#even some of my favorite fics ever do this and its just so tedious
starheirxero · 5 months
guys. GUYS. listen. listen to me. if you are going to write a fic(specifically on ao3 in this case) and you want to convey a spooky/glitchy voice, i am begging y'all to not use the zaglo font. not only is it hard to read, it will break a screen reader and either 1) not be read at all, or 2) be read in an awkward/stilted way or just suddenly switch into a different language. Instead, please consider this infinitely cooler option:
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Look into this fic if u wanna see more HTML/CSS abilities I promise it's so much cooler than inaccessible font generators 🙏
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insertyourselfhere · 1 year
Body Swap Part 3
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AN: Sorry for taking so damn long, there's a bit of a gap here in the story as it doesn't follow their whole journey, just because its almost filler like if I want to later ill do some in-between bits as one shots but I know we want to actually see Gwen and Y/N Interacting so I'm trying to get us to that point which I did! Also the timing in this fic from ITSV and ATSV are off but meh.
Description: It was starting to get tedious now, it had been a few months at least of you swapping with Gwen, being able to talk to her in your mind and nothing else developing. You and Gwen had tried on a number of occasions to work out what your existential crisis was that was stopping you both from moving on with your lives. Gwen had told you her tragic story and you had told her yours, about your parents, your uncle, even your Aunt was involved trying to help both of you out. It was hard to admit at first but you had grown some sort of feelings towards the girl, its hard not too when she’s in your head almost all the time. Thankfully you hadn’t thought that out loud to her just yet but there had been a couple times that you were almost caught slipping. You’ve had to lie a few times saying its about a girl in your dimension but played it off and changed the subject. Everything was continuing like normal, or so you thought.
It was the day before you guys swapped bodies on your usual rotation, you laid in bed ready for the next day to come when you swapped over with Gwen. You reflected a little about what you and Gwen had been talking about, what has happened over the last few months and there were no changes. You rolled onto your back staring at your ceiling.
‘Can’t sleep?’ You heard in the back of your mind, seems like you weren’t the only one.
‘Not really I’m just confused’
‘Same’ She said softly.
‘Okay well how about this, lets kill the time, I know all about the tragic backstory that is Gwen Stacy and I know I’ve lived as you as well but in your own words tell me about you. What makes you tick, what are your favorite things to do’
(A/N: This might get a little OC here cause Ive never read any of the Gwen Stacy comics so I don’t know much about actual Gwen so this will be just from what I think she would like)
‘Okay sure lets do that! At a super young age I did gymnastics, dad taught me and got me involved when I was 4, I also was heavily involved in ballet too. I always wanted to be a ballerina when I was growing up but who didn’t at such a young age’
‘I still want to be a ballerina those moves you can pull off are out of this world’ You said and you heard her chuckle.
‘I guess it goes with my fighting style though I would love to teach you one day’ She said, you smiled at those words hoping they would come true.
‘Please do, if that means I get to actually see you and not me you, you get me?’ She laughed again and you wouldn’t get sick of hearing that ever.
‘So because I started growing up, managed to get some teen angst going I wanted to do something different, my whole attitude on life changed, I got these powers, I didn’t know how to deal with all this added pressure so I joined a band’
‘Ah yes the Mary Janes! I was wondering how that came about, you just needed a distraction’ You asked knowing full well what that meant, that’s why you joined the football team, You needed a distraction yourself.
‘Yeah actually, I was struggling with who I was, being Spider-Woman and Gwen Stacy’
‘It is a lot of pressure but I can tell you with all my heart that you are killing it’
‘Thanks Y/N I needed to hear that’ The line went quiet and you could feel yourself slowing starting to fall asleep.
‘Hey I got a spider emergency! I gotta go but get some rest okay’
‘Be safe Gwen, Don’t rough them up too much’ She chuckled and it went dead silent.
You managed to stay awake for a couple minutes before Your eye lids grew heavy and you succumb to sleep.
The next morning you woke up only to notice you were still in your bed. You woke up startled throwing your legs off your bed and walking towards your bedroom door opening it and looking at your Aunt.
“Morning Gwen” She said so used to this charade you 2 had, you gulped knowing it was the next day, you saw the date on your phone and looked back at your Aunt.
“Not Gwen” You said and her head shot up. It has been more than 6 months at this point that you had started swapping with Gwen, nothing seemed to stop it, nothing seemed to hint towards it ever slowing down and then one day it just stopped.
“Not Gwen?” She asked walking towards you with her hand out, you grabbed it nodding saying it was you and you didn’t know how to feel.
“Amazing it’s finally stopped! Now you can go back to living your normal spidey life” She said with a little hooray and then a sip of her drink, Your Aunt turned around towards the kitchen table where you could see a 2nd coffee cup laid out.
She picked it up ready to pour out the drink and you could see her hand shaking, you quickly ran over to her to help with the cup and she let out a small sob.
“I am so happy for you that you don’t have to go through this anymore but she was around so often it’s like she was apart of our little family you know” You slowly shook your head and hugged your aunt.
“I’m not happy” You said quietly in your Aunts shoulder, you both pulled away and you had small tears in your eyes. “Neither am I” She finally admitted to you. You slumped in the chair in the kitchen and looked at your Aunt. You were devastated. “Have your little telepathic abilities stopped working too?” You shrugged your shoulders but focused on trying to reach out to her.
‘Gwen can you hear me?’ You asked, your face concentrating to push your sub consciousness out there hoping to get a response. After a few minutes of silence nothing came back. You stood up with a frustrating sigh and leaned over the kitchen counter.
“Nothing?” Your aunt asked rubbing your back, you shook your head. You didn’t know what else to do, you couldn’t even think straight, your alarm started going off symbolising you had to go to school but you just didn’t have the heart to get up. It’s almost like you had genuinely lost a part of yourself, it had felt very unfinished.
“We are taking the rest of the day off today, you and me I think we need this…”
“What if something happened?” You ask out loud cutting off your aunt. “What if something’s happened and she needs me?” You said looking at your aunt.
“There’s nothing you can….”
“Don’t finish that sentence, there’s something I can do I am a Spider, I have all these powers I have to be able to do something” Your aunt could see the hurt in your eyes, the panic, every emotion flashing through you all at once worried that the absolute worst thing happened.
“Y/N look, I don’t understand your situation at all, I honestly couldn’t think of anyone in the entire world could really to relate to your feelings but all I can tell you is that Gwen is one of the toughest girls I have ever met. She is fine, maybe you figured out whatever the universe was telling you or your no longer needed to heal her very broken heart.” You Aunt said smiling softly.
“But mines broken now…” You said quietly. Your aunt gave you a look and you shuffled your feet. “Okay she’s fine, we did what we needed to do, whatever that was and she’s safe in her dimension.” Your aunt nodded and you smiled a little.
“I’m gunna get ready and go to school. Just to distract myself a bit today” You said, your aunt nodded. “I will be mourning the loss of a daughter so I’ll be here quietly sobbing over the cup I bought her” You giggled a little knowing your aunt was joking but only a tiny bit, you could see she was just as hurt as well so you hugged her again.
“She’s fine, she doesn’t need us anymore we fixed her broken heart” You both smiled and walked away doing your own things. You headed to school getting ready for your first class pulling out the books you needed. You saw the drawings, pictures, difference in handwriting even in all your books and smiled. As you went through wondering from class to class you failed to notice an unwanted guest appear out of nowhere.
As you were heading towards gym you heard commotion coming from some other students. “quick everybody evacuate theres a guy in a rhino suit running rampant around the school!” As students began to pile out of the gym and into the hallways running towards safety you ran around a corner and did the opposite trying to find your stashed suit. You ran into the bathroom, lift up one of the tiles on the roof and promptly changed into your suit.
“A man in a Rhino suit? We don’t have that here we have a lady who’s half rhino half human.” You managed to find all the commotion and saw a couple of kids in the way.
“Quick get out of here!”
“Spidey thank you!” They all ran out, you could feel the building shaking and hear walls crumbling.
“Hello tiny spider” He said as he walked around the corner, and sure enough it was a big buff dude in a rhino suit.
“Look I don’t know what your doing here, but I need to get to gym and your in my way” You got into your signature pose.
“Get out of the way tiny spider, I need to go home!” You looked confused for a split second but immediately knew what the issue was. ‘He’s not from this dimension, Im gunna have to lock him up tight and stop him from hurting anyone’ You thought quietly to yourself. A tiny part of you was hoping you would hear Gwen voice in your head again but it was no where to be found. Rhino charged towards you, without missing a beat you punched him clean in the jaw and he was knocked out cold.
“Wow that was….NO don’t say that, it never works out well when you put things like that into the universe.” You webbed up Rhino and dragged him outside, as you got outside a hexagon shaped portal opened up in front of you, you let go of Rhino and folded your arms only to be met with a lady who had a motorbike and an afro.
“Oh hello! You must be the Spider of this dimension” You unfolded your arms feeling the tingle as soon as you saw her.
“I am! The names Y/N” She walked up and shook your hand. “Nice to meet you Im Jessica Drew, I see you caught the guy I’m here for, relatively easy it seems to” You gave a modest look but shrugged your shoulders.
“It was nothing” You said with a small smile under your mask.
“Look, Miguel is totally going to hate me but I think you should come with me” She said gesturing to the portal behind her, you looked in and saw nothing but a tube looking thing.
“In there? That looks like death?” You said pointing at the portal. “I promise it’s not, I’ll explain once we get there but I think you should come with me” She said, you shook your head knowing you shouldn’t follow strangers into very suspicious portals but all that was going through your head was Gwen.
“This might be my only chance to find her” You said out loud. “Find who?” She asked and you coughed and walked into the portal not realising you were talking out loud. As soon as you stepped in you were teleported to a new world.
Once you landed Jessica following behind you, your face dropped, you took your mask off staring at the Nueva York. It was so futuristic and chrome, very shiny, everything was shiny it was burning your retina’s.
“Come on I want you to come meet Miguel” You follow Jessica until you came to a high tech room in a dark looking alley. He even looked like a bad guy, his aura oozed “I am a villain” but even you were slightly jealous of his gym regime whatever it was cause dude looked good.
“Jessica what did you do?” You blocked out their argument taking in the sights and sounds around you. They started bickering and you felt a little awkward to be standing there, it was like you were a child getting scolded from your parents for ditching school.
“Look they’re here and I know Y/N will do a fantastic job, plus with the large amount of animalities running around thanks to 1610 we need all the help we can get”
“We have over 1500 different peters you think this other variant will help out”
“They’re a lot stronger than most of the others Peter’s surprisingly took down Rhino with a swift punch”
Your feet shuffled and you looked down taking in the compliments Jessica was throwing your way. Miguel looked at you and threw up his hands.
“Whatever, kid heres your watch go hang around I’ll call you if I need anything” Jessica smiled and you looked at the watch in your hand, you put it on and started walking out hearing Jessica and Miguel start up again.
You made your way out and went to sit at the top of the tower which seemed to be everyone’s favourite spot it seems. You met a couple of the other Spider, a few peter parkers…a lot of peter parkers actually, your favourite though had to be the T-rex running around.
Your world was 1405 as deemed by the I guess lords of the multi-verse, you weren’t too sure how it worked but you kinda just rolled with it, you wanted to make sure Gwen was okay but deep down you knew she was, for now you would go about your business and hopefully save some other worlds, who can put that on their resume.
“Alright Y/N ready for your first mission” You looked at your watch and saw Jessica on the other end of it.
“As ready as I’ll ever be” you said holding the watch up.
“Alright this one’s easy so I’ll be going with you but mostly to observe” She said with a small smile, you nodded your head and typed in the co-ordinates she sent you.
15 minutes later
You and Jessica were standing next to each other back in the Spider Society, you had your web wrapped around the prisoner and she stood next to you with the biggest surprise look on her face.
“Okay that was very quick, you are very efficient” She said and you just stood there nodding holding onto your villain. He started to groan and you knocked him out again with a swift punch.
“Alright well um go hang around, catch more sights and I’ll get back to you with another mission” You could tell she was still stunned, she didn’t really know what to do but walked away with your prisoner attached. You made your way back up to the top of the building again however instead of sitting you made the rounds, getting to know other people and know who all the different Spiders you could. After a couple hours of wondering around, getting lost and meeting MORE people you finally got another call but it wasn’t from Jessica. It was from Miguel’s Ai friend LYLA.
“Hey could you go help Miguel over on world 65 please” You were shocked at first to hear that you were going to help Miguel but You didn’t even hesitate you immediately input that number and jumped straight into the portal. As you exited the portal you went straight towards the parchment vulture in front of you and punched him square in the jaw.
“Nice!” You said, Miguel got up from his rubble and walked over to you, “Good punch rook alright lets take this guy down” You got your fist’s ready to fight with Miguel not taking in your surroundings fully (You should really work on this btw) when a quiet familiar voice hit your ears.
“Y/N” Your head whipped around so quickly but before you could say anything vulture had punched you right back sending you into a pillar.
“That wasn’t nice, okay rook new plan” Miguel said as he shot you with one of his webs and flung you towards vulture, you managed to clock him again but this time he was ready, he grabbed your arm and readied one of his wings, but before he sliced you with it you saw a web holding it back and Gwen had kicked him in the back of his head causing him to go crashing in the ground.
“Your moves are so much better when you do it” You said towards Gwen, she gave you a quick fist bump and you both propelled down.
“Do you 2 know each other” Miguel said pointing at both of you “It’s a long story we’ll explain later but right now he needs to go back” You said pointing at vulture.
“So whats this guys deal anyway” Gwen said asking you, you managed to talk while fighting and dodging all the vultures attacks.
“Well he’s made of parchment so you can assume he doesn’t belong here.” Gwen rolled her eyes “I gathered that much this isn’t my first run in with the multi-verse” She said kicking a few rocks towards the vulture who dodged all but 1.
“This isn’t your first run in?” You asked, she gave you a look and you nodded your head. “Oh right yes us” She webbed towards the vulture holding his wings down and punched him again, he broke free clambering up the pillar up into the night sky, Miguel went after him attacking him leaving you and Gwen alone.
“So crazy that we didn’t swap bodies right?” You said looking at her. “I actually have an excuse for that” She said and you looked at her intently.
“The night before we usually swap I was out fighting one of my villains when a portal opened up and sucked me in, I was blown into another dimension that had this really cool Spider-Man named Miles” You looked shocked, so because she wasn’t in her universe you couldn’t swap. Makes sense.
“I’ll tell you the rest of the story later” she said as she webbed away, you looked up to see a helicopter flying down towards you, both Miguel and Gwen had managed to get their webs under it to slow it down you jumped on a rock that was sticking up and stood waiting for the impact of the helicopter when its nose reached the palm of your hands you used your strength to push against it and put a stop to it. Everyone started cheering, Miguel grabbed vulture and you were both getting ready to leave, you wanted Gwen to come with so you asked Miguel to wait. When you looked up though you couldn’t see her anymore but you could hear shouting.
 “She needs to come with us she’d be an asset to the team” You said to Miguel, he looked at you and grunted before jumping up there, you followed after him witnessing Miguel throwing one of his barriers on the ground and tying up George Stacy. You walked over to Gwen who looked frightened and grabbed her shoulders gently.
Miguel opened a portal and threw vulture in it, he turned around to you and Gwen and asked. “So what’s it going to be kid?” He said, she nodded, Miguel gave her a watch and jumped in the portal. You followed after him but looked back at Gwen and George, your heart breaking for both of them.
As soon as both you and Gwen got back to universe 928 she let out a big sigh of relief and her legs collapsed under her. She was on the verge of tears but you could see that she was fighting the urge to let them fall.
“Hey” You said.
“Hey yourself” She said wiping away her tears, you couldn’t believe that you had managed to find her. You were so relieved but you could see all the mending you guys had down over the last few months was slowly starting to break all because her dad found out who she was.
She pulled off her mask and you saw half her head was shaved.
“Whoa! That’s new!” You said looking at her new haircut, she looked at it and rolled her eyes.
“It’s a long story but I had to shave it”
“I like it, it suits you” You said looking at her hair, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked away, she coughed and turn back to you.
“Thank you, I think we owe each other an explanation” She said trying to change the subject, but you being dense didn’t notice.
“Y/N Show the newbie around Ill put our prisoner away, you owe me an explanation for how you 2 know each other by the way.” He started walking away and you looked back at Gwen.
“Come follow me Ill introduce you to everyone!” You grabbed Gwen’s hand and pulled her towards everyone.
“Hey Y/N!” You walked pass a group of Peters and waved towards them. “Hey Peter this is Gwen!” They all waved and went back into their groups.
“Wow there sure a lot of Peter’s”
“Yeah Peter seems to be the most common canon, there are a very rare amount of us that aren’t Peters but I guess there’s almost an infinite amount of universes so there’s infinite possibilities” you replied looking back at Gwen who was taking everything in
“This place is so big” she said in awe watching all the other spiders running around
“This is the lobby” You replied whispering in her ear.
“Your kidding” She said turning back to you with her eyes wide.
“Not even in the slightest, here Ill show you where I like to hang out!”
You took her to the tallest building and hung out at the top looking down at Nueva York. You didn’t know how you felt about the whole situation but was surprised about how the whole situation went down, you had a crazy 48 hours that’s for sure. Shoot you didn’t check in with your Aunt. You both sat down over the edge of the tower, she looked down at her watch and then looked back at you.
“I guess I owe you an explanation it seems” You looked back at her and then back to the view.
“Nah, you’re safe that’s all I care about” You said looking away, she smiled and hit your shoulder gently.
“I’m so happy I can finally do that as me and not looking at you in the mirror” She said looking out towards the skyline again, she tucked her leg up towards her face and leant on it.
“It’s weird, I’ve seen you so much the past few months but not like this, its nice” You replied smiling.
“I know you said I don’t owe you an explanation but I have to tell you what happened it was crazy!” You folded your legs and shuffled so you were looking at Gwen as she told you all about her trip to 1610. She told you about Miles, about how what happened to her hair, you couldn’t help but laugh at that part knowing full well how hard it was to control your powers when you first got them.
She told you about Peter B Parker, Penni, Spider-Ham and Spider-Noir, You could see how happy she was about her little band of misfits. Maybe you and your Aunt had managed to heal her enough that she let herself open to gain other friends.
She told you about the collider, how Miles came through and gained the ability to somewhat control his powers, she showed you a photo of him on her phone and she was smiling.
“Gwen that sounds like a long week you had” She giggled and then an idea formed.
“Hey can we take a photo” You looked shocked but you nodded. You got ready but she leaned into your side and smiled, you followed suit as she took the picture.
“Thank you” She said looking down at her phone “So what happened to you” You laughed and looked ack at her “Oh nothing, an anomaly came through while I was at school, I knocked him out, Jessica saw my potential and I got recruited. That’s about it” She laughed hearing how easy your time was compared to hers.
“Y/N, Gwen theres a couple of people I need you to come meet” Miguel said over the watch, you both got up and headed towards his Spider-Cave, his fortress off Spidertude, his lair? And were met with what seems like a familiar face to gwen but someone knew.
“Y/N This is Hobie Brown! You’ll be working with him in the upcoming missions. This Spider over here is Peter B Parker” You saw Gwen hugging the other Peter who was surprised to see him so soon.
“Gwen when did you get here!”
“Today actually Y/N came and helped me”
“Is this the famous Y/N I’ve heard so much about hey! The one you’ve been swapping bodies with” You looked shocked that Gwen told someone that and she was blushing furiously.
“Shut it Parker” He laughed and swung towards you.
“Nice to meet you buddy I’m Peter”
“Y/N” You said shaking his hand, You shook a little too hard and he winced.
“Strong grip I like it, you were right they are very…” Before Peter could finish what he was saying Gwen webbed his mouth and he glared at her.
“Anyway cute reunion, Gwen you’ll stay here and train with Jessica, Y/N you’ll head out with Hobie, theres a Kraven In the wrong universe I need you guys to go get” You nodded and started walking with Hobie, you looked back and saw Gwen, she gave you a small wave and you waved back. With an extra hop in your step you turned towards Hobie.
“Dude love your hair”
“Thanks its natural”
“How does that fit under your…”
“Hammer Space” He said and you shook it off, you both input the co-ordinates and were off to another dimension.
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violetstormms · 1 year
FNAF Sun and Moon x yn Fic List Update
This is update 1 for my FNAF Sun and Moon x yn fic list. www.tumblr.com/violetstormms/710457016218435584/sunmoon-fnaf-fanfic-recommendation-list?
As always look at the tags and read at your own discretion as while I will try not to include explicit material in this list, the stories can contain other mature content. If you want to see future updates to this list feel free to follow the “Violetstormm fic list updates” tag
When I have more time I will also be adding fics from my mermay list as well just to have everything in one place. The list will still be left up though as people seem to like that one.
Change: old vers Heart, Mind & Soul by SmolShampoo updated to new version.
+All Around the Mulberry Bush by Chaussette_et_Chaussures
The monkey chased the weasel
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun
POP! Goes the weasel.
The Fazbear corporation has always been surrounded by dark rumors, so was every other heavy hitter in the entertainment industry. Conspiracy theories and creepypastas abound. But when you took a job working as a repair technician, it slowly becomes more and more clear as to why you're the only one anymore. And in the dark crypt-like atmosphere of parts and services, you can't help but wonder if there isn't some grain of truth to everything you've heard.
(Please mind the tags)
`The Unseen Friend by EllaspenFrost
"The pizzeria's extensive dark past was lost to almost everyone...
Not you.
A ghost knows all the dirty secrets of its final resting place."
You are the pizzaplex's resident spirit. You were there when the place was built, and watched events unfold for the unfortunate animatronics that entertained the public. Your favorite animatronic, previously performing in the theater, was re-purposed as a daycare attendant. Though it takes several years, Sun and Moon begin to realize that they were never as alone as they believed. Someone had always been there with them.
*Thing on your swing by SourTomato
Yay cheap housing!
Why is it so cheap? Probably has something to do with mushrooms!
~A Song of the Seas by StarForgedStories
You don’t know what possessed you to buy that boat. Was it just a whim? A wish for a bit of adventure? To flee from the only life you'd ever known? Or perhaps even the call of something far more alluring than just the sea itself...
The sea has many mysteries within its dark depths and you're going to uncover them, whether you like it or not.
+Golden Midnight by friendcharlie
Recovering from severe depression and isolation, you're accepted into a position at the newly rebuilt and remodeled Mega Pizzaplex. You're expecting a tedious and boring customer service job, but after meeting your celestial-themed coworkers, it might be more than you bargained for.
~Crush Depth by NaffEclipse
You stare out the forward viewport—the window. The sub’s only window. Blood splashes against the thick glass. It is human blood. It fills an ocean on Moon FZ-87. The atmosphere is dark and barren, speckled with the ghostly light of stars that have been gone for decades.
This is the last view you have of anything above the blood ocean surface. Futility sinks roots into your ribs.
DCA x Reader (SFW)
~Song Fish Amid the Stars by NaffEclipse
A pang hits your heart, going out to the little fish struggling to escape the cruel and entrapping lagoon.
But they look like mers. Sea monsters.
Mermaid!Sun & Mermaid!Moon x Reader (SFW)
*Celestial Sundown by clutterspace
There was something slumped beneath a tree, and you had no idea what it was.
The sunlight shone brighter where it laid, despite the leaves above not differing from any of the other foliage.
It was such a small thing to notice in comparison to everything else, but it brought a small hysterical giggle out past the lump in your throat as it finally clicked in place what you were seeing.
It was a god.
You are a peasant living in the middle of the woods, Sun is the god of day you brought back home with you, and Moon is the god of night tucked away in the Celestial Realm.
+*So(u)l by Strawbubbysugar
It will take every single sign the universe can throw at you to realize that you are capable of being loved. Specifically, by an animatronic daycare attendant.
Check out @strawbubbysugar on Tumblr for art related to the AU!
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wolfstrong · 1 year
ngl id want to hear all your answers to the choose violence ask game about buffy
hehehe why not... i couldnt answer all of these cuz idk I'm not like in in the buffy fandom but here
the character everyone gets wrong everyone already knows what I'm gonna say... say it with me now yall... XANDER!!!!!!!! also I feel like a lot of people don't have the soul connection I have with tara. not that they don't get her I just know they don't get her like id do okay.
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom sorry I don't care about this kinda stuff
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr yeah anyway I'm not gonna put the image here cuz it will burn your eyes but the photoshopped picture of spike and angel duo sucking Rileys dick like girl. i don't even know if that's a take but it is to me. the take is that spike and angel would suck riley off. worst take ever and worst image ever
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person? I don't have anyone from the buffy fandom blocked.... smile.
worst discord server and why someone invite me to a bad discord server id love to join and be tortured. is there even any buffy discord servers? please let me know
which ship fans are the most annoying? obviously spuffy. very very obviously. spuffy fans are some of the most annoying ship fans of any ship
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? answered
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about there are a couple episodes that are regarded as some of the worst buffy ever that are actually some of my favs... "I robot you jane" "go fish" "bad eggs" all good and "beer bad" IS NOT THE WORST EPISODE. in fact I actually kind of liked it so there. xander/willow is a good ship you are just not ready for that conversation. Angel isn't THAT bad okay.
worst part of canon what isn't the worst part of canon. actually I'm only on season 5 so I think I have yet to get to the WORST PART. btvs has so many fucking issues
worst part of fanon it bothers me that there is like NO FANART for the show and pretty much 50% of btvs content is about spuffy naked sex bat sex crazy naked tits and ass penis sex
number of fandom-related words you've filtered zero!
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them answered
worst blorboficiation answered
that one thing you see in fics all the time I don't read enough btvs fic
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
there should be more of this type of fic/art on god we need more core scooby appreciation like please please more fanart of just files buffy xander and willow hanging out and smiling and being silly. i never have seen like any fanart of xander ever
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on... RAT AMY
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like... .... i already kinda said it earlier but erm.. season 3 willow/xander cheating arc when they kept making out. sorry. oh also kinda horrified I like spuffy but like that's normal everyone likes that.
part of canon you found tedious or boring tbh most the time I think the season plot shit is boring. i much prefer monster of the weak stuff. the initiative stuff was SO FUCKING boring most the time and any scene with Riley I literally would fall asleep
part of canon you think is overhyped I mean I haven't FINISHED season 5 yet but I'm getting to the end and I feel like I see lots of hype for this season arc but so far the way its wrapping up is kind of awful. erm
ship you've unwillingly come around to I really didnt wanna like spuffy but I do. i don't want to like spander but I saw yaoi for a second idk maybe something is there. .. maybe.. xander and anya? though its more just like I don't hate anya anymore. i still kinda hate them as a couple.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse defs spangle vs spuffy and also whether or not Xander is good.
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing SHUT UP ABOUT JOSS WHEDON BEING PROBLEMATIC IM SORRY TO BE THAT BITCH I DONT CARE. SORRY . BUT I DONT. its like literally all anyone has to say
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equustenebris · 2 years
WIP Wednesday - 11/9/2022
Everybody know what time it is?! I missed last week's cuz I'm just so dang busy 😭 BUT I think these WIP Wednesdays are great for keeping me on track, so sorry not sorry have more Revus and Tiras nonsense. Like last time, here's another piece from my still-unposted fic That Tedious Delusion, wherein Tiras goes on another excursion with Revus and uhhh. regrets it.
I'll throw in a readmore just cuz it might be a little long-ish. mobile scrollers unite. 😔✊🏻
So the general plot here is Revus and Tiras go to Bangkorai together to recover Razak's Opus, which the ESOers might recognize as the Dwarven spider pet (a spider-shaped machine roughly the length of your arm). In this scene they're on their way home to Vvardenfell, unfortunately for the both of them, traveling physically instead of by magic.
The thunder rolled heavy through the sky as the cart pulled into Wayrest, and several street stands were already shutting up shop in preparation for a storm. Tiras stole a glance over to Revus, frowning.
"Do you think it can handle a little water?" he asked quietly. Revus startled out of his thoughts and looked back to him, looking rather uncertain as he tugged his cloak a little tighter.
The spider was, thankfully, fairly easy to conceal. It appeared to be content to crawl around on Revus, hugging against his back or chest, and stayed more or less in place. Once Revus had gotten over his initial ticklishness, all it had really taken was to tuck it beneath his cloak. ("It's quite pleasantly warm," Revus had remarked. "Like carrying around a large cat. The vented steam takes some getting used to, but you know, it's surprisingly breath-like? And significantly less malodorous.") Save for the occasional puff of steam from underneath the cloak, the spider was completely hidden from prying eyes, and it would have to stay that way until they returned to the Council on the off chance that anyone recognized the uniqueness of Revus's passenger.
"I hope so," he said finally, craning his head skyward. "I imagine it is, but let's not take any chances. Oh." He pulled his hood up over his mess of curls only moments before the sky opened up, dumping down a torrent of rain on top of their heads.
Aaaand I was just going to share that one scene this week, but I ended up writing a lot more at the last minute, so here's another little piece just because I can. 😊 This happens the day after the above wip, when they're on the boat to take them back home to Vvardenfell. Plot? What's that? I can just write my favorite boys chatting in various circumstances for several chapters, right? Well, too bad, I'm writing this for me and that happens to be what I want to see. :P Here Tiras is grumpy and seasick, and Revus has the unorthodox idea of turning their new spider machine friend into an impromptu heat pack for him.
"What?" Tiras sneered and recoiled. "Revus, I am not letting that thing anywhere near me!"
"Just trust me," he protested, giving his cloak a soft tap. It rattled back a metallic echo, and slowly the spider came crawling out from underneath the layers of fabric. 
Tiras inched away, too dizzy from the sea to make it very far. "I don't want that thing --"
But it had already found its way beneath his tunic, metal legs tickling against his ribs. He badly suppressed a yelp, slapping his hands over his mouth so as not to alert the ship's crew about their secret passenger. The creepy crawly factor was bad enough, but oh, how it tickled, those pinpoint metallic legs gripping on tighter than he ever imagined possible. 
Hands still clamped over his mouth, he couldn't even scream as it settled in over his stomach, nestling against his bare flesh. (Revus was right, it was surprisingly warm, almost animal-like. That did little to detract from the general creepiness.) "Revus!" he finally managed, far squeakier than he ever intended. 
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
by your side
okay hear me out...kira is the most underrated jojo villian. i will not be taking comments. anyways this was inspired by an old song fic i did years ago. i updated it and made it a little less cringe. i have so many jojo ideas so hopefully i will post them here
short glimpses inside the sweet love shared between kira and his love
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𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨. 𝐎𝐡 𝐈 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐚𝐝,𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩 , 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐣𝐞𝐫𝐤.
The love between you and Kira Yoshikage was indescribable. It was like nothing you’ve ever experienced in your life. Actions that would normally cause someone to turn their head in disgust only drew you towards the man more.
The love the two of you shared was special in its own unique way. The mind boggling high you got from doing such horrible acts along side the love of your life is what kept you so alive. Your veins were always full of adrenaline.
Warm evenings spent watching and waiting. Coming home in the wee hours of the morning , clothing stained with fresh blood. Making love over the mutilated bodies of women that had been unlucky enough to cross either of your paths. Even the very smell of blood was enough to get you off.
Being with this man was like a drug and you didn’t plan on quitting any time soon. You were addicted
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧. 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤.
“Mmm~Kira what do want to do with this pathetic creature? After all it’s no fun if you don’t play along as well”. You would sneer as you paced around the trembling women. The terrified look on your victims faces was always especially funny to you. They were like stupid rats trying desperately to escape a maze.
Kira snaked his hand around your waist , a wicked grin playing across his lips.
“I’m not sure my love. Originally her hands looked wonderful ,enough to catch the eye of someone like me. But upon closer inspection it seems that I will be not be in need her hands after all. The ones on this women are far too muscular and defined, too much like a man”. He remarked , slipping his hand down your skirt. “I have no use for her anymore”.
You giggled and pulled away from him. “Not in front of herrrr”.
The woman was now thrashing and screaming through the gag you had placed in her mouth to ensure neither of you would get caught.
You rolled your eyes at her antics. “Must you be so dramatic ? Now we won’t have to torture you, you can die a nice peaceful death”.
Her eyes widened , the blues of her eyes shone with fear. You couldn’t help but feel giddy at the sight.
𝐖𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐈'𝐦 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐨𝐭. 𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 , 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈 𝐠𝐨𝐭.
Out of all the women you’ve been so lucky as to capture you hated the especially noisy ones.
Of course you enjoyed the tortured screams that left your victims body but when a crazy women was screaming in your ear while you’re trying to cut her into precise pieces ? Well it’s not easy to say the least. Even through the gag she managed to project her voice.
Wiping the blood off your hands onto a dirtied cloth you wrapped your arms around your lovers waist.
“You look so handsome with blood all over you”.
“Mmm you’re one to talk”. He mused , eyeing you like a piece of meat. “I just want to devour you whole”.
Pulling him closer you ghosted your lips over his. “What’s stopping you”?
𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤. 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤.
Getting rid of the unnecessary body parts was always the most tedious part of your work. Hands were easy to store in freezers or small coolers. Legs,heads and torsos were a different story.
The entire process was a days worth of strenuous work. Until Kira developed some kind of magic creature called a “stand”.
“What the hell is it”?
“I’d tell you but I don’t know much about it myself. But in short it’s magical cat...like thing that makes stuff blow up”.
Cats had been your favorite animal since you were just a toddler. You loved this being already.
“Can I pet them ? The kitty is so cute”! You said happily.
Kira just shrugged. He figured no harm could come of it.
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 , 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞. 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞. 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞. 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞.
Oh how you despised that women. Shinobu Kawajiri. She got to spend all her time with your husband while you were stuck on the side lines keeping that Higashikata kid and his idiot friends from finding any clues.
Every day you watched her wake up and act like some kind of common whore. Trying her best to seduce him with every bone in her body. Pitiful.
You were lucky to have such a loyal man. Honestly you couldn’t wait for her to make one wrong move so you could pull her eyes out of their sockets and crush her skull beneath your foot. A worthy death for a women like that. As long as you were patient you would have a chance.
𝐖𝐨𝐰. 𝐎𝐡 𝐈'𝐦 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝. 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 , '𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐞.
“I missed you my love”. You whispered bringing his body close. During the day Kira would spend all the time he could with you. You truly loved this man.
“Oh you have no idea my dear. Every waking moment you’re not by my side my heart aches immensely. I need you Y/n”. He murmured , pulling you into his lap. There was nothing more on this earth that he adored as much as you. Gently he placed light kisses on your neck, giving you a tickling sensation.
“God I missed you”.
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 , 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤. 𝐀𝐡. 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤.
Despite the copper taste of blood in your mouth you stood back up. You could keep fighting. You didn’t care if it killed you.
“You don’t have to do this Miss Y/n ...don’t you remember who you used to be”? A ridiculous looking school boy shouted at you. What possessed him to wear his hair like that ?
“I am Y/n L/n. I know who I am and I refuse to listen to you brutes. Look at my husband ! He’s almost dead because of you. If you leave us alone there will be no problem”.
The school boy was pushed back , replaced by a large man with the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen. They contrasted perfectly along with his white coat. “He kidnapped you three years ago. I’m sure it’s hard for you to bring those memories back but Y/n it’s the truth”.
You seethed in anger. You didn’t have a stand like everyone else but you were determined to hurt them as best you could.
“I am not a little girl. I went with him by choice. Stay out of of my love life it’s none of your concern. Just leave us be”.
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 , 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞. 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞.
Slowly you opened your eyes. Pain shot through your body. The last you remembered was a bullet coming straight to your face. you weren’t sure how you managed to survive that but you had better things to worry about it.
“Kira ? My love “? you called out , getting to your feet slowly. There he was about a few steps away. He wasn’t moving.
Running over to him you lifted his head off the pavement. There were a plethora of wounds on his head , blood stained through his normally clean suite. His black hair was messy.
“Wake up please wake up”.
You couldn’t imagine a world without Kira. Your life started when you met him.
Slowly his eyes opened. You held his head close to your chest.
“I’m so sorry you got wrapped up in this mans mess” a female voice said sadly placing her hand on your shoulder. You looked up only to be met with a child. She had the most beautiful eyes , her pink hair pulled back neatly.
“W-who are you”
She smiled sadly , a dog...with its throat cut open approached , resting by her side.
“I was your husbands first victim”.
Your face went pale but you refused to abandon him just because of a strangers words.
“No...you can’t be his victim you’re still alive”. You said gesturing to her obviously functioning body, it was too much for your tired brain to process.
“Look Y/n ...you have a choice. I can take you to a beautiful place. You’ll be happy there. Anything you want is yours. Or you can stay with your so called love and be tortured forever”.
Thoughts raced through your head. What was this girl talking about ? We’re you dead ? Is this the work
of an enemy stand user ?
You took a deep breath and held Kira closer.
“I would rather be tortured for all of eternity then live a life without this man. No matter what i’ll stay by his side in life and in death”.
No sooner had the words left your mouth you were surrounded by black. Pain and anguish overwhelmed your body. All you could feel was Kiras hand in yours.
“I’m sorry darling. I should have never brought you into any of this”.
“No..as long as you’re with me everything is okay”.
𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞.
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I posted 2,036 times in 2021
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#the cutest thing i have ever seen
My Top Posts in 2021
can we see some fics where everyone is in love with stiles?
That sound easy! Who couldn't like him?
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Jealousy it’s A Thing by Carerra_os
(1/1 I 3,925 I Mature I Sterek)
Basically the gist is: Allison and Scott start paying a lot of attention to Stiles, people start noticing, and none of them manage to not be jealous. Derek has the biggest issue with it.
Finger Food by AllTheseSquaresMakeACircle
(4/4 I 19,134 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek Hale didn't expect for his mother to give him the alpha power. Especially not before he graduated high school. He also didn't expect to meet another teenage alpha, Scott McCall. Or his human best friend, Stiles. He didn't expect himself to be fixated on Stiles long and slender fingers. Or his exceptional skills in the kitchen. Derek didn't expect a lot of things. Then again, sometimes that unexpected turned out to be a good thing.
The Boy Is Mine, You Bonkers! by frownypup
(3/3 I 35,355 I Explicit)
It turns out that the words ‘a painfully smart and brave unclaimed human who is stupidly unutilized in Beacon Hill’s pack’ became the hottest gossip in werewolf underground. Yes, what the hell. Stiles’ existence has changed from a plankton to a rising sun.
Derek Hale has something he needs to say about it.
Same Old Bullshit, but Freshly Imported! by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
(46/46 I 44,522 I Not Rated I Steter)
Small things from tumblr, put over here for the people not willing to subject themselves to tumblr. I get it, guys.
This is Beacon Hills by Weesageechak
(10/12 I 177,760 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles is the new kid in town. He's not amused at the prospect of having to spend the rest of his high school years in the pit of utter boredom that is Beacon Hills, with its painfully suburban neighborhoods and mind-numbingly tedious citizens. However, Stiles can't shake off this peculiar feeling - like he's missing something, like the whole town is in on a conspiracy, even his dorky dad, and - what on earth is up with this dude called Derek Hale?
As the veil is gradually being pulled back on the deeply magical place that is Beacon Hills, Stiles suddenly finds himself in the middle of supernatural affairs in a town full of crazypeople and before he even knows what hit him, he's already in too deep. Beacon Hills has profoundly and irrevocably changed him, and Stiles - he wouldn't want it to be any different.
448 notes • Posted 2021-10-29 21:34:19 GMT
Hello! I don't know if you're still doing asks, but I was wondering if you had any disabled Stiles fics? Blind, deaf, paralyzed etc? If not thats okay but if so thank you so much!
Hey! I just finished reading Cornerstone and Windows on ao3 and I was wondering if you knew of any other blind fics? It doesn't have to be Stiles being blind. I'm just curious. Thank you! I get all my favorite fics from you!
Here you go, Stiles with a disability.
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Windows by dr_girlfriend
(28/28 I 83,017 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek has a new neighbor who won't stop looking.
“You’re blind,” Derek said flatly, the anger draining from him so suddenly he felt almost woozy. His vision cleared, his claws sliding back into blunt fingernails.
“Thanks for the memo, genius,” the kid said acidly. “I can still fucking defend myself, so don’t take another damn step.”
“Fuck, I...I’m sorry,” Derek stuttered.
“What?!” The kid’s brow crinkled. “I mean — what?! You’re fucking sorry!?” His lips thinned into a harsh line. “What, is this some kinda Hallmark movie where you’re discovering the error of your ways because you don’t want to rob a blind person?! That’s fucking condescending, man. I’ll have you know that —”
“Just, wait.” Derek interrupted what was apparently the start of a convincing argument as to why he should rob the kid after all, feeling his head start to spin. “This is — it’s a misunderstanding. I’m — I’m not robbing you. You’re — you’re safe, okay? I’m taking three steps back. Just — just let me explain.”
“Explain why you came busting into my apartment? Yeah, go right ahead, man, I can’t wait to hear this epic tale.”
Cornerstone by Vendelin
(6/6 I 83,738 I Explicit I Sterek)
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
Darkness Before Dawn by lanoirpapillon
(1/1 I 856 I Teen I Sterek)
"Due to the actions of the Alpha pack, Stiles goes blind. After the threat is gone, Stiles has to learn to live without his sight, and maybe Derek would make the perfect seeing-eye wolf."
Nothing is Over by CinnamonLily
(1/1 I 2,083 I General I Steter)
Stiles had the perfect life, until his mate died. Again. It's been nine months, and he's not doing well. In fact, he resents everyone else's happiness and has become a hermit on autopilot. Somehow, he's forgotten that Peter never stays dead.
I See You Better by theroguesgambit
(1/1 I 4,686 I Teen I Sterek)
He dreams, sometimes, of his last moments of seeing.
At the church in Mexico, Stiles is blinded by a Berserker. Derek uses his new wolf status to act as a guide dog, while Stiles adjusts to his new reality.
Clueless by HappyJuicyfruit
(1/1 I 4,748 I General I No Pairing)
See the full post
560 notes • Posted 2021-05-24 21:34:30 GMT
Dylan was only in Infinite for less than 10 minutes. Of course, he made the most with what little he had. I've seen some reviews and comments saying that the movie would be a bit better if he traded roles with Mark Wahlberg since Mark was a terrible actor and had zero charisma.
I really thought that would be the case. I think Wahlberg is so overrated. He just squints a lot. I'd much rather see an hour and a half of Dylan. Thanks for the heads up.
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643 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 18:48:38 GMT
Hi! Thank you for all the work you do! Your page is amazing!Do you have any fics you can think of where Derek struggles with control because he’s so into stiles? Or just your all time favorite smuts ?
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in the pitch black clubs by scepticallyopenminded
(1/1 I 989 I Mature)
“Are you…stalking someone?” he asks when Derek doesn’t offer up a response. He cocks his head to the side, squinting, “Are you stalking me?”
Derek flares his nose as he huffs, glare hardening, and Stiles’ other eyebrow joins the first as he takes a sip of his rum and ginger.
“Do you even know what kind of creatures are here?”
Hot to Frot by LadyDrace
(1/1 I 1,214 I Explicit)
Derek is very hot for Stiles' bod, and no one is complaining.
Losing Control by StaciNadia
(1/1 I 2,932 I General)
Derek wasn't expecting to lose control during the three consecutive supermoons and start courting Stiles.
Scent Marking For Dummies by Hatteress (goddammitstacey)
(1/1 I 8,824 I Teen)
Stiles is almost used to being chased around the school by werewolves at this point. Having to share a bed with Derek freaking Hale, on the other hand, is just needlessly complicating his life.
A Little Too Much Stiles? by Erin1324
(12/? I 13,489 I Not Rated)
Derek becomes feral and is super protective over Stiles. He won't let anyone come near either of them, Scott's learned his lesson once. Stiles doesn't know how to feel about any of this, especially when Derek starts scent marking him..
Don't Feed the Wolves by Amazonia_8
(8/8 I 30,329 I Explicit)
Stiles took the dare, because what else was he supposed to do when the whole lacrosse team was chanting his name? Even though the werewolf pack had left Beacon Hills years ago, nobody was stupid enough to set foot on the Hale property.
Except, apparently, Stiles.
Now he's got a feral werewolf following him around town with the sole purpose of claiming Stiles as his own.
[Hilary Duff Lyric Redacted] by calrissian18
(1/1 I 40,096 I Explicit)
Stiles hadn’t been in Beacon Hills in five years, hadn’t seen Derek in nearly as long, when he got the text:
New number: (+530) 365-2421
An abundance of overeating and geekery, dangerous caffeine/sugar cereal addictions, surprise werewolves, bird insults, purple-eyed shrimp, reincarnated serial killers (it's cool, he has a leash), poorly played professional baseball, and a love story. In that order.
See the full post
669 notes • Posted 2021-06-05 16:02:47 GMT
So I’ve been rewatching Teen Wolf and the first season has reminded me vividly of my dislike of Scott and his treatment of Derek (more specifically the fact that he told him his entire family must’ve done something to deserve being burned to death and pinning the murders on Derek when they were all trapped in the school - like really?? I know u think he’s dead but that was such a low blow, especially after he just got gutted right in front of you bc of a plan you had) and so I was wondering if you knew of any good long Sterek fics where Stiles stands up for Derek and defends him and Derek’s just like “... this tiny defenseless weak human cares about ME?”
Yeah. I got you.
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Our Flame Flickers But We Won’t Go Out (We Build Our Futures With Our Mouths) by RayShippouUchiha
(1/1 I 12,620 I  Explicit)
Derek faces some of the ghosts of his past and finally gains some peace as he begins to build a future for himself and his Pack. Oh and Scott arrives.
Patterns of Intention by drunktuesdays
(1/1 I 17,085 I Explicit)
Derek looked like the stuff of his deepest fantasies. His shirt was rumpled where Stiles had his hands in it, and he was breathing hard as well, chest heaving. His eyes—his eyes were glazed over and he looked stunned, like he’d been—like Stiles had—
“No,” Stiles said, blood draining from his face. The word was croaky and felt like it had to be wrenched out of his chest. “God, no.”
here is the deepest secret nobody knows by owlpostagain
(1/1  I 22,322 I  Teen)
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?”
And You Say You’re Alone by taelynhawker
(1/1 I 30,314 I Explicit I Sterek I Pack Dynamics)
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter’s untimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derek try to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles deals with the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he and Scott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, and that includes Stiles.
739 notes • Posted 2021-07-25 15:08:32 GMT
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
Pairing: Francisco Morales (Frankie/Catfish) x reader
Wordcount: 1.5k
Warnings: none, shared sleeping space, cuddles, kisses, fluff
Summary: a few adventures of camping with Frankie
Notes: this was (apparently?) Heavily inspired by @scribbledghost I’m begging you, please go check out her fic “Winderness” with Catfish (I swear I didn’t mean to make this in such a similar vein but apparently that fic lives in my subconscious rent free?)
“Baby, what if we just lived in the woods forever?” Frankie was more than half serious.
The two of you were laying in a small tent, cover off so the sun was poking through the holes in the mosquito net. Nearby, a brook was babbling and a breeze floated through the greenery. There was one large sleeping bag and a blanket which cushioned your backs against the hard ground of the campsite Frankie had chosen. You only had a few hours before you’d have to get your fire started, but after the day of backpacking and setting up camp you both were happy to rest for a few moments.
You looked over at him, adoringly, having had versions of this conversation most of your relationship.
“Counter offer,” you said, as joking as he was not. “We have a normal home, with a very large yard.”
He looked so sad you almost wondered if he was exaggerating his pain to make you bend.
“Okay, what about … a camper, long term?” he said, his tone confirming your theory. “I can roll around in the dirt, and then you can still make me take a shower!” he grinned winningly, as though this was a very generous proposal.
You laughed. Frankie was like the sun, bathing you in warmth.
“Maybe a country home, with a promise that do this often?”
He rolled, pulling himself so he was more or less on top of you. His hat bumped your forehead, and he removed it so he could lean in close and kiss you properly.
“A cabin in the woods,” he said, his face still close to yours, his eyes absolutely filled with joy. “Final offer.”
“Deal,” you said, and you knew he was as perfectly happy as you were.
The two of you kissed twice more before he sighed, pulling himself to a kneeling position. His hand fit into yours before he stood, pulling you to your feet in front of him. Frankie’s head was smashed against the top of the tent, making it bump out. The curls on his head, already unruly, were quickly becoming frizzy from the material, and it made your heart feel full.
He grabbed his hat again, and tugged you out of the tent, zipping it up behind you.
There was a rhythm to your actions, both of you knew what to do. This was only your third camping trip this summer, and you’d been together a couple more months than that, but you were already familiar with each other’s minds. There were unspoken words to this, the same ones that found their home under your conversation about future homes. You were it, for each other.
You organized and sorted his supplies and fishing gear, making sure he’d know where to find it in the cold, early hours of the morning. You tucked one of his favorite jackets nearby, too. He made sure to pack your favorite snacks and put them in the tree bags so the bears would leave them alone. As he made his was back, you were beginning to clear a space for your fire, and you remembered something.
“Frankie, did you set aside the bag I made for dinner tonight or is it up in the tree already?” You didn’t look up; you knew his footsteps.
“I have it right here,” he said, settling next to you and contributing a pile of dry branches from his free arm. The other set the correctly labeled sack next to you, and you gave your thanks.
“What’s in there, anyway, junebug? It was heavier than you normally pack,” his brown eyes were curious, but he didn’t investigate on his own, much to your relief.
“Just normal dinner stuff,” you said, kissing his cheek as you reached behind him to get the pan you’d brought. “And I have a surprise for after.”
In that moment you could’ve sworn Frankie’s eyes were filled with stars.
“S'mores?” he said, equally hopeful and reverent. You just smiled at him and went back to your task.
You loved these trips. When Francisco Morales was able to escape into the woods and he was at peace, able to be more himself than in the rest of the world, unless he was flying.
He talked happily, telling you stories, and sharing rare glances into his past. You began to cook for the both of you, content to listen and let him do other, more tedious tasks.
After mixing various things and waiting awhile, you refilled one of the jars you’d emptied with stew, and he took it with a thanks, fishing out your little sets of utensils. Before he was halfway done with his portion, you noticed him pause, looking at his makeshift bowl and then towards the bag by your side.
“You want to know how much room you should save,” you said, not really asking. He looked a little bit guilty, and you took pity on him. The sweet pilot would never pressure you, but he always did hate secrets.
You poured out the remaining contents of the dinner bag on the ground where he could see.
“Ta-da!” It was a can of apple pie filling, a tiny Tupperware of butter, and some slices of bread.
Looking up at your love, proud of your surprise, you found him in a state of bewilderment and mild betrayal. You laughed, fumbling around in your backpack until you pulled out what looked like a large, strange pair of tongs. Instead if grabbers on the end, there was a shallow bowl on each side, aligned so they would make a pocket when closed.
“Does this help?” you asked, handing it to him to examine.
In all your years of friendship and months of dating, you weren’t sure you’d ever seen Frankie look so confused.
“It’s for making campfire pies,” you said, taking the device back from him. “See? I’ll butter both of the insides of the bowls, put one piece of bread in each, and then fill it!” you demonstrated, and then closed it, the two halves pressing together. The corners fell off and the edges sealed together, and you handing him the whole thing to toast over the fire. “Just rotate it for a few minutes and I promise it will be magical.” He did as you bid, the excitement overriding his initial shock.
As you promised, the pocket pie was wonderful, crunchy and buttery on the outside and soft and sweet on the inside. Frankie forgave you for the lack of s'mores after his first bite.
The evening wore on, and the of you were fools in love. You talked and laughed and for the first time in awhile, the rest of the world spun on without you. He pulled you close to his side, talking into your hair, and you cuddled into his chest.
When you began to yawn, you split up to clean, and get ready to head to bed. Maybe soon you’d stay out later under the stars but neither of you were in a hurry. The few days you had felt heavy with potential, like you could stretch them into eternity.
Frankie came into the tent after you, patting around in the darkness so he didn’t smush you.
“Junebug?” his voice was quiet, but filled with love.
“Here,” you responded, tone matching his. You felt him move closer before a kiss planted itself on the outside corner of you eye. You laughed, the sound making the tiny tent feel like a home.
“I missed, didn’t I?” Frankie’s voice was bashful this time.
“Yeah,” you said, before you felt another kiss on your nostril. You squeaked.
“Here, let me,” you said, hand finding his chest, floating in the darkness above you. You leaned up, only for your forehead to hit something hard.
You both made pained noises and pulled back.
“Okay wait,” you said and he stilled. You made little kissing noises with your mouth, puckering your lips. His laughter filled the moment as much as yours had before, but it didn’t take long before his mouth found yours. Finally, you were back in sync with each other. You sighed, and he deepened the kiss, lowering himself into the blankets.
“I love you,” he whispered, and you repeated it back to him, meaning every word. He kissed you one last time before he settled fully, pulling your body into his as much as he could. Your head found its place over his heart and you tossed one of your legs over his. His arms were wrapped around you, hands rubbing gently as the two of you listened to the sounds of wild life.
There was an owl nearby, and you were thankful it was something you could identify. You listened to its calls before you heart some thing else above you.
Frankie was making tiny kissing noises.
You knew he could feel your laughter more than hear it, but you leaned up anyway. Your lips met his, first try.
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icbiwf · 3 years
20 Questions: Writer’s Edition
I was tagged by @endlessnightlock​
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Just Hunger Games.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Not All Of It 2. The Grass is Always Greener  3. The Other Choice 4. What's So Civil About War Anyway? 5. Dreams Come True
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Very rarely. For something like 99% of comments I wouldn't have anything to say anyway beyond “thanks for leaving a comment,” so that would get real tedious real fast. Plus I generally feel like comments are for readers to share their thoughts on a story, and as the author the best thing I can do to facilitate that is stay out of the way. If someone has a question I’ll answer it, and if someone makes a point I have actual thoughts on that aren’t already in the story then I might share them, but for the most part I stay out of the comments on my own fics.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I was going to say A Reaping, but if we’re really sharply defining our terms, that ending is more tragic than angsty. So I think the answer to this question is Where He Waits for Me - that fic slots into canon, and canon is far angstier than anything I would normally write.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
This is hard, because nearly everything I write has a happy ending. I’m going to go with Dreams Come True.
Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written?
Depends on what you mean by crossover. I don’t write stuff like “Katniss Everdeen, Tony Stark, and Captain Kirk all attend Hogwarts together.” But I do have a tendency to watch or read something and imagine replacing the main characters with Katniss and Peeta. I wrote one based on The Terminator for a PiP prompt years ago, and I currently have 16,000 words written of an AU based on the 1987 movie Summer School.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really. I got a few “Ew, nope,” reviews on my prosthetic dick story, but I don’t really consider that hate. I didn't even get any blowback for my abortion story, and I fully expected some there. The only really bad reaction I ever got was one person who thought I was “promoting discrimination” because I wrote about Panem having anti-LGBTQ policies in the districts. 
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
No, I do not. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I’m not sure how I would feel about that, honestly. That’d be an awful lot of trust to put in someone who I don’t know and whose work I can’t verify.
Have you ever co-written a fic?
No. I don’t think I’d be very good at working collaboratively. 
What’s your all time favorite ship?
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Probably the Terminator story. I know roughly how the rest of that story goes, I have since 2012, but it has The Terminator’s action finale, and I’m not good at writing action. 
What’s your writing strengths?
Dialogue and plot. 
What’s your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. Descriptions of people, descriptions of rooms or buildings - I can picture it in my head, but its like as soon as I try to translate those images into words they evaporate into smoke. Descriptions of actions just come out feeling tedious and clunky.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
As a reader, I’m not a fan, unless the point of using another language is that the POV character (and thus, the audience) doesn’t understand what’s being said. As a writer, I tend to write stuff I would want to read. And as a practical matter, since I don’t speak any other languages, I necessarily can’t write in them.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
And actually published? THG.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Honestly, this answer changes by the day. Today, I’m going to go with The Grass is Always Greener. I really like how I was able to carry the theme through that whole story without it feeling overwhelming or forced. It’s also probably the kindest I’ve ever been to Gale in a fic.
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gallavichthings · 4 years
Writer’s Spotlight
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Starting now, we’ll be posting interviews with acclaimed writers in the Gallavich fandom. The goal is to get to know them and their process a little better. If you would like to suggest a writer to be interviewed, please leave a message in my ask box with their Tumblr url (or other form of contact) so that I can contact them and, hopefully, interview them (we do understand that not everyone is up for this). The interviews are conducted via written chat, with very little editing.
To start of this series, the writer interviewed is our very own Jen - @thevioletjones​ (Violet_Jones on AO3), author of Backdrifiting, Tag Team, Corey & Parker, Oceans of Time, and dozens of other well-renowned stories.
GT: So, how did you come up with thevioletjones?
J: I've been using Violet Jones or some variation ever since I was on LiveJournal when I was 17. It's mainly based on my love of purple. Jonesing for a violet fix. Lol
GT: Oh, I see! That's cute. It's my favorite color too. Ok, so tell me a bit about yourself. As much as you're comfortable with, of course.
J: I'm an 80's kid. I'm Aquarius. INTP. True Neutral. I'm American, but I grew up in Venezuela. I've also lived in Canada and a slew of US cities, mainly Los Angeles, Austin, and Miami. I work in the tech industry, but I just got certified to teach English as a second language, so I might get into that, or a field where I use translation (Spanish/English).
GT: Do you speak any other languages other than English and Spanish?
J: Not fluently, but I'm dabbling in Italian. I understand it much more than I can speak it. I like it, but I'm too much of a perfectionist. It takes me way too long. 
GT: Do you read or write fics in other languages too or just in English?
J: I tried to start a Spanish translation of one of my fics, but honestly, it's just really tedious, and it feels weird because the characters speak in English, not Spanish. There's a disconnect with the material. I tried to read Even/Isak fic from Norwegian Skam at one point, and I couldn't get into it for the same reason. They speak Norwegian on the show, so treying to suddenly act like they just spoke in English made no sense to me.
GT: Ok, so let's talk fanfiction. When did you start reading it?
J: When I was 17 and Queer as Folk US started. That was the first time I ever used the internet to find out more about a show, and I stumbled upon the small community of fans for it. Back then it was all on Television Without Pity, Yahoo Groups, and dedicated fan websites, then it started being very LiveJournal focused. So that was the first fanfic I ever read, and the only other fandom I've ever written for.
GT: I haven't even heard of Television Without Pity. That was a website?
J: Yes. It was a snarky message board site that had reviewers who did harsh recaps of a long list of shows, and then users could discuss. It was funny, but there were also a lot of what we called "flame wars" at the time. Lmao TWoP is the common nickname. It definitely has its place in fandom lore, especially with some specific TV fandoms. I think it got most famous for Dawson's Creek. Maybe Buffy too. 
GT: When did you start watching Shameless and what made you ship Ian and Mickey?
J: I started watching Shameless US specifically because of IxM. I had seen the first couple of seasons of Shameless UK and wasn't really interested in watching a remake of it. But then I read something on the AV Club, which is where I used to hang out and just do general pop culture fandom stuff, where they talked about how the best gay relationship on TV was hiding on a second-tier cable drama on Showtime. And my interest was piqued. I think I even watched some of the supercuts on YouTube before I started watching full eps. I honestly can't remember. I just loved the underdog nature of their story and thought their chemistry was great. Oh, this was at the end of season 5 right when everything went to shit. Lmaoooo
GT: When did you start writing Gallavich fanfiction? What made you start?
J: I guess I was only a reader for maybe 6 or 8 months? Maybe a year, idk. I'm terrible with time. And I really didn't want to get so sucked in that I was writing fic, but of course it happened. It's the usual story of like, wanting to read something that no one else was really writing the way you wanted it, so the only solution was to write it myself. I hadn't written anything fictional in at least a decade, so I was really apprehensive about it. But then once I started, I loved it, and it became my primary creative outlet. I still don't know how to quit funneling all my ideas through the IxM lens. It's almost frustrating. I just checked and my first fic was published in June of 2016.
GT: What's the most fun thing about writing Gallavich?
J: I guess their sense of humor matches mine in a way that makes it easy to write entertaining dialogue and scenarios. They feel really authentic.
GT: And what's the most difficult thing?
J: Mmm, I have a well documented dislike of canon, particularly post-S5, so I love to live in AU Land as much as possible. So sometimes I worry about how people might perceive the characterization when I try to write slightly more evolved versions of them. I also just get tired of reading them always written with the same well-trodden issues in every fic, so I tend to exclude certain canon elements, like Ian's bipolar, and Mickey's early internalized homophobia, etc. I guess I don't really find anything difficult to write about them, but I always hope the readers' perception isn't something I don't intend. Namely, that they don't feel OOC even when given different circumstances and ages.
GT: Do you prefer writing Ian or Mickey?
J: That's a hard one to answer decisively. I like writing them both for different reasons. Mickey can be more fun, for obvious reasons, and Ian can maybe be more relatable. But I also identify a lot with Mickey too. They each have things to connect with and channel different parts of myself.
GT: You said Mickey can be more fun for obvious reasons. What do you mean?
J: I mean, he's just inherently more funny and offbeat. He's a very unique character in the fictional landscape.
GT: That's true. What about other Shameless characters? Who are your favorites aside from Ian and Mickey?
J: Early on, I really liked Fiona and Lip too, and Mandy to a certain extent, but I don't really care about any of the other characters anymore. I haven't been invested since S5.
GT: Do you include them when you write?
J: I tend to really just focus on the two of them (IxM), and use the other characters sparingly. I do include Mandy more than any other secondary character (to IxM). 
GT: How much research do you typically do before or during writing?
J: It depends on the fic, really. For the most part, I don't have to do too much research, because I keep it pretty real world. Things will always pop up that make you do random searches, but only some fics that are more AU and out of my depth will make me do a lot of research. I did quite a bit for Deaf Group, since I'm not deaf, and want to get it as right as I can without offending people. And the most I've done is for Oceans of Time, because I want to be historically accurate in every possible respect for that one. That led to a lot of rabbit holes and cool stuff. But yeah, I will look up anything that gives me pause, ever. And I double-check words and meanings a lot too, just to make sure I get exactly what I want and don't fuck it up. I have a pretty broad vocabulary, but everyone misremembers things or learns things the wrong way sometimes.
GT: What kind of fics do you write the most? (One-shots, multi-chapters, canon, AUs, fluffy, smutty, angsty…)
J: Always AUs, usually multi-chaps. I would prefer to categorize the majority of them as humorous slice-of-life, I guess? I definitely don't shy away from smut, but that can get boring to write after a while. And I prefer fluff over angst, but I try to stay on the right side of being cheeseball about it.
GT: What does your writing process look like? Do you outline? Do you post as soon as the chapter is done or do you accumulate chapters before you start posting?
J: Definitely outline. Depending on how complicated or long it is, I might do it more detailed for certain fics. I try to evenly distribute the word counts between characters, since I tend to do both IxM POVs. I have no willpower to sit on something, which is why I have so many open WIPs. As soon as it's ready, I post it. But there's an editing process beforehand. I've never understood people who just post shit without even reading it over and correcting errors. I always find shit that needs to be better, not just spelling errors.
GT: Do you post as soon as you have the first chapter done or do you wait until it's all complete?
J: As soon as a chapter is done, I post it.
GT: What are your favorite comments to receive? 
J: I mean, anything in depth is great. Those are few and far between for most of us. It seems like the fandom selects who gets long comments and who doesn't or something, idk. So anytime I get someone who genuinely enjoys the writing enough to be thoughtful about it and give actual feedback, I greatly appreciate it.
GT: What's your favorite Gallavich fic that you’ve written so far and why?
J: The Backdrifting series is close to my heart, because it's my original baby, and it's the trajectory I would've loved to see for IxM post-canon (at the time), but Oceans of Time is my favorite, because it's actually very challenging to write and it's completely different than anything else I've written, as well as anything that anyone else has written for the fandom. I wish it were more popular, tbh. I feel like it's slept on for the amount of work I've put into it. But it's still a WIP and I have half still to go if I ever manage to get back to it. Lol
GT: What's your favorite or some of your favorite fics in the fandom?
J: It's easier to say who my favorite writers are: Devovitsuasartes, Romanticalgirl, Anomalously, Pink_Ink, LanJevinson, Loftec, and Kissteethstainred. Obviously there are a lot of other great writers not all represented here, and a lot of other great fics. I definitely tend to choose stuff written a while back, though. It's harder for me to get into newer stuff.
GT: What’s your favorite trope?
J: I'm a typical Enemies to Lovers hoe. I also like Friends to Lovers with like miscommunication and pining and shit. And any inventive kind of AU that's well-written. I like as much uniqueness as possible, because at the end of the day, we're all just reading the same basic storylines with the same two dudes over and over and over again. Gotta make it stand out, both in ideas and in style.
GT: What's a fanfic pet peeve of yours?
J: Omg, I have a lot of them, because I'm a salty bitch. Mainly, I just want stuff to be in character and not feel as if it's written by someone with their own agenda that doesn't serve the actual characters. If something seems overtly girly and just not like two men would behave, for example, that bothers me a lot. I have a lot of little things, but I'm not gonna sit here trying to list them forever. Lmao
GT: What’s your favorite season of Shameless? Do you have a favorite episode?
J: I suppose it would have to be S4. And the episode where Mickey comes out at the Alibi and then screams about loving dick to Terry on the sidewalk. There has never been and never will be another scene as iconic as that on this show, ever.
GT: What’s your favorite Ian x Mickey scene?
J: I guess the episode where Ian took Yev, and then Mickey goes with the Gallaghers to pick him up and then they take him to be committed at the psych ward. I feel like that's when we really saw Mickey openly express his deep feelings for Ian for the first time, and that felt amazing. I also love the whole "Love is a Battlefield"/"Let's go on a date" scene. For me, canon ends when they both say "Mooooooo" with big smiles as they're about to go to Sizzler. Lmao
GT: That actually leads me to my next question: if you could go back and change one thing in canon, what would it be?
J: Just one??? Lollll... I mean, I definitely wouldn't have ever let Noel leave the show, so I guess that's it. The 5x12 rewrite that abruptly had Ian break up with Mickey and the whole bullshit thing with Sammi and going to jail. All of it is trash.
GT: It made no sense at all. Ok, last question: what's coming up next?
J: Shit, hopefully a couple of endings to some WIPs? Lollll... I have the final chapter of An Ever-Fixed Mark half-written, so that may be the next one to be published, but nothing has come easy lately and I haven't been writing at all. I also have just one chap left of Deaf Group, and then the rest of Oceans of Time. I still want to write the last 3 parts of Backdrifting, and I have 2 one-shot prompts sitting around. Whatever I can actually bear to write if I get the inspiration will be next, but I highly doubt I'll start anything new. Just wrapping up what I have will be a major victory.
GT: Thank you so much, Jen, for helping me pilot this. :*
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writingmaneskin · 3 years
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I posted 1,563 times in 2021
461 posts created (29%)
1102 posts reblogged (71%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.4 posts.
I added 842 tags in 2021
#answered - 248 posts
#ethan - 159 posts
#maneskin - 125 posts
#hiwthi - 80 posts
#damiano - 74 posts
#fic recs - 44 posts
#damiano david - 33 posts
#vic de angelis - 27 posts
#ethan torchio - 27 posts
#thomas - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#also tumblr says that i have a message in my inbox but i can't see it so pls if you did send me a message and i never replied don't be shy
My Top Posts in 2021
Slipping Through my Fingers || Damiano David One Shot
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Pairings: Damiano David x Fem! Reader
Words: 1.5k words
Genre: Angst, hurt, tiny bit of fluff
Warnings: blood, gunshots, violence, death, hints at pregnancy
This was my first request and to the anon that requested it, I hope you enjoy!
My requests are open!
Join the taglist || Buy me a coffee
Taglist: @queendorkula , @que--sera--sera, @teenyweenynightghost, @idyllicbutterfly, @mywritingonlyfans, @its-afucking-mess, @hiraetheral, @homesicam , @ilwiwbysmv, @bieberhoodforever, @katyldamusic, @vita-thrasher, @ccweasley @ethaneskin , @iosonoarina
A/N: Ahh, this is so so intense!! Wow, okay. I hope you like this! Feedback is welcome!
He was the King of the World.
Running the Mafia was a tedious task but he was happy to do it since it ensured peace and quiet, and most importantly, the safety of those whom he loved most.
“You’ve overthinking again, amore.” You scolded him, tracing your fingertips over his chest tattoo. The two of you were laying in bed, winding down after your nightly activities but you can see the gears turning in his mind.
“I am not.” The corners of his lips turned up slightly and he turned his head to give you a kiss.
“As if I could ever lie to you, amore.”
You pressed a kiss to his lips. “I love you, my king.” You smiled, resting your head on his chest, letting him play with your hair gently.
“And I love you, my queen.” He said softly before starting to hum a lullaby.
The family gathered once a week. They were less than ten - Damiano’s inner circle. They were the people whom he trusted the most and getting to that inner circle meant that the person had earned his almost irrevocable trust.
You gathered in his favorite restaurant, same time every week like clockwork.
Vic, her girlfriend, Ethan, Thomas and his girlfriend were already there waiting for you.
“Buona sera.” Dami greeted them, offering a flower for each of the ladies. You smiled, loving the gesture and him giving you this specific shade of red rose that you absolutely love and that he loved showering you with.
You kissed him gently before sitting down in your place next to him. He had ordered a table specifically wide enough on the short side so that the two of you could sit there together, as this was your family and your empire too.
“Buona sera.” All of them replied.
“What is on this evening’s agenda?” Vic asked, pouring some wine for her girlfriend first and then herself.
“We are celebrating.” Dami announced, shocking you with the announcement as well. You could see the smirks on everyone’s faces.
“And what is the cause of that celebration?” Ethan inquired.
“I recently acquired a beautiful property just outside of Rome, where I will be building us a home.” He announced proudly, giving you butterflies. “I only got the keys yesterday, cara mia, but I wanted to share it with our family.” He dangled a little golden key, a symbol of the promised house in front of you. Everyone cheered as you pressed your lips to his.
“I can’t wait, amore.”
He kissed you again and kept touching you during the dinner, both of you needing more, needing each other like oxygen. Also, there was something that you really wanted to say to him but for that, the two of you needed to be alone.
Since getting with Damiano, you had practiced on being patient as sometimes, you had to wait before seeing Dami, sometimes he was away from you, sometimes there were more pressing matters even though he always did what he could to prioritise you.
You had planned it all out for him as there was a brief period of time today where he had to be away (which you now understood that had to do with your new land), so you prepared balloons, and a picture and wrapped everything nicely so you could tell him what you had, and what also surprised you for your future.
His phone buzzed just as you were leaving the restaurant. Everyone else had left, leaving the two of you last at the restaurant, as always.
“Cazzo, I have to take this. This is the architect.” He kissed your cheek before taking a few steps to the site. He didn’t really enjoy talking on the phone so he always paced whenever he had to.
You saw an old lady sitting on the ground under a lamp shade near the corner and decided to walk over to her. You always had a soft spot for old people and didn’t really need an excuse to go over and find a way to help the person.
“Buona sera, signorina.” The old lady told you as you looked down at the flowers.
“Buona sera.” You replied, scanning over the flowers that she had gathered up in the bucket. “These flowers are beautiful.”
“They are from my own personal garden… They are the last happy thing that I have, signorina.” The lady confessed, handing you one of the flowers. You took it from her, smelling it, sweet and spicy aromas hitting you all at once. Your eyes were closed, trying to absorb all of it.
“What is it?” You asked as a loud bang was heard. You gasped and pressed a protective hand over your middle, feeling the wetness already gathering there. “Oh…” Was all that you could manage. You fell over, the ringing in your ears getting louder and louder.
“The flower is a Hyacinth, signorina.” You could barely hear over the ringing in your ears.
You felt that someone lifted you off the ground. You felt some warmth finally seeping into you.
“Y/N!!! Amore, amore mio, please!!!” You heard soon after. It felt like you were there but also not really. You could feel the warmth of Dami’s body but you couldn’t move, everything hurt too much. You wanted to cry, feeling helpless, the shock completely overwhelming you.
“Hey, hey, listen to me.” He cupped your face and made you look at him. “Help is coming, okay. Help is coming. Stay with me, amore.” Your heart was broken into a million pieces.
Mercifully, the pain started to fade. You knew what was coming.
“Ti amo, amore.” You said quietly. “Per sempre.”
He had never been so scared in his life as when he heard the sound of the gunshot. He knew he was a target and yet he never suspected that anyone would dare lift a finger against you.
He dropped his phone when he saw you falling to the ground. He started running, adrenaline coursing through his veins.
Blood was getting everywhere but all he cared about was keeping you here.
“Stay with me, amore mio. Please.” He begged, trying to hold you. He was crying, his tears falling down on you. He gently moved your face so that you would look at him.
“Ti amo.” He heard you say. “Per sempre.”
“Ti amo, amore. Ti amo, ti amo.” He cried, holding you close as the ambulance sirens could be heard in the distance.
His heart broke when he saw the light in your eyes fade. He looked at the woman who had done this.
“Why…?” He asked, emotions threatening to drown him. He didn’t want to let go of you but he also wanted to make that woman pay. The woman who had done this had sat and watched you die expressionless.
“You took away my happiness, Damiano David. Now I took away yours.” The old woman explained. “My son died because of you. He was my only happiness left in this world. Now, your happiness is gone from this world too. She didn’t deserve this.”
The next few days were a blur. The police took him to the station and asked how he knew his woman, they promised to do an investigation but nothing that they could say or do could bring you back.
That evening, Ethan took Damiano home only to find your surprise waiting for him there. He saw your surprise and his loss was amplified even more, as he realized the true extent of his loss.
“Dami, I am so sorry…” Ethan cried quietly, resting his hand on Damiano’s shoulder.
Damiano didn’t say anything. He put the tiny promise that you had made him in the coat of his jacket, next to his heart.
He planned your funeral and had you buried close to the forest on your new property. He commissioned a mural and all of the flowers he could buy in your favorite shade.
The family did their best to be there for him but there was nothing that anyone could do to console him. Sometimes, he cried. He cried for you, he cried for your love, he cried for the promise. He cursed himself for taking this phone call, for leaving you alone, for not being able to save you.
He cursed himself for bringing this on to you.
He stayed at your grave for a while after everyone had gone home. He softly sang the lullaby that he sang to you to put you to sleep. When the song ended and the sun had set he set a final flower on your tombstone. Traced over the picture of you there.
“I will be with you always, amore mio. Ti amo, per sempre.” He promised.
Your funeral was the last time anyone saw or heard from Damiano David.
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A/N 2: Hyacinths are the flowers of sorrow and regret.
86 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 19:14:45 GMT
Home is Where the Heart is - A Damiano David Story || Chapter Three
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Pairings: Damiano David x Fem! Reader
Word count: 4.1 k words
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, smoking, heartbreak, accident, mentions of death, nightmares.
Angst, heartbreak and pain
Description: Damiano's heart gets broken but he accepts his fate because the happiness of the love of his life means more to him than anything. He gives her space to stay or leave, even if it kills him. And she makes the choice to leave because the secret that she is keeping will make him grow resentful in the long run and she will end up losing him anyway.
Chapter One Chapter Two
A/N: Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the love and support that you have given me.
Taglist: @teenyweenynightghost , @que--sera--sera , @hiraetheral , @homesicam , @ccweasley , @ilwiwbysmv , @bieberhoodforever , @idyllicbutterfly
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Friendly advice: put this song on if you want the full effect
“You do… Dante isn’t a year and half yet…” Your mother held the child close and Damiano felt like his knees giving out from under him. The child was like a carbon copy of his younger self, yet he could see glimpses of you in his tiny expressions.
Dami reached out his hands.
Your mother didn’t hesitate even for a second. She kissed Dante’s head before passing him over to Damiano.
Dami felt like the center of his gravity shifted. He sat down on one of the benches while still holding little Dante.
“Buongiorno, Dante.” he smiled, carefully brushing the kiddo’s hair away from his face.
“Gi-giorno!” Dante smiled Damiano’s own smile back at him. He could stare at this tiny miracle for the rest of his life. He tuned out everything else. It was him, little Dante and the little sounds coming from your room, proving that you were still alive.
Wake up, amore. Wake up. We need you.
Damiano felt tethered. He studied the child carefully, letting him play with his fingers and the rings that he was wearing. He was absolutely clueless how to be a dad but there was nothing more that he wanted than to be his dad.
“You’re a natural.” your mother came over, having sent away the girl who had brought Dante to the hospital.
“I…if you say so.” Dami smiled shyly, running his fingers through the small curls.
“I can take him home tonight. Can you stay with Y/N?” your mother asked, looking at Dami and Dante.
Dami tightened his grip on the little boy, careful to not hurt him.
“May I take him to the hotel? I… I don’t want to, I don’t want to be away from him.” he admitted. “I don’t think he should sleep in the hospital.”
Your mother’s smile reminded Damiano so much of you that his heart ached.
“Of course. Of course you can take him. I’ll stay with her tonight.” she smiled at Dami and then knelt to look Dante in the eyes.
“Bambino, this is your papa. He is going to take you to sleep and then when you wake up, we’ll see each other again, okay?”
Dante moved his gaze from his grandmother to Dami, his little face showing so many emotions before smiling brightly the cutest toothy smile.
“Gi-giorno papa. I am Dante.” he smiled Dami’s smile back at him. Damiano’s heart melted.
“Buongiorno, Dante. I am your papa, Damiano.” Dami replied and kissed his tiny forehead.
Dante relaxed even more and snuggled into Damiano and Dami held him closely, determined to do anything and everything for the little boy.
He held the child carefully and reached to take his phone out of his pocket. He opened the chat to Leo.
“I need a car to pick me up from the hospital, please. I need to come to the hotel.” he wrote to his friend.
“I’ll pick you up in 15 minutes.” Leo replied. Damiano moved his gaze back to your mother, who was playing with Dante’s hands, trying to distract him from the beeping machines attached to your sleeping figure.
“Mama?” Dante whined. Dami tensed. Dante let out a little sob. “Mama!”
Damiano’s heart was breaking even more. He wanted to make every wish of this little boy come true. He wanted to never see him upset again.
“Mama is asleep, angelo. She needs to rest.” your mother spoke softly. “You will see her soon, I promise.”
Damiano closed his eyes. He wanted to cry. How could so much change in such a short time?
How was I so blind? He blamed himself. He had taken the coward’s way out. Stepped away, not asked any questions.
“I have questions…” he looked at your mother. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.
“I am happy to answer them, son.”
“When is his birthday?”
“He was born on the 9th of January.” she smiled.
Damiano took a moment to do the math but it was undeniable that the child in his arms was his. He kissed the top of his head, earning a smile from the little boy. The little boy that was his gift from you and the Universe.
“She … she had known when she left then. Is that why she left?” Damiano looked at your mother.
Amore, I need you to wake up. I need you to talk to me. Please, amore. Please, Dante needs you. I need you.
“She is the right person to talk to you about all of this.” your mother started. “I can give you my point of view, but it would be unfair if you heard my words first. She never stopped talking to him about you, though. He has known who you are from day one. That’s why he is so relaxed about you holding him.” she squeezed Damiano’s hand gently. “I know it’s a lot to take in, bambino. I am sorry it happened this way. I never thought it would happen this way. I understand if you don’t want any of this…”
“What do you mean?” Damiano looked at her. “Of course I want this! I have always wanted this with her. I always wanted to have a family with her. And he is half of me, and half of her. He is ours. I will do anything to help take care of him, Y/M/N.”
She nodded. “I never had any doubts.” squeezing his hand again. “The diaper bag has everything, I looked through it. Some baby food, although he eats some “adult” food now too; a bottle for his formula, he takes a bottle before bed. There is an extra change of clothes, his favorite toy and if you need anything i’ll be a phone call away.”
Damiano’s phone buzzed.
“I am downstairs. Where i dropped you off.” it was Leo.
Damiano looked at Dante. “Say goodnight to nonna, and we will come back a bit later, okay, angelo?”
Dante looked at Damiano with a gaze full of wonder. He took a few small steps towards your mother who was still on her knees and hugged her, kissed her cheek.
“Nighty-night nonna!” he reached for Dami’s hand. Dami leaned down and picked up the child, wanting to hold him close to his heart. Where he belongs. Your mother put the bag on Dami’s shoulder and Dami gave one last look in your direction.
I will keep him safe, amore. I will take care of him. But you need to come back to us.
Dami walked slowly with Dante towards the car. Leo jumped out of it, looking confused and upon seeing the stranger, Dante snuggled closer to Dami, hiding his face in Dami’s shoulder.
“What is happening?” Leo asked.
“I will explain later. This is Dante.” He sat down in the car after giving the bag to Leo. Dami strapped himself with Dante on his lap carefully, painfully aware that this was not the optimal way to travel with a child and putting in a mental reminder to secure him a carseat.
Dante went back to playing Dami’s rings and Dami studied him carefully, not wanting to talk or do anything except devote his full attention to the little boy.
Mercifully, Dante was calm during the car ride and they went through the back door of the hotel to avoid potential fans or photographers.
Dami carried Dante to his hotel room, as Leo carried the bag and bless him, didn’t ask any questions.
Dami helped Dante wash his hands then washed his own, pulled out the toys from the bag and settled the little boy on the bed. I really need a smoke. He thought to himself. He smiled at Dante and surrounded him with every pillow he could find, terrified that the kiddo could hurt himself on all the sharp edges in the room.
He didn’t turn his back on Dante but went close to the window, and lit a cigarette.
“Tell me you didn’t kidnap this child.” Leo spoke in a soft voice. Damiano moved his glance from his son to his best friend.
“Of course I didn’t. That’s mine and Y/N’s son.”
“Wait, what? You haven’t been with her in ages! She dumped you after Eurovision, how would that child be yours??” Leo looked scandalised. “Dami, you need to do a paternity test.”
Instead of replying, Damiano took out his phone and pulled up the picture that had been posted on the band’s instagram. The one that his father had taken of him ages ago and showed it to Leo, who only paled.
“I have no doubt that Dante is mine. None. And I will kick your ass if you ever imply something like that again.”
Leo nodded. “I only want the best for you, brother.”
“I know.”
Dami texted the band group chat, letting them know that they can come over to his room and that they can’t be too loud.
It didn’t take long for Vic, Ethan and Thomas to show up. Dami had just put out his cigarette and washed his hands, not wanting to touch Dante while he smelled of cigarettes and he had sat down, when his best friends were let in by Leo.
“Dami… What is happening?” Vic started, immediately zeroing in on Dante who didn’t seem interested in the newcomers at all.
“Soft voices, Vic.��
“Did you kidnap a child? That’s not the kind of crisis I anticipated for you, brother.” Ethan said, also looking at Dante. Damiano rolled his eyes and made a funny face at Dante who only giggled. His heart felt ready to burst because that particular giggle, oh that giggle he had taken from you.
“This is Dante.” Dami explained calmly, trying to not get offended at his friends’ assumptions. “He is my son with Y/N.”
“DIBS ON GODMOTHER!” Vic said loudly enough to startle Dante, who looked at her slightly frightened.
Thomas tried not to laugh and knelt on the floor next to the bed.
“Hi Dante. I am Thomas.” he smiled at the kiddo, who moved his attention from the toys to the guitarist but only smiled at him which was enough for Thomas. Vic took a seat on the bed and rested her hand on Dami’s shoulder.
“How is Y/N?” The words immediately captured Dante’s attention and he moved to look at Dami. “Mama?”
“Mama sleeps, angelo mio. We’ll see her soon.” Dami smiled before meeting Vic’s gaze and shaking his head slightly.
Vic went to the phone and started ordering all sorts of food.
“We were on standby all day.” Ethan explained, after showing Vic what to order for him.
“Please order some soup for Dante.” Dami added and Vic only smiled.
Damiano wasn’t sure what to do or how to do it, so he let his instincts lead him. He wanted to talk to his mom, but he suspected that it would create even more chaos and he didn’t need that. He needed to make sure that his son would have the peace that he needed to grow and have a carefree life.
He didn’t hear what his friends were talking about, his focus pinpointed at his new centre of gravity. Half of his soul there, in the hotel room with him, the other half in that bed at the hospital.
When the food arrived, Damia looked up after Vic shook his shoulder.
“Earth to Damiano!” she said, frustrated but also worried. “You can’t starve yourself or this little angel.” She was also looking at Dante, then leaned down and opened her arms for him. “Do you want some delicious soup, Dante? Aunty Vic got you some!”
“Vic, this sounds so creepy that I want to teach him stranger-danger.” Thomas laughed before taking a bite out of his burger.
“Agreed.” Ethan chimed in.
“Shut up, you wish you could be as cool as me.” Vic stuck her tongue out. Dami got up and picked up Dante before moving to the table and sitting him in his lap. Realizations kept hitting him about how much he had to learn on how to be a parent but he also knew that nothing would stop him from putting the world in Dante’s feet.
The kiddo devoured the soup in a manner that reminded Damiano of his brother and how the two of them would eat after sports in their teen years. Damiano chuckled, as the others looked at him confused.
“I’ll tell you later.” he promised. Dante finished his food and went back to playing with Dami’s hands as he started his own food. He loved that Dante would occasionally trace with his tiny fingers the rings and the tattoos.
The familia stayed until Dami figured out that it was probably way past Dante’s bedtime. The kiddo was practically falling asleep in his arms.
Vic rummaged through the diaper bag and pulled out all the things that they suspected that Damiano might need later through the night, with Ethan carefully arranging them to be within reach (for ease, of course).
Ethan also navigated Damiano through the mechanics of changing a diaper and helped him make sure that Dante would be comfortable.
“I have to earn my favorite uncle and best godfather titles, after all.” Ethan winked at Damiano which only made him chuckle.
“We are one text and several doors away, Dami.” Vic reassured him. “Sleep tight.”
Oddly, he was not terrified of being left alone with a toddler. He watched his son sleep and carefully caressed his curls, watching the small expressions change.
His phone lit up with a notification from your mother, informing him that there was nothing new and wishing them a peaceful evening. He snuggled next to Dante, wrapping his arm carefully around him and fell asleep.
No, no, this is not happening. No, please no. Please don’t be real. Please take me and not her. He was screaming. He was screaming and it felt like he was going to drown. PLEASE. PLEASE, LET ME TAKE HER PLACE. I’LL DO ANYTHING, JUST SAVE HER.
He was on his knees in the mud, overlooking the grave that they had dug for you. The sky above him, gray, dark and angry. It was thundering and the rain was pounding hard against his skin.The grave had a wooden coffin covered with flowers. He could hear his son crying. He had to do something, he had to change the course of fate. PLEASE.
Dami felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw you, standing above him. You are here, but also not at all, he thought to himself.
“Amore, stay. Please. Please, I can’t do this without you. I can’t live knowing that you are not here. I need you. Dante needs you. Our baby needs you.”
“You have each other, amore della mia vita. You’ll be okay. I am sorry for everything.” you leaned down to kiss his forehead. He reached out and grabbed you, determined to keep you here.
“Stay, or take me with you, amore. Stay with us. We need you. I need you. We didn’t have enough time.”
“You can’t follow me, amore. Dante needs you.” You told him quietly.
“He needs us both. Stay.” Dami squeezed his hand. “Stay and live out the dream with me. Stay and raise our boy with me. Just stay. Please.”
He woke up sweaty, breathless and exhausted. The nightmare had felt too fucking real.
“Cazzo, Y/N…” he cursed under his breath before rolling over to look at the peacefully sleeping child next to him. He kissed his tiny hand before sitting up in bed, running his fingers through his hair, trying to calm his breathing. He picked up the pillows again and surrounded Dante with them before going back to the spot next to the window to smoke.
The night outside was very peaceful. So much so that he felt like the Universe was mocking him for something. There was something fundamentally wrong with all of this. The sky shouldn’t be this peaceful when storms were raging inside his soul.
He lit the bedside lamp and picked out a piece of paper and a pen - those he always kept on hand for the letters.
I had a nightmare that you died and I couldn’t keep you here. Not only was I unable to keep you here but you also refused to take me with you. Do you understand that you and I were always meant to be one? You kept our child. You kept him and raised him and was there for him when I wasn’t. A part of me is very angry that you decided to keep him from me. Angry and resentful. I deserved to be there. I wanted to be there for the two of you.
I think I understand why you did it, though, you stubborn control freak. If my suspicions are true… well, you know that I would have halted everything to be with you two. I would have put you first.
My only regret is that we didn’t have that time together. My regret is that I wasn’t there for you like I should have been.
I love you, amore. Nothing will be able to change that. Nothing. You are the love of my life.
Seeing Dante, meeting him, watching him as I have today, he has only made me love you even more, because he is as much you, as he is me.
I can’t live without you, amore. So you need to fight, you need to come back to us. I will look after our boy, but I need you to come back to us. Do it for him, if not for me…
He put down the paper and pen on the nightstand and turned to his son once again, pulling him carefully close to him. The little boy held the broken pieces of his heart and Dami would never let him go again.
He was awoken by Dante jumping on him.
“Papa!” the little boy smiled that same sleepy smile that you would give him whenever he woke you up too early and Dami felt his heart soar.
“Buongiorno, angelo.” Dami sat up and gave the little boy a hug. Dante hugged him back and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek which only made him chuckle.
He then changed his diaper, clothes, combed carefully his hair, mindful of not pulling at his hair and got ready too while Dante watched him while sitting on the counter.
Dami sang to him while he was getting ready and found himself endlessly entertained by Dante, who seemed to enjoy music as much as his papa did.
He made a bottle for him and ordered breakfast for both of them, his full attention held by the smiling angel who seemed more than content to be the center of attention.
Mercifully, the breakfast didn’t take long to arrive and only after finishing it (he ordered pancakes and fruit and some yogurt) which he shared with Dante.
Only after did he realize that he hadn’t checked his phone since turning it off for the night to not disturb Dante’s sleep.
His phone had been clogged with notifications.
There were morning texts from the group chat, checking in on him and Dante.
There were texts in the Familia chat, checking in on him and Y/N.
There were texts from your mother.
“Her heart stopped beating.” - 3.30 am
“They are doing everything they can.” - 3.31 am
“They got her back, but..” - 3.37 am
“Something is going wrong, they are taking her back to surgery.” - 3.42 am
“Dami, please keep my grandbaby safe.” - 3.45 am
“Oh gods, I don’t know what I am going to do if she doesn’t make it…” - 4 am
He felt cold all over. His heart began racing again, everything in his soul screaming about the dream, no nightmare that he had.
He kept scrolling.
“They brought her out of surgery. Said that they will keep her in the coma for at least another 12-24 hours. We should brace ourselves. Expect the worst, hope for the best.” - 8 am
“Don’t bring Dante here. He deserves to have a different memory of her.” - 8.15 am
“You shouldn’t come either. You deserve good memories of her too.” - 8.17 am
“How is she?” he finally replied, checking the time - 11.30 am.
“Nothing new. Stable for now. Are you and Dante okay?” your mom responded almost instantly.
“Yes, he slept through the night and it was all good.”
“Good. Do you want me to call the babysitter for you?”
“Of course not. I am not letting go of him.”
“Then, you should come to the hospital. I’ll give you our home address and a key, you two can stay there if you decide.”
“I’ll see you soon. And thank you.”
He took a look at his son, who was playing on the ground with his toys and started packing the diaper bag.
“We need a car and a carseat, please.” he texted Leo before starting to get ready.
“I asked around and secured a carseat when we got back, the car will be downstairs in ten. Want me to tag along?” Leo replied. Dami considered it.
“I got it. Thank you.”
“Do you have updates?” Thomas sent to the group chat.
“I want to see my godbaby!” Vic added immediately.
“Yeah, the night was rough. She made it, though. I am going with Dante to the hospital.” Dami typed back.
“Is Dante okay?” - Ethan
“Of course he is.”
“Did you feed and change him?” - once again Ethan
“Ethan, stop being a mother hen. Of course I fed and changed my son. We are going to see his mama and nonna and then we are going home.”
“You are going to Rome?” - Thomas
“Lol, you love us.” - Vic.
“That’s literally beside the point.”
“Want company?” - Ethan
“You’re hovering.” - Vic
“We’ll be fine. I’ll text you when we get back.” - Dami
He grabbed Dante and the bag and started walking down to the car.
“Nonna!” Dante was practically gleaming when he saw your mother. “Mama?” he looked between his grandmother and his father.
“Still asleep, angelo.” Dami kissed his cheek before giving him to your mother. He had asked the driver to stop so he could bring your mother breakfast. He got her some croissants, water and some fruit.
Dami carefully set the food on the table that he had eaten on the previous day and went to you. You were paler than the day before and to his great ache, colder.
He sat down carefully on the edge of the bed.
“I am here.” he put your hand between the two of his, determined to pass all of his warmth to you. “I am here and I met him.”
“Amore, he is wonderful. He is so, so wonderful.” he leaned down, resting his head against his hands. “I know you tried to go yesterday. I know that you are in pain. I know that you hear me. I am not going to let you go, though. I wish I could take all that pain away, cara. I would if I could. Without hesitation. Please push through. Please, come back to us. We need you. Dante needs you.” he kissed your hand carefully and then your forehead. “I will come back, amore. But I need to go take care of our angel. My soul is with you, as always. I love you, amore della mia vita.” he whispered before going back outside.
“Thank you for taking care of him.” your mother started.
“Of course. I am happy to.” he replied, making grabby hands for Dante who beamed at him.
Your mother got up and handed Dami a piece of paper with an address scribbled on it. She also handed him a set of keys and explained how to get in the house.
“I got it.” Dami tried to be reassuring. Part of him wished that he had taken up Leo on his offer to tag along. Or Ethan. But he could handle it. How hard could it be?
“Please, eat and try to get some rest. My phone will be off only when he is asleep but text Vic or one of the others if you need me urgently. I will probably go with him back to the hotel… I don’t want to impose.”
“You wouldn’t be imposing but it’s your choice.”
Dami kissed her cheek, as did Dante.
“Thank you for everything.”
86 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 19:53:58 GMT
Kiss and Make Up - An Ethan Torchio Blurb
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Pairings: Ethan Torchio x Fem! Reader
Warnings: smoking, NSFW, fluff with sprinkles of angst, swearing
Words: just under 1k
Taglist: @queendorkula , @teenyweenynightghost , @idyllicbutterfly, @its-afucking-mess, @theimpossiblehologramtree, @iosonoarina, @ethaneskin, @vita-thrasher, @bieberhoodforever, @ilwiwbysmv, @homesicam, @hiraetheral,
This was requested!
A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this one, and I hope you like it too, especially the anon who requested it! Feedback is always welcome!
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“Why is everything so chaotic around here?” Your boyfriend asked, frustrated as he was trying to sort through the mess in the living room. The table had papers on it, some bags with snacks and your laptop. The couch had a few clothes that you had thrown on there after work, when you had been too tired to deal with putting them in the laundry, as well as two of your handbags that you had switched between during the week.
You felt bad about the apartment being in this state but you were exhausted from working overtime and working on your hobbies which you wanted to turn into a full time business too. More often than not, you would get home, exhausted and just undress, scattering the clothes wherever, take a shower, eat something quick and then get ready for the next day after sleeping for a few hours. The mess was an accurate reflection of your mental and physical state and while you felt awful that he had come home to that, it also hurt that he didn’t realize how close you were to burning out.
“Because, amore, I have a stupid 9-5 to job and too much other shit to do!” You lost your temper. You were exhausted, on the verge of burnout and him causing a scene after being gone for so long stung.
“Okay, I get that but I have been gone for what, almost a month, and this is our home?” He raised his voice too. He was never one to lose his temper but you could see that he was tired too.
“I am not going to have this conversation.” You grabbed your pack of cigarettes and stepped out on the balcony.
“Of course, you won’t.” He mumbled as you closed the balcony door and stared out at nothing.
“Don’t mumble behind my back, stronzo.” You gritted out. You smoked quickly, the anger and annoyance slowly starting to simmer down. You put out the cigarettes and stepped back into the apartment, not bothering to say anything as he was humming to himself in the kitchen area, doing the dishes.
You started stripping, leaving the clothes on the edge of the bed in your bedroom. Without a word, you passed him by all naked and went into the bathroom, not bothering to lock the bathroom door. You turned on the water to almost the hottest setting and sat down on the floor, content with letting the water just wash over you. You closed your eyes, trying to shut out everything.
What made you open your eyes was the cold air hitting you all of a sudden. Ethan stepped in the small bathroom, looking at you for a moment sitting there on the floor.
“Are you crying?” He asked.
“Does it matter?”
“Of course it matters, amore.” He put his hair up and squatted in front of you after closing the door.
“I am a shitty girlfriend, am I not? And we are fighting, are we not?”
“You are not a shitty girlfriend, amore mio. A little chaotic, yes. In need of a break, absolutely...”
“A break?” You looked at him, your heart stopping in its tracks. “You want us to have a break?” You teared up, terrified that you might lose him.
“No, no, no, not in that way.” He cupped your face gently, wiping away the tears. “Cazzo, the water is hot.” He shuddered and moved to make it slightly less hot before sitting behind you on the floor, the water hitting him too but not as much as it did you. He was worried about it burning you.
“I would never leave you, cucciola.”He leaned down to kiss your neck gently. “I am sorry for being an asshole.”
You leaned in, desperate to feel him.
“I love you with all my heart, you know?” You replied. “I am sorry for being a mess.”
“You are not a mess, my love. Sometimes a bit messy, yes. But it’s normal.” He kept kissing your neck. “You have been working so hard and I have been gone for so long…”
You moved from your position to turn around and face him, wrapping your legs around him. You rested your arms on his shoulders and leaned down to kiss him.
“What’s important is that we are now together, cucciolo.” You kissed him very gently and he pressed you even closer.
“Yes, and I will find a way to kidnap you for a little holiday so my angel can have the relaxation that she deserves.” He promised, kissing you again.
“You deserve a holiday too, my darling.”
“Yes, but I want to take care of you first.” He reached for the shampoo bottle which was waiting on the floor. “You are my principessa and I want you to be okay.”
“I love you so much, Edgar.” You kissed him back, the loving nickname earning a chuckle out of him. “And I want to take care of you too.” You added, earning another smile from him, relaxing as he started washing your hair, finally letting yourself relax and allowing yourself to be taken care of.
“I love you just as much, Y/N.”
98 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 12:55:39 GMT
Home is Where the Heart Is - A Damiano David Story || Chapter Two
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Pairings: Damiano David x Fem! Reader
Word count: 4.1k words
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, smoking, heartbreak, accident.
Angst, heartbreak and pain
Description: Damiano's heart gets broken but he accepts his fate because the happiness of the love of his life means more to him than anything. He gives her space to stay or leave, even if it kills him. And she makes the choice to leave because the secret that she is keeping will make him grow resentful in the long run and she will end up losing him anyway.
Taglist: @teenyweenynightghost , @ccweasley , @que--sera--sera
A/N: Thank you so, so much for the lovely feedback on Chapter One, I hope you like this chapter too and I am already super invested in this story so I will keep writing. As always, feedback is welcome!!
Reminder: My requests are open!
Join the taglist || Support me on Ko-Fi
“What the fuck?” Vic looked at Ethan. “Is this some kind of sick joke?”
“Do you think a joke would be broadcast on national news, Vic?”
“Does he know?” Vic looked at Ethan as she started getting dressed up again. “Where is she?”
“Leo is trying to find that out, and yes Dam does know.” Ethan put his hair up and went into the bathroom to wash his face. “We will go soon. Do you know if she lives alone here? Does she have family here?
"She said her mom moved here with her but I have no clue where they live." Vic admitted, panicking.
Both of them left her room and went to Damiano's where the singer was sitting with Leo and Thomas, his room trashed and him shaking.
He looked up at Vic, his glare deathly.
"Were you really out with her tonight?"
"I was, we went for dinner and I suggested we move the party elsewhere but she said she was too drunk and we went our separate ways."
Damiano was at a loss for words. There was no scenario that he could think of that could have prevented this.
"They will let us in the hospital through a back door." Leo said, walking back into the room. "There are journalists outside and police too, but I think we will be able to get to her."
Damiano sighed. "I … i need to clear my head. Give me a minute." He grabbed his pack of cigarettes and walked to the balcony door, not daring to step outside.
He took his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling through his contacts and it took him no time to find your mother's phone number. The two of them had gotten along well while you were dating and had not missed special occasions even after the breakup. He dialed her number.
The sob the woman answered with broke his heart.
"I.. tell me what I can do." He pleaded quietly, taking a drag from his cigarette.
"They took her to surgery, it's a waiting game… I don't know what she would want to do now, but I won't ask you to leave if you decide to come."
That was all the permission he needed.
"I will be there as soon as possible."He promised.
He hung up and went back inside, facing his friends.
"Her mom said she is in surgery and that it's a waiting game. Gave me permission to visit."
"Do you want company?" Thomas asked tentatively.
"We are all going, Thomas! She is our family!" Vic argued.
"Wait, Vic. If we all go, it might cause an even bigger mess." Ethan said quietly. "We can do whatever you decide, Dam."
His heart was full of love for his friends. He looked at each of them before nodding.
"I will go first and see what I can do and I will text in the group chat, let you know if you can bring anything and when to come, okay?" He hugged each of them.
"Anything you need, we'll be waiting." Thomas patted his back.
The journey to the hospital, he spent in a daze. Leo tried to distract him for a bit but it was pointless as Dami's heart was in the surgical gallery, with you.
"We're here." Leo said softly, resting his palm on Damiano's shoulder. "Want me to stay?"
Damiano only shook his head. He appreciated his friend but he needed to show up in a much different light. A light that he had kept hidden for a while.
"We are one text away." Leo reminded him and sat back in the car as Damiano slowly made his way into the hospital. Mercifully, there was police and security guarding who would be going in and out of the ward.
"I… I am here to see Y/N Y/L/N." Damiano spoke softly in English.
"And who are you?" The nurse inquired politely.
"He is her family." Damiano heard a familiar voice behind him. He turned to face the woman who had raised you and loved you and who had taken care of him as if he were her own.
"Hi son." She said softly, wrapping her arms around him. They held each other for a moment, tears flowing quietly. "I just donated blood. Just in case.."
"May I donate some too?" He asked immediately, wanting to help in any way he could.
"I think so, but they will tell us if they need more."
He only nodded. "Do you need anything? I can go grab you some food, mama… anything, really."
She smiled and it broke his heart into a million pieces because he saw so much of you in her.
"No, darling. I just need my baby to come out of this and for this mess to be a thing of the past… Dami, I never liked or approved that the two of you ended it. I have said it time and time again that you two are one soul in two bodies. I know why she did what she did but still.. you two have always belonged together."
Your mother's words gave him hope. Hope for something better, a future like the one he had been praying for since the day he met you. But his prayers had shifted today.
I will do anything for her to come out of this alive and well. Please. Please don't take her away from me again. I need her. You know that. You know that if you stop her heart you will be stopping mine too. I am begging you. Please, bring her back to me. He could only hope that his God would not be cruel enough to take you from him again.
The two of them sat in silence, holding each other's hands for a while. He hadn't realized he was dozing off when one of the doctors walked up to where they were sitting and coughed.
"She is stable for now. She needed a lot of blood but we got the bleeding under control. We decided to keep her in a medically induced coma to aid her healing and if in the next day she does not get critical, we will wake her up." He smiled tentatively. "You may sit with her, one at a time. I'll show you to her room." He gestured for the two of them to follow as he led you down a corridor and to the room where you were meant to recover.
Damiano didn't know how it was possible for him to keep breaking. There was a figure on the bed, one wrapped in blankets, covered in gauze and attached to machines but he was not sure that it was the person who had fought him in the streets of Paris only hours earlier.
Your mother stepped in softly in the room leaving him alone with his thoughts. His phone buzzed and it distracted him enough to move his gaze from your sleeping figure to the small device calling for his attention. There were over twenty messages that he hadn't read.
"Updates?" Vic had written.
"She is in the recovery unit, sedated for the next twenty four hours. If it all goes well, they will be waking her after."
"Do you need anything?" Ethan added to the chat.
"Nothing, thank you."
"The police are investigating how the media got ahold of the car that was driving her home. They told me that the driver is going to make full recovery and that they are looking for the people that caused the crash." Leo added.
"It's insanity that people would chase down someone over a fucking picture." Thomas replied. "A picture is not worth losing your life over."
"She is not going to lose her life." Damiano typed out. The chat got quiet for a while.
A few minutes later his phone buzzed again, a text from his friend whom he had brought with them on this trip.
"I heard what happened. Can I help in any way?"
Dami instantly felt guilty. He had never promised or offered romance to this woman but they had been there for each other in difficult moments and she was showing up for him in a way that he wasn't sure that he could show up for her ever.
"Thank you. I am sorry that the trip took such a turn."
"It's nothing you can control, Dami. Maybe this is for the best. Let me know if I can do anything.x"
He shut off the phone and leaned back against the wall. Never having been one for patience, this waiting game felt like death to him.
Each minute felt like a century and he wanted to stroll into the room and just sit close to you, hold your hand, talk to you. He knew he would do anything to help you heal, to help you put all of this in the past.
“Do you want to go sit with her for a little bit? I mean, if you have to go I understand but…” your mother asked him quietly, pulling him out of the void of his own thoughts.
“May I? Wouldn’t she mind?” Dami looked up at her.
“I don’t think she would mind… go and sit with her, I’ll come back in a bit.” your mother smiled half-heartedly, the pain in her eyes obvious to everyone.
Damiano’s legs felt heavy as he took those steps inside the room. It was cold and eerie, like any hospital room and a part of him wanted to add some sunshine to it, something lively, something that will make this godforsaken space better, something that will prompt you to come back to the living.
He dragged the chair closer to your bed and sat down, lifting very carefully your hand to put it in his own. Leaning carefully down, he rested his forehead against the tips of your fingers, mindful to not touch the needles and monitors.
“Amore… I never wanted this. I never wanted any of this. I never wanted to lose you.” he said quietly. He knew that you two were alone and still, this… he never thought that he would be able to talk to you like this and there was hope in him that you could hear him, that maybe what he had to say to you would bring you back to him.
“I never wanted to lose you. I thought I never would and perhaps this is why… this is why it all unfolded like it did. I flew too close to the sun and lost the one that means most to me.” he admitted, the words he had written in his journal so long ago, finally spilling out.
“I thought I would get to share it all with you - like I always have. I assumed that you would stick around, that we would be the unbreakable team that we have always been. That I would get to take you around the world, to share all this joy with you, amore. I was a fool.” his tears were spilling out. “None of it fucking mattered. None of it. Not the arenas, not the concerts, none of it - because you weren’t there to share it with me.”
He got quiet for a bit, trying to calm his breathing. Trying to stop the anxiety that threatened to overwhelm him.
“I wrote you letters. I don’t know how many there are. I stopped counting them after a while. At first, I wrote everything that threatened to spill. I wrote it on paper so I wouldn’t bombard your phone. Then, I wrote the mundane things, wrote about my days, my grievances, my encounters. I wrote and wrote, and wrote. I put down with pen and paper everything that you missed…” he started talking quietly again. “I wrote because I needed to talk and despite the silence, it felt… it felt like you were there, listening patiently, waiting for me to get it all out.”
“I burned some of the letters, the angry ones where I yelled and yelled because it was all too much. They don’t matter. I kept the good ones, I kept everything else. I will give them to you. Just wake up. I am begging you, don’t leave me alone in this godforsaken world, amore.”
He was pacing his hotel room once more, feeling restless, his hands itching to dial your phone number even though the chances of you picking up were slim to none.
It had been months since the two of you had last spoken but he still kept hope that it would all work out, that the dust would settle and that the two of you would have a chance to speak, to figure things out and to move on from this mess.
He picked up his phone, ready to dial when he noticed the clock - it was 3.30 am.
“CAZZO!” he yelled and picked up the nearest thing and threw it against the wall. Would it be a great time to order some room service? A bottle of champagne? Anything to drown out the buzzing in his head, the overwhelming need to reach out, to talk to you even if the only thing you were to say to him was to go fuck himself.
There was a knock on the door. He dragged himself to it and opened it, only to see Vic’s messy figure on the other side of the doorway.
“What the fuck!” she said, shoving him aside to walk into his room. “It’s the middle of the night, jackass. Why are you yelling?” she said, wrapping herself even tighter in the robe that she was wearing.
He ignored her question and went to rummage the minibar.
“Earth to Damiano David! What the fuck is going on?” Vic repeated herself. “I will kick your ass if you don’t give me an explanation as to why you woke me up, and probably half of the hotel at 3.30 am, asshole.”
“I want a drink.” Damiano said simply. “I really want a drink.”
“You want a drink?” Vic walked over to him. She shoved him away from the minibar only to rummage it herself. “You are not drinking alone, buddy.”
“Vic, you don’t have to do this.. Go back to your room and sleep.” He said, trying to steer her away.
“Tough luck. I am here, I am awake, I am ready for a drink and to listen to your dumb ass. So, spill.” she replied, grabbing one of the tiny bottles for herself.
“Spill, or I will yeet you, asshole.” she took a sip from her drink. “Is it Y/N?”
He was quiet for a minute, trying to gather his thoughts in a way that wouldn’t overwhelm one of his best friends.
“I need to talk to her,” he said after taking a sip from his drink. “I promised her I wouldn’t do anything against her will, but I need to talk to her. I need to hear her voice even if it’s just her telling me to go fuck myself.”
Vic laughed. “Oh, she would definitely tell you to go fuck yourself.”
He took another sip of his drink.
“Vic, sometimes this silence… The pain of her absence is unbearable. It’s making me want to scream from the top of my lungs.” he admitted. “It’s like… it feels like half of my soul is gone. It feels like I have been weightless for months now, like I am drowning in a sea of pain, with hope nowhere in sight.”
Vic sighed and moved closer to him, wrapping her arm around his shoulder.
“Why didn’t you tell her all of this when she was leaving?”
“You didn’t see her then. She was… she was devastated. She wanted to go and the thought that I was causing all of that pain… Of course, I let her go.”
“Then… I don’t know what to say, Dami. I miss her too. She is my sister, whether she rejects me now or not. I will always love her.”
Both of them sat in silence, Victoria running her fingers through Damiano’s hair, trying to soothe him enough to sleep.
“Write letters.” she got the idea suddenly. “Write letters to her. Write down everything that you wish you could tell her. Pour out your pain on paper, just like you do when you write songs. Hell, take pictures, print them, attach them to the letters. Write angry letters too but maybe burn those. Or burn all of them, it’s up to you. But you want to talk to her? Write her letters. And if you do decide to keep them and one day you find your way back to each other, you can give them to her.”
He considered his friend’s words for a second.
“That’s very Notebook of you, Vic.” he smiled.
“Oh, shut up!” she chuckled, shoving him once more.
“I will, I hadn’t thought about that, writing her letters. But I will write to her.” he kissed Vic’s cheek. “Thank you and I am sorry for waking you up.”
“This advice isn’t for free, breakfast is on you tomorrow.” Victoria laughed before leaving him with his thoughts.
He picked up the pen and paper and didn’t look back.
He must have fallen asleep, resting his head on the blankets enveloping you. The buzzing wouldn’t stop, though. His phone was blowing up.
“Dami????” there were fifty or so messages of the same sort, from Vic and the others.
“Any updates? HELLO.” Vic was using a variety of emojis, trying to convey her frustration. He looked at the clock and saw that it had been several hours since your mother had let him in. He looked around and saw that the corridor was empty save for the guards and sat back down.
“I fell asleep.” Dami typed in the chat. He realized that they had work that afternoon and groaned. The thought of having to go back to the hotel, to change, to go work and pretend like none of what happened was real life was giving him anxiety.
“You okay? Do you need anything?” Thomas chimed in. “Have you eaten?”
“Not hungry, but thank you.”
“You need food, Dam.” Ethan chimed in as well. “How is she?”
“Nothing has changed. She is still a sleeping beauty.”
“Do you want us to bring over something?” Vic added. “I can bring you a change of clothes.”
“I have to come back to the hotel to change and get ready for those interviews, don’t I?” Damiano replied, not wanting to be reaffirmed.
“Didn’t you read the whole chat? We postponed everything indefinitely. Well, Leo did.” Ethan replied. Damiano started shaking.
“Interviews don’t fucking matter, right now.” Leo finally added. “What can we do for the two of you? Please, let us know how we can help.”
He wanted to hug his friends.
“Thank you. Thank you so so so much.” he managed, tears spilling from his eyes once again. “I will keep you updated.”
He leaned back in the chair, arm reached out to hold yours and closed his eyes. He hadn’t called home since letting them know that the band had made it to Paris but he was sure that they had all seen the news and that they were waiting for him to say something.
He opened the Familia chat, seeing the unread notifications from his mother, father and brother. He couldn’t think clearly enough to type, or to go through all the messages so instead, he dialed his mother’s phone number.
“Bambino!” she sounded relieved to hear him. “Oh, I was so scared that something had happened to you too. Are you okay, my love?”
“I… I am okay. I saw her earlier yesterday, before it all went to shit and it was good for a second until… until it all went to shit, mama.” he spoke softly, the memory of seeing you in the cafe, healthy, smiling at your friends replaying in his mind.
“What can we do? Oh, I’ve been worried sick.” Dami’s mother added.
“Mama, I am sorry for not reaching out earlier. I know I should have, it’s just… it’s all too much. I can’t lose her, mama.”
“I will pray for her, bambino. I will pray for her as I have prayed for you every day since you were born.”
“Thank you, mama. I will keep you updated.”
“Ti amo, bambino.” he smiled a little.
“Ti amo, mama.”
He kept going in and out of sleep, his own emotions threatening to overwhelm him any second.
Your mother’s hand carefully shaking him awake startled him.
“Hey…” she spoke quietly, as if afraid of waking you up.
“Hi..” he stretched his arms and took your hand in his own again.
“I brought you some soup and a croissant.” she said, pointing at the small table. “I am glad you managed to get some sleep.”
“I am not hungry, but thank you.”
“Dami, you need to eat, bambino. Starving yourself will not help her. She has a long road ahead of her and she will need us at full capacity. Starving yourself will not do you or her any good. Please, it’s just soup.”
He leaned to kiss your hand carefully before going to the bathroom to wash his face. He ignored the dark shadows under his eyes. They didn’t matter. There were more important things than his vanity.
He walked back in quietly and sat down to try to eat.
“I can go get some things for you if you need. From her apartment or wherever…” he suggested. “I won’t pry, of course. Or I can ask Vic to go get them if you’d be more comfortable.”
Your mother took a second before answering. “No need, bambino. I did what I had to do before I came back…”
“Uh.. Leo cancelled and postponed my work, so if it’s okay with you, I’ll stick around until she tells me to leave.” he explained shyly.
“And if she asks you to stick around?” your mother asked tentatively, playing with corners of the blanket. “If she asks you to stay and be with her again? Can you forgive her, Dami? Can you forgive her for hurting you and herself?”
“Of course.” he left the small table and wrapped his hands gently on her shoulders. “Two years ago, I promised her that I will always be there for her and that I would not do anything against her will. I stood by my words then, I am standing by them now. If she wants me here, I will find a way to stay or to bring her with me when she recovers.”
Your mum kissed his cheek. “You were always too good, bambino.”
He didn’t know what to make of her words so he only nodded and went back to finish his meal. He didn’t pay attention to bites or anything, the hurricane within him threatening to spill. I need a smoke, he thought to himself and was determined to go, only to realize that there might be paparazzi outside and it might do more harm than good.
The internal tornado was interrupted by a loud wail.
What is a child doing here? He asked himself.
Your mother sprang on her feet and rushed to the corridor and his curiosity made him get up and follow her.
“He woke up and started screaming when he saw that you and his mom were not there.” the woman holding the child told your mom who reached out to hold the little boy. Damiano felt frozen, the small figure was hidden in your mother’s arms but the wails had pierced his heart already.
“I know this is a hospital and he shouldn’t be here but I thought that .. I couldn’t watch him cry. He cried all day yesterday too.” the woman said carefully and finally looked up to notice Damiano. “I can take him home but… just talk to him for a bit before, please.”
“Who is that?” Dami asked your mother. She froze and he could see the tension in her shoulders.
“Who is that?” he repeated again and she turned around, holding the small figure in her arms. Damiano felt like someone had pulled the rug under his feet. For a moment, he was teleported to his family home and saw a picture of himself as a toddler, a picture that his father had taken.
“Dami, this is Dante…” she walked closer to Damiano, still holding the upset child who had focused his gaze on Dami. “Dante is…” she swallowed hard. “He is Y/N and your son…” he moved his gaze from the child to your mother, whose eyes were full of tears.
“I have a son?”
99 notes • Posted 2021-10-27 17:58:03 GMT
Home is Where the Heart is - A Damiano David Story
Tumblr media
Pairings: Damiano David x Fem! Reader
Word count: 4.3k words
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, smoking, heartbreak, accident.
Angst, heartbreak and pain
Description: Damiano's heart gets broken but he accepts his fate because the happiness of the love of his life means more to him than anything. He gives her space to stay or leave, even if it kills him. And she makes the choice to leave because the secret that she is keeping will make him grow resentful in the long run and she will end up losing him anyway.
A/N: This is me dipping my feet back into writing and I look forward to writing more of this. My requests are open so if you want, you can leave a request and I'll try to get back to it asap. Feedback is welcome too.
Leaving him and the life you had known you two had built was the most difficult decision you had ever made. You had been there since the very beginning, agreeing that you would stay with him through thick and thin. You had been there through the street singing, the school struggles, the auditions, the disappointments and the wins. You had grown up together, given your hearts to each other.
“You can’t just pack your things and leave,” Damiano looked at you, heartbreak written all over his face. “What happened? Why can’t we talk about it?”
“Is there anything to talk about, really?” You replied, pushing your own pain deep down, refusing to break and tell him the truth. He was on the verge of a breakthrough in his career and the truth of why you wanted to leave would send it all to hell.
“Why can’t you just communicate with me?” he pleaded, his tone rising slightly. You turned your back on him and kept shoving clothes into the suitcase. “Is this a forever goodbye?” you heard him get off the bed and rushed into the bathroom, trying to ignore the nausea rolling over you.
“Because Dami, there is nothing that either of us can say that will make me change my mind. Because this is insanity and I can’t keep with it anymore. It’s too much.”
“So this is because of the band! You finally admit it!” his voice went slightly up again. He rarely shouted and right now he was acting like he was trying to not scare you off. “You are ghosting because of the band. Did someone threaten you?”
“Damiano, stop this.” you looked at him, the look of heartbreak shattering you over and over again. “You need to focus on your work, on the band, the world is at your feet right now. I need to move on and find something for myself, something that will give me the happiness that I deserve.”
“So I have not made you happy then, is that it? Tell me what to do, please. Tell me and I’ll do anything and everything but just give me another chance.” he pleaded, coming over to hold your hands. Your eyes filled with tears and one rolled down your face.
“Dami…” you hiccuped quietly. “Dami, I can’t do this anymore.”
He gently lifted your face so you could look at him.
“I will always love you. Always. My love for you is endless and irrevocable.” he pressed his lips gently to yours, a tear rolling down his own face before stepping away. “You are free, amore mio. Free to stay, free to leave. If you need me, you can always find me, but I will not ask for your love or ask you to stay against your will.” he left the bathroom and a few seconds later you heard the soft click of the room door closing.
Your knees finally giving in, you slid down to the ground, sobs escaping your chest.
It was done.
It never got easier for you to hear or to stumble upon information about Måneskin.
Even almost two years down the line, it stung whenever you heard about Damiano or the others. You hadn’t lost just your boyfriend that day, you had lost three of your closest friends too - the people you had called your found family.
You were sitting in a café in sunny Paris, sipping on your coffee when you heard loud, familiar sounding laughter behind you.
“Cazzo, Thomas, can you be any more clumsy?” a feminine voice sounded. You got goosebumps hearing the voice of your friends after so long. You froze in your spot, hoping and praying that they wouldn’t notice you sitting there because the likelihood of Damiano being with them was not small and you weren’t sure if you could deal with seeing him face-to-face without shattering all over again.
You raised your book a bit, acting like you were reading when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Excuse-moi,” Vic was looking down at you and you sighed before putting down the book to look at her. She was smiling and you felt tears welling up in your eyes.
“Hi Vic,” you smiled through tears, eager to throw your hands around her, to act like you didn’t leave them all behind but you didn’t know how she would react, if such a gesture would be welcome.
“Is that all I get?” the blonde chuckled, tears welling in her eyes too before pulling you up for a hug. “Where have you been, cucciola?” she squeezed you tightly, earning a yelp which made the boys giggle. It was really difficult to not sob and just act like this is not a big deal after all this time. It was a big deal, they were your family and since breaking up with Damiano, you had talked to them a little, slowly fading in the background, messaging less and less with the hope that they would forget about you.
“Here and there, you know.. Congratulations on your success.” your gaze moved from Vic to Thomas and Ethan who were waiting to give you a hug too. Both of them squeezed you tightly and you were shaking a little by the time all the pleasantries were done.
“He is not with us.” Vic added, noticing that you were looking around and tension immediately left your body. You hoped that she wouldn’t be lying to you and sat back down.
“Please sit, I’d love for us to catch up if you have time.” you offered, smiling at them.
“We have half an hour.” Ethan amended, taking a seat across from you.
“Even if we didn’t, we can’t miss an opportunity like this.” Thomas added, bumping Vic before sitting down between her and Ethan. “So what has been going on?”
“Yeah, cucciola, what have you been up to since ghosting?” Vic looked at you.
You were chewing on the inside of your lip, unsure of what to say or how to say it.
“I moved here and decided to start over. But you know that.” you took a sip of your coffee, looking for an excuse to gather your thoughts.
“Yes, we are deeply aware of you leaving everything behind.” Ethan said between sips of his tea. “The question is why did you do that?”
Thomas nudged him in the ribs, always the gentlest one trying to spare everyone’s feelings, including his own.
“Because I needed a new start, Eth. Because I couldn’t keep going with Dami and … I wasn’t meant for the rockstar life that all of you chose.” you explained calmly.
“We did have to deal with his sobbing ass for months on end.” Vic said after taking a bite of her croissant. “And then with him writing ballad after ballad pining for you.”
Thomas nudged Vic this time. “She had a right to choose, how he dealt with it is not her responsibility neither should she listen about it.”
Bless his heart.
“Vic, I am sorry the breakup impacted you like that…”
“Oh, it wasn’t the breakup that impacted us, more like you vanishing from our lives like none of it really happened.” the blonde was giving you a look.
“Vic… I am sorry. How can I hang around you three with him lurking there constantly? And, I moved here while you four conquered the world…” Just as you were saying this Victoria’s phone lit up with a picture of Damiano, him calling her. You felt your heart sink.
“This is bullshit.” Vic said, turning over her phone, keen on ignoring her friend’s phone call. “You are our sister and you vanished like smoke, no explanation, nothing. You acted like none of it mattered. None of the fun, the tears, the joy, none of it. You acted like Damiano was the center of the Universe and with you two breaking up, everything else fell apart.”
“Vic, it’s more complicated than that…”
“Care to explain to all of us, cara?” you froze once more, hearing Damiano’s voice behind your back. “It’s lovely to know that you’d ignore my call in favor of our dear, Vic.” he lit a cigarette.
His voice pierced your skin like a thousand daggers. You had caused all of this. The choices you had made, and now all of you were bearing the consequences. You had no problem with your new life, even though it was nothing like what you imagined, you still cherished it for what it is and you wouldn’t let anyone talk down on you.
So you stood up. Stood up and looked the love of your life straight in the eyes. He had grown out his hair once more,the curls showing subtly and he had a stubble. He looked tired.
“So, cara?” he asked again, taking another drag from the cigarette.
“I told you everything you needed to know two years ago, Damiano. I don’t owe anyone anything.” you said calmly, refusing to succumb to his glare. You turned around to look at his bandmates.
“It was nice seeing you. I’d love to talk more but I need to go and run some errands now. We can catch up some other time.” you smiled faintly, kissed their cheeks and left, more or less in a rush. The urgency to go home was unbearable.
“Y/N, wait!” you heard as you were just about to turn the corner. Damiano was running after you. “I am sorry I ambushed you… You should be able to hang out with Thomas, Ethan and Vic without worrying about me ambushing you. I just… I never expected to see you again and when I did, when those paparazzi pictures leaked, I had to find you while you were still with them.”
“What paparazzi pictures, Damiano?” his words triggered a world of terror within you. You hated being photographed and being photographed with the band would only raise questions and it would annihilate the world you had carefully built for yourself.
Damiano read the terror in your eyes.
“Vic, Ethan and Thomas were followed to the café and a pap shot some pictures of you four talking. That’s why I called Vic and that’s how I found you…”
“Merde!” you slammed your fist against the nearest wall, winced and rested your forehead against it. “Just… Please leave me. I can’t do this more than I could two years ago, Dami. Too much is at stake.” You turned around to look at him. He took a few tentative steps closer to you, reaching to touch your face.
“What I told you two years ago is still very much valid, amore.” he said quietly. “I don’t want to force you into anything nor will I. I will do my best to ensure that the paps don’t bother you.” he caressed your cheek with a callused finger before turning around and walking away just as you had asked him.
“Did you have to stalk us?” Vic complained out loud as they were walking back to their hotel rooms.
“Did you have to talk to her?” Damiano replied, lighting yet another cigarette. He had smoked several in the short while since your encounter.
“Of course I had to talk to her, asshole! She is my best friend even if she has forgotten it!” Vic smacked his arm. “Something is going on with her and I will get to the bottom of it.”
“Vic, she has made it clear that she doesn’t want anything to do with us, why are you going to push her? This time she might drop off the map completely.”
“We should respect her boundaries…” Ethan added.
“Exactly.” Dami agreed. “Nothing seems to have changed since that day.”
Boy, was he wrong.
Walking home took ages but you took a detour, always looking over your shoulder to check that no one was following you home. Scared that the paparazzi would follow you once more as they had once in Italy, you knew that you had to lay low for at least a couple of days until the dust settled or the band left France.
You knew you had to check what they had on you and so your fingers made quick work of finding the pictures from today. Thankfully, most of the pictures had been of Vic, Ethan and Thomas, taken from behind your back so your face wasn’t really showing in most of them and even better - there were no pictures (and hopefully there wouldn’t be) of you and Damiano afterwards.
What you did find once you fell in the Maneskin rabbit hole - Damiano was back with his old flame. His old flame who had been spotted with them at the airport just yesterday as they landed in Paris.
Surprisingly, it did not sting as much as you had expected. Of course, he had to move on with his life, he was still very young. I am young too, you reminded yourself.
Your phone buzzed with a new message - a text from Vic.
“Wanna go out for drinks later?” Vic was asking. “You can come over or we can go somewhere, take me on a tour of Paris, have a girls’ night, just like old times?”
You read the message, unsure of what to say. If you asked, your mother would stay over through the night and you could go and have fun, just as she had been begging you to do for over a year now.
“Vic… will it be just you and me?” you replied tentatively.
“Yes, as I promised. Thomas and Ethan agreed to help keep Damiano busy.” Vic promised. “Come on, Y/N. I miss you and we couldn’t catch up properly. Please.”
You wanted to sob.
“I can come over.” Vic suggested again. The idea of Vic coming over and taking a look into what you had built, into your new life… it was terrifying because you knew that despite her best intentions, or maybe exactly because of them, it would all go back to Damiano and then it would all turn to shit.
“It’s okay. We can grab some food, there is a really lovely restaurant I’d love to take you to.” you replied back which earned you a voice message with her squealing.
“I’ll see you at 6.30 pm.” you sent her a link with the location of the restaurant and went to the other room, where your mother was quietly crocheting. She looked up smiling at you.
“Yes, my love?” she put down her yarn and hook and cupped your face as you sat down on the floor, feeling like a little girl all over again. You swallowed back the tears that were threatening to drown you.
“He is in town…” you started quietly. “They all are. I saw them…”
“My love, does that mean that you’ve changed your mind?
“Of course not.” you shook your head. Your mother had agreed to support you in all the ways she could once you had left your life in Italy, moving away with you to France. “I agreed to have dinner with Victoria. She promised we would be alone and we could catch up.”
“She will see right through you, my love. As she always has.” your mother gently dabbed away at your tears. “I am only worried that all of this will end up blowing up in your face.”
You had known about your mother’s worries all along. A part of you knew that what you had chosen to do was unfair to him, unfair to all of you, really but another part of you knew that if you had chosen to stay it would have held him back and he would have gone on to resent you. There was no winning option so you took an out.
“I know it might blow up in my face. I know that there are few scenarios in which no one gets hurt. I know everyone has been hurt already but I made my choices and I am sticking with them until something changes my mind.” you sniffled and got up, going to the quiet room down the corridor where soft ambient noise was playing. You looked at the small figure on the bed, sleeping peacefully and quietly walked over, placing a gentle kiss on the forehead.
“Ti amo, angelo mio.” you whispered softly, tucking in the sleeping figure before going in the bathroom to shower and get ready for going out with Vic.
“Do not push her into anything, do not try to get them back together either.” Ethan told Vic as she was getting ready. Thomas and Damiano were in Damiano’s room, writing melodies and bouncing lyrics off each other and Ethan decided to talk to Vic before the meeting.
“Why would I push her into anything?”
“Because you’re you, Vic! Because you have this idea of love, because they are our best friends and we saw how miserable Dam was after they broke up. Because he started pining as soon as we got back to the hotel even though he is not alone on this trip.”
“Which is why he should be fighting to get back with her.”
“You have no idea what happened between them.”
“I have an idea that they are both stubborn assholes, who need to see that they are better off together…”
“Vic, you won’t do any good if you push her. If you push either of them. And it’s not fair to his friend.”
Victoria sighed, clearly annoyed. She and Damiano’s friend did get along but it was clearly a sex arrangement and nothing more. After all, it was Vic that had listened to and stayed with Damiano, comforting him time and time again whenever the grief from the breakup would hit him like a truck.
“You are not going to listen to a word I say, so why do I even bother?” Ethan rolled his eyes, kissed Vic on the cheek and went to walk out of the room. “Call if you need me to pick you up, please. And call when you get home.” he winked before leaving the bassist alone.
You got to the restaurant early, excitement and anxiety mixing and making you restless. You were excited to see your best friend but also anxious that she would learn the truth, that she would get it out of you.
“Y/N!!!!” Vic squealed and ran to you, hugging you tight. You cherished the hug, pulling her close to you and holding her just for a second.
“Hi, cucciola.” you smiled.
“I am so glad you didn’t bail on me.” Vic squealed again and the two of you walked over to the table that you had reserved.
“I promised, Vic.” you said carefully. “And there is one reason I would bail and that reason is not here so I intend on catching up with you, girls night and all.”
“Yeah, we can talk about that reason, if you want.” Vic said cautiously, looking at you like the flight risk that you were. Both of you ordered a bottle of wine to share as well as dinner.
“So, how have you been?” you asked your friend, studying her carefully.
“Good, I love everything that is happening to us. I love that we travel and that we are breaking more and more stereotypes and that we are having fun and creating. It’s amazing. The tour after Eurovision was absolute insanity, I feel like I blacked out for months on end but it was a wonderful time.`` She smiled raising her glass to take a drink after.
“I am so happy for you.”
“And what about you? What happened after?”
“I packed everything and moved here. Travelled through Switzerland for a bit before coming here and then I found my apartment and settled. I found a few freelance gigs and grew them into a business and that’s what I have going on.”
“So you freelance and you decided to stay in Paris?” Vic asked, you only nodding.
“What about your love life?”
“What about it?”
“Y/N, you are a catch. Please don’t act like a dumbass. Are you single?”
“Well, yes but that’s by choice. I just don’t .. feel like dating.”
“You don’t feel like dating or you are not over Damiano?”
“Damiano is not a topic of conversation at this dinner, Vic.”
You took a sip of wine.
“He isn’t over you either, Y/N. You know that, right?” Vic asked between bites of her food.
“He isn’t. He has a friend with benefits, yes but that doesn’t mean there is romance involved.”
“Has anyone told you that you are a busybody, Victoria?” you tried to laugh off the ball of anxiety in your stomach.
“Has anybody told you that you are lying to yourself, Y/N?” Vic laughed back at you. “I understand if the pressure around the band is too much for you to handle, I understand that you don’t want to be hounded by people day in and out but you lying to yourself and to everyone else that Damiano is not the love of your life makes you only full of crap.”
You didn’t know how to respond, but you knew that being defensive with Victoria was beyond pointless.
“Vic… it’s not about whether or not he is the love of my life. Maybe he is, maybe our great love died out, maybe I sacrificed it.” you took a bite out of your food, it tasted like ash with all the emotions running through you.
“Then why not give him another shot?”
“Vic, he literally came to Paris with her, he is not single and even though I am, that doesn’t mean that we should get back together.”
“Y/N, he hasn’t shut up about you since you left. He tried to not talk about you but it was killing him so we pried it out of him and he pours you into all the music, into every performance, into everything. You are everything even though you are not with us.”
You were shocked. Her words took your breath away and yet, what could you do? You going back to him would literally make his life implode and his happiness was more important than anything.
“I can’t go back to him, Vic. It would do more harm than good even if we were to get back together.” you swallowed hard.
“You two are complete fucking morons.” she spat out, frustrated and her bluntness surprised you. “We pushed him to find you, we pushed him to go after you, we pushed him to take some action and he refused, saying that he wouldn’t force you to be with him. You, on the other hand, refuse to be with him FOR THE SAKE OF HIS HAPPINESS.” she poured more wine for herself and for you.
You downed half of the glass in one breath, trying to drown out the racing of your heart, her words about the two of you, his look earlier today.
“It’s unfair on his girl, Vic. You shouldn’t be here pushing me to get back with him when he is with someone else.”
“Oh please, they are just using each other for sex. It doesn’t mean shit. She is lovely but she will never be you.”
“Very feminist of you.”
“Shut up.” Vic finished her food first. “So where are we going for the afterparty? We had dinner and drinks, where are we moving the party to?”
The alcohol was surely making you dizzy, having not eaten too much of the food because of your anxiety, so you weren’t sure that going for more activities would be a wise decision.
“Vic, I am too drunk for anything else.”
“Oh, come on! Did you become a nun when you moved to France? Fine, you don’t want to get back with Damiano but did you completely forget that you are young? We are in the city of love, amore!”
“Yes, we are in the city of love but it’s also way past my bedtime and I am too drunk to function.” you chuckled, asking the waiter for the bill. Vic glared at you.
“We are here for another six days so I will expect you to make this up to me, asap. You have a lot of atoning to do for ditching me two years ago.” she pouted and you kissed her cheek as you two walked out of the restaurant. “Plus, you can always come visit me in Italy so we can keep catching up. Thomas and Ethan miss you too.”
“I miss the three of you a lot too, Vic. I am sorry I ghosted, it’s just that … you know.”
“Yes, yes, I understand.”
You really don't. You have no clue. You wanted to say.
Vic got back to the hotel rather quickly after leaving the restaurant, not that drunk but more so annoyed by the little information that she had managed to gather. She swiped the key card of her room and changed into something more comfortable (read: a very oversized shirt and nothing else) when she remembered her promise to Ethan. She picked up her phone and typed out “I am home” before going back to her bedtime routine.
Vic had just settled into bed after calling home to check on Chili when someone pounded hard on her door.
“Vic, open up!” Ethan pounded again. “It’s important!”
She threw on some panties and rushed to open the door, looking at her friend who was crying.
“Turn on the TV.” he said, rushing to the small table where the remote was and scrolling to the channel he was looking for, his tears not faltering for a second.
The news was on.
He only raised his hand to silence her as she tried to decipher what the news was saying.
“What is happening?”
He switched to the Italian channel which was also broadcasting the same news, showing a car crushed in downtown Paris. The headline was saying - The Italian Princess Diana? Ex girlfriend (Y/N Y/L/N) of Italian rockstar Damiano David involved in a car accident after a chase in downtown Paris. Stay tuned for updates.”
104 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 19:55:42 GMT
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My Entry for the @konoblog-simps College Au event. I had to write this after moving to my new place with little to no actual wifi and most of it was done on my phone so...ya, that was fun lol.
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Anko, Maito Gai, Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin, Genma.
Tags: College au
Word count: 2791
Summary: Hatake Kakashi is a genius. Top of his class in every subject, he rarely ever has to put effort into his assignments, and as a rule he doesn't. Except when it comes to Photography.
Special thanks: @saudade-mayari and @punk-pandame for help me out by Betaing the fic i had to write on my phone mostly.
Biology had never been one of Kakashi’s favourite subjects. It was tedious, boring and had little to offer that challenged him in a meaningful way. Of course, that could be said about most of the classes that he took, but today’s problem was biology.
He’d deal with the other classes when he had to sit in them listening to the professor drone on about a boring lab that involved little to no actual skill and could just as easily be done on a computer. There were so many more interesting things he could be doing with this time.
Things he could be learning without having to cut open a frog just to get a good look at its insides.
“Alright!” Hearing Anko’s cheerful voice, Kakashi directed his gaze towards her. The only thing that could be expected when Anko was happy about something, was danger. It was what Anko lived for. The thing that gave her life, and today was no exception judging by the gleeful look in her eyes. “Let’s see what’s hidden inside of you.”
How she could have so much fun with something as simple as a dissection, Kakashi would never know. Though, at least she could find some enjoyment in a class that offered nothing but boredom for him and many others. So much fun that even when she started to cut into the poor frog’s exposed belly, there was still a giant grin on her face. An expression that made her look a little mad, in his opinion.
One that he couldn’t help but feel the urge to photograph.
Forgetting about the task at hand, he reached down to grab the messenger bag that he had set down beside his stool upon taking his seat and quickly dug out his digital camera. A small, simple camera that he had bought specifically for his photography class. Not a purchase that he had been expecting to make when he decided what subjects he wanted to take this semester, but easily the best purchase he had made. No 30,000 Yen textbook could ever hope to compare to the beauty of this camera.
Switching the camera on, he peered through the viewfinder and waited for the lens to come into focus. Just as he pressed the shutter button, successfully capturing a photo, Anko threw her head back and cackled. Even without looking at the LCD Display to see the picture that he had captured, Kakashi could already tell that it was perfect. With a look of maniacal glee on her face, Anko painted a delightful picture of the perfect Biology student. Someone who could find excitement in even the most mundane task set in front of them.
If anyone ever asked Kakashi to choose one picture to show people what a mad scientist would look like in real life, he would have to choose this one. There wasn’t a soul in the world who had ‘mad scientist’ down quite as perfectly as Anko, and if Biology class was good for anything it was showing just how much joy the woman got from things that would disgust or bore any other human.
“Mr. Hatake,” dragging his eyes off of his camera, Kakashi cringed when he saw Professor Orochimaru standing there glaring at him with that same unimpressed look he always had when he was speaking to Kakashi. “I think it would be best if you paid attention to the task at hand, rather than sneaking photographs of your classmates. Don’t you?”
Biting his tongue, Kakashi tucked the camera away in his bag and set it down beside his chair once more. It was best not to get into an argument that he was unlikely to win, even if returning his gaze to the poor frog laying on the table in front of him did drain all of the excitement he had been feeling just a second ago while holding his camera.
“Hey,” lifting his eyes, he watched as Anko leaned over the desk. That same joyful smile that she had been wearing while dissecting her frog was still plastered on her face. “You’ll show me the picture after class, right? I want to make sure I look perfectly terrifying in whatever picture you’re about to print off of me.”
Terrifying. That was certainly one way to describe her.
“I’ll show you after class,” he promised, giving her a playful wink. “Just try not to make a mess while you’re having fun.”
His comment was met with a laugh. “No promises.”
After a long day of classes, it was always nice to head out to his favorite café and get a nice cup of hot chocolate. An hour to relax before he started working on assignments, or headed to his part-time job at the university's campus bar.
Just some time to recharge after a long day of being bored out of his mind from monotone professors and lessons they always swore would require everyone's full attention to be understood, but never really did.
Today, he was not getting that time alone he usually needed so badly. Instead, he was sitting at a table with his three best friends, and the three loudest people in all of Konoha University.
Nohara Rin, beautiful and kind but with a voice that could not be missed by anyone. A trait she had picked up from spending so much time with Obito, no doubt.
Speaking of whom: Uchiha Obito. The second loudest student in all of Konoha University and possibly the world. Brash, knuckle-headed and dumber than a sack of rocks some days.
Ok, most days but Kakashi liked to give him the benefit of the doubt sometimes.
And then there was Maito Gai. Sweet, handsome, and always bursting with energy. The only person who was louder than Obito, and he made sure to leave no questions about that fact whenever he spoke.
How Kakashi had ended up with these three as friends he would never know, but he also wouldn't change it for the world. Even if his ears were ringing after five minutes with all three of them.
"How can you even say that?" Obito threw a hand over his heart in one of the most dramatic displays of horror Kakashi had ever seen. "Nutritional science? Better than theatre? Lies! Utter lies!"
"Maybe in your mind," Rin responded with a roll of her eyes. “Not everyone thinks Theater is the best thing ever invented since Dango.”
Gai wasn't so calm about Obito's response though. Not one to be outdone, he threw his hands down on the table and stood up in his spot so that he was staring Obito down. "At least Nutritional sciences can be used to help people," he defended his class with the same fiery passion that he showed with everything he did. “You're just learning to put on a show, which I'm convinced is a blood trait already for the Uchiha."
Kakashi couldn't find it in him to argue with that. Obito may be one of the most dramatic people he knew, but when it came to the Uchiha he was hardly the only one. Most days Shisui could give Obito a run for his money when it came to dramatic flare.
A fact Obito always got upset with him for pointing out.
"Kakashi, back me up here," Gai turned to look at him with soft black eyes that Kakashi would happily get lost in for the rest of the day. "His major is just...it doesn't serve a purpose."
"Someone has to be entertaining in this world, beast face," Obito protested. "And what's Kakashi going to say? His major is so boring he looks like he's going to fall asleep in class all the time."
"That's not wrong," glancing towards Rin, Kakashi jutted out his bottom lip to form the most pathetic pout that he could. "What? It's true! Today in biology you took a picture of Anko instead of doing the assignment."
Sometimes he forgot that he shared classes with Rin, but she always found a way to remind him, which wouldn't be nearly as bad if she didn't call him out on being a lazy shit like that in front of Gai.
"Kakashi, are you ignoring class again for photography?"
There was a disappointment in Gai's voice that he couldn’t stand hearing. As if he was about to be scolded for his life choices when he would much rather listen to Gai talk about how amazing he was.
But since he was now clearly upset with him thanks to Rin, there was only one option left to get him off of his back.
“I believe you were talking about how Obito's major isn't nearly as useful as yours," he offered, sticking his tongue out towards Obito when he immediately started to scold Kakashi for turning the conversation away from his own inability to focus in class.
"Well, yes-" watching as Gai turned his attention back to the conversation, immediately picking up where he had left off as if there had been no interruption, Kakashi couldn't help but reach into his backpack and pull out his camera.
Did he really need a picture of the moment that Obito stuck a finger out and poked Gai in the nose while desperately defending his major?
Yes. He did. Not only would it go well with the project, but the look of annoyance on Gai's face was priceless.
Definitely a picture worth putting in his personal photo album.
"I told you," turning his camera towards Rin, Kakashi snapped another picture just as she stuck her tongue out at him. "Tell me I look pretty in it."
Peering down at the image display, Kakashi smiled softly. "Absolutely stunning."
There was a process that Kakashi had when it came to choosing the perfect pictures for his project. First, he would go through his camera roll and make a mental note of all of the best pictures he could find. Next, he would transfer everything onto his laptop and then move the pictures he wanted into a folder for printing.
After getting the selected pictures printed, he would sit down at the small desk in his dorm room and organize them into the perfect design for his project. Whatever pictures ended up not fitting, would ultimately go into the small photo album that he kept under his desk. A book of personal favorites that he would look at on those really bad mental health days where he just needed something to make him smile. Even just for a moment.
It was a long process, but there was a reason he had never gotten anything less than a ninety on any of his photography projects.
Not that he really ever did poorly on any of his assignments. He actually did quite well on all of his lab assignments for biology and chemistry, even if he had a bad habit of not paying attention. It was probably the main reason his professors didn’t like him all that much.
“Still working on that, huh?” Glaring over at his roommate’s bed, he watched as the brunette stared back at him from over top his business textbook. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you put even half of this amount of effort into any of your other assignments, and I’m pretty sure those ones actually matter for your major.”
It was a true fact, just not one he wanted to hear.
He caught enough shit from Rin and Gai about his less than enthusiastic approach to his major.
“Don’t you have a small business to start up?” He huffed, turning his attention back down to the assignment in front of him. “Or did it go bankrupt already?”
“My business going bankrupt is as likely to happen as you actually telling Gai you have a crush on him,” Turning in his spot once again, Kakashi opened his mouth to argue against Genma’s frankly insulting assumption, only to find himself facing down a glare that could rival Rin’s angry look. “Don’t you dare try to lie to me, Hatake. Anyone can tell you have a crush on Gai.”
It wasn’t fair.
He wasn’t that obvious about it, was he?
“But that’s not what we’re talking about here, is it?” Genma continued. “We’re talking about your work ethic when it comes to assignments, and the fact that you’d rather put all of your efforts into the assignments for the one class that holds no value to your major.”
It was rather rude, Kakashi thought. First Genma called him out on his little crush, and then he turned around and scolded him for wanting to work on his photography assignment. Just because it didn’t hold any weight for his degree didn’t mean he shouldn’t put effort into it.
“Science is…” ‘Boring’ lingered on the tip of his tongue, but it wasn’t quite the word he was looking for. He actually loved Science, and had chosen the major hoping to explore a few different options after getting his degree. “Well, I love Science. Biology is interesting, Chemistry is a blast,” sometimes literally, if Anko was in the class with him. “And don’t get me started on Environmental sciences. I love it to bits. It’s just…the professors.”
There it was. The explanation he had been searching for.
The classes weren’t boring if they were being taught by the right people. Professor Uzumaki always made Astronomy interesting with her grand explanations and detailed outlines that drew his attention in. She never had any complaints about Kakashi not being focused in class. In fact, she had told him on multiple occasions that he was one of her most engaged students.
“Professor Orochimaru make’s biology seem like a chore, and the only thing interesting about Chemistry is watching Anko test the limits of just what can be mixed together without blowing the classroom up.” He was actually surprised she had managed to avoid doing that to date, given just how often she liked to experiment with chemicals. “But Photography is interesting. Professor Namekaze lets us explore things that we like, and the only restriction we have is the assignments due date and the basic premise of what the assignment is.”
This assignment for example.
His professor's words had been on repeat in his mind since monday when they received the assignment, and every picture he had taken since then had been carefully thought out to fit the assignment.
Though, now that he thought a bit more about it, he was missing one picture. Something that would tie the project together perfectly.
“Hey! Are you listening to me, Kakashi?” Picking his camera up off of the desk, he turned in his spot to face Gemma and brought the camera up so that he could peer through the viewfinder just as Genma tossed his book off to the side and started to crawl out of his bed. “Don’t you date-”
It was too late though. As soon as Genma started to reach out towards him in a poor attempt to snatch the camera away, he snapped the picture. The final piece to make the perfect assignment.
There was no way he would get anything less than a ninety-five on this one. The pictures were too perfect.
“Maybe I'll print you out a copy,” he teased, lowering his camera so that he could smile at Gemma. “You could use it for your tinder profile picture. Then at least all the people you bring over would know what they’re getting themselves into.”
The look on Genma’s face spelled trouble. As if Kakashi had just opened Pandora's box and released all of the worst plaques onto the world.
“You know, I have plans to hang out with Gai tomorrow,” Yep, that was definitely the worst punishment for his transgressions. There was no way this could possibly- “I think I’ll tell him about your little crush. How you can never shut up about him, and that dorky smile you get on your face whenever someone mentions him.”
Somewhere in the back of his mind he recalled a lecture from his father when he was young. A long explanation for why murder was wrong, and not a solution to all of lifes worst problems.
Surely this was an exception.
No one could possibly prosecute him for Genma’s murder when they found out what a cruel, horrible man he was.
And even if they could, they’d have to find the body first.
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jacaranda-bloom · 3 years
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Thank you to the lovely @allwaswell16 @runaway-train-works @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @uhoh-but-yeah-alright and @evilovesyou for tagging me to answer some questions about my writing.
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
901,445 (Hoping to hit the Magic Million by the end of the year!)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
1 (One Direction)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
When Tomorrow Comes 1155
The Baby Whisperer 950
Love, Ever After 898
Harry Poppins 856
Play Me A Memory 760
More under the cut…
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh gosh. Uhm. I don’t really write angsty endings? All my fics have Happy Endings and most have epilogues to round them out and tie them up in a bow. Perhaps I’d say If You’re Out There (I’ll Find You Somehow) purely because (spoiler ahead) the epilogue is written 100 years into the future so they’ve both passed.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Interestingly, I would actually say the answer is the same as above, If You’re Out There (I’ll Find You Somehow). The epilogue is so uplifting and I cry happy tears every time I re-read it. It’s written from the POV of their granddaughter and you get to see the world they had a hand in changing for the better through her eyes, so you get a sense of how impactful their lives were on the rest of society. Oof, tearing up right now just thinking about it.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Yeah, I have actually. I really enjoy doing new takes on an existing universes, although they aren’t always the easiest thing to pull off tbh. I’m not sure which I would say is the craziest, but the hardest to write was definitely The Peter Pan/Hook AU.
Harry Poppins - Loosely based on the book/movie Mary Poppins, but without any magical aspects.
Playing To Win - Set in the Big Brother house.
The Pirate and The Piper - A Peter Pan/Hook AU which I took a lot of liberties with.
In The Still Of The Night - My Dirty Dancing AU.
A Hungry Heart - This is a Great British Bake Off AU that is due out in September for the Cliche Fic Fest!
8) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Whoa Nelly. Yeah, I do. All the time. Every fic actually. There’s only one, Exposed, the only fic I’ve published that’s not rated Explicit and doesn’t have smut. But, to be fair, the challenge was to write exactly 666 words and I still managed to get the implication in there. Plus, Louis was naked and Harry was applying body paint for the majority of the story, so like, I think I can get a free pass on that one - I tried!
In terms of what type of smut, I guess it varies depending on the story. I tend not to push the boat out too far, but I do dabble in BDSM in quite a few of my fics. A recurring theme in the comments I receive is that my smut scenes are well constructed and detailed, without being too tedious or drawn out, which is lovely feedback to get because they can be challenging to write.
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Absolutely. Every single one.
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not often, people are usually so kind, but there have been a couple.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of!
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, quite a lot, particularly on Wattpad, all with my full consent. That said, I’m thinking of stopping this because it’s getting a bit out of hand and I’ve been feeling uncomfortable about it recently for various reasons that I won’t bore you with here. 
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I don’t think it’s really my thing tbh. I get very in my head about writing and struggle even to brainstorm or share too much until I’m well into a story.
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
Of the 47 fics I’ve written, there are 45 Larry, 1 Narry, and 1 Louis/Dermot O’Leary (I think mine is still the only fic with this ship hahahaa), so that’s probably a good indication of my fave writing ship.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have one lonely WIP sitting on AO3 from 2018. I keep promising myself I’ll finish it and it’s on my schedule every year, then I get distracted by other fics/fests and it gets pushed back. Plus, it needs a complete rewrite because my style has developed so much since I started it, so it’ll be a big job. Based on that, I think that the fic, in its current form, won’t ever be finished as the rewrite will completely wipe out what it was, although the underlying plot will still be there.
16) What are your writing strengths?
World building (or so I’m often told). I write very visually and people often say they can imagine the scene exactly, or that it’s like a movie, or that they think it’s actually a real place I’m describing, when most of the time it absolutely isn’t, it’s just something I’ve created in my weird brain.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue (although my lovely beta disagrees) and telling rather than showing. They’re both things I’m actively working on.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’ve never really considered it. It’s not something I’d shy away from necessarily, but it’s just never come up.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
One Direction. First and only.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Wow. This is really tough because it changes over time. I find that once I’ve finished a fic I don’t want to revisit it for a few months because I’m kind of over it. But I find comfort in them after a while, like I get to go back to that happy place and immerse myself in that world and the characters again, similar to catching up with an old friend. It’s familiar. I think I also like different stories for different reasons and I’m drawn to various ones depending on my mood. My top 3 (although, ask me next week and the list will probably be completely different!) would probably be:
1. If You’re Out There (I’ll Find You Somehow). Written for the hybrid fic fest (a fest I created just for this fic lol). It’s not everyone’s cup of tea due to the hybrid aspect, but it’s one of the stories I feel is the most rounded from a character development perspective and the world building was pretty epic, if I can be so bold as to throw that out there myself!
2. No Going Back. One of my Big Bangs from 2020. I adore the way their relationship develops in this fic and the setting (as remote lighthouse keepers) was such a lot of fun to write. Plus I got to collaborate with an amazing artist who created an entire website as an accompanying travel blog which was truly wonderful.
3. From The Heart. This is a series I wrote for wordplay back in 2019. I had no idea that what I was doing was so unusual and so meta by having Louis essentially write for the equivalent of wordplay in the fic. It was such an fun way to share my writing process and challenges I encounter (exactly how many synonyms tabs do I have open at any one time?!) and I thoroughly enjoyed the outcome (although getting there was definitely a struggle).
This was really fun and thanks to anyone who made it this far! Writing brings me so much joy and is a wonderful outlet for all the imaginings in my head, so I appreciate everyone who supports me and joins me on that journey.
I’m pretty late with this and I’m not sure who has already done it but I’ll tag @fallinglikethis @homosociallyyours @lululawrence @reminiscingintherain and @beau-soleil-louis if they’d like to do this and haven’t already.
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
I just wanted to say that I love, love, love your tags on that character/tool post a lot! Some of my favorite shows/books involve characters that can't keep it together and just barely make it to the end of the story or make it there in an "inconvenient way" and tbh I find that usually the narratives that follow these characters don't really work away from them either--the narrative is just usually more questioning instead of fully formed.
Like, 'what if/how would', y'know? There's less of a clear meaning and more just 'what if they hadn't done that. what if they had done that. what if all that meant nothing. what if that struggle was all there was'.
But oh boy, when they DO work away from the narrative. *chefs kiss*
I mean, most of my favorite Bleach characters are narrative nightmares who either hinder or cut off lines of theme in the story entirely. And, in general, I think there are A LOT of characters in shonen--a genre known for very long narratives that can't possibly complete every thought but also can't just abandon all those characters introduced ESPECIALLY the fan favorites or personal favorites--work in the way you described.
Tbh i think your tags really highlight why so many ppl get drawn to these characters/why they're so fun to play with in fanfiction.
If you have more to add or more thoughts about this you want to lay down I am here, eagerly awaiting and ready to pick them up.
Also, who do you think in Bleach is the most fun characters who sort of drop kicked the story, in your opinion? Who's the one you like the most? And who's the one you dislike the most?
[For posterity the referenced post is this one.]
Aww, thank you! That’s really lovely to hear. I was anxious about even putting it in tags because I don’t think I presently have the capacity to explain it well—and even if I did might still sound bananas to many. Or at least the bit about negotiating with characters and how *they* feel about being subjects in stories. Because as much as that really is my practice saying it out loud takes me back to like… FFN in 2003 where every store was prefaced by extensive chat-form back-and-forths between the fic author and their character "musies" and that is not something I think fandom would benefit from bringing back in force, hahaha. But anyway.
Here’s the part where I disappoint because I don’t think I actually know Bleach well enough to speak to it in this context. WHICH SOUNDS DUMB EVEN AS I TYPE IT BECAUSE LOL WTF IS THE NAME OF THIS BLOG WE ARE CHARLATANS AND POSERS FOR CLAIMING AS OUR NAMESAKE NOT ONE BLEACH BUT THREE BLEACHES but truly, my experience of Bleach has a shallow depth of field. I feel like I have weirdly intimate knowledge of some severe rabbit holes but a non-existent to uneasy sense of the gestalt.
Like idek man, in my "slow re-read where I am actually paying attention" Ichigo hasn’t even met Byakuya and Renji yet. ToT
I'm gonna put this behind a cut because it spidered all over the place, but in summary:
characters and their capacity to produce narrative failure
the charm of longform serialized series and their invitations to imagine stuff
me attempting to talk about Hitsugaya and feeling a fool, as usual
I guess in general terms, I’m really interested in characters and their capacity to produce narrative failure. Not failure as in 'bad' but failure as in things that break form or are circuitous or are actively detrimental to a narrative arc. All my strongest examples of what I’m thinking of are from a different fandom and therefore not relevant to this blog, alas. By comparison I think anyone in Bleach can keep it together better than the characters that are immediately coming to mind, lol. But I think this idea dovetails often with trauma narratives, or depression narratives, because these things are often… non-narrative? Like, there’s no fourth or fifth for minor fall or major lift. Sometimes it’s the same thing over and over again, or maybe nothing. Maybe it’s the exact same self-sabotage narrative dictates could have been avoided. Maybe it’s some act that emanates forth but cannot be explained because it cannot be explained and will never be explained. That’s a version of what I’m talking about, in any case, though not the only version.
Your note about longform shounen definitely resonates with me, too. In my mind I don’t like long things and I prefer series that are more self-contained but whenever I have ever landed in a long-term fandom, with a piece of media I felt obliged to carve out chunks of my life for, and to interact with at that level of creative fannishness, it’s always been something stupid long and serialized by the seat of its pants. I know plot holes or dropped threads bother a lot of people (makes total sense, don’t get me wrong) but I find these things incredibly attractive. I see them as invitations to join in the fun. Especially when it’s so much a part of the form and genre to have this, as you said, lack of real expectation that every thread will be followed to its conclusion (or that it would be worthwhile to do so) and every thought completed.
There’s this piece by David Grann that was published in The New Yorker in 2004 that I really love that speaks to part of this idea, albeit in terms of fictional universes versus fictional characters. But Grann is talking about Sherlock Holmes (Doyle original) and the ways that Sherlockians would like, approach apparent lapses in narrative and then solve them according to the established rules of the universe. I just love that. There’s also the line, "Never had so much been written by so many for so few," which LOL if that ain’t fandom I don’t know what is!!
I feel like I’m actually talking about three distinct but related facets of these thoughts in this post, except all at once and without clear transition, uhhhhh.
Gah, I am broken and now can ONLY think of examples from my not-Bleach fandom, but to try a different tack and add yet another facet to this already funhouse-mirror post, my various attempts to write Hitsugaya often feel like they come up against a version of this. I think Hitsugaya has aggressive side character energy, and I find it difficult to make him the center of a story and have it feel right to me. He feels different to me than writing other minor characters, where they can be the center of their own stories even if their story is not the main story. Like, two of my fave characters in my other fandom have literally like… three lines in 350+ episodes and it feels easier to imagine THEM at the center of their story and I think what it comes down to is that Hitsugaya probably prefers what he not be written. And when he does become more narrative I think he’d prefer that none of it was happening in the fist place. But at the same time he always seems to be…around??? whether there is really a good reason for him to be present or not. XD So while, say, he and Bartleby "would prefer not to" (because THAT'S what this post needs, a Melville reference), Bartleby actually opts out and Hitsugaya out here volunteering.
He also often feels non-narrative to me because he feels very declarative, if that makes sense? Like, the coming-to-decisions or coming-to-realizations parts of existence happen pretty quick, or are approached perfunctorily. I feel like I find narrative in the "coming" part of that equation and instead Hitsugaya will be like, well, I’ve already done that part without you, and/or plan to do that part in the future and it will still be without you, the audience. Anyway, here’s the determination I’ve made, here’s what I’m going to do, and here begins the long and probably tedious process of my doing that thing (off 2 go train in a cave for a bit). I don’t think he actually believes the world is that simple, Tab A into Slot B, but I do think he’s already made that assessment and can see coming to terms with that as a horizon, if that makes sense. So even if he doesn’t know the answer to something, or is completely at a loss of what to do (what to say to Hinamori? how to productively address the number Aizen’s done on him) there’s still not necessarily a story there. Maybe the answer is you grind, and it is repetitive and boring. Maybe you just hold things. There’s not even the act of learning how to hold things, necessarily, just the practice of doing so.
Wow, that probably doesn’t sound good! I feel like I need to suffix this with the assurance that Hitsugaya is my absolute runaway character in the whole series and this was true 15 years ago and it is still true now (truer, even) and everything I just said are reasons why I love him.
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ariella884 · 5 years
Voyager Book Club - February Favorite Fics
So I put forth a challenge of sorts to our Voyager Book Club. I asked everyone to pick ONE Voyager fic that they consider to be their favorite. Now, you can imagine, this is pretty freaking hard! There are so many incredible fics out there. I didn’t say it had to be the best written, or the most in character. I gave examples such as: the one you read over and over or your go-to fic, however you want to phrase it. It was pointed out that a favorite fic can change every hour based on your frame of mind and what you are in the mood to read at any one moment. I get it. Even so....I challenged everyone to only pick ONE. And they did it! Or most of them! I got around 20 different favorites picked! So here is the list of our Favorite Voyager Fics, why they were chosen and by whom. Happy Reading!!
Note: Click on the name of the fic for a link to it! Also, this list is in no particular order.
@curator-on-ao3: ‘Fragile Things’ by @mia-cooper
“Fanfic is about exploring possibilities. That’s what put this fic over the top to be my favorite. In Fragile Things, MiaCooper examines multiple versions of one relationship, pulling different threads to see how things unravel or knit together. It’s thoughtful, it’s meta, it’s realistic as hell, it’s damn good writing — it’s MiaCooper and it’s excellent.”
@ariella884(yep, that’s me!): ‘2013′ by PCBW (@pcbw)
“I had a hard time choosing my favorite (like most people here), mostly because as i was gathering them all from everyone else I kept seeing ones and going, ‘Oh! I love that one!’.  I also didn’t want to have any duplicates so I had to change mine a couple times, that being said, 2013 is easily one of my top three (which of themselves is almost impossible to pick just one. I’m lucky that my other two were chosen already and I didn’t have to!). I love 2013 because it is a modern AU, without being a completely modern AU. No, that doesn’t make sense. But you get our Janeway and Chakotay, Starfleet officers and all, and you get them in the modern world. It’s incredible! We see the challenges they go through of being taken from everything they know and put into a world that is pretty much unknown to them. Add to that the personal differences they have to work out together. Splash in the normal challenges that we all go through when trying to live a life in this day and age (jobs, house, money, love, family, etc). This is just an incredibly beautiful story that I have read many times and will continue to read over and over. It’s also a long fic and those are my favorite because I like to get completely involved in stories!”
@mia-cooper: ‘Deceiving’ by QuantumSilver
“Because it starts with a canon event that is absolutely devastating and shows just how devastated Janeway and Chakotay are by it (and Tuvok and Ayala as well, though they only make a brief appearance). It shows Janeway at her absolute best - every last inch the captain, going above and beyond for her crew not just physically but emotionally in spite of the absolutely gut-wrenching cost to her - and it really kicks off with one of my absolute favourite tropes: mutual pining to the Nth Fucking Degree.
It has Chakotay being every bit the commander, backing her up even though he's dying inside, and REFUSING to let her shut herself away even though he KNOWS she's going to want to murder him for pushing and pushing and pushing at her.
And then OH MY GOD, he's deliberately getting on her every last nerve just so he can wrench honesty from her because he knows if she doesn't tell him how badly he's hurt her, how she's absolutely bottomed out because of him, she will never open up to him or anyone else again.
I'm sorry for yelling but this fic makes me want to rip off my clothes and run up and down the street screeching how everybody should read it and they are just BRUTAL with each other and they STILL do not understand, refuse to, CANNOT understand, that the other would not just die for them but MURDER WHOLE FUCKING ARMIES FOR THEM and it's tragic and devastating but then oH MY GOoOoOODDDDD
So that is my favourite fic and the one i read approximately every two months or more if i really hate my writing that day and want to torture myself with How It Should Be Done.”
@bizships: ‘Fealty’ by MsDisdain
“My favorite story. I honestly don’t have to think about it. It’s one I always go back to.
I love the way the crew pledges their loyalty to her and the way subtle way they tell her that it’s okay that she’s happy too in that they effectively give her Chakotay for her birthday, by way of him “fighting” Tuvok(Starfleet)  for her hand.”
@arcadia1995: ‘The Space Between’ by lauawill ( @joyful-voyager)
“The Space Between is a story I return to time and time again when I'm feeling down.  I like that it realistically portrays what might have happened between Janeway and Chakotay right after the returned home in Endgame.  I like that no one in the J/C/7 triangle ends up being a bad guy.  I like the hopeful ending and imaging what might have happened after the fade to black (lots of sex!!!)“
@wishful-thinker-87 : ‘if you came this way’ by tree
“It’s always a go to for me, even though I don’t usually like AUs. The sex is intense and emotional. The characterization is pot on. And we get Phoebe being an awesome sister and some Chakotay/Molly bonding too. What’s not to love?!”
BlackVelvet: ‘Bluffing the Crowd’ by @ralkana
“Even after years since i read this, just thinking about this story brings a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart and a huge silly grin to my face. I simply love it.”
@purpledog47: ‘The Future is Ours’ by Dawn
“My favorite is most definitely Dawn’s ‘The Future is Ours. This is my one fic. It’s super long and it tells us what happened after Endgame and it has a little bit of everything in it: angst, romance, hurt/comfort, Q, babyfic, romance.” 
@amoderngirl: ‘Time and Distance’ by northernexposure
“If I am ever loosing the thread with J/C, I can always read this and I am immediately in love again.”
@coffeeblack75: ‘Soft Light’ by northernexposure
“There are so many reasons why I love it that I can't even, haha. I'll start with: it was the first piece of fanfic smut I read, so I love it for that reason - my first time haha. More importantly, it is just beautifully, beautifully written - it's plotted beautifully, it flows beautifully and the pacing is spot on. The author has complete control over all of that & over the language, which is just used masterfully. There's so much subtley going on in this story too - the author doesn't spell everything out for us and instead draws us to the details that reveal what is important - the beginnings of these two getting to know each other. Gosh, it's so hard to articulate haha! But lines like this just make me shiver in delight for their beauty and what they reveal: "he was kissing her, with a lot more sweetness than was wise. Ah god, I could go on and on but perhaps I'll finish with my favourite bit, which is when C feels that first stab of lust & realises she might too & tests his theory by blowing softly on the back of her neck. This moment, omg, the moment is just so beautiful, so quiet, so pointed and private and intimate. You really feel that moment as if you are there. Ahhhhh :)
Also….there are two sequels to it that are equally as wonderful ;)  
Oh and one more thing I adore about this story is the way that the C thinks he is lusting after KJ but it is quite obvious he loves her - even before they come together - but he hasn’t realized it yet. The way the author does this is just incredible - so deft! Everything for C is about taking care of KJ … it’s just beautiful.”
@caladeniablue: ‘Lifeline’ by helenagray ( @picking-daisies-in-the-outfield)
“Why do I like that fic? An unfinished WIP at that (Started in 2013; last update in Jan 2019. No indication how many chapters to go.) The perfect serial story and that's part of the attraction for me.
The first chapter sets the scene: raw Janeway, alone, without the backup of her ship, her crew or Chakotay. Bare of essentials and with only her courage and intelligence and sheer determination to help her survive, and even she wonders how long those will last her.
And while we learn about Chakotay and how he seeks her while the crew has to move on, I am drawn to Janeway most of all.
The fic jumps back and forth across locations and in time from that first chapter to catch up with it again some 20 chapters later, but there is no jarring. The reader knows immediately what KJ is experiencing , but the past events that led to that situation are as important, and that's one of the many attractions of this story. No overlong flashbacks, no tedious info dump. It's all layered, making one wait for the next chapter and the next one, while knowing all the time where KJ has ended up.
The writing is gorgeous, which is a bonus. And it is pure J/C, distilled to its purest by separation.  Perfect.”
@keiraniels: ‘Bad Ensign’ (Series) by @curator-on-ao3
“Ok so I chose Curator’s ‘Bad Ensign’ because I come back to it often - - it’s such a freaking brilliant idea that I can 100% imagine being canon, and it inspired so many Voyager Bookclubbers to write Bad Ensign stories”
@cnrothtrek: ‘War Torn’ by @curator-on-ao3
“Why? I had the pleasure of beta reading this story, and I am so glad that I did. It has a great plot, is well-written and perfectly paced, and is hard to put down. The way it pulls together two pieces of canon backstories for Miles O’Brien and Kathryn Janeway is genius. The characters feel so real and their voices can be clearly heard in the text. And the supporting characters of Captain Benjamin Maxwell, Will “Stompie” Kayden, and Molly Walsh are incredible. The story is intense, absorbing, and emotional. I just can’t say enough good things about it.”
@theshortywrites: ‘The Dragonfly Oath’ by Koneia
@emmikamikatze: ‘All the Good Things We Never Did’ by northernexposure
“This story brings me to tears, makes me smile and shiver and fear and worry. It's given me phrases that won't leave me, that keep repeating itself in my head even months (years) after first reading it. There's just the right amount of show trivia to make it a fanfiction, but little enough to make it a unique and original story. ne makes me fall in love with these characters all over again as if I didn't know them beforehand.
This story is special and precious and it speaks to me on so many levels I can hardly comprehend how genius it is. It's a literary masterpiece of fanfic if there ever was one.”
@missmil: ‘Here I Stand’ by lauawill
@manalyzer13: ‘Gravitation’ by northernexposure
@grace-among-the-stars: ‘Filling the Void’ by Spiletta42
“Filling the Void is the one fic I always return to. It has my fave ships, JC, PT and D7. Minor characters play major parts and it is just funny. It makes me laugh every time. 
JC’s relationship is really explored from all angles, this is not just your average, ‘the crew get them together fics’, it is so much more. It has sexual tension, smut, humour, sadness and is pure JC BLISS. It always cheers me up and I was so happy when Spiletta42 added it to Ao3 because this meant so many more people would find it.”
Anonymous: ‘Bent, Not Broken’ by @killermanatee
“This is an incredible hurt/comfort Janeway/Chakotay fic. The story is painfully written from both characters' perspectives, showing how each is suffering in a different way from the traumatic event that has occurred. In the end, their love for each other will help them come together and they will both be able to heal with time, comfort, and support from one another. This is a beautifully told, emotionally heavy story of one couple's love overcoming tragedy. It is my favorite Janeway/Chakotay fic, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to read a heartbreaking yet fulfilling story.”
@minakotenjou: ‘Mysterious and Curious’ by @h4t08 
“It was so hard to choose - there are a lot of incredible fanfics out there. This was one of the first...shall we say spicier J/C fics I read and for some reason I still think of it often. It's great smut for sure, but I think it stuck with me because of how it all gets tied together at the end.”
@leisylaura: ‘The Bitter End’ by @mia-cooper
“We have post endgame books but not one about the original timeline, I remember reading “The bitter end” and thinking “this is it, this is what happened”.  I cried from beginning to end.”
@killermanatee: ‘The Dying of the Light’ by @cnrothtrek
"This fic is such a gorgeous piece of art. I hadn't seen the TNG episode before reading it and when I did watch it I was very disappointed because this fic is just on such a completely different level. The storytelling is so delicate and intriguing, that combined with the poignant and elegant writing style, so that it was impossible to put my phone down. I can't recommend this fic highly enough."
@cheile: ‘Marooned’ by Soliquilii9 (aka Running Horse)
“I love how she makes the story unfold in slow steady measures.  Also, she filled in the gaps left by the writers in regards to his heritage by using information from her own Cherokee background and it is done naturally (not in an info dump type manner). “
What do you think of our list of Voyager favorites? Do you have a favorite that isn’t on this list? Reply to this post with your favorite!! And if you haven’t read ALL of these fics yet, I strongly suggest you get started!! Have fun and enjoy!!
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scritch-scratches · 4 years
For the question prompt. 5, 6, 7 and 8. Id ask 1 but then id feel like im pressuring you and I hate that.
Some other people asked for 7 as well, so take this as an answer for those as well! I’ll answer 1 as well, because I am impossible to pressure 😉
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
The current project taking up most of my attention right now is actually an original work—I’m writing a magical realism novella!  It’s very much in the beginning stages right now, so I’m still getting a feel for the characters, plot, and setting, but I’m very excited about it. The basic premise is that each night, a teenager dreams of her home town abandoned and consumed by nature, everyone she’s ever known completely gone. The same night she finally encounters someone in the dream, that same young man suddenly arrives in town, and she starts to suspect she may actually being seeing the future. What I love most is definitely the untraditional mystery aspect of the story—Xavi, the MC, has to solve a mystery before it even happens, using clues she finds in her dreams after everything has already gone down.
As for fan works, I’m trying to get the new chapter of SD to work with me, but its slow and tedious work.
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
In terms of my DCMK works, Hakuba is the character I identify with the most. He’s very much a fish out of water that’s pretending he’s still in the sea, and I can really relate to that.
In Dominoes specifically, I really relate to poor Shinichi. I don’t relate much to canon/SD Shinichi, besides his independent personality, but Dominoes Shinichi is another matter entirely. His struggles with feeling like he’s isolated and has lost control of his life reflect my own at that age, as well as the sense of betrayal he feels but can’t justify.
6.  What character do you have the most fun writing?
Haibara and Bourbon. Which is a pity, since most of their scenes haven’t actually gotten to be published yet in SD or Dominoes. I really love them both and find their POVs really refreshing to write and explore, which is why I have an entire fic from just Rei’s POV. My favorite part of working on Part 2 of Dominoes is writing their respective scenes, and their respective interactions with Shinichi.
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree? 
This is a tough one…I’m a big fan of third-person stream of consciousness, letting the perspectives of the characters color the environment and events with their own interpretations and misconceptions. I also really love dramatic irony, which anyone that has read any of my works probably knows well, so I don’t think anyone would disagree with that one.
I also prefer to “show not tell” which sounds like a big “duh” thing but you’ll really notice that if there’s a scene where you are blatantly told what happened rather than seeing it painstakingly described down to every detail/dialogue, it means I gave up on that scene entirely and just wanted to get it over with.
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Yes and no. I don’t read much fanfic, especially not for fandoms I’m writing for. Not for lack of trying, I just can’t get more than a couple of paragraphs in most of the time. I’m really picky about what I read; it needs to have a really interesting and creative premise or a well-executed plot. That’s why I don’t read any fluff or hurt/comfort stuff. 
I really enjoy identity hijinks, suspense, and powerful reveals, which is obvious from my own writing. I also don’t read anything with prominent original characters or anything that’s too OOC (or even most AUs)—I read fan fiction because I love the characters, setting, and original story, if I wanted new stuff, I’d read some new novels or something. But I have no issue writing AUs, so long as they’re an interesting enough twist on canon. My rule for AUs (both writing and reading them) is that they have to make things more interesting, not less interesting, which means no “Modern AUs” that take all the fun concepts out of the setting or characters.
Thanks so much for the questions!
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