#even though Narcissa's dreams are just as neglected
scorpiotrait · 7 months
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it's hard being the spare, sometimes
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txtdreamss · 4 years
the boy who has everything// [f.w.]
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Summary: Fred and you have been secretly going steady since the end of your fifth year. Now that he and George are making their grand exit to follow their dreams, you are struggling to come up with the perfect parting gift.
Inspired by: https://open.spotify.com/track/37hblhCnC5YzhDQH58Rgpi?si=0EISnLcTRE2mctlIXNObTA
Warnings: Angst, Malfoy!Reader, difficult home life, neglect mentioned
A/N: Currently going through a bit of a writers block that definitely came from school, but I thought something to do with my fav boy would help clear my mind. Just want some input from ya’ll, would you be interested in me starting to take requests? Also, low-key miss having mutuals before I decided to completely start over lol. Also, why does ‘each other’ look wrong to me? Like I am a native English speaker but the words just like sus...
Word Count: 2.2k
    The numerous differences between your childhood and your boyfriend’s were anything but subtle.
    Growing up, you felt as if you were a puppet being dangled for the world to see. Your mother, Narcissa Malfoy, was a complex woman; She obviously loved you very much. She held you, but never longer than it took to keep your tears at bay. Lucius Malfoy, on the other hand, was your father in blood only. His disdain for your lack of enthusiasm regarding blood purity was obvious. He had never once in your 18 years on Earth said ‘I love you’, or even a simple ‘I’m proud of you’. Until the day came where you were willing to take the dark mark and fight on behalf of Lord Voldemort, you would be nothing in your parents’ eyes besides a test child before Draco’s birth.
    Now, from what Fred had told you, his childhood was seemingly filled with sunshine and rainbows. He spent his summers wading in the pond near the Burrow, listening to the chirp of crickets and giggles of his numerous siblings. The entire family was open about showing their love in words and actions. Molly and Arthur, despite not being particularly rich, would give the clothes off their backs if it meant their children would never have to experience fear in any capacity. Fred always had a playmate, and never did he have to go through life fearing being expelled from the family home for his opinions.
    In the simplest of terms, Fred and you were complete opposites. Your similarities were found in the small things; the way you both were headstrong and loyal, and most of all...
   You both despised Filch. Fred had saved your butt from being caught in the halls after dark at the beginning of 5th year. He had decided then and there that despite the fact that you were in a different house, you simply had to be more than another member of the besmirched sacred twenty-eight. He knew from the second you were taking his outstretched hand in the dimly lit corridors that no matter what, you both were destined to be in each others’ lives. As he led you down a secret passage to the sound of Mrs. Norris’ eardrum-rattling mewls, you knew that the idea that he was just another impoverished ginger from the Weasley family was anything but true. Despite all the odds, that night was what laid down the foundations for you and Fred to become more than just another member of the family feud.
    Going on almost 2 years later, and your relationship had shifted from what was a slightly odd friendship to an unexpected relationship. Fred and George were now planning their grand escape for sometime after the Easter holidays, but you had a totally different date on your mind; April 1st.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
    “Oi, Weasley! You are a whole 42 seconds late!” You giggled, and Fred simply chuckled before dropping his books next to yours.
    It was rare for Fred to be on time, but he always made an effort (and usually succeeded) for you. Due to your obvious difference in house loyalty, the easiest way you found to spend time together was to carve out 2 afternoons each week to just bask in each others’ presence. Every Monday and Friday (unless there was a quidditch match), you would meet Fred in a secluded corner of the courtyard. The two of you would goof around study, snack on some treats from Honeydukes, or simply lie back and enjoy the sunset while talking about whatever came up.
    “So, anything big happen today, love?” Fred pecked you on the cheek quickly before dropping his head on your shoulder.
    “Just the usual. Apparently, my mother has finally given up on sending me howlers to come home.”
    “Y/N, mum already said she would love for you to come and stay with us during the holidays. You could come get a feel for the family over the holidays next week, and you would finally get to see what the Weasley-Twin-Birthday-Bonanza is like!”
    “You mean watch your aunt call you George for a whole evening while asking why you aren’t a prefect? Oh, I am so in.” The ginger made a face of mock offense while dramatically huffing into the shoulder of your robes. “That reminds me, will you finally cave and tell me what you want for your birthday?”
    “Love, I don’t want anything at all. Having my gal be there for the big one-eight is more than I could ever ask for.”
    Money was no issue; Your mother had continued sending you a small allowance, most likely in the hopes that it would sway you to ‘do the right thing’. Fred had always made an effort to get you a new charm for your bracelet for your birthday, which most likely cost him a few weeks in sales, so of course you wanted to return the favor and find the perfect gift. Last year, you had crocheted him a plush lion wearing a Gryffindor-themed scarf and he had loved it. For some reason, though, you couldn’t help but feel like you needed to find him something bigger and better for his final birthday as a Hogwarts student.
    “If you say so, Fred. Just don’t complain when you open my gift and it’s a pair of socks embroidered with little kittens.” Fred simply smiled and grabbed your hand that was previously tapping on the edge of your potions textbook.
    “I’ll wear them with pride.”
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
    “Ginny, please tell me you have some amazing idea for a gift that I haven’t thought of....” Ginny grimaced as you sunk into the wooden chair, obviously aware that this meeting you had called in the library wasn’t just to give her some advice in terms of course selection.
    “Well... um... maybe you could bring him some muggle joke products? He really gets quite a kick out of them.” The apples of Ginny’s round cheeks became rosy, and she awkwardly rubbed at the back of her neck. “I mean, no offense, but couldn’t you just ask him?”
    “I tried that already. At this rate, he will be turning 19 before I figure out what to get him...” A puff of air escaped your chapped lips, and you once again found yourself nibbling on them in thought.
    “Well, here you are, big sis! Trying to figure out a gift for your git of a boyfriend?” Draco’s familiar greasy head popped out from behind the shelf before the young wizard marched up to you directly. “Do us all a favor, give him a little ‘life sans Y/N’... Merlin knows his parents probably don’t want a child of dark lord sympathizers at their shack anyways.”
    “Shut up, Draco...” Before Ginny could attempt to soothe your anger, you had up and left the room.
    “Psh, serves her right anyways...” A resounding smack was heard as Ginny wacked the platinum-headed goon on the back with the heaviest textbook lying nearby.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
    It wasn’t like doubt surrounding your relationship had never been an issue before. You often found yourself wondering if your company was putting Fred in danger, especially considering the current climate surrounding the resurgence in death eater activity. Fred had always tried to quell your worries, but sweet words and gentle kisses could only do so much. You and Fred knew how you both felt towards each other, but it seemed like the world was against you some days.
    Maybe Draco is right, he could get out of here and find a nice girl with normal parents to settle down with. After all, who wants to be known as the significant other of a Malfoy?
    A single tear slipped out of the corner of your eye, but you quickly dabbed it away with the edge of your sleeve to avoid grabbing attention from any of your housemates. The only perk you found that happened to come with being sorted into Slytherin like the rest of your family was that it was far enough away that you knew Fred wouldn’t find out if you spent any time sulking about your common room. For once, the slam of the heavy dungeon doors brought you comfort instead of a nagging chill.
    Fred isn’t like me. He has everything he could ever want... All I do is create more stress for him.
    Ignoring the harsh gaze of your housemates, you slipped into your dorm and found yourself slinking to bed without so much as slipping off your robes. Pulling the emerald comforters over your head, you let yourself slip into a restless sleep.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
    It was finally the day before the Easter holidays, and Hogwarts was more alive than ever. Young couples were spending their last day on campus wandering the corridors, groups of friends sat laughing and promising to write letters on what they each planned to bring back, and even some people that swore they were enemies seemed to be acting more hospitable. It must’ve been nice to not be spending the morning trying to calm your beating heart and convincing yourself that what you are doing isn’t wrong.
    “Hey Lovey! Have you finished packing yet?”
    “Well... not exactly, Freddie.” Fred’s face dropped, and he took your hand in his.
    “Is this about my aunt? I promise you won’t even have to say more than a simple ‘hello’ to her.” The mere mention of Fred’s Auntie Muriel almost cracked your tough exterior.
    “I can’t come home with you, Freddie. There is no way your family wants to spend their holiday break with the daughter of Lucius Malfoy. Look, I mean... here’s your gift. Just please promise to wait till you get to the station to open it.”
    Fred opened his mouth to argue, but you had already turned away as to avoid him seeing hot tears trail down your cheeks. You would have to be insane to go and willingly spend your holiday alone in the Malfoy Manor. There would be no family meals, especially now that all your parent’s energy went towards providing shelter for the death eaters. As you stumbled away to make your way back to your dorm to finish packing, Fred’s warm hand grasped your shoulder.
    “Please. Y/N, all I want is to be able to spend every day of this holiday mucking about with you. I know why you want to go home, and I’m telling you as your boyfriend and best friend to not do it. Just please, grant me a birthday wish... come home with me.”
    Fred drew you into his chest, and you found yourself clutching onto his striped button-up as if it would save your life. His larger hands rubbed across your back, and he pressed a small kiss on the top of your head.
    “Are you really sure about this, Fred? I wouldn’t want to make your mum and dad uncomfortable, or even your older brothers for that matter.”
    “Y/N, my love, the light of my life, just come home. If you can manage to get George to like you more than he likes me, I promise you the rest of my family will love you.” His signature smirk spread on his freckled face, and he pressed a quick peck on the tip of your nose.
    “Now, let’s go get you packed, Y/N.”
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
    “Oi, Fred, what’s in the box?” George elbowed his brother while somewhat attempting to be quiet. The train ride was almost over, and you had resorted to using the seat opposite to the twins as a temporary napping spot.
    “I nearly forgot I had it on me to be quite honest. Do you think I should open it even though she is coming with us?”
    “She said to open it at the station, but we are obviously past that point, so please just open it!” George bounced in his seat, and Fred gave in to temptation. He unwrapped the ribbon holding the small box shut, opened the lid, and discovered a dainty chain with a circular pendant hanging on the end.
    “Is that a size reference for your-”
    “George! Shut up, you dimwit. I think it might be a mirror-glass type thing, but I genuinely have no idea...”
    “Freddie, bring it to your eye and look through it.” The twins both jumped as you rolled over, clearly no longer asleep.
    Fred brought the pendant to his right eye, squinted, and his immediate smile couldn’t be contained. When held at the right distance, he could see a small picture of you and him from your first date at Hogsmeade. He was much more lanky and awkward looking, and you were almost matched in height. The smile you both shared in the photo warmed his heart to no end, and Fred found himself having to gather his emotions from the memories he had of that day. 
    The ginger all but leapt to your side of the cart, and he wrapped his arm around your still-sleepy figure. He squeezed you tightly to his side before leaning in to whisper something in your ear without allowing George to hear.
    “It’s perfect, my love.”
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
~Post-fic A/N: I hope this was a good read for you guys! I am definitely on the verge of passing out, but proofreading is superior to sleep (jk). Anyways, if anything comes to mind, don’t hesitate to reach out or send in an ask! I love interacting with you guys, even if it is just a brief hello! :) ~
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After the War
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Pureblood!Reader
Summary: Where you see the complications that they go through being raised as pureblood traditionalists during a time of war, friends to lovers
Requested: Nah
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of torture, pureblood ideals, bad parenting (maybe hints at abuse?)
A/N: I’m posting this verrrryyyyy late at night (for me, it might actually be prime time for the rest of y’all) but I’ve been working hard on this for about two weeks and I’m actually kinda like really proud of it so I hope you guys also enjoy! Please remember to let me know what you think - reblog, comment, send asks! I love hearing what you guys have to say, it honestly makes my day :) it’s also like 6k long and I could have easily gone on writing it forever - spin-off blurbs maybe?? If you fancy it??
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Draco’s hand was holding tightly onto the glass he had been given by his friend.
Pansy had neglected to mention just how many people were attending Y/N’s homecoming party - of course, he was aware that Y/N had always been far more popular than him, but he and his fellow Slytherins had never bothered themselves with attempting to integrate themselves with any of the other groups that Y/N had befriended at Hogwarts.
And when Pansy had decided that it would be her, with the help of Daphne, of course, who would be organising the party for one of their oldest friends, Draco had never imagined that Potter, Granger and the Weasley’s would be on the invite list.
It was beyond strange to have them in his house. There was a time not so long ago that he would never have even dreamed of allowing them to enter beyond the gates of Malfoy Manor. 
But that was before the war. 
Naturally when Pansy had mentioned throwing a party for Y/N’s return into society, Draco had been the first to offer Malfoy Manor up as the venue. 
Privately he admitted to himself that it was because he felt so awful about having been unable to visit Y/N in the hospital, but he would never confess that to his friends, he already knew what they were more than likely to tell him - it wasn’t his fault.
But it was, he knew it was. If he had just listened to her.
“Where is she?” Pansy huffed, tapping her foot impatiently on the ground and glaring at the door, as though by simply willing it enough her friend would appear.
“She doesn’t go anywhere very fast anymore, Pansy, calm down - she’ll be here soon,” Theo laughed a little, rolling his eyes at Pansy’s impatience.
“I thought she had recovered?” Draco asked immediately, concern flaring up for his friend at once.
“I keep forgetting that you haven’t seen her,” Daphne said, her voice quiet and sadness hung over the group at those words.
“I thought you said she was better?” Draco questioned hoarsely.
“She is - but she’s… more subdued than before,” Blaise confirmed, a troubled expression clouding his ever-handsome features.
“Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she just decided not to turn up,” Theo mentioned conversationally, evidently trying to break the harsh silence that had fallen between the friends. There was a small grin trying to break across his face. “I mean, she’s never exactly enjoyed parties all that much before, and now she has a reason to skive off of them.”
Blaise and Daphne both laughed at that and even Draco indulged himself with a smile, bringing his glass up to his lips and taking a sip.
Pansy on the other hand scowled and rolled her eyes.
“Please - we all know she’ll make an appearance to keep everyone here happy and also to see Draco.”
Colour rose in Draco’s cheeks at the knowing looks shot at him by his closest friends and he was suddenly acutely aware of just how long he had known them and of how long they had known Y/N, of how well they all knew each other. 
“You’re thinking rather loudly, Draco,” Daphne informed him, but the gentle smile on her face was enough to relax him into understanding that she was merely teasing.
“I met Y/N here,” he told them. “At that gala - or it might have been a dinner party… I don’t… I don’t quite remember.”
Draco recognised the family.
They were always invited to the galas and the adults always showed up and for as long as he could remember, the eldest daughter had as well. The son had been a recent addition to their permanent entourage.
But the young girl was new.
She was clutching onto her sister's hand, hidden slightly behind her, practically cowering away from Draco and his parents when they greeted her as part of the welcome committee. 
“This must be your other daughter?” Narcissa’s smile was gentle, kind as her eyes fell onto the shy-looking girl. The eldest daughter nudged Y/N out from behind her, giving a reassuring smile and Draco could see the dangerous glare being directed to the young girl by her father.
“Hi,” she mumbled out, still staring at the ground.
“Y/N is rather shy,” her mother butted in and Draco could see the annoyance in her eyes.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” Lucius stated, giving his best attempt at a warm smile towards her, but his eyes quickly moved off of the young girl and looked behind the family to see if any other guests were making their way up.
“This is our son, Draco,” Narcissa told the girl, crouching down in front of her. “I’m sure your siblings have told you about him,” her eyes flicked up to Y/N’s brother and sister who gave nods. “He’s your age as well,” Draco was pulled to stand in front of the girl.
“Hi,” Y/N mumbled out again and Draco looked at his mother unsurely.
“How about you take Y/N through to the lounge with the other kids? Introduce her to everyone?” Narcissa suggested. 
“Okay,” Draco agreed easily, and Y/N and her two older siblings followed him through to where the other young people were waiting.
“I’m going to go say hi to my friends, okay?” Y/N’s sister said to her, her brother having already moved over to stand with the other older children. A look of terror replaced Y/N’s nervous expression and she tried to move to stand a little closer to her sister, who laughed quietly and shook her head. “There are plenty of kids your age here, Y/N.”
“Come on - I already know them all,” Draco added, grinning at the girl who still looked unsure but finally nodded.
“Make way! Make way! Invalid coming through!” 
“You’re such a twat, Ernie!” Her voice was unmistakable, tinted with laughter and mild annoyance and Draco perked up immediately, craning his neck, desperate to catch a glance of her. 
“Subtle,” Pansy muttered, grinning and not waiting for a response from any of her friends before pushing her way through the crowds of people towards the source of Y/N’s laughter, which filled the room.
Draco didn’t hesitate before following her. 
The crowds of people parted for Draco, many of them still wary of him, still angry and scared of him after the war and Draco couldn’t blame them.
He, too, was still angry and scared of himself. 
Ignoring the glares of the guests who were still less than keen on him, Draco could finally see her and stopped in his tracks, unable to stop himself from beaming.
Normally it was so easy to tell the difference between the pureblood traditionalists and the rest of the Wizarding community. Especially at parties.
Draco and his other Slytherin pureblood friends had all come dressed in suits and posh dresses fit for a proper ball or gala, as had a couple of the other purebloods not in their group - Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott, housemates of Y/N who were also a part of the sacred 28 were dressed in similar attire. Even Neville Longbottom who, as far as Draco was aware, had not been invited to galas or dinners of other purebloods, was dressed nicer than most of the other guests.
Most of the others had just turned up in jeans and t-shirts, dressed for a casual occasion, a kind of gathering that the children of Slytherin Purebloods weren’t accustomed to.
Y/N, however, fit perfectly into that group.
She wore a pair of black jeans and trainers with a grey Hufflepuff sweater that Draco knew was her favourite to wear on lazy days.
Draco did a double take when he entered into the dungeon common room with the Quidditch team to see Y/N lounging on one of the green sofas reading a book and surrounded by her other Slytherin friends.
She was wearing a pair of jeans and her Hufflepuff sweater, looking completely at ease in the Common Room that wasn’t hers. Her head was resting in Theo’s lap as he played a game of Wizards Chess with Blaise. Daphne and Pansy were doing homework near to them.
Crabbe and Goyle left Draco’s sides and fell onto the sofas beside their friends, all of home gave a semblance of a welcome to them.
Other than Y/N, who perked up, sitting up from being sprawled across Theo’s lap and turning to look at the entrance where Draco was still standing, observing the scene with a softness in his heart that he was unaccustomed to.
“Draco!” Y/N beamed, opening her arms out for a hug, snapping the blond boy out of his trance-like state to cross the room and seat himself beside Y/N, allowing her to hug him tightly.
“What’re you doing down here?” He asked her as Y/N settled herself into his embrace, already beginning to open her book and Draco, as always, found himself desperate to keep her attention fixed on him.
“I wanted to see you - I’ve missed you lately, you’ve been practicing so much,” Y/N responded and Draco buried his face in her hair to hide his stupidly wide grin.
“Well it’s nearing curfew - we were training so late I’m sorry, I would’ve tried to get off earlier if I knew,” he responded, heart thudding his chest.
“I don’t wanna walk back to my dorms,” Y/N whined and Draco laughed at the childish tone, ignoring the knowing looks being thrown at him by their friends.
“Stay here, then,” Draco suggested. “I mean your parents did always want you to be in Slytherin,” he added, raising a sardonic eyebrow that had Y/N hitting his chest, laughing.
“I’m sure it would go down really well if I stayed in your dorms with you when my brothers are right over there, ready to tell my parents all about it,” Y/N agreed, pointing to the other side of the room where, sure enough, Y/N’s younger brother was sat with some friends, with one eye on the fifth years. Draco could feel Y/N’s older brother watching them as well and when he looked at the seventh year he saw a mild curiosity in his eyes.
Upon meeting Draco’s eyes, the seventh year gave a slight smile and nodded his head in acknowledgement.
“I never said that you’d be sharing my dorm with me - you just assumed that much,” Draco corrected. “I just said that you could stay here,” he gestured to the common room that they were sitting in with a mischievous grin that had Y/N rolling her eyes.
“So you’d let me sleep down here - alone - in the cold common room, and you’d be able to sleep soundly in your bed with the knowledge that I was shivering down here?” 
“We’d all definitely sleep sounder if you and Draco weren’t in the dorm with us,” Blaise piped up, winking cheekily at the two friends. Draco felt the colour rising in his cheeks as Y/N chuckled and flipped him off.
Draco knew that he had a point, though. Him and Y/N had been dancing around one another for the past year. Ever since the Yule Ball which Y/N had attended with a Hufflepuff boy that she was friends with and Draco had found himself jealous and unable to hide it, he had been waiting for the right time to possibly make a move on her. 
According to his friends, he was just oblivious to Y/N’s feelings towards him and that they were more than certain that she returned his affection.
“You really went all out today, huh?” Pansy teased, interrupting the conversation Y/N was having with Hermione Granger, who stiffened upon noticing Draco and Pansy’s presence.
“I wasn’t expecting this many people,” Y/N laughed and immediately Draco could see what Blaise meant. Her voice was softer than before, an exhaustion in her tone that he himself had had during his sixth year. “Figured I’d get away just wearing some lazy clothes, you know?”
Pansy hugged her tightly and Draco wondered if she had noticed how Y/N tensed up just a little before relaxing into the embrace and returning it.
“Maybe you should’ve thought about how many friends you have before you ended up in Saint Mungos.”
Draco saw Y/N’s face brighten as she pulled away from Pansy and laid her eyes upon him.
“You’re here!” Pansy moved out of her way just before Y/N could push her away and she rushed towards Draco, flinging her arms around him and burying her face in his neck.
“It is my house,” he reminded her in a quiet murmur.
“I know I just… I missed you, Draco,” he was surprised to feel tears wetting his neck.
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t visit you in hospital,” he whispered, holding her even closer and shutting his eyes tight.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Draco,” Y/N scolded, her voice hoarse with her tears.
“Well I didn’t get to repay the favour, did I?”
“What favour?” She finally pulled away, still smiling despite the glassiness of her eyes. Draco pressed his lips to her forehead, the action familiar and comforting to both of them after their many years of friendship.
“Sixth year?” His voice was dropped to a whisper, painfully aware of the presence of Potter and Weasley standing nearby, having approached after catching wind of Y/N’s arrival and wishing to say their hellos. 
Potter may have vouched for Draco after the war, but they were nowhere near being friends and Draco certainly didn’t want to remind him of the mission he had been given during his sixth year at Hogwarts.
Draco, to put it mildly, felt awful.
He ached all over and could only dimly recollect the previous day. He remembered the bathroom. He remembered Potter. He remembered pain. He remembered blood - lots of it.
His brow scrunched up as a fresh wave of pain washed over him in his semi-conscious state.
“Hey - it’s okay,” he knew he’d recognise her voice anywhere. 
Fingers gently touched his cheek, moving down to carefully cup his jaw and he felt her press her lips to his forehead.
“I’m so glad you’re awake - I was so worried,” she whispered.
Draco forced his eyes open, desperately wanting to comfort her, hating that he was the cause of the sadness in her voice but secretly he revelled in the care and worry that laced her words.
Not that he deserved her care, of course.
Not after what he had been spending his year doing, after what he had been keeping from her even now that they were in a state of semi-dating.
His voice was croaky, he was clearly dehydrated and yet the word brought a beautiful smile to her face that made the pain of speaking worth it to him.
“I was so worried,” she repeated, settling back down into the seat beside him and taking his hand again, squeezing it tightly.
“I didn’t mean to worry you,” Draco replied, squeezing her hand back, though the action was weak, he possessed little strength after the ordeal.
“I don’t think you can exactly be blamed for this, Draco.”
Draco’s heart broke at her words and he found himself unable to meet her eyes.
If only she knew.
Y/N lifted his hand and pressed her lips against it, her eyes falling tightly closed.
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if you died.”
Pain swam in Y/N’s eyes at Draco’s reminder and his heart dropped in his chest when he saw it.
But before he could say anything else, Y/N was tugged out of his grasp by one of her friends and Draco was pushed to the side of the room again, left to watch as Y/N was passed around the groups gathered to welcome her home.
It wasn’t long before Draco had been found by his Slytherin fellows and the group of five retreated back to the walls, observing the party that they had organised for their friend, but not truly feeling a part of it.
“It’s weird seeing all of them here,” Blaise voiced at last, his tone somewhat dark, his expression brooding, lost in thought. “Don’t you think?” He added after getting no response from the others.
“So weird,” Daphne agreed quietly while Theodore gave a muted nod of his head. “Surely especially for you, Draco?” 
Draco let out a long sigh and nodded his head.
“I wonder what my father would have to say about it.”
“Doubtlessly nothing good,” Pansy said and when Draco looked at her, it seemed as though there was a smile threatening to tug at her lips. “But I mean, this-” Pansy gestured around them at the classily decorated room, prepared as though it was for another one of the pureblood galas that were so often held there. “This was our childhood, wasn’t it? Here - learning to dance, having those dumb dinners… never would’ve thought I’d see muggleborns in Malfoy Mannor.”
Draco couldn’t help but wince just a little when he thought of the last time that there had been someone of muggle descent in this very room. He wasn’t blind to the way that Hermione had kept away from that room as much as she could.
“In a way,” Theo said, saving Draco from having to add anything himself. “It’s almost weirder to see Y/N back here, isn’t it?”
“It’s weird to see her willingly be here,” Blaise corrected, smirking just a little. “Weird for her to look happy here.”
There was another pang to Draco’s heart at Blaise’s painfully honest words and he took another drink to hide the effect that they had on him.
Draco didn’t want to be there - most of his friends had already arrived, he could hear them talking and laughing amongst one another in the sitting room, while the adults milled around with their drinks.
But, as was always the case when the galas were hosted at Malfoy Manor, he had to stay with his parents and welcome the other purebloods as they arrived.
Though, this made for certain that Draco wouldn’t miss Y/N’s arrival. 
The previous dinner had been at the Y/L/N household and it didn’t go unnoticed how Y/N was not included in the welcome party. 
It hadn’t been hard for Draco and his friends to figure out that they had had another row. It was far from uncommon.
Y/N had turned up for the meal, dressed as she normally would be but far more subdued, and Draco wasn’t blind to the glares that she was receiving from her family. And they had all seen how she was ordered to help tidy up - an especially humiliating feat considering the presence of both houselves and guests. 
Draco hadn’t been offered the chance to question his friend, however, as she didn’t come to join them after she had finished helping to clear up and when he asked her sister about it, she told him that Y/N had likely hidden herself away from their parents.
No matter the bad blood between Y/N and her parents, Draco knew that Y/N remained close with her siblings.
He had been eternally thankful when his mother had asked, as they left, whether Y/N’s parents thought that their daughter would feel up for attending the dinner at the Malfoy house in a few days. 
Y/N trailed behind her family as they approached Malfoy Manor, and Draco felt a stab of pride when he saw that she had chosen to wear a yellow dress, her expression somewhat defiant and refusing to look at her Slytherin relatives.
It was only as she drew nearer that Draco could see the sadness that her eyes held. The pain that she was enduring, and he wondered what horrors her home life was holding, what her parents could be putting her through, just because she wasn’t like them. Didn’t hold the same ideals - at least not anymore, not since she was sorted into Hufflepuff rather than Slytherin, the one act that had segregated her so entirely from the whole of her family and friends.
“Draco, you can go and join your friends - I’m sure we can handle it from here,” it wasn’t exactly subtle, but Draco beamed at his mother, falling into step beside Y/N, who offered him a tired smile in response as they walked the familiar route towards the sitting room.
Draco caught hold of her arm, pulling her to the side, ignoring the curious look of her younger brother as he entered in before them, her older siblings having turned of age and so deemed old enough to join the adults instead.
“Is everything okay?” He asked in a low voice.
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“I didn’t see you at all at yours,” he responded, brow pinched in concern.
Y/N sighed and glanced over at where her parents still stood talking with the Malfoys, and it was then that Draco noticed that her father was still keeping a close eye on her.
“Come on - I’ll tell you inside,” she whispered, evidently wanting to get away from the keen observation of her family.
The relief of their other friend was evident once Y/N entered the room, it flooded all of their expressions and Daphne stood to embrace her in a tight hug.
“We were so worried about you,” she told her. “Is everything okay?”
Y/N forced a smile and nodded her head.
“Yeah, it’s nothing new - just that I’m a disappointment to the family.” Y/N hesitated before looking to the ground and adding: “My Grandma’s looking for someone for me to marry.”
“What? You’re not even of age!” Theo protested, Pansy was staring at Y/N wide-eyed and Blaise’s expression was clouded with sympathy.
“She wants me to enter into an arranged marriage to someone of pureblood status so I no longer bring dishonour to the family,” Y/N recited, a wry smile on her face. “I think it’s because You Know Who is back - she doesn’t want us all to be seen as blood traitors or something.”
“Are her family coming?” Draco asked, frowning a little as he glanced around the crowded party for any sign of Y/N’s family members.
“Her sister said that she’d try and come after she’s finished work, her younger brother said he’d think about it - he said that he wasn’t sure how welcome he’d be. And her other brother…” Pansy trailed off, looking a little awkward when she shared a knowing look with Draco.
“Are we discussing my dear old family?” Y/N asked, joining them, a glass in her hand and a slightly dark smile on her face.
Perhaps Draco was imagining it, but he thought it may have softened just a little when she made eye contact with him.
“I was asking if they were planning on coming today - my mum is arriving later, by the way,” Draco explained.
“She’s with my mum - who also said she’d come along,” Blaise inputted.
“No chance of my parents turning up,” Y/N snorted. “They’d much rather I died, why would they celebrate that I got discharged from St Mungos?” Draco wondered if he was the only one that picked up on the underlying sadness in her voice, masked by the spite and bitterness. It was on instinct that he placed his arm around her shoulder and tugged her into his side, but before he could start to feel embarrassed by it, she beamed prettily up at him.
“They don’t want you dead,” Theo said kindly and Draco could see how desperately Y/N wished that to be true.
“Blood traitor, remember? I got disowned, or didn’t you hear?” Y/N looked up at Draco curiously, the only one who she knew for certain was aware that her family had disinherited her as a result of her involvement protecting both muggles and muggleborns during the war.
He gave a tiny nod of his head, confirming that he had indeed informed their friend.
“We just figured that… with You Know Who gone…”
“That they’d admit that they were wrong?” Y/N questioned, her jaw clenching. “Surely you know my parents better than that.”
“Don’t react,” Narcissa breathed in Draco’s ear.
But he got a response to his question from someone else. 
His aunt’s gleeful cackle rang out and the door swung open. A body was thrown to the floor.
“We got her!” Bellatrix trilled. “We got that little mudblood loving blood traitor!” 
Selfishly, oh so selfishly, Draco wished that his aunt was referring to Ron Weasley. But his heart sunk in his chest, his brain already knowing who had really been caught.
Sure enough, the body on the ground groaned, a slight whimper leaving her lips and Bellatrix kicked her in the side, turning her over so that she lay on her back, her face visible to the surrounding Death Eaters.
Narcissa’s long fingers closed tightly around Draco’s arm and it was only then that he noticed how he had instinctively moved forwards, desiring nothing more than to help Y/N who was clearly in so much pain as she lay on the floor.
“It will be worse for both of you if you try to help her,” Narcissa breathed in Draco’s ear as she pulled him back.
Draco tried to steady his breathing, trying his best to hide his wince as he was forced to hear her condemnation, instead he looked across the room to where Y/N’s family were, her parents standing with a clear view of their youngest daughter, Y/N’s brother standing behind them, shrouded in shadows, but Draco could see his expression of horror.
There was a shift in the atmosphere of the room, a coldness that overtook them all when Voldemort entered. Silence fell amongst the Death Eaters and almost all eyes turned to him. Draco, however, remained watching her brother, watching him watch her.
“For any of you who are unaware,” Voldemort’s high-pitched voice rang out loud and clear as he glided through the room to stop just short of Y/N’s body huddled on the floor. “This,” he pointed a long, white finger at the girl. “Is Y/N Y/L/N,” some people’s eyes glanced over towards the other members of the Y/L/N’s family, but most remained on Voldemort. “She is pureblood.”
Everyone in the room already knew this. Almost all of them had to be aware of who Y/N was, why she was labelled as an undesirable, why she was deemed worthy of being dealt with by Lord Voldemort himself.
“In fact, some of her family even reside in our ranks,” his red eyes looked over to Y/N’s family. “And yet she has betrayed our kind - she is of the belief that her blood status doesn’t matter, that she is equal with the mudbloods and muggles,” he spat the words at her and it caused mutterings amongst the Death Eaters, who all glared at Y/N.
Draco’s heart broke.
Narcissa’s hand tightened even more on his arm.
“In fact,” Voldemort continued, raising his voice just slightly to be heard clearly over the mutterings. “She even went so far as to protect them - Y/N is the Secret Keeper for a house in which mudbloods and their muggle relatives can hide and be safe from us,” Voldemort’s tone was mocking as he referenced the safety of the people Y/N had been trying so hard to forget. “What do you have to say about this, Y/L/N?”
Y/N’s father’s jaw was clenched tightly as he stepped just a little further into the light.
“We had no part in it - she has been a disappointment since she was sorted into Hufflepuff,” he spat, though Draco noticed that he didn’t seem able to bring himself to look at his daughter.
“And you?” Voldemort’s cold eyes were focused on Y/N’s brother, who swallowed thickly and looked helplessly at his mother.
Y/N’s mother stepped to stand in line with her husband and she looked at Y/N’s crumpled form as she spoke:
“She’s no daughter of ours.”
A slow song started to play through the room and Y/N looked up at Draco from where she was still tucked under his arm.
“Dance with me?” She requested.
Draco could never deny her, and so he passed his glass to Pansy, Y/N giving hers to Theo, and he led her through to a space in the dancers.
“They’re all rather clumsy, aren’t they?” Y/N mused, looking around at the couples attempting to dance in the middle of Malfoy Manor. 
Draco laughed and nodded his agreement, though barely glanced at them, too focused on Y/N.
“Not all of us had dancing lessons growing up, Y/L/N!” Complained one of the Weasley twins, who was doing his best to dance with who Draco recognised to be Angelina Johnson, one of the old Gryffindor chasers, though he looked rather unsteady on his feet.
“Shove it, Fred!” Y/N retorted, removing one of her hands from Draco and flipping him off.
“You’re acting as though you weren’t an awful dancer yourself, once,” he was surprised by the teasing tone of voice.
“Merlin, do you remember? I was so bad that Blaise’s mum told me I wasn’t allowed to practise with him because I made him look shit as well.”
“And Theo gave up practicing with you too-”
“Because I kept stepping on his toes,” Y/N finished and the two of them laughed again.
“You got stuck with me,” Draco said and normally he would have been embarrassed by the affection that rang so clearly in his voice, but a little of the sadness seemed to leave her eyes at it.
“You were a pretty good teacher.”
Draco froze. He had forgotten about the stair that squeaked on the way downstairs.
He looked around cautiously, there was no way that he could risk getting caught.
Y/N had been here for a week, and it was taking all of his willpower and his mother’s convincing to stop him from lashing out at his aunt, at Voldemort, at the other Death Eaters, at Y/N’s family everytime she was brought out for questioning.
He knew that he would be haunted by her screams of agony for the rest of his life.
It was just his mother, and Draco thanked every God and deity there was for that. She knew what he was doing, she understood why he was doing it. 
His mother had always known Draco better than anyone else, even himself sometimes. More than that, though, she had always loved Y/N. And she knew that Draco had always loved her too.
Her eyes were so sad, so understanding when they met his.
She gave a small nod of her head.
“Make it look like an accident?”
Draco released the breath he had been holding.
“I promise.”
He snuck the rest of the way towards the cellar with no more distractions, his heart thumping hard and loud in his chest as he unlocked the door and made his way carefully down the stairs.
It hurt him so much to hear how broken her voice was and he rushed over to her, not missing how she cowered away from him just a little at first until he came to a stop, crouching down in front of her and scanning every inch of her.
“Fuck - I’m so sorry, Y/N - I’m so, so sorry,” he wasn’t even embarrassed by the tears that were streaming down his face. 
Tentative shaking hands reached out and brushed them away and then they were hugging, their arms tight around each other as they buried their faces into each other’s shoulders to mask their sobs.
“I’m sorry I didn’t try to stop them,” his breath hitched with the words as he desperately tried to regain control of himself. Y/N was shaking her head though.
“No, Draco - you’ve got to stay safe, if you’d done anything… they would’ve done the same to you. They might’ve… made you do it to me,” Draco’s eyes squeezed shut, knowing that it was the truth.
If Voldemort had any idea how much Y/N meant to him, there was no doubt in his mind that he would be made to torture her.
“I’m going to get you out,” he told her in a strained whisper.
“You can’t!”
“I’m going to - I’ve got a plan. I’m going to say that I thought I heard something, so I came down to check what was going on. You attacked me and got out. I’ll chase after you only once you’re in the garden, call for help. Once you get beyond the path you’re outside of the protections around the Manor and you can apparate away.” He was clutching onto her hand so hard that he was briefly worried that she would lose feeling in it until she squeezed his hand back.
“But what if it goes wrong? If they find you out?”
Draco drew a shaky breath and pressed his lips to her hand. 
“Then at least you’ll be safe.”
“I really am sorry for not visiting you,” Draco murmured. Y/N rolled her eyes, allowing herself a slight laugh.
“I mean, as excuses go, yours was pretty good.”
“What? That I was in Azkaban?” 
“I’m sorry, Draco - was it really awful there?” He gave her a sad smile.
“Probably no worse than your recovery at St Mungo’s.”
“I was pretty fucked after the war,” Y/N agreed and the laughter they shared at that comment was dak. “I’m so sorry you had to go there, though, even just for a little while.” 
“It was my fault, Y/N - I was on the wrong side of the war. You were on the right one - you always were.”
“You did it for your family, Draco - I don’t for a second think that you would’ve joined if it weren’t for your parents. Same with my brother.”
Y/N swallowed thickly at the mention of her family and Draco’s heart swelled with affection for the girl he had been in love with for as long as he could remember.
“But hey, you’re a war hero now,” he said and Y/N gave a tired laugh.
“Ron recon’s I’m gonna get a letter about being on a chocolate frog card now that I’m out of St Mungos, apparently him, Harry and Hermione have already got theirs.”
“Well getting put on a chocolate frog card is definitely something to tick off the bucket list, isn’t it?” 
It was strange for Draco to be with Y/N. It was strange because of how natural it felt, how right he felt it was to be with her again, to laugh with her, to talk with her. So much of the time following the war had been spent forcing himself to go through the usual motions, his every interaction felt unnatural and uncomfortable.
But dancing with Y/N, talking to her again, it felt just like it did when they were kids being forced to endure ballroom dancing lessons - it felt right.
“Draco?” Her voice was slightly shyer than before, more tentative.
“Yeah, love?”
“Can I… can I maybe stay here tonight?”
By the time that they were old enough to truly understand what it would mean to be in a relationship, to completely understand both their own feelings and one anothers, it was too late to start anything real. With the war approaching, both of them had been so reluctant to be with each other officially.
Their sixth year had been spent in a state of limbo - they were together, they kissed, they hugged, she would sometimes share his bed, they loved each other, but they weren’t official. 
They couldn’t afford it with so much uncertainty hanging over them.
Their seventh year - or the first term of it, at least - they were both too distracted for it to matter. She was trying to help as many muggleborns as possible, he was trying to stay alive and protect his parents as best he could.
But now it was over.
She had recovered from her injuries from the Battle of Hogwarts.
He had been pardoned from Azkaban.
Voldemort was dead.
Maybe now it was their chance to be happy?
Draco chanced it and lent down, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead and pulling away to watch the endearing shy smile that curled her lips.
“Of course you can.”
“You’ll have to help me up the stairs.”
“That’s okay,” he laughed, feeling Y/N pressing herself just a little closer to him, no trace other previous sadness in her eyes as she grinned up at him - the same wide, welcoming smile that he remembered so well from his childhood.
“And I’ll probably wake up in the night because I’m in pain,” she warned and Draco felt himself flush red as he realised that she appeared to be suggesting that they shared a bed again. A soft giggle escaped her at that and she reached up to brush his hair out of his eyes.
“I can take care of you.”
Draco thought his heart would burst at the adoration he thought that he would never see again, shining at him through her eyes.
“I know you will.”
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vainlgacy · 3 years
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SEND ME ♡ + A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU  .  @mauradcrs​ said :  ♡ + remcissa
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Who is the most affectionate?
this is definitely a tricky question because the both of them are incredibly affectionate  .  there is this mutual need  /  want to touch and feel the other in their presence  .  it isn’t always inappropriate but simple hand holding  ,  fixing their hair  ,  etc  .  they both are the most affectionate in their own ways  .
Who initiates the handholding ?
i would have to say narcissa  .  mainly because physical touch is one of her love languages  &  while remus might love to touch and to have his hands on her she will always be one of the first to reach out  .  she does it instinctively at night if she has a bad dream  ,  whenever they are walking  ,  even when they are intimate  .
Who worries more for the other?
100000% cissa for remus  ,  especially after she learns about his lycanthropy and where he goes every month when he shifts .  She wants to protect him and to keep him safe as best as possible and because she knows she always can’t there will always be a little bit of worry that takes over and she can’t stop it  .  
Who is more likely to ask for help?
oh you best know that they try so hard to avoid asking for help  .  they will tell the other that they have it and they don’t need help but eventually the other will stop listening  &  help either way  .  i feel like there would be very limited or few reasons why they would ask for help  .
Who is the one always losing the keys?
who needs keys when you have an unlocking spell  ?  but neither of them  ,  I don’t see either of them losing things all the time  ,  maybe every once a while they will put them in a new location but it’s nothing that happens every day  .
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Remus  !!  narcissa loves so much when he writes her little notes  .  she keeps them all and puts them between the pages of one of her books and she goes through and reads them all the time  .  a collection of letters she loves between the pages of the book she loves  .
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
both of them  .  it isn’t that they can’t sleep  ,  it’s just an easier and better sleep when the other is there  .  if they are alone there is a lot of restlessness  &  tossing and turning  .  you’re incredibly vulnerable when you’re sleeping and in the case of narcissa  ,  she feels safe when he’s sleeping next to her  .
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
okay but narcissa has proposed to him TWICE  .  the first time he told her no bc he wanted to propose to her  .  the second time they were already married and he had survived something terrible and she’s like  ,  marry me again u dummy  .  babies  !
Who introduced the other to their family first?
well sirius introduced himself to remus without the aid of narcissa  ,  but she would never introduce him to anyone in her family  .  He definitely introduced her to his father before his passing  .  The both of them had visited his mothers grave so she could meet his mother  .
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Cissa to Remus  .  it’s all about that physical touch being her love language  .  she expresses her love through touch and playing  with his hair is one of the things she does  .
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Both of them. They know the other gets wrapped up in their own thing sometimes and they tend to neglect  .  but the other brings them food and drinks while working so they don’t go without  .
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
not that remus wouldn’t  ,  but narcissa is the first to scold someone for hurting someone she loves  .  she definitely has no issue with telling someone to shove off and would protect with every ounce of her being  .
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
remus ! while narcissa likes to give surprises it’s remus who does them more often  .  she feels incredibly and entirely spoiled and loved by him and the surprises definitely make her blush like crazy !
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
cissa ! it definitely gets a smile out of remus and definitely a roll of the eyes  .  she has been pinky promising with sirius since she was tiny and it’s a valid method of establishing trust !
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
both of them ! though narcissa is always the one falling asleep on the couch so remus definitely does it more  .  but cissa would do the same for him if she had found him fast sleep .
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alckto · 5 years
— hey isn’t that ALECTO CARROW over there? yeah that is HER, standing there with the other SLYTHERIN. i’m pretty sure they’re in SEVENTH year and i think i heard sybill saying they look like MADELAINE PETSCH… whoever that is! when she looks into her crystal ball she sees that they’re the TEMPEST. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty ELEGANT and DIPLOMATIC but kinda TEMPERAMENTAL and CRITICAL too. apparently they’re a PURE-BLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. —— 
Alecto Caimhe Carrow was born seven minutes after her twin brother Amycus. Those seven minutes set her fate in stone, sealing her fate in the twisted world of the carrow family and pureblood elite.  
Alecto was a very quiet baby, she was comfortable beside her brother and calm in his presence --- when she was allowed to be in it. From the very start alecto was neglected in favor of her brother, his first born status and gender made him the accepted and exalted heir of the family. Alecto, as a girl, was not as valued or desired and was taught to value only her outward beauty in the hopes of marrying into a wealthier or more popular family. When she was just a toddler she was placed in elaborate outfits, family friends would comment how stunning she was, and still so young, she’d be a heartbreaker. But her brother was given other words to chew on, strong, wise, determined. Alecto could only take those words through closed doors, or from the mouth of amycus himself. She wasn’t jealous of her brother, she knew better than anyone how he suffered at the hands of their parents, how desperate they were to mold him in their image and the lengths they went to to sculpt him. She would sneak into his room at night and just lay beside him, hold his hand. They’d talk about the future and the dreams they held close to their hearts in secret.
Alecto grew up very much in shadow, she was not often instructed directly but heard all the prejudice second hand, she was left alone more often than not, given neither a scolding or anything resembling care or affection. She began to believe her parents didn’t know how to love their children so they chose to “educate” instead. Left to her own devices, outside etiquette lessons, she would read. She once thought if she could be more like amycus her parents would want to spend time with her too, she showed them once how smart she was and earned the attention amycus received, the kind that left the skin mottled purple and yellow. After that she crafted a mask of elegance and obedience, she had to pretend she didn’t the answer to questions asked of her that didn’t revolve around being a future wife and bigot. She parroted the things her parents said and cultivated her physical appearance. She made herself out to be exactly what they wanted and nothing ----nothing changed. She was not more loved because she was beautiful, she was not given attention because she said she hated muggles. Satisfaction was worn on her parents faces but eventually she had to come to terms with the fact they did not, could and would never love her the way she wanted or needed.
At school alecto once again conformed, she asked to be put in slytherin even though the hat whispered of towers and stars and ravens. She kept silent or in agreement when housemates spoke of mudbloods. But she couldn’t fake her intelligence, she couldn’t put it aside when she did essays and exams. Alecto began to think her parents whole focus was on amycus, so she used their neglect to her advantage outside the home. She excelled in classes but kept her good marks to herself and foolishly began to dream of a future where she could be a potioneer. She takes her studies seriously but often has to lie to friends and housemates about it, to dumb herself down, to catch a husband. As for her friends, many she has known since diapers and others she gathered at school. Alecto has spent so much time with her nose in a book, in secret, that she has formed her own opinions and values. But she still hears her parents words in her head and confusion reigns supreme over issues like muggles. In her experience she has nothing really awful to say about them, or their magical offspring. Magic seems to choose people, just as a wand does and alecto is sure no one group should get to decide who was worthy or not of being successful and loved in their world. If that was the idea then why wasn’t she loved or worthy? She was beautiful, talented, intelligent and still felt she was overlooked and underestimated. She’d spent her entire life hearing how dangerous and terrible the muggles were but observation and experiment said otherwise. She had a mind that was too quizzical to simply accept what she was told but she was torn between her experience and her loyalty. But to survive in the world she was born into she couldn’t express a free or independent nature or thought and it was becoming stifling.
Alecto in real life is tender, compassionate and very discerning. She is an asset to her friends and those that choose to think she could be valuable in any way. To strangers however she has to be guarded, she has to wear the mask carelessly made for her by her parents but she hates every second of it. Though she is seemingly free where amycus is not she is constrained by the same values and expectations, she knows a misstep could be dangerous but the closer she gets to graduation the less she cares. In fact she has taken to silently hexing classmates who bully the other students, the halfbloods and muggleborns. It goes unnoticed but it makes her feel more like a human being. She gives advice to those same students when she is sure they won’t be caught, tips on how to avoid the other pureblood bullies and on basic hexes. If she can’t protect them outright she’ll show them how to protect themselves. It’s a dangerous game she’s playing but eventually she won’t care at all about the fallout, eventually she’ll embrace who she really is and damn the consequences. She’ll wear the mask of monster in public and one of her own making in private, but only as long as it keeps amycus safe. Her brother is the one person she has total faith in, the one person she’d do anything ( and be anything ) for. And recently he seems to be changing too. Alecto doesn’t want to be foolish but she’s begun to hope for a better future for herself and her brother, and the people caught up in a war they never wanted to participate in.
tldr; alecto appears to value beauty and purity, think muggles are less than but she doesn’t really believe that and hides her intelligence and compassion behind a mask made by pureblood society standards.
1. boyfriend/girlfriend (alecto is bisexual but it is yet another thing she has to keep secret, so if you are interested in bringing a girlfriend for her it would have to be a secret relationship).
2. dormmates/housemates
3. non pureblood students she’s helped ( very important, very much want!)
4. a possible betrothed
5. her best friends ( i think this is filled with EMMA VANITY and NARCISSA BLACK)
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potteryet · 6 years
I wish Snape had friends... i'm not talking about redemption or morality here but you know, i'm one of those people who think that even "villains" in fiction should have a social life. God your post broke my heart :(
Yes, same. I always liked Snape, he seemed like an interesting character from the start, when I was just a kid reading the first book and the entire story wasn’t published yet. But, ultimately, he became my favorite part of the series when I began to understand how miserable and crushing his existence was and how unbelievably strong he had to be to get through it.
I think this is why so many of us like to imagine scenarios where he just really… had someone. 
Going from canon, the most likely people he could have as friends are Dumbledore and Lucius Malfoy. McGonagall is also a popular headcanon. My interpretation of these relationships in the books is the one I personally feel is the very worst: they were close enough for him to almost taste what it would feel like to truly let them in, which just makes the actual distance more painful and harder to swallow.
I mean, let’s look at Dumbledore. They got closer in a very conflictuous situation, they were enemies turned allies out of despair, manipulation and mutual gain. At first, they probably didn’t trust each other – they would have trusted each other skills and motives, but not in any personal way (consider this: did Dumbledore know what a brilliant occlumens Severus was? Was he already at that point? Or he didn’t know and was fully thinking that man would probably die trying but he was the best chance they got?). During the years, some kind of friendship could have developed. After all, they weren’t just fighting the same cause, they were also co-workers, sharing each other’s company in different situations (ever thought about the Hogwarts staff social lives? Their meetings? They were there most of the year, the only adults in a castle full of magic teenagers, the stuff they had to witness and deal with together). But, ultimately, they would both be very aware of the fact that Snape was a tool. He was a powerful tool performing a dangerous task who answered to Dumbledore as a master in full loyalty even if he didn’t completely understand it (as we know, Dumbledore wasn’t that good in sharing information, “I prefer not to put all my secrets in one basket, particularly not a basket that spends so much time dangling on the arm of Lord Voldemort”). So, even though Dumbledore was the only one who knew who Severus truly was – and thus his best chance at an intimate relationship – he was also too aware that he had to ask that man to perform some cruel, painful and dagerous tasks that were likely to result in death some day. That is a gap they simply couldn’t mend, I believe. Some people think that Dumbledore never really cared for Snape, that he kept his distance and just thought of him as that tool, but I disagree. I think they did grow to genuinely like each other despite everything and that the nature of their relationship made them both miserable.
Now Lucius… oh, Lucius is my favorite. That Snape had a meaningful relationship with the Malfoys is something hinted upon the entire series. Draco admired him, Narcissa trusted him with the life of her only son (and her own, because Voldemort wouldn’t be happy to find out about her not following his orders) and it all seems to have began with Lucius. He was the first person to greet him to the Slytherin table, we see Snape be called “Lucius’ lapdog” and he reacts as he couldn’t care less about it, and in GoF we see him falter for a moment as Harry reveals Lucius’ name as a Death Eater to Fudge. I feel like Lucius probably helped more than anyone else to turn Snape a Death Eater. That poor neglected boy with almost no friends and full of dreams of greatness would probably have admired him so much. Even if they truly were close friends at some point (maybe after his friendship with Lily ended and Severus didn’t have to balance having muggleborn and pureblood supremacist friends at the same time?), after he became a spy he would be constantly betraying Lucius trust and fighting against his cause behind his back, even delivering information from him to the Order. So, again, them being close just makes it harder and worse. In the end, Snape watched as the Malfoy family began to fall apart, being punished by Voldemort, Lucius sent to Azkaban, Draco’s trust and admiration for him lost, Narcissa alone and desperate… and, during the final battle, Lucius was the one who went to find him and send him to his death. I wonder if he knew? If they both knew? If they said goodbye somehow at that point?
And, oh, Minerva. I think this is mostly a popular headcanon than really coming from the books. But imagine how sweet a friendship between them could have been. She being older, having seen him as a student before and then coming back still so young to be a professor. The healthy teasing and competition about Quidditch and the houses, he being inspired by her strict teaching style, the mother-like figure she could have been if she decided to trust his allegiance as Dumbledore did. But I don’t even like to go there, because obviously she didn’t know everything, so after he killed Dumbledore them being close in any way only serves to break everyone’s heart further because imagine the betrayal and he not being able to tell her the truth. Ugh.
I swear, Severus Snape as a character is so flawed and brilliant and feels so human and alive and it is so painful.
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unknown-rpg · 6 years
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  andromeda black \ female \ twenty-two \ third year student \ slytherin
date of birth: may 7th, 1996 sexuality: up to player star sign: scorpio pronouns: she/her major: up to player minor: up to player ships: up to player anti ships: up to player
                                                     biography tw: abuse  Andromeda Black was the middle child of the original Black family. As the middle child, she didn’t receive as much attention as Bellatrix and definitely not as much as the perfect baby, Narcissa. Her parents didn’t care to listen to what Andromeda had to say, but they did care about what she did. They didn’t want her to bring embarrassment onto the family, didn’t want her to soil the Black name. 
She learned very quickly, that her parents were not very nice people. They were judgmental, rude and generally looked down on others. They had been one of the longest lineage of Haworth, and they thought that meant something. To Andromeda, it meant nothing. She cared not for traditions or appearances and she wanted to go to concerts and play guitar and smoke cigarettes. She was cold and cruel in her defiance and oft made her mother cry and scream from frustration. Her father never paid any attention to her, barely acted like she existed. No one ever listened to her reasons, her feelings, or anything she had to say. Bellatrix made fun of her and fought with her, and Narcissa pitied and looked down on her. 
Her mother would shove soap in her mouth when she was too outspoken, too filthy. She would smack her when she disobeyed, or went against her mother’s wishes. She was locked in her room with no food if she didn’t do what she was told, and that was a lot. She learned to adapt to these situations, though. With every soap in her mouth, she’d start screaming until her mother couldn’t take it anymore and locked her in her room instead. She learned to sneak out, broke the screen out of her window. 
Andromeda would leave little trinkets for her mother, just to remind her that she was there and she would make her mother as miserable as her. She’d leave dead mice in the cupboards and leave spiders in the cups. She’d hide rotten food in the fridge and frogs in her bed. She would tape cut and paste notes on her mother’s windshield, some that went so far to say, “better watch out wicked witch, i think there’s a storm raging and fortunately for me, a house will come and crush you. the worms are hungry, now.” 
She has scars from cigarette burns, from getting pushed into mirrors and sharp glass doors. Andromeda never once backed down to her parents will, no matter how hard they bent and broke her. She would spit blood out of her mouth and say, “again”. 
Once she made it into university, she was able to escape from her nasty home life. She never steps foot onto the street her house stays on. She took classes her parents wouldn’t have ever allowed, and she became friends with people her parents would never had approved of. She did whatever she could to still rebel against parents that didn’t even care about her anymore, who acted like she didn’t exist. The last thing she saw before she left was her mother scribble out her name from their lineage book. Her picture was ripped out and burned. 
She tries to live happily now, but her scars and trauma still haunt her. Andromeda doesn’t know how to live without rebelling, without being paranoid that someone is trying to hurt her. She’s never breathed a word of her abuse or her insane family, as her life was threatened many times if she ever told a soul. A constant replay of what her father said to her before she left was, “it’s not like anyone would believe you anyway.” It’s a haunting reminder to Andromeda.
                                                     personality Andromeda is the black sheep of her family. She doesn’t care about traditions, and she sure as hell doesn’t care about keeping up appearances. She is who she wants to be and she will not be caged. She is incredibly defiant and tends to do the opposite of what people want her to do. She doesn’t know any other way then this. She’s observant and incredibly shrewd. She has constant paranoia that someone is trying to fuck her over. 
She doesn’t talk a lot, and tends to stay away from drama and problematic people. From years of neglect and abuse, it’s ingrained in her brain that no one cares what she says. She has trouble making friends, and usually comes off a bit cold and defensive. Andromeda keeps walls up, to protect herself. She doesn’t want anyone to hurt her like her family has.  skills: up to player interests: up to player  dreams: up to player
bellatrix black & narcissa black ↪  andromeda is the middle child of the black sisters. she’s also the most defiant. she doesn’t get along with bellatrix all that much, but gets along with narcissa a bit better. she’s the black sheep of the family. 
ted tonks ↪ andromeda is good friends with him. they met in first year and have had a few classes together. her family doesn’t like him, as he  has no roots in haworth but andromeda thinks he’s quite friendly and might be the only one who actually listens to her.
sirius black ↪ sirius was the only cousin that andromeda could stand. they were alike, both outcasts and disobedient. sirius had always been too goofy and aggressive for andromeda, though. she loved him, just from a distance.
 isabella wilkes & ariadne zabini ↪ andromeda’s unlikely best friends, who sometimes get on her nerves. even though ariadne comes from one of the original families, she is quite open minded and intelligent. isabella fits in with them quite well, even though she’s new.
andromeda black is played by urusla corbero and is currently open!
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tsuki-fairy-blog · 7 years
cyan, peach, and teal for the ask meme please!
Thank you! (Sorry I’m late!)
cyan: one fact about your hometown?
Well, is hometown the town near where I live to or the town (city) where I’ve been born but moved away? Okay I pickt the town where I live near to now: it was (is) a famous hanseatic city in germany well known for it’s sald in the middleages. For me (I study history) is it not that interesting because we have no castle or ruler family here. And if there is no princess it’s not interesting for me ;D
peach: 5 favorite characters of all time?
This is so hard. If I’d choose historical persons I couldn’t choose only 5 so I only take fictional characters here. Oh and there is no order in how I like them I’ll just name them 1,2,3,4,5 but it has nothing to do with an order!
1. Yamazaki Miyu: So this is the only manga character I’ll mention here. Actually my manga time is over but I wanted to mention Miyu-chan here. The character is from the manga GALS! by Mihona Fuji and I still enjoy reading this crazy stuff. Miyu is a very sensitive character with a sad past and sad situation according her parents. She was neglected by her parents since they divorced. Because of this she felt always lonely, and became what children with no attention becomes: a gang leader, thiev and problem-child. When she was 14 she was kind of rescued my a policeman who she fell in love with and became best friend with his younger sister. From this time on she became a good student and a very sweet girl. I still cry when I read her story. The saddest thing is that her mother doesn’t care of her in ANY way. Those episodes are always very hurting and really touching. But even though she has this bad background she is such a nice and sweet and cheering girl. I admire this.
2 Narcissa Black/Malfoy: Omg I love her so much. For everyone who doesn’t know, she’s from Harry Potter . What I pretty much like about her is that she is SO caring about her family. For sure she’s on the evil side (but I don’t think that she would have chosen that side if she had the choice). She hasn’t much “screen time” in the books and even less in the movies (which is a pity). However she was described as breathtaking beautiful however since Harry always tells the story (except for some extra chapters) she was referred to be very cold at the same time. In one of the extra chapters is shown how she. followed by her sister Bellatrix, secretly meets Snape and asks him to watch over Draco. Actually every time she appears in the books (or movies) it’s shown how important her family is for her and that it’s even more important than loyalty to the dark Lord and his plans. When Harry was “kept” in the last book by Voldemord and his companions he only survived because Narcissa lied to Voldemord, telling him Harry was dead (after she asked Harry if Draco was still alive and Harry replied with yes). So actually it was her fault that the death eaters failed at last, well she didn’t care. It was also obvious that she cared a lot about her sister and had a strong bond to her. Anyway when it came out that Bellatrix’ loyalty for Voldemort seemed to be as strong or even stronger than her love for her little sister Narcissa focused on her “real” family, which means Draco and Lucius. This is why I think that she is a very adorable and sensitive character too. I guess mothers play a big role in Harry Potter and she is definitively one of them. I’d love to read more about her youth. I imagine her as a sweet and shy but very pretty girl which is always protected by her stubborn elder sister… it would be nice if we’d get a story of the Harry Potter protagonist’s parents once too (ok, we know a bit about James and Sirius but honestly..they weren’t very likeable characters in their youth). Well it got long sorry, but I love her and have to write a lot^^
3. Mephis SaDiablo from the Black Jewels series by Anne Bishop. Probably most women or girls who read the series will either fall in love with Daemon or Lucivar, or probably with Saetan too. They are all POV-characters and very important and very cool and very hot and so on. From his first appearance on I loved Mephis. It’s a bit hard to tell the story because it’s a bit confusing. A little summary: The world where the story takes place is parted in 3 parts: Tereille, Kaleer and Hell. So Tereille is for all who are alive, Hell is for the dead (and demon-dead) people and Kaleer something in-between. Well Mephis is (I guess the eldest) son of Saetan the high lord of hell and Hekatah (bitch) the high priestess of hell. Compared to his half-brothers Daemon and Lucivar Mephis seems to be calmer and less hasty. However it is referred that he likes reading and theater. Idk why but I love him. He is a nice variety to the stubborn super hot playboy types who are the protagonists of the story and I like this. I can’t really tell more. Every girl who is in love with a book character will understand my feelings I guess.^^
4. Myrcella Lannister: Omg just another cute character! Please keep in mind that I talk about the book-Myrcella here (rather the A song of Ice and Fire Myrcella and not the GoT Myrcella). In the books Myrcella is a little girl which is even younger than Arya at the beginning of the series (so Myrcella is about eight). I actually liked her from the beginning. In the first book when the King and the rest arrived at Winterfell Myrcella had to sew together with Arya, Sansa and Jeyne while Septa Mordane watched over them. However Sansa and Jeyne, bitchy as always, backbite about Arya’s sewing (and appearance) and also the Septa was really mean to Arya, telling her that her sewing was awful (while Myrcella’s wasn’t better) so that Arya began to cry and ran away after asking Myrcella if it was okay if she left. It was obvious that Myrcella felt very uncomfortable with the situation and wanted to help Arya in any way but Arya was already off before she could say any more. Probably people will ask: So she’s the princess why didn’t she do anything? And I’ll answer: because she was the youngest person in the room with her being eight, Arya nine and Sansa and Jeyne eleven. I think she tried to and felt sorry for Arya and this is what was touching. Her uncle Tyrion said once about Myrcella that she had the beauty from her mother but not her nature. So Myrcella is a calm and sweet and kindhearted girl, referred to be very intelligent and brave too if we look at her time in Dorne. What I want to say is that I like kind-hearted innocent girls and I think in real life there are less of them (but I include me to be one xp).
5. James Pimplebottom from Rubyred, Sapphireblue and Emeraldgreen by Kerstin Gier. In the books as well as in the movies James is my favorite character. He is a ghost (which he doesn’t know) and lives in the school of the protagonist Gwendolyn Shepard because the school building was his parent’s house in the 18th century. Like I mentioned before, he doesn’t know that he’s dead and thinks that he only has fewer dreams because of a sickness he has (he actually had smallpox and also dies because of them which he doesn’t know). James is about 20 years old and still behaves like living in the 18th century (fanning with his fan and walking like he was the king): he’s very polite but also very annoyed that for example Gwendolyn who can see him, isn’t behaving like a lady from the 18th century should (the story mostly takes place in the 21th century). However when she asks him to teach her things from the 18th century he’s really happy about it and helps her. Because he’s very finical he always seems a bit gay (which he isn’t) and that makes the situations even funnier. So everyone read these awesome books and watch the movies :D they’re so good (the books are better though but the movies are great too and they are available with an english dub too).
teal: what mythical creature would you want to be?
It’s random but - a vampire.
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