#even if i become a teacher like ill still not be paid a ton
aahsoka · 1 year
i am getting paid very little to sub but i very much do care about whats going on with these kids and i wanna leave them all with something good
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agathasangel · 3 years
leave everything behind but me- part 2 (diane sherman x fem!reader)
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Warnings: Same as last time, Diane is still super dangerous. TW for drugging, stalking, talk of abuse, sickness, anything else you may expect from Diane. Also no smut but there’s implied sex.
Summary: Diane started at her new job, the reader becomes suspicious that Diane may not be who she says she is but has also began to develop more romantic feelings for her as she recovers from her mysterious illness, which ends up taking a turn for the much worse.
Diane started her new job as a science teacher at the local high school, but she still made plenty of time for you. You were still not feeling much better and often felt numb from all the painkillers the woman gave you, but she said she would make a doctor’s appointment for you as soon as she could.
All the jobs that you had applied for dropped you, so you spent most of the time Diane was at school looking for new jobs to apply for. She told you not to worry about money, that the High School paid her enough to support you as well as herself, but you told her you needed to feel like an adult and she respected that.
It had been a frustrating couple of weeks, no doubt, but the nights you and Diane spent together made everything well worth it. The two of you spent every night together, just you. You would cook together, and sometimes she would take you out if you were feeling up to it. You wondered if maybe your relationship would evolve into something of a more romantic nature. Or maybe you hoped.
One day you suggested that you come to school with her to help her and get out of the house and you swore her initial reaction was one of... panic?
“No! I mean... that’s not possible, I’m sorry.”
She also seemed to be hiding her papers from you. But you saw one and you soon realized that it was because all of the homework and lab reports she graded were for “Ms. Barronway” and she introduced herself and “Diane Sherman”.
“Oh... um, well, I’m used to using Sherman, it’s my married name but since my husband is long gone, so I’ve started using my, um, maiden name, Barronway, at school.”
That made perfect sense to you in the moment, so you dropped it. You felt sorry for Diane, having lost both her husband and daughter. You were glad you could be there for her. You just hoped you could give this woman all the love that she needed.
One night you tested your luck with the older woman. You were on the couch with her late at night, watching a movie and talking and you shyly moved in to kiss her. Diane grabbed you by your waist and kissed you back, harder.
“You’re so tense, my sweet girl. Relax...” she cooed in your ear as you let her take control, and finally, lead you to her bed.
Ever since that happened, you assumed that you and Diane were officailly together. You knew it was weird because she was so much older than you, but it just felt so natural. 
“You make me feel so loved, (y/n). I’ve never really had that before.”
You also learned that Diane was horribly abused as a child, and your heart broke for her. As bad as your relationship with your own parents was, and as difficult as your own childhood was, you couldn’t even imagine what she went through. You learned all this when you saw the scars on her back one night.
“Are you disgusted?”
“No, Diane. I could never be disgusted by you.”
“You’re so wonderful, (y/n).”
“I love you, Diane. You mean so much to me.”, you said as you kissed her.
The two of you started almost exclusively sleeping in her bed. She was always very gentle when she touched you, as your body was still struggling hard to recover from whatever illness you had. While she held you at night, you heard some of her whispers to you.
"My girl. All mine.”
“I love you, Diane.”
“I love you, baby girl.” she said as she kissed your cheek and settled as the two of you started to fall back asleep.
But, unfortunately, your life with her wasn’t perfect. As you started to recover and go out more with Diane, she became increasingly possessive and jealous. There was one particular incident that happened when the two of you were at a restaurant and the waitress slipped you her phone number. She had been flirting with you for your entire meal and you tried to make it clear that you and Diane were together. She clearly wasn’t taking the hint, as she kept mistaking Diane for your mom. Diane was growing angrier and angrier by the second, until she exploded in the car.
She was yelling, “You were leading her on, it was like you wanted her to flirt with you! You were staring at her. Have you forgotten everything I had done for you? How I took you in and took care of you when you were too sick to do anything for yourself? How I support you? She couldn’t love you the way I do, no one can, do you understand, (y/n)?”
“Diane, I wasn’t doing anything! I was trying to make it clear that I’m with you. I love you Diane. I’m yours.”
“Well you weren’t doing a very good job then, were you?”, she said, with so much anger seeping in her voice. You couldn’t stand it when Diane was mad at you.
“No... I’m sorry. You’ve done everything for me, I should be more grateful, I-” you said as you began to cry.
“Hey, hey, (y/n), I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”
One you got home, Diane made some tea for the both of you and curled up with you on the couch. You swore you saw her put something extra in your tea, but you were too afraid to ask her, and you thought maybe it was just the sugar or something. The tea was very sweet.
Almost as if she had put in a ton of sugar to mask the taste of something else, you thought. But no, that’s impossible. Diane loves you, she cares so much about you. She would never try and drug you, that wouldn’t make any sense!
When you woke up, you were throwing up again. Diane was right there, taking care of you, making sure you didn’t have to get out of bed because you were too weak to walk without seeing stars.
“This is my fault, (y/n).”
“I think I stressed you out too much last night. I shouldn’t have yelled, I know how much that scares you. And while you weren’t fully recovered, I- the stress must have made you relapse. I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Diane said as a couple of tears rolled down her cheeks, “I’m going to dedicate myself to taking care of you. I’m going to take off work today, alright baby?”
“Thank you. Thank you for taking care of me.”
“Of course. Anything for my girl.”
Your doubts started to clear, but there was still a little voice at the back of your mind saying 
What if?
What if she did drug you? What if she wanted to hurt you? 
And if she did, would you still be in love with her anyway?
It scared you that you knew you probably would.
She came back into the room after calling into work and you decided to just ask, “Diane, why did you pick me up?”
“What kind of question is that?”
“Please, just tell me.”
“I picked you up because you looked like you needed some rest. And maybe someone to mother you for a while. It hurt me seeing you all dirty and sleep-deprived without even having money for food.”
“So you don’t like seeing me hurt?”
“Seeing you sick like this breaks my heart, (y/n). You have no idea. You’re so sweet and helpless and I love you so much.”
“And you would never hurt me?”
“Hey! Why do you think I would ever hurt you? I’m taking care of you now, why would I hurt you?”
“I- I don’t know. I don’t think you would. I’m just... scared.”
“What brought this on, sweetie?”
“I- I don’t know. Let’s just drop it, ok? I love you, Diane, that’s all that matters.”
“Right. I love you, (y/n), baby. I’m going to get you something to eat that’ll be easy on your stomach, ok?”
“Thanks, Diane. I love you.”
Her laptop was on the bed, and you took it to google your symptoms. The browser was open to facebook, and before you could change it you noticed that Diane had two accounts.
And then you saw that the second account belonged to Anna, the girl you planned on moving in with. You gasped and shut the laptop quickly, not wanting to believe any of the implications of what you saw. You were so shocked, and started to feel lightheaded.
And when Diane walked in, she saw you blacked out.
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swampgallows · 3 years
i was writin it in the tags before i maxed em out but it had me thinking about how much more shit i did in college because i actually had access to shit. for one, there was a viable public transit system there. there was a bus stop literally outside my dorm, and i used to take the bus all kinds of places and just walk around the city and shit. i did tons of things i previously would not have accessible to me because i didnt drive. back when disney passes were cheap as fuck i had days where id swing by disneyland after class just to hop on a ride or two and then go home. i went to parks, beaches, the aquarium, the movies, clubs, raves, morris dancing, restaurants, the mall, and all kinds of shit on my own because i could actually physically fucking get there. the only real challenge a lot of the time was if i bought anything to get it home (i remember walking half a mile with a full length mirror back to my dorm because i kept missing the bus). but the point is that i DID SHIT. i wasnt constantly being micromanaged by people in my environment about what food i bought or what i ate, where i went and when, etc. and i had the resources to actually go fucking do things.
it all came crashing down, i think, when i got into that series of bad relationships. i dont think i was aware of it at the time, but that was about the time that things were ramping up toward something great and then i was betrayed by people close to me and continuously shot down. i didnt know how to process those toxic relationships, and part of me still doesn’t. almost ten years later im still trying to recover from the damage of them. yes, it was the same time that i was having heightened anxiety and the worst period of panic attacks in my life, which were and are awful and shitty, but i also had very understanding and supportive friends who were there for me during that time. it would be no different than if i got very sick and had friends who took care of me. i was having a human experience and because i had a good support network, i was able to cope.
so like. of course i got depressed when my boyfriend would hate-fuck me and embarrass me on purpose in public or in front of his friends. of course i felt too scared and sad to go to class when i was constantly being told my art wasn’t good enough and was a waste of time and “useless to society”. of course i hid in my room playing video games with rude assholes because at least they couldnt touch me. of course i didnt want to open up to people when they told me it was “fascinating the way your mind mistreats you”. 
of course i got suicidal when i got zero weekend days off for three straight years. not even easter sunday, even though greek easter usually falls on a completely separate sunday. of course i didnt want to live anymore when i couldnt see or be with my friends or express myself naturally. of course i would be depressed about waking up at 7am every day to stand in a cold room alone for 8 hours and not even be paid enough to live.
friends and family and past teachers on facebook can encourage me to go on medication, but for what? will a SSRI pay me a living wage? is celexa going to make men treat me better? will prozac install a public transit system in my area, or help me move to a place where a better one already exists? xanax didnt sit in the car with me to teach me to drive and offer support, but it did help me recuperate from the dozens of screaming crying fits and panic attacks i had while orchestrating my own exposure therapy. it took years for me to get acclimated to just sitting in the driver’s seat of my car while it was off without having a complete meltdown and slamming it full speed into the garage to kill myself. because i am still so mad that i learned so late, that nobody gave a shit about me enough to teach me, that i had to shell out hundreds if not thousands of dollars on lessons with complete strangers to learn this skill that has become mandatory for survival in the place i live. i had to use money to replace the love and support normally given by family or my community.
i am trying to condition myself to see my car as an emblem of freedom, but it feels like a cage. it costs so much money, it is so scary and exhausting to operate it, and everything in this world and society is forcing me to use it. and honestly it feels like, because i have it, i have run out of “excuses” for not being employed. that if i have a car, i should be able to go to any job whatsoever and sit in my car in traffic for four hours a day like every other average person in l.a. even at the trader joes i interviewed at THREE TIMES before they eventually didnt bring me on, i would have to drive anywhere from 30-45 minutes to work every fucking day just to work at a fucking grocery store. i know people see those numbers and go ‘psh that’s nothing! my commute is so much longer!’ and that just feels like hustle propaganda. like why are you proud that you have to sit in your car in fucking traffic every day to do a job that you probably could (and now probably do) work at from home?
the shitty case worker i had, tonya, could not offer a suggestion to me when i brougth this up to her. how is medication going to make me more employable? how am i not supposed to blow my brains out when my life is going to be sitting in a car that i struggle to operate to go to a job that doesnt pay me enough to live and then doing that forever until i die? why dont i skip all that and just die right now? why live through that? all she could say was “well, that’s just how it is.” 
The much more obvious answer is that mental disorders, while influenced by genetic factors, are largely caused by trauma and context, and that oppressed groups of people experience way more trauma under capitalism, and are way less able to navigate the context of American society because it was built without them in mind, and in many cases to intentionally harm them.
this is why im going to be mentally ill forever, man. because i can’t fucking adapt to a society that doesn’t care about me. why would i do that? is it not inherently harmful and mentally ill to perpetuate an unhealthy environment? why belong to a society if we don’t care about the people in it? who is society for? if these circumstances were due to a partner, they’d tell me to leave them. if these circumstances were due to my living situation with my family or roommates, they’d tell me to move out. so must i leave society? do i have to live off the grid? do i have to hunt game and skin animals for fur and build my own shelter? even if i wanted to, like many natural peoples, capitalism is taking those things away too. look at first nations and indigenous people. look at the multitudes of the people experiencing homelessness and mental illness simultaneously. 
it is all so obvious when you’re on the outside. no one expects, or wants, people like me to survive. the whole point is that we do not belong to society. the whole point is that capitalism wants me dead. my suicidality means capitalism is working as intended.
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heamarvel · 5 years
Holiday Movie Challenge Prompt and Badge lists
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Hellooooo shippers of all Marvel ships!
This marks the kickoff to HEA (Happily Ever After) Marvel’s Holiday Movie Challenge! If you don’t know us, we’re a group of crafty mods under the direction of our own personal Pepper Potts ( @betheflame​​ ), so really, this is going to be great fun, and we hope that you’ll join us!
A brief intro to our event:
At no point do you need to sign up for this event. You are not beholden to post anything, even if you say that you will. This is a guiltless, fun event!
Pick a prompt, any prompt!
Interpret the prompt any which way you wish. We have prompt examples available for people to peruse on our blog and on our Discord, if you’re in need of a few examples.
Write (or art, podfic, or moodboard, etc.) any ship you want, even polyamorous relationships of any number or type (even if the prompts contain just two characters!).
Include additions from our badge list if you wish! They function like video game achievements (think World of Warcraft, or Xbox) and you will be rewarded with little achievement badges designed by the wonderful @kocuria​ that you can display anywhere you please.
The collection will open on November 1st and close on December 24th.
Around then we will provide a Google form to submit the badge info and other info for your fic.
BUT REMEMBER! All contributions to this event must have a Happily Ever After as per holiday movie standards (doesn’t mean there can’t be tons of angst and pain in the middle, though).
For any further info, please check out our Holiday Movie Challenge page, our Prompt and Badge page, our Frequently Asked Questions page, or ask us questions on Tumblr, Twitter, or on Discord! (Links on Tumblr.) 
But that’s enough mod-splaining, let’s take a look under the cut at the prompts and badges that we’ve been eagerly waiting to share with you!
*We have included both (1) images to download and save as well as (2) text for those who prefer or need that medium! The images are at the bottom of this post.
Here’s a separate post with just the images.
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1. Character A is a big city lawyer who swore to never go back to their hometown. Suddenly, their grandfather dies and leaves them the family Christmas Tree farm. They’re determined to go back and shut down the farm. Character B runs the farm and is determined to save it.
2. After losing their job as an au pair in New York, Character A accepts a position as a nanny in the castle of a small European principality no one has ever heard of. Character B is a single parent & ruler of the country.
3. When architect and Christmas amateur Character A finds themselves hosting their family for Christmas, they recruit holiday coordinator Character B to bring holiday joy to their home.
4. A high-powered executive reconsiders their priorities when car trouble leads them to Christmas Valley, a town in love with Christmas.
5. Two new students at nearby university, Character A and Character B, meet the first day of classes and become study partners. A local bookstore becomes a close part of their lives as their relationship grows.
6. Character A - a famous author who writes about how to stay single - is forced to look after their niece and nephew over the holidays. With the help of their Christmas-loving neighbor, Character B, they learn to find love and the Christmas spirit.
7. A young royal (Character A) escapes their entourage to explore New York City over Christmas. They meet Character B who shows the beautiful stranger their side of the city.
8. As Christmas approaches, Character A (the Lizzie Bennet character), a New York event planner, is sent to a quaint, small town to organize their holiday festival. When they arrive, they find Character B (the Darcy character), a high-profile billionaire lacking in holiday spirit, in the process of selling the charming estate they hoped to use as a venue.
9. An anxious bride-to-be (Character A, “bride” is non-gender assigned) throws in with broken-hearted and cynical Character B and a happily married couple for an emergency ride to NYC from New England.
10. Character A has to go to their cousin’s holiday wedding that’s taking place a year to the day they were left at the altar. Unable to face going alone, they con Character B into going “just as friends.”
11. When a restless young married Character A is granted a wish by a Christmas Angel to be single again, they soon discover their new life isn't what they bargained for, and embark on a quest to win Character B back.
12. Character A and Character B have been archrivals ever since a memorable fight over a coveted Christmas recital solo in elementary school. Now adults, they work side-by-side at the same school where they still constantly compete over everything. As the holiday season approaches, the entire school is getting into the spirit with the annual fundraising festival, which will feature an exciting new event - a teacher Christmas Cookie Bake-Off, judged by a tough five-star chef.
13. Character A inherited a toy factory. The town needs the factory to stay open, but they have no interest in being tied to their hometown. Especially when they find out that Character B - who broke their heart in high school - is the town’s mayor.
14. A WWII era nurse (Character A) is transported in time to 2019 and meets Character B who helps them discover the bonds of family and that the true meaning of Christmas is timeless.
15. Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Character A accepts a ride from Character B, who has just rented the last car in town.
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We’ll be custom-making the badges for whatever ship you choose to bring to the table! (Just keep in mind our limits: no underage, no non-con, no nazis.) Popular ship or rarepair+, this group of multishipping mods would love to see whatever you choose to write!
General fic elements
Needing a passport
Non-abled character
Neuro-diverse character
Passes the Bechdel Test
Set outside the United States
Addresses a legitimate societal ill/charity/cause
Character learns a craft as a coping mechanism
Someone eats popcorn in a dramatic scene
Mention or include a Hallmark store or movie
Character is tracing their genealogy
Character writes fanfiction
Character learns a new skill
Sentinels & Guides
Soulmate-Identifying Marks
Historical AU: Scottish or Irish clans
Historical AU: Ancient Rome or Greece
Historical AU: Regency or Victorian
Historical AU: American West
Inclusion of animal other than a dog, cat, or horse
‘It Takes a Village’ (town or community helps them hook up)
Use of holiday other than Christmas - including non-winter holidays
One sentence or more spoken in a language other than Russian
Discussion on classic literature and/or classic rock ‘n’ roll
Write a pairing you’ve never written before
Holiday Movie and general tropes
Inversion/Subversion of any trope
Main character has a cuddly dog
Presence of a small town festival
'And they were roommates!'
Fake Relationship
Only One Bed
Snowball fight
Ice skating or Ice hockey
Interrupted first kiss
Stories from childhood
Sassy/nosy best friend
Conniving co-worker
Kid as matchmaker
Single parent
Holiday specific
Yule log
Playing Dreidel
Holiday movie pick: Die Hard
Use of the phrase “Santa! I know him!”
Home Alone style shenanigans, serious or not
Trying to balance an egg on the Solstice
A non-Jewish character mixes up Passover and Hanukkah
Writing format/style
Outsider POV
First Person POV
Text Message/Chat Room
3+ perspectives in one story
Dialogue Only
Avengers stereotypes/fanon
Thor is foreign
Bots as children
Tony has insomnia
Tony Is Worthy (of Mjolnir)
Tony as a non-Iron Man mechanic
Ceiling vent Clint Barton
Budapest Explanation
Natasha is a scary spy/likes sneaking
Super-Nanny Phil Coulson
Peter Parker being a klutz
Peter and Shuri team up on Tony
Bruce has anger management problems
Avengers Movie Night
Darcy uses her taser
Bucky speaks Russian
Steve and/or Bucky need to play catch up on modern and pop culture
Shrunkyclunks (Modern Steve/CA & non-Avenger Bucky)
Shrinkyclinks (Modern Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier & non-CA Steve)
Side Character speaking role (any apply): Dr. Doom, Reed Richards, Galactus, Ghost Rider, Frank Castle, any Inhuman, any Runaway, Sif or one of the Warriors Three, Frigga, Amora or Lorelei
Set in a Marvel canon universe (even if not canon-compliant), for example: 1872, Noir
Mod Requests
Supernatural creatures
Gender swapped MC
Someone wears a tiara
Someone wears a kimono
Long-distance relationship
Snuggling to keep warm
1940s AU
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Disclaimer: The above plot summaries in the prompt list belong to numerous movies in the Hallmark catalogue. We do not claim to own them, and are not making any money off of this, nor are we being paid by Hallmark to run this event.
Additionally, as of December 14th, 2019, we are no longer associating with Hallmark even in name, due to their poor choice to cave to pressure and remove an advertisement of a gentle, loving same-sex kiss occurring at their own wedding. We cannot and will not abide that.
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damnitaddie · 4 years
In The Streets
“All the street lights, glowing, happen to be Just like moments, passing, in front of me So I hopped in the cab and I paid my fare See I know my destination, but I’m just not there…”
  It’s been so long since I’ve updated this site that I don’t even know what to say, looks like the last time I updated the site was in late March. In that time, I’ve changed jobs, I changed schools, and things are happening.
After leaving AT&T and drifting aimlessly for a while, I got hired at Spectrum. At first, I treated Spectrum like a bullshit job that I didn’t care about. I think it was mostly because of the entry pay. But after a decent raise and then a shift differential, I had found a place that I wanted to stay until I graduated from nursing school. However, they changed my schedule to a point where going to school during the day wasn’t going to be feasible.
At the same time that they announced the scheduling changes for the whole center, I had just completed my healthcare basics coursework, lab time, and clinical rotations. I sat for the written and skills test and earned my CNA, or as Kentucky calls it – State Registered Nurse Aide.
With that in mind, it seemed like a sign that if nursing was my focus and I wanted to be about that life, there was no better time than the present to jump in head first. Don’t talk about it, be about it. So I started applying. I went to an open interview event at Norton Healthcare and sat down with a nurse manager. I went on to have an interview at Audubon Hospital and then another at Norton Hospital. I had also applied at Jewish and Kindred. I accepted an interview at Jewish and was offered the job the next day. I accepted and proceeded to do the onboarding requirements. Before orientation could begin, I got a call back from Norton offering me a job at the downtown hospital. Because it had been my goal to work at Norton, I accepted this job and backed out of the position at Jewish with as much poise and grace as possible.
During this same time period, I ran afoul of the chair of the nursing program at JCTC, after calling out the school on Twitter. An issue had arisen when our teacher allowed people to leave early. Because the course had federal requirements for logged hours, this was a big no-no. On this fateful night, my teacher’s boss walked in at 7:30 pm. I was there, along with two other students, but the other 20 or so students were long gone. So, they forced all of us to make up those hours. Even the three of us who were still there.
It was implied that I had broken the school’s social media policy. However, when I asked what section of the policy, knowing full well that the policy only applied to staff and faculty, they pivoted to possibly not accepting me into the ADN program due to my posts. In my mind, they’d already decided not to accept me, so I told them there were plenty of nursing schools in this town and someone would take my money.
And so, that’s the story of how I ended up at Galen, basically a year further away from graduating than I would have been if I’d just started there from the beginning. But it’s been good. I think it’s a good, albeit expensive, program and the degree carries name recognition for being a quality school.
Since starting at Norton as a PCA — Patient Care Associate — I’ve learned a ton of things and I feel like I’m already ahead of many of my classmates, many of them who are decades younger and have never worked in healthcare. In only a couple months, I know how to do things that they may not learn for months or even years. In January, we’ll begin our clinical rotations for school, doing hands-on work, most likely in long-term care facilities or nursing homes.
At the same time, I’ll be shifting gears at Norton, hanging up my grey scrubs for green, as a Nurse Apprentice, having been accepted into SNAP, which is the Student Nurse Apprenticeship Program. The first federally recognized program of it’s type, it gives me the ability to continue to build my clinical skills, often working nearly at scope along side a registered nurse. Being already familiar with Norton’s Systems, policies, and operating standards, I’m excited to be able to do more hands-on work than I’m legally allowed to do currently. My participation will run parallel to school, wrapping up at graduation time, just in time to take the NCLEX.
School and work has become my personality, largely because I have time for nothing else. I think everyone gets this false impression that because I “only” work 3 days a week that I’ve got so much time, but I’m working 12 hour shifts, from 7pm to 7am, and then often going straight to campus. On days when I don’t work and don’t have school, I often sleep 12-18 hours just trying to get back to baseline.
I say all this as a way of getting to the point, I’ve been missing everything. Family events, my kid’s sporting events, spending time with my girlfriend, and generally being a living breathing human being. If you ask me when we’re going to hang out, I’m likely to reply, “When you show up at the hospital, at Galen, or in my bedroom.”
Beyond all that, nothing else has changed. I wish I could say that I was becoming a better version of myself, less obsessed, more focused on the future than the past, and all that — but I don’t want to lie to you. I’m still carrying all my torches and they’re lit like the beacons of Minas Tirith.
In June, in the gap between Spectrum and Norton, Nicole and I took a trip to Washington D.C. for an event put on by American Nurses Association to lobby legislators on Capitol Hill. I had never been to the district and it was a fairly exciting proposition. There was a certain level of anxiety in it though, as Laurel lives in the area. I didn’t have any intention of seeking her out or really making contact with her, but she remains in my thoughts even now.
Nicole, knowing my feelings and being Nicole, had tried to contact Laurel a couple times. These were ostensibly friendly and Nicole’s way of letting Laurel know I still had feelings for her. I’ll never know what actually happened there, because neither party would share the contents of those interactions, but suffice to say, they were received poorly by Laurel. Never the less, Nicole was adamant that I needed to see her while we were in town. I was vehemently opposed to this idea and we debated it through most of West and Non-West Virginia.
No matter my protests, we ended up at the bar where Laurel spends most of her time that night. Earlier in the day, she had posted on Facebook a sort of open invitation to area trans folk to come out for drinks. As we, at the time, were Facebook friends — I would assume this would apply to me. This ties into the concept of assumptions. And, if we’re being honest, I knew there was a 90% chance she’d not want to see me.
So, there we are, standing on the sidewalk out front. I can actually see Laurel through the windows and I start to hyperventilate, replete with tachycardia. A full fledged anxiety attack. I plead with Nicole to leave, like let’s not do this, this is going to end poorly, etc, etc, etc. She declines.
We end up going into the upstairs portion of the bar and we have a few drinks. With a bit of liquid courage and social lubrication flowing, I send Laurel a message telling her that I’m upstairs, asking if she’d like to come up and say hi. This way I don’t crash her gathering, and she can save face in front of her friends.
So we wait, and we wait, and wait some more. Drinking more and more as we go, having befriended the bartender. A nice guy that had moved from Texas to D.C., a previous EMS technician and Army medic. Nicole and him both had the same role and rank in the military. We chatted about this and that, until finally I had waited long enough and was going to be so bold as to venture downstairs. I’ll never forget what happened next, because in 39 years on this rock, I’ve never seen someone react so poorly to seeing me. Not even the transphobe at AT&T who turned on her heel out of the women’s room having seen me…
At the bottom of the steps, I came around the corner and basically ran right into Laurel. We were maybe three feet apart. The closest we’d been since she drove away from our home in April of 2017. You always hear that trope about the blood running out of someone’s face, but I’d never seen it in reality, until now. Paler than pale. So white she was nearly transparent.
We have just lost cabin pressure.
The whole exchange lasted less than two minutes. Aside from asking me what I was doing there, she really couldn’t seem to get words past her teeth. Which, if you’ve met Laurel, you’d know is a pretty impressive feat. I finally said that I would make it easy and just go.
I spent the rest of the night and the trip in a state wavering between sadness and disbelief. I wasn’t shocked and if anything, I expected worse. I knew that there was nothing there, that the well had run dry long ago, but I still had to lean over the edge and peer into the void. By morning, she had blocked me on every social media platform.
In the afternoon, her bestie was messaging me accusing me of ill intent that I didn’t have. I told her basically that I could put my feelings in a bottle on a shelf, but they never seem to stay there for long. Even now, five months later, I’m still thinking about that fateful night. Running it through my head, replaying the horrible look she gave me. Of course, with Thanksgiving upon us, the memory of my mistakes weigh upon me heavily.
I’m working on erasing you, I just don’t have the proper tools. I get hammered, forget that you exist There’s no way that I’m forgetting this.
You’re the shit and I’m knee-deep in it.
Other than that, everything is great!
In The Streets was originally published on TransVentures
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basshouse · 5 years
Of Politics and Road Trips
Welp, it seems like the time has come to address one of the gnarliest and most frequently asked questions of all time.  To be clear, that's gnarly for me and to me, respectively.  I’d also like to memorialize a recent road trip.  Before I start, though, let’s get grounded in the current context: it’s late summer IN MARCH; We are headed intro autumn, and there has been enough early snow that Mount Hutt was open for skiing (what?!?!).  I started my new job at Jade Software; the kids started a new school year in January, with Anily headed off to her first year of high school (5 years of high school here); both kids have changed to a new soccer club, which is much closer to the house (thank god); Anily made the A team; James is playing soccer and basketball and ridiculous amounts of Fortnite.  It’ll soon be a year that we’ve been here. We are right in the middle of a full 12 weeks of visitors and trips from/to the US. And in case you were wondering, the cat has managed to escape through open windows and doors a few times, but he’s always come back so I guess he’s ours for real :-)  
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I still haven't submitted my dreadfully complicated tax return.  I am seriously procrastinating, and having visitors and reasons to road trip is helping/hurting. 
So!  BFGFAQ (big fat gnarly...you get it): It’s the political one.  From the Kiwis this usually comes in the form of “are you a Trump refugee?” or “what do you make of what’s going on over there?”  And even if it’s not an explicit question, how can I possibly answer the most frequent Q of all time -- “why did you move to New Zealand?” without considering how the political landscape of the US factored in?  I mean, you don't just up and move across the globe and leave a great place and a fabulous life without at least a mental checklist of pros and cons.  At least, most of us wouldn't.  And if you’re a grown-up (which we sadly have established that I am) and a contributing, aware, member of society (which I would argue that I am), your list must include considerations of the way your taxes are spent and people are treated in the place you live and how the outcomes of those things impact your lifestyle, your life, and the lives of other human beings.  Right? Right!  
MAJOR UPDATE:  A handful of days after I posted this, someone (likely an asshole white supremacist) shot and killed people in a CHCH mosque.  The city is still in lock down as I write this.  It is terrible and sad that  things like this happen anywhere, ever.  And I just want to say that as you read the ideas below, I’ll be watching closely the response of the NZ government.  
If there’s one thing that moving around the world to a place you’ve never been before, with a small family and no friends, and taking up a real life with a paycheck and a rent and a job does really well, it’s create an opportunity to reflect on the differences between where you were and where you are.  It also is extremely useful for considering, in a very real way, how the values you hold are (or are not) reflected in both a political system and a local way of living.  You really notice how political decisions, socioeconomic forces and cultural norms trickle into investments, infrastructure, bureaucracy, language, aesthetics, and interactions that impact you as you move through your day-to-day and learn how to get things done.  And because you’re an observer who is trying to become an insider, you may operate with less bias and pre- disposition to judge, more of a natural curiosity and interest in gathering information and then assimilating it and deciding over time. Chalk one up for perspective!  Happy to say this was the kind of experience and growth I hoped we’d all get through this adventure. 
Now, from the Americans this question usually comes in the form of something like “OMG, are you so glad you’re not here for this?” or “are public healthcare and lack of gun violence really as amazing as they seem from here?”.  Because, like me, most people I talk with on a regular basis feel something like this:
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t least you do now, thanks to Willie Wonka’s and friend above, and this: 
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So while I am not here in NZ without political bias or personal ideas of what’s right, wrong and important, I am more open minded to considering what’s good for this country and this context, and I have a stronger appreciation for the complexities of things all across the board since I’ve now gathered more data and had more experience. 
So, my American friends, in the interest of helping you draw some of your own conclusions, here is a segment I like to call Fact, Figures and Feelings:
America is amazing.  You have SO much of everything.  Including great food, tons of money, vast political power, and a really noticeable amount of homeless people.  I mean!  When I was in San Jose I felt so conflicted by both where to go for every meal and the fact that to get where I wanted to go I was uncomfortable with my own feelings and anxiety about possible conflict with the homeless and mentally ill folks I passed constantly. And it was often while I was walking into a convention center full of people trying to give away millions of dollars, listening to speakers who had made millions through technology. And while the dog adoption station on site and the furry friends in it made me feel a little better in the moment, could there be anything more cliche? Embarrassing. And yet is it fundamentally bad to have cute dogs making rich people feel good and maybe getting adopted?  No.  But it maybe uniquely American. 
Know what else you have a lot of, USA?  DRAMA.  Seriously.  The NZ morning news is usually about 25-50% reporting on the shitshow that is US and Brexit, and it turns out that when people say “if you get homesick, just listen to the news” they are correct.  
So what about NZ?  Well, when you live in a country with SO MANY FEWER (like so many!) people and a much smaller GDP, your reality is very different.  Not so loud.  Not so busy.  Not so many options. Much much simpler and frankly, it feels more sane. But we know the Mexican food sucks.  So... six of one/half dozen of the other?  This is what I am saying: I cannot tell you if Enchiladas and Aveda products make up for dealing with the opioid crisis if you’re seeing it every day, or if leaving Tito’s vodka and a much higher salary on the table is balanced out by the fact that police here in CHCH carried guns last week and this is how people think about it: 
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FUN FACT: During the “summer holidays” (December-Jan), the morning news show on public radio literally went off air.  They replaced it with special summer programming, mostly dedicated to personal profiles and reviews of music and activities.  The only headlines they read each day were almost entirely about the US (shut downs) and UK (Brexit).  Apparently it’s possible for time off to extend to politics and news.  WOW.  Just notice how you feel about that. 
Now, NZ is certainly not the rainbows and unicorns utopia we liberals like to think a place with a public healthcare system and affordable education and far fewer guns will be -- there’s a growing imbalance in the distribution of wealth, the abortion laws are archaic, affordable housing is a big issue, nurses and teachers strike because they don’t get paid enough.
Politics was not the only motivator for our move, but we considered it -- sure seemed like a nice time to be out of the US, and it is.  It’s certainly not a clear #NZFTW-100% -they -nailed-it situation, though.  Every place and every system has its bad sides, and I have a lot to learn to really decide how the pros and cons balance out. All I know is that it’s really, really nice to be in a place where the political conversation is much simpler and more focused on politics and their outcomes on people than on hateful rhetoric. I am disappointed when I think of the lost opportunity due to the amount of resources you are wasting on unproductive, unkind conversations in the USA, when you have so much.  I feel bad for not being there to help stand up for the rights of people I believe in, but when you don't wake up angry every day at the headlines and the people you share space with, when the dialog is a little more open and productive, when the headlines are not so likely to be violent and sad, you start with a much better mental health baseline. You just can’t eat a great caesar salad whenever you feel like it, and it’s expensive as hell to leave the island and you don’t get paid enough to be able to do it often, which may really stress you out. For now, I’m really ok with it. But over time will the flaws in the NZ system (every system has them) outweigh the positive?  Do the opportunities in the US outweigh the negative? 
In the interest of letting you form some your own opinions: Take a look at the the top headlines of 2018 in New Zealand.  They include a pregnant PM; visits from Ed Sheeran, the Royals, and Obama; a handful of natural disasters; a bunch of news about other countries and sports; and the BIG BIG Drama which “unfolded over several deeply uncomfortable days” and ended in a minister being briefly admitted to a mental health facility and broad discussions about mental health.  Consider if the US was as concerned about its politicians’ mental health when they did crazy shit :-). 
Oh also, this is my CEO at work on Friday (hee hee): 
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So far this year Lime Scooters (people get hurt on them, and people break the rules and double ride with no helmets -- gasp!) and the potential of a capital gains tax have been in the news pretty much daily. And that’s about it. Boring? Yes! Nice? Also yes! Did you know NZ is the only country in the OECD to not have a CGT? Are you impressed with my knowledge of initialisms? Worldly is the word you’re looking for to describe me.
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I know, it looks like I am pooping on a trail, but I am actually doing squats mid-hike IN A SKIRT.  Probably gives me enough credibility to become a world leader, or at least present these numbers for your consideration: 
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Now that you have something to think about -- because you weren't already thinking about politics enough (sorry!) -- let’s turn to a less political, but more important spiritual and philosophical topic: The Art of the Road Trip.
Pro tip: It’s easier to be a Road Trip Rembrandt with the right tools -- like these:
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Mountains + Vans = Roadtrip Masterpiece
I think I mentioned in an earlier post that one of the things we’ve been doing a lot of is road tripping. Not so different from Seattle, eh? True. But since we can surf so close to the house and we have such a beautiful country to explore and a slightly less active social life, the road trips are more frequent and more varied.  As we are all happiest when we’re in the flow and hitting the right balance between challenge and success, I guess it makes sense.  Because if I do say so myself, we are damn good at the road trip, but there’s no way to have 2 to 6 people in a small space with a lot of stuff and a windy road ahead and podcasts and music to choose without challenge.
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Here’s a map of where we’ve been on our travels thorough the country so far: 
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So what’s the art of the road trip?  Composition: 
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And the science?  One part great music, one part planning, and at least two parts having a sense of humor and joy about all the chaos. 
Like when there’s no where for you to sit: 
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My most recent road trips were extra awesome due to the fact that Leslie Lapham (AKA Alex, AKA LL) was here and we took off on a few fun adventures. Now, Leslie is great for a lot of reasons and it was super fun to have her here for 5 weeks...and one of her best qualities, she takes great pictures!
Here’s what I like to say about our first trip:  it started with a bang and ended with a bee sting.  
Here’s the bang -- this is what happens when some dickhead decides to pass you on the right at high speed on a highway while you are TURNING RIGHT into a campground: 
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So, that sucked.  Especially because aforementioned dickhead did not stop to see if we were ok, just left us there in the dark on our own. Luckily the Taupe Donkey was still drivable and packing enough duct tape to make it work.  So, off we headed from Kaikoura to make ourselves feel better in the vineyards and wineries of Marlborough.  
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The Cloudy Bay Winery was not a bad place to spend an afternoon!  
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Watson’s Way (not pictured) was a really weird place to spend a night though -- we were basically parked in a gravel parking lot in someone’s yard.  But man, did we have some good food! 
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Although oops, I accidentally tried to take a grapevine as a souvenir.  And I swear this was before I even did a tasting!
After wine tasting and an amazing dinner at Arbor, we headed to the Marlborough Sounds, starting at Havelock, the mussel capital of the world!
We did a cool tour on the mailboat, which literally delivers mail, packages, animals, groceries, and god knows what else (possibly the odd tourist by accident?) to the residents of the remote 300 or so bays in the region, which can only be reached by boat. 
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We ate a lot, of course.  But we ordered more than we could eat. 
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After that we headed south on the inland route and camped overnight at the Tasman Lakes National Park.  
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There were eels, pretty views, and random dock yoga.  
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And last but definitely not least, we topped off the trip by meeting Jason at the always fabulous Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools.  What a drive to get there, too!  I did get stung by a bee while I was soaking, which was a total and pretty painful shock, despite the signs warning people to watch out for bees.  Little fuckers! 
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After that, back to co-working and a couple weekends in CHCH:
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Now this blog is not about all the visitors and it’s already so long I dare not start going on about having Leslie and Lois here together.  Suffice it to say we had some fun times, some great food, and after 8 hours in the emergency room we did a quick road trip to Oamaru.  There were PENGUINS!!!!
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There were penguins!!! We saw them waddle onto the beach at dusk after swimming 50K through the ocean all day.  Alas, you cannot take pictures of them, so you’ll have to settle for 3 Generations of Wachsmuth Women in the Wild until next time.  XO. 
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Hey Kat. We’ve been mutuals for a few years and I'd like to consider you a friend, but honestly I never know where I stand with you. You seem to have a habit of fixating on one or two rpers at a time for a few months, then almost never interacting with them again later. I have to count on two hands the number of rpers I’ve seen this happen to over the years. I don’t know if there was a falling out each time, but on the outside it seems that you take up rpers and discard them once you get bored?-
[I was never one you fixated on, but I still feel like one of those you’ve discarded, since for many months the majority of my asks and starters for you have gone unanswered. I’ve expressed these feelings to a few other people who are mutuals with you, and some feel the same way. I don’t say this to make you feel bad, I do care about you, but I don’t think you know the effect you have on people, particularly the negative. And you deserve to know, just as our feelings deserve to be known.]Okay so first off: it’s 7:11 am, I spent all of yesterday having a miniature mental breakdown because my life is particularly hectic right now and you know what’s the only relief I actually get, like seriously? It’s this. This is it. Right here. So thanks for ruining my morning before I spend all day at the job that agonizes me that’s not a job since I don’t get paid. You know, the one that causes me stress from the first moment of the day. So to begin with: fuck you. I’m just gonna go off the bat here, because I’m upset and I’m angry. You’ve ‘known me for years’, ‘been mutuals with me for years’, and you’ve gone out of your way to TALK TO MY OTHER PARTNERS TO SEE IF MY OTHER PARTNERS FEEL THE SAME WAY? Even though apparently we were never super close? So you just set out on this to go ‘wow you can be really insensitive because you can’t juggle literally a solid 3000+ people and by the way, you’re an asshole’. If you actually gave a shit, you would’ve come to me off anon. BUT HERE YOU ARE. So you know what this does for me? This makes me spend the rest of my day FUCKING PARANOID about who I’ve upset, even if I know validly I don’t owe anyone anything. As if I owe you any explanation, which I don’t, no, I’ve seldom had a falling out with any of the writers I’ve written with profusely. Things happen. People get busy. People change. People move on. All of these things happen. As for me? I’ve been having a solidly horrible time in my life for awhile now, and this is my HOBBY. It makes me feel better because I don’t have a ton of outlets. It’s a place I get to talk to people who have likeminded interests with me. While I literally prepare a 60+ page binder of a fucking case study in an attempt to get certified TO DO MY JOB AND GET PAID FOR IT, this is the place that lets me decompress. And you know how I do that? By writing ongoing plots with the people I click super well with/who have become my good friends. Because I love development, I love being able to just shoot back and forth, and it makes me feel better. Not that that matters, apparently, because this ask is all about how I cannot be a role play pez dispenser for you. ‘You deserve to know’. Get the fuck out of here with this shit. This isn’t concern. I deserve to know what? That I’m shitty and I can’t go out of my way to please everybody? That I can’t do everything at once? That I can’t fulfill your need— oh wait, I’m sorry, not even specifically YOURS— to be a writing machine? You’re not concerned. God only knows why you decided to drop this excuse to make me feel terrible, but you didn’t even have the nerve to be blunt about who you were. So NOW I get to worry about WHO this is. Let’s check something here: I DON’T OWE ANYBODY ANYTHING. I’m a graduate student getting my certification, working a crushing unpaid internship wherein I am a literal teacher with no income, living with the person who has gaslit and abused me my whole life, attempting to get my own mental illness in check on top of the fact that i have no time to do ANYTHING and if you know me AT ALL you know I largely rp in mobile BECAUSE I HAVE NO GODDAMN TIME. I haven’t answered your asks or your starters? Well the odds are, your starter is in my drafts somewhere that I have 55 of and will eventually touch when I stop feeling like shit. But there’s the key in there: i rp opportunistically with what comes easy in that second. Because this is A HOBBY. It’s FOR FUN. You know when it’s not fun? When you think I OWE you something. No, I don’t always answer all my asks. Again, I’m largely mobile. And beyond that I’m largely doing 3 or 4 other things while I’m writing if I’m not mobile. And sometimes? I just can’t find the muse for some people’s asks. Gasp. God forbid, I admit that I’m SELECTIVE. Which, by the way, we all are. And if you say you aren’t, you’re a liar. Everyone has preferred partners or characters because WE’RE PEOPLE. WITH PREFERENCES. IT’S PRETTY NORMAL.I don’t owe you shit. I don’t owe anyone shit. I run this blog how I run this blog. If you’re my mutual, unfollow me. Seriously. Please just unfollow me. Because if you don’t have the nerve to come to me off anon, you’re not the type of person I want to hang around. And if you can’t understand that I’m a fucking person behind a computer who has had this blog for about FIVE YEARS, I have A LOT of people I know, and I do this for RELIEF, you can just miss me altogether. But thanks. I appreciate this. Just so you know, you’re a jerk. Happy fucking Friday.
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chrismaverickdotcom · 6 years
I'm a not so good guy...
I’m a teacher… and I think I’m pretty damn good at it. I know for a fact that at least a few of my former students read my blog, and I bet they’d say I’m pretty damn good too. But I wasn’t always a teacher. I’ve had a lot of other jobs. I’ve designed computer software. I’ve been a photographer. I’ve written comic books. I’ve worked in retail. I’ve worked in a restaurant. I worked at a TV station. I was a paperboy. Hell, I was even a professional wrestler for a little bit there. That’s a lot of jobs, and I’m not even Jamaican.
One job I’ve never had was being in the military. And it’s not that I couldn’t have been. I totally could have. I was a poor black kid in high school in the 90s. Military recruiters love poor black kids. So I was totally offered a chance to be all I could be and see the world or whatever the fuck the slogan was back then. I turned it down. I was offered a ROTC scholarship. Turned that down too. A recruiter from the Air Force Academy came to my school to try and get me to come there too. Once again, I said no. See, I just wasn’t interested in being a soldier. It didn’t excite me then. It doesn’t excite me now. And in all the years since, I have never regretted that decision. See, when I think of the idea of “risking your life to fight for the rights and safety of others.” My next thought is something along the lines of “well, that doesn’t sound like something I’d want to do.”
I have no particular ill-will against the military. I had a lot of friends who did enlist. Good for them. Good for cops too. These people provide a very important role to society. I am thankful that there are people out there willing to fulfill it.
I’m not that guy. Honestly…. I’m just not that good a person.
And see, this is important. In fact it’s very important. This is something that everyone who is ever one of my students, and ESPECIALLY everyone who is ever the parent of any one of my students needs to understand.
See, every time there’s a school shooting, the national conversation predictably turns to the question of gun control and school safety… and this becomes predictably political. You have a lot of politicians on the left saying “this is why we need gun control” and then the right retorts with “have some respect. This is not the time, these families are going through tragedy. Now is not the time for your political agenda.” (As a side note, whatever it is that ultimately kills me, I want the record to show that anyone who loves my has my permission… and in fact my INSISTENCE… that you immediately start petitioning Congress to ban whatever killed me. If I am crushed to death in a freak accident by two tons of cotton balls, I want a fucking bill trying to take down the cotton ball cartel on the floor of the House by the end of the week).
Anyway, nothing ever comes of these talks because it’s apparently never the time to talk about gun control, So regular everyday people start passing around memes. Some of them are really stupid. I had the pleasure refuting the ridiculousness of one that my wife’s cousin, William, posted earlier today, which pointed out that there were only 374 “rifle deaths” in 2016 and there were 478,000 cigarette deaths. Actually the meme cited a bunch of stuff that was “more deadly than rifles.” Including “fists.” Of course, it was bullshit… which was pretty easy to prove if you spent like 5 minutes reading the sources that the meme claimed to be citing… or if you gave it 10 seconds worth of intelligent thought on your own. But whatever… as I’ve said many times before all facts are alternative, some are more alternative than others. But whatever… the nice thing about dumb memes is that they’re pretty easy to refute and I can go make fun of people by being smart and this amuses me… because I’m just not that good a person. I’m a petty little man and I kind of delight at being smarter than other people and sometimes take pleasure in their misfortune.
Every time one of these big mass shootings comes around and kills white people (killing brown people is much smaller news) we get a different take on it. In the past we’ve blamed video games. We’ve blamed movies. We’ve blamed mental health. We’ve blamed bump stocks. But this particular go round, led by the “genius intellect” of the B-movie super villain that we’ve elected President we’re actually trying to have a serious discussion about whether or not the problem would be better if we armed teachers. Arming teachers… you know… like me.
Now, I want to point out that this isn’t the first time this has come up from this administration. During her actual senate confirmation hearing the current Secretary of Education actually floated the need for armed teachers in order to defend students from possible bear attacks. She wasn’t joking. This was a serious concern of hers. Of course, then on her first day at work she also tweeted she couldn’t do anything because she was unable to find the pencils. So that’s the bar of intelligence we’re working with here. But now, the US President has piled on… and because he’s said it a couple times (and then in a brilliant tweet storm today, denied that he said it and then went on to reiterate it over the course of half a dozen tweets) it’s become news. And something that people are having to have a serious conversation about.
So let me make this clear. This is a dumb idea.
Earlier today, the Broward County sheriff’s department released a statement that apparently there was an armed deputy on duty at Stoneman Douglas high school during the shooting. He was a trained law enforcement official. He knew that there was a shooting going on. And he opted to do… nothing. He made a decision that there was gunfire happening in a building and even though he had a gun, the smartest thing for him to do… was not enter that building. Basically he was faced with the option of protecting his own life or the lives of others… a position that no one forced him into… he volunteered for that career. He swore and oath to serve and protect. But in the heat of the moment, when faced with the reality of the situation… he chose himself over others.
I get it…
My wife, Stephanie, linked to this story earlier. And of course, a right wing friend of hers, Jeffrey, immediately tried to refute it by saying “a single person lacking the courage to act does not mean that others in that situation may have saved lives.” I laughed at this. Jeff then tried to counter me by pointing out “Somebody took out the Texas church shooter with a gun. It happened to late to prevent the initial killings but someone did step up and we don’t know if that shooter would have attacked others. Its no guarantee but to say it won’t ever happen just doesn’t make sense.” And my friend Adam pointed out that just because it worked out once doesn’t mean it’s a particularly good idea.
I’m actually going to split the difference. It’s happened more than once. In fact, because I happened to do some research earlier to refute William’s ridiculous rifle’s are safer than fists or cigarettes meme (I bet you didn’t expect that to come back around), I just happen to know that in 2016, there were exactly 276 justifiable homicides using some type of firearm by a private citizen. Of course, from the same research I also happen to know that contrary to the meme there were 58,853 reported criminal shootings that year. So, that means 0.4% of shootings result in a justifiable defensive kill.
And sure… oh right wing reader… I know what you’re thinking: “But if more people had guns, there’d be more saves.” Well, it turns out at that from the same research, I also just happen to know that the 276 justifiable homicides were out of 1,980 attempts to defend oneself with a firearm. So it works about 14% of the time. Usually against someone with a similar class of weapon. And sure… better than nothing. Except… I also happen to know that there were 2,203 accidental shootings reported by registered gun owners that year. So while you are 14% likely to be able to kill an armed assailant if you have a gun… it turns out you’re 8x more likely to end up shooting some random other person during an attack or otherwise as you are to shoot a bad guy. So… to any parent who thinks this is a good idea… understand that the likelihood that I can defend your kid from an active shooter if one can happen is about 14%. And I’m 8x more likely to end up actually shooting them than I am defending them. Do you still want it? Math is fun!
And if your answer is yes… well, ok fine… I’ll take it.
See, because El Presidente also floated the great idea that hey, why don’t we give a bonus to the teachers willing to go through the training and carry a gun in the classroom. And… well, I like money.
But really.. understand who you’re asking and what you’re asking of me. I’m not a soldier. I’m not a hero. I don’t want to be. As I said at the beginning, I had that opportunity and I passed it up because I don’t want it. What I am, is a guy who reads funny books for a living. I’m the guy who gets paid to teach your kids to write. I’m the guy who gets paid to teach your kids about literature and it’s connection with feminism and sexuality and gender and race and marxism. Have you been reading this post? I’m an ultra-liberal, socialist, agnostic, feminist, pro-LGBTQ, pro-BLM, pro-union, pro-drug, pro-sex, pro-polyamory, pro-pornography, anti-religion, anti-establishment, damn-near anarchist SJW asshole. And you know… if you really want to pay ME to carry a gun around your kids… ok fine, I guess.
But understand something… I’m not going out of my way to take a bullet for your kid. I’m not going out of my way to shoot someone to protect your kid. I’m just not. Much like the deputy from Stoneman Douglas, if I see a gun, I’m probably running in the opposite direction. I’m just not that good a person. The only difference is, I’m telling you this right now upfront.
And I don’t think any of my students would expect any differently. As I said, I know for a fact that some of them read these. And they all know me very well. So, Ayana, Brooklin, Elysse and any of the other couple hundred students I’ve had the pleasure of teaching these last few years and might be reading this, I say to you… you are all wonderful, lovely, bright and intelligent people. I love and care for you all. And just to be clear, should you ever find yourself in a classroom with me again, and someone comes in with an automatic weapon, then RUN! FUCKING RUN!!! RUN AND HIDE!!! DO NOT WAIT FOR ME TO SHOOT THAT PERSON!!!
And see… because all of my students have been bright and intelligent. I’m pretty sure they know that. To their parents… I mean, don’t get me wrong… if I have a gun and I’m cornered, I’ll probably take the shot. But given the choice between trying to hunt down a guy with an assault rifle and well…. not doing that… I’m going to choose not… EVERY SINGLE TIME. Because that’s who I am. I’m a guy who’s pretty damn good at my job — reading funny books and talking about how they reflect culture — and I chose that job because I didn’t want to deal with bullets! I’m just not that good a person.
And the thing is, a lot of my friends are also teachers. I’m sure a lot of them are reading this and laughing… And honestly, most of them are far nicer and better people than I am. But I’m pretty sure you’re going to have a hard time finding a single one of us who is looking to take a bullet for your kid. Sorry.
Wayne Wise, Jenn Bakal, Ashlyn Spach, Nathaniel Lanza, Stephanie Homer, Barb Brakowski Tofte, Stephanie Siler, Tammi Stuebe, Stephen Poff, Nicole Aceto, Justus Humphrey, Emily A. Rodriguez, Adam Rixey, Kevin Davies, Amy Cassella Hummel, Connie Deighan Eaton, Christopher Lukose, Sonya Dembowski, Ashley Bobak, Maria Bajzek, Josh M. Slifkin, Mark Holiday, Nicole Freim, Cori Bulger, Dominic Widdows, Tracy Di Marco White, Helena Nichols, Lacy Chenault, Katherine Prevost, Reuven Goren, Cohen Reba, Mike Wood liked this post
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I’m a not so good guy… was originally published on ChrisMaverick dotcom
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arrowsbane · 7 years
Okay, so there is something to be said for not eating cheese before falling asleep in the mid-afternoon sun, because as fun as it sounds, it can mean for some seriously weird dreams. I am 1000% blaming @shanastoryteller for this, because right before I dozed off, I read this post here that she wrote and it hit a wall, turned 90 degrees east and ran off into the sunset of hell half-frozen over.
So. First let me tell you this, I am not writing this as a fic. Just no. It’s bad enough as it is. Also, while I’m somewhat known for genderbending, I am not really a fan of Fem!Ed. Kind like how I can’t handle Fem!Yuuri from YOI. It’s just… these precious babies are perfect just the way they are and I cannot bear to change them. But, I am down with reading Fem!Ed if there is a reason – like… gender reassignment. (See the aforementioned post). Or maybe Truth just likes to fuck with Ed. Idek.
So. On with the insanity:
So. For some reason, poor Edward Elric is a girl born in a boy’s body. Or maybe he’s just a boy who is more at home in the female shape. I don’t know okay. I’ve always been comfortable exactly as I am, and I’m not going to insult anybody by pretending that I know everything. The point is - Edward is not comfortable in his own skin. Edward knows that his body is somehow wrong. And he’s smart, and brilliant, and a goddamn whiz with Alchemy. And so is Al, who just wants Ed to be happy, no matter what.
So, crazy brilliant brightsparks that they are – with a supernova burning in place of a soul, and the universe in their eyes – they draw up a circle, and Ed goes before Truth.
Truth, of course, isn’t too happy at being faced with a tiny scowling boy who insists that he is a girl; but Truth does understand that sometimes bodies can be uncomfortable at best, and soul-destroying at the worst of times, and this insanely brilliant child is going to be the source of a shit-ton of entertainment for years to come.
So Truth helps.
For shits and giggles, because why not.
Trisha is… understandably puzzled. She went to bed the night before, a mother of two sons, and then woke up with a son and a daughter.
Um, what?
They are grounded. Of course they are. Origami cranes are one thing, but this? What were you thinking? You could have been rendered braindead, you could have blown up the house. Or the universe. You could have died!
It should be noted that Trisha ranks her kids’ lives above that of the universe continuing to turn, and reality not peeling apart at the seams.
As any mother rightly should.
Time passes, as it is wont to do, and Edward grows into a lovely young woman with a talent for mass destruction and reconstruction.
(although, it must be said that when puberty came rolling around, there were more than a few curses, and Ed had to be physically stopped from reopening the Gate in order to yell at Truth. Because Fuck you asshole!)
Officially, her name is Elizabeth on all the paperwork, but here’s the thing: Ed might be a girl now, but she never stopped being Ed. You can change your shape, but you can’t change who you are. And hell, Ed loves confusing the fuck out of people when she introduces herself as Edward.
[Teacher didn’t discourage this. If anything, she encouraged it.]
It becomes a joke – wherever she goes (and Al is with her, because in what universe would he not be? Don’t answer that. Because that probably means Al is dead in that universe and you can all go to hell before you hurt my little cinnamon roll), leaving chaos and destruction and generally uprooting tyrants for fun; leaving only the whispers of a red coat, long blonde hair and the names Edward and Alphonse Elric: Alchemist Extraordinaires’.
[Somewhere in the East, Roy Mustang is tearing his hair out trying to track down a pair of genius brothers. Here’s a hint: It’s not going so well.]
Now this? This is not love story for Roy and Ed, oh no. My weird ass dream is twisted, and somehow, I love it. Even though I don’t ship this…
So. It’s summer, and it’s bright, and Edward is now… what? Seventeen? Eighteen? Who cares? The point is, there’s a massive inter-village party going on, and alcohol is involved. She dances the night away, laughing madly the whole time and winds up going for a roll in the hay with a charming chap from two villages over who’s on leave from the military. Not her usual choice, but hey – he’s funny and he pulled out her chair for her, and calls her “ma’am”, and he made her laugh. He also turns out to be brilliant in the sack, so hey – Ed reckons she made a good choice of partner for the night.
She wakes up to a lazy grin, and work-roughened fingers gently teasing straw and dried grass out of her tangled mess of hair – because I’m not joking about the phrase ‘roll in a hay’. It’s round about then that she realizes she forgot to introduce herself, and so she holds out her hand, “Elizabeth,” She tells him. Because hey, he did good last night. He did more than good. She can play nice.
“Havoc,” He replies, shaking her hand, “Jean Havoc.”
Ed fucking laughs at him.
“What?” She asks, “You gonna tell me that you’ve got three brothers called Mischief, Chaos and Trouble?”
He laughs as well, and they’re both still laughing when they tumble over each other and go straight for round two.
On and off, the whole summer, these two wind up together. In bed, at dinner, just generally wandering about causing trouble. And then Havoc has to go back to work.
And dammit, Ed finds that she’s missing him. What the hell? Ed doesn’t do pining. She does quick flings, and moves the fuck on. But apparently not anymore.
Al figures it out before she does.
And then when she does, he sits her down and listens while she rants and raves, and curses Havoc out because she did not plan on falling in love. I mean, yeah, she’s got plans to be a Housewife someday, because Teacher was ah-mazing and all that – but no. She had not planned on marrying a military guy. Why would she? The military is E-vil. (And wow, Ed has no idea just how right she is there).
So Ed hmms over it for weeks and then she gets that stubborn look in her eyes, packs her bags, and scoots off down to East City because dammit, she’s getting married. Whether he likes it or not.
Al and Winry are cheering her on, and Trisha isn’t really sure what’s going on anymore.
(Yes, Trisha got ill and shit, but Ed got even more stubborn and kinda maybe might have been more interested in Alchemy and it’s healing properties in this ‘verse, and yeah, she paid a bit more attention when she met Truth. She doesn’t know it yet, but she gave something in trade to the Gate. There’s a reason she doesn’t have Daddy Issues here – she doesn’t even remember him. There’s nothing left to hate.)
Ed shows up in a hurricane of energy and barges her way back into Havoc’s life without so much as a by-your-leave. He’s not really complaining. Not even when she storms up to him in a bar when he’s out for a night with the boys, yanks him down by his collar, and tells him that they’re getting married.
“Um… Don’t I get a say in this?” He asks, blinking down at her. Her hair is a mess, and she’s breathing heavily from beating the tar out of a guy outside because he tried to put his hands where they weren’t welcome – but goddamn, she’s still the most beautiful thing Havoc’s ever seen, and in all honesty, his question isn’t so much a “no,” as a bemused “oh really now?”.
Ed straight up growls at him, and he laughs, scooping her up and tossing her over his shoulder.
“Oi! Breda!” He shouts down the bar, “Get your coat, I’m getting married.”
Breda chokes on his drink, and then he starts to laugh. “This I gotta see.”
So they get married in an office, with a half-sober Breda and some random person they grabbed off the street as witnesses.
Havoc’s collar is unbuttoned, he smells of beer and cigarette smoke. Ed is wearing jeans and a tank top, her hair is a tangled mess of gold and there’s dirt smeared on her left shoulder.
They don’t have any family members there, and Ed makes their rings out of her earrings and Havoc’s watch. But that’s okay. Trisha and Elaine can yell at their kids for eloping at a later date. And then ask about grandchildren in the next breath. Al will laugh himself sick, and Winry will demand to be Godmother when they get around to it.
Not that they plan to – I mean, practicing making the future babies is fun and all, but neither of them want kids just yet.
More time passes, and you know what? It works for them.
Ed is a freaking genius who sometimes gets so into her work that she forgets to eat or do the dishes, but that’s just fine because Havoc grew up on a farm where folk did whatever needed doing. So he cooks, and coaxes food into her. He washes dishes, and folds laundry, and he’s even brave enough to pull her away from her books for long enough to get her to sleep.
And then once she’s done with her bender, Ed spends days making it up to him. Because she’s a hundred percent the kind of person who gives stuff her all.
Havoc doesn’t understand one whit of what she’s doing, but hey, it makes her happy. He doesn’t need to know anything more than that.
The first time he accidentally catches sight of her notes over her shoulder, he thinks she’s going to kill him, because Alchemists are nothing if insanely secretive of their work.
But hey, no, not Ed. Not with her husband.
She smiles at him, and then yanks him down onto the floor next to her.
And then she starts explaining the basics to him.
Because here’s the truth. Ed’s been worrying over Havoc’s complete obliviousness to alchemic circles for a while now, especially seeing as he’s almost always on the team chasing the crazy (in a bad way) alchemists – and dammit, she wants him in one piece. So come hell or high water, she’s going to make sure he knows what is safe and what means he should be hightailing it out of there.
The next time he’s closing up a case with the team – a crazy wannabe alchemist had been messing with the structural integrity of a building, and was also apparently a complete and utter moron, because even he knows better than to use those two particular equations in conjunction together.
He says as much, and is treated to looks of utter amazement and disbelief from his teammates.
“What?” He asks, “I know stuff.”
Breda is sniggering behind his back, because unlike the others, he was there when Havoc married the crazy alchemist lady. Come to think of it… Breda might be the only one on the team who even knows that he’s married. Oops.
He really hopes that Hawkeye doesn’t shoot him for this.
So yeah, things go fine. Mostly.
Havoc learns when to run away from the crazies, and Ed wanders off with Al to save the world, or sometimes just turns entire cities on their heads by sticking her nose where she shouldn’t – see Youswell, Liore, ect…
And all the while, Mustang rages over the antics of the famous Elric Brothers.
It’s actually rather pathetic, and it takes Havoc a long time to put the pieces together.
He’s more than a little bit embarrassed to be honest.
Mustang is halfway through a rant on how Liore has descended into chaos – two raging factions; and Havoc’s eyeing the pin-board, feeling strung out and an odd sense of de ja vu.
Penny in the air?
Huh. Wasn’t Ed in Liore the week before last?
Penny drops.
Oh. Havoc thinks. Oh, shit.
He’s so used to her going by her legal name in public – because while Edward Elric writes alchemical papers and rescues kittens from trees, it’s Elizabeth Havoc who fails epically at knitting, burns scones and actually has a bank account – that he forgot (and wow, is she going to laugh herself sick tonight) that when she’s off gallivanting across the country with Al, she uses her birth name.
Son of a –
He’s been trying to track down his wife and brother-in-law the whole time.
The wife who sleeps in his bed, and the brother-in-law who camps out on their couch.
How is this even his life?
Ed does indeed laugh herself sick that night.
He reckons that he should probably tell Mustang, if only to save Eastern Command from being set on fire the next time the Colonel loses his temper, but hey – Havoc likes living.
So he sleeps on it.
And he sleeps on it.
And he sleeps on it.
Eventually, Friday rolls around, and Ed is giving him that look – the kind that says ‘man up, or I’m buggering off to cause mass chaos and destruction without you,’ and so Havoc swallows his pride.
That day at work, he waits until Mustang is once again ranting on about the Elric Brothers, and then, carefully, warily, pipes up with: “So, um, Chief? I might have a lead.”
Mustang freezes, and then pivots.
Ack. He looks like he might breathe fire at any moment.
Havoc gulps. And then he starts to fidget.
“Well, actually,” he admits, “it’s my wife that you’d be wanting to talk to, sir.”
Mustang looks at him like’s gone mental.
“You’re… married?”
“She’s way too good for him,” Breda snickers, leaning back in his chair.
Mustang blinks, frowns, blinks some more, and then moves his mouth soundlessly for a few moments, clearly furious.
Then, finally, he grinds out a short command of “Call her.”
“Yes sir!” Havoc yelps, diving for the phone line and praying that Ed is at home.
She is.
And she’s more than happy to come down to Command and set the record straight.
She’ll even bring Al with her.
Havoc sort of wants to curl up into a ball and cry.
Ed glides into the office, all grace and charm, looking exactly as people would expect an innocent modern-day country housewife to appear. Her blonde hair is carefully braided up into a milkmaid’s style, and there’s a touch of flour dusting the hem of her peasant’s blouse.
Havoc feels like he’s in the twilight zone, because she’s even wearing makeup. Since when does his wild dustdevil of a wife wear makeup?
Al catches his eye and winks – he himself is dressed in neatly pressed clothes and sporting a pair of glasses (why? He doesn’t even need them for fucks sake?) and looks the textbook image of a wet-behind-the-ears scholar who probably couldn’t even find his way out of a paper bag.
“Mrs. Havoc,” Mustang smiles, offering her a seat, with his charm turned up to eleven.
“Hello,” Ed smiles, and there’s a devilsh look in her deceptively innocent topaz eyes, “Edward Elric, at your service.”
She sweeps into a genteel bow, and then gestures to Al.
“Alphonse Elric,” Al grins. “Nice to meet you.”
Havoc sorely wishes he’d called in sick that morning.
So… Okay. He’s probably going to die.
Mustang practically has a fit, and Hawkeye’s hand is on her gun, which means Havoc has to try really hard not to flinch.
Once he’s done making a series of choking noises that sound like a dying weasel, Mustang straightens his back, puts on his ‘the military wants you!’ face, and says: “Enlist.”
To her credit, Ed only blinks twice, before her mouth curls into a mischievous grin to anybody who knows her, and a dangerous snarl to the uninformed.
Al grins.
Havoc cringes.
“I,” Havoc’s wonderful Valkyrie of a wife thunders in a flawless imitation of her Teacher, “am a Housewife!”
Oh god. The look on Mustang’s face is priceless. He can’t help it.
Havoc starts to laugh.
Wondering why Father never managed to take over the world?
Funny story actually, Ed kinda might have just happened to be wandering by Briggs when Kimblee (the fucker) conned the Drachmans into attacking the fort, and hey, she kinda likes Amestris you know, being Amestris and not Drachma 2.0
So she drops a mountains worth of snow on them.
Funnily enough – carving a blood crest does not fucking work if all your victims die of air deprivation, or being crushed under several tons of ice and snow. Because, y’know, not enough blood being spilled and all.
Basically? The bad guys ran out of time – and it was all Ed’s fault, because no matter what they tried, she kept fucking up their plans by accident.
And then Honoheim owned their asses.
The End.
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crystalelemental · 7 years
Atelier Totori Plus Opinions
Those who paid attention to my rankings are already aware that, at the end of the day, this is my least-favorite Atelier game in the series.  Which is something that really bothers me, because there are a lot of great elements to this game. The game has a strong alchemy and combat system, and introduces a serious storyline that spans the whole game (sort of).  Totori herself also winds up being my favorite of the Arland alchemists, and characters as a whole are fairly strong, barring a few exceptions.  There are just a lot of things that, I feel, hold it back. The game is still fantastic, and even the lowest-ranked Atelier game is more enjoyable to me than most other games out there, but, well, someone had to be at the bottom of a list.  And unfortunately, that's Totori.
CHARACTERS As a whole, characters are fairly solid, with a few that stand out as among my least-favorites in the entire series.  Those who are good are fantastic, and those who are bad are intolerable.  Thankfully, the good outweighs the bad.
Totori - Totori is adorable.  She's the most serious of the Arland alchemists, and shows a level of competence that we didn't get too often with Rorona, who was portrayed in a more joking fashion despite her talents.  Yes, a lot of characters talk down to her about her abilities, but I think what she accomplishes ultimately shines past Gino being an insufferable little shit all the time.  Totori is incredibly precious and enjoyable, and is a great mix of serious and studious with goofy and somewhat awkward.  I love her to pieces.
Gino - We begin with the bad. Gino is insufferable.  He's just obnoxious.  He is hyper to a fault, and is direct to a very dire fault.  Instead of a fairly endearing portrayal, they went for the option where he has zero social skills, is constantly a rude little shit, and does nothing of value but be a putz and whine about when Totori starts out-performing him.  His entire character story is him being a butthurt baby over Totori being stronger than him now.  Gino is awful.
Melvia - but he was not the worst.  Melvia gets that spot.  She would be generally fine.  She's portrayed as the strongest of the group, and is very direct in her interactions with others.  However, she loses massive points for the same reason that, say, Nozomi from Love Live loses points: the groping other people gag.  I think it only happens with Rorona when you have them explore together, but trust me, once is enough.  In fact, most of her initial interactions with characters when you go exploring are unpleasant.  Melvia is basically just a sexual deviant, and quite frankly, that's an automatic failure in my book.
Mimi - The best girl of this game.  Mimi is basically Cordelia 2.0, but with a bit more of a history.  Mimi's mother died of illness, and she's very focused on making her family name famous.  She's abrasive toward Totori, while at the same time being very clearly attached to her.  It's really cute, to the point it’s honestly one of the few ships I have attachment to at all.  Mimi tries her best, but has the same issues as Cordelia of being unable to honestly express her feelings toward others.  Unless that feeling is anger.  Then she's fine.  Like I said with Cordelia, struggling with their own emotions is a character trait I adore in all its facets, so surprise that I like Mimi best.
Marc - Marc is hysterical.  He's all about robotics, and is a man of science.  Of course, that comes with not always understanding the intricacies of social etiquette (”What, you didn’t know I was joking about using a live cat’s skin to cover the cat robot?”).  He just winds up being funny and engaging, and I generally appreciate his presence.
Rorona - Rorona returns, and she's fantastic.  Seeing Rorona in a teaching role really is something else.  She's still her air-headed self.  Very competent and skilled, but cannot teach for the life of her.  But, she's trying her best, and really wants to be a good teacher. It's sweet to see her interactions with Totori, literally the only one who understands her inane directions.
Cordelia - YEAH, CORDELIA!  Cordelia returns, as head of the adventurer's guild.  She's just as forceful as always, but has calmed down a bit since Rorona. She's more in control of her anger, and seems a bit more honest with herself, which is great.  I love to see that kind of development.
Iksel - Iksel came back!  I'm sure all five of his fans are very happy.
Sterk - The final returning character, and possibly the most involved?   Arland is a republic now, and thus Sterk has lost his standing as a knight.  Sterk is less than thrilled about it, and continues to insist he is a knight and acts accordingly, while hunting down Gio to establish the old monarchy once again.  Sterk's character is one burdened by regrets and the loss of his only perceived calling in life, and this really shines with his interactions with Gino.  While Gino winds up being obnoxious because he's just sad Totori beat him, Sterk presents as someone who is understanding of his position, having lost to Rorona and felt the blow to his pride as a knight who is weaker than the one he's protecting, but also forceful in how to overcome it.  It's a good balance, I feel.
Ceci - Totori's sister can be precious, though she doesn't have a lot of presence, I feel, until you start getting into her own history as an adventurer and why she stepped down. She's good, just not super interesting to me.
Guid - Can I just remark how much his recurring gag of being invisible irks me?   Because it does.  Still, he's alright.  Like Ceci, nothing interesting about him until he starts building the ship and re-kindles that passion he once had.
Gerhard - or whatever his name was.  Bartender man.  He’s okay.
Pamela - the ghost girl returns, but alive this time?  Or something?  We’re not too sure.  She sure continues to be a great source of entertainment though.
Peter - So my housemate Pat has this really hilarious nerd voice he does for characters like Peter, and I wish I could project it through text, but instead, here’s a link to Peter’s actual english voice.  They’re almost the same tone anyway.  Peter’s a nerd loser, and thankfully the game treats him as such.
Tiffani - She’s back.  Same issue as before.  I really don’t care for the drunk Tiffani trophies...
Hagel - Hagel has been promoted to the best shopkeeper of all time for commenting that if Totori is feeling embarrassed about the clothes she wears that she should maybe put on a pair of tights.  While part of me is definitely just happy that someone suggested a more conservative look (which I always appreciate), the specific suggestion for tights is an immediate bonus.  Hagel knows what’s good.
Filly - Esty’s younger sister.  She’s an oddball.  Nothing against her at all, but she doesn’t really stand out beyond the super relatable characteristic of hating her job.
STORY Totori has a real story!  Totori's mother was an adventurer who once went exploring across the ocean, and never returned.  Totori is sure that her mother is alive out there somewhere, and is determined to become an adventurer to search for her mother.  The people in her home village of Alanya are worried, but ultimately Totori persists and becomes an adventurer and begins her search.  It's easy to get sidetracked from this, but after three years and renewing your license, the search begins in earnest as you construct a ship and start to re-trace your mother's footsteps, straight into a village designed to be sacrificed to a demon within the tower nearby.  Your goal then is to fulfill the mission your mother could not and defeat the demon within.  Your path winds up encompassing both your quest to become a proper adventurer, but also to succeed your mother.  It's honestly a really strong element to the game.  I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: you don’t need a super complex plot to be a successful one, and Totori is a good example of that. 
SETTING It's still Arland, only expanded to include Alanya as well.  Both locations do feel highly distinct, with Arland being a clear city compared to the small town of Alanya.  What really makes this world feel open is that you stop at several points along the way, and it has a much more significant feel of adventure.  When the ocean opens up, it really feels like there's a ton of extra metaphorical ground to cover, and seeing only a piece of the other continent opens up the potential for the Totori and Mimi Adventures ending, where they seek to travel beyond the areas already known.  The only drawback is that there still isn't much that's been dug into.  Arland is a republic now.  Nothing has changed.   Gio commented that it wouldn't, but it's still obnoxious to see how literally nothing about this dramatic shift in government structure had an impact on the region.  It's just those kinds of things that could be explored to some degree that would make for interesting story points that just...are never addressed.
SYNTHESIS SYSTEM Unlike Rorona Plus, Totori Plus has a very simple synthesis system, in that there's no combining of traits.  This allows for the perfect traits to show up way earlier than usual, and require little to no chaining of items to obtain what is needed.  In a way, this is kinda nice.  It simplifies the system considerably, and removes unneeded anxiety around getting just the right skills.  On the other, it takes away some of the engagement of trying to find the optimal assortment, and chaining items to achieve a goal.  The Cost system returns, but with no traits to increase cost, so it's all just a matter of having the better ingredients, which is how they get you to chain traits to other items.   It's not bad, necessarily, but it does feel much more simplified and bare-bones than the other games.
BATTLE SYSTEM Totori is like an inverse Rorona.  Equipment matters, but nowhere near as much as items.  In early-game, you are going to use items constantly, because they are hyper-vital.  In late-game, equipment and skills can account for a lot, but ultimately your items are going to determine what's best. A good N/A and Himmelstern combined with a good Dimension Egg is how you beat virtually every major boss, with everything outside of Orthogalaxen going down to this combo without even getting a turn.   When you use Rorona to double up on the fun, basically nothing in the game stands a chance.  This is an element I adore. I really feel like it's appropriate for the items you craft to be the thing that leads to victory.  It just feels right, you know?
OTHER MECHANICS Unfortunately, wholesale will not retain the best traits, which means you cannot register your ultimate bombs and buy them back infinitely.  Instead, you need the Chims!  Rorona creates her own versions of Hom called Chims, and you can get up to five if you find the Water of Lifes. Waters of Life? The Chim-Maker items. Each Chim can then duplicate ingredients or items you have in your inventory. Unlike Hom, Chims are best used to duplicate synthesized items, as they make exact copies without having to use ingredients.  As a result, you can make a few good N/A, and have Chims copy them to maintain your stock.  The only downside is that they're fairly slow.  It can take a tremendous amount of time to copy the good bombs and Elixers, which means your stock is never too high.   So resources need to be used conservatively and only as needed.  Which isn't too tough, considering how quickly you run train on the post-game superbosses with the right trait setup.
There's also the license points.  License points are used...primarily just to increase rank.  Rank increases will open up new areas and new explicit tasks to complete.  Sometimes, this involves making stronger boss enemies appear in previous locations, and other times it's opening up new large areas. It's basically how you determine where you can and cannot go, one step at a time, without opening up the entire map at once.  I really don't know how I feel about it.  It's a little...arbitrary?  But I can't complain.  I do think Meruru had the more interesting way to open up a world map, though.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS I mentioned in Rorona that the Arland trilogy is the trilogy with a few more uncomfortable fan-service moments than I would like.  None are as bad as Totori.  Comments on "sex appeal" are more frequent than I'd like (read: above 0), Melvia is the way she is in most interactions with new female characters, the swimsuit contest is a thing that happens, and oh god the Guardian hunt...  The raw number of times this game made me wish it would stop is unfortunate.
There's also a bigger issue in the events.   Like Rorona, character events occur when they reach certain friendship levels.  Unlike Rorona, Totori has two central areas, and events are exclusive to each location.  Often without any indication that they're happening, and frequently with time-specific activation periods.  So you can miss entire events just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The conditions are also super obtuse. At one point in my playthrough, I tried setting up for the Spring Cup trick, only to realize I didn't have the recipe for the Spring Cup.  Rorona was supposed to give it to me, but hadn't.  Why?  Because I had to synthesize a specific item in the OTHER atelier, to activate a scene with Ceci, before Rorona's scenes would miraculously start occurring.   Then there's the time I completely lost access to Pamela's shop for the rest of the game because I went to one place first before going to her shop, and the scenes played out of order and locked me out of her return.  It's that level of obtuse nonsense that drove me up a wall while playing, and it's honestly this piece that causes it to rank at the bottom.  I can tolerate a lot.  But I cannot tolerate being constantly frustrated by not knowing where or when things will happen. Just a simple indication through an exclamation point over the town things are happening in would ease problems a lot.
There's also no development items, which I guess is fine, but I love those things and think it's nonsense that they didn't add them in the Plus version.  At least let me travel faster on the map, you butts!
CONCLUDING THOUGHTS Atelier Totori Plus is still a fun game, but it is, bar none, the most obtuse and frustrating of the games.  There are pieces that I enjoy tremendously, but there are also pieces that are just incredibly irritating to experience.  I still love the game, and I'm at a point where I think I've figured out the obtuse portions of the game and how to get events to activate.  But wow, it's such a frustrating learning curve at times.  Definitely worth playing, but also definitely worthy of the least-favorite spot in the series.
If you enjoyed this (for some reason), consider checking out the write-ups for the other games in the series as well!
Atelier Rorona Plus Atelier Totori Plus Atelier Meruru Plus Atelier Ayesha Plus Atelier Escha and Logy Plus Atelier Shallie Plus Atelier Sophie Atelier Firis
0 notes
brianobrienny · 4 years
The Ultimate Guide To A Content Marketing Strategy That Delivers ROI
Content marketing, when you peel away all the layers of techniques, trends, and possibilities, is a business opportunity. At its core, it’s a tool businesses can use for growth.
Content marketing is the kind of marketing that delivers ROI you can measure. And that’s important – now more than ever.
Unlike other methods of marketing, content marketing stands out because it is completely sustainable. It funds itself. And then some. It delivers revenue to the bottom line. It delivers a return on investment to the business.
This is not true for most marketing programs. But it is what marketing was always meant to be: a conversation between your company and your target audience that attracts new customers.
Effective content marketing strategy offers the benefit of exponential growth, higher brand awareness and trust, winning over prospects and convincing leads, and endearing your customers, helping to build a loyal base of brand advocates.
It also provides your company with a platform to activate employees, to publish thought leadership, and to tell more human brand stories that also attract better talent and keeps your employees motivated.
Once you get your content marketing strategy going, it’s that positive snowball effect in action. Your brand presence gets bigger and more impactful. It becomes easier to achieve your marketing goals with future content because you already have a foundation in place – a vast content library of written, visual, and experiential content, all designed to resonate with your target buyers.
This is in contrast to traditional marketing. Advertising, even with today’s sophisticated digital ads, can create overexposure. Audiences become saturated with brand promotion that offers no genuine value to the people you’re trying to build customer relationships with.
As I said a few years ago, content marketing is, “the vehicle that can deliver us from the throes of the ‘death by SPAM’ illness that still persists in many marketing organizations.”
It’s the solution to the dwindling impact of traditional marketing techniques. Take advantage of this business opportunity and you have a lot to gain.
The Business Advantage of Good Content Marketing
So, what exactly does a business have to gain from throwing their weight behind content marketing?
Increase in website traffic. Content marketing leaders see 8 times higher year-over-year growth in unique site traffic.
More leads. Content marketing garners 3 times as many leads as paid search for every dollar spent.
Thought leadership. Brands who offer relevant, useful content are viewed as thought leaders in their industry, which helps to build brand trust and authority.
Higher conversion rates. Organizations who use content marketing see 6 times higher conversion rates.
Leaner budget. According to DemandMetric, it costs 62% less to launch and maintain a content marketing campaign than any other type of campaign.
More attention on your brand. People use the internet to consume content.
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All of these advantages lead up to more sales, an increase in revenue, and more sustainable business growth. But, in order to get a competitive advantage from content marketing, you need to have a strategy. It’s not just about pouring buckets of content out, on and offline. It’s about using a holistic approach, using different content channels to support one another and maintaining a meaningful brand story throughout.
Take Demandbase for example. They managed $1 million in new business, not from tons and tons of content, but from a logical content bundle that included a white paper, infographic, webinar, live presentation and Slideshare. The bottom line is that most people think marketing is just about doing stuff (ads, campaigns, social shares, content.) But content marketing delivers business results. Here some more visual proof:
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What Content Marketing Isn’t
It’s important when using content marketing to understand what content marketing is, versus what it isn’t.
What it is.
It’s an opportunity for growth through offering quality content that offers value to target buyers. It requires a clearly defined audience and an ongoing analysis of how effective content is at reaching this audience.
It isn’t is more ‘stuff.’
Where a lot of brands go wrong with content is they fail to get the strategy part, unleashing content campaigns without the direction of where it should take the business to and an understanding for who the content is for.
Without strategy, you may end up with a promotional video, for example, that looks a lot more like a promo ad for your business than content. A promo video, as high-quality as the video production may be, isn’t a piece of useful video content designed to resonate with a target group at a specific stage of the buyer’s journey, and that is connected to the other content within your strategy.
Content marketing isn’t just a business blog.
Content goes far beyond blog posts. It also goes far beyond the digital world. Content is information, but it can be delivered through myriad channels (video, graphics, live events, apps, social media posts, emails). What differentiates this information as content is that it is designed for a specific audience, for a specific purpose.
It’s not meaningless.
Think about it. What problem does your Facebook ad solve? How has your company’s last AdWords campaign made a positive difference for your customers? Content is supposed to solve a problem. It’s this genuine intent to help your customers that offers the authenticity that consumers are so attracted to. Take this one step further, from providing value to your buyer to providing value to society, and you’ve landed on the future of content marketing – purpose driven brands.
It’s not rented space.
Where content stands out is that a brand owns the distribution channels – the website, the in-person events, the social media profiles, the eBook series. Advertising, on the other hand, is rented space – you have to constantly purchase a media channel in order to market.
How the Experts Define Content Marketing
Joe Pulizzi’s Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as:
“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”
Neil Patel takes this definition a little deeper:
“[It’s] a long-term strategy that focuses on building a strong relationship with your target audience by giving them high-quality content that is very relevant to them on a consistent basis.”
Here is Rebecca Lieb:
“It isn’t advertising. It isn’t push marketing, in which messages are sprayed out at groups of consumers. Rather, it’s a pull strategy – it’s the marketing of attraction. It’s being there when consumers need you and seek you out with relevant, educational, helpful, compelling, engaging, and sometimes entertaining information.”
I define content marketing this way:
“Customer-focused content, consistently delivered, on a platform you own, in order to reach, engage and gain new customers.”
So, if you can weave together the endless list of possible content choices and channels, with the strategy that speaks to your audience in the voice of your brand, you know exactly what content marketing is and how to make it grow your business. 
1. Why Content Marketing Is Important
Content marketing is important, not just because it works for building trust, generating leads, and cultivating customer loyalty, but because it has become the new normal from the consumer side. It is, in itself, helping to evolve what customers expect from the brands they interact with.
Neglecting it is way more risky than investing in it.
What travel, food, or fashion brand can exist today without a vibrant Instagram page, videos, and a few influencer campaigns? Software companies have become tech teachers with how-to videos and eBooks. Even the financial industry has come up with apps, online knowledge centers, and other tools to help both individuals and business customers better meet their financial goals and to do it with a level of transparency and convenience that was unheard of 15 years ago.
Great content, especially the dynamic, well thought out strategies, are showing consumers they deserve more.
Content Marketing Is Too Valuable for Both Consumers and Brands to Ever Go Away
The number one reason that content marketing is important is that your customers appreciate it. Content marketing generates 3 times as many leads as outbound marketing, drives six times higher conversion rates, and has the potential for a 7.8-fold boost in web traffic.
The reality is, content marketing has fostered the customer-centric reality we’re now operating in. From well-researched white papers to podcast series listeners can’t live without, content is changing the relationship between the brand and consumer.
Take, for example, Cisco’s content hub, The Network. It has everything anyone interested in or who works in the tech industry could be interested in:
A monthly online magazine, FOCUS
Live@Cisco Facebook videos
Blog posts on tech news
Biographies of Cisco’s leadership team
They even have an innovative portal for marketing the company’s best asset, its employees. Meet Our Millennials serves the triple purpose of empowering employees, attracting new talent, and humanizing the brand for consumers.
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Cisco has been pushing content for years. Under the leadership of CMO Karen Walker, Cisco brought on 200 content marketers back in 2015 and they haven’t looked back.
In the B2C sector, content marketing is just as important. Look at brands like Nike, which has become way more than a company. Nike has become a way of life that has inspired generations.
Or Sephora, who have mastered brand community with their content, inviting their audience into an engaging, educational, empowering environment.
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Through offering value and meaning, and through giving people an entire ecosystem to tap into for information, guidance, and human connection, content marketing has formed a bridge that consumers want to walk across in order to connect with the brands they like.
There’s no going back.
Content marketing started as the alternative to the ad age. Something of a much-needed respite from the over saturation of magazine ads, promo posters, television commercials, and digital advertising – by 2014, the average person saw 5,000 ads in one day!
But today, almost all marketers use content marketing – 91 percent of B2B marketers and 86 percent of B2C.
And (no surprises here), consumers like it.
Brands who neglect the importance of content marketing today will have to play catch up tomorrow. On the other hand, those who have a content marketing strategy in place are already on the next level – honing their content with better customer data, better technology, and a better developed network, either in-house or outsourced, of content producers.
Content Marketing Teaches Us Lessons On Who We Are Marketing To
Another reason content marketing is so important is, it is the secret to understanding our customers. The data we’re seeing as people move along the customer journey – engagement rates on social media posts, which videos people watch, which eBooks people download, the blog posts they read all the way through and then share with their networks – this is incredibly powerful information for marketers.
By tracking which content is the most successful, we’re learning more about our consumers. This gives brands who are heavily invested in content marketing – and who are adept at making sense out of their marketing automation tools and CRM – a huge advantage. With the insights gained, it’s possible to:
Create better buyer personas
Develop more accurate buyer segments
Improve personalization – which I truly believe is the foundation of a better customer experience
Hawkeye, a platform that focuses on analyzing content data, calls it content intelligence.
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It’s taking all the data you get from your content analysis to make a better strategy, and then rinse, cycle, and repeat so you are always improving what you offer, and boosting the impact of your content marketing.
Without the constant influx of data that is specifically related to your brand and your buyers (because it comes from your content marketing strategy), you’re missing the philosopher’s stone of modern marketing – the knowledge of what resonates with your buyers, right now – the how, who, why, where, and when.
Your Competitors Are Already Using It
And the final reason content marketing is ridiculously important for marketers today – chances are, your competitors are already using it.
If your target audience is already enjoying personalized email messaging and already know they can go to your competitor’s site to look up the information they need when they have a question – you’re in trouble.
Here’s the thing. One of the reasons content marketing is so powerful is that it can be used to establish your brand as a trusted authority in your industry. Which means, it takes time to get your content marketing strategy to make an impact because it takes time to establish a trusted presence.
If your competitors are already sitting on huge online blog libraries, vibrant social media profiles, and are known for their knockout video tutorials and annual marketing events, you’ve got some catching up to do.
Content marketing is essential to everyone from global organizations with dozens (or hundreds) of content marketers, producers, and analysts on their team, to small companies focusing on their local business. It’s not just important. It’s critical.
Where should you start?
Here’s a look at the types of content experienced marketers focus on:
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Start with the resources you have. Create a strategy and commit to a high level of quality and a focused brand message. And then, keep growing your content strategy as you learn more about your customers, engage with them, and build the bridge between your brand and the people your business exists for. 
2. How to Gain Buy-In for Content Marketing
You know how powerful content marketing is for brand awareness, lead nurturing, and building lasting relationships with your customers. So do the 91% of B2B marketers who are using content marketing today.
But, chances are, your organization’s executive team isn’t as excited about your content marketing efforts as you are. While content marketing budgets have been blossoming in recent years – the industry reached $300 billion in 2019 – in-house marketing professionals still struggle to get the support they need.
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It’s not just about securing the budget and resources you need. Just as important are factors like:
Internal cooperation across departments
Room to experiment and make mistakes without fear of your content marketing budget getting slashed
The engagement of the company’s internal experts – bringing employees into your content marketing strategy is a rising trend in content you don’t want to get left behind on
So, how do we gain the buy-in for content marketing that we need with all of our internal stakeholders?
Start with a Strategy
To convince your customers they will benefit from your product or service, what’s always your first step?
You have to educate your buyers about the value of what you are selling with a smart content strategy. Take this same approach when selling content marketing to your organization’s decision and budget makers.
Educate them on the importance of content marketing – with content.
So, get in the shoes of your audience just like you would when you create your buyer personas.
What are the pain points, hesitations, and goals of your organization’s executive team?
What information – relevant statistics, industry examples, in-house content analytics – do they need to see to understand the value of your content marketing?
What channels will resonate the most, for example, what presentation format will work? How can you quickly update upper management on the worth of your content with ROI analytics on an ongoing basis to keep them motivated?
When are they going to be the most open to paying attention?
The secret to gaining buy-in for content marketing is to demonstrate its worth with a solid strategy rather than a pile of stats and examples that aren’t really connected. Think through how all the information you present builds your case and works together to make your point.
Here’s what you may want to include in your strategy.
Show the Potential of Content Marketing with Examples
Don’t expect every member of your organization’s leadership team to fully understand just how intense and dynamic content marketing can be, or even how it works.
There are still people who assume content marketing starts and ends with blog articles and social media, which makes it difficult to be inspired by your content marketing efforts or to be motivated enough to up your budget or encourage employee engagement company-wide.
So, take them on the content journey:
Demonstrate the different types of content.
When C-suite sees the full range, from thought-provoking blog posts that establish your brand as an industry thought leader to experiential campaigns that can change the perception of the brand in the minds’ of consumers, they’re more likely to be interested in offering support.
You can use industry examples of some of the best interactive videos, brand communities, user-generated social media campaigns, white papers, live events, and other types of content you already use or plan on using. To be more illustrative, have plans ready to show what you already do with various types of content as well.
Put it all together.
The best content marketing threads together all the moving parts with cohesive messaging, consistency, and a holistic strategy. Each piece builds up, supports, or furthers the rest, creating in sum, a content marketing machine.
When convincing C-suite, explain how all your content works together as part of an overall strategy. Give them an example of a brilliant strategy in your industry. Also, map out the one you have ready so they walk away with a clear idea of how sophisticated and effective your content marketing can be.
Then, Give Them the Data to Back-up Your Examples
When you are vying for at least 40 percent of the overall marketing budget – which the Content Marketing Institute’s research reveals is the baseline for successful B2B marketing – you’ll need to offer some solid numbers to verify all the potential you just demonstrated.
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This means sharing key industry statistics to show how effective content marketing is at achieving marketing goals at each stage of the buyer’s journey:
Increasing website traffic and generating leads – companies that blog at least 15 times per month get 5 times more website traffic than companies that don’t. Companies with an active blog generate 97% more leads on their site than businesses who don’t have a blog.
Boosting conversions and sales – Conversion rates are 105 percent higher for consumers who interact with ratings and product reviews. Leads who receive email marketing messages spend 83 percent more when making purchases.
Building customer relationships – 70 percent of consumers prefer getting to know a company with articles instead of ads. 78 percent of consumers believe brands with custom content are interested in building relationships with them.
You also want to clearly demonstrate the historical ROI of your own content marketing. What are your organization’s marketing priorities this year? Focus on these goals when using your metrics to show how effective your content marketing has been.
Make Technology a Part of the Conversation
Tools that make once budget-prohibitive tasks like video production and personalization possible have really evolved the scope of what content marketers can do today. It’s definitely worth including the power of technology in the content you present to upper management.
Marketing automation. Interactive user interfaces. Cost-effective tools to help with content creation, from high-quality live video streaming to eBook creation and infographics. Defining a martech stack that works for your company can make things much more efficient.
What content marketing tools are you using now? How have they allowed you to reduce costs and do way, way more? How can investing in new technology empower your content marketing strategy even more?
Blow Them Away
Let’s be honest. Content marketing is pretty magnificent. When you look at how much this field of marketing has evolved and how much it has changed relationships between brands and buyers, and now, between employee, company, and customers with the thrust towards employee activation, the argument for content marketing goes much deeper than how effective it is, or how much it’s worth to a company.
It’s the way your brand comes alive to customers. Your organization’s content marketing strategy defines your brand to your audience.
So, to get C-suite to support your strategy and goals, make sure they know that by supporting content marketing, they’re deciding the role your brand plays in the future of your niche. Hero, teacher, helper, guide – or generic business. It’s content that makes the difference. 
3. How to Create an Effective Content Marketing Strategy
Build a plan. Create your content. Publish, measure, refine, repeat.
Seems straightforward enough. But this is the bare bones of content marketing. It’s creating a plan, not a strategy and it’s missing out on the impact potential of a goal-focused, personalized, purposeful approach to your brand’s content.
It’s one thing to have an appealing, educational lineup of blog posts, video content, infographics, white papers, and social media content. It’s a whole other science to make all these pieces come together and take on a life of their own, manifesting a walking, breathing force that is able to impact your marketing goals and drive business growth in the long term.
Once you get going with content marketing and finding your stride, you’ll want to up the sophistication level of your strategy to get more of an impact. Use these principles, the 3 P’s of effective content marketing, to evolve your strategy from ‘well, it exists but why haven’t we boosted our revenue yet?’ to ‘wow, what’s next?’
In order to reach the right target at the right time with the right content, you need to identify what’s driving your content marketing strategy by identifying the why behind your strategy.
Define your strategy’s driving force, focusing on one or two priorities. Sure, every business wants their content marketing to increase website traffic, generate quality leads, boost brand awareness, improve customer loyalty, and every other marketing goal in the book. The inevitable mindset with this ‘all of the above’ approach is to create great content and then achieve a little bit of everything as a result. You may get some of your KPIs to hit their targets, but the real and sustainable impact isn’t there.
With effective content marketing, it’s the priority goals that drive the strategy. The “plan first, results later” approach gets turned inside out. You need the desired results – the most important why or why’s of your content marketing strategy – for fuel, inspiration, and direction. They drive the strategy.
This is how you get that magnificent self-perpetuating achievement you see with brands like Dropbox, Blue Apron, and Zendesk.
So, what should you focus on?
Don’t look for the priorities that will yield the most impressive content marketing ROI numbers, but rather the ones that are aligned with business goals. Of course, all points along the buyer’s journey matter all the time, but you need to hone in on which one is the most critical right now based on business needs. Where is your organization struggling? For example:
New service or other change you want customers to know about? Generate web traffic and fire up your social media platforms.
A growth plateau? Then focus on getting better quality leads.
Limited market reach? Then look to brand awareness and thought leadership.
Plagued by low engagement numbers? How is your content working to improve the customer experience?
Not getting repeat business or is your brand advocacy limited to an army of one? Your strategy should focus on customer loyalty and retention.
Here’s the thing. When you laser focus on one part of the buyer’s journey, you aren’t neglecting the rest. What you’re doing is laying the groundwork for the other priorities.
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Then, when you come around to the beginning of the funnel again or when you tailor your strategy to focus on one stage to the next, you’re already set up to create an even more effective strategy because your organization has more content marketing experience and (hopefully) resources.
Better quality content production
More sophisticated use of technology
Better informed metrics
And, more confidence – and organizational support – to push boundaries and be a content marketing innovator in your industry
In 2015, Gartner predicted that companies heavily invested in personalization would outsell their competitors who lack personalization by 20 percent. Today’s content marketers need to be thinking personalization when developing their strategy. Personalized email offers, content sequencing, product suggestions, landing pages, and other types of personalized content are what customers expect today.
With the help of the right marketing automation platforms, marketers are using machine learning and predictive analytics to tailor content for both individuals and buyer segments, which creates a better experience.
Let’s face it, customers are more likely to walk away and write your brand off in their minds if they are exposed to one or two pieces of content that aren’t relevant to them. With so much content out there today, only what really matters to them will get any attention. In one Marketing Insider Group and OneSpot survey, 45 percent of consumers said they won’t spend time with a brand that’s not relevant to their interests. 42 percent are less interested in a brand’s products or services if the brand’s content isn’t personally relevant.
Write personalization into your content marketing strategy. This means looking at your marketing technology to make sure you are capable of offering better personalized content. It also means getting personal and taking the time to understand customer needs through both customer data and old school feedback.
My friend Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs shares a great example of a small business that’s mastered content simply by asking their customers questions and creating content specifically for his audience.
She says, “Yale Appliance redeployed almost all of its marketing budget away from advertising. His [Steve Sheinkopf] content strategy has been extremely effective, and he’s done it by simply answering his audience’s questions … The reason why he’s killing it is he looks at his data, he figures out what his audience needs, and he creates content that meets his audience’s needs.”
And the final P for effective content marketing – purpose. Why does your brand exist?
I talked about this concept years ago, sharing Simon Sinek’s amazing Ted Talk on how important the purpose is of your business to your customers, something a lot of brands overlook.
You need to get this higher purpose across in your content.
What purpose does your business have – how is it impacting society?
What are the values of your brand?
How can your products and services make your customers’ lives better?
How does your vision differentiate your business from your competitors?
And – where is it headed? What role will your business play in the future of society?
Here’s an excellent video of Steve Jobs talking about brand purpose for Apple.
He says, “But even a great brand needs investments in caring if it’s going to retain its relevance and vitality.” He goes on to explain how the way to do that isn’t to tell people your mission statement or your brand vision, but rather to evoke awareness of who you are through your content. Like Nike, “They honor great athletes and they honor great athletics. That’s who they are.”
What is the core, the archetypical belief that drives your brand? It’s there if you don’t know it already. You may have to dig deep for it, do a little organizational soul-searching. But, that’s what your customers will not just be motivated to connect with, but will desire to be a part of. And that’s really effective content marketing.
4. How to Build a Killer Content Marketing Team
Those spellbinding content marketing strategies – the ones that have catapulted startups into industry dominance and made decades-old brands more relevant than ever – they are not the product of a single creative genius.
Nope. It’s not a brilliant content creator or a flash of wisdom few of us can ever hope to attain.
It’s a hard-working, experienced content marketing team. A group of experts, each who excel in their area of content marketing and, at the same time, who understand how the whole puzzle comes together.
That’s how you get what Jolie Miller, content strategy and acquisitions leader at LinkedIn, calls great content. The stuff that “has the power to change people’s lives for a second or for days or forever.”
So, who should be in the starting lineup for your killer content marketing team? Here’s what you should look for when putting together your brand’s dream team and some content marketing job descriptions.
The Content Marketing Editor (Storyteller + Strategist)
When it comes to pulling off a revenue-boosting content marketing strategy, you’ll need an editor with experience and acumen in both refining content and in content creation. They have to be better at content creation than your copywriters, illustrators, and video producers in order to know how to improve what your creators are making.
Ideally, they’ll have copywriting experience and will have at least worked with other types of professional content creators. This will have helped them develop an eye and understanding for what premium content entails.
A content editor is also tasked with making sure content is high-quality and strategic. So, they’ll need to balance an eye for detail and an ability to see the overall picture, ensuring each piece of content is playing its part correctly within the whole.
Think of your content editor as a conductor in an orchestra. You may have a stage filled with skilled musicians. But the conductor is the one who brings out the magic in each of them. Good editors know how to do this with all of your content, ensuring each piece fits within the orchestra with the right tone of voice and staying true to the brand story. While also conveying the right message.
With a strong content marketing editor, your organization’s content will be:
Consistent – in style and tone
Top quality – this includes in the eyes of customers and search engines
Strategic – your editor will work with the rest of your content marketing team to make sure each piece supports and is supported by the rest to create a seamless experience for customers
Content Marketing Manager (Business Strategist + Visionary)
Your content marketing manager is the one who brings your content strategy down to earth, from brilliant creation to relevant, effective revenue driver. They know how to translate content into growth.
This is the person who’s in charge of aligning the strategy with business goals and keeping everyone on task with reaching your designated key performance indicators. And, they know how to do it within a budget.
Here’s the thing. There are as many content opportunities as there are stars in the sky. Influencer campaigns on LinkedIn or Instagram. Live events that invite customers into your brand’s community. Customer profile videos. Educational blog series.
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Deciding which content is the most appropriate for the brand, based on business objectives and budget, falls on the shoulders of the content marketing manager. They can look ahead and see how plugging all the different types of content, style choices, campaigns, and other factors into the equation will yield a solid ROI.
This individual knows the strengths and weaknesses of each channel and works closely with your content analytics head to ensure your strategy is pulling its weight and is knocking your content marketing goals out of the park.
Use this detailed look at the job description and job requirements for your content marketing manager hire to help you find someone with the right background.
Content Distribution Manager (Channel Master + Workflow Organizer)
Today, the way to effectively resonate with your target buyers is to get the right content to the right target, through the right channel, at the right time. Which is a nice way of saying a lot of thought, research, data, and calculation goes into every single distribution maneuver.
Easier said than done.
Don’t panic. This is your content distribution manager’s bread and butter. They are the ones who will:
Manage the content calendar
Have the content ideas set up or create them themselves
Ensure the content creators are getting everything done on schedule
Your distribution manager will also be manning the controls – your marketing automation software, content management software, and any internal workflow tools your organization uses.
Content Analytics and Optimization (Data Scientist and SEO Wizard)
Here’s your content marketing team’s data guru. The greater the background they have in data science, not just SEO, the better.
Your analytics expert will keep track of what content is performing well and what’s falling short. This is the individual that makes sure all the other people in your team aren’t working in the dark because they have accurate, in-depth data analysis to offer-up those must-have ROI and content performance insights.
Ideally, they’ll also be able to help your team get more out of your marketing software. Your brand will benefit from someone who knows how to use AI to get your team to the level where you are using predictive and prescriptive analytics to inform your marketing decisions.
They’ll also be in charge of staying up-to-date with SEO trends and making sure your content is as search-engine friendly as possible. Technical SEO is still the backbone of your content marketing – unless you don’t want anyone to see it.
Tap into an Endless Sea of Content Contributors
And, the final essential for your content marketing team – your advocate army. Your target buyers are some of your most powerful content creators. As are your own internal experts. These people have their own social media networks. But, more importantly, they aren’t your brand.
Only about 22% of brands are trusted by consumers. But 83% of consumers trust their peers over a brand’s messaging.
Your customers and your engaged employees offer something your branded content can’t ever pull-off, no matter how well-intentioned. Authenticity.
You can bring on the most experienced and skilled team of content managers, editors, analysts, SEO experts, and creators. But your content marketing strategy won’t have much mojo if you don’t have a plan for motivating and inviting your brand advocates to be a part of your team as well.
Pull all these elements together – your internal content marketing management team, content creators, and brand advocates – and your organization is on its way to the type of content marketing that has made this industry the $300 billion dollar industry that it is today.
5. How to Define and Measure the ROI of Content Marketing?
There are two huge pitfalls when it comes to establishing how your organization will define and measure the ROI of your content marketing.
One, getting lost in the numbers, focusing on too many key performance indicators and making it hard to get a clear picture of the impact your content is making.
Or, two, focusing on the wrong indicators to measure ROI for your business.
A lot of marketers struggle with ROI tracking. According to a B2B Content Marketing Report published by the Technology Marketing Community on LinkedIn, 38 percent of marketers cite measuring content effectiveness as one of their greatest challenges. Only 8 percent consider themselves very or extremely successful at tracking ROI.
However, being in that 8 percent offers a powerful advantage. When you can successfully define and measure content marketing ROI you are armed with the information you need to keep improving your content marketing strategy so it’s always working.
Here’s the tricky part – there are a lot of moving pieces involved in a great strategy. A lot of these factors change over time, putting your content marketing in a constant state of evolution. Customer preferences. SEO best practice. New technology. Video trends.
In order to optimize your content marketing strategy and maintain enviable performance levels, you’ll need continual feedback and analysis of your content. But more than that, you’ll need clarity from your numbers.
Define the Purpose of Your ROI
Before identifying your top priorities and defining your metrics, you need to look at the purpose behind the work.
Why are you measuring content marketing ROI?
The answer to this question is often the root of a misguided tracking strategy. If you are defining your ROI metrics solely to demonstrate results and to justify your organization’s content marketing budget, you may get a confusing picture when you try to look at your analysis to determine what’s working, what’s not, and how you can make your content marketing strategy better.
When there is a lot of pressure on content marketing managers to demonstrate value, there’s the risk of honing in on vanity metrics. Take web traffic as an example. In the same survey mentioned earlier, of 600 B2B respondents, 63 percent measure web traffic to gauge content marketing success. Only 26% look at subscriber growth and 21 percent look at revenue. Web traffic is a useful number to look at if you are trying to build your audience. It can also be an impressive figure to show off to budget decision makers.
But if you aren’t looking at how many of those website visitors are converting into leads or customers, your web traffic numbers create a very blurry picture. You know people are visiting but you don’t know if your content is compelling enough to motivate action so you don’t know if or how it needs to change.
Yes, there’s pressure on content marketers to prove the resources invested in case studies, videos, blog posts, infographics, social posts and other pieces of your content puzzle are well spent. But you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to uncover those hidden gems that will paint a crystal clear picture of what your content marketing is doing.
When you are using your metrics to inform your strategy more than your budget, you’re going to get the insights you need to keep making it better.
Simplify the Value of Content Marketing for ‘Outsiders’
Instead of measuring content just to justify it, you can use cost tracking to make the value of your content marketing black and white to C-suite with one simple analysis. Then, you can spend more of your ROI bandwidth on metrics that matter.
Keep track of how much each piece of content you product costs. If you’re outsourcing, you may have straightforward expenses for some of your content. Don’t forget to also include the time spent by your team editing, managing, and promoting the content.
If you don’t have the resources for this type of heavy cost analysis, you can audit some of your content. For example, what are your total content costs in a month or what’s the average for three months? Then, you can look at your costs and revenue to determine your content marketing ROI.
Once you have this baseline, compare it to your organization’s marketing ROI for targeted advertising. This can be a helpful comparison to gain support from executive management so you can go back and focus on measuring content performance.
Be Strategic about Defining Your Metrics
There are dozens of performance indicators you can look at to track your content ROI.
Performance metrics will reveal what you need to know, as long as you tie them to your business goals. Which means you aren’t going to focus on the same metrics all the time. As your business goals and, therefore, your content marketing priorities change, so will the numbers you use to gauge performance. The trick is to make sure your defined metrics are always telling your content’s story.
For example, if you are trying to build your audience, sure, look at web traffic. You also want to know your brand’s share of the conversation and social media sharing, bounce rate and time on site. This will give you a better idea of engagement and how much your content is king in your industry.
If your business needs better-qualified leads and conversions, your content strategy will probably focus on creating case studies, white papers, eBooks, and other content that motivates people to subscribe to your newsletter. This is where you’ll look at both your conversion numbers for your content as well as customer retention numbers. How long are the leads you work so hard to nurture with your content staying as customers?
For customer loyalty, the focus will be on retention as well as monitoring customer feedback. How much of a response are you getting and what is the qualitative response to your content? What percentage of people respond favorably to your social posts, blog posts, white papers, videos, events or other types of content?
Set Your Benchmarks
Once you have your current priorities set and you know what metric data to focus on, you can create your performance benchmarks. What does content marketing success look like for your organization? Being able to measure against your benchmarks makes it easier to see if your content is helping to reach goals or if it needs work.
Then, when you calculate the ROI of your content by looking at your costs vs. revenue (or a given value for an action if you can’t tie a metric directly to revenue), you can see where things are working and where you need to make changes to either the content or a part of your strategy.
This is why tracking your ROI with the intent of informing your content is so important. When you can see where one content channel is experiencing higher than normal conversion numbers, where another seems to lead to an apparent dead end landing page, what types of your content are making up the bulk of your industry presence, and every other pearl of wisdom you dictate your data to tell you – you have a wealth of information to constantly refine your strategy.
And, never-ending refinement is what brilliant, business-boosting content strategies are made from.
6. Where to Build Your Content Hub
One way to make your content marketing more effective and to make your best content more accessible is to build a content hub. Your hub acts as your content’s online repository. It’s a sort of branded resource center or command central for your thought leadership.
With a hub, not only can your audience delve deeper into your online content library because your top blogs, videos, case studies and more are clearly organized on one page or microsite, but you also have more control over how you want to guide your brand’s voice in the industry conversation.
For example, you can create a broader context for each piece of content, which gives all your content more meaning. That thought-provoking blog post on the latest industry research offers a whole other level of value when placed next to a how-to video that shows your customers how to apply these new research insights.
It’s the central location where your whole content marketing strategy comes together in one neat, attractive, thoughtfully put together place, which exists….well that’s the challenge. The where of your content hub is a big deal.
Should it be part of your website? Or should it be a standalone entity?
Getting the ‘where’ part right will dictate how easily your audience can find your content hub. It also dictates the impression your hub makes.
The Pros of Building Your Content On Your Website
There are major advantages to creating a content hub on your website. It’s like doing a home extension project versus building a separate ADU on your property. It’s easier, more streamlined and it’s connected to your products or services.
This advantage works both ways. The dynamic appeal of your hub’s media mix will boost your website’s SEO. At the same time, you won’t have to start from the ground up to generate traffic and optimize a separate site for your content hub because your website’s users can stay on your site to explore the hub.
Lower resource commitment
With limited resources, it’s a lot easier to build upon the website you already have than to create a standalone hub, promote it, optimize it, and make it into its own worthwhile online hot spot for your audience. This makes building onsite appealing to smaller businesses who don’t have the resources to create and cultivate a separate online entity.
Streamlined analytics
Your content hub will give you a lot of analytics as it tracks the way users interact with your hub’s content. When it’s an extension of your corporate website, this data can be streamlined with your other website data, giving you a clearer picture of your audience instead of having to differentiate between the two different sources of content data – and possibly, different buyer segments (unless that’s exactly what you are going for).
On-site hubs elevate the overall website, making it a greater source of value for your buyers and a more attractive destination. With smaller companies or if your hub is clearly aligned with the ideas, value propositions, and has the same SEO and target market you’re appealing to (and learning about through analytics), building your hub as just one more destination on your website makes a lot of sense.
REI’s content hub is an excellent example of a successful onsite hub.
When visitors click on the tab for REI’s CO-OP Journal, they stumble into a sea of well-organized content. The hub is user-friendly as it’s divided into multiple topics and subtopics – activities, gear, how-to’s, and local content. REI clearly positions themselves with their hub as an ultimate source of outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers. But it also uses the space to connect visitors with branded content that really drives home the REI story, which they may not have originally sought out, like their content surrounding sustainability and social responsibility and REI’s unique series – Take It From Me and Wild Ideas Worth Living.
REI’s content hub has enough complexity to deserve a microsite. But why take your audience to a different site when your products are a click away from inspiring content?
The Pros of Building a Standalone Content Hub
As practical as building your content hub on your site is, there are situations where it makes more sense to create a standalone content hub.
When your big company is also slow to adapt
Depending on your organizational structure, keeping your hub separate may be a smarter strategy. For example, in larger companies where there is a lot of red tape to make anything happen to the website, it may be wiser to let the content marketing team work at its pace to build an unfettered content hub.
When your hub itself is too big
One of the reasons to build a hub for your content in the first place is it improve the customer experience. Hub visitors can quickly access the information they want and can see, at a glance, related content they may be interested in. If your hub is loaded with different types of content, combined with different landing pages to pick up subscribers, event registrants, webinar sign-ups, podcast followers, and more, then your hub may need a home of its own. This allows you to create a better user experience and to better control the way visitors interact with your content.
To differentiate sales and content
When your content hub is all about establishing industry authority, it can be smart to make a standalone hub. This allows you to keep the sales pitch a mile away from the thought leadership articles, content created by your employees, curated content, and other content that is focused more on the message than the actual company.
To reach a new or specific audience
A separate microsite gives your content marketing the ability to take off in a new and exciting direction because it’s somewhat removed from the brand’s online corporate base. This also makes it a smart move if you want your hub to cater to a specific buyer segment.
The Hartford Financial Services has a dedicated content hub for targeting small business owners. SmallBiz is packed with helpful articles on topics small business owners and entrepreneurs would be interested in, as well as a SmallBiz podcast.
This how having a separate content resource center makes more sense. It appeals directly to a certain segment, creating a better experience for these viewers. This also makes it easier to generate leads as the entire hub directs viewers to one primary action – to sign up as a subscriber.
The Content Hub Location Checklist
When deciding where to build your content hub, you can use this checklist summarizing TriComB2B’s Chris Eifert’s advice to help narrow down what online space makes more sense for your brand and your content marketing strategy.
If your goal is…
SEO, then using your corporate website is better
Objectivity and authenticity, then a stand-alone hub is better
To quickly create a site and you don’t have time for website bureaucracy, go for standalone
The best user experience, then standalone is usually better, although a great user experience can work on the corporate website
Lead generation, then standalone is usually more effective
Add to this list, these factors:
Limited resources or small market presence, business website wins
Planning on creating one or more hubs for different segments, opt for standalone.
Make Your Content Hub Strategic
When you have a solid content marketing strategy, your content hub is what can bring it all together for your audience. It also creates a central platform for sharing the strategy – inviting hub visitors to more than a blog post or a video but the whole pie, all in one, convenient location. It gives you more space to get your brand story clearly across than a single piece of content, and more opportunity to show your buyers just how useful your content – and by extension, your brand – can be in their lives.
8. How Much Budget Do You Need for Content Marketing?
You know your content marketing strategy will positively impact your marketing goals and business bottom line. But, how much budget do you need to make sure your content marketing is effective enough?
There are two perspectives when it comes to the content marketing budget:
Invest more and gain more – The more layered, the better supported by technology, and the more skill you have going into your content creation, the greater potential impact.
Content marketing can be extremely cost-effective so harness that advantage – Part of the power of content marketing is its ability to deliver cost-effective results. Remember, Content marketing costs 62% less than outbound yet generates three times as many leads. It also drives conversion rates that are six times higher than other marketing methods.
Both of these budget perspectives are true. With a large budget, you can invest in better technology to make your strategy more effective. You can keep up with (and reap the rewards of) the big-hitting content marketing tactics like influencer marketing and experiential marketing. But, there’s also a lot you can do with a small budget, even as a tiny startup.
When you have the budget to move beyond blogs, social media and explainer videos, you can start moving into creating a multi-dimensional brand ‘world’ that your audience can not just buy from, but also become a part of. This is where you’ll find not just your traffic and lead generation numbers rising but also your loyalty metrics.
Here’s the thing. If you start with a large budget but haven’t yet mastered the efficient use of your content marketing dollars, you could be losing a chunk of your budget. For B2B marketers, on average, 70 percent of content created never gets used. That’s mindblowing!
image source
So, to figure out how much is enough, look at the content marketing budget as an evolving number. Even if you end up with a small budget this year, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to increase it by 10 percent, 20 percent, or more in the following year. This gives you the flexibility to have what you need but also to avoid wasting your budget simply because your organization doesn’t yet have enough experience with content marketing, what it can do, and what channels and tactics make the most sense for your brand.
How Much Does Content Marketing Cost?
More companies are using content marketing (86% of B2C organizations and 91% of B2B marketers). And, most of those who are using it are increasing their budgets each year.
What’s the average spend on content marketing? Overall, 26% of the total marketing budget is dedicated to content marketing for the B2B sector. For B2C, it’s 22 percent.
But, here’s where it gets interesting. The most successful organizations spend closer to 40%of their total marketing budget on content strategy. Those with a relatively mature hold on content marketing spend about one-third of their budget on content.
image source Setting your content marketing budget has a lot more to do with how much your organization has already done with content marketing rather than just throwing a quarter or a third of the budget towards content. A lot of this comes down to the nature of a good strategy – you have to get to know what works for your brand and what resonates well with your buyer segments to create a more sophisticated strategy.
You also need to understand the cost of content marketing and create a strategy that delivers more high quality content, as often as possible
The only way to learn this is to start using content marketing, tracking the ROI of your content, and analyzing what works and what doesn’t. Then, you can go back and improve upon your strategy even further, ideally boosting web traffic, lead generation, and revenue growth, and being worthy of a bigger chunk of the marketing budget.
Who’s Increasing Their Content Marketing Budget?
Just under half of B2B marketers plan on using the same budget from 2018 to 2019. About 38% plan on increasing what they spend, with only three percent expecting to use a smaller budget in the future. This is a trend that has been going on for years, with 2015 being the sixth consecutive year for double-digit growth of the content marketing industry.
Part of this is driven by the ROI – organizations experience a greater return as their strategy gets more effective. So, they invest more. It’s also driven by competition. With only a small fraction of companies not using content marketing, how can you expect to keep up with advertising and other outbound methods? Customers’ expectations for high-quality, relevant content are increasing, which means the more developed your strategy is and your use of technology, the easier it will be to ensure your content becomes the cream of the crop, rising to the top of search engines, social feeds, and email inboxes.
How to Build a Content Budget that Makes Sense
What do you need to factor into your content budget?
Who’s on your content team?
If you don’t already have a content marketing manager, you may want to put this position on your list of budget priorities. 43 percent of organizations have a dedicated manager. You also want to look at what content creators and analysts you’ll need and which ones will be outsourced. Strategists, social media managers, copywriters, content editors, video production. The list can get pretty long.
What content marketing tools do you need?
What tools does your organization already have, need to upgrade, or need to start using? From your automation software to content management, collaborative platforms and SEO tools, most content marketing teams use an array of tools. A lot of your technology is priced based on a monthly subscription or user-based fee. Your technology expense will make up a lot of your fixed costs.
What content is in your strategy?
Being able to create a workable budget is one of the reasons for having a solid content marketing strategy is so important. Only when you have a detailed strategy, including what content is going to be published and where, how it’s going to be promoted, and your timeline for how your content strategy will unfold over the next three months, six months, and current year, will you have any idea of how much it is going to cost.
You can estimate the cost of each piece of content, looking at either your outsourcing fees or the cost per hour of your content creators. Detailing the costs of each piece of content, as well as different components (How much does your blog cost a month? Infographics, videos, event marketing?), won’t just make budgeting easier. Calculating your ROI will be a lot easier too.
There’s No Such Thing as a Static Budget
Even with a detailed analysis of your expected costs and factoring in what percentage of your marketing budget make sense based on your organization’s level of content marketing sophistication, you shouldn’t expect to stick to your budget. Here’s why. To really be successful at content marketing, you have to keep refining your strategy. As you gather more customer data and feedback and identify what resonates, you can continually improve upon what you have – which means there will be changes.
To make room for your content strategy to evolve, plan for some flexibility in your budget. This way you’ll have enough in your budget for brilliance.
Conclusion to The Ultimate Guide To Content Marketing Strategy ROI
I realize the title of this post is a bold claim. I’ve poured at least 40 hours into it so I hope the time was worth it for you. But if you are still wondering how to get ROI from your Content Marketing, just click on the contact link up above. I promise to get back to you within a day!
The post The Ultimate Guide To A Content Marketing Strategy That Delivers ROI appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.
The Ultimate Guide To A Content Marketing Strategy That Delivers ROI published first on http://rssmix.com/u/11592782/rss.xml
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absolutelyalyssa · 6 years
I haven’t logged into this account in a while. I think it’s been over a year at least, but in the grand scheme of things, that’s not such a long time.
That being said, a lot of things have changed in that span of time. The first thing is that I finally graduated from college. Not without a ton of student debt, but I’m planning on consolidating most of my loans together so I don’t have to worry too much about it. At least for the time being, I have the money to pay for it.
I have a job. It’s not much--just a receptionist position at a small insurance firm based out of Boston--but I don’t mind it and I get paid well for what I do (literally just answering phones and sorting/distributing mail). Most of the time I have nothing to do and I just surf the web. I felt bad about it at first but then I saw my boss on Facebook in his office the other day and I realized it’s pretty normal. I actually recently learned that flash games (those crappy online games) were literally made for people like me who are bored all the time. I digress.
Being bored all the time prompts me to think a lot. I’ve been trying to engage more with the world and learn new things when I can. Often times I lack the motivation and I end up on Reddit, but sometimes I learn things there, too. For example, why is nobody talking about the fact that Russia is literally trying to create cyber warfare in Ukraine?
I’m still with Patrick. We’re pretty good. Things have changed a lot and our relationship is significantly healthier than it was. We aren’t perfect but no couple is, and that’s something I’ve come to accept. I have to admit lately I’ve been getting jealous of him because he’s currently in grad school on the track towards becoming a tenured professor, and I’m over here with a dead-end job that earns me less than 40k a year. I’m only 23 though, so I’m trying not to beat myself up over it. I am still considering going back to grad school next fall. If I can figure out how to realistically pay for it without either overworking myself or taking out more loans, I would already have applied, honestly.
Patrick wants to be a professor, like I said, and personally I’ve been warming up to the same idea. Having just graduated from college less than a year ago (December 2017), I know that sometimes people aren’t necessarily made to be teachers, but they teach anyway and they get away with it. I think that could be a very real possibility for me, mainly because although I’m socially awkward and not so confident, these are adults I’ll be teaching, and for the most part they’ll be engaged in the subject. It’s not like I’ll have to discipline too much, and I’ll be making 6 digits from the get-go. That would be ideal. Not saying it’ll be easy, though--supposedly these jobs are VERY tricky to get. You have to know the right people. Still, I’ll get there when I get there. There’s such an emphasis on getting life moving as soon as possible here in the U.S., but to be honest I prefer the lifestyle in Europe where everyone takes their time. I hear that people usually even take a year off from high school before going to college. If things were different, maybe I would have done that. 
I don’t know why I’m updating my blog when there’s nobody here to read it. I don’t think any of my followers are active/real at this point. That makes me feel better, though--talking to the void is sometimes nice because there’s less judgment. Only myself to judge, that is.
So I think that summarizes the way things are going now. Same, but different. I’m much more mentally stable but it really depends on the day. I just think depression is a chronic sickness that you have to keep fighting, a cancer that keeps coming back. Hopefully these Vitamin D supplements will help me fight it as the winter draws closer. The winter is always a bad time of year for me.
Right now I’m just trying to get more motivated. I have so much free time now that I don’t have homework and my work day is super boring. I should start writing again, but I am at a loss as to WHAT to write about. Everything requires extensive research, which is so damn tiring. It’s ironic because if I want to be a professor, I need to learn how to get back into research. I have so much time to get into good habits but I’ve felt so lazy. I’ve had this job since April but I’ve never felt less motivated and I’ve never felt more tired. I don’t know how to get that motivation back. Besides, I have had writer’s block for...7 years now? Almost a third of my whole damn life, I haven’t REALLY written, unless you count poetry. If I ever hope to become a professor (they apparently need to publish several works, research-related, throughout their career) I need to get on that and pad my portfolio with actual content. Not to get ahead of myself, but I could even consider submitting my work somewhere, provided it actually gets written to begin with. But first, I need an idea. 
Not much else to say, I guess. I’m done being an edgelord about Tumblr--I’ve accepted that I’ll always be a slave to this fucking website. I mean, I first got on about 8 or 9 years ago, and I’ve taken hiatuses, but I’ve always returned. I don’t know why. It seems like the general population has changed--there are a lot more LGBTQ mentally ill 16-year-olds than I remember (not even trying to be hateful, it’s true)--but maybe it was always that way and I was just part of it at the time. But I am back now, and I don’t care too much about what people have to say to me. Mainly because I don’t think they’ll take too much notice or say anything, anyways. It’s not like I’ve these crazy world views...I’m just calling things as I see them. I’m just here to reflect and recall my former life and try to be a better person.
I’m voting today. I don’t even know many of the representatives and I am planning to mostly vote for incumbents because they’re all democrats and I’m left-leaning. I’m just glad I’m doing my part and voting...it also feels good that I’ll have some input on our 3 questions this year, which are actually pretty important (Q3 in Massachusetts concerns the status of transgender individuals which is totally bizarre to me--I cannot believe we’re still arguing about human rights in 2018 in a liberal state). Anyway, so tonight I’m going to burn my entire evening waiting in line at the town hall but that’s okay with me. At least I’m participating.
Life keeps chugging onward--I’m just trying to stay on the train. 
0 notes
What medical tests should a 53-year-old man have?
"What medical tests should a 53-year-old man have?
I know there's tests that men should have when they're around the age of 50. My dad hasn't been to the doctor for years because he doesn't have health insurance or a job(he's living with my grandma who's 76). He's resisted going to the doctor and says I'll go once I get a job but he's not really been trying. My brothers and I are worried and some have even offered to pay for a doctor's visit but he's just said no and that he can wait. I'd like to know what tests he should have and how much they cost on average. He's been a generally healthy man, but skin cancer runs in our family and when he was around 40 he had a thing growing on his neck that was some sort of cancer. He had it removed and it hasn't come back but it there some sort of test for things like that? All three of my brothers and I are either English or History teachers and if what my dad needs is affordable we'd all like to pitch in. I know this is sort of scatterbrained- I'm in a rush, so thank you if you can answer this in advance.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance quotation question?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes?
I don't know anything about car insurance?
Determine the claim amount (with deductibles). For each of the following situations, what amount would the insurance company pay? a) Wind damage of $835; the insured has a $500 deductable b) Theft of a stereo system worth $1,300; the insured has a $250 deductible. c) Vandalism that does $425 of damage to a home; the insured has a $500 deductible. Please explain how you got to your answers thank you.""
An individual purchasing auto insurance is an example of:?
An individual purchasing auto insurance is an example of: Answer Hedging. Passing risk to someone else. Risk premium. Systematic risk. a and d
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http://oi43.tinypic.com/lv393.jpg hit a parked car when pulling out of a spot :( the other car was fine lol, but this is mine. trying to not involve insurance cause i dont want my rates going up. how much do you think this will cost to fix?""
Policy for 17 year old driving on traders insurance!?
Can a 17 year old drive an Audi a1 1.4 sport on traders insurance?
Cheap health insurance? Im a middle 30's single male. Is there a place I can compare quickly like car insuran?
I filled out one thing but it turned out to be almost a phishing scam. Im about to do COBRA, but I think I can get something cheaper. Im also in SC if that matters. Any guesses?""
Young rider needs insurance help (motorcycle)?
Hello I am completing my motorcycle course this week and will be obtaining my m2 license, I was considering buying a motorcycle. I am a 18 year old male and was wondering if anyone could give me advice or some help for insurance in ontario?. I am aware it will be costly but was wondering if someone had any motorcycle suggestions that would be cheap on insurance or even insurance companies. Recent personal experiences would be nice. Thanks for the help!""
Car Insurance Coverage?
Im doing a report for a class. Lets say that you parked your car in a parking lot for 2 hours or so. When you come back, you notice a dent on you car. Its not bad but you can definitely notice it. In most cases, with standard auto insurance, will the insurance company cover this claim? All responses are appreciated, Thanks""
Why cant i get cheaper insurance?
i have a fiat 500 1.2 with a tracker in my car which is there to stop me driving between 11pm and 5am and im still being charged 2000 a year for my insurance, last year i was paying 2008 a year i have 1 years no claims and no convictions WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED????""
Car insurance question?
So my policy was just cancelled and I need to purchase auto insurance ASAP but I don't get paid till next friday. Is it possible to purchase car insurance and pay later or do I have to pay same day???
Who does the cheapest 1 day car insurance?
What are the best car insurance sites for a 17 year old male?
Im just looking what sort of prices id be looking at for insurance for small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant get a quote under 3000. Who are the best insurance providers for recently passed 17 year olds?
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Teen car insurance questions/advice?
I got my license in June and im obviously am going to be on my parents insurance and will have to pay my share. I know its gonna be costly but can any ither peoPle who got cars/car insurance when they were a teen with a teen type job payed for it all? Any advice? From online quotes ive done its roughly 200$ a month with a large 1st payment and it will be shared but its still alot on top of other car expenses. Any help or advice will be loved
How much less will my car insurance be when I turn 25?
I know you're considered in a lower-risk age bracket so your car insurance will be less but how do insurance companies calculate this reduction?
Texas Car Insurance Questions?
I'm living in Texas for school right now and I've been driving my car which is licensed, insured and registered for Michigan because I'm technically still a Michigan resident. At the same time I'm still paying insurance on a car of mine thats in Michigan for my mom to use. Well, the car that I've been driving here in Texas died on me so I went to a dealership and bought a new car. Now I'm unsure what to do. Do I call my insurance and have them insure it through Michigan again? (But then how would I get my Michigan Plates?) Or because I bought it in Texas, am I suppose to register it in Texas and get the state inspection and then insure it in Texas? I'm so confused. In Michigan, the cars don't need those yearly inspections.. so idk what that is. Also, I'm considering staying here in Texas once I'm done with school..so I feel like that plays a part in my dillemma too.""
If you have your driving permit in Illinois and your parents have insurance do you need insurance ?
If you have your driving permit in Illinois and your parents have insurance do you need insurance ?
HELP! Car Insurance!!?
I know theres no cheap car Insurance... but anyone know any Insurance that an 17 year old can aford.. ill be 18 in a week... but some people want up to 5,000 every SIX months! i have no one 2 help me out, or to put me on their Insurance.... and ive been going nuts for the past 2 weeks and i need a car for work... PLEASE HELP!!!""
""Would you shop for insurance online? If not, why?
Will having an insurance makes a difference to our lives?
What do you pay for your motorcycle?
I'm a 23 year old guy in FL and looking to buy a sportbike. Probably a used GSX-R 600 or a ZX-6R. My question is what are you guys paying for your bikes? I'm looking to put about $1000 down on the bike itself. So financing probably $5-7,000. I know things will vary with interest rates and all that. But what are you paying total monthly for your bike payment (amount financed/interest) plus insurance. Trying to get my budget together. Thanks.""
Would a 1972 Monte Carlo be expensive to insure?
Someone said it may be expensive to insure this kind of car. Could he be referring to just this one particular car or all muscle cars from the early 70's? keep in mind i am 18 years old if that makes any difference.
How much does your credit rating affect your car insurance premium?
The CSR from my company just told me that continuous coverage is much more of a discount than a good credit rating gives you. So, overall, about what percent do folks in the know think that the credit rating matters?""
""Could $5,000 cover the healthcare insurance premium for a family?""
If McCain's credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and market the heck out of it? Obviously, it won't have all the bells and whistles, but people would be covered. There is the issue of the tax on the premium, but it still seems like a good idea. This link was interesting - it describes both plans clearly: http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/10/news/economy/tully_healthcare.fortune/""
Car insurance help plz?
Hi. I am under 25yrs old every insurance company i have spoken to quoted me a very high price for a 1.4litre. does anyone know any cheap insurers for under 25's. had no accidents, no claims, clean license also what price range is reasonable for fully comp/3rd party F&T. (United Kingdom) Thankyou very Much.""
Is it legal to be declined health insurance for this reason?
I applied with a major insurance company in California, am a single vegetarian in my mid/late 30s no children, extremely healthy never been diagnosed with anything, exercise regularly. I guess they dug up that I had taken a fertility drug in the past - I was never even diagnosed as infertile - it's a really cheap common drug that stimulates your ovaries to produce more eggs but I had no partner to get pregnant with so to was just something I got from a fertility doctor if I wanted to get pregnant with donor sperm. That's not even covered by insurance if I ever want to do that again and the drug's like $20 you can practically get it over the counter it's so common I know tons of women who use it. I didn't even apply for maternity care to be included in my insurance, just a basic policy. Is it legal for them to decline me because of this? So if a woman has a baby they are no longer eligible for insurance? Most women who get pregnant take this drug (including both my sisters) yet they still have insurance. Was it legal for the pharmacy to give them this info? I don't know how else they found out.""
What medical tests should a 53-year-old man have?
I know there's tests that men should have when they're around the age of 50. My dad hasn't been to the doctor for years because he doesn't have health insurance or a job(he's living with my grandma who's 76). He's resisted going to the doctor and says I'll go once I get a job but he's not really been trying. My brothers and I are worried and some have even offered to pay for a doctor's visit but he's just said no and that he can wait. I'd like to know what tests he should have and how much they cost on average. He's been a generally healthy man, but skin cancer runs in our family and when he was around 40 he had a thing growing on his neck that was some sort of cancer. He had it removed and it hasn't come back but it there some sort of test for things like that? All three of my brothers and I are either English or History teachers and if what my dad needs is affordable we'd all like to pitch in. I know this is sort of scatterbrained- I'm in a rush, so thank you if you can answer this in advance.
Am I covered under my father's car insurance policy?
I live in center city Chicago and I don't need a car, so I don't have my own car insurance policy. When I visit home and drive my father's car, am I covered under his policy even though I am not a minor?""
""If i get cheap insurance on my leased car, can the bank find out and reposess it?""
i believe i am supposed to have comprehensive coverage on the car, however its just way to expensive to do that as well as the ridiclous payment i have. I heard somewhere that if you get the cheaper insurance, that the bank can find out and take the car back, which i would obviously like to avoid.""
""Monthly Insurance for a 16 year old, if he were to get a G37 Coupe? IS250? IS250c? TL 2010?""
How much would it cost? an estimate? I heard grades, colors of the car, and other things like that affect the insurance cost? Well if it does, he gets 4.0 and he wants a Black. We live in CA. And our insurance company is Farmers, but I would just want a monthly insurance cost. thank you!""
I need some Insurance Help?
My father, just yesterday tried to commit suicide by slitting his wrist, luckily he had called the cops, but he also had to take an ambulance ride and another ambulance ride to the county hospital where he will be held for 72 hours. He does not have insurance due to his work laying him off, and him not being able to afford it. Is there any kind of insurance that will cover this kind stuff. He has been suffering from depression and high blood pressure for quite sometime, so I don't know if those are pre existing things that would stop insurance...but him and my mother cant afford this at all right now. They live in southern california, if anyone knows of some kind of insurance, please please respond!""
Currently paying for braces no insurance?
If I get dental insurance could I use it to pay the remaining amount of money I have toward the bill? Or is it to late? Also if it is possible what dental insurance should I go with or orphadontist insurance if it makes a difference
What is a fast economical car for a low insurance group?
I have been driving for a nearly and year now and would like to upgrade my car, I have a 1.6 16v VW Golf and was looking for something faster, economical for a low insurance group, thanks. Around insurance group 4 - 7. Nothing any higher.""
What kind of insurance would i get for a honda cbr 600 (im 16)?
im moving out to california after highschool to pursue the music industry so i figured it might pay for itself in gas money, but then i started to think about insurance...""
How much is car insurance in CA?
My family is planning to move to CA because my dad got a better job. We have 4 drives in the house. How much would it cost a mouth for one car?
Do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
Would insurance on a small pickup truck be more than a small compact car?
I am thinking about getting a small pickup truck (Toyota Tacoma, Chevy S-10 type truck). Would the insurance on it be higher than a Small car like a Honda Civic or Hundi Access? I am 18 years old so my rates are already high and have a clean record and I live in New York.""
Which life insurance company is the best.?
Which life insurance company is the best?
How much did your car insurance drop once you turned 25 yrs old?
Did you save 50%? 25%? Less? I noticed a significant drop when I turned 21 and saved about 40% then. What can I expect next year when I turn 25? Obviously it varies and will depend on if my driving record remains clean....just wanted to get some idea
""Buying car insurance(GEICO) for the first time ,?""
Okay so in approximately 9 months I will be purchasing my first car , now I know the smartest and safest thing you can do first is get insurance .. what I need to know is how does it work , like do i get the insurance first ? How does buying geico insurance work ? what's the prices for first time buyers ? Do I pay buy the month , every other month ? .""
Teen Driving Insurance?
I am wondering how much the type of car will affect the price of car insurance for a 16 year old. Which if the following cars will the insurance cost the most? and the least? 00 BMW 323ci, 04 Mazda 3s, 2001 audi a4 1.8t, 04 acura rsx base, 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs""
How can you find out a property owner's insurance company?
Can you sue the owner for violent acts of a minor who lives on their property as well as the violent act physically occuring on their property? My daughter was jumped from behind and beat violently in the head. The girl recieved a ticket yet my daughter had to go to the hospital. Now she is afraid to go to school. The attacker is in her class.
Whats the insurance rate for a dui person in california?
25 years old,07 dodge charger.. i live in pomona ca. 1st dui what am i looking at for monthly insurance payments?""
Insurance for a 2nd hand two wheeler.?
Recently purchased a second hand 2wheeler. Changed RC to my name already. Regarding insurance, which one is good?? 1) renewing existing with my name or 2) purchase a new insurance. which one is best?? do we have any difference for the above options?? Approximately how much it costs for both options??? Please guide me.""
How to choose a Life Insurance?
All the insurance companies sound like they're trying to sell us on the product. We're married in our thirties with two babies. Thanks!
Car insurance advice needed for a 17 year old?
As I said in my previous question. I recently bought a Citroen AX 988cc for 500 and paid 2800 insurance for a year. I thought It was really good as all of my mates had paid well over 3000 for their Fiestas etc. I got alot of answers saying I had been ripped off. I would be so happy if you could tell me of a better deal. I called a total of 46 insurance companies, and used comparison websites on a variety of insurance group 1 cars. And this was the very cheapest I could find. Initially Iwanted a VW Golf. (Not the GTI Version) But I was quoted 9000 a year, not bad but I dont earn that much yet. I have 3 jobs but all are minumum wage. (6-10am, 10am-6pm, 7pm-11.20pm). Could you give me a better deal. Where to go, what other car would be cheaper, and general advice on getting it as cheap as olot of people in my previous question told me they got it. Thanks.""
Do you know how to find a cheap auto insurance online out there?
Where can I get the cheapest online auto insurance?
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person?
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person I live in Chicago, but my mom lives in Northern Michigan. I am reaching out to the Yahoo Answers community for help. My mom is 55 and my dad is 65. My dad gets some health benefits because he is on Social Security, but my mom has nothing. My mom runs a foster care home for abused and mentally handicap kids. I dont know for sure what their income is, but I have to believe it would be in the high 20s to low 30s (nothing). I say foster home, but she really adopted these kids. Because she adopted them, I guess she is technically not employed by the State of Michigan and therefore gets no insurance. My mom is really sick and has no health insurance. She refuses to visit the hospital or a doctor because of the bills. My brother and I have offered time and again to pay for this, but she feels like she is being a burden. This time she finally agreed because she is really really hurting. Does anything here know of low cost assistance she would qualify for? I doubt any traditional health insurance would pick her up because of her age, and general bill of health. Even if they did, I bet the premiums would be too much, and the co-pays would be outrageous. Any direction you can point me in will be helpful for a starting point.""
I have a question about my insurance for...?
ok i am 16 years old...17 in September and i am wanting a motorcycle sometime before i go to college...i have farm bureau insurance and i've not had a wreck before...so what would my insurance cost me to be driving a motorcycle at the age of 17 with no wrecks or tickets or anything?
What will happen because my auto insurance lapsed 2 months in Virginia?
We accidentally let our car insurance lapse for 2 months in Virginia. We paid the insurance company to get coverage again. What should we do with VA DMV? What kind of fine should we expect? Should I contact them? I'm mainly concerned about avoiding a suspended license.
What is the best life insurance policy for people 65?
need life insurance
Cheap car insurance florida?
Looking for cheap company for auto insurance in Florida?
What medical tests should a 53-year-old man have?
I know there's tests that men should have when they're around the age of 50. My dad hasn't been to the doctor for years because he doesn't have health insurance or a job(he's living with my grandma who's 76). He's resisted going to the doctor and says I'll go once I get a job but he's not really been trying. My brothers and I are worried and some have even offered to pay for a doctor's visit but he's just said no and that he can wait. I'd like to know what tests he should have and how much they cost on average. He's been a generally healthy man, but skin cancer runs in our family and when he was around 40 he had a thing growing on his neck that was some sort of cancer. He had it removed and it hasn't come back but it there some sort of test for things like that? All three of my brothers and I are either English or History teachers and if what my dad needs is affordable we'd all like to pitch in. I know this is sort of scatterbrained- I'm in a rush, so thank you if you can answer this in advance.
Paying a full year of homeowners insurance up front out of pocket?
I'm closing next week on my first house and the mortgage guy just informed me that i have to pre pay a full yr of homeowner insurance up front out of pocket. Others are telling me that this is usually included in the closing costs. In my case the owners are paying all closing costs. This was never disclosed to me and now I have to come up with an additional $1,000 that could have went towards new appliances that the home needs. Anyone else have any idea if I can include in the closing costs?""
How much MORE can you expect to pay on insurance for this car?
I know every person will have there own prices, but if i purchase a g35 coupe rather than a sedan, will the insurance skyrocket? I'm 20 yrs old, like 2 tickets, you think i should just go with the sedan?""
False car insurance report?
Me and my boyfriend were in an accident on New Year's Eve in his father's car. Our car was totaled, and since the accident was entirely the other party's fault and their insurance had to cover everything. My family made me go to the emergency room to make sure nothing was wrong with me, and I was told that if I sent the bill to the other lady's insurance they would have to cover it. Well the bill came and when we sent it to his father to send it to the other insurance company he said that he claimed only his son was in the car. Now I'm stuck with a huge bill that I'm trying to find a way out of, but since he lied to the insurance I don't think I can send it to them. There were witnesses and the lady knew I was in the car. Is him lying on the report considered fraud?""
How much do I have to pay for insurance for a 17 year old and still in HS still in highschool?
and going to drive a dodge neon 2002 and 40k miles, with driver's ed., and a B,C average student and I live in Henderson,Nevada....?""
How much would my insurance cost?
hi i am 18 and looking for a vauxhall corsa the old one or a ka the old version i wanted to know from my age and the car on average how much would my insurance cost a month i am from england so could you tell me in pounds please p.s. i know it depends on a lot more things but it will be my 1st car could anyone please give me an average thank you
Cheap auto insurance?
Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance? Im a 22 y/o female that lives in CA. I need full coverage (liability, collission and comprehensive) on my 2003 Honda Civic. My driving record isnt too bad. Thanks in advance.""
Whats the cheapest insurance company you could find?
I'm 18 years old, just passed my test, and the cheapest quote I could find is LV at 2600 on a 1.2 litre 06 reg corsa.. Help guys??? D:""
What type of lawyer do I need to sue my insurance company to fix my car after a car/deer accident? no injuries?
My insurance company wants to use reconditioned parts, and they are pressuring us to accept a check made out to us and the finance company. Not enough to pay it off or fix it. My vehicle is a loaded Suzuki Grand Vitara with all kinds of electronic stuff. Which were mostly scattered across the road after the deer committed suicide. They (the insurance company) had it towed to my home after the accident because there were no dealers in the area and my home was about 100 miles closer than Dallas. Now they are saying we have to pay to have it towed the 100 miles to the nearest dealer, or use someone local. They are also saying that we contacted the towing company and they are the ones who arranged the tow. There is no one local (car repair shop) who can work on it and get it right. I am afraid if we use someone local it won't be fixed right. The estimate they gave us has parts coming from a salvage and reconditioned parts dealers. I need to find a lawyer who can make them fix it right. If it can't be fixed right then I need them to total it. I have looked in the yellow pages and all of the accident attorneys want injuries. What kind of attorney do I need for just auto damage? I have never sued anyone before. HELP!!!""
Anyone know insurance companies that would cover my car while in Canada?
I'm a US citizen on a temporary work permit in Ontario. I'm trying to figure out the best way to register my car. If I can find insurance that would cover me in Canada I could maintain registration in Calif. Does anyone know about this? Is there an insurance company that will cover my car while I'm registered in Calif/driving in Ontario? Thanks!
Explain which is better to invest in insurance or mutual funds?
Explain which is better to invest in insurance or mutual funds?
Which New York insurance is high?
I've heard New York insurance is high, but which one? Car, house, etc.? And why is it so high?""
""Condo Insurance in Tampa, Florida Needed ASAP?""
Now that State Farm Insurance will no longer be providing home or condo insurance, does anyone know another company that has reasonable insurance? I am not necessarily looking for the cheapest but want a reliable one that will PAY if I actually have a claim!""
""First time driver, why is a Smart Fortwo 2002 reg third party fire and theft so expensive on insurance?!?""
I recently did an insurance quote for a Smart Fortwo, the value of it 2400, and the insurance came up third party fire and theft at 2900!!! :O why for such a small and low engine car would it be so gob smackingly expensive?! I hope someone can put my mind at rest because i really would love to know! Thanks :D""
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for California?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for California?
Insure the box car insurance? miles question?
hi ive recently done a quote with insure the box and i got my insurance to 1600 on 2006 corsa 998c engine fully comp, i understand they give you 6000 miles standard my question is if i go over 6000 miles i need to top up how much does that cost? 250miles ? 500miles? 1000 miles ? and so on ? anyone know thanks""
Car insurance help in NC?
If your insurance is canceled will I have to pay to get the tag legal again,if so how much.Thanks in advance :)""
What is the best car insurance for a first car and someone in the early 20s?
Hey guys.. So, i'm only 22 years old and i'm looking to to buy my first car really soon but first i want to find a good and affordable insurance agency. So far i'm looking to compare the following insurance companies: Geico, State Farm, Progressive, State Farm, etc. Any other suggestions would also come in handy.. Thank You!.""
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over...So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen 17 w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.""
If your name is not on your parents car insurance?
if your name is not on your parents car insurance, are you allowed to drive it and will they cover you if you get into an accident?""
Which 5 R the best health insurance companies in India?
In terms of claim settlement ratio and efficient service
Insurance costs for two and planning for a baby?
Hello Gurus, I am getting my wife to the USA and i should buy insurance since we are planning to have a baby. Any suggestions on which insurance to go with? I need a good coverage and affordable too. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks, Raj Thanks, Raj""
Which is cheaper car insurance in newjersey?
Which is cheaper car insurance in newjersey?
Car Insurance for 17 year old? UK?
I've tried calling companies - they all say 'We cannot give you a quote' Comparison websites - 'cannot quote' How am i supposed to get insurance... i dont mind paying anything up to 7000 I've tried with 3 different cars... even a 1.0L and still no quotes.
Best Home Owners insurance for my home in allentown PA in the USA?
I am looking for good home owners insurance in allentown pa..i have a regular row home but i think im being over charged by my current insurance any suggestions for a good and affordable insurance.
Mortgage Life insurance or regular Life insurance?
My husband and I got information on Mortgage Life Insurance which basically is kind of like Life Insurance I guess and pays off your mortgage if someone dies. For example, our house is $180,000 and I die in 10 years and the mortgage balance is $80,000 then my husband still gets the original $180,000. He can use this to pay off the mortgage plus have money left over and use for whatever. This sounds like a great deal to get but I want to get other people's opinions who know information on this. It is called Forester Mortgage life insurance. Also, what is the difference between this and regular life insurance? Is regular life insurance better? Thanks!""
What medical tests should a 53-year-old man have?
I know there's tests that men should have when they're around the age of 50. My dad hasn't been to the doctor for years because he doesn't have health insurance or a job(he's living with my grandma who's 76). He's resisted going to the doctor and says I'll go once I get a job but he's not really been trying. My brothers and I are worried and some have even offered to pay for a doctor's visit but he's just said no and that he can wait. I'd like to know what tests he should have and how much they cost on average. He's been a generally healthy man, but skin cancer runs in our family and when he was around 40 he had a thing growing on his neck that was some sort of cancer. He had it removed and it hasn't come back but it there some sort of test for things like that? All three of my brothers and I are either English or History teachers and if what my dad needs is affordable we'd all like to pitch in. I know this is sort of scatterbrained- I'm in a rush, so thank you if you can answer this in advance.
UK car insurance cost for 17 year old female?
I have just past my test and don't have a car yet. Am wanting to get a small car, 1.2 engine. Could anyone give me rough price guide as to how much the insurance will cost me each year. Thanks x""
How are AARP Insurance rates?
What are their rate like compared to other auto insurance companies
Does anybody know cheap autoinsurance company????
Does anybody know cheap autoinsurance company????
Does anyone use or heard of Response.com for auto insurance?
Response.com seems to have the least expensive insurance rates at plans that are what I currently have. Going with them would save a lot of money but I've never heard of them personally.
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
Can anyone recommend good a rental Insurance for California?
I'm new to this country and trying to find rental insurance is proving to be a bit difficult. Along with the standard earthquake cover everyone seems to offer, I need it to cover expensive jewellery / 2 bikes and accidental damage to lap top or a pc if possible. I have tracked down one potential AAA Insurance, does anyone know if they are any good? Any help much appreciated.""
Whats a cool car with low insurance?
i passed my test in january, i'm 20 years old, what would be a cool car with low insurance, my idea of low insurance is somewhere around 1000 to 2000""
Can I use medicaid as a secondary insurance?
Hello. I live in the state of florida. I just found out im still covered under my mother's health insurance because Im under 24 and I am a full time student. I also qualify for and have pregnancy medicaid, but I want to go to a doctor with my moms insurance because I used this specific doctor for my last pregnancy. My question is, could I still use my medicaid to cover my co-pays with this ob/gyn?I called the office and they said they could send the bills to medicaid for what my mom's insurance doesnt cover. I dont have a job and can't afford to pay the co-pays/lab fees/hopsital fees. thanks""
""I only have liability insurance, how much would my car repair bill come out to be?""
I have a 2004 Nissan maxima and was in an accident this morning. Long story short, it was my fault and fortunately there were no injuries on either side. However, my insurance covers plenty for the other party, but none for me. The damages are in the front right side which includes, the headlight, part of the hood, front bumper, the side panel(but not the door) to be smashed in a bit. Further damages include windshield wiper fluid is leaking, for it was hit too. But the tire and allignment is completely fine, allowing the cop to let me drive it home. Any help?""
About car insurance what will happen?
okay so a few days ago i was driving my breaks dident stop in time it was very slow and i wasent going that fast at all my breaks dident stop in time and i left a very very lil scrab on a guys car and he said if i cant get 220 dollars by tomorow he will call my moms car insurance will that make the price higher?
Will my car insurance rates go up?
A year ago, I got into an accident that was my fault. My insurance rates went up. Recently they dropped but at school, I was pulling out of a parking space and I ran into another girl's car. Will my insurance rates go up if she put in a claim? If so, how much. Any thoughts? What should I do?""
How to get insurance without licence?
can i get insurance if i dont have a licence
How do you put someone on your insurance policy?
I have been insured for 3 years. My bf wants to get a car but with no no claims bonus he is getting quotes in excess of 3000 on the most basic insurance. I've tried to get quotes online to have him on my insurance but driving seperate cars and it seems I can't do this online. Do you have to actually phone them up? I'd prefer to do it online as it's less hassle.
Which is the cheapest and best ( best value) auto insurance in the US?
Is my life insurance cheap or expensive?
I pay $4 a week and I get $30,000 insurance and I'm 22 years old, male, is this a good or bad deal?""
""After what age in the UK is drivers insurance, cheaper?""
im 20, i passed when i was 18. at what age is insurance cheaper, i know it depends on where you live, car, model, engine etc but at what age?""
What is The Cheapest Auto Insurance for A Beginner?
Car insurance switching cars after 2months?
Bought a car from auction and got it insured ( my first car) but not liking it so looking to re-sell at auction. Just wondering how the insurance will work if i wan tto change it to a new car after such a short time??? willl it cost me alot to change ] thanks
Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Im 18 and male and all the quotes i've looked at are coming back from 3000 to 7000, does anyone know where i can get it under 3000?""
Car Insurance Question?
Hello- I was involved in a really bad car accident, where I was the stationary vehicle in my lane and the other driver was completely at fault, texting, speeding at 60+ over, lost control of his car and ended up horizontal in the road- needless to say my car is totaled and the other driver lost his life. He was really close to have taken mine as well. Anyways, my question is how long does it take for the insurance to cut a check so that I can go out and buy a car?""
Car insurance?
i hold a foreign ( non EU ) drive license , and all insurance companies ask for ( claim bonus certificate ) and i explained for them that insurance is completly different in our country than the irish system, but no one listen, and i dont know what should i do if i need to drive a car in Ireland ...can any one help ?""
Does anyone have either Geico or Progressive car insurance.? Or any of the smaller national companies?
I need to change from State Farm. They are charging me an arm and a leg after 10+ yrs as a customer, and a good driving record. But the past year I have been 'dinged' several times. Which has cost me a very considerable raise- 75%- in premiums. I am getting good rates from Geico and Progressive. But I do not know of anyone in my family or circle of friends who have either of the 'new guys'. I would like some feedback. Thanks""
Do you have to pay motorcycle insurance all year round?
or just during the summer?
Would it really cost me a lot more insurance?
I have a 93 camry and I'm trying to look for a new car to replace it. I asked my insurance company about the cost of insurance for a 2009 honda civic EX sedan 4 door and it was 536 every 6 months. Researched that car more to find out it was in an accident so scratched that car out of the picture. I found a 2007 honda civic EX coupe 2 door and no accidents and i see nothing wrong with it. They are both EX but the coupe is older. Would the insurance be much of a difference?
Life insurance for my parents?
Hi i am interested in taking out a life insurance policy on my parents in the UK just wondering if this is possible and whether it can be shared between me and my siblings many thanks.
What medical tests should a 53-year-old man have?
I know there's tests that men should have when they're around the age of 50. My dad hasn't been to the doctor for years because he doesn't have health insurance or a job(he's living with my grandma who's 76). He's resisted going to the doctor and says I'll go once I get a job but he's not really been trying. My brothers and I are worried and some have even offered to pay for a doctor's visit but he's just said no and that he can wait. I'd like to know what tests he should have and how much they cost on average. He's been a generally healthy man, but skin cancer runs in our family and when he was around 40 he had a thing growing on his neck that was some sort of cancer. He had it removed and it hasn't come back but it there some sort of test for things like that? All three of my brothers and I are either English or History teachers and if what my dad needs is affordable we'd all like to pitch in. I know this is sort of scatterbrained- I'm in a rush, so thank you if you can answer this in advance.
0 notes
Temporary Car insurance?
"Temporary Car insurance?
I just got my first car (I'm 17 years old) and I need it to go to school which is a good 80 miles away. On top of that I need to find a job which I couldn't do because I didn't have a car. However I can't drive my car because it doesn't have any insurance on it and the insurance is incredibly expensive. For now I just need it to go job hunting. Is there such thing as a temporary car insurance or maybe a waiver for students or SOMETHING that I can use?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Is there nay car insurance companies cheaper than elephant, bell & admiral ?""
Im a 24 year old male looking for cheap car insurance quotes, all of them seem to be quite a bit over 1000 and even 2000 - 3000 and thats when i checked money supermarket and compare the market but with elephant,bell and admiral my best quotes seem to be around 800 is there any other cheap car insaurance companies anyone can reccommend i try ?""
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Where can i get individual health insurance for me and my daughter that also covers pregnancy in connecticut?
I need to get health insurance for me and my 1 year old daughter. I am planning on becoming, or possibly already am pregnant but need insurance for us. Any help? This is in CT, so it is a state that does not require individual policies to cover pregnancy.""
Question about my car accident and insurance?
Last night I was involved in a 4 car pile up. I was stopped at a red light when i was hit. I felt the impact of all the cars behind me. The lady who caused the accident was drunk. She was arrested. I have state farm full coverage. She has state farm insurance also.. So here is my question: I owe 7000.00 on my car. The car is valued at maybe 6000.00. Even though I was no way in the wrong, will I have to cover the difference if my car is totalled. (which it probably will be) And also, have severe neck pain. I contacted an attorney. As much pain as im in, im scared to miss work. Will this affect my case if i miss no work. (And if i did miss, it would only be for a couple of days)""
What would be the best option of the mortgage or life insurance in case of serious illness? ?
Also if two people are on the mortgage do they both need separate insurance or one will cover them both?
Is there a way to figure out how much a cars insurance will cost?
What I mean is I know that insurance charges differently on car types and age group of who is driving, how can I find out the monthly insurance payment. Example: I buy a Scion TC and I'm now 20yrs old how can I figure out my insurance payment other than calling a insurance agent?""
How much money can i get from a car accident?? it was not my fault?
i was in a car accident. the other driver crashed into me & did a hit and run. i was in the car with my g.f . my g.f ended up with back pains & neck pains. i ended up with two broken fingers & a cast in my left hand. in addition i had back pains too. it appears that the driver that hit me was d.u.i and did a hit and run and got caught. after that, the insurance from the driver salvaged my car. just paid me what is was worth 3k. ive been going to therapy for 2 months now with my g.f. i spend about 500-600 in medical bills. i was off work 3 months. im 21 years old and i live in the state of california. i have an attorney working on my case. so how much can i get from the insurance company and my g.f ????""
Do I need car insurance to drive someone elses car?
I got my license about a month ago..I'm 16 years old, going on 17 soon. I was wondering if I need to have my own car insurance in order to drive someone elses car? Their car is insured, however, I don't have my own insurance yet. Thank you!""
Insurance for a 17 year old male?!?
Ill be turning 17 soon and ill be taking driving lessons. Ive been looking at car insurance for a 1.2 renault clio ( cheapest quote 5000) 1.1 citroen saxo(couldnt get a quote but when i did 14,000. Whats the best ways to get it cheaper. I also tried a 1.1 peugot 206 and still its around 7000. Thats for 3rd party fire and theft.""
Is there a type of car insurance where anyone who drives is covered?
hey is there a type of car insurance or a plan of car insurance where anyone who drives the car is covered and not just the person who is under the insurance Thanks P.S. I also need to know how much it would be
Camaro Vs. Mustang which is cheaper?
Camaro vs. Mustang which is affortable? Would a 2012 Camaro Coupe more affortable than a Mustang 2012 Mustang. By affortable i mean like insurances/ gas/ and all that other stuffs. Which one is cheaper in total to own? TY
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
How much will my insurance go up?
I am 16 and I just got my first speeding ticket. I have state farm and it is my first violation. I was just looking for a ballpark estimate.
Can I have Illinois Insurance if I live in Florida AND Illinois?
So my parents are divorced but have dual custody. I live with my mother in Florida but I frequently visit Illinois to see my father and I can whenever I want. I've been driving for 8 months now, registered and insured in Illinois because my mother also used to live in Illinois (they moved about a month ago). But I sold my car to move to Florida and buy one there. Now, I bought a car down here but I would like to register and insure the car with my father in Chicago. My license has my father's current address, so it would be a lot simpler and cheaper to have my car registered and insured in Chicago because I already have my plates, license and insurance policy set up. My question is, could I keep my car down here with Illinois plates and insurance legally? I will go back home to visit my father with it maybe twice a year""
Need car insurance but dont have title?
ok.. i have have a car, its mine but its not in my name and it will be very very hard to get it in my name(i dont feel like explaining). i need insurance very bad or ima have to pay a huge fine. is there a way i can get insurance without the title? please help""
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
How do insurance companies insure replica cars?
i am looking to buy a replica lamborghini because i don't have an extra 200,000 dollars layin around. but i know that insurance is a ***** if you own a lambo. The one i am looking at has a bmw V12 engine. so would it be considered a bmw or...?""
Car insurance loopholes?
Are there any loopholes or 'tricks' I can employ to lower my car insurance? I'm 19, and the quotes I am getting are between 4000-5000. It's obscene, especially when my motorbike does 0-60 in 3 seconds and has a top speed of 160mph yet it costs me 350 a year to insure. Apparently I might not be able to 'handle the power of a Vauxhall Corsa'. Car insurers won't even take my 3 years motorcycle NCB into account. Is there anything I can do?""
""My husband and I are looking for life insurance but dont know the diffrence in term life, accidental and whole?
My husband is only 24 but was just diagnosed with Hep C.
""If I get liability only insurance, and somebody else crashes into me, will I get my car repaired?""
My grandma recently gave me a 2005 civic as a gift. Its great but comprehensive insurance is $230 a month. Ive looked around and thats about as cheap as it gets (I am a teenage male that's why its so expensive, despite my flawless driving record). I have been considering getting liability only insurance for a month or 2 because I need to get more hours at work to be able to afford comprehensive. If I get into an accident thats not my fault will i be out of luck or will the at fault driver have to repair my car?""
Can someone over 65 purchase private health insurance in California?
Can someone over 65 purchase private health insurance in California?
What medical tests should a 53-year-old man have?
I know there's tests that men should have when they're around the age of 50. My dad hasn't been to the doctor for years because he doesn't have health insurance or a job(he's living with my grandma who's 76). He's resisted going to the doctor and says I'll go once I get a job but he's not really been trying. My brothers and I are worried and some have even offered to pay for a doctor's visit but he's just said no and that he can wait. I'd like to know what tests he should have and how much they cost on average. He's been a generally healthy man, but skin cancer runs in our family and when he was around 40 he had a thing growing on his neck that was some sort of cancer. He had it removed and it hasn't come back but it there some sort of test for things like that? All three of my brothers and I are either English or History teachers and if what my dad needs is affordable we'd all like to pitch in. I know this is sort of scatterbrained- I'm in a rush, so thank you if you can answer this in advance.""
What will it cost to go to planned parenthood with no insurance?
Do they even except people without insurance? I was layed off my job and have no insurance.
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
How do I insure my new used car while I wait to pass my test?
I have a UK provisional driving licence, am due to take my practical test in little over a week and have just bought a used car. I have purchased temporary insurance so that my mum can drive the car home for me, which cost me 45 for the day. I'm an older learner driver, (over 40). How do I insure the car whilst it sits on the road outside my house until I pass my test?""
Temporary Car insurance?
I just got my first car (I'm 17 years old) and I need it to go to school which is a good 80 miles away. On top of that I need to find a job which I couldn't do because I didn't have a car. However I can't drive my car because it doesn't have any insurance on it and the insurance is incredibly expensive. For now I just need it to go job hunting. Is there such thing as a temporary car insurance or maybe a waiver for students or SOMETHING that I can use?
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
My friend is 16, has a 3000GT VR4, has his own insurance plan, and pays only 80 a month. I went to Esurance, who apparently is the cheapest, and they gave me a quote for 194 a month for a 300ZX, which has 20 horsepower LESS. I don't even.""
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
""I'm just wondering, is there anyone here who can't get health insurance?""
If you do have it, how do you get it? and if you don't have it, why not? Spiritually speaking, of course""
Will insurance points carry over to another company?
I have 9 insurance points. My mom is wondering if she signs me onto her policy, will the rates go up dramatically, or will they still be reasonable?""
Life insurance question?
I am looking for term life insurance, meaning the rate would would locked for 30 years regardless of my husband and I getting older. I just have couple questions, i am hoping someone would shed some light: what does this mean??: The Select-a-Term provides a level death benefit term to age 95 also what does this mean? Current premiums are guaranteed level for the first 15 policy years. if i am selecting 30 years, why are they only guaranteed for 15 years? also, what else should I be looking for? thank you!""
Whats the cheapest Auto insurance company in WA state?
i had AIS in CA and my insurance was super cheap i moved to WA and the rates here are way higher i was wondering if anyone in WA state could refer me to a good cheap company cheapest full coverage possible its for my gf 25 yo female no tickets no dui Thank you very much for you time
Where can I purchase individual health insurance?
It's actually for my mom who is 63 and needs some type of insurance until she is 65 and eligible for medicare. She just retired. Does anyone know good, reasonably priced plans that she can look into? Thank you!""
How much will my car insurance rates go up if i turn my car accident into the insurance company?
I have full coverage and I'm 17. I currently pay 120 dollar a month for car insurance and I have good grades. I back into someone's car and dented it. Is it worth it to turn into the car insurance place?
How much would my car insurance be?
im 17yr old male i just passed my practical test and i want to buy the GOLF 1.4L which is on sale for 1,895 as a second hand car i was wondering how much my insurance would be roughly?""
Car payments and insurance?
is it possible for me to finance a car in my name but put the car under my parents innsurance? so the innsurance would be cheaper
Where is a good place to get insurance after having a suspended license without paying a large sum?
My license was suspended in 2009 for a year. I currently have insurance under American family but they upped my fees to around 200 bucks for even if i have a decent record. Can anyone recommend a decent company that might be cheaper with the suspension on my record?
How does getting a new state license affect your car insurance?
I have a TN driver license. I have a couple of violations on it. I just moved to SC, and I am going to get a SC driver license. I am going to be buying car insurance soon. When they look up my record off of my new SC driver license, will the violation/accident from my TN driver license show?""
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
What is the cost of insurance for a 2006 Corvette C6?
I make 60K a year and have no expenses other than paying $500 a month for rent. A corvette I wanted was priced $450 a month. How expensive will the insurance cost for a 22 year old? I would prefer answers from someone who currently owns one or knows an estimate first hand.
""Will Core buy me a home, car, insurance, cares, etc? I want to switch to Core from Wells Fargo.?""
I want to switch from Wells Fargo to Core, because I'm tired of Wells fargo withdrawing 5 dollars a month for service fee from my Checking Account. I thought about depositing my savings to Wells Fargo, but I don't have a savings account; I only have checking and I can't afford to pay to open up a savings. I want to switch to Core, because there's no monthly service fee. But is Core right for buying a Home, Car, Insurances, etc? How do you feel about this?""
Insurance: Possible to change title by deed poll to make insurance prices cheaper?
Insurance: Possible to change title by deed poll to make insurance prices cheaper? Im currently Mr X but if i changed my title by deed poll (UK) i would be Miss X and this makes my insurance more than 50% cheeper for my car? Think its possible and/or worth it?
Is there any insurance available for getting braces?
Is orthodontic dental insurance legit? How about medicare, will that cover it???""
I am about to turn 16 and was wondering what kind of insurance I need?
how much it would cost thanks!
Atv liability insurance?
i am just looking at atv`s, dont have a clue yet which one i want, so i cant get a insurance quote without all the details, if liability insurance is too high i wont be getting one anyone, it seems its Mandatory in Idaho, anyone have a General idea of insurance for a new, say 7,000 one would be, just a estimate. Also i hope i misread that i need to take a course to get a license for the atv, like a motorcycle ? Anybody know of states that do this ?""
How do I get a no insurance ticket dismissed? ?
Im covered by my parents ins, but the truck I was driving hadnt been added yet!""
Will a suspended license affect my insurance?
I just found out my license is suspended in another state from a ticket I don't remember getting from 2003. They just put in on my record because I've been to the DMV several times after 2003 and no one ever said anything about a suspension. I have an opportunity to get a new job, but they have to check with their insurance as I will be driving a company vehicle. Will the suspension affect the insurance? My personal insurance rate has not been affected nor has my current company's insurance said anything about it.""
What are different basic insurance certification programs?
Am looking for an insurance career. Am a mom thinking of starting my career after a 6 yrs break. I want to know the basic insurance courses available. are thereany govt recognized exams and certifications available am totally new to this am newto USA so dont know much abt the programs. pls help with some info.
Can insurance change your vehicle designation?
repairs on my motorcycle which included frame change were authorized by my insurance. However the new frame came w/o a vin # which I had to get stamped for a new title. Now I have a specialty constructed vehicle , which is not for resale in California. is this legal?""
Crotch rockets and payments?
i was wanting to get a crotch rocket.. are the payments and insurance pretty cheap? im 18 years old so i dont know if that would make a difference
Is car insurance fair?
Let's say you're financially stable, and a very safe driver. Is it fair to make EVERYONE pay for car insurance? Wouldn't it be more fair to have car insurance companies hold your money in case of an accident, then you get your money back if you don't get in an accident by the time you switch companies or are too old to drive? It seems like good drivers are paying for the damage done by bad drivers.""
Temporary Car insurance?
I just got my first car (I'm 17 years old) and I need it to go to school which is a good 80 miles away. On top of that I need to find a job which I couldn't do because I didn't have a car. However I can't drive my car because it doesn't have any insurance on it and the insurance is incredibly expensive. For now I just need it to go job hunting. Is there such thing as a temporary car insurance or maybe a waiver for students or SOMETHING that I can use?
Car insurance when buying a new car ?
Hello,i have seen a used certified car online and very much interested in haggling with the car dealer to buy the car,but my problem is,i have heard you need insurance coverage on the car before the dealer will let you drive off the lot with the car.So my question is how do i go about this when i havent yet selected or bargained for the price of the car before purchasing.I am driving 2 hours to-and-fro to get this car and cant afford to go home without the car the day i go to the dealership.How do people go to car dealerships,haggle on any car they love in the showroom and drive home the same day? I cant buy insurance that i may not need( example buying insurance on a 2009 car,but later get a good deal on a 2010) Any help on how to get the car insurance issue straightened out before i go haggling for cars?""
Car insurance without my name on the policy?
Where can i get a car insurance where my name cannot be on the policy. the car dont have my name either. can I do that in california and which insurance can provide me that even I want the full cover its because due some legal status i dont want my name on the policy.
Is there any good insurance companys that will insure me for a 200sx turbo i am 20?
20 years old with convictions and a high performance car, this is my second high performance car my evo was 3475 last year need it cheaper this year ,all i basically work for is to run my car, the thing is when i got the evo instead of looking around i was tht deprate to drive it i took the 1st quote, never crashed and have plenty no claims ,can some one help? none of these comparison websites are any good there all large companys i need japanese specialists or young drivers insurance thanks all! x""
At what age should you get life insurance?
Healthy 24yr Female no kids. Just wondering when should I invest in a good life insurance.
""What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
Health Insurance-please help?
I am 22 years old, and I will currently be in law school until May of 2011. Because I had to be declared as an Independent, I can no longer be on my father's insurance plan. I am scrambling to find something, because I do not want to be without health insurance and I will no longer be covered as of Jan. 1, 2009. The school's insurance policy will not cover me until Jan. 20, 2009, it seems pretty shitty, and is expensive. What can I do? What is the best private insurance to get? Should I get private insurance? Thanks for your help, it is really stressing me out.""
Will Florida drivers have to have car insurance?
do you need to have PIP insurance after october 1, 2007?""
Would car insurance on a?
2006 dodge ram 1500 short bed single cab or 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost more?
Do I have too much insurance?
I live in California, where the minimum required liability insurance limits are 15/30/5. I drive a 97 Ford Taurus and the cost of a deductible if I were to have full coverage would exceed the value of this old car- so I only have liability. My coverage is 50/100/25. I'm 25, my husband is 22, we have no accidents on our record, are good students and have absolutely no assets whatsoever. I'm beginning to wonder if we have more insurance than we need. I don't think I'm comfortable dropping my insurance to the required 15/30/5 minimum, but at the same time, I'm not sure if finding the happy medium at 25/50/25 would be a wise choice. I just want to make sure we're prepared, but not getting ripped off. Any advice?""
Whats the cheapest Car Insurance for a 23 year old male and reckless driving ticket?
titles says it all
Why is my car insurance soo expensive!?
about a month ago i got a quote from Quinn Direct for 584 but i wasn't 17 yet so couldn't get insurance.. Now Quinn is over 1500 for my insurance and the cheapest i can find it is just under 1000 I will be taking my test january 23rd and getting insurance then.. Can anyone reccommend an insurance company that is good with teenagers and new drivers? Thanks
Does vehicle modifications raise insurance?
Things like new Wheels, body kits, engine swaps and etc. Would modifications raise insurance?""
Advice onCar insurance?
which cart insurance is best for two 19 year Olds? I have never had insurance of my own and I have never gotten a ticket or been in an accident. My boyfriend will be 20 next month and he has had insurance but not recently. We are on a fixed income and would prefer to only spend around 150 per month. Any advice on insurance for a 2000 4x4 2 door Ford explorer? It's a 6 cylinder engine..automatic transmission.
What happens to my insurance after i got a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket for the first time ever. The cop put me down as 80+ mph, which i needed to go 70mph. When my insurance bill comes in, would my insurance be higher? Also my insurance is AAA. I still haven't gotten my actual ticket in the mail yet, and i was wondering if my insurance bill would be any higher until I'm proven guilty, because i know that if i can take traffic school, it won't get any higher & the point taken off. But i was wondering until then, would it still get higher?""
Insurance on a Pontiac Trans Am?
Hello. I was just wondering what would the insurance cost you on a 1998-2002 Ws6 Pontiac Trans Am For a 17 Year old living in Orlando, Florida???? Thank You.""
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
My car insurance policy are affordable because it base on a old 000 Toyota. I sold the Toyota but not reporti?
To insurance, is it legal""
Will criminal record ( petty theft) effect my car insurance?
Will criminal record ( petty theft) effect my car insurance? My husband who does my car insurance doesn't know about my pending criminal charges. Will he find out when he will renew my insurance? Or any another consequences? ( I'm stay-at-home mom so I won't be applying for work)
1998 V6 Firebird Insurance?
I'm 18 years old, just graduated high school, and am looking to buy a car to get to college and back home. What is the insurance on a 1998 v6 firebird or camaro based on a clean driving record and taken the driver's ed courses?""
BMW car insurance?
my car insurance doesnt provide anything with mechanical problems, is there any other way on this or is it a dead end?""
Sports car insurance for a 17 year old with a provisional license?
Someone who will not cost the earth, up to group 14, uk.""
I desperately need auto insurance. i got my license like 6 months ago and i need cheap insurance?
as u guys probably kno, insurance for teens is ridiculously high!!.. the cheapest i got it was liek 215 a month.. but thats like.. no coverage. do any of u kno a good company or a good alternative way to legally have insurance which is not necessarily a monthly payment? (my friend told me about insuring mye license but im not too clear on how that works)""
How much should an attorney charge for helping someone with an insurance claim? (average charge?)?
I don't wanna over pay. ..and does anybody know any good attorneys?
What are the costs of running a car?
Firstly, I'm in the UK. I want to know if I can afford a car, so I need to know what you have to pay for. At the moment I'm aware of insurance, the cost of the vehicle (and petrol) and MOT. Are there any other costs I have to take into account? Thank you.""
How much will cost to remove two wisdom teeth without insurance?
I,m male 21 years old and i'm wishing to remove both bottom wisdom teeth since it cause me feel bubbles on my ears and headaches, i don't know how much will cost me to remove them without insurance, but what is the average price on most states? i live in Oklahoma.""
Temporary Car insurance?
I just got my first car (I'm 17 years old) and I need it to go to school which is a good 80 miles away. On top of that I need to find a job which I couldn't do because I didn't have a car. However I can't drive my car because it doesn't have any insurance on it and the insurance is incredibly expensive. For now I just need it to go job hunting. Is there such thing as a temporary car insurance or maybe a waiver for students or SOMETHING that I can use?
Drive like a girl insurance help?
Im due to take my driving test next month (all goes well) and my parents are VERY keen to get the cheapest insurance quote possible (they are arabs, they will find it.. lol) Anyway I have recently discovered the 'drive like a girl' insurance company and after reading through it decided it looked really good. as I haven't got my full license yet I cant get a quote from them, so for anyone who has insurance with them- could you please give me a price estimate?! I live in a good area just outside of London so im lucky with my quotes. I have an X Reg Ford Ka and most of my quotes have been around 2000 but I have had one at 1600 and another at 1795. Both of those were without telematics box which is why im looking at one now. I cant have one with time restrictions- mainly because I sometimes work until 11 at night and I also care for my sick brother who may need to be driven to the hospital in the middle of the night (would this matter?) Thanks guys for taking the time to read and answer this question.""
Can you get your drivers license without any insurance?
I live in West Virginia 17 and I have had my learners for almost a year and have got all my hours so would it be OK if i got my license w/o insurance
Is it true that most Americans that have health insurance are getting it from the federal government or their?
state? If this is true why not have affordable health care for all. We can't all work for the federal government or for the state we live in. Most companies can't afford ...show more
Car insurance for Audi A4 Convertible?
Personal Detials: 17 years old Male Living at home Car to be stored on driveway Car details: Audi A4 Convertible 2003 insurance group 31-ish How much would it cost for insurance for this?
How much average does a family of four pay annually or monthly for health insurance?
I'm currently in the military and plan on getting out in 3yrs. I have an EF but people in the service forget about health insurance (because its free now). I want to set my family up. Just wondering what would I be looking at paying when I separate for a family of four so I can start saving
Price of insurance for a 2002 Porsche Boxster?
My uncle's selling me his 2.7l 2002 Porsche Boxster. I'm a 16 year old boy and this will be my first car. What do you think the monthly price of insurance on it would be? I know that I should ask an insurance agent, but I just want to know what I should expect it to be around. Thanks:)""
How much is car insurance??
How much do commercial bus companies pay for insurance?
I have heard that commercial bus insurance is very expensive, but I can't seem to find a website or forum that gives an estimation of cost. Do insurance companies per bus, or per driver, or both? What is the cost average per bus and per driver?""
""If i lie about my car mileage for auto insurance, will they eventually find out my real auto mileage?""
If i lie about my car mileage for auto insurance, will they eventually find out my real auto mileage?""
If your insurance cancels and you reinsure the next day will you get hit with a penalty?
okay im with nationwide and theyre expensive so theyre canceling my insurance on 1/1/08 but i wont have the money to go to my new cheaper insurance until the next day so will i get hit with the 500 dmv fee??/
What is the best company for cheap car insurance?
I am doing my lessons, I am a 19 year old female and a mother of 1. I have just bought a renault clio 1.4 and need to get the cheapest possible insurance. To start i need insurance so that i can drive with someone in the car on my provisional but i also need quotes on how much it will cost me when i have past my test.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance in texas ?
What is the cheapest auto insurance in texas ?
Mazda rx8 or 350z insurance ?
Id assume the 8 might have cheaper insurance to certain companies due to it having four doors lol But my question is I'm 19 and been looking at progressive and I have to pay $1200 every 6 months for one of these cars! I have a clean record and took the safety course too. Now if I was under my parent's insurance would that be possibly cheaper? Were doing that with the lexus I'm driving right now (theirs) but I need to build credit and whatnot... no need to worry bout college cause its paid off
I'm planning on getting myself a new car- a 2012 Dodge Challenger RT model. I'm on a tight budget and I only have enough money for a down payment and monthly payments on the Challenger, (if I decide to purchase it). My problem is I don't have enough money for auto insurance and I am not joining with anyone in my family to be placed on auto insurance. I want auto insurance for myself and signed to my name only. Since I do not enough money for auto insurance, can I still get a car without auto insurance? And can I still drive the Dodge Challenger without auto insurance if I decide to purchase the car? Can someone answer this for me? Thank you! I really appreciate it.""
What is the best Healthcare Insurance for small business owners in Colorado?
I'm starting a new job in Jan and I will be 1099 - I need any suggestions from anyone currently paying their ownHealth Insurance and what is a good company to go with. Many Thanks!
How can I lower my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket back in july of '04. My insurace went up recently. I am past the traffic school time. I live in CA. Is there anything I can do to lower my rate increase
Insurance quote for a vehicle?
hey i just want to know the 5 important factors they consider when giving an insurance quote and an example of an insurance quote?
When should I buy insurance?
I want to buy a used car from a dealer. So can I drive the car home, and then buy insurance? Or I should buy the car and insurance at the same time? First time to buy a car.""
Will it raise my insurance?
this was my first speeding ticket. i was going 42 in a 25 mph zone. i live in oklahoma and i have state farm. will it goto my insurance?
Are young adults covered under their parents health insurance till 26 under the new Obama law?
Is it true that the new Obama law states that children/young adults will receive health insurance coverage until they are 26 even if they are not in school, married, and living out of ...show more""
Would a Dodge Ram Hemi truck increase my insurance costs?
I have a Jeep Patriot right now. The dodge ram 1500 is a 4X4, as well.""
Pre-Existing Conditions health insurance...?
I've had epilepsy since I was 5 years old, I'm now 24. I came across a comment on a website a few minutes ago about there being some kind of federal law where it's ILLEGAL to deny someone coverage because they may be in poor health, overweight, etc... aka having a pre-existing condition . If this is true about there being a law AGAINST it, why are SO MANY health insurance companies allowed to deny people w/ pre-existing conditions right off the bat? There are THOUSAND upon thousands, if not MILLIONS, of people in the U.S that have some kind of pre-existing condition, whether minor or major. So wouldn't that mean that there are THOUSANDS of insurance companies that are running their business illegally & breaking the law? I mean, breaking a state law is one thing, but a FEDERAL law is a pretty big deal!! Washington makes such a big deal about how so many people in our country don't have health insurance & they say it's because people can't afford it . But I think the REAL reason is that because MOST of those people have a pre-existing condition & they're getting thrown to the curb because of it... Comments on this???""
""How much would insurance cost for a 23 year old with a $1,500 car in florida?""
Assuming the car is fully paid for, how much would insurance cost on a rather cheap ($1,500) car in Florida for a 23 year old with a spotless record. If an exact amount is too hard to find, a ballpark estimate would help.""
Where to find low cost medical insurance?
Where to find low cost medical insurance?
Do you need insurance if you only have temporary tags?
I was wondering if you need insurance if you have temporary tags in Ohio, and if you do, what's the cheapest insurance company for male teens?""
Temporary Car insurance?
I just got my first car (I'm 17 years old) and I need it to go to school which is a good 80 miles away. On top of that I need to find a job which I couldn't do because I didn't have a car. However I can't drive my car because it doesn't have any insurance on it and the insurance is incredibly expensive. For now I just need it to go job hunting. Is there such thing as a temporary car insurance or maybe a waiver for students or SOMETHING that I can use?
0 notes
iyarpage · 7 years
When anti-patterns become a pattern
There are plenty of learning resources on software best practices. Sprinkled in between all the well-intended advice are warnings about common pitfalls. We could do with a lot more of these warnings and think about why we keep doing the same things wrong. What makes anti-patterns so irresistible?
Stamping out bad habits
Many famous rockstars are self-taught and often received no formal music training at all. Not so in classical music. Any book that claims you can teach yourself to play the violin or become an operatic soprano without the aid of a tutor sells you a false promise. I must have paid my cello and singing teachers slightly more than I ever spent on university tuition fees (granted, these were only 700 euros a year in the Netherlands at the time). None of all this music teaching has brought me any monetary return on investment, whereas my programming hobby has paid out nicely. Sure, I must have consumed hundreds of books, blog posts and tutorials, and of course I wrote many thousands lines of code on hobby projects. However, all of this was largely unsupervised. I learned the most from working alongside more experienced programmers. These people didn’t only teach me new things, but most importantly they weaned me off some ingrained bad habits.
Education is as much about showing how to do things properly as it is about stamping out the bad habits that come natural but are nevertheless wrong. You really need a teacher to do the latter, especially for any pursuit that is more physical than intellectual, like sports and the arts. Coding isn’t that much different. Yes, if you’re an experienced Java programmer you can teach yourself Kotlin, no problem. But when it comes to more generic principles you mustn’t assume that just knowing the right ways will always keep you on the straight and narrow.
Bad habits are not a popular subject
Here’s why diet books don’t work: they suggest that all it takes is pointing out what healthy foods you should eat. Yet we all know that staying away from the fattening junk is the really hard part. There’s no shortage of books on healthy coding practices. There’s the clean coder, the pragmatic programmer, the humble programmer. Frankly, I’ve heard quite enough success stories. Give me the book “how to avoid being a dysfunctional pedantic twit” or “We wasted everybody’s time, tens of millions of dollars and still have nothing to show for it”.
Code quality is as much an indicator of underlying personal attitudes and team dynamics as it is of developer proficienty. I believe that both good and bad patterns result from only a small number of positive and negative attitudes and behaviours. These are important markers for the success of a software project.
The hall of shame is no laughing matter
You can’t write great code if you’re an inexperienced programmer, but you can certainly always write bad code no matter your experience or IQ. Anti-patterns aren’t always committed by bad programmers but they’re always the result of unconscious bad habits. The hall of shame is of course the daily WTF, where the most glaring incompetence is exposed to ridicule for the coding community, thankfully anonymous. What bothers me though is the implicit assumptions that we, the readers, know better and have nothing to gain from it but a chuckle. But anti-patterns are no joke. Just because you can avoid beginners mistakes doesn’t mean you’re immune to committing the really major cock-ups. I can warmly recommend Scott Rosenberg’s Dreaming in Code about the ill-fated Chandler project, which comprised some of the best programmers, hand-picked by none other than Mitch Kapor of Lotus fame. Chandler, you ask? Exactly.
My personal top 3 of good habits
Here’s my personal top three attitudes that are most instrumental to building quality software and teams:
Pride of collective ownership. Without this you will care less for your own quality and that contributed by others. Note that you can be be proud of a particularly clever bit of code, but that doesn’t count if it confuses your colleagues or conflicts with their code. So you need…
an attitude of always wanting to help, really the same kind you can often find in family-run hotels or B&Bs, where nobody gives you the feeling that it’s just a job to them.
Meanwhile you have to stay firm about quality and professional standards, Most software is written for the long term. Others will probably be working on it after you leave. You have to display good stewardship, which having an eye for the long term.
Especially points 2 and 3 can be at odds: it means having to say no more often. It means standing your ground ocassionally and insist that some things are non-negotiable.
Self-centred indifference
I confess that all this is hard. Just put the above list of saintlike qualities in the negative and you get a sense of what we’re battling with on a daily basis. Unclear management commitment to a product’s roadmap kills the sense of collective ownership. This lack of commitment leads to indifference about quality, and there’s nothing more contagious than indifference. Code quality will suffer, and poor quality is a slippery slope. There’s just no fun if the best you can do is make things slightly less bad.
Self-centred attitudes on the other hand lead to a host of toxic effects within a team: it’s being overly confident about your own abilities, bragging, tunnel vision and envy. It’s a cliche that programmers are on average more communicatively inept, socially awkward, pedantic and self-centred, but it wouldn’t have become a cliche if there wasn’t a grain of truth nonetheless. Several grains actually. Maybe even enough to bake a small loaf.
The dangerous short term
The upside about these two team-killing attitudes is that they stand out to the good observer and you can act upon them. There is another category of bad habits that seem less destructive on the surface because they don’t do as much harm to team morale, but can be equally damaging to long-term product quality. I’m talking about being too focused on short term result and not looking back at lessons learned. We tend to do it because code is written today, to be shipped next week. We don’t exactly please our stakeholders if we delay the release to upgrade a few old libraries. So this never happens until these libraries are ancient, unsupported and a security vulnerability.
There’s a host of anti-patterns that come from bad housekeeping and not looking back: the boat anchor, the dead end, the Lava Flow, Continuous obsolescence. And what else but pride and tunnel vision could lay at the root of the Golden Hammer and intellectual violence?
Vegetables and raw nuts
If clean code is vegetables and raw nuts, anti-patterns are hamburgers with coke and ice-cream. Their appeal is much like junk food: we’re drawn to it naturally. Sometimes we feel the need to impress others and sometimes some private concerns outweigh any code you’re working on at the moment so you just want it to work quickly and go home. The occasional anti-pattern becomes a problem if you’re unwilling to learn from your mistakes or ashamed to admit to them. I’ve made tons of mistakes. There aren’t many pieces of code I’ve written at any stage in my career that couldn’t have been improved at a later glance.
There are always people who are deliberately vicious and manipulative about taking the maximum amount of credit for the least amount of work. Rest assured: they tend to work in the financial industry and don’t wear a t-shirt to work.
The post When anti-patterns become a pattern appeared first on codecentric AG Blog.
When anti-patterns become a pattern published first on http://ift.tt/2fA8nUr
0 notes
mobilenamic · 7 years
When anti-patterns become a pattern
There are plenty of learning resources on software best practices. Sprinkled in between all the well-intended advice are warnings about common pitfalls. We could do with a lot more of these warnings and think about why we keep doing the same things wrong. What makes anti-patterns so irresistible?
Stamping out bad habits
Many famous rockstars are self-taught and often received no formal music training at all. Not so in classical music. Any book that claims you can teach yourself to play the violin or become an operatic soprano without the aid of a tutor sells you a false promise. I must have paid my cello and singing teachers slightly more than I ever spent on university tuition fees (granted, these were only 700 euros a year in the Netherlands at the time). None of all this music teaching has brought me any monetary return on investment, whereas my programming hobby has paid out nicely. Sure, I must have consumed hundreds of books, blog posts and tutorials, and of course I wrote many thousands lines of code on hobby projects. However, all of this was largely unsupervised. I learned the most from working alongside more experienced programmers. These people didn’t only teach me new things, but most importantly they weaned me off some ingrained bad habits.
Education is as much about showing how to do things properly as it is about stamping out the bad habits that come natural but are nevertheless wrong. You really need a teacher to do the latter, especially for any pursuit that is more physical than intellectual, like sports and the arts. Coding isn’t that much different. Yes, if you’re an experienced Java programmer you can teach yourself Kotlin, no problem. But when it comes to more generic principles you mustn’t assume that just knowing the right ways will always keep you on the straight and narrow.
Bad habits are not a popular subject
Here’s why diet books don’t work: they suggest that all it takes is pointing out what healthy foods you should eat. Yet we all know that staying away from the fattening junk is the really hard part. There’s no shortage of books on healthy coding practices. There’s the clean coder, the pragmatic programmer, the humble programmer. Frankly, I’ve heard quite enough success stories. Give me the book “how to avoid being a dysfunctional pedantic twit” or “We wasted everybody’s time, tens of millions of dollars and still have nothing to show for it”.
Code quality is as much an indicator of underlying personal attitudes and team dynamics as it is of developer proficienty. I believe that both good and bad patterns result from only a small number of positive and negative attitudes and behaviours. These are important markers for the success of a software project.
The hall of shame is no laughing matter
You can’t write great code if you’re an inexperienced programmer, but you can certainly always write bad code no matter your experience or IQ. Anti-patterns aren’t always committed by bad programmers but they’re always the result of unconscious bad habits. The hall of shame is of course the daily WTF, where the most glaring incompetence is exposed to ridicule for the coding community, thankfully anonymous. What bothers me though is the implicit assumptions that we, the readers, know better and have nothing to gain from it but a chuckle. But anti-patterns are no joke. Just because you can avoid beginners mistakes doens’t mean you’re immune to committing the really major cock-ups. I can warmly recommend Scott Rosenberg’s Dreaming in Code about the ill-fated Chandler project, which comprised some of the best programmers, hand-picked by none other than Mitch Kapor of Lotus fame. Chandler, you ask? Exactly.
My personal top 3 of good habits
Here’s my personal top three attitudes that are most instrumental to building quality software and teams:
Pride of collective ownership. Without this you will care less for your own quality and that contributed by others. Note that you can be be proud of a particularly clever bit of code, but that doesn’t count if it confuses your colleagues or conflicts with their code. So you need…
an attitude of always wanting to help, really the same kind you can often find in family-run hotels or B&Bs, where nobody gives you the feeling that it’s just a job to them.
Meanwhile you have to stay firm about quality and professional standards, Most software is written for the long term. Others will probably be working on it after you leave. You have to display good stewardship, which having an eye for the long term.
Especially points 2 and 3 can be at odds: it means having to say no more often. It means standing your ground ocassionally and insist that some things are non-negotiable.
Self-centred indifference
I confess that all this is hard. Just put the above list of saintlike qualities in the negative and you get a sense of what we’re battling with on a daily basis. Unclear management commitment to a product’s roadmap kills the sense of collective ownership. This lack of commitment leads to indifference about quality, and there’s nothing more contagious than indifference. Code quality will suffer, and poor quality is a slippery slope. There’s just no fun if the best you can do is make things slightly less bad.
Self-centred attitudes on the other hand lead to a host of toxic effects within a team: it’s being overly confident about your own abilities, bragging, tunnel vision and envy. It’s a cliche that programmers are on average more communicatively inept, socially awkward, pedantic and self-centred, but it wouldn’t have become a cliche if there wasn’t a grain of truth nonetheless. Several grains actually. Maybe even enough to bake a small loaf.
The dangerous short term
The upside about these two team-killing attitudes is that they stand out to the good observer and you can act upon them. There is another category of bad habits that seem less destructive on the surface because they don’t do as much harm to team morale, but can be equally damaging to long-term product quality. I’m talking about being too focused on short term result and not looking back at lessons learned. We tend to do it because code is written today, to be shipped next week. We don’t exactly please our stakeholders if we delay the release to upgrade a few old libraries. So this never happens until these libraries are ancient, unsupported and a security vulnerability.
There’s a host of anti-patterns that come from bad housekeeping and not looking back: the boat anchor, the dead end, the Lava Flow, Continuous obsolescence. And what else but pride and tunnel vision could lay at the root of the Golden Hammer and intellectual violence?
Vegetables and raw nuts
If clean code is vegetables and raw nuts, anti-patterns are hamburgers with coke and ice-cream. Their appeal is much like junk food: we’re drawn to it naturally. Sometimes we feel the need to impress others and sometimes some private concerns outweigh any code you’re working on at the moment so you just want it to work quickly and go home. The occasional anti-pattern becomes a problem if you’re unwilling to learn from your mistakes or ashamed to admit to them. I’ve made tons of mistakes. There aren’t many pieces of code I’ve written at any stage in my career that couldn’t have been improved at a later glance.
There are always people who are deliberately vicious and manipulative about taking the maximum amount of credit for the least amount of work. Rest assured: they tend to work in the financial industry and don’t wear a t-shirt to work.
The post When anti-patterns become a pattern appeared first on codecentric AG Blog.
When anti-patterns become a pattern published first on http://ift.tt/2vCN0WJ
0 notes