bastard, you wanna fight me?” Trent threatens
“Try me bitch” Duncan challenges“
Oh my god, break it up you two.” Heather sighs
“You stay out of this you black haired dog eater” Duncan sneers
“AIGHT BITCH YOU WANNA GO?!” Heather says threatening Duncan as Lindsay holds her back.
“Ha, you’re so easy to get a reaction out of” He laughs
“Ugh! I really wish someone would knock you down a peg you brat!” Heather shouts
“Duncan I really think you should back off” Gwen suggests
“Aw come on you know you love it baby”“Ew...” Gwen says backing off.
“Y’all gonna head over to the Cabins, or Am I gonna have to drag your clown asses over there?” Leshawna asks
“Tch, fine” Duncan reluctantly lets up
(Nobody messes with Leshawna)
The campers settles their conflict and head out to the old cabins in the wood. 6 of them have spirals painted on them.
“This challenge is a 1 on 1 hypnosis challenge, each of one of the former screaming gophers will compete with one of the former Killer Bass to hypnotize each other in one hour. Whoever succeeds will be allowed to do whatever they want with the other, whoever does the most embarrassing thing to the other when the timer is up wins, the judge will as always be me.” Chris explains
“As stupid as this challenge is, there is a slight problem Chris” Duncan calls out
“And that is?” Chris asks
“Hypnosis ain’t real you fucking moron.” He shouts
“Yes it is!” Izzy shouts “Ive seen plenty of government facilities use Hypnosis on Politicians to get them favorably on one side of the Spectrum or on enemy soldier to reveal critical information! But I’m completely resistant to it cause I was born colorblind!” Izzy rants
“And we’re supposed to believe the crazy lady why?” Duncan asks
Izzy growls
“Anyways here are your teams”
“Leshawna and Eva, you’ll go to the first cabin”
“Ha good luck, I have an Iron Will” Eva notes
“Team 2 will be Heather and Bridgette”
“Yeah no, I’m not letting this bitch control me. You’re going down Heather” Bridgette threatens
“Team 3 is Lindsay and Izzy”
“This will go down well...” Duncan mutters sarcastically
“Team 4 is Geoff and Gwen”
“Aight little lady! We got this!” Geoff cheers
“I don’t think you understand this challenge” Gwen says
“Team 5 is Owen and DJ”
“Oh fuck no” Trent and Duncan say simultaneously
“And Team 6 will be Duncan and Trent! Ha ha ha” Chris laughs
“Fuck you and your idiot ass McLain” Duncan says flipping the bird at McLain before waking inside the cabin.
“I could have had it worse...” Trent suggests trying to keep it positive.
The two of them wander inside the cabin and did the room lined with various Hypnosis tools.
Duncan just sighs“God this shit it stupid... I mean look at this” He picks up a ray gun “Hypno Gun? My gif what do they think we are? 5? I’m so done with this. Let’s just wait the hour out I don’t even care if we lose”
“Whatever...” Trent sighs.
Duncan sits down on one of the coaches while Trent wanders around the room.
After a bit of searching however, Trent notices a small tape sitting in the corner of the room, he picks it up and the Tape Reads ‘Easy White Noise Hypnosis’. Trent, wanting a bit of laugh but also not caring, removes the label and replaces it with a label he had on one of his other tapes titled ‘Heavy Punk Rock Favorites’.
He then proceeds to sit next to Duncan
“Da fuck do you want?” Duncan snaps
“Well I decided since we’re going to be here a while, I thought you would like to listen to some music. I know you’re a punk rock fan, so I got some of my favorites.” He hands the tape to Duncan
“I mean you’re choice in Music probably sucks but whatever...” Duncan plugs in a pair of headphones into the tape and begins listening.
“Dude this is just white noise, what the fuck is this?” Duncan asks clearly confused
“It’s a start up noise, it’ll probably take a couple minutes to start up” Trent lied
Duncan relents and continues to sit there. After a few minutes, his expression begins to go slack and he sits there looking confused.
“Dude... This shit is making my head feel... funny...” Duncan slurs. He goes to take off the headphones.
“Up bup bup bup” Trent places his hands on his and keeps the headphones “Just keep going”
“But... I...”
“Ssshhh” Trent shush him. Duncan giggles a little before continuing on.
After a couple more minutes, Duncan is gone full slack. His eyes are crossed and drool is slowly dripping down the side of his mouth. Trent waves his hand in front of Duncan, he doesn’t even react. He just sits there.
Holy shit did it actually work? Trent thinks. He decides to test his theory.
“Duncan can you hear me?” Trent asks
“Yeah...” Duncan mumbles
“Are you willing to obey my commands?” He asks
“Sure” Duncan slurs
“Stand in front of me...” He orders
Duncan stands up and walks in front of Trent.
No way... Trent thinks This can’t be real. I guess the only way to know is if I make him do something so embarrassing that if he’s pranking me he’ll have to let up...
“Alright Duncan listen to me. When I snap my fingers, you will become a Sexy Gay stripper who’s here to strip for me. You love showing your bare ass for people and you’re super horny. Ok?”
Duncan just drools
Theres no way... Trent thinks
Trent snaps his fingers and Duncan wakes up and stares directly at Trent. He then placed Hands on either side of Trent
Yup he’s definitely going to kill me
“Why Hello there Sexy” Duncan purrs
OH MY GOD Trents Mind Screams
Duncan stands up and admired Trent “Damn when they sent me for this job, I didn’t expect my client to be so sexy.” He says seductively
“Thank you...” Trent says trying to hold in his laughter
“Anyways let’s get on with the show shall we?” Duncan says pulling off his shirt slowly.
Trent just stares in awe as Duncan slowly pulls off his clothes. First he tosses off his shirt and lets Trent feel his pecs. Then he pulls off his pants and gives Trent a lap dance. Finally when Trent thought it was going to end, Duncan leaned in by his ear“
Since you’re such a special client case, I’ll give you a bonus show.” He whispers seductively.
Duncan stands up and pulls off his underwear, bearing his ass for Trent to see. He throws the underwear off to the side and exposes himself directly in front of Trent.
“Like what you see?” Duncan says winking
Trent could feel himself getting hard.
Wait what?
Trent looked down to see himself indeed having a hard on at the site of Duncan
What the? I’m straight! What the heck is going on?
Duncan leans in quietly and sets himself on Trents lap“What do you say me and you find the bedroom, and take care of that little problem of yours” Duncan says pulling at the edge of Trents pants
“Alright that’s enough! Sleep!” Trent calls out
Duncan immediately falls limp, his body crashing into Trents chest. Trent realized how Tiny Duncan was especially without the clothes and laughed to himself a little.
Hmm what should I do with you now? Trent thinks.
He looks down at Duncan’s muscular form. And immediately comes up with a devilish plan.
“Alright Duncan… You can still hear me correct?” He asks
“Ye…” Duncan slurs.
“Alright, when I wake you up, you will think you are a professional wrestler. And I am your opponent. You will try and punch and dent but will not have enough strength to do so. Meanwhile when I even slightly tap you, you will feel excruciating pain. And the only way You can make it stop is by me surrendering. Understood?” Trent explains.
Duncan moans.
“Ok… Then go…” Trent snaps his fingers.
Duncan sits up instantly and stares directly at Trent. He smiles and growls.
“Look at you. Little Princess. You think you can beat me?” Duncan sneers.
Trent stands up. “Psh, you’re all talk…” He laughs.
“Oh yeah. Then let’s see how you like this?” Duncan aims a punch directly for Trents face, but when he touches his face, it’s no more than a slight touch. Duncan backs up.
“You’re sturdy…” He mutters.
“Wanna try that again?” He asks
“Grr TAKE THIS!!!” Duncan runs up to him and grabs him around the arms. He attempts to lift Trent up, but fails miserably.
Trent just laughs and flicks Duncan’s nose. Duncan backs up and covers his nose in pain.
“Dude what the fuck?! How did you do that?” He says rubbing his nose.
“Just luck I guess.” Trent slaps Duncan’s back and he collapses to the ground writing in pain.
Trent pulls Duncan’s legs over his shoulders and Duncan writhes in pain.
“Say it!” Trent snaps
“Say what?” Duncan whimpers.
“Say you’re a princess…” He tugs on his leg.
Duncan winces hard. “GAAAH! Fine! I’m a Princess! I’m a pretty little bitch princess.”
“Why couldn’t Mario find you?”
“I was in another castle! Obviously!”
“And what we’re you doing there?”
“Probably getting fucked by You.” He laughs.
Trent stands there silent for a moment as he drops Duncan lies on the ground writhing.
“I surrender.” He mumbles.
Duncan’s pain vanishes and he quietly gets up and turns to Trent.
“You ok dude?” He asks
“Why did you say I was getting fucked by you? Why the fuck would you say that?” He growls.
“Dude, I just think your hot. I’m not tryna make you mad. If anything, I think you’d make a great top!” Duncan laughs.
Trent just sighs. “Sleep…”
Duncan falls forward and collapses into Trents arms. Trent quietly sits him on the floor and sits next to him thinking.
Did he really mean that? Trent thinks
He looks over at Duncan, who’s drooling on the floor and looking spaces out. Trent quietly contemplates for a moment before realizing his final trick. The thing he would do for Chris’s competition.
“Alright Duncan, can you hear me?” Trent asks.
“Mm…” Duncan quietly mumbles.
“Great then here’s what we’re gonna do.”
(Time skip to the end of the competition ton)
“Aaaaaand Times Up!” Chris blows his air horn. “Let’s see what we got now!”
“Duncan was right! You’re bullshitting McLain!” Gwen snaps.
“None of that stuff worked! All of the tools were fake!” Leshawna explains.
“Yeah! And I should know! I know what Hypnosis stuff looks like!” Izzy shouts.
“Really? It was supposedly real when I bought it online.” Chris says nervously.
“Yeah well I can guarantee that not a single one of us completed the challenge.” Bridgette snaps
“Actually I did!” Trent raised his hand.
Everyone turns to look at him in surprise.
“You can’t be serious…” Heather says tiredly.
“I am! And I have proof!” Trent quietly walks down the steps, a small figure crouches down behind him.
“Is that…” Gwen attempts to peak around.
Trent calls the small figure. “Come on, don’t be shy…”
The figure crawls quietly to Trents feet and reveals itself to be Duncan, but he’s different. His usual green Mohawk, now he had his air in a sort of wild style, kind of slicked back, but with a bit of a tip. But that was the least of the Changes. He was completely naked except for a pair of black ears and a large black tail stuck into his ass. And he had a collar with a bone collared name tag on it saying “Damian” attached to a leash that Trent was holding.
“No way…” Izzy says shocked.
“His name is Damian now. He’s a cutie aint he?” He says scratching Damian behind the ears. Damian pants in happiness.
“This isn’t real…” Heather says laughing.
“It is. I Hypnoed him to be a good boy. I taught him a couple tricks while I had the time.” Trent explains.
He points to in front of him and Damian walks up and “stands” on all fours in front of Trent.
Damian sits like a dog looking at Trent expectantly.
“Roll over.”
Damian lies down then rolls onto his back, then rolls back onto his stomach and sits up.
Damian barks.
“Wag your tail!”
Damian sticks his butt up in the air, and begins wagging his fake tail. Damian looks at Trent happily.
“Good boy!”
Trent pulls a cookie out of his pocket and dangles it in front of Damian. Damian grabs it and begins munching on the cookie. Once he’s finished, Trent pulls out a large beef bone and hands it to Damian. Damian takes it in his mouth and quietly circles around Trent before lying at his feet and viciously chewing on the bone.
“This is insane!” Owen looks in shock.
“HES SO CUTE!!!” Lindsay squeals.
“Oh how the tables have turned…” Heather smirks.
Chris looks at Trent in shock. He regains his composure and smiles at Trent. “Well then! Congratulations, Trent! You have won immunity!” Chris announces.
“And Damian, he’s my dog, after all.” Trent reaches down and scratches Damian behind the ears again. Damian whines in happiness.
“Ugh… Fine! Damian gets Immunity too… You have to change him back by the end of the week though!” Chris adds.
“Yeah yeah…” Trent waves it off.
(One week later, after Eva is eliminated)
Trent walks up to Damian, who had been quietly sleeping under Trents bunk. He ques for Damian to come out and Damian shuffles out and quietly waits for Trents command.
“Alright welp its time for you to go back to normal…”
Damian frowns and cries at Trent.
“I know I know… But Chris said it’s the requirement…” Trent says petting Damian.
Reluctantly, Damian sits back in normal position.
“Goodbye for now Damian…”
Damian barks one more time and nuzzles into Trents hand.
“And sleep…”
Duncan’s eyes roll over and he returns to sleep mode.
“Alright Duncan, I want you to take all the memories of you as Damian and tuck them safely away. It’ll be there, but you can’t open it unless I ask you to. Ok?” Trent explains.
Duncan mumbles what sounded like a yes.
“And other than that, when I snap my fingers, you will wake up as your Normal self, with all the memories of what you did. Ok?” Trent asks
Duncan nods.
“Ok, and go.” Trent snaps his fingers.
Duncan’s eyes snap back to reality and he looks at Trent in disgust.
“The fuck is up with-“ He stops as his memories come in “OH FUCK YOU!!!” Duncan gets up and lightly shoved Trent. Trent laughs.
“Yup! I got you!” Trent says.
“Oh god! How the fuck did That work?” Duncan asks
“Honestly? I just kinda got lucky! But I wasn’t wasting a golden opportune moment like this!” Trent laughs.
“Tch, whatever.” Duncan crosses his arms. But shockingly his expression softens.
“Hey… about that Damian thing…” He mumbles.
“What about it?” I ask strangely.
“Do you think you could do it again sometime…” He asks quietly.
Trent looks at him surprised “You’re not serious?!” Trent says shocked.
“Yes I am. I kinda like being Damian. I know I act like a bad boy all the time but, to be Damian would be like having just… a lay off of that I guess…” Duncan mumbles.
Trent seems to think for a moment, before nodding and reaching his hand out towards Duncan. “Deal!”
Duncan grasps his hand and shakes it. “Thanks.”
Duncan begins quietly walking out when Trent stops him.
“Aren’t you gonna put on clothes?” Trent laughs.
Duncan looks back at him and smirks.
“Dogs don’t wear clothes”
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Trust. [Bill Hader]
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Prompt: It’s the IT premiere and someone drinks a bit much, letting some of their feelings and fears out.
Warning: Swearing, angst and fluff. Also a very emotional and a long-ish monologue.
A/N: This took longer, I was stuck with another story plus I had one of those weeks but last night this story came to mind and did it. 
PS: Is it just me or Bill looks really hot angry? (Like in the GIF or in Barry) 
Word count: 1919
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Bill smiled as he tried to pose, his hands doing nothing but falling flat next to his torso being followed by his shoulders slouching down. He had forgotten all the pointers Gwen had gave him, but she didn't care, it wasn't like it was her idea to improve his posing game, she actually adored the way he just stood in front of the cameras and wasn't sure of doing what to do but smile.
She took her place in the carpet next to him, smiling as he placed his hand on the small of her back, touching her skin thanks to the backless dress. He then seemed to be a lot more calmed and collected, it was easier with her, not only posing on the carpet, everything. She'd always calmed him down and made him feel safe but he had never really told her that.
Gwen looked lovingly at him while he posed, observing his hair, his eyes, the little wrinkles from smiling, and finally, the sweet smile on his face; a smile immediately formed on her lips, unable to contain it, feeling her heart skip several beats as her chest being filled with happiness and love. She closed her eyes for a second and then turned to the cameras, posing.
After the showing of the movie, and some of the games the premier had, they decided to go to the after party, Gwen getting mentally ready to talk some more to the cast, crew and some other people of the business. She had already hitted it off with Andy, Jessica and Jay so she knew to look for them if she felt too lonely. Luckily, Bill knew her and kept an eye out in case her "shyness" became too much to handle, but in some point Bill had to go say hi to some people, leaving her alone, she said she was fine, which was true at that very moment, but then she turned to the bar, trying to relax a little.
Four glasses later she was tipsy so she decided to stop, and then she forgot and asked for a fifth drink. She was talking funny, luckily she wasn't talking much, but at least she didn't feel the constant pressure she always felt and, because of that, when some dude came to ask her to dance she said yes.
He danced closely and she was uncomfortable but the effect of the alcohol made it a bit difficult to express the discomfort, so she kind of stood there as the dude slightly groped her, making her feel much more uncomfortable by the second, sobering her up a bit. As she looked around for a familiar face or an excuse to get out, the guy had decided it was a good idea to put his hands on her hips and slid them slowly downwards.
Gwen froze, if she would've been sober she would've slapped the guy but she wasn't, so she was stuck in a trance of fear, shame and dizziness.
She left the dreadful trance as two big and familiar hands grabbed her waist getting her closer to Bill — I'm gonna need you to go man. — the rage in his voice was palpable but he kept a monotone voice with made him even more intimidating.
Bill was definitely capable of beating that guy in any fight, he was taller, more muscular and he really, really wanted to; but the guy, also being under the influence, didn't seemed to notice that, so he made a scene. He screamed a lot of "hey, dude" as he said how Bill had cut off his lucky nigh, insulting him up and down, and making a few observation on how hot Gwen was and that she was too much for him until he was escorted out. Bill barely made it without punching him, keeping his hands in fist, hoping for the man to step closer so he could sucker punch him, the only thing keeping him against it being Gwen; she kept her hand open on his chest, holding him back but also keeping herself steady. As they took the man away Bill changed his mindset, no longer angry but worried and concerned about Gwen.
— Are you ok? — he said, letting his hand rest on her cheek, sliding his thumb against her skin. She nodded, melting into his touch.
— I wanna go home. — she said, closing her eyes before grabbing his hand on her cheek and moving slightly to kiss his palm.
— Alright. — and that went home. He felt sick when they got to their place, really thinking what had happened and what could've happened, his hands forming fist again. On the other hand she looked at him as he was her savior, thing she always did but now wasn't hiding.
They both sat in bed and Gwen started doing massages on his shoulder to help him relax, leaving softly chaste kisses on his neck but all his mind could think of was on beating that guy up, keeping her safe.
So he didn't relax, frustrating Gwen. Bill could help her without her even asking him to, he just knew, he knew to be aggressive but not to start a fight, he knew how to make her feel safe and she couldn't even help him relax.
— I'm gonna to take a shower. — he said, Gwen stopping the massages on his neck.
— Want me to join you? — she said, about to stand up from the bed but he stopped her, turning around an leaving a hand on her shoulder.
— No, I- — she was shocked, unable to understand why he would say that — I'm ok.— he needed to cool down and he knew he didn't want her to see him as enraged as he was, he needed a little time to calm down.
Gwen laid in bed as he showered, doing nothing but thinking, the alcohol slowly fading away. She loved him so much, and he loved her too but she couldn't help but feel she loved more than he did, and that made her feel vulnerable. Sadly, the effects of the alcohol made her spiral down in a hole of rough and harsh thoughts, not only about herself but their relationship.
Minutes later Bill came out of the room, only a towel covering him. She looked to the ceiling, despite her previous offer, she wasn't in the mood — Ar- are you mad at me? — she let out, pain and some sort of fear had tainted her voice.
He laid next to her, worrisome, turning her head towards him — No, why would I? — he wondered analyzing her features as her frown scrunched and her mouth turned it's corners down.
— Because of that guy.
— That guy was an asshole. — he moved some of her hair behind her ear — He took advantage of you. Why would I be mad?
— I don't know. B-because I was drunk and said yes to dancing? I don't-
— You can be drunk at any party you want and dance with whoever you want. I know you'll let me take you home at the end of the night. — he smiled.
— I love you, Bill. — he smiled a bit, she always became more open about her feeling under the influence of alcohol or the lack of sleep, right now she was on both.
— I love you, too.
— No, no. I love you, way too much. More that you love me, a-and I'm not saying in a "you don't love me" way, I'm saying it as in "you'll stop loving me a bit more each day" because everyone does. I'm a mess and people grow tired. But it hurts more with you because I just- love you. — Bill looked at her, trying to understand where she was coming from and why she was saying that. She felt her heart ache and her stomach shrink, that was the most vulnerable she had ever been and she felt naked, unprotected but she kept going anyway, trying to leave her fears behind — I just do that, I love you and love you, and keep loving you. I- I don't care about anything else and that scares me. I just keep loving you. No matter what you do I'll keep loving you and that's not good. 'Cause you could hurt me whenever you want, in whatever way you want, and I would forgive you and keep loving you and that would only destroy me, but I would still fucking love you. — tears were falling from her eyes, damping the pillow her head was laying on. Bill was frozen, completely caught off guard by the whole situation — I can't do that. I- I don't want to risk that. I can't just- I can't be like my mom. — she cried out, dread in her voice as she softly shook her head, tears falling faster than before, soaking her face — She just adored my dad, no matter what he did, she loved him. She loved him more than she loved me or my brothers. No matter what. And he knew that, he- he took advantage of that and just did whatever the fuck he wanted and j-just fucked her up. And even after he left her, after he took every ounce of love she had, she kept loving him. And I- I know you're not like my dad, I know that, but I can't help but feel like I'm waiting for you to hurt me. Like I'm waiting for you to stop giving a fuck about me and start hurting me just for the sake of it. — her voice broke as she did, whimpers leaving her mouth as she covered her face with her hands — You're the best person I’ve ever met and I can’t tr- I can’t- — she tried to continue but her voice gave in one more time, leaving her speechless with nothing but a whimper on her throat — I'm sorry.
And he just held her. Letting her cry on his chest, his heart aching with every tear she spilled, with every hurted "I'm sorry" she cried out. He felt her brake under his grasp, feeling helpless and useless, unable to help her. And he couldn't do anything but to cry, his heart breaking for her. As he looked for some way to comfort her, to let her know she wouldn't be hurted.
— I don't want to ever hurt you, Gwen. — he finally said, almost whispering into her ear, slowly caressing her shoulder — I'm never gonna do that to you. I love you. And it sometimes scares me how much I love you, too, but I know you're not going to hurt me. You should know I am never going to hurt you, ok? — he took a shaky breath, holding her closer — I need you to trust me on that. I will never hurt you. — he vowed, pouring every inch of his heart and soul into those words.
— You promise? — she had stopped crying the minute he started to speak, still letting out a sob or two.
He smiled with relief and love, nodding softly — I swear. — he rocked softly back and forward, kissing her head a few times — Do you trust me?
— I do. I trust you, Bill.
She held him closer, letting her head rest against his chest and hearing his heartbeats as he laid kisses on the top of her hair; finally trusting him, finally trusting somebody.
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phantom-vex · 5 years
time crapsules thoughts (spoilers for camp camp season 4 finale!)
Sorry for not putting this under a read more :( I’m on mobile
Nikki’s enthusiastic ‘they’re empty!’ has me giggling already. There have been some great Nikki moments this season.
I mean, it’d be pretty easy to assume that time capsules make you travel through time. Something about the word ‘capsule’ sounds really sci-fi.
David made a time capsule didn’t he.
“I’m sure your past self would be thrilled to hear you ended up as a camp counsellor!” “He would be!”
The Davey voice never fails to make me smile, it’s so silly sounding!
Also why is the drawing falling off a skateboard.
“I am deeply upset that I didn’t see that coming.”
“I kept a diary, like an adult.” A lot of Gwen’s personality screams ‘had to grow up too fast’ and this just adds to that feeling. Maybe she thought she couldn’t make a time capsule cause they were childish, so made a diary instead.
Max’s impression of young Gwen is kinda funny. I feel bad for laughing since he’s clearly mocking her, but still.
A money factory/horse sanctuary sounds like a great business idea. Campbell should get on that. (This isn’t me shipping Gwen and Campbell, hell no.)
Oh no honey :((
In the livestream, the crew kept repeating ‘archery’ over and over again during the list section.
“Since that waiter mistook her hair for a hat!” It was literally this season when I realised it wasn’t a hat! Also,,, waiter? When did they go to a restaurant...? Gwenvid shippers, here’s your fuel.
“I hope you’re proud of yourself.” “I’m not.” WE STAN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.
Max being confused at feeling guilt is weirdly sad.
“You’re becoming kinder, and David hires a criminal to-“ David just yeeted himself from that situation!
He’s legitimately freaking out and I genuinely feel bad for him.
Max not being able to stand his transitory period is a huge mood.
Max’s little hand wave is cute.
You know what else is cute? Space Kid holding up the box and yelling ‘isn’t this fun!’
Gwen I would love to read your fanfic! If it was censored, that is. But I’m sure they’re great..?
oh lawd he comin
You can physically see the gears turning in his head as he’s trying to figure out what to do. He doesn’t know how to comfort someone. Remember season 3? “Don’t...uh....tears?” So he’s going off the only example he can really think of: David.
It’s also incredibly telling that Gwen immediately assumes Max wants something.
“Instead, my ass is stuck in a trash can.” Gwen continues to be the biggest mood of the series.
Those are some David poses right there. Swinging arms, one hand on hip, marching off; Max is trying to replicate who he considers the kindest person he knows, even if he’s not doing it consciously.
‘Ass stuck in a trash can. Right.’ Why is this my favourite joke of the season.
Nikki honey, are you ok?
“Please tell me I’m about to be executed” “You wish!” I love their dynamic.
“-you’ve never seen Flash Fiancé”
“I don’t need to tell you what I wanted him to do with that shuttlecock” “Again, disgusting.”
Oh yikes.
And Max here makes a similar mistake to one David made in Season 2 with the Quartersister! Inviting someone from the past without checking what they’re like in the present.
Wait, is that Richie Branson? Dude definitely deserved his cameo! And he’s not a half bad VA either.
Max is the Flash.
Nikki grows her hair back between shots. Is this girl human?
“Dumb piece of shit hasn’t stopped smiling” I feel like Space Kid should inspire us all.
Nikki’s little speech here is exactly how I’m feeling rn.
Max likes reading! And there’s a genuine compliment!
“Oh no you don’t! You get your ass out of that trash can and start feeling happy!” The facade is off now. Shits gonna go down.
“Because I wanna start feeling happy!” almost made me cry. Max has gone from a person who wants everyone to be as unhappy as he is, to a person who wants to be as happy as everyone else is.
While I agree with Gwen here, that’s still a 10 year old.
I take that back, Max, that was mean.
“I don’t think you have to worry about changing. Something tells me you’re going to bitter and unhappy no matter what you do.” Oh, ouch. That resonated, and they both look regretful right after she finishes. I don’t think she meant it.
“Jesus Christ, it’s just a box of fucking clocks!!”
“The hell it isn’t! All I had to do was make one person feel better and I couldn’t even manage that!” BABY NOOOO. Kudos to Michael for that delivery, it almost sounds like he’s going to cry.
Way to ruin the mood, Campbell.
Campbell’s speech here is genuinely inspiring and very heartfelt. I actually really needed to hear this. Thank you, Campbell. I thought I’d never say that, but I have.
“So maybe there’s no need to rush anything. Sorry, Gwen.” Awww.
*looking at them smiling at each other* THIS EPISODE SAID MOMGWEN RIGHTS
Someone else pointed this out, but I’d like to put it here too. Gwen and Max don’t raise their hands. They both look slightly disappointed in the rest of the campers for not taking the message on board as much as they did.
“Did you just throw all your treasury bonds in the fire.”
“Mr Campbell no you have so much to live for!”
Yknow, I loved this episode. And I loved this season! But most of all, I loved interacting with all of you guys! This is the most active I’ve been in a fandom ever, and I’m grateful for all the friends I’ve made :)
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parkersenses · 7 years
The History of Us
Fandom: Marvel Ship: Peter Parker x Reader Requested: Yes (I have a request for a prompt idea when you get the chance. If you could do 60. "Happy Birthday" and 37. "Can i kiss you?" where the reader's birthday is today but the one person they thought would remember (peter) forgot because of avenger stuff. The reader ends up getting into a situation and Spider-Man saves them. You can reword or change anything you like. Also im requesting this cause my birthday is Sep. 23rd) Genre: Neutral?? Warnings: Mentions of Food, Break-Ins, Kissing A/N: This was requested by @frappichino23 a few days ago so I pushed it up on my request list to post it today!! Happy Birthday, my dude!!
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You were always one of those kids who looked forward to their birthday– what kid wasn’t like that? You would prepare days in advance for the day, planning out your outfit and your plans for the day. You would give your parents a list of what gifts you wanted nearly months beforehand, and you even added the flavor cake you wanted onto it as well.
It stuck with you as you grew up. You turned ten, and you knew exactly what outfit you would be wearing a week before the day even came. You turned fourteen, and you began to plan your sixteenth birthday party. And when the day came two years later, it was perfect. All that planning had paid off. 
And still at eighteen, you were excited. It was your senior year of high school, and having to go to school on your birthday wasn’t the greatest option, but you stuck through it. You knew your friends would be waiting for you to wish you a ‘happy birthday’, and they would surely have a cupcake for you at lunch, just like they did every year. 
You were most excited to see Peter. He was always so enthusiastic about your birthday, possibly even more so than you were. On your sixteenth, he had made you dozens of cupcakes to spell out ‘Sweet Sixteen’ for you when you got home from school. Shortly after that day, he told you his secret. And on your seventeenth birthday, he let you wrap your arms tightly around him as he swung the two of you from skyscraper to skyscraper. He had landed on the top of one where you found a picnic already set up. 
It was by far the best birthday you had ever had. And you were looking forward to see how Peter would help you celebrate this year.
So when you walked into the cafeteria that day to your normal table to see your friends there without Peter, well, you could say you were a bit disappointed.
“Where’s Peter?” You asked as you sat down to a cupcakeless table in front of you. (You knew Peter was always the one to supply the cupcake.)
“Happy birthday!” Ned, Michelle, and Gwen all shouted at you, smiling. They ignored your question, but you smiled lightly in response.
“Thanks, guys,” you said, digging your phone from your bag to text Peter.
“He hasn’t answered any of our texts,” Ned said as you saw you do this, and you immediately frowned. You texted him nevertheless and waited for his response. The lunch bell rang for you to go back to class, and his response never came. Neither did the cupcake.
You pretended to be okay with it. It was fine; he was only one person. All your other friends had been there, had wished you a ‘happy birthday.’ It was fine, and you were fine. So why were you feeling so upset as you walked home later in the day?
You couldn’t help but hope to see Peter standing inside your house with something, like  tower of cupcakes, when you opened the door. But it wasn’t the image you were met with. You gasped as you saw your furniture flipped in every which way, glass shattered on the ground from vases and mirrors around the living room. You closed the door silently behind you, taking out your phone and dialing the police with one hand. You hovered your finger over the call button as you took another step into the house. 
You turned into the hallway towards the stairs where you saw picture frames knocked onto the ground, the frames broken in half. You bit your lip, looking at the photo of you and Peter on your sixteenth birthday. The two of you were kneeling in back of the cupcake-made words, smiling brightly with your arms around each other.
You would have to buy a new frame. 
A clattering upstairs made you jump. You weren’t sure if you should’ve just called the police right then and there, or if you should’ve gone to investigate the noise. But wanting to take the safer road, you quietly made your way back down the stairs and back outside as you pressed the call button.
The police arrived almost ten minutes later, and you had been watching your front door from across the street with wide eyes the entire time. You waited for someone to come out, or for something to happen, but nothing did. You called Peter as you stared, begging for him to pick up, but your heart dropped when you heard his voicemail begin.
“Hey, Pete,” you sighed into the phone shakily. “I called the police first because I figured that was the logical thing to do, and you haven’t picked up your phone today, so.”
You heard the sirens in the background and hurried your words. “I think someone’s in my house. The whole place is wrecked; everything is knocked over and shattered. I’m waiting across the street for someone to come. I’m okay, though, so don’t worry. Bye, Peter.”
The police cruisers parked in front of you, and the officers jumped out of their cars seconds after. “Which house is it, Miss?” One asked as they stared at you, leaning against the concrete sidewalk.
You pointed across the street to your home, and you wondered what they would find as they ran across the street and into the house. You saw a few of them pull out their guns, making you more worried. A few minutes later, you could hear yelling. You weren’t sure what they were saying. 
“(Y/N)!” You heard someone yell, and you jumped, turning your head in the direction of the voice. You felt the relief flood into you as you saw the red suit make its way towards you. 
“Hi,” you breathed out, looking up at him from where he stood in front of you. “The police are inside now.”
He nodded and looked towards the house, taking a step towards it. He looked at you once more before running to the house. “I’ll just be a minute.”
And he was right, when only a short minute later, the police were leading a mask-clad man out of your house. There were webs all over him. Spiderman followed behind them, walking nonchalantly with his arms crossed. You snorted when the police officers thanked him, and he nodded stiffly. 
You stood up from the sidewalk when the officers gave you the go-ahead, and you walked up to Peter across the street. “Wanna come inside with me?”
“Yeah,” he responded quickly, and you knew he was blushing under the mask when you rose an eyebrow at him. The two of you made it into your house again, and you sighed when you looked at the damage once more.
“Where were you today?” You asked, trying to distract yourself as you examined the now empty walls.
“Avenger stuff,” he mumbled, looking around, just as distraught as you. This was a second home to him; you knew he hated to see it torn up. “Some alien people, I don’t even know. Mr. Stark needed my help. It was a tough one, but we got them all in the end.”
“That’s good,” you nodded, and you looked over at him. “Did you get hurt?”
He shrugged, slipping the mask off of his face. He didn’t seem to have any bruises on his face, rendering you surprised. It was unordinary for him to have an injury-free face. “I got thrown around a bit, but I’m fine. I always am.”
You nodded once more as you walked up the stairs, keeping your eyes away from the damaged picture of you and Peter. You silently wondered when he would remember. You were almost afraid to walk into your bedroom as you opened the door slowly, holding your breath. You pushed the door open, peeking your head in slightly. You sighed in relief when you saw everything intact; the thief must have planned to go into your room last.
You moved to sit on your bed, slouching and putting your face into your hands. This wasn’t at all how you imagined your day going. You heard Peter take a seat next to you, and he softly rested a hand on your back, rubbing circles onto it. It barely calmed you.
“Today’s my birthday,” you finally said, voice cracking. You felt Peter’s hand stiffen on your back. He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, so you looked up from your hands; his face crumpled.
“What?” He asked, although you knew he heard you. “That’s not- what’s today’s date? I swear-”
“It’s today, Peter,” you cut him off, and he bit his lip, shaking his head.
“Can you leave?” You asked, looking away from him. You heard the hitch in his breath, and worked harder to keep your gaze off of him. “I know I called you, but I just want to be alone right now.”
He stayed beside you for a few more moments before standing up. “Okay,” he whispered, and he moved towards the door. He stopped before he closed the door behind him.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N),” he said. 
You curled into yourself when you heard the click of the lock.
It wasn’t a happy birthday at all.
You didn’t go to school the next day. You were too exhausted from the day before to talk to anyone, or to have to deal with seeing Peter’s face. You knew he didn’t mean to do anything wrong, but in your eyes, the person you were looking forward to seeing most on your birthday was the one who didn’t even remember.
Your phone rang with a text at five o’clock in the evening, and you hesitated on looking at it. You didn’t want it to be Peter, but in some odd way, you hoped he would be the one reaching out. You grabbed the phone from your nightstand before you could second-guess yourself.
Peter: Meet me at the park in a half an hour. Please come.
You bit your lip. You weren’t sure if you wanted to see him. You wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day. But your heart got the best of you, and you got up to change into more presentable clothes. 
As you walked out of your front door, you took your phone out of your pocket and dialed the police. You hovered your finger over the call button; you had gotten so much more paranoid than usual after yesterday’s events. Arriving at the park a few short minutes later, you were met with darkness.
“Peter?” You called out hesitantly, holding your finger closer over your phone. 
All of a sudden, the whole park lit up in front of you. The trees were covered in white lights, lanterns hanging from a few branches. There were arches of webs hanging from tree to tree, and you laughed lightly. They were glowing, and you wondered if Peter had made a new web concoction just for you. 
And standing under one of the arches, there he was. He wore a suit, a striking opposite to his usual one, with a dress shirt and a bowtie. You felt the smile light up your face just as much as the lights around you glimmered.
“Hi,” he spoke shyly, and both of you took a few steps towards each other.
“Hi,” you responded, just as shy. “What is all this?”
“I, um,” he looked around, cheeks growing red. “I owed you this.”
You shook your head, letting out a breath. “Peter-”
“Don’t talk yet,” he interrupted you, looking back into your eyes. “I had a plan, for your birthday,” he broke out into a bashful smile. “I would do this, hang all the lights around and some flowers that I had bought a few days ago. But the flowers are all wilted now, so I obviously had to improvise.”
He motioned to the webs above you, and you laughed softly again at the sight of them. They may have looked ridiculous, but they made your heart warm. It showed how much he cared about this, about you. 
“And then we’d sit under the gazebo in the middle of the park,” you looked towards it, but it was hard to see. It wasn’t lit up like the rest of your surroundings. “I didn’t have enough time to go get more lights for it, sorry.”
He looked bashful again, and you shook your head once more. “Don’t be. This is beautiful, Peter.”
“I’m not done,” he said, a smile to his lips, and an eyebrow raised on his forehead. 
“Okay, okay, go on,” you laughed. 
“Um,” he stopped smiling to look nervous, and you tilted your head slightly. “And then I’d take your hand in mine,” he took more steps towards you, stopping with only a small amount of space between you. 
You held your breath as he slowly, softly put his hand in yours. You let him slide his fingers between yours, and you felt the warmth in your chest grow. You wondered where he was going with this, and you tried not to let your hope get the best of you.
“And then I’d tell you,” he hesitated after he spoke, nervously looking at you. He took a deep breath before speaking again, and you felt your heart beat rapidly inside your chest. “And then I’d tell you that I love you.”
You breathed in deeply after he said the words, and for some reason, tears crowded in your eyes. You couldn’t believe he had just spoken the words, the words that you had been begging to hear from him for ages. 
“You love me,” you asked, although it didn’t sound like a question.
“I love you,” he breathed out, looking relieved to finally say it, but at the same time, he looked immensely nervous for your response. “And not like, as a friend, like in-”
“Can I kiss you?” You asked, laughing as you did so. And somehow, you didn’t feel nerves as you waited for his answer. You saw his nerves disappear as well as he smiled. 
“Yes,” he said eagerly, taking your other hand in his. And then you leaned forward as he did, and your lips touched. You felt the relief seep into you as you pressed yourself closer to him. 
And maybe your birthday wasn’t the greatest this year, but this day would forever go down in your history.
****************** I hope you like it, @frappichino23!! I was writing it quickly to get it done by today, so I’m sorry if it’s a bit messy!! Requests are open :)
Tag List: @quokkatrash @avengersgirllorianna @gdmora @sachiparker @chocolatekittys @thumper-darling @deans-angel-of-thursdays @vegeterianbassist @itsssmichelleee @frappichino23 @themilkface @shannonxbarnes @watchitburr @captain-sherlockomg @superwholockian5ever @teacher-crushed @duquesarosa @peter-my-parker @buckysberrie @neverlands-outcast @thespidersman @andreagracing @ketterdame @cat-in-a-hoodie @galacticamidala @kassidydem @radicalstars @lilyannez @a-bit-of-alot 
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Campe Fucking Diem - part 2
Marina and Avis knelt on the floor, scrubbing the floors of the mess hall with toothbrushes dejectedly, Marina was humming aggressively. "This sucks. This is the kind of peasant work my parents left their home country to avoid," Max grumbled. "Yeah, I don't get the point, what good is rolling around on the floor if it's clean?" Nikki agreed. "I agree, I've been through two whole musicals in my head already, two! Do you know how long those things are? Oh, and Avis keeps cleaning in the shapes of pentagrams." Marina complained, gesturing to Avis who was glaring at Quartermaster, not once blinking or looking down while she still managed to create a perfect pentagram shape. Which was honestly concerning as they had to deduce it was probably from practice of drawing sacrificial signs without looking and if so, how the hell did she spend her spare time? "I think she wants to sacrifice David," Marina said. "Fine by me," Max enabled with a sarcastic, cheerful tone. "This isn't even part of a sanctioned camp activity. This is child labour," Neil accused. Erid walked past them at that moment and they all followed her with their eyes (except Avis who was still glaring) as she leaned against the wall nonchalantly. Waving her fringe with a soft hum. "Man, Erid never gets yelled at for not working, she's just too cool. I wish I was her," Nikki fawned. "Erid?" Neil repeated, "like a dried desert climate?" Marina continued for him and he turned to her with a drawn out gasp of awe. Eyes widening at her display of intelligence, "IQ level above common stupidity." He whispered, high pitched. Staring at Marina, flustered, while she remained oblivious. "I think her real name is Meridith but she's just so frickin' cool she goes by the middle part of her name. Oh," she perked up, "I wonder if I should try that. Ikk," she tested, "Oooh, yeah." "That's fuckin' stupid, nicknames don't make you cool." Max scoffed. "Psh, spoken like a true first part nicknamer," Nikki mocked. "Yeah, Maxinne." Marina said. "No one's too cool to talk to, even cool kids take giant, uncomfortable shits from time to time. Helps remind you that were all equal." Max reasoned. "Inspiring Maxinne, truly inspiring. I wonder if the counsellors share your opinion." Marina mused sarcastically. "Hey you chillen' cut your yammerin' and get back to scrubbin'," Quartermaster's grumbling interrupted them, further proving Marina's point. They all began cleaning again bitterly. "If we were in charge, things would be so much better. No scrubbing, no outdoors." "No David." Max suggested into Neil's angry rant, "no laws against sacrificial rituals." Avis joined in, everyone turned to her, giving her looks of slight fear and uncomfortableness. "What?" She asked dumbly. "We should just revolt." Neil huffed, Max sat up, realisation coming over his features. "Know what? You're right," He stood up and began yelling, "aren't you all sick of this lowly work?! It's time we take control of our lives and fight back! Who's with me?" He rallied, everyone cheered along with him. They overpowered the quartermaster and tied him up to a chair, reeking havoc in the lack of authoritative figures. Marina was dancing and mouthing wildly into her toothbrush, uncoordinated and undignified. Avis jumping up and down on the quartermasters head, a look of sadistic glee on her face as she cackled. "We got ourselves an uprisin'," Quartermaster yelled at the opened door and everyone turned, smiling cynically at David and Gwen paused in the doorway. Avis jumped down onto the floor with a dramatic thud, still grinning maniacally.
David and Gwen were currently tied up to the Camp Camp flag pole, David was tied upside down as per Avis' request. "Max, I am very disappointed in you, but I'm also torn, because you were clearly paying attention in knot tying class." David attempted to scold him. "Actually that was all Marina and Avis. They know a lot about tying up bodies surprisingly." Nikki informed. Marina and Avis smirked, low high-fiving. "You need to know, where I'm from." Marina said cynically, her Australian accent clear. "Well that's slightly ominous." David said in a weak voice before he was slapped by Max. "Shut up! We're in charge now, Davie. The camp is ours!" He spoke villainously, causing a bunch of cheers and yells from the campers. "This is just like Les Mis, I love it!" Preston fangirled eagerly. "Don't make this lame Preston." Max scolded. "Max let us down now, Cameron Campbell is coming to camp tomorrow and we need to get ready." David pleaded desperately. "Oh even better. You'll definitely be fired once he sees the state the camp is in. Or will be in." He said. "Come on everyone." "Oh Gwen we have to stop them!" David said, "yeah, I refuse to sit up here for the next 24 hours." Gwen ranted angrily, Neil reached up and tucked an iPad into the ropes in front of her face, streaming videos of reality junk TV. And thus, Gwen was successfully dealt with. She gasped, "oh my gosh, trash TV." She drooled, pressing her face against the screen. "Gwen! Gweeenn!" David cried dramatically as Marina and Avis walked away.
"Alright free men, now that the revolution is complete, it's time to choose our new leader, obviously I will happily take-" "I vote Erid!" Max's speech in front of everyone on his stage was interrupted as Nikki eagerly yelled. "What?" Max yelled. "Cool," Erid said, "I vote Erid as vell, she is strong und passionate, und so cool!" Dolph jumped up happily and everyone cheered in agreement. "Woah, woah, woah, hold the hell up. Did you nerds forget who revolutionised this place? I should be leading you. Not sports Barbie over here." Max argued. "If I remember correctly it was Neil who suggested the idea." Marina piped up lazily and Neil gasped at her words, bouncing on his heels as his eyes shimmered with happiness, "recognition," voice a high octave in disbelief and excitement as he whisper yelled. "And Erid's charisma modifier is like plus ten!" Nerris argued. "Thanks Nerris." Erid thanked cooly. "That's cool of you to say." "I wanna be cool too Erid!" Nikki burst out desperately. "Sure thing Nikki, everyone can be cool at Camp Cool Kidz!" Erid encouraged nicely, "oh! I love that name!" Preston yelled happily. "No!" Max shouted indignantly. "You're gonna get taken advantage of by the one percent. Rage against the machine, fight the power nine/eleven!" Max attempted to rally the campers to rebel, futilely. "Progressive buzzvords can't save you now." "But Erid doesn't have the spreadsheet software to manage-" Neil piped up but was interrupted by an awestruck Nikki, "that's 'cause spreadsheets aren't cool. Right Erid?" Erid paused for a moment as wind rustled around her cooly. "Right." "I vote Erid too!" Space Kid put his hand up eagerly. "No you don't." "No I don't." Space kid agreed with Max blindly. The campers laughed and cheered as they followed Erid, Max snagging Nikki's arm to hiss at her angrily, "what the hell's wrong with you, traitor?!" "I'm sorry! You said to talk to her, and uh, I panicked, so I just voted for her!" She apologised. "You'll regret this." "Yo, Nikki. I got you a pair of cool sunglasses." Erid twirled the shades in between her fingers promisingly. "...Nah, I don't think so." Nikki told Max before running off. He growled angrily. "Hey, Marina you can come too if you want. You could play us some sick beats." Marina contemplated thoughtfully but was saved the trouble of coming to a decision when Max hissed through gritted teeth. "Don't. You. Dare." Marina narrowed her eyes at his rudeness but shrugged and declined, "nah," Erid shrugged, "hey, gotta be loyal. I get that." She smiled softly at her and finger gunned her with respect. "Avis? I think you jacket is totally cool. I have some spares if you'd like some?" She turned to her and smiled briefly, her hair waving with the motion of her head, Avis blushed, surprised at the offer. She turned to Marina. "Sorry." She whispered, but Marina shook her head, "no, I get it. Gotta be gay. Go, make me proud." She gave her a thumbs up, clapping her on the shoulder supportively and Avis saluted her with two fingers.
In the Mess Hall everyone was partying happily, Avis was wearing a new leather jacket with studs and was admiring it happily. Erid and Nikki were at a couch, Erid fiddled with the Quartermaster's hook idly, throwing it where it landed with a thud and Nurf commented, "bullseye!" To which Erid acknowledged, "cool." "Everyone's so much happier now, thanks to you!" Nikki said, "how're the plans for the giant half-pipe coming?" Erid turned to her, Nikki unrolled some plans. "Should be ready to build as soon as we learn basic architecture. What a cool idea, Erid" she complemented. "I know, think of all the sick 900's we could do off that thing." "Yeah! I totally know what that is!" Nikki lied eagerly. "Erid, it's cold and boring outside." Nerris complained, "I cast an invisibility charm to conceal David and Gwen, can we come inside for a bit?" She implored. "Oh, totally, Magic Dudes. In fact..." She stood up, "everyone gets a break!" She clapped and disco balls fell from the ceiling and strobe lights flashed, "dance party!" She called.
Meanwhile, in the midsts of the forest Neil and Space Kid were huddled around a fire, chanting repeatedly while Marina sang tribal sounding words in time with their chant. "Fellow freemen." Max emerged from the shadows, black painted around his eyes and decorating his naked chest. "There comes a time when a group must fight back against tyranny. Like the Minutemen of the revolution, we will fight for our independence!" He pound his fist into his hand. "Minuteman. Mommy calls Daddy that when they argue." Space Kid replied dumbly. "...I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this." Neil said unsurely. "I am. Completely. Time to turn passive aggressive into violent aggressive." Marina narrowed her eyes. "Silence! We're gonna hit Camp Cool Kidz with everything we've got!" Max shushed him, "freebrother Neil. What've you got?" Max finished lamely. Neil drew out two bombs and Marina started and took a step back, "woah!" "I was saving these to put in David's underpants." "Nice." Marina commented and Neil blushed a deep red, fumbling with the bombs as he laughed breathily, sighing lovingly. Marina remained blindly oblivious. "Perfect." Max said, referring to the explosives. Space Kid drew put two pine cones, "I was saving these to-" "no one cares" Max dismissed him, "here's how it'll work. Space Kid is the most expendable, so he'll be our decoy." Marina patted Space Kid's shoulder pityingly.
Avis was kneeled beside David, a suspiciously red pentagram was drawn beneath him as he snored and beside her was an opened can of gasoline, some knives, and a book. She reached a hand under her beanie and drew out a matchbox, striking a match against the side, waiting for it to catch alight. Suddenly, a mob of angry campers charged past, chasing Space Kid while yelling war cries, waking David who immediately asked, "what are you kids doing?" Disapprovingly. Nikki, who followed the angry mob, answered him happily, "we're gonna kill Space Kid!" "Oh! I wanna!" Avis shouted eagerly, she dropped the matches in favour of sprinting to join the mob. The matches landed on the ground just as they sparked and set alight. "What? No!" David yelled after them desperately, shrieking as he noticed the lit match rolling close to a spilled puddle of gasoline. "Aaah, help!" His voice rose in a girly pitch and he desperately blew at the flame, trying to extinguish the threat to his life, yelping as his attempts caused a small fire on some grass, dangerously close to the spill. He whimpered. They ran into the forest after Space Kid who was standing behind a blanket of leaves, holding his pine cones up. "We've got you now! Let's saw him in half!" Harrison yelled ferociously. They charged at him but fell as they crossed the leaves which gave way to reveal a trap, Avis came up behind them having been slower. "Aaw, man. I always miss the cool stuff." Avis complained, Marina stepped out of the shrubbery. "If you want cool stuff you could jump and we could reenact the last scene of Titanic?" Marina offered, Avis considered for a moment before shrugging and leaping into the whole with her arms stretched out. "I'll never let-!" Marina cut off as she drew her arms back from being ready to catch Avis, allowing her to fall into the hole with a thud and a monotonous "ow." "That's fair." Avis called up. "Woah, awesome!" Nikki complimented as she came across the trap. Erid crossed her arms and coughed pointedly. "I mean, you fiend!" Nikki corrected. "You're the fiend!" Max snarled, revealing himself. Neil hugged his bare chest uncomfortably, Marina noticed their serious faces and hurried to pose angrily too. "What do YOU losers want?" Erid asked, annoyed. "JUSTICE!" Neil yelled, trying to look cool in front of Marina. "You guys are here to rescue me?!" Poor, sweet, naive David. He's still almost on fire, by the way. "NO. Shut up, David." "Aw." David whined at Max's response. "Pssh, I'd like to see you try and fight us." Erid insulted. "Gladly." Max spun around his spear, narrowly missing Neil and Marina who leaned backwards like she was doing the limbo with a squawk. The spearhead flew off and crashed somewhere, breaking some random glass and probably hurting a duck (judging by the quack). "Nikki... Attack." Erid commanded and Nikki dropped to all fours. "BARK BARK BARK!" She and Max circled each other dramatically, Max holding the spear warily. The sun rose slowly behind them, enhancing the dramatic scene. "No fighting! Violence never solves anything!" David attempted, "STAB HER, BITCH!" Gwen cheered, looking at her screen with sadistic glee. Nikki launched herself at Max with a growl, he threw her off using his stick but she charged again, snapping ferociously at his weapon. "WOOH!" Marina cheered from the sidelines, chewing on some random nuts she had found like popcorn. "YOU GOT THIS MAXINNE!" Then speaking to Neil out of the corner of her mouth in a loud whisper. "He don't got this." "Nikki, give it up, she doesn't care about you! She just uses people!" Max tried to sway Nikki. "Don't listen to him, Nikki!" Erid yelled. "Don't worry Erid! I know it's not true!" Nikki shouted back positively. "Uh, no, of course it's true, just don't listen to him! I need you on my side." Erid hissed. "That fits. With like, the rest of society." Avis commentated from the hole in a voice that made it sound like she was shrugging. "I'll save you, Nikki!" Harrison crawled out of the hole desperately. "FIRE!" A pillar of flames shot from his hands and lit the gasoline beneath David, lighting the ropes on fire. "Oh god! Someone stop-drop-and-roll me." David yelped. "Oopsie." "You suck, Harrison!" Nerris yelled. Max threw Nikki off with one final shove and she fell back, her sunglasses flying off her head and shattering. Erid approached the broken accessory and Nikki. "This is decidedly uncool." Nikki's eyes watered like a kicked puppy. "I AGREE! SOMEONE PUT ME OUT!" David yelled, panicking. "Reverse fire!" Harrison's body was thrown out of the pit and hit the flaming ropes, putting them out but his jacket caught on fire. He helped and threw it to the ground. Avis emerged from where she had shoved Harrison out of the way, panting and flopping to the ground. "And she crawls out of hell again!" She commentated, punching a fist in the air before slumping back down, tired. "Well at least I'm okay!" David smiled cheerfully. Screaming fearfully as a car rammed into the post, breaking it. Thankfully, the break made the ropes snap and David and Gwen fell off, freed. Unthankfully; Two feet stepped out, an anklet tracker beeping on one. "Did somebody say... Cameron Campbell?" "No. Who the fuck-" "Marina, language." David scolded, pushing off his ropes. "Whom the fuck-" "no." David gave up. "Mr Campbell? You saved me!" David praised, kneeling in front of him, in awe. "Yes! I definitely saw you and was fully aware hitting you with my car would be the best course of action!" Cam-Cam agreed. He looked around. "Please, excuse the condition of the camp, sir. Things got a little out of hand, but we can fix it, I swear!" David apologised, taking one of Cam-Cam's hands in his. Cam squinted in disgust and shook him off, fixing his composure, he laughed. "The old 'taking-over-the-camp-from-the-camp-counsellors-and tying-them-to-the-flagpole' routine! I remember my first time." He sighed, humming and walking around the destruction to take some money out of a safe by the couch. "Hey, Cam-Cam!" Marina called angrily. "Can't you see this guy is a terrible counsellor and he needs to be dealt with?" Max continued, "eh? Oh, sorry kids, I've got other things to deal with." Marina narrowed her eyes in indignation. "Campbell's got a poker game to get to! I'm not gonna give too many details, but let's just say if I win, I could end up being the Prime Minister of Thailand." He gave away. "But our revolution?" Neil asked, "this is serious! We're leading a charge to make a difference, we are the 99 percent! I saw it on TV!" Max raged. "Oh, you kids and your dreams. So full of hope and ignorance, someday, you'll learn that no matter how righteous you think you're cause is, there is always someone bigger to keep you down!" Cameron spoke cheerfully. "And that day is today, and that someone is me." "Say what now?"
So here we are, back at the start, everyone - including Gwen and David - scrubbing the floors under Cameron's supervision. "Make it shine now, kids! I had to cut costs on provisions, so you'll all be reusing those toothbrushes later!" He called jovially, leaving. "Well, I feel like that was futile. Sorry, Max." Nikki apologised. "It's alright. I think we know this is all Neil's fault." "Yep, lesson learned. Never try to change anything, ever." "Hey, where's Avis anyway?" Neil asked Marina. "Oh, she left about two minutes ago, I don't know what she was doing but she had sharpened her toothbrush so it looked like a knife." Marina casually stated. "That seems about right." Max agreed. They continued scrubbing, ignoring as the Quartermaster fell onto the floor behind them. "Ow."
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